DPWH ITEM 200 Latest 2004

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200.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing, placing and compacting an aggregate

subbase course on a prepared subgrade in accordance with this Specification
and the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the Plans, or as directed by
the Engineer.

200.2 Material Requirements

Aggregate for subbase shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments

of crushed stone, crushed slag, or crushed or natural gravel and filler of natural or
crushed sand or other finely divided mineral matter. The composite material shall
be free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay, and shall be of such
nature that it can be compacted readily to form a firm, stable subbase.

The subbase material shall conform to Table 200.1, Grading Requirements

Table 200.1 – Grading Requirements

Sieve Designation
Standard, mm Alternate US Standard Mass Percent Passing
50 2” 100
25 1” 55 – 85
9.5 3/8” 40 – 75
0.075 No. 200 0 - 12

The fraction passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall not be greater
than 0.66 (two thirds) of the fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.

The fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall have a liquid limit
not greater than 35 and plasticity index not greater than 12 as determined by
AASHTO T 89 and T 90, respectively.

The coarse portion, retained on a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, shall have a
mass percent of wear not exceeding 50 by the Los Angeles Abrasion Tests as
determined by AASHTO T 96.

The material shall have a soaked CBR value of not less than 25% as
determined by AASHTO T 193. The CBR value shall be obtained at the
maximum dry density and determined by AASHTO T 180, Method D.

200.3 Construction Requirements

200.3.1 Preparation of Existing Surface

The existing surface shall be graded and finished as provided under Item
105, Subgrade Preparation, before placing the subbase material.

200.3.2 Placing

The aggregate subbase material shall be placed at a uniform mixture on a

prepared subgrade in a quantity which will provide the required compacted
thickness. When more than one layer is required, each layer shall be shaped
and compacted before the succeeding layer is placed.

The placing of material shall begin at the point designated by the Engineer.
Placing shall be from vehicles especially equipped to distribute the material in a
continuous uniform layer or windrow. The layer or windrow shall be of such size
that when spread and compacted the finished layer be in reasonably close
conformity to the nominal thickness shown on the Plans.

When hauling is done over previously placed material, hauling equipment

shall be dispersed uniformly over the entire surface of the previously constructed
layer, to minimize rutting or uneven compaction.

200.3.3 Spreading and Compacting

When uniformly mixed, the mixture shall be spread to the plan thickness,
for compaction.

Where the required thickness is 150 mm or less, the material may be

spread and compacted in one layer. Where the required thickness is more than
150 mm, the aggregate subbase shall be spread and compacted in two or more
layers of approximately equal thickness, and the maximum compacted thickness
of any layer shall not exceed 150 mm. All subsequent layers shall be spread and
compacted in a similar manner.

The moisture content of subbase material shall, if necessary, be adjusted

prior to compaction by watering with approved sprinklers mounted on trucks or by
drying out, as required in order to obtain the required compaction.

Immediately following final spreading and smoothening, each layer shall be

compacted to the full width by means of approved compaction equipment.
Rolling shall progress gradually from the sides to the center, parallel to the
centerline of the road and shall continue until the whole surface has been rolled.
Any irregularities or depressions that develop shall be corrected by loosening the
material at these places and adding or removing material until surface is smooth
and uniform. Along curbs, headers, and walls, and at all places not accessible to
the roller, the subbase material shall be compacted thoroughly with approved
tampers or compactors.

If the layer of subbase material, or part thereof, does not conform to the
required finish, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, make the necessary

Compaction of each layer shall continue until a field density of at least 100
percent of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T
180, Method D has been achieved. In-place density determination shall be made
in accordance with AASHTO T 191.

200.3.4 Trial Sections

Before subbase construction is started, the Contractor shall spread and

compact trial sections as directed by the Engineer. The purpose of the trial
sections is to check the suitability of the materials and the efficiency of the
equipment and construction method which is proposed to be used by the
Contractor. Therefore, the Contractor must use the same material, equipment
and procedures that he proposes to use for the main work. One trial section of
about 500 m2 shall be made for every type of material and/or construction
equipment/procedure proposed for use.

