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Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an economically important member of Compositae Family.
This is a cool weather vegetable and grows in the ideal temperature of 60 to 70 Farenheir.
Lettuce have five varieties including leaf or loose-leaf, cos or romaine, enisphead, butterhead
and stem or asparagus lettuce.
Leaf lettuce is characterized by crisp leaves loosely arranged on the stalk, cos or
romaine lettuce is characterized if erect and lengthened head, butterhead lettuce is
characterized by its small and loose-lead form, stem or asparagus lettuce is characterized by its
enlarged steed stalk form and lastly the crisp head variety include the iceberg types.
A lettuce varieties are considered cool-season vegetables gives higher yield when the
temperature is maintained no higher than fifteen to twenty degrees Celsius. Lettuce may grow
on different kinds of soil. However, to achieve best results, it is recommended that lettuce be
grown on sandy loam soil and clay and clay loam soil.
Growing and Handling
There are two ways to plant lettuce. The first is direct seedings, and the second is by
adapting method. Direct seeding is directly plated in the soil. Direct seeding may be done by
planting seeds to inch deep. Using ten seeds per foot. Planting seeds should be covered
with fine soil to ensure their germination process. Immediately water the seeds after planting.
Seedlings should be thinned to ensure better growth.

Transplanting method, the seed is first planted and grown on a seed bed or seed
container before it is moved to a larger farming area. Transplanting method may be done using
a seed bed of 50 to 75 cm wide, mark at every 6 cm. Spread the seed on the seedbed and
cover with soil. Ensure that the seedbed is regularly watered until the seedlings emerged. The
seedlings may be reached the height of 5cm and 8cm.
Pest Control
The most common pest of lettuce beds are aphids. These insects are drawn to
succulent, new growth, and draw great quantities of sap, thus causing the leaves and stems to
become distorted. But theres a several method to control pest the non-chemical and the
chemical. Non-chemical is the method, through washing them with a steady stream of water.
Heavy applications of nitrogen fertilizer should also be avoided as this can encourage succulent
plant growth while the chemical it is important to follow the chemicals recommended instructions
as these chemicals may be harmful to the plant and to the people who will consume the
vegetables. So proper garment for handling such chemicals must be used.
Common Diseases
There are four diseases that commonly afflict lettuce beds. The bottom rot, cencospora
leaf spot, downy mildew, lettuce mosaic.
Bottom rot is a types of fungus called Rhizoctonia solami. It attacks the young leaves
while it is still close to the ground. This disease causes plants to have reddish-brown lesions on
the lettuce stems or the bottom of the head. Cescospora leaf spot, is a types of fungus called
Cercospora beticola causes lesions on the side of leaves of infected crops. To control this
diseases affected leaves should be removed and burned immediately. Chemical control of this
disease may include spraying of zineb, and maneb plus sulfate or ziram. Downy mildew fungus

bremia lactuca affects the oder leaves , but may appear on any above ground parts. Lettuce
mosaic biral disease affects an lettuce types and is also seed-borne in all lettuce types.
Harvesting and Storage
Lettuce should be harvested when profit. Harvest should be done its ideal size for
maximum profit. Harvest should be done when the crop has reached its fully developed head
approximately the size of a cabbage or for leaf type lettuce, when the leaves are broad enough.
It is important to harvest lettuce in the afternoon to prevent rapid wilting of leaves and to keep
the crops from becoming watery which expedites crop expiration. Lettuce should be stored in a
cool place. After harvest leaves harvested lettuce in an open container to prevent wilting.
Lettuce is perishable and should not be stored for long period. Lettuce may be stored in the
refrigerator for five days.
Proper storage must be used the lettuce be transported in long journey.
This is a half-hardy vegetable that you can keep growing all season long by planting
one small crop at a time. Days to maturity tend to be short. Garden lettuce is far superior, in
both taste and vitamin A content, to supermarket brands.

Lettuce is a cool-season crop that grows well in the spring and fall in most areas.
Lettuce seedlings will even tolerate a light frost. Temperatures between 45 F and 65 F are

Loose, fertile, sandy loam soils, well-supplied with organic matter are best. Soil should
be well-drained, moist, but not soggy with a slightly acidic pH of 6.0 to 6.5. Since the seed
is so small, a well-tilled seedbed is essential. Large clods will reduce germination.

Start seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before last spring frost date for earliest crop.

One week before setting seeds or transplants in the ground, till in compost or organic
matter, especially if you have heavy soils.

Harden off seedlings for about one week, and transplant outside between 2 weeks
before and 2 weeks after last spring frost.

Direct sowing is recommended as soon as the ground can be worked. Plant seeds
inch deep. Snow wont hurt them, but a desiccating cold wind will.

Seed may be sown in single rows or broadcast for wide row planting. When
broadcasting, you'll need to "thin" for the proper spacing.

Leaf lettuce: Plant 4 inches apart.

Cos and loose-headed types: Plant 8 inches apart.

Firm-headed types: Plant 16 inches apart.

Your rows of plants should be 12 to 15 inches across.

Cover the seeds with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil.

Water thoroughly at time of transplant.

Consider planting rows of chives or garlic between your lettuce to control aphids. They
act as "barrier plants" for the lettuce.


You should be able to sow additional seeds every two weeks for a continuous harvest
throughout the growing season.

Fertilize 3 weeks after transplanting. Lettuce prefers soil that is high in humus, with
plenty of compost and a steady supply of nitrogen to keep if growing fast. Use organic
alfalfa meal or a slow-release fertilizer.

To plant a fall crop, create cool soil in August by moistening the ground and covering it
with a bale of straw. A week later, the soil under the bale will be about 10 degrees F (6
degrees C) cooler than the rest of the garden. Sow a three foot row of lettuce seeds every
couple of weeksjust rotate the straw bale around the garden.

Make sure soil remains moist but is well-drained.

An organic mulch will help conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and keep soil
temperatures cool throughout the warmer months.

Lettuce will tell you when it needs water. Just look at it. If the leaves are wilting,
sprinkle them anytimeeven in the heat of the dayto cool them off and slow down the
transpiration rate.

Weed by hand if necessary, but be careful of plant roots: They are shallow.

Planning your garden so that lettuce will be in the shade of taller plants, such as
tomatoes or sweet corn, in the heat of the summer, may reduce bolting.


Lettuce should be harvested when full size, but just before maturity. You want it young
and tender.

Before maturity, you can harvest leaf lettuce by simply removing outer leaves so that
the center leaves can continue to grow. Butterhead or romaine types can be harvested by
removing the outer leaves, digging up the whole plant or cutting the plant about an inch
above the soil surface. A second harvest is often possible this way. Crisphead lettuce is
picked when the center is firm.

Mature lettuce gets bitter and woody and it will go bad quickly, so check your garden

As time passes, you will want to cut the whole plant from the ground.

Its best to harvest in the morning before leaves have been exposed to sun.

Keep lettuce in the refrigerator for up to 10 days in a loose plastic bag.

Recommended Varieties

Crisphead: 'King Crown', 'Mission'

Cos (Romaine): 'Wallop', 'Paris White Cos'

Loose Heads: 'Burpee Bibb'

Red Leaf: 'Red Sail' (Not recommended for hot weather, their red pigment absorbs
more heat.

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