Motivation in Project

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PAPERS Motivation: How to Increase Project

Team Performance
Tonya M. Peterson, Kohl’s Corporation

Stimulating team member performance requires otivation can inspire, encourage, and stimulate individuals and
a project manager to harness many different
interpersonal skills. The level of enthusiasm
applied toward project efforts has a direct
impact on the project results. Because motiva-
tion can inspire, encourage, and stimulate indi-
M project teams to achieve great accomplishments. Motivation can
also create an environment that fosters teamwork and collective
initiatives to reach common goals or objectives. The level of moti-
vation an individual and/or team applies to project efforts can affect all
aspects of project results, including a direct impact to the triple constraint
viduals to achieve common goals through team- project success factors (i.e., on time, within budget, high quality, met
work, it is in the project manager’s best interest scope/customer expectations). Knowing this, it is in the project manager’s
to drive toward project success through the cre- best interest to understand the reason for demotivation in order to achieve
ation and maintenance of a motivating environ- project success through the creation and maintenance of a motivating envi-
ment for all members of the team. ronment for all members of the team.
The book Essentials of Supervision defines management as “achieving
KEYWORDS: team performance; project results through others” (Simpson, Gould, Hardy, & Lindahl, 1991, p. 5).
success; motivation Stimulating team member performance requires a project manager to har-
ness many different interpersonal skills, including good communication and
the ability to train others, make decisions, lead by example, and create a pos-
itive, motivational environment by understanding and associating with the
key components of motivation. Unlike most tangible project management
functions, motivation is not designated by the project manager to a team
member; instead, motivation is internal to each team member and derived
from a team member’s desire to achieve a goal, accomplish a task, or work
toward expectations. Motivation can be considered the conduit of ambition
applied to the desired accomplishment.
Just as some teams are stimulated to achieve great success throughout all
project efforts and assignments, other project teams may remain uninspired
and shuffle meekly, quietly, and unpretentiously toward project completion.
With this in mind, there are two opposing questions that have often been
raised when reviewing drivers and motivators of individual and team per-
formance. These resounding questions are “Can a project manager motivate
others to perform?” or is it more accurate to ask “How does the project man-
ager create an environment conducive to outstanding team synergy and
peak individual performance?” (Scholtes, 1998). The subsequent research
provides the answer to these questions as well as a further exploration of
motivational approaches a project manager can apply to the project team

Motivational Theories
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y motivational approach identifies polar
Project Management Journal, Vol. 38, No. 4, 60–69 differences in subordinates. Theory X team members are classified as indi-
© 2007 by the Project Management Institute viduals who require constant attention, do not want to work, need punish-
Published online in Wiley InterScience ment to achieve desired effort, and avoid added responsibilities. In contrast,
( Theory Y individuals are classified as team members who want to work, find
DOI: 10.1002/pmj.20019 the job satisfying, are willing to participate, do not require a controlling

