Mobius Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual for the Mobius ActionCam

The above picture shows the arrangement of the user operating features.
The two heat sinks can become very hot during operation. This is normal, but all the same
you should never leave the camera turned on where the surrounding temperature exceeds
~47C (118F) - for example in a car parked in the baking sun. If you wish to use the
camera in very hot conditions you should ensure the heat sinks are adequately cooled, for
example by directing cool air onto the metal plates or using a ventilator to dissipate the heat
away from the metal plates. High temperatures will also damage the internal LiPo battery. If
you use your camera in very hot conditions with external power, for example as a dashcam,
you should consider replacing the battery with a Super Capacitor pair. These can be
purchased from most suppliers who sell the Mobius. A Super Capacitor pair enables the
camera to correctly save the last recording when external power is removed. A fully
charged Supercap has enough energy to keep the RTC (Real Time Clock) running for
several days (about 7-10) without external power connected. It only takes a few minutes to
fully charge the Supercap.
This manual does not cover replacing the internal battery or lens. If you need to do this,
please refer to the very detailed instructions found at
This manual assumes the camera is loaded with the latest firmware available at the time
of writing. Functionality may vary with earlier or later firmware versions.

In general you may use any micro SD, micro SDHC or Micro SDXC card with a capacity of
up to 128GB with this camera. Larger cards are most likely also supported but not yet
available. To avoid card compatibility problems, always use quality cards with a speed
rating of Class 4. There are known problems with a few cards that have a higher class
rating, for example some, but not all, Sandisk 32GB Ultra (class 10) will not work properly
with earlier firmware versions. You should use firmware v1.17 or above with these cards.
For the best compatibility use cards with a class 4 rating if you have them. There is
absolutely no advantage in using cards with a higher rating. The most compatible cards are
genuine Kingston. At the time of writing there are known problems with some 64GB cards

when formatted with exFAT. For this reason it is recommended to format 64GB cards with
FAT32. 128GB cards will also work but cannot be correctly formatted to FAT32 using the
built-in formatting routine (as of firmware v2.18).
Most firmware versions support cards formatted with FAT, FAT32 or exFAT but v2.03 v2.10 only support FAT and FAT32. Firmware v2.18 and above support both FAT32 and
exFAT. Cards with a capacity of 64GB and greater must be formatted using the In-Camera
formatting routine (see below) if they are to be used with firmware v2.03 - v2.10.
Due to technical reasons you cannot update the firmware if your card is formatted as
exFAT. The In-Camera formatting routine (see below) will format cards to the format
required by the firmware. With firmware versions up to v2.03 the routine will format cards
with a capacity greater than 32GB to exFAT. All other cards will be formatted as
FAT/FAT32. Firmware v2.18 and above allows the user to set which type of formatting will
be used with 64GB cards and above. Older operating systems, for example XP 64-Bit and
Windows 2003, do not support exFAT file systems unless you install additional drivers.
There are a few programs available, for example guiformat, that are capable of formatting
large capacity cards with FAT32.
You should always use cards from well known brands. Low quality and no-name cards,
as well as some class 2 (or less) cards, may draw more than 20mA current than quality
cards. This can result in unwanted electrical noise such as clicks, chirps, hum and buzzing
in the audio recording.
The following approx. recording times for 1080p videos with a standard data rate are as
follows: 32GB Card = 4 hours 30 mins., 16GB Card = 2 hours 15 mins., 8GB Card = 1 hour
7 mins., 4GB Card = 33 mins.
This manual assumes a compatible SD card is inserted in the card slot (except for
WebCam mode).
The card must be carefully inserted face down with the gold contacts upwards and facing
forward. Do not use force or you could damage the lock mechanism inside the card holder.

USB connector
The Mobius uses a standard Mini USB connector where pin #4 is used as a sense pin. If
this pin is connected to pin #5 (ground) then a built in USB switch will connect pin #2 to
video out and pin #3 will be connected to audio-out (playback mode only). Do not connect
the Mobius to a computer or Smartphone if pin #4 is shorted to pin #5. In normal use, pin #2
carries the Data- signal and pin #3 carries the Data+ signal whereas pin #4 is unused.

