ICA09 - Motivation

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Group: C4-2 PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership

July 14, 2024 ICA09: Motivation

Team Portion
C4-2 Team Charter
Purpose: Collaborate effectively to gain valuable leadership skills as a team and
learn varied skills and perspectives from one another while executing high
quality deliverables.

Values: ● Respect: Treat others with equality

● Integrity: Maintain honesty and consistent morals and ethics

● Dedication: Strive to stay committed to the team

● Adaptability: Remain flexible and open-minded

● Accountability: Take ownership for our actions

● Collaboration: contribute equally and be inclusive

● Quality: Aim for the highest standard of work

● Creativity: Explore new ideas and stay inquisitive

Roles and ● Team leader:

o direct team
o ensure adherence to deadlines
o coordinate tasks
o edit team deliverables
● All team members:
o contribute equally
o produce high quality work
o problem-solve
o ask questions
o communicate actively and respectfully
o gather and implement feedback
o help one another

Conflict Resolution: ● Discuss issues openly and objectively

● Propose solutions and reach consensus

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation

● Engage Professor as necessary

Team Leader Planning Table

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation

Shirley Mullapudi
Individual Portion: Shirley Mullapudi
The force that drives us to pursue and persevere towards our objectives is motivation. It
provides the focus and determination required to achieve goals. It can give us a feeling of
satisfaction and success. Thus, motivation can nurture personal growth and development by
challenging us to pick up new abilities, better ourselves, and take on new challenges (Gallo,
2014). The ability to motivate others, particularly those we must collaborate with, is a highly
valuable skill. This skill can set apart great leaders as they inspire professional growth and
improvement. As a leader, I would motivate my team by using Empowerment. It involves
granting people the power and independence to accept responsibility for their job and make
choices for themselves. It gives team members a sense of trust and boosts their confidence, in
turn, increasing motivation. If clear goals and expectations are set in place, I find that they will
rise to those achievements through intrinsic motivation (Saavedra, 2024).

An example of my experience with Empowerment motivation occurred during my time at The

Scarborough Health Network in early 2023 when I was a site lead. I noticed that my team
unmotivated and underperforming, so I had to think of a solution. I created a new role on our
team schedule that was more independent in nature than the existing roles. It involved
patrolling our workstations around the hospital and relieving others for their breaks. This meant
that they would be trusted with freedom to move around the hospital campus and the
responsibility of other team members break times. This responsibility and authority
empowered them as it showed that I trusted their abilities and competence. I found that the
team was more motivated in their daily tasks to prove that they were deserving of this role.
PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
They were feeling accomplished by the end of their day and came in more motivated to put in
high quality work the next day.

Smaran Shetty

Individual Portion: Smaran Shetty

I would apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to inspire a non-performing team member. I would
first make sure they had all the resources they needed and knew exactly what their
responsibilities were for the project. To address their social needs, I would then create a
friendly team atmosphere that promotes cooperation, unity, and open communication. I would
acknowledge their contributions and provide constructive feedback to increase their trust in
themselves to meet their esteem needs. Lastly, I would provide chances for personal
development by giving them challenging tasks and involving them in important decision-making
processes to satisfy their need for self-actualization. Promoting open communication,
teamwork, and collaboration among team members promotes a cohesive environment where
people feel appreciated and inspired to participate. We can establish a motivating environment
where team members are empowered to perform at their best, which will positively impact the
project's success, by addressing these diverse needs comprehensively. (H. Staff & Staff, 2022)

In the year 2021, I was underperforming as a Junior Architect at Construct Ideas Construction
Company because I was feeling pressured by the project's complexity. Upon noticing my
difficulties, a Senior Architect on my team engaged up a one-on-one conversation to learn
about my worries and establish a transparent and encouraging environment. They were helpful
in boosting my trust in myself by setting up extra training sessions and providing mentorship.
We shared realistic, step-by-step objectives, and they consistently offered constructive
feedback to acknowledge my development. To create a positive team environment, the Senior

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
Architect also led team-building exercises. These actions not only greatly enhanced my
performance but also had a positive effect on the team dynamic as a whole.

Uzma Khan

Individual Portion: Uzma Khan

In today's dynamic and competitive business world, a motivated staff is the foundation of any
successful firm. However, it is not rare for teams to undergo times of demotivation, which can
be harmful to all involved. Lack of motivation may be caused by unclear goals, a lack of
recognition, insufficient resources, an unfavourable work environment, or personal issues that
you are unaware of. Team members can be motivated by identifying the causes of
demotivation, defining clear goals, offering assistance and development, ensuring that enough
resources are accessible for the employee to use, and encouraging open communication and
collaboration. I would use Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory to motivate my team member. I would
prioritise incentive aspects such as creating opportunities for achievement, recognising their
achievements, and assigning them responsibilities that are appropriate for their abilities and
interests. Furthermore, make certain that hygienic aspects like as fair compensation, enough
resources, and a supportive work environment are in place to prevent unhappiness and allow
workers to fully engage in their jobs.

