PSoC Creator User Guide

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The key takeaways are that this document is a user guide for PSoC Creator that covers topics like projects, schematics, code generation, and debugging.

This document is a user guide that provides information to help users understand and use the PSoC Creator software tool.

This document covers topics related to using PSoC Creator like projects, schematics, code generation, debugging, and more specific topics like the symbol editor, system editor, and more.

PSoC Creator User Guide

Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

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Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2014-2015. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
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and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges.
PSoC is a registered trademark, and PSoC Designer and Programmable System-on-Chip are trademarks of Cypress
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Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by
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software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as
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Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Welcome to PSoC Creator ............................................................................................................................ 6

Revision History ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................... 7

Design Tutorials ............................................................................................................................................... 7
How To ........................................................................................................................................................... 55

Understanding PSoC Creator ..................................................................................................................... 57

Concepts ........................................................................................................................................................ 57
General Tasks ................................................................................................................................................ 59
PSoC Creator Framework.............................................................................................................................. 76

Using Design Entry Tools ......................................................................................................................... 155

Schematic Editor .......................................................................................................................................... 156
Code Editor .................................................................................................................................................. 180
Design-Wide Resources .............................................................................................................................. 205
Symbol Editor ............................................................................................................................................... 256
UDB Editor ................................................................................................................................................... 272
Other Tools ................................................................................................................................................... 285
Common Design Entry Toolbars .................................................................................................................. 289
Design Elements Palette .............................................................................................................................. 290
Working with Text ......................................................................................................................................... 292
Using Text Substitution ................................................................................................................................ 293
Working with Lines ....................................................................................................................................... 295
Working with Shapes ................................................................................................................................... 297
Zooming ....................................................................................................................................................... 298
Scrolling ....................................................................................................................................................... 299
Design Entry Reserved Words..................................................................................................................... 299

Building a PSoC Creator Project .............................................................................................................. 303

Build Toolbar Commands ............................................................................................................................. 304
Build Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 305
Build Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 306
Mapper, Placer, Router ................................................................................................................................ 321
Control File ................................................................................................................................................... 322
Directives ..................................................................................................................................................... 327
Generated Files ........................................................................................................................................... 330

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Source Code Control ................................................................................................................................... 334

Static Timing Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 334
CyPrjMgr Command Line Tool ..................................................................................................................... 345
CyHexTool Command Line Tool................................................................................................................... 355
CyElfTool Command Line Tool ..................................................................................................................... 358
Keil Compiler ................................................................................................................................................ 359
Reentrant Code in PSoC 3 .......................................................................................................................... 360

Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE .......................................................................................................... 362

Export a Design to Eclipse IDE .................................................................................................................... 363
Exporting a Design to IAR IDE .................................................................................................................... 379
Exporting a Design to Keil Vision ............................................................................................................... 389

Using the Debugger ................................................................................................................................... 437

Debugger Toolbar Commands ..................................................................................................................... 438
Debugger Menu Commands ........................................................................................................................ 440
Debugger Indicators ..................................................................................................................................... 443
Debugger Status Messages ......................................................................................................................... 444
Debugger Windows ...................................................................................................................................... 445
Select Debug Target .................................................................................................................................... 468
Attach to Target ............................................................................................................................................ 470
Device Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 472
MiniProg3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 473
QuickProgrammer ........................................................................................................................................ 473
Error Handling .............................................................................................................................................. 474

Completing the Project .............................................................................................................................. 475

Review Device Datasheet ............................................................................................................................ 475
Optimize Compiler Settings ......................................................................................................................... 476
Download and Archive Development Tools ................................................................................................. 476
Archive the Project ....................................................................................................................................... 477
Set Build Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 477
Select Programming Protocol ...................................................................................................................... 478
Enable Device Protection............................................................................................................................. 479
Select Optional Reset Line .......................................................................................................................... 479
Select Flash Security Protection .................................................................................................................. 480
Enable Write Once Latch Flash Protection .................................................................................................. 480
Evaluate General Programming Options ..................................................................................................... 481

Reference Material ..................................................................................................................................... 482

System Reference Guide ............................................................................................................................. 482
Component Author Guide ............................................................................................................................ 483
Customizer API Reference Guide ................................................................................................................ 483
Tuner API Reference Guide ......................................................................................................................... 484
Warp Verilog Reference Guide .................................................................................................................... 484
Third Party References ................................................................................................................................ 484

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E



Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................. 485


Register PSoC Creator .............................................................................................................................. 486

To Register PSoC Creator: .......................................................................................................................... 486
To Create a New Account: ........................................................................................................................... 486
If You Forgot your Password: ....................................................................................................................... 487
Information Gathered: .................................................................................................................................. 487


Index ............................................................................................................................................................ 488

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Welcome to PSoC Creator

PSoC Creator helps you configure and program analog- and digital-peripheral functionality into a Cypress PSoC
device. Using PSoC Creator, you can select and place components, write C and/or Assembly source, and debug
and program the project/part. When used with associated hardware, this dynamic hardware-software combination
allows you to test the project in a hardware environment while viewing and debugging device activity in a software
Note This document refers to PSoC 4 devices throughout (in addition to other devices). References to PSoC 4
should be interpreted to mean PSoC 4 and PSoC 4 BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices.
This PSoC Creator help contains the following sections:
Getting Started

Tutorials to get you started using PSoC Creator.

Understanding PSoC Creator

Information and tasks to better understand PSoC Creator.

Using Design Entry Tools

Tasks and interface descriptions for the graphical design entry tools.

Building a PSoC Creator Project

Topics for configuring and building PSoC Creator projects.

Exporting a Design to 3rd Party


Information and tasks for exporting a PSoC Creator design to a 3rd Party

Using the Debugger

Topics for using the debugger.

Completing the Project

Topics for finalizing a PSoC Creator design.

Reference Material

3rd party tool chain docs and other reference material.

Revision History

Document Title: PSoC Creator User Guide

Document Number: 001-93417


Description of Change



New document.



Updates to include references to PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE.



Updated screen captures and Design-Wide Resources section.



Updates for PSoC Creator 3.2 and PSoC 4200M.



Updates for PSoC Creator 3.3 and PSoC 4200L.



Updates for PSoC Creator 3.3 Service Pack 1.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Getting Started

This section contains tutorials to help get you started using PSoC Creator. There are two sets of tutorials:

Design Tutorials - Walkthroughs to get you creating designs quickly.

How To - Miscellaneous tutorials to help increase your efficiency using PSoC Creator.

Design Tutorials
This section contains the following design tutorials to help you get started creating designs with PSoC Creator.
Code examples for these tutorials are contained in the Find Code Example dialog, available from the Start page.
These tutorials are intended to provide quick introductions to begin using PSoC Creator. For more information, refer
to the following

PSoC 3: AN54181:

PSoC 4: AN79953:

PSoC 4 BLE: AN91267:

PSoC 5LP: AN77759:

PRoC BLE: AN94020:

PSoC Creator Training:

You may also obtain various kits to use with PSoC Creator and associated devices. When installed, these kits
provide additional documentation and tutorials, available on the PSoC Creator Start Page.


My First Design "Hello World Blinky"

Starter Projects


Basic Design

Working with Pins

Working with Clocks

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Getting Started

Working with Interrupts

Debugging a Design


Library Component Project

Basic Hierarchical Design

See Also:

Find Code Example

How To

My First Design "Hello World Blinky"
This tutorial provides an introduction to PSoC Creator and the process of developing a design. The design process

Create a New Project

Add/Configure Components

Write C Code

Program the Device

This is the first of a few design tutorials included in this PSoC Creator Help file. This design will show you how to
blink an LED. Then you will add another component to display "Hello World" on an LCD.
Note If you prefer not to create a new empty project, you can open a completed code example for this tutorial,
named "HelloWorld_Blinky," using the Find Code Example dialog. A link to the dialog is located on the PSoC
Creator Start page. There are also several Starter Designs you can create from the New Project dialog.
Create a New Project:
The first step of creating a design is to create the basic design project.
1. From the File menu, select New > Project or click

to open the New Project wizard.

2. For Target device, select the default PSoC 3 device, or select the specific device you want to use. For this
project, we are using the default PSoC 3 device CY8C3866AXI-040. If you select a different device, then you
will need to adjust your pin settings accordingly.
3. In Name, type the name of your project, for example: "MyHelloWorld."
4. In Location, type the path where you want the project to be saved, or click [...] and navigate to the appropriate

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Getting Started

5. Click Finish.
By default, PSoC Creator creates a new workspace containing the new project. Files and folders are added to the
Workspace Explorer shown in the Source tab.

The Schematic Editor displays the top-level schematic file (TopDesign.cysch) as a document window, and the
Component Catalog opens to display a list of components to use in your design.
Note If you created this project in the same workspace as another project, make this the active project by selecting
Set as Active Project from the Project menu.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Getting Started

Add/Configure Components:
After the new project has been created, add components to the schematic canvas and configure them as
1. In the Component Catalog, expand the "Digital > Functions" folder and drag a PWM component onto your

The Notice List window indicates that there are connection errors.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

2. Double-click the PWM component to open the Configure dialog, change the Implementation setting to "Fixed
Function," and click OK

Notice the component instance's appearance changes: kill input added, one pwm output available, and the
label is updated.

3. In the Component Catalog, expand the "Digital > Logic" folder, drag a Logic Low component onto your design,
and connect it to the kill terminal on the PWM. Connect another Logic Low to the reset terminal.
4. In the Component Catalog, expand the "System" folder, drag a Clock component onto your design, and connect
it to the clock terminal on the PWM.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

The Notice List window clears.

5. Double-click the Clock to open the Configure dialog, change the Desired Frequency value to 0.25 kHz, and
click OK.

6. In the Component Catalog, expand the "Ports and Pins" folder, drag a Digital Output Pin component onto your
design, and connect it to the pwm terminal on the PWM.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Your design should now look like the following image.

Assign Pin:
PSoC Creator will automatically assign the pin to a physical port/pin on the device. To specify a specific pin, use the
Pin Editor.
1. In the Workspace Explorer, double-click the HelloWorld.cydwr file to open the Design-Wide Resources Pin

2. Pull down the menu in the Port or Pin column and assign Pin_1 to the following pin, depending on the kit you

For the PSoC 3 FirstTouch Starter Kit (CY8CKIT-003), use P4[1] (or pin 70).

For the PSoC Development Kit (CY8CKIT-001), use P0[0] (or pin 71).

Write C Code:
1. In the Workspace Explorer, double-click the main.c file to open it.
2. Add the following function to main():

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Program the Device:

1. Connect the MiniProg3 to your kit and plug it into your PC with a USB cable.
2. If you are using the PSoC Development Kit (CY8CKIT-001), use a wire to connect the P0[0] pin to one of the
four LEDs. Refer to the appropriate documentation for the kit for more information.
3. Click Program

4. If the Select Debug Target dialog displays, select your device, then click Connect and OK.
PSoC Creator will build your design, generate code, and program the device. When programming is complete, the
selected LED on the board will blink; press the Reset button if needed.
Expand the Design:
If you are using the PSoC Development Kit (CY8CKIT-001), you can expand the design to display "Hello World" on
the LCD.
1. On the Component Catalog, expand the "Display" folder and drag a Character LCD onto your schematic.
2. Open the Pin Editor, and assign LCD_Char_1:LCDPort to P2[6:0].
3. Open the main.c file, and edit it to add the following to main():
LCD_Char_1_PrintString("Hello World");

4. Click Program

PSoC Creator will build your design, generate code, and program the device. When programming is complete, the
LCD will display the words "Hello World."
From this point, you can modify the design to do different things as desired.

See Also:

Starter Designs

Find Code Example

Workspace Explorer

Schematic Editor

Component Catalog

Pin Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Starter Projects
PSoC Creator provides several Starter Projects. These projects highlight features that are unique to PSoC devices.
They allow you to create a design with various components and code already provided, instead of creating a new
empty design.
To Use Starter Projects:
1. From the File menu, select New > Project or click

to open the New Project wizard.

2. Select the appropriate Target hardware or Target device option and click Next >.

3. On the "Select project template" page, select the Code example option and click Next >.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

4. On the "Select a code example" page, select a project from the list. This page is very similar to the Find Code
Example dialog. If needed, use the Filter by field to narrow the number of examples listed. Click Next >.

5. On the "Create Project" page, select the appropriate option.

Create new workspace: Use this option to create a new workspace, and specify a name and location
to save the workspace.

Add to current workspace: If creating a new project in a workspace that is already open, select this
option to add the new project to the existing workspace.

6. Click Finish.
The selected project is created and files are displayed in the Workspace Explorer. The project is ready to build and

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

program the device. For more information, refer to the documentation included with the design. If the
documentation is not available, select the Include Starter Design documentation... option in the Options Dialog,
and re-create the project.
See Also:

Creating a New Project

Workspace Explorer

My First Design "Hello World Blinky"

Options Dialog

Basic Design
This tutorial provides more details about configuring components and working with Design-Wide Resources (DWR).
It is intended to be a design focusing on a set of basic components to show various ways of configuring them. This
tutorial does not cover every step in the design process in great detail. Instead, it describes concepts relevant to
parts of the design. You can then use the same principles in any design. For introductory instructions for creating a
design, refer to the "Hello World Blinky" tutorial.
Note If you prefer not to create a new project, you can open the completed code example for this tutorial, named
"BasicDesign," using the Find Code Example dialog. A link to the dialog is located on the PSoC Creator Start page.
Create a New Project:
As shown in the "Hello World" tutorial, the first step for a design is to create a new project. As needed, follow the
instructions in that tutorial. You can also refer to Creating a New Project.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Select and Configure Digital Components:

For this tutorial, the main digital component will be the Timer. Then, you will add support components to your
design, configure them, and connect them to the Timer.
1. Expand the Digital > Functions folder in the Component Catalog, click on the Timer component, and drag it
onto your design canvas.

Notice that the Timer is already connected to a Clock component and a Logic Low component. This is because
the Timer is an example of a Schematic Macro.
2. Remove the Clock and the Logic Low components because this example will use different components.
3. Double-click the Timer component to open the Configure dialog.
By default, the Timer is configured as 8-bit, Fixed Function, and Software Only enable. For more information
about the Timer component, refer to its datasheet.
Change the following parameters:

Implementation to UDB

Enable Mode to "Software and Hardware"

select the Interrupt on TC check box

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

4. Click OK.
Notice that the "enable" terminal displays on the Timer.

5. From the Component Catalog, add the following components to your design:

Control Register (from the Digital > Registers folder) -- Used to enable the Timer under software
control, as well as provide a reset signal for the Timer.

Digital Output Pin (from the Ports and Pins folder) -- Used to provide a divided clock for another
component in the design. The divided clock is 3.1 KHz.

Clock (from the System folder) -- Used to provide the input clock. In this case at 800 KHz.

Interrupt (from the System folder) -- Used to act as a heartbeat for the design. The heartbeat can be
used for timing of software functions.

6. Configure the following component instances as follows:




NumOutputs: 2


Desired Frequency: 800 Khz

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

7. Arrange the components on your design, and use the Wire tool
(from the Design Elements Palette, to
connect them, similar to the following. See Working with Wires for more information.

When complete, all DRC warnings and errors should be cleared.

Select and Configure Analog Components:
The next part of the design will contain a Delta Sigma ADC as the main analog component, along with support
1. From the Component Catalog, drag a Delta Sigma ADC component (from the Analog > ADC folder) onto your

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

2. Double-click the component to open the Configure dialog.

By default, the Delta Sigma ADC is configured as 16-bit, with an input range of +/- 1.024 V. For more
information about the Delta Sigma ADC component, refer to its datasheet.
3. Change parameters as follows:

Under the Common tab, set Input Mode to "Single ended."

Under the Config1 tab, change the Resolution parameter to "12" and Input Range parameter to
"Vssa to Vdda".

4. Click OK.
Notice that the label below the component reads 12 Bit Resolution.

5. From the Component Catalog, add the following components to your design:

Analog Pin (from the Ports and Pins folder) -- Used to connect the input signal to the ADC.

Interrupt (from the System folder) -- Used to trigger reading the result of a conversion from the ADC.

6. Arrange the components on your design, and use the Wire tool
connect them, similar to the following:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

(from the Design Elements Palette, to


Getting Started


First, notice that the wire from the Analog Pin to the ADC is red by default, and the wire from the ADC
to the Interrupt is green by default. PSoC Creator uses these colors to indicate analog and digital
signals. These colors can be changed using the Options dialog.

Second, note that a wire is not needed to connect the components. You can connect them directly by
their terminals . This tutorial uses wires to show the different signal colors.

When complete, all DRC warnings and errors should be cleared.

Edit Source Code:
1. Build the project to generate source files for the components.
When complete, the Workspace Explorer expands the Generated_Source folder to show all the c files and
header files for the various components in your design.
2. Open the header files to view (and copy) the function prototypes you will enter in the main.c file.
3. Copy and paste the following code and replace any code in your main.c file.
Note The comments in the following code are for your information.
* File: main.c
* Version: 2.0
* Description:
This is a basic design source code.
/* Initialize array elements to zero. */
uint16 ADC_Samples[15] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
/* Defining and initializing the index */
int8 ADC_Sample_Index = 0;
/* Initiialize the average result */
uint32 ADC_Sample_Average = 0;
/* Sample read from ADC */
int16 ADC_Current_Sample = 0;
/* Indicator for when sample is available */
int8 ADC_Sample_Available = 0;
* Function Name: InterruptHandler
* Summary:
The Interrupt Service Routine for isr_1.
* Parameters:
* Return:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Timer_1_ReadStatusRegister(); /* Read the Status Register */
* Function Name: main
* Summary:
* Main function performs following functions:
* 1: Start the clock
* 2: Start the Timer
* 3: Start the interrupts
* 4: Start ADC DelSig and its interrupts
* 5: Testing for sample available from ADC
* 6: Storing the sample into the array
* 7: Comparing the samples
* Parameters:
* None.
* Return:
* None.
void main()
int8 i;
/* Start the Interrupt */
/* Enable the Timer; reset disabled */
/* Start the LCD */
/* Start the Timer */
/* Start the ADC */
/* Start the ADC conversion */
LCD_Position(0, 0);
LCD_PrintString("ADC OUTPUT:");
/* Check whether ADC conversion complete or not */
if (ADC_DelSig_1_IsEndConversion(ADC_DelSig_1_WAIT_FOR_RESULT))
/* Get the result */
ADC_Current_Sample = ADC_DelSig_1_GetResult16();
ADC_Sample_Available = 1;
/* Print the ADC result on LCD */

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

LCD_Position(0, 11);
/* Testing for sample available from the ADC */
if (ADC_Sample_Available)
ADC_Sample_Available = 0;
/* storing the sample into the array, based on the index */
ADC_Samples[ADC_Sample_Index++] = ADC_Current_Sample;
/* comparison */
if (ADC_Sample_Index == ADC_NUMBER_SAMPLES)
ADC_Sample_Average = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ADC_NUMBER_SAMPLES; i++) ADC_Sample_Average +=
ADC_Sample_Index = 0;
/* [] END OF FILE */

Build the Project:

Click Build . PSoC Creator will build the project and display messages accordingly. Address any errors or warnings
as needed.
If you have a PSoC development kit with an LCD, you can click Program
the output on the LCD.

to program the device and observe

Next Steps:
This tutorial contains the basic process of configuring components in a design. To continue this design you will need
to obtain hardware to program the device, as well as to use the debugger features. In the mean time, you can refer
to the following related topics:

Working with Pins

Working with Clocks

Working with Interrupts

Debugging a Design

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Working with Pins

In PSoC Creator, you access physical pins on the device through the use of a Pins component. The Pins
component can be accessed from the schematic or from software. It also lets you manage a group of pins as a
single entity. PSoC Creator manages device pins from the Design-Wide Resources Pin Editor.

This topic contains the following sections:


Pin Mapping

Software Access

To Open the Pin Editor:

Double-click the <Project>.cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide
resources in your project. The Pin Editor (Pins tab) displays on top by default. If another editor is displayed, click
the Pins tab to bring it to the top.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Pins are components that allow you to set up sophisticated interfaces to physical pins from your design. You can
select them from the Component Catalog under the Ports and Pins folder and drag them onto your design.

There are four pre-configured Pins components in the catalog: Analog, Digital Bidirectional, Digital Input, and Digital
Output. You can use any of these components to configure them as a single pin or as a bus. The Configure dialog
provides various parameters to manage functionality.

Using various settings, you can also configure the component to use SIO pins, Vref, and/or interrupts. See the Pins
components datasheet for details on the specific features of each configuration. The datasheet is available from the
Component Catalog or by clicking the Datasheet button in the Configure dialog.
The electrical attributes of pins, such as drive mode and slew rate, can be set individually in the Configure dialog.
All pins allow for the creation of aliases which are shown in the Pin Editor and used in the generated APIs. They are

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

useful as reminders of pin function and enable per-pin access from software.
Pin Mapping:
The Pins component allows for mapping constraints to be specified that allow PSoC Creator to automatically place
and route the signals constrained within the component. The pins can either be specified as contiguous and nonspanning or non-contiguous and spanning. When contiguous and non-spanning, pins may only be mapped onto
adjacent pins in a single physical port. In this case they cannot span multiple physical ports and so are limited to a
maximum of 8 pins. The Pin Editor forces contiguous pins to be placed on adjacent pins. For non-contiguous and
spanning, you can place each pin individually.
For each Pins component, you can either let the tool select device pin(s) for you or choose a specific location in the
Pin Editor. You can drag-and-drop pins listed in the Signal table to place them onto the device. Alternately, you can
use the pull-down menu for each pin.

Software Access:
You can manage pins through generated APIs. Refer to the datasheet for more information on the APIs.
See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Pin Editor

Component Catalog

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Working with Clocks

PSoC devices offer a sophisticated and flexible set of clock resources for your designs. PSoC Creator allows you to
use them in a variety of ways to suit your application. You can, of course, set up the clock sources such as the
internal oscillators or external clocks and crystals. From these you can derive your own clock frequencies for
system-wide use or drop local clocks into your schematics to drive a dedicated section of the design.
PSoC Creator lists all clocks in the Design-Wide Resources Clock Editor.

You will use this editor in almost all your designs to optimize the clock setup for your application.
There are three types of clocks: system, local and design-wide. The following topics describe various ways to work
with these clocks.

Configure System Clock Sources

Use a Local Clock in a Schematic

Create New Design-Wide Clock Sources

Managing Clocks with Software

To learn more about how to set up clocks, see Clock Editor. Refer also to the Clock component datasheet, which
you can open from the Component Catalog.
Refer to the Basic Design to see how to configure a Clock component in an example application.
To Open the Clock Editor:
Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide
resources in your project. Click the Clocks tab to access the Clock Editor.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Configure System Clock Sources:

PSoC Creator automatically lists the system clocks in the Clock Editor. These are all set to typical defaults so you
normally do not need to change them much in your early designs.
Click Edit Clock to open the Configure System Clocks dialog to see the relationships between the clocks and set
them up the way you want.

See Configure System Clocks for more information.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Use a Local Clock in a Schematic:

Local clocks are created when you drag a Clock component from the Component Catalog (under the System
folder) onto your schematic.

Double-click on the clock to open the Configure Clock dialog, which allows you to specify local clock characteristics.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

New local clocks are listed in the Clock Editor underneath the system clocks. It is a good design practice to check
the actual derived clock frequency. Although, if the desired frequency could not be found within your tolerances, the
tool will issue a warning in the Notice List window.

See Configure Local Clock for more information. Refer also to the Clock component datasheet.
Create New Design-Wide Clock Sources:
You can use design-wide clocks anywhere in your design and as often as you like. These clock sources are derived
from the system clocks (or other design-wide clocks).
You typically create your own clock sources to get a clock with specific frequency and tolerances that you want to
use multiple times in your design. Note that the APIs generated for design-wide clocks are prefixed by "Cy."
To create a design-wide clock, click Add Clock on the Clock Editor. The Add/Edit Clock dialog is almost identical to
the configuration dialog for local clocks.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

As with local clocks, design-wide clocks are listed in the Clock Editor underneath system clocks. It is a good design
practice to check the actual derived clock frequency. Although, if the desired frequency could not be found within
your tolerances, the tool will issue a warning in the Notices List window.
See Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock for more information.
Managing Clocks with Software:
All New clocks can be controlled from software from APIs generated during the build process. These APIs are
documented in the Clock component datasheet. The most important APIs are the _Start() and _Stop() functions.
Clocks are enabled by default. The Start in Reset option will cause _Start() to automatically be called on the clock
Refer to the Technical Reference Manual for PSoC devices to understand how to control the system clocks.
See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Clock Editor

Working with Interrupts

Interrupt components indicate that there is a hardware trigger interrupt in your design. You create interrupts in
schematics by using the Interrupt component and writing the handler code. You adjust the priority using the
Interrupt Editor in Design-Wide Resources.

Interrupts in Schematics

To adjust the interrupt priority

Writing the Handler Code

For general information about interrupts, see Interrupt Editor. Refer also to the Interrupt component datasheet,
which you can open from the Component Catalog.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Interrupts in Schematics:
Interrupts are components used to populate the vector table and set up the software handlers. You can select
interrupts from Component Catalog under the System folder and drag them onto your schematic.

They are typically attached to outputs of interrupt-generating components such as the SIO pin, Timer and Counter,
DMA, ADC, and so on. The interrupt trigger mode is set by the generating component. In some components, such
as the PWM, it is not changeable. In others, like the SIO pin, it is a selectable option from the Pins Configure dialog.

When an interrupt is connected to digital logic in the schematic, such as a clock or logic gate, the trigger mode is
always on a rising edge.
To Open the Interrupt Editor:
Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

resources in your project. Click the Interrupts tab to access the Interrupt Editor.
Note If there are no interrupts used in the design, the Interrupt Editor will display with a message to that effect.
To Adjust the Interrupt Priority:
PSoC Creator manages interrupts from the Design-Wide Resources Interrupt Editor.

It allows the selection of priority for each interrupt via a pull-down menu.
1. Open the Design-Wide Resources file, and click the Interrupts tab.
2. For the specific interrupt, use the pull down menu in the Priority column and select the desired value.
3. Click Save

Writing the Handler Code:

Interrupts generate a number of API functions that are documented in the Interrupt component datasheet. The API
files are located in the Workspace Explorer Generated_Source directory under the Source tab.
Along with the usual Start/Stop functions, and those for managing the vector and priority of the ISR, is the handler
code. This handler is defined in the interrupt source file and it contains tags for protecting your code between
builds. Source code surrounded by the `#START name` and `#END` text will not be over-written by the build
/* Place your Interrupt code here. */
/* `#START tick_100ms_Interrupt` */
/* `#END` */

Note The CY_ISR() macro is used to define the function name and arguments. This macro handles the compilerspecific C language extensions for interrupt functions and ensures that the code remains portable to different PSoC

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Debugging a Design
This tutorial will use the design created with the Basic Design tutorial and go through several debugging concepts,
such as setting a breakpoint, adding a watch, and stepping. This design will show the values of an array at different
points while executing the code. It will also show the total and average of the specified variable.
Open Example Design:
If you created a design with the Basic Design tutorial, you can use that one. Refer to Opening an Existing Project
for instructions to open the design, as needed.
You can also open the completed code example for this tutorial, named "BasicDesign," using the Find Code
Example dialog. A link to the dialog is located on the PSoC Creator Start page.
Set Breakpoints and Step:
In this section, you will set a couple breakpoints and run the debugger to verify that the code is being executed as
desired. You will also use the Step function to show where in the stack you are currently viewing. For more
information about breakpoints, see Breakpoints Window. For more information about stepping, see Debugger
Toolbar Commands.
1. In the Workspace Explorer, double-click the main.c file to open it.
2. Scroll to the for loop section and click in the margin of line 105 to insert a breakpoint at the line of code.
A breakpoint indicator appears in the margin next to the desired line of code.

3. Click Debug

to start the debugger.

Depending on the Debugger Option settings, the Debugger will run to Main.

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Getting Started

4. Open the Call Stack window from the Debug > Windows menu. Notice the current line indicator is in main().

5. Click Continue

The Debugger will run to the breakpoint you set. Notice the current line indicator over the breakpoint icon, as
well as in the Call Stack window.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

6. Click Step Into

The debugger opens the ADC_DelSig_1_INT.c file and stops at line 73. Again notice the current line indicator in
the Call Stack window.

7. Stop the debugger by clicking

Now that you have confirmed the debugger stopped at the desired breakpoint, you can disable the breakpoint by
right-clicking on the icon in the margin and selecting Disable.
Set Hit Count and Variable Watchpoint:
In this section, you will set a hit count breakpoint as well as a variable watchpoint to monitor the values of an array.
1. Open the main.c file and scroll to line 50.
2. Click in the margin to set a breakpoint and then right-click on the breakpoint icon and select Hit Count...

The Breakpoint Hit Count window opens.

3. Enter the hit counter number of "5" and click OK.
4. Click Debug

to start the debugger.

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Getting Started

Depending on the Debugger Option settings, the Debugger will run to Main.
5. Right-click on the ADC_Samples array in line 51 and select Add Watch.
The Watch 1 window opens showing the ADC_Samples array. Expand the list to see all the array values.

6. Click Continue

The debugger stops on line 50 and the Watch Window shows the ADC_Samples array with two values

Note Breakpoints are hit twice when interrupts are enabled. This happens because the breakpoint gets hit, but
before the line of code is actually executed an interrupt takes over and gets processed. When the interrupt has
completed, the processor returns to the original line of code. This causes the breakpoint to be hit again.
7. Disable the breakpoint in line 50.
8. Add another watch to the ADC_Sample_Average in line 54 of the main.c file.
9. Right-click in line 56, and select Run to Cursor.
10. In the Watch Window, notice that all the values in the ADC_Samples array now have a value and that the
ADC_Sample_Average is the total of those values.

11. Right-click in line 57, and select Run to Cursor.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

12. In the Watch Window, notice that the ADC_Sample_Average is now the average.

For more information about the PSoC Creator Debugger, refer to various topics under the Using the Debugger
section of this Help.

Library Component Project
By default, PSoC Creator provides a library of components that are available for you to use in your designs. There
may be cases where you wish to create your own libraries. This tutorial covers the basic process for creating a
library by showing you how to create a 4-bit shifter. This is only an example intended to show you how to create
basic components. For more detailed instructions about creating components, refer to the Component Author
Note If you prefer not to create a new project, you can open the completed code example for this tutorial, named
"LibraryComponent," using the Find Code Example dialog. A link to the dialog is located on the PSoC Creator Start
page. Once open, select the Components tab in the Workspace Explorer to view the component files.
Create a New Project:
The first step is to create the basic library project:
1. If there is currently an open project or workspace, select Close Workspace
2. From the File menu, select New > Project or click
and click Next >.

from the File menu.

to open the New Project wizard. Select the Library option

3. In Name, type the name of your project, for example: "My1stLib."

4. In Location, type the path where you want the project to be saved, or click [...] and navigate to the appropriate
5. Click Finish.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

PSoC Creator creates your project and adds files and folders to the Workspace Explorer with the Source tab
displayed by default. For more information, see Workspace Explorer.

Add a Shifter Component:

The basic library item is a component. In order to add a component, you must first add a Symbol, since every
component must have one and only one symbol:
1. Click on the Components tab of the Workspace Explorer.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Right-click on the project in the Workspace Explorer and select Add Component Item...

The Add Component Item dialog displays.

2. Under Symbol, click the Symbol Wizard template file.

3. In Component name, type the name to be displayed for your component, for example: "shifter."
Note The symbol will inherit the component name, and the name cannot contain spaces.
4. Click Create New.

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Getting Started

The Symbol Creation Wizard displays.

5. Using the Terminal name and Type fields in the table, create two input terminals named Data_In and Clock,
respectively, and four digital output terminals named D0 through D3.

See Symbol Wizard for more information.

6. Click OK.

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Getting Started

Your project shows the component and symbol added to your project. The new component displays in the
Workspace Explorer tree, with a symbol file (.cysym) shown as the only component item.

The Symbol Editor also opens the .cysym file and displays the created symbol.

Notice that the symbol has a text box above it with shifter_N. This is an instance text label that allows you to
name a component when it is instantiated in a design. For more information, see Working with Text. You can
change the default instance name using the symbol document property Doc.DefaultInstanceName in the
Properties dialog.
Specify Placement in Component Catalog
When complete, components will display in the Component Catalog. If you wish, you can control how they are
1. Right-click on the symbol canvas and select Properties to open the Properties dialog.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

2. Click in the Doc.CatalogPlacement field to show the ellipsis [...] button.

3. Click the ellipsis [...] button to open the Catalog Placement dialog.

4. Click in the right column of the first row next to

, and enter:


5. Click OK to close the Catalog Placement dialog.

6. Click OK to close the Properties dialog.
7. Click Save

to save your symbol file.

See Defining Catalog Placement for more information about this dialog.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Add a Shifter Implementation

In order for your symbol to display in the Component Catalog, you must have an implementation. For this tutorial,
we will add a schematic.
1. Right-click on the component in the Workspace Explorer and select Add Component Item...

The Add Component Item dialog displays.

2. Under Implementation, click the Schematic icon.

3. Under Target, leave the selection on Generic Device.
Note The schematic will inherit the Component name, and it cannot be changed.
4. Click Create New.
Note The Select Sheet Template dialog may display for you to choose a canvas template. If so, click on the
desired template, and click OK.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Your project shows the schematic added to your project. The component displays in the Workspace Explorer
tree, with a schematic file (.cysch) shown in addition to the symbol file.

The Schematic Editor opens the .cysch file and displays an empty canvas, along with the Component Catalog.
For more information see Schematic Editor.
Complete the Shifter Schematic
Now that you have an empty canvas, you need to draw the schematic to implement your symbol.
1. In the Component Catalog, expand the Digital > Logic tree.

Click and drag a D Flip Flop onto your canvas.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Add a total of four D Flip Flop components.

2. From the Design Elements Palette, select the Digital Input terminal

, and click the canvas to place the

The Terminal Name dialog opens. See also Working with Schematic Terminals.

3. In Specify Name, type "Data_In" and then click OK.

4. Repeat the process to add one additional Digital Input and four Digital Output terminals; name the additional
terminals Clock, D0, D1, D2, and D3, respectively.
5. Click the Draw Wire tool

6. Connect the terminals to the logic gates similar to the following image:

See also Working with Wires.

7. Click Save

to save your schematic file.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

When you have completed the process, the component will be listed the Component Catalog under the tab
named Example.

Using the Library:

Once you have created a library with one or more components, you can use those components as library elements
in your design projects. Go to the Basic Hierarchical Design tutorial to see how to use your Library in a design.

Basic Hierarchical Design

PSoC Creator allows you to create components and reuse them. That is the basic definition of a hierarchical
design; components and designs become building blocks for additional components and designs.
This tutorial will show you how to create an 8-bit shifter using the LogicCircuit Library you created in a previous
tutorial. This is only an example intended to show you how to use components you created in a hierarchical
design. For more detailed instructions about creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.
Note If you prefer not to create a new project, you can open the completed code example for this tutorial, named
"Shifter" using the Find Code Example dialog. A link to the dialog is located on the PSoC Creator Start page.
Create a New Project:
The first step is to create the basic design project:
1. If there is currently an open workspace, select Close Workspace
2. From the File menu, select New > Project or click

from the File menu.

to open the New Project wizard.

3. For Target device, select the default PSoC 3 device, or select the specific device you want to use. For this
project, we are using the default PSoC 3 device CY8C3866AXI-040. If you select a different device, then you
will need to adjust your pin settings accordingly.
4. In Name, type the name of your project, for example: "Shifter."
5. In Location, type the path where you want the project to be saved, or click [...] and navigate to the appropriate
6. Click Finish.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

PSoC Creator creates your project and adds files and folders to the Workspace Explorer shown in the Source tab.
The Schematic Editor displays the top-level schematic file as a document window, and the Component Catalog
opens to display a list of components to use in your design.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Add the Logic Circuit Library:

By default, all new designs come with a pre-defined library of components for you to use. These components are
shown in the Component Catalog.
To add the Logic Circuit library, you need to add the library project to your library search path.
1. From the Project menu, select Dependencies... to open the Dependencies dialog.

2. Under User Dependencies, click New Entry

to open a file browser dialog, navigate to find the
My1stLib.cyprj file containing the library, and click Open.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

3. Notice that the library project is listed under User Dependencies > Project and click OK to close the
Dependencies dialog.

The Component Catalog now has a new tab named Example containing the shifter component.

Complete the Design:

Now that you have added the library components, you can use them to create the carry-ripple adder design.
1. In the Component Catalog, click the Example tab, expand the "LocicCircuits" folder, then click and drag the
shifter component onto your schematic canvas; add a second shifter component.
Notice that as you place components, the Notice List window displays a list of connection errors. This is part of
the dynamic rule checking (DRC) system. It's a cue that your design has errors, which you will resolve as you
complete the design. For more information about this window, see Notice List Window.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Notice also that the components are named "shifter_1" and "shifter_2."

2. In the Component Catalog, click the Cypress tab, expand the "Ports and Pins" folder and drag a Digital Input
Pin onto your schematic canvas; also add eight Digital Output Pins.
3. Double-click the Digital Input Pin to open the Configure dialog, and change the Name to Data_In.

4. Click OK to close the dialog.

5. Rename the Digital Output Pins to D0 through D7.
6. In the Component Catalog, expand the "System" folder and drag a Clock onto your schematic canvas.
7. Arrange the components and terminals on your canvas as appropriate.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

8. Click the Draw Wire tool

9. Connect the pins and the clock to the shifters.

See Working with Wires, Drawing Buses, and Wire Labels and Names, as needed for instructions about
different techniques,
When you're finished making all the connections, your schematic should look similar to the following image:

Notice that all the errors have cleared in the Notice List window.
Tip You can copy and paste similar wires to different locations; therefore, if you equally space items in your
design, you can replicate them more easily.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

10. From the Build menu, select Build Shifter.

The Output window shows messages indicating a successful build.
The Workspace Explorer shows a Generated Files folder with generated design files.

Close the Design:

From a basic perspective, this 8-bit shifter is an example of a hierarchical design. The design was built with two 4bit shifters, which were built on D Flip Flops. You could use this shifter to create a component for use in another
design, and that design could be used in another, and so on. You will use the same basic principles and tools for
every design you create with PSoC Creator.
To close this design (and its project and workspace), select Close Workspace

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

from the File menu.


Getting Started

How To
This section contains various "how to" topics to help you learn how to get the most from PSoC Creator. This
section is broken down into various categories, as follows:

General PSoC Creator Tasks:

General Design Entry Tasks:

Creating a New Project

Design Entry Options

Finding Code Examples

Working with Text

Opening an Existing Project

Using Text Substitution

Adding a New Workspace/Project Item

Working with Lines

Adding an Existing Project Item

Working with Shapes

Archiving a Workspace/Project (Bundling)


Copying a Project


Generating a Project Datasheet

Selecting a Device

Creating a New File

Using the Notice List Window

Opening an Existing File

Creating Folders

Copying a Project

Schematic Editor Tasks:

Text Editor Tasks:

Creating a New Schematic

Writing Code

Using the Component Catalog

Using the Text Editor

Configuring Components

Using Find Replace

Working with Wires

Using Wildcards

Drawing Buses

Using Regular Expressions

Working with Schematic Terminals

Using Go To

Adding a Schematic Page

Updating Components

Importing a Component

Design-Wide Resources Tasks:

Debugger Tasks:

Working with Pins

Using the Debugger

Working with Clocks

Using Program/Debug Options

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Getting Started

Working with Interrupts


Using the Breakpoints Window

Using Debugger Menu Commands

Selecting a Default Compiler

Symbol Editor Tasks:

To Float Tool Windows

Creating a Symbol

To Dock Tool Windows

Using the Symbol Wizard

To Use Tabbed Documents

Adding a Component Item

To Move Tool Windows

Working with Component Terminals

To Auto-Hide Tool Windows

Creating Symbol Parameters

Defining Catalog Placement

Exporting a Component

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

PSoC Creator provides a PSoC hardware/software co-design environment, with software development tools, a
graphical design editor, a device selector, and various features for project management. There are many concepts
referenced within this PSoC Creator help with which you may not be familiar. This section helps you have a deeper
understanding of PSoC Creator. It contains the following sub-sections:


General Tasks


To help you better understand PSoC Creator, you should become familiar with the following terms and concepts:


Project Types


The PSoC Creator integrated development environment (IDE) provides two containers to help you manage items in
your designs: workspaces and projects.

Workspace A workspace is the top-level container within PSoC Creator; it contains one or more projects
that you can open, close, and save together. You can only have one workspace for any given PSoC Creator
workspace file (.cywrk).

Project A project contains multiple items that represent your design, such as schematics, design-wide
resources, source code, and hex files. The types of items contained within a project vary according to the
project type. A project is always part of a workspace. You can create projects in an existing workspace or
you can create a new workspace as part of creating a new project.

PSoC Creator provides workspace folders to organize related projects into groups and then perform actions on
those groups of projects. You can view and manage your workspace, projects, and their associated items using the
Workspace Explorer. A workspace and projects allow you to use the IDE in the following ways:

Manage settings for your workspace as a whole or for individual projects.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Use Workspace Explorer to handle the details of file management while you focus on items that make up
your design.

Add items that are useful to multiple projects in the workspace or to the workspace without referencing the
item in each project.

Work on miscellaneous files that are independent from the workspace or projects.

When you create a multi-project workspace, the first design project created becomes the active project, by default.
The active project appears in bold font in Workspace Explorer and is the project that runs when you click Start on
the Debug menu. You can build either a single project within the workspace or multiple projects in the workspace.
You can also specify which workspace projects you wish to exclude from builds. For more information, see Building
a PSoC Creator Project.

See Also:

Project Types

Workspace Explorer

Building a PSoC Creator Project

Project Types
A PSoC Creator project contains multiple items, such as schematics, components, design-wide resources, source
code, and hex files. PSoC Creator provides two types of projects: design and library.

Design Project A design project is used to create and modify designs. With a design project, select and
configure the components for your device in a schematic. Next, set up design-wide resources, such as
clocks and interrupts. Then, write the C code for your application. Finally, you build (and debug) the project
to generate the hex file and program the device. When you first create a design project, PSoC Creator
creates the project/workspace files and directory structure, as well as the top-level schematic, main.c shell
file, and a design-wide resources file (.cydwr).

Library Project A library project is a collection of one or more components and the associated source
code. With a library project, you can develop components that will be elaborated in a design, as well as
reused in many designs. Library Projects can also be used to create static libraries that can be linked in to
a design. Each library can serve either purpose (or both at the same time). Component development
includes creating the graphic symbol, defining parameters, and specifying validation requirements. When
you first create a library project, PSoC Creator creates the project/workspace files and directory structure.
Library project(s) are included in PSoC Creator as Dependencies to determine which components are
available for your designs in the Component Catalog.

Project names have a .cyprj extension, such as ProjectName.cyprj. In addition, project files must always be located
in a directory named either ProjectName.cydsn (design) or ProjectName.cylib (library).

See Also:


Component Catalog


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

A component is a collection of files, such as a symbol, schematics, APIs, and documentation that defines
functionality within the PSoC Device. Examples of components include a timer, counter, and a mux. An instance is a
component that has been selected from the Component Catalog and used in a design. You can have multiple
copies or instances of a component in a design, as long as the selected device can support it. You can also
create and reuse your own components/instances.
Files that make up a component/instance include the following:

Symbol A symbol contains the basic definition of a component. It contains the top-level picture shown in
the Component Catalog, as well as the parameter definitions. There can be only one symbol in a

Schematic A schematic defines how a component has been implemented visually. A schematic can be
generic for any PSoC device, or it can be architecture, family and/or device specific.

API Application Programming Interface. APIs define how to interact with a component using C code. They
can be generic for any PSoC device, or they can be architecture, family and/or device specific.

Verilog Verilog can be used to define the functionality of a component implemented in Verilog. There will
only be one Verilog file in any given level of a component. Verilog files found at different levels of the
component, such as at an architecture, family and device level, may not refer to each other.

Control File The control file contains directives to the code generation module. For more information, see
Control File and Directives.

Documentation The documentation of the component is generally its datasheet.

CyPrimitive A CyPrimitive is a basic component item, such as a logic gate, interrupt, or DMA.
Note A symbol need not be primitive -- it could be a primitive for some device, but implemented out of logic
and software for another device.

See Also:

Component Catalog

Control File


General Tasks
The following are some of the general tasks you will perform with PSoC Creator:

Creating a New Project

Opening an Existing Project

Adding a New Workspace/Project Item

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Adding a New Component Item

Archiving a Workspace/Project

Saving a Project As

Copying a Project

Creating a New File

Opening an Existing File

Creating Folders

Creating a New Project

The Create New Project wizard is used to create new PSoC Creator projects.

Use this wizard to:

select the hardware or device

select the type of project to create; see Project Types

specify the project name and location

choose whether to create a new workspace or add to an existing workspace; see Workspace/Project

To Open this Wizard:

From the File menu, select New > Project

or click Create New Project on the PSoC Creator Start page.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Create a New Project:

Select project type

Choose one of the following:

Target hardware: If you know the specific part number, select this option and choose the appropriate
hardware from the pull-down menu.

Target device: Select this option to choose a default device or last used device, or to launch the Device
Selector. Select the appropriate option from the pull-down menu.

Library project: Selection this option to create a library project.

Workspace: Select this option to create an empty workspace.

Click Next >.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Select project template (Design Projects Only)

Choose one of the following:

Code example: Choose this option to select a starter project from a list of available examples. See Stater

Pre-populated schematic: If available, select this option to create a design with components already
placed on the design schematic.

Empty schematic: Choose this option to create a blank schematic canvas (not available for PRoC BLE

Click Next >.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Create Project

Workspace Select the appropriate option:

Create new workspace: Use this option to create a new workspace, and specify a location to save the

Add to current workspace: If creating a new project in a workspace that is already open, select this option
to add the new project to the existing workspace.

Workspace name For a new workspace, type a name for the workspace.
Location Specify a location for the project/workspace.
Project name Type a name for the project.
Click Finish.

If you create a design project, PSoC Creator will create files and open the Schematic Editor by default.

If you create a library project or empty workspace, PSoC Creator will create the library or empty workspace
infrastructure in the Workspace Explorer.

See Also:

Project Types


Device Selector

Schematic Editor

Workspace Explorer

Opening an Existing Project

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Opening an Existing Project

The Open Project dialog is used to open an existing PSoC Creator workspace/project.

Use this dialog to browse and select the workspace file (.cywrk) or project file (.cyprj) to open. You can open an
existing project that you created or one of the many examples provided with PSoC Creator.

To Open this Dialog:

From the File menu, select Open > Project/Workspace
Start page.

or click Open Existing Project on the PSoC Creator

To Open a Project:
1. Navigate to the appropriate directory where the project to open is located.
2. Select the desired project and click Open.
The project opens in PSoC Creator, and it is shown in the Workspace Explorer.
Note You can also open recent projects without this dialog using Recent Projects on the Start page or on the File

See Also:


Workspace Explorer

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Creating a New Project

Adding a New Workspace/Project Item

The New Item dialog allows you to add new items to your workspace/project.

The dialog provides templates of the different types of items you can add. Source files will be compiled as part of a
build; non-source files will be ignored.
Note You cannot use this dialog to create new items for components. Instead you must use the Add Component
Item dialog.

To Open the Dialog:

1. In the Workspace Explorer, under the Source tab, select the level at which you want to add the item:
workspace, project, or folder.
2. From the Project menu, select New Item... .
You can also right-click on a workspace, project, or folder and select Add > New Item from the context menu.

To Add an Item:
1. In the Templates area, select the icon for the type of item to add to your workspace/project. Currently the
available templates include:

8051 Keil Assembly File Used to create an assembly file that will be compiled when you select the
Keil tool-chain.

C File Used to create a standard C source file.

C# File Used to create a standard C sharp source file.

Design Wide Resource File Used to create a file for editing design level resources, such as
interrupts, clocks, etc.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

GNU ARM Assembly File Used to create an assembly file that will be compiled when you select the
GNU ARM tool-chain.

Header File Used to create a standard C Header file.

HTML File Used to create an HTML file for documentation purposes.

Keil Reentrancy File Used to mark APIs as reentrant. See Reentrant Code in PSoC 3.

RealView ARM Assemly File Used to create an assembly file that will be compiled when you select
the RealView ARM tool-chain.

Resx File Used to create a resource file.

Text File Used to create an empty text file.

XML File Used to create an empty XML file for whatever you want it for.

There are two buttons on the top right side of the dialog to change the size of the icons. Below the Templates
area is a text box that displays a brief description for each component item.
2. Specify a file name for the item in the Name field.
3. Click OK.
The item is added at the location you selected in the Workspace Explorer, and an empty file of the type you added
opens in the Text Editor as a tabbed document.

See Also:

Adding an Existing Project Item


Adding a New Component Item

Workspace Explorer

Text Editor

Adding an Existing Project Item

PSoC Creator provides the ability to add an existing project item, such as an assembly or header file to a current
project. This could be a file used in other projects, or a file that another person created as part of a design team.

To Add an Existing Item:

Right-click on a project in the Workspace Explorer and select Add > Existing Item. You can also select Existing
Item from the Project menu.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Either method opens the Open dialog.

Use this dialog to browse and select item to add to the current project, and then click Open.
Some file types, such as *.cyre, are copied from their existing location to the current project's cydsn folder; other file
types, such as header files are not. Be aware of which files are not copied for portability issues.
If you add an existing assembly file, you may need to select the correct file type from the drop-down menu in the
Properties dialog.

See Also:

Adding a New Workspace/Project Item


Adding a New Component Item

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Workspace Explorer

Writing Code
PSoC Creator provides a Code Editor to write C code for your designs. You can use this tool or any other preferred
code editor you prefer. If you use the PSoC Creator Code Editor, files you create, edit, and save as part of your
design will be integrated into the Save and Build processes automatically. Files you edit externally can still be
included in the Build process, but if you make changes external to PSoC Creator, make sure you save those
changes using your preferred tool.

Including Code in Generated Source

As described in the Building a PSoC Creator Project section, PSoC Creator generates code when you build your
project/workspace. Sometimes, you may want to run or include your own code with that generated code. PSoC
Creator provides two methods to do this:

Macro Callbacks (preferred)

Merge Regions (legacy)

Macro Callbacks
Macro Callbacks is a term defined in PSoC Creator to call user code from macros specified in a component's
generated code. These macros can be used by defining them in the user-defined header file named
cyapicallbacks.h. This file will be included in all generated source files that offer callbacks.
A callback requires you to complete the following:

Define a macro to signal the presence of a callback (in cyapicallbacks.h).

Write the function declaration (in cyapicallbacks.h).

Write the function implementation (in any user file).