60 December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj

environment, and seek constant im- the team member may not initially on the idea that the manager requires
provement or opportunity (Kerzner, understand project tasks, may feel the use of “carrots” (positive KITA) or
2003, pp. 194–195). An additional sug- overwhelmed with current efforts “sticks” (negative KITA) to drive task
gestion for managers who implement (thereby avoiding further responsibi- completion. Often, the positive KITA
the use of Theory X and Theory Y is that lity), and may need guidance through- inspires a competitive work environ-
they must apply flexibility when assign- out assigned work efforts. These new ment that creates both winners and
ing an individual to one of these two employees may also require clear losers (Scholtes, 1998, pp. 38–39). An
categories as each person has the pot- forms of punishment for nonperfor- alternative suggestion to KITA imple-
ential to change mannerisms, work mance. Having the project manager mentation may be to create a collective
habits, and enthusiasm toward work provide individualized attention to the competition where the teamwork
throughout years of service, within Theory X team member will ensure drives the achievement of project goals,
each project, and for various positions, the team member stays “on-task” and objectives, and team success.
assignments, or responsibilities. progresses according to plan. On the • Roles and Responsibilities—As men-
• Roles and Responsibilities—A project other hand, an experienced individual tioned, KITA motivation naturally
manager using a Theory X motiva- may naturally fit into the Theory Y creates a parent-child relationship
tional approach will naturally create an category as the team member may between the manager and team mem-
authoritative and controlling work understand both expectations and bers (respectively). Within the parent
environment. Within the project man- consequences, have a desire to learn role, the manager applies both the
ager role of a Theory X environment, and grow, and generally find work responsibilities of encouragement
the project manager will dictate deci- fascinating and enjoyable. Having and regulation. At times, the manager
sions. The role assumed by project the project manager provide an envi- will personally assist with the team
team members within a Theory X envi- ronment that allows the Theory Y team member’s success to support the
ronment is to evade added responsi- member to be challenged, grow, par- project efforts. While at other times,
bility and do as minimal amount of ticipate, and take ownership for project the manager will consider the need to
work as possible to achieve the project responsibilities, will allow the pro- control the situation as the team
goals without punishment. On the ject team member to stay motivated members are viewed as undepend-
other hand, Theory Y motivation natu- and achieve project goals or objectives. able and inept. For the role of the
rally creates a participative environ- • Disadvantages—Knowing that a man- team member, KITA motivation stirs
ment with strong manager-employee ager may have a collection of both both productive and malevolent atti-
relations. Within the project manager Theory X and Theory Y individuals on tudes. The team member may exhibit
role of a Theory Y environment, the the project team, leadership and deci- constructive tendencies while com-
project manager will seek input and sion-making efforts may become peting for the “carrots.” In some situa-
assistance from the project team to more difficult. For instance, Theory X tions, team members may lean
obtain the best possible alternative for team members require more of an toward spiteful acts as a result of a
project implementation. The cama- authoritative environment neatly low-trust, low-respect environment
raderie exhibited between the project controlled by the project manager. (Scholtes, 1998, p. 41).
manager and the project team is one of However, an authoritative environ- • Advantages—The KITA motivational
teamwork, agreed-upon separation of ment will be demotivating to the approach allows the project manager
duties and responsibilities that will Theory Y team members as there is to define the degree of control imple-
collectively be achieved through the minimal need for such a degree of mented within the project for adher-
competence of the individual team control. For Theory Y team members, ence to project requirements and
members involved as well as the desire a participative environment is more consistency with project methodo-
for the team to ultimately obtain project conducive for motivation, thereby logy and efforts (negative KITA). The
success (Kerzner, 2003, pp. 194–195). requiring a project manager to imple- manager is also given flexibility to be
• Advantages—Theory X and Y identifies ment a balanced leadership style to the team champion. The team mem-
a gap commonly found between differ- accommodate all types of team mem- bers are given the opportunity to
ent types of individuals within the bers (Kerzner, 2003, p. 195). obtain special recognition for per-
workplace. Based on the differences, sonal goals and project achievement
a distinctive motivational approach Herzberg’s KITA Motivation (positive KITA). The drive toward goal
may be applied to achieve the desired Herzberg’s KITA motivation, or “kick-in- achievement produces important
results. For example, a new employee the-pants” approach, is based on the project or task completion.
with minimal exposure may common- idea that both positive and negative • Disadvantages—The atmosphere that
ly fall within the Theory X category as external motivators exist. KITA is built is created through this parent-child

