Sıkıntıdan Patlamak: Bored To Death You've Got To Be Kidding Sick and Tired

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Some common English idioms and their meanings are explained such as 'bored to death', 'call it a day', and 'couch potato'.

Idioms such as 'get on one's nerves', 'read one's mind', 'feel blue', and 'fender bender' are explained in the text.

To 'throw in the towel' means to give up or admit defeat.


1. Bored to death - skntdan patlamak

2. You've got to be kidding
3. Sick and Tired
"I'm sick and tired of eating the same thing for lunch everyday."
"I'm getting sick and tired of this song. They play it way too often at this club."
4. Call it a day - To cease the activity for the day - paydos etmek
"Let's call it a day. I'm too tired to continue working."
"We can't continue working without Mike, so let's call it a day."
5. Get on one's nerves
6. Couch potato - One who sits in front of the television for long periods of time
"My husband is a couch potato. He sits in front of the TV all day long."
"You have a huge belly because you're a couch potato."
7. Read one's mind
A: "Do you want to go play pool?"
B: "You read my mind. That's exactly what I was thinking too."
8. Feel blue - sad , a little depressed
"What a gloomy day. It makes me feel blue."
"Whenever I feel blue, I like to listen to upbeat music."
9. Fender bender -- az hasarl kk apl trafik kazas
"I got into a small accident. It was just a fender-bender."
"I got into a fender bender in the parking lot."
"I cant believe the damage is going to cost me 800 bucks. It was just a fender bender."
10. Get foot in the door - To initiate contact or a relationship; to gain access, especially to an entry-level job
"It's not a great position, but at least my foot is in the door."
"I need to find a way to get my foot in the door."
"I'm doing an internship for SK Telecom. It's an opportunity to get my foot in the door."
11. Chicken
"There's nothing to be scared of. Don't be a chicken."
"Everyone thinks I'm a chicken because I didn't go bungee jumping with them."
12. Give somebody a hard time - birini ok uratrmak , uramak, ullanmak
"Stop giving me a hard time. There was nothing I could do about it."
"If you don't finish your project, the manager is going to give you a hard time."
13. Make up one's mind
14. Go Dutch - pay together - herkes kendi masrafn demek
"You don't have to pay for me. Let's go dutch today."
"I can't believe John didn't pay for me. We ended up going dutch on the whole date."
15. Throw in the towel - There's no chance for me to win. I'm calling it quits-Havlu atmak, yenilgiyi

"I was ready to throw in the towel, but I stayed with it."
"He's not a quitter, so he's not going to throw in the towel."

1.Goose bumps - My arms were tingling when I heard that story - tylerin rpermesi kaz vuruu
"I was so touched by the movie that I started getting goose bumps all over my arms."
"When she told me that she loved me, I got goose bumps."
"I get goose bumps anytime I'm scared."
2. Stay in touch
"Let's stay in touch. I'll email you whenever I can."
"Are you staying in touch with her, or are you guys not talking any more?"
3. Have the guts - "He isn't afraid of anything." gerekli cesareti veya yreklilii olmak
"I don't have the guts to go bungee jumping."
"He doesn't have the guts to ask her on a date."
4. Rain or Shine - yle ya da byle, her halukarda
"We're going camping this weekend rain or shine."
"Rain or shine, the protesters are out there every day."
5. I'm beat - tired, exhousted
"I had a tough day today. I'm totally beat."
"I don't want to go out tonight. I'm beat."
6. Easier said than done - sylemesi kolay
"That's easier said than done."
"It's a lot tougher than that. It's one of those things that are easier said than done."
"Michael thinks everything is so easy. He doesn't realize it's easier said than done."
7. It's about time - nihayet
A: "I've been waiting for 3 weeks to try out the new laptop. Isn't it my turn yet?"
B: "Yes. It's your turn. I'll get it for you."
A: "It's about time."
8. Jump to conclusions - Alelacele yarg ya da yarglara varmak
"I thought you took my book. I shouldn't have accused you. I jumped to conclusions."
"Will you stop jumping to conclusions. You should get all the facts before you make any
9. Keep an eye on - watch
"Can you keep an eye on my daughter while I go get the car?"
"Don't worry about your luggage. I'll keep an eye on it."
10. Out of the blue - out of nowhere - birdenbire, aniden, pat diye
"Grace started crying for no reason. It was totally out of the blue."
"I don't know why he started getting mad. It was out of the blue."
11. Know something inside out - know each step by heart, with my eyes closed, Bir konuyu A'dan
Z'ye bilmek