In my role as a Senior Analyst at Deloitte, in the year 2020 I was quite demotivated at work. My
work was getting too monotonous, and I was not growing in the organization. In one of my
coaching conversations, my manager tried to understand the reasons for my lack of interest.
Later she helped me set some measurable goals. She also helped me get different kinds of
projects that interest me. She also took care of the hygiene factors and compensated my lack of

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
promotion with awards and annual compensation. She sent Moments-that-Matter appreciation
emails for the good work on new projects.

Bhargavi Janakbhai Dhameliya


Individual Portion: Bhargavi Janakbhai Dhameliya

Understanding the demands of the individual and being familiar with energizing theories like
Vroom's expectation theory and Herzberg's two-factor theory is crucial whenever one of the
team members isn't performing to the best of their abilities. Initially, looking for and addressing
any unhappiness with job context elements is important. Next, endeavor to enhance the
capabilities of enhancements such as growth packages and recognition. The three major tactics
for managing their expectations are reassuring them to calm them down, reorienting them so
that everyone is aware of what is expected of them, and setting realistic goals to boost
confidence in meeting those expectations.

I assisted a tutor at Beyond Foreign Education who was having trouble carrying out his work
because of issues in his personal life. They expressed concerns about the schedule and
workload, so I changed the hours they taught, provided professional development, and satisfied
their needs. The authors demonstrated how motivational theories may be applied in real-world
situations by showing how daily check-ins and goal reactivation helped them become more
motivated and perform better.

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation

Isha Singh

Individual Portion: Isha Singh

Time and Location: McDonald's Peterborough, Ontario in the summer of 2023

My role: Crew Trainer.

Situation: A recent hire, Emily one of the crew members, was always performing below
expectations in her position at the front counter, and I observed this. In addition to having poor
order accuracy, she appeared uninterested in her work.

Using Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, the following actions were taken:

Addressing Hygiene Factors: I had a private conversation with Emily to find out whether there
were any problems with her working environment or her connections with other team
members. I found out that she was not feeling well at work since she had an argument with a
coworker during shift changes. Emily and her coworker had a conversation that I mediated to
sort out their differences and strengthen their working relationship. In addition, I made sure
Emily was aware of our company's regulations and felt comfortable in her role.

Concentrating on Motivators: I acknowledged and complimented Emily for her positive

customer-facing style, which is one of his strongest points. I gave Emily a chance to train on the
drive-thru, framing it as an opportunity for growth and success. By utilizing her skills, I asked
Emily to assist in training new crew members at the front desk, giving her additional

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
responsibility. I talked to her about other career routes at McDonald's and showed her how she
might rise if she did better.

This experience proved that Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory works well in a fast-food setting. We
were able to transform an unsatisfactory team member into a motivated and important
member of the team by addressing both hygiene concerns and motivators. It also reaffirmed
how crucial it is to recognize each person's unique requirements and provide chances for
advancement and recognition while working within the confines of a hectic workplace.

Muskan Gilhotra

Individual Portion: Muskan Gilhotra

Using Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, I would address both the fundamental necessities
(hygiene factors) and the things that genuinely make work fulfilling (motivators) to inspire a
team member who does not perform well. To determine the reasons of their present
performance issues, I would first start a one-on-one discussion. This conversation will assist in
determining whether their problems are due to a lack of clarity regarding their roles, personal
concerns, or frustration with particular elements of work. I would give priority to resolving any
external factors that are causing the team member to struggle, such as unclear project
guidelines or inadequate resources. This could be making sure that everyone has access to the
tools and information they need, outlining the project's goals clearly, or enhancing team
communication. I would then concentrate on things that genuinely inspire others. This means
giving them chances to succeed, appreciating their work, awarding them greater authority, and
encouraging their professional growth.

For instance, in November 2022, a junior designer on my team at Arcline Studio of Design,
where I used to work as an interior designer, seemed disinterested and was having trouble
reaching project deadlines. I set up a private meeting to talk about their issues and discovered
that they were confused about their position in projects and overburdened with work. We
made sure they had a supportive work environment and a sustainable workload in order to

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
address the hygiene aspects. We interpreted motivators' roles with practical, achievable goals
and short-term objectives to assist them gain confidence and accomplish immediate successes.
In addition to offering extra training, I matched them with mentors and included them in
decision-making. I also planned frequent brainstorming meetings and team lunches to improve.

