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HK J Paediatr (new series) 2003;8:198-202

Acute Rheumatic Fever Presenting

with Sydenham's Chorea


Acute onset of abnormal involuntary movements in children is an unusual clinical encounter in our daily
practice. The differential diagnoses could be quite diversified and often pose management difficulties.
Sydenham's chorea is still a common cause in developing countries and should be considered in the
differential diagnosis. Sydenham's chorea is a major clinical manifestation in acute rheumatic fever. The
other major clinical manifestations are migratory polyarthritis, carditis, subcutaneous nodules and erythema
marginatum according to Jones Criteria. The incidence of Sydenham's chorea in acute rheumatic fever
varies across the decades and populations studied. From 1920 to 1950, more than half of the patients with
rheumatic fever had Sydenham's chorea. The incidence decreased to less than five percent in more recent
studies. The often-long latent period between Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcal infection and the
onset of chorea makes it an uncommon initial presentation in acute rheumatic fever. We report the clinical
findings, investigations and the course of clinical development of a nine-year-old girl, who presented with
acute onset of abnormal involuntary movements for a history of three days before her admission. Sydenham's
chorea and the treatment of rheumatic fever are reviewed.

Key words

Acute rheumatic fever; Sydenham's chorea

Acute rheumatic fever is a multisystem inflammatory
disease which occurs as delayed sequelae to group A
streptococcal pharyngitis. The important clinical
manifestations are migratory polyarthritis, carditis, chorea,
subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum occurring
in various combinations. Sydenham's chorea, once
considered as a self-limiting condition, is now felt to need
more aggressive treatment because it can cause great

Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Pamela

Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, 3 Lok Man Road,
Chaiwan, Hong Kong, China
KT LIU ( )
MBBCh(Ire), MRCP(Ire), FHKAM(Paed)
(Edinburg, Glasgow, London)

Correspondence to: Dr CLF WOO

Received October 19, 2002

functional impairment to a patient. A nine-year-old girl

presenting with chorea and subsequently diagnosed to have
acute rheumatic fever is reported. Sydenham's chorea and
the treatment of acute rheumatic fever will be discussed.

Case Report
The patient was a nine-year-old girl with good past
health. She presented with involuntary movements of her
body for three days. The involuntary movements involved
her limbs, fingers, toes and facial muscles. She had slowing
of speech and verbal response. The involuntary movements
were severe enough to impair her daily activities such as
writing, brushing teeth and holding a bowl. She also had
mild arthralgia of her knees for few days. History revealed
she had an episode of fever and sore throat one month ago.
Physical examination showed that she was afebrile, alert
and oriented. A faint non-specific macular rash was found
over her back. She had dysarthria but no dysphonia. There
was chorea involving her four limbs with writhing

Woo et al

movements of her fingers. Bilateral facial twitching and

lips smacking were also observed. The muscle tone, deep
tendon reflexes and muscle power were all symmetrical
and normal. No cerebellar ataxia was demonstrated. The
gait was unsteady. Cardiovascular examination showed
normal heart sounds with no heart murmur. Chest was clear.
The abdomen was soft with no organomegaly.
Blood test showed normal electrolytes, calcium and
complete blood picture. Electroencephalogram showed
episodes of slow waves over bilateral temporal and parietal
regions with no epileptic focus. CAT scan of the brain was
Her condition deteriorated gradually over the next four
days. She also became depressed and lost her appetite as
she had difficulty with mastication.
Reassessment on Day 4 of hospitalisation showed that
she was alert and oriented. There was a macular rash with
erythematous margin and pale centre on the upper and lower
limbs, compatible with erythema marginatum. She had no
subcutaneous nodule or joint swelling. She could only speak
slowly. Due to the chorea movements, she failed the fingerto-nose test and heel-to-shin test. There was also
dysdiadochokinesia. She was so unsteady that she could
not walk unassisted. The muscle tone was decreased,
however her deep tendon reflexes were normal and
symmetrical. On cardiovascular examination, her pulse was
regular at 82 per minute. Apex was not displaced. Heart
sounds were normal but a grade 2/6 ejection systolic
murmur could be heard over the left upper sternal border
without radiation. The chest was clear. The liver and spleen
were not palpable.
Anti-streptolysin O-titre (ASOT) was subsequently
shown to be elevated at 600 IU. The erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR) was 60 mm/hr. The throat
swab showed negative growth for streptococcus.
Electrocardiogram showed prolonged PR interval (201 ms).
No ST change was observed.
The clinical and laboratory findings were compatible
with the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever, i.e. Sydenham's
chorea, erythema marginatum, raised ASOT and ESR and
prolonged PR interval on ECG.
The heart murmur became pansystolic on Day 6 of
hospitalisation. Echocardiogram demonstrated the presence
of rheumatic valvulitis. The anterior mitral valve leaflet was
thickened. The left atrium was dilated and there was a mild
to moderate degree of mitral incompetence. No pericardial
effusion was detected.
Treatment was started on day 5 after admission with oral
penicillin V 250 mg QID and aspirin (80 mg/kg/Day). Oral


