Best Practice Guide - Construction Railways Operations

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The key takeaways are the establishment of best practice standards for the safe operation of construction railways across different Crossrail tunneling sites.

The purpose of this guide is to detail best practice standards specific to the movement of vehicles on a construction railway in order to optimize safe operation while maintaining efficiency and productivity.

This guide covers the movement of vehicles used on construction railways which are exclusively used to transport construction personnel, equipment and materials into and out of tunnels during tunneling works.




Best Practice Guide Construction Railway Train Movements

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A best practice guide produced in collaboration between


Preface and Purpose

Page 3

Part A Tunnel Vehicle Movements

Joint Venture


Train Duties

Page 5


Roles and Competencies

Page 6


Pre-use Checks

Page 10


Vehicle Movement Safety

Page 12

Part B Tunnel Vehicle Maintenance



Page 23


Maintenance Plans General

Page 25


Maintenance Plans Specific

Page 26

Part C Tunnel Track Maintenance



Page 31


Tunnel Works Tracks Permit

Page 33


Tunnel Track Maintenance Works

Page 34

Part D Additional Information

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Additional Information

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A fundamental element of the Crossrail
project is the construction of a number
of tunnels under London; eight of these
tunnels are being created using tunnel
boring machines (TBMs) which are used to
bore the tunnels and place concrete lining
segments. Each of these tunnels is served
by a construction railway which is used
to transport personnel, equipment and
materials into and out of the tunnel.
Each of the construction railways is
operated differently with the result that
identified best practice tends to be limited
to single sites. This Guide has brought
together these best practices to ensure
that construction railways are operated
equally safely across all Crossrail sites.

Preface and Purpose

This Best Practice Guide was produced

as a result of collaboration between
representatives from Crossrail and the
three main tunnelling contractors engaged
in TBM activities BFK (C300), DSJV
(C305) and HMJV (C310). Thanks are due
to all those involved in the preparation,
review and issue of this Guide.
A construction railway is defined as
a temporary railway that is used on
tunnelling worksites and is exclusively
for the purposes of moving construction
related personnel, equipment and
materials only. A construction railway
is not considered to be an operational
railway because it is not a part of the UK
railway network.

The Railway and Other Guided Transport

Systems (Safety) Regulations (ROGS)
do not apply to a construction railway,
although relevant sections should be
considered as a best practice guide.
However, PUWER and CDM Part 4 both
apply to construction railways.
This Best Practice Guide details best
practice standards specific to the
movement of vehicles on a construction
railway. This guide will help to optimise
safe operation whilst at the same time
maintaining efficiency and productivity.
This Best Practice Guide suggests
minimum requirements for the safe
operation of the construction railway; local
arrangements should meet (or exceed)
these requirements.
This Best Practice Guide applies to all
personnel with an involvement in the
movement of trains on the construction
This Best Practice Guide should be used
BS EN 1889-2:2003 Machines for
underground mines Mobile machines
working underground Safety (Part 2:
Rail Locomotives)
BS 6164:2011 Code of practice for
health and safety in tunnelling in the
construction industry (in particular
Section 23)
Local rules, procedures and processes
governing safe operation of the
construction railway

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Part A Tunnel Vehicle Movements

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Section A1

Section A2

Train Duties
Train duties (inbye)
Inbye trains will supply the tunnel and
TBM with a number of items including
(but not limited to):
Operatives - transported on the man
rider only
Emergency Response teams (when

Roles and Competencies

The Locomotive Driver shall:

Haul out empty cars

Typical train configuration - tunnel
A typical train configuration might
Segment cars/bogies
Grout / concrete car

Grout / concrete which is carried in

purpose built vehicles

Standard flat car for transporting

temporary materials

Temporary materials pipes,

brackets, walkway, oils, greases, soil
conditioning agents


Tunnel lining segments - carried by

purpose designed segment cars
Train duties (outbye)
Outbye trains will:
Provide egress for operatives by way
of the man rider
Carry maintenance equipment,
rubbish, empty drums and other
waste materials out in purpose built
stillages on flat cars
When transporting compressed gas
bottles (e.g. propane, fuel gas) use a
protective steel enclosure, mounted
on a flat car and under a Permit to
Work (PTW)

Variations in the train composition may

be required during service periods (e.g.
cherry-picker, HIAB crane etc.).
Each locomotive will be known as (and
controlled by) a specific individual
designation (which will be marked
on each locomotive) in the following
Locomotive + Number i.e.
Locomotive 1
Should a locomotive be required to
service either tunnel or switch from
westbound to eastbound, a locomotive
designation shall be assigned to avoid
any confusion between the Operations
Board Controller (OBC) and driver.
A driver will be assigned to each
locomotive on a shift by shift basis.