Jay Patel

Individual Portion: Jay Patel

If a team member is underperforming, I would use Vroom's Expectancy Theory to motivate
them. This theory states that motivation is driven by the belief that effort will lead to good
performance (Expectancy), that good performance will be rewarded (Instrumentality), and that
the rewards are valuable to the individual (Valence).

1. Expectancy: Ensure the team member understands their tasks and has the necessary skills
and resources. Offer support and set achievable goals to boost their confidence.

2. Instrumentality: Communicate how their performance impacts the team's success and their
own career growth. Set up a system to recognize and reward good performance.

3. Valence: Understand what personally motivates the team member, such as career growth,
financial incentives, recognition, or a sense of achievement. Tailor rewards to align with their

In March 2024, as a floor associate at Panchvati Supermarket in Scarborough, I dealt with a

colleague who was struggling with their duties. To motivate them, I ensured they received
proper training and support, boosting their confidence. I explained how their improved
performance could lead to more hours and potential promotion (Instrumentality). Knowing

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
they valued peer recognition; I organized a team meeting to acknowledge their efforts publicly
(Valence). This approach led to a significant improvement in their performance and overall
team efficiency.

Carter, J. (2023, April). 5 Steps to Inspiring a Demotivated Team. (Indeed) Retrieved July 2024,
from LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-steps-inspiring-demotivated-team-

Gallo, A. (2014, December). How to Keep Your Team Motivated. (Harvard Business Review)
Retrieved July 2024, from Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2014/12/how-to-

Herzberg, F. (1959). Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory. New York: Wiley.

Kirkham, G. (2024). ICA09: Motivation. Retrieved July 2024, from DC Connect:


Kirkham, G. (2024). Motivation wk09. Retrieved July 2024, from DC Connect:


PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
Nickerson, C. (2023, September). Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Of Motivation-Hygiene. (Simply
Psychology) Retrieved July 2024, from SImply Psychology:

Saavedra, J. (2024). Empowerment: Definition, Theory, & Examples. (Berkeley Well-Being

Institute) Retrieved July 2024, from Berkeley Well-Being:

Staff, H., & Staff, H. (2022, September 22). Hierarchy of Needs: Motivating Employees with
Maslow’s Theory. HRDQ. https://hrdqstore.com/blogs/hrdq-blog/hierarchy-needs-

Syptak, J. M., Marsland, D. W., & Ulmer, D. (1999, October 15). Job satisfaction: Putting theory
into practice. AAFP. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/fpm/issues/1999/1000/p26.html#:

Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and Motivation. New York: Wiley.

Assignment: ICA09: Motivation

Date: July 14, 2024

Team Leader to complete a self-evaluation here (enter data in the boxes provided):
Team Leader (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Shirley Mullapudi 100568765 16

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

Created, edited and formatted Coordinated team well by sending Delegate tasks more effectively to
document. Provided research, reminders of deadlines. Compiled ensure ample time for editing.
contributed to team portion and work and created a cohesive
completed own individual portion. deliverable.

Team Leader to complete an evaluation of each team member (enter data in the boxes
provided). Be SPECIFIC about what was done well, and what could be improved:

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
1. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Smaran Shetty 100904253 14

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

Provided research, contributed to Communicated well with the team Citation formatting could be
team portion and completed own and helped leader with improved
individual section. troubleshooting/conflict resolution

2. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Uzma Khan 100925018 14

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

Contributed to team portion, Work was completed early, and Could have offered more
provided research, and completed quality of work is high suggestions and ideas
own individual section

3. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Bhargavi Janakibai Dhameliya 100961486 14

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

Contributed to team portion, Actively participated in group Not enough citations were
completed own individual portion discussions provided, and overall formatting
could be improved

4. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Isha Singh 100978784 14

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

Contributed to team portion, Asked questions and was proactive She should assist others as they
completed individual portion and if she had issues have assisted her
provided research

1. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Muskan Gilhotra 100912154 14

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

PJMT 1104 - Project Leadership
ICA09: Motivation
Contributed to team portion, Provided good ideas by conducting Needs to improve communication
provided research and completed research skills in a group setting
own individual portion

2. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Jay Patel 100955439 14

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

Contributed to team portion and Worked well with team members Needs to improve time
completed own individual portion in discussions management skills

3. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

4. Team Member (name): Student ID: Contribution (%):

Contribution to this assignment: What was done well: What could be improved:

Contribution (%):

Total Team Contribution (must sum to 100%) 100


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