The camera requires a standard USB cable for charging or connecting to external battery
packs for continuous recording. A standard USB cable is also used to connect the camera
to the PC in order to set the parameters or access the camera as an external disk or
A/V-out (or Video-Out) requires a special cable where pin #4 is shorted to pin #5 (ground).
When the firmware detects pin #4 connected to ground it will output the video signal on pin
#2 and the audio signal on pin #3. Special cables can be ordered from the supplier in the
form of a harness or you can make one yourself using a 5-pin mini USB plug. You can also
modify a Smartphone OTG (On The Go) cable which already has pins #4 and #5 shorted in
the mini USB plug. The audio signal is only available in playback mode. The #16 "special"
cable will not work with this camera.
You must under no circumstances use any other "special" cable, especially the "special"
cable supplied with the #11. Doing so will destroy your camera beyond repair. So, do not
use a #11 "special" cable under any circumstances.
Always use HIGH QUALITY USB cables. Cheap cables will lead to all sorts of problems.
If possible, keep the cable as short as possible.

Video-Out (composite or TV-out)

The optional Video-Out cable (see above) should always be connected or disconnected
while the camera is in standby or turned off. If the cable is connected or disconnected
during recording then the recording will be stopped and the camera will enter standby. The
camera will never be recognized as a removable drive when the video-out cable is
Do not confuse this with webcam mode. The signal is an old, low resolution, composite
(TV) video signal in either PAL or NTSC format.

Before you start

Before using the camera for the first time, ensure that the internal battery is fully charged.
See below under "Charging". A new, fully charged 520mAh battery will last about 80
minutes. A new, fully charged 820mAh battery will last over 2 hours. The 820mAh battery is
slightly larger and heavier than the 520mAh battery. The batteries are interchangeable.
For recording or playback, refer to the picture above and insert a micro SD card upsidedown into the SD Card slot with the gold contacts pointing forward.

The Reset button

The reset button is located on the right side, above the card slot. It can be pressed by
carefully inserting a bent paper clip or similar instrument. The Reset button should only be
pressed in case the camera no longer reacts to button presses. Pressing the Reset button
will force the processor to restart. No parameter settings will be lost and the RTC (Real
Time Clock) will not be interrupted. Do not confuse the reset button with the rear LED.

The Power button

Press the power button to turn the camera on. The blue LED will turn on for about 1 second
before the firmware starts to load. After about 3 seconds the yellow LED will turn on
indicating the camera is ready for use (standby). If Power On Delay is set to ON, press the
power button for about 4 seconds until the yellow LED turns on.
Power On Delay is useful to prevent the camera from being inadvertently turned on.
If the camera has been configured with Auto Power On Record set to On, the
camera will automatically begin recording in Mode 1.
To turn off the camera, first stop any recordings that may be running by pressing the
shutter button and then press the power button for at least half a second (some
firmware versions require you to press the button for 2 seconds). The camera will
turn off.

The Mode button

The Mode button enables the camera to be sequentially switched between 4 different
modes. Each button press advances to the next mode indicated by the LED color.
Video Mode 1 (yellow LED). The frame rate, resolution, AOV and rotation can
be individually configured.
Video Mode 2 (blue LED). The frame rate, resolution, AOV and rotation can
be individually configured.
Photo Mode (red LED) which includes Time-Lapse photos.
Playback Mode (red LED) is only possible when the special A/V-out cable is

The Shutter button

Press the shutter button to start or end a video recording, to take a picture or to play/pause
when in Playback mode. Playback mode is only available when the A/V cable is attached.

LED status indicators

Since the camera has many functions, it's important to understand the meaning of the
LEDs. The following LED states are for a camera not connected to the PC.
Yellow LED remains on:
The camera is in Video Mode 1 and is on standby.
Yellow LED slowly flashes (1 sec. On, 1 sec. Off):
The camera is in Video Mode 1 and is recording video. The Video Recording
indicator (see configuration) must be ON for this to work.
Blue LED remains on:
The camera is in Video Mode 2 and is on standby.
Blue LED slowly flashes (1 sec. On, 1 sec. Off):
The camera is in Video Mode 2 and is recording video. The Video Recording
indicator (see configuration) must be ON for this to work.
Red LED remains on:
Camera is in Photo Mode or Playback Mode (if an A/V cable is connected) and is on
Red LED flashes once
The camera has taken a picture
Green LED is on:
The battery is charging.

The rear LED

When the camera is turned on, the rear LED will blink one to three times to indicate the
battery charge. Three blinks indicate a full battery, whereas one blink indicates the battery
charge is getting low. The blinks are fast. Slower blinks would unnecessarily extend the
time before the camera reaches standby mode. If the camera is configured to show the
Recording Indicator, then the rear LED will normally blink in sequence with the main LED
while recording. The rear LED will not blink when Photo Mode has been configured to take
Time-Lapse Photos with a time interval of less than 2 seconds.

