Exercises On Coordination

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A. Both or Either? Neither!

Choose one of the words "both", "either" or "neither" to fill the spaces in each question.
1. "Do you want the chicken salad or the tuna salad?" "__________. I don't like salad! I'll have the pasta."
2. "Do you want the chicken salad or the tuna salad?" "__________! I am absolutely starving."
3. "Do you want the chicken salad or the tuna salad?" "__________. It doesn't matter really. You choose for me."
4. __________ Tim nor John knew what to do about the problem and I had to think of a solution quickly.
5. __________ York and Chester are wonderful Roman cities in Britain. You would like __________ of them if you go.
6. __________ you build a kennel for that dirty dog of yours out in the garden or you can clean the floor every day.
7. "I really am not enjoying this film!" "Me __________! Let's try another channel."
8. __________ of the police officers knew the way to the school and I had to buy a map of the city.
9. I am __________ proud and happy to present the winner of this year's Best Film award....
10. __________ of us wants to declare bankruptcy but we may not have a choice. __________ we do that or we
suffer years of debt.
B. WITHOUT COORDINATORS. Re write this paragraph using coordinators.
Fans love to watch Anna. She dances beautifully. She is a graceful dancer. People enjoy watching her. She hasn't
taken dance lessons. She doesn't need to. Her technique is unconventional. Her lines are extraordinary. She can fill
an audience with joy. She can bring people to tears. Other dancers try to imitate her style. They have not
succeeded. She is talented. She will attract fans for many years to come.
C. Add another dependent clause to the dependent clause below using the seven coordinating conjunctions
(for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to form a compound sentence. Be sure to include correct punctuation.
1. Camels can thrive in the desert for ________________________________________________
2. Mr. Jackson can fly an airplane and _______________________________________________
3. Ms. Kang cannot cook nor _______________________________________________________
4. I enjoy studying mathematics but _________________________________________________
5. To lose weight people can eat properly or __________________________________________
6. Millions of people go to church regularly on Sundays yet _____________________________
7. Mr. Wallace was starting to put on a few pounds so _________________________________
D. Rewrite the sentences below so that they contain parallel structures.
1. Bettys sister is an accomplished artist, writes childrens books, and a gourmet cook.
2. Three things that citizens can do themselves to help reduce air pollution is to join car pools, walking or bicycling to
work, or to use mass transportation.
3. To learn a foreign language requires a lot of dedication, working hard, and being exposed to the language
4. Thrill seekers must be brave, cool headedness, and yet be wary of caution.
5. Individuals who want to accumulate wealth need to save regularly, shopping wisely and frugally, and have an
investment plan.
6. Bill and Toms favorite activities are swimming, collecting stamps, and to exercise.
7. A good soldier must always act bravely, unselfishly, and with purpose and be dedicated.
8. The president promised voters he would lower taxes, increasing benefits for the elderly, and to allocate more
resources to education.
9. As a student, the things I hated most were spending time in the library, writing term papers, and tiredness from not
getting enough sleep.
10. Peacocks have large, brightly colored, and beauty plumage.
E. Write the following sentences into one complex sentence, using the subordinating conjunction,
coordinating conjunction, or conjunctive adverb in the parenthesis to join the clauses together. Remember to
use correct punctuation.
1. The price of gasoline went up forty cents a gallon. The Elliots decided to cancel their vacation plans of driving to
Florida. (since) ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Traveling to other countries can be fun and rewarding. Travelers should never carry too much money as a safety
precaution. They should use credit cards. (however, instead) __________________________________
3. Smokers can no longer smoke in government buildings in the United States. They also cannot smoke in many
restaurants and bars. (nor) _______________________________________________________________
4. Doctors also inform us that drinking a small amount of wine is good for the heart. Doctors tell people that drinking
excessively could cause damage to the liver. (on the other and) ____________________________________
5. All religions preach that murder is a sin. Throughout history there have been countless killings for the sake of
religion. (but) ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Americans believe in the right to bear arms. Many Americans have handguns and rifles in their homes. (because)
7. Many women continue to drink during pregnancy Research has shown that drinking alcohol during pregnancy could
be detrimental to a babys health. (although) _______________________________________________________
8. Southern California has wonderful beaches for surfing. Tom and his wife go there every chance they get. (which)

Fans love to watch Anna, for she dances beautifully. She is a graceful dancer, and people enjoy watching her. She
hasn't taken dance lessons, nor does she need to. Her technique is unconventional, but her lines are
extraordinary. She can fill an audience with joy, or she can bring people to tears. Other dancers try to imitate her style,
yet they have not succeeded. She is talented, so she will attract fans for many years to come.

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