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Summer 2012


How to Be Joyful
on the Job

Jesus Is Our
City of Refuge

Increasing From the

Inside Out

We Are Created
for Greatness
M A C - H A M M O N D . O RG

LWCC Event Calendar


August 8

July 11

Operation Outreach: Care for Our Community

Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.

Operation Outreach: Care for Our Community

Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.

Invite a friend to help you touch our community with

Gods unconditional love, and then stay for pizza, pop, and

Bring the whole family for 60 minutes of high-energy, outward-focused ministry to our surrounding communities.
Demonstrate Gods love in a practical way and then enjoy
pizza and pop afterward.

July 2022

August 12

Guest Minister Dr. Jerry Savelle

Church Picnic and Water Baptism

Friday, 7 p.m.; Saturday 5 p.m.;

Sunday 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Sunday, directly following the 11 a.m. service

Mark your calendars for guest minister Dr. Jerry Savelle. Jerry
is a longtime friend of Living Word who knows the power of
increase available through our relationship with God. His
ministry will bless you!

The highlight of this years summer is hereour annual

church picnic at Lake Rebecca. This day of fun in the sun
is our church familys largest outdoor event of the year. An
outdoor evening service and water baptism with Pastor Mac
will be held at 6 p.m.

August 2126

Upper Midwest Faith Explosion

September 6
Tim Hawkins

Thursday, 7 p.m.

Take your family out for the night to see Christian comedian
Tim Hawkins at Living Word. Tim successfully walks the line
between a family-friendly yet extremely funny show. To reserve your tickets now, log on to timhawkins.net. VIP packages are selling fast, so dont miss out!

TuesdayFriday, 7 p.m.; Saturday 5 p.m.;

Sunday 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m.

You will want to be at every meeting possible at our end

of the summer Upper Midwest Faith Explosion. Dr. Creflo Dollar will minister Tuesday and Wednesday, Kenneth
and Gloria Copeland will minister Thursday and Friday, Dr.
Jesse Duplantis will minister on Saturday night and Sunday
morning, and Dr. Jerry Savelle will finish the week at The
Fifth Service.

September 1014


New Member Classes

7 p.m. nightly

Are you interested in making Living Word your church home?

Come to our next new member classes with Pastor Mac where
youll learn about Living Words history, doctrine, and vision.
Youll have a chance to get all of your questions about Living
Word answered.

September 2223

Guest Minister Pastor Reggie Scarborough

Saturday 5 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 6:30 p.m.

Its an honor to have Reggie Scarborough come back to the

Living Word pulpit. Hes an anointed preacher of the Gospel who pastors Family Worship Center in Lakeland, Florida.
He has always blessed our congregation with the Word hes
shared, so get ready to be encouraged!

October 2021

Guest Speaker David Barton

Saturday 5 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m., and 11 a.m.

David Barton is the founder and president of WallBuilders, a

national pro-family organization that presents Americas forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral,
religious, and constitutional heritage. A national news organization has described David as Americas historian, and
Time Magazine called him a hero to millions, including
some powerful politicians. In fact, Time Magazine named
him as one of Americas 25 most influential evangelicals.
Please join us for this important weekend.

Note: Events are subject to change. Please check

our website or call for the latest information.
Find out the latest ministry news on Living Words
Facebook and Twitter pages: facebook.com/lwccmpls
and twitter.com/lwccmpls.

W W S U M M E R 2012

Living Word Christian Center | 9201 75th Avenue North

Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428
763-315-7000 lwcc.org

In This Issue
God wants you to be a winner
in every area of life!
Communicating this life-changing truth to as
many people as possible is the motivating force
behind everything we do and the reason we
publish this magazine. In every issue, we seek to
communicate Bible principles that will enhance
your spiritual growth and help you:
Win at work


Win in relationships

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: To place an order,

please call 763-315-7200 from 9 a.m.5 p.m. U.S.
Central Time, order online at mac-hammond.org,
or write to Mac Hammond Ministries, PO Box
29469, Minneapolis, MN 55429. U.S. currency
WINNERS WAY is published by Living Word
Christian Center, a nonprofit organization.
Editorial offices are located at 9201 75th Ave. N.,
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428. 2012 Living Word
Christian Center. All rights reserved. Reproduction
in whole or part without written consent is strictly

Did you know you have a great cloud of witnesses

cheering you on as you go about your life on
earth? Should that have an impact on your life?
Find out in this article by Mac Hammond.
Mac Hammond


Your job can be a source of joy to you. If that

sounds impossible, take a few moments to read
this installment of Workplace Wisdom and
discover how you can make joyfulness on the job
a reality.

Win in the financial arena

Gods highest and best is that your whole life
becomes a reflection of His abundant provision.
We pray this issue will embolden you to step out
and continue to walk the Winners Way!

Mac Hammond


Lynne Hammond



Right now, the Spirit of God is training up a

powerful army of pray-ers to take up their spiritual
weapons, win new territory for the kingdom of
God, and dispel the demonic storms that loom
on the horizon. Are you ready to take your place
in that army?