"Ask Mary to help you with your homework. She knows calculus inside out."
"If you got the answer from Matt, I would trust it. He knows that stuff inside out."
12. Give someone a hand - help
"Can you give me a hand setting up the dining table?"
"I'm going to need a hand changing the tire on the car."
"Are you going to have time to give me a hand tomorrow?"
13. Now and then not often, from time to time
"I go on a hike every now and then."
"My mother calls me every now and then to see if I'm doing well."
"It's not something I can do all the time, but I do it every now and then."

14. Nuke - Microwave

"Don't nuke an egg. It will explode in the microwave."
"If I can't finish my dinner at a restaurant, I just take it home and nuke it when I want to eat
15. On the dot - exactly
"I don't want to be waiting for you, so you'd better be there at three o'clock on the dot."
"He's supposed to show up at four on the dot. If he is late even a minute, I'm taking off."
1. Keeping my fingers crossed - wish for a good outcome, long for good results
"Their team is not favored to win. But I hope they do. I'm keeping my fingers crossed."
"I have a one in ten chance of winning the television. I better keep my fingers crossed."
2. Out of this world - I've never seen anything like that before
"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen. It's really out of this world."
"It's totally out of this world. You're going to be impressed."
3. Over one's head - "It's beyond my comprehension, so don't bother trying to explain it
"I don't know the answer to that problem. The subject is over my head."
"Don't bother explaining it to him. It's way over his head."
4. Pain in the ass - ba belas
"I have a meeting at 7:00 in the morning. It's a pain in the ass waking up that early."
"Having to deal with traffic every day is a pain in the ass."
5. Piece of cake -- easy , ocuk oyunca, ok kolay
"You won't have any problems with it. It's a piece of cake."
"It's not that difficult. Actually, it's a piece of cake."
"Learning to type is a piece of cake. It just takes persistence."
"Sociology 101 is a piece of cake. You should get an A in that class.
6. Sooner or later
"Don't keep waiting for him to confess. He'll tell you sooner or later."
"He'll come to his senses sooner or later."
7. Pull someone's leg - biriyle dalga gemek, birini iletmek
"You expect me to believe that? Stop pulling my leg."
"I'm just kidding. I was just pulling your leg."
"I didn't know you believed me. I was just pulling your leg."
8. Put oneself in one's place
"What was I suppose to do? Try to put yourself in my place."
"It's easy to be understanding if you always put yourself in the other person's place."
9. I can eat a horse
10. Read between the lines
"If you read between the lines, you would have understood what he was implying."
"Steve isn't very good at reading between the lines. You have to tell him exactly what you
11. Rings a bell - "That reminds me of something." - Tandk gibi geliyor./Bana bir ey hatrlatyor

"I can't put my finger on it, but it definitely rings a bell."

"It rings a bell, but I'm not one hundred percent sure."
"Oh, oh, oh... that rings a bell. Where did I see that from?"

12. Bug - bother

"I need to concentrate on this, so stop bugging me."
"I need to get out of the house. My little brother has been bugging me all day."
13. Sleep on it - bir konuda karar vermeden nce bir sre dnmek
"I don't think I can decide now. Let me sleep on it and I'll tell you my answer tomorrow."
"I'm going to need to sleep on it. I don't want to rush my answer right now."
14. Play it by ear olaya, duruma gre davranmak
"I'll have to play it by ear because I don't know how long they want me to work."
"We'll have to play it by ear for next Friday because everything is uncertain."
"Should we plan something for this Saturday or should we play it by ear?"
15. Speak of the devil - mention someone's name who just then appears - yi adam sznn stne gelirmi
"I was at a party last night, and I saw Jake play the guitar in front of an audience... speak of
the devil, there's Jake right now."
"Joanne did great on her presentation. Speak of the devil... Hi Joanne."
1. Grab a bite hzlca yemek
"When do you want to go grab a bite?"
"I don't have much time, so let's grab a quick bite."
"If you didn't have lunch yet, let's grab a bite to eat."
2. Take it easy
"You're pushing yourself too hard. Take it easy."
"Take it easy man. You're putting too much pressure on yourself."
3. Go with the flow - accept things as they come
"Why do you do everything differently? You should just go with the flow."
"If you don't know where the shuttle is, just go with the flow. Everyone is going in that
4. Twenty-four seven
"7-11 is a great store because they are open twenty-four seven."
"If a business doesn't provide twenty-four seven customer support, they will not succeed."
5. Under the weather - keyifsiz
"I'm going to stay home because I'm feeling under the weather today."
"I told my boss that I was under the weather. She told me to stay home for the day."
"My wife is feeling under the weather, so I need to get home early today
6. Don't sweat it - endielenmeyi brak
"You can't do anything about it, so don't sweat it."
"You tried your best, so stop sweating it
7. You can say that again - Very true; I agree entirely
A: "Britney Spears is so hot!"
B: "You can say that again."