Connecting the camera to the PC

Make sure a card is inserted and the camera is turned OFF if you want to access the
camera as an external device (disk drive, setup). Always connect the camera directly to the
PC. Do not use a USB hub.
You cannot record video or photos if the camera is connected to the PC as an external


Connect one end of the supplied standard USB cable to the camera.
Connect the other end to a USB, 5V DC power source (wall charger, PC or external
When the yellow LED turns on, briefly press the Power button to turn the camera
NOTE: Charging when connected to a PC USB port can be toggled ON or OFF using the
setup program. When connecting to a Smartphone, you should turn this functionality OFF!
When charging, the green LED will be on, and it will turn off when the battery is fully
Charging takes about 2.5 hours for a fully discharged battery with the camera turned off and
connected to an external USB Charger. Batteries are not covered under warranty. Charging
is limited to around 140mA which offers the best possible long-term battery protection. If
charged with under-rated chargers or by using a USB hub without an additional power
supply, expect longer charging times. For optimum results, the charging voltage should be
+5V under load. Only use quality chargers capable of supplying 1000mA (1A) and a stable
voltage of at least 5V. Low quality chargers may not be able to supply enough current and
can lead to premature battery failure or, in the worst case, even destroy the camera.
A new hardware revision, released September 2014, is designed for 820mAh batteries
which have a higher capacity than the original 520mAh batteries. The new battery is
compatible with older hardware revisions but will take longer to charge. The new battery
allows recording for over 2 hours whereas the 520mAh battery will only last about 80
minutes. All boards stamped with 2014-08-19 or later also offer over-voltage protection up
to max. 24 Volt. If the external voltage exceeds 5V the camera will not start or charge.

Standard formatting tools provided by the operating system are not always reliable. Also,
they do not optimize the SD card's performance. For optimal card performance it is
recommended to always use the camera's built-in formatter. Instructions for In-Camera
Formatting are outlined below under "In-Camera Formatting". Another excellent formatting
utility is "SD Formatter" which can be downloaded
from This utility has been specifically designed for
formatting SD cards but will always format 64GB and greater cards to exFAT. Firmware
v2.03 - v2.10 requires all cards be formatted to FAT32 so 64GB/128GB cards must be incamera formatted (see below).

Automatic Power Off from Standby mode

If the camera is in Standby mode (Video Mode 1, Video Mode 2 or Photo Mode) you must
take a picture(s) or start a video recording within *30 seconds. The camera will
automatically turn off after *30 seconds of no activity.
*This value can be set using the setup program. Automatic Power Off can also disabled.
When the special A/V cable is connected, automatic power-off will be disabled. This
prevents signal loss during fpv use when Standby times out.

Turn on Camera
Power-On can be configured as "fast" or "delayed". In fast mode, the camera will turn on
immediately when the Power Button is pressed. In delayed mode, press and hold the
Power Button for 4-5 seconds until the Yellow LED turns on and remains on. Irrespective of
whether the camera is configured as "fast" or "delayed" Power-on, the blue LED will turn on
for a second followed by the yellow LED. When the yellow LED remains on, the camera is
ready for use.
If the camera has been configured with "Auto Power-On Record" set to ON, the
camera will automatically begin recording in Mode 1 as soon as the power button is
pressed or external power is connected. If the recording LED has been disabled, the
yellow LED will blink 3 times and then turn off, indicating that recording has started.
Otherwise the yellow LED will slowly flash at 2 second intervals indicating that the
camera is recording.
If the camera has been configured with "Auto Record" set to OFF (default setting),
the camera will switch to Video Mode 1 (yellow LED) and remain in standby mode
until a button is pressed or Auto-Power-Off times out.

Turn off Camera

Press and hold the Power Button for at least half a second and then release it (some
firmware versions require you to press the button for 2 seconds). The red LED will blink 3
times and the camera will turn off.

Switching between modes

The camera can be switched between the different modes by pressing the Mode button.
Each button click advances the camera to the next mode. Video Mode1 - Video Mode2 Photo Mode - Playback Mode (only if A/V cable is attached) - Video Mode1 etc.

