v04 Savor Croartian Bridges Sofistik

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Croatian Bridges designed by Structural department of Zagreb Civil

Engineering Faculty utilizing Sofistik software

Zlatko Savor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Structural Department, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Einige grssere kroatische Brcken sind beschrieben, die alle mit Sofistik Programmen
berechnet wurden. Die Projekte aller diesen Brcken wurden ausgefhrt von der Konstruktiven
Abteilung der Fakultt fr Bauwesen, Universitt Zagreb, Kroatien. Die Rijeka Dubrovaka Brcke
ist eine Schrgseilbrcke mit Verbundberbau, die Krka Autobahnbrcke ein Stahlbetonbogen mit
Verbundberbau, die Mirna Brcke eine Balkenbrcke im Verbund und die Jasenovac Brcke eine
sthlerne Balkenbrcke. Um mit lteren Versionen von Sofistik einfacher umgehen zu knnen,
wurden einige Vorprogramme geschrieben in parametrischer Darstellung, die sich an Sofistik,
AutoCad und MS Word Programme anlehnen, sehr hnlich zu den neuen Sofistik Programmen
CSM und SSD.




The works on the bridge started in 1990, before the war for Croatian independence, when approach
roads and west bank abutment were constructed. After the war, the original design was changed and
the works restarted in 1999. Works on the bridge construction started again in 1999, based on a
modification of the original design.


The asymmetrical layout with one pylon had to be chosen because the motorway from the west
enters the bridge in a sharp curve, so that the more economical three - span cable-stayed structure
was not possible. The location of the bridge is in a highly active seismic zone and subject to very
strong winds, which strongly influenced the bridge design.

Figure 1.1: Photo of the completed bridge.

The bridge consists of the main cable-stayed bridge with composite superstructure with spans of
244 + 80,7 m, and the 87,4 m box type prestressed concrete approach viaduct with the 60 m
cantilever. The overall bridge length between abutment ends is 518.23 m (Fig.1.1).

Figure 1.2: Old (top) and new (bottom) design of the bridge across the Rijeka Dubrovaka.

According to the original design, the bridge should have had two separate structures, the skew and
curved approach viaduct on the west side in prestressed concrete and the main cable - stayed bridge
(Fig. 1.2, on the top). The stiffening girder of the cable - stayed bridge consisted of prestressed
concrete beam in side span and steel box type girder in main span, interconnected for complete
flexural continuity at the pylon. The ratio of the side span in prestressed concrete to the main span
in steel was 0,30. The "A" shaped concrete pylon was 163,6 m high, so that ratio of the height of the
pylon to the main span was amounted to 0,37.
The Contractor changed the original design in order to simplify the construction procedure and to
reduce the maintenance costs. The following changes have been made:

The prestressed concrete box-type approach viaduct on the right bank has been extended

into the main span by 60 m and the intermediate pier eliminated. This led to the reduction of the
suspended main span by 60 m.

The superstructure of the main bridge was changed to open composite type, comprising the

steel grillage of two main girders 2 m high, cross girders and concrete deck plate of 25 cm thickness
(fig. 1.3). Subsequent wind tunnel testing revealed that bottom wind bracing is to be installed, to
increase the torsional stiffness of the superstructure cross section.

The height of the pylon has been reduced to 141,5 m.

Prestressed concrete approach viaduct

stayed bridge

Figure 1.3: Cross sections of the Rijeka Dubrovaka bridge.


The longitudinal layout of the cables is of modified fan type with partial suspension. Cable - stays
in two inclined planes are spaced at 20 m.
Main girders are 2 m high. The beam is supported at the end of the approach viaduct cantilever, at
the pylon cross-beam and fixed at the east abutment. The steel grade is St 52-3 according to DIN
and the concrete deck is C 35/45.

The "A" shaped concrete pylon is of box-type, with walls max. 60 cm thick (Fig. 1.4). Cable stays
transfer large forces to the top of the pylon, so that it had to be prestressed longitudinally and
transversally. The designer offered an alternative with cable anchorages to the pylon in steel, but it
was rejected for economic reasons. The complicated executed detail is highlighted in Fig. 1.4.



Figure 1.4: Pylon of the Rijeka Dubrovaka bridge.

The prestressed approach viaduct is partially curved in plan. The superstructure depth varies from
3,2 m at the west bank abutment and at the cantilever end to 8,2 m at the fixed connection to the
pier (Fig. 1.3). Two hydraulic dampers of 200 tons capacity are installed at the connection of the
viaduct to the west bank abutment, acting in the direction of the bridge axis to act as fixed bearings
in case of a major earthquake and thus reduce earthquake actions on the pier (Fig.1.5). The pier base
is designed to act as plastic hinge in seismic event.
Design concrete grades were C 35/45. The concrete cover was 5 cm for the pylon, the pier and the
superstructure, and 10 cm for the foundations and piles under sea level.
The substructure of the bridge across the Rijeka Dubrovaka comprises:

west bank abutment which has to take up large vertical actions from the superstructure and
uplifting forces in the case of a earthquake (Fig. 1.5),

approach viaduct pier (Fig. 1.6)

pylon, whose foundations are located very close to the sea

east bank abutment which must carry very large uplifting force due to six cable-stays
anchored in the abutment.

The west bank abutment has been built before the war, according to the original design. Actions of
the superstructure increased due the enlargement of the adjacent span in the new design solution
(from the original 43,5 m to 87,35 m). The bearing layout was also changed. Additional bearings for
the uplift reactions were installed. For this reasons, the abutment had to be reconstructed and






Figure 1.5: West bank abutment

The approach viaduct pier is placed into the narrow space between the sea and the main road. The
pier cross-section is of box-type, with outer dimensions of 8.0*5.0 m. Foundations are on bored
piles, connected at the top by a 4,0 m deep concrete plate (Fig. 1.6).

Figure 1.6: Approach viaduct pier

The east bank abutment (Fig. 1.7) is designed as a massive box structure, with vertically prestressed
side walls. The interior is filled with stone. Six pairs of cable - stays are anchored into this
abutment, and the main bridge superstructure is fixed into it.

Figure 1.7: East bank abutment

Originally, the shallow slab foundation was designed for the east bank abutment. In the final
solution deep bored piles foundation was adopted instead which enabled us to increase the
behaviour factor q for the abutment to q=1.5, as bored piles are expected to behave with limited
Pylon legs are founded on slabs, 15.50*15.50 m large and 6.0 m thick. Slabs are interconnected in
transversal direction by a beam, 4.0 m wide and 3.0 m thick. Twenty permanent geotechnical
anchors had to be installed in longitudinal bridge direction, due to unfavourable inclination of the
rock layers, in order to restrain the foundations against differential movements.