After final compaction of each trial section, the Contractor shall carry out
such field density tests and other tests required as directed by the Engineer.

If a trial section shows that the proposed materials, equipment or

procedures in the Engineer’s opinion are not suitable for subbase, the material
shall be removed at the Contractor’s expense, and a new trial section shall be

If the basic conditions regarding the type of material or procedure change

during the execution of the work, new trial sections shall be constructed.

200.3.5 Tolerances

Aggregate SUBBASE shall be spread with equipment that will provide a

uniform layer which when compacted will conform to the designed level and
transverse slopes as shown on the Plans. The allowable tolerances shall be as
specified hereunder:

Permitted variation from design ± 20 mm


Permitted variation from design +10 mm



Measured by 3-m straight-edge 20 mm

Permitted variation from design


Permitted variation from design

25 m in length

200.4 Method of Measurement

Aggregate Subbase Course will be measured by the cubic meter (m 3).

The quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted in-place as
shown on the Plans, and accepted in the completed course. No allowance will
be given for materials placed outside the design limits shown on the cross-
sections. Trial sections shall not be measured separately but shall be included in
the quantity of subbase herein measured.

200.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 200.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Aggregate Subbase Course which price
and payment shall be full compensation for furnishings and placing all materials,
including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the
work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

200 Aggregate Subbase Course Cubic Meter


201.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing, placing and compacting an aggregate

base course on a prepared subgrade/subbase in accordance with this
Specificaton and the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross-sections shown on
the Plans, or as established by the Engineer.

201.2 Material Requirements

Aggregate for base course shall consist of hard, durable particles or

fragments of crushed stone, crushed slag or crushed or natural gravel and filler of
natural or crushed sand or other finely divided mineral matter. The composite
material shall be free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay, and shall
be of such nature that it can be compacted readily to form a firm, stable base.

In some areas where the conventional base course materials are scarce or
non-available, the use of 40% weathered limestone blended with 60% crushed
stones or gravel shall be allowed, provided that the blended materials meet the
requirements of this Item.

The base course material shall conform to Table 201.1, whichever is called
for in the Bill of Quantities

Table 201.1 – Grading Requirements

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing

Standard, mm Alternate US Standard Grading A Grading B
50 2” 100
37.5 1-1/2” - 100
25.0 1” 60 – 85 -
19.0 ¾” - 60 – 85
12.5 ½” 35 – 65 -
4.75 No. 4 20 – 50 30 – 55
0.425 No. 40 5 – 20 8 – 25
0.075 No. 200 0 – 12 2 – 14

The fraction passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall not be greater
than 0.66 (two thirds) of the fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.

The fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall have a liquid limit
not greater than 25 and plasticity index not greater than 6 as determined by
AASHTO T 89 and T 90, respectively.

The coarse portion, retained on a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall have a
mass percent of wear not exceeding 50 by the Los Angeles Abrasion test
determined by AASHTO T 96.

The material passing the 19 mm (3/4 inch) sieve shall have a soaked CBR
value of not less than 80% as determined by AASHTO T 193. The CBR value
shall be obtained at the maximum dry density (MDD) as determined by AASHTO
T 180, Method D.

If filler, in addition to that naturally present, is necessary for meeting the

grading requirements or for satisfactory bonding, it shall be uniformly blended with
the base course material on the road or in a pugmill unless otherwise specified or
approved. Filler shall be taken from sources approved by the Engineer, shall be
free from hard lumps and shall not contain more than 15 percent of material
retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.

201.3 Construction Requirements

201.3.1 Preparation of Existing Surface

The existing surface shall be graded and finished as provided under Item
105, Subgrade Preparation, before placing the base material.

201.3.2 Placing

It shall be in accordance with all the requirements of Subsection 200.3.2,


201.3.3 Spreading and Compacting

It shall be in accordance with all the requirements of Subsection 200.3.3,

Spreading and Compacting.

