Understanding of LIGHTING

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Technical Update


A Guide to LED Bulbs and Other Sources of
Light for Egg Producers
Light is an essential aspect of poultry
production. In most housing systems, artificial Photoperiod: Duration of light in a 24-hour
light is utilized to maximize production in pullets, period.
layers and breeders. Today, a variety of different
bulbs are available to illuminate the inside of Luminous flux: Total perceived power of light
a poultry house, all of which have benefits and produced by the light source. The unit is Lumen
shortcomings. Understanding the different (lm). The prefix “luminous” always indicates
lighting options available for poultry, as well as that the measured unit is adjusted by luminosity
the terminology and management of light, is function or human eye sensitivity. The prefix
essential to achieve the best production. “Visible Radiant” or “Radiant” indicates that the
measured unit is in “raw” form (for example -
total photons) independent of particular visual

Luminous intensity: Power emitted by a light

source into directional solid angle. The unit is
Candela (cd).

Illuminance: Total luminous flux on a surface.

The unit is lux (lx) and the non-metric unit is foot-
candle (fc).

Clux or galliux: Total radiant flux incident

on a surface adjusted by color (measured in
nanometer [nm]) sensitivity curve of chickens
(Gallus domesticus). The unit is Clux (cLx).

Visible light spectrum: Portion of the

electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the
human eye or animal eye. Spectrum wavelength
(nm) determines the color of the light (430nm to
490nm is blue color).

Ultraviolet (UV): Electromagnetic radiation from

10 nm to 400 nm.
AND ENVIRONMENT Infrared light (IR): Electromagnetic radiation
Light is critical for egg production and pullet from 700 nm to 1,000,000 nm (1 mm).
growth. Domestic poultry see and respond to
a different range of light color spectrum and Photopic spectral sensitivity: Color sensitivity
have different spectral intensity responses than or sensitivity to light under bright conditions.
humans. While humans respond to light from
Color rendering index: A measure of the ability
around 400–750 nm, chickens can see UV-A
of a light source to reveal the colors of an object
light (315–400 nm) in addition to 400–750 nm. in comparison to ideal light source. Incandescent
Additionally, the magnitude of sensitivity for light can be considered ideal light source.
red and blue spectra is much higher for chickens
with additional peaks of light sensitivity around Chromaticity: The objective measurement of
480 nm and 630 nm. the color of a light source independent of the
100% 100%

90% 90%

80% 80%

70% 70%

60% 60%

50% 50%

40% 40%

30% 30%

20% 20%

10% 10%

0% 0%
360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760 360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
wavelength (nm) wavelength (nm)

Figure 1. Domestic fowl photopic spectral Figure 2. Human photopic spectral response
response. (CIE 1978).

360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
wavelength (nm)

Figure 3. Comparison of human and chicken photopic vision.

Understanding the Difference between Lux and Clux

While peak lux can be assessed at any Understanding the difference between lux and
wavelength, the International Commission on clux provides a more accurate selection of
Illumination (CIE) standard for measuring light light bulbs for the producer and allows them
intensity is set at the peak human response to recognize the limitations of traditional light
of 550–560 nm. Chickens have three photopic meters. While using a traditional light meter can
spectral peaks, so additional calculations be an indicator of light intensity in a house, there
utilizing the poultry-specific peaks are required will always be a difference between lux and clux.
to measure these clux. Depending on the light
source and peak spectrum, clux can be up to
50% or higher in light intensity than lux.

