Scientific American - June 2015

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The document discusses various topics covered in the June 2015 issue of Scientific American including the teenage brain, background light in the universe, how cells trigger inflammation, and more.

The article discusses how the wiring in the teenage brain is rapidly changing, making teens prone to risky behavior but also mentally agile. MRI studies have revealed sweeping changes in how different brain regions are networked during the teen years.

Astronomers have started measuring background light that dates back to nearly the beginning of time. They are now using this light to trace the evolution of the cosmos.


All the Light

There Ever Was


Our Best
Chance for Mars?


Treatments for
Cells on Fire

JUNE 2015


Teen Bran
Rapidly changing
wiring leads to
mental agility
and risky

2015 Scientific American

Teenage behavior is all over the map. For years neuro
scientists (and parents) have been baffled as to why. Exten
sive MRI studies are revealing that underneath the tri
umphs and pitfalls of teen life are sweeping changes in the
networking of brain regions. The new knowledge could
help teens avoid mental illness and make smart choices for
a bright future. Illustration by FOREAL.

June 2015 Volume 312, Number 6




50 The Networked Animal

32 The Amazing Teen Brain

Why are adolescents prone to risky behavior and
mental illnesses? And why are their minds so agile
and teachable? Its all in their rapidly changing wiring.
By Jay N. Giedd

Who knows whom matters, not only in human societies

but among the animals as well.
By Lee Alan Dugatkin and Matthew Hasenjager

56 Birth of a Rocket
To some, nasas Space Launch System is a gigantic piece


38 All the Light There Ever Was

Astronomers have started measuring background light
that dates back to nearly the beginning of time. Now
they are using it to trace the evolution of the cosmos.
By Alberto Domnguez, Joel R. Primack and Trudy E. Bell

of congressional pork. It may also be our best shot at

getting humans to Mars. By David H. Freedman

66 The Mystery of Case 0425

Forensic scientists are working to trace the identities of
migrants who die trying to enter the U.S. By Ananda Rose


44 Cells on Fire
Scientists have discovered how cells trigger inflam
mation, a critical factor in ailments as diverse as
atherosclerosis, Alzheimers and fatty liver disease.
New treatments may soon follow.
By Wajahat Z. Mehal


72 The Dengue Stopper

Infecting mosquitoes with a common microbe may
be key to keeping insects from spreading a brutal
global disease. By Scott ONeill

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com1

Photograph by Jeff Wilson (flame deflector on rocket-engine test stand)

2015 Scientific American


4 From the Editor

6 Letters
10 Science Agenda
Doctors must be better trained in end-of-life care.
By the Editors

12 Forum
Its time to halt experiments that separate infant
monkeys from their mothers. By Barbara J. King

15 Advances
When dark matter collides. The wealth in sewage.
Dinosaurian fingers. An apocalypse think tank.

27 The Science of Health

Nerve surgery is the latest aid for serious snoring.
By David Noonan

29 TechnoFiles
Feature-clogged tech upgrades keep selling
and we keep buying. By David Pogue

78 Recommended


The long history of black holes. An edible exploration

of mathematics. Cautionary tales from human evolution.
By Clara Moskowitz

80 Skeptic
The humanities and science share the virtues
of empiricism and skepticism. By Michael Shermer

81 Anti Gravity
Theres gold in them thar hills of solid waste.
By Steve Mirsky

82 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago

84 Graphic Science
The epigenomic road map of the human body.
By Dina Fine Maron

The Hubbles Quarter of a Century


Our In-Depth Report commemorates the Hubble

Space Telescopes unprecedented 25 years in orbit.
Go to

Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733), Volume 312, Number 6, June 2015, published monthly by Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc., 75 Varick Street, 9th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10013-1917. Periodicals postage paid at at
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2 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

From the Editor

Mariette DiChristinais editor
in chief of Scientific American. 
Follow her on Twitter @mdichristina

Promises and Perils

istening to my 14-year-old daughter explain her

writing assignment the other night, I was surprised
to learn we both had similar homework. I was about
to start this letter to introduce the current issue and
its cover story, The Amazing Teen Brain, by psychiatrist Jay N. Giedd. Her essay was going to analyze the
reasons behind the rash behavior of the famous
star-crossed young lovers in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. As she explained, Teenagers
brains are not fully developed yet, so they
have a problem with impulse control. As
she dispassionately talked about the brains
of people her own age, I was struck anew
by how grown-up teens can seem.
At the same time, as we are reminded
painfully and too frequently not only by
fictional plays but also by real-world
headlines, adolescents are uniquely vulnerable to risky behavior, leading to mishaps or to recruitment to violent ends as
soldiers or even terrorists. A key question around the recent trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was 19 at the time of the Boston
Marathon bombing, for instance, was the degree to which he
was under the influence of his 26-year-old brother, Tamerlan.
At root is a developmental mismatch between the mental networks that manage emotion, which shift rapidly at puberty, and

those that handle so-called executive function, which mature in a

persons 20s. Giedd also describes how an earlier onset of puberty in recent decades has extended this angst-ridden period.
The protracted maturation, however, beneficially creates
prolonged plasticityenabling teenagers enviable leaps of cognition and adaptability, for example, to todays
data-enriched world. Both traits have served
our species well in the past. Now, as science
provides a better understanding of this
powerfully influential developmental window, societyfrom parents to policy leaders to youngsters themselvescan work
together to support teens on their journey. For the full story, turn to page32.
Rather than soaring into the future,
the Space Launch System, a successor to
the shuttle, has been called a rocket to
wherea congressional jobs program with little hope of actually flying
to space. But in Birth of a Rocket,
starting on page56, journalist David H. Freedman takes a look
at how the system, which is on time and on budget for a 2018
flight, could actually become the vehicle of choice to reach
Mars in about 25 years. Given the sufficient political willno
small hurdlethe teens of today could see humans step onto
another planet.

President, Wenner-Gren Foundation
for Anthropological Research

Roger Bingham
Co-Founder and Director,
The Science Network

Arthur Caplan
Director, Division of Medical Ethics,
Department of Population Health,
NYU Langone Medical Center

Vinton Cerf
Chief Internet Evangelist, Google

George M. Church
Director, Center for Computational
Genetics, Harvard Medical School

Rita Colwell
Distinguished University Professor,
University of Maryland College Park
and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public Health

Richard Dawkins
Founder and Board Chairman,
Richard Dawkins Foundation

Drew Endy
Professor of Bioengineering,
Stanford University

Edward W. Felten
Director, Center for Information
Technology Policy, Princeton University

Kaigham J. Gabriel

President and Chief Executive Officer,

Charles Stark Draper Laboratory

Harold Skip Garner

Director, Medical Informatics and

Systems Division, and Professor, Virginia
Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech

Michael S. Gazzaniga

Director, Sage Center for the Study of Mind,

University of California, Santa Barbara

David J. Gross

Professor of Physics and Permanent

Member, Kavli Institute for Theoretical
Physics,University of California, Santa
Barbara (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004)

Lene Vestergaard Hau

Mallinckrodt Professor of
Physics and of Applied Physics,
Harvard University

Director, Origins Initiative,

Arizona State University

Morten L. Kringelbach
Director, Hedonia: TrygFonden
Research Group, University of Oxford
and University of Aarhus

Steven Kyle
Professor of Applied Economics and
Management, Cornell University

Robert S. Langer
David H. Koch Institute Professor,
Department of Chemical
Engineering, M.I.T.

Lawrence Lessig
Professor, Harvard Law School

John P. Moore

Danny Hillis

Co-chairman, Applied Minds, LLC

Daniel M. Kammen

Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor

of Energy, Energy and Resources Group,
and Director, Renewable and Appropriate
Energy Laboratory, University
of California, Berkeley

Vinod Khosla

Partner, Khosla Ventures

Christof Koch

Lawrence M. Krauss

Professor of Microbiology and

Immunology, Weill Medical
College of Cornell University

M. Granger Morgan
Professor and Head of
Engineering and Public Policy,
Carnegie Mellon University

Miguel Nicolelis

CSO, Allen Institute for Brain Science

Co-director, Center for

Neuroengineering, Duke University

4 Scientific American, June 2015

Martin A. Nowak

Terry Sejnowski

Robert E. Palazzo

Michael Shermer

Director, Program for Evolutionary

Dynamics, and Professor of Biology and
of Mathematics, Harvard University
Dean, University of Alabama at
Birmingham College of Arts and Sciences

Carolyn Porco

Leader, Cassini Imaging Science

Team, and Director, CICLOPS,
Space Science Institute

Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

Director, Center for Brain and Cognition,

University of California, San Diego

Lisa Randall

Professor of Physics, Harvard University

Martin Rees

Astronomer Royal and Professor

of Cosmology and Astrophysics,
Institute of Astronomy, University
of Cambridge

John Reganold

Regents Professor of Soil Science

and Agroecology, Washington
State University

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Director, The Earth Institute,

Columbia University

Eugenie C. Scott

Chair, Advisory Council,

National Center for Science Education

Professor and Laboratory Head

of Computational Neurobiology Laboratory,
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Publisher, Skeptic m

Michael Snyder

Professor of Genetics, Stanford

University School of Medicine

Michael E. Webber

Co-director, Clean Energy Incubator,

and Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Texas at Austin

Steven Weinberg

Director, Theory Research Group,

Department of Physics,
University of Texas at Austin
(Nobel Prize in Physics, 1979)

George M. Whitesides

Professor of Chemistry and

Chemical Biology, Harvard University

Nathan Wolfe

Director, Global Viral Forecasting Initiative

Anton Zeilinger

Professor of Quantum Optics,

Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum
Information, University of Vienna

Jonathan Zittrain

Professor of Law and of Computer

Science, Harvard University

Illustration by Nick Higgins

2015 Scientific American


Leslie C. Aiello

[email protected]

It would be wise
for us to give up
the notion that
we are a benevolent
and sharing species.
robert e. marx u
 niversity of miami
miller school of medicine

atable than population controls, which

are objectionable on many levels.
I agree with Adam Browns crazy but fun

February 2015
In A Puzzle for the Planet, Michael E.

Webber discusses the need to integrate

three key factors (energy, water and food)
to make it possible to meet the needs of a
growing population. A critical point is that
we have to stabilize that population in the
first place. As long as it continues to grow,
all other efforts are merely stopgaps.
Avi Ornstein
New Britain, Conn.
WEBBER REPLIES: Population growth is
indeed important, but it turns out that economic growth is a bigger deal: demand for
food, energy and water are growing faster
than population because people tend to demand more meat and electricity (both of
which are water-intensive) as they are elevated out of poverty. The average Chinese
citizen, for instance, consumes about a
fourth of the energy of a typical U.S. citizen, and as the former becomes richer, that
gap narrows. (Meanwhile urbanization,
which reduces birth rates, is increasing.)
Therefore, making sure that people
have the energy, water and food they need
for a free and prosperous life, without all
the environmental and security challenges that plague our old approaches, is the
most effective place to start. Plus, the policy levers (investing in new technologies,
reinventing markets and pushing for a
culture of conservation) for solving this
nexus are more straightforward and pal-

articleCan We Mine a Black Hole?

that it is physically impossible to rapidly
mine black holes for energy. There are
many other catches that he does not
mention, however. One is that the more
massive a black hole is, the colder it is, and
a black hole with a mass greater than
about one tenth of that of Earth will have a
temperature lower than that of the cosmic
microwave background (CMB), which is
about 2.73 kelvins. Any black hole with
greater mass will therefore gain energy
from the CMB and get more massive (and
hence, oddly, colder). Only lighter, smaller
black holes radiate, getting lighter and hotter as they do so, until they explode in a
sudden burst of particles. So find a micronsize black hole but do not go close to it!
Michael Albrow
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
he CMB is indeed
much hotter than a solar-mass black hole,
but it wont be for long. Because the universe
is expanding, the temperature of the CMB is
falling; thanks to dark energy, it is falling
exponentially, halving every 10 billion
years or so, and will soon (relatively speaking!) be much colder than any black hole.
Kate Wongs suppositions about what

brought about Neandertals extinction

in Neandertal Minds are contrary to
the known history of anatomically modern H
 omo sapiens (that is, us). Her as
sertions that Neandertals were just outcompeted and that the 1.5 to 2.1 percent
Neandertal DNA within people outside
of Africa is the result of occasional dal

6 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

liances would be historically unlikely.

The most likely scenario would involve
waves of immigrating anatomically modern humans taking over land and causing
death by plunder and disease, as Europeans discovering the New World did. And it
would be naive to think that our Neandertal DNA was the result of consensual dalliances when rape went hand in hand with
the pillage of every other civilization.
It would be wise for us to give up the
notion that we are, or our ancestors before
us were, a benevolent and sharing species.
Robert E. Marx
University of Miami
Miller School of Medicine
The cover of the issue and Wongs article

refer to Neandertals. So is the spelling

for Neanderthal now without an h?
Steve Larios
via e-mail
 erman linguistic
reforms in the early 1900s changed the
spelling of the name of the Neander Valley
from Neander Thal to Neander Tal
(the h was silent). Today the common
name of these extinct humans can be
spelled with or without the h. Scientific
American has long favored Neandertal.
In Just Add Memory, Massimiliano Di

Ventra and Yuriy V. Pershin talk about

how a network of memristorscomputing components that change electrical resistance in response to the amount of
current and retain that changecan
solve a maze problem in one step. They
fail to mention that to appropriately
wire the memristors in the maze, so
that an input is connected to an output,
each square of it would need to be visited
and a memristor placed where needed.
Doing so may require more of the maze to
be visited than a random drunkards walk
solution or the classic right-hand-to-thewall solution.
Dave Brumley
San Diego
THE AUTHORS REPLY: To create a maze,
the only thing you need to know is the
maze topologynamely the position of the


walls and openings. But the knowledge of

the topology does not mean that the maze
solution is known or even exists. As an example, let us consider a maze drawing in
a magazine. The maze solver knows the topology at the outset but not the maze solution and needs time to find it. The same is
true for finding the maze solution with
memristor networks.
A Moral Starting Point, by Michael
Shermer [Skeptic], reminds us that although science and morality depend on
each other, they are distinct. Science is
about what is; morality is about what
ought to be. When we make moral arguments, we act as humans equipped with a
capacity for empathy toward human and
nonhuman life and informed by science.
We can contrast science-informed, empathy-based morality with religion-based
morality, but science is not what makes us
moral human beings; empathy is.
Anne Denton
Fargo, N.D.
SHERMER REPLIES: The most controversial section of my book The Moral Arc is
my assertion that sciences description of
the way something is can tell us what we
ought to do. Ever since the scientific revolution, when scientists such as Copernicus,
Kepler, Galileo and Newton discovered that
the world is governed by natural laws that
can be understood and used to make predictions and test hypotheses, thinkers in
other fields have sought to understand the
laws and principles that govern political,
economic, legal, social and moral systems.
They have then used these tenets to make
predictions and test hypotheses about how
best we should live. I contend that the isought fallacy is itself a fallacy.



Mariette DiChristina



Fred Guterl

Michael Mrak




Ricki L. Rusting

Philip M. Yam

Robin Lloyd



Seth Fletcher TECHNOLOGY Christine Gorman BIOLOGY / MEDICINE


Larry Greenemeier TECHNOLOGY Dina Fine Maron BIOLOGY / MEDICINE
Clara Moskowitz SPACE / PHYSICS Amber Williams ADVANCES


Eliene Augenbraun

neously describes Gibraltar as the southernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula. The
southernmost part is Cape Tarifa.
A Weakness in Bacterias Fortress, by
Carl Zimmer [January 2015], incorrectly
refers to penicillin grabbing onto a protein
that aids in building cell membranes in
bacteria. The protein helps to build bacterial cell walls.


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Steve Mirsky


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8 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

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Science Agenda by the Editors

Opinion and analysis from Scientific Americans Board of Editors

A Last Right for

Dying Patients
Health care providers do a poor job
preparing people for critical decisions
Dying, never easy to confront, h
 as become still more difficult in
the era of high-tech medicine. The end of life often comes after
repeated surgeries, a retinue of drugs with painful side effects,
endless consultations with specialists and being harnessed to
life-supporting hospital equipment. We have become so adept at
prolonging life that death often arrives after months or years of
coping with not just one but several severe ailments.
Many patients would choose not to extend their life this way,
but modern medicine does not help them with this crucial decision. The nonprofit Institute of Medicines report D
 ying in America, p
 ublished last September, found that the vast majority of
people in the U.S. have never had an end-of-life discussion with a
health care provider, or even family members, about trade-offs
between extra days and extra comfort. Straightforward changes
to medical training and incentives would bring a healthy im
provement to a sad situation.
Only 6,500 physicians are board-certified in hospice and palliative care, the specialty focused on pain relief and end-of-life care.
That number is between 6,000 and 18,000 fewer physicians than
we need, according to a 2010 estimate. The best way to fill these
gaps is to train a broad swath of health care professionalsgeneralists, specialists, nurses and physician assistantsin this kind of
medicine. At present, medical schools spend too little time on the
subject. Every student should receive extensive grounding in how

to treat pain, breathing problems and depression and in how to

preserve mental faculties. Students should be required to practice
interviewing patients and family members about their desires
for carequestions that go beyond asking whether patients wish
to be kept on a ventilator if their health deteriorates.
It is especially important to learn to have the conversation
the careful and honest interaction between doctor and patient to
plan the best course when options look bleak. After this discussion, which can also involve the family, a patient might decide to
forgo yet another debilitating round of chemotherapy and instead
focus on remaining mobile and comfortable enough for a few
months to attend a granddaughters wedding. Or the patient
might want to press on with treatment at all costs. Either way,
personal values, not technology, should determine these choices.
Skills in helping patients to navigate lifes final stages also
need to be tested after they are taught. Right now only 2 percent
of the board-certification examination for oncologists, for whom
palliative medicine is clearly relevant, is devoted to end-of-life
care. Before getting a license to practice, any provider, not just
cancer physicians, should prove competence in this vital area.
Better education is not the entire answer, however. Money
matters, too. Physicians will help more with end-of-life planning
when government and private insurers reimburse them for their
time. These discussions have not been covered under M
and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has moved
much too slowly on plans to add such reimbursement.
Palliative care has shown its worth. Several studies during
the 2000s suggested that such care might increase patient survival compared with standard practice, possibly because it re
duces patient depression and high-risk medical procedures.
The upside extends to the health care systems bottom line.
Diane E. Meier, a professor of geriatrics and palliative medicine
at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, noted in a 2011
paper that palliative care, at its current level of penetration in
U.S. hospitals, saves $1.2 billion annually over standard care
a figure that could rise to $4 billion a year if implemented at
nearly all hospitals. The savings, in part, come from avoiding un
wanted procedures.
Ultimately the reasons for making these changes go beyond
any hard-nosed cost-benefit analysis. Careful consultations among
doctors, patients and families add compassion that is often missing in medicine. Technological society has forgotten what scholars call the dying role and its importance to people as life ap
proaches its end, writes Harvard University physician Atul
Gawande in B
 eing Mortal, h
 is 2014 book that is still high on bestseller lists. People want to share memories, pass on wisdoms and
keepsakes, settle relationships, he adds. They want to end their
stories on their own terms. When health care providers help pa
tients attain this, everyone regains a measure of humanity.
Comment on this article at S

10 Scientific American, June 2015

Illustration by Skip Sterling

2015 Scientific American

Forum by Barbara J. King

Commentary on science in the news from the experts

Barbara J. King, a biological anthropologist at the College

of William & Mary, has studied baboons in Kenya and
great apes in captivity. Her article When Animals Mourn
in the July 2013 S cientific American was selected for inclusion
in T he Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014.
She writes weekly for NPRs 13.7: Cosmos & Culture blog.

Ending a Cruel Legacy

Experiments that separate infant monkeys from their mothers
cause profound and unnecessary suffering. They should be stopped

Raised in total or partial social isolation, clinging desperately to

wire or cloth mothers, rhesus monkey infants subjected to
American psychologist Harry F. Harlows maternal-deprivation
experiments in the 1950s self-mutilated, rocked, and showed
other signs of deep depression and anxiety. Based on the principle that animal models could illuminate issues of maternal care
and depression in humans, Harlows research is still discussed
in psychology, anthropology and animal behavior classes. Yet this
kind of profound primate suffering is not consigned to the historical record. Today rhesus monkey infants are still forcibly separated by laboratory researchers from their mothers and stressed
in ways that leave them physically and emotionally traumatized.
At the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child
Health and Human Developments Laboratory of Comparative
Ethology (lce) in Poolesville, Md., headed by psychologist Stephen
Suomi, infant monkeys are taken from their mothers often within
hours of birth. For 22 hours a day (24 on weekends), these infants
have no cage mates with which to interact. As I know from my
work with free-ranging infant wild baboons in Kenyamonkeys
that have a social organization similar to that of the rhesusthis
regimen results in a terrible distortion of the animals natural way
of life. In the wild, these monkey infants live at the secure center
of a matriline, a group of related females. They play with peers
and explore their world but scamper back to the warmth and protection of the most important being in their lives, the mother.

At the lce, in contrast, the motherless infants undergo stressors (such as being intentionally frightened while they are alone)
in experiments designed to evaluate their reactivity and thus to
understand developmental risk factors leading to mental illness
in humans. Peer-reviewed literature from the lce reports that
these infants suffer behavioral and biological consequences for
the duration of their lives, including poor health, increased stress,
maternal incompetence and abnormal aggression.
As a person who watches two beloved family members struggle with mental illness, I know the importance of research in
this arena. Yet systematic reviews tell us conclusively that animal models do not translate well to human mental health. To
treat mental illness in humans requires direct attention to the
real stressors we experience in our own livesnot artificial ones
that we make rhesus infants endure. Research of diverse types,
including neuroimaging and long-term follow-up of patients
day-to-day lives, is making substantive inroads in this endeavor.
It is no adequate defense to note that this kind of research
meets federal and university animal care guidelines. The bar to
gain approval to experiment invasively on primates (and other
animals) is quite low. As Lawrence Arthur Hansen pointed out
two years ago in the J ournal of Medical Ethics, o
 versight committees are disproportionately composed of the very people
who derive their livelihood from continuing these experiments:
animal researchers and institutional veterinarians.
Bringing onboard knowledgeable parties who do not directly
benefit from money awarded to these projectssocial scientists
and bioethicists, for instancewould be a first step in addressing this skew. As Hansen observes, though, equally necessary is
a change in institutional culture to ensure that committees
more directly consider benefit-harm issues.
I am struck by parallels with the case of biomedical research
on chimpanzees at the National Institutes of Health, which in 2011
was deemed unnecessary by an independent Institute of Medicine review. Repeatedly, biomedical studies on chimpanzees had
been approved by review boards and animal care committees. The
oversight process did not ethically protect those lab chimpanzees
in the past, and it is not ethically protecting the lab monkeys now.
It is not necessary to be against all biomedical research on
nonhuman primates to see how outdated and misguided some
research is. It is time to end Harlows cruel legacy.
Comment on this article at

12 Scientific American, June 2015

Illustration by Julian Callos

2015 Scientific American

Dispatches from the frontiers of science, technology and medicine

Blue streaks
show bent light
that astronomers
use to weigh four
converging galaxies.


Dark Matter
Drops a Clue

After decades of negative findings, physicists finally have a lead

Something is out there i n the cosmos.
We cant see it, we cant touch it and we
know its there only by the gravitational
pull it exerts on cosmic objects. For decades the story of dark matter has been
one revelation after another about what
this mysterious material is not, a gradual
winnowing of possibilities that has made
physicists increasingly nervous. What
happens when the last candidate gets
crossed off the list? Will we be doomed
never to glimpse the nature of the stuff
that contributes about 25 percent of all
mass in the universe?