Christians are hardwired for greatness. All too

often, though, adversity crowds out and dampens
this enthusiasm. What are Christians supposed to
do to change that? John and Lisa Bevere addressed
that during Living Words 2012 SummerVival.

Executive Director: John Hammond

Operations Manager: Liisa Flanagan
Editorial Coordinator: Rachel Fearing
Graphics/Marketing Manager: Kevin Weiers
Graphic Designers: Brandon Harrison, Nate Kelly,
and Stacey Houle
Writers: Gina Lynnes, Laura Wegener
Proofing/Transcribing: Karen Thompson
Fabric Textures: courtesy of Amy Karyn

M A C - H A M M O N D . O RG

Did you know that you have a great
cloud of witnesses cheering you on as
you go about your life on earth? Hebrews
12:1 says:
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed
about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let
us lay aside every weight, and the sin which
doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that
is set before us (KJV).
When Christians die, their spirits go on to be with the Lord,
and they become part of this great cloud of witnesses. Part of
the definition for the word witnesses implies agreement and
exhortation. These witnesses are not only very much aware of the
unfolding plan of God on the earth, they know whats happening in your life and are cheering you on from the grandstand of
heaven, adding the power of their agreement to the course youre
running in this life.
One thing these witnesses cannot do yet is step into their
eternal calling of ruling and reigning with the Lord because that
requires a physical body. In order to fulfill this calling across the
vastness of a universal creation that is temporal and physical, we
have to have a physical body.
Angels cant do what we do as human beings because they
dont have physical bodies. They can only legally function in this

E R 2012

world as ministers to the heirs of

salvation, which is their calling. The
same is true with demons; they cant do
things in this earth without first possessing a
biological life form through which to find expression.
Thats the way God created this universe.
All Christiansboth those alive and those who have died
will receive a glorified, physical body at the rapture of the Church
so they will then be enabled to fulfill their eternal calling. First
Corinthians 15:2223 says:
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward
they that are Christs at his coming. (KJV)
Christ experienced a physical resurrection of His body. He
didnt enter into some kind of spiritual immortality; He was
physically raised from the dead and it says that He was the firstfruits of many to follow. The resurrection of our physical bodies
will occur when the Lord returns at the end of the church age and
the Church is raptured.
What happens to the people who have died and their bodies
are rotting in a grave or even cremated? Their earthly bodies will
be resurrected to life and rejoined to their spirits who are with the
Lord; those who are alive will experience the resurrection of their
bodies after that.


So why is this important to know?
Well, I believe that if people knew
what their future looked like, they
would live their lives much differently here on earth. A future
you are certain about is the
only way your quality of life
now is going to be what it
should be.
Hebrews 11:1215
Therefore sprang there
even of one [talking
about Abraham], and
him as good as dead, so
many as the stars of the
sky in multitude, and
as the sand which is by
the sea shore innumerable. These all died in
faith [a reference to the
men and women of faith
talked about earlier in this
chapter], not having received
the promises, but having seen
them afar off, and were persuaded
of them, and embraced them, and
confessed that they were strangers
and pilgrims on the earth. For they that
say such things declare plainly that they seek
a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of
that country from whence they came out, they might have
had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better
country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to
be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. (KJV)
You and I need to become more mindful of the heavenly, eternal truths that are going to define our future than we are mindful
of the earthly experiences that often occupy much of our thinking.
Being heavenly minded makes a huge difference in the way you see
everything in life. Of course, you cant be mindful of something
you know virtually nothing about. Thats why Im sharing with you
some basic truths about eternity.


What else do we know about the resurrection of our bodies and the eternal ages to come? We can read more about it in
1 Corinthians 15:3538.
But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with
what body do they come? Thou fool, that which thou sowest is
not quickened, except it die: And that which thou sowest, thou
sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance
of wheat, or of some other grain: but God giveth it a body as it
hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. (KJV)
Since I went into the ministry, Ive had questions asked me

about the rapture. Im a short guy now; I want to be 6 5 in the

rapture. I have brown eyes, but I want blue in the rapture. Paul
shows us two things in this passage. First, your glorified body will
be better than what you currently have. Second, he states, to every
seed his own body. Your body is a seed of what is to come. If your
bodythe seedhas black hair and blue eyes, when its raised,
its going to have the same thing. If you have a hook nose and a
little bit of a hawkish profile, youll have that in the resurrection.
I heard somebody preach that were all going to be neutered in
the rapture since there will be no marriage or giving in marriage
in heaven and thus, no need for sex for purposes of procreation.
Thats not right though. If youre sown a man, youre going to
be raised a man. If youre sown a woman, youre going to be
raised a woman.
The things that get changed in the rapture are the corruptive
effects of sin: disobedience, aging, sickness, and infirmity. In your
glorified body, youll look in a mirror and say, Whoa, do I ever
look good! No bald spots. No potbellies. No blemishes. Youre
going to look good, but youre going to be you.
The point of all this is that heaven is going to be so good, its
just going to blow your socks off. Youre not going to be disappointed about a thing. You cant even imagine the joy in a place
without tears or sorrow. Youre going to be so excited about everything that unfolds.
The truth of it is that every God-given desire of yours will
be fulfilled. If the promise wasnt received in this earth and your
hearts desire was to be healed, then come heaven, youll experience healing. If you have a desire to experience an abundance that
never seemed to manifest on this earth, then, man, your mansion
and the street in front of your house paved with gold is going to
be more than satisfying.
These are truths you need to know about the resurrection as
you enter the eternal ages to come. Much is a mystery that the
Bible doesnt address, but we can rejoice in the certainty that
heaven will more than satisfy every yearning of the human heart.