Poultry Light Biology However, neither of these measurements
expresses the spectral peak intensity in the
Chickens detect light not only through the retinal
red, green, and blue spectra that are important
cone receptors in the eyes, but also via extra
for poultry growth and production. Research
retinal photoreceptors in the pineal gland and
on broilers has shown that blue and green
the hypothalamic gland. The response to light
LED lights enhance growth4. Research on layer
controls the circadian rhythm, a 24-hour cycle
pullets indicates that LED lights with a greater
in the bird’s hormonal and behavioral aspects.
portion of blue and green spectra result in
Humans are trichromatic and have retinal cones
better body weights and uniformity compared
that can determine red, green and blue. Chickens
to incandescent bulbs, although more data
are tetrachromatic, with an additional double
is needed (Settar, unpublished data). Overall,
cone whose function may be related to tracking
pullets may be reared with warm or cool lights,
but laying hens should have lights with a
In poultry, red light is vital for stimulating sexual sufficient red spectrum3 (2700K–3000K). Light
maturity and egg production. Birds exposed to bulb manufacturers usually provide information
red light versus blue, green or white light on degrees Kelvin, or a spectrometer can be
consistently have higher egg production than used.
the other color groups. Red light is able to
Intensity – Light intensity, measured in lux,
penetrate the skull to stimulate the extra retinal
clux or foot candles, is also important for poultry
photoreceptors. Red light (around 650 nm)
production. In general, light intensity below 5
penetrates the skull and brain (hypothalamus)
lux is too dark to stimulate proper growth and
four to 50 times more efficiently than blue, green
production, while higher light intensity (above
and yellow-orange light2. The hypothalmus is
50 lux) may cause nervousness and aberrant
important in regulating the production of
behavior. The standard recommendation for
hormones important for egg production.
growing pullets is to brood for 2 to 3 weeks at
30–50 lux, and then dim to 10–15 lux until 14
Light Environments weeks. Two weeks prior to the transfer, gradually
increase the light intensity to match the levels
Chickens are affected by the duration, intensity in the layer house. Laying hens should be kept
and spectrum of light. Light can be utilized as a at an average of 30 lux at the level of the feed
management tool to help optimize pullet growth, trough.
age of sexual maturity, egg weight and egg
production in laying hens in a variety of Maintaining uniform light intensity in a modern
environments. poultry facility can be difficult. To measure light
distribution in conventional cage or colony
Duration – As a general rule, decreasing light houses with manure belts, it is ideal to take a
duration is utilized for growing pullets and measurement at the feed trough every 25 cm
increasing light duration is used to stimulate (or 1 foot) between lights and at every level.
layers. Light stimulation (usually an increase of This will typically require between 30 and 100
as little as one hour) has an immediate effect on light readings to accurately assess the light
the production of reproductive hormones. The distribution. In floor houses, measure at the wall,
standard level of light for maximum production at feeder and drinker lines beneath the lights and
is 16 hours. It is ideal to reach 16 hours of light 2–3 times in between lights for a total of 10 to 50
by 30–35 weeks to help prolong peak production. measurements.
Spectrum – Understanding the color spectrum In open-sided houses, use window shades and
given off by a light source will assist producers curtains to prevent direct sunlight from coming
in selecting a light bulb which can deliver the into the house. Even with these interventions,
proper amounts of red, green and blue light. the light intensity in open houses can easily
Light bulb color can be expressed in degrees reach above 1000 lux.
Kelvin (K) and color rendering index (CRI).

Light is the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Understanding the impact light spectrum
has on poultry production is critical for selecting the right bulb.
wavelength (nm)
440 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700

violet indigo blue green yellow orange red

G (hydrogen) b (magnesium) C (hydrogen)

F (hydrogen) D (sodium)

Figure 4. Visible light spectrum.

Chromaticity or Correlated Color Color Rendering Index (CRI)

Temperature (CCT) The color rendering index measures how an artificial
Chromaticity measures the relative light source displays the color of an object compared to
warmness or coolness of light, and is the color of that object in natural light. This measure is
expressed in degrees Kelvin (K). While important for human perception and comfort in a light
originally developed for incandescent environment. CRI is measured on a scale of 0–100, with
lights, chromaticity gives an estimation 100 being the closest to natural light. The higher the CRI,
of the dominant spectra in a given light the closer the artificial light source is to displaying colors
source; however, chromaticity does not give accurately. Overall, CRI differences less than 5 (i.e. 80 to
information 84) are not noticeable to the human eye. The CRI system
about the was originally developed for incandescent lights and
relative color does not correlate as well with compact fluorescent light
10,000 K peaks or (CFL) or LED lights.
balance of
A general scale for evaluating lights using CRI values
9,000 K spectrum.
> 4000K: cool,
8,000 K dominant blue • < 50: Poor
spectrum • 50–70: Fair
7,000 K • 70–80: Good
3500K: neutral
and balanced • 80–100: Best
6,000 K with red,
green and blue
5,000 K spectra

< 3000K:
4,000 K
dominant red
3,000 K spectrum

2,000 K

1,000 K

Figure 5. Kelvin color

temperature scale. Figure 6. Color rendering image chart.