This dreary narrative took a turn in

a hopeful direction earlier this spring.
Researchers uncovered one of the most
intriguing clues in years: a hint of a new
force that may allow dark matter to
talk to itself. This insight would help
explain what kind of particles dark matter might be made of.
The clue turned up in observations
of a corner of the universe called the
Abell 3827 cluster. Astronomers recently
tracked dark matters location within four
colliding galaxies in this cluster by using
a phenomenon known as gravitational

2015 Scientific American

lensing (the bending of light as it passes

near massive objects). Observations made
with the Hubble Space Telescope and the
Very Large Telescope in Chile revealed
that the dark matter surrounding at least
one of the galaxies significantly lagged behind the ordinary matter there, suggesting dark matter particles were interacting
with one another and slowing themselves
downa phenomenon never seen before.
Astronomers led by Richard Massey
of Durham University in England surmise that because the interactions did
not affect the normal matter, they must
have occurred through some force other
than gravity that influences only dark
matter. An exchange of dark photons
may create the force, for example. Such
a situation potentially parallels the way
regular protons interact with one another through the electromagnetic force:
when two protons approach one another,
each releases a photonthe force carrier

June 2015, 15

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The Hubble Space Telescope spied dark matter acting strangely in colliding galaxies.

of electromagnetismand the other absorbs it. This exchange transfers momentum, causing both protons to separate.
The news has galvanized physicists
in search of answers. If this holds up,
it is beyond a big deal, says physicist
Neal Weiner of New York University,
who was not involved in the study. A
scenario with dark photons is a change
from the most basic and popular conception of dark matter as a single type of
particle, commonly called a weakly interacting massive particle, or WIMP. But
the idea that dark matter involves dark
photons as well as exotic interactions
might help explain some problems with
the single-particle WIMP explanation
for dark matter, such as why the centers
of galaxies are less dense than expected.
This concept would also help physicists
considerably narrow down the list of dark
matter contenders. Although we have evidence of dark matter from a huge variety
of sources, Weiner says, we have so far
no clear indication of anything other than
its gravitational interaction. If it is shown
to have self-interactions at this level, it will
eliminate a huge number of models for
what dark matter could be. In particular,
the finding, released online in April and
published in June in M
 onthly Notices of


16 Scientific American, June 2015

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the Royal Astronomical Society, m

 ay conflict with many popular versions of a hypothesis that dark matter is a particle
predicted by supersymmetry theory. Supersymmetryan appealing idea that at
tempts to explain many mysteries of physics, such as why the Higgs bosons mass is
as low as it isposits more particles in the
universe than those that have so far been
found. Yet if one of these particles (which
could be a WIMP) were responsible for
dark matter, most versions of the theory
would not predict self-interactions.
The studys co-authors say it is too
early to rule out a more mundane explanation for their observations. For instance, dark matter outside the colliding
galaxies but along Earths line of sight
might be contributing to the gravitational lensing. One caveat with this new
study is that its only one object, says
team member David Harvey of the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology in Lau
sanne. There are unknown unknowns
that may be changing the result. And
previous searches in other clusters have
not seen signs of self-interacting dark
matter, including a March S
 cience study
led by Harvey that analyzed 72 collisions
of galaxy clusters rather than individual
galaxies. Because clusters collide faster

2015 Scientific American


Day 2Continue to Sonoma wine country

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than galaxies, however, there is less time for

dark matter to interact and drag behind, so
the two findings are not contradictory.
If the recent observations turn out not
to reflect new forces or dark matter interactions, Abell 3827 will become yet one more
example of what dark matter isnt. Meanwhile searches for its particles in underground detectors continue to come up empty, and dark matter has so far failed to appear in CERNs Large Hadron Collider.
Scientists hope these trends could soon
change: the collider restarted in April at its
highest energy levels yet, and the detectors
are now extremely sensitive. Dark matter
has been so elusive, but weve never had
the data were going to have, Harvey says.
I feel like its now or never.

Clara Moskowitz




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June 2015, 17

2015 Scientific American


Prehistoric Swagger
All dinosaurs o
 nce pranced, strolled or lumbered about on two legs. But some took to
occasionally resting or running on all fours for
greater stability and over time evolved into
quadrupeds. During the transition, the forelimbs were shorter than the hind limbs, raising the question of how the intermediate animals leveled out the tilted stance from those
stubby appendages: Did they walk on their
fingertips or their palms? New research
suggests the lattersome early dinosaurs
and their close relatives may have stepped
straight down on the front of their palms.
Dinosaurs are closely related to alligators ancestors and consequently share
many structural features with gators. So
biologist Joel Hutson and geologist Kelda
Hutson compared the forelimb mechanics
of alligators with fossils from P

relative of early dinosaurs and

Alligators hyperextend their digits when they
an ancestor of alligators and
walk with their body raised from the ground.
crocodilesto learn more
about joint mobility. The Hutsons measured movement of each joint in
online in March in the J ournal of Zoology.
alligator specimens in multiple states: intact,
Range-of-motion comparisons among
without scales, without muscles and tendinosaur fossils and fresh, intact tissues have
dons, without ligaments and, finally, without
rarely been performed, says Mason Meers,
cartilage. The team found that the ability of
a biologist at the University of Tampa who
bone-on-bone specimens to hyperextend
researches the evolution of crocodile locomatched that of the fossils. They also verimotion. The works 100 years overdue,
fied that with cartilage in place, the alligator
he adds. And although the study is small,
digits easily hyperextended backward, sugthe results shed more light on exactly how
gesting that P
 ostosuchus w
 ould have been
strange early dinosaurs would have looked
capable of hyperextension as well. Thus,
as they stalked about, Joel Hutson says. For
perhaps dinosaurs making the transition
instance, while in the process of developing
from bipedalism walked in such a way,
four legs dedicated to locomotion, dinosaurs
toowalking on their palms with hyperexmight have used their wrists and palms as if
tended fingers. The results were published
they were stilts. 
Sarah Lewin

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18 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American


Modern-day alligators may illustrate how dinosaurs

went from two-legged to four



Every secondary school will receive access to
an educational version of the popular video
game Minecraft to help teach science and
computer coding, among other subjects.

Polar bears venture off the ice during summer months,
more than they have in past years, to eat seabird eggs
a change in behavior that is devastating bird populations,
according to a new study based on a decade of data.

On June 5 and 6, finalists
in the darpa Robotics
Challenge put their
robots to the test in
disaster scenarios, vying
for a $2-million prize.
The International Group for Historic
Aircraft Recovery starts an expedition to
the island of Nikumaroro this month to
search for remnants of Amelia Earharts
plane; in 2014 the nonprofit found a
piece of aluminum there that bore the
planes signature pattern of rivets.

For more details, visit

One of the biggest
asteroid-impact zones
ever found was uncovered
deep in the earths crust,
measuring 400 kilo
meters wide. The space
rock split in two just
before striking the planet
some 300 million to
600 million years ago.

The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems
Service, based at the Paris Observatory, adds an official
leap second to June 30 to compensate for the earths
rotation; four leap seconds have been added since 1999.

2015 Scientific American

June 2015, 19


The Doctor Will See You Now

Three innovative eyeglasses give physicians superhuman vision
The standard s afety goggles that surgeons and other doctors often wear have a single
important purpose: to protect the eyes from spurts and splashes of blood and other
bodily fluids. Now health care professionals are welcoming a new generation of medical
spectacles that not only shield the eyes but also enhance them.


Kills Mosquitoes Before

Theyre Old Enough To Bite

NAME: Eyes-On Glasses
MAKER: Evena Medical
PURPOSE: These specs help nurses locate veins
when inserting needles, IVs and catheters, saving
time and minimizing pain, injury and costs.
HOW IT WORKS: Eyes-On Glasses are like an x-ray
for blood vessels. They emit four benign beams
Summit_Solutions_It_All_Starts_With.indd 1

20 Scientific American, June 2015

4/22/15 11:41 AM

of near-infrared light at just the right wavelengths

to be absorbed by veins while bouncing off tissue.
Two mounted cameras detect where light has been
reflected and absorbed. An onboard processor uses
those data to generate a vein road map, which
a projector then displays on a transparent visor.
PRICE: Around $10,000
STAGE: Debuting in November

NAME: Fluorescent goggles
MAKER: Samuel Achilefu and his colleagues, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
PURPOSE: In many cases, it is extremely difficult for
a surgeon to be sure that the entirety of a tumor has
been excised because microscopic bits and pieces can
stay behind undetected. These goggles help doctors
notice lingering cancer cells, which could increase the
likelihood of a recurrence if not removed.
HOW IT WORKS: While operating, surgeons inject
tissue with a fluorescent dye that binds only to cancer cells and glows green under near-infrared light.
A camera fixed to a visor picks up the fluorescence
while a small computer and fiber-optic cable use
that information to overlay glowing dots on the
wearers field of view that indicate where a tumor
still remains.
PRICE: Less than $10,000
STAGE: Still in development

Ferris Jabr

PURPOSE: The glasses reveal bruises, rashes
and internal injuries invisible to the naked eye.
Idaho-based nurse Jake Youren used them to detect
hidden bruising on a woman who had recently been
in a car crash. Other doctors find the glasses useful
for spotting blood clots.
HOW IT WORKS: The human eye naturally tunes
to very subtle shifts in skin coloration that correspond to changes in blood flow. 2AIs spectacles,
which come in shades of green, pink and violet,
unlock the full potential of this innate sensitivity.
Dyes in the polycarbonate glasses block particular
wavelengths of light that ordinarily interfere with
our perception of either red oxygenated blood
the kind that accumulates with injuryor blue
unoxygenated blood running through veins.
PRICE: Starting at $127
STAGE: In use


2015 Scientific American


Babbling Bats
to Baby Talk

JOEL SARTORE National Geographic

Flying mammals offer a new

way to study human chatter
In 1970 c hild welfare authorities in Los
Angeles discovered that a 14-year-old girl
referred to as Genie had been living in
nearly total social isolation from birth. An
unfortunate participant in an unintended
experiment, Genie proved interesting to
psychologists and linguists, who wondered whether she could still acquire language despite her lack of exposure to it.
Genie did help researchers better
define the critical period for learning
speechshe quickly acquired a vocabulary but did not gain proficiency with
grammarbut thankfully, that kind of
case study comes along rarely. So scientists have turned to surrogates for isolation experiments. The approach is used
extensively with parrots, songbirds and
hummingbirds, which, like us, learn how
to verbally communicate over time;
those abilities are not innate.
Studying most vocal-learning mammalsfor example, elephants, whales,
sea lionsis not practical, so Tel Aviv
University zoologists Yosef Prat, Mor
Taub and Yossi Yovel turned to the
Egyptian fruit bat, a vocal-learning species that babbles before mastering communication, as a child does. The results
of their study, the first to raise bats in
a vocal vacuum, were published this
spring in the journal S cience Advances.
Five bat pups were reared by their

respective mothers in isolation, so the pups

heard no adult conversations. After weaning,
the juveniles were grouped together and
exposed to adult bat chatter through a
speaker. A second group of five bats was
raised in a colony, hearing their species vocal
interactions from birth. Whereas the groupraised bats eventually swapped early babbling for adult communication, the isolated
bats stuck with their immature vocalizations
well into adolescence. They figured out how
to produce adult vocalizations but could not

discriminate infantile sounds from mature

acoustics. Once the two groups of adolescents were combined, the secluded bats
caught up with their peers. Yovel points out
that bat communication is more comparable
to human language than is birdsong. Fruit
bat vocalizations are emitted in a conversational context, he says. They are not singing
to advertise their status, as birds do. This is
much more similar to the context in which
humans use speech.
Duke University neurobiologist Erich Jarvis, who studies vocal learning in birds, agrees
that bats are poised as our fellow mammals
to reveal more of the details of human language acquisition. But he also notes that the
studys bats might have received nonauditory
feedback from their mothers, possibly affecting their vocal learning. For now the researchers want to understand just what the bats are
talking about, both in the laboratory and in
the wild. Perhaps insights from their vocabulary will echo through our own language arts.

Jason G. Goldman






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2015 Scientific American

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June 2015,


2:18 PM


Our Personal
A fact of early childhood
the world over, vaccines are
a mainstay of global public
health. But not all prove equally
effective in all kids. Why? Gut
microbes may be a big reason
Rotavirus used to infect m
 ost young
sters until a widely available oral vaccine
came out in 2006. The virus, which
causes severe diarrhea and thus lifethreatening dehydration, still kills more
than 450,000 kids globally every year,
largely in Asia and Africa, because the
vaccine is not always effective. Vanessa
Harris of the University of Amsterdam
wanted to find out why infants in those
regions have such high rates of so-called
nonresponders. Perhaps, she reasoned,
the microbes that live in a childs large
intestine played a role.
Harris and her colleagues, including
collaborators in South Asia, studied
66 Pakistani infants and 66 matched
Dutch control subjects, all of whom
received the oral rotavirus vaccine.
Most of the children in the Netherlands
mounted the expected immune re
sponse, but only 10 of those in Pakistan
did the same. A genetic scan of fecal
samples taken from each infant before
the vaccine revealed that the responders
harbored a higher diversity of microbes
in their intestinal tract. They also car-

22 Scientific American, June 2015

Math_Tutor_Conquer_Math_And_Science.indd 1

3/20/14 5:06 PM

ried more organisms from

the group Proteobacteria.
Many Proteobacteria
propel themselves with the
help of tail-like flagella.
Those tails contain flagellin, a protein known to bolster immune cell activity. An
abundance of such bacteria
in the body could act as a natural immunityand thus vaccinebooster, says Bali Pulendran,
an immunologist at the Emory University School of Medicine, who was not
involved in the study, which was presented in March at a Keystone Symposia
meeting in Colorado.
Last year Pulendran and his colleagues demonstrated the role of flagellated bacteria in the success of the influenza vaccine. Mice living in a sterile
environment that had no intestinal
bacteria, as well as those inoculated
with only nonflagellated bacteria, failed
to raise antibodies after receiving the
shot, rendering it useless. Normal mice
and those inoculated with only flagellated bacteria, however, launched the typical, strong immune activity. A small follow-up human study by the team could
soon reveal whether the same pattern
shows up among people who have re
ceived three types of different broadspectrum antibiotics.
Other microbial factors might also
be at play. Research published in 2014
in Pediatrics s howed that varying compositions of gut bacteria in Bangladeshi
infants correlated with reactions to the
tetanus, tuberculosis and oral polio
vaccines. Taken together, these lines of
research indicate that our bodys native
bacteria may help determine our individual immune response to vaccines.
Whether the findings will eventually
lead to microbiome screens or specially
formulated probiotic supplements for
ingestion prior to vaccination remains
to be seen.
Still, a more thorough account of all
the tiny organisms that live within us
could help scientists make significant
improvements in vaccine efficacy. And
those small steps could save many thousands of lives.

Katherine Harmon Courage

Illustrations by Thomas Fuchs

2015 Scientific American


Flying Saucers
for Mars
nasas disk-shaped landing


technology signals progress for

human flight to the Red Planet
Landing is the toughest part o
 f any trip to
Mars. The planets atmosphere is too thin
for parachutes alone to bleed off a spacecrafts blistering entry speeds, and landing
solely via retro-rockets requires more fuel
than any near-future mission to Mars is
likely to have. nasa uses both techniques
together for most of its Mars missions, and
even its high-tech Curiosity rover used a
vintage 1970s parachute apparatus during
its landing in 2012. That technology limits
landings to 1.5-ton probes. Anything heavier will yield only a smoking crater. For more
robust robotic missionsor eventual
human onesa new approach is required.
This month the
agency plans to

ASY 05/01/2015 2C 2.125W x 4.625H

test the full conception of a new lander, the

Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD),
which could deposit twice as much mass
across a wide variety of Martian terrain. The
LDSD consists of a six-meter Kevlar-insulated inflatable disk and a 30-meter parachute
capable of withstanding supersonic speeds
the largest ever deployed. An eight-meter
disk suitable for human landings is also under
development. Together the relatively lightweight inflatable disk and giant parachute
could deliver bulkier payloads to Mars, without requiring large amounts of extra fuel or

very heavy atmospheric-entry heat shields.

To test the LDSD, nasa will use Earths
upper stratosphere as a stand-in for the thin
Martian atmosphere. First, a giant, footballstadium-sized balloon will hoist a mock lander 37kilometers high over the Pacific Ocean
near Hawaii. Then the LDSD will separate
from the balloon and fire rockets to reach
higher altitudes and speeds. At a height of
55kilometers and a velocity nearly four times
the speed of sound, its disk will inflate, slowing the vehicle so that the parachute can
deploy. This will be the critical moment
aerodynamic forces shredded the parachute
during an early flight demonstration in 2014.
If all goes well this time around, about
three hours after launch the saucer will
splash down in the Pacific, clearing the way
for bigger, more sophisticated missions to
Mars and other destinations in the solar
system. And even if there are hiccups, says
Ian Clark, the LDSD lead at the nasa Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, we would much
rather learn these items now than learn
them at Mars. 
Lee Billings


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June 2015, 23

Untitled-7 1

4/22/15 12:38 PM

2015 Scientific American


3:42 PM

Until recently, B
 razil stood out as a
hopeful outlier in the plague of defor
estation. Between 1990 and 2010 clear
ing of tropical forests increased 62 per
cent worldwide, but in Brazil, such
destruction plummeted from 2004 to
2011, in part because of tough environ
mental regulations and a ban on the sale
of soybeans grown on rain-forest-cleared
land. Since August 2014, however, tree
cutting more than doubled in the coun
try compared with the same period a
year earlier, according to a satellite anal
ysis released this spring by the indepen
dent research institution Imazon.
The report may signal a new round
of challenges facing the worlds largest
rain forest. Most of the land cleared in
the uptick will serve as cattle pasture,
spurred by higher global prices for beef.
(Cutting the forest for ranches is the larg
est driver of deforestation in the Brazilian
Amazon, accounting for nearly 70percent
of clearing.) And Brazils recently reelect
ed president, Dilma Rousseff, has called
for several new hydroelectric dams and
a major highway that, if built, will slice
through the pristine heart of the Amazon.

Her administration also supports legisla

tion that weakens environmental protec
tions and offers amnesty to those who
illegally cut down trees, citing the need
for economic growth.
A 2014 study by Brazils National Insti
tute for Space Research found that
deforestation, especially extensive cut
ting along the southern edge of Amazo
nia, has decreased the movement of
atmospheric moisture to the south. Cli
mate scientists at the institute say the
change is a possible factor in a severe
drought that has necessitated rationing

of water in Brazils largest metropolis,

So Paulo. And if clearing of the Amazon
continues, says Phillip Fearnside, a biolo
gist at Brazils Amazon research institute
INPA, you will end up with a permanent
drought, not just a one-year thing.
Tree loss in the Amazon reverberates
beyond Brazils boundaries. It reshuffles
the climate deck for the entire Western
Hemisphere: the rain forest pumps 20bil
lion tons of water vapor daily into the at
mosphere through leaf transpiration, an
influx that has ripple effects in weather
systems a continent away. The Amazon is
currently nearly 20percent deforested,
which may be close to a tipping point in
terms of its ability to maintain the climate
system and rains that it helps to support,
says pioneering Amazon researcher
Thomas Lovejoy. A perfect storm of de
forestation, fire and climate change, he
fears, could potentially transform vast
swaths of the southern and eastern Ama
zon into savanna.
One 2013 study, for example, predicts
that a fully deforested Amazon would
mean 50percent less snowfall in Califor
nias Sierra Nevada, quashing spring runoff
vital to the regions agriculture. (Whether
the present level of deforestation factors
in the current West Coast drought is un
known.) To avoid further damage, many
players will need to come together, but Bra
zil now appears to be moving in the oppo
site direction.
Richard Schiffman


24 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

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 iddle); RAPHAEL ALVES Getty Images (b ottom)



Knows Best
Unrealistically positive
views of children may
promote narcissism
Sometimes its cute w
 hen kids act selfcentered. Yet parenting styles can make the
difference between a confident child and a
narcissistic nightmare, psychologists at the
University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University in the Netherlands concluded from
the first longitudinal study on the origins of
intense feelings of superiority in children.
Two prominent but nearly opposing
schools of thought address how narcissism
develops. The first attributes extreme selflove to a lack of affection from parents; the
other implicates moms and dads who place
their children on a pedestal by lavishing them
with praise. Over the course of 18 months,
565 kids aged seven through 11 took multiple

surveys designed to measure self-esteem,

narcissism and their parents warmth,
answering questions about how much they
identify with statements such as kids like me
deserve something extra. The parents filled
out reciprocal surveys about their approach
to child rearing.
In a March issue of P
 roceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA, t he
Dutch researchers report that children of
excessively praising parents were more
likely to score high on narcissistic qualities
but not on self-esteem. They also found
that lack of parental warmth showed no
such link to narcissism.
The correlation shows that positive feed-

back should be tied to good behavior in a

child rather than piled on indiscriminately,
says psychologist Luke Hyde of the University of Michigan, who did not participate in the
work. A 2008 meta-analysis of 85studies
showed that narcissism is on the rise in
young adults in the West, which could stem
in part from a cultural emphasis on praise,
with the goal of boosting high self-esteem,
notes Eddie Brummelman, lead author of the
PNAS paper. It might be well intended, he
adds, but it actually backfires.
Such results support the praise-centric
school of thought on narcissistic origins, al
though other scientists in the field point out
that controversy still remains over the definition of narcissism itself. Brummelman and his
colleagues considered narcissistic personality
traits (such as the desire for admiration), not
narcissistic personality disorder (characterized by an impairment of daily functioning), in
their study because clinicians are discouraged
from diagnosing the disorder in youthno
one knows at what age the full-blown psychiatric condition sets in. 
Andrea Alfano

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June 2015, 25

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4/23/15 11:22 AM

2015 Scientific American


This year the Doomsday Clock m

forward for the first time since 2012.
The theoretical countdown to catastrophe was devised 67 years ago by the
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a
watchdog group created in 1945 by
scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project. Its contemporary caretakers have inched the clock three minutes closer to midnight based on the
threats of climate change and a slowdown in disarmament.
But global warming and nuclear
malaise are not the only threats facing
humanity. One organization is looking
at the potential threats posed by
emerging technologiesdangers no
one has even considered yet. The Center for the Study of Existential Risk
(CSER) at the University of Cambridge, founded in 2012, develops scientific methodologies for evaluating
new global risksto determine, for example, if a scenario in which robots
take over the earth represents science
fiction or a real-life possibility. Some
of the worlds greatest minds, including Stephen Hawking, Jaan Tallinn
(a founding engineer of Skype) and
philosopher Huw Price, contribute
to the endeavor.
Scientific American sat down with
one of the centers co-founders, astrophysicist Lord Martin Rees, to ponder
the possible end of life as we know it.
Edited excerpts follow.
Interview by E
 rin Biba
Why start a group that delves into
the threat of new technologies?
Throughout history our ancestors
have confronted risks: pestilence,
storms, earthquakes and humaninduced disasters. But this century
is different. Its the first when one
species, ours, can determine the

Martin Rees co-founded the Center

for the Study of Existential Risk.

planets future, threaten our civilization and jeopardize the existence of

future generations.
What types of scenarios do
you examine?
At the moment, there is a wide divergence among experts about both the
probabilities and the impacts. Climate
scientists differ on whether there are
tipping points that could lead to catastrophe. There is a huge range of views
among artificial-intelligence experts:
some think that human-level AI with a
mind of its own (and goals orthogonal
to those of humans) could develop before midcentury; others deem this
prospect very remote and argue that
we should focus our concern on the
ethics and safety of dumb autonomous
robots (military drones, for instance).
And there is already a lively debate on
the frontiers of biotech. I hope that
CSER will help forge a firmer consensus about which risks are most real
and help to raise these on the agenda.
What are the major risks to
humanity as you see them and
how serious are they?
Im personally pessimistic about the
communitys capacity to handle advances in biotech. In the 1970s the pioneers of molecular biology famously

formulated guidelines
for recombinant DNA at
the Asilomar conference. Such issues arise
even more starkly today.
There is current debate
and anxiety about the
ethics and prudence of
new techniques: gain
of function experiments on viruses and
the use of so-called
CRISPR gene-editing
technology. As compared with the 1970s,
the community is now
more global, more competitive and more subject to commercial pressures. Id fear that whatever
can be done will be done somewhere
by someone. Even if there are formally
agreed protocols and regulations,
theyll be as hard to enforce as the
drug laws. Bioerror and bioterror rank
highest on my personal risk register
for the medium term (10 to 20 years).
Is there anything people worry
about that they shouldnt?
Many who live in the developed world
fret too much about minor risks (carcinogens in food, low-radiation doses,
plane crashes, and so forth). Some
worry too much about asteroid impacts, which are among the natural
risks that are best understood and easiest to quantify. Moreover, it will soon
be possible to reduce that risk by deflecting the path of asteroids heading
for the earth. Thats why I support the
B612 Sentinel project.
What should worry us more are
threats that are newly emergent. They
surely merit more attention, and they
are what CSER aims to study. Its an
important maxim that the unfamiliar
is not the same as the improbable. The
stakes are so high that even if we can
reduce the probability of catastrophe
by one part in a million, well have
earned our keep.


26 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American


An Apocalypse
Think Tank

The Science of Health by David Noonan

David Noonan, a science writer in
New Jersey, wrote about medical
marijuana in the February 2015 issue.

