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Project Portfolio Earned Value Management Using Treemaps

John H. Cable, Javier F. Ordonez1, Gouthami Chintalapani2 and Catherine Plaisant2

Project Management Program, 2Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland


Project portfolio management deals with organizing and managing a set of projects in an
organization. Each organization has its own way of managing the portfolio that meets its
business goals. One of the main challenges is to track project performance across the entire
portfolio in a timely and effective manner. It allows managers to diagnose performance
trends and identify projects in need of attention, giving them the opportunity to take
management action in a timely fashion.
In this paper, we investigate the use of Earned Value Management (EVM) for tracking
project performance across the portfolio, and explore the benefits of an interactive
visualization technique called Treemaps to display project performance metrics for the entire
portfolio on a single screen.
1.1 Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
Project portfolio management (PPM) is the art and science of applying a set of
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to a collection of projects, in order to meet or exceed
needs and expectations of an organizations investment strategy (Pennypacker et al., 2002).
Project portfolio management can be thought of as having three main objectives:1) portfolio
value maximization, 2) balance within the portfolio, and 3) strategic alignment. Value
maximization deals with the resource allocation to maximize the value of the portfolio in
terms of company objectives such as profitability. At the same time, there should be a
balance of projects in terms of parameters, such as risk versus reward or breakdown by
project type. It is equally important that the final portfolio of projects truly aligns with the
business strategy and that all projects are on strategy (Cooper et al., 1998).
We stipulate that a portfolio of projects in any given organization should meet the above
mentioned objectives. Each of these objectives has to do with the project selection process
and criteria that an organization uses. Once project selection is completed, however, the issue
rapidly becomes how to manage the portfolio of projects effectively. Fundamental to
efficient project management at all organizational levels is the timeliness and effectiveness of
project reporting. Project management information that is timely, accurate and actionable
results in successful projects and project portfolios.
Typical portfolio reporting methods include extensive narrative, bar charts of project
metrics, project risk versus reward graphs, project progress charts, and tables showing the
established project metrics. Program and portfolio managers are routinely expected in the
execution of their responsibilities to absorb large amounts of project data compiled into
progress reporting books. The problem is twofold: progress reporting books with one or
more pages of data for each project does not equal information, and secondly, with the well
documented managers scarcity of attention (time), it is not reasonable to expect them to

to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (

devour the data, synthesize it, and draw conclusions that lead promptly to management
decisions, resource allocations, and other management actions.
Many commercial tools are available for managing portfolios; however, recently, there
has been an increasing concern about managing project portfolios in a more efficient way,
and to bring the expected and desired benefits to the stakeholders. Most organizations are not
completely satisfied with their project portfolio management methods (Cooper et al., 1998).
The Center for Business Practices conducted a benchmark study of the current practices
of PPM that shows that a considerable percentage of the organizations practicing PPM are at
level 1 of maturity which is defined as ad hoc processes only (Pennypacker et al., 2002).
Exhibit 1 shows the different levels of PPM maturity among the organizations.

Exhibit 1 Percentage of Organizations at Specified PPM Maturity

Source: "State of the Industry", Center for Business Practices (CBP)
The statistics in Exhibit 1 clearly show the room for improvement in project portfolio
management for a number of organizations.
1.2 Measuring Project Performance
To manage a portfolio, portfolio managers need an overview of the current state of the
portfolio and to identify the problem areas quickly, so as to allocate management attention
and resources immediately.
In project management, we routinely make trade-offs among cost, schedule, and technical
performance. When the project achieves the right balance among the three, the project is
successful. Project performance measurement consists of determining, organizing and
presenting cost, schedule and performance information in a way that provides project
managers with better and more reliable information to analyze these trade-offs in a timely
Project performance measurement involves progress monitoring, which has two
processes and outcomes. The first part of the process is to look at actual performance data as
it is compiled. Even with real time compilation, this view is looking backwards at where the
project has been and the outcome is historical data. The second part of the process involves
looking forward and projecting where the project is going in terms of compliance with plan.

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An important characteristic of project performance measurement is that it should provide

timely information for decision-making and detecting the necessary corrective measures.
Reporting the outcomes of the performance measurement system involves collecting and
disseminating performance information. The process of performance reporting typically
includes: status reporting, progress reporting and forecasting. The status report describes
where the project stands now, the progress report describes what the project team has
accomplished, and the forecast report predicts future project status and progress.
Performance reporting should generally provide information on scope, schedule, cost, and
quality. Many projects also require information on risk and procurement (PMBOK, 2000).
This complex and dynamic information reporting past, present, and future results must be
assimilated quickly and accurately by project portfolio managers. Treemap is a visualization
that provides in a single screen an overview of the status of all projects status (Exhibit 2).
Users can at a glance judge the overall health of the portfolio and identify areas of concern.

