Gas Reduction Station Model
Gas Reduction Station Model
Gas Reduction Station Model
reduction station
I. Fletcher, C. S. Cox, W. J. B. Arden and A. Doonan
The delivery of gas from the national transmission system into the regional supergrids, at the correct pressure, is
accomplished using a facility referred to in the industry as an above-ground installation (AGI). Early attempts
to control such systems were compromised by inadequate models developed to explain system behauiour. This
paper outlines the construction of a multi-input multi-output system model which has been used successfully to
explain system operation to gas engineers as well as prociding a basis for the design and implementation of a
number of advanced control systems. 0 1996 by Elsevier Science Inc.
Keywords: gas transmission, pressure reduction systems, pipeline and valve modelling
Figure 2. Illustration of hunting instability in an AGI station. Results from a field test upon an axial flow regulator.
2.2 Steady-state jlow characteristics For liquids, C, is the standard liquid sizing coefficient,
which can be determined directly from water tests. How-
Various formulae have been proposed4mh for predicting ever, to determine this coefficient for gases, we must look
the steady-state flow rate of gases through the many at the results of air tests when incompressible and com-
different types and sizes of commercially available regula- pressible flows are equal. That is when
tor. Most are developed from Bernoulli’s or the continuity
equation and differ primarily in the pressure term that is
incorporated to describe gas density effects, although some PI - p2
~ < 0.02
are empirical relationships derived from air testing results.’ P,
Most of these formulae are intended for use over a
restricted range of pressure drop conditions, and a more Since under these conditions sin(x) =x, equation (1) can
general expression to cover the flow of a compressible be reduced to
medium under isentropic conditions must take account of
the transition in a flow regime which occurs at a critical
ratio of inlet and outlet pressures where the fluid passing
through a controlling aperture reaches sonic velocities.
Theoretical treatments of this phenomenon lead to com-
plex expressions which are computationally cumbersome.x
By introducing sufficient redundancy into the formulation, whereas the coefficient C, is dependent upon the critical
Buresh and Schuder” have proposed a method that is flow or choked flow (Q,> through the regulator at a
applicable to virtually all types and sizes of regulator particular stem position, that is when sin(x) + 1. Hence
existing today. Utilisation of the universal gas sizing equa-
tion within the proposed valve model would permit the
use of a fixed structure subroutine, whose predicted out-
put flow would be dependent upon the surrounding sys-
tem pressure, P, and Pz (psi absolute); temperature T(“R);
and the various constants necessary to describe the partic- Therefore the size of the valve is expressed in terms of the
ular regulator. The basic equation is given by maximum values of C, and Cg (for 100% opening) and
the valve type via the shape of the C, and C, characteris-
tics against stem position, x (see Figure 3). This behaviour
Q= F .C,C;P,.sin[8]sft”/hr is then introduced into the mathematical model using
polynomial fits.
in practice, its behaviour will also be affected by friction One major advantage of this approach is that the resulting
effects, especially at the gland (pressure seal) and by fluid mode1 is well suited to the application of standard linear
forces acting on the internal components.‘0 To reduce control design techniques.
these adverse effects, feedback is commonly used in the The nonlinear dynamics of each pipeline element is to
form of a valve positioning network. be modelled using a resistance/capacitance equivalent
The speed of response of the valve/converter arrange- network, since in the presence of pipeline wall frictional
ment is limited by the rate at which the actuator chamber effects and pressure drops inertial effects may be consid-
can be charged and discharged. To make these rates ered negligible.”
similar booster relays are often used to permit greater
flows into the chamber by working from larger pressures,
as shown in Figure 4. This allowing the use of first/sec- 2.5 Pipeline restrictions
ond-order transfer functions to describe the almost linear
The pressure/flow relationship of compressible gas prop-
behaviour of the actuation system. agating down a pipeline is known to exhibit a high degree
of nonlinearity. Even in the steady state, numerous rela-
2.4 Pipeline modelling tionships have been proposed which evaluate the pressure
drop corresponding to a given flow magnitude and direc-
The dynamics of the system downstream of the second tion.2’ Any such eq uation which is to be employed to
regulator plays a major role in determining the overall estimate the discretized pipeline’s pressure profile should
stability of the network. It is therefore necessary to ensure incorporate the following:
that the model used to represent this part of the process
1. wall frictional forces, which are one of the major con-
in the simulation will reproduce the salient features ade-
tributions towards the pressure drop (P, - P,> within a
quately”-‘” without incurring an inordinately high cost in
computing time.
2. the pressure head that occurs due to the geography of
Pipelines constitute distributed parameter systems, and
the pipeline.
a rigorous analysis involves partial differential equations
which must be solved under two-point boundary condi- One such equation that satisfies the above criteria, and
tions.‘4m” This is, in computer terms, a notoriously time- whose accuracy has been proved in practice” over medium
consuming procedure. We shall, therefore, explore the and high pressure ranges, is the genera1 panhandle equa-
commonly applied approach of converting the partial dif- tion:”
ferential equations into a set of simultaneous ordinary
equations by finite ‘differencing.‘20 In effect, this means
discretizing the pipeline into a number of sections, n.‘4X’y,21 .DS (5)
It is known that putting n = 1, that is, treating the pipeline .f I'
as a single fixed volume, oversimplifies the situation to a
misleading extent. l4 The first task is, therefore, to find the where K’ is a constant,
minimum value for n which will yield acceptable results.