The Not So
Silent Epidemic
Snoring can signal life-threatening
apnea. New remedies such as
a jolt to a nerve may help
Every night, b
 efore he goes to sleep, Al Pierce, whose thunderous snoring used to drive his wife out of their bedroom, uses a
small remote control to turn on an electronic sensor implanted
in his chest. The sensor detects small changes in his breathing
patternearly signs that Pierces airway is beginning to collapse
on itself. When the device senses these changes, it triggers a
mild jolt of electricity that travels through a wire going up his
neck. The wire ends at a tiny electrode wrapped around a nerve
that controls muscles in his tongue. The nerve, stimulated by
the charge, activates muscles that thrust Pierces tongue forward in his mouth, which pulls his airway open.
Throughout the night the 65-year-old plumber in Florence,
S.C., gets hundreds of little jolts, yet he sleeps quietly. In the
morning, rested and refreshed, Pierce uses the remote to turn
off the device.
This new technology, called upper-airway electronic stimulation and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

last summer, offers much more than relief from an annoying

noise. Pierces loud snoring was the most obvious symptom of
obstructive sleep apnea, a drastically underdiagnosed disorder
shared by an estimated 25 million Americans. It can lead to
high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, depression and an
impaired ability to think clearly. Overall, people with severe
sleep apnea have triple the risk of death from all causes as compared with those without the disorder.
Yet help has not been easy for sufferers to find. One very
effective option, a strap-on mask that gently pushes air into the
throat to hold it open, is rejected by a great many of the people
who try it because the device is uncomfortable. Other alternatives offer only mixed results. So a surgical implant and nerve
stimulation, as extreme as it may sound, could be the answer
for many. In a study published last January in the N
 ew England
Journal of Medicine, the technique reduced episodes of severe
apnea by about two thirds. The fda approval opens the door to
insurance coverage for the treatment.
Doctors, for several reasons, have not been pushing to find
apnea therapies. Patients tend not to bring serious apnea up
with physicians as a problem, for one thing. And doctors may
have their own reasons for treating the disorder lightly. Sleep
apnea is not on a death certificate, says Patrick J. Strollo, Jr., a
sleep specialist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
While it may contribute to death, its not really a direct cause.
So, he says, there is less urgency from primary care doctors and
other doctors to address this problem.
Pierce found out that he had apnea only because his wife,

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com27

Illustration by Massimiliano di Lauro

2015 Scientific American

The Science of Health

Gail, asked her doctor for a prescription for sleeping pills. He

asked why, and Gail explained that she needed them because of
her husbands snoring. About half of the people who snore
loudly have sleep apnea, according to the National Sleep Foundation. The doctor told her that if things were that bad, her
husband should come in for a sleep study: an overnight observation period during which various sensors are attached to a
patient. The study revealed that Pierce was having as many as
30apnea episodes an hour. Despite years of feeling tired all the
time, he was stunned that he had an actual medical problem. I
thought that was the way everyone lived. I didnt know any different, Pierce recalls.
Obstructive sleep apnea often develops when people age or
put on extra weight. Fat narrows the tube of the airway, and the
muscles in the mouth and throat also can lose their tone. When
these muscles further relax during sleep, the airway becomes
constricted and blocks the flow of air to the lungs. Some people
with severe apnea stop breathing altogether, for up to a minute
or two, as many as 600 times a night. This oxygen deprivation
forces the heart to work harder and creates surges of adrenaline, which in turn cause blood pressure to spike. In addition,
fluctuating oxygen levels can cause cell and tissue damage in
the lungs and other organs.
Major interventions such as reconstructive throat surgery
have often been ineffective. Physicians frequently recommend
lifestyle-based changes such as losing weight and sometimes
even playing the didgeridoo, a large Australian wind instrument
that strengthens and tones the muscles of the tongue. Nose strips
and generic mouthpieces, readily available over the counter, target snoring, the symptom, rather than sleep apnea, the underlying problem. The trouble is, what helps one patient may fail an
other completely. Plus, anything designed to go into the mouth
or throat during sleep, to prop the airway open, can bother the
patient and actually disrupt sleep. Any treatment has to be comfortable, easy to use and reliable.
Difficulty meeting all those criteria is what bedevils the
strap-on mask, called CPAP, for c ontinuous p
 sitive a irway p
 r essure. The oxygen mask covers the nose (or the nose and mouth)
and is held in place by straps that wrap around the head. A
small bedside pump delivers a steady flow of pressurized air to
the mask through plastic tubing. The therapy, available since
the early 1980s, almost guarantees relief from obstructive sleep
apnea symptoms, and research shows that it lower rates of cardiovascular disease and death in patients who use it.
Use is the key: fully half of the people who try the mask abandon it. Pierce is one of them. I was miserable, he says. Like so
many others, Pierce could not sleep easily while wearing something over his face, and he did not like the way the tubing
restricted his movements in bed.
Strollo is a strong CPAP advocate but has long recognized the
need for an alternative. Upper-airway electronic stimulation
could be that option, he says. Strollo led a large study of the new
treatment, a yearlong safety and efficacy trial involving 126people with moderate to severe obstructive apnea. The participants
all had a body mass index (BMI) of 32or less (a man who is five
feet, 10 inches in height and 223 pounds in weight has a BMI
of32), had tried CPAP first and had no history of cardiovascular

disease. In last Januarys 

New England Journal of Medicine
study, Strollo and his colleagues reported that the therapy, with a
device made by Inspire Medical Systems, reduced subjects sleep
apnea events by 68 percent, from a median of 29.3 events an
hour to nine an hour, basically turning severe apnea into a mild
case. (CPAP, after adjustment, can do even better. It can cut the
number of severe apnea events to fewer than five an hour, on
average, but only in patients who stick with it.)

Nose strips and generic mouth

pieces, readily available over
the counter, target snoring, the
symptom, rather than sleep apnea,
the underlying problem.
Alan R. Schwartz, a sleep specialist at Johns Hopkins University who did much of the early work on nerve stimulationhe
showed in animals that jolting the tongue-controlling nerve
would open their airwaysays he is pleased but cautious. Weve
still got a lot to learn, he notes, pointing out that overweight
and obese people, who make up a significant percentage of the
obstructive apnea population, are not considered good candidates for the procedure because of their excess airway tissue.
What is more, stimulation involves an invasive procedure.
The surgery to implant the device takes about two hours. A head
and neck surgeon, working through an incision in the side of
the neck, under the patients jaw, places an electrode on the
hypoglossal nerve, which controls the muscles of the tongue.
The surgeon also puts a battery pack and a sensor in the chest
and connects them to the electrode with a wire lead. The patient
usually can go home a day later; the device is turned on and
adjusted after a month.
Researchers are investigating more alternatives, such as medication. In a six-week trial involving 120 patients, David W. Carley, a physician at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is testing a
drug called dronabinol, which is a synthetic version of an active
compound in marijuana. He is comparing people who get the
drug with those who do not. Dronabinol may prevent or reduce
sleep apnea episodes by stimulating certain neurotransmitter
activity in the brain. Other researchers are looking at the role
played by leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite and may
improve respiratory function. A small study of 26obese subjects
with BMIs greater than 45 suggests that certain levels of leptin
may minimize upper-airway collapse.
Schwartz is also trying to modify the stimulation technique,
testing a device that eliminates the sensor. Instead it sends a
repeated charge to the nerve in the tongue during the night to
keep the airway open. This refinement should simplify the surgery and reduce parts that could fail, Schwartz says.
Pierce, however, is quite happy with the system he has. When
he is awakeor quietly sleepinghe does not even notice it.
Comment on this article at S

28 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

TechnoFiles by David Pogue

David Pogueis the anchor columnist for Yahoo Tech
and host of several NOVA miniseries on PBS.

The Upgrade Game

Why feature-clogged tech upgrades keep sellingand why we keep buying
Usually once you pay for something, you own it, and the transaction is complete. Thats how it works with, for example, sneakers, pretzels or dog shampoo.
But in technology, youre never really finished paying. Buying
Microsoft Word, or Quicken, or an iPhone may feel like a onetime transaction, but its not. Every year youll be offered the
chance to buy a newer, updated version.
Since Word debuted in the 1980s, upgraded versions have
been offered 14times. Since Photoshop1.0 in 1990: 20times. If
youd bought Photoshop in 1990 and stayed current by buying
each annual upgrade, youd have paid more than $4,000 by now.
Something similar happens in the hardware world. You might
have purchased that first 2007 iPhone or Samsung Galaxy phone,
but youve almost certainly bought a new version by now.
Clearly, this business model works well for tech companies.
But how well does it work for us? At first, you might answer, We
keep upgrading, dont we? Obviously, were happy!
The problem is that the tech companies have only one big
tool to entice you to upgrade each year: p
 iling on new features.
More, more features. Microsoft Word was once a word processor.
Today its a database, and a Web-layout program, and a floor wax.
Eventually these companies have no choice but to add features that nobody asked for. Meanwhile bloated, overwhelming
technology has a very real emotional effect on us; we feel like
idiots when we cant master it.
Then, as the software becomes increasingly weighed down
with features, the interface must be redesigned to accommodate them all. (Such a redesign is then, of course, marketed as a
new feature.) And each time you lose a few days of productivity
as you learn the new layout.
Nobodys forcing us to keep up with the upgrades. If we dont
like the upgrade ritual, we can just get off the treadmill. Right?
Well, no. Sooner or later the product we currently own is no
longer supported (the company wont help you with problems
and wont update that version for newer operating systems).
Microsoft, for example, has cut off mainstream support for
Windows XP, Vista and even 7. It abandons each version of Office as soon as five years after its release.
In the end, your unsupported program wont run on the latest computers and operating systems. You may not even be able
to open t he documents created by a programs earlier version.
Its not all the industrys fault, though. We l ike surrounding
ourselves with unnecessary features. Its the SUV syndrome:
people who are nonfarmers, in nonmountainous areas, buy far
more car than they needyou know, in case theres a flash flood
on the drive to Whole Foods.

Illustration by Fredrik Rttzn

Back in the 1980s, Microsoft responded to complaints that

Word for the Mac was too complex by offering a stripped-down
program called Microsoft Write. It could open and save Word
documents, but it was o nly a word processor. And guess what?
It bombed. Nobody wants Standard; we all want Deluxe.
In other words, both the software companies and their customers struggle with the challenge of perpetual feature bloat
but neither party shows any sign of considering other arrangements. No tech company on earth, for example, would create a
product just once, designed perfectly for its task, and just sell
that version forever, making only compatibility tweaks as necessary. That would be unthinkable.
Adobe abandoned the upgrade model in 2013, in favor of an
annual subscription plan. Longtime customers were furious at
firstwhat incentive would Adobe now have to keep improving
its programs?but the new model was ultimately a financial coup
for the company. Other developers are flirting with the same.
So far few other consumer software firms have followed suit.
And why should they? When you step back and consider the
way the annual upgrade cycle really works, you realize weve all
been on subscription plans all along.
Hold the extrasor hide them?

2015 Scientific American

June 2015, 29

32 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

Jay N. Giedd is chair of the division of child and

adolescent psychiatry at the University of California,
San Diego, and a professor at the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is also editor
in chief of the journal M
 ind, Brain, and Education.



A mismatch in the maturation of brain networks

leaves adolescents open to risky behavior but also
allows for leaps in cognition and adaptability
By Jay N. Giedd


MRI studies show that the teenage brain is not an

old child brain or a half-baked adult brain; it is a
unique entity characterized by changeability and an
increase in networking among brain regions.
The limbic system, w
 hich drives emotions, intensi

fies at puberty, but the prefrontal cortex, which controls impulses, does not mature until the 20s. This
mismatch makes teens prone to risk taking but also
allows them to adapt readily to their environment.
Earlier onset of puberty in children worldwide is ex-

panding the years during which the mismatch occurs.

Greater understanding o f the teen brain should help
parents and society better distinguish typical behavior from mental illness while helping teens become
the people they want to be.

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com33

Illustration by Harry Campbell, Photograph by Ethan Hill

2015 Scientific American

Theteen brain
is often ridiculed as an
oxymoronan example
of biology gone wrong.

sexually transmitted diseases, motor vehicle accidents, unwanted pregnancy, homicide, depression and suicide.

Few parents of a teenager w

 ill be surprised to hear that the brain
of a 16-year-old is different from the brain of an eight-year-old.
Yet researchers have had difficulty pinning down these differences in a scientific way. Wrapped in a tough, leathery membrane, surrounded by a protective moat of fluid and completely
encased in bone, the brain is well protected from falls, attacks
from predatorsand the curiosity of scientists.
The invention of imaging technologies such as computerized
tomography and positron-emission tomography has offered some
progress, but because these techniques emit ionizing radiation,
it was unethical to use them for exhaustive studies of youth. The
advent of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) finally provided a
way to lift the veil, offering a safe and accurate way to study the
anatomy and physiology of the brain in people of all ages. Ongoing studies are tracking thousands of twins and single individuals throughout their lives. The consistent theme that is emerging
is that the adolescent brain does not mature by getting larger; it
matures by having its different components become more interconnected and by becoming more specialized.
In MRI scans, the increase in connectivity among brain re
gions is indicated as greater volumes of white matter. The white
in white matter comes from a fatty substance called myelin,
which wraps and insulates the long wire, or axon, that extends
from a neurons body. Myelinationthe formation of this fatty
sheathtakes place from childhood through adulthood and
significantly speeds up the conduction of nerve impulses among
neurons. Myelinated axons transmit signals up to 100 times faster than unmyelinated ones.
Myelination also accelerates the brains information processing by helping axons recover quickly after they fire so that
they are ready to send another message. Quicker recovery time
allows up to a 30-fold increase in the frequency with which a
given neuron can transmit information. The combination of
faster transmission and shorter recovery time provides a 3,000fold increase in the brains computational bandwidth between
infancy and adulthood, permitting extensive and elaborate networking among brain regions.
Recent investigations are revealing another, more nuanced

34 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American



Neuroscientists have explained the risky, aggressive or just plain

baffling behavior of teenagers as the product of a brain that is
somehow compromised. Groundbreaking research in the past
10years, however, shows that this view is wrong. The teen brain
is not defective. It is not a half-baked adult brain, either. It has
been forged by evolution to function differently from that of a
child or an adult.
Foremost among the teen brains features is its ability to
change in response to the environment by modifying the communications networks that connect brain regions. This special
changeability, or plasticity, is a double-edged sword. It allows
teenagers to make enormous strides in thinking and socialization. But the morphing landscape also makes them vulnerable
to dangerous behaviors and serious mental disorders.
The most recent studies indicate that the riskiest behaviors
arise from a mismatch between the maturation of networks in
the limbic system, which drives emotions and becomes turboboosted in puberty, and the maturation of networks in the prefrontal cortex, which occurs later and promotes sound judgment
and the control of impulses. Indeed, we now know that the prefrontal cortex continues to change prominently until well into a
persons 20s. And yet puberty seems to be starting earlier, extending the mismatch years.
The plasticity of networks linking brain regionsand not the
growth of those regions, as previously thoughtis key to eventually behaving like an adult. Understanding that, and knowing
that a widening gap between the development of emotional and
judgment networks is happening in young people today, can
help parents, teachers, counselors and teenagers themselves.
People will better see that behaviors such as risk taking, sensation seeking, and turning away from parents and toward peers
are not signs of cognitive or emotional problems. They are a natural result of brain development, a normal part of adolescents
learning how to negotiate a complex world.
The same understanding can also help adults decide when to
intervene. A 15-year-old girls departure from her parents tastes
in clothing, music or politics may be a source of consternation
for Mom and Dad but does not indicate mental illness. A 16-yearold boys propensity to skateboard without a helmet or to accept
risky dares from friends is not trivial but is more likely a manifestation of short-range thinking and peer pressure than a desire to
hurt himself. Other exploratory and aggressive actions might be
red flags, however. Knowing more about the unique teen brain
will help all of us learn how to separate unusual behavior that is
age-appropriate from that which might indicate illness. Such
awareness could help society reduce the rates of teen addiction,

role for myelin. Neurons integrate information from other neurons but only fire to pass it on if the incoming input exceeds a
certain electrical threshold. If the neuron fires, that action initiates a series of molecular changes that strengthens the synapses,
or connections, between that neuron and the input neurons.
This strengthening of connections forms the basis for learning. What researchers themselves are now learning is that for
input from nearby and distant neurons to arrive simultaneously at a given neuron, the transmission must be exquisitely
timed, and myelin is intimately involved in the fine-tuning of
this timing. As children become teenagers, the rapid expansion
of myelin increasingly joins and coordinates activities in different parts of the brain on a variety of cognitive tasks.
Scientists can now measure this changing interconnectivity
by applying graph theory, a type of mathematics that quantifies
the relation between nodes and edges in a network. Nodes
can be any object or detectable entity, such as a neuron or a brain
structure like the hippocampus or a larger region such as the
prefrontal cortex. Edges can be any connections among nodes,
from a physical connection such as a synapse between neurons
to a statistical correlation such as when two parts of the brain
are activated similarly during a cognitive task.
Graph theory has helped me and others to measure how different brain regions develop and become interconnected to one
another and to correlate such features with changes in behavior
and cognition. Brain changes are not confined to adolescence.
Most brain circuits develop in the womb, and many continue to
change throughout life, well beyond the teen years. It turns out,
however, that during that period there is a dramatic increase in
connectivity among brain regions involved in judgment, getting
along with others and long-range planningabilities that profoundly influence the remainder of a persons life.


As the white matter a long neurons is developing with age in

adolescents, another change is taking place. Brain development,
like other complex processes in nature, proceeds by a one-two
punch of overproduction, followed by selective elimination.
Like Michelangelos D
 avid e merging from a block of marble,
many cognitive advances arise during a sculpting process in
which unused or maladaptive brain cell connections are pruned
away. Frequently used connections, meanwhile, are strengthened. Although pruning and strengthening occur throughout
our lives, during adolescence the balance shifts to elimination,
as the brain tailors itself to the demands of its environment.
Specialization arises as unused connections among neurons are
eliminated, decreasing the brains gray matter. Gray matter consists
largely of unmyelinated structures such as neuron cell bodies, dendrites (antennalike projections from the cells that receive information from other neurons) and certain axons. Overall, gray matter
increases during childhood, reaches a maximum around age 10
and declines through adolescence. It levels off during adulthood
and declines somewhat further in senescence. The pattern also
holds for the density of receptor cells on neurons that respond to
neurotransmittersmolecules such as dopamine, serotonin and
glutamate that modulate communication among brain cells.
Although the raw amount of gray matter tops out around
puberty, full development of different brain regions occurs at different times. Gray matter, it turns out, peaks earliest in what are
called primary sensorimotor areas devoted to sensing and re
sponding to sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. It peaks latest
in the prefrontal cortex, crucial to executive functioning, a term
that encompasses a broad array of abilities, including or
ganization, decision making and planning, along with the regulation of emotion.




Greater Networking Brings Maturity

The most significant change t aking place in an adolescent brain is
not the growth of brain regions but the increase in communications among groups of neurons. When an analytical technique
called graph theory is applied to data from MRI scans, it shows
that from ages 12 to 30, connections between certain brain regions

or neuron groups become stronger (black lines that get thicker). The
analysis also shows that certain regions and groups become more
widely connected (green circles that get larger). These changes ultimately help the brain to specialize in everything from complex
thinking to being socially adept.

Increasing Communications among Brain Regions over Time

Age 12

More connections

Stronger connection

Age 30

Illustration by David Killpack (brains) and Jen Christiansen (nodal diagrams)

2015 Scientific American

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com35


Emotion vs. Control

Teenagers are more likely t han children or adults to engage in risky behavior, in part
because of a mismatch between two major brain regions. Development of the hormonefueled limbic system (purple), which drives emotions, intensifies as puberty begins (typically between ages 10 to 12), and the system matures over the next several years. But the
prefrontal cortex (green), which keeps a lid on impulsive actions, does not approach full
development until a decade later, leaving an imbalance during the interim years. Puberty
is starting earlier, too, boosting hormones when the prefrontal cortex is even less mature.

Limbic region

Prefrontal cortex

Degree of Maturation
Limbic region
Development mismatch


Unlike the prefrontal cortex, the horPrefrontal region

mone-fueled limbic system undergoes
Age: 0
dramatic changes at the time of puberty,
which traditionally begins between ages
10 and 12. The system regulates emotion
and feelings of reward. It also interacts with the prefrontal cortex during adolescence to promote novelty seeking, risk taking
and a shift toward interacting with peers. These behaviors,
deeply rooted in biology and found in all social mammals,
encourage tweens and young teens to separate from the comfort and safety of their families to explore new environments
and seek outside relationships. These behaviors diminish the
likelihood of inbreeding, creating a healthier genetic population, but they can also pose substantial dangers, especially
when mixed with modern temptations such as easy access to
drugs, firearms and high-speed motor vehicles, unchecked by
sound judgment.
What most determines teen behavior, then, is not so much
the late development of executive functioning or the early onset
of emotional behavior but a mismatch in the timing of the two
developments. If young teens are emotionally propelled by the
limbic system, yet prefrontal control is not as good as it is going
to get until, say, age 25, that leaves a decade of time during
which imbalances between emotional and contemplative thinking can reign. Furthermore, puberty starting at an earlier age, as






is the case worldwide, lengthens the gap of time between the

onset of increased risk taking and sensation seeking and the rise
of a strong, stabilizing prefrontal cortex.
The lengthening mismatch supports the growing notion that
the teen years are no longer synonymous with adolescence. Ad
olescence, which society defines as the transition from childhood to adulthood, begins in biology with the onset of puberty
but ends in a social construct when a person achieves independence and assumes adult roles. In the U.S., attainment of an
adult roleoften characterized by such events as getting married, having a child and owning a homeis occurring approximately five years later than in the 1970s.
The large influence of social factors in determining what
constitutes an adult has led some psychologists to suggest that
adolescence is less of a biological reality than a product of
changes in child rearing since the industrial revolution. Yet twin
studies, which examine the relative effects of genes and environment by following twins who have different experiences, refute
the view that social factors can substantially override the biology. They show that the pace of biological maturation of white

36 Scientific American, June 2015

Illustration by David Killpack (brain) and Jen Christiansen (graphic)

2015 Scientific American


An important feature of the prefrontal

cortex is the ability to create hypothetical
what-ifs by mental time travelto consider past, present and possible future outcomes by running simulations in our
mind instead of subjecting ourselves to
potentially dangerous reality. As philosopher Karl Popper phrased it, instead of
putting ourselves in harms way, our theories die in our stead. As we mature cognitively, our executive functioning also
makes us more likely to choose larger,
longer-term rewards over smaller, shorter-term ones.
The prefrontal cortex is also a key
component of circuitry involved in social
cognitionour ability to navigate complex social relationships, discern friend
from foe, find protection within groups
and carry out the prime directive of adolescence: to attract a mate.
Adolescence is therefore marked by
changes in gray matter and in white matter that together transform the networking among brain regions as the adult
brain takes shape. The prefrontal cortex
functions are not absent in teenagers;
they are just not as good as they are going
to get. Because they do not fully mature
until a persons 20s, teens may have trouble controlling impulses or judging risks
and rewards.

and gray matter can be influenced somewhat by the environment but that the fundamental timing is under biological control. Sociologists see this, too; risk taking, sensation seeking
and a move toward peers happen in all cultures, although the
degree can vary.

The gray matter, w

 hite matter and networking developments
detected by MRI underscore the observation that the most striking feature in teen brain development is the extensive changes
that occur. In general, this plasticity decreases throughout adulthood, and yet we humans still retain a level of plasticity far longer than any other species.
Protracted maturation and prolonged plasticity allow us to
keep our options open in the course of our own development,
as well as the entire species evolution. We can thrive everywhere from the frigid North Pole to hot islands on the equator.
With technologies developed by our brain, we can even live in
vessels orbiting our planet. Back 10,000 years agoa blink of
an eye in evolutionary termswe spent much of our time se
curing food and shelter. Today many of us spend most of our
waking hours dealing with words and symbolswhich is particularly noteworthy, given that reading is only 5,000 years old.
Prolonged plasticity has served our species well but creates
vulnerabilities in addition to opportunities. Adolescence is the
peak time of emergence for several types of mental illnesses,
including anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, eating
disorders, psychosis and substance abuse. Surprisingly, 50 percent of the mental illnesses people experience emerge by age 14,
and 75 percent start by age 24.
The relation between typical adolescent brain changes and
the onset of psychopathology is complicated, but one underlying theme may be that moving parts get broken. The idea is
that the extensive changes in white matter, gray matter and networking increase the chance for problems to arise. For example,
almost all the abnormal brain findings in adult schizophrenia
resemble the typical changes of adolescent brain development
gone too far.
In many other ways, adolescence is the healthiest time of life.
The immune system, resistance to cancer, tolerance to heat and
cold, and other traits are at their greatest. Despite physical robustness, however, serious illness and death are 200 to 300 percent
higher for teens than for children. Motor vehicle accidents, the
number-one cause, account for about half of teen deaths. Homicide and suicide rank second and third. Unwanted teen pregnancy,
sexually transmitted diseases and behavior leading to incar
ceration are also high, imposing tough, lifelong consequences.
So what can doctors, parents, teachers and teens themselves
do about these pitfalls? For clinicians, the paucity of novel medications in psychiatry and the propensity of the adolescent brain
to respond to environmental challenges suggest that nonmedication interventions may be most fruitfulespecially early in
teen development, when white matter, gray matter and networking are changing fast. Treatment of obsessive-compulsive
disorder is one example; behavioral interventions that trigger
the obsessive impulse but gradually modify a persons response
may be highly effective and could prevent a lifetime of disability.
Appreciating that the brain is changeable throughout the teen
years obliterates the notion that a youth is a lost cause. It offers

optimism that interventions can change a teenagers life course.