December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj 61

How to Increase Project Team Performance

environment clearly aligns with an individuals appreciate a challenge and common goals. Other areas with-
“I’m OK—you’re not OK” relationship and are self-sufficient (Rad & Levin, in the company that “affiliated” indi-
position (Scholtes, p. 42). In other 2003, pp. 80–81). To an achievement- viduals may be drawn toward are
words, “I” (the manager) am compe- motivated individual, life is about a company-sponsored athletic teams or
tent and “you” (the subordinate) are personal challenge rather than a chal- volunteer organizations. The project
not. Low trust quickly ensues. The lenge with others. manager may also want to consider
subordinates believe the manager • Disadvantages—On the flip side, indi- putting this individual in charge of all
does not care about the team mem- viduals who have a tendency to be team lunches or other department
bers as individuals. The distrust achievement-oriented may not know events to further inspire the ability to
demotivates the team members to when to stop, quit, or accept failings. associate with others.
focus on themselves, rather than sup- This constant battle to go beyond per- • Advantages—Working with individu-
porting each other, due to a lack of sonal boundaries and extend individ- als who are motivated by affiliation
reassurances for the collective impor- ual abilities does have a price. The will result in an environment built
tance of each individual within the costs may result in signs of mental on a sense of harmony, teams driven
team based on the negative KITA. stress or physical fatigue. toward common goals, and a genuine
The competition made available desire to help each other (Rad &
through the positive KITA can dissolve Affiliation Motivation Levin, 2003, pp. 81–82). A direct result
a team or a collective approach to of affiliation motivation is less conflict
McClelland’s affiliation motivation is
accomplishing project objectives. for the project manager to resolve.
driven by relationships and a need to
The storming stage of team develop-
work well with others. Individuals who
McClelland Achievement, Affiliation, ment may evolve quicker as individu-
are motivated through affiliation are
and Power Motivation als with an affiliation motivation want
drawn toward a friendly work atmos-
Achievement Motivation to work well with others.
phere and will strive for team unity,
• Disadvantages—On the flip side, indi-
McClelland’s achievement motivation team success, and commonality of
viduals who possess a strong sense for
is driven by a need to succeed (Rad & team norms. Motivation through affili-
affiliation may feel uncomfortable
Levin, 2003, pp. 80–81). Accomplish- ation will steer an individual to assist
voicing concerns and may shy away
ment, personal ambition, and a need to others while promoting a collective
from environments that do not allow
be good at what they do are additional team effort (Rad & Levin, 2003, pp.
for personal interaction with others
attributes that are common among 81–82). At a glance, a person motivated
(Rad & Levin, 2003, pp. 81–82). A
achievement-oriented individuals. Ind- by affiliation tends to be a “people” per-
direct result of affiliation motivation
ividuals who are driven by achievement son, or an individual who would rather
may promote greater groupthink,
are more likely to define clear goals as be with others than be alone.
which may limit a full range of possi-
well as a course to goal attainment. • Roles and Responsibilities—An indi-
ble issues and options available for
• Roles and Responsibilities—Because vidual who is motivated by affiliation
discussion. An individual motivated
an individual who is motivated by will naturally identify his or her role as
by affiliation may not be as concerned
achievement is self-driven, he or she a fellow team member willing to assist
to focus on one’s self or the opportu-
is able to perform and function well and support project efforts or deci-
nities that could allow for personal
both alone and within a team. The sions. Individuals drawn toward affili-
growth, promotions, added responsi-
reason for this ability is that he or ation work well in roles requiring a
bilities, or increased authority in
she is able to identify a clear objective high degree of internal or external
order to focus on the team and fellow
and develop a “line of sight” to get communication, gaining team agree-
team members. Individuals motivat-
there. In order for an “achievement” ment, and presenting material to
ed through affiliation will also not
individual to flourish, provide an others. Without others to work with,
flourish in an environment requiring
environment that will give him or her communicate with, or support, the
little-to-no communication and/or
the ability to be creative, an opportu- affiliated individual may actually lack
individual rather than team assign-
nity that will expand beyond his or motivation (Rad & Levin, 2003, p. 82).
her current position or role, and tasks When working with an individual
that are challenging; all components motivated by affiliation, the project
that provide a prospect of growth, manager is responsible for assigning Power Motivation
success, and enhancement must be project work that will naturally McClelland’s power motivation is driv-
present. involve contact or collaboration with en by the ability to dominate and
• Advantages—Similar to “power”-driv- others and the creation of a project manipulate goals, direction, or deci-
en individuals, “achievement”-driven environment built on team support sions. Individuals who are motivated by