To complete the example, the cyapicallbacks.h file would include this code:
#define SimpleComp_1_START_CALLBACK
void SimpleComp_1_Start_Callback( void );

In any other user file, you could include cyapicallbacks.h and write the SimpleComp_1_Start_Callback() function.
Merge Regions
Merge Regions provide another method to insert user code, through the use of specially marked sections in
generated code, such as:
/* `#START isr_Interrupt` */
/* `#END` */

Anything you place in this region will be preserved in subsequent updates of the file. If a subsequent version of the
file does not contain the same named region, the entire region from the previous file will be copied to the end of the
file and placed in comments.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

See Also:

Code Editor

Building a PSoC Creator Project

Archiving a Workspace/Project
The Workspace/Project Archiver dialog allows you to archive an entire workspace or a project from the current
workspace. You can also use it to bundle an entire workspace, including dependent projects. The archive can either
be zipped or not. Only the files registered with the workspace/project and any file that PSoC Creator generates can
be archived.

To Open the Dialog:

1. Open the PSoC Creator workspace/project you want to archive.
2. Use one of the following methods, as applicable:

Select Archive Workspace/Project... from the Project menu

Right-click on a project or workspace in the Source tab of the Workspace Explorer and select Archive

Select Create Workspace Bundle from the File menu.

Note If there are any modified files in the workspace, you will be prompted to save them before the dialog will open.

To Archive a Project/Workspace:
1. Select the Source workspace or project to archive.
2. Specify the Destination where to create the archive. Either type the path, or click [...] and browse to the
appropriate directory.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

3. Select the Compress Archive check box to create a zip file that contains the archive; de-select to choose not
to zip the archive.
4. Select one of the following levels as desired:

Minimal This level includes project source files and generated source files. Only non-external files
are archived. Non-external files are those files located under the archiving sources parent directory on

Complete This level includes project source files, generated source files, all derived files (build
output files), and user data files. Only non-external files are archived. Non-external files are those files
that are located under the archiving sources parent directory on disk.

Bundle This level includes project source files, generated source files, all derived files (build output
files), user data files, and dependant projects. External files are included in this level. Also,
project/workspace files have their dependencies/links updated to reference the archived copies of the
projects/files. This is to achieve the goal of being able to open a bundle from anywhere and it will
always behave the exact same (that is, have all its references with it).
If you choose the bundle option, a workspace will always be archived. If a workspace is selected as a
source, it will be archived. If, however a project is selected, a new workspace will be created that
contains only the project to archive and it will be archived. This is done because there are project
dependencies that are stored on the workspace which need to be included.

Name Enter a name to rename the archived workspace. If zipped, it will also be used as the zipped
file name.

Include standard Cypress libraries Select this check box to include a copy of all Cypress libraries
(CyPrimitives and CyComponentLibrary) in the archive. This will add dependencies to the archived
copies, and they will be used prior to the standard Cypress libraries installed on the machine.

5. Click Archive. The dialog shows the progress and reports success or failure.

If successful, an Open archive in Windows Explorer check box displays to open the archive location
upon clicking OK.

If not, an error message will be displayed explaining the cause of the failure.

6. Click OK to close the dialog.

See Also:


Saving a Project As

Copying a Project

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Saving a Project As
PSoC Creator allows you to save a project with another name in the same location or with any name in a different
location. This is useful when you want to have a back-up project and you do not wish to use the Archiving tool.

To Save a Project As:

Select the project and select Save <project> As... from the File menu.
You can also right-click on a project in the Workspace Explorer and select Save <project> As...
The standard Windows Save As dialog opens to select a location and enter a name for the project to save.

See Also:

Archiving a Project

Copying a Project

Generating a Project Datasheet

A project datasheet is a PDF document generated from your PSoC Creator project. It includes:

Overview of your selected PSoC chip architecture

List of chip resources used


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Understanding PSoC Creator

Design-wide resource settings (clocks, interrupts, DMA, flash security, etc.)

Schematic sheets

Components and parameter settings

The project datasheet acts as a snapshot summary of your completed design. It is useful as a hand-off document
from the engineering team, who configure the hardware portion of a PSoC design, to the firmware team who are
programming it. This is helpful if the firmware team is using an IDE other than PSoC Creator, without direct access
to PSoC design configuration data.

To Generate a Project Datasheet:

1. The project for the datasheet to be generated must be the active project. If necessary, right-click on the project
under the Source tab in the Workspace Explorer, and select Set as Active Project.
2. If the project has not been built, or if there were changes made since it was last built, build the project at this
3. Click the Build menu and select Generate Project Datasheet.
If you attempt to generate a project datasheet without updating the build first, PSoC Creator will display a
message and allow you to rebuild the project first.
When the datasheet has been generated, it will be listed under the Datasheets tab in the Workspace Explorer.
Double-click the file to open in the same manner as any other document.

See Also:

Workspace Explorer

Building a PSoC Creator Project

Copying a Project
PSoC Creator allows you to copy a project within a workspace, as well as from workspace to another.

To Copy a Project:
Right-click on the project in the Workspace Explorer and select Copy.

To Paste a Project:
Right-click on a project or workspace in the Workspace Explorer and select Paste.
The copied project is added to the workspace with "_Copy_01" appended to the project name.

See Also:

Archiving a Project

Saving a Project As

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Selecting a Default Compiler

For all target devices, PSoC Creator supports multiple toolchains. While there is a preferred default for each family,
you may change the tools used on a per-project basis using the option under Build Settings. However, if you have
installed an external compiler, you can specify the default to use for every new project under Project Management
Options. To select a default compiler:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Expand Project Management, and select either DP8051 Toolchains or ARM Toolchains.
3. Select the Default Toolchain pull-down menu and select the appropriate option.
For the selected toolchain, a warning indicator will display.
4. Click the Browse [...] button, navigate to the location where the binary file is stored, select it, and click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Options dialog.

See Also:

Options Dialog

Build Settings

Creating a New File

The New File dialog is used to create new files with PSoC Creator. The dialog provides templates of the different
types of files you can create. You may want to create a file for many reasons, such as having a file to copy and
paste code.

Creating a new file is not the same as adding a file to a project or adding a component item. This process merely
creates an empty file of the type you specify. To add a new file to your project, see Adding a New
Workspace/Project Item. To add a component item to your project see Adding a Component Item.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Open this Dialog:

From the File menu, select New > File...

To Create a New File:

Select the icon for the type of file to create and click OK.
An empty file of the type you created opens in the Text Editor as a tabbed document with a default name.
Note The file is not saved to disk until you specify a name and location to save it.

See Also:

Text Editor


Opening an Existing File

The Open File dialog is used to open an existing file within PSoC Creator. You may want to open a file for many
reasons, such as having a file to copy and paste code.

Use this dialog to browse and select files you wish to open, such as source code and text files. Opening a file using
this dialog merely opens the file in PSoC Creator. That file is not part of any project you may have open. To add a
file to an existing project, see Adding a New Workspace/Project Item.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Open this Dialog:

From the File menu, select Open > File...

To Open a File:
1. Navigate to the appropriate directory where the file to open is located.
2. Select the desired file and click Open.
The file opens in the Text Editor as a tabbed document.

See Also:

Text Editor


Creating a New File

Opening an Existing Project

Creating Folders
In PSoC Creator, there are two different types of folders: physical and virtual. Physical folders are created on disk
by PSoC Creator as part of creating projects, components, and devices/families/architectures. Virtual folders do not
exist on disk. You can create virtual folders in your workspaces and projects to organize things as you need them,
but you will not see those folders using Windows Explorer.

Each folder has a set of associated filters. When a new file is added to a project containing one or more folders,
that file will be added to the first folder with a filter matching the extension of the new file. This only occurs when
you add the file to the project directly.

To Create Physical Folders:

Use the PSoC Creator interface to create a new project, add components, or generate files from a build. These
folders are created for you by PSoC Creator.

To Create Virtual Folders:

1. In the Workspace Explorer under the Source tab, right-click on a workspace, project, or folder and select Add
> New Folder or Add > New Workspace Folder.
A new folder is added to the selected item and given a default name.
2. Type a name for the folder and press [Enter].

See Also:

Workspace Explorer

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Creating a New Project

Creating a Symbol

Building a PSoC Creator Project

PSoC Creator Framework

This section contains the following topics:

Framework Description

Window Types

Framework Interface Components

Customizing the Framework

Framework Description
The PSoC Creator framework provides numerous features to help organize your designs and complete projects

When you first open PSoC Creator, the framework displays with a Workspace Explorer, document work area, and
Output window. The framework also contains a menu and a status bar, as well as various toolbars that will change
depending on the type of file you are working with.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Workspace Explorer:
The Workspace Explorer is a docked tool window, which displays your project files in a similar manner to Windows
Explorer. If you double-click a file in the Workspace Explorer, that file will display in the work area. For more
information, see Workspace Explorer.

Document Work Area:

The document work area contains various files you have opened for your project. Depending on the type of file
displayed, different tools and commands become available. For example, if you open a source code file, you will
see toolbar commands for source code editing; if you open a schematic file, you will see commands for editing
schematics, such as the Component Catalog used for adding items to your schematic.
All files open in the work area display as tabbed documents, with the active document on top and the other
documents behind. For more information, see Document Windows.

Start Page
The Start page is a general tabbed document window that is not part of any project. It provides links to create new
projects, open existing projects, as well as links to information and news about PSoC devices. It displays in the
same work area where other document windows will be opened as you work with your design.
You can configure whether or not to show the Start page on startup; see Environment Options.

Output Window:
The Output window is another docked tool window that shows various system messages. For more information,
see Output Window.

See Also:

Window Types

Document Windows

Tool Windows

Framework Interface Components

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Window Types
PSoC Creator has two types of windows: tool windows and document windows. These two window types behave in
slightly different ways.
Tool windows:
Tool windows are listed on the View menu and are defined by the current application and its add-ins. They include
the Workspace Explorer, Output Window, and Component Catalog. You can configure tool windows to:

Show or hide automatically

Tab link with other tool windows

Dock against the edges of the framework

Float over

See Tool Windows for more information.

Document windows:
Document windows are dynamically created when you open or create files or other items. The list of open
document windows appears on the Window menu, with the top-most window listed first. These can include source
code files, schematic files, symbol files, and design-wide resources files. See Document Windows for more
Arranging Windows:
You can increase the viewing and editing space for code, depending on how you arrange the windows. You have
several options for arranging windows, including the following:

Tab-dock document windows

Dock tool windows to the edge of a frame

Minimize tool windows along the edge of the frame

Tile document windows

See Customizing the Framework for more information.

See Also:

Tool Windows

Document Windows

Tool Windows
Tool windows are listed on the View menu and they include some of the following:

Workspace Explorer

Output Window

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Component Catalog

These windows provide different types of functionality within PSoC Creator; however, they all can be arranged
within the framework using the same techniques.
Tool Window Toolbar:

Every tool window contains the following toolbar commands:

Window Mode This pull down menu allows you to toggle the window to different modes, including:

Floating Sets the tool window as a floating window not attached to the PSoC Creator framework.

Dockable Sets the tool window as dockable to the PSoC Creator framework.

Tabbed Document Sets the tool window as a tabbed document window.

Auto-Hide Sets the tool window to slide to the edge of the framework when not in use.

Hide Closes the tool window.

These are the same commands available from the tool window right-click context menu.

Auto-Hide Pushpin This command toggles the auto-hide feature on and off.

Close This command closes the tool window.

See Also:

To Auto-Hide Tool Windows

To Move Tool Windows

To Dock Tool Windows

To Float Tool Windows

Document Windows
Document windows are dynamically created when you open or create files or other items. They display in the
document work area as tabbed documents, with the active document on top and the other documents behind.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

The following sections describe various aspects of displaying and working with document windows.
Document Work Area Toolbar:

The toolbar at the top right of the document work area contains the following commands:

Select Document This pull down menu displays a list of open document windows in the work area
according to the tab order. You can use this menu to select another open document to display.

Scroll Left/Right The left/right scroll arrows are available if there are more open documents to display to
the left or right of the visible work area.

Close This command closes the active document

Document Tab Context Menus:

You can right-click on a tab to display a context menu. There are two different types of context menus: one for
project files and another for non-project files.
Project File Context Menu
Project files, such as a source code file or a schematic file, can only be displayed as a tabbed document in the
document work area. When you right click on a project file tab, the following commands will be available depending
on the context of the selected project file:

Save Saves selected file.

Close Closes selected file.

Close All But This Closes all open tabbed documents except the selected

Copy Full Path Copies the full path of the file to the clipboard for pasting into
a text file.

Open Containing Folder Opens the folder in which the file is located.

New Horizontal Tab Group Creates a new horizontal tab group and moves
the selected file to that group.

New Vertical Tab Group Creates a new vertical tab group and moves the

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Understanding PSoC Creator

selected file to that group.

Move to Next Tab Group Moves the selected file to the next tab group.

Move to Previous Tab Group Moves the selected file to the previous tab

Non-Project File Context Menu

Non-project files, such as the Start page, can be displayed as a tabbed document or as a floating or docked tool
window. The context menu for these types of files contains the following commands:

Close Closes selected file.

Close All But This Closes all open tabbed documents except the selected

Floating/Dockable/Tabbed Document Toggles the display of the file

between a floating window, dockable window, or tabbed document.

Auto-Hide Only active for a dockable window; allows the window to collapse
to the edge of the framework.

Hide Closes selected file/window.

New Horizontal Tab Group Creates a new horizontal tab group and moves
the selected file to that group.

New Vertical Tab Group Creates a new vertical tab group and moves the
selected file to that group.

Move to Next Tab Group Moves the selected file to the next tab group.

Move to Previous Tab Group Moves the selected file to the previous tab

To Select Document Windows:

When you have Tabbed Documents, document windows are placed side-by-side on tabbed panes as they are
opened. This makes it simple to cycle through the documents you are editing.
To move through open documents in order of use:

Press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to activate open documents in the order that they were most recently touched.

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Tab] to activate open documents in the reverse order.

Tab Groups:
Tab Groups allow you to manage limited workspace while working with two or more open documents. You can
organize multiple document windows into either vertical or horizontal Tab Groups and easily shuffle documents from
one Tab Group to another.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Split Windows:
Some types of files, such as source code, allow you to view or edit two locations of the same file at once.

To divide your document into two independently scrolling sections, select the Split icon located above the
scroll bar and drag to the desired location.

To remove the split, drag from the split back above the scroll bar.

See Also:

Tool Windows

Framework Interface Components

The major PSoC Creator framework components include:

Workspace Explorer

Output Window

Notice List Window

Resource Meter

File Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Project Menu

Build Menu

Debugger Menus

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Tools Menu

Help Menu

Standard Toolbar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Workspace Explorer
The Workspace Explorer is PSoC Creators method for displaying the contents of a workspace.

The contents are displayed in a tree format, similar to Windows Explorer. There are also different tabs along the
side of the tool window that allow you to view different types of files by category.
Toolbar Commands:
The Workspace Explorer has two commands:

Collapse to Project Collapses the selected project tree to the top-level project.

Collapse to Parent Collapse the selected tree to the top-level node.

Note When you right-click on most items in the Workspace Explorer tree, you can access context-menu commands
relevant to the item selected.
To Open a File:
Double-click any file in the Workspace Explorer to open it in the document work area as a tabbed document.
Source Tab:
The Source tab displays by default if no other tab was selected. PSoC Creator only shows files you added or that
were generated from the Code Generation step of a PSoC Creator build. The view is updated whenever a build
completes or PSoC Creator is given focus.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

When in the Source tab, you will only be able to add new folders and files to projects, or create new projects. You
will not be able to manipulate components. If you wish to add new items to components, or new components
entirely, you must use the Components tab.
Generated Source
In a design project, the Generated Source directory contains the source from the Code Generation step. Under the
Generated Source directory is a sub-directory for each architecture that has been built in the past. Each
architecture directory is further subdivided with virtual folders for each component instance that provided an API. In
addition to the instance directories, the architecture directory contains other generated files, such as a project.h,
boot file, etc., with each project being a node in the tree. Each project in the workspace also displays all of its
contents. See Generated Files.
Components Tab:
The Components tab filters the contents of the workspace, showing only the components belonging to each project
in the workspace, as well as the file and folder contents of all components. You may add new components and
items to components, and you may add new projects while in this tab. You may add files and folders outside of the
components, but only using the Source tab for those operations. For more information about components, refer to
the Component Author Guide.
Datasheets Tab:
The Datasheets tab displays and provides quick access to device and component datasheets currently used in
your design. As you add and remove components, or change devices, the list of available documents will update
If you double-click a file, it will open in your default PDF reader tool.
Results Tab:
The Results tab displays a dynamic listing of interesting files from the most recent build of each platform. A
platform will select a subset of build files to display, and there may be differences between what is displayed from
one platform to another.
If a platform or configuration has not been built, or if the folders created by that build have been deleted, the folder
for that platform will not be displayed. In addition, if platform and configuration directories are found, but an
expected file is missing, that file will appear grayed out, indicating it was not found on disk when expected.
The minimum set of files to be displayed for a Design build is as follows:

Programming file

Debugging file (if different from Programming file)

Code Generation Report file (if Code Generation was run)

Device File (when implemented)

Additional files that may be included are list files and map files.
For a Library build, the resulting library file will be displayed.
Files in the Results tab can be double-clicked to open an appropriate editor for the file, such as the Text Editor for a
report file. Other actions that may be available include programming a device or debugging, as appropriate. The
projects displayed in the Results tab cannot be modified in any way. The tab is simply a display of the results of

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Understanding PSoC Creator

See Also:


Framework Description

Building a PSoC Creator Project

Generated Files

Output Window
The Output window displays status messages for various features in PSoC Creator, including the builder and
debugger. This window is usually located at the bottom of the PSoC Creator framework. It is often in the same
window group as the Notice List Window.

Note When building a bootloader project, the flash size represents the number of bytes to store in flash (the same
way it works for normal projects). When building a bootloadable project, the bootloader size represents the size of
the flash rows consumed by the bootloader (the bootloader is padded to a multiple of the row size).
To Display the Output Window:
The Output window usually displays by default when you launch PSoC Creator. If the window was closed, you can
open it again by selecting Output Window from the View menu.
Depending on which tool you are using, the Output window will have various toolbar commands for you to use. The
following are the most common commands:
Show output from
Displays one or more output panes to view. Several panes of information might be available, depending upon which
tools have used the Output window to deliver messages.
Clear all
Clears all text from the Output pane.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

See Also:

Framework Description

Notice List Window

Notice List Window

The Notice List window combines notices (errors, warnings, and notes) from many places into one centralized list. If
a file and/or error location is shown, you can double-click the entry to show the error or warning. There are also
buttons to Go To Error or View Details. This window is usually located at the bottom of the PSoC Creator
framework. It is often in the same window group as the Output window.

The number or errors, warnings, and notes also displays on the PSoC Creator Status Bar.

Errors indicate there is at least one problem that must be addressed before you can build your
application. Typical errors could include: compiler build errors, dynamic connectivity errors in schematics,
and Design Rule Checker (DRC) errors. Errors from the build process remain in the list until the next build.

Warnings report unusual conditions that might indicate a problem, although you can usually build the
application regardless.


are informational messages from the system to indicate something occurred.

The Notice List contains the following columns:

Icon Displays the icons for the error, warning, or note. A specific row may also contain a tree control
containing individual parts of the overall message.

Number Displays the number of the notice.

Description Displays a brief description of the notice.

File Displays the file name where the notice originated,

Error Location Displays the specific line number or other location of the message, when applicable.

Project Displays the name of the project that contains the notice. White rows are for the Active project;
grey rows are for inactive projects.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Design Rule Checker (DRC):

The DRC evaluates your design based on a collection of pre-determined rules in the project database. The DRC
points out potential errors or "rule" violations in your project that might pose problems. It displays various messages
in the Notice List window.
Some connectivity and dynamic errors update as soon as you make changes to your design, while other errors
update on load and save operations.
To Open the Notice List Window:
The Notice List window is displayed by default. If you close the window, you can open it again by selecting View >
Other Windows > Notice List.
You can also re-open the window by selecting Windows > Reset Layout. However, this option will reset all
windows to the default positions.
To Display Errors in Tools:
Click on a notice in the list. If there is a link to the error, click the Go To Error button. You may also double-click any
warning or error in the Notice List window to show that error or warning in the appropriate tool. There is also a
command available to go to the error if you right-click on a notice.

In a schematic, a translucent red highlight shows the source(s) of the error. You can turn highlighting on or
off using the right-click menu on a notice.

In a code file, the specific line of code with the error or warning will be highlighted.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To View the Message Description:

Click the
button next to the message or click the View Details button to open the Notice Details dialog. There is
also a command available to view details if you right-click on a notice. The Notice Details dialog will display the
entire message, as well as additional information if available.

See Also:

Framework Description

Output Window

Notice Details

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Resource Meter
The Resource Meter is a graphical display of the resources used in the currently active project of your workspace. It
updates after every build. This keeps you notified of possible resource overuse and helps identify which resource is
the cause of the problem.

Each resource contains a color-coded bar graph that shows the number or percentage of resources used. The
following table shows the colors used and indicate their meaning:



Resource fits in the current design.


Resource is overused in the current design; build failed.


Resource is not used.

If the build fails or only a partial build is performed (that is, Generate Application), any resources that did not have
their usage recalculated will be displayed as washed out, as it is potentially stale.
Note Any previous usage calculations will still be displayed; they just might not be accurate due to the fact that they
weren't recalculated.
To Open the Resource Meter:
The Resource Meter is available after you open a project or create a new project. By default, this tool window is set
to auto-hide on the right side of the PSoC Creator framework. To display it, click the Resource Meter tab:

If the window is closed, you can open it again by selecting Resource Meter from the View menu.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

File Menu
The File menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item


See Also


Displays a dialog to create a new


Creating a New Project


Displays a dialog to create a new file. Creating Files


Displays a dialog to open an existing


Opening an Existing Project

Displays a dialog to open an existing


Opening an Existing File

Code Example

Displays a dialog to open a code


Find Code Example

Add >

New Project

Adds a new project to the workspace.


Adds and existing project to the


New >

Open >





[Ctrl] + [O]

[Ctrl] + [F4] Closes the active document window.

Close Workspace

Closes the workspace.

[Ctrl] + [S]

Save <Project / File> As

Save All

Saves the active document.

Displays a dialog to save the
selected project or file as another
project or file.

[shift] + [S]

Opens the Workspace/Project

Archiver wizard to create workspace

Page Setup

Opens the Page Setup dialog to

select printing layout options.
[Ctrl] + [P]

Archiving a Workspace/Project

Prints the active document.

Print Preview

Opens the Print Preview dialog for

the selected file.

Recent Files

Provides access to previously

opened files.

Recent Projects

Provides access to previously

opened projects.


Exits PSoC Creator.

Saving a Project As

Saves all the files in the workspace.

Create Workspace


Window Types

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Print Preview


Understanding PSoC Creator

Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item




See Also


[Ctrl] + [Z]

Undoes the last action; can be used repeatedly to

undo multiple actions.


[Ctrl] + [Y]

Redoes the last action.


[Ctrl] + [X]

Cuts the selected element(s).


[Ctrl] + [C]

Copies the selected element(s).


[Ctrl] + [V]

Pastes the cut or copied elements from the clipboard.



Deletes the selected element(s).

Select All

[Ctrl] + [A]

Selects all elements in active window.


[Ctrl] + [F]

Opens a dialog to find text.

Find Replace


[Crtl] + [H]

Opens a dialog to find and replace text.

Find Replace

Find in Files

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F] Opens a dialog to find text in multiple files.

Replace in Files

[Ctrl] + [Shift] +

Opens a dialog to find and replace text in multiple files. Replace in Files

[Ctrl] + [G]

Opens the Go To dialog.

Find and Replace >

Go To
Advanced >

Converts spaces to tabs for the selected text. The

number of spaces per tab is defined in the Text Editor
Options Dialog.

UnTabify Selected

Converts tabs to spaces for the selected text.

Make Uppercase

[Ctrl] + [Shift] +

Changes selected text to uppercase letters.

Make Lowercase

[Ctrl] + [U]

Changes selected text to lowercase letters.

View White Space

[Ctrl] + [E], [S]

Toggles on or off to show hidden characters, such as

spaces or tabs. Press and hold [Ctrl] and [E] keys,
release, and then press [S] key.

Incremental Search

[Ctrl] + [I]

Find first instance of matching pattern after pressing

shortcut keys. Press [Ctrl] + [I] keys and the icon
displays. Then type letters to find.

Comment Selection

[Ctrl] + [E], [C]

Comments selected line(s) of text. Inserts // at the

beginning of the line. Press and hold [Ctrl] and [E]
keys, release, and then press [C] key.

[Ctrl] + [E], [U]

Uncomments selected line(s) of text. Removes // at the

beginning of the line. Press and hold [Ctrl] and [E]
keys, release, and then press [U] key.

Increase Line

Indents the selected line(s) of text.

Decrease Line

Outdents the selected line(s) of text.

Toggle Bookmark

Go To Line
Text Editor

Tabify Selected


Find in Files

[Ctrl] + [K], [Ctrl] + Inserts or removes a bookmark from the Indicator

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Menu Item




See Also


Margin next to the line where the cursor is located.

Press and hold [Ctrl] and [K] keys, release, and then
press [Ctrl] and [K] keys again.

Outlining >

Text Editor
[Ctrl] + [M], [M]

If Start Automatic Outlining has been selected, this

command expands or contracts the outlining for
selected section of code. Press and hold [Ctrl] and [M]
keys, release, and then press [M] key again.

[Ctrl] + [M], [L]

f Start Automatic Outlining has been selected, this

command expands or contracts all outlining in the file.
Press and hold [Ctrl] and [M] keys, release, and then
press [L] key.

Stop Automatic

[Ctrl] + [M], [P]

Disables automatic outlining. Press and hold [Ctrl] and

[M] keys, release, and then press [P] key.

Start Automatic

[Ctrl] + [M], [P]

Enables automatic outlining.

Insert Snippet...

[Ctrl] + [K], [X]

Opens a menu to select code snippets, if available.

Surround with...

[Ctrl] + [K], [S]

Opens a menu to insert surround with snippets, if


Toggle Outlining

Toggle All Outlining

Snippets >

View Menu
The View menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item


See Also

Output Window

Open or display the Output window.

Output Window

Workspace Explorer

Open or display the Workspace


Workspace Explorer

Code Explorer

Open the Code Explorer window for

the Code Editor.

Code Explorer Window

Component Catalog

Open the Component Catalog for the

Schematic Editor.

Component Catalog

Resource Meter

Open the Resource Meter for the

currently active project.

Resource Meter

Other Windows > Notice


Open or display the Notice List


Notice List Window

Other Windows > Start


Open or display the Start Page.

Framework Description

Find Results

Open or display Find Results


Find and Replace

Zoom In/Out/To

Icon Shortcut

[Ctrl] + [+] or Ctrl + []

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Adjusts size of the page according to



Understanding PSoC Creator

Project Menu
The Project menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item

Icon Description

See Also

New Item

Open New Item dialog to select a new item to add to your


New Item

Add Component Item

Open Add Component Item dialog to add a new item to

your component.

Add Component Item

Existing Item

Open the Open dialog to add an existing item to your


Opening an Existing File

Import Component

Opens the Import Component dialog.

Import Component

Update Components

Opens the Update Component Tool dialog to update

selected components.

Remove from Workspace

Remove selected file/project from project/workspace.

Unload/Reload Project

Alternately unloads and reloads the selected project in the


New Folder

Create a new virtual folder in the Workspace Explorer but

not on disk.

Show All Files

Open all files in a directory.

Set As Active Project

Set the selected project as the active project.

Set As Top Component

Set the selected component as the top component.


Open the Dependencies dialog.


Build Order

Opens the Dependencies dialog to the Build Order tab.


Device Selector

Open the Device Selector.

Device Selector

Archive Workspace/Project

Opens the Archive Project dialog to archive the


Archiving a

Export to IDE

Opens a dialog to export the PSoC Creator design to an

external IDE.

Exporting a Design to 3rd

Party IDE

<Project> Resources

Opens the Design-Wide Resources file for the project.

Design-Wide Resources

Build Settings

Open the Build Settings dialog.

Build Settings


Opens the Properties dialog.


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Understanding PSoC Creator

Build Menu
The Build menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item

Icon Shortcut

Build All Projects


Clean All Projects


See Also

Build all projects in the workspace.

Building a PSoC
Creator Project

Clean all projects in the workspace.

Note During the clean process, PSoC Creator
cleans the build output of only those files that
are still part of the project. Any output files
generated using source files that are no longer
part of the project (deleted or simply removed
from project), will be left untouched.

Clean and Build All Projects

Build (Named) Project

Clean and build all projects in the workspace.

[Shift] + [F6]

Build the selected project.

Clean (Named) Project

Clean the selected project.

Clean and Build (Named)


Rebuild the selected project.

Cancel Build

[Ctrl] + [Break]

Cancel the build process.

Compile File

[Ctrl] + [F6]

Compile the selected file.

Generate Application

Generate API source code files.

Generated Files

Generate Project Datasheet

Generate a project datasheet.

Generating a Project

See Also:

Build Toolbar Commands

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Debugger Menu Commands

The Debug menus provide access to all of the functionality and information available to the current debugger. There
are two modes for the menu: inactive and active.
Inactive Mode Debug Menu:
When the debugger is not running, the Debug menu will be in the inactive state. In this state, only the functions that
make sense are available on the menu. For instance, the Halt function is unnecessary in the inactive state. In the
inactive mode, the Debug Windows submenu provides access to a limited subset of the available debug windows.

Icon Shortcut

Windows >

Provides access to the various debugger windows. See Debugger


[Ctrl] + [D], [B]

Opens the Breakpoints window to display all of the breakpoints that

have been set in the workspace.


[Ctrl] + [D], [O]

Opens the Output window.

[Ctrl] + [F5]

Provides a one click means of programming the selected debug target

with the code generated from the selected project.


Automatically starts a build if the project is out-of-date

Updates the status bars message to indicate that

programming is taking place.

Launches PSoC Programmer behind the scenes to

perform the programming.
Select Debug Target

Opens the Select Debug Target dialog to manually select the debug
target to use.



Starts the debugger.

Debug without

[Alt] + [F5]

Starts the debugger without programming the device.

Attach to Running Target

Toggle Breakpoint

Opens the Attach to Target dialog to connect to an already

programmed target device. Applicable to PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP only.

New Breakpoint >

Alternately inserts and removes a breakpoint in the current line of code.

This is the same as clicking in the Indicator Margin of the Code Editor.
You can use the [F9] key as a shortcut for this command.
Provides access to the following breakpoint windows. See Breakpoints

Address Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [A]

Opens the Address Breakpoint window.

File Line Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [F]

Opens the File/Line Breakpoint window.

Function Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [U]

Opens the Function Breakpoint window.

Variable Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [V]

Opens the Variable Watchpoints window.

Memory Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [E]

Opens the Memory_Watchpoint window.

[Ctrl] + [Shift] +

Deletes all breakpoints in the workspace instead of having to remove

each one individually. This is useful if there are multiple breakpoints set
but you just want the processor to run.

Delete All Breakpoints

Enable All Breakpoints

Enables all breakpoints

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Active Debug Windows Menu:

The active debug mode indicates that you have started a debug session; that the active PSoC Creator subsystem
is the debugger. In the active mode, the debugger is running and you have the full range of available functions; the
Debug Windows submenu provides access to all of the available debug windows.



Windows >

Provides access to the various debugger windows. See Debugger


[Ctrl] + [D], [B]

Opens the Breakpoints window to display all of the breakpoints that

have been set in the workspace.


[Ctrl] + [D], [O]

Opens the Output window.

[Ctrl] + [D], [W]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W], [2]

Opens one of four Watch windows to evaluate and display variables,

registers, or expressions.

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W], [3]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W], [4]

Watch >


[Ctrl] + [D], [L]

Opens the Locals window to view and modify all of the local variables
in the current debug frame.


[Ctrl] + [D], [P]

Opens the Component Debug Window to view debug information about

components in your design.

Call Stack

[Ctrl] + [D], [C]

Opens the Call Stack window to track the order that different functions
are called by the target program.

[Ctrl] + [D], [M]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M], [2]

Opens one of four Memory windows to display the values stored in the
memory of the processor.

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M], [3]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M], [4]

Memory >


[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D]

Opens the Disassembly window to display the basic instructions

created for your source code.


[Ctrl] + [R], [R]

Opens the Registers window to display the core CPU registers and
their values

[Ctrl] + [F5]

Provides a one click means of programming the selected debug target

with the code generated from the selected project.


Automatically starts a build if the project is out-of-date

Updates the status bars message to indicate that

programming is taking place.

Launches PSoC Programmer behind the scenes to

perform the programming.
Select Debug Target

Opens the Select Debug Target dialog to manually select the debug
target to use.

Show Current Line

Displays the line of code that is or will be executed.

Resume Execution


Continues the debugger. Starts the debug target running again after a
Halt or a breakpoint. Use this function to have the program continue
running to the next breakpoint.

Halt Execution

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Break]

Pauses the debugger.

Stop Debugging

[Shift] + [F5]

Stops the debugging session.

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Understanding PSoC Creator





Rebuild and Run

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F5]

Rebuilds the program and restarts the debugger.


[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F5]

Resets the debugger.

Step Into


Executes a single line of code. If the line is a function call, the

debugger will break at the first instruction in the function. If the line is
not a function call, the debugger will break at the following line of code.
Use this to verify that a line of code is doing what is expected. This
function temporarily allows the processor to run until it finishes
processing the instructions that make up the current line of code.

Step Over


Executes a single line of code. The debugger will break at the following
line of code. If the current line of code is a function call, the function will
be executed without stopping. The debugger will then stop on the next
line after the function call. Use this to verify that a line of code is doing
what is expected. This function temporarily allows the processor to run
until it finishes processing the instructions that make up the current line
of code.

Step Out

[Shift] + [F11]

Finishes executing the current function. The processor is allowed to run

until the current function has finished. It will halt again at the first
instruction after the function call. Use this to exit the current function
and return to the calling method. This function temporarily allows the
processor to run until it finishes processing the instructions that make
up the current function.

Toggle Breakpoint


Alternately inserts and removes a breakpoint in the current line of code.

This is the same as clicking in the Indicator Margin of the Code Editor.
You can use the [F9] key as a shortcut for this command.

New Breakpoint >

Provides access to the following breakpoint windows. See Breakpoints



[Ctrl] + [D], [A]

Opens the Address Breakpoint window.

File Line

[Ctrl] + [D], [F]

Opens the File/Line Breakpoint window.


[Ctrl] + [D], [U]

Opens the Function Breakpoint window.


[Ctrl] + [D], [V]

Opens the Variable Watchpoints window.


[Ctrl] + [D], [E]

Opens the Memory_Watchpoint window.

Delete All

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F9]

Deletes all breakpoints in the workspace instead of having to remove

each one individually. This is useful if there are multiple breakpoints set
but you just want the processor to run.

Enable All

Enables all breakpoints.


Refreshes the debugger.

Global Interrupt

Enable/Disable (depending on current state) Global Interrupt

See Also:

Using the Debugger

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Debugger Toolbar Commands

Text Editor Context Menu Commands

Tools Menu
The Tools menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item


See Also

Install drivers for Vision

Opens the Installation Wizard to install MiniProg3 drivers Installing MiniProg3 Drivers
for the Vision IDE.

Datapath Config Tool

Launches the Datapath Configuration Tool for use when

creating components implemented with Verilog.

Component Author Guide

DMA Wizard

Opens the DMA Wizard.

DMA Wizard

Component Tuners

Allows direct access to tuner dialogs if included in your


Tuner Communication Setup

Bootloader Host...

Launches the stand-alone Bootloader Host application.

Bootloader Host Help file (Press [F1]

within the application.)


Opens the Options dialog.

Options Dialog

Help Menu
The Help menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item



Opens this Help to the Welcome topic.

Document Manager

Opens the Document Manager to access various Cypress documents. If Cypress Document
Manager is not installed, this opens a link on the Cypress web site to learn more about it and
download it.

System Reference

System Reference Guide - Opens the most current version of the System Reference
Guide, regardless of any version cy_boot you are using in your design.

Open Web Page - Opens a web page to access older versions and translated copies of the
System Reference Guide.
Update Manager

Launches the Cypress Update Manager to check for and install program updates.

PSoC Creator Training

Opens the Cypress PSoC Creator Training web page.

Cypress Dev Community Open the Cypress Development Community web page.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Menu Item
Documentation >


Quick Start Guide - Opens the PSoC Creator Quick Start document.

Release Notes - Opens the Release Notes document.

Known Problems and Solutions - Opens a Cypress web page to access the Known
Problems and Solutions document.

Migration Guide - Opens a Cypress web page to access various migration guide

Device Datasheets - Opens a Cypress web page to access PSoC device datasheets.

PSoC Technical Reference Manuals - Opens a Cypress web page to access PSoC TRM

Documentation >

Documentation >

Register >

Support >

Component Datasheets - Opens a web page to translated

copies of various component datasheets.
Component Datasheets - Opens a web page to translated
copies of various component datasheets.

Component Author Guide

Customizer API Reference Guide

Tuner API Reference Guide

GCC & Keil Documentation

PSoC Creator


Knowledge Base - Opens the Cypress Knowledge Base web page.

Warp Verilog Reference Guide

Create a Support Case - Opens the Cypress support web page to create a new support

View Your Support Cases - Opens the Cypress support web page to your home page.

Order Samples

Opens the Cypress Store web page to order samples, kits, cables, etc.

Contact Us

Opens Help topic to provide ways to contact Cypress.


Opens the About PSoC Creator dialog, which provides build and plug-in information.

Standard Toolbar

The PSoC Creator standard toolbar contains the following commands:

New Project/Workspace

New File

Open Project/Workspace

Open File

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator


Save All


Print Preview







Keyboard Shortcuts
The following table lists many of the various keyboard shortcuts available in PSoC Creator.
Note These are the default keyboard shortcuts. You may change them using the Customize dialog.



File Menu


[Ctrl] + [O]

Close active file

[Ctrl] + [F4]


[Ctrl] + [S]

Save All

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [s]


[Ctrl] + [P]


[Ctrl] + [Z]


[Ctrl] + [Y]


[Ctrl] + [X]


[Ctrl] + [C]


[Ctrl] + [V]



Select All

[Ctrl] + [A]


[Ctrl] + [F]


[Ctrl] + [H]

Find in Files

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F]

Replace in Files

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [H]

Go To

[Ctrl] + [G]

Edit Menu

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator


View Menu

Debug Menu



Make Uppercase

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [U]

Make Lowercase

[Ctrl] + [U]

View White Space

[Ctrl] + [E], [S]

Incremental Search

[Ctrl] + [I]

Comment Selection

[Ctrl] + [E], [C]

Uncomment Selection

[Ctrl] + [E], [U]

Toggle Bookmark

[Ctrl] + [K], [Ctrl] + [K]

Toggle All Outlining

[Ctrl] + [M], [L]

Toggle Outlining Expansion

[Ctrl] + [M], [M]

Start Automatic Outlining

[Ctrl] + [M], [O]

Stop Automatic Outlining

[Ctrl] + [M], [P]

Zoom in

[Ctrl] + [+]

Zoom out

[Ctrl] + []


[Ctrl] + [D], [B]


[Ctrl] + [D], [O]

Watch 1

[Ctrl] + [D], [W]

Watch 2

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W], [2]

Watch 3

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W], [3]

Watch 4

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W], [4]


[Ctrl] + [D], [L]


[Ctrl] + [D], [P]

Call Stack

[Ctrl] + [D], [C]

Memory 1

[Ctrl] + [D], [M]

Memory 2

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M], [2]

Memory 3

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M], [3]

Memory 4

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M], [2]


[Ctrl] + [D], [D]


[Ctrl] + [D], [R]


[Ctrl] + [F5]

Execute Code (Debug) / Resume Execution


Debug without Programming

[Alt] + [F5]

Halt Execution

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Break]

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator




Stop Debugging

[Shift] + [F5]

Rebuild and Run

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F5]


[Shift] + [Alt] + [F5]

Step Into


Step Over


Step Out

[Shift] + [F11]

Toggle Breakpoint


Address Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [A]

File Line Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [F]

Function Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [U]

Variable Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [V]

Memory Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [E]

Delete all breakpoints

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + F9

Build All Projects


Build Active Project

[Shift] + [F6]

Cancel Build

[Ctrl] + [Break]

Compile File

[Ctrl] + [F6]

Help Menu

Help Topics


Design Elements

Cancel current operation


Rectangle Tool


Ellipse Tool


Line Tool


Text Tool


Arc Tool


Image Tool


Wire Tool


Sheet Connector


Digital Input


Digital Output


Digital Inout


Analog Terminal


External Terminal


Build Menu

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator




Sheet / Page

Move item 1 grid unit or Scroll 1 grid unit

[Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right] *

Move selected shape 1 point

[Shift] + [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right]

Move selected shapes off grid **

[Shift] + Left Click (hold) + Drag

Disable/enable rubber-banding

[Ctrl] + Left Click (hold) on one or more objects +

Drag, or
[Ctrl] + [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right]

Zoom to selection

[Ctrl] + Left Click (hold) on white space + Drag

Select multiple items

[Ctrl] + Left Click (successive actions)


[Alt] + Left Click + Drag

Scroll up / down

Mouse Wheel Up / Down

Zoom in / out

[Ctrl] + Mouse Wheel Up / Down

Scroll left / right

[Shift] + Mouse Wheel Up / Down

Large scroll up / down

[Page Up] / [Page Down]

Large scroll left / right

[Shift] + [Page Up] / [Page Down]

Switch between schematic pages.

[Ctrl] + [F6] (Use [Shift] for reverse direction.)

Switch between open project files or open tabbed


[Ctrl] + [Tab] (Use [Shift] for reverse direction.)

Close a tabbed document.

[Ctrl] + [w]


Go back to previous cursor location in Code Editor. [Ctrl] + [-] (Use [Shift] for reverse direction.)
Code Editor


[Ctrl] + [Space]

Find References

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [R]

Go To Declaration


Go To Definition

[Ctrl] + [F12]

* If items are selected, using the arrow keys moves items 1 grid unit in the specified direction. If sheet/page is
selected, using the arrow keys scrolls instead.
** Components, wires, and other design-specific objects will always snap to grip. Other shapes not part of the
actual design can be moved freely.
See Also:

File Menu

Edit Menu

Debugger Menu Commands

Build Menu

Design Elements Palette

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Understanding PSoC Creator

Customize Dialog

Component Update
The Component Update Tool dialog allows you to update versions of components in your designs.
Note If you have custom components in your design based on older Cypress component versions, be aware that
these components cannot be easily updated as part of the component update process. If you update these
components, it is likely this will break your design.

Under Available Versions, bold items indicate components that will be updated. By default, PSoC Creator selects
the most current version of a component to be updated.
After a component update operation has been completed, the tool generates a ComponentUpdateLog.txt file, which
provides details of the update. This file is stored as in the corresponding project folder.
To Open the Dialog:
1. Open a PSoC Creator design project with one or more components.
2. Select Update Components from the Project menu.

If newer versions of components are available in a design, an icon will be added to the status bar as

Click the icon to open the Component Update Tool dialog.

You can also right-click on the project in the Source tab of the Workspace Explorer and select Update

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Component Version States:

The Component Update Tool reports the state of various component versions, under the Available Versions

Obsolete An obsolete component version should updated to a newer version. PSoC Creator will display
a warning or error about this component version in the Notice List Window.

Prototype A pilot component version is typically a working example only. It is not characterized and not
regression tested. PSoC Creator will most often display a note about this component version in the Notice
List Window. In some cases, it will display a warning.

Incompatible An incompatible component version means that the selected component and version is not
compatible with the selected device for your design. PSoC Creator will display a warning or error about this
component version in the Notice List Window.

To View Datasheets:
Click the component link in the Name column at the top of each set of component instances to display the latest
version of the component's datasheet.
To Update Components:
The components to be updated are selected automatically and shown in bold under the Available Versions

1. As desired, pull down the menu under Available Versions for each component and select the version you wish
to use. You might use this to downgrade a component to a previous version, for example.
2. Click Next.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

3. Review the information on the Review Pending Updates step.

4. The Create workspace archive before updating check box will create an archive of your project. Leave
selected or deselect to skip the archiving step.
5. Click Finish to update the component(s) or click Cancel to cancel.
See Also:


Workspace Explorer

Notice List Window

Environment Options

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Understanding PSoC Creator

The Customize dialog is used to display various toolbars, as well as customize which commands appear on
toolbars. You can also create keyboard shortcuts for any command.

This dialog has three tabs:




To Open this Dialog:

Right-click in the PSoC Creator menu/toolbar area and select Customize.
Toolbars Tab
The Toolbars tab allows you to create, rename, remove, and reset toolbars. It displays the toolbars available and
any toolbars you create. When a toolbar is displayed, a check mark appears to the left of it in this dialog box.

New Displays the New Toolbar dialog box, which allows you to create and name a custom toolbar.

Rename Displays the Rename Toolbar dialog box, which allows you to change the name of a custom
toolbar only.

Delete Deletes the custom toolbar selected in the Toolbars list.

Reset Removes any changes to the predefined toolbar selected in the Toolbars list and resets it to its
original state. Available only if you select a built-in toolbar.

Note You can only delete and rename toolbars that you created.
Commands Tab
The Commands tab allows you to add and remove commands on toolbars and menus.

Categories Specifies the set of commands that are displayed in the Commands list box. The categories
of commands are based on menu titles provided by the tools and designers that the environment is

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Understanding PSoC Creator

currently supporting. This list of titles is dynamic so that the order of categories and the menu titles change,
depending on the tools and the designer, as well as any customizations made to them. Therefore, it is
possible for two menus from different designers to have the same name, so the same title can appear twice
but offer different command sets.

Commands Displays the commands and command images based on the category you selected. You can
drag a command onto the toolbar you want to customize.

Modify Selection Displays a list of commands you can use to customize the display of the button on the
toolbar. For example, you can change the image or accelerator keys, as well as specify whether to display
text instead of an image for the command. This button is available after you select a command button on a
toolbar you want to customize.

Keyboard Tab
The Keyboard tab is used to specify shortcut key combinations for commands.

Show Commands containing Use this section to filter the commands displayed in the scroll list.

Shortcut(s) for Selected Command Shows any shortcut currently assigned to the command. If
applicable, you can Remove the shortcut.

Use new shortcut in Pull-down menu to assign the shortcut to a specific subsystem or global.

Press shortcut key(s) With the cursor in this field, press the key(s) to be used for the shortcut and click

Shortcut currently used by This field shows if the shortcut is currently in use and by what function.

See Also:

Framework Description

Standard Toolbar

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Understanding PSoC Creator

The Dependencies dialog is used to show and select one or more user-level project dependency. The order of the
dependencies determines the order that PSoC Creator will use to search for components and code.

To Open the Dialog:

Select Dependencies... from the Project menu.
This pull down allows you to select the project for which you want to include a dependency. This only applies if
there are multiple projects in your workspace.
System Dependencies:
This area shows the system-level dependencies for your project.
For each dependency there are two check boxes: Components and Code. Components determines whether
PSoC Creator searches the project for components to include in the Component Catalog. Code determines
whether a C static library is linked in to the project.
User Dependencies:
This area is where you can add/remove other dependencies to your project. It contains four buttons: Add, Remove,
Move Up and Move Down. This section also contains Components and Code check boxes described under
System Dependencies.
Note If there were any default dependencies added to the Project Management Options dialog under Default
Dependencies, those dependencies will be shown in this area for projects created after the dependencies were

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Understanding PSoC Creator

If you have multiple projects in your workspace, there are cases where one or more projects use components
defined in another project in the same workspace. In this case, if you select the Components check box next to the
project where the component is defined, the Subdependencies dialog will display.

Project dependencies are a list. For example, suppose a workspace has "Project A" that depends solely on "Project
B" that depends solely on "Project C."

Project A will not use components or code from Project C, unless Project A has its own direct dependency
on Project C.

If modifying dependencies for Project A, selecting Subdependencies for Project B would show Project C.

If adding a new dependency for Project A, the Subdependencies dialog makes it easy to add any other
dependencies that may be necessary.

If you do not add Project B Subdependencies for Project A may cause DRC errors or link errors in Project

Build Order Tab:

The Build Order tab is a read-only list of the order in which your projects will build.
See Also:

Basic Hierarchical Design

Project Management Options

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Device Selector
Use the Device Selector dialog to choose which device to use in your design.

The dialog provides a list of available devices, as well as various characteristics for each device. Using the dialog,
you can:

change the selection at any time during the design process

customize how/what data is displayed for the devices

filter which columns should be displayed/hidden

The Device Selector dialog contains the following tabs:

Devices tab Displays devices from which you can select.

Notices tab Displays any notices generated while running the auto device selection.

Log tab Displays the log file for the auto device selection process.


The title bar of the dialog displays the name of the project that the device is being set for and the name of
the currently selected device.

The Device Selector layout is saved on a per project basis. When you re-open the Device Selector for a
particular project it will retain all the information from the previous session.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

The Device Selector allows for targeting a project to a specific Silicon Revision. This will cause changes in
the generated code such that it can only be programmed on a target device that has a matching Silicon

To Open the Dialog:

Select the design project for which you want to change the selected device in the Workspace Explorer and do one
of the following:

Select Project > Device Selector, or

Right-click on the project and select Device Selector

Note You can also open the Device Selector from the New Project dialog Device pull down menu when creating a
new design project. The major difference is that when opening the Device Selector for a new design, none of AutoSelect features are applicable and you will only see devices for the project type you have selected.
To Select a Device:
To select a device, do one of the following:

Double-click a device row in the device table, or

Click a device row and click OK.

To quickly select the default device for a specific architecture, right-click anywhere in the device selector table area
and select Select Default Device. Then pick your desired architecture.
To Sort a Device Category:
You can sort by any column in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header for that column. Clicking
again will toggle the sort direction. When a column has a sort applied to it, an arrow will be displayed under the text
in the column header.
By default, the part number column in the device selector has the sort applied to it. To re-sort on the part number,
right-click anywhere in the device selector table area, select Sort by Part Number, and pick your desired sort
direction. This menu also provides a way to automatically scroll to whatever device is currently selected.
To View Device Datasheet:
Click View Datasheet.
This opens a web page to the selected device's datasheet.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Show/Hide Columns:
Click Hide/Show Columns.
This is used to hide/show in the device table. This opens Display Columns dialog that lists all the available columns.