Another eternal truth is found in 1 Corinthians 15:4142.
There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and
another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star
in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. (KJV)
Eternity will be pretty glorious for all of us, but the degree
of glory from one person to another will differ. Why would that
be? It could be because of the rewards that are meted out at the
judgment seat of Christ, which are dependent upon the works
done in this body.
Second Corinthians 5:10 says, For we must all appear before
the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things
done in his body according to that he hath done, whether it be
good or be bad (KJV).
This isnt an appointment we can miss. It will occur immediately after the resurrection because the degree of glory that is
going to ultimately crown your resurrection will be dependent on
this, the judgment seat of Christ.
The purpose of the judgment seat is that everyone may
M A C - H A M M O N D . O RG


receive the things done in his body according to that he hath

done whether it be good or bad. Now if thats all you knew
about the judgment seat, it might sound like a little bit of a scary
experience. Weve all done a lot of things in this body we would
just rather not give an account of and certainly not receive something accordingly. We need to know more about the judgment
seat which we find in 1 Corinthians 3:1315.
Every mans work shall be made manifest: for the day shall
declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall
try every mans work of what sort it is. If any mans work abide
which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any
mans work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself
shall be saved; yet so as by fire. (KJV)
This isnt about who gets into heaven and who doesnt; the
issue of salvation was settled at the cross. No punishment is
administered at the judgment seat. This is talking about getting
a reward or not getting a reward. The greater degree of glory will
come to those who have more works that He can reward you for.


What are those works you get rewarded for? A lot of things have
been preached about this. Today I want to show you the one passage of scripture that I can find in the New Testament that deals
specifically with the basis of the reward system at the judgment seat.
It starts in Matthew 25:14, where we find the parable of the talents.
The idea conveyed in this parable is that a lord is going on a
journey to a far country and he entrusts all of his kingdom and
possessions that represent his kingdom to his servants. This is an
analogy for the Lord entrusting the Church and you as an individual member of the body of Christ with certain talentsgifts,
abilities, financial resource, etc. He entrusts that to us until He
returns and then an accounting will be taken.
The first two servantsone received five talents and one
received twoproduced an increase for their Lord. The Lord
said, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many more
(KJV). The third did not produce an increase. The third was the
one whose works got burned up and he suffered loss.
An important part of the reward system is our eternal assignment. The extent and the nature of that assignment is the ultimate
reward you will experience for the things you do on this earth.
The basis of measurement for reward is going to be whether or
not you produced an increase for the kingdom of God.


How did you use your gifts, your spiritual and natural talents,
and your abilities? How did you use your financial capacity and
resource? Did you use it for personal consumption or elevation
of your own ego or fame or did you use your lifes resource to
bring increase to the kingdom of God? That is the primary basis
of measurement at the judgment seat.
Remember, increase in the kingdom of God only comes one
way: through the principle of sowing and reaping. That principle
governs increase in the kingdom. (See Mark 4:13, 26.)
As Jesus defines in Mark chapter 4, the soil is the human heart.

W W S U M M E R 2012

The seed is the Word of Godnot just a word off a page from the
Bible but principles from the Word. Gods Word sets our perception of life and reality and our paradigm of whats important and
what isnt.
When the principles of Gods Word are sown in the soil of
the human heart, healing is produced. Deliverance is produced.
Salvation is produced. Provision is produced. The kingdom is
increased, and for that, you will be rewarded.
When you use your time to preach the Gospel and go on
the missions field, when you use your talent, ability, and gifting
to lay hands on the sick, when you use your money to support
the preaching of the Gospel (thats the only time money is called
seed), you are increasing Gods kingdom.


