Blending Fuel Gas To Optimize Use of Off-Spec Natural Gas

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The key takeaways are that a pipeline was constructed to transport off-spec natural gas with high nitrogen content from wells to power plants in West Texas. The gas was blended with higher quality gas to reduce nitrogen content and meet turbine requirements while providing a lower cost fuel alternative.

The objective of the project was to design and install blending stations to blend the off-spec low-cost gas with higher quality gas to reduce nitrogen content and meet turbine firing requirements as well as emissions limits, providing a lower cost alternative fuel.

One challenge was that scrubbing the gas to remove nitrogen made it too costly to use as fuel. Another challenge was ensuring the blended gas met turbine firing requirements and emissions limits.

Blending Fuel Gas to Optimize use of Off-Spec Natural Gas

Mike Segers, P.E. Hurst Technologies
Roy Sanchez PSEG Texas
Paul Cannon Hurst Technologies
Carlos Gutierrez PSEG Texas
Bob Binkowski, P.E. Hurst Technologies David Hailey, PhD COSA Instrument
Fuel Gas, Gas Blending, Btu, Wobbe Index, Gas Turbine, Natural Gas, Gas Analyzer,
Specific Gravity, Calorimeter, Heating Value, Distributed Control System, DCS
The completion of a pipeline to bring natural gas directly from gas wells to power plants in the Odessa,
Texas, area was announced in June 2010. The natural gas being supplied is from the Permian Basin
Yates Formation. The Yates Formation gas is an off-spec gas with a high concentration of Nitrogen.
The fundamental objective is to use this low Btu, high Nitrogen gas as a low cost fuel. Scrubbing the
gas to remove the Nitrogen makes it too costly to use as a fuel. However, if this gas could be blended
with higher Btu spec gas typically supplied to power plants, it would meet the objective of providing a
lower cost fuel while volumetrically reducing the Nitrogen content of the final mixture.
The project objective was to design and install a blending station(s) utilizing either Btu or Wobbe
Index as the basis to blend the gases such that the resulting fuel would be a lower cost alternative, and
meet GEs firing requirements for the GE Frame 7001 FA Gas Turbines and environmental emissions
limits. An analyzer that could determine the composition of the natural gas in near real time mode was
employed. The analyzer outputs, as well as other instrumentation, were brought into the plants DCS
for operator monitoring and control of the gas blending stations.

The objective of this paper is to present a project to provide a lower fuel cost alternative, while
meeting the firing requirements of the GE Frame 7001 FA Gas Turbines (GT) and environmental
emissions limits. Before discussing the project, we will discuss the source of the low cost fuel and
review a few important plant statistics. Details of the project will be discussed, such as, the
requirements and restrictions of blended fuel gas, blending methodologies, Wobbe Index, the selected
gas composition analyzer, general project piping layout overview, blending stations, and control
methodology. This will be followed by a results summary.

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Presented at ISA Power Industry Division 54th Annual I&C Symposium;