A: "It was a long year. We accomplished quite a bit."

B: "I'm just glad that we're almost done."
A: "You can say that again."
8. Broke - meteliksiz
"I can't afford to buy that television. I'm totally broke."
"I can't pay my bills. I'm broke."

9. Beats Me - hibir fikrim yok, beni aar

It beats me how they finished before us."
"Beats me why he was so mean to you."
10. I Don't Buy it - not believe
He said he didn't do it but I don't buy it."
"Their prices are supposed to be better but I don't buy it."
"She said she was sorry but I don't buy it."
11. Keep Your Cool - soukkanlln muhafaza etmek
I know you're upset but you have to keep your cool."
"Here she comes, keep your cool."
12. Sort Of - a little bit
Dinner was sort of expensive."
"I sort of like her."
"I sort of know how to cook."
13. Good For You - I am proud of you - aferin
Good for you, you finally passed your test."
"I heard you got accepted to college, good for you."
"I heard you got married recently, good for you
14. Good Luck
15. Shotgun - ikili, ikisi bir arada ?
Why does he always get to ride shotgun?"
"If we go to the store with mom I call shotgun."
"I am heading out to the party. Do you want to ride shotgun?"
1. Who Cares - it doesnt matter nooolmu yani, kimin umrunda
Who cares if they win or lose?"
"Who cares whether or not it rains."
"Who cares about what they think
2. Big Deal
Passing my driver's test was no big deal."
"He thinks he is such a big deal."
"It's no big deal if we don't go tonight."

nemli kimse, ne farkederki, o da bir eymi

3. What a Small World

I didn't know that you knew my uncle. What a small world."
"You have family in Florida too? What a small world."
"I went to high school with his mom, what a small world."
4. What's going on?
5. Now You're Talking - I like what you are saying
A cold drink sounds great, now you're talking!"
"Now you're talking, the beach sounds relaxing."
"Now you're talking, I would love to go out to the club tonight."
6. Over My Dead Body - I wont let that happen, Under no circumstances; absolutely not
There is no way I will let you do that, not over my dead body."
"You want a tattoo? Over my dead body."
"You're moving in together? Over my dead body."
7. Coming Right Up

- quickly

Your order is coming right up."

"It's coming right up!"
"Your food is coming right up."
8. Good Thinking you did well remembering that
I am glad you brought an umbrella. That was good thinking."
"Good thinking to call ahead and reserve tickets."
"It was good thinking to send out invitations sooner than later."
9. Shoot - oh no ..
Shoot, I forgot my grocery list at home."
"Oh shoot that was awkward."
"Shoot, he asked Jenny to the prom instead of me."
10. Nothing Matters nothing else is important at this time
Nothing matters more than being happy."
"Don't worry about what she said. Nothing matters but what you think."
"Nothing matters if we can't start getting along better
11. Come On
12. Never mind - you dont have to think about it, mhim deil
Never mind what you were going to do, we need to leave now!"
"Never mind what I said before, I was wrong."
"Never mind cooking dinner for me, I will be home too late."
13. If You Insist - if thats what you really want
We will stay longer if you insist."
"We can go another night if you insist."
"I will call her if you insist
14. Stop It!
15. It's Nothing - no problem
It's nothing. It didn't take long for me to do this."
"No need to thank me. It's nothing."
"Oh, it's nothing to call and let you know what I find out."
1. What gives? what is the problem, what happened?
It's not like you to get so upset, what gives?"
"I had no idea you were leaving? What gives?"
"Your mom said you stopped taking piano lessons. What gives ?
2. Fair Enough - I agreee with what you said, yeterince makul, doru
It's a fair enough question for me to answer."
"You want a rematch because you were sick when you lost? Fair enough."
"Fair enough, I will try it once to see if I like it
3. Cat Got Your Tongue - why are you so quiet, dilinimi yuttun
What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"
"You're being awfully quiet, cat got your tongue?"
"She usually always has an opinion, cat must have gotten her tongue."
4. My Pleasure- dont mention it, no problem, o zevk bana ait
It is my pleasure to introduce you to our guests."
"It was my pleasure to work with you."
"It is my pleasure to be involved in something so important."
5. It Totally Slipped My Mind I completly forgot
I was meaning to call you but it totally slipped my mind."
"There was something I needed to do today but it totally slipped my mind."