Many different types of light sources are utilized in the poultry industry, ranging from open houses
under the influence of the sun to the most technologically advanced layer houses with the newest
equipment without exterior light influence. Understanding the spectral composition of different light
sources is important for selection amongst multiple lighting types.

Sunlight 100%
• In equatorial regions, light from the sun
is consistent from season to season. 70%

• Full spectrum light ranging from UV to IR 60%

• The response to sunlight changes from day 50%

to day and season to season are naturally 40%
inherent in both domestic and wild fowl. 30%
• Poultry houses designed to utilize natural 20%
daylight may require little or no artificial
light, saving on energy costs.
360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
wavelength (nm)
• The spectral composition and intensity
of sunlight changes from dawn to noon to Figure 7. Spectrum of sunlight at noon.
dusk, from season to season, sunrise to
sunset, and with cloud cover.
• Light intensity will change throughout the day as light will come in from different areas of
the house.
• Light intensity is much higher from the sun than an artificial bulb, and overcoming seasonal
changes in day length can be difficult. A bright sunny day can be 60,000 to 100,000 lux.
• High light intensity may cause aberrant behaviors such as nervousness, feather pulling,
pecking and cannibalism.

Incandescent Lights (INC) 100%

• Inexpensive
• Good red spectrum output
• Excellent light distribution
• Quick to turn on
• No difference in performance when used
in cold weather
Shortcomings 10%
• Short lifespan and must be frequently 0%
replaced 360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
wavelength (nm)
• Usually constructed of metal and glass
and are prone to breakage Figure 8. Spectrum of incandescent light.
• More than 90% of the energy used by the bulb goes to heat rather than light.
• Many types of incandescent bulbs do not comply with new energy efficiency standards.

Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) 100%
• Energy efficient
• Relatively inexpensive
• Similar color spectra as incandescent bulbs
• Available in both warm and cool spectra (K)
• Proven success in layer and breeder
industries 30%
Shortcomings 10%
• Contain mercury 0%
• Uncovered spiral tubes may be difficult 360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
to clean. wavelength (nm)

• Made out of metal and glass and are Figure 9. Spectrum of warm (2700K) fluorescent light.
prone to breakage 100%
• Bulbs do not dim well, with the potential 90%
to burn out more quickly when dimmed
• While appearing to be white light, CFLs
are composed of light spectrum peaks
depending on the color spectra 60%
phosphors utilized in the bulb. 50%
• Bulbs require several minutes to reach 40%
maximum light intensity when turned on. 30%
• Poor performance in cold weather 20%
• Not ideal in situations where light must be 10%
turned on and off multiple times per day.
• Requires an electronic ballast to regulate 360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
current and voltage supplied to the lamp. wavelength (nm)
Figure 10. Spectrum of cool (5000K) fluorescent light.

Linear Fluorescent Light (LFL) High Pressure Sodium (HPS)

Similar advantages and issues as CFL bulbs with
some additional information Benefit
• Can be more energy efficient than
Benefits incandescent bulbs
• Dropdown tube lights allow for more
uniform light distribution at all vertical Shortcomings
levels in a multitiered cage or colony • Lack sufficient blue and green spectra
system. • Expensive
• Casts a broad, even light in floor houses • Take a long time to warm up
and fewer light fixtures required because of
the higher output of a larger tube • Difficult to dim
• Require a ballast
• More expensive than CFLs
• Higher levels of glass and hazardous debris
if broken
• More difficult to store and transport safely

Light Emitting Diode (LED) 100%
• Provides a full spectrum of light
• Typically the most efficient light bulb
measured in lumens per watt 60%