Recording Video Mode 1 or 2 (yellow or blue LED)

Start video recording and write-protecting important clips.
Briefly press the shutter button.
If the recording LED has been disabled, the yellow or blue LED will blink 3 times
and then turn off, indicating that recording has started.
If the recording LED has been enabled, the yellow or blue LED will slowly flash at
2 second intervals indicating that the camera is recording.
The current clip can be write-protected by pressing the Mode button while recording.
Depending on the length of the recording, the previous or next clip may also be
marked as write-protected (read-only).
Stop video recording.
Briefly press the shutter button. The camera will return to the standby mode from
which the video was started.

Taking a Photo (red LED)

Briefly press the shutter button. The red LED will flash indicating that a picture was

Playback Mode

Ensure you have an A/V cable connected between the camera and an external
monitor and a card is inserted.
Turn on the camera if it is not already turned on.
Press the Mode button until the red LED turns on (Photo Mode).
Now press the Mode button once more. The red LED will remain on, but the camera
will be in playback mode and the first frame of the first clip found on the card will
show on the external monitor.
If no clips are found on the card the display will show "Empty".
Press the Shutter button to play or pause the clip.
Press the Mode button to advance to the next clip.
Press the Power button to exit Playback Mode and turn off the camera.
It is not possible to exit Playback Mode except by turning off the camera.

Removable Disk Mode

Make sure a memory card is inserted and the camera is turned off.
Connect the camera to the PC using a standard USB cable. The green LED may
turn on indicating that the battery is charging.
The blue LED will turn on for about a second but will then be replaced by the yellow
LED. After a short while the yellow LED may also turn off.
The camera is now in Disk Mode and a new removable drive should be available on
your computer. This may take up to 30 seconds.
You cannot record video or photos if the camera is connected to the PC in
Removable Disk Mode.
It is not possible to enter Removable Disk Mode when using a Video-Out cable
(pins #4 and #5 shorted to ground).

Webcam Mode
There are two ways in which you can enter webcam mode.
Method 1:
Connect the camera as a removable drive (see above).
Press the Shutter button to enter webcam mode.
If this is the first time you have connected the camera in WebCam mode,
Windows will automatically install the required drivers.
Disconnect the camera or press the Power button to exit webcam mode.
Method 2:
Remove the flash memory card.
Connect the camera to the PC using a standard USB cable.
The yellow LED will blink at 2 second intervals indicating there is no card inserted.
This is normal.
If this is the first time you have connected the camera in WebCam mode,
Windows will automatically install the required drivers.
The camera is now in Webcam mode.
Start your favorite WebCam software, such as AMCap. If your screen is black, the
software is not configured correctly. Make sure the program shows the "USB PC
camera" as the "device" selected for video capture. If this option does not show in
the "device" option list, restart the webcam program and check again.
Disconnect the camera or press the Power button to exit webcam mode.
Note: Windows XP has an integrated WebCam viewer. Your Mobius should be visible in
Explorer (My Computer) as a "USB Video Device". This functionality does not exist in
Windows 7.

In-Camera Formatting
The Camera contains a built-in formatter which may be used to format the SD card. InCamera formatting is best done using mSetup.exe (see below) but can also be done as
Connect the camera to an External USB power supply or to a PC as a Removable
disk (see above).
Press and hold down the Mode button. DO NOT RELEASE the button until after
the next steps are completed.
Disconnect the camera from the power supply or the computer.
The yellow LED will blink for a few seconds followed by three blinks of the red LED,
after which the camera will turn off. You must wait until you see the red LED blink
three times.
Release the Mode button.
In firmware versions up to v2.03 cards with a capacity greater than 32GB will be
formatted with exFAT. All other cards will be formatted as FAT32. See the note about using
exFAT in older operating systems in the Description.

Camera Setup (Configuration)