Structural analysis

The location of the bridge is characterised by influences of sea (salt), strong winds and high
probability of strong earthquakes, so that extent preliminary investigations were necessary. The
contract between the Croatian Government and Walter-Bau as the main contractor prescribed the
utilisation of German DIN codes, except for the seismic design, which was to be performed
according to EC8.
The Seismological study of the bridge location was performed on Zagreb University. The RWTH
institute in Aachen performed non-linear dynamic analysis of the bridge, based on the artificial
accelerograms, designed on the basis of real recordings of actual earthquakes in the area. The
design acceleration was prescribed as 0,38g, based on 500-year return period.
Wind gusts from the north at the bridge location can reach speeds of up to 50 m/s. The wind tunnel
testing was performed at RWTH, together with numerical simulations of dynamic behaviour of the
structure. As a result, the wind load on the structure was determined as follows.
Wind loading on the superstructure:
Horizontal force:

8.85 kN/m,

Uplifting force:

10.4 kN/m,


13.06 kNm/m (beam torsion)

Wind loading on the pylon: 3.25 6.64 kN/m2 depending on the height above sea level.
All numerical analyses were performed utilising SOFISTIK program package. Various numerical
models were used to simulate structural behaviour of completed bridge, including construction
phases (global behaviour) and also structural behaviour of critical structural elements (local
structural behaviour), such as the concrete deck plate of the composite superstructure, anchorage
zone of the pylon, the hinge between the composite cable stayed superstructure and the approach
viaduct, deep bored piles' foundations and similar.

Global behaviour was modelled with beam elements, while detailed local models combined beam
and plate elements.
All governing loadings were analysed for prescribed combinations, for time t=0 and t=:
- main loadings: self-weight, permanent load, traffic load, creep and shrinkage
- additional loadings: wind load, temperature, braking load
- accidental loadings: earthquake.
The governing DIN live loading scheme is SLW 60.
The main cable-stayed bridge was modelled as a space frame taking into account appropriate
stiffnesses of the superstructure, steel only for dead weight and composite for all other loadings.
The deck slab model included both, beam type and plate type finite elements, representing 120 m of
the deck, from the east abutment to the first stay behind the pylon. It was used to analyse influences
of live loading and of stay connections, transmitting large normal forces into the deck. The
nonprestressed reinforcement in the slab was designed superimposing actions of both global and
local numerical models.
The stress-check of the main steel girders was performed utilising allowed stress concept, as
prescribed in relevant DIN codes. The stability check of the main steel girder was also performed
according to the German regulations.
The stays were dimensioned with maximum allowable stresses 0.45 x 1770 = 796.5 N/mm2 for
main loadings and 0.5 x 1770 = 885.0 N/mm2 for main and additional loadings.
The largest stress for fatigue check is 116.9 N/mm2, which is less than allowed 124 N/mm2.
Cable stay steel anchor plates had to be designed with partial plastification in critical areas

Figure 1.8: Numerical model of cable stay steel anchor plate

The construction sequence was strictly prescribed in the final design documents. Various
possibilities for the construction of the deck slab were analysed; precast slab, semi-precast slab and
finally monolithic slab was chosen.
A separate numerical model was used for the analysis of erection phases. The stiffness of the
superstructure segments was adjusted to simulate the placing of the concrete slab. 141 phases were
analysed on 12 different numerical systems. As a result, the construction procedure manual was
created, defining all construction phases, including the values of the prestressing forces for all stays.
All activities were planned taking into account the following:
- stay tension should be within the prescribed limits
- stresses in steel girders and in the concrete slab should be within allowable limits
- pylon must remain nearly vertical (front and back stays must have been stressed in turns)
- transverse force at the pylon top should be limited
- composite beam deflections have to be under control
- derrick crane was to wide to pass between already installed pair of stays, so that it had to be
moved forward in 10 m increments.
The wind loading on the pylon was based on wind tunnel tests. The values used for the bridge in
service were based on the hundred year return period and for construction phases on a ten years
return period.
The pylon was numerically modelled with beam elements, and the soil with springs. 26 construction
phases were analysed. All relevant loads were taken into account: self weight of the pylon,
scaffolding and formwork, the influence of the crane fixed to the pylon walls and the wind load.
Horizontal deformations occurred due to inclination of the pylon legs. They were calculated and
compensated for during construction sequence.
The pylon during construction is longitudinally a cantilever 142.5 m high. Later, when the stays are
in place the pylon is partially restrained and its slenderness decreases. The wind load on completed
and longitudinally free pylon was governing for the dimensioning. The geometrical and material
non-linear calculation was performed. The increase of the non-linear bending moment, compared to
the linear one was 38%.
The pylon top with cable stays anchorages was analysed separately, utilising several plane and
space models (Fig. 1.9). Stays introduce large horizontal forces into the pylon, which had to be
transmitted using large reinforcement, both prestressed and non-prestressed, stretching in
longitudinal and transverse direction.

The statical analysis of the PC structure on the west bank was made separately, strictly following
the construction sequence. Creep and shrinkage was accounted for based on the age of a particular
superstructure segment. Actions from the cable stayed superstructure were introduced in the form of
concentrated loads. The scaffolding (moving gantry) and the formwork load, amounting to 2 x 650
kN were accounted for.

Figure 1.9: Spatial model of the pylon top, with cable stay anchorages

The calculation of the camber was performed, based on all construction stages to achieve desired
geometry (grade-line). Altogether 120 construction phases were analysed, including concreting
phases, stressing of the tendons, moving of the scaffolding, activating and removing of the
temporary piers. All considered phases were included into the final construction protocol.
The dynamic seismic analysis was performed utilising spectrum analysis procedure, according to
EC 8, for soil class B.
The cable stayed superstructure was analysed as limited ductile with behaviour factor q=1.5. This
behaviour factor was utilised for the composite superstructure, the pylon and east bank abutment.
The seismic design of the PC beam bridge on the west coast was specially demanding. It was
performed using equivalent linear dynamic analysis of the bridge. Obtained forces were modified
by behaviour factors, according to EC 8/2. The reduction of the seismic forces, by the behaviour
factor q > 1.2 could have been performed under the condition that the adequate measures are
provided in order to avoid premature damage in the dissipative zone. The additional non-linear
analysis have shown that the behaviour factor q = 3.5 may be applied. The most sensitive part is the
dissipative zone at the pier bottom. Preliminary studies showed that sufficient ductility has to be
achieved by introducing the plastic hinge at the base of the pier. The RWTH study concluded that

the designed horizontal displacements must be 1.43 times elastic movements (q=1). The real
movements shall be smaller due to the introduction of the hydraulic dampers.
The foundation slab of the west pier was modelled utilising plate elements on elastic subsoil. The
stiffness of the soil was modelled with tension soil stresses excluded.