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Be responsible for ensuring that

identified defects are entered in the
Daily Loco Checklist
Hold appropriate certification such
as CPCS Certification (A67 Tunnel
Locomotive, Diesel, Category D, all
sizes) or equivalent
Have received a minimum of 30
hours familiarisation training in
accordance with local arrangements
and have been assessed as
Successfully complete Crossrail
Tunnel Safety Card (TSC) training
Attend local Tunnel Induction
training and be trained in the
requirements of this Best Practice

Ensure that when propelling

(breasting) the train into the tunnel,
this is carried out in accordance with
BS 6164: 2011 (Section 23.1.3) the
driver must have sufficient visibility
of the track ahead to be able to stop
within his field of view
Be trained in the use of derailers,
wheel blockers, Manchester gates
Be trained in the use of
communications systems and all
relevant procedures and protocols
Be trained in the use of fire
extinguishers and relevant fire
fighting equipment
Be trained in the application of this
Best Practice Guide. This training will
be supported by refresher training
and any other briefings as deemed
appropriate by local management

Be appointed as a Locomotive Driver

in writing by site management;
records of this are to be held on
site in accordance with BS6164:2011
Be fully briefed and conversant with
all relevant local procedures
Be aware of track walking
procedures, persons walking on the
track, persons working on the track,
track possessions etc
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Duties and competence requirements

Duties and typical configurations

Electrical equipment and

miscellaneous items of small plant transported on a flat car in a purpose
built stillage


Be responsible for ensuring that all

loads are properly secured before a
loco movement is commenced (both
inbye and outbye)

Check points are fully (and correctly)

engaged before entering any

Operations Board Controller (OBC)

The Operations Board Controller shall:
Be responsible for the management
of all railway movements
Have been assessed as competent
to carry out all activities associated
with the role
Be responsible for maintaining a
record of all hazardous materials
contained in each load so that
appropriate information is available
should an emergency arise
Hold PTS (Personnel Track Safety)
certification only if there will be a
requirement for them to go on or
about the operational railway (i.e.
Network Rail)
Have experience of a similar role

The contractor will ensure that there are

local instructions in place which cover
key issues including:
Use of the Operations Board

Where a flagman is engaged (e.g. at a
California crossing) they shall:

What information is recorded

Hold CSCS Certification RED

(Experienced Worker)

How and where information is


Receive a minimum of 12 hours

familiarisation training

How train locations are known by

the OBC

Have been assessed as competent

to carry out all activities associated
with the role

Priority assignment on California

Note: Where there is a permanent single
line running arrangement (i.e. only one train
on the track at any given time), it will not
be necessary to engage an OBC, but ONLY
if the contractor has put in place adequate
arrangements to protect the train and those
working in the tunnel.

Successfully complete Crossrail

Tunnel Safety Card (TSC) training
Attend local Tunnel Induction
training and be trained in the
requirements of this Best Practice

Attend local Tunnel Induction

Be fully briefed and conversant with
all relevant local procedures
Be trained in the application of this
Best Practice Guide. This training will
be supported by refresher training
and any other briefings as deemed
appropriate by local management

Back-up operator / slinger

The Back-Up Operator shall:
Hold CSCS Certification RED
(Experienced Worker)
Have experience of working within
and on a TBM
Have receive a minimum of 12 hours
familiarisation training

Be fully briefed and conversant with

all relevant local procedures

Have been assessed as competent

to carry out all activities associated
with the role

Be trained in the application of this

Best Practice Guide. This training will
be supported by refresher training
and any other briefings as deemed
appropriate by local management

Have successfully complete Crossrail

Tunnel Safety Card (TSC) training
Attend local Tunnel Induction

The contractor will ensure that there is

adequate cover for this post at all times.

Best Practice Guide Construction Railway Train Movements

Successfully complete Crossrail

Tunnel Safety Card (TSC) training

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Section A3

Be fully briefed and conversant with

all relevant local procedures

Pre-use Checks

Carry out all duties as defined in

local working instructions

Locomotives and rolling stock

Locomotives and rolling stock scheduled
for use will be inspected by the driver at
the start of each day to ensure that it is
fit for service and capable of delivering
safe operation. This inspection will
include a brake functionality test (as
required by BS 6164:2011).

Operate the Manchester gate as and

when required
Supervise the ingress / egress of
personnel movements into and from
the stationary man rider
Be trained in the application of this
Best Practice Guide. This training will
be supported by refresher training
and any other briefings as deemed
appropriate by local management

The Daily Loco Checklist (DLC) remains

on the locomotive; any defects or issues
identified by the driver are to be logged
at the first available opportunity prior
to use.

receiving instructions at the start of

each shift.
Train-borne plant
The following items are to be checked
by fitters at predetermined periods:
The engine compartment fire
suppression system
The hydrostatic transmission and
Pneumatic wheel brakes
In addition, couplers and chains (for
the rolling stock) are to be checked by
drivers before each movement.

The DLC is to be checked daily by the

locomotive fitters who will:

Should any of the above items be found

to be defective during checking, the
loco fitter should be consulted and
appropriate remedial action taken.

Review entries
Carry out and record any necessary

Training and briefing

The following are to be applied:

Schedule or carry out routine

maintenance as appropriate
Report recorded defects to the OBC
Complete a record of all work carried
out on the locomotive
The driver will test on board
communications and confirm both
the locomotive and communications
are operational with the OBC prior to
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Locomotive drivers must have

received familiarisation training on
the locomotive they are driving and
have been assessed as competent
to drive
All personnel on site are to be
briefed in the communication
procedure so that they are aware of
actions to take in the event of an

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Actions to be taken prior to use

Unserviceable safety critical equipment

must be removed from use as soon as a
defect is identified.

