Prediction of Radar Cross Section of Target Using Backscattered Phenomenon

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1593 - 1598


Prediction of Radar Cross Section of Target Using Backscattered Phenomenon

B. Lavanya
BITS Vizag
[email protected]

V. Appala Raju

L. Yuva Kishore

BITS Vizag
[email protected]

BITS Vizag
[email protected]

Abstract- Prediction of radar cross section measurements for different target shapes has been studied in this paper and we are developing the
mat lab coding to simulate the output graphs for different objects. This paper has describe the radar absorbing material characterization and radar
cross section measurements, by using very simple objects (or) targets.
Simple targets like sphere, rectangular flat plate, triangular flat plate, ellipsoid, truncated cone, cylinder and circular flat plate were measuring
the backscattered radiation target. Typical radar cross sections were obtained in different aspect angles, like by reflecting the object from
target to radar and detecting in shapes like frequency, and also detect the size, shape ,material, incident angle, reflected angle and distance
between the radar transmitter and target.
Keywords-component; Radar cross section; Radar shapes, Radar measurements

(RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is with
radar. A larger RCS indicates that an object is more easily
detected. When radar waves are beamed at a target, only a
certain amount is reflected back

An ellipsoid is a three-dimensional figure. Each of three
perpendicular axis, whose plane selection are normal to one
axis are circles and all the other plane sections are ellipse.
Rectangular Flat Plate:
A 4-sided flat shape. Where all interior angles are right
angle (90).And also opposite sides of parallel and of equal
A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball. Every point on
the surface is the same distance from the center.

Radar Cross Section diagramwhile important in detecting

targets, strength of emitter and distance are not factors that
affect the calculation of a RCS because the RCS is
(approximately) only a property of the target. The amount of
incident power interrupted by the target and reradiated in the
direction of radar is known as radar cross section.
= lim 42


Backscattered Phenomenon:
The best known example of a radar target of known
scattering properties is a conducting sphere whose
backscatter cross section in the optical regime is given by
the formula is
= 2 , (2)
where r is the radius of the sphere and is the wavelength of
the radiation [2].
Simple Objects:

Triangular Flat Plate:

It is a 3-sided flat plate and having three corners. All sides
of triangle are equal length. It is having three vertices
Truncated Cone:
It is also known as frustum. A frustum is a portion of solid
(normally a cone) that lies between two parallel planes
cutting in it.
Acylinder whose radius of cross sectionis ellipse is called an
elliptical cylinder. A Cylinder whose radius of cross section
is circular is called a circular cylinder. Here we are
considering the length between the two circular cylinder and
elliptical cylinder.
Circular Flat Plate:
It is a 3 sided flat plat. Every point on the surface is same
distance from the center. It is having a three co- ordinary, z.
we are taking at an angle.

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1593 - 1598

2. Factors That Effect on Radar Cross Section
As a rule, the larger an object, the stronger its RADAR
reflection and thus the greater its RCS. Also, RADAR of
one band may not even detect certain size objects. For
example. 10 cm (S-band RADAR) can detect rain drops but
not clouds whose droplets are too small.
RCS of an Antenna:For the case of an antenna the total
RCS can be divided into two separate components as
Structural Mode RCS and Antenna Mode RCS. The two
components of the RCS relate to the two scattering
phenomena that takes place at the antenna. When an
electromagnetic signal falls on an antenna surface, some part
of the electromagnetic energy is scattered back to the space.
This is called structural mode scattering. The remaining part
of the energy is absorbed due to the antenna effect. Some
part of the absorbed energy is again scattered back into the
space due to the impedance mismatches, called antenna
mode scattering.