62 December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj

power are drawn toward the ability to pp. 82–83). An individual motivated judgment (Flannes & Levin, 2005). A
offer input and access into a variety of by power is self-driven and tends not combination of these four attributes
situations from risk review and compe- to require a great deal of prodding for helps to define an individual’s person-
tition to a general need for appreciation performance. These individuals will ality type. Knowing this information
or personal acknowledgment. Motiva- likely rise to challenges presented in provides the project manager with the
tion through power will naturally steer order to apply additional control and most motivating communication appro-
an individual toward leadership oppor- influence in those areas surrounding ach, task direction, and level of detailed
tunities (Rad & Levin, 2003, pp, 82–83). them. project information that will stimulate
Most individuals driven by power will • Disadvantages—An alternative view each individual, thereby creating a
gravitate toward positions that include of individuals who possess a strong functional working relationship or
a level of control. Common “power” desire for power includes the need to environment.
roles may be management, group dominate, control, or have influence • Advantages—A clear advantage to the
leader (technical, business, etc.), men- in all aspects of the project. Authority MBTI is the unique guide to team
tor, or even process owner. struggles may result between power- member motivation and preference
• Roles and Responsibilities—As previ- driven team members and the project that is made available. As a project
ously mentioned, an individual who is manager, resulting in the need for manager, it is far easier to shape com-
motivated by power will naturally fill a the project manager to champion the munication and interaction with each
leadership role within the project power-driven team members through individual based upon his or her
team. Individuals drawn toward the assignment of specific tasks, own- known personality style than it is to
power can be given ownership of ership, or control. The project manag- guess at what approaches work best.
broad tasks to drive toward collective er may also experience a higher Because there is a percentage of pref-
team agreements, overcome inherent degree of conflict with power-driven erence applied to each of the four
risks, and adhere to specific project team members based on the need for common traits, there is a delineation
objectives. Again, the project manager power, a desire to persuade others, a of primary and secondary personality
may want to place the power-driven skewed interpretation of project preferences.
individual in a role that would capital- efforts (i.e., personal agendas), and an • Disadvantages—Not everyone is
ize on the individual’s natural motiva- essential need for recognition (Rad & interested in taking an MBTI person-
tional tendencies yet be mindful of Levin, 2003, pp. 83–84). Knowing that ality assessment. Without this infor-
the need to manage conflict and power-driven individuals tend to mation, the project manager would
ensure suggestions provided comply influence directions, it is important be guessing as to which personality
with project needs while offering per- for the project manager to offer clear style or preference the individual
sonal visibility (Rad & Levin, 2003, lines of control or decision-making would fall into. Also, because the
p. 82). After assigning efforts to capability, as well as an assurance that MBTI can be environmental- or situa-
“power”-driven individuals, constant consistency of direction is followed. tional-based, if the individual taking
balance between appropriate levels of Without these key steps, the project the MBTI assessment is not apply-
control and consistency with project manager may need to spend addition- ing the questions to the work environ-
direction are required to avoid al time to refocus individuals on the ment, the results may not be fruitful.
rework, added costs, and conflicts. proper inputs, alternatives, consider- Also, throughout the course of a life-
• Advantages—A project manager has ations, and/or decisions that are in time, an individual’s MBTI tendencies
the ability to rely on the natural lead- alignment with the project direction. can change, thereby resulting in the
ership tendencies of individuals who need to change the motivation
are motivated by power. The project MBTI Personal Style methods.
manager can exude confidence in and The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
seek assistance from power-driven (MBTI) provides an ability to identify Motivational Mistakes
individuals by assigning tasks to focus personal style based upon responses to As a project manager, you are exposed
on reviewing alternatives, overcom- a series of questions that collectively to a wide variety of personalities, differ-
ing risks, and steering other team determine preferences and motivation ent levels of expertise, and ranges of
members toward common project- tactics of each individual (Flannes & positional seniority along with unique
consistent objectives. Training of Levin, 2005, p. 43). MBTI provides a backgrounds, cultures, and personal
others, compliance with project objec- review of four common traits: (1) need experiences of each team member. In
tives, and cultivating agreements are for personal contact with others, (2) addition, with today’s global business
additional strengths of power-driven application of realism, (3) ability to environment, it is extremely com-
individuals (Rad & Levin, 2003, apply logic, and (4) influences of mon for a team to be virtual. Merely