Earned Value Management

The Project Management Book of Knowledge (Guide, 2000) defines Earned Value
Management (EVM) as a method that integrates scope, schedule, and resources for
measuring project performance. It compares the amount of work that was planned with what
has been spent and with what has been accomplished to determine cost and schedule
performance. The International Council for Project Management Advancement (ICPMA)
defines Earned Value Performance Measurement as a method for measuring and reporting
project performance based on planned expenditure, actual expenditure and technical
performance achieved to date. The EVM method provides values for variances and
performance indices that can be used to assess current project status and performance, and
predict future project performance based on past project performance and new information.
The analysis for computing Earned Value involves calculating three key values for each
Earned Value (EV) is the value of the work actually completed during a given period.
The Planned Value (PV) is that portion planned to be spent on the activity during a
given period.
The Actual Cost (AC) is the total of costs incurred in accomplishing work on the
activity during a given period. This Actual Cost must correspond to whatever was
budgeted for the PV and the EV.
These three values are used in combination to provide measures of whether or not work is
being accomplished as planned. The most commonly used measures are the cost variance
(CV) and the schedule variance (SV). These two values can be computed as CV= EV AC
and SV = EV PV and they can be converted to efficiency indicators to reflect the cost and
schedule performance of any project. The cost performance index (CPI = EV/AC) is the most
commonly used cost-efficiency indicator. The cumulative CPI (the sum of all individual EV
budgets divided by the sum of all individual ACs) is widely used to forecast project costs at
completion. Also, the schedule performance index (SPI = EV/PV) is sometimes used in
conjunction with the CPI to forecast the project completion estimates. (PMBOKGuide,

to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (

2000) The measure that considers both indexes is called Critical Ratio (CR). The Critical
Ratio is obtained by CR = CPI * SPI and represents the overall status of the project.

Exhibit 2: A treemap showing a project portfolio with 41 projects grouped by

project life cycle phase. Each rectangle represents a project, the size of the
rectangle is proportional to the budget, and color is mapped to any available
performance metric, here the Cost Performance Index. Users can quickly
spot the large red rectangles representing the major underperforming

2.1 Experience with Earned Value Management

The International Council for Project Management Advancement obtained the following
results based on surveys (ICPMA, 2002) where 75.3% of the respondents felt that EVM was
suitable as a Standard for project performance measurement (Exhibit 3).

to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (

Earned Value
Have you ever used
Earned Value on your
Do you currently use
Earned Value on your
Does your organization
require the use of Earned
Do your clients require
the use of Earned Value?
Do you plan to use
Earned Value in the





27.71 %

30.12 %

42.17 %

57.83 %

23.17 %

21.95 %

54.88 %

45.12 %

25.30 %

24.10 %

50.60 %

49.40 %

37.97 %

13.92 %

48.10 %

51.90 %

16.67 %

78.57 %

4.76 %

95.24 %

Exhibit 3: Respondent Experience with Earned Value

Source: ICPMA Response to Standards Australia on: Draft Standard for
Project Performance Measurement Using Earned Value V5.6, International Council for
Project Management Advancement.

In the same way the respondents identified the type of project to which they believed
Earned Value is most suited to.
Type of Project
All Types of Projects
Government Projects
Invested Industrial Assets
Production Improvement
Research Project

Proportion of

Exhibit 4 Proportion Project Types Suitable for Earned Value

to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (

Source: ICPMA Response to Standards Australia on: Draft Standard for

Project Performance Measurement Using Earned Value V5.6, International Council for
Project Management Advancement.
After introducing Project Performance Measurement and the Earned Value Management
method, we now describe Treemaps and its application to Project Portfolio Management


