Book Review Bulgakov Master and Margarita

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The novel explores themes of love, sacrifice, morality and the human condition through its complex plot and characters.

The novel tells the story of The Master, a writer in Soviet Russia, and his love Margarita. It also depicts events surrounding Pontius Pilate and Jesus.

The novel contains two parallel stories - the love story of The Master and Margarita, and the story of Jesus and Pontius Pilate set in ancient Judea.

Book Review

The Master and Margarita

by Mikhail Bulgakov
Words: 1069

ENG115 Composition and Research Methods 1

Mr. Jean P.Challandes

Oleksandra Rogachova
Class: 1-B

The novel "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov, known to be one of the most
famous works of classical literature. The author started writing this novel in 1928 or 1929. In
1930, the first manuscript of the novel was burned by the author, who didn`t see his future as a
writer in the Soviet Union. In autumn 1932 the writer returns to work for the main love story of
his life. Author's alteration of the novel continued intermittently until the publication. Only
censored version was published in 1967, but approximately 10 percent of the text was removed.
The novel has become a classic in world literature, published in many millions of copies in
Soviet Union and abroad. It was translated into many languages in Europe, America and Asia,
was repeatedly staged and filmed. Many musical works, operas and ballets were created
according to its plot.
Despite this there is one little problem not everybody is able to read and understand this book
and the fact that in the bibliography of the school program reading of this novel is mandatory, I
wasn`t able to overpower myself and finish the reading in middle school. I have read maybe
hundred pages and was quickly bored. After the chapter about Yeshua Ha-Nozri the young
reader's mind simply refused to accept the information. I didn`t understand anything and
abandoned reading. I think, I am not the only person who came to following conclusion. After
couple of years have passed I`ve decided to try to read the book again. When I finished reading
in one week I was surprised how interesting it was. Due to this, this book review is more like my
own emotions, which I have got during reading rather than just a critique.
Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita" is the most famous product of the author, it
rightfully belongs to the classics of Russian literature. It reflects the diversity of the soul, shows
the essence of human nature in all its manifestations. The special feature of the novel is that
during reading the reader finds in it an interlacement of two thin parallels of past and present
time. Bulgakov successfully used the author's expedient called "the book inside the book." In the
story we are faced with two different narrations: first one is a love story of Master and
Margarita and second one the story of Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate. From the first
pages of the book the author clearly separates the border between honesty and ignorance,
indicating that the latter should be punished.
The most memorable and impressionable for me was the brilliant, even a mystical love story of
The Master and Margarita and Margarita`s devotion. The author described the situation which is
actual even today, he portrayed to us so-called topic of choice. It is primarily concerned to the
problem of choosing between Margarita`s previous luxurious and rich life with a loving husband
and a real happiness with the poor Master. The book is not only about the love. There are many
philosophical thoughts in the novel, which are shown by telling story of Yeshua Ha-Nozri and
Pontius Pilate happened about two thousand years ago. Mikhail Bulgakov makes a comparative
analysis of the past and the present-day. It becomes obvious for the reader, that unfortunately
after thousands of years, humanity has not changed a lot: we still are greedy, selfish, vicious and

Bulgakov starts the novel with a quote from Faust, probably the most famous work of the
German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. I am part of that power which eternally wills evil
and eternally works good." This phrase concerns one of the main characters Voland, who
introduced himself as a magician and professor, but actually he was a devil. He was punishing
sinners, but very rightly. There is a very interesting and detailed description of the Satan`s Ball,
where good and evil are intertwined closely with each other. It is impossible to ignore the
mysticism of the plot, fantastical characters: demons, witches, talking cats. Perhaps, this is the
brightest side of "The Master and Margarita.
The characters of the novel behave in very different ways. Feelings and the environment which
give rise to actions are clearly demonstrated in example of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri.
We clearly see the problem of choice which Pontius Pilate made between his duty to the Emperor
and common sense, his own wish. Pontius Pilate made his choice, but at that moment absolutely
nothing depended on him. The procurator knew that sentencing Yeshua to the Crucifix is a huge
mistake, which would be impossible to correct. His soul was being torn between work and
In some moment author highlights, that love and sacrifice are two inseparable values of life.
The Master and Margarita met once and realized that they were made for each other. Previously,
the heroine lived in a luxurious house with her husband who loved her and was satisfying every
whim that she had, however, despite this, Margarita was not happy. She decided to sacrifice
everything for the sake of feelings. She agreed to leave everything she had in order to be with the
Master, who lived in the basement. The only thing he was doing writing a novel. He saw the
meaning of life in his creation and Margarita was inspiring him
Re-reading the lines, in which the excitement of the main character and injustice of society
critics described, I`ve understood: these are not just empty phrases. These are the feelings that
Bulgakov experienced himself once, emotions which he decided to splash out on the pages of his
novel and tried to convey to the reader.
The Master and Margarita"- is a work which is not similar to any another. It displays the
authority of some people over others, excessive greed of a human, the vitality of the social
situation. The reader has a possibility to learn colorful and multifaceted human nature, amiability
and ignorance, good and evil, truth and lies. The author has put into his creation all vital life and
moral values, he proved their importance and unquestionable right to exist in any society.
It was very important for me, that this philosophical novel ended very well - all the good
characters were rewarded and evildoers were punished. In my honest opinion, everyone must
decide by himself which character is good and which is evil and everyone will find something
interesting for himself.

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