Steam Turbine Rotor Vibration Failures
Steam Turbine Rotor Vibration Failures
Steam Turbine Rotor Vibration Failures
Steam turbine rotors bend during operation, but the bearing and supports are designed to keep
the static and dynamic forces under control. However, bending can cause impact between
stationary and rotating partsoften cascading impacts. An operator of many utility-scale steam
turbines shares its extensive field experience identifying the root cause of failures as well as
successful solutions.
Rotor bending that results in premature failure of steam turbine blades and other internal
components is one of the most serious problems experienced in power plant operations. The
problems often reduce plant availability by limiting generation and increase plant operation and
maintenance cost. Extreme rotor bending problems often involve interaction between the
turbines rotor and stationary parts. Rotor bending may be caused by a variety of static and
dynamic factors, many of which will be explored in this article.
We begin with mechanical factors related to the rotor, the largest rotating assembly in the turbine.
Working from the inside out, we next look at rotor balance issues, followed by rotor and casing
misalignment problems, and problems caused by the casing. The discussion is based on the
authors experiences at the six-unit, 1,890-MW Ramin Power Plant, located in Ahwaz, Iran. The
units were commissioned from 1980 through 1985.
Avoid Rotor Rubs
It almost goes without saying that rubbing in the labyrinths or diaphragms, caused by insufficient
clearances, disrupts the end sealing of the rotor. This situation commonly occurs when the highmass rotor at operating speed comes in contact with a stationary surface, typically caused by a
too-small clearance between the labyrinth or diaphragm gland seals and the rotor. Secondarily,
there may be a localized temperature increase at the point of contact, causing increased metal
temperatures at the point of contact due to friction.
The forces produced by the impact of the large rotating rotor mass with the poorly functioning
stationary seals often impress a layer of metal on the surface of the rotor. The rub can cause
elastic deformation of the rotor at the point of impact and temporary rotor shaft bending. The
shaft bending will usually cause increased vibration levels (Figure 1).
Figure 1 - Rotor rubs cause bending - Sealing rubs
Uneven cooling of the rotor, particularly after shutdown, also causes the rotor to contact
stationary parts. After a unit shuts down, the relatively high-temperature rotor may bend solely
due to the mass of the rotor and the distance between bearing supports, if left in a stationary
position to cool. This situation can cause permanent shaft bending.
The effect of a permanent shaft bend caused by uneven cooling will immediately appear as high
rotor vibration at the next startup. The vibration is caused by insufficient clearance between
stationary and rotating parts, as well as a shaft located off-center in its bearing. Even if the
clearance change is small, there may be significant rubbing along the rotor to cause damage.
Again, the rubbing causes friction between stationary and rotating parts, localized heating of the
rotor metal at the contact point, and shaft bending.
Furthermore, uneven shaft warming caused by rubbing between rotating and stationary parts can
cause further bending of the shaft in the same direction of the existing bow and cause additional
contact with stationary parts, increasing temperatures and therefore causing more bending. The
effect cascades if allowed to continue. If the bending is allowed to continue, it is possible that the
yield strength of the metal could be exceeded, causing a permanent deformation of the shaft. The
allowed bending in 3,000-rpm turbines is up to 0.020.03 mm in each section. When on turning
gearing, the limit is 0.05 mm.
To avoid rotor bending during cooling, turbine vendors provide very specific instructions on the
allowable rate of cooling. For example, the turbine should remain on turning gear until the highpressure (HP) cylinder temperature is below 150C and the oil temperature is below 75C. The
turbine vendor also defines the rotational speed of the turning gear.
Prevent Rotor and Casing Misalignment
Misalignment of the coupling between two shafts or between a shaft and bearing may cause
bending in the system. Misalignment between two shafts of an integrated rotor can cause an
eccentricity of the mass center of the rotor, and this eccentricity at high rotational speed will
produce a centrifugal force in the radial direction, causing bending of the rotor. Misalignment
between the axis of rotation and the axis of the shaft can also cause bending in the rotor. There are
six primary factors that can cause misalignment.
A poor connection between the turbine casing and the bearing pads on the foundation frame is
one cause. If a pad experiences increased friction or stops sliding during thermal expansion
(usually during startup) in the axial direction, the result is a tipping torque on the casing. This
torque can cause a misalignment between the casing and bearing surface, causing vibration in the
forward end of the turbine, foundation frame surface support deformation, and bearing pad stall.
Also pay close attention to the foundation frameincluding bolts, keys, and padsso that free
movement of the bearing surfaces is possible, particularly while undergoing startup and load
changes. The extent of the longitudinal and lateral thermal expansion bore centers of the cylinders
and pad travel should be recorded for future comparisons. This process should be part of routine
maintenance equipment inspections.
