Design For Visually Impaired To Work at Industry Using RFID Technology

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Design for visually impaired to work at Industry using

RFID technology
Sibu C M
UG Scholar,
Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology
[email protected]

Bharath Kumar M R
UG Scholar,
Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology
[email protected]

some other individual help, they are pretended to be

dependent. And some other problems are
Limitations in pre-viewing
Difficulty in detecting the hazards and obstacles
Hence a prototype has been designed to find a solution
to solve the above listed issues in an effective, easier and
in an economical way using RFID technology both in
indoor and outdoor for visually impaired. Many robots
are being designed by this technology as said in [8], [9].

Abstract One of the technical challenges for the modern

society to detect and find a solution for visually impaired, with
increased security and service motto towards the society
helped to bring a solution which would help the visually
impaired in the industries and other companies. Here we had
come out with a prototype as a way of finding a solution to
the visually impaired. The navigation assistant technology
using RFID Tag Grid minimizes the dependency. The reader
used in this system is embedded in the mobile and shoes to
avoid dependency on travel. The RFID reader matches with
the information specified to that ID and a voice signal is
generated. Wireless RF links is placed in the Bluetooth
device/ headphone for voice guidance. The proximity sensing
unit is an auxiliary unit is added as a solution to address
unexpected and non-mapped obstacles in the users path.
Basically it contains ultrasonic Sensor Unit interfaced with
microcontroller which is inter-linked to a vibrator that would
be activated when nearing obstacles. This system is
technically and economically feasible and may offer a
maximum benefit to the disabled

There are various and numerous research works are
carried out in current scenario for navigation, to visual
Drishti [1] gives a combination of ultrasound
positioning devices for indoor navigation on walk able
areas outdoors and differential global positioning system
(DGPS). The main shortcoming of this system the size
and the weight, The DGPS approach is limited due to the
signal barriers such as buildings, skyscrapers, and vast
trees. Hence it reduces the accuracy rate. The size of the
system can be reduced by choosing the smaller size
reader it would reflect an issue in the sensing the tags
Magantani et al [3] made a navigation device /
system for indoor environment using celling mounted
optical beacons; it generates and emits the position code
as an IR signal. These IR signals are harmful to the
human body. And the major drawback of the system is
loss of signals because of the greater ranging in the
transmitter and the receiver and it consumes more power
and the software development is a complex task to carry
Marta Mei [2] developed a project named
GLIDEO (Glove for Identification and Description of B
Objects) it had a database to store the tag information
which can be updated from the on net sources available
on internet. This system possess a security issue and

Keywords: - RFID Tag, reader, Wireless RF links, Proximity,

Sensing, Ultrasonic, microcontroller, vibrator

The main objective of out proposed system is to provide
a reliable system for indoor [5], [7] and outdoor way
finding and proximity sensing for visually impaired. The
visually impaired students/faculty faces a tremendous dis
advantages when they arrives on college campus and in
unfamiliar public places. In order to become independent
in their daily life with guaranteed full social inclusion,
without depending on other physical bodies. Mobiles and
wireless technologies can be used to experience the
navigation system in a better and effective way into an
intelligent environment.
At present the issue we diagnosed and detected is,
when the visually impaired persons enter into a building
they would be not familiar with the environment they
may miss the path often. At such cases they seek for


building and maintaining of these databases is highly

risky since it varies from time to time



Initialize TX, RX, REL of Port 3

The system, which consists of two units,

namely Proximity Sensing (Obstacle Detection) unit and
Navigation Unit, figure 1.1 shows the block diagram of
the proposed system. The Oscillator generates the
40KHZ signal, which is fed to the ultrasonic transmitter.

Define Port 1 as Speaker declare

Distance measure ()

Declare Necessary variables

Initialize UART with BAUD rate

SET TIMER MODE (16 Bit Timer Register)

While (1)

If (i=7)

Fig 1.1 Block diagram of the Prototype

The Transmitter emits ultrasonic waves, which

are reflected on encountering any obstacle in the users
path. The echo is received by the ultrasonic receiver,
which is weak signal and is hence fed to a signal
conditioning unit (SCU), where it is amplified. It is then
given to the micro controller's I/O port, where the
distance is calculated.
The RFID system, comprising the reader and
the tag is the major part of the navigation unit. When the
reader inside the shoe moves over a specific tag, unique
ID is sent to the reader. Corresponding to the ID string
received the micro controller places data on the I/O pins.
The corresponding voice is played back by the
APR9600 IC through the headphone. A Bluetooth
module is placed in between the reader and the
microcontroller for wireless transmission of data. Thus
the directions for the specific location are made available
to the user.

Send Bit 1 to Port 1 pins corresponding to tag ID

to plat specific memory location of IC ARP9600

Distance measure ()



Relay ON


Fig 1.2 Flow chart of the main Routine


Relay ON


The figure shows the block diagram of the

proximity sensing unit. The oscillator in the
PIC125C508 microcontroller generates the 40KHZ
signal, which is fed to the ultrasonic transmitter. The
TTL signal from the microcontroller is fed to the driver
circuit (MAX232) converted to an 8V signal to drive the

Navigation Unit

The navigation unit contains the pre-installed guidelines

for the way-finding of the user. The pre-recorded
instructions guide the visually impaired user to find
his/her way.

Fig 1.3 Block diagram of Navigation Unit

As shown in the above diagram, the RFID

system, comprising the reader and the tags [6] is the
major part of the navigation unit. When the reader placed
inside the shoe moves over a specific tag, unique tag ID
is sent to the reader. The tag ID is transmitted to the
microcontroller through the serial port using RS-232
protocols. Corresponding to the ID string received, the
microcontroller places data on the pin activates, which
transmits a string of 0s and 1s to the APR9600 IC. A
LOW signal placed on the pin activates it and voice
stored in that memory location is played back through
the headphone. Thus the directions for the specific
location are made available to the user.

