Drug Card
Drug Card
Drug Card
Classification: Antibiotic
Normal range: Adults 500
mg daily PO or IV for 10-14 days for community-acquired pneumonia
Onset: Oral- Varies Peak: Oral- 1-2 hrs
Duration: Oral- 3-5 hr
IV- End of infusion
IV- 3-5 hr
pt dose and route: 1-2 inhalations every 4-6 hr, 2-4 mg 3-4 xs PO
Major Side Effects: Myocardial damage when doses of 5-8 g/day are
ingested daily for several weeks or when doses of 4g/day are ingested
for 1 yr, Hepatic toxicity & failure
Major Nursing Implications: Do not exceed the recommended dosage
Prep- Use as prepared. For small, pediatric doses; draw solution into
a syringe & administer using a syringe pump. Do not refrigerate. Use
w/in 6 hr of breaking vacuum seal on vial.
Infusion- Infuse over 15 min.
Incompatibilities- Do not add other meds to vial or infusion device.
Physically incompatible w/diazepam & chlorpromazine; do not
administer simultaneously.
Normal range: