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ROLLED COOKIES (Chocolate Pinwheel)

A Research
Presented to the
Education Department
Catanduanes State University
Panganiban Campus
Panganiban, Catanduanes

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in Educ. 15
(Special Research Project)

Presented by:
Gerald T. Tuno
Leizel S. Dizon
Raymund A. Calderon

October 2014
S. Y. 2014 2015

Chapter 1
Root crops are rich in carbohydrate, our cheap and main source of energy. But
aside from being carbohydrate and protein sources, respectively, root crops and legumes
can also be consider as functional foods. They have other nutritional and health benefit.
They are both good sources of dietary fiber; a food component life has been associated
with the prevention of several chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, colon
cancer, and control of diabetes.
Camote also known as sweet potato in English with its scientific name
Ipomoea Batatas is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the family convolvulacea. Its
large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous wets are root vegetable. The young leaves and
shoots are sometimes eaten as green. Ipomoea batatas is native to the tropical regions in
America. Of the approximately 50 and more than 1,000 species of convolvulaceae.
Ipomoea Batatas is the only crop plant of major importance some other is used locally,
but many are poisonous. The sweet potato is only distantly related to the potato (solanum
tuberosum) and does not belong to the nightshade family
The genus Ipomoea that contains the sweet potato also includes several garden
flowers morning glories, though that term is not usually as ornamental plants; the name
tuberous morning glory may be used in a horticultural context. The plant is herbaceous,

perennial vine, bearing alternate heart shaped or palmately lobed leaves and medium
sized sympetalous flowers. The edible tubenose root is long and tepued, with a smooth
skin whose color ranges between yellow, orange, red, brown, purple, and beige. Its flesh
ranges from beige trough white, red, pink, violet, yellow, orange, and purple. Sweet
potato varieties with white as pole yellow flesh are less sweet and moist than those with
red, pink or orange flesh.
Statement of the problem
The study sought to determine the utilization of camote flour in making rolled
cookies. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:
1. Which of the following formulation will produce the best quality of rolled
2. What are the quality characteristics of rolled cookies in terms of:
A. Outside Characteristics (appearance)
a. Shape
b. Size
c. Color
d. Crust
B. Inside Characteristics
a. Color
b. Grain
c. Texture
C. Flavor
3. What is the level of the acceptability using camote flour?
Significance of the Study
Kamote (root crops) as a type of plant that is known here in the Philippines and it
is commercially sold in supermarket nationwide. This can be planted in our backyards
and they are not hard to grow. It is also not expensive thus it has vitamins to keep us
healthy. (bandang 22/March 2013).

Given the numerous, result of this study would provide information and valuable,
ideas for the benefit of the following beneficiaries:
Consumers. Finding of this research would give impact to the consumers that this
really given more nutrient as they intake camote products.
Vendors of Camote Products. Result of this study may provide information to
the vendors that the product to be sale is very nutritions so that they can arouse the buyer
on the consumers.
Definition of Term
For clarity and understanding, the following terms defined conceptually and
Dicotyledonous a flowering plant with two embryonic seed leaves or cotyledons
that usually appear at germination.
Nightshade a plant related to the potato, typically having poisonous black or red
believes several kinds of nightshade have been used in the production of herbal medicine.
Cultivars a plant variety that has been produced in cultivation by selective
Horticulture the act or practice of grader cultivation and management.
Sympetalous (of a flower or corolla) having the petals united along their margins
to form a tubular shape.

Chapter 2
This chapter presents the review of the literature and reading that areb related to
this study. It presents materials which have singe
well previous researcher in the same

bearing on the study. It discuss as

better understanding.

According to Dr. Trinidad Trinidad, of the Department of Science and

Technologys Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST FNRI) finds that eating
root crops, which are abundant and fairly cheap in the country, can help keep your
cholesterol levels down. Led by DOST FNRIs Dr. Trinidad Trinidad, the study team
discovered that daily intake of root crops significantly lowers bad cholesterol levels in the
body Root crops are able to lowers bad cholesterol levels because of their dietary fiber
content, said Dr.Trinidad. Dietary fiber as roughage is that part of the vegetable on fruits
that is not digested and not absorbed in a human digestive tract.
Dietary fibers come from a family of carbohydrates that ferments on the color,
turning into short chain fatty acid that release energy. Trinidad explained via a DOST
press release. She adds These fatty acids include butyrate, which prevents the risk of
colon cancer, and propionate which help prevent cholesterol synthesis.
At the end of the study, the researcher found that the cholesterol level of the
subjects remarked stable. Trinidad team concluded that root crops, due to their cholesterol
lowering effect, would be important in the proper control and management of chronic
disease, such as cardiovascular disease.
The origin and domestication of sweet potato is through to be in either Central
American on South America. In Central America, sweet potatoes were domesticated at
least 5,000 years ago. In South America, Peruvian sweet potato remnants dating as far
back as 8,000 BC have been found.
Ipomoea batatas, which is generally spread by vine cutting and not by seeds.
Sweet potatoes are now cultivated through tropical and warm temperature regions

wherever there is sufficient water to support their growth. Due to a major crop failure,
sweet potatoes were introduced to FUJIAN province of China in about 1594 from Luzon.
The growing of sweet potatoes was encouraged by the Governor Chin Hsueh tseng (Jim
Xuezeng). Sweet potatoes were introduced as a food crop in Japan and by 1735 was
planted in Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimunes private garden. It was also introduced to
Korea in 1764. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics,
would productions in 2004 was 127million tones. The majority comes from China, with
on production of 105 million tons from 49,000 km. About half of the Chinese crop is used
for livestock to feed.
Per capita production is greatest in countries where sweet potatoes are a staple of
human consumption, led by Papua New Guinea at about 500 kg per person per year, the
Solomon Islands at 160 kg. Burundi and Rwanda at 130 kg and Uganda at 100 kg. About
20,000 tones of sweet potatoes are produced annually in New Zeland, where sweet potato
is known by its Moori name Komara. It was a staple food for Moori before European
contact. In the U.S, North Carolina, the leading state in sweet potato production, provided
38.5% of the 2007 U.S. production of sweet potatoes. In 2007 California produced 23%
Louisiana 15.9% and Mississippi 19% of the U.S. total.
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is a