Fig 1.5 circuit diagram of proximity sensing unit

The transmitter emits ultrasonic waves, which

are reflected on encountering any obstacle in the users
path [12]. The echo is received by the ultrasonic receiver,
which is weak signal and is hence fed to two stage
amplifier where the gain is sufficiently improved. The
amplified signal is fed into a comparator to convert the
analogy signal to a TTL signal compatible with the
microcontroller pins.

b) Proximity sensing unit

The Proximity sensing unit or the obstacle detection
unit is a supplementary module provided to detect
unexpected or moving objects on the users path, for
example, fellow human beings [11].

The distance of the obstacle from the user is
calculated using the microcontroller. The time from
transmission of the pulse to reception of the echo is the
time taken for the sound energy to travel through the air
to the object and back again. Since the speed of sound is
constant through air, the distance of the object is
calculated by measuring the echo reflection tome:
Distance= (SPEED * TIME)/2(in meters)
Based on the response generated with the obstacles alerts
the users to choose a different path
Demonstration was carried out by a person,
assuming how a visually impaired person would feel.

Fig 1.4 Block Diagram of Proximity Sensing unit


multi-purpose, since the RFID technology is growing to

be applied in almost all fields, with the production costs
corresponding coming down.
The concept of setting up an RFID information
grid in all the buildings is technically and economically
feasible. As the applications of RFID in the retail sector
are growing enormously, the manufacturing costs would
come down considerably due to mass production, thus
permitting the adoption of RFID grids in government
buildings, college campuses, large corporate offices, etc.

8RFID tags were placed on the floor at a distance of 1

foot each and the person moved within the specific area.
The RFID reader was placed in the users shoe and the
proximity sensing unit was placed in the belt. The tags
were detected when the reader came within the 12cm
circumference around the tags [4] and the guiding voice
specific to the location was played through the head

[1] Ran.L,Helal.A, and Moore.S.E(2004),Drishti: An
integrated indoor/Outdoor Blind Navigation System and
Service In Proceeding of second IEEE annual Conference
on pervasive computing and communications(Precom.04), pp.23-30.
[2] Ugo Biader Ceipidor, Carl Maria Medaglia,Marta Mei,
Maurizio Sabene, Aleandru Serbanti (1998),GLIEDO : A
RFID System for Identification and description of objects
by Blind and visually Impaired People, in proc. Second
International Symposium on Wearable computers,
Pittsburgh, PA. pp. 164-165
[3] Kazushige Magatani, Koji Sawa, Kenji Yanashima
(2007), Development of the navigation system for visually
impaired by Optical beacons, proceeding 10th ICBME.
[4] Willis. S Helal.S (2005), A passive RFID information
grid for location and proximity sensing for the blind user,
Proceedings of the ninth annual IEEE International
Symposium on Wearable Computers.
[5] Hao Ji, Lei Xie, Yafeng Yin, Sanglu Lu,An Efficient
Indoor Navigation Scheme Using RFID-based Delay
Tolerant Network, Globecom 2013 - Ad Hoc and Sensor
Networking Symposium, pp 183-188.
[6] A.M. Kassim, H. I Jaafar, M.A. Azam, N. Abas ,
T.Yasuno Design and Development of Navigation
System by using RFID Technology, 2013 IEEE 3rd
International Conference on System Engineering and
Technology, 19 - 20 Aug. 2013, Shah Alam, Malaysia, pp
[7] Noah Pritt,Indoor Location with Wi-Fi Fingerprinting.
[8] Brian Olszewski, Steven Fenton, Brian Tworek, Jiao
Liang, Kumar Yelamarthi ,RFID Positioning Robot: An
Indoor Navigation System
[9] Ricardo Gonalvesl Nuno B. Carvalho, Pedro Pinho and
Luca Roselli,Smart Environment Technology as a
Possible Enabler of Smart Cities 9781-4799-38698/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE
[10] Accurate Self-Localization in RFID Tag Information
Grids Using FIR Filtering, Industrial Informatics, IEEE
Transactions on (Volume:10 , Issue: 2 ).pp 1317-1326.

Fig 1.6 Prototype of the proposed System

The obstacles in the users path, which came

within the range of 25 inches, were sensed and the
vibrator was activated and thus the tactile system was
employed for informing the user of the obstacles. This
setup is illustrated in the figure 1.6.
The system reduces the external dependency on
a central database, which would involve some tedious
work in putting together a lot of information on mapping
the desired locations. Since, each tag is separately
programmed to relay-time information; this system is
more advantageous and requires lesser implementation
of time.
Through developed with the welfare of the
visually impaired in mind, the system could still be used
by all people, making the system economically feasible.
For example, it could be implemented in huge unfamiliar
places like museums; people tend to get lost, for
guidance. Thus this could be applied to the majority of
the population, enhancing the system usage.
The grid could be used for lot more
applications, for example, for guiding people on
wheelchairs equipped with RFID and robotic systems for
automation. Thus the same grid [10] could become


[11] Jae-Yeon Won, Hyunsurk Ryu, Tobi Delbruck, Jun Haeng

Lee, and Jiang Hu,Proximity Sensing Based on Dynamic
[12] Tong Kun Lai, Anping Wang, Chun-Min Chang, HuaMin Tseng, Kailing Huang, Jo-Ping Li, Wen-Chan Shih,
Pai H. Chou,Demonstration Abstract: An 88 mm2
Bluetooth Low Energy Wireless Motion-Sensing
Platform, 978-1-4799-3146-0/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE


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