Several years ago, four forward thinking companies came together forming a partnership to provide a
cheaper source of fuel for generating electricity in West Texas. A 62 mile pipeline has been
constructed to supply off-spec well gas that is high in nitrogen direct from Permian Basin wells to the
Odessa-Ector Power Plant operated by PSEG-Texas and to Quail Run Energy Center near Odessa
operated by Navasota Energy.
The off-spec well gas is prevalent throughout the Yates formation, especially in the Permian Basins
Gains, Andrews, and Ector counties. The off-spec well gas is produced at a depth of about 3,000ft, but
has been considered too costly because it had to be scrubbed to remove the diluent, Nitrogen, before
being transported. There are over 200 old wells drilled to a deeper oil formation at a depth of
approximately 4,800 ft. These wells can be worked over to produce gas from the Yates formation.
GE has confirmed that the high-nitrogen well gas could be used as a fuel gas in their gas turbines on a
blended basis. This means that the off-spec gas could now be transported without the prior need to
remove the Nitrogen at the well head. This would significantly reduce the cost of fuel gas to the plants.
The Odessa-Ector Power Plant began operation in 2001. The plant is rated at 1,000 MW electrical and
is composed of two combined-cycle, 2 on 1 GT / HRSG / ST trains. Each combination includes two
GE Frame 7001FA Gas Turbines (GT) with dry low-NOx burners. Each GT is rated at 150 MW and
has an associated Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) with a duct burner. A 200 MW GE Steam
Turbine (ST) is common to each pair of GT/HRSGs. The plant presently fires pipeline quality (Hi
Btu) gas rated at an average of 1,000 1,025 Btu/scf provided from two sources. The mixture passes
through a knock-out separator in the gas yard before being sent to the plant via a common header. The
gas mixture is pre-heated to 300o F prior to being fired in the gas turbines.
The plant central control system is an Ovation Distributed Control System (DCS) supplied by Emerson
Process Management. The DCS is integrated with the Combustion and Steam Turbine Mark 5e
controllers, supplied by GE with the equipment, for the purpose of remote start/stop of the turbines,
monitoring of data, and collecting historical data in a historian. There is no gas metering or fuel
composition analysis at the gas yard and no fuel composition analysis at any of the units.

To fully appreciate the scope of the project, the design parameters must first be discussed:
A gas sample of the Low Btu gas from the Yates Formation has the following fractional analysis:
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Presented at ISA Power Industry Division 54th Annual I&C Symposium;

Table 1 Yates Formation Sample Fractional Analysis

Carbon Dioxide


















Calculated Specific Gravity = 0.789

Btu / cu ft (@14.65 psia, 60o F) =

Calculated Gross Wet = 888
Calculated Gross Dry =


Table 2 specifies the allowable limits for the fuel properties and constituents for GE gas Turbines.

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Table 2 Fuel Gas Specification




Gas Fuel Pressure

Varies with
unit and
combustor type

Varies with
unit and
combustor type



Gas Fuel Temperature, F

Lower Heating Value, Btu/scf
Modified Wobbe Index (MWI)

Absolute Limits



Range Within Limits



Flammability Ratio


Constituent Limits, mole %








Butane + higher paraffins (C4+)



Carbon Monoxide




Total Inerts (N2+CO2+Ar)


Aromatics (Benzene, Toluene




The GE Frame 7001FA Gas turbines are unable to burn 100% Low BTU. In addition to the potential
of generating excessive NOx emissions, fuel gases with large percentages of inert gases such as
Nitrogen will have a ratio of rich-to-lean flammability limits less than that of natural gas. Low
flammability ratios may cause the GT to experience problems maintaining stable combustion over the
full operating range of the turbine. Therefore, a gas blending system is required to ratio the two
sources of gas to prevent combustion instability and the generation of excessive NOx emissions. The
intent is to burn as much of the Low Btu gas as possible since it is available at a more attractive price
than Hi Btu gas.

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Presented at ISA Power Industry Division 54th Annual I&C Symposium;

By calculation, we know the blended gas streams ratio could be a high as 50/50. As indicated in the
Fractional Analysis table above, the Yates formation well gas is 28% Nitrogen and the Hi Btu gas
contains approximately 2% Nitrogen. If the gas is blended 50/50, the total Nitrogen content would be
15%. This is the maximum Nitrogen limit recommended by GE for the 7 FA Turbines. Table 2
specifies GEs allowable limits for fuel properties and constituents. This then sets the upper limits for
the design project.

