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An American National Standard

Designation: F 1962 – 99

Standard Guide for

Use of Maxi-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of
Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under Obstacles, Including
River Crossings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1962; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 420 Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering, De-

1.1 This guide describes the design, selection consider- sign, and Construction Purposes2
ations, and installation procedures for the placement of poly- D 422 Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils2
ethylene pipe or conduit below ground using maxi-horizontal D 1586 Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel
directional drilling equipment. The pipes or conduits may be Sampling of Soils2
used for various applications including telecommunications, D 1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Geotechnical Sam-
electric power, natural gas, petroleum, water lines, sewer lines, pling of Soils2
or other fluid transport. D 2113 Practice for Diamond Core Sampling for Site In-
1.2 Horizontal directional drilling is a form of trenchless vestigations2
technology. The equipment and procedures are intended to D 2166 Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength
minimize surface damage, restoration requirements, and dis- of Cohesive Soil2
ruption of vehicular or maritime traffic with little or no D 2435 Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation
interruption of other existing lines or services. Mini-horizontal Properties of Soils2
directional drilling (min-HDD) is typically used for the rela- D 2447 Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe,
tively shorter distances and smaller diameter pipes associated Schedules 40 and 80 Based on Controlled Outside Diam-
with local utility distribution lines. In comparison, maxi- eter3
horizontal directional drilling (maxi-HDD) is typically used for D 2513 Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe,
longer distances and larger diameter pipes common in major Tubing, and Fittings3
river crossings. Applications that are intermediate to the D 2657 Practice for Heat-Joining of Polyolefin Pipe and
mini-HDD or maxi-HDD categories may utilize appropriate Fittings3
“medi” equipment of intermediate size and capabilities. In such D 2850 Test Method for Unconsolidated, Undrained Com-
cases, the design guidelines and installation practices would pressive Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxial Compres-
follow those described for the mini- or maxi-HDD categories, sion2
as judged to be most suitable for each situation. D 3035 Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded (SDR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter3,4
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for D 4186 Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation
information purposes only. Properties of Soils Using Controlled-Strain Loading
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the D 4220 Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Samples2
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- D 4318 Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Plasticity Index of Soils2
bility of the regulatory limitations prior to use. Section 6 D 4767 Test Method for Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial
contains general safety information related to the use of Compression Test on Cohesive Soils2
maxi-horizontal directional drilling equipment. D 5084 Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Con-
ductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible
2. Referenced Documents Wall Permeameter5
2.1 ASTM Standards: F 714 Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe

1 2
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-17 on Plastic Piping Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08.
Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.67 on Trenchless Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04.
Plastic Pipeline Technology. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
Current edition approved April 10, 1999. Published August 1999. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 1962 – 99
(SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter3 3.1.2 maxi-horizontal directional drilling, maxi-HDD, n—a
F 1804 Practice for Determining Allowable Tensile Load class of HDD, sometimes referred to as directional drilling, for
for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pipe during Pull-In Installation3 boring holes of up to several thousand feet in length and
2.2 Other Standards: placing pipes of up to 48 in. (11⁄4 m) diameter or greater at
ANSI Preferred Number Series 10 depths up to 200 ft (60 m).
ANSI/EIA/TIA-590 Standard for Physical Location and Discussion—Maxi-HDD is appropriate for placing
Protection of Below-Ground Fiber Optic Cable Plant6 pipes under large rivers or other large obstacles (Fig. 1).
OSHA-3075 Controlling Electrical Hazards7 Tracking information is provided remotely to the operator of
TR-NWT-000356 Generic Requirements for Optical Cable the drill rig by sensors located towards the leading end of the
Innerduct8 drill string. Cutting of the pilot hole and expansion of the hole
is typically accomplished with a bit or reamer attached to the
3. Terminology
drill pipe, which is rotated and pulled by the drilling rig.
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.3 mini-horizontal directional drilling, mini-HDD, n—a
3.1.1 horizontal directional drilling, HDD, n—a technique
class of HDD, sometimes referred to as guided boring, for
for installing pipes or utility lines below ground using a
boring holes of up to several hundred feet in length and placing
surface-mounted drill rig that launches and places a drill string
pipes of typically 12 in. (300 mm) or less nominal diameter at
at a shallow angle to the surface and has tracking and steering
depths typically less than 25 ft (7 m).
capabilities. Discussion—The drill string creates a pilot bore hole Discussion—Mini-HDD is appropriate for placing
in an essentially horizontal path or shallow arc which may local distribution lines (including service lines or laterals)
subsequently be enlarged to a larger diameter during a second- beneath local streets, private property, and along right-of-ways.
ary operation which typically includes reaming and then The creation of the pilot bore hole and the reaming operations
pullback of the pipe or utility line. Tracking of the initial bore are typically accomplished by fluid jet cutting or the cutting
path is accomplished by a manually operated overhead receiver torque provided by rotating the drill string, although mud
or a remote tracking system. Steering is achieved by control- motors powered by the drilling fluid are sometimes used for
ling the orientation of the drill head which has a directional hard or rocky soil conditions. The use of such mud motors
bias and pushing the drill string forward with the drill head would only be applicable for the larger mini-HDD machines.
oriented in the direction desired. Continuous rotation of the The locating and tracking systems typically require a manually
drill string allows the drill head to bore a straight path. The operated overhead receiver to follow the progress of the initial
procedure uses fluid jet or mechanical cutting, or both, with a pilot bore. The receiver is placed above the general vicinity of
low, controlled volume of drilling fluid flow to minimize the the drill head to allow a determination of its precise location
creation of voids during the initial boring or backreaming and depth, indicate drill head orientation for determining
operations. The drilling fluid helps stabilize the bore hole, steering information to be implemented from the drill rig.
remove cuttings, provide lubricant for the drill string and 3.1.4 pipe dimension ratio, DR, n—the average specified
plastic pipe, and cool the drill head. The resultant slurry diameter of a pipe divided by the minimum specified wall
surrounds the pipe, typically filling the annulus between the thickness.
pipe and the bored cavity. Discussion—For pipes manufactured to a controlled
outside diameter (OD), the DR is the ratio of pipe outer
diameter to minimum wall thickness. The standard dimension
Available from the Electronics Industries Association, 2001 Pennsylvania Ave., ratio (SDR) is a specific ratio of the outside diameter to the
N.W., Washington, DC, 20006. minimum wall thickness as specified by ANSI Preferred
Available from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, 200 Number Series 10.
Constitution Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20210.
Available from Bellcore, 60 New England Ave., Room 1B252, Piscataway, NJ,
NOTE 1—Lower DR values correspond to thicker, stronger pipes.

FIG. 1 Maxi-HDD for Obstacle (for example, River) Crossing

F 1962 – 99
4. Preliminary Site Investigation water supplies may be required to obtain proper drilling fluid
4.1 General Considerations—A maxi-HDD project, such as characteristics. Hard or salty water is undesirable, although
that associated with a river crossing, is a major event that will additives may be used to create the proper pH value. It may be
require extensive and thorough surface and subsurface inves- necessary to provide access for trucks to transport water or to
tigations. Qualified geotechnical engineers should perform the provide for the installation of a relatively long surface pipe or
work for the owner in preparation for planning and designing hose connecting a remote hydrant.
of the bore route. The information should also be provided to Pipe (Bore Exit) Side—Assuming the pipe to be
the potential contractors to provide guidance for the bidding placed is too large a diameter to be supplied on a reel (for
stage and subsequent installation. The contractor may perform example, larger than 6 in. (150 mm)), sufficient space is
additional investigations, as desired. Since typical maxi-HDD required at the side opposite that of the drill rig, where the bore
projects represent river crossings, the following procedures are will exit and the pipe be inserted, to accommodate a continuous
described in terms of the specific investigations and issues straight length of pre-fabricated pipe. The space for the straight
arising in such cases. The general procedures, however, may be length will begin approximately 50 to 100 ft (15 to 30 m) from
appropriately interpreted to also apply to non-river crossings, the anticipated bore exit and extend straight landward at a
such as under land-based obstacles including highways, rail- width of 35 to 50 ft (10 to 15 m), depending upon the pipe
ways, etc. diameter. In the immediate vicinity of the bore exit (pipe
4.2 Surface Investigation (1, 2)9 entry), an area of typically 50 ft (15 m) width by 100 ft (30 m)
4.2.1 Topographic Survey—A survey should be conducted length is required; for relatively large diameter pipes (larger
to accurately define the working areas described in 4.1 for the than 24 in. (600 mm), or in cases of difficult soil conditions, an
proposed crossing site. Horizontal and vertical references must area of 100 ft (30 m) width by 150 ft (45 m) length should be
be established for referencing hydrographic and geotechnical provided.
data. The survey should typically include overbank profiles on
4.2.2 Hydrographic/Potamological Survey—For crossing
the anticipated path center-line, extending about 150 ft (75 m)
significant waterways, a survey should be conducted to accu-
landward of the bore entry point to the length of the (pre-
rately describe the bottom contours and river stability to
fabricated) pull section landward of the bore exit point. The
establish suitability for the design life of the pipeline. Typi-
survey information should be related to topographical features
cally, depths should be established along the anticipated
in the vicinity of the proposed crossing. Existing topographical
center-line, and approximately 200 ft (60 m) upstream and
information may be available from the U.S. Geological Survey,
downstream; closer readings may be required if it is necessary
or Federal, state, or county publications. Aerial photographs or
ordnance surveys may be useful, especially for crossing to monitor future river activity. Consideration should be given
land-based obstacles in urban areas, since these may indicate to future changes in river bank terrain. Washouts, bank
the presence of demolished buildings and the possibility of old migrations, or scour can expose pipe.
foundations, as well any filled areas (3). It is also necessary to 4.2.3 Drilling Fluid Disposal—The means for disposal of
check available utility records to help identify the precise the drilling fluid wastes must be considered. The volume of
location of existing below-ground facilities in the vicinity, drilling fluid used will depend upon the soil characteristics but
including electric power, natural gas, petroleum, water, sewer, is typically on the order of 1 to 3 times the volume of removed
or telecommunications lines. The presence of existing pipe- soil. Most drilling fluids use bentonite or polymer additives
lines, support pilings, etc., containing significant steel mass which are not generally considered to be hazardous. However,
should be noted since this may cause interference with mag- local regulations should be followed regarding disposal.
netically sensitive equipment guidance or location instrumen- Drilling Fluid Recirculation—Occasionally, drilling
tation. fluid recirculation is used to reduce overall material and Drill Rig (Bore Entry) Side—The available area disposal costs. If drilling fluid recirculation is contemplated, a
required on the side of the drill rig must be sufficient for the rig means must be considered for transporting any fluid exhausted
itself and its ancillary equipment. In general, the size of the from the opposite (bore exit) side, during the pullback opera-
required area on the rig side will depend upon the magnitude of tion, to the rig side. This may be accomplished by truck, barge,
the operation, including length of bore and diameter of pipe to or a temporary recirculation pipe line on the bottom of the
be placed. Typically, a temporary workspace of approximately waterway (for river-crossings). The recirculation line must be
150 ft (45 m) width by 250 ft (75 m) length will be sufficient. adequate to prevent accidental discharge into the waterway.
These dimensions may vary from 100 by 150 ft (30 by 45 m) 4.3 Subsurface Investigation—The overall technical and
for shorter crossings of 1000 ft (300 m) or less, to 200 by 300
economic feasibility of the maxi-HDD process is highly
ft (60 by 90 m) for medium or long crossings.
dependent upon the properties of the soil formation through Water Supply—Water storage and facilities for mix-
which the penetration will be accomplished. Thus, an accurate
ing, storing, and pumping drilling fluid will require significant
and thorough geotechnical investigation must be performed by
space. Although it is standard practice to draw fresh water
a qualified engineer, including review of existing information
found at the location for mixing the drilling fluid, alternate
and site specific studies for the proposed location. This
information will be used to produce design drawings (including
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of final bore route, pipe design, and bore design), construction
this standard. specifications, and permit applications as well as to provide

