A Mechatronic Approach For Anti-Slip Control in Railway Traction

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Proceedings of the 17th World Congress

The International Federation of Automatic Control

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

A Mechatronic Approach for Anti-slip Control in Railway Traction

T X Mei* J H Yu*, D A Wilson*
* School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK (Tel: 44 113 3432066; e-mail: [email protected]).
Abstract: This paper presents a novel mechatronic approach for the detection of wheel slip/slide and antislip control in railway traction systems, to enable an optimal use of adhesion in poor contact conditions.
The proposed technique explores the variations in wheelset dynamic properties caused by condition
changes at the wheel-rail contact and detects slip conditions from the torsional resonant vibrations of the
wheelset axle indirectly. The modeling of a typical traction system, consisting of an induction traction
motor (with associated power inverter and field-orientated control) connected to a wheelset via a gearbox,
is introduced. The development of the slip detection and control scheme is presented, and the effectiveness
of the proposed technique is demonstrated using computer simulations.
Railway traction is a complex mechatronic system, as the
traction motors and the associated controls have to work in
harmony with the complex mechanical loads especially at the
wheel-rail interface. Wheel slip/slide occurs when applied
tractive effort exceeds the level of maximum adhesion
available at the wheel-rail interface, e.g. in poor weather
conditions or with contaminated tracks. Apart from the
potential impact on normal operations of a rail network, the
wheel slip/slide causes undesirable wear to both wheel/track
surfaces and increases the requirements/costs of maintenance.
Most conventional wheel slip protection schemes involve
measures to limit the amount of slip ratio (relative speed
between a wheel and the train) to a set value that is
sometimes necessary to be tuned on line, and in more
extreme cases to control the wheel rotational acceleration
below a pre-defined threshold [Park et al, 2001; Schwartz et
al, 1997; Watanabe et al, 1997; and Yasuoka et al, 1997]. The
performance of those schemes is affected by the limited
accuracy of the encoders used in the traction systems, which
is typically less than 100 pulses per revolution, as well as
difficulties related to a reliable measurement of vehicle
absolute speed in slip/slide conditions.
Furthermore, the wheel-rail contact characteristics are subject
to large variations, and it is difficult to ensure optimal use of
the available adhesion because there is no fixed relationship
between the slip ratio and the maximum adhesion. There
have been studies on the use of so-called disturbance
observers to detect the longitudinal creep forces and hence to
derive the rate of change on the slip curve [Kadowaki, et al.,
2002; Kim, et al., 1999] with the aim to optimise the control
of slip ratio. However there seems to be little reported on the
practicality and effectiveness of the approach.
Additional measures may be used to improve the adhesion
level at the wheel-rail interface. The use of sand machines,
often installed on locomotives, has been for many years a
popular and effective means to increase the traction. More

978-1-1234-7890-2/08/$20.00 2008 IFAC

recently specially formulated chemicals (friction modifiers)

are reported to have the effect of adhesion enhancement,
although some tests have produced results that are less
supportive [McEwen, 2003; and Waring, 1994]. At the
system (infrastructure) level, it is also possible to improve the
track conditions, e.g. by removing the contaminations,
although currently known techniques are in general expensive
and/or impractical for implementation.
This study investigates an indirect approach for the wheel
slip detection which explores how the wheelset dynamics are
affected by changes in contact conditions. The study
demonstrates how the torsional mode of a conventional solid
axle wheelset may be linked to the wheel slip/slide and
consequently proposes a novel technique to detect wheel slip
by identifying the variations in wheelset torsional vibrations.
There is no need for the measurement of slip ratio and/or
estimation of creep forces at the wheel-rail interface.
Some of the findings have been published previously. A
fundamental examination of the concept and the feasibility
for real applications was discussed in [Mei et al, 2006],
followed by a study on possible control solutions in [Yu et al,
2006]. This study presents the latest results from the research
project, in particular the development of practical slip
detection and re-adhesion control (to recover from slip
conditions) strategies.
The paper is organised as follows. The configuration of the
traction system used in the study is presented and
mathematical models are provided in section 2. Section 3
describes the fundamental properties of wheel-rail contact
forces and gives an analysis on how wheelset dynamic
behaviour may be affected by different contact conditions.
The development of a novel anti-slip control scheme and
performance assessment is presented in section 4, and key
conclusions are drawn in section 5.




17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

A standard configuration as illustrated in Fig 1 is used in the

study, which involves a conventional solid-axle wheelset
connected to an AC traction motor through a traction gearbox.
A typical three-phase induction motor is used for the
provision of traction for the wheelset and of a typical
vehicle. Connections between the wheelset and the
bogie/vehicle in the longitudinal direction are assumed to be
solid, as the stiffness is normally very high and the associated
dynamics is not of significant relevance to this study.





