A Hadoop MapReduce

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Hadoop MapReduce Performance Prediction

A Hadoop MapReduce Performance Prediction

AbstractMore and more Internet companies rely on large
scale data analysis as part of their core services for tasks such
as log analysis, feature extraction or data filtering. Map-Reduce,
through its Hadoop implementation, has proved to be an efficient
model for dealing with such data. One important challenge when
performing such analysis is to predict the performance of individual
jobs. In this paper, we propose a simple framework to predict
the performance of Hadoop jobs. It is composed of a dynamic
light-weight Hadoop job analyzer, and a prediction module using
locally weighted regression methods. Our framework makes some
theoretical cost models more practical, and also well fits for the
diversification of the jobs and clusters. It can also help those
users who want to predict the cost when applying for an ondemand
cloud service. At the end, we do some experiments to
verify our framework.
Index TermsLocally Weighted Regression; Job Analyzer;
Performance Prediction; Hadoop; MapReduce;
It has been widely accepted that we are facing an information
booming era. The amount of data becomes very huge, and
traditional ways to manage and to process no longer work. In
such a situation, MapReduce[1] has been proved as an efficient
way to deal with Big Data. Hadoop[2] is an open source


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Hadoop MapReduce Performance Prediction

implementation of MapReduce. A lot of internet companies
have deployed many Hadoop clusters to provide core services,
such as log analytic, data mining, feature extraction, etc. But
usually the efficiency of these clusters is not very high. After
studying the performance of some Hadoop clusters, we find
some interesting problems as the following:
How to design an efficient scheduling policy? There are
many works done on scheduling policies for Hadoop
clusters. But some of the advanced policies (such as
[3] [4] [5]) require high level performance estimation in
advance to decide scheduling strategies.
How to tune the parameters? Hadoop provides more
than 200 parameters both for the clusters and also for
the jobs. But in most of the time, users just choose
to use the default values or tune the parameters rely
on some empirical values. But if we can estimate the
job performance before execution, we can give more
reasonable values.
How to optimize the job performance? More and more
companies pay attention on the ROI, which refers to
return of investment. They not only need to solve the
problems but also want to optimize the job performance,
so that they could use less time and less resources to
solve more problems.
How to balance between the cost and the performance?


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As IaaS becomes more and more popular, some users
prefer to use an on-demand service rather than to deploy
their own clusters. In such a situation, they need to
precisely decide how long and how many nodes will they
To well settle these problems, the main point is to estimate
the job performance in advance. That inspires us to create the
framework described in this paper to predict the performance
of a hadoop job. In order to provide plentiful predictions, our
work is based on the following 2 main parts:
A job analyzer: which is used to analyse the jobs submitted
by the users to collect the features related with the
jobs, it can also collect the parameters related with the
A prediction module: which is used for estimating the
performance in using a local weighted linear regretion
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
1) We design a light-weight hadoop job analyzer. It can be
used not only as a job performance analyzer but also a
parameter collecter.
2) We propose a prediction module, which combines two
kinds of information given by the job analyzer and the
history traces to predict job performance.


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Hadoop MapReduce Performance Prediction

A. Hadoop MapReduce
The MapReduce programming model was initially developed
by [1] for processing large scale of data. Hadoop is
an open source framework made of a MapReduce framework
and a distributed file system called HDFS. It is very popular
not only among the academic institution but also in many
real industries such as web search, social network, economic
computation and so on. A lot of research work committed to
optimize the Hadoop jobs performance and the efficiency of
the Hadoop clusters in many different aspects [6] [7] [8].
When running a Hadoop job, the large amount of input
data will be first divided into some splits (64M by default).
Then each split will be executed by a user-defined map task.
Take Word Count as an example, each input split contains
several lines of an article, each line is read as a record and
then will be wrapped as key objects and value objects. Then
the map function will consume a key and a value object and
emit a key and value object as well. During this process, all the
records (each line) will be executed by the same map function.
After all the map tasks finish, the reduce tasks will pull the
corresponding partitions from the output of the map tasks.
Then all these data will be sorted and mergered in the reduce
tasks to make sure that all the values with the same key will
be put together. Finally reduce tasks will run and produce the
output data.