The superstructure of the approach viaduct was executed by free cantilevering procedure
symmetrically from the pier. Two auxiliary concrete columns were utilised to stabilise the
construction in the 87.4 m span (Fig. 1.10).
The superstructure was prestressed in two phases. In the first phase, during cantilever construction,
tendons in upper flange and in the webs were prestressed. After the completion of each segment at
least two tendons ending at the segment end were prestressed. After the completion of the structure
additional tendons in the lower flange were prestressed to cover for sagging bending moments

Figure 1.10: Approach viaduct of the Rijeka Dubrovaka bridge in construction phase

Figure 1.11: Tendon layout for the approach viaduct

Two different erection procedures were used for construction of the main bridge superstructure. The
steel grillage of the 80,7 m side span and 33 m long adjoining part of the main span was erected by
incremental launching from the left bank abutment (Fig. 1.12). The mass of the structure to be
launched at the end of the procedure reached 508.2 tonnes. The erection procedure was completed
in 4 months. The combination of two procedures was chosen in order to avoid auxiliary piers in the
side span over inhabited area.

Figure 1.12: Launching of the steel grillage from east-end abutment

The remaining 211m long steel grillage of the main span was erected in 20 m long segments by free
cantilevering. The derrick-crane of 90 tons capacity was used to lift the segments from the barge
floating on the sea underneath (Fig. 1.13). Concreting of the deck plate followed two segments
behind current derrick-crane position.

Figure 1.13: Lifting of one steel segment

The final adjustment of the cable-stayed, superstructure geometry was successfully performed after
placing of furnishings by appropriate additional tensioning of the cable-stays, based exactly on the
results of numerical analysis.

Figure 1.14: The last segment of the steel structure was installed from the approach viaduct, using mobile crane

Structural part


Quality of the material

Concrete: 614 m3

C 45

Reinforcement: 136 tones

St 500

Concrete: 3554 m3

C 45 (C55 pylon top)

Reinforcement: 1048 tones

St 500

Tendons: 11 tones

St 1570/1770

Concrete: 1,08 m3/m2

C 45

Reinforcement: 230 kg/m2

St 500

Tendons: 60 kg/m2

St 1570/1770

Concrete: 0.3 m3/m2

C 55

Reinforcement: 129 kg/m2

St 500

Steel: 310 kg/m2

St 52-3

309 tones

St 1570/1770



Prestressed beam

Composite beam


Table 1.1. Structural material quantities.

Test loading was performed, proving the accuracy of the design and statical analysis. The largest
measured deflections in the main span were 289 mm, compared to the calculated value of 298 mm.

The minimum attained concrete grade for all structural parts was C 45/55, basically due to the very
low prescribed water to cement ratio of 0.35.
Basic data:
Total bridge length:

518.23 m

Bridge width:

variable, 12.6 - 16.25 m

Pylon height:

141.5 m

Pylon height/main span:


Prestressed beam:

147.4 m

Cable-stayed bridge:

324.7 m

The bridge across the Rijeka Dubrovacka was opened for traffic in May 2002

Croatian Roads, Zagreb

Main design:

Structural Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, Zagreb

Detailed concrete design:

Structural Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, Zagreb

Erection design:

Structural Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, Zagreb

Steel workshop drawings:

CIMOLAI, Pordenone, Italy

Main Contractor:

Joint Venture Walter-Bau AG - Konstruktor Inenjering, Split

Steel Subcontractor:

CIMOLAI, Pordenone, Italy



The Mirna viaduct lies on the west leg of the Istrian Y motorway on section Nova Vas Vinjan,
at the location where it crosses the Mirna valley and the Mirna River.
The layout of the viaduct was defined by constraints of its location in the Mirna River valley,
particularly because the soil is alluvium of very low bearing capacity. It was necessary to reduce the
total weight of the viaduct as much as possible because of extremely adverse soil conditions and to
fulfill this requirement a relatively light steel superstructure was chosen. On the other hand, span
lengths must not have been too small to reduce the number of costly foundations. The typical span
length of 66.5 m was chosen.
The final bridge layout was obtained by taking account of all the constraints on the ground below
the bridge, the Mirna River bed, existing irrigation channels, etc.
The motorway design for the viaduct motorway section was developed by the Engineering design
office (IPZ) from Zagreb and comprised the full four lane motorway profile and all ground plan and
vertical alignments were given for the motorway axis in the middle of median strip. The viaduct
axis is 5.5 m away from the motorway axis and with ground plan alignment of the motorway in
4,000.0 m curvature, the ground plan alignment of the viaduct is in constant curvature of 4,005.5 m.

The vertical grade line alignment is in uniform concave curvature of 17,500.0 m, following the
terrain profile to limit the height of viaduct columns. The overall viaduct length, measured in the
viaduct axis, is 1,378.03 m with spans:
L=51.07+15x66.491+70.096+2x50.069+63.087+42.558+30,542=1354.86 m.

Figure 2.1: Longitudinal section and ground plan alignment of Mirna viaduct layout

The overall width of the viaduct deck without cornices is 10.10 m, the width between safety barriers
is 9.10 m and the roadway width between curbs is 8.62 m, comprising two traffic lanes of 3.5 m
each and safety strips.


Both abutments are standard of closed-end type with short cantilevered parallel wings. Ample space
is left between the abutment backwall and the superstructure making possible the installation of
longitudinal viscous dampers to enhance the viaduct behavior under seismic loads. During
construction abutments had to be redesigned to fit the requirements of expansion joints and viscous
dampers actually installed, which were quite different from those defined in the final design. The
constructed abutment C0 is shown in Figure 2.2.

50 105

105 50














MHD 1000/960









Figure 2.2: Abutment C0





All viaduct piers are very slender of H shaped cross section, comprising a web and two flanges
extending in the direction of the bridge axis. The pier height, measured from the hammerhead top to
the pile cap top, varies from the minimum value of 13.45 m for P1 pier to the maximum value of
40.026 m for the pier P19. Wall thicknesses of all piers are equal with webs 30.0 cm thick and
flanges 35.0 cm thick. All piers are of constant width of 4.5 m perpendicular to the bridge axis
extending along their height. In the bridge axis direction all piers are tapered, following the same
functional relation, with the flange length of 2.5 m on top increasing towards the bottom at the slope
of 40:1. The 7.5 m long hammerhead, 2.5 m wide and 1.5 m deep with recess, is provided on a pier
top to support the superstructure. Structural bearings are placed on concrete blocks on tops of

105 50




50 105





50 100








50 100


110 30 110





30 176.8














Figure 2.3: Typical pier with steel piles layout

Both abutments and piers P1P2 and P20P21 are founded on shallow spread footings on the solid
rock of Mirna valley slopes. Piers P3P4 and P18P19 are founded on bearing steel driven piles
HTM 600x149 penetrating the rock with their tips, while all other piers in the valley P5P17 are

founded on friction steel driven piles HTM 600x149 with the toe level at 65.0 m elevation. Steel
piles penetrate concrete pile caps on the length of at least 1.0 m. Pile caps are 2.0 m deep and
9.4x9.2 m in ground plan, constructed with their tops at about 0.5 m elevation. A typical pier,
including the layout of steel driven piles in ground plan, the pile cap and the hammerhead is shown
in Figure 2.3.