Locomotive driver aids

The following checks are to be carried
out by the loco driver at the beginning
of each shift:
CCTV system is functionally tested
and camera lens wiped clean
Functional brake test
Test that lights are operational and
showing correct direction of travel
Communication system is
functionally tested
Locomotive Electronic Control is
Horns tested

Rail Movement Control Centres

Where RMCCs are in use, the following
will apply:
Where the RMCC is equipped
with CCTV cameras they are to
be tested and confirmed to be
working correctly by the OBC at the
beginning of each shift
The communication system in the
RMCC is tested and confirmed to be
working correctly by the OBC at the
beginning of each shift

The following will be applied for

communications and signalling
The tunnel radio system is to be
functionally tested by the OBC at
the start of each shift
The CCTV system (where installed) is
to be functionally tested by the OBC
at the start of each shift
Signs are to be installed establishing
the maximum speed at relevant
sections (e.g. California crossings)
Trains have priority signs are to be
installed at all level crossings
Cameras are to be installed, tested,
certified and working at both ends
of all crossings
The following horn blasts are to be
used in the tunnels to designate the
imminent action of a loco:
3 blasts

Moving outbye

2 blasts

Moving inbye

1 long blast


A continuous blast is to be given when

the driver identifies personnel ahead in
the tunnel who have not acknowledged
and moved out of the way of the train.

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Section A4

Vehicle Movement Safety

The OBC will be located within
a clearly defined area and will
be in overall charge of all train
movements between the yard / loco
stabling area and TBM
The Pit Boss (or designated
operative where there is no Pit
Boss) will be in charge of all train
movements up to the TBM
The Back-Up operator will be in
control of all train movements
within the TBM for segment
movements, train unloading
movements and personnel
Where flagmen are used they will
direct all trains as required and
always under the control of the OBC
and yard staff to ensure safety
In addition to being appropriately
trained and certificated, locomotive
drivers will have read the operations
manual for the locomotive they are
operating, and will have been briefed
on this Best Practice Guide
Passengers are not permitted in the
locomotive cab at any time EXCEPT

when the driver is under training

and the passenger is the

if the passenger is someone

authorised to inspect track,
signals etc. (but only if there is
a seat in the loco cab)

Apart from walking along approved

safe walking routes, personnel
transport into the tunnel will be by
man rider only. Travelling on any
other part of the train is prohibited
Carrying work equipment or
materials in the man rider is
prohibited EXCEPT for surveying
Pedestrians are not allowed into
tunnels unless carrying out surveys,
track inspections, maintenance
etc. In such cases, access is only
permitted under the control of the
OBC and with an appropriate Permit
to Work in place
Pedestrians are only permitted
to cross the track on marked safe
walking routes
All tools and materials are to be
kept clear of the track at all times
UNLESS work is being carried out
on the track. All such work will be
carried out under (and in accordance
with the requirements of) a Permit
to Work issued by the OBC
The tunnel will be equipped with
a communication system allowing
radio communication between
the loco operator and other tunnel

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Carrying out safe vehicle movements

Note: The locomotive should not

be used if any of these systems are

Communications and signalling


Inbye and outbye trains will

signal their intention to move in
accordance with local instructions.
Appropriate coloured lights at
the front and rear of the train will
indicate direction of travel
Where local noise restrictions exist,
alternative arrangements will be put
in place for noise restricted times
Train movements in working areas
of the TBM will be controlled by
the local TBM traffic light; the loco
driver will comply with the traffic
lights which are controlled by the
appointed Back-Up Operator
Parked trains or trailers will be
individually air braked and wheel
scotches placed under wheels of
uncoupled rolling stock. Scotches
may be of wooden or metal
construction. Dog chains (or similar)
are not permitted

The loco driver will be responsible

for carrying out checks to ensure
that there is adequate clearance
along the route for the train to travel
safely without risk of colliding with
obstructions; adherence to gauge
limits must be ensured
Tampering with couplings is
Prior to inbye movements, both the
loco driver and the yardman will
check train loads to ensure they are
Engines should be switched off
when not required to reduce
unnecessary fuel consumption and
Tunnel movements
The following are to be applied for all
tunnel movements:

Brakes and scotches / rail clamps

are to be applied on static uncoupled
trailers to prevent them running

The maximum train speed within

the tunnels is to be displayed on
signposts at appropriate locations;
this speed limit is an absolute and is
not to be exceeded at any time

The loco driver will be responsible

for carrying out checks of the loco
to ensure that it is fit for service.
Checks are to be carried out in
accordance with the mechanical
and operational manual checklists
provided by the loco manufacturer

The maximum speed for traversing

a California crossing will be 5km/h;
warning notices are to be placed
60m either side of the crossing
instructing loco drivers to slow down
Movement direction lamps at the
front and rear of the train are to be
illuminated at all times to indicate
the direction of travel. The lights
should show white at the front of
the train in the direction of travel
and red at the rear when a travel
direction is selected

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When passing personnel in the

tunnel the train driver will sound the
horn to advise of his approach; the
personnel concerned are to wave a
hand to acknowledge that they are
aware of the approaching train
Walking in the tunnels is not
encouraged. However it is
acknowledged that teams are
required to work in the tunnels at
certain times. When doing so they
will protect their working area with
advanced warning lights which may
be obtained from the OBC; these
warning lights are to be placed 60m
either side of the work area. Such
works may only be carried out under
a controlled Permit to Work (PTW) in
accordance with local arrangements