December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj 63

How to Increase Project Team Performance

beginning any project may be over- team member performance for those • Resolution—Look at project manage-
whelming to a project manager, outside individuals who do control monetary ment as a mentoring opportunity.
of the diverse motivational needs pre- rewards for your project team mem- Work with team members through sit-
sented by each team member involved bers. uations by applying clarifications and
in the project. Some project managers “Team members love to receive formal understandings to provide a good
rely on existing work relationships that awards.” learning opportunity of what to con-
have gradually developed through hall- • Impact—Though “praise in public, tinue to do in the future and what to
way conversation and face-to-face con- punish in private” is a common change. When things go well, look for
tact that offers a project manager the phrase within the management arena, the strong foundation, steps, effort,
opportunity to understand a variety of a project manager must be very mind- and application of knowledge/experi-
individuals’ drives and reward prefer- ful of the fact that not everyone will ence that was applied and resulted in
ences. With limited involvement and desire a formal reward for completed the accomplishment. When things do
minimal personal exposure with virtual efforts. The main concern is to avoid not go as planned, look for the com-
team members, a project manager may any negative response from the recog- ponents that resulted in failure to seek
begin to generalize or make assump- nition offered either by the individual out the learning opportunity in a
tions on the needs and directions of the receiving the recognition, fellow team desire to improve similar situations
virtual team. members, or other project teams. within the future.
Unfortunately, a project manager • Resolution—If a formal award is “These people are professionals. They
may easily become trapped by intro- deserved, be sure the team member don’t need motivating.”
ducing errors when preparing an inspi- would accept this form of recognition • Impact—Many project managers look
ring project team environment. Too in advance. A wider acceptance of pub- at their team as a group of profession-
often, project managers may begin lic awards may be gained through an als who are educated and have some
project efforts with intent to offer a entire “team” recognition for celebra- level of work experience. By not con-
stimulating environment; however, tions or accomplishments reached sidering the importance of team
they may fall short by implement- together, thereby avoiding the display motivation, the project manager may
ing common motivational mistakes. of high regard for one team member. merely be trusting in assuming that
These common management mistakes Influence a broader application of pub- the team requires minimal supervi-
as well as possible strategies to over- lic recognition that could be applied or sion or support. However, not every-
come the motivational gaps are expressed by fellow project managers one is a “self-starter” or driven, and
explored next (Flannes & Levin, 2005). for their project team efforts. many individuals work better when
“Whatever motivates me will motivate “Give them a rally slogan.” motivated to reach a goal and/or
others.” • Impact—The main premise of using a reward.
• Impact—At times, a project manager’s slogan is to provide a common theme • Resolution—Treat the project team
initial perception may be that every- the entire team can support to create members as professionals, yet foster
one would be motivated just like he or some level of unity, resulting in a motivating environment through
she is. A common result of this mis- greater motivation. However, the use those tools or rewards you have within
take is a disappointment in team of a slogan may provide only marginal your authority as a project manager.
members who do not react to the benefit. “I’ll motivate them when there is a
stimulation provided. • Resolution—Consider using slogans problem.”
• Resolution—Begin to identify the dif- as part of an environmental focus • Impact—Waiting for a problem to
ferences in others by initially provid- rather than as a project focus. Again, arise may be too late for some team
ing a more personalized approach to individualization is the key. members and will likely result in the
motivation. “The best project leader is a strong application of vast changes in order to
“People are motivated primarily by cheerleader.” create a motivating environment.
money.” • Impact—Hype, positive attitude, gen- Overall, this approach to motivation is
• Impact—Often, project managers erous support, and plenty of smiles. a very detached managerial style.
have limited input on and availability Though this can offer an encouraging • Resolution—Knowing that project
to monetary rewards. Unfortunately, environment, the consistent upbeat management employs leadership as
project managers often feel restrictive approach may not always be appli- a key skill and leadership requires
by this limitation. cable to the project situations expe- involvement, guidance, and support.
• Resolution—Begin by focusing moti- rienced, may become annoying to Do not wait for a problem to occur
vational tactics beyond monetary others, or may merely result in only a prior to motivating your team.
rewards. Consider offering input into marginal impact. Instead, remain focused on the team