Composite superstructure

The relatively slender superstructure consists of two main steel plate girders spaced at 5,500.0 mm,
cross beams in frame action and of a concrete deck plate in composite action with main girders. The
superstructure is continuous over 22 spans with overall length of 1,354.86 m. Main steel plate
girders have uniform overall depth of 2,750.0 mm to facilitate erection by longitudinal launching.
The top flange is of constant width of 700.0 mm and the bottom flange of uniform width of 800.0
mm along the whole viaduct length. The typical thickness of the top flange is 30.0 mm, used in all
spans (except for the 70.0 m L17 span with 35.0 mm thickness), at both abutments C0 and C22 and
at piers P18 and P21. At typical supports the top flange consists of two welded plates
700x50+580x48 mm and at the most stressed pier P16 of two welded plates 700x60+560x50 mm.


50 105





a) in span


50 100


105 50


105 50


50 105



b) at supports

Figure 2.4: Superstructure cross section

The standard thickness of the bottom flange is 35.0 mm. At typical supports the bottom flange
comprises two welded plates 800x50+680x48 mm and at the most stressed pier P16 it comprises
two welded plates 800x60+660x50 mm. Webs are of uniform thickness of 16.0 mm along the whole
viaduct length and of variable depth, depending on the flange thickness. Cross beams in spans are of
welded plate girder type with flanges 300x20 mm and the web 760x12 mm. They are typically
spaced at 7,540.0 mm in spans and at 4,800.0 mm near supports to fulfill their function of
stabilizing bottom main girder flanges against lateral-torsional buckling in regions of hogging
bending moments in combined action with vertical web stiffeners. Stiffer horizontal welded plate
girder cross beams are provided at supports, with flanges 500x30 mm and the web 1,500.0x25 mm.
These cross beams allow the positioning of jacks to lift the superstructure when necessary to

compensate for soil settlements with the re-adjustment of the bearings or to make possible
replacement of bearings. They also transfer transverse horizontal forces to structural bearings in
combined action with corresponding vertical web stiffeners. The reinforced concrete deck plate is of
basic 25.0 cm depth with the depth increase to 35.0 cm at the connection to main steel plate girders
top chords. Deck plate oustand tips are stiffened by edge beams 54.0 cm deep.

Structural bearing layout

A relatively unusual structural bearing layout was adopted, made possible by the low horizontal
stiffness of friction steel pile foundations in adverse soil conditions. On piers P5P17 pairs of
longitudinally fixed structural bearings were installed with one of them movable in the transverse
direction and the other fixed. The fixity of both bearings on a particular pier in the bridge axis
direction was necessary to limit torsional effects on torsionally weak piers of H shaped cross
section. One of structural bearings on both abutments C0 and C22, and piers P1P4 and P18P21 is
free sliding and the other longitudinally guided. The superstructure is longitudinally restrained at
both abutments by two installed viscous dampers of 1,000.0 kN allowable capacity each. These
devices allow slow longitudinal movements due to uniform temperature changes, creep and
shrinkage, but lock in for sudden movements due to braking forces, longitudinal wind actions and
seismic events. Structural pot type bearings, installed on the Mirna viaduct, were delivered by the
Italian manufacturer Fip Industriale and the installed viscous dampers by the German producer

Figure 2.5: Structural bearing layout


Material grade and consumption

The material consumption for the Mirna viaduct without foundations is listed in Table 2.1, together
with the grades of both steel and concrete material.
Concrete Quantity (m3)

Structural part

Nonprestressed Quantity



per m2 reinforcement

Total (t) (kg/m2)


B 35



BSt 500 S



Concrete deck plate

B 45



BSt 500 S




structural Steel grade

St 52-3

Table 2.1: Material grade and consumption

Quantity (t)

Quantity (kg/m2)

2 720, 9



Numerical calculations

Statical, dynamical analysis, stress verifications and required reinforcement determinations were all
executed with the software package SOFISTIK. The loadings were based on the German bridge
loading norm DIN 1072, except for and the seismic loading which was assessed on the basis of EC
8. Positions of the live loading producing maximum effect were determined on the basis of
influence lines. Creep and shrinkage effects were computed utilizing DIN 4227. Loads were divided
into basic loads (H) and additional loads (Z), according to utilized norms.
2.6.1 Superstructure
Calculations of the composite superstructure were executed for both the uncracked concrete deck
plate along the whole bridge length and also under the assumption that concrete has cracked near
supports on the length of 7.0 m, measured from pier axis and extending symmetrically to both
adjoining spans.

Figure 2.6: Numerical model

Maximum bending tensile and compression stresses in top and bottom main girder chords are
summarized in Table 2.2 for both alternative analyses.
It is evident from Table 2 that the only considerable difference in bending stresses develops in the
top chord in the hogging moment region above supports.

Loading combinations (H) Loading combinations (HZ)

In span

at supports

In span

at supports

Cracked concrete

-198,4 MPa

211,5 MPa

-199,2 MPa

220,9 MPa

Uncracked concrete

-194,5 MPa

150,4 MPa

-195,5 MPa

152,6 MPa

Cracked concrete

229,5 MPa

-200,5 MPa 246,0 MPa

-212,7 MPa

Uncracked concrete


-198,0 MPa 240,5 MPa

-206,6 MPa

Top chord

Bottom chord

Table 2.2: Maximum bending stresses in top and bottom chords for cracked and uncracked concrete deck

Additionally the influence of sequence of concreting the deck plate on ensuing stresses and
deflections was investigated. The comparison between stresses in main girder chords for deck
concreting sequence accounted for and not taken into account is given in Table 2.3.