God entrusts each of us with certain levels of responsibility. Dont get bummed out if He only gave you two talents and
He gave another guy five talents. We tend to look at the big
TV preachers and say, Man, they have a lot of reward coming
because look who they get to preach to.
Ill tell you who is going to get the biggest reward. Its going to
be the ladies who sit in their prayer rooms and pray and believe
God for His Word to bear fruit!
Dont use your natural reasoning to figure this out. Well,
look at all that hes got. The increase you see on this earth
has nothing to do with it. The question is this: what did you do
with what He gave you? Did you use it to bring increase to the
kingdom of God?
These things are really important. Its what is going to make
you more mindful of heaven. When you stand before your Lord
to give an account for the deeds done in this body, with the desire
to bring Him glory, it has an effect on the way you live your life.
So start thinking now about heaven and your part in eternity. Learn how to live in this world while remaining focused on
heaven! ww

If you arent sure that heaven is in your eternal future, you can
do so by praying this simple prayer and making Jesus the Lord
of your life.
God in heaven, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I confess
that I have not lived my life for You. But Im glad to know I
can change that. Ive decided to believe that Jesus is Your Son,
and that He died on the cross and rose again from the dead, so I
might have eternal life and the blessings of life now. Jesus, come
into my heart; be my Savior and be my Lord. From this day
forward and to the best of my ability, I will live my life for You.
In Jesus name I pray, amen.
If you prayed this prayer, it is important to tell someone. We
would consider it an honor if you shared this decision with us.
You may contact us at: Mac Hammond Ministries, PO Box
29469 Minneapolis, MN 55429-2946, 763-315-7200,



living in light


Why are we here on earth? Many people ask this question, but few find
the right answer.
In The Big Picture, Mac Hammond explains not only why we are here on
earth, but what we will be doing throughout eternity. He also addresses
questions such as:
When was the world created?
Do extraterrestrial creatures exist?
When will the Rapture take place?
You have a vital role to play in Gods big picture for mankind. Pick up this
book today and find out how you can fulfill that role by living your life in
light of eternity.
Book by Mac Hammond
Offer 4614

M A C - H A M M O N D . O RG

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;
and they loved not their lives unto the death. Rev. 12:11


Those who overcome the enemy will overcome him by two elements:
the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
But what exactly is your testimony? How do you apply the blood
of the Lamb to your life? And how do you have faith in the blood?
Mac Hammond addresses these questions and much more in this
enlightening three-message series.
If you want to overcome in this life, get this series today so you can learn
the vital importance of your testimony and how it interacts with The
Blood of the Lamb.

The Blood of the Lamb: Gods Provision to Help You Overcome
by Mac Hammond
3-CD SERIES Offer 4620 $18


God wants your work to be a source of joy.

If that sounds impossible to you, I guarantee you, it isnt.
God created the concept of work. He wants us to find joy in the
jobs He has given us to accomplish. One of the first things God
did after creating mankind was to hand out important work
In Ecclesiastes 5:19, wise, old Solomon wrote, ...to rejoice
in your labor, this is the gift of God. Work is a gift from God,
not a punishment. If youre not presently finding a lot of joy in
your job, the Bible holds some simple keys you can use to find
happiness in your work. Whether you are mopping floors or
managing millions, here are a few tips to help you find more
fulfillment in your work.
1. Keep LearningProverbs 1:5 says, A wise man will
increase learning. If you want to be happier in your present job
and increase your chances of getting a better one, make a commitment to learn everything you can about your current position.
2. Be ProductiveEphesians 5:16 says, Be wise and make
the most of your time. Your employer agrees to pay you a certain amount of money in exchange for a certain number of hours
of productivity. When you accept payment for time spent doing
anything else, youre a time thief. What most dont realize is that
making a practice of stealing time puts spiritual laws in motion
that make it hard for you to experience real happiness on the job.
3. Pray for WisdomJames 1:5 says, If any of you lacks
wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without
finding fault, and it will be given to him. An important key
to being happy in your job is knowing you can call on God for

wisdom. Pray for wisdom on the job. Youll enjoy your work
more and enjoy more success.
4. Respond Well to CriticismProverbs 13:18 says, He
who ignores instruction comes to poverty and shame, but
whoever heeds correction is honored. Respond positively to
criticism and youll be a long way toward finding happiness on
the job.
5. Admit When Youre WrongProverbs 28:13 says, He
who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who
confesses and forsakes them will find compassion. Be honest
about your mistakes. Become known around the office as a
person who is willing to own up to mistakes instead of pointing
the finger at others. Youll earn credibility, respect, and trust from
those with whom you work.
6. When Needed, Ask for HelpProverbs 24:5 says, A
man of knowledge increases power, and in the abundance of
counselors there is victory. Know when to ask for help or more
information so you can do the job right.
7. Avoid GossipJames 4:11 says, Speak not evil of one
another. Proverbs 17:9 says, He who covers over an offense
promotes love, but whoever repeats a matter separates close
friends. Participating in office gossip is tempting but very
destructive. Refuse to participate in gossip in the workplace and
youll earn the respect and trust of everyone around you.
Psalms 128:2 says, When you eat of the fruit of your labor,
you will be happy and it will be well with you. No matter who
you are, no matter what you do, when you put a biblical work
ethic into practice, your job can be a source of fulfillment and
promotion for you.
M A C - H A M M O N D . O RG




by Lynne Hammond
Right now, the Spirit of God is training
up a powerful army of pray-ers. He is preparing them to take up their spiritual weapons, win new territory for the kingdom of
God, and dispel the demonic storms that
loom, even now, on the horizon.
He is teaching them to pray not according to their own
human wisdom or what others tell them, but by the leading
of the Holy Spirit.
This is not the first time God has assembled such an
army. He has done it many times beforeespecially in seasons of world crisis. In 1936, for example, as the dark clouds
of World War II began to gather, He brought together such
a group in England to help fight that warand win iton
their knees. The leader of that group was Rees Howells, a
man who had given his entire life to intercession.
Apart from the truths and testimonies included in the
Bible itself, I know of no more inspiring, convincing proof
of the power of Spirit-led prayer than the experiences of
Mr. Howells. In the final years of his life, he and the young
people who prayed with him won battles, saved lives, and