More study will help, too. The infrastructure for adolescent
research is not well developed, funding for this work is meager
and few neuroscientists specialize in this age group. The good
news is that as researchers clarify the mechanisms and influences of adolescent brain developments, more resources and scientists are being drawn into the field, eager to minimize risks for
teenagers and harness the incredible plasticity of the teen brain.
Understanding that the adolescent brain is unique and rapidly changing can help parents, society and teens themselves to
better manage the risks and grasp the opportunities of the teenage years. Knowing that prefrontal executive functions are still
under construction, for example, may help parents to not overreact when their daughter suddenly dyes her hair orange and
instead take solace in the notion that there is hope for better
judgment in the future. Plasticity also suggests that constructive dialogue between parents and teens about issues such as
freedoms and responsibilities can influence development.
Adolescents inherent capacity to adapt raises questions
about the impact of one of the biggest environmental changes
in history: the digital revolution. Computers, video games, cell
phones and apps have in the past 20 years profoundly affected
the way teens learn, play and interact. Voluminous information
is available, but the quality varies greatly. The skill of the future
will not be to remember facts but to critically evaluate a vast
expanse of data, to discern signal from noise, to synthesize content and to apply that synthesis to real-world problem solving.
Educators should challenge the adolescent brain with these
tasks, to train its plasticity on the demands of the digital age.
Greater society has some compelling opportunities as well.
For one thing, it could be more focused on harnessing the passion, creativity and skills of the unique adolescent development
period. Society should also realize that the teen years are a turning point for a life of peaceful citizenship, aggression or, in rare
cases, radicalization. Across all cultures, adolescents are the
most vulnerable to being recruited as soldiers and terrorists, as
well as the most likely to be influenced to become teachers and
engineers. Greater understanding of the teen brain could also
help judges and jurors reach decisions in criminal trials.
For teens themselves, the new insights of adolescent neuroscience should encourage them to challenge their brain with the
kinds of skills that they want to excel at for the remainder of
their lives. They have a marvelous opportunity to craft their own
identity and to optimize their brain according to their choosing
for a data-rich future that will be dramatically different from the
present lives of their parents.

The Primal Teen: What the New Discoveries about the Teenage Brain Tell Us
about Our Kids. B arbara Strauch. Doubleday, 2003.
Development of Brain Structural Connectivity between Ages 12 and 30:
A 4-Tesla Diffusion Imaging Study in 439 Adolescents and Adults. Emily L.
Dennis et al. in NeuroImage, Vol. 64, pages 671684; January 1, 2013.
Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence. L aurence
Steinberg. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.

The Myth of the Teen Brain. R obert Epstein; S cientific American Mind, A
 pril/May 2007.
s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE For a review of the effectiveness of punishments for juvenile offenders, see

2015 Scientific American


All the

There Ever Was

Galaxies in every corner of the universe have been
sending out photons, or light particles, since nearly
the beginning of time. Astronomers are now
beginning to read this extragalactic background light
By Alberto Domnguez, Joel R. Primack and Trudy E. Bell

The night sky may look dark, but it is actually filled

with the accumulated light of all the galaxies that
have shone in the universes history.
This extragalactic background light is difficult to
detect because it has spread out throughout the

expanding cosmos and because it is outshone by

brighter nearby sources of light.
Astronomers have finally been able to measure
this light by observing how gamma rays from distant bright galaxies called blazars are dimmed when

38 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

they collide with photons of the extragalactic background light.

Studying the background in this way allows scientists to examine the record of cosmic history that
the light preserves.



June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com39

2015 Scientific American

Why is
the night
sky dark?
After all, if the universe is filled with billions
of galaxies, every one of them swirling with
billions of stars that have been emitting
photons of light for billions of years, why
would the universe not be awash with
light? German astronomer Wilhelm Olbers
pondered that question in the 1820s, and the
riddle became known as Olberss paradox.
By then, astronomers and philosophers had
wondered for centuries why the sky was dark
and what the darkness implied about the
nature of the universe. It turns out that these
scholars were on to something truly profound.
More light is out there than we can easily see. Even from deep
space, far away from the lights of Earth and the stars of the Milky
Way, the sky of intergalactic space is not absolutely black. It
glows with what is called the extragalactic background light
(EBL). The EBL consists of all the photons of light radiated by all
the stars and galaxies that have ever existed, at all wavelengths
from the ultraviolet through the far infrared, during all of cosmic
history to the present. The EBL from distant galaxies is faint because extragalactic space is vast compared with the number of
galaxies that glow (or have ever done so). Because the universe is
expanding, the photons emitted by galaxies over the history of
the cosmos have spread throughout the cavernous volume of
space and become dilute. And because of the expansion, light
from distant galaxies undergoes a redshiftwavelength increases, pushing the light toward the red side of the electromagnetic spectrum, outside the visible realm.
Astronomers have realized for a while that this extragalactic
background light should exist but were unable to measure it accurately. Between 2012 and 2013, for the first time, researchers (including two of us, Domnguez and Primack) were able to unambiguously quantify the extragalactic background light using gamma-ray data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and
ground-based very high energy gamma-ray detectors called atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Intriguingly, because stars contribute most of the EBL either directly as starlight or through heating
dust that radiates at longer wavelengths, the background preserves the memory of star formation at different epochs throughout the history of the universe. Indeed, measurements of the EBL
are allowing us to explore the evolution of galaxies from ancient
times to the present. Eventually it may let us study the very first
generation of galaxies from more than 13 billion years ago, whose
light is too faint to see directly with current telescopes.

Alberto Domnguez is a postdoctoral fellow in the depart

ment of physics and astronomy at Clemson University, where
he studies galaxy evolution and cosmology.
Joel R. Primack is Distinguished Professor Emeritus
of Physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
He is one of the main developers of the modern
theory of cosmology, dark matter and galaxies.

Trudy E. Bell is a former editor of

Scientific American and IEEE Spectrum
and author of a dozen books.


Olberss paradox w
 as primarily a philosophical question until the
1960s, when phenomenal astronomical discoveries across the entire electromagnetic spectrum were transforming cosmology
from speculation to a hard observational science. Researchers
were beginning to discover a menagerie of bizarre galactic and
extragalactic objects. The universe, it was becoming clear, is
filled with a rarefied gas of photons zooming every which way
through extragalactic space. These photons come in many wavelengthsand equivalently, in many energy ranges (shorter
wavelengths correspond to waves with higher frequencies and
thus greater energies; long wavelengths have lower frequencies
and thus smaller energies). That gas includes the EBL, as well as
several other radiation fields seen in all directions. The brightest is the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which originated from the explosive big bang. In 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert
W. Wilson discovered the CMB while at AT&T Bell Laboratories,
for which they received the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics. Another
radiation field, an extragalactic diffuse x-ray background, was
discovered in the 1960s with sounding rockets. In the late 1960s
an orbiting solar observatory found yet another background of
more energetic gamma rays.
The EBLthe cosmic background encompassing the nearultraviolet, visible and infrared wavelengthsis second in energy and intensity to the CMB. Unlike the CMB, however, the EBL
was not produced all at once. Instead it has been growing over
billions of years, beginning with the formation of the first stars
in the first galaxies roughly 200 million years after the big bang.
Indeed, the EBL is still being added to today as new stars are
born and begin to shine.
Directly measuring the EBL by collecting its photons with a
telescope is akin to trying to observe the dim band of the Milky
Way at night from among the brightly lit theaters and skyscrapers
in New York Citys Times Square. The EBL has a lot of competition
at the same visible and infrared wavelengths. Earth is inside an
extremely bright galaxy with billions of stars and immense clouds
of glowing gas that outshine the extragalactic background light.
Even worse for directly measuring the EBL, Earth resides in a
very well-lit solar system: sunlight scattered by all the dust near
Earths orbit around the sun creates the zodiacal lightsometimes so luminous that from a dark site at the right time of year it

40 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

can be mistaken for early dawnthat
shines in similar wavelengths to the EBL.
How could astronomers ever hope to
isolate, capture and identify faint EBL
photons when they are swamped by a
The extragalactic background light ( EBL) includes all the light from all the galaxies
much brighter glow from the solar system
that have ever shined. It began to accumulate when the first stars and galaxies
and Milky Way? They cannot. Groundformed, roughly 200 million years after the big bang, and new galaxies add their
and space-based telescopes have not suclight all the time. Still, because space is so vast (and expanding), this light is dim
ceeded in reliably measuring the EBL di
and diffuse. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is another radiation field
rectly. In 2000 Piero Madau of the Univerthat also pervades the universe. The CMB, however, does not grow with time;
sity of California, Santa Cruz, and Lucia
rather it was formed all at once, about 400,000 years after the big bang.
Pozzetti of the Bologna Astronomical ObCosmic microwave background
servatory added up the light from galaxies
detected by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Extragalactic background light
(Remember, the EBL is a
 ll the light emitted from near-ultraviolet through infrared wavelengths, including all the light
from bright galaxies, which is easy to
measure, plus galaxies too faint for telescopes to see.) But that count did not include faint galaxies or other possible
sources of light, which means it gave only
a lower limit for how bright the EBL could
be at various wavelengths.
In 2011 Domnguez and Primack and
our observational collaborators placed
stronger lower limits on the EBL by adding
up the amount of infrared and visible light
Star formation begins
observed from ground- and space-based
telescopes from nearby galaxies out to
about eight billion years agowhat astronomers call a redshift of 1, a little more than
halfway back in time to the big bang.
(Looking great distances out into space is equivalent to looking from Earth? If scientists could detect this attenuation of gamma
eons back in time because one sees objects as they looked when rays, they reasoned, it might reveal the composition of the EBL.
the light now reaching telescopes first departed on its journey
That question remained purely a matter of theoretical specubillions of years ago, in the case of truly distant galaxies.) We mea- lation until 1992, when nasas EGRET (Energetic Gamma Ray
sured the changing patterns of wavelengths emitted by galaxies at Experiment Telescope) detector onboard the orbiting Compton
different distancesthat is, at various cosmic eras. This method Gamma Ray Observatory discovered the first of a new class of
allowed the best EBL determination yet based on observations. gamma-ray sources that came to be called blazars: galaxies with
We calculated upper and lower estimates for the EBL from even central supermassive black holes emitting gamma rays in strong
more distant, older galaxies at redshifts greater than 1.
jets that happen to be pointed toward Earth like flashlight beams.
To move beyond limits, howeverto truly measure the bright- The gamma rays in such jets have phenomenal energies of bilness of the extragalactic background lightastronomers would lions of electron voltsthat is, giga-electron volts (abbreviated
need to take another tack.
GeV). Indeed, some blazars, such as Markarian 421 (Mrk 421 for
short), are emitting gamma rays at mind-boggling energies as
high as 20 trillion electron volts (TeV), or about 100 million times
As far back as the 1960s, researchers started thinking about look- as much energy as medical x-rays.
ing for the EBL through its interactions with other, more easily
At about 400 million light-years away, the blazar Mrk 421 is
visible, forms of light.
relatively nearby as extragalactic distances go. But finding such a
Photons, it turns out, can collide with other photons. Specifi- powerful gamma-ray source in the 1990s made Primack wonder
cally, high-energy gamma rays may collide with lower-energy whether similar TeV-energy blazars might exist at far greater disphotons, such as visible starlight, and mutually annihilate to cre- tancesand thus be useful for detecting the EBL. Indeed, over
ate an electron and its antiparticle, the positron. Several astrono- the following years other TeV-energy gamma-ray blazars were
mers began to wonder: What might happen if high-energy gam- discovered at increasingly greater distances. And figuring out
ma rays from a distant cosmological source heading toward how to harness blazars to measure the EBL began to occupy
Earth collided with lower-energy EBL photons along the way? Domnguez in 2006, when he started Ph.D. research at the UniWould the EBL photons effectively waylay gamma rays, weaken- versity of Seville in Spain, where he studied blazars with the
ing the apparent brightness of the gamma-ray source as seen MAGIC gamma-ray observatory.

Extragalactic Background Light

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com41

Illustrations by Don Foley

2015 Scientific American


duced b
 efore some of those gamma rays
were absorbed by collisions with EBL photons across billions of light-years of extragalactic space.
The best way of estimating a blazars
The extragalactic background light is difficult to detect
initial output is to combine theoretical
directly because it is fainter than local foregrounds in
models of how blazars workespecially
the solar system and Milky Way. But when gamma rays
how they generate higher-energy gamma
(dashed lines) from distant objects, such as blazars
rayswith telescope observations of blagalaxies with supermassive black holes that emit those
zars lower-energy gamma rays and x-rays,
rayscollide with EBL photons, they can annihilate
which are not absorbed by the EBL as
one another to produce an electron (e-) and its antioften. The high-energy gamma rays in
particle, the positron (e+). Researchers used this fact
many blazars are thought to originate in a
to detect the EBL by measuring how much it dims
process called synchrotron self-Compton
Gamma rays
the blazars gamma rays. These rays cannot be
(SSC) scattering. In the blazar jet, an enerseen from the ground, but they emit a so-called
getic beam of electrons and positrons
Cherenkov cone of observable light when
interacting with magnetic fields emits
they travel through Earths atmosphere.
x-rays. Some of those x-rays are then hit
Between 2012 and 2013 scientists
Compton-scattered is the technical term
marshaled observations from the
by the same energetic electrons, kicking
Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope,
them to much higher energies to become
other nasa spacecraft and several
light photon
gamma rays. The SSC models allow us to
ground-based telescopes of
predict the unattenuated intensity of the
blazars at different distances
high-energy gamma rays by comparing
to measure the EBL.
them with the low-energy gamma-rays we
can observe.
Fermi telescope
Finally, in 2013, Domnguez, Primack,
Justin Finke of the Naval Research Lab
oratory, Francisco Prada of the Institute
of Astrophysics of Andalusia, and three
others collated nearly simultaneous obCherenkov light cone
servations of 15 blazars at different cosmological distances made by half a dozen
nasa spacecraft and several ground-based
telescopes operating at different wavelengths. We compared the Fermi Gammaray Space Telescope findings with the intensity of x-rays from the same blazars
measured by the x-ray satellites Chandra
X-ray Observatory, Swift, the Rossi X-ray
Timing Explorer and XMM-Newton, plus
optical and radio wavelengths measured
Ground telescope array
by ground-based observatories.
By comparing these observations in
various wavelengths with SSC models of
the blazars output, we were able to calIn 2012 Domnguez was among nearly 150 co-authors led by culate the original unattenuated g
 amma-ray brightness emitMarco Ajello, now at Clemson University, who made the first ted at the highest TeV energies by nine of the blazars. We then
measurement of how much blazar light gets absorbed by the compared those calculations with direct measurements by
EBL. The team pored over data from nasas orbiting Fermi Gam- ground-based telescopes of the actual attenuated gamma-ray
ma-ray Space Telescope, analyzing observations of 150 blazars at light received at Earth from those same blazars. Thus, at long
different distances to measure how much their gamma rays were last, we measured the EBL through its imprint on the gamma
attenuated with increasing distancethat is, after traveling rays of various energies received from blazars located at differthrough greater thicknesses of the EBL. The observations ex- ent redshifts.
tended out to a redshift of 1.6, corresponding to light emitted almost 10 billion years ago.
To improve on that measurement, astronomers needed a way The detection of the EBL was one of the toughest measurement
to better understand blazars intrinsic nature and thus to know challenges in observational astronomyperceiving such a faint
how many gamma rays of various energies a blazar actually pro- and diffuse signal required coordinating telescopes and re
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE Watch an animation of a blazar at

2015 Scientific American

SOURCE: NINA MCCURDY AND JOEL R. PRIMACK University of California High-Performance

 ational Autonomous University of Mexico ( b lazar)

Lights Long Journey

searchers around the world to make simultaneous observations of

extremely distant objects. It has given us a powerful new tool for
studying cosmic history. Almost as soon as astronomers realized
that blazars might be useful for studying the EBL, back in the
1990s, Primack and Donn MacMinnthen a brilliant college senior at the University of California, Santa Cruzbegan to explore
whether such measurements might reveal something about the
evolution of galaxies. We still have many basic questions about
galaxy formation, such as how common massive stars were in galaxies at various stages of development, how dust absorbed starlight and reemitted the energy at longer wavelengths, and how the
number of stars that formed in galaxies varied during different epochs in the universe. MacMinn and Primack wondered whether
studying gamma rays from blazars at different distancesgamma
rays that traveled through different amounts of the EBLmight
help answer some of those fundamental questions by providing
windows on different eras of star formation in the universe.
For example, we know that distant galaxies in the early universe look significantly different from nearby galaxies: instead of
being smooth spheroids or magnificent spirals, they are compact
and distorted. Their distorted shapes were partly caused by collisions among these early galaxies because the young universe was
much denser than it is today. The early galaxies also emit much
more of their light at long infrared wavelengths than nearby galaxies do. That fact means that the EBL light created by long-ago
galaxies at great distances has a different wavelength spectrum
than the EBL light emitted by recent galaxies at closer range.
Thus, the pattern of gamma-ray energy absorbed by EBL
photons from great distances out in spacethat is, far back in
timeshould also differ from the pattern of gamma-ray energy
absorbed by EBL photons nearby. Indeed, by 1994 MacMinn
and Primack had done enough preliminary theoretical modeling to assert that the d
 ominant factor influencing the characteristics of the EBL would be the epoch of galaxy formation at
which the photons were emitted. We predicted how the gammaray attenuation by the EBL would have evolved over time based
on several different cosmological assumptions. Eventually we
showed that it would be possible to use measurements of the absorption by EBL photons of gamma rays from TeV sources at different distances to distinguish among competing theories of
galaxy evolution.
Now that we have the first measurements of the EBL from
blazar attenuation, we are starting to dig into our data to build a
picture of star and galaxy formation throughout the cosmic timeline. For example, the wavelength spectrum of our EBL measurements gives a view of what was happening during the peak of
star formationa cosmic high noonbetween eight billion and
12 billion years ago. The EBL spectrum shows two bumps: one
representing ultraviolet and visible light shining from stars and
another, larger bump in longer-wavelength far-infrared light.
This second bump appears to come from dust. We know that exploding stars produce dust (made of heavier elements such as
carbon, oxygen and iron) that envelops and obscures star-forming regions and that during cosmic high noon, dust absorbed
much of the starlight and reradiated it in the infrared. The EBL
gives us a way to study just how common such dust-obscured galaxies (nicknamed DOGs) were during this eraan important
factor in understanding how rocky planets such as Earth formed
because these planets contain large quantities of cosmic dust.


What a satisfying experience, t o realize a dream extending back

more than two decades, where observations from many instruments confirm predictions. Moreover, how exciting it is to explore these new dataindeed, this brand-new cosmological instrumentto begin to discern what the evolution of the EBL reveals about the evolution of the universe.
Future EBL research could likewise tell us about earlier periods in the universes history. If we could extend our observations
of the EBL to include a few additional gamma-ray sources at
higher redshift, astronomers could study how the universe was
reionized (when ultraviolet light from the first stars knocked the
electrons off hydrogen atoms) during the first billion years after
the big bang. That goal is a major motivation for the huge new
international Cherenkov Telescope Array now being designed
with installations in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, which will consist of different instruments tailored to
be sensitive to gamma rays from low to very high energies. And
once we better understand and quantify the EBL, we can subtract its attenuation from the observations of blazars and gamma ray bursts to more fully describe the nature of those exotic
objects themselves.
Meanwhile the EBL intensity measured indirectly by our
gamma-ray attenuation technique is compatible with the EBL
intensity estimated independently from observed galaxies over
earlier cosmic epochs. This agreement means that the light emitted from galaxies at optical and near-infrared wavelengths appears to explain the EBL observations via gamma-ray attenuation, and it helps us close the accounting books.
As observations improve, agreement between these different
types of measurement will either get tighterpowerfully constraining alternative sources of light in the universe (for example, the decay of hypothetical relic particles in the early universe)or else discrepancies will emerge that will point toward
new astrophysical phenomena (for example, exotic hypothetical
particles converting to gamma rays). Better gamma-ray observations should come from continued use of existing facilities and
the planned Cherenkov Telescope Array. Additionally, improved
galaxy observationsincluding from future observatories such as
the James Webb Space Telescope, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and 30-meter-class ground-based telescopeswill help scientists understand galaxy formation better.
We now know the answer to Olberss paradox: the night sky is
not dark; rather it is fi
 lled with the glow of all the galaxies that
ever existed, even if that glow is difficult to detect. And all the
time, supernovae are going off, gas clouds are glowing and new
stars are being born to add their light to the pervading background that fills every cubic inch of the cosmos.


Detection of the Cosmic -ray Horizon from Multiwavelength Observations

of Blazars. A
 . Domnguez et al. in A strophysical Journal, V
 ol. 770, No. 1, Article No. 77;
June 10, 2013. h ttp://

Glow in the Dark. G

 eorge Musser; March 1998.
The Cosmic Reality Check. G
 nther Hasinger and Roberto Gilli; March 2002.
s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com43

2015 Scientific American

44 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

Wajahat Z. Mehal d ivides his time between directing research

programs on inflammation and providing care to patients with
liver disease both at the West Haven Department of Veterans
Affairs Medical Center in Connecticut and at Yale University.



A newly discovered structure in cells underlies

inflammation wherever it occursan insight that
may lead to new treatments for ailments as diverse as
atherosclerosis, Alzheimers and fatty liver disease
By Wajahat Z. Mehal


Redness, swelling, w
 armth and pain
have long been recognized as hallmarks
of inflammation, which can be caused
by infection or tissue damage.

In the past several years s cientists determined that cells produce certain molecular complexes, known as inflammasomes, to launch the process.

Surprisingly, m
 any seemingly unre
lated conditionssuch as Alzheimers,
gout and heart diseaseshare the same

Investigators hope to use this insight

to develop new drugs that will one day
treat a wide range of chronic illnesses
more effectively.

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com45

Illustration by Brian Stauffer

2015 Scientific American

nyone who has ever had a pimple is familiar with the tissue redness,
swelling, warmth and pain that mark an infection. This response,
known as inflammation, has been recognized since ancient times.
But the process, which is often set in motion by cells of the immune
system, can also occur whenever tissue is damagedeven in the ab
sence of a pathogenic organismas, for example, when you stub your
toe or, more seriously, suffer a heart attack. This second condition is
called sterile inflammation, and when it goes awry, it contributes to a wide range of seemingly
unrelated medical conditions, from Alzheimers disease to diabetes to various liver conditions.
Although prolonged inflammation and its role in disease have
been known for decades, research over the past few years has
yielded surprising and important insights into its origins. Among
the most intriguing: inflammation is not an automatic reaction
but requires the active assembly of molecular structures before it
can be launched. Cells involved in inflammation build the struc
turescalled inflammasomesquickly and then quickly disas
semble them, usually within a day of the injury. (Imagine assem
bling a factory in a few minutes when a product is needed and
then breaking it down once the need has passed, and you get the
picture.) Presumably the rapid disassembly helps the body to
avoid excessive damage. Some inflammation is helpful; it kills
pathogens and blocks their spread in the body. But too much can
harm nearby healthy tissues and thus extend any initial injury.
Discovery of the inflammasome is interesting to biologists in
its own right, but it also has profound implications for medicine.
Researchers have learned that disturbances in the assembly and
disassembly cycle can fuel ongoing, destructive inflammation.
Right now many medicines that fight pain and swelling block the
activity of certain proteins that fan the inflammatory flame. But
the new work suggests that medicines able to block creation of the
inflammasome or prompt its breakdown might impede the down
stream production of those problematic proteins and thereby re
duce tissue injury in a wholly new way. Such drugs, alone or in
combination with existing ones, should help fight inflammation
that currently does not respond well to therapy.
Indeed, recent discoveries about how inflammasomes some
times go into overdrive are forcing me and other medical investi
gators to radically change the way we think about human dis
ease. Rather than classifying diseases on the basis of the specific
organs (heart or liver) involved, we are thinking more in terms of
the cellular machinery that may be at fault: so far scientists have
characterized four different versions of inflammasomes, with
more likely to come. One advantage of this change in approach is
that researchers can start testing whether drugs that work for,
say, goutin which one particular inflammasome is activated
may also benefit individuals with heart disease, which is trig
gered by the same inflammasome.

The inflammatory response i s part of the so-called innate branch

of the immune system, typically thought of as the first line of
defense against germs that invade the body. In it, white blood

cells called macrophages or their relatives home to the site and

then spit out proteins that induce the swelling and heat needed
to immobilize and weaken microbes; the secretions also recruit
still more immune cells to the area. (The pus you see in infected
wounds is composed of such white cells.)
For years researchers believed that the innate system initiated
this cascade solely by distinguishing self from nonself. Macro
phages recognize particular molecules that are common to multi
ple pathogens but are not present in people or other vertebrates.
After making contact with these foreign molecules, the macro
phages release the proteins that unleash the rest of the in

flammatory response. The foreign, pathogen-only, nonself mole

cules are colloquially termed stranger signals. Charles Janeway,
Jr., and Ruslan M. Medzhitov, both at Yale University, laid the
groundwork for this research in the late 1980s and mid-1990s.
It eventually became apparent, however, that macrophages
are exquisitely reactive to certain self molecules made by the
body, such as ATP (which serves as a kind of rechargeable chemi
cal battery for cells) and the hereditary substances DNA and
RNA. These molecules are usually locked securely away inside
various compartments of the cell, far from the tentaclelike pro
trusions of any macrophages. But if self molecules spill out into
the spaces between cellswhich might happen when, for exam
ple, you accidentally hit your thumb with a hammerthey be
come detectable by proteins known as the toll-like receptors and
certain other molecules on immune cells. Our body does not take
a chance, and it responds to these danger signals with the as
sumption that strangers (pathogens) are also around; it sets off
the same inflammatory response that is evoked by microbes.
This chain reaction has major consequences, the most impor
tant of which is that the inflammatory response to cellular dam
age can increase the amount of injury in the tissue if it fails to
shut down when it is no longer needed.