F 1962 – 99
information for the contractors upon which to select appropri- D 2166, D 2435, D 2850, D 4186, and D 4767.) and ground-
ate tools and methods for the actual construction. While the water table behavior. (Refer to Test Method D 5084.) Although
guidelines given in the following sections point out general some field evaluation and in-situ testing should be included,
procedures or types of information, or both, which could be the geotechnical investigation should emphasize laboratory
developed, unforeseeable site-specific variables make the thor- testing in order to obtain more accurate and meaningful
oughness and accuracy of any site characterization study quantitative results. If rock is encountered, the borings should
directly dependent on the skill, experience, and inquisitiveness penetrate sufficiently to verify whether or not it is bedrock. The
of the investigating engineer. Therefore, the investigator should relevant soil testing methods listed in Section 2 should be
define the configuration, extent, and constituency of the inves- followed. In general, the following specific data should be
tigation. Site characterization information must go beyond just obtained from the borings:
defining soil conditions along the bore path to include a Standard classification of soils, (Refer to Test
forecast of future conditions (that is, river meanders and Method D 4318),
scours) and to anticipate the affect of the maxi-HDD process on Gradation curves for granular soils, as described in
site conditions. Test Method D 4220,
4.3.1 Preliminary Study—The subsurface investigation Standard penetration test values, as described in Test
should begin with a review of existing data such as may be Method D 1586,
obtained from published soil reports (for example, Soil Con- Cored samples of rock with rock quality designation
servation Service Report, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Army (RQD) and percent recovery,
Corps of Engineers reports, etc.) or records from previous Unconfined compressive strength, as described in
construction projects. In particular, data from nearby pipe or Test Method D 2166,
cable river-crossings, or bridge foundation construction should Moh’s hardness for rock samples,
be examined. The results of this study will be used to define the Possible contamination (hazardous waste),
initially recommended bore penetration profile path.
4.3.2 Test Borings (1,2,4)—Site-specific data must be ob- Groundwater location, type, and behavior, and
tained to fully characterize and verify the conditions through Electrical resistivity or mineralogical constituents.
which the proposed bore path will be created. Refer to Guide 4.3.5 For river crossings, the results from the preliminary
D 420, Test Method D 1586, Test Method D 1587, Test Method study and site specific tests should be combined in a compre-
D 2213 and Practice D 4220. Data collection should be aimed hensive report describing the geotechnical subsurface condi-
at identifying earth materials at the site and at exploring tions beneath the river bottom plus the stream’s potential for
subsurface stratification (including identification of the bound- meandering and scouring. The results must then be considered
ary between rock and other strata, presence of cobbles or by the owner, the engineer, and potential contractors, with
boulders and other anomalies such as old tree stumps and fill regard to compatibility with the state-of-the-art of directional
debris). The location, depth, and number of borings should be drilling technology for cost-effectively completing the task. If
determined by the engineer based on the preliminary study, necessary, the crossing location may be altered to a more
anticipated future changes in site conditions (river meanders, favorable crossing site. In this case, many of the surface and
scours, etc.), and modifications of soil conditions during subsurface investigations may have to be repeated for the new
construction. These borings should be located at a sufficient proposed crossing location and bore path.
lateral distance (to either side) from the proposed bore path to 4.3.6 Feasibility—Soil conditions are a major factor affect-
avoid boring into the test hole, and the holes should be sealed ing the feasibility and cost of using maxi-HDD in a given
with grouting to avoid potential leakage paths for drilling fluid geographic area. Table 1 indicates the suitability of horizontal
during the actual installation. Following completion of the directional drilling as a function of the general characteristics
detailed route design (Section 7), additional test borings may of the soil conditions in the area and depths of interest (3,5).
be desirable at critical points such as bends. The “generally suitable” category presumes knowledgeable,
experienced contractors or personnel using appropriate equip-
NOTE 2—In environmentally sensitive areas, possible restrictions may ment. Such contractors are assumed to have a minimum of one
exist on the location or number of test borings.
year field experience and completed approximately 30 000 ft
4.3.3 In addition to test borings, dynamic cone testing or (10 km) of construction in related projects. The size and type
developing non-intrusive techniques such as ground penetrat- machines considered appropriate for particular installations are
ing radar or sonar may be used to identify stratification and a function of bore length, final hole diameter, and soil
areas with anomalies. Such probing techniques may be applied conditions. Various type drill heads, mud motors, reamers, and
in the proximity of known conditions determined by a boring drilling fluid capabilities are available for various ground
to obtain proper calibration, and then extended towards un- conditions. The conditions under which “difficulties may
tested areas at relatively close intervals to identify irregularities occur” may require modifications of routine procedures or
between borings. If needed, additional borings may then be equipment, such as the use of special purpose drill heads or
made at intermediate points of interest (3,4). optimized drilling fluids. Some cases will entail “substantial
4.3.4 Soil Analysis (2,5,6)—The geotechnical study should problems” and may not be economically feasible for direc-
evaluate several parameters, including soil classifications, tional drilling using present technology. The potential for
(Refer to Test Methods D 4318 and D 4220.) strength and problems to occur increases with the presence of gravels,
deformation properties, (Refer to Test Methods D 1586, boulders, or cobbles or with transitions from non-lithified

F 1962 – 99
TABLE 1 Soil Conditions and Suitability of Horizontal Directional the initial boring or backreaming operations is reduced by
DrillingA appropriate adherence to regulations and damage prevention
Soil Conditions Generally Difficulties Substantial procedures, as outlined in Section 6.
Suitable May Occur Problems
5.2 Work Clothing—Caution: Loose clothing or jewelry
Soft to very soft clays, silts, and X
organic deposits
should not be worn since they may snag on moving mechanical
parts. Safety glasses or OSHA approved goggles, or both, and
Medium to very stiff clays and silts X OSHA approved head gear should be worn at all times.
Hard clays and highly weathered X
Protective work shoes and gloves must be worn by all
shales personnel.
5.3 Machine Safety Practices—Contractors must comply
Very loose to loose sands above and X
below the water table (not more than
with all applicable OSHA, state, and local regulations, and
30 % gravel by weight) accepted industry practices. All personnel in the vicinity of the
drill rig or at the opposite end of the bore must be properly
Medium to dense sands above or X
below the water table (not more than trained and educated regarding the potential hazards associated
30 % gravel by weight) with the maxi-HDD equipment. For electrical hazards, see
OSHA 3075. Personnel shall be knowledgeable of safe oper-
Very loose to dense gravelly sand, X
(30 % to 50 % gravel by weight) ating procedures, safety equipment, and proper precautions.
Courses and seminars are available in the industry, including
Very loose to dense gravelly sand X training provided by the equipment suppliers.
(50 % to 85 % gravel by weight)
5.3.1 The operation of the drill rig requires rotation and
Very loose to very dense gravel X advancement or retraction of the drill rods. Drill rig operation
is typically accomplished using chain drives, gear systems, and
Soils with significant cobbles, X
boulders, and obstructions vises which may potentially lead to personal injury due to the
moving mechanical components. All safety shields or guards
Weathered rocks, marls, chalks, and X
firmly cemented soils
must be properly mounted. The equipment must be checked at
the beginning of each work day to verify proper operation.
Slightly weathered to unweathered X 5.3.2 Hydraulic Fluid—The hydraulic oil lines powering
the drill rig operate under pressures of several thousand psi
For additional information, see Ref. (5). (hundreds of bars). The hoses and connectors must be properly
maintained to avoid leaks. Caution: If a leak is suspected, it should be
material into solid rock. In such cases, other drilling locations
checked by using a piece of cardboard or other object, but not
or construction alternatives should be considered unless special
hands or any other part of the body. The high pressure
circumstances dictate the need for directional drilling at the
hydraulic fluid can penetrate the skin, burn, or cause blood
present location, even at high costs associated with special rock
poisoning. Before disconnecting any hydraulic lines, the sys-
drilling techniques, etc.
tem pressure should be relieved.
5. Safety and Environmental Considerations 5.3.3 Drilling Fluid—Drilling fluid pressures will vary
depending upon the equipment design and operator preference;
5.1 General Considerations—Injury to personnel may re- pressures of several thousand psi (hundreds of bars) are
sult from the mechanical and hydraulic machine operations possible. The hoses and connections must be properly main-
directly related to the drilling operation or from striking of tained to avoid leaks.
electric power lines or buried pipelines. In addition, the scale of Caution: Suspected leaks should be checked by
maxi-HDD operations may involve additional equipment and using a piece of cardboard or other object. Avoid the use of
accessories required for the lifting and handling of heavy drill hands or any other part of the body to check for a leak. Before
rods, drill heads, reamers, etc., as well as the product pipe or individual drill rods are inserted or removed from the drill
conduit. Additional precautions relating to specific auxiliary string, it must be verified that the drilling fluid pressure has
equipment must be followed, but is beyond the scope of this been shut off and allowed to decrease; otherwise, high pressure
standard. Non-essential personnel and bystanders should not be fluid will squirt from the joint and possibly cause injury to
allowed in the immediate vicinity of the maxi-HDD equip- personnel. The drilling fluid pressure gage must be checked to
ment. Barriers and warnings should be placed a minimum of 30 verify the pressure has been relieved before disconnecting any
ft (10 m) from the edge of the equipment or associated rods.
hardware. Safety precautions are to be followed by all person-
nel and at both ends of the bore path. Inadvertent contact with NOTE 3—If the pressure does not decrease in a short interval following
electric power, natural gas, or petroleum lines may result in pressure shut off, the fluid jet openings at the drill head may be clogged.
hazards to personnel or contamination. If possible, any in- Special care must then be made when disconnecting the rod. It may be
necessary to retract the drill string or expose the drill head to clear the jets
service pipeline in the proximity of the bore should be before continuing the operation. To avoid injury from the drill head and
de-activated during the construction. In general, the possibility drilling fluid, all personnel should maintain a safe distance from the exit
of injury or environmental impact caused by damage to point of the bore as the drill head surfaces. The pressure should be shut off
working or powered subsurface facilities or pipelines during as soon as the drill head exits.