- rooted perennial mainly

grown as an annual. The roots are adventitious, most located in then the top 25 cm of the
soil. Some of the roots produce elongated starchy tubers. Tuber flesh colors can be white,
yellow, orange and purple while skin column can be red, purple, brown or white. The
stems are creeping slender vines, up to 4 m long. The leaves are green on purplish,
cordite, palmate veined borne on long petioles. Sweaty potato flowers are white or pale

violet auxiliary, sympetalous, solitary or in cymes. The fruits are round, 1 4 seed pods.
The seeds are flattered (

, 2010, Duke, 1983).

The center of Origin of the sweet potato is through to be located the Yucatan
peninsula of Mexico and the mouth of the Orinolo River, in Venezuela. Sweet potatoes as
old a 8000 years have been found in pour. It has then spread to the Caribbean and
Polynessia. It is now uridely cultiv ated between 40N and 32S, up to 2000 m (and up to
2800 m in equatorial regions) (Ecocrop, 2010, Paneque Ramirez, 1992).
Related Studies
The center of origin and domestication of kamote tops is thought to be either in
Central America or South America. In Central America, kamote tops were domesticated
at least 5,000 years ago. Sweet potatoes are native to Central America and are one of the
oldest vegetable known to man. They have been consumed since prehistoric times as
evidenced by sweet potato relics dating back 10,000 years that have been discovered in
Peruvian Caves. Christopher Columbus brought sweet potatoes to Europe after his first
voyage to the new would in 1942. By the 16th century, they were brought to the
Philippines by Spanish explores and to Africa, India, Indonesia and South Asia by the
Portuguese. Around this same time, sweet potatoes began to be cultivated in the Southern
United States, were they still remain a staple food in the traditional cuisine. In the mid
20th century, the orange fleshed sweet potato was introduction to the United States and
given the name yam to distinguish it from other sweet potatoes. Potatoes are a featured
food in many Asian and Latin American Culture. Today, the commercial producers of

sweet potatoes include China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, India and Uganda by Claire
1325/Jan. 2014

Reference:>Home>Health>deseases&Coditons potato

Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research and design and methodology used in this study.
It includes the design of the study, sources of data, sampling module, instrumentation and
validation, data gathering procedure and statistical tools used.
The researcher decided to do in experimental method as the objectives is develop
and discover another recipe with the variety of different variables with nutrient content
and will click to the publicity. And in order to understand the use of statistics, one need to
knows a little bit about experimental design how a researcher conducts investigation. It

considers the validity, Statistical condition, Internal Validity, Construct Validity, and
External Validity.
Design of the Study
This study concerned the procedures of making cookies. There are different types
of cookies. Each type has distinct features and method of preparation. The researcher
chooses the rolled Cookies naming CHOCOLATE PINWHEEL from which the
procedure is stated below. The all-purpose flour should be omitted as to camote flour will
be experimented.
1. Preheat oven to 350F or 175C
2. Sift dry ingredients together (1-1/4 cup all purpose flour, 1t baking powder, 1/4t

baking soda, cup sugar) cream cup margarine until fluffy.

Add sugar gradually and beat until blended.
Add 1 egg and 1/2t. vanilla mix thoroughly
Add sifted dry ingredients to the seamed mixture, beating well after each addition.
Divide dough in half. Add the 1 sq. melted chocolate to the other half.
Roll out white dough on a piece of floured wax paper to form a rectangle

measuring about 8 inches by 8 inch.

8. Do the same with the chocolate dough against the white dough.
9. Press the sheets of dough gently with a rolling pin. Pull off wax paper.
10. Proceed to roll the dough lightly. Wrap the rolled dough in wax paper. Chill, cut
into 1/8 inch slices, and place on ungreased cookie sheet.
11. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Make 5 dozen cookies.
Since the purpose of experiment is focused on the flour, the all purpose flour will
be substituted by camote flour if it is edible on making cookies from which the researcher
comply the number of replicates until the purpose of study will meet.



Date Evaluated:

Direction: Rate the following factors according to the following scale.


Very Good



Product: Utilization of Camote in Making Cokies

A. Outside Characteristics
Uniform shape
Not pole in overly browned
C. Texture





A. Outside characteristics
a. Shape: Uniform, straight side and level tops on rolled biscuits
b. Size: uniform: twice the size of unbaked biscuits
c. Color: Uniform golden brown tops and bottoms side lights; face from
yellow or brown spots
d. Crust: tender, moderately smooth; face from excess four
B. Inside characteristics
a. Color: creamy white form yellow or brown spot
b. Grain: flaky, pulling off in their sheets, medium times, exam cells
c. Texture: tender, slightly moist, light
C. Flavor: pleasing; well-blended with no bitterness

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