201.3.4 Trial Sections

Trial sections shall conform in all respects to the requirements specified in

Subsection 200.3.4.

201.3.5 Tolerances

The AGGREGATE BASE COURSE shall be laid to the designed level and
transverse slopes shown on the Plans. The allowable tolerances shall be in
accordance with following:

Permitted variation from design


Permitted variation from design + 5 mm



Measured by 3-m straight-edge 5 mm

Permitted variation from design


Permitted variation from design

25 m in length

201.4 Method of Measurement

Aggregate Base Course will be measured by the cubic meter (m 3). The
quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted in-place as shown
on the Plans, and accepted in the completed base course. No allowance shall
be given for materials placed outside the design limits shown on the cross-
sections. Trial sections shall not be measured separately but shall be included in
the quantity of aggregate base course.

201.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 201.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Aggregate Base Course which price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials,
including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the
work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

201 Aggregate Base Course Cubic Meter


202.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing, placing and compacting crushed

gravel, crushed stone or crushed rock on a prepared subgrade/subbase in one or
more layers in accordance with this Specification and lines, grades, thickness and
typical cross-sections shown on the Plans or as established by the Engineer.

202.2 Material Requirements

202.2.1 Crushed Aggregate

It shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of stone or gravel

crushed to the size and of the quality requirements of this Item. It shall be clean
and free from vegetable matters, lumps or balls of clay and other deleterious
substances. The material shall be of such nature that it can be compacted readily
to form a firm, stable base.

The base material shall conform to the grading requirements of Table

202.1, whichever is called for in the Bill of Quantities.

Table 201.1 – Grading Requirements

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing

Standard, mm Alternate US Standard Grading A Grading B
37.5 1-1/2” 100
25 1” - 100
19 ¾” 60 – 85 -
12.5 ½” - 60 – 90
4.75 No. 4 30 – 55 35 – 65
0.425 No. 40 8 – 25 10 – 30
0.075 No. 200 2 - 14 5 – 15

The portion of the material passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall not
be greater than 0.66 (two thirds) of the fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40)

The portion of the material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall have
a liquid limit of not more than 25 and a plasticity index of not more than 6 as
determined by AASHTO T 89 and T 90, respectively.

The coarse aggregate retained on a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall have a
mass percent of wear not exceeding 45 by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test as
determined by AASHTO T 96, and not less than 50 mass percent shall have at
least one (1) fractured face.

The material passing the 19 mm (3/4 inch) sieve shall have a minimum
soaked CBR-value of 80% tested according to AASHTO T 193. The CBR-value
shall be obtained at the maximum dry density determined according to AASHTO T
180, Method D.

If filler, in addition to that naturally present, is necessary for meeting the

grading requirements or for satisfactory bonding, it shall be uniformly blended with
the crushed base course material on the road or in a pugmill unless otherwise
specified or approved. Filler shall be obtained from sources approved by the
Engineer, free from hard lumps and not contain more than 15 percent of material
retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.

202.3 Construction Requirements

Same as Subsections 201.3.1 through 201.3.5.

202.4 Method of Measurement

Crushed Aggregate Base Course will be measured by the cubic meter (m 3).
The quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted in-place as
shown on the Plans, and accepted in the completed course. No allowance shall
be given for materials placed outside the design limits shown on the cross-
sections. Trial sections shall not be measured separately but shall be included in
the quantity of crushed aggregate base course.

202.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 202.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Crushed Aggregate Base Course which
price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

202 Crushed Aggregate Cubic Meter

Base Course


203.1 Description

This Item shall consist of a foundation for surface course composed of soil
aggregate, lime and water in proper proportions, road-mixed and constructed on a
prepared subgrade/subbase in accordance with this Specification and the lines,
grades and typical cross-sections shown on the Plans or established by the

203.2 Material Requirements

203.2.1 Soil Aggregate

It shall consist of any combination of gravel, sand, silt and clay or other
approved combination of materials free from vegetable or other objectionable
matter. It may be materials encountered in the construction site or materials
obtained from approved sources. The crushed or uncrushed granular material
shall consist of hard, durable stones and rocks, of accepted quality, free from an
excess of flat, elongated, soft or disintegrated pieces or other objectionable
matter. It is the intent of this Specification to utilize soils existing on the roadbed
if the quality is satisfactory. If the quality and/or quantity is deficient, the soil
aggregate shall be obtained wholly or partly from approved outside sources.