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PTWs will be held by the OBC who is

responsible for briefing all relevant
personnel on the content of the
PTW including the nature of the
work and number of personnel in the
work group
Loco drivers are to be continuously
advised of all PTWs that are
introduced / signed off during a
PTWs are only signed off when the
work is complete, the site has been
made safe and all members of the
working group are accounted for. A
PTW may be passed to a subsequent
working group, but the names of all
outgoing and incoming personnel
must be recorded in accordance with
the local PTW procedure
There will be intermediate stop
points (crossings and booster
locations) where workers will be
able to alight, but always within the
confines of the PTW and under the
control of the OBC
Personnel may only board /
disembark from a Manrider in
the tunnels when the Manrider
is stationary in an appropriately
designated area
All derailments must be reported
for appropriate investigation,
identification of trends and
implementation of corrective
actions. Should a derailment occur,
local procedures for re-railing are to
be followed

Uncoupling trailers

Coupling trailers

Trains entering the TBM backup

The following actions are to be taken

when uncoupling wagons and trailers:

The following actions are to be taken

when coupling / uncoupling wagons and

The following rules are to be applied for

all trains entering the TBM backup:

Apply parking brakes and put

scotches / chocks in place before
uncoupling; no unbraked vehicles
should be allowed in the tunnels
Install the scotch / chock on the
downhill side of the trailer; if
downhill is not clear (or if the
vehicle is on level ground), clamps
should be applied at both back and
Verify that brakes are still on
Disconnect lighting, CCTV and
telephone cables
Disconnect hydraulic brake lines
ensuring that all supplies are
isolated as per the operational
instructions for the vehicle
Check again that the brake is applied
and that scotches / chocks are firmly
in place
Disconnect the safety chain and
then uncouple the vehicle
The vehicle may now be left

Where Manchester gates have been

installed, they must be kept closed
until the fully coupled train is ready
to move into the tunnel
Ensure scotches / chocks are in place
before commencing coupling
Connect vehicles using couplers
and secure the safety chain. Safety
chains must be loose enough to
allow the trailers to travel round
bends in the tunnel but not so long
that they are able to touch the track
Connect the hydraulic brake lines.
Care must be taken to ensure that
connections are clean and seated
properly with no leaks. Visual /
audible checks are to be carried out.
Hydraulic pipes must not touch the
Connect lighting, CCTV and
telephone cables
Once all the above connections
have been completed the scotches
/ chocks may be removed and the
vehicle can then be moved

The train must signal its arrival by

sounding the horn in accordance
with local procedures and stop in
front of the Manchester gate
No train movements are to take
place at the rear of the TBM until
the Back-Up operator on the TBM
has confirmed to the loco driver

All personnel are clear of the


No personnel are attempting to

board or disembark from the man

The appointed Back-Up Operator

will co-ordinate with the Pit Boss
via two-way radio to sequence the
unloading of the train at the various
gantries where the traffic light
controls are placed
When the Manchester gate is open
the free access will be indicated with
a green light indicating permission
to move inbye. The Manchester gate
opens only through hand operation
controlled by the appointed Back-Up

NOTE: Vehicles should not be moved until

the driver has confirmed that the train is
fully functional.

No work is permitted to start in the

tunnels until a Permit to Work is in

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Track inspections and maintenance

The locations for stopping the train

will be marked on the gantries and
indicated by a switch of the traffic
light to red. Entry to the rear of the
TBM must be at creeping speed

Track inspection and maintenance

activities will be completed by a
dedicated track maintenance team on
a scheduled basis (additional works will
be carried out as necessary). This work
will be compliant with the following:

One long blast on the loco horn will

be used to indicate that the loco has
stopped moving and brakes have
been applied. Personnel entering or
leaving the man rider will only do
so when given the all clear by the
appointed Back-Up Operator

Local processes will be in place to

detail routine maintenance, planned
preventive maintenance, breakdown
repair protocols and re-railing

Once the train is unloaded it will

leave outbye the TBM backup at
creeping speed once a blue light is

Local processes should include

information on when train
movements are to be stopped
for emergency maintenance (e.g.
submerged track, build up of grease
in points etc.)

The Appointed Back-Up Operator will

check before permitting movement
of the man rider that no personnel
are attempting to board the train
before it departs

The Designated Person / Persons

undertaking track maintenance
must be known / communicated to
drivers and other tunnel personnel

Once the operation is complete,

the loco will not be permitted to
move off until the appointed BackUp Operator has indicated to the
loco driver that no personnel are
attempting to board or disembark
from the man rider

All track maintenance and inspection

activities must be carried out under
a Permit to Work issued by the OBC
Any track defects are to be reported
to the OBC as soon as they are
identified, by whoever identifies

Immediately prior to moving off the

loco driver will sound three blasts
of the loco horn to indicate that the
loco is moving outbye

In order to avoid derailments, the

track will be inspected visually
during the routine maintenance
shift. Bolts will be retightened as
Visual inspections are carried out
following any change to the track;
fishplate bolts as well as any other
clips and fixings are to be physically