haloperidol 0.5 mg daily was started for her chorea and

was gradually increased to 0.5 mg BD. Clinical
improvement was observed two da ys after the
commencement of haloperidol and the patient was fully
functioning in her daily activity six days later.
Serial ESRs were taken to monitor the disease activity.
It dropped from 60 mm/hr on presentation to 42 mm/hr on
Day 9 and 26 mm/hr on day 13 of hospitalisation.
She was discharged on Day 16 with aspirin, haloperidol
and ranitidine. 4-weekly benzathine penicillin 1.2 MU IMI
was also started after a 10-day course of Penicillin V. Upon
discharge, she had no chorea. Her mood was back to her
premorbid cheerful state.
During subsequent follow-up, there was no recurrence
of chorea and haloperidol was tailed down and given for
six weeks in total. She still has on and off erythema
marginatum. The ESR was back to normal (9 mm/hr) two
months from the onset of illness. Aspirin was then stopped.

There had been a decline in the incidence of rheumatic
fever in developed countries between 1950 and 1980.1 It
was believed to be due to improvement in living standard,
overall socio-economic development and the wide
availability of penicillin. Nevertheless, rheumatic fever is
still the major health problem in developing countries,
where it and its sequelae account for 25-40% of all cardiac
The diagnosis of rheumatic fever is based on the Jones
criteria 3 (Table 1). Arthritis is the most common
manifestation, present in 80% of patients. It is described as
painful, migratory and transient. Knees and ankles are more
frequently affected. Carditis occurs in 40-75% of patients
in the first 3 weeks of the illness. Death may occur in the
acute phase.4 Erythema marginatum and subcutaneous
nodules are rare, less than 10% of patients are affected.
Sydenham's chorea is also a rare presentation, affecting
less than 5% of patients.4 The disease was first named by
Thomas Sydenham in 1686 as 'St. Vitus Dance' to
differentiate it from dancing mania, a practice seen in the
religious ceremonies in the older days by those who danced
to exorcise prevalent epidemic illness. At that time, he
attributed the illness to physical trauma and emotional shock.
The association between Sydenham's chorea and arthritis
was described by Stroll in 1780.5 Roger better established
the relationship in his articles in 1966 and 1968.6 This was
the prevalent concept in North America until the 1900s. In

Sydenhams Chorea


Table 1

Guidelines for the diagnosis of initial attack of rheumatic fever (Jones Criteria)

Major manifestation

Minor manifestation

Migratory polyarthritis
Sydenham's chorea
Subcutaneous nodules
Erythema marginatum

Elevated acute phase reactants (ESR, CRP)
Prolonged PR interval on ECG

Diagnosis is established if two major or one major + two minor plus

Supporting evidence of a recent group A streptococcal infection (positive throat culture or rapid antigen test, elevated
or increasing streptococcal antibody test)