Although the ultimate goal is to use as much of the Low Btu gas as possible, we must control the
amount of Nitrogen introduced to the GTs. It is simply a matter of controlling the blending of two fuel
gas streams. It is easier to blend based on hydrocarbon content than inert gas content because it is
relatively easy to determine the Btu content. Our investigation found that several analyzers were
available that could provide real-time or near real-time analysis for hydrocarbons. One analyzer we
investigated could provide real-time analog outputs for Btu as well as for Wobbe Index.
Strangely enough, the British Thermal Unit (Btu) is rarely used in Great Britain anymore, where it is
considered a non-metric measurement. Even in countries which use the Btu as a standard
measurement, there is some disagreement over the formula used to derive it. The thermal energy
needed to raise water one degree Fahrenheit can depend on the original temperature and pressure.
Therefore, it is possible to get several different definitions of a Btu from different sources. In the US, a
Btu is generally defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one (1) pound
(0.454 kg) of liquid water by 1 F (0.556 C) at a constant pressure of one atmosphere.
The heat of combustion, also known as heating value or calorific value of a fuel, is the amount of
energy generated by the complete combustion of a unit mass of fuel. The US system of measurement
uses British Thermal Units (Btu) per pound or Btu per standard cubic foot when expressed on a
volume basis. The heating value of a gas fuel may be determined experimentally using a calorimeter
in which fuel is burned in the presence of air at constant pressure. The products are allowed to cool to
the initial temperature and a measurement is made of the energy released during complete combustion.
All fuels that contain hydrogen release water vapor as a product of combustion, which is subsequently
condensed in the calorimeter. The resulting measurement of the heat released is the higher heating
value (HHV), also known as the gross heating value, and includes the heat of vaporization of water.
The lower heating value (LHV), also known as the net heating value, is calculated by subtracting the
heat of vaporization of water from the measured HHV and assumes that all products of combustion
including water remain in the gaseous phase. Both the HHV and LHV may also be calculated from the
gas compositional analysis using the procedure described in ASTM D 3588.
This is important to understand because the caloric value or the higher heating value is used in the
calculation of Wobbe Numbers (Wobbe Index). Goffredo Wobbe, an Italian physicist, observed in

Given constant pressure and orifice size, the heat output of a burner is proportional to the flow
volume per time

The flow velocity through a given orifice size at constant pressure is proportional to the
specific gravity of the gas

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The calorific value or heating value, of a gas is proportional to its specific gravity.

Wobbe developed a numerical index that provided that if two fuel gases have identical Wobbe
numbers, they will deliver the same amount of heat.
The Wobbe Number can be defined by
WI = CV / SG


WI = Wobbe Index number (Although expressed in Btu/scf or MJ/Sm3 (mega joules

per standard cubic meter), WI is generally expressed without units to limit
confusion with heating value units.)
CV = Caloric Value (Higher Heating Value)
SG = Specific Gravity

Gas turbines do not operate with condensing exhaust systems and it is a common practice for the gas
turbine industry to utilize the LHV when calculating the overall cycle thermal efficiency. Therefore,
GE uses a modified version of the Wobbe Index.
GEs calculations use a Modified Wobbe Index (MWI):
MWI = LHV / SGgas * Tgas

This is equivalent to:

MWI = LHV / (MWgas / 28.96) * Tgas


LHV = Lower Heating Value of the Fuel Gas (Btu/scf)

SGgas = Specific Gravity of the Fuel Gas relative to Air
MWgas = Molecular Weight of the Fuel Gas
Tgas= Absolute Temperature of the Fuel Gas ( Rankine)
28.96 = Molecular Weight of Dry Air

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It is clear that since the Wobbe Index is an indicator of the interchangeability of fuel gases; it can be
used to control blending of fuel gases. Since the Wobbe Index and the Btu value of fuel gases make
similar curves, either could be used to control blending of fuel gases; thereby, controlling the amount
of Nitrogen in the blended fuel.
Alternatively, the classic flow control method could also be used, whereby, the Low Btu gas could be
placed on flow control at a selected flow rate less than 50% of the needed fuel flow rate and the Hi Btu
gas supply placed on pressure control. This is the simplest method of controlling the blend, but
certainly not the optimum.

The project evaluated two methods of blending, those being a single blending system at the plant gas
yard or individual blending systems at each unit. A neighboring plant that has a different version of
GE combustion turbines utilizes a single blending station and feeds the blended gas to their gas
turbines and HRSG duct burners. However, the Odessa-Ector power plant chose multiple blending
systems because they intended to burn the blended gas only in the gas turbines and felt the additional
operability offset the cost of the additional blending stations.
The benefits from utilizing multiple blending systems:

The GTs, although designed to the same specifications and considered identical, have
individual operating characteristics that may require the blend to be unit specific.