E R 2012

stopped the Nazi army on Englands doorstep. They prayed

out details of specific battles before those battles ever took
place. And they did it in response to two clear and simple
words from the Lord:
Bend Hitler.
The accounts of those prayer meetings offer breath-taking
evidence that every earthly victory for the kingdom of God
must be won first in the spirit by people of prayer. They leave
no doubt that if the Holy Spirit can find a body of praying
believers through whom He can work, He will change the
course of nations.
We should all be forever grateful that when the Devil
infected Hitler with his demonic plan and released the
Nazi plague upon the world, God was able to find men and
women who were prepared to fight and conquer it through
the power of prayer. We should also be determined that in
this day when the Devil is once again stirring wicked men
and leaders of nations to yield themselves to his deadly purposesin this day when millions of lives hang in the balanceGod will find in us what He needs.

He will find us to be people prepared to rise to new heights

in the spirit. He will find us to be spiritual soldiers who are not
only willing but able to enforce the victory of Jesus and release
the power of heaven on earth through prayer.

Enlarging Our Territory

Ill be honest with you. Those kinds of soldiers arent developed overnight. An effective spiritual army is not composed of
fresh-faced, recently-recruited volunteers. Its made up of welldeveloped troops who know their heavenly Commander in Chief
very well. Troops who have learned how to abide in Him. Soldiers who are strengthened with might through His Spirit in the
inner man (Ephesians 3:16 NKJV) and can swing the sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God with might and precision,
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit
(Ephesians 6:1718 NKJV).
How do you become that kind of spiritual soldier?
The same way Rees Howells did. By learning to obey the
instructions Jesus gave to His disciples in John 15:7:
If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words
remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever
you will, and it shall be done for you (Amplified Bible).
As Ive studied Mr. Howells life, Ive found it interesting to see
how, as he progressed in his abiding, God gave him ever greater
responsibilities in prayer. In his early years, he prayed primarily for
individuals that God put on his heart. After a while, God expanded
his assignment to include groups of people in the region where he
lived. Then, in the years just before World War II, his prayer burdens went international. The world became our parish, he said,
and we were led to be responsible for countries and nations.
God wants to do a similar work in us as praying people today.
He wants to increase our scope and effectiveness. He wants to
enlarge our territory in prayer so that we can be a blessing in ever
greater ways to ever greater numbers of people.
But for Him to do that, we must increase spiritually. We must
sink our roots deeper into Jesus. We must abide in Him so that
He can strengthen us and take us higher. We must
receive more revelation of Him and from Him so that
we can see with clarity what He is showing us and hear
with accuracy what He is saying to us.
We must let Him increase us from the inside out.

be determined to set aside the time or Id never get around to

doing it.
So I got determined. I began scheduling special times to study
and meditate on Gods Word because I want the results the Bible
promises to people who do that. I wanted to be like the man in
Psalm 1:2 whose delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law
doth he meditate day and night (KJV).
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither;
and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper (verse 3 KJV).
I want to be like Joshua who obeyed the command the Lord
gave him right before he led the Israelites into the Promised Land:
Be strong and very courageous, that you may do according
to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you. Turn
not from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper
wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of
your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that
you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For
then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal
wisely and have good success. (Joshua 1:78, Amplified Bible)
Joshua proved by personal experience just how much victory
abiding in the Word can bring. When he was facing his greatest
challenges, he gained the strength to overcome them by meditating on Gods Word.
The eighth chapter of Joshua tells about a time, for example,
when he got into big trouble in the battle over the city of Ai. A
man in his army disobeyed God and his forces suffered a humiliating defeat. After Joshua found out from the Lord what was
wrong and straightened things out, he was faced with the task of
turning that defeat into a victory.
He knew he couldnt do it in his own strength, so before he
mounted another attack, he stationed his army around Ai according to the instructions of the Lord. Then he went that night
into the midst of the ravine (verse 13 KJV).
The Jewish sages say that verse should actually read this way:

Joshua went that night into

the depths of the Torah.

The Power of Study and Meditation

Thats the way God always works. He always expands our
hearts before He enlarges our territory. So if we want to increase
the effects of our prayers, we must first increase our abiding. We
must have times with God where we give Him the opportunity
to speak to us and make the changes in us that will equip us to do
bigger things for Him.
Over the years, Ive learned that one thing I must do during
those times is study and meditate the Word. I must devote extra
hours to feeding and strengthening my spirit with the Scriptures.
That used to be a struggle for me because I felt guilty about
taking time away from the duties of life and ministry. But the
Lord straightened me out. He showed me what tremendous fruit
such seasons of study can yield. He also taught me that I had to

In other words, he spent all night in Gods Word.