Although the broad outline o

 f the inflammatory response was
established more than 15 years ago, excitement started building
in the past decade as investigators uncovered more of the details
about what exactly happens inside a macrophage before it
launches such a powerful defensive reaction. Before then, inves
tigators thought that to get to the bottom of how inflammation
develops they would need to trace hundreds of molecular signals
affecting dozens of different kinds of cells (including macro

46 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American


How to Light a Fire in the Body

Much to researchers surprise, a
 ll cells in the body trigger inflam
mation in much the same wayby building a molecular structure,
called an inflammasome, which spews out compounds called
cytokines. Typically these cytokines provoke a standard, shortlived inflammatory response of redness, swelling, pain and
warmth. But various ailments (such as Alzheimers disease and
gout) may result if an inflammasome remains active for too long

depending on such factors as the amount of cytokines produced

and the reaction in different tissues to those cytokines. Activating
substances include so-called stranger signals (produced by microbes)
and danger signals (produced when the body itself becomes
damaged). The discovery of a common molecular pathway may
allow drug firms to develop new medications for illnesses that
were previously thought to be unrelated.




Tissue injury

Virus Bacteria



Crystal deposition




Uric acid

Saturated fatty acid

1 The inflammation process is initiated when

two different receptors are activated by signal
molecules. A surprisingly large variety of molecular
signals can trigger an inflammasome response.

2 The first signal pathway
revs up the nucleus to create
the precursors necessary
to initiate inflammation.

3 T he second signal pathway assembles

the inflammasome so that it can get to
work activating cytokines, the molecules
ultimately responsible for inflammation.

Signal 2
Signal 1


Inflammasome precursors


Standard immune response




4 Despite the diversity of possible inputs, the output of the

inflammasome factory is the same: cytokines, which switch
on the full inflammatory response. Different diseases are
caused, in part, by the varying amounts of cytokines pro
duced and the responses of particular tissues to them.



Insulin resistance Fatty liver disease

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com47

Illustration by Emily Cooper

2015 Scientific American

phages). By focusing on macrophages, however, they soon real

ized that just a few sequences of molecular interactions, or path
ways, were needed to sound the initial alarm. Moreover, other
cells used those same pathways. With just a few pathways to in
vestigate, researchers hope to develop a handful of medications
that either block the production of inflammasomes altogether or
promote their disassembly in a wide variety of ailments.
So what happens inside macrophages? For starters, any mac
rophages near damaged cells get bathed in broken bits of DNA,
RNA and other danger signals (also known as DAMPs, or dangerassociated molecular patterns). Some of these danger signals bind
to one particular protein on the outer surface of the macrophage
cell, and others lock onto a different substance, whose identity
and location are still being worked out. Once bound, these recep
tors activate one or the other of two different cellular processes:
the first (which researchers call the signal 1 pathway) revs up the
production of certain molecules needed to initiate inflammation,
and the second (the signal 2 pathway) assembles an inflamma
some. The fully formed inflammasome processes
the newly produced inflammatory molecules in a
way that activates them and then, in a process that
researchers have not yet identified, releases them
outside of the macrophage.
Somewhat unexpectedly, the output of an in
flammasome after it gets built is quite limited
no matter whether danger signals or stranger
signals get the ball rolling. Each of the four in
flammatory structures that researchers have so
far described ultimately produces and releases
mainly two substancesspecifically interleukin-1
beta (IL-1) and interleukin-18 (IL-18). These sub
stances, which belong to a group of signaling mol
ecules known as cytokines, had been known to
affect inflammation. But no onebefore the dis
covery of inflammasomesknew how they were
produced. Once these interleukins are released, they spread
throughout the tissue, triggering the production of yet more cy
tokines, which stimulate increased local blood flow, recruitment
of other immune cells and a constellation of changes that col
lectively make up the full inflammatory response.
But more surprises were yet to come. Study after study began
showing that inflammasomes are at the heart of a wide range of
diseases and disorders for which inflammation was thought to
play, at best, a secondary role. Indeed, inflammasomes can be
constructed in all manner of cells, not just macrophages and oth
er immune cells. (For example, certain cells in the intestine build
inflammasomes whose release of cytokines triggers the produc
tion of mucus in response to danger or stranger signals.) In addi
tion, formation of microscopic particles was found to spur a vari
ety of diseases in different parts of the body. As it turned out, one
inflammasome in particular, known as NLRP3, found in many
different cells, appears to be responsible for most of the inflam
mation caused by these depositswhether asbestos in the lungs
(mesothelioma) or uric acid in the joints (gout). In fact, research
now suggests that it is not cholesterol per se but rather the ten
dency of cholesterol to aggregate into crystals in blood vessel
walls under certain circumstances that drives the atherosclerotic
changes in the arteries that result in heart attack and stroke.
Similarly in Alzheimers, the accumulation of the protein com

plex beta-amyloid in the space between the neurons activates the

NLRP3 inflammasome in cells known as microglia, which are
the brains equivalent of macrophages, resulting in the death of
neurons. Thus, a diverse range of substancesuric acid, choles
terol, beta-amyloid, asbestos and othersresults in a spectrum
of diseases that affect different organs and behave in different
ways but all depend on the inflammasome machinery.

The true stunner of the field, in my opinion, however, was the
discovery that eating can trigger an inflammatory response. More
specifically, eating too much in one sitting will trigger an acute
episode of inflammation that eventually resolves itself, and rou
tinely eating so many calories that the body has to store them
as fat triggers chronic inflammation. Biologists had little reason
to suspect such a relation. After all, nutrients are not bacteriaspecific molecules or particulates, nor are they sequestered in
side cells (which would make them obvious candidates for dan

The differences between

diseases are caused by
the type of initiating signal
as well as the site of
inflammasome activation
and its duration.
ger signals). And yet several studies conducted in the past few
years in animals have determined that certain nutrients, such as
saturated fatty acids (found in meat and cheese and also manu
factured by our body), can in high amounts act as danger signals
and directly activate the NLRP3 inflammasome in macrophages
and other cells. This finding has opened up a whole new area of
research looking at the effects of specific metabolites (products
of digestion) on inflammasome activity. For example, investiga
tors have learned that consuming too many carbohydrates or
other nutrients causes inflammation indirectly; the body must
first convert the excess into fatty acid molecules.
Although many organs are affected by inflammation related
to overeating, the strongest response has been seen in the liver,
probably in part because that organ takes up a lot of fatty acids.
In addition, the healthy liver contains many immune cells that
are primed to undergo activation and can induce liver injury
even after a mild stimulus. Together these processes can result
in the liver becoming swollen and inflamed, resulting in what
physicians call fatty liver disease. Though reversible, this con
dition is often indistinguishable from what is frequently seen
in the liver of people who drink a lot of alcohol. (For reasons that
are not entirely understood, fatty liver disease may sometimes
progress to cirrhosiswhich is a potentially fatal condition.)
That finding is disturbing enough, but adding to the concern

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2015 Scientific American

is the realization that as much as a third of obese children now

have fatty liver disease. This pattern raises the possibility that at
least some of them will fall ill with cirrhosis in early adulthood. It
is as though large numbers of preteens were suffering from alco
holic liver disease, except the offending agent is excess calories,
not alcohol. If, as animal research suggests, the NLRP3 inflamma
some mediates the food-related inflammation, then it seems like
ly that a treatment able to prevent construction of the inflamma
some could limit liver inflammation and injury in people who are
overweight or obese. In support of this idea, researchers have
shown that obese mice lacking inflammasome components have
a healthier liveralthough they are prone to infection.
Given that overnutrition can cause inflammation, my col
leagues and I at Yale University decided to pursue the reverse
question: whether undernutrition results in metabolites that can
reduce inflammasome activation. The anti-inflammatory effects
of fasting and exercise are well known, so we examined two mole
cules that are increased throughout the body during these states:
beta-hydroxybutyrate and lactic acid. We found that the mole
cules interact with particular, distinct receptors on macrophages;
together these interactions initiate a series of biochemical re
actions in the cells that ultimately turn off the genes involved in
triggering inflammasome production. Our next challenge is to
figure how to harness these moderating pathways to deactivate
inflammation in various diseases.

The first step in learning how to disarm the inflammasome is to

figure out how the body does it naturallya process that normal
ly kicks in 18 to 24 hours after an inflammasome is constructed.
At the same time, researchers hope to decipher the molecular
pathways that allow inflammasomes to function longer than they
should during various ailments. That knowledge should suggest
ways to shut down abnormally persistent inflammasomes.
For example, studies indicate that all the known danger sig
nalswhether they trip the signal 1 or signal 2 pathwayresult in
a limited burst of inflammation even if the danger signals persist
in the intercellular environment. After a while, immune cells sim
ply stop responding to the long-term presence of the pathway 1
signals (the ones that rev up production) in a process called tol
erance. In contrast, the pathway 2 danger signals (the ones that
trigger the production of the inflammasome itself) induce the
death of immune cells if they stick around too long. The result in
either case is the shutting down of the inflammatory process.
Clearly then, additional signals are required to keep an in
flammasome activated for a long time, as occurs in diabetes and
fatty liver disease. My group, in collaboration with others, has
determined that adenosinea substance that is produced by the
body whenever it breaks down ATP molecules for energy
seems to delay the dismantling of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
Ironically, adenosine has long been considered an anti-inflam
matory molecule because it counteracts later products of the in
flammatory process.

The discoveries outlined t hroughout this article have profound

ly changed the way we view inflammation. In addition to un
derstanding the individual steps, researchers now generally agree
that many different stimulistranger signals, danger signals and

even many of the normal breakdown products of foodconverge

on a single inflammatory factory (the inflammasome), which
has relatively few outputs. The differences between diseases are
caused by the type of the initiating signal, as well as the site of
inflammasome activation and its duration. For example, uric
acid crystals in joints trigger episodes of acute inflammation
(gout), which resolve despite persistence of the crystals (at least
until the next flare-up), but silica crystals in the lung result in
chronic inflammation, followed by scarring.
This new information provides possible molecular targets
against which pharmaceutical companies can try to develop new
drugs. Such therapies are directed toward blocking the inflam
masome at different steps in its construction, including the bind
ing of danger signals to their receptors. Several companies have
already begun experiments with different compounds that work
directly on the inflammasome. But it will likely take at least a
decade before these potential drug candidates can be fully tested
and determined to be safe and effective.
In the meantime, many researchers have begun trying out
treatments that are already effective (and have been approved by
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for one disease on indi
viduals with different diseases that share the same i nflammasome.
For example, because the drug anakinra, which has long been used
to treat rheumatoid arthritis, blocks the receptor to which IL-1
binds after it leaves the inflammasome, the medication is now
being tested in a wide range of NLRP3-driven diseases, including
a few rare but debilitating inflammatory syndromes in children.
My group is also investigating whether the common drug di
goxin, which is used to treat certain heartbeat disorders, might
decrease inflammation in neurological disorders such as Alz
heimers. Other researchers recently demonstrated that digoxin
inhibits a molecule called HIF-1. My group at Yale then deter
mined that HIF-1 is required for sustained activation of the
NLRP3 inflammasome. Because NLRP3 appears to be active in
the brain of Alzheimers patients, our combined results suggest
that digoxin might be a potential Alzheimers treatment
although much further study is needed. Too much digoxin has
been shown to cause confusion and other symptoms that mimic
dementia, and it can have other side effects as well.
The past few years have seen an explosion of research into the
basic biology of the inflammasome. The next few years will pro
duce insights and possibly new therapies in ways that cannot be
entirely predicted. But the rich and complex organization of this
astonishing cellular factory makes it clear that tackling inflam
mation at its source could relieve more of the suffering and dis
ability that currently makes life so difficult for so many people.

The Inflammasomes. Kate Schroder and Jurg Tschopp in Cell, V

 ol. 140, No. 6,
pages 821832; March 19, 2010. w
Inflammasomes in Health and Disease. T ill Strowig et al. in N
 ature, V
 ol. 481,
pages 278286; January 19, 2012.
Inflammasome Biology in Fibrogenesis. X
 inshou Ouyang, Ayaz Ghani and
Wajahat Z. Mehal in B iochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)Molecular Basis of Disease.
Vol. 1832, No. 7, pages 979988; July 2013.

A Malignant Flame. G
 ary Stix; July 2007.
s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com49

2015 Scientific American

50 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American


In a wide variety
of species, who befriends
whom strongly influences
how individuals and the
larger group behave
By Lee Alan Dugatkin and
Matthew Hasenjager


Like we humans, m
 embers of many animal species spend
their lives in complex social networks that influence their
and the groups behavior.
Researchers are using t echniques developed for the study
of human social networks to analyze these animal systems.
The structures of animal networks c an play a large part
in mating opportunities, the spread of disease and infor
mation, and the teaching of survival skills.
Analyses of these networks show that certain individuals
play outsize roles in maintaining the overall well-being
of the community.

o much of our life is influenced by who

is in our social networks: we rely
on extended families, friends
of friends of friends, co-workers
and their connections to gain
intelligence on everything from
what books to read to how to vote
to which jobs to pursue. But we are
by no means alone in this reliance: social
networks also affect the daily experiences and,
indeed, survival of individuals in many animal
species. That chimpanzees and other primates
have complex social lives has been well known
for decades. More recent studies have revealed
that the actions of single birds, dolphins and
other creatures make complete sense only in
their social context. These findings could affect
everything from conservation efforts to under
standing our own social networks.

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com51

Illustration by Mark Allen Miller

2015 Scientific American

And the research on animalswhich often uses techniques

developed to study human group behaviormay provide feedback to inform further investigations by us and about us.

It took both time a nd new ways of thinking for students of animal behaviorethologiststo realize just how important social
networks can be in the animal kingdom.
In the 1930s future Nobel laureate Konrad Lorenz published
his now famous studies describing imprinting in geesethe
instinctive emotional attachment of a newborn to the first caretakers it encounters during a critical period in development.
Soon the idea that most creatures are basically robots, engaging
in hardwired, programmed behavior (that is, under the control
of genes) became dogma.
Quickly, however, researchers realized that external factors
interacted with the underlying genetic programming. Nature
(genes) plus nurture (environment) drove animal behavior. Al
though that statement may seem comprehensive, it is actually
not terribly usefulnature plus nurture includes virtually every
possible influence one can imagine.
Investigators thus began to examine how trial-and-error
learning also shaped behavior. Along with the observations of
field researchers, these studies forced the recognition that animals were much smarter than we gave them credit for: chimps
and crows make and use tools; parrots solve problems using
logic; elephants disable electric fences by dropping large rocks
on them. In the course of studying such obvious intelligence, re
searchers also began to observe that some animals in groups
learned behaviors by copying their group mates. And a particular group member might notice that it was being watched by
others trying to glean information.
Of course, as physicists know, once you get beyond a twobody problem, things can get exceedingly complicated. Early
attempts to study the ways that individuals in a social group
interact thus tended to concentrate on interplay involving two
or three individuals. Scores of studies focused on an animal
copying the mate choice of another, on a group member spying
on the fighting abilities of a potential competitor or on a
scrounger stealing food from a more productive group member.
But the more that ethologists studied such behavior, the more
they realized that these interactions among a few individuals
were just a hint of the intricate set of relationships among all
the members of a group.
What was needed for a fuller understanding of the social
life of animals was the recognition that many animals, just like
we humans, are embedded within complex social networks
the relationships that connect each individual to every other
group member.

Lee Alan Dugatkin is a professor of biology at the University

of Louisville, with some 150 journal articles to his credit, as well
as the popular books The Altruism Equation: Seven Scientists
Search for the Origins of Goodness and Mr. Jefferson and the
Giant Moose: Natural History in Early America.
Matthew Hasenjager is a doctoral candidate in
Dugatkins laboratory. His dissertation examines
animal social networks.

as might be found in a troop of baboons, where individuals are

embedded in multiple overlapping affiliations (such as mating,
dominance or grooming networks) that can influence group
members both directly and indirectly. Networks can change frequently: members may come or go, and individuals can change
their position and connections in response to disease, acquisition of knowledge and previous interactions.
In both simple and complex animal societies, interactions
among network members have important implications for survival and reproduction. Accuracy of information about food,
predators and mates, as well as the speed at which that information travels in a group, depends on a social networks structure.
Who plays with, fights with or helps whom also depends on network structure. And diseases and parasites can be transmitted
from one individual to another, without the two ever meeting,
by passing the pathogen through intermediates.
As part of their overall assessments, researchers specifi
cally identify several features of animal networks: the keystone individuals (those that have many connections and
whose removal disrupts the social network); nodes (any individual that is included within the network); density of the network (a ratio of the number of actual ties to the number of all
possible ties); degree (the number of ties between each individual and all others); reach (the number of friends of the
friends of an individual); and centrality (the percentage of all
connections among individuals that include a given individual). For example, most people in the U.S. have low centrality at
the scale of country, but with almost everyone aware of the
president and connected to him by their local officials, his centrality approaches 100 percent.
To get a feel for how social networks operate in natureand
how they may be the key driver of the ways that everyone in
the group ultimately behaveslet us peek into the not so private lives of three nonhuman species that have been examined
in this way.



Modern application o
 f this approach began in earnest about
15 years ago, when ethologists started to freely adopt methods
long used by social scientists for the study of human social networksfirst in workplaces or neighborhoods, later in virtual
communities such as Facebook and Twitter.
Social networks in animals range from simple associations
involving only a few individuals, such as a loose shoal of fish
traveling together, to far more complicated configurations, such

Pig-tailed macaques (M

 acaca nemestrina) create multiple networks, such as ones composed of playmates or grooming partners. Networks differ in size, and a monkey might have different
favorite partners in different networks. A particular macaque
may also play a stronger role in one network than in another.
But the various networks share a common feature: they operate
under the watchful eye of a few authority figures that keep the
peace. These macaque police, some of the groups highest-rank-

52 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

ing males, spend time and energy breaking up fights between

other individuals in their social networks.
Jessica Flack of the Sante Fe Institute and her colleagues (in
cluding renowned Emory University primatologist Frans de
Waal) studied the role of the police in a troop of 84 macaques at
the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory in the
early to mid-2000s. Geneticists often decipher the role of a single gene in a cell or an organism by disabling the gene and ob
serving the consequences of its absence. Flacks team adapted
this knockout approach to the macaques by removing three
policing males. They then watched and waited.
The loss of a low-ranking group member did little to the
social networks. But as might be expected, the absence of police
led to increased aggression and decreased reconciliation after
fights in the population. Less predictably, without the police

to swim freely in their environmentmight severely disrupt the

killer whale social network and weaken the prospects for survival of the entire group. This understanding could, at the very
least, inform policies to minimize the impact of our actions on
these amazing creatures.

Wild populations of birds in their natural habitats have also

been the subject of social network analyses. One such species is
Central Americas long-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia linearis).
Males are strikingly handsome, distinguished by their indigo
feathers, red cap and, as the name indicates, long, thin tails.
Find the right pair of males together on a perch, and a birdwatcher can witness one sweet song-and-dance routine. Female
manakins watch, too, assessing these performances when se

MARIE READ Science Source (birds); JOE MCDONALD Getty Images (monkeys); STEPHEN FRINK Getty Images (dolphins)

SOCIAL NETWORK s trength and reach influence everything from mating chances in long-tailed manakins (left), to grooming
in macaques (center), to the propensity of some bottlenose dolphins (right) in Brazil to work with human fishers to catch mullet.

present, the play and grooming networks also underwent complex restructuring.
With police gone, for instance, group members played with
and groomed fewer partners; that is, the degree of their play
and grooming networks decreased. And the reach of the re
maining monkeysthe number of friends of the friends of an
individualwent down in those networks. At the same time, the
cohesion of the entire society weakened; the population underwent a kind of balkanization, dividing into smaller, more homogeneous groups that rarely interacted with outsiders. These
observations led Flack and her colleagues to hypothesize that
the presence of police allowed for a healthier and denser network, where members had more and friendlier contacts with
larger numbers of their fellows.
This kind of knockout experiment, which revealed that some
individuals in a network are especially valuable to its structure,
suggests that an understanding of animal social networks may
be important to conservation biology. Take the case of killer
whales (Orcinus orca). Individual juvenile females and clusters
of related females appear to be key hubs for the transmission of
information about foraging opportunities and other aspects of
life in the sea. Anything people do that disturbs such individuals
or group information hubsfrom hunting to polluting the
oceans to constructing barriers that impede the ability of whales

lecting mates. For males, the chance to perform mattersa lot.

Unfortunately for them, competition for the chance at a spot in
a duet is high and often quite aggressive.
David McDonald of the University of Wyoming spent more
than 10years in Costa Rica, totaling 9,288 hours observing the
birds. He discovered, using social network analysis techniques,
that it is males with a high degree of connectedness during
their early lives that get the privilege of performing at this avian open-mic night.
Like any dance battle, it is all quite complicated, but what
happens is something like this: Clusters of eight to 15 males
spend their time in perch zones, areas that contain one to
several perches, where the birds will ultimately perform. Any
male in a cluster can practice singing and dancing on a perch
outside the breeding season (late February to early September)
or even during the breeding season as long as females are
nowhere around. But with females present during the breeding
season, only the two highest-ranking maleslabeled alpha and
betacan sing and dance on perches. The competing performers actually become a team to aggressively dismiss all other
males from the area.
The alpha male wins almost all matings in a perch zone. The
payoff for the beta male is succession to the coveted top position
once the reigning alpha male dies. This system creates a huge

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com53

2015 Scientific American


Dolphins and Humans Team Up to Bag Fish

Somebut only somemembers of a community of dolphins
in the Laguna region of southern Brazil formed a unique alliance
with local artisanal fishers attempting to net mullet. The dolphins
formed three cliques. All members of clique1 (green) were coop
erative (indicated by circles) with the fishers and highly interactive
(lines joining individuals) with one another. Clique2 (purple) mem
bers interacted less with one another than did clique1 animals and
within cliques
(dark gray)

had no contact with fishers (indicated by squares). Clique3 (orange)

dolphins were also uninterested in the fishers, with the notable
exception of one member, known as dolphin20 (orange circle).
This individual aided the humans and liaised between its clique and
the cooperative clique 1and may yet teach clique 3 to work with
humans. The collaboration of dolphins with fishers is known to
enhance dolphin foraging success and human catch size.

Interactions between cliques (light gray)

Clique 1
Clique 2
Clique 3


Dolphin 20

benefit for both alpha and beta males, one that all males want
but that few get.
As young males mature between ages one and six, they
often move between perch zones, establishing relationships
with many other males. The average age of a successful breeding male is 10 years, meaning that any given male has many
other males in his social network as he matures. In his nearly
10,000 hours of fieldwork, McDonald tracked which males
interacted with one another each year for more than 10 years.
He built a social network map from his data to see if the structure of the network would reveal which males ended up as successful duet singers.
His network metrics took account of both short pathways
that connected one individual directly to another and indirect
pathways that could include interactions between birds several
links removed from the first individual. (I dont know Bert personally, but I know Kermit, who knows Ernie, who knows Bert.)
McDonald ultimately determined that centrality was the secret:
central males were much more likely than less well-connected

ones to rise up in the breeding hierarchy, sometimes achieving

the alpha and beta statuses that would allow them onstage to
sing and dance their way into females hearts.
It is important to note at this point that this kind of research
identifies network structures and associates such structures
with observed behavior. A direct causal connection between
the structure and behavior is assumedbut not proved. Conceivably, alpha and beta males, rather than gaining power
because of their many connections, could have gained many
connections because of some features that made them popular
among their peers.

As we previously mentioned, many tools of social network theory were imported from the social sciences. It is unsurprising,
then, that some of the first subjects of detailed nonhuman
social network analysis were bottlenose dolphins, already recognized as big-brained, intelligent, highly social animals, like
us (on our good days).

