I?ve been a member of this forum for awhile now, and I?ve talked a lot about m
ultiple orgasms. But I figured it might be a good idea to give a little backgrou
nd on how I learned to have multiples. It?s a long story, but I?ll try to keep i
t interesting.
Ok, so it starts back in 1993, when I was 18 years old. I had been practicing
karate and meditation for a few years, when I learned about Taoist Sexual Chi Gu
ng from a couple books. When I read about how male multiple orgasm was not only
possible, but an ancient practice in the East, I was blown away! I immediately b
ecame determined to learn how to do it.
I bought Mantak Chia?s book ,?Cultivating Male Sexuality,? and immediately sta
rted practicing the techniques. I must say, although I considered myself to be w
ell disciplined and fairly adept at learning new meditation techniques, I found
the book somewhat intimidating. It all seemed so COMPLEX! I kept thinking, ?ther
e had to be an easier way.?
Well, unfortunately, before I could really get a grasp of Mantak?s teachings a
nd apply them practically, I suffered a serious spine injury in a car accident.
Being in chronic pain and needing to focus all my energy on healing, my plans to
become multi-orgasmic went on the shelf (along with my books and karate uniform
) for many years.
Fast forwarding to the winter of 1999, I was 25 years old and married. I was s
till suffering from chronic pain, and was taking over a dozen prescribed medicat
ions, some of which were quite strong. It was a rough time in my life to say the
least. Not only was I feeling awful at any given moment, but the drugs had all
but destroyed my sexual functioning. For the first time in my life, I was experi
encing impotence and premature ejaculation.
I felt absolutely desperate to recover my ability to enjoy sex, but how? The M
antak stuff felt WAY out of my league, and I had tried various books and videos
on Tantra. But in my condition, it all just seemed like too much work. Learning
the PC exercises was actually painful, and my concentration was shot, so those l
ofty tantric meditations weren?t any help either. Finally, as a last resort, I j
ust hit the internet and kept searching under things like ?male multiple orgasm?
in a desperate attempt to find ANYTHING I hadn?t heard of before, especially an
ything that wasn?t based on those damn PC squeezes!
That?s when I stumbled on to Jack Johnston?s website for Key Sound Multiple Or
gasm At first, it seemed too good to be true.
To be honest, the layout seemed kinda ?low budget,? and the things he promised,
?fully-body continuous wave orgasms, no need for PC squeezes, etc.? I remember
thinking, ?Well, even IF this works, it probably isn?t possible for someone in M
Y condition.? But since the audio seminar cost less than most of the instruction
al videos I?d already wasted money on, I figured, ?what the hell,? and ordered i
When the seminar arrived I was still somewhat hopeful and popped it right in m
y stereo and sat down to hear his pitch. Now normally, I?m pretty skeptical abou
t things of this nature. I?d been around the ?amazing sexual products? block eno
ugh to know there?s a lot of BS out there. But something about the way this guy
talked about his technique, he just seemed to know what he was doing. I decided
I was gonna give it the benefit of doubt and see what happened.
I started by just practicing making the Key Sound. I have to say, it felt kind
a cool right away. I kept getting these pleasant little tingles in my belly, tha
t would run up my spine like chills. So I had fun just doing that for a few days
. I didn?t want to put any major pressure on myself to learn it quickly. I still
figured my condition might limit me from getting it anyway.
Eventually, I decided to try it with stimulation, the way he recommends in the
seminar. Fortunately, he suggests newbies only use the tiniest bit of stimulati
on and then pausing to make a Key Sound before using a little more stimulation,
followed by another pause. In this way, even with my tendency to ejaculate withi
n a couple minutes, I was still able to practice for 10-20 minutes at a time wit
hout worrying about ?going over the edge.? And since he also said that erection
wasn?t necessary for practice, I didn?t have to worry about that either. Thank G
So it was cool to just lay back, using relaxed breaths, a little stimulation,
and making those Key Sounds once in awhile. I?m not gonna lie and say I had amaz
ing results the first day. In fact, it was just kind of pleasant, like a mild me
ditation with an light massage mixed in. But I didn?t mind. I had already decide
d not to even expect results for at least 6 months. I wanted to give myself plen
ty of room to breathe with this new technique.
I just kept practicing for those 10-20 minutes a day, in a casual, relaxed man
ner, and also would practice my Key Sound just walking around the house during t
he day. After a couple weeks, I had gotten accustomed to just enjoying those lit
tle sessions as ?personal explorations.? I wasn?t even really thinking of them a
s ?sexual,? exactly. More like, ?pleasurable meditations, so to speak.
In fact, the only thing that felt really different sexually was the perineal m
assage Jack recommends in the seminar. At first, gently massaging that area just
felt ?kinda sore.? But as the days went on, it felt better and I started to not
ice some unusually pleasurable sensations in that area. I slowly started to real
ize that my perineum was a very arousing part of my body which I had never reall
y paid attention to before.
It was in my third week of practice that I found out just how amazing KSMO rea
lly was! It was a Saturday, and I started my practice pretty much the same as al
l the other days. I wasn?t expecting anything and was really looking just lookin
g forward to that nice, relaxing feeling I would get from the deep breathing and
casual Key Sounds.
About 5 minutes into my practice session, I began to feel some VERY pleasurabl
e feelings in my perineum, almost orgasmic! At the same time, I had a similar fe
eling of ?peaking? pleasure in my penis. And yet, I had no urge to ejaculate. As
usual, I paused my stimulation for a few moments and expressed my pleasure with
a gentle Key Sound. Now, it?s hard to put into words, but something about this
particular Key Sound, it seemed to somehow intensify my pleasure and channel it
through my upper body and out with the sound!
I felt as though I was orgasming from both my perineum and my penis simultaneo
usly, in a wave that traveled through my chest and up into my head! I was so stu
nned, I actually checked to see if I had ejaculated, but I hadn?t. In fact, I di
dn?t even feel close to ejaculating! It?s so hard to describe, what it?s like to
feel as though you?re cumming from ?two places at once,? especially without eja
culation involved, but well, that?s exactly what was happening!
After that first wave, I paused my stimulation and allowed myself a few deep r
elaxed breaths. But the feeling of orgasm continued to linger on. When I started
to use just a little more stimulation, I felt a deep wave of pleasure and spont
aneously expressed it with another Key Sound, much louder this time. At this poi
nt, I was literally overwhelmed by pleasure. I felt what I can only describe as
tremendous waves of orgasmic pleasure washing over me, one after another. I had
with Tantra, Accupressure, prostatic orgasms (using the Aneros), binaural beats
(brainwave entrainment), self-hypnosis, amygdala clicking, Darkwhite?s technique
(thanks to DarkWhite and fuming pole, THANKS GUYS!), and combinations of all th
e above. But I guess THAT?s another story?
I hope this was helpful for some folks out there. Having hit rock bottom in th
e past, I believe in sharing what I?ve learned in the hopes that others won?t ha
ve to search as hard as I did to find the satisfaction they deserve. If anyone h
as any questions about anything I?ve mentioned above, please feel free to ask.
Best of Luck Guys,
PanDragon : - )
And of course, if anyone is interested in KSMO, click here!: http://www.multip