Operational availability of all units is of utmost importance. The operation of any of the units
may be limited by its combustion or NOx characteristics. Individual blending would allow any
limiting of the blend mix to affect only that unit without imposing the same limit on the other

A central blending system represents a single point of failure that could require all units to
revert to Hi Btu gas, curtailing use of the low cost Low Btu gas.

A multiple blend system offers the ability to tune each unit and its blend depending upon
changing unit characteristics, fowling, or de-rating due to some process problem (i.e., turbine
vibration, generator limiting, unit specific BOP problems, HRSG related problems, etc.). Selftuning or Neural Network may even be utilized later to maximize unit flexibility and


The primary reason for success of a good blending system is the selection of a good gas analyzer that
can provide the outputs required in real-time. Other characteristics considered were analog outputs for
Wobbe Index and Btu, low maintenance requirements, and the analyzer could easily be integrated into
the plant in hazardous areas. For this application, the COSA 9600 Btu Analyzer was chosen. This
analyzer provides the following features important to this project:

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Analyzer features fast response time and high accuracy

Provides analog outputs for both Btu and Wobbe Index

Contains no moving parts, hence low maintenance requirements

Flameless, the gas/air mixture is burnt catalytically in an oven that utilizes a zirconium oxide
Oxygen sensor in the oven

Can be purged for use in Class 1 Division 1 or Class 1 Division 2 locations as defined in the
National Electrical Code (NEC) ANSI/NFPA 70.

Capable of analyzing multiple streams, thus reducing the number of analyzers required

Accepts sample gas from a Genie Probe Regulator, whose features are:
o Provides a representative gas sample
o Removes all entrained liquids in a sample gas
o Protects analyzers against liquid damage
o Probe housing can be installed in a pressurized line
o Housing includes a foot valve in its base so the probe can be inserted in a pressurized

In addition to a fuel gas analyzer at each gas turbine blending station, the overall design includes a fuel
gas analyzer at the gas yard. The gas analyzer utilized in the gas yard is the dual stream version,
eliminating the need for multiple analyzers. The Hi Btu and Low Btu gas supply samples are switched
to the analyzer. This analyzer is used to provide a feed forward signal to the blending stations. The
analyzers at the discharge of the blending stations are used to bias the blending station for the proper
blended gas introduced to the gas turbine. These analyzers provide data to the DCS to control the
flow of Low Btu gas. The blending station control logic resides in the plant DCS.

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Figure 3 Blending System Flow Diagram

The actual blending of the gases is accomplished in a T downstream of the Low Btu flow control
valve. See Figure 3. In order to properly mix the fuel gases, a 30 psi minimum differential is
maintained between the two gas supplies at the blending stations. The DCS sends a pressure set point
to a PLC at the gas yard to control the Low Btu gas pressure at the blending station 30 psi higher than
the High Btu gas pressure. See Figure 4. The blending stations are rather simple and do not require a
valve in the Hi Btu fuel gas lines at the blending stations. These blending stations do not require an
elaborate skid arrangement and can be fabricated in the field utilizing pre-fabricated spool pieces to
maximize the use of existing fuel gas piping.