• Because LEDs do not emit infrared 50%

radiation (heat), they can be constructed 40%
out of non-glass materials that are 30%
waterproof and shatterproof.
• Typically manufactured from non-toxic
• Can be designed to focus the light onto
360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
desired areas wavelength (nm)
• Color spectrum of the light can be
adjusted depending on phosphors used. Figure 11. Spectrum of cool (5000K) LED light.
• Easier to dim than CFL bulbs 100%
• Dimming can extend bulb's lifespan 90%
• Very long lifespan – up to 10 years at 16 80%
hours per day (50,000 – 60,000 hours) 70%
• Rapidly reaches peak light intensity after 60%
being turned on
• Ideal for areas where lights are
frequently turned on and off 40%
• Efficient in cold weather with no change
in performance 20%
• Expensive 360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
• Must use the proper dimmer, otherwise wavelength (nm)
the light may flicker and
Figure 12. Spectrum of warm (2700K) LED light.
burn out more quickly.
• LED light is directional and requires
an appropriate lens to focus light, or 90%
appropriate diffusers to cover a broader 80%
area. 70%
• May need to change wiring in a house to fit 60%
the ideal LED electrical specifications.
• The efficiency of heat fins is reduced with
dust build-up, poor ventilation around the 40%
bulb, or putting the bulb in 30%
a “jelly jar” for waterproofing. 20%
• Lights may not burn out after expected 10%
lifespan but will be dimmed greater
than 70% of original lumen output. 360 410 460 510 560 610 660 710 760
As a result, baseline lux testing in the wavelength (nm)
house may be required to determine
when bulbs should be changed. Figure 13. Full spectrum LED with emphasis on red
• Cheaper LED lights may not have an
appropriate heat sink, spectrum, hardware or warranty for poultry environments.

Light intensity can be measured in three ways:
luminous intensity, luminous flux and luminous
Luminous flux is the total emitted visible light
from a bulb, measured in lumens. Light

Luminous intensity (directional flux) quantifies

the luminous flux emittedLight
by a light source in a
certain direction, measured in candelas or candles.
Luminous power is the luminous flux per area
illuminated by the light, measured in lux or foot
candles (fc). The calculation is 1 lux =
1 lumen/m2 or 1 lux = 0.0929 fc (lumen/m2). The Figure 14. Demonstration of
conversion between the two units is luminous flux.
1 fc = 10.76 lux or 1 lux = 0.0929 fc; this is equal to
the conversion between 1 square meter (m2) and 1
square foot (ft2) (i.e. 1 m2 = 10.76 ft2). This means
that the same light will be brighter closer to the
light source, and dimmer farther away as the beam
Angle of
spreads out. Light Light
Source Dispersion

Angle of
Light Light
Source Dispersion

Figure 15. Demonstration of luminous

Figure 16. Demonstration of different light
intensities at different distances from the
same light source (luminous power).

Light Meters
Ideal light meters for assessing LED bulbs are
Traditional light meters are calibrated for the
either poultry-specific light meters or LED-
human spectral response at a white color
specific light meters. Poultry-specific light
temperature with a spectrum between 550–560
meters are able to calculate the effective light
nm. These light meters are unable to assess
intensity as observed by a chicken (clux), while
blue or red spectrum and cannot calculate the
LED-specific light meters are able to analyze
difference in light response between humans
the full spectral output of the light for human
and poultry. It is important to be able to observe
vision. Only a few companies make poultry-
light intensity in both the visible blue and
specific light meters, while LED light meters are
visible red spectra due to the chicken’s wider
used by photographers and are available from
visible light spectrum.
several sources.