Ellipsoid figure centered at (0, 0, 0)

x 2

y 2

z 2

= 1 (3)

Ellipsoid backscattered RCS formula is = c 2 (4)

Rectangular Flat Plate: Consider a perfectly conducting
rectangular flat plate in the x-y plan as shown in Fig. The
two sides of the plate are denoted by 2a and 2b. For a
linearly incident wave in the x-z plane, the horizontal and
vertical backscattered RCS respectively given by
V =
H =



1V 2V
1H 2H





3V + 4V
3H + 4H


5H (6)

RADAR Absorption Point: The SR-71 Blackbird and other

planes were painted with a special "iron ball paint". This
consisted of small metallic-coated balls. RADAR energy is
converted to heat rather than being reflected.
The horizontal and vertical backscattered RCS is reduced to
Materials such as metal are strongly radar reflective and
tend to produce strong signals. Wood and cloth (such as
portions of planes and balloons used to be commonly made)
or plastic and fiber glass are less reflective or indeed
transparent to RADAR making them suitable for ran domes.
Even a very thin layer of metal can make an object strongly
radar reflective. Also, some devices are designed to be
RADAR active, such as RADAR antennae and this will
increase RCS

H 0(7)
V =



2(2a )

+ 1

2(2a )2

cos( 2ka


The back scattered RCS for a perfectly conducting thin

rectangular plate for incident wave at any , can be
approximated by

3. Description of Simple Targets

ab 2

4a 2 b 2

sin (ak sin cos sin ( bk sin cos 2

ak sin cos

bk sin sin

(cos )2 (9)

Sphere: In this section, it is assumed the radar is always

illuminating an object from the positive z direction. Due to
symmetry waves scattered from a perfectly conducting
sphere are cross-signal (have the same signal) with the
incident waves. This means that the backscattered waves are
practically zero. For example, if the incident waves were left
circularly signal (LCS), then the backscattered wave will
also be LCS. However, because of the opposite direction of
propagation of the backscattered waves, they are considering
to be Right circularly signal (RCS) by the receiving antenna.
Therefore, the perfect signal (PS), backscattered wave from
a sphere are LCS in z axis, the opposite signal (OS),
backscattered wave from a sphere is negligible.

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1593 - 1598

Triangular flat plate backscattered RCS formula is
4A 2

sin ( 2) 4

(cos )2

( 2)4


Truncated cone
The half cone angle is given by
tan =
The normalized exact backscattered RCS for a perfectly
conducting sphere is a MIE series is given by

r 2

n=1(1 )


2n + 1

kr J n 1 nJ n (kr )

kr H n 1 kr nH n (kr )

(r 2 r 1 )



Where Z is equal to Z1 or Z2 depending on whether the

RCS contribution is from small or larger of the cone. Again

using trigonometric identities can be reduces to


Mie is nothing but a scientist name. Where r is the radius of

the sphere, k= 2, is the wavelength. Jn be the Bessel
function of first order n. HN is the hankle function of n. and
is given by
Hn1 kr = Jn kr + jYn (kr)(11)
z tan

Two regions are identified here they are Rayleigh, optical

= 8 sin tan( )

region. First is optical region (corresponding to smaller

region). In this case,

When the radar illuminates the frustum starting from the

smaller end (i.e., the radar is in negative Z direction should

= r 2 r>>(12)

modified to = 8 sin tan( + )

Second is Rayleigh region (corresponding to larger region).

Indicator: Indicator 0 is when viewing from smaller end.

In this case,

Indicator1 is when viewing from larger end.

Two cases are presented: first, the general case of an
elliptical cross section cylinder; second, the case of a
circular cross section cylinder. The normal and non-normal
incidence backscattered RCS due to linearly incident wave
from an elliptical cylinder with minor and major radii being
r1 and r2 are respectively given below

= 9r 2 (kr)4 r (13)
The region between Optical and Rayleigh region is
oscillatory in nature are called Mie region.
Triangular Flat Plate
Consider the triangular flat plates defined by the
isosceles triangle are oriented.

z tan

The back scattered RCS can be approximate for small

2 2 2
2 +r 2 (sin )2 1.5


4A 2

(cos )2 0 (14)


8 (cos )



r 22 r 21 sin
r 1 (cos )2 +r 21 (sin )2


For a circular cylinder of a radius r, then due to roll

symmetry, the Equations can be reduced to

2H 2 r

n =


r sin
8(cos )2


IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1593 - 1598

It shows the back scattered RCS of an elliptical cylinder and

Graph1: Here given =30, a=2, b=3, c=4;

shows the back scattered RCS of an elliptical cylinder and

circular cylinder.