Treemap has been developed at the University of Maryland Human-Computer

Interaction Laboratory. Treemap is a space-filling visualization method for representing
hierarchical information (Shneiderman, 1992 and 2004). A Treemaps works by dividing the
display area into a nested sequence of rectangles whose areas correspond to an attribute of
the data set, effectively combining aspects of a Venn diagram and a pie chart. Originally
designed to visualize files on a hard drive, treemaps have been applied to a wide variety of
from financial
analysis (Wattenberg, 1999, see also to inventory management (Reeve and Williamson,
2004), or petroleum engineering (Plaisant et al. 2003). More recently alternative layout
algorithms were devised to reduce the incidence of high aspect-ratio rectangles and to
maintain ordering (Bederson, Shneiderman and Wattenberg, 2002). Others have focused on
specialized techniques to visualize up to a million items on a treemap without aggregation
(Fekete and Plaisant, 2002).
The user interface provides many features to allow users to customize the display to their
particular needs. Most importantly, users can specify what data attribute should be mapped
to the size or color of the rectangles. In Exhibit 2 users chose to map the size of the rectangle
to the budget amount and map the color to a particular index. Interface features also help
users focus on areas of interest or get more details about the projects. A window popup
shows the long labels that may not fit on the rectangle; clicking on a rectangle displays all the
detailed information available about a project in the top right area of the display. Users can
zoom on part of the Treemap, for example on projects in the closeout phase, which is useful
when the number of managed project becomes very large. They can also filter the display
using dynamic query sliders or controls (Ahlberg and Shneiderman, 1992) to show only the
projects that have characteristics that fall within specified ranges. Examples of dynamic
query sliders are shown at the lower right of Exhibit 5. As users adjust the position of the
sliders, the rectangles that fall outside the range are grayed out dynamically (e.g. users could
filter out the projects that are internally funded). A click on the Hide filtered button
removes the gray rectangles and gives more room on the display to the remaining projects.
The flexible hierarchy feature of treemap allows users to group the projects as needed.
Exhibit 2 shows projects grouped by their life-cycle phase, but they could also be grouped by
geographical area or by manager, or any other combination of available attributes.

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Treemap is implemented in Java and a demonstration version Treemap can be

downloaded at Several commercial versions of Treemap are
also available (see Shneiderman 2004).

Using Treemaps for Project Portfolio Management

To illustrate the use of Treemaps in the context of project portfolio management, we have
prepared examples that use Earned Value Management project performance metrics. The
metrics we display are for illustration purposes only, as users could select any metric that is
supported by their organizations internal business processes and visualize the selected
metrics using Treemaps.
The following examples show a project portfolio with 41 projects. Although the database
can accommodate up to tens of thousands of projects, our experience suggests that users are
most comfortable with a number of projects between 50 to 100 displayed at one time. Preselection or interactive filtering in the treemap interface becomes useful when the portfolio
contains more projects. Exhibit 2 shows a portfolio of 41 projects grouped by the phase of
the project life cycle they are in: Initiation, Planning, Execution, and Closeout. Each
rectangle represents a project with the size of the rectangle being proportional to the total
budget of the project. The color of the rectangle is representative of the level of performance
for the selected performance metric (i.e. the cost performance index (CPI) in Exhibit 4).
The CPI is calculated by dividing the Earned Value by the Actual Cost. CPI value equal
to 1.0 or higher means that the project is progressing according to plan. If the CPI is less than
1.0 it means that the production is inefficient. Accordingly, we use shades of red to represent
a CPI index from 0 to 1, with solid red representing CPI = 0, and white being CPI = 1 and
shade of green to represent CPI greater than 1.
From the color of the rectangles/projects, we can identify the problem areas where the
CPI < 1 and can infer that the pink or red colored projects require further analysis. The white
and light green colored projects have CPI >1 and are on budget. Users can also estimate the
budget amount of the projects by the size of the rectangle representing the project. As the
mouse cursor hovers over a rectangle, a pop up window displays the full title, CPI value and
total project budget of any project. By clicking on a rectangle, detail data is displayed in the
detail on demand window (top right area of the display). Custom applications using treemap
could launch other detail windows presenting reports about the project.
Schedule Performance Index (SPI) is another metric in EVM. SPI is positive at 1.0 or
higher indicating work started on schedule and negative below 1.0 indicating delayed work.
Exhibit 5 shows the SPI values of projects across the entire portfolio. A shade of red to white
represents SPI < 1 and the shade of white to green represents SPI >= 1. Users can interpret
the pink or red colored projects as problem areas as SPI < 1 and need senior management
attention. 299D SOUR SYSTEM UPGRADE (dark rectangle) and 299B EAST CRANE
INSTALLATION are two projects in the Planning phase that are behind schedule. Users can
see that few projects in Close out phase are behind schedule (pink rectangles).
Users can filter out the uninterested projects using dynamic query filters or controls to
show only the projects that fall in the specified range. Users can select the range using the
sliders on the right bottom area of Exhibit 5. The rectangles that fall outside the range are

to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (

The user interface provides many other options to explore the information interactively
through zooming and filtering, customize, and save the display that can be used later.

Exhibit 5: This view shows the same grouping of projects, this time using the
Schedule Performance Index as the color attribute, highlighting the projects
that are behind schedule. The control panel on the right side shows the
sliders and controls that can be used to filter the projects to be displayed.