You can then check/uncheck columns to alter what is displayed in the device table.
Note These changes are made live as you change the state of the check boxes. Columns that have filters applied
cannot be hidden. They are disabled in the dialog and are followed by the text - Filtered so you know why they
cannot be hidden.
Status information displays above the device table, showing how many columns are hidden. If no columns are
hidden, no status information is provided.
To Filter the Device Table:
Each column in the Device Selector has a drop-down button used for filtering on the column. When pressed, a
drop-down window displays a list of check boxes, one for each of the different values possible in that column. You
can uncheck as many of the values as desired, removing devices with those values from the set of displayed
devices. These changes are not applied to the device table until you click off the window or press the [Enter] key
(pressing [Esc] will close the window without applying any of the changes). By default all values are checked
meaning that no filtering has been done.
When filtering has been applied on a column, the column header (and the accent color on the button) changes to
make it very obvious which columns have filters applied. The button also displays the value that has been left on.
If more than one value has been left on, only the first value will be displayed on the button. The value will be
followed by indicating that more values are being displayed. In this case hovering the mouse over the button
will produce a tool tip that displays all the values that are currently on.
There is a status bar just below the device table that shows how many devices are currently being displayed (i.e.
how many devices passed all the filters) versus how many devices exist. There is also a link here that clears all the
filters from the table making all the devices visible again.
To Reset to Defaults:
Click Reset to Defaults.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

This resets all the settings back to their defaults (removes filters, re-orders columns, resets which columns are
displayed, etc.).
To Auto-Select a Device:
Auto device selection helps you decide which device to choose. When you click the Start Auto Select button,
PSoC Creator checks each of the visible devices in the Device Selector table to see if the current design would
work on that device. As each device is checked, the value for the Design Fits on Device column is either
Unknown, Yes, or No. You can sort and filter on these results. During the auto device selection process the Notices
and Log tabs are updated as needed. These tabs are only used with auto device selection process.
See Also:

Workspace Explorer

Creating a New Project

Enumeration Types
The Enumeration Types dialog allows you to create and edit enumerations (or user-defined types) for your
components. This dialog is used in conjunction with defining parameters for a component. The process of creating
components can be complex. This topic is provided as a help if you press [F1] for this dialog. For more in depth
discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

A component can contain multiple types but each type name must be unique and each key in the types must be
unique across all other types in that component. The types defined for each component in a given project are
aggregated on the project (the project type cache) and the project type caches from all projects on a design's
search path are aggregated into a design type cache.

Internal to the symbol, the type and the type keys are accessible by their "short name."

Outside of the symbol, the type and keys are identified using the "long name," which is the component
name followed by the actual type or key name (using "__" to separate the two).

When evaluating a type or key for an expression, the evaluation system first looks in the enclosing symbol for the
identifier. If it is not found there, the system queries the design type cache. If the design type cache does not

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Understanding PSoC Creator

recognize the identifier, it is reported as an unknown identifier.

To Open the Dialog:
Click the Types... button on the Parameters Definition dialog.
To Add an Enumeration Type:
1. Next to Type Names, click Add

to create a new enumerated type.

2. Replace EnumType_1 with the name you wish to use and press [Enter].
3. Under Enum Set, click in the first row under Name and type a name for the 1st name/value pair of the
enumerated type; type a value under Value or accept the default.
4. Optionally, enter a string in Display Name that will display in the component's Configure dialog pull down menu
for that parameter.
5. Enter as many enum sets as needed and click OK to close the Enumeration Types dialog.
To Delete an Enumeration Type:
Highlight the type to delete, and click Delete

See Also:

Symbol Editor

Parameters Definition dialog

Component Author Guide

Family Migration Information

The Family Migration Information dialog displays when you try to change a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE project to another
family and vice versa. The dialog warns you that the device change being made is likely to require manual edits to
the design.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Open this Dialog:

This dialog opens when you try to change your project to or from a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE device using the Device
To Use this Dialog:
Click OK to close the dialog and proceed with changing the device.
Click Cancel to close the dialog and leave the project device unchanged.
Select the Do not display this dialog again check box to prevent this dialog from displaying in the future. You can
re-enable this feature using the setting on the Options Dialog.
See Also:

Device Selector

Options Dialog

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Understanding PSoC Creator

The Feedback page allows you to rate components frequently used in designs, and send Cypress feedback about

Each component listed on the page contains a link to the component's web page on, if one
exists. There is a rating scale from 10 to 0 to rate the component. There is also an Additional Feedback area where
you can enter any additional comments you may have. Just click the text that reads "Click here to provide additional
feedback for ..."

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Open this Page:

The Feedback page opens by default periodically when PSoC Creator is launched (for registered users). To open
the page manually, select View > Other Windows > Component Feedback.

To Hide the Page:

If you do not want to see this page, click the Do not ask me ... check box.
You can manually open it again in the future by selecting View > Other Windows > Component Feedback.
To Send Feedback:
Select the appropriate rating for one or more components, optionally, type any additional comments you might
have, and click the Submit button.
To Select Other Components to Rate:
Depending on how many designs you've built with how many unique components, you can cycle through different
components to rate using the Show me 5 new components to rate link. Clicking the link will show additional
components, if applicable.
See Also:

Contact Us

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Find Code Example

The Find Code Example dialog allows you to search for and code examples included with PSoC Creator. Code
examples show how various components can be configured, and they include sample code to provide a better
understanding of how a component can be used.

Most examples have a description document that provides setup and configuration information. This document is
displayed under the Documentation tab when you select a project from the list. Also available is example code
located under the Sample Code tab.
After opening a code example, you can open these files from the Workspace Explorer by double-clicking them.
To Open the Find Code Example Dialog:
All Examples
To open the dialog with all examples available, select Find Code Example... on the Start page, or select Code
Example... under the File menu.
Component-Specific Examples
To open the dialog with a list of projects associated with a corresponding component, right-click on a component in
the Component Catalog or on the design canvas, and select Find Code Example...
To Select a Project:
1. As needed, choose filters under Device Family or Filter by to narrow the list of available projects.

Select the Device Family for the project. For example, All, PSoC 3, PSoC 4000, PSoC 4200 BLE,
PSoC 5LP, etc.

If desired, also select a keyword from the Filter by pull-down menu or type the project name or other
words. This could be the name of a component or different keywords used by code example
developers to distinguish projects.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

2. Select a project or workspace from the list matching the given filtering criteria.
Note It is possible that multiple projects will be contained in an example workspace. If any of the projects in a
workspace matches the filtering criteria, the workspace and all of its projects will be shown.
3. View the documentation and/or code for the project by clicking the appropriate tab, if desired.
4. Click either Create Project or Create Workspace, as appropriate. The New Project wizard opens to complete
the project/workspace creation process.
See Also:

Creating a New Project



Generate Verilog
The Generate Verilog dialog allows you to choose the architecture, family, and/or device for the Verilog file being
generated for your component symbol. This dialog is used as part of creating a component. For more in depth
discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

To Open this Dialog:

This dialog opens automatically when you select the Generate Verilog command from the Symbol canvas context
To Choose Architecture/Family/Device:
The Target options may be used to specify a particular architecture, family, and/or device to which the Verilog file

Leave the default setting Generic Device selected to allow the Verilog file to apply to all devices. Deselect
the check box to enable the Architecture, Family, and Device pull down menus.

Choose an Architecture to create the Verilog file in a subfolder for an architecture.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Choose a device Family to create the Verilog file in a subfolder for a family of devices.

Choose a specific Device part number to create the Verilog file in a subfolder for a specific device.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Symbol Editor Context Menus

Adding a Component Item

Import Component
The Import Component dialog is used to import a component from another project. It is also used to import one or
more components from a component archive file.

Note Imported components retain all of the symbol and component properties of the original component. This
includes Component Catalog Placement. If there are duplicate components from different Dependencies in your
project, the Component Catalog will display the component from the dependency with the highest precedence.
The dialog has the following options:

Import from project/library Used to choose the project/library that contains the component to import.

Source Component When importing from a project/library, this option is used to specify which
component from the project/library to import.

Import from archive Used to select the component archive that contains the component(s) to import. For
more information, see Exporting a Component. All components in the archive file will be imported.

Target Project Used to select the specific project for which the component will be imported.

To Open this Dialog:

1. Select the Components tab in the Workspace Explorer.
2. Right-click on a project and select Import Component.
To Import a Component:
1. Select either Import from project/library or Import from archive.

If you selected Import from project/library, select the project that contains the component to import. If
necessary, click the browse button [...] and navigate to the folder containing the component to import. In

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Source Component, select the component to import from the project/library.

If you selected Import from archive, select the appropriate component archive (.cycomp file). If
necessary, click the browse button [...] and navigate to the folder containing the component archive.

2. In Target Project, select the project where the component will be placed.
3. Click OK.
PSoC Creator adds the imported component(s) to the selected project.
See Also:


Component Catalog

Defining Catalog Placement

Exporting a Component

Workspace Explorer

Merge Dialog
The Merge dialog displays when you try to enable a Disabled Schematic page and there are one or more
component and/or wire instances that have the same name.

To use the dialog:

Select the instance in the New Name field, type a different name for the instance, and click OK.
Note Component instances must be renamed in order to resolve the name conflict. Some wire and signal instances
do not have to be renamed. The OK button will not be enabled until all mandatory conflicts have been resolved.
See Also:

Using Disabled Schematic Pages

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Modified Files
The Modified Files dialog allows you to selectively save files when closing a project or workspace.

This dialog displays automatically if you attempt to close a file or workspace/project that needs to be saved.
To Use this Dialog:

Click Yes to save the selected files.

Click No to save none of the files.

Click Cancel to close the dialog and leave the files open.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Notice Details
The Notice Details dialog displays expanded information for messages in the Notice List window. The Notice
Details dialog will display the entire message, as well as additional information if available.

To Open this Dialog:

On the Notice List window, click the

button next to the message or click the View Details button.

There is also a command available to view details if you right-click on a notice.

See Also:

Notice List Window

Obsolete Device
The Obsolete Device dialog displays when you open a project with a device that is no longer in the Cypress device
catalog. This dialog suggests the next best alternative for your device, and provides a link to the suggested device
datasheet for more information.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

This dialog provides you with three options:

Click OK to open your project with the suggested device.

Click choose another replacement to open the Device Selector and choose a different device.

Click Cancel to open the Workspace with the project unloaded.

Note The project will also be unloaded if you close the Device Selector without selecting a device.
If you reload the unloaded project, PSoC Creator will select the default device for your project. You can use
the Device Selector to change it, if needed.
See Also:

Device Selector

Opening an Existing Project

Options Dialog
The Options dialog allows you to specify various settings for PSoC Creator, such as where projects are stored or
the color of wires.

The dialog is divided into the following categories:

Project Management (this topic)

Text Editor

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Design Entry

Language Support



To Open the Options Dialog:

Select Options from the Tools menu.
To Restore Defaults:
Click Restore Defaults.
All options revert to the default configuration.
Project Management Options:
The Project Management category of the Options dialog is used to set various options for project management.
This category includes the following sections:
The General area allows you to specify the location to save your projects. There are also numerous check boxes to
specify various options, as follows:

Always show the Error List window if a build has errors yes (default) or no.

Always display the workspace in the Workspace Explorer yes (default) or no.

Display the Output window when a build starts yes (default) or no.

Reload open documents when a workspace is opened yes (default) or no.

Reload the last workspace on startup yes or no (default).

Auto-Backup Designs yes (default) or no. If this option is selected, when you open designs created with
previous versions of PSoC Creator, the older designs will be backed up to an archive (located in
[Workspace Folder]/Backup). This backup copy will contain the version of the tool that was last used to
save it (that is, the older version it can be opened with) in the file name.

Don't show Keil registration ... yes or no (default). If selected, the Keil Compiler Registration dialog will
not display every time you start PSoC Creator.

Include Starter Design documentation in new projects yes (default) or no. If selected, documentation
for the design will be included with new projects created from Starter Designs.

Do not display Family Migration dialog yes or no (default). If selected, the Family Migration Information
will not be shown when migrating to or from a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE device project.

'Component not supported for the toolchain' message is an error yes or no (default). If selected the
message about a component not supported for the given toolchain will display as an error in the Notice List

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Understanding PSoC Creator

8051 Toolchains:
This section is used to set the default 8051 toolchain.

This option also allows you to specify paths to the binaries for each specific toolchain.

DP8051 Keil Generic The default install location is C:\Keil\C51\BIN\

Example files that should be in the selected folder: A51.EXE, C51.EXE

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Understanding PSoC Creator

ARM Toolchains:
This section is used to set the default ARM toolchain.

This option also allows you to specify paths to the binaries for each specific toolchain.

ARM GCC Generic There is no default install location. It can be in whatever folder you extract the files.
Example files that should be in the selected folder: arm-none-eabi-as.exe, arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe, armnone-eabi-ar.exe, arm-none-eabi-addr2line.exe

ARM MDK Generic The default install location is C:\Keil\ARM\ARMCC\bin

Example files that should be in the selected folder: armasm.exe, armcc.exe, armar.exe, armlink.exe

Note Some toolchains require environment variables to find its bin, include, and library paths. These variables are
set by the toolchain installer. You may have to restart PSoC Creator in order to use the new environment variables.
Default Dependencies:
This option allows you to specify default libraries that appear as user dependencies on the Dependencies dialog for
all newly created projects. Default dependencies apply to all new projects on a per user basis, so they will be the
included for all your new projects.
Note Projects created with PSoC Creator 1.0 and initially opened in the current version of PSoC Creator will be
updated to include all default dependencies defined at that time. Existing projects for the current version of PSoC
Creator will not be updated to include any default dependencies added in the future.
This area contains four buttons: Add, Remove, Move Up and Move Down. For each dependency there are two
check boxes: Components and Code to specify whether or not there is a dependency on the search path, code,
both, or neither.
See Also:

Keil Compiler

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Understanding PSoC Creator


Toolchain Documentation

Text Editor Options

The Text Editor category of the Options dialog is used to set various options for the code editor.

This category includes the following sections:


Semantic Parsing

Fonts and Colors

Find and Replace

This section provides options to change various editor behaviors.

Show Line Numbers This check box allows you to control whether or not to display the line numbers.

Highlight Current Line This check box allows you to enable and disable the current line indicator, which
shades the current line.

Enable Column Guide This check box allows you to enable the column length guide. If enabled, you can
specify the column length in characters.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Line Modification Colors

These options allow you to change the color shown in the margins for Saved Changes and Unsaved Changes.
Click the colored box to display the Color selection dialog.
Tab size
The Tab Size field allows you to specify the tab length in characters.

If you enable the Soft Tabs feature and then press the [Tab] key, the text editor uses the specified number
of spaces instead of a tab key stroke.
Note Turning the Soft Tabs feature on or off does not affect previously inserted tabs.

Semantic Parsing:
This section provides options to change settings for auto-complete and inline diagnostics:

Enable semantic parsing

This controls whether the advanced editor features such as autocomplete, inline diagnostics, Go To definition, and
the code explorer tool window are enabled.

Enable inline diagnostics If the Enable semantic parsing check box is selected, this check box is
enabled to turn on and off the inline diagnostic feature.

Enable autocomplete If the Enable semantic parsing check box above is selected, this check box is
enabled to turn on and off the Autocomplete feature.

Show completion results automatically If the Enable autocomplete check box is selected, this
check box is enabled to show the completion results. If checked, items will be shown; otherwise, they
will won't.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Sort alphabetically If the Enable autocomplete check box is selected, this check box is enabled to
turn on and off the sorting mechanism for autocomplete. If checked, items will be arranged
alphabetically; otherwise, they will be arranged in order of anticipated value.

Filter unmatched items This option causes non-matching strings to be removed from the popup. It
causes the set of choices to be reduced as you types. By default, this option is not enabled.

If the Filter unmatched items check box is enabled, the Match text anywhere in completion check
box becomes available to all the search to return matches in the middle of strings; not just from the
beginning. For example, the string PWM will return matches for PWM_1 and MyPWM. By default,
this option is not enabled.

Macro Filtering This option is used to specify that Macros (#define) can be omitted from the popup
list with the following options:

Show all (can be slow)

Show all (except system defines) (default)

Show macro-functions only

Show none

Note These options apply a filter to what macros are included in the auto-complete window for the All
and Macros only displays. You can still toggle between All, Macros only, and Non-macros by pressing
[Ctrl] + [Space].

Tab behavior This option is used to allow how the [Tab] key is used while the popup is displayed, as

Accept autocomplete (default)

Close autocomplete window

Perform UNIX-style Tab-completion (The [Tab] key adds as many characters as possible to the
word being typed such that the result is still a match for the set of matches prior to the

Minimum characters required for popup This option is used to specify how many characters to
type before the autocomplete popup displays. The valid range is 1-10. The default value is 1.
Note When the popup is already open this option is ignored.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Fonts and Colors:

This section provides options to change the various fonts and colors:

Show settings for Pull-down to select options for different types of files to use in the editor.

Use defaults This will restore the settings for the currently selected file type back to their original values
provided by PSoC Creator.

Font Pull-down to select a font type for the selected Display items.

Size Pull-down to select a font size for the selected Display items.

Display items List to select the various items in the editor that can be changed.

Font style Pull-down to select different styles for the font: bold, italic, strikeout, and underline.

Item foreground/background Pull-downs to select colors for the selected Display items and

Custom Buttons to open custom color chooser.

Find and Replace:

Display informational messages Selecting this check box will display informational messages related to
Find & Replace in PSoC Creator.

Automatically populate Find What ... Selecting this check box populates the Find What field with the
highlighted word(s) in the Text Editor.

See Also:

Options Dialog

Code Editor

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Find Replace

Design Entry Options

The Design Entry category of the Options dialog is used to set various options for the design entry tools.

This category includes the following sections:

The General section contains numerous fields to specify preferences for colors, widths, sizes, and fonts for most of
the objects in the design entry tools. This section is divided as follows:

Page settings for the display of the canvas, including grid type and color.

Terminal settings for terminals including colors and fonts.

Text settings for labels including whether to display expressions and the color or owner lines.

Wire settings for wires including colors, widths, and fonts. There is also a setting for rubber-banding.
When this option is turned on, wires will automatically be redrawn when you move objects. If rubberbanding is turned off, wires will not be redrawn and connections will be broken. Press the [Space Bar] while
moving objects to temporarily disable or enable rubber-banding, respectively.

Sheet Templates:
This section allows you to specify locations where PSoC Creator will look for sheet template files to be used with
design entry tools. See Sheet Template Editor for information about creating sheet templates.
Use the Add button to add more paths to locations for sheet templates; use the Remove button to remove paths.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Component Catalog:
This section contains component options:

Show Hidden Components Selecting this check box displays all the hidden components in the
Component Catalog, including primitives. Primitives are basic components that are used as building blocks
in the typical components found in the catalog.

Enable Param Edit Views Selecting this check box allows you to view the Expression View in each
component's Configure dialog by right-clicking on the different tabs in that dialog.
Warning Switching to the Expression View is an advanced feature. It requires a thorough knowledge of the
valid parameter settings for the component. Using this view makes it possible to create combinations of
parameters that are not valid. Therefore, you may need to cancel any changes and restart the process if
you cannot find valid parameters.

Remember Dialog Sizes Selecting this check box makes it so that components Configure dialogs will
save/restore their size on a per component basis. Unchecking this box will cause the dialogs to open as
their default size instead.
Note If the saved size is larger than the current screen, the size will be adjusted to fit the screen.

Reset Sizes Clicking this button will cause all the currently saved dialog sizes to be reset to the default
size for their components. This operation cannot be undone.

Component Security:
Allows you to add and remove paths to allowed third party customizers that can be used within PSoC Creator.
PSoC Creator will generate errors for third party customizers not included in this section. When you try to open an
external project, PSoC Creator displays the following:
Project XXX contains components that include special code that runs on your machine. Do you trust the
source of the project and wish to use the projects components.
If you select Yes, then the path of the project is added to the relevant setting. After this, whenever you open this
particular project, no messages will be shown and the project will load and build normally.
If you select No, then the project will load with an error:
Component YYY is not available. Component Security is disabled for the project XXX. If you trust the
author of the project and wish to allow this component to run code on your computer during the design
process, select Tools > Options > Design Entry > Component Security and add the project folder to the
approved list.
After this, whenever you open this project it will show this error until you add the path.
See Also:

Options Dialog

Using Design Entry Tools

Sheet Template Editor

Component Catalog

Configure dialog

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Language Support Options

The Language Support section of the Options dialog contains settings for using an installed datasheet language

General Options:
The following options are available under the General (default) section:
Datasheet Language
Specify whether to Use Locale or to Force Language. If a datasheet language pack is installed, the Force
Language option will enable a pull-down menu with different languages to select.
When opening a datasheet, if the specific language and version is not available, the Select Datasheet dialog will
display to select an appropriate datasheet.
See Also:

Options Dialog

Select Datasheet

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Program/Debug Options
The Program/Debug section of the Options dialog contains various options for configuring the device, debugger,
MiniProg3, and kits.

Under the General category, you can configure the following:

Evaluate Text box to specify the number of children retrieved at a time in the variable view.

Default Radix Pull down menu to specify the default Radix display in various windows.

On Run/Reset, run to Radio option to select the "run to" point: Reset Vector, Main, or First Breakpoint.

When inserting software breakpoints, warn Radio option when to warn on inserting software

Ask before deleting all breakpoints Check box to indicate if PSoC Creator will ask you before deleting

Require source files to exactly match the original version Check box to indicate if source files should
match the original version. This option will allow you to edit code while debugging.
Note Changes will not take affect until after you recompile.

Disable Clear-On-Read Allows the debugger to read the CLR registers without actually causing the data
to be cleared.

Automatically reset device after programming After programming, automatically does a reset to cause
new program to execute.

Automatically show disassembly if no source Automatically opens the disassembly window if no

source code is found for current debug line.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Allow debugging even if build failed If the build failed, but the output from a previous build still exists,
provide a dialog box to allow starting the debugger with the old build.
Note When debugging an old build, the code being debugged may not match the source code in the editor.

Fonts and Colors:

Under the Fonts and Colors category, you can adjust the font type and size, as well as various colors and
properties on the different debugger windows available in PSoC Creator.

Choose the window or control in the Show settings for pull-down menu. Click Use Defaults to reset the
settings to the default.

Choose the Font type. (Bold font items indicate they are fixed-width fonts.)

Choose the font Size.

Under Display items, choose an item to change and either select a color from the Item foreground or
Item background pull-down menus, or click the associated Custom... button to create a custom color.

Choose the Font Style to change the text format to bold, italic, strikeout, and/or underline, if applicable.

Device Recognition:
Device Recognition is used to configure PSoC Creator to recognize 3rd party devices. This is done so that the
Select Debug Target dialog can list correct information about devices that are attached to a computer.
Note that while this configuration allows PSoC Creator to recognize 3rd party devices, these devices cannot be
selected for debugging. One use of Device Configuration is to configure the size of the Instruction Register and
Data Register for 3rd party devices attached in a JTAG chain.
Note that Device Configuration can be accessed in two ways: from the Options dialog and from the Select Debug
Target dialog by right-clicking on a node.
Port Configuration:
This section is used to configure the appropriate port.

Active Protocol Selects the protocol used to communicate with the target device.

Clock Speed Selects the frequency at which the MiniProg3 attempts to communicate with the target
device. The selected speed should be no more then 1/3 of the Bus Clock speed of the target device.
Additionally, while slower speeds are possible for debugging, the speed should be at least 1 MHz to
program the device. 6 MHz is the highest recommended clock speed for PSoC devices.

Power Specifies the amount of voltage that the MiniProg3 will provide to the target device or whether
power is from an external source.

Acquire Mode Selects the mechanism used to reset the device so that debugging is possible.

Connector Selects which connector on the MiniProg3 to use for sending data.

FX2LP-SWD (First Touch Kit 3 / First Touch Kit 5 / DVK3 / DVK5):

Active Protocol Displays the protocol used to communicate with the target device.

Power Specifies the amount of voltage that the MiniProg3 will provide to the target device or whether
power is from an external source.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Acquire Mode Selects the mechanism used to reset the device so that debugging is possible.

TrueTouch Bridge:

Active Protocol Displays the protocol used to communicate with the target device.

Power Specifies the whether the voltage is from an internal or external source.

Acquire Mode Selects the mechanism used to reset the device so that debugging is possible.


Power Specifies the whether the voltage is from an internal or external source.

Acquire Mode Selects the mechanism used to reset the device so that debugging is possible.

See Also:

Options Dialog

Using the Debugger

Select Debug Target

Device Configuration

Debugger Windows

Environment Options
The Environment section of the Options dialog contains several settings to specify how things display in PSoC

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Understanding PSoC Creator

General Environment Options:

The following environment options are available under the General (default) section:
Detect when files are changed outside this environment
This check box specifies whether PSoC Creator will detect changes made outside of PSoC Creator. If checked, you
can also specify whether to Auto-load changes, if saved.
Show Start Page at Startup
This check box allows you show or hide the Start page at startup. If you do not show the Start page at startup, you
can open it from the View menu.
Display PSoC Creator Documents in Cypress Document Manager
If this check box is selected, documents will be opened inside of the Cypress Document Manager tool, if installed.
Note If Cypress Document Manager is not installed and this check box is selected a warning symbol will display. If
you attempt to open a document, a warning dialog will display.

This warning dialog allows you to change the option setting, as well as to download Cypress Document Manager
from If you do nothing and click OK, the document will open in the default viewer.
Select Editor Tab on Right-Click
If this check box is selected, the mouse right-click action on a document window tab selects that document for
display in addition to displaying a menu. If this check box is not selected, the right-click action only displays a menu.
Number of Recent Files
This text box allows you to specify the number of files shown in the Recent Files item under the File menu.
External File Extensions
Use this field to enter file extensions which will open with other applications instead of PSoC Creator. Separate the
extensions using commas.
See Also:

Options Dialog

File Menu

View Menu

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Component Update

Window Types

Print Preview
The Print Preview dialog allows you to preview a document before printing it.

The types of PSoC Creator documents you can preview include: schematics, symbols, source code files, and some
design-wide resources files.
To Open the Print Preview Dialog:
Click the File menu and select Print Preview.
To Use the Print Preview Dialog:

Click Print to print the document.

Use the Zoom pull-down menu to view the preview at difference sizes.

For files with multiple pages, use the various page view options. Use the Page box to jump to a specific
one page view.

Click Close to close the Print Preview dialog.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

The Properties dialog provides information about selected items in other windows, such as the Workspace Explorer,
Schematic Editor, Symbol Editor, and so on.

In many cases, you can change different values - or properties - of the selected items. In addition to project-level
properties, each file in a project has properties. These properties allow you to set various options at a file level.
Depending on how you opened this dialog, it may contain different categories of properties, such as:

General file type, path, name

Document create date, current user

Schematic page count, title

Symbol catalog placement, summary

To Open the Dialog:

Right-click on an item in PSoC Creator (for example, design canvas or file), and select Properties.
See Also:

Working with Text

Defining Catalog Placement

Reloading Files
If you work on PSoC Creator files outside the application, PSoC Creator -- when it regains focus -- will check if any
files that are open have been changed on disk. If any files have changed, PSoC Creator will display two possible
prompts, asking which of the files should be reloaded. If both types of documents exist, both prompts will be
To stop PSoC Creator from attempting to reload files that have been modified outside of the application you can
uncheck the Detect when files are changed outside this environment option in Environment Options.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Reloading Modified Files:

If the files requiring reloading have unsaved changes made from within PSoC Creator, the Reload Modified Files
dialog will be displayed.

Any modified files that are reloaded will cause all unsaved changes to be lost.

Check All This option checks all the files specifying that they should all be reloaded.

Uncheck All This option unchecks all the files specifying that none of the files should be reloaded.

Reloading Unmodified Files:

If the files requiring reloading have no unsaved changes made from within PSoC Creator, the Reload Files dialog
will be displayed.

From this dialog, the option to automatically reload unmodified files without prompting first can be set. If set to true
this dialog will no long be displayed.
Note The option can be also changed from the Environment Option: Auto load changes, if saved.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

See Also:

Modified Files

Environment Options

Select Datasheet
The Select Datasheet dialog is used to select an appropriate datasheet to open. This dialog displays when you try
to open a datasheet, but the specific language and version of that datasheet is not available.

To Use the Dialog:

Select the appropriate datasheet to open and click OK.
See Also:

Language Support Options

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Select Sheet Template

The Select Sheet Template dialog is used to select the sheet template to use for your design.

To Open the Dialog:

For an existing project, right click on your design canvas and select Change Template.

This area lists the available sheet templates to select for your design. Click on a template to select it.
This area shows a preview of the selected template.
See Also:

Schematic Editor

Sheet Template Editor

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Sheet Template Page Setup

The Sheet Template Page Setup dialog is used to specify various attributes for your sheet template. This is different
from the Windows Page Setup dialog, used for printing.

This dialog only displays when you create a new sheet template. See Sheet Template Editor for more information.
Choose a paper size from the pull down menu, or specify custom Width and Height measurements in inches.
Specify Portrait or Landscape.
Specify the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins in inches.
See Also:

Sheet Template Editor

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Signal Name
The Signal Name dialog is used to name a signal.

A signal can have the following valid names:

mywire_1 base name only

mywire_1[0] base name with a bit index

mywire_1[1:0] base name with bus indices

[0] bit index only

[1:0] bus indices only

To Open the Dialog:

Open this dialog in two ways:

For a wire with no label, double-click the wire, or right-click and select Edit Name and Width.

For a wire with an existing label, double-click the wire label.

Use Computed Name and Width:

Select this check box to have PSoC Creator automatically specify the name and width; unselect to do it manually.
Specify Full Name:
1. To specify a name, you must first unselect the Use Computed Name and Width check box.
2. Then, select the Specify Full Name check box to enable the associated text box.
3. Use this text box to enter a base name for the signal.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Use this section to select one of the following index options. This section becomes available when you unselect the
Use Computed Name and Width check box.

None Select this option for no indices on the base name (e.g., my_wire). If you unselect the Specify Full
Name check box, then the None option is disabled.

Bit Select this option to set a bit index on the signal (e.g., [0]).

Bus Select this option to set bus indices on the signal (e.g., [1:0]).

Note The maximum bus width allowed is 1024.

This field shows you how the signal name will appear on the schematic.
See Also:

Wire Labels and Names

Working with Wires

Drawing Buses

Terminal Name
The Terminal Name dialog is used to name a terminal.

A terminal can have the following valid names:

Base name only (Terminal_1) A terminal must have a base name that begins with a letter.

Base name with bus indices (Terminal_1[1:0]) You may specify left and right indices, if desired.

To Open the Dialog:

Open this dialog in two ways:

Drag a new terminal onto your design, or

Double-click the label or terminal.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Specify Name:
The Specify Name field is used to enter a base name for the signal.
Use this section to select one of the following index options:

None Select this option for no indices on the base name (e.g., Terminal_1).

Bits Range Select this option to set bus indices on the signal (e.g., [1:0]).

Note The maximum bus width allowed is 1024.

This field shows you how the signal name will appear on the schematic.
See Also:

Signal Name

Working with Schematic Terminals

Working with Component Terminals

Tuner Communication Setup

The Tuner Communication Setup dialog allows you to configure the settings used for reading parameters back from
the PSoC device. It allows for selecting the communication port and selecting properties.

Currently, tuners only support communication via I2C. This can be done using the EZ I2C component or the standard
I2C component.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Open the Dialog:

Open this dialog from the appropriate tuner application.
Currently, the only tuner application is provided with the CapSense CSD component. Refer to the component's
datasheet, available from the Component Catalog.
Interface Description:
This is a list of all of the ports attached to the computer that can be used to communicate with the tunable
component. Based on which item is selected, different options will be available for the Port Configuration.
Port Configuration
This section allows for configuring the interface specific options for communicating with the component. This is
necessary to ensure both component and tuner are configured the same.
For I2C communication, there are four pieces of required information:

The voltage the port needs to supply to the device, if any.

The speed at which the data can be clocked into the target device.

The Address of the slave device that is being communicated with.

The size of sub-addresses used for indicating what block of data to read.

Port Information
This section displays information about the currently selected port.
See Also:

CapSense CSD component datasheet (available from the Component Catalog)

Customizing the Framework

This section contains several "how to" topics that allow you to customize the PSoC Creator framework:

To Float Tool Windows

To Dock Tool Windows

To Use Tabbed Documents

To Move Tool Windows

To Auto-Hide Tool Windows

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Float Tool Windows

You can float various PSoC Creator windows outside the framework. Floating means a window is not attached to
the framework.
1. Select the window you wish to float and select Floating from the Window mode menu.

Notice the window moves outside the PSoC Creator framework.

2. Move the window from its current location to anywhere on your screen.
See Also:

Tool Windows

Framework Description

To Move Tool Windows

To Dock Tool Windows

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Dock Tool Windows

You can dock various windows in different locations within the PSoC Creator framework. Docking means attaching
a window to the framework.
1. Select the window you wish to move and select Dockable from the Window mode menu.

2. Drag the window from its current location toward another location within the framework.
Notice as you drag the window that docking guides appear at different locations.

3. When the window you are dragging reaches the position where you want to dock it, place the mouse over the
corresponding portion of the guide.
An outline of the window appears in the designated area.
4. To dock the window in the position indicated, release the mouse.
Tool windows can be docked to the framework edge or other existing edges, as well as within other windows as
tabs. The following table shows the different docking guides and their meanings:
Dock to the left edge.
Dock to the right edge.
Dock to the top edge.
Dock to the bottom edge.
Dock to the left, right, top, or bottom edge or dock within the window as a tab.

See Also:

Tool Windows

Framework Description

To Move Tool Windows

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Understanding PSoC Creator

To Float Tool Windows

To Use Tabbed Documents

As described under Window Types, certain windows can be docked to the framework or used as tabbed
documents. Tabbed documents appear side-by-side in an area of the tool:

To change a window to a tabbed document (for example the Workspace Explorer), right-click on the window header
and select Tabbed Document.

Note If a window cannot be changed to a tabbed document (such as the Component Catalog), the menu item will
be disabled (grayed out).
After the menu item is selected, the window will be shown as a tabbed document along with other open documents.

See Also:

Window Types

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Understanding PSoC Creator

Tool Windows

Document Windows

To Move Tool Windows

You can move various windows to different locations within the PSoC Creator framework, or even outside the
framework altogether.
1. Click the title bar of the window you wish to move.
2. Drag the window from its current location toward another location.
Notice as you drag the window that docking guides appear at different locations.

3. Move the window to the desired location and release the mouse.
See Also:

To Dock Tool Windows

To Float Tool Windows

Framework Description

Tool Windows

To Auto-Hide Tool Windows:

The auto-hide feature allows you to see more of the PSoC Creator framework by minimizing tool windows along the
edges of the framework when not in use.
To Turn On Auto-Hide:
Turn on auto-hide using one of these methods:

Select Auto-Hide from the Tool Window toolbar or right-click context menu.

Click the Auto-Hide Pushpin icon.

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Understanding PSoC Creator

The window automatically slides to the edge of the framework. Its name is visible on a tab at the edge of the

To Show the Hidden Window:

Place your cursor on the tab to slide the tool window back into place.

To Turn Off Auto Hide:

Turn off auto-hide using one of these methods:

Select Dockable from to Tool Window toolbar or right-click context menu, or

Click to the Auto-Hide Pushpin again.

See Also:

Framework Description

Tool Windows

To Move Tool Windows

To Dock Tool Windows

To Float Tool Windows

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

The PSoC Creator design entry tools allow you to create a design using abstract symbols and focus on the system
rather than the low-level device details.
This section is divided into the following main categories:

Schematic Editor primary tool to create designs

Code Editor tool to edit source code

Design-Wide Resources tools to configure settings for an entire design

Symbol Editor tool used to create components

UDB Editor tool used to configure a UDB implementation

Other Tools

Schematic Macro Editor

Sheet Template Editor

Format Shape

Additionally, there are several topics that pertain to both editors:

Common Toolbars

Design Elements Palette

Working with Text

Working with Lines

Working with Shapes

Design Entry Reserved Words

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Schematic Editor
The Schematic Editor allows to you to create and edit schematics for your designs and implementations for your

The main components of the Schematic Editor include:

Design Canvas the canvas on which you draw designs

Design Elements Palette

Common Design Entry toolbars commands common to the design entry tools

Context Menus commands available by right-clicking

Component Catalog library of components to use in your schematic

This section contains various topics related to working with the Schematic Editor:

Creating a New Schematic

Configuring Component Parameters

Working with Wires


Drawing Buses

Wire Labels and Names

Using Multiple Pages and Connectors

Disabling/Enabling Schematic Pages

Working with Schematic Terminals

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Using Design Entry Tools

Schematic Editor Context Menu Commands

The Schematic Editor contains various commands available on right-click or context menus. The commands
available will vary depending on whether you right-click on the canvas itself or on a component/element. The
following are the commands available:

On Canvas:

System Reference Provides access to the most current System Reference Guide
on disk, as well as a link to a web page for other versions and translations of the
document, if available.

Paste Same as command from the Standard Toolbar.

Select All Selects everything on the canvas.

Zoom Same as zoom commands from the View Menu.

Generate Symbol Creates a new symbol with an automatically generated default

shape; it will automatically include terminals representing the schematic terminals of
the source schematic.

Change Template Opens the Select Sheet Template dialog to select/change a

sheet template to use for your design.

Disable Page Disables the selected page. See Disabling/Enabling Schematic


Properties Opens the Properties dialog.

On Selected Object(s):

Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete Same as commands from the Standard Toolbar.

Select All Selects everything on the canvas.

Zoom Same as zoom commands from the View Menu.

Shape Same as shape commands from the Common Design Entry Toolbars.

Select Allows you to select a specific object when two or more objects are drawn
on top of each other.

Align When two or more objects are selected, this command allows you to align
selected shapes: left, right center, top, middle, and bottom.

Configure Opens the Configure Component Parameters dialog to edit

parameters for the component instance.

Enable/Disable Enables or disables the selected component. Disabling a

component means that PSoC Creator will ignore it; this sets the CY_REMOVE flag
to true on the Configure dialog under the Built-In tab.

Open Datasheet Opens the datasheet for the selected component.

Find Code Example Opens the Find Code Example dialog for the selected

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Using Design Entry Tools

Open Component Web Page If available, opens a web page for the component,
where you can access datasheets in different languages.

Launch Tuner If the selected component has a tuner application, this command
launches the tuner.

Format Shape Opens the Format Shape dialog to change various

characteristics for the selected shape(s).

Generate Macro Creates a Schematic Macro from the selected elements.

Show in analog editor Shows the selected component in the Design-Wide

Resources Analog Device Editor.

See Also:

Design Elements Palette

Standard Toolbar

Common Design Entry Toolbars

Creating a New Schematic

The process of creating a new schematic varies depending on what you are trying to accomplish with the
schematic. Within a project, a schematic can be either the top-level design schematic or a component
implementation. The process varies for each context.

Top-Level Design Schematic:

If you create a new design project, a top-level design schematic will be created for you along with the rest of the
initial files in your design. This schematic is the top-level design document in which you express your design
graphically using components and connections. For more information about creating a design project, see My First
Design "Hello World" and Creating a New Project.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Component Implementation Schematic:

If you are working with a library project and components, a schematic can be the implementation of a component.
For more information about creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.
Within a component, you must add a schematic implementation manually. You can add a schematic at the project
level or the component level. At either level, you are adding a component item of the type schematic. For more
information, see Adding a Component Item.

When you add a schematic at the project level, you create a new component with a schematic as a
component item:

When you add a schematic at the component level, you are adding a new schematic item to the existing

Note You may only have one top-level (generic device) schematic per component. You may also only have one
schematic for each architecture, family, and device level of your component.

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Using Design Entry Tools

See Also:

Creating a New Project

Component Author Guide

Adding a Component Item

Schematic Editor

Workspace Explorer

Component Catalog
The Component Catalog is a Schematic Editor tool window that contains a set of components you can use in a
design. The components are organized into categories. Each category contains a tree with the components.

Note The location and order of the components in this catalog are determined by various properties for each
component. They do not necessarily reflect the actual library in which they are stored. Also, not every component is
available for every device.
The following sections are below the components:

Open Datasheet Link to open the selected component datasheet.

Description Short summary of the component.

Component Preview Preview of the selected component symbol.

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Using Design Entry Tools


The Component Catalog contains a set of tools to work with the catalog, as follows:

Search Finds components that match the text entered in the search field.

Clear Results Clears the search.

Show All Versions Shows all versions of components with component numbers. If there is only one
version, no numbers are shown.

Show Latest Versions Shows only the most recent versions of components with numbers. If there is
only one version, no numbers are shown.

Expand All Expands all nodes to show every visible component.

Collapse All Collapses all nodes to show only category folders.

Context Menu Commands:

If you right-click on a component in the tree view, you can access the following commands:

Open Datasheet Select this option to open the component's datasheet.

Find Code Example Select this option to open the Find Code Example dialog to
open a code example specifically for the selected component.

Open Component Web Page If available, this option opens a web page for the
component, where you can access datasheets in different languages.

Properties Select this option to see the basic properties of the component. The
properties include the library path of the component.

To View the Component Datasheet:

Click the Open Datasheet link, or select the option from the context menu. The datasheet for that component will

To Add a Component to a Schematic:

Click on a component in the catalog and drag it onto the Schematic Editor canvas.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Search for a Component:

Type text in the search field. As you begin typing, the components available will filter based on what you type.

Click Clear Results

to clear the search results and restore the Component Catalog to view all components.

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Tool Windows


Find Code Example

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Configure Component Parameters

When you drag an instance of a component onto your schematic, you can configure it with the Configure dialog.

Note This help topic is generic. Many components have customized parameter configuration user interfaces. Refer
to a component's datasheet for specific information.

To Open this Dialog:

1. Double-click a component instance or right-click on a component instance and select Configure.
2. Edit the parameters as appropriate and click OK.

To Open the Component Datasheet:

Click the Datasheet button.
If a component has a datasheet, it will open in a separate window.

To Rename the Component Instance:

By default, the component instance will receive the name "INSTANCE_1" where INSTANCE is the name of the
component, such as PGA, Counter, Timer, etc.
Type the instance name you prefer in the Name field.
Note Once you generate source code for a component, case-only name changes will be ignored on subsequent
code generation updates. For information about generating code, see Building a PSoC Creator Project and
Generated Files.

Built-In Parameters:
Every component contains a tab with the following built-in parameters:

CY_MAJOR_VERSION This parameter displays the major version number of the component.

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Using Design Entry Tools

CY_MINOR_VERSION This parameter displays the minor version number of the component.

CY_REMOVE This parameter is used to disable the component and remove the instance from the
generated netlist during a build. The default value is false.

CY_SUPPRESS_API_GEN This parameter is be used to prevent PSoC Creator from generating APIs for
the specific instance. The default value is false.

CY_VERSION This parameter displays version and build information for PSoC Creator.

For more information about built-in parameters, refer to the Component Author Guide.

See Also:

Component Catalog

Schematic Editor

Working with Wires

Using the Schematic Editor, you can draw wires to connect components and wires. This section covers a few of the
different techniques to use when working with wires:

Drawing a Wire

Connecting to a Terminal

Drawing Multi-point Wires

Connecting to another Wire

Selecting a Wire/Net

See also Wire Labels and Names and Drawing Buses.

To Draw a Wire:
1. Click the Draw Wire tool.
2. Click on the design canvas and drag the mouse to the desired location.
3. Click the left mouse once to continue the wire in a different direction.
4. Double-click to end the wire.
Note The Schematic Editor draws a digital (green) wire when it is connected to digital components or not connected
to any components. To draw an analog (red) wire, you must connect it to analog components.

To Connect to a Terminal:
1. To begin drawing a wire, first create an input and output component on your schematic.
2. Click the Draw Wire tool.
3. Move your pointer toward the contact point of one of the terminals.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Notice as you near the contact point that your pointer changes to a black X:

4. Click and release the mouse button, and move the pointer to begin drawing the wire.
Notice that the pointer changes to a + .
As you near the next terminal contact point, your pointer again changes to a black X:

5. Click the left mouse button at the second terminal contact point to establish the connection.
The wire becomes selected with a dashed box surrounding it:

To Draw Multi-Point Wires:

1. Use the first example, and move the second terminal down on your schematic:

2. Click the Draw Wire tool.

3. Click and release the mouse button, and move the pointer to begin drawing the wire.
4. Move the pointer down toward the second terminal.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Notice that wire changes shape to an inverted L.

5. Move the pointer down to be even with the terminal, click and release the mouse button, and move the pointer
right toward the terminal.
Notice that wire obtains an additional point.

You can create as many points as you need by repeatedly clicking the mouse at different points on your
6. Click the left mouse button at the second terminal contact point to establish the connection.
The wire becomes selected with a dashed box surrounding it.

To Connect to Another Wire:

1. Use the first example again, and create an additional output terminal on your schematic.
2. Click the Draw Wire tool.
3. Move your pointer toward an existing wire.
Notice as you near the contact point that your pointer changes to an X:

4. Click and release the mouse button, and move the pointer to begin drawing the wire.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Notice that a dot appears on the wire to denote a connection point.

5. Click the left mouse button at the third terminal contact point to establish the connection.
The wire becomes selected with a dashed box surrounding it.

To Select a Wire/Net:

To select a wire, click on it once with the left mouse button.

To select a segment of a wire net from one connection point to another, right-click on a wire and select
Select Wire Segment.

To select an entire wire net, right-click on a wire and select Find Wire Trace.

See Also:

Using Design Entry Tools

Schematic Editor

Design Elements Palette

Signal Name

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Using Design Entry Tools

The rubber-banding feature automatically redraws your wires as you move objects on your design schematic. The
feature is enabled by default.

To Use Rubber-Banding:
Select one or more objects on your schematic and move them to another location on your screen. Notice as you
move the objects, the wires stretch with the movement. You can move items by dragging the mouse or using
[Arrow] keys.
If you stop the movement with the mouse for a moment, PSoC Creator will show a preview of how the wires will be
redrawn. Using [Arrow] will not show a preview.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Correct a Rubber-Banding Problem:

Sometimes, PSoC Creator may not be able to redraw the wires. In this case, the move will not be allowed. The
cursor will show a "No" symbol, and the status bar will display a message indicating the move was not allowed.

If you release the mouse button, the component will move back to the previous location. A dialog will also display as

Try selecting fewer objects or temporarily disabling rubber-banding. You can also select a larger region of objects
and try to move them as a unit.

To Temporarily Disable Rubber-Banding:

When rubber-banding is turned on, press and hold the [Ctrl] key while moving a component. The wire preview will
not be shown during a move. If you release the [Ctrl] key, the preview will reappear.
If you release the mouse button while holding the [Ctrl] key, the wires will not be redrawn for this move, and the
connections will be broken.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Turn Off Rubber-Banding:

1. Open the Options dialog from the Tools menu.
2. Under the Design Entry category, scroll down to the Wires section.
3. Find the rubber-banding option and select Off.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.
Now when you move a component, the wires are not redrawn by default.

To Temporarily Enable Rubber-Banding:

When rubber-banding is turned off, press the [Ctrl] key while moving a component.

See Also:

Design Entry Options

Keyboard Shortcuts

Drawing Buses
To draw a bus, you simply connect a wire to a multiple bit connection. The wire inherits the bus width automatically.
You may also specify the width of a wire name, using the Signal Name dialog. This allows you to create a bus
without connecting it to anything. It also allows you to rip signals from the bus to connect to smaller width signals.
The following diagram shows an example of two Pins components -- one configured with individual 1-bit terminals
connected to wires and the other configured as a 4-bit bus:

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Connect Buses to Smaller Width Signals (Ripping Signals):

You cannot directly connect a bus to a smaller width signal (without receiving DRC errors in the Notice List
window). Instead, you must create a multi-point wire and label the portion of the wire connecting to the smaller
width terminal, as shown in the following example:
1. Create a 4-bit Pins component and four AND components each with a 1-bit terminal width.

Refer to Configure Component Parameters, Component Catalog, and Working with Shapes as necessary.
2. Use the Draw Wire tool
component terminal.

and make a multi-point connection from the 4-bit port to the farthest single-bit

As soon as the connection is made, an error will display about inconsistent widths (among other connection

3. Click on the canvas to de-select the entire wire.

4. Double-click on the wire segment connecting to a single-bit terminal.

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Using Design Entry Tools

The Signal Name dialog opens to name the wire. See Signal Name for more information.

5. De-select Use computed name and width and de-select Specify Full Name.
6. Select the Bit option and select Index [3].
7. Click OK to close the dialog.
Notice the label displays and the wire connecting to the terminal becomes thin.

8. Connect the bus to each of the other single-bit terminals. Label them [0], [1], and [2], respectively, using the
same process as described above.

Tip You can copy and paste the completed wire, and then double-click the label to edit the signal name.
Note You can connect various width signals using the same process and not all bits from an input pin need to be
used. However, every bit of an output bus must be driven.

See Also:

Signal Name Dialog

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Using Design Entry Tools

Working with Wires

Wire Labels and Names

Notice List Window

Wire Labels and Names

This section provides details about displaying and editing wire labels in the Schematic Editor. A wire can have an
explicit User Name, and every (valid) wire has an Effective Name. You can see these names on the schematic
canvas, if displayed, or in the Properties dialog.

Wire Label The wire label is the displayed name of a wire. Displaying the wire label is optional, and it is
only displayed for wires with User Names.

User Name The User Name is the label you specify for a wire, using the Signal Name dialog. Not every
wire must have a User Name.

Effective Name This is the name computed by the connectivity subsystem. The name is derived from the
sources in the schematic, for example, connected input schematic terminals. Every (valid) wire has an
Effective Name and is never empty.

Wire Label Display Scheme in the Schematic Editor:

If you provide a name, PSoC Creator will display the label with the User Name.

If the wire does not have a User Name, PSoC Creator will not display the label.

When you edit the name, the User Name will be set. The Effective Name cannot be set.

The wire properties in the Properties dialog show the Effective Name and User Name.

Note If you copy and paste a wire with a User Name, PSoC Creator will not rename the wire, even though PSoC
Creator will rename other pasted elements, such as components and terminals. There may be some cases where
copying and pasting a wire with a User Name connected to terminals and components will cause DRC errors, and
you will have to rename the wire appropriately, or remove the label.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Set a User Name for a Wire:

1. Double-click on a wire to open the Signal Name dialog.

2. On the dialog, de-select Use computed name and width and select Specify Full Name.
3. Type the desired User Name in the field and click OK.
The specified User Name will be shown attached to the wire.

Note If a wire has an existing User Name, you can double-click the label to open the Signal dialog.

To Move a Wire Label:

Click the wire label to select it, and drag it another location. The wire anchor will always display attached to the
middle of the wire segment.

See Also:

Schematic Editor


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Signal Name

Working with Wires

Using Multiple Pages and Connectors

You can add multiple pages to your design if it is too large for one sheet, or if you just want to separate different
sections of your design for readability. You connect elements on different pages using sheet connectors. This topic
shows you how to add a page to your schematic and how to connect elements on different pages.

To Add a Page:
Right-click on the schematic page tab at the bottom of the schematic, and select Add Schematic Page.

The new page is added as a tabbed document.

To Rename a Page:
1. Right-click on the schematic page tab at the bottom of the schematic, and select Rename Page.
The Rename Page dialog displays.

2. Type the name for the page and click OK.

The page tab displays the name you entered.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Delete a Page:
Right-click on the schematic page tab at the bottom of the schematic, and select Delete Page.
The selected page tab is removed.
Note You cannot delete the page tab if there is only one.

To Use Sheet Connectors:

Sheet connectors connect to wires or buses on multiple sheets, with the connection point in the center of the
shape. They are unnamed and have no defined flow direction.
Every simple wire name and every bit of a bus present on multiple sheets must be connected to a sheet connector
on each sheet where used. When using sheet connectors with input terminals and buses, keep in mind that when a
base name is used in an input terminal, it must define the entire signal. So, using bits of a signal that were not
defined by the input terminal on a separate page will violate the existing rules. See Wire Labels and Names and
Drawing Buses.
Note You can connect wires by name on the same page of a schematic without sheet connectors.
1. Click the Wire icon

and draw a wire on two different pages of your schematic.