On Windows it is recommended to always use the program mSetup.exe to modify the
camera's configuration. mSetup communicates directly with the camera and makes
configuring the camera a very simple task.
It is, however, also possible to manually change the configuration settings by editing the
"SYSCFG.TXT" file which must be placed in the root folder of the card for the camera to
find and load the new settings. You can use any ASCII editor, for example Notepad, to
modify the parameters. The "SYSCFG.TXT" must be in plain ASCII, it must not be in
Unicode. If you don't know what a root folder is, or you don't know what ASCII is or don't
know how to manually edit ASCII files please only use mSetup.exe.
A "SYSCFG.TXT" file must first be generated by the Camera. The camera's parameters are
self explanatory. It is important not to change the sequence of the square brackets and not
configure invalid combinations. For example, never combine a clip longer than 5 minutes
with the continuous loop. If you enter invalid combinations or values, the Camera will not
perform as expected. It is much safer to use the setup program which will always configure
the camera correctly. If you want to keep the camera's current date and time, replace all the
numeric characters withing the square brackets by ?.
The "SYSCFG.TXT" file can be automatically generated as follows:
1. Disconnect the camera from the PC and turn it off.
2. Press and Hold Down the Mode button. DO NOT RELEASE the button until
step 4.
3. Press and Hold Down the Power button until the RED LED blinks 3 times and the
camera turns off. This will take about 5 seconds. During the process, the blue and
yellow LEDs may blink.
4. Release the Mode and Power buttons.
The SYSCFG.TXT file showing the camera's current settings should now be in the memory
card root folder. Now you can edit the SYSCFG.TXT file as indicated above, and load the
new settings back into the camera by using exactly the same method as outlined in steps 1
through 4, above. Once completed, the "SYSCFG.TXT" file will be automatically deleted
from the card's root folder.
Some parameter settings are not allowed in combination with other parameter settings.
For example, only clip lengths of 5 minutes and less are allowed when loop recording is
enabled. The Windows configuration setup program mSetup.exe (see below) guarantees
the settings are valid. Use the tool tips to show you which parameter combinations are

allowed and which are not allowed. If you edit the SYSCFG.TXT and enter invalid values
the results are undefined and will lead to unexpected results.

Using Software to configure the camera

The Windows program mSetup.exe will automatically configure the camera with the
parameters you require. Detailed instructions can be found in the program by clicking the
"Help" button. The program is also used to synchronize the camera's internal clock with the
computer's date and time.
An official configuration tool which will work with many Android devices can be found in
Google's Play Store. Search for "therau2000" to list programs by this author.

Firmware Update
New firmware versions usually correct issues found in previous versions but often provide
new functionality which was not previously available. It is good practice to keep your
camera updated with the latest firmware version. You can upgrade or downgrade your
firmware as often as you wish. Both procedures are identical and are referred to as
'updating' in this manual.
The latest firmware version can be downloaded and installed directly from the setup
program or installed manually by downloading the firmware file from
Updating the firmware is an easy and safe process, but you should take note that it is not
possible to update the firmware using SD cards with a capacity greater than 32GB unless
they are formatted to FAT32. The firmware update routine is a low-level routine called
before the exFAT file system is loaded. The low-level routine only supports the FAT32 file
Automatic Firmware Update
Use mSetup (Tools) to automatically update the firmware. This is by far the easiest
Manual Firmware Update
DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTONS during the firmware update process.
There are two methods with which you can update the firmware.
Method 1 without pressing any buttons:
Turn off the camera.
Connect the camera to the computer and wait until the card is recognized as a
Removable Drive.
Copy the new firmware file into the camera's flash card root folder. All firmware files
are named FWTLCAM.BIN. The name must not be changed.
Disconnect the camera from the computer and wait until it turns off.
Wait until all the LEDs are turned off.
Connect the camera to the PC. The blue LED will turn on for about 13 seconds and
then begin to flash. WAIT.
After another 7 seconds the blue LED will turn off. WAIT.
After a second or two the yellow LED will turn on. WAIT
The firmware file will be automatically deleted.
The camera will automatically be connected as a removable device.
After about 4 seconds the process is complete and the yellow LED will turn off.
The camera is now ready for use as a USB drive.

Method 2 by pressing the power button :

Turn off the camera.
Connect the camera to the computer and wait until the card is recognized as a
Removable Drive.
Copy the new firmware file into the camera's flash card root folder. All firmware files
are named FWTLCAM.BIN. The name must not be changed.
Disconnect the camera from the computer and wait until it turns off.
Wait until all the LEDs are turned off.
Turn on the camera and WAIT.
The blue LED will turn on for about 13 seconds and then begin to flash. WAIT.
After another 7 seconds the blue LED will turn off. WAIT.
After a second or two the yellow LED will turn on indicating the firmware file has
been automatically deleted.
The camera is now in standby mode and ready for use.