Another factor concerns the difficulty in assembling the HP turbine front bearing. While the shaft
is rotating in its journal bearing, the shaft pushes oil from the bottom of the bearing, causing the
oil film thickness to change. When this happens, the centerline of the shaft moves up and to one
side. To account for this shaft movement, the segmented bearing should automatically adjust and
the contact surface of the journal bearing will remain in a good position. If there is too much
contact surface, friction will increase on the bearing surface, causing increased rubbing and
corrosion of the bearing surface and increasing vibration and rotor eccentricity. The result will be
bearing oil leakage and rubbing in the sealing glands. On the other hand, if the bearing contact
area decreases, the oil film will cause uneven movement of the rotor within the segmented
bearing, and the oil film will not form, also resulting in increased vibration (Figure 2).
Figure 2 - Shaft must stay centered - Relocation of shaft in a segmented bearing while rotating
Dont overlook the concentricity of the rotor with the bores and couplings. Correct rotor
alignment is lost when the axis of one rotor is not continuous with the rotor in the following
casing, in multi-casing steam turbines. The individually connected drivelines must operate as one
long continuous, yet flexible driveline. After major steam turbine maintenance, it is important to
confirm the alignment of the rotor to the couplings as well as any other factors that may cause
change to the primary positions of individual casings, bearing, and rotors. During maintenance, if
rubbing is observed at the end or intermediate sealing of the rotor or eccentricity of couplings, it
is necessary to realign the driveline to avoid high turbine vibration, contact and rubbing of glands
or labyrinth seals, and so on (Figure 3).
Figure 3 - Properly align the diaphragms - The diaphragms must be carefully aligned within the casing
Remember that the axis from the center of the glands bore should coincide with the axis of the
turbine rotor during normal temperatures experienced during turbine operation. Furthermore, it is
essential to quickly identify any loss in sealing clearances during steam turbine warm-up.
Changes in clearance may occur during warming that could cause bending of the cylinders due to
differential temperatures between the upper and lower sections of the cylinder (Figure 4).
Figure 4 - Pfrecise alignment required - This photo shows the expansion key of the upper half of a low-pressure
Finally, pay close attention to the possibility of contact rubbing of blade tips on the cylinder walls
in reactive stages. Rubbing can cause increased vibration to blade bending, usually at the blade
root (Figure 5).
Figure 5 - Avoid tenon extrusion rubs - This is an example of tenon extrusiun in high pressure rotor
Shaft curvature also shifts the rotation axis of the shaft by moving the mass center of the rotor,
creating vibration. This vibration affects blades in three significant ways.
First, the vibration causes blade structural problems. The centrifugal forces encountered during
operation are significant, causing an increase in the tensile forces in the blade cross-section and, if
the center of mass is not on the radial line, bending stresses also occur. Additionally, bending
stresses are created in blade joints under the pressure effects of the HP steam flowing axially
through the turbine cylinder. The magnitude of these stresses is dependent on the flow rate of
steam, the temperature drop across the blade stage, the rotational speed of the blades, and the
blade weight. The temperature of the steam, superheated in the first stage and saturated in the
final stages, will have an effect on the mechanical properties and corrosion of the blade materials
(Figure 6).
Figure 6 - Corrosion causes imbalance - Failure of this high-pressure rotor control stage was caused by uneven
distribution of steam due to corrosion
Second, blade vibration can be stimulated by external means, such as an unsatisfactory dynamic
balance of the rotor, nonconformity of the diaphragm passages, deviation in the blade pitch, an
improperly assembled joint between two half-diaphragms, or corrosion of the eternal edge of
fixed blades.
Third, the size of rotary blades and their method of installation on the rotors may be different.
After a maintenance overhaul, the same weight and materials of all the blades must be carefully
maintained, particularly when only a few blades are replaced. Even a small change in blade
weight or center of gravity can cause a rotor imbalance and vibration (Figure 7).
Figure 7 - Failures can be caused by poor maintenance
This removal of the disk from the rotor was done incorrectly, causing deep scratches on the shaft.
The repair will require rework and rebalancing of the shaft to prevent an imbalance that can cause
Figure 8 - Steam can bypass bolts
Large bolts inserted into the holes are used to tightly secure the large horizontal joint flange in
this high-pressure cylinder. The bolt-holes are places where a steam jet leak can form due to
cylinder deformation and changing duct pressures
Casing Also an Important Factor in Rotor Vibration
There are many ways that casing temperature fluctuations can cause steam turbine vibration.
Casing problems can cause misalignment in many different ways, mostly related to expansion and
contraction due to temperature fluctuations.
First, the turbine cylinder can have temperature stratification caused by insufficient thermal
isolation from the casing and/or weak insulation in other areas. Loss of thermal isolation can be
caused by poor insulation at connections between joints and pipes to the casings, usually at the
bottom of the turbine. Poor casing insulation at the bottom, for example, can cause a temperature
gradient from the top to the bottom of the casing, which can lead to casing distortion and elastic
rotor bending. The vendor will define the acceptable casing temperature gradient. In our
experience, the gradient must be no more than 60C. New HP turbines are particularly sensitive to
casing thermal gradients.