2. Double-click each wire and give each wire the same name (e.g., "foo").
Notice that the Notice List window shows a sheet connector error.

3. Click the Sheet Connector icon

and place a connector on each wire on each page.

Once all wires are connected, the Notice List window will clear.

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Using Design Entry Tools

The following image shows some examples of valid sheet connections:

See Also:

Working with Wires

Wire Labels and Names

Wide Terminals and Wires

Disabling/Enabling Schematic Pages

Disabling a schematic page allows you to specify a portion of a design to be excluded from the build. You can
disable (and re-enable) one or more pages in your schematic design. This allows you remove sections for testing
and debugging, as well as provide different configurations.

Possible Build Errors

Before disabling a schematic page, make sure the name of the schematic page tab starts with a letter, and includes
only alphanumeric and space characters.
When a schematic page is disabled, the system creates a macro in the cydisabledsheets.h file, named after that
schematic page's tab. If the tab name begins with a number, or is otherwise not a valid C identifier, the system
creates an invalid macro name. This will cause build errors.

To Disable a Page:
Right-click on the schematic page tab at the bottom of the schematic, and select Disable Page.

The schematic page will be disabled and the word "Disabled" will appear on the schematic and the tab.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Enable a Disabled Page:

Right-click on the schematic page tab at the bottom of the schematic, and select Enable Page.

The schematic page will become active again.

Note If there are other active pages in the schematic that have component instance names that are the same as
those on the page you are trying to enable, the Merge Dialog will display to resolve the conflicts.

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Merge Dialog

Working with Schematic Terminals

The terminal tools in the Design Elements Palette for schematics allow you to draw digital input, output, and inout,
as well as analog and external terminals.

Use schematic terminals when you are implementing a component with a schematic to represent the external
connectivity of the component within the chip. For more information about creating components, refer to the
Component Author Guide.
Note Schematic terminals are hidden from the Design Elements Palette when you are editing a top-level
schematic; they are only available for component implementation schematics. For more information, see Creating a
New Schematic.

To Place a Single Terminal:

1. Click the appropriate Terminal tool on the Design Elements Palette and then click on the design canvas.
The Terminal Name dialog displays.

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Using Design Entry Tools

2. Specify the Terminal Name and Index information, as appropriate.

3. Click OK.

To Place Multiple Terminals:

1. Double-click on the appropriate Terminal tool in the Design Elements Palette and then click on the design
2. Click repeatedly on the canvas to place multiple terminals.
This is called "sticky mode."
3. Press [Esc] or click the Select Tool

to escape sticky mode.

To Rename a Terminal:
1. Double-click the label to open the Terminal Name dialog.
2. Type the appropriate Terminal Name.
3. Click OK.
Note If you copy and paste a terminal onto a schematic, PSoC Creator will rename the pasted component by
appending "_n" to the name, where n is next available number.

To Delete a Terminal:
Select the terminal and press [Delete] or click

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Design Elements Palette

Terminal Name

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Code Editor
The Code Editor, or text editor, allows you to view and edit source files in PSoC Creator. You can open multiple files
in tabbed document windows, and copy and paste among files.

The following describe the different sections of the Text Editor:

Code Pane The area where code or text is displayed for editing. It provides Autocomplete statement
completion for the language in which you are developing. You can navigate back and forth to previous
cursor locations, using [Ctrl]+[-] and [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[-], respectively.

Indicator Margin A gray column on the left side of the Code Editor where indicators such as breakpoints,
bookmarks, shortcuts, and Inline Code Diagnostics are displayed. Clicking this area sets a breakpoint on
the corresponding line of code. For more information see the Debugger section.

Selection Margin A column between the Indicator Margin and the Code Pane where you can click to
select lines of code. This area shows line number. Also, changes to code are tracked here when you select
Track Changes in the Options dialog, under Text Editor > General.

Toolbar and Commands

Code Explorer Window


To Open the Text Editor:

There are various ways to open a file in the Text Editor:

Workspace Explorer Double-click a file.

File menu Select New or Open to display a file.

See Also:

Document Windows

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Workspace Explorer

Code Editor Toolbar

Code Editor Context Menu Commands


Code Outline Tool Window

Find All References

Inline Code Diagnostics

Find Replace

Options Dialog > Text Editor options

Go To Line

Using the Debugger

Code Editor Toolbar

The Text Editor toolbar contains the following commands:

Toggle Bookmark Adds/removes a bookmark in the margin for the current line.

Comment Selection Changes selected text to a comment.

Uncomment Selection Removes comment for selected text

Increase Line Indent Indents selected text to next tab stop.

Decrease Line Indent Outdents selected text to the previous tab stop.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Code Editor Context Menu Commands

The Text Editor contains various commands available on right-click or context menus. The commands available
will vary depending on whether you are editing source code files or running the debugger. The following are the
commands available:

In Edit Mode:

Insert Breakpoint Adds a new file/line breakpoint to the line that the
cursor is currently on. See Breakpoints Window.

Break Here Once Adds a new temporary file/line breakpoint to the

line that the cursor is currently on. After this breakpoint has been hit
once, it will automatically be removed.

Go To Declaration Similar to the Go To Definition, this option jumps

to the symbol implementation. However, unlike, the Go To Definition,
this jumps to the actual declaration/implementation. Most of the time,
this will jump directly to the source file that declared the function. The
only cases where this will not occur are if there is no declaration found
(e.g., declared in an included library).

Go To Definition If tool tip information is not sufficient for answering

whatever question you might have, this option jumps to the definition of
the selected symbol. If the symbol is declared in a different source file,
this will jump to the included header file. If the symbol is declared in the
current source file, it will jump to that location.

Find All Active References Allows you to search for all references to
a symbol. See Find All References.

Go Back Go back to previous cursor location.

Undo Undoes the last edit to the file.

Redo Undoes the last undo

Cut Cuts the selected text

Copy Copies the selected text

Paste Pastes the text currently in the clipboard into the file

Delete Deletes the selected portion of text

Select All Selects the text from the entire document

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Using Design Entry Tools

In Debug Mode:
The context menu contains all the same commands as in edit mode, plus the following commands:

Add Watchpoint Adds a new watchpoint on the selected variable; see

Variable Watchpoints

Add Watch Adds the variable, or selected text to the watch window; see
Watch Window

Run to Cursor Resumes executing code till it reaches the line

Set Next Instruction Jumps the program to the current line of code

See Also:

Text Editor

Text Editor Toolbar

Using the Debugger

Debugger Toolbar Commands

Debugger Menu Commands

Variable Watchpoints

Watch Window

If enabled, the autocomplete feature provides a context-aware drop-down list of all potentially relevant keywords,
types, variables, macros, and functions as you type.

Note This feature is enabled by default. You can disable it under the Text Editor Options.

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Using Design Entry Tools

This feature helps you to write code faster. It also provides enormous value as a documentation source. You no
longer need to constantly go back to the datasheet or source file to find the function you need. Simply start typing to
see what is available.
Note Completions are limited until the project has been built.
In addition to providing the list of what is available, the Code Editor displays a tool tip of the selected item to provide
the full signature. In the case of functions, this shows the return value, the name of the function, and the types and
names of all argument variables.

To Use the Feature:

1. If not already enabled, enable to the Autocomplete feature in the Text Editor Options dialog. The feature is
enabled by default.
2. Create your design as usual, and click the Generate Application button
or update the various API files.

to allow PSoC Creator to generate

3. Open the Code Editor and begin typing; notice the drop-down list opens when it finds items that match. You can
also initiate the feature using [Ctrl] + [Space].
4. Scroll through the list to find what you want, or just keep typing until the desired item is highlighted. You can
press [Ctrl] + [Space] to toggle between show macros only, show non-macros only, or show all.
5. Once the desired item is selected in the list, press [Tab] or [Enter] to autocomplete the word. [Esc] will cancel
the autocomplete process.
The selected item is inserted and case adjusted to match the actual signature that you completed.

See Also:

Code Editor

Code Explorer Window

The code explorer feature allows you to see the entire structure of your source file with a quick glance. With it, you
can see what is defined and where. You can also use it to jump to specific areas of your code.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Display the Code Explorer Tool Window:

This tool window displays automatically when you open the Code Editor. It is located on the right side of the tool. If
you close the tool window, you can open it again by selecting Code Explorer under the View menu.

To Jump to Specific Location:

Double-click an item or press [Enter] when the item is highlighted.
The code editor will immediately scroll to that symbol.


The Code Explorer toolbar contains the following formatting options to change how the outline is presented:

Expand All / Collapse All Separate buttons to expand or collapse all nodes in the entire tree.

Show in Groups Toggle button to group various symbols together or view them separately.

Sort Order Button and pull-down to change the ordering by name or position in the file.

Context Menu:
When you right-click on a node item in the tree, the following commands are available. See also Code Editor
Context Menu Commands.

Go To Declaration This option jumps to the declaration of the selected


Go To Definition This option jumps to the definition of the selected symbol.

Each item show in the tree includes an icon. The following lists what the icons mean:

Include Directive






Enum constant


Argument Variable

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Using Design Entry Tools


See Also:

Code Editor

Code Editor Context Menu Commands

Find All References

The Find All References feature allows you to find all items that are using a particular symbol (function, macro,
variable, type).

To use This Feature:

Right-click on a symbol in the Code Editor and select Find All Active References from the context menu, or press
[Ctrl] + [Shift] +[R].
PSoC Creator scans through the entire project in order to find all uses of the symbol, and displays the results of this
search in the Find Results window.
Double click on an entry in the Find Results to jump to that location in the source code.

See Also:

Code Editor

Find Results

Inline Code Diagnostics

When enabled, this feature displays compiler diagnostic information directly in the editor. This allows you to see
what problems exist in the code without needing to do a full build of the project.

Note This feature is enabled by default. You can disable it under the Text Editor Options.

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Using Design Entry Tools

The diagnostics displayed in the editor may not correspond to the errors/warnings generated when performing a
build. This is because the editor uses a generic build framework that does not have identical rule checkers as the
active toolchain. Because of this, none of the diagnostics are displayed in the Notice List. The errors/warnings
displayed in the Notice List are strictly limited to what is generated for the current design configuration.
Note If an error about a missing include is shown, other errors in the document may not be displayed. This occurs
because missing include files are considered fatal and limit what additional processing is performed. If a critical
include cannot be found, it could very well cause almost every line in the file to be identified as an error, which
would obscure the actual problem (missing include file).

To Use the Feature:

Save the current file. Any issues in the code will display with a waved line.
Hover the mouse over the margin indicator or the waved line to see a tooltip of the problem.
The margin on the left displays if the error is a warning or an error.

See Also:

Code Editor

Reference Tooltips

Reference Tooltips
If enabled, the Code Editor provides reference tooltips to make the code easier to read and understand, such as
what a block of code is doing or what various arguments to a function do.

Note This feature is enabled by default. You can disable it under the Text Editor Options.

To Use the Feature:

Hover the mouse over any reference type (variable, function, or macro) to see the declaring signature of that item.

See Also:

Code Editor

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Using Design Entry Tools

Disabled Code
The Code Editor identifies disabled code in a grayed-out color. This helps alleviate the issue of code being difficult
to read due to congestion.

PSoC devices and components used in designs are highly configurable, plus there are several different devices
and toolchains supported by PSoC Creator. This requires the use of a significant number of #ifdef statements
throughout the firmware code, which makes reading and debugging the code difficult.
The disabled code feature significantly improves the readability and understandability of the code. It also helps
improve the debugging experience. You can clearly see that large blocks of code are disabled and understand
immediately why the debugger stepped over them.
This functionality is provided automatically with no necessary user interaction.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Find Replace
Find Replace
The Find Replace dialog is used to locate text within a file and optionally replace it.

This dialog varies slightly depending on how you opened it. There are separate help topics for Find in Files and
Replace in Files.
To Open the Find Replace Dialog:
Use any of the following methods:

Press [Ctrl]+[F] (for find) or [Ctrl]+[H] (for find and replace).

On the Edit menu, select Find and Replace, and then select the appropriate find/replace command.

Click the displayed find/replace button icon or select one of the find/replace options from the pull-down

To Use the Find Replace Dialog:

Find what
Use this field to specify the string or expression to find. You can reuse one of the last 20 search strings by selecting
it from this drop-down list, or type a new text string or expression to find.
Replace with
Use this field to replace instances of the Find what string with another string. To delete instances of the Find what
string, leave this field blank.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Expression Builder
Use the triangular button next to the Find what and Replace with fields when the Use check box is selected under
Find options.

Click this button to display a list of wildcards or regular expressions, depending upon the Use option selected.
Choosing any item from this list adds it to the Find what or Replace with string.
Look in
Use this pull-down menu to select Current Document or All Open Documents.
Find options
You can expand or collapse the Find Options section. The following options can be selected or cleared:

Match case When selected, the Find Results windows will only display instances of the Find what string
that are matched both by content and by case. For example, a search for "MyObject" with Match case
selected will return "MyObject" but not "myobject" or "MYOBJECT."

Match whole word When selected, the Find Results windows will only display instances of the Find what
string that are matched in complete words. For example, a search for "MyObject" will return "MyObject" but
not "CMyObject" or "MyObjectC."

Search up When selected, files are searched from the insertion point to the top of the file.

Search hidden text When selected, the search will also include concealed and collapsed text, such as
the metadata of a design-time control; a hidden region of an outlined document; or a collapsed class or

Use Indicates how to interpret special characters entered in the Find what or Replace with fields. The
options include:

Wildcards Special characters such as asterisks (*) and question marks (?) represent one or more
characters. See Wildcards.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Regular Expressions Special notations define patterns of text to match. See Regular Expressions.

Click the appropriate button, as follows:

Find Next Click this button to find the next instance of the Find what string within the search scope
chosen in Look in.

Bookmark All Click this button to display bookmarks at the left edge of the text editor to indicate each
line where an instance of the Find what string occurs.

Replace Click this button to replace the current instance of the Find what string with the Replace with
string, and find the next instance within the Look in scope.

Replace All Click this button to replace all instances of the Find what string with the Replace with
string, in all files within the Look in scope.

See Also:

Text Editor

Find in Files

Replace in Files

Regular Expressions


Find in Files
The Find in Files dialog allows you to search the code of a specified set of files for a string or expression. The
matches found and actions taken are listed in the Find Results window selected under Result options.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

To open the Find in Files dialog:

Use any of the following methods:

Press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F].

On the Edit menu, select Find and Replace, and then select Find in Files.

Select Find in Files from the pull-down menu.

To use the Find in Files dialog:

Find what
Use this field to specify the string or expression to find. You can reuse one of the last 20 search strings by selecting
it from this drop-down list, or type a new text string or expression to find.
Expression Builder
Use the triangular button next to the Find what and field when the Use check box is selected under Find options.
Click this button to display a list of wildcards or regular expressions, depending upon the Use option selected.
Choosing any item from this list adds it into the Find what string.
Look in
Use this pull-down menu to select Current Document or All Open Documents.
Click the [...] button to select a directory in which to search. You can also check the Include subfolders check box
to search sub folders of the specified search directory.
Find options
You can expand or collapse the Find Options section. The following options can be selected or cleared:

Match case When selected, the Find Results windows will only display instances of the Find what string
that are matched both by content and by case. For example, a search for "MyObject" with Match case
selected will return "MyObject" but not "myobject" or "MYOBJECT."

Match whole word When selected, the Find Results windows will only display instances of the Find what
string that are matched in complete words. For example, a search for "MyObject" will return "MyObject" but
not "CMyObject" or "MyObjectC."

Use Indicates how to interpret special characters entered in the Find what or Replace with fields. The
options include:

Wildcards Special characters such as asterisks (*) and question marks (?) represent one or more
characters. See Wildcards.

Regular Expressions Special notations define patterns of text to match. See Regular Expressions.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Look at these file types This list indicates the types of files to search through in the Look in directories.
If this field is left blank, all of the files in the Look in directories will be searched.

Select any item in the list to enter a preconfigured search string that will find files of those particular

To find a type of file not available from the drop-down list, enter an asterisk (*) wildcard for the file
name, followed by a period (.) and the desired file extension. To find more than one file type, enter
multiple file extensions separated by a semicolon (;).

Result options
You can expand or collapse the Result options section. The following options can be selected or cleared:

Find Results 1 window Select this option to display the results of the current search in the Find Results
1 window. This window opens automatically to display your search results. To open this window manually,
select Find Results from the View menu and choose Find Results 1.

Find Results 2 window Select this option to display the results of the current search in the Find Results
2 window. This window opens automatically to display your search results. To open this window manually,
select Find Results from the View menu and choose Find Results 2.

Display file names Select this check box to display a list of files containing search matches rather than
displaying the search matches themselves.

Click the appropriate button, as follows:

Find All Click this button to find all instances of the Find what string within the search scope chosen in
Look in. The results are displayed in the Results window chosen under Result options.

See Also:

Replace in Files

Find Replace

Find Results

Regular Expressions


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Replace in Files
The Replace in Files dialog allows you to search the code of a specified set of files for a string or expression and
change some or all of the matches found. The matches found and actions taken are listed in the Find Results
window selected under Result Options.

To Open the Replace in Files Dialog:

Use any of the following methods:

Press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[H].

On the Edit menu, point to Find and Replace, and then click Replace in Files.

Select Replace in Files from the pull-down menu.

To Use the Replace in Files Dialog:

Find what
Use this field to specify the string or expression to find. You can reuse one of the last 20 search strings by selecting
it from this drop-down list, or type a new text string or expression to find.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Expression Builder
Use the triangular button next to the Find what and field when the Use check box is selected under Find options.
Click this button to display a list of wildcards or regular expressions, depending upon the Use option selected.
Choosing any item from this list adds it into the Find what string.
Look in
Use this pull-down menu to select Current Document or All Open Documents.
Click the [...] button to select a directory in which to search. You can also check the Include subfolders check box
to search sub folders of the specified search directory.
Find options
You can expand or collapse the Find Options section. The following options can be selected or cleared:

Match case When selected, the Find Results windows will only display instances of the Find what string
that are matched both by content and by case. For example, a search for "MyObject" with Match case
selected will return "MyObject" but not "myobject" or "MYOBJECT."

Match whole word When selected, the Find Results windows will only display instances of the Find what
string that are matched in complete words. For example, a search for "MyObject" will return "MyObject" but
not "CMyObject" or "MyObjectC."

Use Indicates how to interpret special characters entered in the Find what or Replace with fields. The
options include:

Wildcards Special characters such as asterisks (*) and question marks (?) represent one or more
characters. See Wildcards.

Regular Expressions Special notations define patterns of text to match. See Regular Expressions.

Look at these file types This list indicates the types of files to search through in the Look in directories.
If this field is left blank, all of the files in the Look in directories will be searched.

Select any item in the list to enter a preconfigured search string that will find files of those particular

To find a type of file not available from the drop-down list, enter an asterisk (*) wildcard for the file
name, followed by a period (.) and the desired file extension. To find more than one file type, enter
multiple file extensions separated by a semicolon (;).

Result options
You can expand or collapse the Result options section. The following options can be selected or cleared:

Find Results 1 window Select this option to display the results of the current search in the Find Results
1 window. This window opens automatically to display your search results. To open this window manually,
select Find Results from the View menu and choose Find Results 1.

Find Results 2 window Select this option to display the results of the current search in the Find Results
2 window. This window opens automatically to display your search results. To open this window manually,
select Find Results from the View menu and choose Find Results 2.

Keep modified file open after Select this check box to leave open the files that were modified during the
Replace in Files operation..

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Using Design Entry Tools

Click the appropriate button, as follows:

Find Next Click this button to find the next instance of the Find what string within the search scope
chosen in Look in.

Replace Click this button to replace the current instance of the Find what string with the Replace with
string, and find the next instance within the Look in scope.

Replace All Click this button to replace all instances of the Find what string with the Replace with string,
in all files within the Look in scope.

Skip File Becomes available when the Look in list includes multiple files. Click this button if you do not
want to search or modify the current file. The search will continue in the next file on the Look in list.

See Also:

Find in Files

Find Replace

Find Results

Regular Expressions


Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are a concise and flexible notation for finding and replacing patterns of text. A specific set of
regular expressions can be used in the Find what field of the Find Replace window.
To enable the use of regular expressions in the Find what field during find and replace operations, select Use >
Regular Expressions under Find Options.

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Using Design Entry Tools

The triangular button next to the Find what field displays a list of the most commonly used regular expressions.

When you choose any item from the Expression Builder, it is inserted into the Find what string.
Note There are syntax differences between the regular expressions that can be used in Find what strings and
those that are valid in .NET Framework programming. For example, in Find Replace, the braces notation {} is used
for tagged expressions. So the expression zo{1} matches all occurrences of zo followed by the tag 1, as in Alonzo1
and Gonzo1. But within the .NET Framework, the notation {} is used for quantifiers. So the expression zo{1}
matches all occurrences of z followed by exactly one o, as in "zone" but not in "zoo."
Regular Expressions for Find and Replace:
The following are the regular expressions available in the Reference List.



Any character

Matches any single character except a line break.

Zero or more

Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression, making all possible

One or more

Matches at least one occurrence of the preceding expression.

Beginning of line

Anchors the match string to the beginning of a line.

End of line

Anchors the match string to the end of a line.

Beginning of word


Matches only when a word begins at this point in the text.

End of word


Matches only when a word ends at this point in the text.

Line break


Matches a platform-independent line break. In a Replace expression, inserts a line break.

Any one character in the []

Matches any one of the characters within the []. To specify a range of characters, list the

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Using Design Entry Tools





starting and ending character separated by a dash (-), as in [a-z].

Any one character not in [^...]

the set

Matches any character not in the set of characters following the ^.


Matches either the expression before or the one after the OR symbol (|). Mostly used
within a group. For example, (sponge|mud) bath matches "sponge bath" and "mud bath."


Matches the character that follows the backslash (\) as a literal. This allows you to find the
characters used in regular expression notation, such as { and ^. For example, \^ Searches
for the ^ character.

C/C++ Identifier


Matches the expression ([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*).

Quoted string


Matches the expression (("[^"]*")|('[^']*')).

Space or Tab


Matches either space or tab characters.



Matches the expression ([0-9]+).

Additional Regular Expressions

The list of all regular expressions that are valid in find and replace operations is longer than can be displayed in the
Reference List. You can also insert any of the following regular expressions into a Find what string:



Minimal zero or more

Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression, matching as few

characters as possible.

Minimal one or more

Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding expression, matching as few

characters as possible.

Repeat n times


Matches n occurrences of the preceding expression. For example, [0-9]^4 matches any 4digit sequence.



Groups a subexpression.

nth tagged text


In a Find or Replace expression, indicates the text matched by the nth tagged expression,
where n is a number from 1 to 9.
In a Replace expression, \0 inserts the entire matched text.

Right-justified field


In a Replace expression, right-justifies the nth tagged expression in a field at least w

characters wide.

Left-justified field


In a Replace expression, left-justifies the nth tagged expression in a field at least w

characters wide.

Prevent match


Prevents a match when X appears at this point in the expression. For example, real~(ity)
matches the "real" in "realty" and "really," but not the "real" in "reality."

Alphanumeric character


Matches the expression ([a-zA-Z0-9]).

Alphabetic character


Matches the expression ([a-zA-Z]).

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Using Design Entry Tools




Decimal digit


Matches the expression ([0-9]).

Hexadecimal digit


Matches the expression ([0-9a-fA-F]+).

Rational number


Matches the expression (([0-9]+.[0-9]*)|([0-9]*.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+)).

Alphabetic string


Matches the expression ([a-zA-Z]+).



Unicode U+001B.



Unicode U+0007.



Unicode U+0008.



Matches a tab character, Unicode U+0009.

Unicode character


Matches a character given by Unicode value where #### is hexadecimal digits. You can
specify a character outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (that is, a surrogate) with the ISO
10646 code point or with two Unicode code points giving the values of the surrogate pair.

Standard Unicode Character Properties

The following table lists the syntax for matching by standard Unicode character properties. The two-letter
abbreviation is the same as listed in the Unicode character properties database. These may be specified as part of
a character set. For example, the expression [:Nd:Nl:No] matches any kind of digit.



Uppercase letter


Matches any one capital letter. For example, :Luhe matches "The" but not "the".

Lowercase letter


Matches any one lower case letter. For example, :Llhe matches "the" but not "The".

Title case letter


Matches characters that combine an uppercase letter with a lowercase letter, such as Nj
and Dz.

Modifier letter


Matches letters or punctuation, such as commas, cross accents, and double prime, used
to indicate modifications to the preceding letter.

Other letter


Matches other letters, such as gothic letter ahsa.

Decimal digit


Matches decimal digits such as 0-9 and their full-width equivalents.

Letter digit


Matches letter digits such as roman numerals and ideographic number zero.

Other digit


Matches other digits such as old italic number one.

Open punctuation


Matches opening punctuation such as open brackets and braces.

Close punctuation


Matches closing punctuation such as closing brackets and braces.

Initial quote punctuation


Matches initial double quotation marks.

Final quote punctuation


Matches single quotation marks and ending double quotation marks.

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Using Design Entry Tools




Dash punctuation


Matches the dash mark.

Connector punctuation


Matches the underscore or underline mark.

Other punctuation


Matches (,), ?, ", !, @, #, %, &, *, \, (:), (;), ', and /.

Space separator


Matches blanks.

Line separator


Matches the Unicode character U+2028.

Paragraph separator


Matches the Unicode character U+2029.

Non-spacing mark


Matches non-spacing marks.

Combining mark


Matches combining marks.

Enclosing mark


Matches enclosing marks.

Math symbol


Matches +, =, ~, |, <, and >.

Currency symbol


Matches $ and other currency symbols.

Modifier symbol


Matches modifier symbols such as circumflex accent, grave accent, and macron.

Other symbol


Matches other symbols, such as the copyright sign, pilcrow sign, and the degree sign.

Other control


Matches Unicode control characters such as TAB and NEWLINE.

Other format


Formatting control character such as the bi-directional control characters.



Matches one half of a surrogate pair.

Other private-use


Matches any character from the private-use area.

Other not assigned


Matches characters that do not map to a Unicode character.

Additional Properties
In addition to the standard Unicode character properties, the following additional properties may be specified as
part of a character set.





Matches any one character. For example, :Alhe matches words such as "The", "then", and



Matches any one number or digit.



Matches any one punctuation mark, such as ?, @, ', and so on.

White space


Matches all types of white space, including publishing and ideographic spaces.

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Using Design Entry Tools






Matches characters from right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew.



Matches Korean Hangul and combining Jamos.



Matches hiragana characters.



Matches katakana characters.



Matches ideographic characters, such as Han and Kanji.

See Also:


Find Replace

Find in Files

Replace in Files

The following expressions can replace characters or digits in the Find what field of the Find and Replace window.
To enable the use of regular expressions in the Find what field during find and replace operations, select Use >
Wildcards under Find Options.
The triangular button next to the Find what field displays a list of the available wildcards. When you choose any
item from the Reference List, it is inserted into the Find what string.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Wildcards for Find and Replace:

The following are the wildcards available in the Reference List.

Syntax Description

Any single

Matches any single character.

Any single digit

Matches any single digit. For example, 7# matches numbers that include 7 followed by another
number, such as 71, but not 17.

Characters not
in set

[! ]

Matches any one character that is not specified in the set.


Matches the character that follows the backslash (\) as a literal. This allows you to find the
characters used in wildcard notation, such as * and #.

One or more

Matches any one or more characters. For example, new* matches any text that includes "new",
such as newfile.txt.

Set of


Matches any one of the characters specified in the set.

See Also:

Regular Expressions

Find Replace

Find in Files

Replace in Files

Find Results
The Find Results window displays matches found when using the Find in Files and Replace in Files dialogs.

There are two Find Results windows. The Result options allow you to choose the Find Results window where any
matches found will be listed. The selected Find Results window opens automatically whenever matches are found.
To Display Find Results Window Manually:
Select Find Results from the View menu and choose Find Results 1 or Find Results 2.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Select to a Match:
Double-click any line in the results list. The source file is displayed in the Text Editor with the insertion point placed
where the matched text begins. A symbol appears in the indicator margin of the Editor to mark the line that includes
the match, and the status bar displays its full text.
See Also:

Text Editor

Find in Files

Replace in Files.

Search Result
The Search Result dialog displays informational messages for search results as part of Find.

This dialog will only display when you select the option under Text Editor Options.
You can disable this dialog by de-selecting the Always show this message check box.
The messages you may see with this dialog include:

The following specified text was not found: xxxx

Find reached the starting point of the search.

No more occurrences found in the specified documents.

# occurrence(s) replaced.

See Also:

Text Editor

Find Replace

Text Editor Options

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Using Design Entry Tools

Go To Line
The Go To Line dialog is used to go to a specific line of code.

To Open the Dialog:

Press [Ctrl] + [G] or select Go To from the Edit menu.

To Go to a Specific Line:
Type the line number and click OK.
The cursor goes to the specified line number.

See Also:

Text Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Design-Wide Resources
The PSoC Creator Design-Wide Resources (DWR) system provides a single location to manage all the resources
in your design. Such resources include pins, clocks, interrupts, DMA, etc. Each new design project provides a
default design-wide resources file (.cydwr) file with the same name as the project.
Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

Only design projects can have a .cydwr file, and there can be only one file per design project. All modifications to
the DWR information are stored in this file. This design-level information is stored in a way that makes it portable
between devices.
Note During the process of selecting a different device, if any errors will exist if the selection were to continue, you
will be prompted before the device selection has actually changed. At this point, you can cancel the device change
or continue and the appropriate errors will be generated.

To Open the .cydwr File:

Double-click the file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide
resources in your project. The Pin Editor (Pins tab) displays on top by default.

To Choose a Resource Editor:

Select the appropriate editor from page tab. When you make a selection, the appropriate resource editor displays.
You can switch between the different resources by clicking the appropriate tab, but you can only edit one resource
at a time.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

To Add a .cydwr File to a Design Project:

You cannot copy or cut the .cydwr file from within PSoC Creator directly; however, you can add the file as an
existing item to another design project. You can also add a new .cydwr file to a design project.

Add Existing Item Adds an existing .cydwr file to the design project. The file will be copied from the
selected location into the design projects folder. It will also be renamed to match the project name.

Add New Item Adds a new .cydwr file to the design project. If one already exists, a message will display
to ask if you want to overwrite the file.

To Delete/Exclude a .cydwr File:

You can delete the .cydwr file or exclude it from your project. If no .cydwr file exists inside the project, only default
values will be used and you cannot edit them.

See Also:

Pin Editor

Analog Device Editor

Clock Editor

Interrupt Editor

DMA Editor

System Editor

Directives Editor

Flash Security Editor


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Pin Editor
The Pin Editor consists of an interactive image of the selected device, as well as a table of available signals in your
design. This editor allows you to manually assign and/or lock pins in your device before PSoC Creator executes the
place and route operation of the build process. If you don't assign pins, or if you manually unassign them, PSoC
Creator will automatically assign them during the next build. Assigned and locked pins will stay in the same location
for each subsequent build. Unlocked pins could potentially be moved on subsequent builds, depending on resource

Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

To Open the Pin Editor:

Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide
resources in your project. The Pin Editor (Pins tab) displays on top by default. If another editor is displayed, click
the Pins tab to bring it to the top.

Device Image:
The selected device image shows the various pins and ports. Each pin contains its corresponding pin number. Each
pins functionality (i.e., Vcc, n/c, etc.) or port name displays next to or inside the pin. Hovering the mouse over a
particular pin will show all of the capabilities of that pin.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Perimeter vs. Ball Grid Array

For TQFP, QFN, and SSOP/SOIC devices, the Pin Editor shows the pins in a perimeter view. For BGA/CSP
devices, it shows the pins using a ball grid array view. The following image shows an example of each view.

The coloring of the pins, as well as the port/pin numbers and labels are the same for both views. The process for
assigning and locking pins is also the same for both views. However, for the perimeter view, any assigned signal
name displays adjacent to the pin, but it doesn't for the ball grid array view.
Pin Coloring and Style
The style of the pin can help identify certain characteristics of the pin, as described in the following tables.
Static Image
Pin Style


Text Color Black with white text indicates this is a no-connect pin.
Text Color Dark green with white text indicates this is a power pin.
Text Color

Orange with white text indicates this is a reserved pin. The reason the pin is reserved (that is, used for debugging,
used for external crystal, etc.) will be displayed next to the pin in orange.

Text Color White with black text and a light gray border indicates an unassigned port pin.
Text Color Light blue with black text and a black border indicates an assigned, unlocked, port pin.
Text Color Dark blue with black text and a black border indicates an assigned, locked, port pin.
Red with black or white text means this is an invalid pin assignment. Black text means that the current assignment
Text Color
is invalid, but it may be possible to assign other pins to this port; white text means the pin is either no-connect or
(or Text
power. This state could occur when switching the selected device after making some pin assignments. An error
will be added to the Notice List for each invalid assignment.
Pins that have signals assigned to them are drawn with a black border.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Dragging a Pin
Pin Style


Text Color

White with black text indicates that pin guidance information has not yet been calculated. This pin may or
may not be a valid assignment once it has been calculated.

Text Color

Green with black text indicates this is a valid (recommended) assignment.

Text Color

Yellow with black text indicates this is a valid assignment, but there is a consequence if you select it (for
example, resource usage).
Gray with black or white text means this is a not a legal pin assignment due to silicon or design constraint.

Text Color (or

Text Color)

Pins that have signals assigned to them are drawn with a black border.

Signal Table:
The signal table contains all the signals in a table format with the following columns:



If assigned, this contains an indicator for the assignment's validity, as shown in the table under Dragging a
Pin. If an illegal assignment has been made (and locked), there will be an error icon for that signal.


The name of the signal as defined for the pin. If the pin has an alias, it is shown in parentheses.


The device's pin shown in port form. This field can also be used to make a pin assignment by selecting the
desired port[pin] from the drop-down list. An asterisk (*) indicates that a particular assignment is preferred. An
empty cell indicates no assignment has been made.


The device's pin number for the device to which this signal is assigned. This field can also be used to make a
pin assignment by selecting the desired pin number from the drop-down list. An asterisk (*) indicates that a
particular assignment is preferred. An empty cell indicates no assignment has been made.


Specifies whether or not the signals assignment is locked (i.e., cannot be moved by a build). This cell is only
editable for assigned pins.

Signals can be displayed in one of the following states:

Assigned and Locked A signal that has been assigned and locked to a particular pin is displayed in the
table as a dark blue row.

Assigned and Unlocked A signal that has been assigned but not locked is displayed in the table as a light
blue row.

Unassigned Signals that have not been assigned are white. This will be auto-assigned by PSoC Creator
on the next build.

Note Double-clicking a row in the table will display the design containing the associated Pins component, and open
the Configure dialog for it.

To Assign a Pin:
Assign a pin using either of the following methods:

Click on a signal in the Signal Table or on a pin already assigned elsewhere on the device and drag it to the
desired location on the device image.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Note While dragging a pin, a tooltip will indicate whether or not the current location is valid in addition to the
coloring noted above.

Select an assignment from the Pin column pull-down menu in the Signal Table. You can also type the pin
assignment in the field. While typing, legal assignments that are still possible based on what has currently
been typed will display. Values are entered in the form of:

P#[#] Specifies a location where the first # is the port number and the second # is the offset within the

P#[#:#] Specifies a range of locations where the first # is the port number, the second number is the
offset within the port where the MSB of the signal should be placed, and the last # is the offset within
the port where the LSB of the signal should be placed.

A range can also be specified as any combination of the above two formats separated by commas.

To Unassign a Pin:
Unassign a pin using either of the following methods:

Right-click on an assigned pin on the device image and select Auto-assign <signal> during build.

Select the <Auto-assign during build> row from the Port or Pin column pull-down menu in the Signal

To Unassign All Pins:

Right-click anywhere in the device image section of the Pin Editor and select Auto-assign all during build.

To Lock a Pin:
Lock a pin using either of the following methods:

Manually assign a pin; it will be locked by default.

If a pin is assigned but not locked, right-click on the pin in the device image and select Lock <signal> or
select the Lock check box in the table for the desired signal.

On the right-click menu, the Lock All option will lock all assigned pins.

To Unlock a Pin:
Right click on the pin in the device image and select Unlock <signal> or de-select the Lock check box in the table
for the desired signal.
On the right-click menu, the Unlock All option will unlock all locked pins.

To Scroll, Pan, and Zoom:

If device image is too large, scroll bars will display to allow you to see other areas of the device. Use these
techniques as appropriate:

To auto-scroll, drag a signal to the edge of the device image.

Use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down; press [Shift] + mouse wheel to scroll left and right.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To pan, press [Alt] + left click and drag.

To zoom, press [Ctrl] + mouse wheel.

See Also:

Mapper, Placer, Router

Design-Wide Resources

Working with Pins

Analog Device Editor

The Analog Device Editor provides an interconnect view of the PSoC device along with place-and-route results for
a particular design. The editor also allows for manual place-and-route with the ability to lock-down all or some of the
It operates in two separate modes:

Design shows the results of a build in design mode (this is default mode of the tool)

Debug provides a view into the current state of the device while debugging (see Analog Device Editor

The Analog Device Editor contains three major sections: analog interconnect diagram, design information table, and

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Analog Interconnect Diagram:

The analog interconnect diagram shows how various analog components, wires, switches, and pins are laid out on
the device and how they may be connected. Unused resources are shown as gray. Used resources are shown as
black if they are not selected. If a used component or pin is selected, it is shown as blue. Selected routes and
switches are shown as the color chosen in the table. The following image shows the Legend used for the
interconnect diagram.

If you hover the cursor over used resources, tooltips display relevant information. This same information will be
displayed in the Properties area when the resource is selected.
Wires can be locked (cannot move between builds). This includes resources locked by MARS components and
control files (even though the editor can over-ride those placements). Locked wires are solid lines; unlocked wires
are dashed lines.
Wires locked in the Analog Device Editor can also be unlocked. Wires locked by other sources must be unlocked by
those sources.
Switches are displayed as circles. A solid color means the switch is closed. White means the switch is open. Gray
means the state is not known.

In design mode, the check box selections in Properties for muxes control the display of run-time
changeable switches.

In debug mode, the state is based on the value of the actual register and can be edited from the GUI. If the
mux that owns the switch is hardware-controlled it is displayed in gray when debugging.

Note: DMA access to a software-controlled AMux will potentially cause the debugger to show erroneous states.
Switch breakpoints are shown by a dotted/dashed line around the switch. If the breakpoint is enabled the line is red;
if disabled, it is amber.
Switches are grouped within the device and this shall be shown by a dotted box around the circles. These groups
allow either at-most-one active terminal or any number of active terminals. The latter shall be distinguished in the
diagram with a gray fill in the surrounding box.
Pins and Components
Locked pins and components include a small pad-lock icon.
Digital pins used in the design are shown with a black background, white text, and teal tips. However, no routing
information is shown for digital pins.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Design Information Table:

The columns have the following headings.

Name refers to the instance name.

Lock is a check box coercing the item to use the associated resource. It is possible to lock or unlock all
listed items in the Lock column using the pull-down menu, as follows:

Lock All Lock all routes in the design.

Unlock All Unlock all routes in the design.

Lock selection Locks/unlocks the selected route. Locked

routes are shown as solid lines; unlocked routes are shown
as dashed lines.

Unlock selection Marks the selected wire as unused. See

Route Editing.

Cleanup... Opens the Locked Route Cleanup dialog to

remove locked net information that is no longer applicable to
the current design.

Color allows the user to choose a display color in the Interconnect panel, from a pull-down, for a routing
resource. Note that it is common for resources to be displayed multiple times (for example, when a net
connects a pin to an analog resource in the top schematic), and so changing the color in one place requires
a (silent) change everywhere else.

Type is the component name (e.g. PGA_v1_70) or resource type (i.e. MUX or NET).

The entries in the table are listed alphabetical order by instance name and only that column may be used to change
the order of entries.
Each entry (components, pins and muxes) is expandable/collapsible to show lower levels of the component
hierarchy and the resources to which they are connected.
There are buttons at the top of the table to toggle on and off viewing selected items: Components, Muxes, and
The Properties area displays information based on the selection in the table or diagram. If you select multiple
items, the area will not show any information. The area displays differently if you select pins/components versus
Component/Pins View
For components and pins, this area displays various read-only properties depending on what is selected. The
properties that can be displayed include the following:

Net name (for nets only)

For a named a wire in the schematic, the tool displays that name. When the schematic wire is un-named, it
displays a machine-generated net name.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Drive mode (for pins only)

Component name

Resource name

Lock status

Use the buttons at the top of the panel to order the properties alphabetically or by category.
Mux View
For muxes, the Properties area displays an editable image of the selected mux to choose the active channels in
the interconnect diagram and Ohm Meter. If the target is a differential mux then making a channel active always
applies to both connections.

The diagram includes check boxes to choose the active channels(s) of the mux. It also shows the net names
associated with each channel and the common terminal. The coloring for each net will be the same as that chosen
in the table. When you select and de-select a channel, the change is reflected in the interconnect diagram and the
Ohm meter.
Use the Check All and Uncheck All buttons at the top of the panel to select all or de-select all channels,
Note If the AtMostOneActive parameter is set to "true," then you can only select one channel and the Check All
button will be disabled.
See Also:

Analog Device Editor Context Menus

Ohm Meter

Manual Placement

Route Editing

Analog Device Editor Debugging

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Analog Device Editor Context Menus

The Analog Device Editor contains various commands available on right-click or context menus. The
commands available will vary depending on whether you right-click on a pin, component, or signal. You can rightclick on items in the interconnect diagram and in the table. The following are the commands available:
On Component:

Go to <Component> in schematic Opens the selected component in

the Schematic Editor.

Start Ohm meter Opens the Ohm Meter to the selected signal.

Lock to/Unlock From <Location> Toggles lock/unlock for this

component to/from the existing location.

Relocate Allows you to move the selected primitive to another location.

This option is disable if no other valid locations are available. See also
Manual Placement.

Lock All Lock all routes in the design.

Unlock All Unlock all routes in the design.

Copy Copies the interconnect diagram to a bitmap file that you can paste
in an appropriate editor.

Select All Selects everything on the interconnect diagram.

On Pin:

Go to <Pin> in schematic Opens the selected pin in the Schematic Editor. .

Start Ohm meter Opens the Ohm Meter to the selected pin.

Lock to/Unlock from <Location> Locks/unlocks this pin to/from the

existing location.

Go to in pin editor Opens the Pin Editor and selects the same pin.

Lock All Lock all routes in the design.

Unlock All Unlock all routes in the design.

Copy Copies the interconnect diagram to a bitmap file that you can paste in
an appropriate editor.

Select All Selects everything on the interconnect diagram.

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Using Design Entry Tools

On Wire:

Lock route Locks/unlocks the selected route. Locked routes are shown as solid
lines; unlocked routes are shown as dashed lines.

Rip up Marks the selected wire as unused. See Route Editing.

Re-route Switches the Analog Device Editor to Manual Routing mode. See Route

Remove obsolete "Entire Net" route data Removes nets that were locked as part
of an entire net when you change the schematic.

Lock All Lock all routes in the design.

Unlock All Unlock all routes in the design.

Copy Copies the interconnect diagram to a bitmap file that you can paste in an
appropriate editor.

Select All Selects everything on the interconnect diagram.

Add/Edit breakpoint Used to add or edit breakpoints. See Analog Device Editor

Lock route Locks/unlocks the selected route. Locked routes are shown as solid
lines; unlocked routes are shown as dashed lines.

Rip up Marks the selected wire as unused. See Route Editing.

Re-route Switches the Analog Device Editor to Manual Routing mode. See Route

Lock All Lock all routes in the design.

Unlock All Unlock all routes in the design.

Copy Copies the interconnect diagram to a bitmap file that you can paste in an
appropriate editor.

Select All Selects everything on the interconnect diagram.

On Switch:

See Also:

Analog Device Editor

Schematic Editor

Pin Editor

Ohm Meter

Manual Placement

Route Editing

Analog Device Editor Debugging

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Ohm Meter
The Ohm Meter displays the resistance between pairs of points (pins and/or components but not wires or switches)
in the Analog Device Editor interconnect view. The dialog allows you to change probe points in the diagram and see
the parasitics. The dialog also contains SPICE route data.

Probes are displayed in the interconnect diagram with an attached pin. The first-placed pin is pink and, when it is
placed, all legal destination probe points are automatically marked with blue probes. Select a blue pin to see the
resistance for that route. Re-selecting the start-point for probing clears previous probes, clears the dialog results,
and refreshes the legal destination (blue) probes.
To Open the Ohm Meter:
Right-click on a pin or component in the diagram or the table and select Start Ohm Meter >. Then point to the
access point from which to start.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Parasitic Tab:
This tab displays the resistance between the two points when you click a blue pin in the diagram. This includes the
total resistance and the resistance of every switch in the route.

The Access Point pull-down menu allows you to change the second selected pin as an alternative to clicking on
different blue pins.
This tab shows a SPICE netlist for the route. This is read-only text.

Use the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the data to a simulator of your choice.
See Also:

Analog Device Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Manual Placement
The Analog Device Editor manual placement feature allows you to specify where analog components should be
placed when a build is performed. You cannot use this feature to place pins. Instead you must use the Pin Editor.
To Manually Place a Component:
Right-click on a component and select Relocate >. Then point to the desired location. The menu will only allow
valid moves. If no move is available, the menu item will be disabled.

You may move a component to a currently occupied location. The existing component will be placed in a new
location by the subsequent build.
Signal Routing
After selecting the new location, the routed signals will be redrawn in a temporary state, also known as a rat's nest.
This is only shown if the route is selected.

During a build, the routing will updated to follow allocated signals.

Resource Locking
All component moves result in the resource being locked. The component will be shown with a lock symbol.
To unlock the resource, right-click on the component and select Unlock from <location>.
If you unlock the resource before doing a build, the unlock action will move the component back to its original
If you unlock the resource after doing a build, the icon will remain until you do another build, because the editor
interprets the lock being in place from an external source.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

See Also:

Analog Device Editor

Pin Editor

Context Menus

Route Editing

Route Editing
Route editing consists of ripping up routes and re-routing signals, as well as manually selecting switches to route
signals. Context Menus are included on various elements to facilitate route editing.

Nets When a net is ripped up, the wires and switches used to route the net are marked as unused

Net-Ties/Net-Joins When a Net-Tie or Net-Join is selected, you can rip up the entire net or any of the
sub-nets collected to form the entire net. Ripping up any of the sub-nets is the same as ripping up a net.
Ripping up the entire net causes all of the individual sub-nets to be ripped up, as well as the additional
resources used to implement the net-tie and net-join components.

Muxes Rip-up of a mux is applied to the entire mux. When a mux is ripped up, all of the wires and
switches used to route the mux are marked as unused.

When you select the Re-Route command, the Analog Device Editor enters manual route editing mode. In this
mode, you can manually route signals by clicking on switches to open or close them. Switches available for routing
are shown highlighted in the default color; switches not available are grey. When you select a switch to route a
signal, addition switches become available to select.

Open switches are shown as hollow circles; closed switches are shown as solid circles.
While editing, the Status Bar shows the operation in progress.
Two buttons are available: Commit Edit or Cancel Edit. "Commit" saves and locks the routing; "Cancel" reverts
the Analog Device Editor the state prior to editing.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Mux Routes
Editing a mux arm is similar to editing a signal net with the following differences:

The endpoints to be connected are nets rather than pins.

When you start editing a mux, all of the resources used by the mux (for all arms) are temporarily marked as
unused to allow the user maximum flexibility in reusing resources shared with other arms.

Net-Ties and Net-Joins

Editing net-ties and net-joins are similar to editing a mux. However instead of joining a single pair of nets, editing
these may involve any number of sub-nets.

The endpoints to be connected are nets rather than pins (like muxes).

There are separate rip-up and edit operations since there is no resource sharing.

See Also:

Analog Device Editor

Analog Device Editor Context Menus

Route Editing

Analog Device Editor Debugging

The debug view in the Analog Device Editor allows users to view/modify the live state of the analog routing on the
chip. The debug view will automatically become active when you start debugging. While in debug mode, the
interconnect diagram background is yellow, and the label at the bottom right indicates that it is in debug mode.

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Using Design Entry Tools

The Analog Device Editor will automatically go back to the design view when the debug session has stopped.
Open/Close Switches:
In debug view, you can use the context menu to open/close any switch that is not DSI controlled. Switches that are
DSI controlled will be displayed with a grey center to indicate that they are used; however, PSoC Creator does not
know the current state of the switch.
Note Because the state of the Analog Device Editor can be changed without the CPU running, it may be out of
date. Right-click on the interconnect diagram and select Refresh to update all visible debug windows.
Switch Breakpoints:
Breakpoints are implemented with the on-chip address breakpoint(s). The breakpoint applies to the whole register,
which controls a number of switches and unrelated elements. The debugger determines whether the break
occurred as a result of the switch-of-interest and ignores (continues execution) other changes.
To set a breakpoint, right-click on a switch. You can set the following conditions: on changed, on opened, on closed.

Once select, the breakpoint displays in the Memory Watchpoint window.

You can set multiple breakpoints in a signal register with a single breakpoint resource. If the maximum number of
breakpoints has been reached (regardless of the use) and you try to set a new one, PSoC Creator will indicate that
the break cannot be set until another breakpoint is cleared or disabled.
See Also:

Analog Device Editor

Analog Device Editor Context Menus

Memory Watchpoint

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Locked Route Cleanup

The Locked Route Cleanup dialog that lets you clean up locked route information for nets where either the net no
longer exists in the schematic, or is no longer locked due to schematic changes. You can selectively delete any of
this data without unlocking anything else.

To Open this Dialog:

Select Cleanup... from the Locked pull-down menu in the Analog Device Editor table.
To Use this Dialog:
Select one or more nets for which to remove locked route information,and click OK.
You can also use the Select All or Deselect All buttons.
See Also:

Analog Device Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Clock Editor
The Clock Editor is a design-wide resources tool to create and edit clocks. This tool allows you to view all clocks,
add and delete design-wide clocks, as well as edit design-wide and system clocks.
Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

To Open the Clock Editor:

Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide
resources in your project. Click the Clocks tab to access the Clock Editor.
Clock Editor Toolbar:
The toolbar contains the following commands:

Add Design-Wide Clock This command allows you to add a design-wide clock to your design. See
Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock.

Delete Design-Wide Clock This command allows you to delete any design-wide clocks you may have

Edit Clock This allows you to edit design-wide clocks in your design. See Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Clock Table:
The Clock Editor displays all the clocks using a table. By default, clocks are sorted by Type. You can sort by any
column by clicking the column header and switch between ascending and descending order
Note A secondary sort is always performed on the Nominal Frequency column.