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2015 Scientific American

Graphic by Jen Christiansen


Cooperative with shers

Noncooperative with shers

In the late 1990s then graduate student David Lusseau fell in

love with the common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
of Doubtful Sound, a gorgeous fjord in southern New Zealand,
more than 200 miles west of the University of Otago, where Lusseau, now at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, was working on his doctoral dissertation. For seven years Lusseau tracked
these beautiful animals. One of his tools was photography,
which helped him methodically identify the natural markings
on each of the 64dolphins in Doubtful Sound and to better follow those individuals.
After observing more than 1,000 pods of various sizes that
contained subsets of these 64animals, Lusseau determined that
the dolphins were part of one large social network linking virtually all of them. Furthermore, he found that individual dolphins
clearly preferred the company of only some other specific group
members. But he could not put his finger on why. What did dolphin networking accomplish, and what manner of information
or benefits might be shared among associates?
To investigate those questions further, Lusseau joined forces with Paulo C. Simes-Lopes of the Laboratory of Aquatic
Mammals at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil.
They studied a population of 55bottlenose dolphins that were
living on the other side of the planet and engaging in a unique
behavior that Simes-Lopes had identified a few years earliera mutually beneficial interaction with the local artisan
fishers (Homo sapiens).
Each spring, from April to June, fishers in the Laguna region
of Brazil use a technique introduced to the area by settlers from
Portugals Azores more than 200 years ago. They cast long nets
into the water to catch schools of mullet (Mugil platanus) mi
grating from the cooler waters off of Argentina. In recent years
they have received help: somebut only someof the bottlenose dolphins in the lagoons actually herd schools of mullet
toward the fishers. At the right time, the dolphins slap the water
with their head or tail. The slaps tell their human partners
when and where to cast their nets. The upshot of this remarkable interplay is that both species of mammals catch more fish
than they otherwise would.
Lusseaus previous experience made him consider social
network analysis as a way to scrutinize the details of this rather
incredible behavior. From September 2007 to September 2009,
Lusseau, Simes-Lopes and some of their colleagues went out
on boats in the lagoon system, dolphin photographs in hand,
and gathered data on which dolphins were swimming together.
The research team was able to collect reliable data on 35of the
55individuals in this population. Even this incomplete data set
made it clear that these dolphins had established a highly
structured social network.
A statistical analysis found that the Laguna dolphins could
be subdivided into three cliques within which individuals spent
most of their time. Although all the dolphins in any one clique
had some tenuous interactions with the dolphins of the other
cliques, animals within these cliques tended to swim together
and interact mostly with the other individuals in their clique.
Such close-knit associations could serve to facilitate information transmission among members.
Clique1 consisted of 15dolphins, every one of which cooperated with the local fishers. This clique was highly interconnected, with all its dolphins often associating with one another, both

during the autumn mullet fishing season and during the re

mainder of the year. Information flow was therefore easy. Not
surprisingly, clique 1 benefited from its relationship with the
fishers, whereas the other cliques lost out on this opportunity.
Cliques 2 and 3 differed greatly from clique 1. None of the
dozen dolphins that formed clique 2 cooperated with the fishers. And although clique 2 dolphins were often found together,
both in and out of fishing season, their social relationships were
weaker than those seen for individuals in clique 1.
Of the eight clique3 animals, seven did not cooperate with fishersbut one dolphin, labeled 20did. And of all the dolphins in
the Laguna population, dolphin 20 spent the most time interacting across cliques. It appears that dolphin 20 acted as a liaison
between its clique and cooperative clique 1 [see box on opposite
page]. Determining the influence of such liaisons in highly complex networks should be a fertile area for future study. The findings already suggest, though, that having a tight network, as
clique1 did, can help animals overcome challenges that individuals cannot solve alonein this case, devising a way to communicate effectively with members of another species: human fishers.
The researchers do not yet know whether some key clique 1
individualsperhaps older, experienced dolphinsteach other
group members how to cooperate with the fishers. But given
that teaching has been found for other complex feeding behaviors observed in dolphins, it would not be surprising to find similar instruction going on here. Indeed, such socially learned traditions form the basis of animal culture and are strongly
facilitated by social networks.
Attitudes toward animals have evolved greatly since the early conception of them as robots mindlessly carrying out genetic
programs. Ethologists now know that many animals are much
smarter, more behaviorally flexible and better able to learn than
the pioneers of the field could have dreamed. We anticipate that
more studies of social networks, along with greater exposure to
those studies, will further change the way that people think
about animals. Hardly preprogrammed automatons, many nonhuman creatures spend their lives, as we do, within a complex
social milieuin networks where both direct and indirect interactions with other individuals drive so much of what matters to
survival and success.


Monkey Police Provide Social Stability. D

 avid Biello in
Published online January 26, 2006.
Policing Stabilizes Construction of Social Niches in Primates. J essica C. Flack et al.
in N
 ature, V
 ol. 439, pages 426429; January 26, 2006.
The Structure of a Bottlenose Dolphin Society Is Coupled to a Unique Foraging
Cooperation with Artisanal Fishermen. F . G. Daura-Jorge et al. in Biology Letters,
Vol. 8, No. 5, pages 702705; October 23, 2012.
Herd Composition, Kinship and Fission-Fusion Social Dynamics among Wild
Giraffe. F red B. Bercovitch and Philip S. M. Berry in African Journal of Ecology, V
 ol. 51,
No. 2, pages 206216; June 2013.
Structure of Male Cooperation Networks at Long-Tailed Manakin Leks. A
 ndrew J.
Edelman and David B. McDonald in Animal Behavior, V
 ol. 97, pages 125133;
November 2014.

The Omnivorous Chimpanzee. G

 eza Teleki; January 1973.
s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com55

2015 Scientific American


Is nasas Space Launch System a flying piece of congressional

56 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American



pork or our best shot at getting humans to deep space?

By David H. Freedman


engines powered the space shuttle,
and soon they will power nasas
next deep-space exploration vehicle,
the Space Launch System (SLS).

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com57

Photographs by Jeff Wilson

2015 Scientific American

David H. Freedman is a contributing editor at

The Atlantic and author of five books, most recently
Wrong, which is about problems with the published
findings of medical scientists and other experts.

Deep inside
a giant but
little known
nasa facility,

crews have for years been staging

elaborately faked space missions.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
It is the sad tale of nasas Michoud
Assembly Facility, the sprawling
New Orleans complex where the
space agency had for decades built
its biggest rockets.
After the space shuttles last flight
in 2011, Michouds massive hangar
like facilities were rented out to
Hollywood studios, housing some
of the production for E
 nders Game
and other science-fiction movies.
But lately a growing cadre of nasa engineers and other
workers have been engaged on an important new production
herea sequel to the agencys greatest days of human space

flight. Michoud is back in the rocket-making business, serving

as a factory for the biggest, most ambitious space vehicle ever
to undergo construction: the Space Launch System, often
called by its acronym, SLS.
The SLS is the rocket in which nasa hopes to thunder a crew
of astronauts skyward from Cape Canaveral, Fla., for roughly a
years journey to the surface of Mars while hauling the living
quarters, vehicles and supplies they will need to spend at least


After the cancellation o f the Constellation program,

NASAs successor to the space shuttle, the U.S. decided
to rely on private contractors for access to low-Earth orbit while building its own rocketthe Space Launch
System (SLS)to get crew and cargo to deep space.

Based on shuttle components and backed most enthusiastically by politicians with home districts that
would benefit, the SLS has been called a rocket to
nowhere, a congressional jobs program with no mission and little chance of actually flying.

58 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

Yet so far the SLS is on time and on budget. Mission

planning is under way, with a first flight scheduled for
2018. Like any multidecade program, the SLSs survival depends on future politicsbut could this piece
of flying pork be our best shot at getting to Mars?


e ngineers at the nasa Stennis Space
Center in Mississippi (left) will test-fire
the 212-foot-tall core stage of the SLS.

a few weeks shuffling through the rusty dust there. That mis
sion is still about 25 years away. But between now and then, the
SLS could carry people to Earths moon and an asteroid and
send a probe to search for life on Europa, one of Jupiters
moons. It is an interplanetarily groundbreaking project, one of
the most audacious nasa has ever undertaken.
Why, then, do so many people seem to hate it?

After the giddy triumph of the Apollo moon exploration pro
gram in the 1960s and early 1970s, the space shuttle was sup
posed to make Earth-orbit access relatively cheap and rou
tine. Instead the shuttle averaged more than $1 billion a trip,
flew only a few times a year and was twice afflicted by catastro
phe. In 2004, a year after the C
 olumbia d
 isintegrated on reentry,
killing seven people, President George W. Bush charged nasa
with replacing the shuttle with a more Apollo-like program that

would bring us back to the moon and

then to Mars. The resulting effort, called
Constellation, led to the design of two
new Ares rockets, a crew launch vehicle
and a giant, Saturn Vlike version intend
ed to haul cargo. But by 2011, after having
burned through some $9 billion, all Con
stellation had produced was an O
crew capsule that was being constructed
by Lockheed Martin and a rocket that
had been launched once as a test. Presi
dent Barack Obama canceled the pro
gram, directing nasa to refocus its energy
on a mission to an asteroid. The agency
was to turn to the private sector for an
orbital ferry service to get cargo and crew
to the International Space Station (ISS).
Still, many in Congress pushed hard
to continue the quest for a new heavy-lift
rocket capable of getting humans to the
moon and Mars. The resulting compro
mise was the SLS, a single big rocket for
both crew and cargo that would eschew
much of the new technology planned for
Ares and instead rely on space shuttle
engines, boosters and tanks for most of
its kick. The SLS was Ares on the cheap.
From the beginning, the SLS has been
dogged by the perception that Congress
cooked it up to protect jobs at nasa and
its major contractors. This vehicle has
the distinction of being the first rocket
designed by a committee of politicians
rather than by scientists and engineers, wrote the editors of the
Economist last December. Some critics deride the SLS as the
Pork Rocket or Senate Launch System. Southern senators
whose states are home to large nasa or contractor facilities have
indeed been the SLSs loudest proponents in Congress. Support
ers include, for example, Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama
some 6,000 people are employed at the nasa Marshall Space
Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., where the SLS is managedand
Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, home to nasas Michoud facil
ity, where SLS core-stage prime contractor Boeing is deploying
many of the 1,500 people it already has working on the program.
And a big programand rocketit is. The SLS will initially
have a bottom core stage powered by four RS-25 space shuttle
engines that use standard liquid hydrogen and oxygen fuel.
Attached to each side of the core stage will be solid rocket boost
ers, which provide the extra push needed to get the heavy rocket
airborne [see illustration on next page]. A second stage, atop the

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com59

2015 Scientific American

first, will take over at an altitude of about 50 kilometers to push

the rocket into orbit, and the Orion crew capsule will sit on top
of the entire structure. At 98 meters, the rocket will be slightly
shorter but more powerful than a Saturn V, which powered
every manned mission to the moon, and will carry three times
the payload of the shuttle. None of the components are designed
to be reusable. Over the next decade, SLS upgrades will include
more powerful engines and boosters. The eventual Mars-capa
ble SLS would get even more power in its upper stage, giving it
twice the thrust of the first version.
Critics charge that by specifying that the SLS rely on shuttle
components, Congress ensured that the shuttles big aerospace
contractors would profit. Once again, Boeing is making out
like a bandit, says Peter Wilson, senior defense research ana
lyst at RAND Corporation. Others contend that the shuttlerecycling approach will leave the SLS a troubled Franken-rock
et with stitched-together parts from a dead program. The use of
the shuttle boosters has already led to a problem with gaps in
heat insulation, for example.
Estimates of the SLSs final cost vary wildly. nasa has public
ly projected that it will take $18 billion to get the SLS to first

launch$10 billion for the rocket itself, $6 billion for the Orion
crew capsule and $2 billion to get Cape Canaveral fitted to han
dle SLS launches. (Incidentally, Senator Bill Nelson of Florida is
another big supporter of the SLS.) But a leaked internal study
came up with a cost of more than $60 billion over the next
10 years. Others predict that delivering a crew to Mars will cost
up to $1 trillion. nasas stated target is $500 million per launch,
but others have put it as high as $14 billion when all program
costs are figured in.
Critics insist that the government and public will never back
their enthusiasm for space exploration with the many hundreds
of billions of dollars the SLSs grandest missions will require.
Several analyses, including one internal study performed by
nasa, have suggested that we can get to deep space and Mars
without a heavy-lift rocket. It might be cheaper, some argue, to
rely on smaller rockets akin to the Delta IV, used for about a
decade to launch satellites, to heft into low-Earth orbit the fuel,
components and materials needed to construct deep-space vehi
cles and then build the big craft there. And if it turns out we do
need a giant rocket, many say, why not turn the job over to socalled new space? SpaceX, the company founded by Silicon Val


Once and Future

For decades after the Saturn V rockets
last launch in 1973, nasa opted to build
smaller, lighter vehicles incapable of
sending humans to deep space. Now,
though, with Mars in its sights, nasa
is building the Space Launch System
(yellow), a series of human-rated rockets
with greater thrust than even Saturn V.

Saturn V
First flight: 1967

Space shuttle
First flight: 1981

Delta IV heavy
First flight: 2004

Ares I

Ares V
Canceled 2010

60 Scientific American, June 2015

Falcon heavy
SLS 70t
In development (crew configuration)
In development

SLS 130t
(crew configuration)
In development

Illustration by George Retseck

2015 Scientific American

BARREL SEGMENTS s tacked and welded together to form a tall cylinder will serve as the shell of the SLSs core stage. Inside
that shell, a tank each of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen will carry the rockets fuel. At nasas Michoud Assembly Facility,
engineers are now producing confidence barrels to test the strength of the components.

ley icon Elon Musk, has already won orbital ferry contracts with
nasa using its well-regarded Falcon 9 rockets. The SLS is only
adding small incremental improvements to technology devel
oped 40 years ago, says James Pura, president of the Space Fron
tier Foundation, an advocacy group dedicated to advancing
space exploration. nasa ought to tell private industry what sort
of payload it wants to get into deep space, offer a set amount of
money for the job and let companies like SpaceX build it.
SpaceX is developing a 27-engine, SLS-class heavy-lift rocket and
is working on new, more powerful engines that, if successful,
would allow that rocket to outpull even the largest envisioned
SLS. And SpaceX is designing all its major components to be
reusable; the SLS, in contrast, is entirely disposable.
Despite these objections, SLS mission planning is under
way. A 2018 first flight will send a crewless SLS and Orion o
well past the moon, and a second, not yet formally scheduled
flight will do much the same with a crew perhaps a few years
later, taking humans farther from Earth than ever before. What
happens after that will ultimately be up to Congress and a new
president, but right now a crewed asteroid visit is tentatively
planned for the mid-2020s, with a human mission to Mars to
follow in the 2030s.

NASA tests its biggest rockets at Stennis Space Center, which lies
in a web of lakes, rivers, bayous and canals near the southernmost
tip of Mississippi. As we gear up in hard hats and safety vests, Tom
Byrd, who until his retirement in January was a nasa deputy

manager here, tells me there are three reasons for the centers
proximity to water: the activities at Stennis require access to
large barges, to marine construction expertise and to a ready
way to cool giant slabs of metal exposed to temperatures
approaching those found on the surface of the sun.
Each test stand here is a huge metal-and-concrete structure
that looks something like a cross-sectional slab taken from the
middle of a mega ocean freighter. We climb up through one of
the stands, and along the way I am shown a control room that
would not look out of place in a circa 1950s Soviet power plant
mostly steam gauges and big, clunky dials. I ask why they have
not been upgraded to digital panels. The answer is one that will
prove to be a sort of mantra for the SLS program: it has taken
decades to get this stuff to work well despite unfathomable forc
es and innumerable glitches, so why mess with it?
From the top of the stand, however, I can see that Stennis is
actually awash in upgrades. Canals and roads are being reworked
to handle larger loads, and the test stands themselves are getting
renovations and reinforcements because the SLS is going to sub
ject them to greater stresses than any previous rocket. The forc
es generated here are bigger than during actual launches because
a rocket in the test stand cant escape its own plume, explains
Byrd. Throughout an approximately nine-minute test-firing,
thousands of nozzles will shoot high-pressure jets of water at the
stands wallsnot for cooling but to tamp down ferocious vibra
tions that could otherwise rip the stand apart. Even before the
SLS, no private structure was allowed within 13 kilometers of the
stands because the sound waves alone from a test could shake it

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com61

2015 Scientific American


 t Michoud, engineers pump water into the liquid-oxygen tank to check for leaks. In the fully
assembled rocket, the oxygen tank will sit above a much larger liquid-hydrogen tank, the two separated by an intertank section.

62 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

apart. And the SLS engines will generate the most powerful rock
et thrust ever produced on Earth.
Just across the Mississippi-Louisiana border, a few hours
away via canal (or, in my case, 45 minutes by car), sits Michoud,
which I visit the next day. In contrast to the isolation of Stennis,
Michoud is in the middle of an industrial area on the outskirts
of New Orleans. In some ways, Michoud is a factory like any
other, with welding stations, forklifts, cranes and parts bins. It
is just all done on a much larger scale.
Inside, Michoud is gleaming. To tour the complex is to

When it comes to zipping

a crew of heroes into
deep space on the wings
of a barely controlled
explosion, a certain level
of conservatism is not
necessarily a bad thing.
watch it fill up, minute by minute, with new geartowering
robot arms that can move at blinding speed, wheeled platforms
and cranelike handlers that whisk components weighing tens
of metric tons from one station to another, parts-organizing
systems that ensure that an engine consisting of hundreds of
thousands of parts does not end up with one too many or few.
When you build a machine as powerful as an SLS rocket engine,
you must have a very low tolerance for assembly deviation. If
our parts-tracking system told us that one of these tiny washers
here is left over, all work would stop until we found it, says Pat
rick Whipps, one of nasas managers at Michoud.
Many of the components that will go into the rockets built
here originated in other vehicles. Were not going to have
many one-of-a-kind components on the SLS, says William Ger
stenmaier, the nasa associate administrator who heads up the
agencys human space exploration efforts. Yet new manufactur
ing equipment and methods should make the those compo
nents much less expensive to build than they have been in the
past, Whipps adds. Upgrades include a friction-stir welding
machine the size of a municipal water tower tank. Massive alu
minum-alloy rocket sections can be dropped whole into this
leviathan, where drills will meld the two sections together. It is
the largest machine of its type in the world.
The SLS goes beyond shuttle technology in many other ways
as well. To analyze the stresses on the SLS from buffeting and
other aerodynamic instabilities during its climb through the
atmosphere, nasa turned to state-of-the-art fluid dynamics soft
ware. Without it, the engineers would have had to redesign the
rocket to provide more stress resistance to cover a much bigger
margin for error. In addition, new avionics and digital control

lers relying on computer chips that are several generations

ahead of those used in the space shuttle will enable automated
flight and engine controls to react many times faster to sudden
changes and dangerous conditions.
Leftover shuttle engines will get the SLS airborne for the first
four flights, but new versions will be needed starting in the 2020s.
For those, nasa is using machines that will produce the thousands
of required coin-sized turbine blades by laser-welding powdered
metal into the right shapes instead of individually machining
them, cutting production time for an engines worth of blades
from a year to a single month. Were using computer
control everywhere to minimize labor costs and im
prove precision, Gerstenmaier says.

When the SLS program is in full swing, the aim will be
to turn out at least two rockets a yearpossibly as
many as four. In the rocket world, that is mass produc
tion. But it will grind to a halt if nasa cannot convince
the American public that the SLS is worth building.
The two broadest objectionsthat $18 billion is
too much to spend on a rocket and that we should
focus on sending probes and robots, not humans, into
space to do sciencecan be addressed as matters of
perspective. Eighteen billion dollars is not all that
much for the capability of sending humans to another
planet and back; it cost a third more than that to
improve traffic flow in Boston via the Big Dig. It is
easy to claim there are cheaper ways of doing it, but
nasas success and safety records have set the bar high, and it is
unlikely that the American public would put up with higher
chances of a catastrophic failure in order to shave off what
amounts to a few thousandths of the federal budget.
As for sticking with probes and robots, the case is often made
that the science haul from a human-crewed mission is likely to
be bigger than what a probe or rover can deliver. But the real jus
tification for human spaceflight is to take steps toward expand
ing the human races stomping grounds.
The SLS does have many fans. These supporters include
nasas current leadership and rank and file, a number of space
experts and a growing chunk of the American public, much of
which was thrilled last December by the flawless orbital flight of
the Orion crew capsule that will be sitting atop the SLS when it
heads into deep space. The experts among them can easily
argue, point by point, with the critics.
Use smaller rockets to heft components and fuel into space
for orbital assembly? Some 500 metric tons of materiel will be
needed for a crewed Mars mission, Gerstenmaier calculates. That
is a feat that the SLS could manage in four launches but that
would take at least two dozen launches of a maxed-out DeltaIV.
Gerstenmaier contends that every one of those launches raises
program risk a bit because the worst things are most likely to
happen in the first minute of a mission. The approach is also
more vulnerable to delays, with the effect of stretching out indi
vidual launches cumulatively across all the launches. We used
the many-launches approach with the space shuttle to build the
space station, and it ended up taking decades, he says.
But the most significant potential drawback to a lift-it-insmall-chunks approach, Gerstenmaier says, is the massive amount

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com63

2015 Scientific American

 se the segmented ring tool (top left) to make rings that connect domes and barrels. The beer can (top right)
holds barrel segments in place for testing. Workers lift an aluminum panel onto the tool used to assemble the dome-shaped cap of the core
stage (bottom right). At the bottom left is the machine that fabricates the carbon-fiber skin of the Orion capsule the SLS will carry to space.

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE See a video of SLS engine tests at

2015 Scientific American

of in-orbit construction that would be required, including of

habitats, interplanetary vehicles and fuel depots. That is a daunt
ing task, given our limited experience with the very tricky craft
of in-space assembly. Youd have a huge number of dockings;
youd be fabricating in space, he says. Inevitably some of the
pieces wouldnt work right and would be difficult to fix there. It
adds an enormous amount of complexity and risk. The SLSs
sheer girth will also allow packing in bulkier, ungainly payload
shapes up to 10 meters across, such as those with solar panel and
antenna arrays, that otherwise would have to be complexly fold
ed and thus more vulnerable to damage or malfunction.
Another big advantage to the heavy-lift route: some of an out
size rockets extra thrust can be converted into higher speeds
that get spacecraft to their destinations more quickly. That is a
critical consideration for crewed flight to Mars, where radiation
exposure and supply requirements set tight upper limits on mis
sion duration. Distant robotic missions benefit, too, because
planning for follow-up missions has to wait for data to come in
from predecessors to maximize the scientific returns. Because of
its sheer power, the SLS can send missions into deep space using
its own fuel, as opposed to gravitationally slingshotting around
planets as the Voyager and Galileo missions did.
The SLS will cut the time for a Europa visit from six-plus
years to 2.5 years, says Scott Hubbard, a consulting professor
of aeronautics and astronautics at Stanford University. It
would be an enabler for a very compelling scientific mission.
Add these shorter transit times to the higher payload masses
and packaging flexibility, and you have a powerful case for a
heavy-lift rocket. That helps to explain why both China and
Russia are working on SLS-class designs.
The same goes for SpaceX. Yet new space is not as natural a
source for deep-space rockets as it is for transport to the ISS and
back. There is no existing market, and none envisioned, for
deep-space exploration beyond the handful of missions nasa
has tentatively planned for the SLS. That eliminates the oppor
tunity for SpaceX to leverage development costs for a heavy-lift
rocket over various commercial customers, as it has with its
smaller rockets. Stripped of that advantage, SpaceX is no better
positioned than Boeing, Lockheed Martin and other conven
tional aerospace contractors, says former nasa astronaut Scott
Parazynski, a veteran of five shuttle missions who is now at Ari
zona State University. Those are very capable contractors, and I
dont see SpaceX in a dramatically different light, he explains.
Hewing to the tried and tested instead of innovating might be
a recipe for failure in the automobile, cell phone or software indus
tries, but when it comes to zipping a crew of heroes into deep
space on the wings of a barely controlled explosion, a certain level
of conservatism is not necessarily a bad thing. SpaceX suffered
several explosions and losses of control in its earlier rocketspar
for the course in the development of new designs. Last October a
crew member was killed in the explosion of a prototype rocket
that Virgin Galactic built to bring tourists into suborbital space
just three days after the explosion of a crewless rocket built by pri
vate company Orbital Sciences, one that was headed to the ISS.
These accidents serve as reminders that in spite of decades of
experience, rocketry is hard. It carries a high risk of pure catas
trophe. That is one reason leaders at the Inspiration Mars Foun
dation, a privately funded organization that has been trying to
facilitate a mission to Mars, are among those who have, after ini

tial skepticism, been lining up behind the SLS. Other Mars

experts agree. The SLS has been criticized from day one as a
rocket to nowhere, Hubbard says. But it now has clear-cut,
defensible missions, and its time for everyone to get behind
thinking about how we can make sure it all comes together.