Next, if the turbine is started from a hot condition before it has returned to within curvature limits,
then rotating blades and stationary diaphragms may rub and cause damage to seals and diaphragm
glands. As shaft weights increase, so do the dimensions of the turbine rotor, turbine cylinder, and
the thermal inertia of the shaft. The effect is to require longer periods of time between startups
(and on turning gear) so any curvature of the rotor is removed before the next startup.
The cylinder bending can be estimated with knowledge of its dimensions and materials of
construction. Cylinder bending (mm) can be found by the expression t L2/8D, where t is the
temperature difference between the top and bottom of the cylinder (C), L is the cylinder length
(mm), D is the external diameter of the shell averaged across its length (m), and is the
coefficient of linear thermal expansion, usually about 13.6 mm/mm-C, or any other consistent set
of units. The amount of permitted cylinder bending is determined by the tightest tolerance
between diaphragm and end glands. For example, if the HP cylinder dimensions are l = 3,620 mm
and D = 1,840 mm, and the tightest tolerance of the diaphragm gland is 0.6 mm, the allowable
temperature difference from the top to the bottom of the cylinder is 50C.
The effect of thermal bending of a rotor on the casing can also be determined. When the casing
top is hotter than the bottom, the casing tends to bend down. If the temperature gradient is
constant from the top of the casing to the bottom and along its length, then the maximum bending
stress occurs mid-casing vertically and between the casing supports horizontally. The bending or
deflection under these conditions can be determined as t (L Z Z2) x 103/2D, where L is the
casing length between supports (m), Z is the distance from front casing support to location of
interest (m), and the other variables remain as defined above. Assuming the midpoint of the
casing length is used, L/2 can replace Z to find the maximum deflection.
The temperature gradient along the blades and diaphragms must also be considered during a hot
start. In a hot turbine startup, if the steam is relatively cool, then the diaphragm and blade metal
temperatures will be cooler than the rotor. In that case the diameter of the diaphragm holes will
increase more rapidly than the rotor diameter, producing radial looseness and decreasing blade
and diaphragm clearances. Using a typical coefficient of linear thermal expansion, a diaphragm
sealing diameter of 500 mm will increase 0.3 mm for every 100C temperature difference between
the rotor and diaphragm.
So, if a rotor has a higher curvature than the normal range and if steam flow path regulation has
not been done carefully during a hot startup, rubbing should be expected.
Calculations using these formulas and application experience tell us that the temperature
difference between the top and bottom of the HP cylinder shouldnt get higher than a defined
normal limit during steam turbine startup. If that temperature difference limit is exceeded, radial
distances in the front end gland will decrease considerably, causing rubbing, followed by rotor
bending near the control stage.
The experience of many steam turbine repair companies is that the reason for the HP cylinders
bending is condensation of steam within the hot turbine cylinder when stopped. High-temperature
heat transfer to vaporize this condensate cools the bottom of the cylinder while the top of the
cylinder remains relatively hot. As a result, the cylinder will bend down while the top of the
casing will remain straight, in most cases.
Also, poor clearances in the low-pressure (LP) and intermediate-pressure (IP) cylinder frames in
multi-cylinder turbines can occur when the distance bolts and washers are incorrectly installed.
Distance bolts are used to secure the LP and IP casing frames to the foundation. At the time of
operation and nominal load, if condenser pressure (vacuum) and condensate temperature are
within normal range, then the clearance should be as designed. But if the condenser pressure
(vacuum) is abnormal and condensate temperature is high, then the LP cylinder gets hotter than
the allowed limit, causing more volume expansion in the condenser. The result is that the distance
bolt clearance is decreased or goes to zero. If design clearances arent observed, turbine vibration
may increase and the turbine load must be reduced.
Next, dont forget the bolts, pins, and other casing joints. Casings for HP turbines have thick
walls, as well as big horizontal joint flanges that require bolts and pins. There are times when
turbine loads quickly change or the casing flange and walls are heated unevenly during startup or
shutdown of a unit. A temperature difference between the top and bottom of the HP and IP
casings (usually 50C to 70C) and flange pins (maximum 15C to 25C) can cause steam leakage
through the casing horizontal joint.
Finally, uncompensated movement of steam pipes connected to the casing can cause casing
movements and rotor vibration. This is particularly true for large-diameter pipes with thick walls.
When the turbine is operating, the rotor has axial movement, as does the turbine casing. Thermal
expansion of the system is accounted for in the turbine design. The forces and moments that these
large pipes apply to the casing are also considered during turbine design. Excessive pipe
connection loads may cause casing deformation, and the bending moments applied to the casing
flanges may also cause displacement and movement of the cylinder within the casing, either of
which can increase rotor vibration.
Farshad Shamoradi ([email protected]) is manager of the instrument
department, Naser Mohammadi is manager of the engineering department, and Mahdi Heidari
Kahkesh is manager of overall maintenance at the Ramin Power Plant, Ahwaz Power Generation
Management Co.