Understanding Lumens to Assess a Light Bulb
With incandescent lights, the luminal output in Luminous flux assesses the total light output
relation to the wattage of the bulb is consistent of a bulb without any regard to direction;
across manufacturers. Most traditional however, many LED lights can emit light with
incandescent bulbs are sold in 40, 60, 75 an angle of dispersion of 30° to 180° or greater,
and 100-watt versions. With the introduction based on heat sink fins, diode direction and
of compact fluorescent lights and now LED general construction. Two identical lights—one
bulbs, most light manufacturers still relate directional (i.e. LED) and the other with global
the luminous flux of the bulb back to an output (i.e. CFL)—can have the same luminous
incandescent wattage equivalent. flux, but depending on the location in relation
to the bulb, will have very different candle and
The equivalence between CFL bulbs and
illuminance power.
incandescent bulbs is valid because both types
of bulbs emit light evenly. However, LED light
is more directional, and using lumens may not Incandescent Luminous
be accurate. Wattage and other factors, such as light flux
desired light direction, light color spectrum and 40 w 450 lumens
intended light usage, should be considered.
60 w 750–900 lumens
75 w 1100–1300 lumens
100 w 1600–1800 lumens

Use of LED Lights for Poultry

LED lights are becoming more common for use with poultry around the world because they are
energy-efficient, full-spectrum and long-lasting.
How LED Light is Created
Light is focused or
Light (depending
dispersed is focused
on or dispersed (depending
light application)
Light on light application)
by lens and mirrors by lens and mirrors

Light passes through

+ Lightlayers
multiple passes
of through multiple layers
of materials
materials that provide that provide desired color
desired color spectra and
captures light and capture light

One way directional

light (photons) is directional
emitted light (photons) is
emitted as current flows through crystals
as current flows through

Heat generated during the

- Crystal Layer (semiconductor) Heat generated during the light
light creation process must
Heat Sink
be removed from must
the be removed from the
electrical parts
electrical parts

Figure 17. How LED light is created.

The Importance of Lens Diffusion
The light emitted from an LED bulb is inherently
directional, and may create shadows when there
is poor lens diffusion or placement in the poultry
house. While achieving a light angle output of
less than 180° can be beneficial in directing light
toward the birds, the spacing of the lights must be
appropriate to avoid shadows. Lights hung too low
or with a beam angle of less than 120° produce the
effect of “spotlighting,” where cones of light and dark
areas are created in the house. While these lights can
be utilized effectively, spotlighting can be minimized
by careful placement and spacing of the lights.
Uneven light distribution is an issue in both floor
and cage housing systems. In floor houses, uneven
lighting causes shadows, creating nesting areas for
birds and resulting in higher levels of floor eggs.
In cage or colony houses, uneven light distribution
may cause some cages to have too much or too little
light, leading to both over and under stimulation in
the same house.

LED lights do not emit as much heat as incandescent Figure 18. The LED lights installed in this house
or fluorescent lights; therefore, plastic or are too directional, too far apart and not bright
polycarbonate materials can be utilized for the lens enough. The combination of these factors leads
and diffuser. While the newer generation LED lights to the obvious shadows on the floor and poor
have better light diffusion, it is still important to light uniformity along the cages.
understand the directional light output of LED bulbs
when planning your lighting system, taking into
account the placement, light intensity and intended
usage. Most LED manufacturers have computer
programs to assess the distance, height and lumen
output required to adequately light any facility.

Understanding Lumens and Directionality

for Different Poultry Systems
In colony cages, select a directional light that
illuminates the scratch pad and feed/water lines,
while leaving the nest in shadow. When LED lights
are hung in the aisle outside cages, an appropriate
directional light will provide uniform light intensity
to all tiers of cages, as shown in Figure 19.
The lumen output of a light does not account for the
peak wavelength spectrum. For example, two LED
lights that are both listed at 800 lumens may elicit
different responses from chickens if the color spectra
of the lights are different. While using chromaticity
(K) can help separate different lights with similar
luminosity, this measurement does not accurately
account for the full spectral quality of the light.

Figure 19. Even lighting for all tiers of cages.


LED lights may require different electrical A good dimmable LED light requires the
wiring in a house. Some states and countries right equipment to dim even with a proper
ban the use of screw-type sockets that are not LED dimmer. A good LED dimmer will have
water-tight and instead require that lights be resistance built into the dimmer to ensure
wired directly into junction boxes. Check local consistent performance when dimmed. LED
regulations before installing or retrofitting a lights maintain efficiency when dimmed, and
house for LED lights. may increase the bulb life.