For 500 seconds on a cool night this past January, one of the
Stennis Space Centers hulking engine tests turned into a fireball.
It was the first test of an R-25 shuttle engine since 2009, and it
went perfectly. If the successful tests keep coming, time may be
on the SLSs side. The longer the program lastsif it remains on
budget and on timethe more it will stand as its own proof of
concept. In its first three years, the program has achieved smooth
and rapid progress, gliding through design reviews and entering
into early manufacturing steps. That is blindingly fast for a
major new human-rated rocket. Only a few glitches have cropped
up; those insulation gaps were just about the worst of them, and
the problem was quickly fixed with a layer of adhesive.
Anything could happen in the years ahead, under new presi
dents and congresses, contends Joan Johnson-Freese, a profes
sor at the U.S. Naval War College who specializes in space. Maybe
the consensus in government will become that we should aban
don Mars for now and focus on setting up a base a little closer to
home. Some in Washington have an almost criminal nostalgia
for the moon, she says. Others think nasa should forget both the
moon and Mars for now and concentrate on asteroids, not only
because they may contain answers to important questions about
the origins of the solar system but also because we might learn
how to divert or destroy any that end up heading toward Earth.
But the allure of Mars remains widespread. Lately that allure
has been building, as it dawns on more people that we could reach
the Red Planet within their lifetime. Wed all like to see us go
there, Parazynski says. Other missions would be a distraction.
He has concerns about the SLS, but not because he thinks it is a
lousy way to get to Mars. He worries that because it will not be
cheap or immediate, we will abandon the SLS before we get there.
At the moment, there are no showstoppers in sight for the
SLS. That claim alone, which cannot be made for any alternative
Mars rocket proposal, may ensure that the project stays the
course. Sure, it was cobbled together from congressional man
dates. Yes, it lacks the innovative verve of rival schemes. But
there is every indication it will work as planned, and it is funded
for the foreseeable future. That should be good enough to make
the SLS the rocket that takes us to Mars. And if it does, the criti
cisms will be quickly forgotten.


Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space. C arl Sagan and Ann Druyan.
Random House, 1994.
NASAs Human Path to Mars. W
 illiam Gerstenmaier. NASA, 2014.
NASA Strategic Plan 2014. N
 ASA, 2014.

To the Moon and Beyond. C harles Dingell, William A. Johns and Julie Kramer White;
October 2007. 
s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com65

2015 Scientific American


Scientists are identifying the
remains of undocumented
migrants who died crossing
the Mexican borderpeople
whose names would otherwise
have been lost forever
By Ananda Rose

66 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

COMMON SIGHT i n South Texas

are remains of migrants who die after
crossing the Mexican border. Some
of them end up in mass graves, such
as the then unknown female (inset)
later designated as case 0425.

2015 Scientific American

a worker at La Cantina Ranch in

Brooks County, Texas, was tending
wild game feeders. On the ground,
he found what he thought were bones
scattered in an eight-foot-diameter
area of mesquite-laden brush.
A deputy from the Brooks County
Sheriffs Office showed up later in the
day. According to the report, animals
had already been there and left teeth
marks in the bones. There were tangled clumps of black hair, torn items
of clothing and a few personal effectsa backpack, four chicken-flavored Ramen packages, bug spray, a
toothbrush and an unopened bag of
Salsa Verde Doritos.
A paupers burial took place soon
afterward in the Sacred Heart Burial
Park in the county seat of Falfurrias,
about 10 miles away from where the
body was discovered. The remains and
personal items were transferred to a
local funeral home and assigned a
state death record number: 0425.
The remains appeared to be those of
a migrant who had crossed the border
illegally via Mexico. Along this 2,000mile divide, the U.S. Border Patrol arrests hundreds of thousands of migrants every year, some of them children traveling alone. Many more than the numbers in the official
record attempt the trip. They are fleeing chaos in their home countriesgang violence, drug trafficking, collapsed economies, and
ineffectual and corrupt governments. In the flat, featureless terrain where the thermometer reaches triple digits in summer
months, migrants often succumb to dehydration, exhaustion, sickness or injury, or else they often simply get lost in endless miles of
scrub after being abandoned by human smugglers.
If 0425 had died in Arizona, authorities would have performed an autopsy, submitted a DNA sample to various government databases and, if a match were found, they would have
passed along the identity to the consulate of the deceaseds presumed country of origin, which would then be responsible for

notifying the family. Texas, however, has had trouble coping with
the influx. As other states tighten controls, undocumented migrants have flocked to Texas. Between October 2011 and October
2014, about 685 perished in Texas, compared with some 540 in
California, Arizona and New Mexico combined.
In Brooks County, where the body was found, one in three
residents lives below the poverty line. The county has neither the
infrastructure nor the financial resources to handle the inundation along the border. As a result, remains are often just thrown
into the ground at Sacred Heart and other burial grounds without any attempt to figure out who the deceased were.
When Lori E. Baker, a forensic anthropologist at Baylor University, first heard about the haphazard way that burials were


More undocumented migrants d ied crossing into

Texas in recent years than in any other state along
the Mexican border. Overwhelmed county governments have at times put the remains in mass graves.

A team of three forensic scientists, along with a cadre of their students, have started to look for remains
in cemeteries in South Texas to identify the deceased
and return them to their families.

68 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

Case 0425, a migrant who died after reaching Texas,

illustrates the challenges the scientists face in making
a determination of sex, height, age and nationality
from skeletal remains.

PRECEDING PAGES: ISTOCKPHOTO (folder); JOHN MOORE Getty Images (s kull);
COURTESY OF KRISTA LATHAM University of Indianapolis ( g rave marker);

On June 28, 2012,

Ananda Rose is author of S howdown

in the Sonoran Desert: Religion, Law, and the
Immigration Controversy ( Oxford University
Press, 2012). She is writing her second book,
which is about migrant deaths in Texas.

WOMANknown as 0425 (above) died in South

Texas in 2012 before her remains (center) were
exhumed by straw-hatted Lori E. Baker and her
students from Baylor University (left) in 2013.

being carried out at Sacred Heart, she was appalled. Baker, who,
in 2001, helped in Perus investigation of that countrys humanrights abuses, assembled a small team of forensic scientists and
students to exhume the remains of border crossers at Sacred
Heart and identify them.
The group set to work as though they were conducting an archaeological dig. Instead of excavating ruins, they started the
precise and tedious task of digging up and documenting remains and personal effects.
One of the first cases they took up was 0425.

COURTESY OF KRISTA LATHAM University of Indianapolis ( b ody bag);



After weeks of digging in the late spring of 2013, the scientists
had unearthed around 70 migrants, far more than expected.
Some turned up in milk crates; others were commingled in a
single body bag. Still others had no grave markers at alleven
simple signs that might have read unknown female were missing. We know that we must always expect the unexpected,
wrote Krista Latham of the groups informal motto in a 2014
post on a blog called Beyond Borders. Latham directs the University of Indianapolis Molecular Anthropology Laboratory and
had volunteered to be one of the team leaders.
Latham brought four graduate students with her to Brooks
County. The working conditions were challenging. In addition to
the heat and humidityand the spiders, scorpions, snakes and
fire antsthere was a complete absence of maps or notes of any
kind documenting the number and nature of the burials. We
did not know if they were buried in a wooden box that would
protect them or just in plastic, Latham says. So we had to go
very slowly and use small hand tools in order to not potentially
damage the remains.
The team created a grid system at the cemetery using string.
The scientists measured the distance from any point where excavations were taking place, aboveground or belowground, to a
fixed point on the grid. In that way, they could make a record of

everything that turned up in the various subsurface layers and

eventually compile a comprehensive map of the site.
The remains of 0425 were assigned in July 2013 to Kate
Spradley, a biological anthropologist at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University. Spradley, a youthful 42-yearold with a serious demeanor, says she was motivated to take on
this work part-time because she felt it would imbue her teaching
and research with a vital service mission.
In the initial cataloguing of the remains, 0425 looked like a
relatively straightforward case. The official report on file linked
the remains to Arely Noemy Blanco Sosa, a 39-year-old Salvadoran woman. The name came from a national ID card that lay
not far from the skeleton scattered at La Cantina Ranch, which
the Sheriffs Office assumed was Blanco Sosas. Unlike others in
which only a small number of bones could be found, the skeleton was nearly intact [see box on next page].
The Forensic Anthropology Center has rows of steel tables,
one stacked atop another. Each one holds a skeleton laid out
carefully to preserve the proper anatomical placement of
bonesa radius must lie just next to the ulna on each table.
Spradley began her work on 0425 by creating a photographic
inventory of the skeleton and accompanying personal effects.
Even with a nearly complete skeleton and cutting-edge forensic
tools, a positive identification of 0425 became a surprisingly
difficult endeavor.
During the inventory, Spradleys team discovered another
national identity card underneath the insole of the right shoe. It
belonged to a 37-year-old woman of Honduran nationality, casting doubt on whether 0425 was really Blanco Sosa.
The forensic team then began to compile a biological profile
of 0425an analysis of sex, ancestry, age and stature and a dental record. The researchers proceeded to soak the remains in
water and detergenta process called maceration that
speeds up natural decay by loosening cartilage, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissue. The skeleton was left to dry, invento-

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com69

2015 Scientific American


ried and boxedand held in a container

for months.
Perhaps the biggest challenge in this
line of work is finding sufficient funds to
An all-volunteer team of forensic anthropologists has identified only two of the more
carry out a forensic analysis. Neither fedthan 110 sets of remains it has encountered since beginning work at Sacred Heart
eral nor local governments provide monBurial Park in Brooks County, Texas, in the spring of 2013. The members hoped to
ey for identifying desperately poor mihave identified more by now. But many of these cases are cold: only a few skeletal
grants who are not U.S. citizens. The lack
fragments exist, making the task virtually impossible.
of money meant the various laboratory
The forensic team leader who knows this best is Krista Latham. She directs
procedures required for a biological prothe University of Indianapolis Molecular Anthropology Laboratory and specializes
file had to wait. The situation these volin piecing together an identity from inspection of the most degraded and fragunteer scientists faced was captured in a
mented skeletons.
grant proposal drafted by Spradley that
One case the forensic team in Texas encountered demonstrates the near futility of
read like an impassioned plea for help.
these undertakings. Ranch hands had recovered skeletal fragments on December 26,
She compared the number of migrant re2011, at Hornsby Ranch in Brooks County and transferred them to Sacred Heart. The
mains recovered in Brooks County in
remains for case number 0402 were interred with a simple marker that read unknown
2012 with the passenger capacity of a
female remains. Later analysis showed that they turned out to be those of a male,
Boeing 737. If a 737 crashes, it is considdespite the labeling on the grave marker.
ered a mass disaster and state funding is
Lifting of the coffin lid revealed two additional sets of human remains, not an uncommon
spent to facilitate recovery and identificaoccurrence. At the time of the burial, the coffin had been rotated 180degrees, so the
tion of the passengers, she wrote. Begrave markers did not correspond to the bones buried there. Inside the coffin, there was
cause these migrant deaths accumulate
a small bundle wrapped in white plastic. A laboratory analysis showed that only 2per
slowly, albeit in the same geographic locent of 0402s skeleton was present for making a forensic analysis. The team found the
cation, they are not considered a mass dicranium, the left and right os coxae (hip joints), and the left femoral shaft. Even the teeth
saster and no funding has been released
were missing.
to adequately process this particular
The sparseness of 0402s remains is not unusual. Bones may not be recognized as
mass fatality.
bones and therefore not collected or [those who recover the remains] may not have
A year and almost nine months after
realized the extent to which scavengers can scatter the remains and may not have
0425s bones were found, on March 20,
expanded their search, Latham explains. So it is very possible that remains [of 0402]
2014, Spradley and her students were
are still on the ranch in that location.
able to return to their analysis of 0425s
She draws parallels between forensic anthropology work in Chile and what is happening
profile. Preliminary identification of the
in Texas. We see a similar phenomenon at the border, Latham says. These are the
most basic details of a persons identity
disappeared and the invisible, the silent. No one is working to give them a voice, and
sex and statureis not always a simple
they deserve it. She and others do what they can, even if sometimes it is not enough.
matter in these cases, because the reCase 0402 has yet to be identifiedand probably never will be. 
mains have degraded and critical bones
are missing. The relatively intact skeleton meant that Spradley was able to perform a complete evaluation of the pelvis.
The set of pelvic bones, including the ventral arc, the subpubic tional deprivation that could have retarded her growth as a
concavity and the medial ischiopubic of the left os coxa, en- child. As individuals grow older, Spradley explains, the
abled her team to confirm with a probability of 100%, that epiphyses fuse, so you know you are dealing with an adult at
0425 was female, according to a report Spradley co-authored.
least in their mid-20s. The unfused bones from 0425 yielded
The scientists used another technique to estimate 0425s estimates ranging from 20to 35years in age.
stature. Known as the Fully anatomical method, it measures
bones down the midline of the body from heel to head. The
method was first developed for gauging the height of French- Spradley next tried to determine ancestry by analyzing 0425s
men killed during World War II at the Mauthausen concentra- skull. She gained her expertise in what is known as craniomettion camp in Austria. It showed that 0425 stood between four ric analysis as a graduate student, when she studied the skulls
feet, eightinches, and five feet.
of individuals of African ancestry, finding that physical stresses
Estimating 0425s age posed more of a difficulty. Some ex- during childhood could bring about changes in bone structure.
perts say it is virtually impossible to establish an individuals The team gathered data needed for the analysis by using a digiexact age at the time of death by relying only on skeletal re- tizer to create a three-dimensional computer model of the skull.
mains because some people experience more wear and tear to This information then went into a program called FORDISC3.1.
their bones than others. Spradley and her team looked at the The program enabled a comparison of 0425s skull with existstructure of the bones to determine how old the deceased was. ing digital reference data about skull shape for a group of a parThe analysis showed that 0425s epiphysesthe end parts of ticular ancestry.
the bodys longer boneshad not fully fused, suggesting that
For Latin Americans, making these comparisons is arduous.
she had led a life with a high degree of physical stress or nutri- No well-established collections of Hispanic bones exist as a refer-

Bones That Keep Their Secrets

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE Watch a video by Pilar Timpane about forensic anthropology in Texas at

2015 Scientific American

ence source. Most of the data come from late 19th- and early
20th-century skeleton collections of European-Americans and
African-Americans from the U.S. The lack of data means that the
ancestry of Hispanics often stays a mystery in forensic investigations. In the worst cases, attempts to determine ancestry can
lead to utter confusion. Methods for a person considered white,
when applied to an individual considered [a male] Hispanic, will
usually provide a sex assessment of female, Spradley says. If
sex isnt right, no one will be identified.
Whereas skull measurements Spradley took for 0425 revealed her ancestry as probable Hispanic, that designation
failed to pin down whether the woman came from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador or Chileor whether in the case of, say, a
Mexican, her home was in Oaxaca or Veracruz. Also missing was
any means of classifying ethnic or tribal groupsMaya, Zapotec, Xinca, Lenca, Afro-Colombian, and so on. Spradley has been
trying to address the need for better comparative data by documenting differences in bone structure and genetic markers of
ancestry for immigrants of Central American origin who make
up most of the fatalities in South Texas. She is bringing together
records on border-crossing fatalities from the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner in Tucson, Ariz., two documented
cemetery collections from Mexico and records on victims of human-rights violations during Guatemalas civil war.
Spradley uses this information to classify differences in skull
size and shapesay, between Mexicans and Guatemalans. These
specifics then go into the Forensic Anthropology Data Bank
(FDB), co-founded in the 1980s by Spradleys graduate adviser,
Richard Jantz of the University of Tennessee Knoxville. The data
will ultimately help make it easier to pin down where migrants
such as 0425 began their journey.

With the biological profile complete, S

 pradley and her team
tried to identify the remains by matching the profile with a database of missing person reports. Spradley contacted the Tucson-based Colibr Center for Human Rights, which has been
building a repository of missing persons who are not U.S. citizens. The database is needed because the National Missing and
Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) in the U.S. has significant
gaps in information on foreign nationals.
In the Colibr database, the biological profile for 0425 generated a possible match with a missing person document that had
been filed in Honduras. As it turned out, a Honduran family had
submitted the report to Colibr. The information matched some
of the details in the biological profile, including the sex, ancestry,
stature and personal effects compiled during the investigation. It
also corresponded to the name that had appeared on the identity
card found in the shoe: Maria Albertina Iraheta Guardado. Now
Spradley had to confirm it. Colibrs executive director, Robin
Reineke, referred the Texas State researchers to the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, a human-rights group that had been
collecting DNA samples of family members of missing migrants
family reference samplesto help confirm the identity of those
who had died during border crossings.
DNA tests are performed only after the biological profile that
has been meticulously compiled can be matched with a specific
missing person report. The Texas State lab took a sample from
the metatarsal bone in the foot and dispatched it to the lab used

by the Argentine group for comparison with the family reference

samples on file. The DNA from the metatarsal bone matched
that of the family reference sample. On April 25, 2014, the scientists finally had the confirmation they needed. It took two years
from the time Iraheta Guardados remains were found to establish her identity.

Maria Albertina Iraheta Guardado w

 as 37 when she decided to
leave the Dos Bocas community in Santa Rosa de Agun, Honduras, and emigrate to the Bronx to meet up with her sister, who
works as a house cleaner. She wanted to send money back to her
mother and help support her six children. Some of them are already adults. But twoa nine-year-old and a 14-year-oldstill
live with Iraheta Guardados mother.
According to the mother and sister, who spoke with me
on the phone, Iraheta Guardado also wanted to leave because of
a growing weariness with the violence that plagues Honduras,
the country with the highest murder rate in the world, as of 2012.
Several years ago her husband was fatally shot by stray bullets in
a cross fire, says Iraheta Guardados mother, Maria Amelia Guardado: Like everyone else here, he was just murdered, because
thats what happens here.
The mother learned from the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team that her daughter crossed the border near Brownsville,
Tex., on June 15, 2012, along with a group of other migrants and a
human smuggler. She had walked for two days before fainting
and being left behind near Falfurrias.
Identifying Iraheta Guardado took the combined efforts of forensic anthropologists, human-rights organizations, foreign consulates and law-enforcement agencies. Her mother then waited
anxiously for her daughters remains to be returned; they had
been delayed because of a bureaucratic snafu over a death certificate. Finally, in early April 2015, they arrived and were returned
to the family for burial.
For the team who identified Iraheta Guardado, a positive
outcome was a complicated victory. Team members were
thrilled with their success, but the grueling effort exacted an
emotional cost. As Latham geared up to travel back to Falfurrias for another two-week exhumation in June 2014, she wrote
in a blog post: I wont be able to read [my son] bedtime stories
for 13 nights or get his hugs and kisses for 14 days. But the
thought that keeps me going is that I am temporarily leaving
my family to reunite other families. I will get to hug and kiss
my son again, but there are hundreds of mothers whose children are buried unidentified in the Sacred Heart Burial Park
who cannot say the same thing.

Showdown in the Sonoran Desert: Religion, Law, and the Immigration

Controversy. A
 nanda Rose. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Northbound: What Happens after Crossing the Border. A
 nanda Rose in
Foreign Affairs. Published online July 2, 2014.
Who Is Dayani Cristal? A
 film by Gael Garca Bernal and Marc Silver; 2014.

Coming to America. Rodger Doyle; August 2005.

s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com71

2015 Scientific American



Scientists are
against disease
with the help
of a common
By Scott ONeill

Illustration by Bill Mayer

2015 Scientific American

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com73

2015 Scientific American

Scott ONeillis dean of science at

Monash University in Australia and head
of Eliminate Dengue, an international
Wolbachia research collaboration.

he best time of day to release mosquitoes in northern Australia is

midmorning. Later in the day, winds might sweep the insects away and
dash any hope that they will find a mate. Earlier than that, the workers
who drive around and release containers full of mosquitoes would have
to get overtime pay. And so, on a sweltering January morning at the
height of the Australian summer, I climbed into my white van with
thousands of mosquitoes stowed in Tupperware cups on the backseat.

Once a week, for about three months in 2011, we made trips

like this to release mosquitoes. We concentrated on two communities in the city of Cairns, a popular tourism spot near the Great
Barrier Reef. At every fourth house, where residents had agreed
to participate in our study, we would grab a cup of mosquitoes
from the van, peel off the lid, and set 50or so insects free.
These were not your garden-variety mosquitoes. Each one
was infected with a microbe called Wolbachia, a common bacterium that lives in insect cells. For our purposes, the most interesting characteristic of W
 olbachia is that it appears to block
the dengue virus from replicating in the tissues of mosquitoes.
Because the virus cannot replicate, the insects do not transmit
it to their victims, and the disease does not spread.
Infecting mosquitoes with a bacterium is a roundabout way
to fight dengue, but we do it because otherwise the options are
few. Dengue, nicknamed breakbone fever for the crippling pain
it causes, infects 390 million people every year. Because there is
no cure or treatment, the chief strategy has been to attack A
aegypti, the mosquito that transmits the virus. Yet common insecticides such as temephos have lost much of their effectiveness
as mosquitoes have developed resistance. Bed nets are almost
useless, too, because A
 . aegypti typically feed during the day. At
present, one of the most promising tools for halting the spread of
dengueand perhaps malaria and other mosquito-borne illnessesappears to be spreading W
 olbachia among wild mosquitoes.
Wolbachia i s not an obvious choice as a dengue fighter. It does
not naturally occur in the mosquitoes that most often transmit

dengue. We actually have had to infect those mosquitoes artificially, in the laboratory. In other words, we use Wolbachia t o immunize the mosquitoes against dengue and then set them loose
in the wild, where (we hope) those mosquitoes will pass the bacterium to their offspring. Wolbachia i s largely benign for mosquitoes and the environment, although it may reduce the insects
egg production. But the potential benefits for humans are clear:
if mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia b
 ecome predominant in
the wild, we expect dengue infection rates among people to drop.

Mosquitoes are among the deadliest creatures on earth. Yellow
fever, also transmitted by A. aegypti, took out more U.S. troops
than enemy fire during the Spanish-American War in 1898. Malaria, transmitted by a parasite harbored in mosquitoes, killed
approximately 627,000 people in 2012 alone. Now A
 . aegypti is
rapidly spreading dengue around the globe. About half of the
worlds population is at risk of contracting the disease, according to the World Health Organization. A
 .aegypti, w
 hich is recognizable by the white stripes on its legs and the lyre pattern on its
thorax, can breed in any pool of standing water, which makes it
particularly hard to control. The mosquito is found in tropical
and subtropical climates around the worldin Africa, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Dengue, however, does not naturally occur in these
creatures: the mosquitoes get dengue from us.
The mechanism of dengue infection is simple. Female mos-


Scientists are fighting dengue fever

with the help of Wolbachia, a common
bacterium that stops the virus from
replicating inside the mosquitoes that
transmit the disease. Without it, we

have few weapons against dengue.

Although the bacterium is common
among insects, it does not infect Aedes
aegypti, a species of mosquito that is a
major carrier of dengue. Instead re-

searchers infect the mosquito with

Wolbachia in the laboratory and then
release A.aegypti into the wild.
The goal is to reduce infections in humans by getting 

74 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

mosquitoes to mate and pass the bacterium to future generations. If the method works, vast numbers of wild mosquitoes will eventually carry Wolbachia a nd
thus be unable to transmit dengue.

JAMES GATHANY Getty Images (r ed mosquito); CHRISTOPHE SIMON Getty Images (larvae, net cages and release)

AEDES AEGYPTI MOSQUITO(below) is the most common

vector for dengue worldwide, but mosquitoes infected with the
bacterium Wolbachia c annot transmit the virus. Scientists are
growing these mosquitoes in the laboratory and releasing them
into the wild (bottom right), where they could displace Wolbachiafree mosquitoes and stop the spread of dengue.

quitoes bite humans because they need the protein found in

our blood to produce eggs. (Male mosquitoes do not bite.) If the
mosquito bites someone with dengueand then, after the viruss roughly eight- to 12-day replication period, bites someone
elseit passes dengue into its next victims bloodstream. W
bachia, however, disrupts this process by preventing replication from ever taking place.
Wolbachia w
 as first identified in 1924 during dissections of
household mosquitoes. Interest in the bacterium waned until
the 1970s, when researchers noticed that under certain circumstances, it could prevent mosquito eggs from hatching, which
suggested the bacterium could be used for insect control. In the
1990s scientists learned that some strains of W
 olbachia c ould
also shorten insect life span, which presented another way to
limit disease transmission by insects.
I was introduced to W
 olbachia a s a Ph.D. student in the mid1980s. Back then I wondered if we could use it to stop mosquitoes
from transmitting human diseases. If we could reduce the life
spans of mosquitoes by even a modest amount, it could seriously
reduce the ability of the insects to spread disease among humans.
The catch, of course, was Wolbachias lack of affinity for
A.aegypti. The bacterium is common in up to 60percent of insect speciesincluding some mosquitoes that bite humans
but the infection does not easily pass between species. The
challenge was finding a way to transfer different strains of Wol

bachia from another insectthe fruit flyinto this dengue-

carrying mosquito. It was a tedious process that took us more
than a decade.

Imagine taking a knitting needle and poking it into a balloon.
Next, you have to remove the needle without popping the balloon. That pretty well sums up the process of infecting mosquito eggs with W
 olbachia. I n the lab, my team uses microscopic
needles to take the microbe from the fruit fly and inject it directly into young mosquito eggs. At first, like balloons pierced
with knitting needles, the eggs would burst. We tried with
many thousands of eggs before we were successful.

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com75

2015 Scientific American


Secrets of Wolbachias Success

There is no vaccine a
 gainst dengue, but infecting mosquitoes with a natural bacterium
called W
 olbachia b
 locks the insects ability to pass the disease to humans. The microbe
spreads among both male and female mosquitoes: infected females lay eggs that har
bor the bacterium, and when W
 olbachia-free females mate with infected males, their
eggs simply do not hatch. Researchers are now releasing W
 olbachia-infected females
into the wild in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil.