F 1962 – 99
5.4 Construction Effects on Site—It is assumed that the ered, including relevant permits. Special restrictions may exist,
preliminary site investigations included analyses to verify the including restoration regulations, in environmentally sensitive
stability of embankments, roads, or other major features to be habitat areas.
traversed. It is necessary to ensure that the maxi-HDD opera- 6.2 Environmental, Health, and Safety Plan—When re-
tion will not negatively impact the site upon completion. In quired, each contractor that will work on the project must
many cases, it will be appropriate to use grouting to seal the submit an environmental, health, and safety plan. Items to
final bore path hole or the end portions of the hole following consider are the responsibilities of the plan, reporting, em-
the installation of the pipe to prevent future flow or environ- ployee training, MSDS sheets for materials being used, emer-
mental contamination. Particularly sensitive areas include gency telephone numbers for police, fire department, and
statutorily designated areas, such as wetlands, natural and medical assistance, fire prevention, sanitation, and industrial
scenic waterways, or contaminated or waste disposal sites. If hygiene.
the bore will pass through, or in close proximity to, a 6.3 Environmental and Archaeological Impact Study—Most
contaminated area, special spoils monitoring and disposal projects using maxi-HDD will require procurement of various
procedures must be followed, consistent with applicable Fed- environmental permits. When an environmental permitting
eral, state, or local regulations. plan must be prepared, it should include a list of required
permits (for example, USAE, USEPA), the time needed to
5.4.1 Drilling Fluid—The most common drilling fluid ad-
prepare permits, and an estimated date of issuance. Items to
ditive is bentonite, a naturally occurring clay. When added to
consider are solid and hazardous materials and waste manage-
water, the resulting fluid provides desired properties including
ment, wetlands, burial grounds, land use, air pollution, noise,
viscosity, low density, and lubricity. The bentonite material
water supply and discharge, traffic control and river and
used should be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) certified. railroad transportation.
Disposal should be in accordance with local laws and regula- 6.4 Waterways (see ANSI/EIA/TIA-590)—The U.S. Army
tions. The bentonite-water slurry is not a hazardous material Corps of Engineers (USAE) regulates activities involving
unless it becomes mixed with toxic pollutants. The waste interstate bodies of water, including marshes and tributaries, as
material is usually considered as typical excavation spoils and well as intrastate waters which could affect interstate or foreign
can be disposed or by means similar to other spoils. If other commerce. The organization is responsible for work affecting
additives are of concern or hazardous material disposal is such waterways, including to the headwaters of freshwater
required, it may be necessary to de-water the spoils, transport streams, wetlands, swamps and lakes. The Regional District
the solids to an appropriate disposal site, and treat the water to Engineer of the USAE will advise applicants of the types of
meet disposal requirements. permits required for such proposed projects. In addition, a state
5.4.2 The utility access pits which may be present at both or local, or both, agency environmental review and permit may
ends of the bore are convenient receptacles for collecting used be required.
drilling fluid. If not present for utility access, small pits should 6.5 Railroad Crossings (see ANSI/EIA/TIA-590)—The
be provided at both ends to serve as such receptacles. Depend- chief engineer of the railroad should be consulted for the
ing upon soil permeability, the pits may be lined with an approved methods of crossing the railroad line. For spur tracks
appropriate material or membrane. The pits should be emptied or sidings, the tract owner should be consulted. Railroads
as necessary. Some maxi-HDD systems use drilling fluid normally require cased pipes at crossings to prevent track
recirculating systems to reduce the volume of spoils. If the washouts or damage in the event of pipeline rupture. (At the
geotechnical investigation revealed the existence of soil con- time of writing of this standard, an American Railway Engi-
ditions conductive to fluid migration, such as through pre- neering Association (AREA) committee is studying the use of
fractures in surrounding clay or soil mass permeability, this HDD for uncased and cased crossing of railroads for both
condition must be anticipated and accounted for in the drilling plastic and steel gas pipelines.)
7. Bore Path Layout and Design
6. Regulations and Damage Prevention 7.1 General Considerations—For maxi-HDD projects, such
as river crossings, the bore path should be designed and
6.1 General Considerations—The owner of the proposed specified by the engineer representing the owner prior to the
pipeline should obtain any required drilling permits and is contractor bidding process. Based upon the preliminary surface
responsible for obtaining approvals from the Federal, state, or and subsurface investigations, the path will be selected to place
local jurisdictions or other agencies that may be affected by the the pipe within stable ground and isolated from river activities
work. The preliminary investigations (Section 4) should iden- for the design life of the utility line. The ground through which
tify appropriate site locations and paths, including safe sepa- the path will traverse must be compatible with maxi-HDD
rations from other facilities such as electric power, natural gas, technology. In general, for maxi-HDD projects, the design path
or petroleum lines. If the constraints for a particular maxi-HDD will lie within a vertical plane. If necessary, lateral curvature is
bore are such as to be in the vicinity of known facilities, the possible, consistent with the capabilities of the equipment and
affected owners must be contacted and strict procedures for the product pipe. The path should be clearly designated in an
location and marking followed. If a maxi-HDD bore intercon- integrated report summarizing the results of the surface and
nects points under the jurisdiction of several states or govern- subsurface investigations, and should be used for pricing,
ing bodies, then the regulations of all parties must be consid- planning, and executing the operation.

F 1962 – 99
7.2 Steering and Drill Rod Constraints—The planned path 0.35 rad) from the ground surface, preferably 12 to 15° (0.20 to
must be consistent with the steering capability of the drill string 0.25 rad) from the ground surface. These angles are compatible
and the allowable radius of curvature of the steel drill rods with typical equipment capabilities.
based upon the corresponding bending stresses in the steel rods 7.4.3 Bore Exit (Pipe Entry)—The bore exit point must also
and joints. Although some soil conditions will inhibit sharp be accurately specified consistent with the pipe length and
steering maneuvers, path limitations will often be based upon topographical investigations. Bore exit angles should be rela-
fatigue strength considerations of the rods. A given rod may be tively shallow, preferably less than 10° (0.15 rad). A shallow
able to withstand a single bend cycle corresponding to a angle will facilitate the insertion of the pipe into the bore hole
relatively sharp radius of curvature, but the rotation of the rod while maintaining the minimum radius of curvature require-
during the boring operation results in flexural cycles which ments. Relatively steep angles will require greater elevation of
may eventually cause cumulative fatigue failure. The diameter the pipe to maintain the required bend radii.
of the drill rod is an important parameter affecting its stiffness, 7.4.4 Path Profile—The proposed path should optimally lay
steering capability, and the allowable bend radii. A conserva- within a vertical plane including the bore entry and exit points.
tive industry guideline indicates the minimum bend radius The arcs of the bore path and straight sections (that is, after
should be approximately: achieving desired depth) must be defined, including the radii of
~Rrod!min 5 1200 Drod (1) curvature and approximate points of tangency of curved and
straight segments. The curvatures must be compatible with
where: both the steel drill rods (Eq 1) and the PE pipe or conduit
(Rrod)min = medium recommended bend radius of drill (Section 8). It should be noted that even larger bend radii
rod, in. (mm), and (lower curvatures) will further reduce lateral flexural bending
Drod = nominal diameter of drill rod, in. (mm). loads on the pipe and drill rods as they traverse the route,
This applies to bends in horizontal (plan) or vertical (profile) thereby helping avoid additional increases in tensile loads
planes. associated with their stiffness effects. Typically, the path should
7.3 The proposed path should avoid unnecessary bends. ensure a minimum depth of cover of 15 ft (5 m) beneath the
Such trajectories may be difficult to follow and may lead to river bottom as projected over the design life of the pipe line,
oversteering and excessive bends, resulting in increased including allowance for scouring (2,4). This will overcome
stresses in the drill rods and greater required pulling forces buoyancy effects and help overcome the tendency for the drill
during the installation of the pipe. The local radius of curvature head to rise towards the free surface, thereby complicating the
of the path at any point may be estimated by: steering operation.
R 5 Df (2) NOTE 5—The Directional Crossing Contractors Associations (DCCA)
(7) recommends a minimum depth of 20 ft beneath the river bottom.
where: Average Radius of Curvature—The average radius
R = local radius of curvature along path segment, ft (m), of curvature for a path segment (that is, A-B or C-D in Fig. 1)
DS = distance along path, ft (m), and reaching to or from a depth required to pass beneath an
Df = angular change in direction, rad. obstacle, may be estimated from the bore exit or entry angle,
NOTE 4—The angle in radians is equal to the angle in degrees 3 respectively, and the depth of the bore:
0.0175. (One radian equals 57.3°.) 2H
Ravg 5 (3)
Thus, if DS is selected to be equal to 30 ft (10 m) (for u2
example, one rod length for some maxi-HDD machines) a
change of 0.1 rad (6°) corresponds to a radius of curvature of where:
Ravg = average radius of curvature along path segment, ft
300 ft (100 m).
7.4 Bore Paths Profile (Vertical Plane) Trajectory (1,2) —A u = bore exit or entry angle to surface, rad, and
typical obstacle crossing, such as that represented by a river is H = depth of bore beneath surface, ft (m).
illustrated in Fig. 1. The corresponding horizontal distance required to achieve
7.4.1 The following parameters must be specified in defin- the depth or rise to the surface may be estimated by:
ing the bore path:
2H Bore entry (pipe exit) point, L5 u (4) Bore exit (pipe entry) point, Bore entry (pipe exit) angle, where: Bore exit (pipe entry) angle, L = horizontal transition distance, ft (m). Depth of path, (for example, depth of cover of pipe It must be noted that departures from a uniform radius will
beneath river bottom), and result in locally smaller radii. Path curvatures. The resultant path will determine the stresses to be
7.4.2 Bore Entry (Pipe Exit)—The bore entry point must be exerted upon the pipe during the installation and service life.
accurately specified consistent with the pipe route, equipment The product pipe design must therefore be analyzed based
requirements, and preliminary topographical investigations. upon the final selected path, following the pipe design and
Bore entry angles should be in the range of 8 to 20° (0.15 to selection procedures given in Section 8.