Top chord
in span

Bottom chord
at supports

In span

at supports

Deck concreting

-185,9 MPa 144,4 MPa

114,3 MPa -187,6 Mpa

not -192,4 MPa 157,5 MPa

113,2 MPa -187,0 Mpa

accounted for
Deck concreting

accounted for
Table 2.3: Maximum bending stresses in top and bottom chords with deck concreting accounted for and not
accounted for

2.6.2 Substructure
The stability verification of piers was executed by geometrical and material nonlinear analysis on
deformed structure for critical loading combinations multiplied by the global safety factor of 1.75,
according to DIN 1045. The maximum geometrical imperfection of 1/300 of the relevant buckling
length was used, distributed along the pier height, following the shape of the fundamental mode of
free vibration. The maximum obtained nonprestressed reinforcement percentages in relation to the
relevant concrete area amounted to between 0.61%-1.65%. Anchoring of steel piles was executed
by their penetration into the pile cap concrete on the length of at least 1.0 m, based on a proposal by
the Contractor. The safe transfer of forces between a steel pile and pile cap concrete was provided
for by placing shear connectors made of 32.0 mm reinforcing bars, as shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7: Anchoring of steel piles to concrete pile cap

Small pile cap depth and plan dimensions, in conjunction with unfavorable positions of
concentrated forces acting on the pile cap, required heavy reinforcement in two layers in both
directions. The 32.0 mm bar spacing was in the module of 15.0 cm. The transfer of forces to
reinforcement bars occurs at pile cap edges or at the bar starting point. Because of that main
reinforcement bars in the anchorage zones had to be spread and the actual behavior of the reinforced
concrete plate was perfectly simulated by a space truss structural system, designed by Mr
Mujkanovi. The reinforcement was placed so that it encompassed steel piles and their anchorages.
The nonprestressed reinforcement layout is depicted in Figure 2.8. An exact installation sequence
had to be prescribed for such an complicated reinforcement layout.

Figure 2.8: Nonprestressed reinforcement of pile cap



The main contractor was the French company BOUYGUES TRAVAUX PUBLICS and the
subcontractor for the production, assembly and erection of the steel part of the superstructure was
Italian company CIMOLAI. Shallow spread foundations on solid rock were executed in wide
excavation in standard formwork. Steel piles were driven prior to soil excavations for pile caps.
Piers were constructed in climbing formwork in 5.0 m long segments. Very high geometrical
precision of these works was required, because of extreme slenderness of piers. Working joints had
to be prepared and executed with utmost care. In the final step pier hammerheads were concreted.

Figure 2.9: Construction of foundations

The erection of the superstructure commenced with the assembly of steel members to segments,
comprising main longitudinal girders, cross beams and temporary horizontal bracing on a plateau
behind the abutments. Longitudinal launching of steel grillages, with most part of the concrete deck
reinforcement already in position, was executed from both abutments.

Figure 2.10: Some construction phases of Mirna viaduct

After both launchings were completed and the steel grillage connected to continuous structure, there
followed the lowering to permanent pot bearings under intensive surveying control to achieve the
design geometry by final adjustments. Concreting of the deck plate was executed on temporary
formwork, resting on main longitudinal girders, in a strictly prescribed order. There followed the
installation of viscous dampers and expansion joints at both abutments and the viaduct construction
was completed with the installation of furnishings.



BINA Istra, Pula

Main design:

Structural Dept. of Civil Engineering Faculty, Zagreb,

Foundation design:

Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia, Zagreb,

Detailed concrete design:

Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia, Zagreb,

Steel workshop drawings:

CIMOLAI, Pordenone, Italy

Main Contractor:

Bouygues Travaux Publics, Paris, France

Steel subcontractor:

CIMOLAI, Pordenone, Italy




The bridge crossing across the Sava and Una Rivers at Jasenovac, comprising seven independent
bridge structures, provides the road link between Croatia and

Bosnia and Herzegovina. The

location plan of the bridge is depicted in Fig. 3.1 and the original main bridge across the Sava River
is shown in Fig. 3.2. The bridge was opened for traffic in 1973.
During the Croatian war for independence several parts of the bridge were destroyed or damaged.
The design and construction of the main Sava River bridge renewal is briefly reviewed in this






































Figure 3.1: Location plan of the roadway crossing across Sava river at Jasenovac


Original main bridge across sava river

The original main bridge superstructure was a three-span prestressed concrete continuous beam,
constructed by free cantilevering. The choice of the box type superstructure cross section and of the

side spans to main span ratios was stipulated by the employed construction procedure without
auxiliary supports.

Figure 3.2: View of original prestressed concrete bridge across Sava River

Deep foundations were executed on reinforced concrete bored piles in mixed sand and gravel soil
layers under the protection of steel sheet cofferdams. Middle river piers S7 i S8 were founded on
eight bored piles, 1.5 m in diameter, 14,0 m to 16,0 m long. Tops of the piles were connected by 2.5
m deep pile caps. Tapered massive piers rested on pile caps. Transition two-column bents S6 and S9
at both ends of the main bridge rested directly on circular bored piles. Columns were of 1.50 m
diameter and bored piles of 1.20 m diameter. The transition from 1.20 m to 1.50 m was executed at
ground level, where a tranverse pile cap was constructed. Tops of two columns of S6 bent were
connected by a cap providing support to superstructures of both the approach bridge on the left bank
of the river and of the main bridge. Superstructures were supported on the bent cap utilizing
outstands of reduced depth, so that the overall structural depth of both the bent cap and
superstructure outstands was equal to the the superstructure depth in span. The other main bridge
side span superstructure and the intersection superstructure were supported on S9 bent cap in the
same way. The cross section of the bridge was of box type with two vertical webs (Fig. 3.3b).

New bridge superstructure

The applicability of different materials, concrete and steel for the new bridge superstructure was
addressed to. Alternative solutions comprised a continuous prestressed superstructure in accordance
with the destroyed bridge and a continuous steel superstructure with orthotropic deck plate. It soon
became obvious, that the the only possible solution is the steel superstructure, if existing
foundations were not to be strenghtened, which was to be avoided because of economic and
construction considerations, particularly because live loadings currently used are much larger than
previously and the seismic loadings had not been accounted for in the original design at all.
New steel superstructure cross section is of box type with vertical webs (Figure 3a).The box width
is 6.0 m. The deck surface and the vertical alignment are equal as in the original bridge, with
slightly reduced depth at river piers from the original 5.50 m to 4.50 m. and the same depth of 2.50
m at midspan and bridge ends as in the original design. The orthotropic deck plate under the
roadway is longitudinally stiffened by 275 mm deep closed 8.0 mm thick ribs, spaced at 600 mm

axis to axis and supporting the deck plate at 300 mm. The minimum deck plate thickness is 14 mm
increasing to 16 mm along the length of 16.0 m in the intermediate support regions.
The deck plate under sidewalks is 12 mm thick stiffened by open ribs #200x15 mm. Webs are 12
mm thick in side spans on 20.0 m length and in the middle of the main span on 48.0 m length and
14 mm thick on 72.0 m length near intermediate supports. They are longitudinally stiffened by a
system of angle profiles L200x100x10. The horizontal bottom plate thickness varies from 10-30
mm and the same longitudinal ribs as in the deck plate are utilized. In the sagging moment regions
three ribs are placed and in the hogging moment regions seven ribs. Cross frames are typically
provided at 4.0 m spacing. Cross bracing is provided at every second cross frame. Diaphragms are
provided at all supports.