Recording using an external power supply

With the Mobius, it is possible to charge the battery and record at the same time using a
standard external USB 5V DC power supply. The power supply may be mains driven
(normal household wall plug), or run off batteries, including the car charger USB plug
(optional accessory) and cable supplied with the camera.
External USB power supplies usually only use the +5V and the - (Ground/Earth) wires. The
2 data wires are normally not used. However, some USB power supplies designed for a
specific USB device may use different wiring schemes and thus may not work with this
camera. To avoid possible problems, always use a generic power supply.
When turned on, the camera checks for an electric signal on the two Data wires. If a signal
is found, the camera assumes it is connected to a PC and recording will not be possible see below "Recording when directly connected to a PC".
For recording video or taking pictures using a standard external power supply connection,
the USB power supply can be connected at any time, i.e. before the camera is turned on,
before the recording is started, or after the recording has been started.
Only use a quality chargers capable of supplying 1000mA (1A) and a stable voltage of at
least 5V. Low quality chargers may not be able to supply enough current and can lead to
premature battery failure or, in the worst case, even destroy the camera.

Recording when directly connected to a PC

With the Mobius, it is possible to charge the battery and record videos or time-lapse photos
at the same time while connected to a PC for charging only. You cannot access the SD
while recording.
In order to do this, the video or time-lapse photo recording must be started before the
camera is connected to the PC. It is not possible to record if the camera is turned on while
connected to a PC. Likewise it is not possible to take single still pictures while the camera is
connected to the PC.

Additional information
The following functions/parameters need additional explanation:

Power On Default
The Mobius startup mode can be set to Video Mode 1, Video Mode 2 or Photo Mode. The
setting will have a direct influence on the Auto Power-on Record parameter (see below).

Power On - Auto Record

If this parameter is set the Mobius will start recording as soon as external USB power is
connected or the camera is turned on. The type of recording depends on the Power On
Default setting:
Video Mode 1 and Video Mode 2: If a Time-lapse Video parameter is set the camera
will begin recording a time-lapse video. Otherwise it will start recording a normal
Photo Mode: If a Time-lapse Photos parameter is set the camera will begin recording
a sequence of time-lapse photos. Otherwise it will take a single photo and then enter
standby mode.
Recording can be stopped and started manually by pressing the Shutter button. The
camera will normally be turned off when USB power is removed, but, assuming the
camera's internal battery has sufficient power, there will be a delay before the recording
stops. The dalay can be set to zero (immediate), 10 seconds or disabled. If power is
reconnected during this delay, the camera will resume normal operation.

Power-Off Disconnect
This parameter will have no effect unless Power On - Auto Record is set to either 'External
Mode' or 'Both'.

Power-on Delay
This parameter gives the user the choice of having a 2-3 sec. delayed power-up, or an
instantaneous power-up with no delay. Note that the system requires about 2 seconds after
power-on until the buttons become active.

USB Data Port Charging

Enables or disables charging the internal battery when USB is connected and the camera is
turned on.
When disabled, charging will only occur when the camera is turned off.
When enabled, charging will occur as soon as the USB is connected.
This parameter should be set to 'Disabled' when the camera is used with hand held
devices in order to avoid draining the device's battery.

Audio Volume
When the volume is turned OFF, the sound track is completely eliminated from the video
output stream in the selected video mode and will free up a nominal 7% video recording

Time Lapse Photos

If Time Lapse Photos is enabled, Motion Detection must be disabled. Time Lapse photos
are taken with the camera in Photo-Mode (red LED). The rear LED will not blink when
Photo Mode has been configured to take Time-Lapse Photos with a time interval of less
than 2 seconds. Likewise, when Time Lapse Photos has been set to less than 2
seconds, photos will always be recorded without a time stamp.
Time-Lapse delays of less than 2 secs. will be permanently reset to a minimal delay of 2
seconds as soon as Photo Mode (red LED) is selected on the camera with a Video-Out
monitor connected and a picture taken. You will need to set the parameter again if you wish
to restore the original value.

File Protection (write protect) while recording

The current clip can be Write Protected by briefly pressing (max. 1 second) the Mode
button while the camera is recording. This will set the file's read-only attribute which will
prevent the current recording from being deleted.
Note that formatting the card will delete all the files, including the protected files with the
read-attribute set.
Depending on the length of the current recording, the previous or the following clip may
also be automatically locked.
If the current recording file is less than 1 minute, both the previous file and the
current file will be locked.
If the current recording file will be closed in less than 1 minute, both the current file
and the following file will be locked.
If the current file has been recording for over 1 minute but will only be closed after at
least another 1 minute of recording, only the current file will be locked.

