Syllabus-ME 31100 ECE31200

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ME 31100/ECE31200 Engineering Economics and Project Management
Fall 2015
Type: Lecture
Day: Monday and Wednesday
Time: 5:00 - 0 6:20pm
Venue: POWERS 130
Name: Wubeshet Woldemariam
Office: Powers 221L
Phone: (219) 989-3147
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: When I am in my office, or by appointment
Course Description:
An introduction to principles of engineering project management and techniques. Topics
include technical feasibility studies, project specifications, scheduling, validation, lifecycle
costing, and engineering economic analysis. The focus is on managing an engineering project
through scheduling, budgeting, resource management, execution and control.
STAT 34500 and ME/CE 31200
Course Objectives
General Objectives: The general objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the
engineering project management concepts including its economic aspects.
Specific Objectives: After successfully completing this course, a student should be able to:
a) Define the term associated with project engineering
b) Develop economic decision making models incorporating time value of money
c) Apply the decision models developed in solving practical project management problems to
select the best alternative
d) Analyze the effect of budget in resource management and estimate costs
e) Identify risks, quantify and plan response
f) Schedule a project with time constraints, determine critical path
g) Understand critical technical competencies in project management
h) Understand the dynamics of team development and interpersonal problem solving
i) Identify strategies for accelerating the development of true team effectiveness
j) Explore a variety of best practices including anticipating, preventing, and overcoming
barriers to project success.
1. Teamwork and Project Management, 4th Edition, by Karl A. Smith, McGraw-Hill, 2014
2. Engineering Economy, 7th Edition, by Blank & Tarquin, McGraw-Hill, 2012

ME 31100/ECE31200

Fall 2015


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Grading and Grade Distributions
Exam 1 (October 7)
Exam 2 (November 11)
Final Exam
In-class assignments
Letter grades are assigned as follows based on the total percentage of points earned:
90-100: A; 80-89: B; 70-79: C; 60-69: D; Below 60: F
Assignment Policies
Students are encouraged to work in group in solving homework problems. However, each
homework assignment must be written and solved individually by each student. Students who
submit exactly identical solutions get zero credit for that particular homework assignment. All
homework assignments should be submitted on the specified submission date in class. Homework
assignments that are submitted late by a day are graded but half of the earned points are deducted
as penalty for late submission. A homework assignment that is submitted late by more than a day
from the submission date is NOT graded and the student gets zero grade for that particular
assignment. Announced or un-announced in-class assignments may be provided. All in-class
assignments must be submitted at the end of the class.
Attendance Policies
Students are expected to be present for every meeting of this course. If a student is absent from
class and misses an exam, he/she may not request to take exam in another day.
General Information on Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is expected of all students. More information on academic integrity can be
found on the following link:
Classroom Civility Policies
Students are expected to comply with University regulations regarding civility, attendance, and
appropriate classroom behavior. The following and similar class room behaviors are strictly
prohibited: shouting, use of mobile phones, eating or drinking in the classroom, chewing or
popping gum in class, etc.
Course Content
1. Introduction to Engineering Project Management
2. Teamwork
3. Project Management Principles & Practices
4. Project Scheduling
5. Project Monitoring and Evaluation
6. Project Management Documentation and Software
Examination 1
7. Fundamentals of Engineering Economy
8. How time and Interest Affect Money
9. Combining Factors
10. Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
ME 31100/ECE31200

Fall 2015


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11. Present Worth Analysis
12. Annual Worth Analysis
Examination 2
13. Rate of Return Analysis
14. Benefit and Cost Analysis
15. Breakeven Analysis
16. Effects of Inflation
17. Estimating Costs
18. Depreciation Methods
Examination 3
Students with Disabilities:
Students who may need accommodations due to disability should contact the Office of
Disability Resources (ODR) to discuss specific needs. The ODR is located on the third floor
of the Student Union & Library Building, Room 341. If accommodations for a student are
approved by that office, the student must provide his/her instructor with a copy of the official
accommodations letter as soon as it is received in order to obtain accommodations. Students
may contact the Office of Disability Resources by calling (219) 989-2455 or emailing
[email protected].
Emergency Preparedness:
An information sheet, with instructions for various types of possible emergencies, is posted in
each room on campus. These possibilities include criminal activity, fire, medical emergencies,
and noises sounding like gunshots. Students are strongly encouraged to review this instruction
sheet carefully and acquaint themselves with these important guidelines.
Note: This syllabus is subject to change.

ME 31100/ECE31200

Fall 2015


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