Figure 3.3: Alternative solutions for main bridge across Sava River

The existing span lengths of L=60.55+120+55.35 m are unfavorable for the continuous
superstructure, resulting in uplift reactions on bridge end bents. This problem was partly remedied
by lowering the superstructure at intermediate supports on solid piers S7 and S8 for 300.0 mm. This
was not enough to completely eliminate uplift reactions with the required safety factor against
uplifting of 1.30 and to attain this, parts of the steel box close to the end bents were filled with
concrete. Close to the end bent S6 33.4 m3 of concrete had to be placed and close to the end bent S9
36.4 m3 of concrete.
Maximum deflection at midspan of the 120.0 m main span under design live loading amounts to
296.0 mm (L/405), and the maximum uplift in side spans is 84.0 mm, which clearly shows the
significant flexibility of the superstructure.
Numerical models for statical and dynamical analysis of the main load bearing system comprised
the whole bridge structure, steel superstructure and concrete piers, utilizing SOFISTIK software.

Figure 3.4: Numerical model

All loadings were based on the German bridge loading norm DIN 1072, except for the seismic
loading which was assessed on the basis of EC 8.
Beam type elements were utilized in the general analysis, taking into account reduced flange widths
due to shear-lag.
Local behavior of the orthotropic deck plate was modeled with plate type elements.

Detailed analysis of all construction phases of the superstructure erection procedure by free
cantilevering was also performed, resulting in an erection strip, which was strictly adhered to during
bridge construction.
All steel superstructure elements were designed according to allowable stress method, as required in
relevant German bridge norms. Global and local buckling of steel members was verified according
to the German code DASt Ri-012.

Erection of new main bridge superstructure

Two construction procedures were utilized for the bridge superstructure. Side spans between bent
S6 and solid pier S7, and solid pier S8 and S9 bent, were erected on auxiliary scaffolding and the
main 120.0 long span was constructed by free cantilevering symmetrically from piers S7 and S8. A
derrick barge of forty tons capacity was utilized for local transport of steel segments. Steel sections
were 12.0 m long. All on site steel connections were executed by welding, except for the webs,
which were joined by high strength friction bolts. The total structural steel consumption for the
superstructure amounted to 1,240.0 t of steel grade S 355, or 480 kg/m2 of the bridge deck area
between railings.

Figure 3.5: Free cantilever erection of new steel superstructure



The design of the reconstruction of the main bridge across the Sava River at Jasenovac was
constrained by the fact that it had to be fitted between two existing bridge sections, the approach
bridge on the left bank and the intersection on the right bank with predefined road alignment and
deck widths. The chosen color for the superstructure is dark grey to accentuate steel, but not
aggressively, to blend harmonically with other concrete bridge sections.
The reconstruction took place under difficult circumstances, mined surroundings, removal of the
destroyed prestressed concrete bridge, damages to piers, damaged foundations, localized damage
and worn-out structural parts and furnishings. With combined effort of all involved parties the
bridge was successfully reconstructed in seventeen months from January 2004 to May 2005.

Figure 3.6: View of reconstructed main bridge across Sava River



Croatian Roads, Zagreb


Structural Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, Zagreb


uro akovi Montaa d.d., Slavonski Brod




The new Adriatic highway crosses the Krka River canyon in the proximity of the entrance to the
environmentally very valuable and protected area of the Krka River national park. The highway
alignment at the bridge lies in a straight line in ground plan and the vertical alignment is in a
constant slope of 1.326%, lying approximately 66 m above the water level. The width of the river
bed is 190 m, and the width of the canyon at the grade line elevation is about 390 m.
The overall width of the four lane roadway is 21.0 meters, including the median strip of 3.0 m and
total width of the superstructure is 22.56 meters.
The designer tried to enrich the beautiful environment with the new bridge and the arch type
structure seemed like a logical choice for the canyon. A concrete arch of 204.0 m span and 52.0 m
rise was selected with the rise to span ratio of 0.25.

Bridge essentials

The arch is fixed of double cell box type cross section with constant outer dimensions b/h=10.0x3.0
m. The arch cross-section is uniform along the length with 40.0 cm thick top and bottom chords,
outer webs of 50.0 thickness and inner web 30.0 cm thick (Fig. 4.1).
Only near arch abutments, on the length of 10.0 m measured horizontally, chord thicknesses are
enlarged to maximum of 60.0 cm. The arch is connected to arch abutments by a 3.0 m long

diaphragm. Six double spandrel columns are positioned symmetrically on the arch at respectively
14 m, 42 m and 74 m distances, measured from the arch crown. Diaphragms are placed inside the
arch under spandrel columns. Their width is equal to the width of spandrel columns that they
support. The arch and double columns at arch abutments are founded on joint foundations. The
designed concrete class for the arch was C45/55.
The soil is limestone rock. Abutments and columns are founded on shallow spread foundations.
Each double column has a joint foundation. Abutment foundations are of cascade type following the
terrain slope. Arch foundations are massive with the cascade type bottom to reduce excavations and
attain the minimum foundation depth of 2.0 m for the whole foundation. All foundations are of
C25/30 concrete class.

Figure 4.1: Arch and superstructure cross section of Krka River bridge

Abutments are standard of closed-end type with parallel wings of C30/37 concrete class and all
columns are of box-type cross section made of C35/45 concrete class. Cross sections of particular
columns were determined on the basis of stability calculations (Fig. 4.2).

Figure 4.2: Column cross sections of Krka River bridge

Columns S3, S5, S10 and S12, with the height ranging from 27.64 m to 36.49 m, all have square
outer dimensions 2.2x2.2 m and the walls 0.30 m thick. Spandrel columns on the arch S6 to S10

and the column S13, with the height range of 3.39-19.66 m, have outer cross sectional dimensions
of 1.8x2.2 m and 0.30 m thick walls. Columns at arch abutments are 52.76 m and 55.57 m high,
respectively. Their cross sections are rectangular 3.2x2.2 m with 0.50 m thick walls.
Instead of the usual prestressed concrete superstructure a composite superstructure was chosen to
save weight thus reducing seismic forces and also to blend more harmonically into the beautiful
environment. An outstanding aesthetical impression was achieved, because cross beams connecting
column tops could had been avoided (Fig. 4.3).

Figure 4.3: View of Krka River bridge

The superstructure is continuous with spans L=3x32.0+3x28.0+3x32.0+28.0+24.0=360.0 m and the

overall bridge length amounts to L=391.16 m (Fig. 4.4). The composite cross section comprises a
steel grillage and a concrete deck plate. The superstructure steel grillage consists of two main
longitudinal beams spaced at 7.6 m, strong cross beams spaced at 4.0 m and edge girders.