F 1962 – 99
8. Pipe Design and Selection Considerations maximum depth of placement relative to the entry or exit point,
8.1 General Guidelines: and earth loads and liveloads due to load transfer through the
8.1.1 Maxi-HDD applications typically require detailed deformation of the soil around the borehole (8). If borehole
analysis of the pipe or conduit in relation to its intended deformation is minimal (such as in rock) or does not deform
application. Due to the large anticipated pulling loads and the pipe, the only loading applied to the pipe is the hydrostatic
potentially high external pressure, a careful analysis of the PE external pressure. When earth load does reach the pipe, load
pipe must be performed, subject to the route geometry, to reductions from the geostatic stress (arching) may be antici-
verify or determine an appropriate DR (or pipe wall thickness). pated. The reductions may be significant when the in situ soil
The analysis should consider both the installation forces is normally- or over-consolidated. On the other hand, in
occurring during pull-back and the long-term operational under-consolidated soils such as river deposits, the earth load
loads. on the pipe may equal the prism load (adjusted for buoyancy in
the case of a river crossing). The external pressure applied to
8.1.2 PE Pipe—Pipes made from either high density poly-
the pipe equals the total stress, that is, it is the sum of the
ethylene (HDPE) or medium density polyethylene (MDPE) are
effective earth pressure, reduced for arching, and the hydro-
suited for directional drilling. PE pipe specifications include
static pressure. In some cases, the mud-slurry pressure will
Specifications D 2447, D 2513, D 3035, and F 714. If such
offset the earth pressure. As the earth load applied to direc-
pipe is provided in short segments, the individual units should
tional drilled pipe is dependent on the depth of cover, borehole
be joined using a butt-fusion technique in accordance with
diameter, mud-slurry properties, drilling and back-reaming
Practice D 2657. This will allow the inherent strength of the PE
techniques, and the in situ soil properties, among other things,
pipe to be maintained during the placement process and when
a geotechnical engineer should be consulted. See X2.2 for a
subjected to other operational stresses. Small diameter pipe of
discussion earth load calculations. Liveload pressure can be
continuous length may be provided on reels. Table X1.1 gives
transmitted to shallow directional drilled pipe. For shallow
modulus and strength values for typical pressure-rated HDPE
applications, it is likely that the pipe is subjected to the same
and MDPE resins.
liveload and earth pressures as an entrenched pipe.
8.1.3 Cable Conduit Applications—For cable conduit appli-
cations, including electric power and telecommunications, Net External Pressure—The net external pressure,
small diameter pipe may be supplied on a continuous reel Pnet, is the differential pressure between the inside and outside
including internal pull line or the cable itself, as pre-installed of the pipe. The external operational load applied to the pipe
by the manufacturer. In addition, the pipe may be provided may be decreased or totally off-set by internal pressure
with the interior surface pre-lubricated. Such features will be in occurring within the pipe. Likewise, the external load may
accordance with that specified by the owner or engineer. increase with the occurrence of negative pressure (vacuum)
Requirements for telecommunications applications, including inside the pipe. The net external pressure may vary at different
HDPE pipe with various internal surface profiles, including times in the life of the pipeline. For instance, during pressur-
smoothwall or ribbed are specified in TR-NWT-000356. ized flow, the net external pressure may be zero but during a
shut-down or prior to service, considerable external pressure
8.2 Pipe Loading:
may be applied. An analysis should be made of all potential
8.2.1 Operational and Installation Loads—The pipe will be external loadings, internal pressurization or vacuum events,
subject to loads during its long-term operation and during the and of their duration of occurrence, so that the net external
installation process. It is the responsibility of the owner (or the pressure and its duration is determined for each cycle of the
owner’s contractor or engineer) to determine the design and pipeline’s service life.
selection of the pipe to serve the function intended and
8.2.4 Pipe Resistance to External Loads—The pipe must be
withstand the operational stresses at the directionally drilled
of sufficient thickness (or DR ratio) to withstand the net
section as well as at other sections along the pipe line. This
external pressure without collapsing or deflecting unduly
practice deals primarily with the loads imposed during the
during each cycle of the operational life of the pipeline. (The
directional drilling process and earth and groundwater loads
effects of external hydrosatic loads applied during the instal-
during operation (post-installation).
lation phase are discussed in
8.2.2 Internal (Operational) Pressure Loads—It is the re-
sponsibility of the owner (or owner’s contractor or engineer) to NOTE 6—Spangler’s Iowa Formula is typically not applicable to direc-
determine the nominal diameter and wall thickness appropriate tional drilled pipes as the mud-slurry (unless cemented) on setting
for the intended application. For example, if the pipe will be develops only the consistency of a soft clay which will not provide
significant side-support for the pipe.
used for the pressurized flow of liquids or gases, it is necessary
to determine the nominal diameter based on flow capacity Pipe Deflection (Ovality)—Deflection reduces the
requirements and the minimum wall thickness (or DR) to pipe’s resistance to external collapse pressure. Earth loads,
withstand the corresponding circumferential stresses on a long longitudinal bending (bore path curvature), and buoyancy
term basis. Specification D 2513, D 3035, or F 714 may be forces during installation will produce ring deflection in the
used to determine an initial estimate of the corresponding pipe. Formulas for calculating earth load deflection, buoyancy
maximum dimension ratio (DR) for PE pipe. deflection, and curvature-induced deflection along with per-
8.2.3 External (Operational) Hydraulic and Earth Loads— missible deflection limits are given in Appendix X2. When
The pipe will be subjected to hydrostatic external pressure due bore path curvature is limited to the guidelines given in Note 7
to the height of water or drilling fluid (or slurry) above the and the DR is 21 or less, ovality due to longitudinal bending