E, = (6)
Z AVG . *A”G
Re = 8880.2
1 (7)
c48STellumm lae.iaum
The above equations provide the basis for evaluating the 4cm
w 2
I. The properties of the gas do not vary significantly zm-
over a cross section of the pipe. Irn-
II. The area of a cross section of pipe is constant. im-
III. The temperature remains constant’s (Figure 5, top) So-
T = 520”R). 0
0 1D 20 30 40 so 60
IV. The pipe has a relative roughness of 12,500 (f = vo)mmc Flw Ral#(mwuc)
0.002872). @ Qa* LknHyDa4atim
V. The pipe is horizontal.
MY -
Under the above assumptions equation (5) reduces to the
WW 40
following equation, which is used to evaluate pipeline
initial conditions for a given flow value:
Pf-P,2= (9) 0
10 20 30 40 5a 60
735.5812D5 v-s FlowRd. (mxwc)
2.6 Pipeline capacities
P,.RT P,
To complete the pipeline model, a method of evaluating K* = pb’K = - = 7 = constant
the pressures at the nodes is required. This was developed
from standard thermodynamic theory using the Ideal Gas P, being the base pressure and V the pipeline section
Law, PV= mRT. Differentiation of this equation with volume. Note that P, can also be determined as a func-
respect to time results in tion of the particular gas flowing.
-1 0 1 2 5 -1 0 1 2
The AGI network shown in Figure 1 is capable of mod- 3. Practical evaluation using an experimental test rig
elling any of the stations that exist in practice. However,
It is well known that the analysis of a nonlinear system is
to simplify the simulation and minimise the size of the
fundamentally difficult for all but the simplest of cases.
resulting transfer function the safety systems were omitted
Features which identify the behaviour of these systems
and only the normal station operation was considered.
include limit cycles, chaos, catastrophes, switching, and
sliding. Any information that can be gathered about the
operation of such a system prior to any analysis is of great
Table 2. AGI multivariable control notation advantage.
One approach, often favoured by engineers, for obtain-
Input output
ing such supplementary information about the system is
1 Monitor’s input Interstage volume by construction of an experimental test rig, the test rig
signal (U,) pressure (P,) providing the hardware which can then be used to deter-
2 Active’s input Station inlet mine numerical values of the constants and other parame-
signal (U,) pressure (P,,) ters needed for the system identification. In addition, the
test rig provides a means of verifying the various mod- large volume cylinder which helps provide the relatively
elling exercises and allows the results of any analysis to be slow dynamics of the downstream system. Table 3 defines
evaluated using real data collected from a controllable the measurements and transducers/equipment used on
safe environment at minimum cost/time. the rig, all of which are converted electronically to O/10 V
outputs to match standard data acquisition cards. The
various measurements taken allow us to investigate regu-
3.1 AGI test rig lator performance as well as the various control configura-
tions that AGI stations in which can be operated.
The test rig (F&-e 8) uses the basic AGI structure as
illustrated in Figure I and operates from a supply pressure
of 690 KN/m* (100 psiG) and at flow rates up to 100 3.2 Test rig results
litres/min in 6 mm (l/4” ) diameter pipework. A solenoid
valve is employed as the slamshut, and a pair of Platon Initial testing commenced using the previously defined
M-valves provide monitor and active regulation into a pressure control strategy with regulator set points of 75%
and 50% of the station inlet pressure. Figure 9 shows the
results of open loop step responses collected after the
system had been established at the desired steady-state
levels with the load regulator 50% open. (Note that this
test would take significantly longer on the real system and
the data collected would often be corrupted by changes in
consumer demand.)
The AGI test rig was modelled in the form of the discrete
time MIMO transfer function matrix and follows the
previous elemental notation:
P” G,Jz) G,Jz) U,
P IN = G&) G&) ’ u,
b,z-’ + b,zm2
G,j(Z) =
-0.21 I 1 -a,z-I -a,z-*
0 m 40 60 50 100 im
Figure 9. Normalised open-loop step responses of the AGI test resulting in the parameter in Table 4.
rig. Results show both the plant response and its linear model Using MATLAB the above data were used to deter-
(detailed below). mine the rig’s Nyquist array (Figure IO). Comparison of
1 -11 1 &molt12 A further indication of the modelling philosophy’s ac-
j /
j : / curacy is provided from the study of remote boundary
/ f
j i 1
0.5 .___.... i _......_. I__
........ 0.5 _...._..: __“_‘__‘_~““._._..,..‘.“.. pressure control systems. 27.28 Here, models developed us-
IMA(3 I i j ing the same mathematical relationships employed in the
0 . . . . . . ..I . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.... i . . . . . . . . 0 _.__.___
+ . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . .L. . . . . . . . construction of the AGI simulation have been used to
j i 1 design novel control schemes; the resulting controller
4.5 _.__..__ j. ..____. j__. __.__ i . . .._... 4.5 . . . . . . . . t __._.....f ..__..... ;___...._
j j
parameters are directly applicable to the actual systems.
; j :
., ., : :
The authors wish to express their gratitude to British Gas,
SERC, and the University of Sunderland for their support
of this work. Particular thanks are extended to the staff of
the Engineering Research Station at Killingworth for all
the help and guidance they provided.
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