64 December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj

and their individual motivational approaches for project team members, components, arrangement, and com-
needs. which can be used as a tool to assist in plexities of the project efforts for a
“I’ll treat everyone the same. People creating a motivating environment for more accurate overall project plan; and
like that, and it will be motivating each individual to work, while person- (2) project team members will feel
for them.” alizing team member rewards. greater ownership and acceptance of
• Application—Knowing that there are the project efforts. The result of the
differences (i.e., culture, experience, High-Performing Teamwork team’s involvement with the staged
education, personal, professional, An empowered team environment can approach to project planning efforts
position, etc.) in each team member assist in fostering greater motivation provides a more realistic plan that the
instills a need to motivate each team within the project team, department, entire project team could agree to sup-
member uniquely or individually. A and organization. Empowerment pro- port (SEI_CMU, 2007).
reward or stimulus that suits an indi- vides a key ingredient to building a self- Even with all the needed planning,
vidual may be unappreciated or dis- directed work team or a high-performing well-defined processes and clear, known
couraging to another. team. Empowerment consists of four expectations, employee performance
• Impact—Provide individual motiva- key components, including team mem- problems may still occur. To over-
tors based on unique, personal ber authority, capable resources, accu- come potential performance problems,
desires and drives of each team mem- rate information, and accountability the project manager must continue to
ber. Again, when there are times that for completed work. The collection, work with the team leads to monitor
the team has attained key project balance, and application of the empo- and measure employee performance
milestones, a common team reward werment components can associate a according to defined expectations. When
may be shared or celebrated. project team’s performance to a mixed variance occurs, the project manager
stage of adherence within the People and/or team lead should mentor the
Applying Motivation to the Team Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM; employee by providing details regard-
Environment Fisher, 2000). The P-CMM defines the ing the agreed-upon expectations and
Throughout the study and application levels of high-performing team maturity performance exhibited to identify
of motivation, the project manager must as (1) Initial, (2) Managed, (3) Defined, where performance or knowledge gaps
realize the importance of individuality. (4) Predictable/Empowered, and (5) exist and what changes need to be im-
Knowing what motivates each team Optimizing (SEI_CMU, 2007). Some of plemented to achieve performance
member will provide the project manag- the benefits of applying a People CMM objectives. This cycle of performance
er the ability to connect team members focus within an organization or a team measurement, as referenced in Figure 1,
to environments, assignments, respon- is the ability to create consistent prac- includes variance identification, men-
sibilities, and objectives that foster per- tices, a means to implement process toring, and monitoring to continue to
sonal motivation. The encouraging improvement, promote higher quality, improve operations and eliminate per-
impact of a human needs analysis and provide a motivational project formance problems.
provides the project manager with the environment (SEI_CMU, 2007). Refer to
ability to understand what teams and Appendix B for a guide on how to assess
individuals desire most from their work the company, department, project
and allows an ability to track personal team, and individual level.
work drivers to uncover the variety of Rolling out a new project with
basic human needs and motivators that clearly defined expectations and
exist within your project team. required processes for the project team
As a project manager, the focus of to adhere to promote a consistent Monitor
motivational efforts should be applied knowledge of performance objectives Define and
and Measure
to motivating others by ensuring a goal and project goals. The project team Mentor
is attainable while breaking down any plays an important role in planning the Performance
obstacles that may be preventing goal project efforts from requirements, risk
attainment. Another component of review, and quality plans to tasks, esti-
project manager focus should be the mates, and order of task completion.
need to understand the individual The involvement of the project team
motives of the project team members within these critical project planning Variance
in order to assist in the alignment efforts provides two obvious benefits to
of rewards to personal preferences. the project manager: (1) the project
Figure 1: Performance measurement diagram.
Refer to Appendix A on motivational manager will gain insights into the