F 1962 – 99
can generally be ignored. Filling the pipe with water during the For a pipe that will be supported by grouting, the
placement operation will reduce the buoyancy force (see 8.2.6) allowable external collapse pressure increases (is enhanced) by
and greatly eliminate the possible short-term collapse. The a factor of approximately 4 (1). Accordingly, the allowable
effective external pressure would then be equal to that corre- pressure obtained from Levy’s Equation, Eq 5, can be in-
sponding to the actual external differential pressure due to the creased by a factor of 4. However, the enhancement will not
head of drilling slurry minus the internal pressure due to that of apply to unsupported pipe until the grouting is fully effective.
the water inside the pipe. A period of 1 week may be conservatively assumed. Unconstrained Collapse—The following version of 8.2.5 Axial Bending Stress—The radii of curvature for
Levy’s equation may be used to determine the allowable segments of the bored path, as indicated in Fig. 1, must be
external pressure for directional drilled pipe: sufficiently large to ensure minimal bending strains and
Pua 5
S 1
~1 2µ2! DR21
D 3 fo
N (5)
stresses within the pipe or conduit. The recommended mini-
mum bend radius may be provided by the manufacturer, and
corresponds to the following peak axial strain level:
where: D
Pua = allowable external collapse pressure, psi (kPa), ea 5 2 R (6)
E = apparent (time-corrected) modulus, psi (kPa), for the
grade of material used to manufacture the pipe, and where:
time and temperature of interest, ea = peak axial strain, in./in. (mm/mm),
µ = Poisson’s Ratio (long term loading = 0.45, short term D = outer diameter of pipe, in. (mm), and
loading = 0.35), R = local radius of curvature, in. (mm).
DR = dimension ratio (OD/t), The corresponding axial bending stresses may be calculated
fo = ovality compensation factor (see Fig. 2), and by:
N = safety factor, generally 2.0 or higher.
sa 5 E a e a (7)
For design, the allowable collapse pressure, Pua, must equal
or exceed the net effective pressure, Pnet. The modulus of where:
elasticity and Poisson’s ratio are a function of the duration of sa = peak axial stress, psi (kPa),
the anticipated load. Modulus values are given in Table X1.1. Ea = apparent modulus of elasticity, psi (kPa) (see Table
If the safety factor in Levy’s equation is set equal to one, the X1.1).
equation gives the critical collapse (buckling) pressure. Table
X1.3 gives the critical collapse pressure for different DR’s of NOTE 7—Some PE pipe manufacturers recommend an allowable bend-
ing radius to diameter ratio of approximately 40 or 50 to 1 during
HDPE pipe. For design purposes, the critical collapse pressure pull-back to minimize the effect of ovaling due to tensile loads.
must be reduced by a safety factor and by ovality compensation
to obtain an allowable stress, Pua. When using Table X1.3 for See X2.5 for calculating ovality induced by bending curva-
determining pipe’s resistance to buckling during pull-back, an ture.
additional reduction for tensile stresses is required. In general, PE Pipe—In general, the relatively stiff drill rods
if the resulting DR value is lower than that determined by the will require considerably larger bending radii than the flexible
initial selection criteria based upon internal pressure consid- PE pipe. The resulting path radii for passing beneath a major
erations, the lower value must be used as corresponding to a obstacle, such as a river, are typically at least an order of
required thicker, stronger pipe. magnitude greater than the minimum recommended for the
plastic pipe. The corresponding bending strains and stresses are
therefore usually not of major significance. However, the
curvature required for the pipe to enter or exit the bore hole
may be more severe and must be externally controlled to avoid
excessive strains or stresses in these areas.
8.2.6 Pulling Force—The pipe pullback operation is illus-
trated in Fig. 1, which shows the geometry of the path
including the depth, entry and exit curves, and the possibly
straight interim segment beneath the river or obstacle to be
crossed. The required tensile force at the leading end of the
product pipe will vary during the operation and is, in general,
less than that experienced at the drill rig due to the additional
load on the balance of the drill string still within the bore hole
and that due to any simultaneous reaming operation. The
tensile forces on the pipe result from the fractional drag forces
acting on the sides of the pipe due to the weight or buoyancy
forces as it is pulled into and along the hole, force amplifica-
tions due to pulling the pipe around the curves, and resistance
due to the pipe stiffness. The resultant forces will depend upon
FIG. 2 Ovality Compensation Factor whether the pipe is empty or deliberately weighted (for

F 1962 – 99
example, filled with ballast) to reduce the buoyancy. For the point, the corresponding sidewall bearing pressure at the inside
purposes of estimating the peak force on the product pipe, the of the bend may cause collapse of the pipe or conduit. This
load is calculated at the 4 transition points, A, B, C, D shown procedure should therefore be avoided in preference to pulling
in Fig. 1 (1). The greatest load on the pipe would typically be additional pipe length in a direction along the pipe exit (bore
at point D. The corresponding loads may be estimated by the entry) angle.
following equations: Pipe Stiffness—The equations in 8.2.6 do not explic-
TA 5 exp ~vaa! ~vawa ~L1 1 L2 1 L3 1 L4!! (8) itly account for the resistance due to the pipe stiffness at curves
along the bore path. This effect will be reduced for sufficiently
TB 5 exp ~vba! ~TA 1 vb?wb?L2 1wbH2vawaL2exp ~vaa!! (9) large radii and greater clearance within the bore hole, but may
still represent a significant contribution. Thus, Eq 8-11 and
TC 5 TB 1 vb?wb?L32exp ~v ba!~vawaL3exp ~vaa!! (10) associated calculations should be considered primarily as
estimates for the purposes of investigating the overall feasibil-
ity of the installation and providing an understanding of the
TD 5 exp ~vbb! ~TC1 vb?wb?L4 2 wbH 2 exp ~vaa!~vawaL4exp ~vaa!!!
(11) effect of the other parameters. The operational procedures
(Section 9) include methods for limiting the actual pulling
where: force applied to the pipe to provide confidence in the integrity
TA = pull force on pipe at point A, lbf (N), of the installed pipeline.
TB = pull force on pipe at point B, lbf (N), Coeffıcient of Friction—The coefficient of friction
TC = pull force on pipe at point C, lbf (N),
depends on the characteristics of the surfaces bearing against
TD = pull force on pipe at point D, lbf (N),
L1 = additional length of pipe required for handling each other, the presence of any lubrication, and whether there
and thermal contraction, ft (m), is relative motion between the surfaces. The degree of friction
L2 = horizontal distance to achieve desired depth, ft immediately prior to slippage is generally greater than the level
(m), during subsequent sliding. Although brief interruptions in the
L3 = additional distance traversed at desired depth, ft placement process are necessary during the removal of the drill
(m), rods during the pullback operation, it is important to attempt to
L4 = horizontal distance to rise to surface, ft (m), complete the operation without extensive interruptions, which
H = depth of bore hole from ground surface, ft (m), may allow the bore hole to collapse or the pipe to become
exp(X) = ex, where e = natural logarithm base (e = embedded in the surrounding soil. The value for vb represents
2.71828), the lubricated value for the pipe in the bore hole as surrounded
va = coefficient of friction applicable at the surface by drilling fluid and mud slurry assuming minimal interrup-
before the pipe enters bore hole, tions. It is recommended that the pipe external to the bore hole
vb = coefficient of friction applicable within the lubri- be supported such as to provide as low a coefficient of friction
cated bore hole or after the (wet) pipe exits, va as possible.
wa = weight of empty pipe, lbf/ft (N/m),
wb = net upward buoyant force on pipe in bore hole, NOTE 9—Suggested design values for the frictional coefficients va and
lbf/ft (N/m), vb are 0.5 and 0.3, respectively (1). Where pipe is placed on rollers, va is
a = bore hole angle at pipe entry (or HDD exit, at side typically considered equal to 0.1.
opposite drill rig), rad, and Multiple Pipes—If more than one pipe (that is, a
b = bore hole angle at pipe exit (or HDD entry, at bundle of small diameter pipes) is simultaneously pulled into
same side as drill rig), rad. the hole, higher overall loads will result due to the greater
The exponential factors correspond to the capstan effect, weight or buoyancy of the combination as well as an effec-
reflecting increased bearing pressure caused by the pipe pulled tively amplified coefficient of friction vb within the hole. The
against the inside surface of the bend. degree of amplification will depend upon the relative pipe and
hole diameters and will be minimized for greater clearance
NOTE 8—Although the actual value of L1 may be considered to be
within the borehole.
approximately 100 ft (30 m) to allow for handling at both ends of the bore,
including possible thermal contraction, it is recommended that a larger Effective Weight and Buoyancy Forces—The weight
value of L1(for example, 200 to 250 ft (60 to 75 m)) be used in Eq 8 to of the vacant pipe or conduit may be obtained from the
account for the actual path length along the arc. In some cases, L3 may be manufacturer, or may be calculated by the following formula:
equal to zero.
~DR21! If additional pipe length (to accommodate subse- wa 5 pD2 r g (12)
DR2 w a
quent elastic, viscoelastic, or thermal contractions) is pulled
through the bore hole by using a pulling force applied in a where:
horizontal direction at the drill rig side, resulting in an wa = weight of empty pipe, lbf/in. (N/mm),
additional bend of angle b at the surface, there may be a further ga = specific gravity of pipe material (for example, 0.955
increase in the pull force TD. The total force would correspond for PE),
to that of multiplying the value of TD, as calculated by Eq 11, rw = weight density of water times length unit conversion
by the additional factor exp(vbb). Furthermore, depending factor, lbf/in.3(N/mm3), and
upon the total force magnitude and the local bend radius at this D = outside diameter of pipe, in. (mm).

F 1962 – 99
NOTE 10—The density of water is 3.61 3 10-2 lbf/in.3(9.80 3 10−6
si 5 ~Ti 1 DT! 2 DR 2 1
D (19)
The net (upward) buoyant force on the vacant pipe sur-
rounded by a drilling fluid or mud slurry may be calculated by: where:
Ti = TA, TB, TC, or TD, lbf (N), and
pD si = corresponding stress, psi (kPa 3 10−3).
wb 5 4 rwgb2wa (13)
The highest average axial stress will occur at the pulling

head. However, depending on the curvature of the borepath, the
D2 4ga~DR21! peak tensile stress may not occur at the pulling head, but in a
wb 5 p 4 rw gb2 (14)
DR2 curve. In the curve, the maximum tensile stress due to bending
where gb equals specific gravity of mud slurry. occurs in the outer fibers of the pipe. For each curve, the
NOTE 11—The specific gravity of the mud slurry may be conservatively
maximum tensile stress equals the sum of the bending stress, as
assumed to be 1.5 (see 8.2.3). in Eq 7, due the curvature and the average axial stress at that
point due to pulling. The maximum tensile stress for each curve
If the pipe is filled with water or fluid to serve as ballast, the
buoyant force is reduced and is given by either: should be determined and compared with the average axial
stress at the pulling head to determine the peak tensile stress,
S 2
wb 5 p 4 rw gb 2 gc 1 2 DR S DD 2
2 wa (15)
sp, occurring in the pipe:
spi 5 si 1 sai (20)

wb5 p 4 rw gb 2 gc 1 2 DR D 2
4ga~DR 2 1!
spi = peak tensile stress at i-th point (where i = A, B, C, or
D), psi (kPa),
where gc equals specific gravity of ballast fluid. si = average axial tensile pull stress i-th point (where i =
If the pipe is filled with water, then gc= 1; if the pipe is filled A, B, C, or D), psi (kPa), and
with mud slurry (that is, if an open-ended pulling grip is used sai = outerfiber tensile stress (Eq 7) at i-th point (where i =
that allows the drilling fluid or slurry to enter the pipe), then A, B, C, or D), psi (kPa).
gc= gb, and the above formula becomes: Allowable Tensile Stress—The peak tensile stress,
~DR 2 1! sp, should be compared to the allowable stress at the antici-
wb 5 pD2rw ~gb 2 ga! (17)
DR2 pated installation temperature. Thus, it is required that:
For PE pipe, these procedures will typically result in a lower sp # SPS (21)
required pull force as calculated by Eq 8-11. Hydrokinetic Pressure—A pressure gradient exists where SPS equals safe pull tensile stress, psi (kPa 3 10 ) at