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Hadoop MapReduce Performance Prediction

B. Hadoop Simulator
To the best of our knowledge, there are two kinds of
Hadoop simulators. One is trying to replace the Hadoop
framework and usually focuses on the scheduling policy design
[9] or resource allocation [10]. To simplify their problem and
evaluation, they use some simulator to help them analyze
the jobs. Usually these simulators are just simply an analog
of the MapReduce framework without any complex node
communication or process communication. Another one [11] is
trying to analyze the application performance on MapReduce
cluster through studying the language syntax, logical dataflow, data storage and its implementations. It provides a
vivid MapReduce environment and can be used to test the
scheduling algorithms. The framework in [11] is designed
based on Grid Sim. It will not sample the input data and
does not care about the complexity of the jobs. Instead, it will
record the performance after executing the whole job in the
environment of their simulator. In other words, this simulator
is not light weight, and can not meet a quasi-realtime need.
All these works are not well suited for our prediction need.
As described before, our job analyzer can not only support real
Hadoop jobs but also profile usefull information about jobs and
give them to the prediction moduler. Most of the others works
do not focus on job analyzing, and cannot provide enough
information, such as the complexity of the Map functions and


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Reduce functions, the conversion rate of the data and so on,
for a further module to make prediction. At the same time,
our job analyser is light-weight, it will consume only a little
additional cost to provide plenty of information. And it is not
only a simulator, it is designed to collect information and to
analyze job performance, but it could also be used as a Map
and Reduce function debugger tool.
C. Predictor
Some predictors are statistic based black box model , while
others are cost model based white box model. In [12], the
author classify the job into several categories by collecting
the history trace of a given cluster. And inside each categories,
they use a statistic model to predict job execution time. The
authors also compare some clustering technics and feature
elimination technics, then propose to use Kernel Canonical
Correlation Analysis (KCCA) statistic model to find out the
correlation between the features (e.x. inputSize, shuffleInputRatio,
outputShuffleRatio, etc.) and the job execution times.
Fig. 1. System Overview
The biggest difference between our work and this kind of
work is that we focus on predicting detailed information about
jobs. Meanwhile, their features can not be obtained before job
execution, and we can use our job analyser to get our features.
Another kind of predictor is based on cost-model. The whatif
engine discribed in [13] is focusing on optimizing Hadoop


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job performance by predicting job performance. This engine
is actually a predictor. It gives a corresponding prediction by
tuning Hadoop job configurations. But as Hadoop has more
than 200 configuration parameters, its not easy to control the
work under a low overhead. And in our work, we only care
about a few main features (5 for Map and 6 for Reduce) which
can accurately react the performance, so that we can give the
prediction of the performance within a reasonable time and
help to guide the scheduling policy or any other tuning needs.
In this section, we introduce the design of our system. The
purpose of this system is to predict the job performance, hence,
i.e. the execution time of Map task and Reduce task. Our work
can also help some ideal cost models such as [14] to calculate
the CPU, Disk I/O and Network I/O cost as well. Meanwhile, it
can also be used to help other optimizing works about Hadoop
such as [15] to estimate their cost. All the parts in our system
are loosely coupled. Figure 1 presents an overview.
A. Job Analyzer
The purpose of the Job Analyzer is to extract the following
information from the use submitted job. First, it measures the
data input size and the number of records. Second, it tries to
estimate the complexity of the Map and Reduce functions.
Finally, it estimates the data conversion rate, i.e. the ratio
between the input and output data of a mapper.


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And these information should be achieved in a reansonable
time within a low latency, because any additional time cost is
not welcomed by users. To achieve these goals, we first get
a sample of the input data instead of processing the whole
data set. Then we extract and modify the procedure code only
for Map and Reduce functions, eliminate all the costs for
transfering data, initiate the cluster, and so on. Finally, we use
the reflection mechanism of Java to instantiate the processing
class of Map and Reduce in users jobs.
1) Feasibility Analysis: We argue that our method is feasible
from the following 2 aspects:
The introduction about Hadoop in sectio I shows out that
a Hadoop MapReduce job has some special characteristics as
shown below,


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