The soil-aggregate shall conform to the grading requirements of Table

203. 1.

Table 203.1 – Grading Requirements

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing

Standard, mm Alternate US Standard Grading A Grading B
50 2” 100 100
4.75 No. 4 45 – 100 55 – 100
2.00 No. 10 37 – 80 45 – 100
0.425 No. 40 15 – 20 25 – 80
0.075 No. 200 0 – 25 11 – 35

The materials passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve produced in the crushing
operation of either stone or gravel shall be incorporated in the base material to
the extent permitted by the gradation requirements. The plasticity index shall not
be less than 4 nor more than 10.

The aggregate shall have a mass percent of wear not exceeding 50 as

determined by AASHTO Method T 96. New Soil-Aggregate

It shall conform to the applicable requirements of Subsection 203.2.1, Soil
Aggregate. Salvaged Soil-Aggregate

Where soil-aggregate required is already in place, the Contractor shall not

be responsible for its grading or quality except for removal of oversized materials
as directed by the Engineer. In general, salvaged soil-aggregate to be used for
lime stabilized road mix base course will consist of material meeting the
requirements given in Subsection 203.2.1, Soil Aggregate.

203.2.2 Hydrated Lime

It shall conform to the requirements of Item 701, Construction Lime.

203.2.3 Water

It shall conform to the requirements of Item 714, Water

203.2.4 Proportioning of Mixture

The amount of lime to be added to the soil-aggregate shall be from 3 to 12

mass percent of the dry soil. The exact percentage to be added shall be fixed by
the Engineer on the basis of preliminary laboratory tests and trial mixes of
materials furnished.

203.2.5 Strength Requirements

CBR Test for Gravelly Soils. The mixture passing the 19 mm (3/4 inch)
sieve shall have a minimum soaked CBR-value of 100% tested according to
AASHTO T 193. The CBR-value shall be obtained at the maximum dry density
determined according to AASHTO T 180, Method D.

Unconfined Compression Test for Finer Textured Soils. The 7-day

compressive strength of laboratory specimen molded and compacted in
accordance with ASTM D 1632 to a density of 100% of maximum dry density
determined according to AASHTO T 134, Method B, shall not be less than 2.1
MPa (300 psi) when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1633.

203.3 Construction Requirements

203.3.1 Weather Limitations

Lime shall not be applied during windy, rainy or impending bad weather.
In the event rain occurs during the operations, work shall be promptly stopped
and the entire section shall be reconstructed in accordance with this Specification.

203.3.2 Construction Equipment

The equipment to be used by the Contractor shall include scarifying,
pulverizing, mixing, spreading, hauling, watering, finishing and compacting
equipment and a slurry lime distributor.

Distributor equipment shall include a tachometer pressure gauge, accurate

volume measuring devices or a calibrated tank. It shall be equipped with a
power unit for the pump and full circulation spray bars adjustable laterally and
vertically, as well as agitator to prevent setting of lime solids.

These equipment shall be on the project site in good condition and shall
have been approved by the Engineer, both as to type and condition, and provided
with experienced operators before the start of construction.

203.3.3 Preparation of Soil-Aggregate

1. Case 1 (New Soil-Aggregate)

When new soil-aggregate is to be used, the existing roadbed shall

be scarified lightly and bladed to uniform grade and to the cross-
section shown on the Plans and shall then be rolled or watered and
rolled, as directed. If so ordered by the Engineer, depressions shall
first be filled and weak portions of the roadbed strengthened with new
soil-aggregate. At least one day shall then be allowed for measuring,
sampling and testing for approval of quantity and gradation before the
windrow is spread for application of hydrated lime.