The clock type:

System internal and external clocks sources that can be used in your design
Design-wide clocks declared in the clock editor that are sharable across the entire design
Local clocks added to schematics via components
Boost low voltage analog boost clock shown when the Variable Vdda option is selected in the
System Editor.

The name of the clock.

If a clock is in an error state, an icon will display by the clock's name. Hovering over the icon will display a
tooltip with a message describing the error. This errors will also be displayed in the Notice List Window.


Analog or Digital. This information is determined by PSoC Creator.


The desired frequency for the clock. If not used ? MHz will be displayed.


The nominal frequency for the clock. This is determined by the system solving the clocks. If not solvable ?
MHz will be displayed.


Displays the clocks accuracy as a percent.


Displays the tolerance range entered for the clock as a percent. If no tolerance has been specified - will be
Note Tolerance can only be specified for Auto clocks.


Displays the divider used for the clock. This may have been specified elsewhere or calculated when the
clocks were solved.

Start on Reset

If checked, this option will cause the _Start() function to be called for the clock pre-main (checked by
default). You can set this option for all New local clocks and all design-wide clocks.
There is a pull-down menu next to the column header, which allows you to check or uncheck all the
applicable boxes at once.
System clocks show this box as read-only. For them the value is determined by their enabled state in the
Configure System Clocks dialog. Existing clocks also have this field as read-only. It displays the Start on
Reset value for its source clock in this case.

Source Clock

The clock, if any, used to create the clock. Clocks whose input clock was not explicitly specified (i.e.,
<Auto> was selected) will be displayed as "Auto: Clock the solver picked."

Digital and Analog Clocks:

PSoC Creator automatically figures out whether a user-created clock is digital or analog. It looks across the whole
design at the fanout and if the clock drives analog primitives, it is an analog clock. If the clock does not connect to
an analog primitive, it is assumed to be digital. If a clock connects to a mixture of digital and analog primitives, a
DRC error is generated.
Tolerance Support:
PSoC Creator will support a robust system of clock accuracy and tolerance related DRCs.
Local and design-wide clocks have the ability to add required tolerances (+X%, -Y% or +X ppm, -Y ppm).

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

System clocks internal to the device display their accuracy information. System clocks that come from outside the
device (e.g., XTAL, XTAL 32kHz, and Dig Sig) will allow you to enter accuracy statistics (+X%, -Y% or +X ppm, -Y
ppm). The default accuracy values will be +0%, -0%.
The PSoC Creator clock system will take the accuracy of the reference clock, the actual achieved frequency, and
compare that against the tolerance and requested frequency. If the achieved frequency/accuracy falls outside the
requested bounds, a DRC error will be generated.
See Also:

Configure Local Clock

Configure System Clocks

Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock

Select Source Clock

Working with Clocks

Clock Component Datasheet (available from the Component Catalog)

System Reference Guide

Design-Wide Resources

Configure Local Clock

The Configure clock dialog allows you to configure various characteristics for a local clock that you placed onto a
schematic. Refer also to the Clock component datasheet available from the Component Catalog.

This dialog has the following main sections:

Clock Name Allows you to type a name for the local clock.

Configuration Allows you to specify characteristics for the clock.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Summary Displays information about the clock being create and the source clock being used (if Source
is not <Auto>).

To Create a Local Clock:

Create a local clock by dragging a clock component form the Component Catalog onto a schematic.
To Open the Dialog:
Double-click the clock component to open the Configure Clock dialog.
To Configure a Local Clock:
You can configure the local clock as follows:
1. In Name, type a name for the clock or accept the default name.
2. For Clock Type, select New or Existing. New clocks use device resources and have APIs generated for them.
Existing clocks do not use hardware resources and do not have APIs generated for them; they are simply an
alias to a clock already defined.
3. Specify the Source configuration, as follows:

Clock Type: New / Source: <Auto> Enter the Frequency and optionally a Tolerance range. PSoC
Creator figures how to implement it.

Clock Type: New / Source: Specified Select a particular source clock from the pull down menu to divide
down. Then enter a desired frequency or explicit divider.

If you specify a Desired Frequency, PSoC Creator calculates the divider automatically.

If you specify a Divider, PSoC Creator uses it as specified.

Clock Type: Existing / Source: Specified Create an alias for the given source clock.

You can view the clock characteristics for various clocks using the design-wide resources Clock Editor.
See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Clock Editor

Working with Clocks

Component Catalog

Clock Component Datasheet (open from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Configure System Clocks

The Configure System Clocks dialog provides a graphical diagram showing the various system clocks in the
selected device for your design, as well as their relationship to each other.

This dialog allows you to specify different characteristics about the system clocks.

A check mark indicates that the clock is enabled. When a clock is disabled it turns gray and its contents are
replaced by text explaining how to enable it. Some clocks cannot be disabled.

The lines show where clock signals can go. If a line is gray, then the current clock configuration does not
use that path.

The error icon indicates that the clock is configured incorrectly. Hovering over the icon will display a
message indicating exactly what is wrong.

Note This dialog will contain different clocks and options depending on the device selected for the design. For
some devices, this dialog will be split into different tabs for high-frequency and low-frequency clocks.
For specific details about the configuration options for system clocks, refer to the appropriate Technical Reference

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Digital Signal:
The Digital Signal can be configured to use any routed digital signal in your design. When using the output from a
digital pin as the Digital Signal, you will need to ensure that the pin is configured with the input as unsynchronized.
This is done via the Input tab in the Pins component Configure dialog by deselecting the "Input Synchronized"
option. For more information, refer to the Pins component datasheet.
To Open this Dialog:
In the Design-Wide Resources Clock Editor:

Double-click a system clock, or

Select a system clock and click Edit Clock.

To Enable/Disable a System Clock:

Click the check box for the appropriate clock to enable or disable.
Note Some clocks cannot be disabled. Their check boxes are dimmed.
See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Clock Editor

Working with Clocks

Clock Component Datasheet (open from the Component Catalog)

Pins Component Datasheet (open from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

XTAL Configuration
The XTAL Configuration dialog is used to configure characteristics for the external crystal.

To Open the Dialog:

Enable the XTAL on the System Clock Editor, and click the Configure button.
To Configure the XTAL:
Select/enter the appropriate fields and click OK.
The following fields are used to configure the XTAL as needed.
Use these fields to specify the frequency and accuracy of the XTAL.
Enable fault recovery:
This check box enables fault recovery. Fault recovery allows the output of the XTAL to be switched from the XTAL
clock to the IMO if the XTAL is detected to have stopped working properly. It uses the watchdog/error signal inside
the XTAL.
Note This field produces an error: "The XTAL clock cannot use fault recovery when it is also used by the IMO."
when it is set to true and the XTAL sources the IMO.
Enable oscillator voltage pumps:
This check box controls the oscillator voltage pumps, via bit 3 (xpump_dis) of the FASTCLK_XMHZ_CSR register.
This can be used to save power and reduce jitter. The check box is not selected by default, meaning this feature is
not enabled.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Use default timeout:

This check box is selected by default. It indicates whether the system will use the default timeout at startup, or a
user-customized one.

Startup timeout (ms) When using the default timeout, this field is read only and displays the default
timeout value. If you deselect the Use default timeout check box, this field becomes enabled to specify a
timeout based on specific XTAL requirements.

Halt on XTAL startup error:

This check box enables the while(1); code in the ECO error handler. It is enabled by default, and the application
halts before main(). If you deselect this check box, the code will continue to main (and you are expected to handle
the clock error appropriately).
Note This field is ignored when the XTAL does not source the bus clock. No message will be shown if this occurs.
Reference levels:

Automatic This option is selected by default. Reference levels are calculated from the given XTAL
frequency. The XTAL clock initialization uses these values to set the CFG1 register.

Manual This option is used by advanced users. This enables the Feedback and Watchdog fields to fine
tune the reference level configuration. The XTAL clock initialization uses these values in the CFG1 register.

Enable automatic gain control This check box enables automatic gain control (AGC). AGC
measures oscillation amplitude and compares it to a reference value. If it is too high or low, an internal
adjustment is made in the XTAL to increase or decrease amplitude. This reduces drive level and helps
to meet crystal requirements. It is not needed in all cases. This check box is not selected by default.
When it is selected, the Feedback field becomes visible under Watchdog.

Watchdog The watchdog (XERR/error detection) is a circuit that measures oscillation amplitude and
compares it to a reference value. If it is too low, an error signal that goes to a status register bit is
asserted. This bit can be polled in software, and also controls a mux that implements "fault recovery."
The watchdog is used at XTAL startup to determine when oscillations have reached an acceptable
amplitude, and the XTAL can be used as a clock source throughout the part. The watchdog reference
level is the voltage to which the oscillation amplitude is compared when determining if oscillation is

Feedback The feedback reference level is the voltage of which the oscillation amplitude is compared.

Amplitude adjustment:

Automatic This option is selected by default. The Amplifier Gain (AMPIADJ) field is calculated from the
given XTAL frequency. This option allows you to specify Shunt capacitance and Load capacitance of the
crystal. These will be used with the XTAL frequency to calculate the value of AMPIADJ, which the XTAL
clock initialization uses to set the CFG0 register.

Manual This option is used by advanced users. This enables the Amplifier Gain (AMPIADJ) field to
manually enter a specific value for AMPIADJ. The XTAL clock initialization uses this value to set the CFG0

See Also:

Clock Editor

Configure System Clocks

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

System Clock APIs

System Clock APIs are provided with the cy_boot generated API files. System clock APIs are listed and described
in the System Reference Guide.
After a successful build, generated files are located in the Workspace Explorer, in a folder named
"Generated_Source/<Architecture Name>/cy_boot". For more information about the build process, refer to
Generated Files.
See Also:

System Reference Guide

Working with Clocks

Workspace Explorer

Generated Files

Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock

The Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock dialog allows you to add and edit various design-wide clocks in your design.

Note Design-wide clocks use resources on the device and have APIs generated for them with a "Cy" prefix.
To Open the Dialog:
You open this dialog from the Clock Editor.

Click Add Design-Wide Clock to open the dialog to create a new design-wide clock.

Double-click an existing design-wide clock to open the dialog for editing.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

To Configure Design-Wide Clock:

You can configure the design-wide clock as follows:
1. In Name, type a name for the clock or accept the default name.
2. In Clock Type (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE only), select "New" or "Existing."
3. In Source, select the type of source clock from the pull down menu.

Selecting "<Auto>" allows you to specify the Desired Frequency and optionally the Tolerance. The source
and divider are then calculated by PSoC Creator.

Selecting "<Select Signal...>" opens the Select Source Clock dialog to select from a list of available signals.

Selecting "<Select Pin...>" (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE devices only) opens the Select Source Clock (from Pin)
dialog to select from a list of available pins.

Selecting any other specific base clock allows you to specify the Desired Frequency or Divider, as

If you specify a Desired Frequency, PSoC Creator calculates the divider automatically.

If you specify a Divider is selected, PSoC Creator uses it as specified.

You can view the clock characteristics for various clocks using the design-wide resources Clock Editor.
Note For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE devices, there is a Use fractional divider check box. If you specify the
Frequency option, selecting the Use fractional divider check box means that PSoC Creator will calculate the
fraction. If you specify the Divider option, this check box provides a manual option for you to specify the
4. On the Advanced tab, specify whether or not to synchronize this clock with the MASTER_CLK (synchronize,
by default). This tab is not applicable to PSoC 4/PRoC BLE devices.
See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Clock Editor

Working with Clocks

Select Source Clock

Select Source Clock (from Pin)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Select Source Clock

The Select Source Clock dialog provides a tree view or a table view of the various signals (in alphabetical order) in
your design from which you can select an input signal for a given clock.

To be used as a clock input, a signal must meet all of the following requirements:

The signal must be a digital signal.

If the signal is from a terminal, the terminal must be at the Top Schematic level.

If not at the Top Schematic level, then the signal must not be connected to a schematic terminal.

To Open the Dialog:

You can open this dialog as follows:

From the Configure System Clocks dialog, click the ellipsis button [...] in the Digital Signal clock section.

From the Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock dialog, under Source, choose the "<Select Signal...>" option in the
pull down menu. (For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE devices, you must select Clock Type "Existing.")

Signal Frequency:
This field is used to specify the frequency of the selected signal.
These fields are used to specify the accuracy of the selected signal. The value is always displayed as a percent,
but can be entered as a % or ppm.
The toolbar provides expand and collapse commands to show or hide the entire signal tree.
Show Un-named Signals:
Select this check box to show all the signals in your design; de-select to show only named signals.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Clock Editor

Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock

Configure System Clocks

Select Source Clock (from Pin)

The Select Source Clock dialog provides a table view of the various pin signals (in alphabetical order) in your
design from which you can select an input signal for a given clock.
This dialog applies to PSoC 4/PRoC BLE devices only.

To be used as a clock input, a signal must meet be a digital input pin.

To Open the Dialog:
Open this dialog from the Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock dialog.
1. In Clock Type, select "Existing".
2. In Source, choose the "<Select Pin...> option in the pull down menu.
Signal Frequency:
This field is used to specify the frequency of the selected signal.
These fields are used to specify the accuracy of the selected signal. The value is always displayed as a percent,
but can be entered as a % or ppm.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

The toolbar provides expand and collapse commands to show or hide the entire signal tree.
Table Fields:
The signal table contains all the signals in a table format with the following columns:



The name of the signal as defined for the pin.


The device's pin shown in port form. This also indicates if the pins is unlocked.


The device's pin number for the device to which this signal is assigned.


When applicable, this shows an alternate name defined for a pin.

Show Unlocked Pins:

Select this check box to show any unlocked pins in your design.
See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Clock Editor

Add/Edit Design-Wide Clock

Interrupt Editor
The Interrupt Editor allows you to change the priority of interrupt service routines (ISRs) in your design.
Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

This editor is part of the design wide resources file, which includes other resources, such as the Clock Editor.
The Interrupt Editor contains a table with the following columns:

Instance Name The instance name is also used as the ISR name. This property is read-only in the table.

Priority This is used to select the interrupt priority using the pull-down menu. There is a default value
assigned for this property, denoted as Default <#>, so that it can be distinguished from explicitly selecting
the default number. Unselected default values will be updated as the device changes; values explicitly
chosen will not.
If changing devices results in an illegal value, then an error icon will be displayed in the cell. An error will
also be placed in the Notice List window.

Interrupt Number This information (interrupt number) will only be available after place-and-route. This
property is read-only in the table.

To Open the Interrupt Editor:

Double-click the <project>.cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
Click the Interrupts tab.

To Change Priority:
Select a value for the appropriate interrupt from the pull down menu.

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Working with Interrupts

Interrupt Component Datasheet (open from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

DMA Editor
The DMA Editor displays all the direct memory access (DMA) components that have been directly placed in the
design, as well as all the DMA components inside placed components.
Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.
The DMA Editor is only available on devices that support DMA.

The DMA Editor consists of a table where each row represents a DMA. The table contains the following columns:

Name The hierarchical name of the instance that the DMA came from. This property is read-only in the

Priority Specifies the priority of the DMA.

Note There is a default value assigned, denoted as Default <#>, so that it can be distinguished from
explicitly selecting the default number. Unselected default values will be updated as the device changes;
values explicitly chosen will not. If changing devices results in an illegal value, an error icon will be
displayed in the cell. An error will also be placed in the Notice List window.

Channel Number This information will only be available after place-and-route. This property is read-only
in the table.

Note If no DMA resources are used in a design, the DMA Editor will display a message to that effect.

To Open the DMA Editor:

Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
Click the DMA tab.

To Change Priority:
For PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP, click the down arrow on the menu, and select the appropriate Priority value from the
pull-down menu.
For PSoC 4, the priority must be set in the DMA component itself. The DWR simply shows the value specified in the

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

To Sort DMA Editor Table:

By default the DMA Editor is sorted in ascending order by the Priority column, with a secondary sort on the
channel number column.
To sort by a different column, click the appropriate column header. There will always be a secondary sort performed
on the channel number column.

To Select/Edit a DMA:
Double-click an entry in the table; PSoC Creator opens the schematic file and highlights the associated DMA
instance, plus it opens the Configure DMA dialog, where you can edit various parameters.
Refer to the appropriate device DMA Component datasheet for more information.

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Working with Interrupts

DMA Wizard

Editing Component Parameters

DMA Component datasheet (open from the Component Catalog)

DMA Wizard
The DMA Wizard aids in quick and accurate development of applications that use DMA. The wizard guides you
through the process of defining transaction descriptors. It also generates the necessary C code that you can copy
and paste into your application. The DMA Wizard only works in the context of a design project that contains at least
one DMA component. If there is no DMA component in your design, the wizard displays a message to that effect.
The DMA Wizard contains the following steps:

Getting Started (this topic)

Global Settings

Transaction Descriptors

Generated Code

To Open the DMA Wizard:

Select DMA Wizard from the Tools Menu.
The system will analyze your project for DMA components and open the wizard. If there are no DMA components in
your design, a message will display stating that you need to open a project with a DMA component.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Getting Started:
The Getting Started step allows you to select the project and DMA instance for you to configure.

This step contains the following fields:

Project This lists all the design projects in the currently open workspace that contain DMA components.
By default the Active project is selected if it fits the previous requirements.

DMA Used to select the channel (DMA component) to use.

After selecting the appropriate project and instance, click Next > to proceed to the next step.
See Also:

DMA Wizard Global Settings

DMA Wizard Transaction Descriptors

DMA Wizard Generated Code

DMA Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

DMA Wizard Global Settings

The Global Settings step is where you configure the global transaction descriptor (TD) settings

This step contains the following settings:


Source This can be SRAM, Flash, or EEPROM. It can also be a component that was created with the
ability to be used with the DMA Wizard. If the selected component has more than one possible source, a
second drop-down will appear allowing for a more specific selection.

Base Addr Depending on which PSoC device is used, the contents of the Base Address may or may not
be automatically provided. When not filled in by default, a C expression needs to be provided. If not added,
an error icon will appear. This will not prevent you from continuing with the wizard. It will only generate code
that will not compile.


Destination This can be SRAM or a component that was created with the ability to be used with the DMA
Wizard. If the selected component has more than one possible destination, a second drop-down will appear
allowing for a more specific selection.

Base Addr Depending on which PSoC device is used, the contents of the Base Address may or may not
be automatically provided. When not filled in by default, a C expression needs to be provided. If not added
an error icon will appear. This will not prevent you from continuing with the wizard. It will only generate code
that will not compile.

Set Manually:
The following fields are defined automatically. To set these manually, select the Set Manually check box.

Bytes per Burst Allows you to set the number of bytes to transfer in a single burst. This value is
calculated to be the maximum value that is supported by both the source and the destination. To the right of
this field the range of legal values for the current source and destination is displayed. If you enter an invalid
value or if there is no legal value, an error icon will appear next to the field. This will not prevent you from
continuing with the wizard. It will only generate code that will not compile.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Each Burst Requires a Request Allows you to set whether or not each burst requires a request before it
is sent. The value is automatically calculated based on the selected source and destination.

Transaction Descriptors:

Number of TDs Specifies the number of transaction descriptors to create (between 1 and 128).

Single Chain or Loop This determines what the Next TD will be for the last TD entered. If single chain
the Next TD will be END. If Loop it will loop back to the first TD.

After configuring the appropriate settings, click Next > to proceed to the next step.
See Also:

DMA Wizard

DMA Wizard Transaction Descriptors

DMA Wizard Generated Code

DMA Editor

DMA Wizard Transaction Descriptors

The Transaction Descriptors step is where you configure settings for each individual transaction descriptor (TD).

This step contains the following fields:




Displays the logical Transaction Descriptor number. It is used in conjunction with Next TD.


Enables 2- or 4-byte endian byte swapping. When set to 2 or 4, the Bytes per Burst setting must be set as a
multiple of the endian selection. An error will be added to the cell if this is not the case. This will not prevent you
from continuing with the wizard. It will only generate code that will not compile.

Enable trq

Enables terminating this TD on a rising edge of the trq signal.

Enable nrq

Enables the generation of the nrq signal when the TD completes.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools




The length in bytes for this TD (0 to 4095). This field is a C expression that is evaluated at run time. If endian
swapping is enabled, the length must be a multiple of endian swap size. An error will be added to the cell if this
is not the case. This will not prevent you from continuing with the wizard. It will only generate code that will not


The source address for the DMA transfer. This field is a C expression that is evaluated at run time. If a
component is selected as the source this field may be a drop-down list of addresses. In any case the cell is
editable. If empty an error icon will be added to the cell. This will not prevent you from continuing with the wizard.
It will only generate code that will not compile.

Inc (Source) Enables incrementing of the Source address as the DMA progresses through the specified number of bytes.

The destination address for the DMA transfer. This field is a C expression that is evaluated at run time. If a
component is selected as the source this field may be a drop-down list of addresses. In any case the cell is
editable. If empty an error icon will be added to the cell. This will not prevent you from continuing with the wizard.
It will only generate code that will not compile.

Enables incrementing of the Destination address as the DMA progresses through the specified number of bytes.
Auto Next

Specifies whether or not to automatically execute the next TD once this TD completes without requiring another

Next TD

Specifies the next logical TD in the chain of TDs. Set to END if this TD chain is complete with this TD.

The Reset to Defaults button will reset all the values in the table to be their default, calculated values.
After configuring the appropriate settings, click Next > to proceed to the next step.
See Also:

DMA Wizard

DMA Wizard Global Settings

DMA Wizard Generated Code

DMA Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

DMA Wizard Generated Code

The Generated Code step is where the code is displayed for you to copy and paste into your design.

The Copy to Clipboard button adds the code to the clipboard. You can also use standard keyboard shortcuts and
the right-click menu, as needed.
Note If any errors were ignored in the previous steps, an error icon will display reminding you that the code will not
See Also:

DMA Wizard

DMA Wizard Global Settings

DMA Wizard Transaction Descriptors

DMA Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

System Editor
The System Editor is used to edit various system properties. It contains a table with different categories of
properties, such as Configuration, Programming/Debugging, and Operating Conditions. The available categories
change based on your design.
Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

To Open the System Editor:

1. Double-click the <project>.cydwr file in the Source tab of the Workspace Explorer.
2. Click the Design-Wide Resources System tab.

To Edit a Property:
Click in the Value column for a property to edit.
Different properties have different methods of editing. Some properties have a check box to toggle on and off, some
have a pull down menu to choose an option, and some have a text field in which to enter a value.
If you enter an invalid value, an error will display to indicate the invalid value and how you might correct the

Property Descriptions:
Under each category, there are one or more rows of properties you can edit. When you highlight a particular
property, its description displays in the text box at the bottom of the editor. The table contains the following columns:

Option This column displays the name of each row/level in the hierarchy.

Value This column displays the current value of a setting and allows you to change it when applicable.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

The table contains the following options:




Device Configuration

This property controls how the device will be configured pre-main,

such that it reflects the design. The options available are
Compressed, UnCompressed, and DMA. (The DMA option is not
applicable to PSoC 4/PRoC BLE.)

Compressed results in a smaller amount of FLASH being

consumed but requires more time after a reset to get to main.

UnCompressed will use the same amount of FLASH as DMA,

but will perform a software copy of configuration data.

DMA will result in more FLASH being consumed for

configuration, but will require less time to get to the user-defined
main function.

Enable Error Correcting If true, the ECC will be used to detect and correct errors in the
Code (ECC)
FLASH memory. Selecting this option hides the "Store Configuration
Data in ECC Memory" option.
WARNING Exercise caution changing this setting during
development. Excessive re-programming of this setting may cause
unexpected results.

Applies to PSoC 3 and PSoC

5LP devices only.

Store Configuration
Data in ECC Memory

If this option is enabled, device configuration data will be stored in

ECC memory to reduce main FLASH memory usage. Error
correction may not be used when this option is enabled.

Applies to PSoC 3 and PSoC

5LP devices only.

Instruction Cache

If true, the device will write data coming from the FLASH to the
instruction cache SRAM.

Not applicable to PSoC

4/PRoC BLE devices.

Enable Fast IMO

During Startup

If true, the fast IMO will be used. This configuration balances the
Applies to PSoC 3 and PSoC
5LP devices only.
need for rapid boot and configuration against peak power
consumption. If true, the IMO will run at the faster speed of 48 MHz
instead of 12 MHz during device startup.
This configuration balances the need for rapid boot and configuration
against peak power consumption. If true, the IMO will run at the
faster speed of 48 MHz instead of 12 MHz during device startup and
between CyPmSaveClocks() and CyPmRestoreClocks() functions
calls. See System Reference Guide for more information about these
WARNING Exercise caution changing this setting during
development. Excessive re-programming of this setting may cause
unexpected results.

Clear SRAM During


If enabled, writes zeros to SRAM before initializing variables. If

disabled, variables that do not have an explicit initializer will not be
initialized to zero. This option should only be disabled if the
application requires a faster startup time and does not contain any
code or libraries that depend on the value of un-initialized variables.

Applies to PSoC 3 devices


Read Accelerator

If true, the device will accelerate read operations using cached


Applies to PSoC 4/PRoC BLE

devices only.

Unused Bonded IO

This option controls how unused bonded pins will be used for
internal analog place and route.

Allow but warn option will allow the analog router to make use
of unused pin switches in the current design, but will give out
warnings on the pins whose switches are used.

Allow with info option will allow the analog router to make use
of unused pin switches in the current design, and will give out
notes on the pins whose switches are used.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools




Disallowed option will disallow the analog router to use any of

the unused pin switches in the current design.

Heap Size

Defines the number of SRAM bytes to reserve for the Heap space.

Applies to all ARM-based

devices (e.g., PSoC 4, PRoC
BLE, and PSoC 5LP).

Stack Size

Defines the number of SRAM bytes to reserve for the Stack space.

Applies to all ARM-based

devices (e.g., PSoC 4, PRoC

Include CMSIS Core

Peripheral Library Files

The CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard)

Applies to all ARM-based
Core Peripheral Library contains APIs to access core registers and
devices (e.g., PSoC 4, PRoC
peripherals. Checking this option will include the APIs from the
current version of the standard in the project. The current version is
tied to the version of the cy_boot component in your project. Refer to
the System Reference Guide for more information. Deselect the box
and add the files manually if you wish to use a different version of
the standard.

Chip Protection

The different chip protection levels provide limitations on what

resources are accessible by the CPU and Debugger:

Applies to PSoC 4/PRoC BLE

devices only.

Open: full access

Protected: no debugging
Kill: the device can never be reprogrammed
1. Programming a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE device using PSoC Creator
will set the chip protection to "Open" even it is selected as
"Protected" or "Kill" mode.
2. In order to set the Chip protection to "Protected" or "Kill" mode,
select the appropriate mode in PSoC Creator and program the
PSoC 4/PRoC BLE device using PSoC Programmer after
enabling "Chip Lock" feature in PSoC Programmer Options >
Programmer Options.
Debug Select

Sets the Port 1 preferred program/debug interface (JTAG or SWD)

that the chip enables by default for use after power up or reset.

For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE, JTAG is not available.

Setting to GPIO frees the pins for use as GPIOs but does not
completely disable the debug interface for flash protection
purposes. "Enable Device Protection" must be set for this
purpose, or "Chip Protection" must be set to Open.
For more information about programming and debugging options see
the device datasheet or Technical Reference Manual (TRM).
WARNING Exercise caution changing this setting during
development. Excessive re-programming of this setting may cause
unexpected results.

PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP

options include:

When completing a production design, you may select the Enable

Device Protection feature. Enabling this feature causes the part to
disable debugging at run-time. It is still possible to connect a

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

4-wire JTAG

SWD (serial wire



PSoC 4/PRoC BLE options


SWD (serial wire


Enable Device

5-wire JTAG


Not applicable to PSoC

4/PRoC BLE devices.


Using Design Entry Tools




programmer, but debugging will be disabled. It is not recommended

to enable it for multi-device JTAG chains, since it may break the
Note This setting does not affect flash protection. It is only used to
disable debug access to the PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LP device.
Embedded Trace

Enables the Cortex ETM Trace capability for outputting real-time

Applies to PSoC 5LP devices
debug information while the processor is running. This will reserve
the trace pins as debug pins. When not used for trace, PSoC Creator
makes the pins available as a GPIO.

Use Optional XRES

Enables hardware reset via the optional XRES pin (P1[2]). This is in
addition to the dedicated XRES pin on this device.
WARNING Exercise caution changing this setting during
development. Excessive (over 1000 times) re-programming of this
setting may cause the selection to become permanent.

Applies to PSoC 3 and PSoC

5LP devices with more than
48 pins.

Enable XRES

Enables hardware reset via the optional XRES pin (P1[2]). This
device does not have a dedicated XRES pin, if disabled it is not
possible to program the part without a power cycle or to issue a hard
reset from the debugger.
By default, the reset is done by toggling the XRES pin. The power
cycle method is highly dependent on the design of your board, and
may not be possible. If a XRES pin is not available and the Power
Cycle does not work, the part cannot be reprogrammed.
To ensure that the device can be programmed, this option should be
WARNING Exercise caution changing this setting during
development. Excessive (over 1000 times) re-programming of this
setting may cause the selection to become permanent.

Applies to PSoC 3 devices

with 48 pins or less.

Operating Conditions
These settings specify the various voltages and temperature ranges in which the PSoC device is used. Various
components in the PSoC device use these values for configuration information, so you should use correct values.
There are numerous ways these settings can affect your design, including:

The USB_Start function has an option to use Vddd to set the internal USB regulators for enumeration.

The ADC_CountsTo_Volts() API uses these voltages for the Vssa to Vdda Input Range.

The SAR_ADC component uses the Vdda voltage setting for configuring the Input Range and Reference.

The SC block components (TIA, PGA, PGA_Inv, Sample_Hold, Mixer) enable boost clocks when the Vdda
is set below 2.7 V.

The VDAC8 component generates a note explaining that the range of the VDAC is limited to the range from
0 V to Vdda.

Static Timing Analysis uses smaller timing delays in the UDBs if Vddd is >= 1.8 V (and you selected the 0
C 85 C Temperature Range). IO delays are smaller if the voltage (VddioN) is 3.3 V or higher.



Vdda (V)

Input value indicates the input voltage on Vdda pin

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E



Using Design Entry Tools




Variable VDDA

Check box displays when Vdda is 2.7 V and above to create a

low voltage analog boost clock ScBoostClk. For more
information, refer to the System Reference Guide.

Vddd (V)

Input value indicates the input voltage on Vddd pin.

Vddio0 (V)

Input value indicates the input voltage on Vddio0 pin.

Vddio1 (V)

Input value indicates the input voltage on Vddio1 pin.

Vddio2 (V)

Input value indicates the input voltage on Vddio2 pin.

Vddio3 (V)

Input value indicates the input voltage on Vddio3 pin.

Temperature Range

Available selections are:

Specifies the temperature range at which the device will be
0C 85C (PSoC 3
and PSoC 5LP only)
PSoC devices operate reliably across a wide temperature
range. If your design will only ever run at typical room
-40C 85C (all
temperatures, however, the timing constraints are more easily
satisfied. Selecting the narrower temperature range for your
application helps the tool to find timing-compliant routing

Not applicable to PSoC

4/PRoC BLE devices.

Note: The voltage values entered here are used by certain APIs (for example, ADC_CountsTo_Volts), as well as
component Configure dialogs (for example, the ADC_DelSig component uses this Vdda information for showing
input range if Vref is selected to Vdda/4 or Vdda/3). Although it is recommended to update the actual Vddx voltages
in the DWR System Editor, the device will not get damaged if a different valid (as per the datasheet) supply voltage
is given.

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

System Reference Guide

Bootloader and Bootloadable component datasheets (available from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Directives Editor
The Directives Editor is used to add, remove, and edit directives. See Directives for more information about the
directives available in PSoC Creator.
Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

To Open the Directives Editor:

Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
Click the Directives tab.

To Add a Directive:
Click the Add Directive button on the top left of the editor.

To Edit a Directive:
Enter a Component/Signal name, Directive Type, and Directive Value as appropriate in each column.

Component (Signal) Name - Use this column to enter the signal or component name. Currently there is no
validation check for this column, except you must enter a name in this column if you enter a value in the
Directive Value column.
Note The Component Name for this field is the fully elaborated name of the component as specified in the
<project>.rpt file after a successful build (e.g, "\Counter_1:CounterUDB:sC8:counterdp:u0\"). You can find
the <project>.rpt file under the Output tab in the Workspace Explorer.

Directive Type - Use this column to select a valid directive type from the drop down list. The initial value for
this column is INVALID. If you enter a value in the Directive Value column, you must change the Directive
Type to the appropriate type. Valid types include:

ForceSignal: Maps to the 'placement_force' directive format used for arbitrary logic. Allows the
assignment of a UDB PLD location to the output signal of a block of logic to tell the placer to put that

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

output in that UDB PLD. This generates a rule of the form:

attribute placement_force of [signal name] : signal is "[UDB spec]"
where [UDB spec] : U(x,y)[A|B] or U(x,y,[A|B])i

ForceComponentUDB: Maps to the 'placement_force' directive format for UDB components. Assigns
the location of UDB component listed to the location specified. This generates a rule of the form:
attribute placement_force of [component name] : label is "[UDB spec]"
where [UDB spec]: U(3,2)

ForceComponentFixed: Maps to the 'placement_force' directive format for Fixed Function blocks.
Assigned the location of the fixed block listed to the location specified. This generates a rule of the
attribute placement_force of [component name] : label is "[fixed spec]"
where [fixed spec] : F([fixed block],i)
where [fixed block] : CAN, Comparator, I2C, SC, Timer, VIDAC, ...

Group: Maps to the 'placement_group' directive format. Groups the specified signal name into the
specified group. This generates a rule of the form:
attribute placement_group of [signal name] : signal is "[group name]"

Directive Value - Use this column to specify the value for the directive, based on the selected Directive
Type. Each type has certain rules for its value. If the value does not follow the rules of the type, an error
icon will display next to the text (for example, see signal_5 in the image). Mouse over the error icon to show
the reason of the error.

To Delete a Directive:
Click a row in the table and click the Delete Directive button.

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Flash Security Editor

The Flash Security Editor allows you to control the read/write access to the flash memory. This feature is designed
to secure proprietary code.
Flash rows are displayed as a table where each editable cell in the table represents a single row of flash
(64/128/256 bytes depending on the PSoC 4 device; 256 bytes for PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP devices). Each row of
flash can have its protection level independently set.

Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

Protection Levels:
The tool offers four levels of protection, as follows. You can assign one of four protection levels (two levels for
PSoC 4) to each row; see the table below. flash protection levels can only be changed by performing a complete
flash erase. For more information on PSoC flash and security features, refer to a device datasheet or Technical
Reference Manual (TRM).

Unprotected (U) No protection.

Factory Upgrade (F) Read protected. No device external to the PSoC device can read a flash block that
is read-protected. The SPC Read commands cannot be used to read a block that is read protected. Only
the processor and the PHUB can access a block of flash that is read protected. (This option is not available
for PSoC 4/PRoC BLE devices.)

Field Upgrade (R) External write protection. No device external to the PSoC device can erase or write a
row of flash that is external write protected. Includes all Read Protect restrictions. (This option is not
available for PSoC 4/PRoC BLE devices.)

Full Protection (W) Fully protected. Neither the PSoC CPU nor any device external to PSoC can erase
or write a block of flash that is fully protected. Includes all protections from lower levels of flash data
protection. This level is used when a block of flash should never be modified by an internal process or
external device.

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Using Design Entry Tools

PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP


PSoC 4

Not Allowed

External read and write,

Internal read and write

External write,
internal read and write

External read



Field Upgrade

Internal read and write

External read
and write



Full Protection

Internal read

External read
and write,
Internal write

Internal read

External write,
Internal write (see
Note below)


Not Allowed


External read and write,

Internal read and write


Note To protect the PSoC 4 device from external read operations, you must change the device protection settings
to Protected in the DWR System Settings. You must also enable Chip Lock from Options > Programmer
Options before programming the device for these settings to take effect. You must use the PSoC Programmer tool
to program the device.
To protect the bootloader portion of flash, set the corresponding rows to full protection. PSoC Creator lets you
easily select the protection setting for each row.
Note The Full Protection level cannot be used on the last two rows of flash for Bootloader or Bootloadable projects.
These rows are used for application metadata and require internal write access.

To Open the Flash Security Editor:

Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.
The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide
resources in your project. Click the Flash Security tab to access the Flash Security Editor.

To Change a Single Row of Flash:

To change the protection level on a single flash row, click the corresponding cell in the table and make your
selection from the drop-down list.

To Change Multiple Rows of Flash:

To change the protection level on multiple rows of consecutive flash at once, proceed as follows:
1. Select your starting and ending flash row numbers using the fields provided at the top of the editor.

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Using Design Entry Tools

By default the starting and ending values are set to include all rows of flash.
2. Select your desired protection level from the drop-down list located to the right of the previous fields.
3. Click the Set button.

Generated Hex (PSoC 3 Only):

There are two generated hex files with flash security levels in them. During a build, the flash protection data is
gathered from the CyFlashSecurityModel and outputted as a hex file (located at
Generated_Source/[Architecture]/protect.hex). This data is then combined into the overall hex file for the project
(located at [Platform (DP8051-Keil_Generic/Debug, )]/[Configuration (Debug, Release)]/[Prj Name].hex).

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

The EEPROM Editor allows you to set up EEPROM data from PSoC Creator without requiring any code to run in
the PSoC application. It is a grid that displays the EEPROM memory according to the display options. Each cell is
editable, with a default value of 0xFF.
Note PSoC Creator collects DWR information dynamically. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take
a few seconds to update the DWR information.

The left column shows the base addresses. The top row shows the offsets for each column. The ASCII display on
the right is similar to that shown in the Memory Window.

To Open the EEPROM Editor:

Double-click the .cydwr file in the Source tab of Workspace Explorer.

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Using Design Entry Tools

The file opens as a tabbed document in the work area, and it allows you to access the various design-wide
resources in your project. Click the EEPROM tab to access the EEPROM Editor.

To Change Single Cell Value:

To change the value of a single cell, click in the cell and either type the desired value or use the menu to select a
value from the list.

To Change Multiple Cell Values:

To change the value of multiple cells, use fields below the grid. Enter or select the appropriate values for From
address, to, and Value. The click Set.

To Import/Export Data:
You can write a sequence of bytes in an external editor in comma-separated value (CSV) format, save it as a CSV
file, and import the file into PSoC Creator. Click Import, navigate to the CSV file location, select it and click Open.
The changes are applied in the EEPROM Editor.
You can also make edits in the EEPROM Editor, export the data as a CSV file, then open the file in an external
editor. Click Export, navigate to the location to save the file, and click Save.

To Include EEPROM Image in Hex file:

Select this check box to include the EEPROM image in the hex file. If included, programming time increases. The
default is not selected.
Note If this check box is not selected, there is no functional change to your project.

To Change the Display:

The following settings are stored in the user configuration file and change the display of all projects for that user.
These values change the display only; they do not modify the actual values of the data.

Use the View pull-down menu to change the size of the data displayed in the editor: 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit.

Use the Format pull-down menu to change the format of the data displayed in the editor: Hex, Signed Int,
Unsigned Int.

Bootloader Support:
You can use the EEPROM Editor on any type of project. However, you cannot use it for both bootloader and
bootloadable. PSoC Creator will indicate an error if such a condition occurs.
For multi-application bootloaders, the EEPROM is equally divided amongst all bootloadables.
1. If you have set up a bootloader/multi-application bootloader project to use EEPROM, then no bootloadable
project using that bootloader is allowed to use EEPROM (the DWR in the bootloadable project will not allow
you to turn on EEPROM for that project).
2. If the bootloader is not using EEPROM and it is not a multi-application bootloader, then any bootloadable
projects using that bootloader may enable EEPROM in their DWR and use the full EEPROM memory region.

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Using Design Entry Tools

3. If you have a multi-application bootloader and that bootloader is not using EEPROM, then bootloadables using
that bootloader may use EEPROM. The EEPROM will be divided evenly amongst the bootloadable .cyacd files
(e.g. *_1.cyacd has the first half of EEPROM and *_2.cyacd has the upper half of the EEPROM data).

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Memory Window

Bootloader/Bootloadable component datasheet (available from the Component Catalog)

Symbol Editor
The Symbol Editor allows you to create and edit components that can then be used in your designs.

The process of creating components can be complex. These topics are provided as a help if you press [F1] for the
various dialogs you may encounter. For more in depth discussion regarding creating components, refer to the
Component Author Guide.
The main topics of the Symbol Editor include:

symbol sheet the canvas on which you draw components

Design Elements Palette

Symbol Editor Context Menus commands specific to the Symbol Editor

Common toolbars commands common to the design entry tools

This section also contains various topics related to working with the Symbol Editor:

Creating a Symbol

Symbol Wizard

Symbol Editor Context Menus

Working with Component Terminals

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Using Design Entry Tools

Defining Catalog Placement

Creating Symbol Parameters

Creating Parameter Validators

Creating a Symbol
Creating a symbol is only one aspect of creating a component. The process of creating components can be
complex. For more in depth discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.
You create a symbol within a project. So first, either create a new project or open an existing one.
1. Once you have opened a project, select the Components tab in the Workspace Explorer.
2. Right-click on a component or project, and select Add Component Item...
You can also select this option from the Project menu.
The Add Component Item dialog displays.

3. Select the Empty Symbol icon.

4. Enter a Component name.
5. Select the Destination.
Note This option is only available if you open this dialog from the Project menu.
6. Click Create New.
The symbol is added to the existing component or a new component is created with the new symbol.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Library Component Project

Adding a Component Item

Symbol Wizard

Create Symbol from Schematic

Symbol Wizard
The Symbol Wizard allows you to create a basic symbol and specify the names and types of terminals. The wizard
also offers a preview of the symbol, as well as the option to change the title color.

Creating a symbol is only one aspect of creating a component. The process of creating components can be
complex. For more in depth discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

To Open the Symbol Wizard:

1. Open a project (or create a new project) and select the Components tab in the Workspace Explorer.
2. Right-click on a component or project, and select Add Component Item... to open the Add Component Item
3. Select the Symbol Wizard icon and click Create New.

To Add a New Terminal:

Enter the Terminal name and select a Type for each component terminal; create separate terminals using different

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

To Add a Symbol Label:

Use the Symbol label text box to add optional text or an expression to be displayed under the symbol.

Note This field is normally used to enter an expression to display the value of a single parameter for the component
in the symbol (for example, Param name = `=$ParamName`). See Using Text Substitution for more information
about expressions.

To Delete a Terminal:
Double-click the row header cell for a terminal. A dialog will display to confirm the deletion.
You can also select a row and click the Delete


To Change Terminal Order:

Select a row and use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons to rearrange the terminal order in the table. This will
also affect how the terminals will appear on the symbol, as shown in the preview.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Change the Title Color:

To change the color of the symbol title, select a color from the Title color pull-down menu. There are several predefined Cypress colors. You may also choose a custom color.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Library Component Project

Adding a Component Item

Creating a Symbol

Create Symbol from Schematic

Using Text Substitution

Symbol Editor Context Menus

The Symbol Editor contains various commands available on right-click or context menus. The commands
available will vary depending on whether you right-click on the canvas itself or on a component/element. The
following are the commands available:

On Canvas:

Paste Same as command from the Standard Toolbar.

Select All Selects everything on the canvas.

Zoom Same as zoom commands from the View Menu.

Symbol Parameters Opens the Parameters Definition dialog. See Creating

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Using Design Entry Tools

Symbol Parameters.

Generate Verilog Generates a Verilog file based on the Symbol's definition. See
Generate Verilog.

Properties Opens the Properties dialog.

On Selected Object(s):

Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete Same as commands from the Standard Toolbar.

Select All Selects everything on the canvas.

Zoom Same as zoom commands from the View Menu.

Shape Same as shape commands from the Common Design Entry Toolbars.

Select Allows you to select a specific object when two or more objects are drawn
on top of each other.

Align When two or more objects are selected, this command allows you to align
selected shapes: left, right center, top middle, and bottom.

Edit Name and Width For terminals only, opens Terminal Name dialog.

Format Shape Opens the Format Shape dialog to change various

characteristics for the selected shape(s).

Properties For terminals only, opens the Properties dialog.

See Also:

Symbol Editor

Common Design Entry Toolbars

Design Elements Palette

Standard Toolbar

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Using Design Entry Tools

Adding a Component Item

The primary purpose of the Add Component Item dialog is to add new items to a component. It can also be used to
create a new component within a library project. Adding component items and creating components can be a
complex set of instructions and procedures. This topic is provided as a help for this dialog. For more in depth
discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

The dialog provides templates of the different types of items you can add to a component. The options available will
vary depending on the type of item you select and whether you are adding an item to a component or creating a
new component.

To Open the Dialog:

In the Workspace Explorer, under the Components tab, right-click on a component or project or select Add
Component Item... .

Select a component

Select a project to create a new component within the project.

to add a new component item within the component.

You can also use the Project menu to open this dialog; however, the Destination field does not get selected
automatically as it does for the context menu.

To Use the Dialog:

The Add Component Item dialog contains the following sections:
The Templates area displays icons for the different types of available component items. Currently the available
templates include:

Symbol Contains the symbol templates to create an empty symbol or to use the Symbol Wizard. See
also Creating a Symbol.

Implementation Contains the implementation templates. See also Creating a New Schematic.

API Contains the API templates to create C, header, and assembly files.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Library Contains a set of library templates to allow component authors to add libraries for different
compiler tool-chains and configurations (DEBUG/RELEASE).

Misc Contains miscellaneous templates to create a documentation file, Control File, XML file or any other
type of miscellaneous file.

Beside each template, there is a brief description for each component item.
Target generic device
The Target generic device check box disables/enables the Architecture, Family, and Device pull-down menus.
These options determine where in the project hierarchy the new item will be stored. This field is only available for
certain types of component items, such as implementations, API files, etc. The check box will become active for
different template items you select.

Select the Target generic device check box to create the selected component item at the top-level of the
component and disable the other options; de-select to enable them.

Choose an Architecture to create the component item in a subfolder for an architecture (e.g., PSoC3,
PSoC4, or PSoC5.).

Choose a device Family to create the component item in a subfolder for a family of devices (e.g., CY8C32,
PSoC 4000, PSoC 4200 BLE, CY8C52LP, etc.).

Choose a specific Device part number to create the component item in a subfolder for a specific device.

Component Name
The Component Name field allows you to specify a name for the component when you create a new component
for a project. This field is disabled when adding component items at the component level.
Item Name
The Item Name field allows you to specify a name for some component items. The following component items
derive their name from the Component Name:



Control file

Verilog file

The Configuration field only applies to Library template files. It allows you to specify if the library is for debug
mode, release mode, or both.
The Destination field is only active when you open this dialog using the Add Component Item command from the
Project menu. This field is a pull-down menu that allows you to select the project or component to which you want
to add the component item. Notice that if you select a project, the Component Name field becomes active.
Conversely, if you select a component, the Component Name field becomes inactive.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Create New vs. Add Existing

The Create New button displays by default. If you click this button, PSoC Creator will create a new file of the
selected type and it to the component.
This button contains a pull-down toggle
that switches it to Add Existing. If you switch it, a navigation button
[...] becomes active to select an existing file of the selected type. Then when you click the Add Existing button, the
selected file will be copied to the component folder and added to the component. Files may be renamed during the
copy process to ensure they comply with file naming restrictions imposed on certain file types.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Library Component Project

Symbol Wizard

Create Symbol from Schematic

Workspace Explorer

Creating a New Schematic

Creating a Symbol

Working with Component Terminals

The terminal tools in the Design Elements Palette for schematics allow you to draw digital input, output, and inout,
as well as analog and external terminals.

Use component terminals when you are creating a symbol in the Symbol Editor, as part of creating a component.
For more information about creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

To Place a Terminal:
Select the appropriate Terminal tool from the Design Elements Palette and click on the canvas. The Terminal
Name dialog will display.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Rename a Terminal:
Right-click a terminal and select Edit Terminal Name.
The Terminal Name dialog will display.
Use the dialog to specify the terminal name and/or indices, as appropriate.

To Show/Hide a Terminal Label:

1. Right click the terminal and select Format Shape to open the Format Shape dialog.

2. Change the Show Label property to true/false to show/hide the label, respectively.
3. Click OK.

To Delete a Terminal:
Select the terminal and press [Delete] or click

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Symbol Editor

Design Elements Palette

Terminal Name dialog

Format Shape dialog

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Defining Catalog Placement

As part of creating a component, you can use the Catalog Placement dialog to define how symbols are displayed in
the Component Catalog under various trees and tabs.

The process of creating components can be complex. This topic is provided as a help if you press [F1] for this
dialog. For more in depth discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

To Open the Catalog Placement Dialog:

1. Right-click on the symbol canvas and select Properties.
The Properties dialog displays.

2. Click the [...] button in the Doc.CatalogPlacement field to open the Catalog Placement dialog.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Define Catalog Placement:

Use the following syntax:

Each component of the syntax has the following meaning:

t The tab name. The tab order displayed in the Component Catalog is alphabetical and case insensitive.

x A node in the tree under the tab. You must have at least one node.

d The display name for the symbol (optional).

If you do not specify the display name, the symbol name will be used instead; however, you must use the t/x/
If you do not define the Doc.CatalogPlacement property for a given symbol, it will display by default under the
Default tab.
If you want to show the symbol in multiple catalog trees, enter separate syntax strings in different rows of the

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Library Component Project

Component Catalog

Properties dialog

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Creating Symbol Parameters

When you create a component, you can create one or more parameter collections for your symbol using the
Parameters Definition dialog.

The process of creating components can be complex. This topic is provided as a help if you press [F1] for this
dialog. For more in depth discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

To Open the Dialog:

Right-click on the symbol canvas and select the Symbol Parameters icon

To Create Parameters:
For each symbol, you can create any number of parameters.
1. Define the Name, Type, and Value of a parameter in the parameter table on the left side of the dialog.
2. For each parameter, define the properties on the right side of the dialog.
3. To add another parameter, type in the next row of the parameter table.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Create Enumerated Types:

Click the Types... button to open the Enumeration Types dialog.

See Enumeration Types for more information.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Symbol Editor

Enumeration Types

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Creating Parameter Validators

When you create a component, you can create one or more parameter validators using the Parameter Validators

The process of creating components can be complex. This topic is provided as a help if you press [F1] for this
dialog. For more in depth discussion regarding creating components, refer to the Component Author Guide.

To Open the Parameter Validators Dialog:

1. On the Parameters Definition dialog, select the parameter for which to add a validator.
2. Then select the Validators field under the Misc section, and click the ellipsis button.

To Add a Validator:
1. Type an expression in the first row of the validator table in the Expression field. Refer to the Component
Author Guide.
2. In the Error message field, type in the message to display if the validation check is not met.

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Using Design Entry Tools

3. To add another validator, type in the next row of the validator table.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Symbol Editor

Creating Symbol Parameters

Exporting a Component
After you have finished developing one or more components, you can export them without providing the entire
project or library. This allows for a library-free distribution method of components and allows you to more easily
control your own libraries and dependencies.
If you prefer to include the component as part of a project/library, see Archiving a Workspace/Project.

To Export a Component:
1. In the Workspace Explorer, under the Components tab, right-click on the component to view the context menu,
and select Export Component.

2. Select Create New Archive... to export it as a new component archive.

This option opens the Save As dialog to save the component with a default .cycomp file name of
comp_archiveXX, where XX is a number that will increment each time you export a component.

Rename the file as appropriate and select a desired location.

Click Save.

3. Select Add to Existing Archive... to update an existing exported component archive. This option allows you to
update an existing component, and it allows you to add additional components to an existing .cycomp file.

This option opens the Save As dialog.

Navigate to the location of the existing .cycomp file to be updated.

Select the .cycomp file and click Save.

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Using Design Entry Tools

The .cycomp file contains all of the files included with the selected components, and it is used by PSoC Creator
during the Import Component process.

See Also:

Archiving a Workspace/Project

Workspace Explorer

Import Component

UDB Editor
The Universal Digital Block (UDB) Editor is a graphic tool to create PSoC components. This simple-to-use editor
provides an approachable way to implement and configure UDB resources.

Note The UDB Editor is not intended to enable 100% of UDB functionality or to make the most optimal designs
possible. Rather, its purpose is to increase your ability to use UDB resources. This editor does not replace the
Datapath Config Tool, which is more of an expert-level tool for working with UDBs. Refer to the Component Author
Guide for more information about the Datapath Config Tool and UDB resources. Refer to the UDB Editor Guide for
more information about the UDB Editor.
The main components of the UDB Editor include:

Design Canvas the canvas on which you draw designs

Verilog Displays Verilog code generated from the design canvas. The UDB Editor currently supports
Verilog; additional languages may be added in the future. All expressions must confirm to Verilog syntax.

UDB Design Elements Palette

UDB Properties

Common Design Entry Toolbars commands common to the design entry tools

Context Menus commands available by right-clicking

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Using Design Entry Tools

The UDB Editor provides the following UDB features as editable blocks:

Datapath (DP)

Control Register

Status Register

Status Interrupt Register


State Machines

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Design Elements Palette

This vertical toolbar is the same as the Design Elements Palette used for other design entry tools. The main
difference is that this toolbar contains the UDB resources to place on the UDB Editor. The buttons are as follows:

UDB Datapath

UDB Control Register

UDB Status Register

UDB Status Register Interrupt

UDB Count7

UDB State Machine

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Using Design Entry Tools

UDB Properties
On the right side of the UDB Editor, there are several sections for properties.

Inputs This is a list of inputs to the component (equivalent to

schematic input terminals). The clock input is always present and
cannot be modified. All other inputs may be added, removed, or
renamed as needed.

Outputs This is a list of outputs to connect to the component

(equivalent schematic output terminals). They operate exactly like
inputs, except there are no fixed / unchangeable defaults.

Variables These allow you to create named and reusable

combinatorial and registered logic. Separate icons are used to indicate
whether the variable is combinatorial or registered.

Datapath Properties These apply specifically to the datapath as a

whole (and not to a particular instruction). These properties include:


Shift common configuration

Shift configurationA / configurationB

Configurable comparator inputs



The toolbar contains the following commands:

Delete Row Deletes the selected row in one of the properties tables.

Move Up/Down Moves the selected row up or down in the table.

To Add an Input/Output/Variable:
Click in the cell showing "Enter Name", type a name and press [Enter].

To Delete an Input/Output/Variable:
Click on a row and press the [Delete] key or click the [Delete Row] button.

To Edit Datapath Properties:

1. You must have a datapath resource placed on the canvas. Select it to enable the properties.
2. Click in a cell for a particular property, and either select a value from the pull-down menu or enter a value in the

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Editor

UDB Datapath

Working with Schematic Terminals

UDB Datapath
The UDB datapath element is used to configure datapath resources in the PSoC device. This element contains
several tables to edit Inputs, Registers, Outputs, and Instructions.

For more information about UDB datapaths, refer to the Component Author Guide.

To Place a Datapath:
Click on the Datapath icon

in the UDB Design Elements Palette, and drag the instance to the canvas.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Configure Inputs, Registers, Outputs, and Instructions:

1. Double-click one of the areas within the Datapath instance to open a Configure dialog for that area.

Note Each area of the Datapath instance contains different configuration dialogs. See Configure Dialog
Descriptions for more information.
2. Select a value from the pull-down menu or enter a value in the field, as appropriate.
3. Click OK to close the dialog.

To Configure General Datapath Properties:

To change the datapath name and other properties, make sure the datapath instance is selected to enable the
properties on the right side on the design canvas.
There you can edit each of the properties by selecting or typing a value.

Configure Dialog Descriptions:

The Datapath element contains the following Configure dialogs:

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Using Design Entry Tools

This dialog contains fields to select a datapath input and assign an input expression. There can be a total of six
inputs for a datapath. All supported values can be entered at the same time using this dialog.

This dialog contains fields to enter initial values for load registers. All supported values can be entered at the same
time using this dialog.

Note The values in the Load column come from the Input dialog selections; they are included as read-only fields for

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Using Design Entry Tools

This dialog contains fields to enter datapath output and assign a condition. There can be a total of six outputs for a
datapath. All supported values can be entered at the same time using this dialog.

This dialog contains fields to enter various datapath instructions. There can be a total of eight instructions for a
datapath, and each instruction must be configured individually.

Each instruction is divided into three parts: ALU operation, Register writes, and Compare options. The ALU
operation determines what arithmetic or Boolean operation is performed for that instruction cycle. Register writes
are used to load A0 and A1 with values for the next instruction cycle. Compare options are used to set the
comparisons being made using comparator0 and comparator1. Refer to the Component Author Guide for more

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

UDB Control Register

Control Registers are used by the CPU to send commands to the component. Each control register has eight
available bits that can be used throughout the design to control the various aspects of the component operation.

Refer to the Component Author Guide for more information about control registers and the UDB Editor.

To Place a Control Register:

Click on the Control Register icon

in the UDB Design Elements Palette, and drag the instance to the canvas.

To Configure Bits:
1. Double-click on the Control Register instance to open the Configure dialog.

2. Enter a Name, and select the Init and Mode values.

3. Click OK to close the dialog.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Editor

Control Register component datasheet (available from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

UDB Status Register

Status Registers are used by the CPU to read hardware signals from the component. Eight bits are available in a
single status register and allows signals from the component to be seen by the CPU.

Refer to the Component Author Guide for more information about status registers and the UDB Editor.

To Place a Status Register:

Click on the Status Register icon

in the UDB Design Elements Palette, and drag the instance to the canvas.

To Configure Bits:
1. Double-click on the Status Register instance to open the Configure dialog.

2. Enter an Expression, and select the Mode value.

3. Click OK to close the dialog.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Editor

Status Register component datasheet (available from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

UDB Status Interrupt Register

Status Interrupt Registers are used to generate a maskable interrupt from the status bits. Seven bits are used as
the inputs and one bit is used as the interrupt output.

Refer to the Component Author Guide for more information about status interrupt registers and the UDB Editor.

To Place a Status Interrupt Register:

Click on the Status Interrupt Register icon

in the UDB Design Elements Palette, and drag the instance to the

To Configure Bits:
1. Double-click on the Status Interrupt Register instance to open the Configure dialog.

2. Enter an Expression, and select the Mode and Mask values.

3. Click OK to close the dialog.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Editor

Status Register component datasheet (available from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

UDB Count7
The Count7 counter is a 7-bit down counter that should be used when a counter of three to seven bits is needed.
This provides resource savings compared to PLDs or datapath-based counter designs.

Refer to the Component Author Guide for more information about the Count7 and the UDB Editor.

To Place a Count7:
Click on the Count7 icon

in the UDB Design Elements Palette, and drag the instance to the canvas.

To Configure Bits:
1. Double-click on the Count7 instance to open the Configure dialog.

2. Enter a Name, Inputs, Period, and Terminal count values.

3. Click OK to close the dialog.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Editor

Count7 component datasheet (available from the Component Catalog)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

UDB State Machine

A state machine is control logic implemented using PLDs. It is used to send control signals to the elements in your
design and to keep track of the operations happening in your hardware.

Refer to the Component Author Guide for more information about state machines and the UDB Editor.

To Place a State Machine:

Click on the State Machine icon

in the UDB Design Elements Palette, and drag the instance to the canvas.

To Configure a State Machine:

1. Double-click on the State Machine instance to open the Configure dialog.

2. Enter information in the various fields.

Refer to the Component Author Guide for a complete descriptions of these fields. A few notes:

State Name must be globally unique.

Encoding must be unique within a state machine.

Machine name must be globally unique; it is auto-populated when not a start state.

3. Click OK to close the dialog.

To Add a State Transition:

1. Hover the cursor over one of the states to view the transition anchor point.

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Using Design Entry Tools

2. Click and drag from an anchor point to begin drawing the state transition.

3. Continue dragging to another state to make the connection. When you release the mouse, a Configure dialog
will display.

4. Enter the Expression, and add more expressions as needed.

5. Click OK to close the dialog.
To open the dialog again, double-click on the transition line.

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Using Design Entry Tools

To Adjust the Transition Arc:

1. Click on the transition line to view the arc points.

2. Drag the middle arc point to adjust the arc as appropriate.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

UDB Editor

Other Tools
Schematic Macro Editor
The Schematic Macro Editor is similar to the Schematic Editor in that you use it to create schematics with access to
the Component Catalog and other associated schematic tools. However, the Schematic Macro Editor is also similar
to the Symbol Editor in that you use it to create component macros that will display in the Component Catalog.

Schematic macros are typically created by component authors to simplify usage of the components they build.
Typical uses of the components are prepared and made available as macros. End users use these macros instead
of using base components.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Schematic macros are mini schematics. A component can have multiple macros. Macros can be at the generic,
architecture, family and device levels. Macros can be dragged from the component catalog and dropped into
schematics. Macros can have instances (including the component for which the macro is being defined), terminals,
and wires.
The main components of the Schematic Macro Editor include:

design canvas the canvas on which you draw designs

Design Elements Palette

Common Design Entry toolbars commands common to the design entry tools

Component Catalog library of components to use in your schematic

To Create a Schematic Macro:

Use the Add Component Item dialog to add a Schematic Macro to a component.

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Symbol Editor

Sheet Template Editor

The Sheet Template Editor allows you to create, edit, and save sheet templates for your schematics.

By creating you own sheet templates, you can add logos, company information, and so on to your template file, and
have them display on your designs.

Creating a Sheet Template:

1. Click File > New File

2. On the New File dialog, select the Sheet Template icon, and click OK.
The Sheet Template Page Setup dialog displays.

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Using Design Entry Tools

3. Select the page size, select the page orientation, enter margins, and click OK.
A blank sheet template file (.cysheet) opens.

Designing a Template:
You can use all the drawing tools to design the template to meet your specifications.

Use the Import Graphic tool to import a logo or other images.

Use the Text tool to type your Company Name, Address, and other important information.

Use the shape tools to create legends, frame your information, or for any other shapes you might need.

Using Template Properties:

The Properties dialog contains various fields for information about your template. Right-click on the canvas and
select Properties to open the dialog.

The address fields (Addr1, Addr2, Addr3) can be used to enter your company's address.

The name field can be used to enter your company's name.

The current user field can be used to enter your name or company ID.

The DisplayName is where you enter the name of this template. It is also the name displayed in the Sheet
Catalog when you create a new executable project.

Saving a Template:
You can save your template anywhere on your PC. The default location for PSoC Creator to locate your template is
<INSTALL_PATH>\templates\sheets. If you save your template in another location, specify that location using the
PSoC Creator Design Entry Options, under Sheet Templates

See also:

Working with Shapes

Working with Text

Design Entry Options


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Using Design Entry Tools

Format Shape
The Format Shape dialog allows you to change various properties for any shape (or set of shapes) on your canvas.

The types of properties available will vary depending on the selected shape(s). For example, text offers font, color,
size, etc., while a line offers width, pen type, end cap, etc.

Common Shape Properties:

Most of the common shape properties in this dialog are self-explanatory, and they are similar to the shape
formatting you will see in word-processing or drawing programs. For most of these properties, you select a value
from a pull-down menu.

Advanced Shape Properties:

For some shapes, such as instance terminals, there are some advanced properties, including:

Default Expression Defines the default value for the shape expressed as <size>b<value>, where
<size> = number of bits, and <value> = the binary value.

Shape Tags Defines one or more tags to be associated with one or more shapes for use with the shape
customization code; refer to the Component Author Guide.

Visibility Expression Defines an expression to evaluate whether or not the selected shape is visible. For
example in the UART component, this property is defined with the variable $FlowControl for the rts_n and
cts_n terminals. If $FlowControl is set to true in the instance, then these terminals display in the schematic;
if false, they are hidden.

See Also:

Component Author Guide

Working with Shapes

Working with Lines

Common Design Entry Toolbars

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Using Design Entry Tools

Common Design Entry Toolbars

There are two common toolbars used with graphical design-entry editors, such as the Schematic Editor and Symbol
Editor: Formatting and Shape Formatting.

Note Many of these commands are also available from the Schematic Editor Context Menus and Symbol Editor
Context Menus.

The following table lists and describes the design entry formatting commands.
Note These commands apply to text labels only. To adjust text properties for the code editor, see the Options




Font Style

Menu to select the font family and size.


Font Size

Menu to select the font size.


Make selected text bold.


Make selected text italic.


Underline selected text.

Align Left

Align selected text left.

Align Center Align selected text center.

Align Right

Align selected text right.

Font Color

Choose color for selected text.

Line Color

Choose line color (or none) for selected object(s).

Fill Color

Choose fill color (or none) for selected object(s).

Shape Formatting:
The following table lists and describes the design entry shape formatting commands:



Format Shape

Open Format Shape dialog to define various characteristics of the selected object(s).

Bring to Front

Brings selected objects to the top of the canvas.

Send to Back

Sends selected objects to the bottom of the canvas.

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Using Design Entry Tools




Rotate Left

Rotates selected objects to the left.

Rotate Right

Rotates selected objects to the right.

Flip Vertical

Flips the orientation of selected objects vertically.

Flip Horizontal

Flips the orientation of selected objects horizontally.

Convert to Closed

Groups selected lines and arcs into a closed shape.


Groups selected objects into a single shape.


Removes the grouping from a previously grouped set of objects.

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Symbol Editor

Working with Lines

Working with Shapes

Design Elements Palette

Design Elements Palette

The design elements palette is a vertical toolbar on the left side of the canvas of graphical design-entry editors,
such as the Schematic Editor and Symbol Editor. The palette contains various design elements you can place on
your canvas.

Common Elements:
The following table lists and describes the common design entry shape commands available on both the Schematic
Editor and Symbol Editor:


Shortcut **




Default; allows items to be selected. Also escapes other tools.



Used to draw squares and rectangles.

Draw Ellipse


Used to draw circles and ovals.

Draw Line


Used to draw lines.

Draw Arc


Used to draw curved lines.

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Using Design Entry Tools



Shortcut **


Draw Text


Used to draw text.

Insert Image


Used to insert an image onto the canvas. Allowed image formats are: BMP, GIF, EXIF,
png, PNG, and TIFF.

** Keyboard shortcuts for shape drawing tools are only active while the sheet canvas document is active.

Schematic Editor Elements:

The Schematic Editor palette contains the following elements:

Used to draw digital input, output, and inout, as well as analog and external
schematic terminals. See Working with Schematic Terminals and Keyboard Shortcuts.
Note Schematic terminals are hidden from the DEP when you are editing a top-level schematic. They only
appear when creating a schematic implementation for a component.
Used to draw wires on the schematic; the shortcut is [W]. See Working with Wires.


Sheet Connector
Used to draw connectors between commonly named wires on multiple sheets; the
shortcut is [S]. See Using Multiple Pages and Connectors.

Symbol Editor Elements:

Used to draw digital input, output, and inout, as well as analog and external
component terminals. See Working with Component Terminals and Keyboard Shortcuts.

Normal vs. Sticky Mode:

All commands on the palette except Select have two modes: normal and sticky. Normal mode allows you to place
the element on the canvas once, while sticky mode allows you to repeat placing an element indefinitely.

To activate normal mode, single-click an element; to activate sticky mode, double-click an element.

To escape sticky mode, press [Esc] or click Select

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Symbol Editor

Keyboard Shortcuts

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Working with Text

The Text tool allows you to write text on your symbol and schematic documents. For basic shapes, such as
rectangles, circles, and lines, etc., you can add text to label them. This section covers the basics for creating a text,
and it provides more advanced techniques for using text substitutions.
Note Wires and terminals may also have text that is referred to as labels. These wire and wire labels are controlled
using specific dialogs. See Signal Name, Wire Labels and Names and Terminal Name for more information.

To Create Text:
1. From the Design Elements Palette, select the Text Tool.
2. Click on your schematic or symbol canvas.
A text box appears:

3. Type the text and click on the canvas.

Your text displays as you typed it, surrounded by a dashed box.

To Edit Text:
1. Double-click the text label to edit.
The text becomes selected in the same manner as creating new text.

2. Edit the text as appropriate and click on the canvas.

Your text displays as you edited it, surrounded by a dashed box.

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Symbol Editor

Design Elements Palette

Wire Labels and Names

Working with Schematic Terminals

Working with Component Terminals

Using Text Substitution

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Using Text Substitution

When creating and editing text boxes in symbols and schematics (see Working with Text), you can use substitutions
to replace the string you type with different types of information. You can enter various expressions (for example,
`=1+1`) that will expand to the appropriate value.

To Use Text Substitution:

1. Create a text box.
2. Type in the box, using the following format:

The format must use a backward apostrophe [`], equals sign [=], the expression, and closed with another
backward apostrophe [`]. If the expression is or contains a parameter, use the dollar symbol [$] in front of the
parameter name.

Available Substitution in Documents:

You can have as many substitution points in your text as you would like. You have access to parameters, document
properties, and instance names. You also have access to enums, as well as the full expression language. For more
information about expressions, refer to the Component Author Guide.
The following are the available parameters visible/available in the various documents:

Text access to parameters and functions really only makes sense in symbols. There may be a corner case
that would make sense in schematics. Access to parameters and functions is not allowed in macros.

Text in symbols can see all parameters defined in the symbol. It doesn't matter if they're built-in (such as
$INSTANCE_NAME) or user-defined.

Text in schematics can see all parameters defined in the schematic's symbol. For example, the schematic
that implements a UART_v1_20 component can use `=$PARAM` to expand UART parameters.

Text substitution has no semantic influence on the design. It is only available so it can be read by users.

Text in a Schematic Editor only has access to the default value of the parameters.

Text in schematics that do not have symbols cannot see any parameters. You can only use simple
expressions, such as `=1+1`.

Text in Schematic Macros do not have access to any parameters.

Text expressions have access to component-specific functions created via the ICyExprEval_v1 or
ICyExprEval_v2 customizer APIs (see Customizer API Reference Guide). The exact same rules apply here
as with parameters:

in symbols can call functions defined by that component being defined

in schematics can call functions defined by the component being implemented

in schematic macros cannot be called at all

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Using Design Entry Tools

Substitution Examples:
The following sections provide different examples for variables you can use.

Symbol Parameters
On symbols, you can refer to any parameter you define (but you'll get the default value). When your symbol is
instantiated in a schematic, you'll see the parameters set by the user on that instance. All parameters must use the
$ sign. For example, parameter p1, type = int, default value = 42, enter the following:

The text displayed for this label will be 42.

Document Properties
On symbols and schematics you can refer to a document property. For example:

The text displayed for this label will be the current user's name or ID. See the Properties dialog for more information
about the different properties available.

Instance Name
On symbols you can refer to the instance name. You'll always get "Inst_N" in the symbol document, but when
dropped in a schematic it will have that instance's proper name.

Note There is a setting in the Design Entry Options dialog to show or hide unevaluated expressions

On symbols and schematics you can refer to any enumeration. For example, if you define the following enum type:
enum Foo
Foo_VAL_1 = 1,
Foo_VAL_2 = 2

You would enter the variable for this label as:


The text displayed for this label will be Foo_VAL_1.

Notice that the enumeration was converted to a string, and the default string conversion uses the textual name of
the enum. If you want to display the numeric value you can do one of two things:
`=Foo_VAL_1 + 0`

- or `=cast(int, Foo_VAL_1)`

The first method takes advantage of the fact that the + operator forces the left and right to be a number and that 0
is the additive identity. The second method uses the explicit casting operation and forces the enumeration to
convert to an int.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Complicated Expressions
You can also do complicated expressions. For example:
`="p1=" . $p1 . " Current User=" . $Doc.CurrentUser . " Foo_VAL_1=" . cast(int,

The text displayed for this label will be: p1=42 Current User=xxx Foo_VAL_1=1
This example used casting and string concatenation. You can also embed as many substitution strings in your edit
text as you want. For example:
Life is short, so eat `=$1` donuts and `=Foo_VAL_1 + 0` fig newtons.

The text displayed for this label will be: Life is short, so eat 42 donuts and 1 fig newtons.

See Also:

Schematic Editor

Symbol Editor

Working with Text

Component Author Guide

Customizer API Reference Guide

Properties dialog

Design Entry Options

Working with Lines

The Schematic Editor and Symbol Editor both provide a line tool to draw lines. This section describes various ways
to draw and work with lines, including:

Drawing a single line

Drawing multiple lines

Moving a line

Resizing a line

See also Working with Shapes.

To Draw a Single Line:

1. Click the Draw Line tool.
2. Move the cursor to the position to start the line.
3. Click and hold the mouse button, and drag the cursor to the end point of the line.

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Using Design Entry Tools

4. Release the mouse button.

To Draw Multiple Lines:

1. Double-click the Draw Line tool

to enter sticky mode.

2. Move the cursor to the position to start the line.

3. Click and hold the mouse button, and drag the cursor to the end point of the first line.
4. Release the mouse button.
5. Move the cursor to the start of the second line.
6. Click and hold the mouse button, and drag the cursor to the end point of the second line.
7. Continue clicking dragging and until you are done drawing lines.
8. Press [Esc] or click Select

to exit sticky mode.

To Move a Line:
1. Click the Select tool.
2. Click and hold the mouse button on the line to move, and drag it to the desired position.
When you hover your mouse over the line, your cursor changes to a finger.

To Resize a Line:
1. Click the Select tool.
2. Click the mouse button on the line to resize.
Notice that its handles display.

To change either the width or the height, drag a side handle.

To change both the width and the height, drag a corner handle.

See Also:

Using Design Entry Tools

Design Elements Palette

Working with Shapes

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Working with Shapes

When using the Symbol Editor or the Schematic Editor, you can draw many different kinds of shapes. There are
many similarities between shapes and lines; however, lines have a few differences. This section covers the basics
of working with shapes, including:

Drawing a shape

Moving a shape

Resizing a shape

See also Working with Lines.

To Draw a Shape:
1. Click the tool for the shape to draw. See Common Design Entry Toolbar.
2. Move the cursor to the position to start the shape.
3. Click and hold the mouse button, and drag the cursor to the end point of the shape.
4. Release the mouse button.

To Move a Shape:
1. Click the Select tool.
2. Click and hold the mouse button on the shape to move, and drag it to the desired position.
When you hover your mouse over the line, your cursor changes to a finger.

To Resize a Shape:
1. Click the Select tool.
2. Click the mouse button on the shape to resize.
Notice that its handles display.

To change either the width or the height, drag a side handle.

To change both the width and the height, drag a corner handle.

See Also:

Using Design Entry Tools

Design Elements Palette

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using Design Entry Tools

Working with Lines

There are different windows, such as the Schematic Editor and Symbol Editor, that allow you to zoom in and out.
For these types of windows there are several useful zoom features you may wish to use:


[Ctrl] Key


Use the Toolbar:

To pick a specific zoom percentage, click the Zoom pull down menu and select the zoom level you want.
You can also manually type any percentage; the available zoom range is 2% to 2038%.

To zoom incrementally, click Zoom In or Zoom out, as appropriate.

Use the [Ctrl] Key:

Press and hold the [Ctrl] key and drag a box around the area you wish to magnify. This action draws a red
rectangle as you drag the mouse.

Immediately upon releasing the mouse, the canvas will zoom to the selected area.

Press and hold the [Ctrl] key and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out incrementally.

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Using Design Entry Tools

Press and hold the [Ctrl] key and press the [+] key to zoom in and the [] key to zoom out.

Use the Right-Click Menu

Right-click on a canvas and select the appropriate Zoom options.

See Also:

Standard Toolbar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Various windows provide scroll bars to view more information. There are a few ways to scroll:

Drag the vertical or horizontal scroll bar, as needed.

Use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll up and down.

Press and hold the [Shift] key with the mouse scroll wheel to scroll left and right.

Use the left and right arrows to scroll vertically; up and down arrows scroll horizontally.

Design Entry Reserved Words

The following words are reserved by PSoC Creator Design Entry tools. They cannot be used for names of design
elements, such as wires, terminals, instances, parameters, etc.







































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Using Design Entry Tools

























































































































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Using Design Entry Tools


































































































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Using Design Entry Tools



















PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

When you build a project, PSoC Creator goes through series of processes to produce an output file. For a design
project, the output is a hex file used to program a device. For a library project, the output is a library file used to
specify component information. The following image shows the processes at a high level for a design project. A
library project would not necessarily include all of these processes.

When you create a project, PSoC Creator sets the tool chain with which to build the output. The tool chain is a
collection of tools (code generator, compiler, assembler, linker, etc.) that transforms a project's contents into the
appropriate output for the project's type.

Build Configurations:
PSoC Creator provides Debug and Release configurations for these tool chains. Changing between build
configurations can help when developing and testing a design. For example, while first developing code it is easiest
to use a 'Debug' configuration that typically has fewer optimizations and produces more debug information. This
can help in tracking down exactly what is causing an issue. As the code becomes stable and is getting ready for
release, using a 'Release' configuration becomes preferable as additional optimizations are often desired. These
optimizations help cut down the size of the program and allow it to run faster.
Having multiple configurations available allows for quickly switching between 'Debug' and 'Release' modes if issues
are discovered that need investigation. The Build Configuration on the main toolbar allows for changing between
different configurations. If this option is not visible, right click on the toolbar area and select Build Configuration.
Additionally, the build options for any configuration can be adjusted using the Build Settings dialog.

Section Topics:
This section covers various aspects of the PSoC Creator build system. It includes the following topics:

Build Toolbar Commands

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Build Menu

Build Settings

Mapper, Placer, Router

Control File


Generated Files

Source Code Control

Static Timing Analysis

CyPrjMgr Command Line Tool

Keil C51 Compiler

Reentrant Code in PSoC 3

Build Toolbar Commands

The Build toolbar contains many of the common commands you will use while building your designs:

The pull-down menu allows access to different build and clean options, shown in the following table.
The Build toolbar contains the following commands:
Menu Item
Build (Named) Project

Icon Shortcut


See Also

Build the selected project.

Building a PSoC Creator


Clean and build the selected project.

Clean and Build (Named)


Note During the clean process, PSoC

Creator cleans the build output of only those
files that are still part of the project. Any
output files generated using source files that
are no longer part of the project (deleted or
simply removed from project), will be left
Clean (Named) Project
Build All Projects
Clean and Build All Projects

Clean the selected project.


Build all projects in the workspace.

Clean and build all projects in the workspace.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Menu Item

Icon Shortcut

Clean All Projects


See Also

Clean all projects in the workspace.

Cancel Build

[Ctrl]+[Break] Cancel the build process.

Compile File


Generate Application

Compile the selected file.

Generate API source code files.



Program the selected device with the code

generated from the selected project.



Start the debugger.

Generated Files

Using the Debugger

See Also:

Build Menu Commands

Build Menu
The Build menu contains the following commands:
Menu Item
Build All Projects

Icon Shortcut

Clean All Projects


See Also

Build all projects in the workspace.

Building a PSoC
Creator Project

Clean all projects in the workspace.

Note During the clean process, PSoC Creator
cleans the build output of only those files that
are still part of the project. Any output files
generated using source files that are no longer
part of the project (deleted or simply removed
from project), will be left untouched.

Clean and Build All Projects

Build (Named) Project

Clean and build all projects in the workspace.

[Shift] + [F6]

Build the selected project.

Clean (Named) Project

Clean the selected project.

Clean and Build (Named)


Rebuild the selected project.

Cancel Build

[Ctrl] + [Break]

Cancel the build process.

Compile File

[Ctrl] + [F6]

Compile the selected file.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Menu Item

Icon Shortcut


See Also

Generate Application

Generate API source code files.

Generated Files

Generate Project Datasheet

Generate a project datasheet.

Generating a Project

See Also:

Build Toolbar Commands

Build Settings
The Build Settings dialog lets you define various build settings on a per-project basis. You can also select a different
toolchain for the selected project, and in turn set different settings for the compiler, assembler, and linker.

Build Settings Categories:

This dialog may contain several different categories of settings, depending on the specified PSoC device and
project type. These categories include:

Code Generation (this topic)




PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project




Library Generation

To Open the Dialog:

Right-click on your project and select Build Settings.

Settings Options:
The top of the dialog contains the following pull-down menus:

Configuration Use this menu to set build setting preferences for the different types of builds: Debug or
Release. Debug mode adds logging information for debugging purposes; Release mode does not.
Note This option does not change the build type for your project. It is only used to set preferences. The
currently active build type is shown in parentheses. To change the active build type, close the Build
Settings dialog, and use the Configuration pull-down menu located on the main toolbar.

Toolchain Use this menu to select the toolchain for the selected project. To specify a default toolchain for
all new projects, see Selecting a Default Compiler.

Processor Type This field displays the processor type for design projects. For library projects, use this
menu to select the processor type.

Code Generation Category:

The Code Generation category displays by default. This section allows you to specify various code generation
Code Generation:

Custom Code Gen Options Custom arguments to control the API code generator. At this time, there are
no arguments exposed to users. This field is internal to Cypress only.

Skip Code Generation true or false.

Note Skipping code generation effectively locks the design such that future changes to the schematic,
design-wide resources, and so on are not incorporated into the build output.


Custom Fitter Options Specify custom arguments to control how the design fits into the PSoC device.
Some of the options include the following:

The -q ("quiet") option suppresses the printing of status messages during compilation. This
leads to a less cluttered screen when compilation and synthesis are finished.


The -xor2 option passes along any XOR operators found in the design to the fitter to
implement as it sees fit.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project


The -f option enables certain global fitter options. -f must be followed (without an intervening
space) by one of the arguments O, D or T. The options define the type of flip-flop that should be
used by UDB logic (d-type or t-type). O stands for optimal, and will allow warp to pick optimal
flip-flop type for your device.


The -fK option forces the fitter to preserve the user-specified polarity for all outputs. This is
the opposite of the -fP option, which optimizes for the optimal polarity. The -fK option is not
recommended for most designs, but is useful in certain cases when the user is able to
determine the proper polarity for all the signals.


The -m option enables a smart compile of the project Verilog files. Generally, without this
option, Warp compiles all the files. When this option is specified, Warp compiles only those files
that have been modified since the last compile.


The -w option specifies the maximum number of warnings that can appear as a result of a
single Warp run before Warp quits.


The -e option specifies the maximum number of non-fatal errors that can occur on a single
Warp run before Warp exits.

-yg(a|s|c) :

The -yg option causes Warp to synthesize the design so that UDB components are optimized
for area (a), speed (s) or as combinatorial equations (c).


The -yv option controls the amount of information that is reported in the report file. The -yv
option should be followed by a digit. The default is 0. Numbers higher than zero produce more
verbose report files useful for debugging. By default (with a value of 0), the report file only
indicates major events during synthesis.


The -v option has a numeric argument that controls the aggressiveness of the virtual
substitution algorithm. The range of numbers allowed is 0 to 11, where a value of 0 does not
perform any virtual substitution and a value of 11 performs virtual substitution even against the
better judgement of the algorithm to isolate large combinatorial and compact them in a UDB.


Custom Synthesis Options Specify custom arguments to control HDL synthesis. See also Directives
-fl -- no_factor
-o -- opt_level

Quiet Output Control the level of output from the synthesis tool: true or false.

Synthesis Goal Select the efficiency of the synthesizer: speed or area.

Synthesis Optimization Effort Select how much effort the synthesizer should put into optimizing the
design: none, normal, or exhaustive.

Virtual Node Substitution Level Used for optimizing designs for size and speed: 0-11.

See Also:


Project Types

Directives Editor

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Debug Build Settings

The Debug section of the Build Settings dialog allows for selecting project settings that influence the debugging

Debug Target:
This controls what portion of the design is to be debugged. It contains the following options:

Application Code and Data This is the default value; valid for all project types.

In normal projects and bootloader projects, this refers to the application flash.

In a Multi-App-Bootloader project, this refers to the first application in bootloadable flash.

In a Bootloadable project, this refers to the bootloadable flash

Application Code and Data 2 Use this option for a Multi-App Bootloader project for debugging the second
application of the bootloadable project.

Bootloader Use this option only for debugging the Bootloader part of a Bootloadable project.

Note Because the Bootloader performs a software reset to start the Bootloadable application, there is no way to

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

debug a Bootloadable application from the standard Execute Code menu option. Instead, it is recommended that
you debug your application before making it a Bootloadable project. If you have already made it a Bootloadable
project, you can still use the debugging functionality by programming the design onto the board. Then, reset/power
cycle the device and use the Attach to Target option to debug the Bootloadable application.

Debugging Bootloader/Bootloadable Projects

When App 1 is running, you can debug App 1 by using the Attach to Target option. However, the debugger will
disconnect if any software reset happens.
When App 2 is running, you can still use the Attach to Target option. However, you will not be able to use Step
Into or Step Out commands from the Bootlodable project, because the debugger by default assumes that the code
placement is in the App 1 region. You can only use Halt and Run commands when App 2 is running.
It is possible to debug App 2 of a Bootloadable project using the following steps:
1. Right-click on the Bootloadable project and select Build Settings to open the Build Settings dialog.
2. In the "Debug" settings, change the value of Debug Target to "Application Code and Data 2" and close the
3. When "Application Code and Data 2" is set as the Debug Target, then commands such as Step Into or Step
Out will work in App2.

See Also:

Build Settings

System Reference Guide

Attach to Target

Debugger Toolbar Commands

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Customizer Build Settings

The Customizer section of the Build Settings dialog is used to control various options that determine how the
source based customizers for the selected project are built.


Assembly References Specify any additional .NET assemblies which need to be included while building
the customizer code for the selected project.

Command Line Options Specify any additional command line options to be given to the compiler while
building the customizers for the selected project. The default command line option only defines the
"TRACE" constant, which is useful while debugging.

Customizer Build Mode Specify whether the customizers for this project should be built in "Debug" or
"Release" mode. In the "Debug" mode, the customizer will be built with debugging information. This mode
should be chosen while debugging customizers.

See Also:

Build Settings

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Toolchain Build Settings

The Toolchain section of the Build Settings dialog provides additional toolchain-specific properties to define
compiler, assembler, and linker options. These settings apply only to the selected Configuration, Toolchain, and
Processor Type, and the settings can be set differently for each option.

General Category:
The top level of this category contains only one option under General: Output Directory. This option allows you to
specify the relative path to the output file directory. The default is:

This defines the project directory, processor type, platform, and configuration.

See Also:

Build Settings

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Assembler Build Settings

The Assembler section of the Build Settings dialog is used to control various options depending on the CPU and

ARM Options:


Additional Include Directories Specify additional directories to the compiler's include path. If you wish
to specify more than one, separate them with semi-colons.

Create Listing File Create file containing high-level source and assembly: true or false.

Difference Tables Enable to issue warning when assembler alters the code emitted for directives: true or

Generate Debugging Information Produce debugging information to work with GDB: true or false.

Join Data and Text Sections Enable this option to generate shorter address displacements: true or

Suppress Warnings Enable this option to suppress all warnings: true or false.

Command Line

Custom Flags Allows you to enter any flags that are understood by the compiler. Refer to the appropriate
compiler documentation. These flags are added to the flags generated by PSoC Creator based on the
selections made in other sections.

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Building a PSoC Creator Project

Keil Options:


Additional Include Directories Specify additional directories to the compiler's include path. If you wish
to specify more than one, separate them with semi-colons.

Generate Debugging Information Produce debugging information to work with GDB: true or false.

Macro Expansion Enable macro expansion: true or false.

Preprocessor Definitions Opens the Preprocessor Definitions dialog to add define directives to your
source code.

Listing File

Conditional Include conditional assembler source code: true or false.

Create Listing File create file containing high-level source and assembly: true or false.

Macros Include all macro expansions in the listing file: true or false.

Command Line

Custom Flags Allows you to enter any flags that are understood by the compiler. Refer to the appropriate
compiler documentation. These flags are added to the flags generated by PSoC Creator based on the
selections made in other sections.

See Also:

Build Settings

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Compiler Build Settings

The Compiler section of the Build Settings dialog is used to control various options that will vary depending on the
CPU and compiler.

ARM Options:

Code Generation

Struct Return Method Specify the method used for returning short structs/methods: system default,
register, or memory.

Verbose Asm Enable extra commentary information in the generated assembly code to make it more
readable: true or false.


Additional Include Directories Specify additional directories to the compiler's include path. If you wish
to specify more than one, separate them with semi-colons.

Create Listing File Create file containing high-level source and assembly: true or false.

Default Char Unsigned Set the default char type to be unsigned: true or false.

Generate Debugging Information Produce debugging information to work with GDB: true or false.

Preprocessor Definitions Opens the Preprocessor Definitions dialog to add define directives that can
impact how your C source code is compiled.

Strict Compilation Enable strict ISO C/C++ compilation: true or false.

Warning Level Determine the warning level to use: 0, 1, 2.

Warnings as errors Report all warnings as errors: true or false.

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Building a PSoC Creator Project


Create Function Sections true or false.

Inline Functions Enable function inlining during compilation: true or false.

Optimization Level Options for code optimization. These values correspond with the toolchain command
line code (in parentheses): None (-O0), Debug (-Og), Minimal (-O1), High (-O2), Speed (-O3), Size (-Os).
Refer to the toolchain manual for details.

Command Line

Custom Flags Allows you to enter any flags that are understood by the compiler. Refer to the appropriate
compiler documentation. These flags are added to the flags generated by PSoC Creator based on the
selections made in other sections.

Keil Options:

Code Generation

Inline Assembly Enable inline assembly: true or false.

Integer Promotion Enable integer promotion: true or false.


Additional Include Directories Specify additional directories to the compiler's include path. If you wish
to specify more than one, separate them with semi-colons.

Browse Information Include browser information in the generated object module: true or false.

Float Fuzzy Specify the number of bits rounded before comparing floating-point numbers: 0-7.

Generate Debugging Information Include debugging information in the object file: true or false.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Preprocessor Definitions Opens the Preprocessor Definitions dialog to add define directives that can
impact how your C source code is compiled.

Warning Level Determine the warning level to use: 0, 1, 2.

Listing Files

Assembly Code Listing Append an assembly mnemonics list to the listing file: true or false

Create Listing File create file containing high-level source and assembly: true or false.

List Include Files Print a list of the #include files in the listing file: true or false.


Linker Code Packing Include information in the object file for linker-level program optimizations: true or

Optimization Emphasis Indicate the emphasis of the optimization done by the compiler: none, size, or

Optimization Level Options for code optimization: 0-11.

Command Line

Custom Flags Allows you to enter any flags that are understood by the compiler. Refer to the appropriate
compiler documentation. These flags are added to the flags generated by PSoC Creator based on the
selections made in other sections.

See Also:

Build Settings

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Linker Build Settings

The Linker section of the Build Settings dialog is used to control various options depending on the CPU and

ARM Options:

Additional Libraries Specify additional libraries to link to the executable. Use semi-colons to separate
more than one.

Additional Library Directories Specify additional libraries to add to the linker's library path. Use semicolons to separate more than one.

Additional Link Files Specify additional files to link to the executable. Use semi-colons to separate more
than one.

Create Map File Generate an updated listing file derived from the relocated addresses and data from the
linker: true or false.

Custom Linker Script Specify the path to a custom linker script to use when building the project instead
of the default script provided with the cy_boot component.

Remove Unused Functions true or false

Use Debugging Information Enable to use the debugging information generated by gcc during
compilation of the source code: true or false.

Use Default Libraries true or false

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Command Line

Custom Flags Allows you to enter any flags that are understood by the compiler. Refer to the appropriate
compiler documentation. These flags are added to the flags generated by PSoC Creator based on the
selections made in other sections.

printf, sprintf, and floating point values

The newlib nano C library used with the ARM GCC toolchain does not include support for floating point like %f in
format strings by default. This saves valuable flash memory. If you need to use floating point values you can tell
newlib nano to include floating point support in format strings by adding a custom command line argument to the
linker. Enter the following in the Linker > Command Line field:
-u _printf_float

Keil Options:

Additional Link Files Specify additional files to link to the executable. Use semi-colons to separate more
than one.

Create Code Listing Create code listing file that contains program source/assembly: true or false.

Disable Unreferenced Segments Warnings Disable linker warnings about unreferenced code
segments: true or false.

Recursions Control the number of recursions allowed in the linker before an abort: integer.

Remove Unused Segments true or false

Warning Level Determine the warning level to use: 0-2.

Listing File

Create Map File Generate an updated listing file derived from the relocated addresses and data from the
linker: true or false.

Cross Reference Report Include a cross reference report in the listing file: true or false.

Generate Memory Map Generate the memory map and overlay map in the listing file: true or false.


Generate Debug Lines Include line number information in the linker output and map files: true or false. If
false, source-level debugging will not be possible.

Generate Local Symbols Include local symbol information in the linker output and map files: true or
false. If false, source-level debugging will not be possible.

Generate Public Symbols Include public symbol information in the linker output and map files: true or
false. If false, source-level debugging will not be possible.

Symbol Types Include symbol type information in the output file: true or false.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Command Line

Custom Flags Allows you to enter any flags that are understood by the compiler. Refer to the appropriate
compiler documentation. These flags are added to the flags generated by PSoC Creator based on the
selections made in other sections.

See Also:

Build Settings

Library Generation Build Settings

The Library Generation section of the Build Settings dialog applies to Library projects only.

At this time there is only one property:

Custom Flags Allows you to enter any flags that are understood by the compiler. Refer to the appropriate
compiler documentation. These flags are added to the flags generated by PSoC Creator based on the
selections made in other sections.

See Also:

Build Settings

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Mapper, Placer, Router

When you use the Build function, PSoC Creator converts the schematic and Verilog specifications of your design
into configuration information. That information can be used to program the digital and analog components of the
device. The first phase of the conversion process is called the mapper. Once mapping completes, the placer and
router phases begin.
The mapper phase is where PSoC Creator maps the logic described in your design into components that represent
functional blocks of the PSoC device. The placer phase positions the functional blocks into available locations of
the selected device. The placer will attempt to optimize the locations for the different components based on the
connectivity in the design, as well as following any restrictions on locations you may have specified. After locations
for all the components have been determined, the router phase computes the optimal signal path between the
components through the switching fabric of the device. If there are not enough resources to support the
components necessary for the design, or if PSoC Creator determines that routing is not possible, it will generate an
error and the build will fail.
Note Due to the relationships between the domains of the part, PSoC Creator will attempt to place and route all the
analog components first. Once that is complete, it will attempt to place and route the digital portion of the design.
Once the design has been mapped, placed and routed, the settings to create that configuration are generated and
written out to the Generated Files folder to be used when building the entire application for the project. You can
influence the results of the place and route phase by specifying where components should be located in the design.
For more information, see Pin Editor and Directives Editor sections under Design-Wide Resources, as well as the
Directives topic.

Migrating from Older PSoC Creator Versions

When migrating from older versions of PSoC Creator, it is possible for a design that was previously building
successfully to fail with errors during Mapping, Placing, or, Routing. There are two reasons this can occur:

a new rule has been added to the PSoC Creator backend that was previously missing

changes to the backend have resulted in the project "moving" into a corner of the solution that cannot be

If a new rule has been added to PSoC Creator, the design was invalid, but PSoC Creator was not flagging the
design. If the error message is not about a rule violation, but about PSoC Creator being unable to map, place, or,
route the design, this can be worked around.
To work around the issue, open the design in the previously successful version of PSoC Creator and follow the
instructions for adding a Control File. Then use the control file to force the design to have the same placement as
the design previously had. Then save and close the design. When you open the design in the new version of PSoC
Creator, the design will keep the control file and work as in the previous version.

See Also:

Design-Wide Resources

Pin Editor

Directives Editor


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Generated Files

Control File

Control File
A control file is an optional file that provides a common location for setting global directives for a given design. This
provides detailed control over many aspects of synthesis while maintaining a device and vendor independent
hardware description language (HDL) source file. The control file allows the user to attach directives via the
attribute mechanism, and the file supports the Warp specific HDL syntax for these (extended) attributes to allow the
cutting and pasting of these directives between the HDL source and the control file. The file can also be used for
back-annotating pinout and internal placement information from fitting and place and route results automatically.
During the process of synthesis, optimization, and factoring, Warp derives many new signal and node names to
realize the design. For example, Warp separates buses into individual signals. Even though objects such as buses
make HDL design entry much simpler, no VHDL-based way exists to assign attributes to portions of a bus. In other
cases, Warp produces brand new signal names which may not have any direct correlation to any single
VHDL/Verilog object within a design. This situation occurs during factorization where factors are produced by
examining the design globally.
Only one control file is allowed per design, and the file must have the same base name as the top-level design file
name. For example, for a top-level design whose name is mydesign.vhd or mydesign.v, the control file must be
called mydesign.ctl.
The creation and editing of the control file is an iterative process, typically done to refine, improve, or constrain the
results of synthesis.
The control file is applied during parsing/analysis, during synthesis, and during fitting. Names created during
parsing/analysis are not qualified. Therefore, if the control file pattern matches the name, the attribute is applied.
This occurs at any level of the design hierarchy.
For example, consider a top level signal called c. An attribute applied to c will be applied to the top level signal, but
it will also be applied to any internal signal named c, including those in the Warp library. So if the control file says:
attribute placement_force of c : signal is "U(1,2)A";

it will attempt to force all signals named c into that programmable logic block.
Likely, there will be too many signals, and the placer will complain. The work around is to rename the top level
signal something unique, like top_level_c, or to use an attribute in the source file, not the control file.

To Create a Control File:

1. Click the Components tab of the Workspace Explorer.
2. Right-click on the TopDesign component of the active project and select Add Component Item...
The Add Component Item dialog opens.
3. Scroll down to the Misc group, select Control File, and click OK.
A TopDesign.ctl file is created and added to the Workspace Explorer.
4. Double-click it to open the file.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

See Also:


Attribute, CSAttribute, and FixedAttribute

Control File Format

Control File Pattern Matching

Attribute, CSAttribute, and FixedAttribute

Use Attribute for most applications of attributes.
The attribute keyword treats all patterns that do not begin with a backslash in a case-insensitive manner. Any
pattern that begins with a backslash is treated in a case-sensitive manner (similar to CSAttribute). The attribute
keyword is also allowed within the text of VHDL designs and will adhere to the syntax and semantics as defined in
the VHDL language. However, the meaning of attribute is still the same with the exception of applying wildcard

For the rare situation when there are multiple objects which have the same identifier differing only in case (eg,
Fred_Astaire and fred_astaire), CSAttribute (case sensitive attribute) can be used to select the object with the same
name as the pattern provided.
The CSAttribute keyword treats all patterns in a case-sensitive manner.

FixedAttribute is intended for use by tools. The pattern on the FixedAttribute line is actually a case sensitive name
in which any meta characters are treated as actual characters in the identifier.
The FixedAttribute keyword accepts an identifier, not a pattern, and does a case-sensitive match.

Validity Checking:
For both the CSAttribute and Attribute directives in the control file, the validity of the attribute name and the legality
of the value must be checked for both Verilog and VHDL based designs. For string valued attributes, the actual
check is done by the destined client of the attribute (for example the placement_force value will only be checked by
the appropriate fitter). The following example shows how Attribute, CSAttribute and FixedAttribute match with
Verilog and VHDL source code.


VDHL Source

Verilog Source

attribute ff_type of mysig : signal is





PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project



VDHL Source

Verilog Source

csattribute ff_type of mysig : signal is





fixedattribute ff_type of mysig : signal

is ff_d




See Also:

Control File

Control File Format

The format of the control file is as follows:

A comment begins with "--" and terminates at the end of the line.

The lines in the control file contain attribute, csattribute, or fixedattribute statements.

The line must start with one of the keywords: attribute, csattribute, or fixedattribute.

The syntax for the attribute, csattribute and fixedattribute statements in the control file are as follows:
attribute attribute_name [of] pattern [:] [object-class] [is] value ;
csattribute attribute_name [of] pattern [:] [object-class] [is] value ;
fixedattribute attribute_name [of] identifier [:] [object-class] [is] value ;

All the words in the above lines except for the pattern and identifier are treated in a case-insensitive manner. The
pattern is interpreted as described in Control File Pattern Matching. The default object-class is a SIGNAL. However
object-class can be:






For VHDL designs, attribute statements can be present in both the control file and in the source. A control file
attribute will take precedence over the source file attribute. If there is a specific attribute in the source and a
matching attribute line in the control file, the attribute in the control file will take precedence.
A specifically applied attribute takes precedence over a hierarchically applied attribute.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Attribute_name is the directive name.

The name of the object upon which the directive is being placed can be specified as an identifier (simple,
extended/escaped) or as a pattern. Individual bits of an array are represented by enclosing the integer in
In the control file, Warp accommodates both VHDL extended identifiers and limited Verilog escaped identifiers. An
extended or escaped identifier always starts with a backslash. It is terminated with the first unescaped backslash if
it exists, or the first encountered white space if there is no trailing backslash terminator. A backslash within a VHDL
extended identifier is escaped by preceding it with another backslash.
In the case of Verilog escaped identifiers, no embedded backslashes are allowed in the control files. For example,
even though '\foo\bar ' is a valid escaped identifier in Verilog, it is not valid in the control file. The limited version of
the escaped identifiers are added as a convenience to the user and the recommendation is to always use VHDL
style extended identifiers.
Note Names with [ ] need to be replaced with wildcards instead of the [ ]. For example:
attribute placement_force of \Sync:genblk1[0]:INST\ : label is "U(0,0)2"

attribute placement_force of \Sync:genblk1?0?:INST\ : label is "U(0,0)2"

Optional Keywords:
The keywords "of" and "is" are optional and are simply ignored.

Object-class refers to the type of HDL object. If the object-class is not specified, a signal is assumed. For VHDL,
valid classes include entity, architecture, component, and label. The label class can be used to specify a directive
intended for a component instantiation. For Verilog, valid classes include module, label, and signal.

Directive Terminator:
A directive is terminated either with a new line, a semi-colon, or a comment.

Value is the value of the directive.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Control File Pattern Matching

The object name portion of an attribute specification in a control file can be more than just a name -- it is actually a
pattern; the attribute will be applied to any object (of the right type) whose name is matched by the pattern. The
pattern is composed of normal characters, which must match exactly in a case sensitive or insensitive manner
depending on the attribute type. These are the additional wildcard constructs, shown in the following table:
Characters/Constructs Definition

represents a match with zero or more characters

represents a match with exactly one character


represents a single character in the given ASCII character range that has to be matched.


represents a single character in the given ASCII character range that has to be matched.


represents a list of characters to match.

