Clinical Med Cards
Clinical Med Cards
Clinical Med Cards
setting. Each time a student is assigned a new medication they must complete the “medication general information”
section for that medication along with the “patient impact and considerations” section. Subsequent interactions with
the same medication will only require the student to complete a new row for the “patient impact and considerations”
section for each medication (see example below).
Ther class. Antianxiety Depresses the CNS by potentiating GABA, inhibitory Respiratory depression
pharmclass. benzodiazpines
N 5mg Q8H prescribed for monitor patient due to allergy of Did not see patient take this
11/2/19 antianxiety cyclobenzopine, and PT stating allergy to drug
multiple muscle relaxers
antipyretics exact MOA is unknown, thought to inhibit necrosis of liver or fulminant hepatic
the production of prostaglandins which may failure, nausea, stomach pain, rash,
nonopioid analgesics
mediate pain in the brain headache, dark urine, clay-colored
N 1 tab 1000mg, treat ment of Health status and alcohol Medication did not seem to control
11/2/19 Q6H (max mild to consumption should be assessed pain
4000mg/24hr) moderate pain before given. Pain should be
reassessed after 30-60 min after
patient takes medication. Pain
should also be assessed before
giving med
contraindicated for patients with
liver and renal impairments
ther class. antiulcer agents binds to enzyme on on gastric parietal cells in presence CDAD, abdominal pain, dizziness,
of acidic gastric pH drowsiness, fatigue
pharmclass. proton pump inhibitor
N 40 mg oral duodenal ulcers, contraindicated for those with a Did not witness pt. taking this
11/2/19 2x day reduces risk of GI hypersensitivty to omeprazole or other medication
bleeding, and heart drugs such as benzimidazoles. Nurse
dosage: burn should check chart and verify with patient
120mg up before administering .
to 3x daily
Therclass. antiparkinson agents Stimulates receptors in striatum of the brain Sleep attacks, orthostatic hypotension,
hallucinations, dyskinesia
pharmclass. dopamine agents
N tab 0.5mg, muscle Signs of orthostatic hypotension Did not see patient take this
11/2/19 1x evening spasms/stiffness should be monitored as the patient is medication
already at risk with his impaired
0.5- 6mg
MEDICATION Trade: Isordil or Dilatrate-SR
Trade: lasix Generic: isosorbide mononitrate
Generic: Furosemide
Classification Mechanism
Mechanism of ofAction
Action Side
Side Effects
Ther: antianginals
Ther class. diureticsPharm: Vasodilatpr, increase
Inhibits the reabsorption of Hypotension, tachycardia,
Erythema multiforme, stevens-dizziness,
Pharm class. loop diuretics coronary
sodium andblood flowfrom
chloride by the headache,
johnson vomitingtoxic epidermal
dilation of coronary arteries
loop of henle and distal renal necrolysis, aplastic anemia,
Home Date Order Reason
CONSIDERATIONS Observations/Assessments
Hom Date &
Order Medication
Reason for Considerations
Nursing Observations/Assessments
Y/Ne Safe Dosage
& Medication Considerations
Med Range (SDR)
Safe Dosage
? 30mg
RangeXL PO
(SDR) Prevention of CA for concurrent Observe pt. blood pressure
Y/N daily heartburn use with PDE-5
2/11/2 40mg IV q12h prevention of high medication can no known issues taking
Max dose= Begin with lower
0 20-40mg blood pressure and cause blurred medication nurse described
240mg/day dose with geriatric
to avoid increased
risk of hypotension
(double q2hr edema due to heart vision, dizziness, purpose of medication to PT
to max of failure headache, vertigo
(Vallerand, Sanoski, Deglin, & Mansell, 2017)