AE Lock (Auto Exposure Lock) / AWB Lock (Auto White Balance Lock)
AE Lock (AEL) and AWB Lock (AWBL) are advanced functions first implemented in
firmware version v2.27. Their functionality is disabled by default.
AEL and/or AWBL functionality must be explicitly enabled in the settings parameters.
AWBL functionality requires the White Balance parameter to be set to 'Auto'.
AE/AWB can be locked while the camera is either in standby mode or recording mode.
To enable AEL/AWBL point the camera at the object you want to correctly exposure and
then set the lock as follows:
If the camera is in Standby mode, press the Mode button for about 3 seconds until
the LED (yellow, blue or red) turns off. When the LED turns off, release the Mode
button. AEL/AWBL has been set.
If the camera is recording and the Recording Indicator parameter is set to On: Press
the Mode button for 3 seconds or longer until the blinking recording indicator remains
off. Now release the button. AEL/AWBL has been set.
If the camera is recording and the Recording Indicator parameter is set to Off: Press
the Mode button for 3 seconds or longer until the Mode LED turns on. Now release
the button and the LED will turn off. AEL/AWBL has been set.
AEL/AWBL can be disabled as follows:
Stop the recording and press the Mode button to switch to a different recording
Mode. Slowly pressing the Mode button 3 times will cycle back to the original Mode.
AEL/AWBL will be automatically reset when the camera is turned off.

FOV (Field Of View)

The field of view setting allows you to either capture the complete area of the image sensor
or a smaller area without noticeable loss in quality. The following table shows which area of
the image sensor is captured and how it is converted using the Wide and Narrow FOV
Resolution and
Frames per Sec.


1080p @ 5-30fps


2304 x 1296

Reduced to 1920 x 1080 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting

1080p @ 5-30fps


1920 x 1080

Captured directly from center most portion of CMOS array. No scaling

720p @ 5-30fps


2304 x 1296

Reduced to 1280 x 720 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting

720p @ 5-60fps


1280 x 720

Captured directly from center most portion of CMOS array. No scaling.

WVGA @ 5-60fps


2304 x 1296

Reduced to 848 x 480 using pixel binning. Widest possible setting

WVGA @ 5-60fps


848 x 480

Captured directly from center most portion of CMOS array. No scaling. Narrowest possible setting



Trouble shooting
Q. I can format the card and update the firmware but the camera refuses to record video.
The rear LED is solid red instead of blinking. The yellow LED may also flash once when you
press the shutter button.
A. Most likely you are using an SD card which is not compatible with the camera. Some
batches of cards don't work properly. A typical example is Sandisk 32GB Ultra (class 10)
which did not work on earlier firmware versions. If you are having problems with your card
use firmware v1.17 or above or try a different card or try formatting the card.
Q. I can't take videos or photos and the camera is also not recognized by my PC as a
removable drive.
A. It's likely that the SD card is full or the file allocation table (FAT) has become corrupt.
Format your card using an external card reader or try another card.
Q. The camera is not recognized as a removable disk or as a Webcam.
A. The operating system must be XP or greater. The camera must be connected using a
standard USB cable. Confirm that the cable is not defective by attaching another USB
device using the same cable. Do not use a USB hub. Try using another USB port. Defective
cables are the most common problems when the camera is not correctly recognized by the
Q. An SD card is installed, but the camera is not recognized as a removable disk or by
A. If you are sure your USB cable is not defective, then it's possible that the PC USB drivers
are not working properly. Try connecting the camera before turning on the PC. After the PC
is turned on, the camera should be recognized as a removable disk. DriveCleanup.exe
(freeware) may also be able to fix USB corruption problems.
Q. When the camera is connected as an external disk all the files on the SD card appear as
A. There is a problem with your cable or the PC USB drivers are corrupt. DriveCleanup.exe
(freeware) may be able to fix USB corruption problems.
Q. When the camera is connected to the PC and then turned on I can take pictures and
movies but the camera is not recognized as a removable disk.
A. The USB cable is defective.
Q. The camera does not charge or does not automatically start recording when external
power is connected and the Power On - Auto Record is set appropriately.
A. External USB power exceeds ~5.25V. Overload voltage protection was added to the V3
hardware (main board stamped with 2014-08-19 or greater) and will protect the camera
against up to max. 24V. Earlier designs will be destroyed if voltage exceeds ~5.25V.
Q. When I turn the camera on the blue LED turns on and then off and is followed by a short
yellow flash which is immediately followed by 15* red or yellow flashes and then 32* very
fast red or yellow flashes. The camera then turns off.
*The flashes are either red or yellow, depending on what firmware version is running. There
are 3 red flashes at the end of the sequence which may be visible or not visible.
A. There is no SD card inserted or the card is full or not formatted correctly or the card
contacts are dirty. Format the card or use another card.

Q. The yellow LED flashes once per second 4 times and then flashes very quickly before
turning off.
A. There is no micro SD card inserted, the card is not properly inserted, the card is full or
the card is defective. The card must be inserted with the gold contacts facing upwards,
towards the buttons. There should be a distinct spring action when inserting the last 5 mm
and there should be no friction whatsoever.
When the card is pushed 1 mm inside the body the card should latch with a distinctive click.
Never force the card, and never push the card more than max. 1 mm into the camera body.
Q. When the camera is turned on, the blue LED turns on for a second and then the yellow
LED turns on as normal. However, the Mode and Shutter buttons don't react and I can't
take any video or pictures. The camera is also not recognized by my PC as a removable
drive. When connected to the PC the green LED may be on or off.
A. The lens module ribbon cable is not connected properly or the lens module is damaged.
Q. When recording video, the Yellow LED blinks once after which there is a 1 sec. delay
and then the blue LED blinks once. After another 4 sec. the sequence is repeated. No video
is recorded.
A. The battery is not supplying a steady voltage and needs to be replaced immediately.
Q. When the camera is turned on, the blue LED turns on. It may turn off after a second or
two. The Mode and Shutter buttons don't react and I can't take any video or pictures. The
camera is also not recognized by my PC as a removable drive. When connected to the PC
the green LED may be on or off. The red LED may also blink 3 times while the camera
turns off.
A. The lens module ribbon cable is not connected properly or the lens module is damaged.
Q. The camera does not react. The green LED may be on or off.
A. The firmware may have entered a continuous loop, or the battery may be discharged.
Make sure the battery is fully charged.
Use a paper clip or similar object to press the Reset button. This should force the
camera to be turned off.
Wait 10 seconds.
Turn on the camera.
As a last resort, disconnect the battery and reconnect again after waiting 30
Q. The camera functions normally but only records very short (5 sec.) clips and may turn
A. This can be caused by the following:
The battery may not be charged. Charge the battery for about 2.5 hours until the
green LED turns off.
The battery is too cold to provide the power needed to record video. Keep the battery
warm before using the camera in cold temperatures (around freezing and below).
Check the integrity of your card by using the program h2testw to make sure your
card is genuine and not a fake card that has been up-rated.
The card used is not compatible with the camera. Use class 4 cards. Kingston cards
are recommended.
Problematic 64GB cards (or larger) may work better if formatted with FAT32 if used
with firmware v2.03 and below.

Q. The camera functions normally but the video is much too dark or too light or even
completely black or white. The first video scenes may be exposed correctly and the
symptoms only appear after a certain amount of time.
A. Check the following:
Make sure the lens cap is removed.
Make sure the parameter values for the "Advanced Image Settings" are correctly set.
Extreme values may cause unexpected results when lighting conditions change.
Q. Playback is erratic or stutters or the playback colors are psychedelic or the video
flashes, has corrupted blocks etc.
A. Always first copy the video file from the memory card to your hard drive.
Your PC or graphics card may not be powerful enough to playback the video stream.
You may not have enough memory installed in your PC.
Use VLC Media Player. Window Media Player often chokes on underpowered
Psychedelic colors may also indicate problems with the CMOS lens module. Make
sure the CMOS lens cable is correctly seated and not cracked. The lens cable is very
Q. There is a distinctive buzzing or clicking noise when videos are played back.
A. Only use quality micro SD cards with a class rating of 4 or above. Low quality cards can
draw excessive current which may result in electrical noise in the recording.
Q. When I update the firmware the blue LED remains on for about 2 seconds and then the
yellow LED remains on. The firmware is not updated, but the firmware file is deleted from
the card.
A. Firmware must be updated using an SD card formatted in FAT32. In firmware versions
up to v2.03 larger cards with a capacity of 64GB and above are formatted with exFAT. New
cards with a capacity up to 32GB are formatted with the FAT32.

Getting Help
This camera, together with the #16, is the best supported camera of it's kind. In case of
problems or questions your first stop should be a visit to:
This thread is dedicated to questions related to the Mobius ActionCam. It should be noted
that the forum is for aerial RC discussions only, so please avoid post anything off-topic. The
first 8 posts contain links to all the important information, including a list of sources where
you can buy this camera. ONLY buy from the sources listed. It is very probable that other
sources will offer fake copies. These copies are NOT original and will NOT perform as

This manual was last updated on 5 February 2015

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