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In the event of a derailment,

any affected track must be fully
inspected and appropriate remedial
action taken where necessary
Spillage of materials that may
affect safe train operation will be
reported to the OBC who will make
arrangements with the Pit Boss
/ Tunnel Superintendents for the
spillage to be cleared as soon as
Track geometry will be checked
(gauge and rail inclination). Special
attention is to be paid to track at the
portals and sections with very small
radius (<40-50m) in order to avoid
Checks are to be carried out on the
different geometrical parameters of
the California crossings in order to
avoid derailments
Following any change to the
track, gauge is to be checked and
movements only permitted when
confirmation is given that gauge is
Personnel working on the railway
will wear the appropriate PPE and
will operate under a Permit to
Work in accordance with the local
The invert is to be kept clear
of hazards as far as reasonably
practicable; the underside of the
rails must be visible above any muck
in the invert

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Loading and unloading (yard)

Loco and train maintenance

The following are to be applied for

loading and unloading activities:

The locomotives and trailers are

to be checked and maintained
according to the manufacturers
operation manual

The yardman is responsible for

supervising the loading/unloading of
all plant, equipment and materials
onto / off of trains

Maintenance is only to be carried out

by competent personnel appointed
in accordance with the requirements
of BS 6164 : 2011

On each trip to and from the

yard and TBM a record is to be
maintained of what has been
loaded / unloaded onto each loco;
the departure time is also to be

A record is to be maintained of all

maintenance and repairs carried out
on the loco and trailers

When loading / unloading in the yard

the yardman and the loco driver must
make sure materials are:
Correctly loaded

Loading and unloading (TBM)

Secured to prevent them from


The Pit Boss (or in his absence the

lead miner) and the loco driver must
make sure that a competent person
supervises the loading/unloading of
the loco. This includes ensuring that the
load is:

Not in excess of the maximum load

for the loco

Correctly loaded
Secured to prevent movement
Within the maximum load limit for
the vehicle
Within the maximum gauge limit for
the track
The Pit Boss (or in his absence the lead
miner) and the loco driver must sign
the loading note and train log book to
certify the load as being correct and
safe to travel.

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Where a defect has been identified

that makes the loco / train unfit for
safe use, it is not to be used until
appropriate remedial action has
been taken
Maintenance and repairs are only
to be carried out in designated
areas. It is forbidden to carry out
any maintenance / repair activities
outside the designated areas
EXCEPT when the train has failed
in the tunnel and must be repaired
before it can be moved
Use of new plant
The Tunnel Manager must approve
any new plant that is to be used in
the tunnel

Refuelling will be at a dedicated
and segregated area as far from the
works area as practicable
The refuelling point will be in open
air; fuel will be obtained using a
hose and trigger nozzle from a tank
located on the surface
The trigger is to be locked off when
not in use
Bulk spill containment, fire
extinguisher and oil binder will be in
place as close to the fuelling point as
Leaving the nozzle unattended while
refuelling is underway is prohibited
in all circumstances; if it is necessary
to leave the refuelling point the
nozzle must be removed and
replaced in its retainer on the pump
Communications protocols
OBCs are to have overall responsibility
for management of communications. In
all cases:
Instructions issued by the OBC are
to be followed UNLESS it is believed
that the instruction may present a

All plant must be recorded on the

asset register and regularly checked
and maintained in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations
Maintenance records are to be kept
for the new piece of plant, along
with records for all other plant
currently in use

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Instructions issued by the OBC take precedence over all other instructions relating
to the railway UNLESS it is believed that the instruction may present a risk
All communications relating to incidents (including near misses) are to be
recorded by the OBC
When communicating alphanumerics, the phonetic alphabet is to be used at all
times (see Section D)
Local emergency response procedures are to be followed.

Part B Tunnel Vehicle Maintenance

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Section B1

The maintenance plan.

All rail vehicles are required to be
maintained in accordance with a
maintenance plan.
The organisation responsible for
management of the construction
railway must obtain the maintenance
documentation which details vehicle
maintenance activities from the vehicle
manufacturer. Maintenance activities
include all activities necessary such
as inspections, monitoring, tests,
measurements, repairs, replacements
and adjustments.

The limit values for components

which must not be exceeded
in service shall be stated. The
possibility to specify running
restrictions in degraded mode (limit
value reached) can be considered
Records of maintenance work
carried out

Maintenance activities are split into:

General requirements for maintenance documentation

Preventive maintenance; scheduled

and controlled

This is the structured set of tasks that include the activities, procedures, means
and the working time required to carry out the maintenance task
It contains a description of the maintenance activities which include the following:

Disassembly / assembly drawings & instructions necessary for correct assembly /

disassembly of replaceable parts

Maintenance criteria

Checks and tests

Tools and materials required to undertake the task

Consumables required to undertake the task

Personal protective safety provision and equipment

Necessary tests and procedures to be undertaken after each maintenance operation

before re-entry in to service of rolling stock

Checks on lifting / jacking point

Troubleshooting (fault diagnosis) manuals or facilities for all reasonably

foreseeable situations. This includes functional and schematic diagrams of the
systems or IT-based fault finding systems