How Wolbachia Spreads ...

... and Stops Dengue

Infected female
+ infected male

Infected female
+ uninfected male




Uninfected female
+ infected male




Dengue virus
in mosquito

Dengue virus
does not

Dengue spreads
via bite

Dengue does
not spread

Once we managed to infect mosquito eggs without destroying them, we had other problems to solve. W
 olbachia w
 ould often disappear after a generation or two of mosquito breeding,
which meant there was no way the bacterium would spread in
the wild the way we wanted it to. We eventually found that we
had to condition the microbes before injecting them into mosquitoesto get these bacteria, which were used to living in
fruit flies, accustomed to their new hosts. To do so, we extracted W
 olbachia from fruit flies and then grew it in mosquito cell
lines. In 2005 we finally prevailed: we infected mosquitoes with
Wolbachia and watched them pass the bacterium from generation to generation13 in all. Since then, W
 olbachia h
 as flourished in all subsequent generations. As we expected, at least
one strain of Wolbachia shortens the life of A
Yet it turns out that W
 olbachia is even better at fighting dengue than we thought. For reasons we do not fully understand,
the dengue virus has trouble growing in W
mosquitoes. We figured this out a few years after successfully
transplanting Wolbachia into A. aegypti, when separate work
I had been part of revealed that in fruit flies the bacterium also

blocks replication of the D

 rosophila C
 virus, which is deadly to flies. My team injected dengue directly into our Wolbachia
mosquitoes, and to our delight, dengue
no longer replicated in their bodies. We
repeated the experiment a number of
timeseach time with dozens of mosquitoesand discovered that our results
were consistent.
These days we use a strain of W
bachia that blocks dengue transmission
but does nothing to shorten the mosquitoes lives. After all, we want our mosquitoes to live as long as possible and lay as
many W
 olbachia-infected eggs as they
can. We have known since my time as a
graduate student that female mosquitoes
infected with W
 olbachia p
 ass the bacterium on to nearly all of their offspring. It
takes only a few generations after the introduction of Wolbachia before almost
every mosquito in a population carries
the bacterium.
One of our experiments in northern
Australia showed that after releasing ap
proximately 10 mosquitoes per house
per week for 10weeks, more than 80percent of the wild mosquitoes in the area
had W
 olbachiaand they still had it
when we tested them two months after
we had stopped releasing mosquitoes.
Because W
 olbachia p
 asses so well through
successive generations, we should not
have to do any repeat releases. W
should spread on its own.


Before we could release Wolbachia m

 osquitoes into the wild, we had to address
a lot of concerns in the community. We spent months going
door-to-door to ask per
mission to release mosquitoes near
peoples homes. We conducted formal informational meetings
as well as impromptu chats outside shopping centers. Aus
tralian federal officials also checked our method for safety
before approving the release of the infected mosquitoes.
To humans, W
 olbachia p
 oses no apparent threat. Our own
lab experiments have found that the bacterium cannot be
passed on to humans, because it is too big to travel down the
mosquitoes salivary duct and into the human bloodstream. We
have also conducted safety tests looking for antibodies in human volunteers, but after three years of letting mosquitoes bite
volunteers, the humans still have no sign of the microbe. Our
lab staff and volunteers have frequently rolled up their sleeves
and spent 15 minutes in the mosquito cages, allowing the insects to drink their fill.
There has been no sign that W
 olbachia h
 arms the environment, either. Since we started releasing mosquitoes with Wol
bachia in 2011, we have been studying the animals and insects
that encounter them, and our work has reaffirmed that the

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE See a video on bacteria-based dengue prevention at

2015 Scientific American

Illustration by Lucy Reading-Ikkanda

bacterium resides solely within the cells of insects and other

arthropods. Moreover, we do not think that Wolbachia would
survive even if it were to find a way into the bloodstream of
humans or other mammals. Indeed, W
 olbachia is already found
in many other mosquito species, including a number that regularly bite people. Tests conducted on spiders and geckos that
have eaten Wolbachia mosquitoes showed no ill effects from
the exposure and no sign of the bacterium in the tissues of
those animals.

Our lab staff and

volunteers have
frequently rolled up
their sleeves and
spent 15minutes in
the mosquito cages,
allowing the insects
to drink their fill.
Before the first Wolbachia mosquito releases in 2011, we
commissioned an independent risk assessment by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
(CSIRO), Australias national science agency. Teams of experts
identified and evaluated potential hazards associated with the
release of W
 olbachia m
 osquitoes, ranging from possible ecological impacts to effects on communities. That agency scrutinized
existing studies and interviewed experts in evolutionary biology. Tough issues were involved: changes in mosquito density,
the possibility of evolution of the dengue virus, the nuisance of
increasing numbers of biting mosquitoes and changes in the
communitys perceptions of the risks associated with dengue.
But CSIROs final report concluded that the release of Wol
bachia mosquitoes would have negligible risk to people and the
environmentthe lowest possible rating.

proaches to mosquito control. One entails releasing male mosquitoes that have been genetically modified so that the sperm
cells of males carry a lethal gene. When those mosquitoes mate
with females in the wild, their offspring die. This approach is
innovative and potentially powerful, but it could also be costly.
To be effective on a large scale, it could be necessary to constantly release modified mosquitoes; otherwise, unmodified
mosquitoes from surrounding areas would move into the area
and replenish the population. The use of transgenic mosquitoes
also faces strong opposition from critics of genetic modification.
In contrast, the costs of W
 olbachia-based dengue control
are front-loaded: after the initial investment in bacterium-
infected mosquitoes, the process takes care of itself. It could be
a relatively inexpensive way to tackle dengue, which is especially important in the poor tropical countries where the disease is
most prevalent. Another benefit of our approach is that it involves no gene modificationalthough it still took years to get
off the ground because of the work necessary to assure communities of its safety.
We still have a significant hurdle ahead of us: measuring the
reduction in dengue that occurs when we introduce W
into communities. This step will be difficult for several reasons.
In the areas where we work, reliable data on dengue cases are
largely nonexistent, and infection rates can vary widely from
year to year. To firmly establish the effectiveness of our method,
we will need to compare dengue rates in areas where we have
released Wolbachia m
 osquitoes against those where we have
not. Doing so will require taking lots of blood samples, which
will be laborious.
Yet we believe the work will be worthwhile and not only for
fighting dengue. These mosquitoesor rather the microbes in
side themshow promise against other diseases as well. We
have seen evidence that Wolbachia may also reduce the ability
of mosquitoes to transmit chikungunya, which first appeared
in the mainland U.S. last July, and yellow fever. Researchers are
also attempting to use Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes to slow
the transmission of malaria and lymphatic filariasis, a profoundly disfiguring disease caused by worms.
The new observations are exciting. For the time being, however, our group will remain focused on evaluating the method
against dengue. It is where we first started our research and
where we are closest to seeing a real-world impact. One day, we
hope, a mosquito bite will leave nothing more consequential than
an itchy bump.


In addition to the field trials we have been doing in Australia
for the past four years, trials are under way in Vietnam and
Indonesia. Last September we also started releasing the mosquitoes in Brazil. We have found that W
 olbachia c an establish
itself in wild mosquito populations within small communities.
Now we are going to attempt to do the same over larger areas.
Scaling up our operations may require some tweaks in our
methods. Rearing enough adult W
 olbachia m
 osquitoes, for ex
ample, will be too labor-intensive. In Cairns, we are instead testing the effectiveness of putting Wolbachia mosquito eggs into
the environment.
Meanwhile other researchers are developing alternative ap

Dietary Cholesterol Modulates Pathogen Blocking by Wolbachia. E ric P. Caragata

in P LOS Pathogens, Vol.9, No.6, Article No. e1003459; June 27, 2013.
Limited Dengue Virus Replication in Field-Collected Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes
Infected with Wolbachia. F rancesca D. Frentiu et al. in PLOS Neglected Tropical
Diseases, Vol.8, No.2, Article No.e2688; February 20, 2014.
Modeling the Impact on Virus Transmission of Wolbachia-Mediated Blocking
of Dengue Virus Infection of Aedes aegypti. N
 eil M. Ferguson et al. in S cience
Translational Medicine, Vol.7, Article No.279ra37; March 18, 2015.

The Wipeout Gene. B ijal P. Trivedi; November 2011.

s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a

June 2015, ScientificAmerican.com77

2015 Scientific American

Recommended by Clara Moskowitz

For more recommendations and a

podcast interview with author Eugenia
MORE to Cheng, go to
EXPLORE jun2015/recommended

Black Hole: How an Idea Abandoned

by Newtonians, Hated by Einstein,
and Gambled on by Hawking Became Loved
by Marcia Bartusiak. Yale University Press, 2015 ($27.50)
The concept of black holes a
 rose from general
relativity, yet Albert Einstein himself assumed that
they could not exist in nature: he postulated that
some unknown aspect of stellar physics would keep
matter from condensing to a state so extreme that
even light could not escape its gravitational pull
once drawn in. Yet scientists now accept that such deformations
of spacetime actually exist. Science writer Bartusiaks book traces
the crooked path black holes took through the history of science,
from their first quasi incarnation within Newtons laws, through
general relativity, to todays understanding that black holes inhabit
the cores of nearly all galaxies. The narrative features intriguing
cameos from many of historys well-known physicists, including
J.Robert Oppenheimer, who advised graduate students that general
relativity was a dead end years after writing the first, largely
ignored, modern description of a black hole in 1939. Sarah Lewin

The Strange Case

of the Rickety Cossack:
And Other Cautionary Tales
from Human Evolution

by Eugenia Cheng. Basic Books,

2015 ($27.50)

by Ian Tattersall. Palgrave Macmillan,*

2015 ($27)

The world of math

is more weird and
wonderful than some
people want to tell
you, writes Cheng,
a mathematician at
the University of Sheffield in England.
Invoking plenty of examples from
cooking and baking, as well as other
everyday-life situations such as cal
culating a taxi fare, searching for
love through online dating services
and training for a marathon, she ex
plains abstract mathematical ideas
including topology and logicin under
standable ways. Chengs specialty is
category theory, which she describes
as the mathematics of mathematics
a way to organize and understand the
many rules and processes that govern
math. Her lively, accessible book
demonstrates how important and
intriguing such a pursuit can be.

Around when Charles

Darwins t heory of
evolution was pub
lished, scientists were
puzzled by ancient
human bones discov
ered in 1856 Germany that featured a
prominent browridge. Rather than con
sidering that the remains belonged to a
species separate from modern humans,
some researchers at the time attributed
the skeleton to a Cossack horseman with
a painful condition of rickets that caused
him to furrow his brow until the bone
above his eyes grew. The incident demon
strates how scientists own biases have
often influenced their interpretation
of what the fossil record was telling
them. Received wisdoms about human
evolution have always conditioned what
we have believed about our own origins,
often in the face of compelling evidence
to the contrary, writes Tattersall, an

78 Scientific American, June 2015

emeritus curator of anthropology

at the American Museum of Natural
History in New York City. In this book,
he highlights the controversial ideas
and colorful personalities that have
shaped paleoanthropology and given
rise to our current understanding of
how we became human.

American Genius
National Geographic
Channel. Premiering
June 1
Behind many historic
electricity, personal computersare
tales of heated rivalries that spurred the
inventors on. This television miniseries
profiles the competitions of such geni
uses as the Wright brothers and Glenn
Curtiss, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison,
and Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Actors
convey the intensity of the feuds, and
interviews with experts illuminate the
characters and the science that made
the innovations possible. The eight-part
docudrama reminds us that sometimes
the brightest minds need a competitive
nudge to reach greatness.


2015 Scientific American


How to Bake
An Edible Exploration
of the Mathematics
of Mathematics

Skeptic by Michael Shermer

Viewing the world with a rational eye

Reason, empiricism and skepticism
are not virtues of science alone
In the late 20th century t he humanities took a turn toward postmodern deconstruction and the belief that there is no objective
reality to be discovered. To believe in such quaint notions as scientific progress was to be guilty of scientism, properly said with
a snarl. In 1996 New York University physicist Alan Sokal punctured these pretensions with his now famous article Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of
Quantum Gravity, chockablock full of postmodern phrases and
deconstructionist tropes interspersed with scientific jargon,
which he subsequently admitted were nonsensical gibberish.
I subsequently gave up on the humanities but am now reconsidering my position after an encounter this past March with University of Amsterdam humanities professor Rens Bod during a
European book tour for The Moral Arc. In our dialogue, Bod
pointed out that my definition of sciencea set of methods that
describes and interprets observed or inferred phenomena, past or
present, aimed at testing hypotheses and building theoriesapplies to such humanities fields as philology, art history, musicology, linguistics, archaeology, historiography and literary studies.
Indeed, I had forgotten the story he recounted of Italian philologist Lorenzo Valla, who in 1440 exposed the Latin document Donatio Constantinithe Donation of Constantine, which was used
by the Catholic Church to legitimize its land grab of the Western
Roman Empireas a fake. Valla used historical, linguistic and
philological evidence, including counterfactual reasoning, to rebut the document, Bod explained. One of the strongest pieces of
evidence he came up with was lexical and grammatical: Valla

found words and constructions in the document

that could not possibly have been used by anyone
from the time of Emperor Constantine I, at the beginning of the fourth century a.d. The late Latin
word F
 eudum, for example, referred to the feudal
system. But this was a medieval invention, which
did not exist before the seventh century a.d. Vallas methods were those of science, Bod emphasized: He was skeptical, he was empirical, he drew
a hypothesis, he was rational, he used very abstract
reasoning (even counterfactual reasoning), he used
textual phenomena as evidence, and he laid the
foundations for one of the most successful theories:
stemmatic philology, which can derive the original
archetype text from extant copies (in fact, the
much later DNA analysis was based on stemmatic philology).
Inspired by Vallas philological analysis of the Bible, Dutch
humanist Erasmus employed these same empirical techniques
to demonstrate that, for example, the concept of the Trinity did
not appear in bibles before the 11th century. In 1606 Leiden University professor Joseph Justus Scaliger published a philological
reconstruction of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, finding that
the earliest one, dating to 5285 b.c., predated the Bibles chronology for the creation of the world by nearly 1,300 years. This led
later scholars such as Baruch Spinoza to reject the Bible as a reliable historical document. Thus, abstract reasoning, rationality, empiricism and skepticism are not just virtues of science,
Bod concluded. They had all been invented by the humanities.
Why does this distinction matter? Because at a time when
students and funding are fleeing humanities departments, the
argument that they are at least good for self-cultivation misses their real value, which Bod has forcefully articulated in his
recent book A New History of the Humanities ( Oxford University Press, 2014). The transdisciplinary connection between the
sciences and humanities is well captured in the German word
Geisteswissenschaften, w
 hich means human sciences. This
concept embraces everything humans do, including the scientific theories we generate about the natural world. Too often
humanities scholars believe that they are moving toward science
when they use empirical methods, Bod reflected. They are
wrong: humanities scholars using empirical methods are returning to their own historical roots in the studia humanitatis o
 f the
15th century, when the empirical approach was first invented.
Regardless of which university building scholars inhabit, we
are all working toward the same goal of improving our understanding of the true nature of things, and that is the way of both
the sciences and the humanities, a s cientia humanitatis.
Comment on this article at S

80 Scientific American, June 2015

Illustration by Izhar Cohen

2015 Scientific American


Michael Shermer is publisher of 

Skeptic magazine (
His new book is The Moral Arc 
(Henry Holt, 2015). Follow him
on Twitter @michaelshermer

Anti Gravity by Steve Mirsky

The ongoing search for fundamental farces

Steve Mirskyhas been writing the Anti Gravity

column since a typical tectonic plate was about
34 inches from its current location. He also hosts
the S cientific American podcast Science Talk.

Gold Flush
A cloud with a silver lining
pales next to solid waste
laced with gold
You cant make a silk purse o
 ut of a sows ear.
You cant make chicken salad out of chickenshall
we agree we know what word goes at the end of
that saying? Its also been thought impossible to,
as the Yiddish expression has it, makhn gold fun
drek: make gold fromsure enough, its that same
word again.
It remains true that you cant m
 ake gold from
feces. But it turns out you can extract enough gold
from solid waste to possibly make the effort pay.
This excremental explication was performed by
one Kathleen Smith, a researcher with the U.S.
Geological Survey, at an American Chemical Society meeting held in late March in Denver. The
meeting was billed as Chemistry of Natural Resources, which
includes the stuff produced when nature calls.
Smith has had what appears to be, based on her authorship
of nearly 100 scientific publications, a long and distinguished
career. She has now discovered that papers with titles such as
her Trace-Metal Sources and Their Release from Mine Wastes:
Examples from Humidity Cell Tests of Hard-Rock Mine Waste
and from Warrior Basin Coal garner far less media attention
than do press releases headlined SewageYes, PoopCould
Be a Source of Valuable Metals and Critical Elements. (Smiths
conference presentation was called Metal Occurrence in and
Potential Recovery from Municipal Biosolids, which we journalist types would probably have ignored, too, to be honest.)
Before we talk about getting the gold out, lets consider how
it got in. Most of us are not dining on gold-leaf-covered ice
cream, like the kind in the $1,000 sundaes at the New York City
restaurant Serendipity 3 (the wealthy customer being the serene dip). Nor are most of us spending more than $400 on a pill
filled with shards of gold leaf, the sole purpose of which is to
eventually make ones bowel movement, no joke, glitter. A commenter to the online news article discussing this pill helpfully
wrote, You dont need to pay that much. My kid has glittery
poos every time he does arts and crafts . . . just eat regular glitter, it works just fine.
Geophagysnacking on small amounts of dirtis a common
practice in some regions. But a 2014 paper in the journal B
Pregnancy and Childbirth d
 id not find any gold in soil preferred
by pregnant women in Tanzania, where eating earth is believed
to alleviate morning sicknesseven though the study was done

in a gold-mining community. (The samples sadly did contain

mercury and other toxic metals used in gold mining.) And
whereas a dental patients gold filling may on occasion pop out of
a molar and wind up circling the former chewers drain, that scenario is rarer than hens teeth.
Seems that the gold winds up in the solid waste well after said
waste is originally produced. There are metals everywhere,
Smith explains in the aforementioned press release, in your hair
care products, detergents, even nanoparticles that are put in
socks to prevent bad odors. When you wash your clothes or
yourself, incredibly tiny amounts of these metals, including precious or useful ones such as gold, palladium, vanadium, platinum and silver, get sent to the sewer. And the processing procedures at treatment plants, designed to recover usable water,
meld metal with manureabout seven million tons annually.
With that much material, even minimal ingredients can add
up to a small fortune. A 2015 study in the journal Environmental Science & Technology estimated that a community of a million people could make a pile of sludge every year with an extracted mineral value of $13 million. When Smith and her colleagues examined treated solid waste, they found gold at the
level of a minimal mineral deposit. Which means that soon it
just may be worth trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Although anything that started as actual wheat will in this
analogy become chaff. Eh, itll all pan out in the end.
Comment on this article at S

June 2015, 81

Illustration by Matt Collins

2015 Scientific American

Innovation and discovery as chronicled in Scientific American

June 1965
Interior of
the Earth
Our experiments
with the 90:10 ironnickel alloy and
extrapolations from these results in
dicate that under the assumed high
pressures and temperatures of the
earths core the density of the alloy
is about 10percent less than that of
pure iron. Our density values for this
alloy agree with the density of the core,
as estimated by K. E. Bullen of the
University of Sydney and Francis Birch
of Harvard University on the basis of
seismic data, the moment of inertia
and the earths mass. We conclude,
therefore, that the earths core probably
consists of iron-nickel alloys and is
similar in composition to the ironnickel meteorites.

June 1915
The Greatest

only yesterday we marveled at the application of ether and chloroform to surgery, at

the feat of telegraphing across the ocean
without wires, at the bigness of the Panama Canal, at the opportunity of viewing
the skeleton beneath the living flesh with
the X-rays, and the spectacle of a man flying in the air swifter than any bird; when
we think that it has been our privilege not
merely to see these and many other miracles but to translate them into print, who
can blame us if we contemplate our future
task with a feeling almost akin to awe?
More from this special issue from 1915
on the history of invention is online at

June 1865
Interior of
the Earth
Messrs Editors
For my own part
I have quite a golden ideathat the interior of the earth is abundantly supplied
with, if not mainly composed of, gold, platinum and other precious metals. If we

The most significant

event in the annals of
human achievement
was the invention of the steam engine.
Its introduction divided recorded time
into two distinctly defined eras, and it
may well be said that the entire history
of mans material endeavors counts forward or backward from that comparatively recent event. The jump from manual to power operations, which typifies
the two eras, was nothing short of cataclysmic, and profoundly affected and
stirred mankind in all its relations to an
extent inconceivably greater than any
political change or decision in battle that
is ordinarily cited by the historian to
mark the beginning of a new epoch.

Our 70th Anniversary

When we think that at the time the
Scientific American was started
it took three weeks to send a message
from New York to Liverpool and three
months to Calcutta; when we think that

SCIENTIFIC F ind original articles and images in

AMERICAN the Scientific American a rchives at

 fter 70years of invention, 1915

82 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

suppose but for an instant that the earth

was once in a gaseous or fluid state, is it
not quite evident that those substances
most difficult of fusion, and possessing
the greatest specific gravity, would be first
to find their way to the center? Now gold,
platinum and a few other of the precious
metals possess these properties in a high
degree above all other known substances,
and though we know them to be scarce
on the surface of the earth, we have no
assurance but that they are abundant in
nature.John Calvin Moss
The writer invented the first successful photoengraving process for printing.

Plowing with Steam Engines

Difficulties have been met with in applying steam power to cultivation. To attach
the moving power direct to the implement, as is done in the case of the horse,
was found not suitable with a steam engine, from the loss of power in moving
such a heavy weight over inequalities of
the ground, and from the compression
caused by its travelling over the soil to be
cultivated. Hence the use of a rope driven
by the engine became requisite for working the implement.

Varnish Ingredient
The purest and best gum copal
in the world is found on the mainland of Africa, near Zanzibar. It
is, without doubt, a fossil gum.
It is dug from the earth by Africans, and by them carried to
the Banian [Indian] trader, in
small quantities, for sale. When
it reaches Zanzibar, it is in a very
dirty state, and requires much
sifting and garbling before it is
merchantable; it is then cleansed
with a solution of soda-ash and
lime, put up carefully in boxes,
when it is ready for the home
market. That it is a gum may be
proved from the fact of its rough
or goose-skin surface, which no
doubt is an impression of the
sand or earth when it ran down
from the tree in a soft state. Pieces, too, are found with sticks,
leaves, and insects preserved in
them in the most perfect state.


50, 100 & 150 Years Ago compiled by Daniel C. Schlenoff

Graphic Science

Twists of Fate
Genes, traits and disease are linked in complex and surprising ways
Our genes are not t he last word on disease risk or other traits.
Myriad control switches help to arbitrate how genes get expressed in different cells and tissues, and those switches are often triggered by maternal diet, toxic exposures and many other
environmental factors. To begin to understand what drives these
complex epigenetic effects, scientists analyzed 150 billion bits
of genomic data from more than 100 human tissues and cells
brain, heart, bone, and so forth.
The first step was to locate the switches by analyzing specific
chemical modifications on the DNA and the proteins that it
wraps around. Then researchers took data comparing individuals

who have specific biological traits with those who do not to see
which traits are associated with which switches. The result is an
epigenomic road map that links diseases and traits (red dots)
with the locations in the body (white dots) of the switches most
correlated with those features; thicker lines correspond to more
robust links. This blueprint should come in handy in sussing out
the molecular basis of human variation and disease and in discovering potential new treatments. 
Dina Fine Maron
For more graphics about human genetics, see

Genetic switches that determine if a patient will react negatively

to some chemotherapy reside in rectal and lymphoblastoid cells
Chronic lymphocytic

Type 1




Alzheimers Self-reported

Key cells of the

immune system

T cells




B cells

Stem cell Precancerous

Placenta derived cell lines lung cells

Ulcerative colitis

Inammatory bowel disease

Rheumatoid arthritis

Multiple sclerosis

Other immune Immortalized

system cells
T cells

Preeclampsia (a preg
nancy-induced hyper
tensive condition) is
linked with bone tissue












Stem cells


Fasting glucose
related traits

Biological trait (red dots)

Connecting lines represent
a significant relation between
a trait and tissue end points

Tissue type (white dots)

Blood pressure is most

strongly associated with
switches in the heart


LDL cholesterol

Blood pressure

Type 2

Breast cancer


Strength/nature of relation between end points

Ranking for each trait

liver cells

84 Scientific American, June 2015

2015 Scientific American

1 (strongest)

Strength of relation
Extremely signicant
Almost reached signicance

Graphic by Martin Krzywinski

 OL. 518; FEBRUARY 19, 2015

Adverse chemotherapy

Although Alzheimers
disease is a disorder
of the brain, it is most
strongly related to
regulatory switches
of the immune system,
suggesting a possible
causal link

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