Preschool Years

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Preschool Years

Tina Bailey
Khadra Ahmed
Chapter 8

The developmental sequence for drawing and writing

Children start with basic scribbles, the scribbling represents written language and only
the child scribe can explain what the message means. That is why it is important when a
child shows you his/her drawing/writing to ask instead of guessing what it means. They
use this as a way of communicating. Before all this children have to learn how to hold a
pencil or a crayon. As children grow up, their fine motor and cognitive allows them to
understand more of what they are drawing and then correct it to perfect it to what they
might want it to look like. From the scribbling stage comes the shape stage in which they
draw six basic shapes; circles, rectangle, triangle, crosses, X’s and odd-shaped forms. At
age 3or 4 most children are in the design stage in which they put together the six basic
shapes to make more complex patterns.

The gross motor skills of the preschooler improve from toddler-hood: preschoolers are
capable of complex motor skills such as jumping and running, quick changes of direction,
hopping on one foot and alternate hopping, coordination of the motions of arms and legs,
big improvements in running and hopping. Improved ability to catch and throw a ball
Advanced motor skills lead to unstructured play.

Sign and symptoms that a child is negatively affected by living in poverty would be the
child’s looks, the body features and how attentive the child is in class as said earlier by
psychologist and doctors that breakfast is the most important meal of the day then if the
child did not eat breakfast their ability to stay awake or to be active in class would be
The way that I would know is by careful observation and talking to the child although
some children don’t like talking about it. Some of the things that I would do to promote
the physical development of children living in poverty are by educating the children and
their parents of the Canadian food guide and as a teacher would bring in fruits and snacks
to class for my students.

Chapter 9

To explain to my parents that children need to watch little television is good enough for
them and it’s beneficial to their cognitive development. But as parents and caregivers we
have to watch what they watch is it age appropriate? In today’s world most television
shows are rated for proper age. In television channels like the PBS tells what is intended
in teaching before the beginning of the program. So this way to parents can see if they
want their children to watch it or not. In some studies done showed that preschoolers who
watched TV showed prosocially behaviour and have better vocabulary than the ones who
Good television cannot replace the time a child spends with their parents because a child
can only learn some things from the television but today some TV shows have read along
that children can follow. The world is changing with new technology such as Leap Frog
and V-TECH that can help children touch the book and it reads out loud for them. Not all
television is bad if monitored. TV programs can clearly influence children’s behaviour in
a positive or a negative way.


Watching educational TV builds child’s vocabulary

Watching TV Programs that are prosaically promotes the child’s prosocial behaviour
It is misconception; watching TV doesn’t cause decrease attention spam.


Watching TV might take up all their time

Watching too much TV can lead to less physical activity which leads to obesity
There is too much violence in today’s television if not monitored.

Chapter 10

The system approach is the parents influence the children both directly (by encouraging
them to study hard) and in directly (by being generous and kind to others). The parents
influence each other and are both influences by out side forces such as extended family,
church, work, school.

The birth order affect the system by different cultures have different ways of how it
affects them. In some cultures the older you are the wiser you are and more respected.
The birth order is the first born always seems to be more grown up attitude. The first born
is intelligence and the second child is always jealous of the older one and tries to compete
or compare themselves. The youngest one is always seems to be the spoiled and most
cared for.

In North America gender has great influence as parents start buying the boys trucks and
get them into rough sports such as hockey, football and being instrumental but for girls
are encouraged to play with Barbie dolls and be expressive. By the end of preschool year
children have learnt many of the traits stereotypically associated with their gender.
Children learn the way they should be acting from children of the same sex.

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