6. Give It to Me Straight - "I will tell you honestly."

Just give it to me straight, I can take the news."
"This is hard for me to say so I'm just going to give it to you straight."
"Just give it to me straight. How bad can it be?"
7. It's written all over your face - The look on your face is making things obvious."
I know you did it, it's written all over your face."
"I know that you're sad, it's written all over your face."
"I can tell you are upset. It's written all over your face
8. Go For It - just do it
I know you want that job. Go for it!"
"If you want to ask her out you're going to have to just go for it."
"Don't let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. Go for it!"
9. It's a Deal lets agree to that, anlatk m , tamam m!
So if I take the kids to swim lessons, you will clean the house? It's a deal!"
"It's a deal. I will clean the garage if you stop bothering me about it."
"If I stop eating donuts, I don't have to run every day? It's a deal
10. Don't Be a Stranger - keep in touch
It was really nice seeing you again. Don't be a stranger."
"We need to keep in touch. Don't be a stranger."
"Now that we live so close to one another don't ..
11. Let's Go Fifty- Fifty
12. Good for Nothing - he is worthless
That guy is good for nothing."
"That girl is a good for nothing troublemaker."
"I would not let anything he says bother you, he is good for nothing."
13. You're Telling Me - I already know that, sen ne diyorsun
You're telling me, that book was one of the best I've ever read."
"You're telling me, I already knew that was going to happen if he did not listen."
"You're telling me, if she keeps it up she will lose 20 pounds."
14. Get a Life Start paying attention to other matters that are more important."
I wish Terry would get a life."
"Would you stop bothering me and get a life!"
"Come on! Get a life and start taking care of yourself
15. Don't Joke With Me please be serious
He told me she likes me but I said don't joke with me."
"My sister told me I was in trouble and I told her don't joke with me."
"He said I had won a million dollars and I said don't joke with me!"
1. I Can't Thank You Enough
"Thanks for everything. I can't thank you enough."
"You were a big help today watching the kids. I can't thank you enough."

2. My Two Cents - my opinion

I don't agree with what's happening. That's just my two cents."
"You didn't ask for my two cents but I'll tell you anyway."
"Just to add my two cents, but I believe changing the design will be a better idea."

3. Just Name It
- "There is so much to get done today."
- "I will help you with whatever you need. Just name it
4. No Worries dont worry about it
5. Why so Blue? - so sad
Why so blue, is everything ok?"
"You look so depressed. Why so blue?"
6. Nature Calls - Kibarca "Tuvalete gitmem gerek." mns veren ifade
Can you pull the car over at a rest stop as soon as you can? Nature calls!"
"I have to go to the restroom. Nature calls."
"That little boy is crossing his legs, nature must be calling
7. What's Eating You? - "What's bothering you
8. Shame on You - Kendinden utanmalsn
9. Hang In There be patient, dont lose your hope
Hang in there. I am sure things will work out in the end."
"I know things are tough right now, just hang in there."
"Hang in there. Things will get a lot better."
10. I Owe You -- Size yardm eden birine teekkr edip sizinde bir baka zaman ona yardm edecenizi ifade etmek
iin "Alacaklsn!" mnsnda sylenen sz , sana borluyum, bor senedi

I don't have any money so can I get an I owe you."