However, the mechanical models of the systems are much

more complex. One of the key issues is the modelling of the
wheel-rail contact forces, as it provides the essential link
between the output of the traction motor and the mechanical
load. The wheel-rail contact mechanics involves the contact
forces caused by so-called creepages between the wheel and
rail surfaces which are small relative velocities resulted from
elastic deformation of the steel at the point of contact. The
overall creep force at the contact point is a non-linear
function of the creepage and limited by the available
adhesion. Measurements from many experimental studies
have indicated that the creep creep force relations follow a
general trend as indicated in Fig. 3 [Polach, 2003]. Typically,
a creep creep force curve can be partitioned into three
different sections the low creep or the linear section (of the
initial slope); the large creep or the non-linear section (before
the peak point); and the slip or unstable region (beyond the
peak point).

Fig. 1. Wheelset configuration

The spring ks in Fig. 1 represents the equivalent stiffness for
the first torsional mode of the wheelset. The frequency is
typically about 60Hz, but can vary between perhaps 40Hz for
a soft axle and to around 80Hz for a more rigid one.
An overall diagram of the mathematical models is shown in
Fig 2. The models for the induction motor, the power
electronics and the associated vector control scheme are
fairly standard, some of which are available from
SIMULINK SimPower toolbox [Yu et al 2006].
Fig. 3. Creep creep force curve

Traction (& motor

flux) demands



induction motor
Output torque


contact laws

Wheel speed/position

Load (vehicle &

wheelset masses)

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the system models

Also, the overall contact force at the wheel-rail interface is

affected by creepages in both longitudinal and lateral
directions. Apart from the creep forces necessary to produce
the tractive effort which are in the longitudinal direction only
and are largely equal between the two wheels of a powered
axle, there are additional creepages due to the wheelset
motions (e.g. yaw and lateral) and contact geometries. The
longitudinal creep forces of the two wheels of the same
wheelset in this case produce a yaw toque but no net traction
effort. Because all the creepages are developed at the same
contact patch, there will obviously be dynamic interactions
and the overall contact force is constrained by the adhesion.
Furthermore, the properties of the curves are subject to large
and uncertain variations due to condition changes at the two
contacting surfaces, such as contaminations, weather, wheel
dynamic loading, and vehicle speed. Not only the maximum
adhesion available and the corresponding creepages are
difficult to predict, but also the initial slope in the linear
region can be seriously affected.
For computer simulations in the study, a number of look-up
tables are generated and used to represent different contact
conditions. Those are somewhat idealised, but they provide
essential features of wheel-rail contact laws [Polach, 2003].


17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

The dynamics of the wheelset axle in the rotational direction

should strictly be modelled using a distributed parameter
model, but it can be readily demonstrated that the only two
dominant modes are necessary to be included in the study
the common rotation of the wheelset (rolling forward) and
the first torsional mode between the two wheels. A simplified
mechanical model is given in equations 1-4, representing the
rotation of the right wheel, rotation of the left wheel and
longitudinal motion of the wheelset (and the vehicle).


J w L = Ttor rL FL _ crp ( L , t )


m w + b V = FR _ crp ( R , t ) + FL _ crp ( L , t )


Ttor = k s s + cs ( R L )



where, Te is the driving torque transmitted from the motor

through a gearbox, Ttor is the torsional torque, FR-crp is the
creep force at the right wheel and FL-crp is that at the left
wheel, Jw and Jmg are moment of inertias of wheel and
motor/gearbox respectively, mw and mb are wheelset and
vehicle masses respectively, n is the gearbox ratio, ks is the
torsional stiffness and cs represents the material damping of
the axle, R and L are the angular velocity of the right and
the left wheel respectively, s is the relative rotation
between the two wheels, R and L are the creepages at the
right and left wheels.
The interactions with the lateral and yaw motions of the
wheelset are considered in the full performance assessment,
although the models are not given in the paper as they are not
concerned with the control design.
The contact forces are essential in the provision of the
guidance control and the delivery of traction for railway
vehicles, but can produce undesirable dynamic effects under
more extreme contact conditions. When the adhesion level is
high, contact forces at the wheel-rail interface are
approximately a linear function of the creepages (i.e. in the
low creep and linear region) and the creep coefficients are
normally large. The large creep coefficients (in the order of
MNs) provide a high level of damping to all dynamic
motions of a wheelset, with the exception of the kinematic
mode (related to the yaw and lateral modes of the wheelset)
which are in practice stabilised as a part of the design for
primary suspensions. In low adhesion conditions, it is much
more likely that a wheelset would operate in the non-linear or
even the unstable region of the slip curve, where the damping
effect is significantly lower (or becomes negative).
A stability analysis to study how the wheelset dynamic
behaviours are affected by different contact conditions is