If the surface moisture of the soil-aggregate is more than 2 mass

percent of the dry aggregate, the soil aggregate shall be turned by
blades or disc harrows or otherwise aerated until the moisture content
is reduced to 2 percent or less. The soil-aggregate shall then be
spread smoothly and uniformly over half the road or other convenient
width of the surface ready for the application of hydrated lime.

2. Case 2 (Salvaged Soil-Aggregate)

When material in the existing roadbed is to be used for mixing, the

surface shall be scarified lightly and bladed to uniform grade and to
the cross-section shown on the Plans. The reshaped surface shall
then be scarified again to the depth ordered by the Engineer and in
such manner as to leave a foundation of undisturbed material parallel,
both in profile and cross-section, the proposed finished surface. The
loosened materials shall be bladed aside into a windrow at the side of
the road, and the undisturbed material roiled, or watered and rolled,
as directed.

203.3.4 Application of Lime

The hydrated lime shall be uniformly spread at specified percent using

either the dry or slurry (wet) methods. It shall be distributed in successive
applications, in such amount and at such intervals as directed. The mixing

equipment shall follow immediately behind the distributor, after each application to
partially mix the lime with the soil-aggregate.

Dry lime should not be spread under windy conditions to avoid excessive
dustings. It shall be applied only to such areas as can be mixed into the soil-
aggregate during the day of application. Dry application encompass either
spotting bags of lime in equal predetermined transverse and longitudinal intervals
or applying bulk lime from suitably equipped self-unloading trucks. An approved
spreader is preferable for uniform distribution.

If lime slurry is employed, the preparation facilities should be approved by

the Engineer. A typical slurry ratio is 1 tonne lime to 2 cubic metre water. The
actual mixing proportion depends upon the percent of lime, specified type of soil
and its moisture condition.

The slurry is distributed by one or more passes over a measured area until
the specified percentage (based on lime solids content) is obtained. To prevent
run-off and consequent non-uniformity of lime distribution, the slurry is mixed in
immediately after each spreading pass.

203.3.5 Mixing

After the last lime application and partial mixing, the entire mass of the
mixture shall be windrowed on the road surface and then mixed by blading the
mixture from side to side of the road, or by manipulation producing equivalent
results, until the whole mass has a uniform color and the mixture is free from fat
or lean spots or balls of unmixed particles. During the mixing operations, care
shall be taken to avoid cutting into the underlying course. When directed, the
mixing process shall be confined to part of the width or area of the road so as to
allow traffic to pass.

Should the mixture show an excess, deficiency or uneven distribution of

lime, the condition shall be corrected by the addition of soil-aggregate or lime as
required and then remix. If the mixture contains excessive amounts of moisture
or volatile matter, as may be encountered in slurry application method, it shall be
bladed, aerated or otherwise manipulated until the moisture and volatile content
are satisfactory. The spreading of the mix shall not be done when the surface to
be covered is in an unsatisfactory condition. At the end of each day’s work, or
when the work is interrupted by weather conditions or otherwise, all loose
materials, shall be bladed into a windrow, whether mixing is completed or not, and
shall be retained in a windrow until operations are resumed.

When the mixing operations have been satisfactorily completed, the

mixture shall be formed into a windrow of uniform cross-section.

203.3.6 Spreading, Compacting and Finishing

The material shall be spread by a self-propelled pneumatic-tire blade

grader or a mechanical spreader of approved type. In spreading from the
windrow, care shall be taken to avoid cutting into the underlying course.

After the material is spread, the surface shall be rolled. Rolling shall be
parallel to the road center line and shall commence at the outer edges of the
road, overlapping the shoulders and progress toward the center, overlapping on
successive passes by at least one-half the width of the roller, except that on
superelevated curves rolling shall progress from the lower to the upper edge.
Each pass shall terminate at least 910 mm (3 ft) in advance or to the rear of the
end of the preceding pass. During compaction, the surface shall be dragged or
bladed as necessary to fill ruts and to remove incipient corrugation or other
irregularities. Rolling shall continue until the surface is of uniform texture and
satisfactory compaction is obtained. Initial rolling shall be performed with a
pneumatic tire roller and final rolling with a 3-wheel or tandem-type steel wheel
roller. Rolling shall be discontinued whenever it begins to produce excessive
pulverizing of the aggregate or displacement of the mixture.