"I'll need an I owe you because I don't have any money."
"I used up an I owe you already so he won't let me borrow again!"
11. Take a Hike go away
He asked for my phone number and I told him to take a hike."
"He said he would only give me $200 for my car so I told him to take a hike."
"Take a hike, I am not interested."
12. It's a Piece of Cake very ease, ocuk oyunca
13. I'm On My Way I am coming now
Don't worry I'm on my way."
"Just be patient, I'm on my way."
"I got your message saying you needed my help. I'm on my way
14. I'm Hosed - "I'm in a difficult situation
I didn't finish my report on time. I'm hosed."
"I am hosed. My mom found out I skipped school last week."
"I'm hosed. My boss has given me tons of extra work to finish."
15. It's a Long Story - It's hard to explain."

1. Since When -- from then until now

Since when have you been interested in my opinion?"
"Since when have you been coming to this gym?"
"Since when did you become so good at tennis?"
2. Got It - understand ?

3. You Wish - in your dreams

You want straight A's like her? You wish!"
"You think she'll go on a date with you? You wish!"
"You think you're going to beat my high score? Don't you wish
4. You're Dressed to Kill - She is dressed attractively." sslenip pslenmi, ar k
I really like your outfit! You're dressed to kill."
"She must be trying to impress him. She is dressed to kill."
"That girl is dressed to kill tonight
5. Behave Yourself - Terbiyeni takn!
If you're going to have dinner at their house you'd better behave yourself."
"Oh behave yourself, your being naughty."
"Behave yourself when you're at school.
6. That Figures - thats not surprise
He said he did not like your ideas? That figures."
"She only asked her closest friends to the party? That figures."
"He won't talk to you after that incident? That figures."
7. Do Tell - Please tell me what you know, want to learn You heard about that rumor already? Do tell."
"Martha and Jake are breaking up? Do tell."
"Do tell. I'm dying to know what he said about me."
8. No Sweat -- No problem
9. I Blew It - I missed my opportunity."
I really thought I was going to get the promotion, but I blew it."
"I thought he really liked me but I blew it."
"I was trying to surprise her for her birthday, but I blew it."
10. Maddening irritating , delirtici, sinirlendirici
Trying to make you happy sometimes is maddening."
"Trying to figure out the answers to this test is maddening."
"There was a maddening delay at the train station
11. I Messed Up I made a mistake
I messed up. I got a ticket for speeding on the highway."
"I messed up, I lost my wallet at the airport."
"He is really upset with me. I messed up."
12. I Beg to Differ - I politly disagree
I beg to differ. I don't think that is the right way to handle the situation."
"I beg to differ. You did a really nice job and deserved the promotion."
"I beg to differ. What he did was inexcusable."

13. Rise and Shine - kalk ve lda, it is time to wake up

It's time to rise and shine sweetheart."
"You'd better rise and shine or you'll be late for work."
"Rise and shine sleepy head, it's time for breakfast."
14. You Bet off course, definitely

You bet I'll be at your game. I would not miss it."

"I can help you with your project, you bet."
"You bet I'm going to talk to her, she is beautiful."
15. Pie in the Sky - "That's an impractical wish."
Her desire to be an actress ended up just being a pie in the sky."
"His dreams of becoming a famous singer are just a pie in the sky."
"Their ideas about living in space are just a pie in the sky."
1. No Strings Attached - koulsuz, zorunluluk yok
We are giving away free t-shirts, no strings attached."
"He said he would finish the work for free, no strings attached."
"The grocery store is giving away free candy, no strings attached."
2. Sleep Tight
Sleep tight, you have a lot to get done tomorrow."
"I hope you sleep tight after an exhausting day."
"Not sure if she will sleep tight after watching that scary movie
3. It Can't Hurt I'm trying a new diet, it can't hurt, right?"
"It can't hurt to get another opinion."
"I say it can't hurt to let him know how you feel
4. I Couldn't Agree With You More -- "I totally agree with you."
I couldn't agree with you more, this place is beautiful."
"I couldn't agree with you more, spending more time with each other would be nice."
"You didn't like that movie either? I couldn't agree with you more."
5. Thank Goodness -- krler olsunki
Thank goodness this dress still fits, I have nothing else to wear."
"Thank goodness we got our tickets early, the concert is now sold out."
"Thank goodness he doesn't suspect anything. I really want it to be a surprise."
6. You Made It -I can't believe you made it. It was a difficult task."
"You made it! I didn't think you were going to show up."
"I heard you made it a whole week without smoking
7. Whatever - I dont believe you -- her ne ise, umrumda bile deil
Whatever, I know you like him."
"You're saying I can't go out tonight with my friends? Whatever!"
"Whatever! You know I don't believe you."
8. I'm Sick of It- Im tired of it, I dont like it anymore - bktm
I'm not sure about you, but I'm sick of it!"
"I don't know why she's acting that way, but I'm sick of it."
"I'm sick of it. We need to stop arguing so much."