Corrective maintenance (repair)

Maintenance documentation should
include the following:
Component hierarchy and functional
description. The hierarchy should list
all the items belonging to the vehicle
and use an appropriate number of
discrete levels; the lowest level shall
be a replaceable unit
Schematic circuit diagrams,
connection diagrams, wiring
diagrams, pneumatic schematics
and lubrication diagrams

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Section B2

Section B3

Maintenance Plans - Specific

Maintenance plans - General

Relevant to all vehicles

Vehicle maintenance activities are

only to be carried out by appropriately
qualified personnel.
The maintenance plan shall detail
all maintenance activities to be
undertaken on the applicable type of
rail vehicle

The maintenance plan should

include all maintenance activities
that must be carried out to ensure
that the rail vehicle(s) continue to
conform to the safe limits defined
by the vehicle manufacturer
The maintenance plan shall, as a
minimum, include the following:
Maintenance requirements
including the safety conditions
to ensure the rail vehicle can be
safely worked on for each task

A maintenance schedule which

defines the periodicity at which
each item shall be actioned

An inspection programme for

regular inspection of the vehicle
to confirm that it is safe to
continue in service

The minimum engineering

maintenance facilities that are
necessary for the maintenance
to be carried out (e.g. pits, major
equipment, covered work areas)
The minimum level of
competencies required for the
staff carrying out the specified
maintenance tasks

Each rail vehicle shall be maintained

so that the prescribed tolerances for
all components and assemblies are
not exceeded throughout the life of
the vehicle

The maintenance plan shall, as a
minimum, set out the requirements for
the following items of the wheelset and
constituent parts:
Relative movement of wheels, axles,
tyres and axle mounted equipment
Cracks and fractures
Dimensions affecting running

Minimum wheel diameter

Tolerance between diameters of

wheels on the same axle

Tolerance between diameters of

wheels on the same bogie or rail

Back to back dimensions

Flange and tread profile

Wheel tread surface damage

Wheel flat limits


Definitions of the appropriate

actions to be taken to ensure
that all systems and equipment
continue to operate safely over
the full range of environmental
conditions, particularly in snow,
flood, freezing or abnormal heat

Best Practice Guide Construction Railway Train Movements

Relevant to all vehicles

Functional tests of the brake

systems should be carried out to
ensure that they are operating
correctly. This should take into
account the environment in which
the vehicle is being used
The functional brake tests should
show that the systems respond
to graduated brake application
demands, up to and including an
emergency stop
Brake cylinder pressures should be
checked to confirm that pressure
increases in proportion to the
controller movement
Appropriate functional brake tests
should be undertaken whenever
components of the brake system
are replaced and reconnected or
following component repair, renewal
or disconnection
If a fault in a brake system or
component is revealed by either
the maintenance or functional
brake tests, details of appropriate
remedial action should be available
in the maintenance plan

The maintenance plan should detail

that the components of rail vehicle
brake systems are maintained at
appropriate periods
Maintenance activities and periods
must be designed to ensure that
the brake systems function correctly
and safely between maintenance
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Specific requirements for a maintenance plan

General requirements for a maintenance plan

Technical instructions that define

actions required to ensure that
a vehicle can be hauled safely
when inoperative (e.g. the
adjustment, isolation, removal
or addition of some components
or the imposition of a restrictive
maximum speed to travel

The maintenance plan shall, as a

minimum, set out the requirements
for (where fitted):

Brake disc integrity, condition and


Brake pad and brake block

integrity and dimensions

Brake rigging (pins, bushes and

associated equipment)

Integrity of operating devices,

reservoirs, hoses, cocks,
pipework, safety loops and
associated equipment

Rail vehicle structure

Vehicles shall be maintained so that
the body and running gear remain
structurally sound and safe

The speedometer test shall cover

the whole range of the speed
indicating equipment. The test, shall

The accuracy of readings

Intermittent or jerky operations

Clarity and cleanliness of

indicators and correct operation
of associated lighting

The integrity of connections

and components that cannot be
included in the equipment test

As a minimum, speedometer and

speed control system testing shall
be undertaken in the following

Vehicles shall be maintained so that

the connections between the body
and running gear remain structurally
sound and safe
Prescribed tolerances must be
checked and maintained this
includes all components, assemblies
and systems

When a wheelset has been


When a wheelset has been


When the speed indicating

equipment, speed control system
or their components have been
disturbed, adjusted, repaired or

Speed indicating equipment

The maintenance plan must
include a method for testing speed
indicating equipment this must
include acceptable tolerances. If
readings are outside this tolerance,
the speed indicating equipment
must be corrected before the vehicle
re-enters service

Best Practice Guide Construction Railway Train Movements

When there has been a report

of a malfunction of the speed
indicating equipment or speed
control system
When there has been a report
questioning the accuracy of the
speed indicating equipment or
speed control system
Following an allegation of
exceeding the speed limit

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Trainborne signalling and

communications equipment
All signalling and communications
equipment shall be managed
to ensure that its integrity and
performance remains compliant with
its specification
The maintenance requirements for
each item of trainborne signalling
and communication equipment shall
be developed to control the risks
which would arise from failure of any
part the system
The maintenance requirements
for trainborne signalling and
communication equipment shall be
Maintenance requirements shall
form part of the rail vehicle
maintenance plan for the vehicle
The procedures to ensure
configuration control of any
software and hardware shall also
be documented in the maintenance
The maintenance plan shall set out a
method for testing the functionality
and alignment of the headlights

Other equipment
Consideration shall be given to the
following during the production of
the maintenance plan. The list is not
exhaustive or necessarily representative
of all types of vehicles used on
construction railways.