Why did he do that? Because to win the battle he was facing,
Joshua had to think like God. He had to see things like God did.
He had to be in total agreement with God. He had to let God
deal with him in a very personal way through His Word.
Because Joshua took the time to go into the depths of God by
fellowshipping with Him in the Word, he came out of that battle

Cleaning Out Your Spiritual Closet

But Lynne, Ive studied the Bible for years, somebody might
say. I know what it says. Im a Word person.
Its not enough just to know what the Bible says. Its not
enough to be able to quote tons of Scripture. We can have piles
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of revelation on our spiritual bookshelf but when a crisis hits

and God calls us to pray about it, we wont know which of those
revelations to use. We cant just go to that shelf and say, Eenie,
meenie, minie, moe and pick some scripture at random.
That wont work and heres why. Jesus never intended us to use
His Word in our own strength. He meant for us to tap into the
power of the Word through fellowship with Him. He made that
clear in John 15 when He said:
I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. Any
branch in Me that does not bear fruitHe cuts away (trims off,
takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch
that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and
more excellent fruit (verses 12 Amplified Bible).
Notice that according to those verses, there are different degrees
of bearing fruit. If we want to increase and produce more excellent
fruit, we must repeatedly come to Jesus and let Him prune us.
For me, that pruning process reminds me of cleaning out my
clothes closet. When I start out, all the shoes might be in a pile
in the corner. So Ill begin by going through that pile and getting
rid of the shoes I dont need anymore. Then Ill straighten the
others and put them in order. I might take the shoes that are out
of season and put them in a different closet so theyre out of the
way. Then I do the same thing with the shirts and dresses and
other things.
When Im finished, the closet is much easier to use. I can
easily find the clothes I need. I dont have to waste time digging
around hunting for them.
During spiritual pruning seasons, God helps me do much the
same thing with my heart. I dont really know how He does it but
somehow as Im studying or meditating the Word, He rids me of
unnecessary things. I may have been giving time to unproductive
projects that need to be laid aside, or I may have slipped into
some bad spiritual habits or attitudes. Suddenly I realize God has
removed those things from my life. Ill be so surprised that Ill
think, Where did that go?
During those abiding times, God will also straighten things
out and order them. (He is, after all, a most orderly God.) Hell
make space for new revelations and impartations of the Spirit.
Hell get me ready for the next season of my life.

Be Wither-Proof
My prayer life would never survive without times like that
with God. I am living proof that what Jesus said is true:
Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me, and I will
live in you.] Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without
abiding in (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you
bear fruit unless you abide in Me. I am the Vine; you are the
branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union
with Me] you can do nothing. If a person does not dwell in
Me, he is thrown out like a [broken-off] branch, and withers
(John 15:46 Amplified Bible).


W W S U M M E R 2012

None of us want our prayer lives to wither, but according to

that last verse, if we dont abide in Jesus, that is what will happen!
We wont have staying power in prayer. We wont have the specific revelation we need. Well always be looking to other people
to show us how to pray or what to pray for. Well see somebody
else praying in power and try to pray like them.
Listen, saints of God, we should never try to pray like someone else. We should locate our own heart by meeting with Jesus
and getting united with Him. Thats His plan. He said:
If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words
remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever
you will, and it shall be done for you. (verse 7 Amplified Bible).

The Perfect Spiritual Tool

When we abide in Jesus, His Words come alive in our hearts.
He quickens specific Words to us by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes He
puts a particular verse on the inside of us. Sometimes its just a single
phrase like the one he gave Rees Howells during World War II.
As we fellowship with Him over those Words, somehow He
cooks them up and expands them inside us until they become an
outflow of prayer. They become the perfect spiritual weapon for
the prayer battle we are facing. They become the exact tool we
need to accomplish what God wants us to do.
People who dont know much about prayer might say that we
dont need such specific Words. They say any scripture will do.
But theyre mistaken. Spiritual tools are just like natural tools. We
get much better results when we use the one specifically suited for
the task at hand.
I was reminded of just how true that is not long ago when I
went to a store that specializes in cooking utensils and bought a
gizmo that peels and slices tomatoes. Until then, Id been using
an ordinary knife to do that and I was pretty good with it. But do
you know what I discovered? I discovered that the knife couldnt
do what that wonderful tomato peeler could do. The tomato
peeler was the perfect tool for the job!
In the same way, the Holy Spirit has the perfect tool for every
prayer assignment. He has specific Words and revelations that
will give us the victory. But sometimes we dont abide in Him
long enough to receive them.
Instead, we try to use the Word that God quickened to us last
year. We reach into our spiritual closet, grab the revelation He
gave us for our previous prayer assignment, and start using it. But
if were alert, well notice theres no life in it. Even though its still
true, that Word isnt abiding in us in a way that produces a living
current of prayer.
When that happens, we need to follow Joshuas example. We
need to spend time deep in the ravine of Gods Word. We need
to abide in Jesus, draw fresh life from Him, and let Him increase
us on the inside.
If we will do that, God can use our prayers to save lives, win
battles, and stop Satans armies. He can lift us to new heights so
we can take ever greater territories and win ever more glorious
victories through the power of prayer. ww