9. Get Out of Here are you joking with me ? , are you serious - hadi canm sende
Get out of here! We actually finished in first place?"
"Get out of here. She would never say such a thing about me."
"Get out of here. That's hard to believe."
10. You Made It Big you have done well,

I can't believe you have your own business! You made it big!"
"I can't believe how nice your house is. You made it big."
"You made it big! Your parents will be proud of you."
11. In Your Dreams
12. Hold On a Sec - "On the contrary." Hold on a sec, I thought you were staying home tonight?"
"Hold on a sec, are you serious?"
"Hold on a sec. This is different from what you told me yesterday."
13. That's easier said than done
I want to quit smoking but that's easier said than done."
"She wants me to be more romantic but that's easier said than done."
"I wish I could just retire a wealthy man but that's easier said than done."
14. You Never Know - "It could happen." - Things still can change."
I don't think I'll get the job but you never know."
"You never know. Some people don't mind the rain."
"You never know. He still could change his mind
15. Back to the grind
Ok everyone break time is over, get back to the grind."
"Back to the grind for me. I'll catch you later."
"Time to get back to the grind. I need to finish so I can leave on time."
1. It Serves You Right - oh olsun,yapmasaydin, bunu hak ettin , etti ..
It serves you right. You were not nice to him."
"It serves him right. He can't expect to win when he cheats during the game."
"It serves you right. You got what you deserved
2. I Can't Wait
We only have 7 more days until vacation! I can't wait!"
"I can't wait. They are going to announce the contest winners today."
"I can't wait for summer to get here, I don't like the cold weather
3. Lighten Up - Rahatla bir! Ciddiyeti brak
Lighten up. Things could be worse."
"Lighten up. We can go to the movies another day."
"Lighten up. There will be another chance to play
4. Good Point good suggestion
Good point, I should have followed the instructions while building it."
"Good point, I will call her to explain what happened."
"That is a very good point."
5. Just My Luck - I am so unlucky - ansma
That's just my luck, I never win at anything."
"Just my luck, my boss asked me to work late tonight."
"Just my luck, I got a speeding ticket on the way home."
6. It's Up To You
7. Hop In - get in the car - bin, atla
Hop in. You can ride with me to the grocery store."
"Hop in. We need to leave right away."
"If you need a ride home, hop on in."
8. I Told You So - I warned you

I knew that was a bad idea, I told you so."

"I told you so. You should have listened to me."
"You shouldn't be surprised, because I told you so
9. You Know Better Than That - You know the right thing to do
Mary said you were rude to her, you know better than that."
"You know better than that. Now pick up the mess you made before going outside."
"Come on, you know better than that."
10. Has Been Burned - Sulanmak, ba belaya girmek
I don't know why he keeps calling her. He's been burned by her numerous times."
"I have been burned by making bad decisions before."
"I got burned on that used car we bought."
11. Keep Me in the Loop - keep me informed
I really want to know what happens so keep me in the loop."
"Keep me in the loop so I'm included."
"Thanks for the update. Keep me in the loop."
12. I'll Be Down - ?? I am in, I agree with that
If you don't want to go to the pool, I'll be down for whatever."
"I'll be down with whatever you guys want to do tonight."
"Going to the movies sounds good, I'm down
13. Get to the Point - tell me what you mean - ana noktaya gelmek
Can you please get to the point? You're taking forever."
"Get to the point, you're making no sense."
"If you can just get to the point maybe I can help you
14. Down to Earth - You are very reasonable and realistic." Akl banda, gereki
I really like them. They are so down to earth."
"They are really down to earth and easy to get along with."
"They live their life very down to earth."
15. Sure Thing - "Of course I will." Tabii, hayhay, phesiz
You want me to call you tomorrow? Sure thing."
"Sure thing. I'll be there!"
"I can help you move. Sure thing."

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