When the compacted thickness of the road mix lime stabilized base course
is to be more than 150 mm, the mixture shall be spread from the windrow and
compacted in two (2) approximately equal layers, the first layer to be bladed and
rolled before the second layer is spread.

Compaction shall continue until a field density of not less than 100% of the
compacted maximum dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180,
Method D has been attained. Field Density test shall be in accordance with

203.3.7 Protection, Curing and Maintenance

After the lime-stabilized base course has been finished as specified herein,
the surface shall be protected against rapid drying for a period of at least five (5)
days by either of the following curing methods:

1. Maintain in a thorough and continuously moist condition by sprinkling

with water.

2. Cover the completed surface with a 50 mm layer of earth or sand and

maintain in moist condition.

3. Apply on the surface an asphalt membrane of the type and quantity

approved by the Engineer.

4. Apply on the surface a liquid membrane curing compound of the type

and quantity approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall be required to maintain at his own expense the entire
work within the limits of his Contract in good condition satisfactory to the Engineer
from the time he first started work until all work shall have been completed.
Maintenance shall include immediate repairs of any defects that may occur before
and after the lime-stabilized base course has been compacted and finished,
which work shall be done by the Contractor at his own expense and repeated as
may be necessary to keep the base continuously intact.

203.3.8 Trial Sections

Trial sections of the stabilized base shall be constructed at least 2 weeks

before actual base construction. These shall conform to the applicable
requirements of Subsections 200.3.4, Trial Sections.

203.3.9 Tolerances

The stabilized base course shall be laid to the designed level and
transverse slopes shown on the Plans. The allowable tolerances shall be in
accordance with Subsection 201.3.5, Tolerance.

203.3.10 Traffic

The Contractor will not be permitted to drive heavy equipment over

completed portions prior to the end of five (5) days curing period except
pneumatic-tired equipment required for constructing adjoining sections. Turning
areas on completed portions of the base shall be protected by a layer of stable
granular materials of not less than 50 mm of compacted depth.

203.4 Method of Measurement

Lime Stabilized Road Mix base Course will be measured by the cubic
meter (m3). The quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted in
place as shown on the Plans, and accepted in the completed course. No
allowance shall be given for materials placed outside the design limits shown on
the cross-sections. Trial sections shall not be measured separately but shall be
included in the quantity of lime stabilized road mix base course.

203.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 203.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Lime Stabilized Road Mix Base Course
which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

203 Lime Stabilized Road Mix Cubic Meter

Base Course,
(New or Salvaged)


204.1 Description

This Item shall consist of a foundation for surface source composed of soil-
aggregate, Portland Cement and water in proper proportions, road-mixed and
constructed on a prepared subgrade/subbase in accordance with this
Specification and the lines, grades and typical cross-sections shown on the Plans
or as established by the Engineer.

204.2 Material Requirements

204.2.1 Soil Aggregate

It shall conform to the grading and quality requirements of Subsection


204.2.2 Portland Cement

It shall conform to the requirements of Item 700, Hydraulic Cement.

204.2.3 Water

It shall conform to the requirements of Item 714, Water.

204.2.4 Proportioning of Mixture

The amount of cement to be added to the soil-aggregate shall be from 6 to

10 mass percent of the dry soil. The exact percentage to be added shall be fixed
by the Engineer on the basis of preliminary laboratory tests and trial mixes of the
materials furnished by the Contractor.

204.2.5 Strength Requirements

Strength requirements shall conform in all respects to those specified in

Subsection 203.2.5.