during the pipe pullback operation corresponding to that the anticipated installation temperature. Under continuous
required to exhaust the drilling fluid out of the hole, towards load, polyethylene undergoes creep deformation. Therefore,
the pipe entry area. Additional pressure surges are possible due the safe pull stress values are time and temperature dependent.
to nonuniform pulling rates (1,2). The flow of the drilling fluid See Table X1.1 for typical SPS values. The time interval for the
along the length of the pipe results in a drag force which may installation depends upon the length and rate of pullback of the
be estimated by considering a balance of the forces acting on pipe. Pullback rates are on the order of several feet per minute,
the fluid annulus in the bore hole due to the hydrokinetic depending upon the soil conditions. If it is anticipated that the
pressure and the lateral shear forces acting on the pipe and back-reaming process will be slow and difficult (see Section 9),
walls of the bore hole: it is recommended that a separate pre-reaming operation be
used to allow a subsequent faster pipe pullback and shorter
DT 5 DP 8 ~D2hole 2 D2! (18) time interval for installation pull forces to be applied. If necessary, the stress on the PE pipe or conduit
where: may be reduced by increasing the pipe wall thickness (that is,
DT = pulling force increment, lbf (N), lower SDR value) or, possibly, reducing the net buoyant force
DP = hydrokinetic pressure, psi (kPa 3 10−3), and by filling the pipe with fluid ballast (as described in
Dhole = backreamed hole diameter, in. (mm).
8.2.8 Torsional Stress—Torsional stresses are eliminated or
NOTE 12—DP is estimated to be 10 psi (70 kPa) (1,6). minimized by the use of a swivel at the leading end of the pipe.
The term DT may be added to the pulling forces calculated Section 9 provides information for the selection of an appro-
by Eq 8-11 to obtain the total pull force at each corresponding priate swivel.
point of the installation. This is shown explicitly in Eq 19. 8.2.9 Combined Loads During Installation—The calcula-
NOTE 13—For a bundle of pipes, the term D2 in Eq 18 is replaced by tions allow a preliminary selection of the pipe DR consistent
an equivalent sum of the corresponding quantities (diameters squared) for with the anticipated application, installation, and path charac-
the individual pipes. teristics. It is necessary, however, to finally consider the overall
8.2.7 Axial Tensile Stress—The average axial stress acting installation stresses due to the combination of loads which
on the pipe cross-section at point A, B, C, or D, including the many be present simultaneously. If the combined stresses are
increment for hydrokinetic pressure, is given by: not within the desired overall design margin, it may be

F 1962 – 99
necessary to select a thicker wall pipe or modify the installation away from the drilled crossing, are not specific to the HDD
parameters to relieve the resultant stresses. process and should be considered by the owner as for non- Reduced PE Collapse Strength—For PE pipe, the drilled pipe lines, in combination with the other stress contri-
presence of an axial tensile load will have a tendency to reduce butions.
the pipe’s short-term resistance to collapse under external
pressure, as otherwise estimated from Eq 5 (1). In addition, the 9. Implementation
hydrokinetic pressure increment at the leading end of the pipe 9.1 Due to the magnitude of the typical operation and
also increases the external hydrostatic pressure during this complexity of the equipment and control systems, maxi-HDD
period. The modified equation to account for these effects is: requires a highly trained crew. See Mini-Horizontal Directional

2E 1 3f f
Drilling Manual. It is beyond the scope of this guide to provide
Ppba 5 2 DR 2 1 N (22) operational procedures for the various equipment. Such train-
~ 1 2 µ !
ing is generally provided by the manufacturer. Contractors
where fR, the tensile pull reduction factor, is given by: should be required to demonstrate evidence of proper training
fR 5 =5.57 2 ~r11.09!22 1.09 (23)
for their crews, including classroom and field experience for
the primary personnel. The following items represent some of
and the issues related to the implementation process for placement
si of pipe or conduit.
r5 (24)
2~SPS! 9.1.1 Machine Size & Capability—The size and capacity of
the drilling equipment must be compatible with the thrust and
torque required to perform the drilling, reaming, and pipe
si = maximum average axial tensile pull stress from Eq
pullback operations. It is difficult to estimate the drill rig forces
19, psi (kPa), and
associated with the reaming operation, which may be signifi-
SPS = safe pull tensile stress, psi (kPa).
cantly greater than that directly applied to the pipe itself during
The allowable collapse pressure, Ppba, should equal or
pullback (as estimated by the formulas in 8.2.4), particularly
exceed the sum of the net effective pressure during pull-back
when both operations are performed simultaneously. The
and the hydrokinetic pressure:
estimated forces applied to the pipe may be considered a
Ppba $Peff1DP (25) minimum equipment requirement.
where: 9.1.2 Drill Unit Positioning—The drill rig unit is positioned
Peff = net effective pressure acting on pipe during pull- consistent with the discussion in Section 7 and the desired bore
back, psi (kPa), and route and pipe depth. Proper anchoring is especially important
DP = hydrokinetic pressure, psi (kPa). for soft or sandy soils.
9.1.3 Boring and Drill Rods—HDD operations begin with
NOTE 14—The modulus value used in Eq 22 and in the deflection the initial pilot bore. Different ground conditions will require
calculation for determining ovality for use in Eq 22 during pull-back
different type drill heads for the pilot bore operation. The drill
should be selected to match the time-interval of the pull-back.
rods should be as least as strong as the equipment capability. The net effective external pressure term, Peff, in Eq The planned bore route should also be compatible with drill rod
25 corresponds to the external head of drilling fluid or slurry capabilities with respect to cumulative fatigue stresses (Section
reduced by the internal pressure due to any fluid used as 7). Proper care and handling of the drill rods is important to
ballast. For the case of an open-ended pulling grip allowing the avoid breakage during boring or backreaming. The rod threads
drilling fluid to serve as ballast (see, the net effective must be cared for and properly coated (greased) when inserted
external pressure, Peff, including the hydrokinetic pressure, is into the drill string. Proper torque should initially be applied to
negligible and the possibility of collapse due to external the drill rods as added at the bore entry to avoid potential
pressure during the installation stage is essentially eliminated. loosening of the rods and loss of connection in the ground. Thermal Effects—Potential effects due to thermal 9.1.4 Washover Pipe—For many maxi-HDD operations, a
expansion may be minimized by allowing the pipe to reach washover pipe is inserted over the drill string as the bore
temperature equilibrium with the soil before cutting the pipe to progresses to support the hole and reduce torque. This steel
length to complete the installation. pipe may be removed during the backreaming operation. If
8.2.10 Combined Loads During Operation—In general, it is reaming is not required, the washover pipe may be left in place
the responsibility of the owner or owner’s contractor or and used as a casing into which a group of small plastic pipes
engineer to ensure that the design will be compatible with the may be placed by a later independent pulling operation.
long term operation of the pipe line, including sections away 9.1.5 Drilling Fluid Usage—Drilling fluids serve a critical
from that being placed by the drilling operation, as well as role in maxi-HDD operations. The fluid powers the mud-motor
sections in the vicinity of the crossing, both at the surface and at the front of the drill string that bores the pilot hole. The fluid
passing beneath the obstacle. also provides lubrication during the pilot boring, reaming, and Thermal Stress—Thermal stresses due to tempera- pullback operations to reduce the required torque and thrust or
ture differentials existing during the placement process may be pullback loads. In addition, the drilling fluid stabilizes the bore
considered small, as discussed in 8.2.10. However, possible hole, cools the drill head (and internal circuitry), and removes
thermal effects during long-term operation due to seasonal cuttings and spoils. The crew must be trained in the proper use
expansion or contraction at the surface, including at sections of drilling fluids and the appropriate types for various ground