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Fuel gases with large percentages of an inert gas such as Nitrogen will have a ratio of rich-to-lean
flammability limits less than that of natural gas. Flammability ratios of less than 2.2 to 1 based on
volume at standard conditions (14.696 psia and 59oF), may experience problems maintaining stable
combustion over the full operating range of the combustion turbine. Combustion turbines can operate
with fuel gases having a very wide range of heating values, but the amount of variation that a specific
fuel system design can accommodate is limited, usually + 5%. The fuel nozzles are designed to
operate within a fixed range of pressure ratios and changes in heating values are accommodated by
increasing or decreasing the fuel nozzle area or the fuel gas temperature. Since changing the fuel
nozzle area is difficult, the temperature of the fuel gas is generally changed to accommodate significant
changes in the heating values. The combustion turbine control system provides a signal to the DCS
indicating poor combustion characteristics. Since, the intent is for the blending station to be capable of
introducing as much of the low cost Low Btu gas as possible to the gas turbine, the DCS first decreases
the fuel gas temperature to improve combustion before reducing the amount of the Low Btu fuel.
We know that the maximum limit of the Low Btu fuel gas is a 50% ratio, but the minimum limit (low
flow) is set by blending system characteristics. To ensure trouble free start-ups, plant Operations
prefers to start the gas turbines on Hi Btu fuel gas. Once the unit is online and operating reliability; at
a given load, the Operator places the blending station in service.
The success of the blending station depends on the quality of the analyzer signals. If the blending
station analyzer fails, the blending control is automatically, or by Operator action, placed on flow
control and the Hi Btu gas remains on pressure control. If the gas yard analyzer fails, the station is
automatically placed on flow control (Low Btu gas) and pressure control (Hi Btu gas).

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Figure 4 Key Elements Functional Control Diagram

The blending station logic configuration is programmed into the plant DCS. There is a small Allen
Bradley PLC in the gas yard that the DCS interfaces with for data gathering and controlling the gas
yard. The Control Room Operator HMI is used for Operator monitoring and control of the Blending

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Graphics were developed to provide the Operator a visual presentation of all the data related to the
blending stations. The graphic shown below depicts only two of the four gas turbine units. The other
two were added in the second phase of the project. See Figure 5.

Figure 5 Example of Blending System Graphic

Our research of the Wobbe Index indicated that the preferred blending control mode should be based
on the Wobbe Index. However, there did not appear to be any distinct advantage in using the Wobbe

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Presented at ISA Power Industry Division 54th Annual I&C Symposium;

Index over the heating value or Btu. Since both Btu and Wobbe Index outputs are available from the
gas analyzers, the logic configuration was developed such that the Operator could select either Btu or
Wobbe Index as the basis for controlling fuel gas blending. This would allow the plant to determine
which method gave them the best control of the blending stations.
During the start-up phase of the project, both methods of controlling the blending stations were tested.
There were no significant differences found between controlling based on Btu or Wobbe Index.
Because the Wobbe Index is incremented in finer divisions, one would expect that finer blending
control could be obtained, but for this application, very fine adjustments to the blending ratio are not
necessary. The Low Btu gas on flow control is the default blending control method. This method was
also tested, both as an Operator selected operational mode and as a default control mode when one of
the analyzers fails.
The plant is currently operating on flow control mode, selected by the Operator, because the Low Btu
gas supplier cannot yet provide enough gas to justify blending based on Btu or Wobbe Index.
1. GE Specification for Fuel Gases for Combustion in Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines
GEI41040j, 2007.
2. WH Driftmeier, Alternate Energy Systems, Automatic Wobbe Index Control for Peak
Shaving Plants, LP Symposium, 2004, Des Moines, Iowa.
3. The Wobbe Index and Natural Gas Interchangeability, Emerson Process Management
Application Data Document 1660AD-5a, 2007.
4. Peter A DeBarber, HORIBA Instruments and Donna L Dearmon, Kurz Technical Systems,
A Novel Instrument for In-Situ NOx Measurement Applied to SCR Units, 18th Annual
Joint ISA POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference and 51st ISA POWID
Symposia, 2008, Scottsdale, Arizona.
5. New Pipeline Transports Yates Gas to Odessa Power Plants, Permian Basin Petroleum
Association Magazine, Issue No. 33, December 2010.
6. COSA 9600, Fast Response CARI / Wobbe Index Analyzer, Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance Manual, COSA Instrument Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey.
7. Genie Probe Regulator Brochure, Model GPR, A+ Corporation, Gonzales, Louisiana.

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Presented at ISA Power Industry Division 54th Annual I&C Symposium;

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