December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj 65

How to Increase Project Team Performance

Developing Team Culture communication and dialogue stan- team members to environments,
There is a variety of components that dards among team members through assignments, responsibilities, and
will help foster a positive team culture team meetings and general project objectives that foster personal motiva-
resulting in high team performance communication. Allow all to provide tion. In other words, the project
and team success. The implementation input into project conversations. manager should avoid applying a
of the following directives will assist Require the team to respect each broad application of motivation to all
with overcoming the barriers to estab- other. Accept all constructive com- team members based solely on the
lishing a high-performance team. ments made. Promote a participative manager’s perception. Taking the time
• Team Charter—The preparation of a leadership style that provides greater to work with each team member to
team charter will assist in defining ownership of project tasks and deci- understand personal work drivers will
individual and stakeholder roles. This sion-making authority (within defined allow the project manager to uncover
document will clear up any ambiguity guidelines). Engage in team building basic human needs and individual
existing with the project needs, focus, and team celebration activities. motivators. I
objectives, common procedures, deli- • Recognize Team Member Strengths—
verables, and success criteria, allow- Assign project tasks and roles accord- References
ing the project team to understand the ing to individual strengths, knowledge, Caltech. (2007). Developing and sus-
common goals, objectives, and division motivation, and development strate- taining a high performance team.
of responsibilities (Rad & Levin, 2003). gies. These approaches can assist in Retrieved November 12, 2007, from
Refer to Appendix C for an example individual and/or team empowerment.
template available for team use. • Develop a Mature Team—After High_Performance_Teams.htm
• Team Processes—Define common obtaining high team performance
Fisher, K. (2000). Leading self-directed
team processes that will be used to through the implementation of clear-
work teams: A guide to developing new
accomplish project requirements, ly defined standards, consistent, well-
team leadership skills. New York:
define standards, and clarify perform- understood processes, team involve-
ance expectations. Ensure process ment from initial project planning
documentation is available for all rele- efforts, and a motivational environ- Flannes, S. W., & Levin, G. (2005).
vant identified processes within the ment, the project team will have the Essential people skills for project man-
organization, department, and project possibility to focus on implementing agers. Vienna, VA: Management
team. Provide identification of how process improvements to streamline, Concepts, Inc.
performance will be validated and expand, and/or simplify tasks,
Kerzner, H. (2003). Project manage-
tracked for performance measure- responsibilities, processes, and/or
ment: A systems approach to planning,
ment/metrics purposes. Offer men- project approach (Caltech, 2007).
scheduling, and controlling. New York:
toring between project team members • Promote Project Success—Continue
John Wiley & Sons.
to allow all to be knowledgeable of the to identify successes the team has
process (SEI_CMU, 2007). accomplished (no matter the size). Be Nelson, B. (1994). 1001 ways to reward
• Develop a Motivational Environment consistent with this team recognition employees. New York: Workmen
Built Upon the Unique Team Member to help the team feel accomplished Publishing.
Needs—As the project manager, take and experience achievement no
Rad, P. F., & Levin, G. (2003). Achieving
the time to understand the differ- matter what the stage of project life-
project management success using vir-
ences and uniqueness with each team cycle development (Flannes & Levin,
tual teams. Boca Raton, FL: J. Ross
member. Personalize motivational 2005).
Publishing, Inc.
strategies according to individual
needs, desires, and goals. Conclusion Scholtes, P. R. (1998). The leader’s
• Reward the Team and the Team Throughout the study and application handbook: Making things happen,
Members—Personalize rewards of motivation, the project manager getting things done. New York:
according to individual motivators must understand the importance of McGraw-Hill.
and accomplishments achieved while individuality. To foster motivation with-
SEI_CMU. (2007). People capability
celebrating team success. A good in each team member on a project, the
maturity model (P-CMM). Retrieved
source of reward options can be project manager must take the time to
November 12, 2007, from
found within 1001 Ways to Reward understand how every individual is
Employees (Nelson, 1994). motivated. Knowing what motivates
• Foster Trust, Teamwork, and Open each team member will provide the Simpson, W. F., Gould, P. E., Hardy, P. J.,
Communication—Promote open project manager the ability to connect & Lindahl, K. J. (1991). Essentials of