Figure 4.4: Longitudinal section and bearings layout of Krka River bridge

Box type main longitudinal beams have the inclined upper chord following the 2.5% transverse
slope of the roadway, so that the total depth at the outer web is 1,700.0 mm and at the inner web
1,730.0 mm. These depths are uniform along the whole length of the bridge and all changes of
chord thickness are made to the inside of the box. Outer web spacing amounts to 1,200.0 mm. The
chord width of 1,300.0 mm is constant along the bridge length. The upper chord thickness varies

from minimum of 20 mm in spans to maximum of 70 mm in the vicinity of support at column S3

and the thickness close to all other supports is 55 mm. The lower chord thickness varies from
minimum of 30 mm in spans to maximum of 80 mm close to support at column S3 and the
thickness at all other supports amounts to 60 mm. Webs are 16 mm thick in spans and 20 mm thick
close to the supports.
The top edge of cross beams is positioned at the same level as the top edge of main longitudinal
beams and follows the transverse slope of the roadway.
The deck slab 22.56 m wide, made of C45/55 concrete class, has uniform 25.0 cm depth. Its main
load-bearing direction is longitudinal.
The material consumption for the Krka River bridge, without abutments and foundations, is shown
in Table 4.1.





C 45/55

2,988.0 m3

0.40 m3/m2


C 35/45

2,019.0 m3

0.27 m3/m2

Deck plate

C 45/55

2,172.0 m3

0.29 m3/m2

747.0 t

98 kg/m2

363.4 t

48 kg/m2

630.0 t

83 kg/m2

1,700.0 t

224 kg/m2


BSt 500 S

Deck plate

S 355

Table 4.1: Material consumption of Krka River bridge

The choice of structural bearings non-movable in the direction of the bridge axis is conceptually
interesting (Fig. 4). It seemed structurally logical to place them on shortest spandrel columns close
to the arch crown, because the arch is much stiffer than any of the columns and hence its resistance
to longitudinal horizontal forces is the largest. The problem arises for seismic events though,
because it is almost impossible to design structural bearings able to take up practically the whole
superstructure horizontal seismic load in the bridge axis direction and besides short columns
supporting these bearings would be highly overstressed.
Therefore it was decided to install special longitudinally fixed structural bearings on tops of double
spandrel columns S8. These structural bearings can sustain longitudinal horizontal forces for normal
working conditions of up to 1,000.0 kN, but when these values are exceeded, in the case of large
earthquake, they controllably transform to the longitudinally movable bearings by yielding of
special sacrificial elements. Other structural bearings are of standard pot type, longitudinally
movable bearings on stiff short piers and abutments, and longitudinally fixed bearings on tall

flexible columns S3S5 and S10S12. Thus the stiff structural system is achieved in the
longitudinal direction for normal working conditions and at the same time adequate safety is
attained for seismic events with the most of seismic loads taken by viscous dampers, provided at
both abutments and just a fraction by tall flexible columns.
Because of the importance of the Krka River bridge and aggressive environment monitoring system
was installed for measurements of deformations, local temperature values, movements in service at
critical points and corrosion rate.
Decorative lighting was also installed, rendering beautiful view of the bridge in the night (Fig. 4.6).

Figure 4.5: Night view of Krka River bridge


Numerical analysis

Numerical models for statical and dynamical analysis of the main load bearing system comprised
the whole bridge structure, the arch, columns, structural bearings and composite grillage
superstructure, utilizing SOFISTIK software. All loadings were based on the German bridge
loading norm DIN 1072, except for the wind loading which was computed according to the British
standard BS 5400 Part 2 and the seismic loading which was assessed on the basis of EC 8. Positions
of the live loading producing maximum effect were determined on the basis of influence lines.
Creep and shrinkage effects were computed utilizing DIN 4227. The creep coefficient for the arch,
after completion of its construction, was calculated as =1.876 and the shrinkage coefficient as =20.2E-5. Creep and shrinkage of the concrete deck plate was analyzed with the creep coefficient
=2.63 and the shrinkage coefficient =-24.8E-5. Movements of structural bearings and expansion
joints were calculated for uniform temperature changes +75 K/-50 K.

Figure 4.6: Numerical model

All critical loading combinations were additionally investigated by applying geometrical and
material nonlinear numerical analysis. The arch stability was assessed by such an analysis on
deformed arch shape, obtained on the basis of shapes of first three modes of free vibrations in the
vertical plane normalized to the maximum initial eccentricity of 1/400 of the buckling length and by
applying the global safety factor of 1.75 to all loadings. Buckling stability of columns as cantilevers
during erection was also verified by geometrical and material nonlinear analysis with initial
eccentricity for relevant loads, dead weight and wind.
The composite superstructure was analyzed for the uncracked concrete deck plate and alternatively
for the cracked concrete plate at all cross beams and at main beams near their supports on the length
of 0.15xL in both neighboring spans. This implicitly means that the steel cross beams are
sufficiently stiff to carry all loadings without the help of the concrete deck. Special FE models were
introduced to assess the local behavior of the concrete deck plate and for the analysis of abutments.

Detailed analyses of all construction phases of the arch free cantilevering and longitudinal
launching of the steel superstructure grillage were also performed, resulting in an erection strip,
which was strictly adhered to during bridge construction.
All steel superstructure elements were designed according to allowable stress method, as required in
relevant German bridge norms. Global and local buckling of steel members was verified according
to the German code DASt Ri 012
Seismic design was based on the design response spectra for the design acceleration of 0.2g and the
soil category A. The preliminary dynamic analysis by SOFISTIK software was executed under the
assumption that the longitudinally fixed structural bearings on columns S8 have yielded and without
dampers. Thirty eigenmodes were calculated and obtained eigenfrequencies ranged from 0.301 Hz
for mode 1 to 4.224 Hz for mode 30. The total active mass was 22,910.0 tons. Seismic response was
computed by modal superposition utilizing CQC method. Behavior factors were defined as q=1.2
for the arch, as q=1.0 for the superstructure and structural bearings and as q=1.5 for limited ductile
columns. Under these assumptions the bridge turned to be very flexible in the direction of the
bridge axis, which resulted in large longitudinal horizontal movements of 340.0 mm in case of a
design seismic event. These large movements would have had an adverse effect on all piers with
longitudinally fixed, structural bearings on top. For this reason viscous dampers were introduced at
both ends of the superstructure to dampen the structure and transmit longitudinal horizontal seismic
induced forces to massive abutments. Two dampers were installed at both abutments of 2,000.0 kN
capacity each. The

nonlinear dynamical analysis performed utilizing different software, with

dampers included, revealed that longitudinal horizontal movements under seismic loading were
reduced to 50.0 mm, which justified our design.