204.3 Construction Requirements

Construction requirements and procedures shall be as prescribed under

Subsections 203.3.1 through 203.3.10. In all cases, the word ”lime” shall be
deleted and replaced with “Portland Cement”.

204.4 Method of Measurement

Portland Cement Stabilized Road Mix Base Course will be measured by

the cubic meter (m3). The quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume
compacted in-place as shown on the Plans, and accepted in the completed
course. No allowance shall be given for materials placed outside the design
limits shown on the cross-sections. Trial sections shall not be measured

separately but shall be included in the quantity of Portland Cement Stabilized
Road Mix Base Course.

204.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed, in Section 204.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Portland Cement stabilized Road Mix
Base Course which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing
and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

204 Portland Cement Stabilized

Road Mix Base Course,

(New or Salvaged) Cubic meter



205.1 Description

This Item shall consist of a foundation for surface course, composed of

soil-aggregate and asphaltic material in proper proportions, road mixed and
constructed on a prepared subgrade/subbase in accordance with this
Specification and the lines, grades and typical cross-sections shown on the Plans
or established by the Engineer.

205.2 Material Requirements

205.2.1 Soil-Aggregates

It shall conform to the applicable requirements of Item 703, Aggregates,

Gradation A or B shall be used.

205.2.2 Asphaltic Material

Asphaltic material shall be Anionic or Cationic Emulsified Asphalt of the

slow setting type meeting the requirements of Item 702, Bituminous Materials,
Emulsified Asphalt.

205.2.3 Proportioning of Mixture

The amount of asphaltic material to be added to the soil-aggregate shall be

from 4 to 7 mass percent of the dry soil-aggregate. The exact percentage to be
used shall be fixed by the Engineer on the basis of preliminary laboratory tests
and trial mixes of the materials furnished by the Contractor.

205.2.4 Strength Requirements

Strength requirements shall conform in all respects to those specified in

Subsection 203.2.5.

205.3 Construction Requirements

Construction requirements and procedures shall be as prescribed under

Subsections 306.3.1 through 306.3.7. In all cases, the word “aggregate” shall be
deleted and replaced by “soil-aggregate”.

Trial Sections shall conform to the applicable requirements of Subsection


The allowable tolerances shall be in accordance with Subsection 201.3.5.

205.4 Method of Measurement

Asphalt Stabilized Road Mix Base Course will be measured by the cubic
meter (m3). The quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted in
place as shown on the Plans, accepted in the completed course. No allowance
shall be given for materials placed outside the design limits shown on the cross-
sections. Trial sections shall not be measured separately but shall be included in
the quantity of Asphalt stabilized Road Mix Base Course.

205.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 205.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Asphalt Stabilized Road Mix Base Course
which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the prescribed work in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

205 Asphalt Stabilized Road

Mix Base Course, Cubic Meter

(New or Salvaged)


206.1 Description

This Item shall consist of a foundation for surface course composed of

aggregate, Portland Cement and water in proper proportions, mixed by a travel
plant or in a central plant and spread and compacted on a prepared
subgrade/subbase in one or more layers, in accordance with this Specification
and the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross-sections shown on the Plans or
as established by the Engineer.

206.2 Material Requirements

Same as Subsections 204.2.1 through 204.2.5

206.3 Construction Requirements

206.3.1 Weather Limitations

Portland Cement shall not be applied during windy, rainy or impending bad
weather. In the event rain occurs, work shall be promptly stopped and the entire
section shall be reconstructed in accordance with this Specification.

206.3.2 Travel Plant Method

The salvaged or new soil-aggregate shall be pulverized until at least 80

mass percent of all material other than stone or gravel will pass a 4.75 mm (No.
4) sieve.

Any material retained on a 50 mm (2 inches) sieve and other unsuitable

material shall be removed. If additional material is specified, it shall be blended
with the existing material. All butt joints at existing pavements or other structures
shall be cleaned prior to mixing.