F 1962 – 99
conditions. Note that excessive drilling fluid pressures or than the outer diameter of the pipe (or pipe bundle) to provide
volumes may result in greater disposal problems or appear- clearance for pipe grips, allow spoils flow, and reduce the
ances at undesired surface locations as the fluid penetrates required loads during the pipe pullback operation. During
through fissures. pre-reaming, additional drill rods must be available at the pilot
9.2 Tracking and Locating: bore exit which are connected to a swivel at the rear of the
9.2.1 Location Interval—In order to maintain the actual reamer and pulled into the hole to maintain the path.
bore along the planned path, the pilot bore must be carefully 9.3.1 Grouting—If grouting has been specified to fill the
tracked, and path confirmation established at least once each 30 annulus of the hole surrounding the pipe(s), it may be pumped
ft (10 m) interval (for example, when adding drill rods). For during the pullback operation, serving as drilling fluid. How-
paths with horizontal or vertical turns, or in critical areas ever, if the pullback encounters any difficulty, the grout can
including the vicinity of other obstacles, shorter intervals for set-up. Consideration should be given to placing grout through
example, 15 ft (5 m) are recommended. In areas with pockets a tremie pipe pulled in during pullback. The requirement and
of cobbles or other obstacles that may divert the drill head, formulation of the grouting shall have been established in
measurements should be made whenever contact with such advance by the owner and the owner’s engineer following the
obstacles is suspected. A misdirected drill head must be preliminary surface and subsurface studies and route planning,
corrected as soon as possible. for environmental considerations, or to increase the long-term
collapse resistance of the pipe or provide additional strength or
9.2.2 As-Built Drawings—A record of the actual as-built
mechanical protection. The grouting requires proper formula-
bore path, including plan and profile views and vertical and
tion consistent with desired set-up time; appropriate fluid
horizontal deviations, indicating the relation to the planned
pumps are required to handle the thicker fluid mixture. In may
path, must be submitted to the owner. Any information
cases it may only be required to plug the entry and exit
obtained during the initial bore regarding soil characteristics,
penetration points, possibly using a cement-bentonite mixture
etc. should be added. The experiences gained during the initial
bore may be used to provide guidance for the backreaming
operating, as well as for subsequent operations in the project 9.4 Gripping the Pipe—If not supplied as a continuous
area. Additional information should also be included, such as length on a reel, it is assumed that the pipe(s) have been fused
steering or correction commands, drilling fluid usage, and the and tested prior to completion of the boring operation to avoid
type of drill head being used. Regarding the reaming and unnecessary delays in completing the installation. The bored
pullback operations, the pipe insertion velocity, duration, type and reamed hole may tend to close in or collapse after an
and size of reamers (cutters or compactors), final bore hole extended period of time, significantly inhibiting or preventing
size, drilling fluid usage, and required pullback forces should the insertion of the pipe.
be recorded. 9.4.1 Due to the distance of the operation and the relatively
9.3 Reaming—In some maxi-HDD applications, a back- high pullback loads generated, secure gripping procedures
reaming operation to increase the hole size may not be required must be used. Basket-type or internal only grips are not
(for example, when a small pipe is to be pulled back into the recommended. The gripping method selected must allow
initial bore hole or, possibly, a bundle of small pipes is to be essentially the full tensile rating of the pipe to be developed.
pulled into the remaining washover pipe by a separate proce- Appropriate types may include an internal/external clamping or
dure after completion of the HDD operation). However, a bolting device, or a fused PE pipe adapter with a built-in
backreaming operation is typically performed to produce a hole pulling eye. In the latter case, a smaller diameter section of the
size sufficiently large to readily install the pipe(s) or conduit. adapter may serve as a breakaway link protecting the main
Appropriate cutters and compactors compatible with the soil section of pipe (see 9.4.3). In general, the end of the pipe
conditions are required, including proper usage of drilling should be plugged or sealed to prevent contamination during
fluid. In some cases, several reaming (that is, pre-reaming) the pull-back operation. However, if it is desired to allow the
operations may be required. In general, pre-reaming is not mud slurry to serve as ballast (see 8.2.5), a gripping method
required for placing pipe 20 in. (500 mm) or less in diameter, should be used that allows the fluid to enter the pipe. Several
and the reaming and pipe pullback may be performed simul- pipes may be pulled simultaneously, but the position of the
taneously. The pre-reaming operations allow relatively large grips should be staggered, if necessary, to avoid a single large
holes to be created in stages, reducing the required torque and bulge.
thrust loads at the machine. For difficult installations for which 9.4.2 Swivel—A swivel is required between the reamer or
a high pulling load is anticipated, a pre-reaming operation will compactor preceding the pipe to prevent the transmission of
help ensure that the capability of the machine is not exceeded torsional loads to the pipe. The rating of the swivel should be
due to the combined forces due to increasing the hole diameter somewhat larger than the lower of the pull force capability of
and pulling the pipe. The pullback operation may also then be the drill rig or the total strengths of the bundle of pipes to be
performed at a faster rate, reducing the time the pipe is under installed, but not excessively greater. Inefficiencies in overly
axial load. In addition, pre-reaming reduces the possibility of large swivels may result in relatively significant twist trans-
voids or surface heaving or settlement, including unanticipated mitted to small pipes.
drilling fluid appearances. Hole diameter increments should be 9.4.3 Breakaway Link—In general, the recorded pulling
restricted to approximately 10 in. (250 mm) or less during a forces as indicated at the drill rig will exceed the tensions
single pass. The final hole diameter is typically 50 % greater experienced by the pipe or conduit throughout most of the

F 1962 – 99
pullback process. Limiting these loads to that of the allowable and potential thermal expansion or contraction. Thus, the pipe
pipe strength will generally be overly conservative. It is should be allowed to achieve mechanical and thermal equilib-
recommended that individual breakaway links be provided rium with its surroundings prior to cutting the pipe at either
between the main swivel and the grip(s) at the pipe(s), to end. Premature cutting of the pipe may allow the ends to shrink
ensure that the pipelines are installed within allowable load back into the hole. The pipe may be cut after it has been
levels. Broken links will require removal of the pipe(s) from verified that there has been insignificant movement at the pipe
the entry end, or possibly abandonment. Following a determi- entry end and negligible residual tensile load at the drill rig
nation of the problem, and an appropriate solution, another end. If any fluid or slurry was allowed to enter the pipe to serve
attempt may be made, possibly requiring a new bore path. as ballast (see 8.2.6), the fluid must be purged and the pipe Each breakaway link rating should be within the safe thoroughly flushed and cleaned.
pull tensile load, also called the allowable tensile load of its 10.1.1 Integrity—Some pipes, such as for gas or fluid
corresponding pipe. See Table X1.1. transport, may be required to pass hydrostatic pressure or Although less desirable, a single breakaway link leakage tests, before or after pullback, or both, as specified by
may be used for a bundle of pipes. The corresponding safe the owner. For pipes to be used as paths for cables, the integrity
working loads for the individual pipes in the bundle are added of the path should be verified by pulling a “pig” through the
to determine the total safe working load and the corresponding installed pipe prior to splicing or terminating.
rating of the breakaway link. If a breakaway swivel is used as 10.1.2 Visual Inspection—The pipe exiting the borehole
the breakaway link, and not specifically designed for direct should not show signs of yielding or necking-down. The
exposure with soil, this item should be cleaned well after each surface of the pipe should be inspected for gouges or scratches.
application. The use of such a breakaway swivel does not Gouges or scratches in excess of 10 % of the minimum wall
eliminate the need for the main swivel described in 9.4.2. thickness should be assessed as to whether pipe is suitable or
9.5 Handling the Pipe—Extreme care must be exercised not for pressure service.
when handling the pipe to ensure that it is not subject to 10.1.3 Bore Path—The as-built drawings shall be submitted
excessively sharp bends which may cause a kink or other to the owner’s representative to indicate the pipe was placed at
damage to the pipe. Section 8 provides appropriate guidelines, the proper location and depth, or within acceptable limits.
including discussion of the combined effects of bending loads Maintaining an appropriate minimum depth of cover beneath
and tension in the pipe. Particular areas of concern typically the river bottom is critical, including margin to account for
include the pipe entry or exit points. It is important to minimize scouring, to avoid subsequent exposure or damage. Recording
bending of the pipe as it enters the bore hole, consistent with of the exact location will help avoid damage during any future
7.3, 7.4.4 and 8.2.7, and to ensure low friction on the portion construction activities in the area. In addition, records of
of the pipe outside the hole. This may be accomplished by the pullback forces at the drill rig, breakaway link ratings, instal-
use of appropriate lifting equipment and roller stands to reduce lation rate, final hole diameter, grouting information, etc.,
friction. Due to the potentially high tensile load at the pipe exit, should be recorded and provided.
it is especially important to avoid sharp bends at this point. 10.2 Cleanup—After inspection and approval by the owner
or representative, the surface area must be restored to its
10. Inspection and Site Cleanup original condition. The site must be cleaned of equipment,
10.1 Completion and Inspection—It is necessary to mini- tools, and spoils. All drilling fluid must be cleaned from the site
mize any residual stresses or strains remaining in the pipe or its vicinity and properly disposed of, consistent with Section
following the installation, due to the imposed pulling forces 6.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Material Properties of Polyethylene—Typical values polyethylene (PE3408) resins are presented in Table X1.1.
for the apparent modulus of elasticity and tensile strength at Consult the manufacturer for specific applications.
73°F (23°C) for medium density (PE 2406) and high density

F 1962 – 99
TABLE X1.1 Apparent Modulus of Elasticity and Safe Pull Tensile Stress at 73°F
Typical Apparent Modulus of Elasticity Typical Safe Pull Stress
Duration HDPE MDPE Duration HDPE MDPE

Short-term 110 000 psi (800 MPa) 87 000 psi (600 MPa) 30 min 1300 psi (9.0 MPa) 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)

10 h 57 500 psi (400 MPa) 43 500 psi (300 MPa) 60 min 1200 psi (8.3 MPa) 900 psi (6.2 MPa)

100 h 51 200 psi (350 MPa) 36 200 psi (250 MPa) 12 h 1150 psi (7.9 MPa) 850 psi (5.9 MPa)

50 years 28 200 psi (200 MPa) 21 700 psi (150 MPa) 24 h 1100 psi (7.6 MPa) 800 psi (5.5 MPa)


X2.1 Allowable Tensile Load—The safe pull tensile load (typically exceeding five pipe diameters), dynamic loads such
for a pipe is equal to its allowable tensile load ATL, which can as traffic or rail loads are insignificant, the soil has sufficient
be calculated from the safe pull tensile stress SPS, as follows: internal friction to transmit arching, as confirmed by a geo-

1 1 technical engineer.
ATL 5 ~SPS! p D2 DR 2 (X2.1)
DR2 X2.2.1 Use of Terzaghi’s equation as given in Eq X2.2 for
calculating earth loads on jacked pipe is suggested in Ref. (10).
where: Note that the friction angle, has been reduced in Terzaghi’s
D = pipe outer diameter, in. (mm), equation by 50 %.
SPS = safe pull stress, psi (kPa), and
DR = pipe dimension ratio (outer diameter/minimum wall kgH
PEV 5 (X2.2)
thickness). in.2
144 2
For gas pipes, see Practice F 1804 for determining ATL. ft