Month after month for years, Lynne Hammonds heartfelt

PrayerNotes letters have made their way around the world. Eagerly
received by multiplied thousands who share her passion for prayer,
they have inspired, re-fired, and imparted fresh revelation to those
she affectionately calls her dearest friends and pray-ers.
Now, in this unique devotional, those letters have become a book.
They have been combined into a timeless treasure that can enrich
your prayer life every day of the year.
In Devotions for the Praying Heart, each week takes you on a new
adventure in prayer, and each day unfolds a fresh aspect of that
adventure. Your heart will be strengthened and your spirit stirred as
you explore the secrets of:
Following the Holy Spirit in prayer
Praying from your heart instead of your head
Releasing the power of corporate prayer
Building your faith with the Word
Praying out the plan of God
Personal, heart searching, and challengingthis is a book that will
take you, day by day, into higher places of fellowship with God.

Hardcover special edition devotional book by Lynne Hammond

Offer 4615


Christians are hardwired for greatness. Something inside

them hungers for more.
All too often, though, adversity crowds out and dampens this
enthusiasm. What are Christians supposed to do to change that?
John and Lisa Bevere addressed this from a variety of different
perspectives during Living Words 2012 SummerVival.
John started out on Wednesday with the foundational verse
for the week, Proverbs 4:78 Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do. Whatever else you get, get insight. Love
wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will
bring you honor (TEV).
John then went into his message, Who God Shares His Secrets
With. If you want to receive the wisdom of God, it comes by cultivating the fear of the Lord. That doesnt mean you become scared
of God, but that you venerate Him, honor, respect, esteem, value,
reverence, and stand in awe of God and who He is.
You will never find [God] in an atmosphere when He is not
held in utmost respect. John Bevere
The manifestations of the fear of the Lord are that you will:
1. Obey God instantly
2. Obey even if it doesnt make sense
3. Obey even if it hurts
4. Obey even if you dont see benefits (Most Christians get
stuck here. People often preach benefits first, but benefits
should never be our motive.)
5. Obey to completion (Saul obeyed 99.9% when he didnt
kill all the Amalekites like he was supposed to; the Lord
said he rebelled.)

W W S U M M E R 2012

Psalm 25:14 says, The secret of the Lord is with those who
fear Him, and He will show them His covenant (NKJV). Just
like you dont share your secrets with acquaintances, not every
Christian knows Gods secrets. The one and only key to Gods
secret wisdom is the fear of the Lord.
With the fear of the Lord as the foundation, John Bevere
then taught Thursday and Friday from his latest book, Relentless:
The Power You Need to Never Give Up. He started by showing
scripture after scripture that illuminates the truth that suffering
is inevitable, but the attitude with which you face adversity will
affect your experience during difficulty.
We are in the middle of a battle, and to be armed appropriately,
you must know that adversity (hardship) will happen. You have the
strength to overcome whatever you are facing. You never have to
lose! You must embrace a positive attitude during adversity.
God gets really quiet during adversity. He wants you to
believe what He already said. John Bevere
In the middle of adversity, Paul had a revelation of the grace
(empowerment) that God has given to us. He realized that God
uses our present challenges to strengthen us for greater challenges
in the future.
On Friday, John showed us that every believer who receives
Gods abundant grace will rule in life through Christ. Gods grace
gives us the ability to go beyond our own ability.
Properly navigating adversity propels us to greater authority and power in life. ... No matter the pressure of the hardship
you encounter, the difficulty is nothing compared to the level
of rulership you will walk in after it has passed, if you handle it
right. John Bevere

Lisa Bevere took over on Saturday night and talked further

about adversity and why it comes.
If you are a Christian, you are a target. Satan doesnt make it
personal. The enemy knows who you are long before you know
who you are. The attacks [on you] have much more to do with
who you might be in the future rather than what youve done in
the past. Will you let the hardship make you a hero or a victim?

Under pressure, Christians get distinguished from the world.

So many things youll win by just being consistent. We can
use seasons of captivity to gain strength.
If we want to be heroes, we need to live supernaturally.
Nothing is more important than forgiving people who have hurt
you. Lisa Bevere
John Bevere was back on Sunday morning to remind us that
we are meant to live extraordinary lives.
Gods not ordinary. We were created to reflect His nature.
We were created to live extraordinary in the realm that we are
called to. The primary definition of the grace of God is
empowerment. Grace gives us the full ability of Jesus. How

are we supposed to live like Jesus? Grace. Ninety-eight percent

[of Christians] are trying to live godly lives in their own ability
because they dont understand grace. Holiness is not a product
of the flesh but a work of grace.