The subgrade/subbase shall support all equipment required in the

construction of the base course. Soft or yielding areas shall be corrected prior to

The soil-aggregate to be treated shall be placed in a uniform windrow and

spread to a uniform thickness to the required width. The specified quantity of
Portland Cement shall be applied uniformly in a trench on top of the windrows or
spread uniformly over the soil-aggregate. Spread cement that has been lost
shall be replaced, without additional compensation, before mixing is started.

Mixing shall be accomplished by means of a mixer that will thoroughly

blend the cement with the soil-aggregate. The mixer shall be equipped with a
water metering device that will introduce the required quantity of water during the
mixing cycle. The cement soil-aggregate mixture shall be sufficiently blended to
prevent the formation of cement balls when water is applied.

A maximum time of 2 hours shall be permitted for wet mixing, laydown, and
finishing when this method is used.

206.3.3 Central Plant Method

The soil-aggregate shall be proportioned and mixed with cement and water
in a central mixing plant. The plant shall be equipped with feeding and metering
devices which will introduce the cement, soil-aggregate, and water into the mixer
in the quantities specified. Mixing shall continue until a uniform mixture has been

206.3.4 Spreading, Compacting and Finishing

The mixture shall be spread on a prepared and moistened

subgrade/subbase in a uniform layer by an approved equipment. Not more than
60 minutes shall elapse between the start of mixing and the time of starting
compaction of the spread mixture.

After spreading, the mixture shall be compacted and finished conforming to

the procedures/requirements specified under Subsection 203.3.6, Spreading,
Compacting and Finishing.

The compaction and finishing shall be completed within 2 hours of the time
water is added to the mixture.

206.3.5 Protection, Curing and Maintenance

The completed cement treated base shall be cured with a bituminous

curing seal applied as soon as possible after the completion of final rolling. The
surface shall be kept moist until the seal is applied.

The rate of application shall be between 0.5 L/m 2 to 1.00 L/m2 of surface.
The exact rate will be determined by the Engineer. Curing seal will be applied in
sufficient quantity to provide a continuous film over the base. The film shall be
maintained at least 5 days unless the treated base is protected by a subsequent

The Contractor shall be responsible for adequate maintenance of the base

at all times as specified under Subsection 203.3.7, Protection, Curing and

206.3.6 Trial Sections

Same as Subsection 203.3.8.

206.3.7 Tolerances

Same as Subsection 203.3.9.

206.3.8 Traffic

Same as Subsection 203.3.10.

206.4 Method of Measurement

Portland Cement Treated Plant Mix Base Course will be measured by the
cubic meter (m3). The quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume
compacted in-place as shown on the Plans, accepted in the completed course.
No allowance shall be given for materials placed outside the design limits shown
on the cross-sections. Trial sections shall not be measured separately but shall
be included in the quantity of Portland Cement Treated Plant Mix Base Course.

206.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 206.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Portland Cement Treated Plant Mix Base
Course which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and
placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

206 Portland Cement treated

Plant Mix Course, Cubic Meter

(New or Salvaged)


207.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing and placing aggregate in stockpiles at

locations shown on the Plans or as directed and approved by the Engineer.

207.2 Material Requirements

The aggregate shall conform to all requirements of the specified Item No.
of the Specifications.

It shall be tested for acceptance at the source.

207.3 Construction Requirements

The stockpile area, as staked by the Engineer, shall be graded, shaped

and compacted to a uniform cross-section that will drain satisfactorily. The entire

area shall be compacted with a minimum of three completed passes of the
approved equipment.

The stockpiling and handling of aggregates shall be in accordance with

clauses 65 and 66, Part H Control of Materials of the latest DPWH Standard
Specifications, Volume I, Requirements and Conditions of Contract.

207.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of aggregate to be paid for will be the number of cubic meters
as ordered and placed in authorized stockpiles. The stockpiles shall be
measured and computed by the average end-area method. No allowance will be
made for settlement or shrinkage.

207.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 207.4, shall

be paid for at the contract unit price for Aggregate Stockpile, which price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and stockpiling the aggregate,
including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the
work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

207 Aggregate Stockpile Cubic Meter


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