Imaginary axis

(J w + n 2 J mg ) R = n Te Ttor rR FR _ crp ( R , t )

carried out based on the linearization of the creep - creep

force curves at individual operating points. Fig. 4 shows the
migration of eigenvalues with the increase of the creepage,
where the two wheels are assumed to have the same creepage,
the wheelset speed is 30m/s and the resonant frequency of the
torsional mode is set to 60Hz. In the linear (low creep) region
of the creep curve, the positive damping keeps all the modes
concerned clearly stable (as indicated by *). However, once
the creep is increased beyond the peak value (as indicated by
o), there are potentially two unstable modes. One is the
torsional mode of the axle which is indicated by the pair of
the unstable conjugate poles. The other is the common
rotation of the two wheels indicated by the unstable pole on
the real axis. Similar observations may be made with axles at
different torsional frequency and at different speed/contact
conditions [Mei et al, 2006].




Real axis


Fig. 4. Eigenvalue migrations with contact conditions

(Vs=30m/s; f=60Hz; adhesion coeff=0.1)
Because the existence of sustained external disturbances to
the railway vehicles, in particular those related to the track
inputs, an unstable or even lightly damped wheelset would
lead to potentially damaging oscillations at a frequency that
is very high for a mechanical system. In the railway industry,
the vibrations have been largely considered as a problem
that must be overcome, because they may lead to component
failure or rail corrugation [Hardwood et al, 1991 and Lu et al,
However, the link between the level of damping (or stability)
for the torsional mode and the wheel-rail contact conditions
provides an excellent opportunity for control engineers to
explore in the pursuit of alternative slip detection and antislip control methods. This paper will build upon the general
principle of the novel slip detection that have been introduced
before [Mei et al 2006 and Yu et al 2006], and present more
technical detail on the control design and performance
4.1 Slip detection with axle based sensor
If a reliable sensor can be provided to measure directly the
torsional torque in the axle, the vibration signals at the
resonant frequency would clearly provide an easy solution to


17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

for detecting wheel slip. This may be achieved by the use of

some fairly standard data processing techniques as shown in
Fig. 5. The band pass filter can be designed to provide a
narrow pass band for the frequency of the torsional mode to
avoid possible interferences from other dynamic modes in the
system. The low pass filter is used to remove the effect of the
change of traction effort from the traction motor. The
threshold will have to be carefully tuned to provide a reliable
detection of wheel slip and in the meantime avoid false



Low pass

which is normally provided in rail traction systems, is

explored in the development of a Kalman filter that estimates
the torsional vibrations.
To reduce the complexity of the Kalman filter, a linearised
model is derived to represent the key features of the wheelset
dynamics as given in equations 5 and 6.


= 0



+ 0R T



0 s 0


Y = [1 0 0] L

Wheel slip

Fig. 5. Wheel slip detection with axle based sensors

Magnitude (Nm)

Figure 6 shows how the magnitude of the torsional vibration

(the output of the low pass filter) is linked to the wheel slip,
where the maximum adhesion coefficient is changed from 0.4
to 0.05 at the time of 4s.

Time (s)
Fig. 6. Magnitude change of the torsional motion


where additional variables JR (=Jw +n2 Jmg ) and JL (=Jw) are

moment of inertias of right and left wheels respectively, and
Y represents the output measurement; and k1 and k2 are the
rate of change on the creep-creep force curve corresponding
to the creepages at the two wheels.
This is clearly a small signal model which, in a strict sense, is
only valid at defined operating point(s) on a particular creepcreep force curve and therefore a Kalman filter obtained from
the model should ideally only be used to provide estimations
under the particular condition. It is possible to design and use
a bank of Kalman filters to cover a wide range of contact
conditions, but this would substantially increase the system
complexity. For simplicity, a single Kalman filter is designed
using the model given in eqs 5 and 6 in the proposed scheme,
but the values of k1 and k2 are selected to focus primarily in
the saturation region of the creep creep force curves that is
critical for a fast slip detection. Although a bank of filters
may be used for different operating points of the creep curves,
this is a compromised solution between the accuracy and
simplicity of the estimations.

Torque variation (Nm)

One of the main practical challenges for this scheme would

be the issue of reliable and cost effective sensing and
transmission of the axle torque, because of the harsh working
environment. This may become possible with recent
advances in sensing technologies, e.g. a rotary torque
transducer based on the so-called Surface Acoustic Wave
technology (which is essentially frequency dependent strain
gauges to measure the change in resonant frequency caused
by an applied shaft strain) is reported to offer a low cost and
non-contact solution [Anon, 2001].
4.2 Slip detection with speed sensor

Time (s)

For practical applications, however, it is obviously desirable

to minimise the use of sensors and reduce costs. In particular,
the requirement of axle based vibration measurement is
undesirable. In this study the measurement of the axle speed,

Fig. 7. Torsional motion from full simulation model


17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

A comparison of the original and estimated torsional motions

is given in Figs 7 and 8. Although a close match is not
achieved in this case, the Kalman filter provides an
estimation that captures the essential vibrations which is
sufficient to detect the occurrence of a wheel slip.