Integrity and condition



Testing of the headlights shall be

carried out at a periodicity to reflect
the use and working environment of
the vehicle

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Train Movements


Rubber condition

Integrity and condition


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Primary and secondary suspension:

Internal combustion engines:

Spring integrity, rules for


Security and condition of


Linkage wear, dimensional limits

Checks for leakage of fluids

Suspension settlement

Integrity of shaft couplings

Damper integrity

Engine safety systems (for

example, overspeed, crankcase

Emissions (compliant with


Suspension tube bearings:

Condition, integrity and security

of components and installation

Bearing float

Power systems (including associated

protection systems):

Traction and auxiliary generators,

alternators, other electrical
machines and electrical equipment

Integrity and security

Earthing condition and integrity

Presence, condition and cleaning

of all safety labelling

Integrity and security

Earthing condition and integrity

Presence, condition and cleaning

of all safety labelling

Hydraulic and pneumatic systems:


Ventilation ducts

Bogies and underframe


Front end and windscreens

Final drives / transmissions:

Security to body or bogie frame

Condition checks of safety critical



Safety loops

Presence and security of balance

weights, where fitted

Condition and integrity of hoses,

pipework, valves, etc

Fire protection systems:

Integrity and condition

Currency of certification

Lighting Systems
Emergency Facilities:

Best Practice Guide Construction Railway Train Movements

Emergency lighting capacity

Other emergency and safety

equipment provided

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Part C Tunnel Track Maintenance

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Section C1

Roles and Competencies


Mechanical Superintendent

This Section defines the general duties

and competence requirements of
personnel with a role in maintaining
track, crossovers and associated
equipment on the construction
railway. It should be referred to when
clarification is required on specific

The Mechanical Superintendent (or

equivalent) shall:

The role titles used below may not

necessarily correspond with job titles in
the Contractors organisation, however
the Contractor will be expected to
demonstrate that the responsibilities
listed below have been discharged by
a competent person with sufficient
knowledge and experience.

Be responsible for ensuring that

a track maintenance programme
is in place covering all tunnel
railways track, California crossings,
sleepers, fishplates and associated
Ensure that all track and associated
equipment is inspected on a regular
basis and to a pre-determined
frequency (see section C3 of this
Best Practice Guide)

General duties and competence requirements

Ensure that a forward-looking

programme is in place covering the
inspection and maintenance of track
and associated components
Hold CPCS Certification
Successfully complete Crossrail
Tunnel Safety Card (TSC) training
Attend local Tunnel Induction
training and be trained in the
requirements of this Best Practice
Guide and the Contractors Track
Maintenance Procedures

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Track Inspector

Operations Board Controller (OBC)

The Track Inspector shall:

The Operations Board Controller (OBC)


Be responsible for carrying out

inspection and maintenance
of track, California crossings,
sleepers, fishplates and associated
components to the standards
prescribed in the contractors track
maintenance procedures
Have received training and hold
the necessary competence in the
inspection and maintenance of track
Report any track defects to the
Operations Board Controller (OBC)
and Mechanical Superintendent
Be responsible for maintaining a
record of all track inspections
Hold CPCS Certification
Successfully complete Crossrail
Tunnel Safety Card (TSC) training
Attend local Tunnel Induction
training and be trained in the
requirements of this Best Practice
Guide and the Contractors Track
Maintenance Procedures

Provide protection for track

inspectors whilst undertaking
track maintenance and inspection
Communicate with all locomotive
drivers when track inspectors are
working in the tunnel
Arrange the safe system of work
so the location of track inspectors
working in the tunnel is known
Note: The Contractor shall ensure that
there is continuous cover for this post at all
Where there is a permanent single line
running arrangement (i.e. only one train
on the track at a given time), it will not be
necessary to engage an OBC, but only if
the contractor has put in place adequate
arrangements to protect the train and those
working in the tunnel through a permit to
work system.

Note: Tracks laid in the TBM are to be

inspected immediately after installation. This
can be carried out by an inspector or by any
suitably qualified member of the track gang.

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Section C2

Section C3

Tunnel Tracks Work Permit

Tunnel Track Maintenance Works

Arranging the Track Works Permit

Issuing the Tunnel Track Works Permit

Before any track inspection or

maintenance work is carried out,
the Track Inspector (or other person
undertaking work on or about the track)
shall report to the OBC to arrange for
a Permit to Work the Tunnel Track
Works Permit - to be issued. The OBC
will raise the Tunnel Track Works Permit
which will specify, as a minimum:

The OBC will sign the

Tunnel Track Works
Permit and the permit
will then be approved
by the Mechanical
Superintendent, Tunnel
Superintendent, Pit
Boss or other nominated
person named in the contractors local

The Mechanical Superintendent

will develop a forward-looking
programme of track inspections
covering a 12 month period

The Track Inspection Programme

shall ensure that every section of
track is inspected at least once every
2 weeks

The Tunnel Track Inspection

Programme will detail the sections
of track to be inspected on a
particular track patrol, identified by
segment ring number

The track inspection will be

undertaken on foot under adequate
lighting conditions. Where 2 or more
lines exist on a stretch of track, each
line shall be walked separately

A permit to work must be issued when

entry to the tunnel is required to carry
out track inspection or maintenance
duties, irrespective of whether train
movements are taking place or not.