66 December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj

supervision. Malvern, PA: Insurance over 18 years of information systems experi- direction, productivity metrics, instruction, and
Institute of America. ence primarily in the financial and insurance organizational efficiency. She is a college
sectors, with the past 12 years focused on proj- instructor and business consultant and has pre-
ect management. Her expertise encompasses pared and presented a variety of corporate
Tonya M. Peterson, PMP, MSPM, currently is PMO strategic planning, project management, portfo- training courses within the project management
Project Manager at Kohl’s Corporation. She has lio management, process improvement, quality discipline.

Appendix A: Motivational Approach for Project Team Members

Motivation Application
Team Development Factors—Employee Approach—Reward
Member Role Location Goal Wants/Needs Considerations

Appendix B: People CMM Process Areas

KEY: Id Organizational level
C Corporate Management
D Department Managers
P Project Managers / Team
I Individual

Maturity Developing Individual Building Workgroups & Motivating & Managing Shaping the
Levels Capability Culture Performance Workforce

5—Optimizing Continuous capability Organizational performance Continuous workforce

improvement alignment innovation

4—Predictable Competency-based assets Competency integration Quantitative performance Organizational capability

Mentoring Empowered workgroups management management

3—Defined Competency development Participatory culture Competency-based practices Workforce planning

Competency analysis Workgroup development Career development

2—Managed Training Communication Compensation Staffing

Development Coordination Performance management
Work environment

Note. The areas of concentration and mastery are listed for each of the various stages of People CMM development.

December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj 67

How to Increase Project Team Performance

Appendix C: Team Charter

Project Manager Department Phone E-mail
Corporate Direction
Corporate Mission
Corporate Vision
Corporate Values
Project Commitment Statement To:
In a way that:
So that:
Description of Project Sponsor Role
Description of Product Manager Role
Description of Project Manager Role
Description of Development Team Role
Description of Project Board Role
Description of Change Management Role
Description of Client Role
Description of Client Support Role
Project Team
Description of Project Manager Role
Description of Project Coordinator Role
Description of Team Lead (Developer, Quality
Analyst, and Business Analyst) Roles
Description of Business Analyst Role
Description of Developer Role
Description of Quality Analyst Role
Description of Technical Writer Role
Project Direction
Performance Objectives Application
Team member performance
Measures of Success Success criteria:
Customer expectations
Project guidelines
Scope and Boundaries of the Team's Works Inclusion statement:
Exclusion statement:
Project Time Frame Start date:
Implementation date:
Finish date:

68 December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Appendix C: (continued)
Project Manager Department Phone E-mail
Deliverables Deliverables:
Conflict Management Purpose:
Decision Making Purpose:
Communication Purpose:
Administrative Activities Action Items:
Time off:
Issue Escalation Purpose:
Project Sponsor Signature Date
Product Manager Signature Date
Project Manager Signature Date
Project Coordinator Signature Date
Team Lead—Business Analyst Signature Date
Team Lead—Quality Analyst Signature Date
Team Lead—Developer Signature Date
Team Members Signature Date

Adopted from Red and Levin (2003).

December 2007 I Project Management Journal I DOI: 10.1002/pmj 69

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