1950, the occurrence of an antecedent group A betastreptococcal infection was confirmed in patients with
Sydenham's chorea and rheumatic fever.7
The proportion of Sydenham's chorea occurring in
patients with rheumatic fever altered across the decades
and it also varied among different populations studied. From
1920 to 1950, more than half of the patients with rheumatic
fever had Sydenham's chorea. The incidence decreased to
less than 5% in more recent studies.4 Such a decrease in
the incidence of Sydenham's chorea might represent the
involvement of specific choreogenic streptococcal strains
in a particular population or the existence of other
nonstreptococcal stimuli that were capable of contributing
to the pathogenesis of Sydenham's chorea.
The main feature in Sydenham's chorea is involuntary
movements. These can be generalised or unilateral. These
movements occur at rest, may start suddenly or gradually,
and are exacerbated by stress. They disappear during sleep.
Usually the patient has abnormal neurological signs with
hypotonia and motor restlessness which can lead to
coordination problems, gait disturbances and speech
impairment. As a result, the activities of daily living can be
severely disrupted.
The differential diagnoses of Sydenham's chorea include
atypical seizures, tics disorders, degenerative or
neurometabolic causes like Huntington disease,
Hallervorden-Spatz disease, Wilson's disease, autoimmune
diseases like systemic lupus erythematosis, drugs
(phenytoin, amintriptyline), hormonal-induced causes like
oral contraceptive pills, pregnancy/chorea gravidum,
endocr ine causes like hypoparathyr oidism and
hyperthyroidism. It can also occur in post-cardiac surgery
and post-circulatory arrest.
Patients with Sydenham's chorea can have psychological
and psychiatric manifestations such as depression, anxiety,
personality changes, emotional lability, obsessive-

compulsive disorder (OCD), tics and attention deficit

disorder.8 These are believed to be secondary to the motor
difficulties, although sometimes these symptoms can
precede the onset of chorea. Whether the psychiatric
symptoms are due to the motor disabilities or as the integral
part of the neurological disorder remains obscured.
Certainly, in our patient, she had a depressive mood which
disappeared when her chorea was controlled with
The majority of patients are between 5-15 years of age,
with girls predominating over the age of 11 years, thereby
suggesting important hormonal influences. The duration
of Sydenham's chorea can last for 4-6 months, however, it
can range from as little as one week up to over 2 years.8
Although most patients recover completely, some may have
persistent choreiform movements especially when they are
fatigue or under stress. In the setting where penicillin is
not available or ineffective, recurrence of Group A betahaemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis is common, a higher
proportion of patients would have relapse. Death is rare as
a result of the chorea itself.
Genetic susceptibility probably plays an important role
in the pathogenesis of Sydenham's chorea. Individuals
developing Sydenham's chorea have an increased frequency
of expression of the B-cell alloantigen D8/17.9 It is thought
that M-type specific streptococcal infection in these
individuals can result in the production of antineuronal
antibodies, which give rise to chorea and psychiatric
It is believed that Sydenham's chorea occurs secondary
to an autoimmune reaction towards the host's central
nervous system, particularly the basal ganglia and its
circuits. However, there are few descriptions describing the
anatomical pathology in cases of Sydenham's chorea
because of the relatively low mortality rate in these patients.
Previous work in the 1920s reported neuronal degeneration,

Woo et al

vascular inflammation, and perivascular infiltration within

the corpus striatum. Studies during 1940s and 1950s
reported diffuse non-specific changes throughout the brain,
especially at the frontoparietal cortex, caudate, and
putamen. Magnetic Resonance Imagings (MRI) are usually
normal, and fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) scanning may show striatal
Neurochemistry study showed a decreased level of
gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the basal ganglia
circuitry. This can cause a release from inhibition of the
external pallidum, activation of thalamocortical neurons,
and the projections of the thalamocortical neurons to the
motor cortex, facilitating abnormal movements and
producing chorea.
Sera from patients with Sydenham's chorea were found
to have antibodies, which were immunoreactive to neurons
from caudate, thalamus, and subthalamic nucleus. Elevated
levels of anitneuronal antibodies have also been observed
in patients with tics and OCD. These have led to the concept
of 'Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder
associated with Streptococcal infections' (PANDAS) in
recent years.10
If the symptoms are severe and cause dysfunction in
activities of daily living, treatment should be considered.
There are several pharmacological agents which are useful
in the treatment of Sydenham's chorea. These include
neuroleptics (haloperidol, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine
and pimozide), levodopa, hydroxyzine, phenobarbital,
steroids, carbamazepine and valproic acid. Haloperidol acts
by blocking the dopamine receptors and it has been found
to decrease the severity of choreic movements. Most
patients respond to an initial dose of 0.5-1 mg/day with
increments of 0.5 mg-1 mg/day every 3 days up to a
maximum of 5 mg/day. In our patient, she responded to
the haloperidol quite quickly and there were no observable
Recently, valproic acid has been advocated to be effective
in treating Sydenham's chorea. Its action is by enhancing
the activity of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter of the
striatonigral and striatopallidal circuit. Response can be
observed within 10 days, with a dose of between 15-20
mg/kg/day. Choreic movements may also be treated with
carbamazepine, possibly through its cholinergic action in
the striatum. It increases the acetylcholine level, inducing
equilibrium between the dopaminergic and cholinergic
Immunological therapy with steroids or intravenous
immunoglobulin had been tried to treat Sydenham's chorea