The Tunnel Track Inspection

Programme will also define any
components, for example California
Crossings, which require specialised
inspections other than a normal
visual check

The track inspection will include a

visual examination of the condition
of the track and identification of any
rail defects, pitting, track spread or
rail buckles

The location of the works to be

carried out

The means of communication

between the Track Inspector and the
OBC during the works
The duration of the work to be
carried out
The nature of the work and any
requirements for train movements
to be suspended or restricted
(for example a temporary speed
restriction during or after the works)
The time at which the permit will be

Cancelling the Tunnel Track Works

Upon completion of the works, the Track
Inspector will notify the OBC that:
All personnel are clear of the track
and are in a position of safety
All tools and equipment have been
removed from the track
The track is safe for normal
operations to be resumed, unless
operating restrictions (for example a
speed limit) need to remain in place

Additional visual track inspections

shall be undertaken following any
reported rough ride, derailment or
track defect observed by the loco

Track Inspections

At regular intervals defined in the

contractors track maintenance
procedure, the track gauge will be
measured and recorded using a
calibrated track gauge. Where the
gauge is outside the prescribed
tolerance of 900mm +/- 25mm, the
OBC shall be notified immediately
Any significant defects in the
track, for example broken rail,
track spread, buckled rail shall
be reported to the OBC and train
movements suspended until repairs
have taken place or the Mechanical
Superintendent has confirmed that
it is safe for passage of trains
Track inspections shall be recorded
on a proforma defined in the
contractors track maintenance

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Inspection and maintenance requirements

Arrangements for issuing the Tunnel Track Works Permit

The names and details of persons

undertaking the track inspection and
maintenance works

Track Inspection Programme

Track Bed

Inspections of the California Crossing

shall include:

The track inspection shall include a

visual examination of the sleepers &
track bed, which will take place as part
of the track inspection, including:
Loose or missing Pandrol clips, or
other rail to sleeper fixture
Broken or damaged sleepers
Loose or damaged anchors which
connect the sleepers to the concrete
Build up of oil, waste material, or
excessive water on or around the
track bed
Fishplates and bolts
The track inspection shall include a
visual examination of the fishplates and
fishplate bolts, which will take place as
part of the track inspection, for:
Loose or missing fishplate bolts
Broken or cracked fishplates
Condition of the grease between the
fishplate, the fishplate bolts and

California Crossings
California Crossings represent a higher
risk of derailment than plain line track
and therefore an enhanced inspection
regime shall be adopted.
The frequency of inspections of
California Crossings and associated
switches shall be at least twice weekly.
Inspections shall be undertaken by the
Track Inspector and recorded on the
contractors record of track inspection.
Inspections of California Crossings shall
additionally be undertaken following
any report of rough ride, derailment or
other malfunction reported to the OBC.

Where dry joints are detected, the

fishplate bolts will be loosened, grease
will be applied to the rail edges of the
fishplate and bolts, then the bolts
shall be re-tightened using a torque
spanner to the setting prescribed in
the contractors track maintenance

The section of track patrolled

identified by segment ring numbers

A visual check of the crossing,

including the switch blades, for signs
of damage, corrosion, wear and
obstructions in the switch blades

The line patrolled, where more than

one exists

A check of the movement of the

switch blades from normal to
reverse positions and back

Any work that was identified from

the inspection that could not be
completed at the time

Application of mineral or bearing

grease to the moving parts of the
switch blades

Overall remarks on the condition of

the track and any potential defects
which could arise before the next
scheduled inspection

A visual check of the mechanical

parts of the California Crossing,
to include the tie rods, stabilisers,
section connections, point levers and
spring mechanisms

Nature of any defects identified

In the case of a post-derailment

inspection, the Track Inspector shall
observe train movements in both
directions over the crossing to check
the operation
Records of Track Inspections
A bespoke record of track inspections
and maintenance shall be kept for
every track inspection. The completion
of the record of track inspection shall
be defined in the contractors track
inspection procedures.
The record of track inspection shall
include the following information, as a
The date and time of the track
The name and signature of the Track

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Section D1

Additional Information
Glossary of terms used in this Guide

Closed Circuit Television


Daily Loco Checklist


Movement Controller


Operations Board Controller (Note on sites where there is no OBC, a

designated Authorised Person may be installed)


Permit to Work


Rail Movement Control Centre


Tunnel Safety Card

External standards that support the use of this Guide

BS 6164:2011
Code of practice for health and safety in tunnelling in the construction industry
BS EN 1889-2:2003
Machines for underground mines Mobile Machines working underground - Safety

Phonetic alphabet

Part D Additional Information






Numerals should be spelled out, not given as whole numbers:

121 is one-two-one, NOT one hundred and twenty one

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