Work with the LED manufacturer to ensure

Dimming LED Lights you have the correct dimmer installed.
Dimmers need to be compatible with the Incandescent and LED dimmers both operate
specific LED lights installed and used with similarly; however, LED dimmers must have
an LED bulb that is rated for dimming. greater control of wattage output. If a dimmer
Incompatible dimmers may cause LED lights to turned to 50% is fluctuating + / - 3 watts, a
flicker, overheat or burn out more quickly. LED 60-watt incandescent bulb will jump in power
lights do not have a resistive filament like an usage from 27 to 33 watts, which may not
incandescent bulb, and require dimmers to be be perceptible to the human eye. The same
able to handle the complex electrical load to dimmer fluctuating for a 10-watt LED bulb will
control wattage output. Not all LED lights are cause the difference in power usage to jump
designed to be dimmable, and not all dimmable between 2 and 8 watts. This extreme change in
LED lights will work exactly as intended. power going into the light will cause noticeable
flickering. Additionally, even small fluctuations
in power will cause dimmed LED lights to flicker.

Choosing the Best LED Bulb for Your Chicken House

Selecting the right LED light bulb can be difficult once the decision to retrofit or build has been
made. There are three classes of LED bulbs currently available:

1. Poultry-specific LED lights—Although the most expensive, poultry-specific LED lights are
engineered for poultry vision, and their manufacturers understand the needs of the poultry
industry. These lights are typically rated to withstand cleaning and disinfection procedures in a
chicken house.

2. General LED lights rated for agricultural use—General agriculture-grade LED lights
usually withstand the environmental conditions of a poultry house. While these lights are less
expensive, understanding their full details (including light output, spectrum, warranty and level
of waterproofness) is important before installation.

3. Standard household LED lights—Standard household LED lights have also been used in
poultry houses with many of the same issues as the agricultural LED lights. These lights are
typically not rated for use at 16 hours per day, leading to higher levels of premature dimming or
burn out due to inadequate heat sinks or circuitry.

Overall, different types of LED bulbs have different ideal uses. Very directional lights (30–50°) placed
closely together on 6–8-foot centers (1.8–2.4 m) can provide even lighting in tall caged houses.
Very broad lights (>180°) are more effective for floor and aviary houses. Lights with medium
directionality (90–150°) can be used in a variety of environments, depending on the spacing and the
luminous flux.

Light duration, spectrum and intensity are 1. Prescott, N. B., and C. M. Wathes. “Spectral
critical for optimum peaks and sustained egg sensitivity of the domestic fowl (Gallus g.
production. While there are many choices in domesticus).” British poultry science 40.3
lighting available to the poultry producer, (1999): 332–339.
LED lights are becoming increasingly popular
due to the combination of energy efficiency, 2. Hartwig, H. G., and Th Van Veen. “Spectral
reliability and long bulb life. As the use of LED characteristics of visible radiation
lights increases, the understanding of proper penetrating into the brain and stimulating
application in various housing types will extraretinal photoreceptors.” Journal of
increase. Lower product costs and improved comparative physiology 130.3 (1979): 277–
efficiency and application of LED lights can be 282.
expected in the future.
3. Huber-Eicher, B., A. Suter, and P. Spring-
Stähli. “Effects of colored light-emitting
DISCLAIMER diode illumination on behavior and
This technical bulletin is only intended to performance of laying hens.” Poultry science
educate producers on various lights and lighting 92.4 (2013): 869–873.
resources. Any changes to electrical systems on
4. Rozenboim, I., et al. “The effect of a green
a farm should meet local regulations.
and blue monochromatic light combination
on broiler growth and development.” Poultry
science 83.5 (2004): 842–845.

5. “Light Quality.” ENERGY STAR Fixtures

Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015.


Figure 1. Adapted from Prescott and Wathes,


Figure 2. Adapted from Schubert, 2006

Figure 3. Hy-Line International

Figure 4. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Inc. 2007

Figure 5. www.mediacollege.com

Figure 6. “CIE 1960 UCS” by Adoniscik -

Own work. Licensed under Public Domain
via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.

Figures 7–19. Hy-Line International

Hy-Line International | www.hyline.com

© 2017 Hy-Line International

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