Torque variation (Nm)

Fig. 8. Estimated torsional motion from Kalman filter
4.3 Re-adhesion control

If the adhesion is already low when a tractive effort is applied

and increased gradually, the wheel slip (when it occurs) tends
to be less severe as the net torque driving on the wheelset is
relatively low. On the other hand the torsional vibrations will
also be smaller and less sensitive to slip conditions. However,
the proposed control scheme appears to deliver a robust
performance in different conditions as illustrated in Figs. 11
and 12. At the low (initial) speed of 10km/h, the peak slip
ratio reaches approximately 20% and the wheel slip is
quickly detected and a complete re-adhesion is achieved
within a fraction of a second. At the higher speed of 100km/h,
the peak slip ratio is about 14% but the recovery time takes
somewhat longer as the system has to overcome a higher
level of kinematic energy stored in the wheelset.

Speed (rad/s)

The overall readhesion control scheme is shown in Fig. 9.

The Kalman filter provides an estimation of the torsional
torque of the wheelset axle from the measurement of the
rotational speed of one of the wheels. An additional input of
the output torque from the traction motor may also be needed,
which can be provided from the motor torque controller. The
output of the Kalman filter is processed to obtain the
magnitude of the torsional vibrations at the resonant
frequency (as shown in Fig. 6). Once a wheel slip is deemed
to have occurred by the threshold detector, the torque
reduction control will be switched on to reduce the torque
demand below the adhesion available at the wheel-rail
Traction motor
& torque control

4.4 Performances in different conditions

The worst case scenario for wheel slip is if there is a sudden
reduction of adhesion on the track when there is a high level
of tractive effort applied. Fig. 10 compares wheel and
(equivalent) vehicle angular velocities during the vehicle
acceleration from an initial speed of 10km/h. At the time t=4s,
the adhesion of the track is reduced to well below the tractive
effort, and consequently a severe wheel slip occurs and the
slip ratio reaches as much as 60% in less than 0.5s before
being detected. The re-adehsion control is clearly effective in
reducing the torque output from the motor rapidly and the
recovery time takes about 1.5s.

Time (s)


A hysteresis control for the switching would help to

increase/restore the original torque demand after the contact
condition has improved.

Load (i.e. wheelset &

wheel-rail contact etc)

Motor tractive


of vibration





Fig. 10. Re-adhesion control reduced adhesion at t=4s

(initial vehicle speed of 10km/h)


Fig. 9. Readhesion control scheme

A conventional PI controller is used and tuned to provide
adequate level and speed of the torque reduction depending
on the level of the magnitude of the estimated torsional
torque, where the integral term is necessary to help and
maintain the torque demand at an appropriate level even after
a re-adhesion is achieved and there is no longer a wheel slip.

For the wheelset with a different axle stiffness, the centre

frequency of the bandpass filter used for detecting the
resonant vibration of the axle must obviously be tuned to
coincide with the different torsional frequency. Fig 13 shows
the simulation results using a more rigid axle where the
torsional frequency is changed from 60 to 80Hz. Again the
detection of a wheel slip and a complete re-adhesion are
achieved in less than 2s. In this, a second (smaller) wheel slip
is observed which is quickly detected and eliminated by the
controller a clear evidence that the system operates very
closely to the maximum adhesion region on the creep-creep
force curve which is expected.


Speeds (rad/s)

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

techniques, the new control strategy does not require the

measurement of train speed or the slip ratio, which can be
problematic to obtain in practice. Because the slip detection
is based on the observation that the wheel slip is closely
linked to the wheelset torsional vibrations, it inherently
enables an optimal use of the adhesion regardless of the
uncertainties/variations of the contact characteristics.




Speeds (rad/s)

Fig. 11. Re-adhesion control low adhesion from t=0s

(initial vehicle speed of 10km/h)




Speeds (rad/s)

Fig. 12. Re-adhesion control low adhesion from 0s (initial

vehicle speed of 100km/h)



Fig. 13. Re-adhesion control reduced adhesion at t=4s (a
more rigid axle, initial vehicle speed of 10km/h
Effective use of the maximum adhesion available without
causing any damaging wheel slip is an important and
challenging requirement in railway traction. A new concept
for the slip detection and re-adhesion control has been
presented in this paper. Unlike conventional anti-slip control

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