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Exhibit 6: This time the display uses Critical Ratio for color. The color legend
shows the distribution of critical ratios values in this portfolio. On the top
right, one can see a list of 4 available preset views.
Once we have looked at the cost performance index and schedule performance index of
the portfolio, we are most likely to want to examine the Critical Ratio (CR). The CR
considers both the CPI and SPI, and represents the overall status of the projects in the
portfolio. Exhibit 6 illustrates the Critical Ratio for the portfolio of projects. The projects
with a shade of red indicate the CR < 1 and are problem areas, and the ones with the shade of
white and green white indicate CR 1 and are performing well.
Treemaps also allows users to vary the grouping of projects using flexible hierarchy.
Users can group projects using any of the attributes available in the data. For example,
Exhibit 7 shows the projects organized by Cost Performance Index and Schedule
Performance Index. The overall range of attribute values can be split in multiple ranges (here
2). The resulting ranges can be then given meaningful names. For example, the group with
CPI less than 1 is named as over-spent and the other group with CPI >= 1 is named as
under-spent. The group representing SPI less than 1 is named behind-schedule and the
one with SPI >= 1 is named on-schedule. The projects are grouped accordingly. These two
groups are again divided into two sub groups: over-spent and under-spent. In this example
the size of the rectangles is still proportional to the total budget allocated and color indicates
CI values.
Users can see that many projects are behind-schedule and over-spent have CI < 1 (pink to
red rectangles) highlighting the most troublesome projects in bright red. There are few
projects that are behind-schedule but under-spent. All the projects that are on-schedule and
under-spent are colored green indicating CI >= 1. There are quite a large number of projects
that are on-schedule and under-spent. This on-schedule half of the portfolio is doing well.
to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (

Exhibit 7: Here the 41 projects have been grouped differently, first by

Schedule Performance Index (separating behind-schedule projects from onschedule projects) then by Cost Performance Index (separating over-spent
and under-spent projects), showing than nearly half of the projects are overspent and over budget. Color is mapped to the Critical Index.
The metrics illustrated in Exhibit 1, 4,5, and 6 above are only a few of the measures users
can choose to display. In a typical scenario, a single person (a data analyst or a manager)
would be responsible for creating a list of pre-set views of interest which could then be made
available to a larger number of users. Users can then simply select the view of interest from
a list. An example of such list is shown on top right corner of Exhibit 6.
Each of the above visualizations presents an overview of the projects in the portfolio,
which will enable the project manager to quickly assess the status of the portfolio. This
visualization tool assists in the ongoing drive for continuous improvement because, in
addition to understanding how individual projects are performing, senior managers can use
the information to look for trends and, consequently, determine if there are systemic issues
that need to be addressed.


to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (


Using Earned Value Management for measuring project performance at portfolio level
and Treemaps for visualizing the performance of entire portfolio and tracking project metrics
presents a new approach in project portfolio management. Users can group projects
according to their needs using flexible hierarchy, and interactively explore the portfolio
information through zooming, filtering, and accessing details of projects. Settings of useful
views can be saved and re-used anytime with updated information. Treemap displays help
project managers quickly compare projects based on their attributes, such as budget. They
can spot trends and exceptions in the data.
We believe that Treemaps have the potential to improve project portfolio management.
More work needs to be done in integrating Treemaps with existing management accounting
and project management scheduling software to improve its usability in project portfolio
management. A web-based project management environment can be set up to provide update
views. We are currently developing software to allow users to review portfolio changes over
time (monthly, quarterly etc), also providing a natural avenue to present forecasting
information about the projects. Connecting the Treemaps software with the organizations
project database, facilitating the users to add/delete a strategic value to evaluate their
portfolio, generating traditional project reports, and monitoring portfolio performance
changes over time (monthly, quarterly etc) would be some possible extensions.
Partial support for this work was provided by Chevron-Texaco.
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ICPMA, Response to Standards Australia on: Draft Standard for Project Performance
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to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (


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to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (



John H. Cable, RA, PMP, PhD Candidate
Director of the Project Management Program
A. James Clark School of Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
1168 Glenn L. Martin Hall
College Park, Maryland 20742
TEL: (301) 405-8935; FAX x 2585
Email: [email protected]
Personal Website:

Javier F. Ordonez, PhD Candidate

Project Management Program
A. James Clark School of Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Glenn L. Martin Hall
College Park, MD 20742
TEL: (301) 538-0371
Email: [email protected]

Gouthami Chintalapani
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
Institute for Systems Research
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Email: [email protected]
Catherine Plaisant , PhD
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
TEL: (301) 405-2768
Email: [email protected]
Personal Website:

to appear in Proc. of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London (


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