X2.2 Earth Pressure Calculation—The soil load on direc-

tional drilled pipe is essentially dependent on the depth of S KH d
1 2exp 22 B tan 2 S DD
cover, borehole diameter, mud-slurry properties, and the in situ k5 KH d (X2.3)
properties. Earth and live-load pressures are transferred to the 2 B tan 2
pipe through the deformation of the soil around the borehole.
[For metric units, the conversion factor of 144 in2/ft2 should
As the deformation occurs, a cavity of loosened soil forms
be dropped]
above the borehole. This cavity is filled by soil sloughing from
above it. The process causes the soil to bulk, that is, the density where:
of the sloughed soil is less than the density of the undisturbed PE = external earth pressure, psi (kPa),
soil. The sloughing process continues until an equilibrium is Y = soil weight, pcf (kN/m3),
reached where the stiffness of the sloughed soil is sufficient to H = depth of cover, ft (m),
resist further sloughing from the soil above. This bulking state k = arching factor,
results in arching of load around the pipe (that is, the earth load B = “silo” width, ft (m),
applied to the pipe is less than the geostatic stress (or prism d = angle of wall friction, degrees (for directional drilling,
load).) There is a lack of published equations for calculating assume d = f, and f = angle of internal friction,
earth loads on directional pipes. However, equations have been degrees.), and
K = earth pressure coefficient given by:

published for calculating loads on jacked pipe. Although the
applicability of these equations to directional drilling has not f
K 5 tan2 45 2 2 (X2.4)
been confirmed, they are likely applicable where the PE is
installed in a mud slurry. The normal jacking procedure like the
directional drilled process overcuts the hole but the overcut is The silo width must be estimated based on the application. It
typically less than 10 % of the pipe diameter with jacked pipe, varies between the pipe diameter and the borehole diameter. A
whereas with directional drilled pipes the overcut may be conservative approach is to assume the silo width equals the
50 %. Equations for calculating the loads occurring on jacked- borehole diameter. (If the effective soil weight is used the
pipe due to the bulking process are given by O’Rourke et al. groundwater pressure must be added back into Eq X2.2 to get
Another interpretation of arching above jacked-pipe is given in the total external pressure acting on the pipe. The effective soil
(10). Stein’s method in Ref. (10) considers the process of weight is the dry unit weight of the soil for soil above the
arching to be similar to trench arching. Only Stein’s method is groundwater level; it is the saturated unit weight less the
given below as O’Rourke’s method in Ref. (9) involves weight of water for soil below the groundwater level.)
extensive calculations and typically results in lesser load than
Stein’s method. Credit for arching should only be considered X2.3 Earth Load Deflection—Earth load is generally ap-
where the depth of cover is sufficient to develop arching plied at the pipe crown with a reaction at the invert. As slurry

F 1962 – 99
provides essentially no side-support, there is little pressure at a directional drilled pipe ovality is additive to earth load
the springline to restrain vertical deflection. The primary deflection. For DR 21 or lower pipes, when the bending radius
resistance to deflection is provided by the pipe’s stiffness. is greater than or equal to 40 pipe diameters, the ovality is
Whereas, actual soil loads will occur over a good portion of the negligible. Ovality in terms of percent deflection can be
top and bottom halves of the pipe, Ref. (11) gives two ring calculated from the Reissner equation:
deflection formulas for uniform loading on the top half of a
pipe in the Appendix of the text. One formula assumes the
Dy 2
D 5 3 z 1 135 z
pipe’s invert is supported on a rigid, flat base while the other 3 2 4
assumes the invert reaction load is uniform around the bottom 2~1 2 µ !~D 2 t!
half of the pipe. Neither case fits exactly what occurs with z5 (X2.8)
directional drilled pipe but the average of the two formulas
may come close. where:
D 0.0125PE µ = Poisson’s ratio,
D5 E (X2.5) D = pipe OD, in. (mm),
12 ~DR21!3
t = pipe wall thickness, in. (mm),
R = radius of curvature, in. (mm), and
where: Dy/D = deflection, in./in. (mm/mm) (convert to percent by
D = pipe diameter, in. (mm), multiplying by 100).
D = ring deformation, in. (mm),
PE = earth pressure, psi (kPa), X2.6 Deflection Limits—The limiting deflection (in percent)
DR = pipe dimension ratio, and is determined by the geometric stability of the deflected pipe,
E = modulus of elasticity, psi (kPa). hydraulic capacity, and the strain occurring in the pipe wall. It
has been observed that for PE, pressure-rated pipe, subjected to
X2.4 Buoyant Deflection—An external pressure difference soil pressure only, no upper limit from a practical design point
between crown and invert occurs when pipe is submerged in of view seems to exist for the bending strain (12). Therefore,
grout due to the difference in grout head pressure across the for non-pressure pipes or conduits the safe long-term deflection
pipe. The pressure difference applies a force which deflects the is 7.5 % of the diameter. When subjected to internal pressure in
invert upward toward the crown, thus creating ovality. Deflec- addition to soil pressure, the localized bending strain resulting
tion is given by Eq X2.6. This can be converted to percent from deflection combines with the hoop tensile strain caused
deflection by multiplying it by 100. by internal pressure to produce a higher, localized tensile
D 0.1169gw 2 SD 4 fiber-stress. However, as the internal pressure is increased the
pipe re-rounds and the bending strain is reduced. At high
D5 EI (X2.6)
pressures, the bending strain is reduced and the ring tensile
stress approaches that due to internal pressure alone. For
where: calculation method, see Ref. (13). This fact coupled with the
D = ring deflection, in. (m), ductility of PE permits the designer to ignore the combined
D = pipe diameter, in. (m),
effect of pressure and deflection. In lieu of an exact calculation
Yw = weight of fluid in borehole, lbs/in.3 (to convert fluid
based on allowable strain, the designer can use the safe
weight from lbs/ft3 to lbs/in3 divide by 1728) (kN/
long-term design deflection values for pressure pipe shown to
E = modulus of elasticity, psi (kPa), and Table X2.1.
I = moment of inertia of pipe wall cross-section (t3/12),
in.4/in. (m4/m). X2.6.1 Design deflections are for use in selecting DR and
for field quality control. Field measured deflections exceeding
X2.5 Reissner Effect—Longitudinal bending of a pipe in- the design deflection do not necessarily indicate unstable or
duces ovality. For entrenched pipes this ovality is usually over-strained pipe. In this case, an engineering analysis of such
ignored as it is oriented transverse to earth load deflection. In pipe should be performed before acceptance.

F 1962 – 99
TABLE X2.1 Safe Long-Term Design Deflection values for Buried
Pressurized Polyethylene Pipe
DR or SDR Deflection Limits as % of Diameter
21 7.5
17 6.0
15.5 6.0
13.5 6.0
11 5.0
9 4.0
7.3 3.0


X3.1 Critical Buckling Pressure—Table X3.1 gives the

critical collapse pressure for HDPE pipes. The values do not
contain a safety factor nor any compensation for ovality or
pulling force. See for discussion.

TABLE X3.1 Critical Collapse Pressure for Unconstrained HDPE PipeA,B,C at 73°F
NOTE—Table does not include ovality compensation or safety factor.
Pipe SDR, psi, ft H2O, in Hg
Service Life 7.3 9 11 13.5 15.5 17 21

Short-term 1003, 2316, 2045 490, 1131, 999 251, 579, 512 128, 297, 262 82, 190, 168 61, 141, 125 31, 72, 64

100 h 488, 1126, 995 238, 550, 486 122, 282, 249 62, 144, 127 40, 92, 82 30, 69, 61 15, 35, 31

50 years 283, 653, 577 138, 319, 282 71, 163, 144 36, 84, 74 23, 54, 47 17, 40, 35 9, 20, 18
Axial Tension during pull-back reduces collapse strength.
Full vacuum is 14.7 psi, 34 ft water, 30 in Hg.
Multipliers for temperature rerating:
60°F ~16°C! 73.4°F ~23°C! 100°F ~38°C! 120°F ~49°C!
1.08 1.00 0.78 0.63


(1) Svetlik, H. E., “Polyethylene Pipe Design for Directional-Drillings and (7) Guidelines for a Successful Directional Crossing Bid Package, The
River-Crossings”, Proceedings, North American Society for Trenchless Directional Crossing Contractors Association, Dallas, Texas, 1995.
Technology NO-DIG ’95. April/May 1995. (8) Petroff, L.J., “Design Guidelines for Directional Drilled PE Pipe”,
(2) Hair, J. D., “Design and Project Management Considerations Involved American Society of Civil Engineers Congress on Trenchless Tech-
with Horizontal Directional Drilling”, New Advances in Trenchless nology, 1997.
Technology: An Advanced Technical Seminar, February 5–8, 1995. (9) O’Rourke, T.D., El-Garbawy, S.L., Stewart, H.E., “Soil Loads at
(3) Ingold, T. S., and Thomson, J. C., “Site Investigations Related to Pipeline Crossing”, American Society of Civil Engineers Specialty
Trenchless Techniques”, Proceedings, International Society for Conference on Pipeline Crossings, 1991.
Trenchless Technology NO-DIG ’89 April, 1989.
(10) Stein, D., Mollers, K., Bielecki, R., Microtunnelling, Ernst & Sohn,
(4) Hair, J. D. and Hair, C. W. III,“ Considerations in the Design and
Berlin, Germany, 1989.
Installation of Horizontally Drilled Pipeline River Crossings,” Ameri-
can Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings of Pipeline Infrastructure (11) Watkins, R.K. and Anderson, L.R., Structural Mechanics of Buried
Specialty Conference, 1988. Pipes, Department of Civil Environmental Engineering, Utah State
(5) Hair, C. W. III, “Site Investigation Requirements for Large Diameter University, Logan, Utah, 1995.
HDD Projects”, New Advances in Trenchless Technology: An Ad- (12) Janson, L.E.,“ Long-Term Studies of PVC and PE Pipes Subjected to
vanced Technical Seminar, 1995. Forced Constant Deflection”, Report No. 3, KP-Council, Stockholm,
(6) Iseley, D.T. and Cowling, D.H. “Obstacle Detection to Facilitate Sweden, 1991.
Horizontal Directional Drilling”, prepared by the Trenchless Technol- (13) Janson, L.E., Plastics Pipes for Water Supply and Sewage Disposal,
ogy Center for the American Gas Association, January 1994. Borealis, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995.

F 1962 – 99
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