While constructing the pattern, the characters are treated as case sensitive. The matching still depends on the
attribute directive type (Attribute, CSAttribute). The pattern matching characters and wildcard constructs are treated
as character literals when enclosed in [ ]. The pattern matching is always a complete match.

PSoC UDBs in PSoC Creator

PSoC Creator refers to the universal digital blocks (UDBs) by their location in the UDB grid (Row, Column format
[UDB=(0,2)] ) in the report file (see Generated Files) and in the Directives Editor. This is different than how the
device Technical Reference Manuals (TRMs) reference UDBs (Bank Number, Udb in Bank, for example, Bank 0,
Udb 11).
In the PSoC Creator report files, the UDB elements are referred to with a naming convention different than given in
the TRM. The notation used is U (row, column) where the row and column are based on a grid with 0,0 in the upper
left corner of the UDB array. The mapping from the grid-based to TRM-based naming convention is shown below:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Directives may be used to influence the implementation of a design. They are used in an iterative fashion to refine,
improve, or constrain the results of synthesis. Directives may be applied to components that have been either
instantiated in a schematic or inferred by the synthesizer from Verilog HDL code.

Directive Format Summary:

The following table summarizes the directives used in PSoC Creator.



Location values


Arbitrary logic

attribute placement_force of signal_name : signal is




Fixed function

attribute placement_force of component_name : label

is "string";



UDB component

attribute placement_force of component_name : label

is "string";



IO Port

attribute port_location of bit_name : label is "string";



Arbitrary logic

attribute placement_group of signal-name : signal is

"string" ;



IO Port

attribute synchronization_needed of signal_name :

signal is "string";



Arbitrary logic

attribute no_factor of signal_name : signal is value;


Arbitrary logic

attribute opt_level of signal_name : signal is integer;


Arbitrary logic

attribute synthesis_off of signal_name : signal is value; false or true

Placement Directives

Synthesis Directives

2 or 1 or 0

The placement_force directive aids in locking down signals and associated components to particular locations in
the fitter. Typically the fitter positions components in an optimal location on the device; however, you might want to
constrain the fitter to position components in specific locations.
attribute placement_force of signal_name : signal is "string";
attribute placement_force of component_name : label is "string";

The string is a location descriptor of either a programmable logic block, macrocell, UDB element, or fixed function
block. Each has its own format and meaning specific to the object being addressed.

For an element of a UDB (Datapath, status register, etc.), it can be constrained to a specific UDB. The
format to specify this is U(x,y) where x,y is the UDB row and column. For the attribute to be recognized,
the attribute must be assigned to the component using the version of the attribute with the label keyword for
it to have an effect. An example of this would be:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

attribute placement_force of \test_control:ctrl_reg : label is "U(3,5)";

Note When specifying the location of a datapath chain, the attribute must be applied to the first datapath in
the chain for it to have an effect.

In the case of a set of random logic, it can be constrained to a specific PLD within a specific UDB. The
format to specify this is U(x,y)l where x,y is the UDB row and column and l is the PLD descriptor ("A"
or "B" to denote one of the two PLDs within a UDB). This will still allow the fitter to choose a macrocell
column that best fits the design layout. For the attribute to be recognized, the attribute must be assigned to
the output signal from the macrocell for it to have an effect. An example of this would be:
attribute placement_force of out_1 : signal is "U(2,4)A";

It is also possible to constrain a set of random logic to a particular macrocell column within a specific PLD
on a specific UDB. The format to specify this is: U(x,y,l)i where x,y is the UDB row and column, l is the
PLD descriptor ("A" or "B" to denote one of the two PLDs within a UDB) and I is the macrocell index within
the PLD. For the attribute to be recognized, the attribute must be assigned to the output signal from the set
of random logic for it to have an effect. An example of this would be:
attribute placement_force of out_2 : signal is "U(1,3,A)2";

The attribute should be applied directly to any fixed function components by referencing them by name
(instead of referencing a signal) by using the label keyword. The format for the label is
F(block_type,index), where the block_type is the keyword descriptor for the block, and index is the instance
of that block to use. The valid set of keywords are: CAN, Comparator, DFB, DSM, Decimator, EMIF, I2C,
SC, Timer, USB, VIDAC, Abuf, Lpf:
attribute placement_force of \Timer_1:TimerHW\ : label is "F(Timer,1)";

The port_location directive maps the external signals of the design to pins on the target device based on the
location of that pin within the device, not on the package. The syntax for the directive is:
attribute port_location of bit_name : label is "string";

The format for the string to describe the location is PORT(port_index, pin_index) where port_index is the number of
the port on the device and pin_index is the pin within the port.
An example for this directive:
attribute port_location of Terminal_1 : label is "PORT(2,3)";

Note that when using this directive to fix the location of a logical port, the information should be applied to the first
pin of the port to have an effect.

The placement_group directive can be used to group a set of signals (that relate to arbitrary logic, not fixed function
components) and to ask the place and route tool to place these signals together. The place and route tool will
attempt to place all signals that have the same group identifier together in a minimal number of PLDs. The format
of this directive is:
attribute placement_group of signal-name : signal is "string" ;

The string used can be any user defined string that is used to uniquely identify a group (see examples below). The

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

group identifier is case insensitive. The following example will attempt to put the logic driving signal2 and signal3
attribute placement_group of signal2: signal is "group1" ;
attribute placement_group of signal3: signal is "group1" ;

The synchronization_needed directive can be used to modify the default synchronization behavior for the IOs of the
part. By default, IOs used as inputs are synchronized and IOs used for outputs are unsynchronized.
attribute synchronization_needed of signal-name : signal is "string" ;
attribute synchronization_needed of logical-port-name(pin-index) : label is "string" ;

The synchronization_needed attribute can take the value of a string. This string value can be one of AUTO, SYNC,
or NOSYNC. Examples of the use of the attribute would be:
attribute synchronization_needed of Terminal_1 : signal is "SYNC" ;
attribute synchronization_needed of dport_1(2) : label is "NOSYNC" ;

The no_factor directive prevents logic factoring within the Warp synthesis engine to prevent splitting said node.
attribute no_factor of signal_name : signal is value;

During the optimization phase, the Warp synthesis engine aliases signals which have identical drivers (equations).
Using this directive causes equations to bypass these two actions. This feature can be useful if the design
constraints cause certain identical logic to be duplicated or if the logic factoring algorithm is being overaggressive.

This example prevents the signal my_signal from being aliased or from being factored.
attribute no_factor of my_signal : signal is true;

In Verilog designs, attributes can be placed on all signals in a module as follows:

attribute no_factor of my_module : module is true;

This example prevents all signals in my_module from being aliased or factored.

The opt_level directive instructs Warp on the amount of effort that should be spent optimizing certain signals.
attribute opt_level of signal_name : signal is integer;

The integer represents the amount of effort. Currently, there are three levels of effort (0, 1 and 2). An opt_level of 0
instructs Warp to turn off all optimization on said signal. This directive is also passed along to the PLD/CPLD fitters
which do the same thing. An opt_level of 1 causes Warp to perform a simple and quick optimization of equations.
An opt_level of 2 causes Warp to perform the highest level of optimization available. An opt_level of 2 is
recommended for all designs.

This directive disables all optimization on the signal my_signal.
attribute opt_level of my_signal : signal is 0;

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Building a PSoC Creator Project

The synthesis_off directive controls the flattening and factoring of expressions feeding signals for which the
directive is set to true. This directive causes a signal to be made into a factoring point for logic equations, which
keeps the signal from being substituted out during optimization.
attribute synthesis_off of signal_name : signal is value;

The synthesis_off directive can only be applied to signals. The default value of the synthesis_off directive for a
given signal is false. This directive gives the user control over which equations or sub-expressions need to be
factored into a node (i.e., assigned to a physical routing path).

When set to true for a given signal, synthesis_off causes that signal to be made into a node (i.e., a factoring
point for logic equations) for the target technology. This keeps the signal from being substituted out during
the optimization process. This can be helpful in cases where performing the substitution causes the
optimization phase to take an unacceptably long time (due to exponentially increasing CPU and memory
requirements) or uses too many resources.

Making equations into nodes forces signals to take an extra pass through the array, thereby decreasing
performance, but may allow designs to fit better.

The synthesis_off directive should only be used on combinational equations. Registered equations are
natural factoring points; the use of synthesis_off on such equations may result in redundant factoring.

This example sets the synthesis_off directive to true for a signal named sig1.
attribute synthesis_off of sig1:signal is true;

See Also:

Directives Editor

Control File

Generated Files
Upon a successful build, PSoC Creator generates various files that become a part of your design. These files are
listed in the Workspace Explorer under the Source tab. These files are specific to the device architecture (PSoC 3,
PSoC 4/PRoC BLE, or PSoC 5LP) and the selected compiler. The following lists and describes the files generated
from a build.


cy_boot (Refer also to the System Reference Guide.)


Provides assembly implementations for time critical routines (Keil equivalent

of CyBootAsmGnu.s and CyBootAsmRv.s).


Provides assembly implementations for time critical routines (IAR equivalent

of CyBootAsmGnu.s, CyBootAsmKeil.a51 and CyBootAsmRv.s).

CyDmac.c /.h

The software API for using the DMA Controller.

CyFlash.c /.h

The software API for writing to flash.

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Building a PSoC Creator Project



CyLib.c /.h

The software APIs for power management, string/character routines,

memory manipulation, as well as enabling/disabling selected portions of the
PSoC device.


Contains the function prototypes and constants used for port/pin access and


Provides the function definitions for the power management API.

CySpc.c /.h

The software API for writing to the System Performance Controller.


Provides macros and defines to allow code to be written tool chain and
processor agnostic.


Implements low-level utility functions used to provide tool chain/processor

agnostic functions. Exposed in cytypes.h.


Specialized memory routines for Keil boot-up.


Bootup code for PSoC 3 chips using Keil tools.


Startup code for the ARM CM3/CM0.

PSoC3_8051.h /.inc

8051 register definitions for the PSoC 3 architecture.


Linker script for the GCC toolchain


Scatter file for the RealView & MDK toolchains

core_cm0.h or core_cm3.h
core_cmFunc.h and core_cmInstr.h

CMSIS standard libraries for Cortex-M series of processors: core_cm0.h for

PSoC 4/core_cm3.h for PSoC 5LP.
Both files included for PSoC 4/PRoC BLE and PSoC 5LP.

core_cm0_psoc4.h or

PSoC 4/PRoC BLE or PSoC 5LP specific interrupt information for CMSIS


Provides assembly implementations for time critical routines (GNU

equivalent of CyBootAsmKeil.a51 & CyBootAsmRv.s).


Provides assembly implementations for time critical routines (RealView

equivalent of CyBootAsmKeil.a51 & CyBootAsmGnu.s).


Defines all of the addresses in the configuration space of the device. These
addresses do not contain any context information related to instances drawn
in your design(s). You should not need to use any of these addresses


Deprecated version of cydevice_trm.h. (PSoC 3)

Defines all of the addresses in the configuration space of the device for the
Keil assembler (AX51). These addresses do not contain any context
information related to instances drawn in your design(s). You should not
need to use any of these addresses directly. (PSoC 5LP /


Defines all of the addresses in the configuration space of the device for the
GNU assembler (gas). These addresses do not contain any context
information related to instances drawn in your design(s). You should not
need to use any of these addresses directly. (PSoC 5LP / PSoC

4 / PRoC BLE Real View)

Defines all of the addresses in the configuration space of the device for the
Real View assembler. These addresses do not contain any context
information related to instances drawn in your design(s). You should not
need to use any of these addresses directly. (PSoC 3)

Deprecated version of,, or

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

File(s) (PSoC 5LP / PSoC 4
/ PRoC BLE GCC) (PSoC 5LP / PSoC 4 /
PRoC BLE Real View)



Defines all of the instance specific addresses calculated by the Code

Generation step. This file is mainly intended for use by instance API
implementations, although advanced users may find interesting information
in this file.


Implements the methods and logic necessary to configure the device before
main. You should not need to use anything implemented in this file.


Contains definitions used by the boot firmware to configure the device

before main. You should not need to use anything defined in this file. (PSoC 3) (PSoC 5LP / PSoC 4 /
PRoC BLE GCC) (PSoC 5LP / PSoC 4 /
PRoC BLE Real View)

Assembly equivalent of cyfitter.h.


This file includes all of the other header files found in this directory and its
sub-directories. It exists for convenience sake, allowing you to include all of
the generated headers with just one #include statement.


File created by component authors. Used to check for component updates

while opening a design project. For more information, refer to the
Component Author Guide.

Boot Component:
All design projects include a "boot" component to provide version control for all the boot firmware files, such as
CyDma*, CyFlash*, etc. The component is hidden in the Component Catalog by default, and it cannot be placed
onto a design. The files from the boot component get deposited into a folder named
"Generated_Source/<Architecture Name>/cy_boot" in the Workspace Explorer after a successful build.
Designs created with earlier releases of PSoC Creator will include earlier versions of the boot component, which
contains all the API files as they were. If updated API files are needed, use the Component Update Tool to upgrade
the boot component to the latest version.
Refer also to the System Reference Guide.

Component APIs:
The generated source will also include APIs for instantiated components (e.g., counter_1.c, counter_1INT.c,
counter_1.h), which will be listed in device-specific folders. If you do not want APIs generated for a specific
instance, use the built-in parameter CY_SUPPRESS_API_GEN. See Configure Component Parameters for more

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Results Files:
The Workspace Explorer also contains the Results tab, which contains the following files:

<project>.cycdx This contains XML information specific to component debug windows. This is used by the
debugger to determine what to display for the design. There is no reason for you to open or modify this file.
For more information about this file, refer to the Component Author Guide.

<project>.rpt This is the project report file. It contains information for how the device was programmed,
including a section on how the target device's resources were utilized. Advanced users can review the
information in this file to determine if there might be better ways to configure the design.

<project>_timing.html This is the Static Timing Analysis report. See Static Timing Analysis for more

The Results tab may also contain various other files, including

<project>.cyfit This file is an internal database for PSoC Creator to hold data on the results of Code
Generation. A user will not interact with this file directly. It is regenerated each time the project is built.

<project>.elf This file contains debugging information for the GCC tool chains. A user will not interact with
this file directly.

<project>.ihx Intel HEX file produced by building the project, containing only the compiled design. A user
will not interact with this file directly.

<project>.hex Intel HEX file produced by combining <project>.ihx file with selected protection,
configuration, and initialization settings. A user will not interact with this file directly.

<project>.map This file is produced by the linker. It contains details on how the device's memory was
used, where functions and variables were placed and other details depending on the tool chain. A user will
not interact with this file directly.

<file>.lst Code listing file showing initial c code and generated assembly. A user will not interact with this
file directly.

<project>.omf This file contains debugging information output by the Keil toolchain. A user will not interact
with this file directly.

See Also:

Workspace Explorer

Component Catalog

Component Update

Static Timing Analysis

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Source Code Control

PSoC Creator does not include integration with any source code control or revision control system. However you
can use any source code control system to check PSoC Creator files in and out as you work.
This topic describes the various files and folders that should be committed to a source code control system. You
should always include any file you have created or edited. If one or more of these files is not available in future
check outs, the project may not load correctly, PSoC Creator may generate errors, or you may lose user-specific
See also Cypress Knowledge Base Article: Revision Control for PSoC Creator Projects - KBA86358
Note The more files you include in source control, the more that may need to be checked out to be updated. Files
should not be left in a "read-only" state, because this will limit PSoC Creator's functionality.

Project Files/Folders
The following are the project files and folders to include in source code control. There are two types of projects:
design and library. Design project files are contained in a folder named <project>.cydsn. Library project files are
contained in a folder named <project>.cylib.
As indicated in the following list, some files are common to both types of projects, while others are specific to
design projects only. As a general rule, include all of these files and subfolders in source code control.
: ': '

Static Timing Analysis

As part of a successful build, PSoC Creator performs static timing analysis (STA) on your design automatically to
determine various timing aspects, such as:

Propagation Delay: Purely combinational delay from an input to an output.

Clock-to-output Delay: Delay from a clock source through a register to an output.

Setup Time: The minimum length of time that data must arrive at the input pin before the registers clock
signal is asserted at the clock pin.

Register-to-register Delay: Delay from the output of a register to the input of a register. The static timing
analyzer will compute the maximum frequency if both registers have the same clock.

For more information on design practices and strategies about how to best use the STA report, refer to Application
Note: AN81623.
Static timing analysis identifies delays in a designs digital logic and computes the maximum frequency for each
clock. The static timing analysis report shows the critical paths in the design that limit the clock frequency. If the
actual clock frequency exceeds the calculated maximum frequency, the report indicates a timing violation in the
Static timing analysis only has access to the design during the build process, so it does not have knowledge of how
the elements of the design will be used or of any changes made dynamically (such as firmware that changes a
clock frequency). Because of these limitations, static timing analysis may issue warnings about paths that are not
actually problematic, because of the way the design is used. If you have verified that the path in question is not

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

used, you can safely ignore these warnings. For example, if a pin component is configured as "Digital Input &
Digital Output," static timing analysis may issue a warning about a path going to the output and then back in on the
input of the same pin component. If no configuration would ever result in this path being used, this warning can be
safely ignored.
Note It may not be safe to ignore these warnings. Please review the warnings in the Notice List Window and
address as necessary.
Static timing analysis does not have knowledge of how signals are generated or used outside the PSoC device. It
can display delays related to such signals, but cannot automatically find timing violations.

To Open the STA Report:

After a successful build of your design, the STA report is provided as a standalone HTML report in the Results tab
of the Workspace Explorer.
Double-click the <project_name>.html file to open the report in your system's default web browser.

Report Layout:
The STA report contains a title, project information, various sections described under "Report Sections," and
expanding/collapsing links to information in those sections.

Project Information
Every STA report contains the following project information:

Project name and path

Build time for this report

Device used

Device revision

Temperature used for analysis

Voltage used for analysis

Voltage of each of the four I/O domains

Expanding/Collapsing Links
The links include:

Expand All This link expands all sections in the report, making the information visible.

Collapse All This link collapses all sections in the report, making only the section header visible.

Show All Paths This link expands the applicable section tables to show a multiline view of the full timing

Hide All Paths This link collapses the applicable section tables to show only a single line for the timing path.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Report Sections:
The following sections may be included in the report. Except for "Timing Violations," any section that is empty will
not be included.

Timing Violation

Clock Summary

Register to Register

Asynchronous Clock Crossings

Input to Output

Input to Clock

Clock to Output

Input to Output Enable

Clock to Output Enable

Timing Violation Section

If there are no timing violations, this section just displays the text "No Timing Violations."
If there are violations and if the DWR Operating Range is set to Full Range, a note displays. The note indicates that
changing the operating range may reduce the number of timing warnings. After the note, there is a table of one line
entries for each combination of Violation, Source Clock, and Destination Clock.
The table is separated into three violation types: Setup, Hold, and Asynchronous, as shown in the following

Source Clock

Destination Clock

Slack (ns)




















Only one entry is included for each violating source / destination clock pair. The detail for each failing path is shown
in later sections. On the STA report, you can click on an entry in the table to jump to the specific details.
If a particular violation type is not present in the design, that header will not be present in the table. The one line
entry for each violating clock pair includes following fields:

Source Clock: The source clock of the violating path

Destination Clock: The destination clock of the violating path

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Slack: The slack time of the failure. For a Setup or Hold violation, this is always a negative number
(indicating a violation). For an Asynchronous clock crossing violation, this field is left blank.

Clock Summary Section

This section is a short overview that represents the clocking frequency requirements and the achievable frequency
with the current implementation of this design. The following is an example:


Nominal Frequency Required Frequency Maximum Frequency Violation


48.000 MHz



CyBUS_CLK 24.000 MHz

24.000 MHz

21.845 MHz


CyBUS_CLK 12.000 kHz

12.000 kHz

22.387 MHz



18.000 MHz

18.000 MHz

45.239 MHz





21.764 MHz



The one line entry for each clock in the system has the following fields:

Clock: The name of this clock. The first entry is always BUS_CLK. The remaining entries are shown in
alphabetical order.

Domain: This is the Clock Domain to which this clock belongs. Clocks in the same domain are synchronous
to each other.

Nominal Frequency: This is the frequency that this solved by the tool from the desired frequency in the
design. It is the direct value of the source clock divided by the divider setting. There is no accommodation
for accuracy or jitter due to synchronization with MASTER_CLK. In the case of a clock where the frequency
cannot be determined (i.e. clock coming from a pin), the frequency is displayed as Unknown.

Required Frequency: This is the frequency at which paths using this clock must be able to meet timing.
This clock is the Nominal clock with the addition of worst case synchronization jitter.Required Frequency
(MHz): This is the clock frequency specified in the design. If this is an Asynchronous clock that doesnt
have a clock frequency property, it is displayed as "Unknown".

Maximum Frequency: This is the frequency at which this clock can safely run. It is calculated based on the
slowest path in the design that impacts this clock. If a clock is not restricted N/A will appear in this column.

Violation: There are two possible violations: "Frequency" or "Unknown." Frequency is shown when the Max
Frequency is less than the Required Frequency. Unknown is shown when the Required Frequency is
unknown. These violations are shown in red. If there is no violation, this field is blank.

Register to Register Section

This section is for register to register timing paths where the source and destination clocks are either the same, or
they are synchronous to each other. Any asynchronous clock crossing is described in the "Asynchronous Clock
Crossing" section. However the paths between an asynchronous clock and itself are included here.
There are two major subsections within this section: Setup and Hold.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Setup Subsection
This subsection is further divided into Source clock and then Destination clock. Each of these clocks is listed in
alphabetic order. If the negative edge of the clock is used that is considered a distinct clock and the negative edge
is denoted along with the clock name.
The Source clock heading lists the Source clock name and required frequency. For example:
Source clock: Clock_1 (Required Freq. 24.000 MHz)

The Destination clock heading lists the Destination clock name and required frequency. It also includes the
requirement for the path delay. This is dependent on the combination of the source and destination clocks. It can be
impacted by the use of opposite clock edges or different clocks that are synchronous to BUS_CLK. For example the
following destination clock is different from the source clock, but both are synchronous to BUS_CLK, which in this
example is running at 48 MHz.
Destination clock: Clock_2 (Required Freq. 12.000 MHz)
Path Delay Requirement: 20.833ns (48 MHz)

The following is an example of three timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.




dff_reg1:macrocell.mc_q Net_5:macrocell.mc_d 8.000




dff_reg1:macrocell.mc_q Net_6:macrocell.mc_d 11.000






Location Fanout Instance/Net Source Dest

Delay (ns)

macrocell U(3,1)







.main_0 3.608

macrocell U(3,2)


.main_0 .mc_d


macrocell U(3,2)







dff_reg1:macrocell.mc_q Net_7:macrocell.mc_d 11.500




The one line entry for each path has the following fields:

Source: The register start of the path

Destination: The register destination of the path

FMax (MHz): The maximum frequency based on this specific path in MHz (this is 1/Delay).

Delay (ns): Delay along the path in ns including the setup time and any clock skew.

Slack (ns): Slack is the (Path Delay Requirement - Actual Delay). Display any slack less than 0 in red.

Violation: The only violation type is "SETUP". Display "SETUP" in red for negative slack and nothing in the
field otherwise.

Entries are listed from the least slack to most slack. All paths that violate setup time are included in the report. After
that, up to another 10 entries are shown for each clock pair.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Each single line entry can be expanded to show a detailed complete path. Each entry includes the following fields:

Type: This is the type of function involved:

Route: Used for all routes



Control: Indicates Control register

Status: Indicates Status register

Clock: Used for clock skew entries

IO: Indicates a pin on the device

Location: This is the location of the cell indicated in the type field. It is present for all types except Route
and Clock.

U(x,y): Format for all cells in the UDB array (x,y are the coordinates of the UDB)

Pi[j]: Format for a pin (i is the port number and j is the pin number within the port)

Fanout: This indicates the fanout of the signal. This is expected to be 1 except for Routes where it should
indicate the number of destinations driven by this same signal.

Instance/Net: This is the Instance or Net name associated with this piece of the route.
Note Macrocell names might not match the original component name. The fitter may combine macrocells
with other nets and macrocells. This process can cause some name information to be lost. Macrocells that
have been combined with nets may inherit the net name, such as "Net_73".

Source and Dest: These are the source and destination pins on the cells at both ends of this portion of the
route. The destination field is also used by itself (source empty) for some special cases:

Setup: Special case included at the end of each setup path to indicate the setup required to the register.

Skew: Special case included only for routed clocks (Global clocks do not get a skew entry).

Delay: Incremental delay in ns for this portion of the overall path. The sum of all the incremental delay
entries must equal the Delay in the one line summary.

Hold Subsection
This subsection is further divided into Source clock and then Destination clock. Only source / destination pairs are
present when at least one of those clocks is a routed clock. The naming and ordering of the subsections is the
same as those in the "Setup" subsection, except that clock frequency is not included for the Source and Destination
headings. For example:
Source clock: Clock_1
Destination clock: Clock_2

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

The following is an example of three timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.


Slack (ns)















Delay (ns)

macrocell U(3,1)










macrocell U(3,2)





macrocell U(3,2)










The one line entry for each path is the same format as the "Setup" subsection entries, with the following changes:

FMax and Delay are not present for Holds

Slack is calculated in the same way that Delay is calculated for "Setup." It is the sum of all the Delay entries
present in the detailed path.

Violation type is "HOLD" for a hold violation

Entries are listed from the least slack to most slack. All paths that violate hold time are included in the subsection.
After that, up to another 10 entries are shown for each clock pair.
Each single line entry can be expanded to show a detailed complete path. Each entry is similar to those in the
"Setup" section, with the following changes:

Delays are calculated based on a best case path instead of a worst case path

The special case entries for Dest are:

Hold: Special case included at the end of each hold path to indicate the hold required to the register.
Positive hold requirements are indicated with a negative number such that the sum of the incremental
delays totals to be the slack time.

Skew: Always present since without clock skew there cant be a hold time violation in this architecture.

Delay: Incremental delay sums to the slack time. The sign of the Hold and Clock skew entries needs to be
such that these entries sum properly for that calculation.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Asynchronous Clock Crossing Section

This section shows all paths between clock domains where the source and destination clocks are not synchronous
to each other.
This section is further divided into subsections for the Source clock and the Destination clock. Only source /
destination pairs are present when these clocks are asynchronous to each other and they are not both synchronous
to BUS_CLK. The naming and ordering of the subsections is the same as for the "Setup" subsection, except that
clock frequency is not included for the Source and Destination headings. For example:
Source clock: Clock_1
Destination clock: Clock_2

The following is an example of three timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.


Delay (ns)













Delay (ns)

macrocell U(3,1)










macrocell U(3,2)





macrocell U(3,2)










The one line entry for each path is the same format as the Setup entries with the following changes:

FMax and Slack are not present for Clock Crossings

Delay is calculated to provide information to the user, but it is not used to compute whether a timing
requirement is met.

The Violation field is not present.

Entries are listed from the most delay to least delay. Up to 10 entries are shown for each clock pair.
Each single line entry can be expanded to show a detailed complete path. The detailed entries for the path are
identical to the entries that are present for Setup.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Input to Output Section

This section shows combinatorial paths through the device. It contains one single line entry for the longest
combinatorial path for each source / destination pair. These entries are ordered from the longest delay to the
shortest delay.
The following is an example of three timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.


Delay (ns)













Delay (ns)












macrocell U(3,2)



















The one line entry for each path has the following fields:

Source: The beginning of this combinatorial path

Destination: The final destination of this combinatorial path

Delay (ns): Delay along the path in ns.

Each single line entry can be expanded to show a detailed complete path. The detailed entries for the path are
identical to the Setup entries, except that the special case entries for clock skew and setup are never present.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Input to Clock Section

This section shows the path into the device that terminates at a clocked element.
This section is further divided into Destination clock subsections based. These subsections are ordered
alphabetically and labeled with the name of the clock. For example:
Destination clock: Clock_1

The following is an example of three timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.


Delay (ns)













Delay (ns)












macrocell U(3,2)





macrocell U(3,2)







The longest path from each input to the clock is shown with a single line entry. These entries are ordered from
longest to shortest. These entries are similar to the "Input to Output" section, except there is a setup entry for each

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Clock to Output Section

This subsection is present to show the path from a clocked element out of the device.
This subsection is further divided into subsections based on the Source clock. These subsections are ordered
alphabetically and labeled with the name of the clock. For example:
Source clock: Clock_1

The following is an example of three timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.


Delay (ns)












Delay (ns)

macrocell U(3,1)




















The longest path from a clock to each output is shown with a single line entry. These entries are ordered from
longest to shortest. These entries have the same expansion capability and all the same fields as the "Input to
Output" section.

Input to Output Enable Section

This section is identical to the "Input to Output" section except in this case the destination is the output enable of an
output port instead of the data for an output port. The reporting is handled identically except each path has two
entries, one for turning the output on (TURNON) and one for turning the output off (TURNOFF). These two cases
are processed as two different entries even if the delays are the same.
The following is an example of two timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.



Delay (ns)











Fanout Instance/Net















macrocell U(2,1)
















PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

In order to distinguish these two entries an additional field is added to the one line entry:

Type: Either TURNON or TURNOFF depending on whether the output is enabled or disabled.

Clock to Output Enable Section

This section is identical to the "Clock to Output" section except in this case the destination is the output enable of
an output port instead of the data for an output port. The reporting is handled identically except each path has two
entries, one for turning the output on (TURNON) and one for turning the output off (TURNOFF). These two cases
are processed as two different entries even if the delays are the same.
The following is an example of two timing paths with the second entry expanded to show the complete path.



Delay (ns)














Delay (ns)

macrocell U(1,1)

















In order to distinguish these two entries an additional field is added to the one line entry:

Type: Either TURNON or TURNOFF depending on whether the output is enabled or disabled.

See Also:

Generated Files

Workspace Explorer

CyPrjMgr Command Line Tool

cyprjmgr.exe is a command line tool that exposes common project management functionality to be used through
the command line. The tool can be invoked from the command line and used to perform various functions on a
workspace/project. It also provides the flexibility to set the build configuration from the command line.

[-wrk <workspace_name>]
[-archive <archive_level> <archive_as_zip>]

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

[-t <toolchain>]
[-c <config>]
[-p <TopProject>]
[-n <TopDesign>]
[-d <selectedDev>]
[-m <paramsFile>]
[-import <Source_Project> <Source_Component>]
[-rename <component_name> <new_name>]
[-delete <component_name>]
[-exclude <component_name>]
[-v <visibility>]
[-prj <Target_Project>]
[-cmp <Target_Component>]
[-addprj <prj_path>]
[-cp <path>]
[-con <Target_Project>]
[-batch <file_name>]
[-updateComp <source_project> <source_component>]
[-updatePrj <source_project>]
[-ol <compiler optimization level>]
[-warn <High|Low|None>]
[-buildPreCompCust <Project>]
[-export <IDE>]

The tool expects arguments to be passed in a certain specified format:

The first switch must be w or -wrk followed by the name of a workspace.

All other arguments are optional and will be used to set up the build environment. All the optional
arguments will apply to the workspace followed by the w or -wrk switch.

The following table lists and describes the various optional arguments:


-wrk, -w

Specifies the workspace to be used


Specifies the target project on which all the command line options will be targeted. In case target
project is not specified, Top Project of the workspace becomes the target project

-cmp, -o

Specifies the target component on which all the library options will be targeted. In case target
component is not specified, the Top Block of the Target Project becomes the Target Component

The following four options target the entire workspace unless the target project is set with -prj:


Cleans the workspace/project


Builds the workspace/project


Rebuilds the workspace/project

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project




Archives the workspace/project with different archiver levels (complete/typical), and as zip or


Displays Help Message


Displays the version and build number of cyprjmgr


Sets the tool chain the action should use (Keil, ARM etc.)


Sets configuration the action should use (Debug, Release)


Sets compiler optimization level


Sets compiler warning level


Sets the Top Project in the workspace


Sets the Top Design of the Top Project


Sets the selected device of the Target Project that will be built


Parameters file that will override the default parameter values of the schematic in the TopDesign
of the Top Project


Imports the Source Component from the Source Project into the target project of the workspace


Renames component_name in target project of the workspace to new_name


Deletes component from the disc


Excludes component from the target project of the workspace


Adds a new empty library project with name <NewPrjName> to the workspace


Lists the external dependencies of the target project


Sets the visibility of the target component to true/false


Adds an existing project <prj_path> to the workspace


Copies the entire workspace to the location specified by <path>, all command line options will act
on the copy created


Checks the consistency of the target project of the workspace


Reads a file containing a series of commands, one on each line. Executes the commands one by
one. When batch option is used, all other optional switches are ignored


Updates a component in the Target Project from the source project


Updates the Target Project from the Source Project


Updates the instances on the schematic with the latest components


Makes read-only files writable and then makes the change


Delay building of customizer DLLs until the end (e.g., during imports)


Disable updates from the refresh manager (Use with extreme care)


Build customizer for a project


Updates the design-wide instances with the latest components

Update instances to minimum valid version


-ignoreDepsWarning Suppress SystemDepNotFoundOnDisk warning while building primitives


Exports the project to the target IDE. Valid targets are EWA, Eclipse and uVision

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Parameters stored in user workspace file:

State of Workspace Explorer (selected tab, nodes expanded/collapsed)


Open documents

Configuration (Release vs. Debug)

Parameters stored in user project file:

Build dependencies (non-project files that the build depends on)

Last build command lines (for all tools)

State of the Device Selector (hidden columns, filters)

Parameters needed for the cyprjmgr.exe:

-w <workspace path> (no default)

-build/clean/rebuild (no default)

-t <toolchain name> (defaults to the selected toolchain of each project)\

-c <config name> (defaults to value in workspace user file, if no user file defaults to Debug)

-prj <project name> (defaults to Active Project)

Other options:
There are other options that are not necessary, as the information is available to the workspace/project when a
build happens, but which you can control through the command line. They are as follows:

-ol - Sets compiler optimization level

-warn - Sets compiler warning level

-p - Sets the Top Project in the workspace

-n - Sets the Top Design of the Top Project

-d - Sets the selected device of the Target Project that will be built

Usage Scenarios and Examples

clean / -build / -rebuild
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace clean
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace rebuild

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

This option will clean/build/rebuild the workspace respectively. Only one out of clean, build, or rebuild can be used
in one run of the tool.

cyprjmgr.exe h

This will display help message for the tool

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build t ARM CM3-GCC 4.9-2015-q1-update

This will build the workspace with the toolchain specified. If no toolchain is specified by the user, the workspace will
build with the toolchain, with which it was built the last time.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build c Release

This will build the workspace with the build config specified (Release, in this example)

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build p Design01

This will set the project Design01 in the workspace as the Top Project and build the workspace

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build n component01

This will set the component component01 in the Top Project of the as the Top Component and build the workspace

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build d CY8C3866AXI-040

This option will set the device for all Projects in the workspace and build it.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build d CY8C3866AXI-040 prj Design01

This option will set the device for the target project and build it.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build d CY8C3866AXI-040 t DP8051-Keil Generic prj

This switch sets the device and toolchain for the target project Design01.cyprj and builds it

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace rev ES1

This switch sets the revision of the selected device for all the Projects in the workspace.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build

d CY8C3866AXI-040

rev ES1 prj Design01

This option sets the device revision to ES1 for the target project Design01.cyprj and builds it.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build m params_file

This option will read in parameters and their values from a text file, and override those values in the schematic.
Format of the params file :
The params file accepts parameters and their values as name=value pairs. The name of the instance must
be given as inst_name=value.
For example,


This will change the values of parameters NumTerminals and TerminalWidth in the instance and_1, and
Resolution in the instance Counter_1.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace prj Project01

This option sets Project01 in the Workspace as the Target Project. All library options on the same command line will
act on Project01. If no Target Project is selected, the Top Project of the Workspace becomes the Target Project.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace build prj Project01

This option overrides build to work only with Project01 (only if Project01 is in workspace) and its dependencies
instead of building the entire workspace. This is equivalent to selectively building a project in the GUI.

o, -cmp
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace o Component01
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -cmp Component01

This option sets Component01 as the Target Component in the Target Project. All library options on the same
command line targeting a component will act on the Target Component. If no Target Component is selected, the Top
Component of the Target Project becomes the Target Component.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace import SourceProject SourceComponent

This option will import the Source Component from the Source Project to the Top Project of the workspace.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace import SourceProject SourceComponent prj TargetProject

This option will import the Source Component from the Source Project into the Target Project of the Workspace.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace rename ComponentName NewComponentName

This option will rename the Top Component in the Top Project from ComponentName to NewComponentName.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace rename ComponentName NewComponentName prj Project01

This option will rename the Top Component in Project01 of the Workspace
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace rename ComponentName NewComponentName prj Project01 o

This option will rename Component02 in Project01 of the Workspace

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace delete Component01

This option removes Component01 of the Top Project of the Workspace from the disk.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace delete Component01 prj Project01

This option removes Component01 of Project01 of the Workspace from the disk.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace exclude Component01

This switch removes the Component01 instance from the Top Project of the Workspace.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace exclude Component01 prj Project01

This switch removes the Component01 instance from Project01 of the Workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace l LibraryName

This option adds a new empty library project to the Workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace s

This option lists the external dependencies of the Top Project in the Workspace.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace s prj Project01

This option lists the external dependencies of Project 01 in the Workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace v false o Component01

This option will set the visibility of symbol Component01 in the Top Project of the Workspace to false.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace v false o Component01 -prj Project01

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

This option will set the visibility of the symbol Component01 in Project01 of the Workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace addprj Project01

This option adds an existing CyDesigner project, Project01 to the Workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace con

This option checks the consistency of the Top Project of the Workspace. That is:

There is no file in the Target Project folder that the project does not know about.

All files that the project knows about, are at the location pointed by their Canonical Name property.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace con prj Project01

This option checks the consistency of Project01 in the Workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace cp NewLocation

This option will copy the entire workspace folder to NewLocation. All other options given on the same command line
will now act on the NewLocation Workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe -ver

This option displays the version number of the application.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace batch file_name

This option reads a text file that has a series of CyPrjMgr commands, one per line. The CyPrjMgr tool reads each
line, executes the command, and if successful goes to the next command. If a command fails, the tool exits with
failure message.
When batch is used, all other optional switches on the command line are ignored.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -updateComp source_project source_component

This option updates the component in the Top Project of the workspace.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace prj Project01 - updateComp source_project source_component

This option updates the component in the Project01 of the workspace.

The update of component is based on the following rules:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

The tool looks for a component in the target project with the same base name as the source component. If
it does not find, the component is imported to the target project.

If it finds the target component, it compares the files in the source component to the corresponding file in
the target component in the following way :

If there is any file in the source component that does not exist in the target, UPDATECOMP.

If a file with the same name as in source exists in the target component, the contents of the two files
are compared. If their contents are different, UPDATECOMP.

If all files are same, there is nothing to be done.

UPDATECOMP : Remove the target component from the target project. Import the source component into the
target project.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace updatePrj source_project

This option will update the Top Project of the workspace.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace prj Project01 updatePrj source_project

This option will update the project Project01 of the workspace.

The update of the project is based on the following rules:

The toolchains of the source project and target project are compared. If they are different, UPDATEPRJ.

From the confirmed identical toolchains, compare the source project toolchain settings with its counterpart
in the target project. If they are different, UPDATEPRJ.

Compare the non-component files of the source project with the target project (i.e., main.c, .cydwr file,
.cyprj file). If any of these is different form its counterpart. UPDATEPRJ.

If this step is reached, there is nothing to update.

UPDATEPRJ : The target project is removed from the workspace and its directory is deleted. The source project
and all its files/folders/components are copied in place of the target project and the project is added to the

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace archive complete zip

This archives the complete workspace into zip file.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace archive typical nozip prj Design01

This archives only project Design01 with typical archive level. The archived project will be exact replica of the
source project (in the example shown above, Design01 is the source project).
The archive of the workspace/project is based on the following rules:

It archives the whole workspace if no target project provided, else it archives only the sprcified project.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Two different level of archive available, complete and typical. Using complete archive level the whole
project/workspace is archived whereas with typical archive level only.

There is an option available to archive as zip or nozip, which allows the user to archive into zip or just the
copy of the content.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace updateInst

This switch updates all the instances of the components on the schematic including the boot component for the
project, for all the projects in the specified workspace with the latest versions of the components available.
cyprjmgr.exe w workspace updateInst prj Design01

This switch updates all the instances of the components on the schematic including the boot component for the
target project Design01 with the latest versions of the components available.
Update instance of the workspace/project is based on the following rules

It updates all instances on the schematic with the latest component instances.

If a target project is provided, it updates the instances of the components in the specified project only. If the
project is not specified,,it updates all the projects in the workspace with instances of the latest versions of
all the components.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace d CY8C3866AXI-040 forceWrite

This switch sets the device for all the Projects in the specified workspace, even if the workspace and projects are
Force writing of the workspace/project is based on the following rules:

The workspace and project files are made writable if they are read-only

Any other switch passed to the cyprjmgr tool, which changes files, need to use this option to save the
changes to read-only files.

If this option is not provided changes will not be saved on read-only files.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build noCustBuild

This switch delays the building of the customizer DLLs until the end.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build noRefresh

This switch disables the refresh manager while building the project.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build buildPreCompCust project

This switch builds customizer for a specific project the building of the customizer DLLs until the end.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build updateDWInst

This switch updates the instances on the schematic to the latest version

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build ol level

This switch sets the compiler optimization level. The level is compiler specific.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build warn[High|Low|None]

This switch sets the compiler warning level.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build updateInstIfNeeded

This switch updates components to the minimum valid level.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -build ignoreDepsWarning

This switch suppresses SystemDepNotFoundOnDisk warning while building primitives.

cyprjmgr.exe w workspace -export uVision

This switch exports the project to uVision.

CyHexTool Command Line Tool

The hex file postprocessor (CyHexTool) is a standalone command line tool that combines data from several hex
files to produce the programming file. The output file is in Intel hex format.
This tool is applicable to projects targeting PSoC 3 projects and older PSoC 5LP projects. For PSoC 4 projects and
newer PSoC 5LP projects, use the CyElfTool tool instead.

cyhextool -o <out.hex> -f <in.hex> -id <XXXXXXXX>
[-ecc <ON|OFF|HexFile>] [-cunv <XXXXXXXX>] [-wonv <XXXXXXXX>] [-ee <eeprom.hex>]
[-prot <protect.hex>] [-a <PROGRAM={0},...>]

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Normal Options:
The following table lists and describes the various arguments for normal projects:


-o <out.hex>

Specify output file name (required).

-f <in.hex>

Specify input file name (required). This file is normally produced by the linker.


Specifies the target device ID (4 bytes).

-ecc <ON|OFF|HexFile> Enable ECC (ON), disable ECC (OFF), or specify a user-defined Intel hex file to program the
ECC bits. If this option is omitted, ECC will be disabled.

-cunv <XXXXXXXX>

Specify hexadecimal customer NV latch data (4 bytes for PSoC 3/PSoC 5LP only). The
default is all zeros.

-wonv <XXXXXXXX>

Specify hexadecimal write-only NV latch data (4 bytes for PSoC 3/PSoC 5LP only). The
default is all zeros.

-ee <eeprom.hex>

Specify user-defined Intel hex file to program EEPROM (if needed).

-prot <protect.hex>

Specify user-defined Intel hex file to program Flash protection bits (64 bytes for PSoC
3/PSoC 5LP only). The default is all zeros.

-a <PROGRAM={0},...>

Set section sizes (such as Flash/ECC size).

-meta XXXX>

Specifies the metadata (debugging enabled, silicon rev). The meta value is always exactly
two bytes.

-rev <XX>

Specifies the target device revision (1 byte).

-endian <b, l>

Specifies the endianess of the device.

Bootloader/Bootloadable Options:
The following table lists and describes the various additional arguments for bootloader projects:


-bl <Hex File>

Specifies the bootloader flash image hex file

-acd <Hex File>

Specifies the *.cyacd bootloadable output file

-acdStart <XXXX>

Specifies the starting address of the bootloadable image

-e <XXXX>

Specifies the entry address of the bootloadable

-blcks <path to file>

Specifies the file containing the address of the bootloader checksum

-blsize <path to file> Specifies the file containing the address of the bootloader size
-blChkType <X>

Specifies the bootloader packet checksum type (1=basic summation, 2=CRC)


Specifies the bootloader metadata (BtldrVer, LoadableId, LoadableVersion, Cust ID)

-metaRow <0, 1>

Specifies the bootloader metadata row (0 or 1), 0 if not using MultiAppBtldr

-flsLine <XXX>

Specifies the number of bytes in a row of flash.

-arraySize <XXXXX>

Specifies the flash array size.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

The input hex files (program, protect, config) should be in Intel hex format. All input files should begin at address 0.
The cyhextool program will automatically add an offset to the addresses to match the address map specified in the
following table or the address map specified on the command line.

Default Address (hex)

Default Size (hex)




















The -a option controls the address map. The argument of the -a option consists of a comma separated list of
NAME=VALUE pairs. Each name corresponds to a section of the output file. The value is the address of the
beginning of the section in hexadecimal. Optionally, VALUE may be ADDRESS:SIZE where ADDRESS is the
hexadecimal address and SIZE is the hexadecimal size of the section. If the size is specified, cyhextool will
produce an error message if the input data for that section exceeds the section size.

Output Format:
The output format is expected to be compatible with the format specified under Input. The first line of the output file
contains a header for the programmer. The PROGRAM, PROTECT, CONFIG (ECC), and EEPROM data will be
aligned to 64-byte boundaries with zero-padding so that each line file will correspond to a Flash row. The checksum
is calculated using the following steps:
1. Find the mod-65536 (16-bit) sum of all of the data bytes in the PROGRAM section.
2. Find the mod-256 sum the MSB and LSB of the result from step 1 and the constant 2.
3. The checksum is the twos complement of the result from step 2. The checksum will be between 0x00 and
0x100, so it is represented with two bytes.

Toolchain Support:
The makefile runs the cyhextool program after the linker finishes. If the linker does not produce an Intel hex file
directly, the makefile generator will add commands to convert the output file to Intel hex format.

Keil uses the OMF or OMF2 file format. Keils OH51 or OHX51 tool may be used to convert OMF/OM2 files to Intel
hex format:
OH51 program.omf

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

CyElfTool Command Line Tool

The CyElfTool is applicable to projects targeting PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP devices, using cy_boot v3.5 or later. For
PSoC 3 projects and older PSoC 5LP projects, use the CyHexTool instead.
The CyElfTool tool is used to patch *.elf files. This is critical as many/most 3rd party tools use the *.elf file for
programming devices and thus it needs to have all important information contained in it.

Command Line Arguments:

The following arguments are all mutually exclusive and can only be used one at a time:



Display help information


Display version information

-C <file.elf>

Insert standard flash checksum information at 0x90300000

-S <file.elf>

Report the size of the application.

-P <file.elf>
--flash_row_size <bytes>
--flash_size <bytes>
--size_var_name <name>
--checksum_var_name <name>
[--ignore offset <bytes>]

Same as -C option, plus insert bootloader size, bootloader, checksum.

Optional --ignore_offset option controls whether to ignore the first <byte> bytes
of flash in bootloader checksum.

-E <file.elf>
--flash_row_size <bytes>
--flash_size <bytes>

Creates a *.c file with the bootloader's Flash, Flash Protection, Customer NVL,
Write Once NVL, EEPROM, Chip Protect, Meta, and Bootloader Meta. It also
outputs the NVL section on the console out.

-B <file.elf>
--flash_row_size <bytes>
--flash_size <bytes>
--flash_array_size <bytes>
[-ee_array <arrayNum>]

Same as -C option, plus patch bootloadable meta-data with Application

Checksum, Application Entry Address, Last Bootloader Row, Application
Length, and Bootloader build version. Also generates the bootloadable's *.cyacd

-M <inputFile1.elf>
--flash_row_size <bytes>
--flash_size <bytes>

Same as -C option, plus merge inputFile1 & inputFile2 into a single file, output
as outputFile. Excluding the flash data and bootloadable metadata, inputFile1 &
inputFile2 must have the same sections with matching content.

The cyelftool inserts or updates the following sections of the post-link .elf file:

.cychecksum - All devices, contains the checksum of the flash portion of the application

.cyloadermeta - All devices. The tool will update the section with the bootloader checksum and size
information for a bootloader project.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

.cymeta - All devices. The checksum field will already have the silicon ID so that the cyelftool only needs to
read the value, update it with the checksum, and write it back to the .elf file

.cyloadablemeta (.cyloadable1meta/.cyloadable2meta) - All devices. The linker flow will populate all but the
Application Checksum, Application Entry Address, and Application Length in these sections. The tool will
need to compute these missing items and insert them into the post-link .elf file.

Keil Compiler
PSoC Creator includes the Keil compiler. It is a fully functional C compiler that is limited to level 5 optimization. If
you need better optimization, you can upgrade by contacting Keil.
This Keil compiler will work as is for 30 days, at which time it becomes "Code Size Limited." This means it cannot
link a program larger than 2k. To resolve the code size limited issue, you must register the compiler. Registration is
free. It only requires that you complete an online form.

To Register the Compiler:

1. Click on the PSoC Creator Help menu and select Register > Keil...
This brings up a GUI that displays information on your various Keil installations.
2. In this GUI, click Get LIC via Internet button.
This will bring you to a web page to register your compiler. This web page consists of a set of fields in which
you are expected to enter pertinent data on your Keil installation. All fields with bolded titles are required.

The first field is automatically filled in by PSoC Creator.

The second field should also be automatically competed. It should contain the code: IKA1P-M6Q0E8W7ST.

3. Enter all other required values as necessary then press the Submit button.
4. You will be sent a value via email to enter in the LIC field in the Keil Registration dialog. Bring the dialog back
up and paste the new LIC value into the "New License ID Code (LIC)" field and press the "Add LIC" button.
5. Your LIC will be added and you will have a fully registered version of the Keil compiler.
If you have any problems with the above registration process, try using the Keil Vision3 application. Open the
registration dialog by selecting License Management under the File menu.

See Also:

Reentrant Code in PSoC 3

Keil documentation

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

Reentrant Code in PSoC 3

Due to the limited amount of stack and RAM space available, and for performance reasons, functions compiled with
the Keil compiler are not reentrant by default. This means that the same function cannot be called multiple times
concurrently in most cases, depending on the number and types of arguments and the usage of local variables.
Concurrent function calls typically occur when the same function is called from two different interrupts, or from one
interrupt along with being called from the main program execution. While not reentrant by default, functions can be
made to support reentrancy.

To Make Generated API Functions Reentrant:

PSoC Creator generates functions for the components in your system. PSoC Creator allows you to specify which
functions should be made reentrant on a case-by-case basis via a "reentrancy file" (*.cyre). This file specifies
exactly which functions should be made reentrant. Each line of the file must be a single function name. During the
build process, any candidate functions contained in the reentrancy file will automatically be marked to support
Most functions in the API files are candidates for reentrancy. Comments in the component API source files will
indicate which functions are not candidates.