but the response was not satisfactory. Further controlled

studies are needed to investigate their efficacy.
The outcome of acute attack of rheumatic fever varies
from complete recovery to death from heart failure.
Recurrence of rheumatic fever tends to occur in the first
few years after the acute attack and it is most common in
the setting of pre-existing heart disease.
Patients with acute rheumatic fever should have bed
rest in the acute phase of carditis. Penicillin for 10 days
is the drug of choice to eradicate the streptococcus. 11
Salicylates remain the first-line agent in the treatment
of carditis and usually brings about a dramatic
improvement. The dose should be 80-100 mg/kg/day in
children. Usually a course of 4-6 weeks of treatment is
adequate in cases of mild disease. 12 Steroids might be
reserved for those with severe carditis. Anti-heart failure
treatment including diuretics and digoxin might be
required in cases of severe carditis.
Prevention of rheumatic fever is very important. It can
be divided into primary and secondary prevention. The goal
of primary prevention relies on the correct diagnosis of group
A streptococcal infection and effective treatment for
eradicating the organisms with appropriate antimicrobial
agent. Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus remains
exquisitely sensitive to penicillin, which is still the antibiotic
of first choice. Erythromycin or cephalosporin can be
considered when the patient is allergic to penicillin
(Table 2).
For secondary prevention, prolonged penicillin
prophylaxis of previously affected individuals with
intramuscular benzathine benzylpenicillin is the most secure
method of preventing recurrence. Controversies still exist
on the dosage and frequency of administration. The
4-weekly regimen is generally used.13 If the patient is unable
to tolerate intramuscular injection, oral prophylaxis can be
used. A daily dose of phenoxymethylpenicillin or
sulfadiazine should be employed. In cases of penicillin and
sulfonamides allergy, erythromycin may be used instead
(Table 3).13
There is no consensus on the duration of antibiotic
prophylaxis. In developed countries where the incidence
of rheumatic fever is low, life-long prophylaxis is
probably not necessary. It is reasonable to stop
prophylaxis in patients who have reached their early 20s,
more than 5 years past their last attack, and are free of
rheumatic heart disease. The American Heart Association
recommends prophylaxis to be continued at least 10
years after the last episode of rheumatic fever or until
the patients are well into adulthood.13

Sydenhams Chorea


Table 2

Primary prevention of rheumatic fever (treatment of streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis)

Benzathine benzylpenicillin
(Penicillin V)
For individual allergic to penicillin

Table 3

600 000 units for patients 27 Kg
1 200 000 units for patients >27 Kg



Children: 250 mg 2-3 times daily

Adolescents and adults: 500 mg 2-3 times daily


10 days

20-40 mg/Kg/day 2-4 times daily

(max 1 g/day)
40 mg/Kg/day 2-4 times daily
(max 1 g/day)


10 days


10 days

Secondary prevention of rheumatic fever (prevention of recurrent attacks)

Benzathine benzylpenicillin
Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Penicillin V)

For individual allergic to penicillin

and sulfadiazine

1 200 000 units every 4 weeks*


250 mg twice daily


0.5 g once daily 27 Kg

1.0 g once daily >27 Kg


250 mg twice daily


* In high-risk situations, administration every 3 weeks is justified and recommended.

Sydenham's chorea is a rare presentation of acute
rheumatic fever. Treatment with haloperidol may be useful
for those having difficulty with their activities of daily
living. Long term follow-up and antibiotic prophylaxis are
required to prevent recurrence of rheumatic fever.



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