Elliptical Cylinder; Circular Cylinder

` Cylinder type: Circular, i.e., r1=r2.

Rectangle Flat Plate:

Graph2: Here a=1, b=2, frequency=30;

Elliptic, i.e., r1 r2.

Circular Flat Plate:

Graph3: Sphere in RCS
It shows a circular flat plate of radius r,
Centered at the origin. Due to circular symmetry, the
circular backscattered RCS of a circular flat plate has no
dependency on . The RCS is only aspect angle ()
dependent. For normal incidence (i.e., zero aspect angle ()
the backscattered RCS of circular flat plate is

4 3 r 4

= 00 (23)

For non-normal incidence, two

Graph4: RCS sphere in db

Approximations for the circular flat plate backscattered RCS

for an linearly incident wave are

= 8 sin ((tan ))2 (24)

= k 2 r 4

2J 1 (2kr sin ) 2
2kr sin

(cos )2 (25)

4. Simulation Results

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1593 - 1598

Graph 5:

Circular type

Normalized sphere RCS in db

Triangular Flat Plate:

Graph 6: Here we are given a-1, b=2, =5, freq=30

Graph 10: Here we are given r1=1, r2=2, h=5, freq=30,


Elliptical type

Truncated Cone:
Graph 7: Here given r1=1, r2=2, h=5, freq=30, indicator.
Frustum at larger end

Circular Flat Plate:

Graph 11: Here we are given r=5, freq=30;

5. Conclusion
Graph8: Here we are given r1=1, r2=2, h=5, freq=30,
Frustum at smaller end

Graph 9: Here we are given r1=1, r2=2, freq=30, =20,

Using the MATLAB programming, prediction of

radar cross section of some simple shapes of targets like
sphere, ellipsoid, circular flat plates, truncated cone
(frustum), cylinder, rectangular flat plate, triangular flat
plate (isosceles) and complex targets are obtained, Were
characterized by measuring the backscattered radiation
patterns in different aspect angles The RCSvariation as a
function of frequency is obtained for two scatters and are
presented. When the scattering spacing is more, RCS is
highly oscillatory, while RCS is less oscillatory for lower
scattering spacing. The backscattered RCS as a function of
sphere circumference in wavelength is obtained these
variations are obtained in the three regions namely
region, RCS oscillates as a function of frequency. For this
purpose, spheres are flown attached to balloons. In order to

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1593 - 1598

obtain Doppler shift, spheres of known RCS are dropped out
of an airplane and towed behind the airplane whose velocity
is known to the radar.


Her Research interests include Microwave devices, and

Wireless communications

6. FutureScope
Target cross sections of complex or extended targets such as
aircrafts, ships and missiles are complicated and difficult to
obtain. In such cases, the best radar RCS estimates are those
obtained experimentally. However, experimentally RCS
measurements may not always be possible. In such cases,
estimates of the target physical shape and dimensions are
used to compute RCS estimate using computer simulations.
Since a target cross section is very sensitive to aspect angle,
unless the target is stationary, change (fluctuate) over a
period of time. Swirling has calculated the detection
probability densities for different types of target fluctuations
widely known as swirling-I through swirling-IV. Targets
that do not have any fluctuations are normally referred to as
swerling-0 or swirling-V targets.

V.Appalaraju, M.Tech , received his Masters

degree in Radar & Microwave Engineering from Andhra
University. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor in the
department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Baba
Institute of Technology and Sciences (BITS). He is qualified three
times (2011,2012,2014) in GATE exam. His Research interests
include Antennas, Microwave devices, and Wireless






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Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Pydha
college of Engineering & Technology, JNTUK and received her Masters
degree in VLSI System Design from BITS JNTUK. Currently, she is
working as Assistant Professor in the department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Baba Institute of Technology and Sciences

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


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