Lisa was back on Sunday night to wrap up the week.
She started out by telling a story of when God told her,
I do not love all my children equally. I love my children
uniquely. That made her stop and think. God showed her
that each of us are irreplaceable in Gods kingdom. We need
to stop trying to be the same because each of us uniquely
express Gods love to this world.
When we try to copy someone else, we insult the Father.
God loves each of us uniquely and He needs us to be a
unique expression of His love to this world. He loves the
differences in you.
Lisa went on to share a vision she had of a lioness and how
that started her study of the creature and what we can learn from
lions and lionesses. The difference between lions and lionesses
are God-given to create a family that learns from each other and
encourages each other in unique ways.
Perilous times give birth to courageous people. Lets go
ahead and be who we were made to be. Lisa Bevere
Christians become dangerous when they are fully awake. Lets
take these messages from the Beveres and let the Word stir us up
on the inside. Lets become fully awake to our potential as sons
and daughters of the most high God and watch the kingdom of
darkness crumble around us. ww


The Word of God preached during SummerVival 2012 has the
power to transform your thinking and revolutionize your life.
One way to make that happen is by purchasing the complete set
of CDs, DVDs, or mp3s from SummerVival and listening to the
messages over and over. Your life will never be the same.
7-CD series


Offer 4616


6-DVD series


Offer 4617


6-MP3 series


Offer 4618

M A C - H A M M O N D . O RG


Accelerate Change!
In the course of daily life, sometimes our faith needs an extra boost. Thats why the Upper Midwest Faith Explosion
meetings exist: a week of meetings that will change your life forever. With guest speakers Kenneth and Gloria
Copeland, Dr. Creflo Dollar, Dr. Jesse Duplantis, and Dr. Jerry Savelle, the Upper Midwest Faith Explosion will
challenge you to grow in God.
Come let these meetings become a catalyst for change in your life.

For more information, visit lwcc.org/umfe


W W S U M M E R 2012



August 2126

September 2

September 9

iving Word Christian Center

Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond
Brooklyn Park, MN

Pastor Marie-Hlne Moulin

Nice, France

Pastor Marie-Hlne Moulin

Nice, France

Speaker: Pastor Mac Hammond

Service time: 10 a.m.
For more information, visit elbnfrance.com
or call 00 33 6 58 73 62 84.

Speaker: Pastor Lynne Hammond

Service time: 10 a.m.
For more information, visit elbnfrance.com
or call 00 33 6 58 73 62 84.

September 8

October 2529

Upper Midwest Faith Explosion

Speaker schedule:
Tuesday, August 21, 7 p.m.,

Dr. Creflo Dollar
Wednesday, August 22, 7 p.m.,

Dr. Creflo Dollar
Thursday, August 23, 7 p.m.,

Kenneth & Gloria Copeland
Friday, August 24, 7 p.m.,

Kenneth & Gloria Copeland
Saturday, August 25, 5 p.m.,

Dr. Jesse Duplantis
Sunday, August 26, 9 & 11 a.m.,

Dr. Jesse Duplantis
Sunday, August 26, 6:30 p.m.,

Dr. Jerry Savelle

Eglise La Bonne Nouvelle

Puissance et Foi
Pastors Patrick and Evelyne Quinsac
Toulon, France
Speaker: Pastor Lynne Hammond
Service time: 5 p.m.
For more information, visit elbnfrance.com
or call 00 33 6 63 86 87 25.

or more information, visit lwcc.org/UMFE

or call 763-315-7000.

Eglise La Bonne Nouvelle

2012 Autumn Prayer Assembly

Dr. Billye Brim
Branson Hilton Convention Center
Branson, MO
Speakers: Dr. Billye Brim, Kenneth &
Gloria Copeland, Pastor Lynne Hammond,
Chip Brim, and other special speakers.
For more information, visit billyebrim.org
or call 417-336-4877.

Join Our Winning Team!

If you ask the gold medal speed-skating team at the Olympics, the coworkers who make a television broadcast possible, or the team of people who build a house from the
ground up, they would all agree: certain things cannot be
done singlehandedly. Teamwork works.
Thats why Mac Hammond Ministries is looking for a growing group of friends to partner with us as we reach millions of
people with the good news of Jesus Christ through the Winners Way broadcast and many media publication resources.
If youve been blessed by this ministry, we would like to
personally invite you to join the Winners Circle partnership
team. As a Winners Circle partner, you will:

Commit to pray consistently for Mac Hammond Ministries

Give $15 or more on a monthly basis
Receive consistent prayer and a monthly ministry letter
from Mac Hammond
Receive a free CD of a message on a monthly basis
Be able to opt in to receive a free DVD every month that
contains the previous months Winners Way broadcasts.

Mac Hammond Ministries has reached people in over 175

different countries across five different continents. None of
that is possible without the regular support, both prayerfully
and financially, of people like you.
Please prayerfully consider this invitation to join our Winners
Circle partnership team. You can join by calling us toll free at
1-877-358-3327 or signing up online at mac-hammond.org.
M A C - H A M M O N D . O RG


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