Bridge construction

The construction of the bridge across the Krka River canyon commenced in the year 2003 and was
completed in two years in 2005.
The sequence of construction works was, as follows. In the first phase all foundations, including
arch abutments, were executed. Columns on the river banks were constructed next, utilizing
climbing formwork in 5.0 m long segments, followed by the construction of both bridge abutments.
Then the whole cross section of the arch was constructed by free cantilevering, on travelling
formwork carriages, in segments 5.25 meters long, starting symmetrically from arch abutments
(Fig. 4.7). Piers at the arch abutments had to be extended by auxiliary steel staying pylons to
facilitate successive cantilevering. The arch was supported during construction by stays equilibrated
by anchor stays, connected to rock anchors. Temporary stays were of Dywidag system, consisting
of naked 0.62 strands of St 1570/1770 steel grade, grouped at three levels.

Figure 4.7: Arch construction scheme of Krka River bridge

The number of strands for a single stay varied from 12 to 22.

During the construction of first twelve arch segments, the steel superstructure grillage was
assembled behind the abutments. Elements of the steel structure were transported to the site by
truck and connected by welding to erection segments, comprising the total grillage cross section.
Before the construction of the remaining arch segments the erection of the superstructure from both
abutments to columns at arch springings had to be executed to facilitate the local transport required
to service stressing activities of temporary stays anchored on steel pylons. This erection was done
by the longitudinal launching procedure over special sliding devices placed on column tops with the
help of special light steel nose to reduce stresses during construction. After the launching procedure,
the steel grillage superstructure was lowered on permanent structural bearings. In the next
construction stage, 25.0 cm thick precast reinforced concrete slab elements

were placed, the

middle one measuring 6.44x3.44 meters in plan between the main girders and the two side ones
measuring 6.4x3.7 m in plan on cross beam outstands (Fig. 4.8).

Figure 4.8: Placing of middle precast slabs

Precast slabs were interconnected by on site concreting of longitudinal and transversal joints above
shear connectors, thus completing the composite superstructure between both abutments and
columns at arch springings. Special care was taken of proper preparation of precast slab surfaces to
ensure adequate continuity by careful removal of laitance and exposure of the coarse aggregate
utilizing wire brushing after initial set (Fig. 4.9).

Figure 4.9: On site joint preparation

The nonprestressed reinforcement connection at a typical joint is shown in Figure 4.10, while at
joints above columns the nonprestressed reinforcement was connected by welding. Edge beam were
concreted on site. After completion of the composite superstructure between both abutments and
columns at arch springings, temporary steel pylons were erected on these columns to make possible
anchoring of the third level group of stays and corresponding anchor stays in the cross beams
connecting pylon tops to facilitate further arch construction.

Figure 4.10: On site joints with reinforcement overlapping

Steel pylons were 26.25 m high, including the cross beams. Temporary pylons and the already
constructed parts of the superstructure had to be fixed in the bridge axis direction during the
subsequent arch erection, which was done by installing temporary steel restraining beams on the
abutments. The last arch closure segment, 2.0 m long, was completed in April 2004 (Fig. 4.11).
The installed oscillatory cable-crane of 500 meters span and 6.0 tons capacity was utilized for local
transport on the site.

Figure 4.11: Arch closure segment construction of Krka River bridge

After the completion of the arch, temporary stays and backstays were removed. Casting of spandrel
columns on the arch in a strictly prescribed order followed. In the next construction phase the steel
superstructure grillage was erected by longitudinal launching from the west bank and lowered down
on permanent structural bearings. The composite superstructure above the arch was completed by
placing precast concrete slabs and concreting wet joints, using the same procedure as before. In the
final step bridge furnishings, including waterproofing, roadway pavement comprising two layers of
hot asphalt, concrete median strip with installation pipes, safety barriers and lighting, were installed
to complete the bridge construction.
The bridge was subjected to test loads, both statical and dynamical, prior to opening for traffic. The
efficiency of the statical test load (ratio to design live load), performed in 33 different phases, was
78%-99%, depending on the investigated structural part. For some of the test loading schemes
deflections were equal to numerically computed values and the maximum difference between
measured and computed deflections was about 25%. Measured arch stresses were about 25%
smaller than numerically computed values. This can be attributed to the fact that the actually
installed nonprestressed reinforcement was not accounted for in numerical analysis. Measured
bridge eigenfrequencies of vibrations in the vertical plane were almost equal to the theoretical
values with the maximum difference of 5%.


The bridge was designed by a team from the Structural Department of Civil Engineering Faculty in
Zagreb, Croatia. After completing the main design, construction plans were executed by the same
team, together with the analysis of all construction phases. Designers were permanently in touch
with the Contractor and every phase of the building process was monitored on site, thus providing
necessary input for the adjustments of the structural analysis covering the bridge construction. This
model of work proved to be very successful, resulting in high quality of works. The deviations of

bridge geometry from the designed one were reduced to the minimum, amounting to about 2.0 cm
for the arch axis.
We believe that true concrete arch bridges may be competitive to other structural types in the span
range from 200 to 400 meters for favorable site conditions, if the structural weight is minimized by
applying a light composite superstructure reduced, as was done for the Krka River bridge.

Croatian Highways (HAC), Zagreb

Preliminary design, Main design,

Detailed design, Construction phases,
Construction drawings:

Structural Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, Zagreb


Konstruktor-Inenjering, Split

Steelwork subcontractor:

uro akovi Montaa d.d., Slavonski Brod

In order to speed up the numerical analysis of these bridges by Sofistik a few supplementary
programs have been written.
One of these programs called Ana (Fig.5.1), written in 2001, generates Sofistik input data for free
cantilevered bridges for selected longitudinal bridge layout and prescribed variables of the bridge
cross-section. Automatic generation comprises cross-sections, numerical model, loadings and
prestressing tendons. If one of the variables is left out the program itself generates it based on
empirical data.

Figure 5.1: Supplementary program Ana

Based on obtained results of statical and dynamical analyses for all loadings (dead weight, taking
into account construction phases, additional dead loading, prestressing, concrete creep and
shrinkage, live loading, wind, temperature and seismic loadings) stresses are checked and necessary
nonprestressed reinforcement calculated. In the first step the number and the stressing force in the
tendons are assumed.
On the basis of the generated data basis the program itself changes certain variables (box depth,
bottom flange depth or number and stressing force of tendons) for optimization of cross-sections
with all stress constraints satisfied. Results of these calculations are transferred to AutoCad and
input data for Sofistik
Are changed accordingly. The procedure is iterative and the optimal solution is usually obtained in
a cuople of steps. The program also calls MS Word and automatically produces adopted loadings
and other data necessary for the design in written form. Two main objectives are realized with rhe
program, the speed and the accuracy of the performed analysis.
The program also contains masks for the calculation of abutments and foundations.

The Structural Department of the Civil Engineering Faculty in Zagreb has extensively utilized
Sofistik software in the design of Croatian bridges. Only a few more important bridges have been
included in this presentation.
In order to facilitate the utilization of older versions of Sofistik some supplementary programs have
been written, very similar to new Sofistik moduls CSM and SSD.

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