Item 200

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Cagaoan, Marc Dared F.

Fourth Year BSCE

September 11,


200.1 Description
This item shall consist of furnishing, placing and compacting an aggregate subbase
course on a prepared subgrade in accordance with this Specification and the lines,
grades and cross-sections shown on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer.
200.2 Material Requirements
Aggregate for subbase shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of
crushed stone, crushed slag, or crushed or natural gravel and filler of natural or
crushed sand or other finely divided mineral matter. The composite material shall
be free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay, and shall be of such
nature that it can be compacted readily to form a firm, stable subbase.
The subbase material shall conform to Table 200.1, Grading Requirements
Table 200.1 Grading Requirements
Sieve Designation
Standard, mm
Alternate Us Standard
No. 200

Mass Percent Passing


The fraction passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall not be greater than 0.66
(two thirds) of the fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.
The fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall have a liquid limit not
greater than 35 and plasticity index not greater than 12 as determined by AASHTO
T 89 and T 90, respectively.
The coarse portion, retained on a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, shall have a mass
percent of wear not exceeding 50 by the Los Angeles Abrasion Tests as determined
by AASHTO T 96.
The material shall have a soaked CBR value of not less than 25% as determined by
AASHTO T 193. The CBR value shall be obtained at the maximum dry density and
determined by AASHTO T 180, Method D.

200.3 Construction Requirements

200.3.1 Preparation of Existing Surface
The existing surface shall be graded and finished as provided under Item 105,
Subgrade Preparation, before placing the subbase material.
200.3.2 Placing
The aggregate subbase material shall be placed at a uniform mixture on a prepared
subgrade in a quantity which will provide the required compacted thickness. When
more than one layer is required, each layer shall be shaped and compacted before
the succeeding layer is placed.
The placing of material shall begin at the point designated by the Engineer. Placing
shall be from vehicles especially equipped to distribute the material in a continuous
uniform layer or windrow. The layer or windrow shall be of such size that when
spread and compacted the finished layer be in reasonably close conformity to the
nominal thickness shown on the Plans.
When hauling is done over previously placed material, hauling equipment shall be
dispersed uniformly over the entire surface of the previously constructed layer, to
minimize rutting or uneven compaction.
200.3.3 Spreading and Compacting
When uniformly mixed, the mixture shall be spread to the plan thickness, for
Where the required thickness is 150 mm or less, the material may be spread and
compacted in one layer.
Where the required thickness is more than 150 mm, the aggregate subbase shall
be spread and compacted in two or more layers of approximately equal thickness,
and the maximum compacted thickness of any layer shall not exceed 150 mm. All
subsequent layers shall be spread and compacted in a similar manner.
The moisture content of subbase material shall, if necessary, be adjusted prior to
compaction by watering with approved sprinklers mounted on trucks or by drying
out, as required in order to obtain the required compaction.
Immediately following final spreading and smoothening, each layer shall be
compacted to the full width by means of approved compaction equipment. Rolling
shall progress gradually from the sides to the center, parallel to the centerline of the

road and shall continue until the whole surface has been rolled. Any irregularities
or depressions that develop shall be corrected by loosening the material at these
places and adding or removing material until surface is smooth and uniform. Along
curbs, headers, and walls, and at all places not accessible to the roller, the subbase
material shall be compacted thoroughly with approved tampers or compactors.
If the layer of subbase material, or part thereof, does not conform to the required
finish, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, make the necessary corrections.
Compaction of each layer shall continue until a field density of at least 100 percent
of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180, Method
D has been achieved. In-place density determination shall be made in accordance
with AASHTO T 191.
200.3.4 Trial Sections
Before subbase construction is started, the Contractor shall spread and compact
trial sections as directed by the Engineer. The purpose of the trial sections is to
check the suitability of the materials and the efficiency of the equipment and
construction method which is proposed to be used by the Contractor. Therefore,
the Contractor must use the same material, equipment and procedures that he
proposes to use for the main work. One trial section of about 500 m2 shall be
made for every type of material and/or construction equipment/procedure proposed
for use.
After final compaction of each trial section, the Contractor shall carry out such field
density tests and other tests required as directed by the Engineer.
If a trial section shows that the proposed materials, equipment or procedures in the
Engineers opinion are not suitable for subbase, the material shall be removed at
the Contractors expense, and a new trial section shall be constructed.
If the basic conditions regarding the type of material or procedure change during
the execution of the work, new trial sections shall be constructed.
200.3.5 Tolerances
Aggregate subbase shall be spread with equipment that will provide a uniform layer
which when compacted will conform to the designed level and transverse slopes as
shown on the Plans. The allowable tolerances shall be as specified hereunder:
Permitted variation from design THICKNESS OF LAYER
Permitted variation from design LEVEL OF SURFACE
+10 mm
-20 mm
Permitted SURFACE IRREGULARITY Measured by 3-m straight-edge
Permitted variation from design CROSSFALL OR CAMBER
Permitted variation from design LONGITUDINAL GRADE over 25 m in length

200.4 Method of Measurement

Aggregate Subbase Course will be measured by the cubic meter (m3).
quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted in-place as shown on
the Plans, and accepted in the completed course. No allowance will be given for
materials placed outside the design limits shown on the cross- sections. Trial
sections shall not be measured separately but shall be included in the quantity of
subbase herein measured.

200.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 200.4, shall be paid for
at the contract unit price for Aggregate Subbase Course which price and payment
shall be full compensation for furnishings and placing all materials, including all
labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed
in this Item.
Payment will be made under:
Pay Item Number


Unit of Measurement


Aggregate Subbase

Cubic meter

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