To Add a *.cyre file to a project:

1. Right-click on a project in the Workspace Explorer, and select Add > New Item.
2. On the New Item dialog, select the "Keil Reentrancy File" and click OK.

The *.cyre file opens in the code editor. The file is named based on the project and cannot be renamed without
renaming the project (similar to the DWR file).

To enter reentrant functions:

1. Type a single function name per line, for example:

2. Save the *.cyre file when complete.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Building a PSoC Creator Project

To Make User Application Code Reentrant:

To support reentrancy in your own application code, specify the CYREENTRANT #define from cytypes.h as part
of the function prototype and also in the function definition. For the Keil tool chain, this will evaluate to the
reentrant keyword, while for all other tool chains it will evaluate to nothing. This allows the code to function
properly across multiple tool chains and multiple device architectures.
Original function:
void Foo(void);

Modified function:
void Foo(void) CYREENTRANT;

To Make Custom Component APIs Support Reentrancy:

When creating a custom component that might need to support reentrancy, the function can be declared using the
ReentrantKeil build expression. Both the function declaration in the .h file and the definition in the .c file must
include this expression. This will allow it to behave the same as other components shipped with PSoC Creator. By
default, it will be a standard function; however, if you choose to add that function name to the reentrancy file, it will
get marked as reentrant.
Original function:
void `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Foo(void);

Modified function:
void `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Foo(void) `=ReentrantKeil($INSTANCE_NAME . "_Foo")`;

To Determine What to Make Reentrant:

The Keil compiler can help determine which functions should be marked reentrant during the build process. When
the optimization level is set to 2 or higher and a build is performed, Keil will output a warning for any functions that
are called simultaneously that are not marked as reentrant.
You only want to mark a function as reentrant when the Keil compiler allocates RAM space for the function in
addition to being called concurrently. This is based on the number and type of arguments to the function, the usage
of local variables, and the complexity of the calculations in the function. The Keil compiler warning messages
should be used to determine what functions need to be marked as reentrant. The following is example output from
the Keil linker:

In this case, the function MyFunc, which is in the file main.c, is being called from two different concurrent execution
flows. The first caller, denoted ?C_C51STARTUP, is the main flow of execution that originates from the main()
function. The second caller is the ISR_1 interrupt that is in the isr_1.c file.

See Also:

Keil Compiler

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The IDE Export Wizard dialog provides support for developing application firmware in 3rd party development
environments. Once the design has been exported, you can write, debug, and test firmware in your preferred

The export process supports the generation of new projects, as well as updates to existing ones. With the update
option, you can make last-minute changes to the hardware and quickly update your project.

To Open this Dialog:

1. Develop your PSoC Creator design as usual.
2. When complete, click the Project menu and select Export to IDE...

To Perform the Export:

Depending on the selected device, you can export the design to the 3rd Party IDEs shown on the dialog. Select one
of the appropriate options, and refer to the related section for more information.

Exporting a Design to Eclipse IDE (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP)

Exporting a Design to IAR IDE (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP)

Exporting a Design to Keil Vision (All devices)

Exporting a Design to Generated CMSIS-Pack (Beta) (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP)

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

IMPORTANT All devices using 3rd party programmers except Vision using MP3 require that the project exported
to the appropriate IDE have a System Editor Debug Select value of anything other than GPIO. If a project with
Debug Select set to GPIO is exported, it will be able to program only one time. Subsequent attempts to program
via the 3rd party will fail. This is a limitation of the ARM standard acquire sequence, which is not aware of the
special acquire sequence used by Cypress for our devices.


If the project has not been built, you will be prompted to build it.

If the project is out of date, you will be prompted to re-build it.

Export a Design to Eclipse IDE

PSoC Creator users can export designs from Creator to continue firmware development work in Eclipse. This is
intended to be a one-way operation; PSoC chip configuration is completed in PSoC Creator, with firmware
development taking place using the Eclipse IDE.
Within Eclipse, users can archive their project in order to snapshot a design and supply it to another firmware
developer using Eclipse.
Users must initially install and configure Eclipse as outlined in Eclipse Installation Configuration.
The process to export a design from PSoC Creator for use in the Eclipse IDE involves the following high-level

Export from PSoC Creator

Import into Eclipse

Flashing and Debugging in Eclipse

Eclipse Bootloader Support

Eclipse Installation Configuration

When using the Eclipse IDE, you do not need a full PSoC Creator installation during firmware development.

You must have a Java JRE or JDK installed (Java version 6 or higher).

You must have a GCC ARM compiler installed. The GNU Tools ARM Embedded toolset is available at

You must install Eclipse CDT from Look for the "Eclipse C/C++ IDE" download
package. The Eclipse Juno SR2 and later releases support the Cypress-provided Eclipse feature.

If you are running a 32-bit operating system, download the 32-bit version of Eclipse.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

If you are running a 64-bit operating system, you should download the version of Eclipse that matches
the Java runtime version that you have installed; that is, 32-bit Eclipse for 32-bit Java or 64-bit Eclipse
for 64-bit Java.

You must also have the new Cypress-provided Eclipse feature (com.cypress.psoccreatorimport) installed,
which provides the following functionality:

Speeds the creation of an Eclipse project associated with a PSoC Creator design with a new PSoC
Creator project type and pre-populating tool chain build options.

Provides project resource synchronization between PSoC Creator and Eclipse. Changes made in the
set of files that constitute a project in PSoC Creator are reflected in subsequent builds in Eclipse.

Download this Cypress-provided Eclipse feature from,

and install the downloaded zip file as follows:

In Eclipse, select Help > Install New Software to open the Install dialog.

Check the Contact all update sites during install to find required software check box in the Details
section of this dialog.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Select the Add button at the top of the dialog to open the Add Repository dialog.

Click Archive and browse to the location where you saved the Cypress-provided Eclipse plugin zip
file that you downloaded above. Select the file and click Open; then click OK.

Back on the Install dialog, select the check box next to "PSoC Creator Import Feature" and then click
Next >.

The next wizard page summarizes the features you are about to install. Click Next > and read and
accept the license for this feature.

Click Finish to install the plugin. There might be a warning about the software not being signed; click

Restart Eclipse when prompted.

In order to use the Segger J-Link debug probe, you must download the Segger J-Link toolset from You will need release 4.74 or later.

Export from PSoC Creator

To export your PSoC Creator design for use in the Eclipse IDE, select the "Eclipse" option on the IDE Export
Wizard dialog.

Note The Eclipse IDE option is not available for PSoC 3 projects.
The process is simple. The next step is to confirm that you want to export the design. Click Export.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Once the export completes, the final step displays.

Use the Copy project path to Clipboard button to copy the project folder path so you can paste it in the
Eclipse New Project dialog as the location path.

Select the Open Eclipse Export Documentation option to display this document.

Select the Open containing folder option to open a folder showing all the files that were exported.

Select the appropriate options and click Finish to complete the export process.

The project folder created in Eclipse shares file system folders with the original PSoC Creator project. This
is required so that changes to merge regions in any component files made within Eclipse by a firmware
developer can be seen within PSoC Creator during any subsequent updates, and vice versa.

When deleting a project in Eclipse, do not check the Delete project contents on disk check box. This will
remove the file system folder contents, making them unavailable in PSoC Creator as well.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Import into Eclipse

Create New Eclipse CDT Firmware Application Project
Create an Eclipse CDT executable project for your firmware. This must be created as a project rooted not in the
Eclipse workspace, but instead sharing the source code folder of your PSoC Creator design. This is done as
1. Create a project via the File > New > C Project menu entry.

On the wizard's C Project page, under Project Type > Others, select "PSoC Creator Project."

Note In Eclipse releases earlier than the Luna release, the Others category does not exist. The "PSoC
Creator Project" entry can be found in the Project Type list as shown.

Under Toolchains, select "Cross GCC (for PSoC Creator)."

For the project location, uncheck the Use Default Location check box, browse to and select your
PSoC Creator project's top-level folder (the one ending in .cydsn). This allows PSoC Creator and
Eclipse to share the same source files.

2. Click Next to move to the Select Configurations wizard page. No changes are needed here. Click Next again.
3. On the Cross GCC Command wizard page:

Prefix will have a default value of: arm-none-eabi-

Set path by navigating to the bin folder of your compiler's install directory, where you can find armnone-eabi-gcc.exe. This is typically found using the following path:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

(Look for arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe and not gcc.exe.)

Note You can use the ARM GCC installation included in PSoC Creator, if you have PSoC Creator

In PSoC Creator 3.1 and earlier, this is found at:


In PSoC Creator 3.2 and later, this is found at:


The newly created PSoC Creator project in Eclipse includes toolchain settings, accessible in the Project
Explorer pane.
4. Right-click the project name and select Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings.
5. Then select the Tool Settings tab.
These settings are driven by the project's PSoC device. Certain options will be different depending on whether the
project is for a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE or PSoC 5LP device. (The pre-populated option settings are listed in the Project
Build Settings section at the end of this document in case you decide to change them and later want to restore
these values. These values are set by default; you typically do not need to modify them for your project.)

Building with Cygwin/make Installed

As of this feature version v2.2, designs are imported with the project builder set to the Eclipse Internal Builder. This
means that you do not need the 'make' utility installed to build your design in Eclipse.
If you wish to use the 'make' utility, you will need to use the Eclipse External Builder. In this case, the Eclipse CDT
Builder assumes that the 'make' utility is in your PATH, typically obtained through a cygwin installation on your
machine. If using the Eclipse external builder, you'll need to have something like "C:\cygwin\bin" or C:\cygwin64\bin"
in your Windows PATH environment variable or in the Eclipse environment settings.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Without 'make', you need to adjust your project build settings to use the Eclipse internal builder instead.
1. Right-click the project name and select Properties > C/C++ Build.
2. Select the Builder Settings tab.
3. Change the Builder type value to External builder. Click the OK button.

Note For more complex designs, Make files may be generated with absolute paths for files outside of the
current project. This can expose a bug in GNU Make versions later than 3.8.0 and earlier than 4.0. You may
see an error like: "Multiple targets. Stop.". The solution is to use the Eclipse Internal Builder, or to change your
GNU Make version to one that does not contain this bug.

Design Iteration between PSoC Creator and Eclipse

Users are directed to create their Eclipse project using their PSoC Creator design folder. Users simply need to
rebuild their design in PSoC Creator and run the IDE Export wizard again. The Cypress-provided plugin detects the
build update to the PSoC Creator project and makes the corresponding change in the visible Eclipse project files. A
corresponding check and update is performed when Eclipse is started as well.
Note that this synchronization support is one-way: changes in PSoC Creator can be seen in Eclipse, but file
additions and deletions made in Eclipse will not be seen by PSoC Creator. This allows changes in the hardware
configuration made upstream in PSoC Creator to be seen downstream in Eclipse for continued firmware

Change in Project Build Settings

Project build settings are not exported from PSoC Creator to Eclipse; any custom build settings that you add or
change in PSoC Creator must be similarly added/changed in Eclipse, following the export step. As a starting point,
the default build settings in PSoC Creator are also set as the default build settings on initial export of a project to
Eclipse. You can then change these build settings as needed inside Eclipse. These default build settings are listed
below for reference:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Under Cross GCC Compiler:

Under Includes, these project include paths are provided as default values:

".." (i.e., the project design folder)


Under Optimzation, this flag must be set:


Under Miscellaneous, Other flags, these ARM-related flags default values are provided via the
${PROC_FLAGS} variable setting:

For PSoC 5LP: -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb

For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE: -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb

Under Miscellaneous, Other flags, these flags must be set:

-c -fmessage-length=0

Under Cross GCC Assembler:

Under Includes, these project include paths are provided as default values:

".." (i.e., the project design folder)


Under General, Other flags, these ARM-related flags default values are provided via the
${PROC_FLAGS} variable setting:

For PSoC 5LP: -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb

For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE: -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb

Under Cross GCC Linker:

Under Libraries, Library Search Path, this library path is provided:

Under Miscellaneous, Linker flags, these flag values are provided:

-L "../Generated_Source/${GEN_ARCH}"

-T ../Generated_Source/${GEN_ARCH}/${LINKER_FILE} -specs=nano.specs

Under Miscellaneous, Linker flags, these ARM-related flags default values are provided via the
${PROC_LINK_FLAGS} variable setting:

For PSoC 5LP: -march=armv7-m -mthumb -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd

For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE: -march=armv6-m -mthumb

Under Miscellaneous, Linker flags, this default value is provided: -Xlinker --gc-sections

Under Other Objects, the following object path must appear:


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The link step command line is structured so that "-Wl,--start-group" and "-Wl,--end-group"
options surround all input files and libraries, providing multiple linker passes to resolve cyclic references
between libraries, if needed.

On the Build Steps tab:

The following default settings are provided:

Pre-build step should read:


Post-build step should read:


Build Customization
Project Customization

Compiler optimization settings Other optimizations that might be useful in reducing your generated
flash image size include:
Under Cross GCC Compiler:

Under Optimizations, set Optimization level to Optimize for size (-Os)

Linker script changes A default GCC linker script is located at:

For PSoC 5LP: Generated_Source/PSoC5/cm3gcc.ld

For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE: Generated_Source/PSoC4/cm0gcc.ld

If you need to customize the link step for your executable image, do the following:
1. Copy the file from the above location to the top level folder of your Eclipse project. This will prevent any
subsequent builds in PSoC Creator from overwriting your changes to this file.
2. Edit your new copy of the file as needed.
3. Change the Build Settings linker flags (under Cross GCC Linker, Miscellaneous, Linker flags) to be:

For PSoC 5LP: -T ../cm3gcc.ld

For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE: -T ../cm0gcc.ld

Build Customization
If your design requires specialized steps in order to build to completion (beyond the standard pre-build/assemble/
compile/link/post-build stages of the standard Eclipse CDT Managed Build System [MBS]), you may want to
consider managing your own build for the project. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to turn off the MBS
automatic generation of Makefiles with every project build. You can then customize the already generated
Makefiles to complete your project build as needed.
To turn off the automatic generation of Makefiles for your project, do the following:

In the Eclipse Project Explorer, right-click on your project name and select Properties

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Select C/C++ Build in the left hand pane

Uncheck the Generate Makefiles automatically check box

Flashing and Debugging in Eclipse

Debug Flow within Eclipse
Follow these steps to flash and debug an imported PSoC Creator project in Eclipse/CDT using a Segger J-Link
1. Provide power to your PSoC hardware, then connect a J-Link debug probe to your PSoC hardware and host
machine. Run J-Link Commander.exe from the All Programs->SEGGER->J-Link ARM menu. This initializes the
J-Link probe and only needs to be done once following each J-Link probe connection. (Without this step, the JLink GDB Server cannot successfully connect to the target.) Verify the following before exiting the application:

Target device is set to your PSoC device.

Target interface is set to JTAG (PSoC 5LP only), or SWD (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE or PSoC 5LP)

Type 'exit' at the tool's command prompt to exit the application.

2. In Eclipse, create a new Debug Launch configuration for your design. Use the menu selection Run > Debug
3. Create a new debug launch configuration by selecting the "GDB Hardware Debugging" category and clicking
the New button (circled in the following figure).

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

4. Enter the debug launch configuration settings as follows:

Main tab:

Provide path to the design's executable file produced by the project build. Navigate to the project's
Release or Debug folder to find it, or simply click the Search Project button and select the

The debugger launcher should be set to "GDB (DSF) Hardware Debugging Launcher."
Note However, for the Eclipse Kepler release, it is suggested that users select the "Legacy GDB
Hardware Debugging Launcher." (This is found at the bottom of the Main tab, change using the "Select
other..." link.)

Debugger tab:

Set the path to the GDB command by browsing to the GDB executable to use. Typically, this will be
named arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe, located in the same folder as the "Cross compiler path" setting
provided when importing into Eclipse.

"Use remote target" is checked

JTag device is set to "Generic TCP/IP"

Host name is "localhost" and port is "2331" (the default J-Link GDB server port).

Startup tab:

Reset and Delay set to 3 seconds

Halt is checked

Enter "monitor reset" in the Init command field:

Load Image and Load Symbols sections must have "Use project binary" selected.

Runtime options: "Resume" box is checked

Press Apply and Close to save this debug launch configuration for later use.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

5. Launch the Segger J-Link GDB server by running "J-Link GDB Server" via All Programs->SEGGER->J-Link
ARM menu. Verify the following are set:

Connection to J-Link is set to USB

Target interface is set to JTAG or SWD as needed.

Target device is set to the Cypress PSoC device you are using. Press the "" button to browse the
supported devices. Select Cypress in the Manufacturers pull-down to list only Cypress devices. Select
your device family and press OK.

OK the main dialog window.

The server should connect to the target at this point and indicate it is waiting for a GDB connection, as shown in
figure below.

6. In Eclipse, set any needed breakpoints in your code. Run the Debug launch configuration you created in step 2
above by using the Run > Debug Configuration menu selection to locate your debug launch configuration
from the ones under the GDB Hardware Debugging heading. Click the Debug button to start the debug
session. The GDB Server will display additional output when the Eclipse GDB session begins.
7. When your breakpoint is encountered, Eclipse will change to its debug perspective and halt. Normal Eclipse
debug functionality (breakpoint manipulation, examining/changing variables and memory, etc) is available at
this point.
Note If you experience problems with the PC not tracking as you would expect while stepping through code,
you may be able to correct this by turning off compiler optimization in your code while debugging, as follows:
8. Right-click the project name and select Properties > C/C++ Build.
9. Select Settings.
10. Select Cross GCC Compiler (PSoC Creator).
11. Select Optimization.
12. Change the optimization level to "None".
13. Rebuild your design and start debugging again.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Flashing PSoC 5LP Designs using the J-Link Probe

If you are exporting your design to Eclipse for a PSoC 5LP design, it is important that you understand the following
limitations. These limitations will be removed in a future release of the Segger J-Link flashloader for PSoC 5LP

Before building and exporting a PSoC 5LP based design to Eclipse, go to your project's Design Wide
Resources System page and uncheck the "Store Configuration Data in ECC" check box. Storing
configuration data in ECC memory is the default setting for PSoC Creator projects, but must be changed for
designs exported to Eclipse in order for them to execute properly once flashed.

Your design cannot use EEPROM memory with any initial values set from the PSoC Creator EEPROM
Editor. The Segger-provided PSoC 5LP flashloader does not yet program this memory space.

Your design cannot use ECC memory, as the Segger-provided PSoC 5LP flashloader does not yet program
this memory space. Your project's DWR System settings should have the "Enable Error Correcting Code
(ECC)" box unchecked, as shown above.

The Segger-provided PSoC 5LP flashloader does not yet program the NVL memory space. This means the
following settings, if changed in your design in PSoC Creator, must be programmed by building and
downloading your design first in PsoC Creator with a Cypress MiniProg3 probe. You can then export your
design to Eclipse and program via a J-Link probe:

DWR System setting for Enable Fast IMO During Startup

DWR System setting for Enable Device Protection

DWR System setting for Debug Select

DWR System setting for Use Optional XRES

Initial state settings on pins

Eclipse Bootloader Support

Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export
This section describes the steps necessary to export a single application Bootloader/Bootloadable project for
Eclipse IDE.
1. Export the bootloader project as usual. See Exporting a Design to Eclipse IDE.
2. Import and build bootloader project in Eclipse.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

3. In PSoC Creator, configure the Bootloadable component for the bootloadable project to point at the hex/out files
of the bootloader project in the Eclipse output directory.

4. Export bootloadable project.

Multi-Application Bootloader/Bootloadable Support

This section describes how to import a PSoC Creator multi-application bootloader project for use in the Eclipse IDE.
1. Export Bootloader and Bootloadable projects as usual. See Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export. Import
them into Eclipse as separate projects.
2. In Eclipse. modify the Eclipse Bootloadable project's settings as follows:
3. Update the project's LINKER_FILE setting by appending "_1" before the ".ld" extension.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

4. Update the Project's Artifact name by appending "_1".

5. Update Project Post-build steps by appending "_1".

6. Build Project
7. Repeat step 2.a to step 2.d, but replace "_1" with "_2".
8. Then, use CyElfTool.exe to create a combination hex file that has the bootloader and both bootloadable images
in it.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

9. Open the postbuild.bat file found in the \Export directory.

10. Note the -flash_row_size, flash_array_size, flash_size command line arguments. Note the ee_array and -ee_row_size arguments as well, if they exist. You will use these values in the command line
shown in step 3.d. below.
11. In a Windows command line, cd into the .cydsn directory of your bootloadable project.
12. Run the CyElfTool.exe tool using a command similar to the following:
Export\CyElfTool.exe -M Debug\{ProjectName}_1 Debug\{ProjectName}_2
Debug\{ProjectName}.hex --flash_row_size 128 --flash_size 32768 -flash_array_size 32768

Note Flash and EE arguments are device-dependent and can be copied from the bootloadable's
postbuild.bat file.
Note If you use the release configuration, make sure to change all instances of Debug in the above
command line to Release. The above CyElfTool.exe command will generate a combination hex file that
contains the bootloader image and both bootloadable images. It will have name {ProjectName}.hex.
13. You should now have two bootloadable .cyacd files, a bootloader elf file, and a combination hex file in the three
Eclipse project Debug directories listed above. You can now program and debug your bootloader, either
bootloadable or combination files as you wish.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Exporting a Design to IAR IDE

To export your PSoC Creator design for use in the IAR IDE, select the "IAR" option on the IDE Export Wizard

Click Next > to go to the Application Files page to select what non-generated code to export to the project:

Click Next > to go to the next page of the wizard to show the actions that will occur (such as exporting the selected
project XML files).

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Click Export. The wizard will show the success/failure of the export actions and provide a link to extended
documentation on what the user needs to do now.

Optionally select the following action(s) when the export process completes:

Open the IAR EWARM Export Documentation. See Steps for Setting up the IAR Project.

Open the folder containing the project files

Click Finish to close the wizard.

See Also:

Exporting a Design to 3rd Party IDE

Steps for Setting up the IAR Project

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Steps for Setting up the IAR Project

After exporting the PSoC Creator project for use in the IAR IDE, you need to follow a set of steps to set up the
project. This is because IAR does not provide a means of exporting some of the important information needed to
set up the project, such as the linker file to use, tool chain command line settings, or a way to add third party
libraries to the project's linker additional library list.
The steps to use are as follows:
1. Export your PSoC Creator project to IAR using the Export Wizard.
2. Launch IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (EWARM).
3. Create a new Empty project (Project > Create New Project), and save the project in the .cydsn directory of
your exported PSoC Creator project.

4. Open the IDE Options dialog (Tools > Options) and select Project. Then, select the Enable project
connections option and click OK.

5. Open the Add Project Connection dialog (Project > Add Project Connection), select IAR Project
Connection, and click OK.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

6. On the Select IAR Project Connection File dialog, browse to the PSoC Creator Export directory, select the .ipcf
file, and click Open.

7. In the EWARM Workspace window, right-click on the project and select Options... to open the Options dialog.
8. For IAR versions earlier than 7.10.1 only, do the following:

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

9. On the General Options page, select Device under Processor variant. Then, click the Select Device button
and select the appropriate Cypress device.

10. On the Linker page, select the Config tab, check the Override default for the Linker configuration file.
Navigate to your project directory and go to the Generated_Source/{ARCH} directory and find the .icf file for
your project:

11. On the Linker page, select the Library tab. There, add the path to each of the libraries found in the
Export\ARM_IAR_Generic directory.
Prepend each of them with the IAR command $PROJ_DIR$, to let IAR find them in the project directory. This
ensures that your program will link with the correct libraries for your device. For example:

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

12. For all IAR versions, do the following:

13. On the Debugger page, click the Driver drop-down menu and select the appropriate debugger probe (I-jet and
J-Link are currently supported).

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

14. On the Debugger page, select the Download tab and check the Use flash loader(s) option.

15. Select the node for your debugger and select to the JTAG/SWD tab. Then, select the appropriate interface for
your device.

16. Click OK to close the Options dialog.

You can now build, program and debug your EWARM project. Refer to the IAR documentation as needed.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Setup for I-jet Programming and Debugging:

For PSoC 5 LP, connect the I-jet with 10-pin adapter to the PROG 10-pin connection on the PSoC 5 LP module of
your CY8CKIT-001 kit.
Note If the PSoC 5 LP User NVLs are configured such that the device is using the JTAG programming/debugging
protocol, the IAR i-Jet configuration must match this.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE, connect the I-jet with 10-pin adapter to the "PSoC 4/PRoC BLE Prog" 10-pin connector on
the CY8CKIT-042 (Pioneer Kit).

For information about how to use the IAR I-jet/Debugger system, go to the IAR IDE. In the Help menu, open the
documents named C-SPY Debugging Guide and I-jet User Guide.

See Also:

Exporting a Design to 3rd Party IDE

Exporting a Design to IAR IDE

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

IAR Bootloader Export Support

This section describes how to export a PSoC Creator bootloader project for use in the IAR IDE. Included are:

Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export

Multi-Application Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export

Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export

This section describes the steps necessary to export a single application Bootloader/Bootloadable project for IAR
1. Export the multi-application bootloader project as usual. See Exporting a Design to IAR IDE.
2. Import and build the bootloader project in IAR.
3. In PSoC Creator, configure the Bootloadable component for the bootloadable project to point at the hex/out files
for the multi-application bootloader in the IAR output directory.

4. Export bootloadable project.

5. Import the bootloadable project into the IAR IDE.

Multi-Application Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export

This section describes the steps necessary to export a multi application Bootloader.
1. Follow steps 1-3 under Bootloader_Bootloadable_Project_Export.
2. Export the bootloadable project as usual, except with the following changes:
3. When naming your IAR bootloadable project, append "_1" to the end of the name.
4. When selecting the linker configuration file, make sure to select the one with the _1 in its name.
5. Build the project as usual.
6. Export a second IAR bootloadable from the same bootlodable project with the following changes:
7. When naming your IAR bootloadable project, append "_2" to the end of the name.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

8. When selecting the linker configuration file, select the .icf with an _2 in its name.
9. Build the new project as usual.
10. Then, use CyElfTool.exe to create a combination hex file that has the bootloader and both bootloadable images
in it.
11. Open the postbuild.bat found in the export directory.

12. Copy the -flash_row_size, flash_array_size, flash_size command line arguments. Copy the ee_array and -ee_row_size arguments as well, if they exist.
13. In the Windows command line, cd into the .cydsn directory of your bootloadable project.
14. Run the CyElfTool.exe using a command similar to the following:
Export\CyElfTool.exe -M Debug\Exe\{ProjectName}_1.out Debug\Exe\{ProjectName}_2.out
Debug\Exe\{ProjectName}.hex --flash_size 262144 --flash_row_size 256 --ee_array 64 -ee_row_size16

Note Flash and EE arguments are device-dependent and can be copied from the bootloadable's postbuild.bat
Note If you use the release configuration, make sure to change all instances of Debug in the above command
line to Release. The above CyElfTool.exe command will generate a Combination hex file that contains the
bootloader image and both bootloadable images. It will have name {ProjecName}.hex.
15. You should now have two .out files and one hex file in the UVBuild directory. You can now program and debug
your bootloader, either bootloadable or combination files as you wish.

Exporting a Design to Keil Vision

PSoC Creator supports multiple PSoC devices as well as multiple versions of the Keil Vision IDE.

All PSoC device projects can be exported to either Vision 4 or Vision 5 IDEs.

The export to Vision IDE process is slightly different for PSoC 3 devices than it is for PSoC 4, PRoC BLE,
and PSoC 5LP devices.

The Export to Generated CMSIS-Pack (Beta) option applies only to PSoC 4, PRoC BLE, and PSoC 5LP
devices, and it applies only to the Vision 5 IDE.

Refer to the following applicable topic for the PSoC device and version of Vision you are using:

Exporting a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP Design to Keil Vision IDE

Exporting a PSoC 3 Design to Keil Vision IDE

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Exporting a Design to Generated CMSIS-Pack (Beta)

Exporting a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP Design to Keil Vision IDE

Use PSoC Creator to develop a PSoC hardware design. Then use either PSoC Creator or Keil's Vision IDE for
firmware development. To use the Vision IDE, you must build the design in PSoC Creator and then use the Export
to IDE feature.
Note PSoC Creator supports the Advanced System Viewer in Keil Vision. Ensure that you have the appropriate
version of Vision to support CMSIS-SVD.
Note When building a project in Vision, all output is written into the UV4Build directory found in your project
For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP, the build and export process is the same for new projects or updated projects.

Changing Device Architectures

Creating and exporting a project using Vision and then changing the device to a different architecture (for
example, PSoC 3, PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, etc.) and re-exporting is not supported. If you wish to do this, you must
manually delete your Vision project (*.uvproj \*.uvprojx) before re-exporting. Then, follow the appropriate
instructions for the new PSoC device and version of Vision.

Exporting a New PSoC Creator Design:

The initial flow is to create a design in PSoC Creator and export the design to the Vision IDE.
1. Create your design in PSoC Creator in the usual manner.
2. Use the Project > Export to IDE menu option to open the IDE Export Wizard dialog.
3. If you have not built the design, you will be prompted to build at this time.

4. Click Yes to build. If you click No, the export process will be cancelled.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

After a successful build, the IDE Export Wizard opens.

5. If not already selected, select the Vision option. Click Next > to continue.
PSoC Creator checks whether MiniProg3/KitProg drivers have been registered with Vision. If they are not
registered, the MiniProg3/KitProg support for Vision step opens. However, if PSoC Creator locates a Vision
installation with MiniProg3/KitProg support enabled, then it will skip this step.

Note PSoC Creator only examines the first Vision installation found to see if it has MiniProg3/KitProg drivers
properly registered. If you have multiple copies of Vision installed on your computer, the auto-detection
process may not be accurate. If you are sure you already have drivers registered, you may skip this step of the
6. If you need to register the drivers, click Install Drivers for Vision and follow the prompts on the installation
wizard. This process is only required once. See Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers for more information.
7. If you need to register drivers with another Vision installation, go to the PSoC Creator Tools menu and select
Install drivers for Vision to launch the installation wizard.
8. Click Next > to continue.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The Select Toolchain step opens.

9. Select the appropriate toolchain and click Next > to continue.

Note If you chose GCC as your toolchain, see GCC Settings in Vision.
The Application Files step opens.

Select the files you want added to your new Vision application project.
Note The wizard does not copy these files when exporting. It simply adds references to the existing
files to the Vision application project.

To start with an empty Vision application project, click the Unselect All button.

Once the initial export is complete, build settings and file management must be performed within the
Vision environment. For example, if you want to add a new source file, select File > New in Vision.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

10. Click Next > to continue.

The Review export details step opens.

11. Review the export details and click Export.

The final step opens showing the completed export.

Optionally select the following action(s) when the export process completes:

Open the project in Vision

Open Vision Export documentation

Open the folder containing the project files

12. Click Finish to close the wizard.

Note If you select the Open the project in Vision option and if you have multiple versions of the Vision IDE
installed (for example version 4 and version 5), this option will launch the version you installed most recently. In this
case, if version 4 does not launch, close the Vision 5 IDE, and launch version 4 manually.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

See Also:

Key IDE Export Files/Projects

Opening Projects in Vision

GCC Settings in Vision

Flash Programming/Debugging using Vision

PSoC Creator Toolchain Settings

Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers

Miscellaneous Export Notes

Exporting a PSoC 3 Design to Keil Vision IDE

Use PSoC Creator to develop a PSoC hardware design. Then use either PSoC Creator or Keil's Vision IDE for
firmware development. To use the Vision IDE, you must build the design in PSoC Creator and then use the Export
to IDE feature.
Note PSoC Creator supports the Advanced System Viewer in Keil Vision. Ensure that you have the appropriate
version of Vision to support CMSIS-SVD.
Note When building a project in Vision, all output is written into the UV4Build directory found in your project
For PSoC 3, the build and export process creates a two-project approach in Vision: a library project that contains
the design APIs and source files, plus an application project that contains the startup file and firmware template file.
The following diagram shows the high-level workflow for creating a new PSoC Creator design and using the export
process to generate projects and files for Vision. It also shows the workflows for updating a PSoC Creator design.
See Key IDE Export Files/Projects for more information about the projects and files.

Each of these flows is described in the following sections:

Exporting a New PSoC Creator Design

Updating a PSoC Creator Design

Changing a PSoC Device

Note Creating and exporting a PSoC 3 project and then changing the device to a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP
and re-exporting is not supported. If you wish to do this, you must manually delete your Vision project (*.uvproj)
before re-exporting. Then follow instructions for Exporting a Design to Keil Vision IDE (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE


Exporting a New PSoC Creator Design:

The initial flow is to create a design in PSoC Creator and export the design to the Vision IDE.
1. Create your design in PSoC Creator in the usual manner.
Note If there are any spaces in the project name, the exported project cannot be built in Vision. The Keil
development team is aware of this issue and will resolve it in the next version of the C51 toolchain. C51v9.55 is
scheduled to be released early in 2016.
2. Open the Build Settings dialog and select the appropriate toolchain for your project. See PSoC Creator
Toolchain Settings for more information.

3. Use the Project > Export to IDE menu option to open the IDE Export Wizard dialog.
Note PSoC Creator does not support PSoC 3-based bootloader/bootloadable application development in
4. If you have not built the design, you will be prompted to build at this time.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

5. Click Yes to build. If you click No, the export process will be cancelled.
After a successful build, the IDE Export Wizard opens.

6. If not already selected, select the Vision option. Click Next > to continue.
PSoC Creator checks whether MiniProg3/KitProg drivers have been registered with Vision. If they are not
registered, the MiniProg3/KitProg support for Vision step opens. However, if PSoC Creator locates a Vision
installation with MiniProg3/KitProg support enabled, then it will skip this step. Go to step 7.

Note PSoC Creator only examines the first Vision installation found to see if it has MiniProg3/KitProg drivers
properly registered. If you have multiple copies of Vision installed on your computer, the auto-detection
process may not be accurate. If you are sure you already have drivers registered, you may skip this step of the
7. If you need to register the drivers, click Install Drivers for Vision and follow the prompts on the installation
wizard. This process is only required once. See Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers for more information.
8. If you need to register drivers with another Vision installation, go to the PSoC Creator Tools menu and select
Install drivers for Vision to launch the installation wizard.
9. When complete with this step, click Next > to continue.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The Export Project step opens.

10. Select the Create a new Vision application option.

Use this option when exporting the design for the first time to generate a new Vision application project. If you
want to update a previously exported design, see Updating Vision Projects.

Optionally, modify the name for the Vision workspace and project. By default, these are based on the
names of the PSoC Creator project being exported.

You can also specify the location to store the exported project.

Note The wizard will not overwrite an existing project or workspace file. If you want to replace an existing
Vision project, you must delete it using Windows Explorer first.
11. Click Next > to continue.
The Application Files step opens.

Select the files you want added to your new Vision application project.
Note The wizard does not copy these files when exporting. It simply adds references to the existing

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

files to the Vision application project.

To start with an empty Vision application project, click the Unselect All button.

Once the initial export is complete, build settings and file management must be performed within the
Vision environment. For example, if you want to add a new source file, select File > New in Vision.

12. Click Next > to continue.

The Review export details step opens.

13. Review the export details and click Export.

The final step opens showing the completed export.

Optionally select the following action(s) when the export process completes:

Open the project in Vision

Note If you have multiple versions of Vision IDE installed (for example version 4 and version 5), this
option will launch the version you installed most recently. If version 4 does not launch, close
the Vision IDE, and launch version 4 manually.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Open Vision Export documentation

Open the folder containing the project files

14. Click Finish to close the wizard.

See Also:

Key IDE Export Files/Projects

Opening Projects in Vision

Updating Vision Projects

Flash Programming/Debugging using Vision

PSoC Creator Toolchain Settings

Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers

Miscellaneous Export Notes

Exporting a Design to Generated CMSIS-Pack (Beta)

The Export to the Vision 5 Generated CMSIS-Pack feature is Beta in this release of PSoC Creator.
Use PSoC Creator to develop a PSoC hardware design. Then use either PSoC Creator or Keil's Vision IDE for
firmware development. To use the Generated CMSIS Pack, you must build the design in PSoC Creator and then
use the Export to IDE feature.
Note PSoC 3 devices are not supported to be exported using this feature and can be exported through Export to
Vision feature. See Exporting a PSoC 3 Design to Keil Vision IDE.
Note The PSoC Creator export process generates a Generated CMSIS Pack specific for the PSoC Creator design
being exported. You can define information for this pack during the export process. Also as part of the export, a file
with the same name of the project and .gpdsc extension will be created. This is used by Vision to detect the
exported software pack for the design.
Note When building a project in Vision 5 using ARM MDK toolchain, all output is written into the UVBuild directory
found in your project directory. But if you use ARM GCC toolchain, all output is written into the project directory.
The build and export process is the same for new projects or updated projects.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Changing Devices
Creating and exporting a project using Vision and then changing the device and re-exporting is not supported. If
you wish to do this, you must manually delete your Vision project (*.uvproj \*.uvprojx) before re-exporting. Then,
follow the appropriate instructions for the new PSoC device and version of Vision

Exporting a New PSoC Creator Design:

The initial flow is to create a design in PSoC Creator and export the design to the Vision IDE.
1. Create your design in PSoC Creator in the usual manner.
2. Make sure that Vision 5 is closed when you perform the export to Vision 5 generated software pack. If not
you have to re-start Vision after Export to refresh the generated pack. Use the Project > Export to IDE menu
option to open the IDE Export Wizard dialog.
3. If you have not built the design, you will be prompted to build at this time.

4. Click Yes to build. If you click No, the export process will be cancelled.
After a successful build, the IDE Export Wizard opens.

5. If not already selected, select the Generated CMSIS-Pack (Beta) option. Click Next > to continue.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

PSoC Creator checks whether MiniProg3/KitProg drivers have been registered with Vision. If they are not
registered, the MiniProg3/KitProg support for Vision step opens. However, if PSoC Creator locates a Vision
installation with MiniProg3/KitProg support enabled, then it will skip this step.

Note PSoC Creator only examines the first Vision installation found to see if it has MiniProg3/KitProg drivers
properly registered. If you have multiple copies of Vision installed on your computer, the auto-detection
process may not be accurate. If you are sure you already have drivers registered, you may skip this step of the
6. If you need to register the drivers, click Install Drivers for Vision and follow the prompts on the installation
wizard. This process is only required once. See Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers for more information.
7. If you need to register drivers with another Vision installation, go to the PSoC Creator Tools menu and select
Install drivers for Vision to launch the installation wizard.
8. Click Next > to continue.
The Select Toolchain step opens.

9. Select the appropriate toolchain and click Next > to continue.

Note If you chose GCC as your toolchain, see GCC Settings in Vision before building the project in Vision.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The Pack Generation step opens.

10. Enter the appropriate information, as follows:

Vendor: Enter the Vendor name shown in the Vision 5 software pack.

Pack: Enter the Project name of the Vision 5 Pack.

The pack name will be combined with the device part number to present the device name in the
Vision environment. Vision restricts the device name to be a maximum of 48 characters. So, the
pack name must be short enough to be combined with the other characters to make total number of
characters equal to 48 or less.

Version: Enter the major version, minor version, and revision number for the software pack being

Include the project datasheet in the pack: If applicable, select this check box to include the project
If the project datasheet is generated, this option is available. To add a project datasheet to the pack:

Select Build > Generate Project Datasheet.

Then, build the project and perform the export.

Install the generated pack in Vision: Select this check box to install the generated pack that will be
exported to Vision.
Note If you deselect this option, the pack will not be installed automatically. You will have to install it
manually. Refer to Vision documentation.
If you do not have Vision 5 installed, deselect this option to perform the export and generate the pack
without installing it.
Optionally, you can download Vision 5 from the link provided.

Path to Vision 5 tools ini: This shows the default path to the TOOLS.INI file in the Vision 5
installation directory.
If you would like to export to another installed version of Vision 5 IDE on your computer, click the
ellipsis [...] button and navigate to the appropriate directory.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

11. Click Next > to continue.

The Application Files step opens.

Select the files you want to add to your new Vision application project.
Note The wizard does not copy these files to the pack when exporting. It simply adds references to the
existing files to the Vision application project.

To start with an empty Vision application project, click the Unselect All button.

Once the initial export is complete, build settings and file management must be performed within the
Vision environment. For example, if you want to add a new source file, select File > New in Vision.

12. Click Next > to continue.

The Review export details step opens.

13. Review the export details and click Export.

The final step opens showing the completed export.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Optionally select the following action(s) when the export process completes:

Open in Vision
This option is available if you selected the Install the generated pack in Vision check box on the
Pack Generation step.

Open Vision Export documentation

Open the folder containing the project files

14. Click Finish to close the wizard.

Note Refer to the Notes for Vision 5 listed in Miscellaneous Export Notes.

See Also:

Key IDE Export Files/Projects

Opening Projects in Vision

GCC Settings in Vision

Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers

Miscellaneous Export Notes

Keil Vision IDE Notes

There are also various general topics about Vision to be aware of, including:

Opening Projects in Vision IDE

Opening Generated CMSIS-Pack Projects (Vision 5 IDE)

Updating PSoC 3 Projects for Vision IDE Export

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

GCC Settings in Vision

PSoC Creator Toolchain Settings

Key IDE Export Files/Projects

Setting Up for ULink2/ULink Pro and Segger J-Link Debugger Probes

Setting Up for Segger J-Link/J-Trace Debugger for PSoC 5LP

Flash Programming/Debugging using MiniProg3

Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers

Vision Bootloader Export Support

Miscellaneous Export Notes

Opening Projects in Vision IDE

As described in Key IDE Export Files/Projects, the export process creates several Vision files and projects. You
can open the library project and application project separately, or you can open the multi-project workspace that
contains both the library and application projects.
Note if using Vision 5 or later, download and install the Vision 5 legacy support executable from Keil website:
For more information and help with installation, refer to:
Note The library project must be up to date in order to build the application successfully. If the application project
fails to build because it cannot find the library it is likely because that project needs to be built in Vision. Open the
library project or use the batch build option from the multi-project workspace to correct this situation.
The following is a snapshot of the library project opened and built in Vision.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The following is a snapshot of the application project opened built in Vision.

Both of these projects can be opened together in a Vision workspace <ProjectName.uvmpw>. Both projects can
be built together using Project > Batch Build as shown in the following image.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Debug and Release Builds

In PSoC Creator, there are two configurations in which the build can be performed: debug and release. A debug
build is used for debugging purposes and the release build is for release to customers. The prime difference
between the two is in the build options used.
In Vision, this is handled by creating two targets: one for Debug" and another for Release." Vision provides a
drop down menu to switch between targets.
Setting Options in Vision
The following is a snapshot of the application project in Vision specifying the post build command.
Note PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP exports provide only bare bones options. After an export for all devices, the
user is fully responsible for settings.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

See Also:

Exporting a PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP Design to Keil Vision IDE

Exporting a PSoC 3 Design to Keil Vision IDE

Key IDE Export Files/Projects

Opening Generated CMSIS-Pack Projects (Vision 5 IDE)

As described in Key IDE Export Files/Projects, the export process creates several Vision files. You can open the
project directly from the PSoC Creator wizard, or open the project from the Vision 5 IDE.
The following is a snapshot of a project exported to Vision 5.

The following is a snapshot of the project built in Vision 5, but before building the project there are some options
that need to be set up as explained in the section Setting Options in Vision 5.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Debug and Release Builds

In PSoC Creator, there are two configurations in which the build can be performed: debug and release. A debug
build is used for debugging purposes and the release build is for release to customers. The prime difference
between the two is in the build options used.
In Vision, this is handled by creating two targets: one for Debug" and another for Release." Vision provides a
drop down menu to switch between targets.
Setting Options in Vision 5
Note PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP exports provide only bare bones options. After an export for all devices, the
user is fully responsible for settings.
Open the Options for Target ... dialog for the Vision 5 project.
Scatter File
On the Options for Target ... dialog, select the Linker tab to check if the path to the scatter file is shown correctly. If
not, navigate to the scatter file located in the pack installation directory.
The path should be similar to the following:

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\<pack vendor name>\<pack name>\<pack

Depending on the selected toolchain, choose the corresponding scatter file:

For ARM MDK, PSoC 4, choose Cm0RealView.scat

For ARM MDK, PSoC 5LP, choose Cm3RealView.scat

For ARM GCC, choose cm0gcc.ld (cm3gcc.ld for PSoC 5LP / GCC)

Post Build Script

On the Options for Target ... dialog, select the User tab to add/check the following script to the After Build/Rebuild
text field and check the Run #1 check box.
$PExport\postbuild.bat "#L" -p "$P"

Note Adding the post build command will be done automatically for some newer versions of Vision, so you need to
check it depending on what version of Vision you are using.

See Also:

Exporting a Design to Generated CMSIS-Pack (Beta)

Key IDE Export Files/Projects

Updating PSoC 3 Projects for Vision IDE Export

This section is for PSoC 3 only. For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE and PSoC 5LP, any changes to your design, other than
code changes, require a re-export.
In most cases, when you update your design in PSoC Creator, such as adding a component or configuring a pin,
you only need to rebuild your design in PSoC Creator. The list of files in the Vision library project is automatically
updated. Simply rebuild the library project in Vision to gain access to the new component APIs. However, if you
select a different PSoC device in PSoC Creator, then you have to re-export the design to update the Vision
application project.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Library Project Updates (Change PSoC Creator Design):

To update the library project:
1. Make the necessary changes in PSoC Creator, such as add a pin to your design.
2. Save and build the design in PSoC Creator to generate an updated Vision library project.
3. Open the library project in Vision and rebuild it.
4. In most cases, you do not have to re-export the application project.
What Gets Updated:

Device name (same as application project)

CPU information (same as application project)

Output file name (<OutputName> key)

Create library and create executable (<CreateLib> and <CreateExecutable> keys)

SRAM/flash start address and size just like application project

List of files in the 'Source Files' group in the project file

Application Project Updates (Change PSoC Device):

If you have previously exported the design, and then change the PSoC device in PSoC Creator, the Vision output
window will contain an error message indicating the precise problem. Use the IDE Export Wizard to update the key
device information in order to clear the error.
Note The Vision IDE does not allow post-build script to report errors. You will have to manually inspect the text of
the output window to identify these errors.
To update the application project:
1. Save and build the design in PSoC Creator.
2. Then use the Project > Export to IDE menu option to open the IDE Export Wizard dialog.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

3. If not already selected, select the Vision option. Click Next > to continue.
The Export Project step opens.

4. Choose the Update device settings... option, and navigate to where the application project is stored.
This option will update the necessary application-level files, but it will not update any firmware files.
Note If you have the application project open in the Vision IDE, Cypress recommends that you close it before
re-exporting from PSoC Creator.
5. Click Next >. The wizard shows the changes that were made to the application project.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

You can select the option to open the documentation and/or the containing folder.
6. Click Finish to complete the export process from PSoC Creator. Then re-open the project in Vision and
rebuild it
Note The Update device settings... option only modifies the Application project. No other files mentioned in
Key IDE Export Files/Projects will be changed.
What Gets Updated:

Device name (the <Device> key in the project file)

CPU information (the <Cpu> key in the project file)

Flash start address (the <StartAddress> key in the <OnChipMemories><IRO> section)

Flash size (the <Size> key in the <OnChipMemories><IRO> section)

SRAM start address (the <StartAddress> key in the <OnChipMemories><Ocr1> section)

SRAM size (the <Size> key in the <OnChipMemories><Ocr1> section)

all Include path entries that point to the PSoC Creator Generated_Source directory (all <IncludePath> keys)

See Also:

Exporting a Design to Keil Vision IDE

Files/Projects Exported

GCC Settings in Vision

All Versions of Vision
For projects using the GCC toolchain, you must set up a few options in Vision after opening the project.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

1. Select the Project menu and point to Manage > Components, Environments, Books...

2. On the Components, Environment, and Books dialog, select the Folders/Extensions tab and make sure the
Use GCC check box is selected. Notice that changing the toolchain will reset all Options for Target settings.

3. Click the ellipsis [...] button and browse to the directory above the "bin" directory in your GNU GCC installation.
The path will be similar to the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.3\PSoC Creator\import\gnu\arm\4.9.3

4. Click OK to close the Browse dialog, and then click OK to close the Components, Environment, and Books
5. Right-click on the project and select Options, then select the Linker tab.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Deselect the Do not use Standard Startup Files check box.

Add .\Generated_Source\PSoC4 to the Include Paths field.

Click OK to close the dialog.

6. If the project has any additional libraries, add them in the Misc controls section on the Linker tab. Notice that
the path to library files in the Misc controls section must be separated by forward slashes to be recognized by
Also add the following command line option in the Misc controls section.

Note When Using Vision 4, you may get the following error while building the project:
assembling CyBootAsmGnu.s...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\PSoC Creator\3.3\PSoC Creator\import\gnu\arm\4.9.3\bin\arm-none-eabi-as:
unrecognized option `--pd'
arm-none-eabi-gcc: error: ./uvbuild/cybootasmgnu.o: No such file or directory
Removing NDEBUG from the Define field in the Conditional Assembly Control Symbols section on the
Assembler tab will resolve the problem.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

For Vision 5 Generated Software Pack:

Vision 5 CMSIS Pack does not support GCC compiler, so in addition to the GCC settings described previously
there are some manual steps you need to follow before using GCC.
Note Vision 5.14 and earlier will not work with the version of GCC shipped with PSoC Creator 3.2 or later. Please
update to a newer version of Vision if you wish to use GCC.
On the Options for Target ... dialog:

Select the Linker tab and navigate to and select the scatter file located in the pack installation directory.

The path should be similar to the following:

C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\<pack vendor name>\<pack name>\<pack
Depending on the selected device, choose the corresponding scatter file:

For PSoC 4, choose cm0gcc.Id

For PSoC 5LP, choose cm3gcc.Id

On the Options for Target ... dialog, select the User tab to add/check the following script to the After
Build/Rebuild text field and check the Run #1 check box.
$PExport\postbuild.bat "#L" -p "$P"

Note Adding the post build command will be done automatically for some newer versions of Vision, so
you need to check it depending on what version of Vision you are using.

Select the Assembler tab and navigate to and select the Include Paths directory.
In the Include Paths text field, enter a dot and then from the ellipsis [] button, navigate to and select the

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

proper directory. The path is either Generated_Source\PSoC4 or Generated_Source\PSoC5, depending on

the selected PSoC device. The text in the Include Paths text box should be similar to the following:

Select the Output tab.

Select the Create Hex File check box.

Add .elf extension to the file name in Name of Executable text box.

Select the CC tab.

Select Compile Thumb Code check box.

In the Include Paths text field, enter a dot and then from the ellipsis [] button, navigate to and select
the proper directory. The path is either Generated_Source\PSoC4 or Generated_Source\PSoC5,
depending on the selected PSoC device. The text in the Include Paths text box should be similar to
the following:

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

PSoC Creator Toolchain Settings

In order to use the ARM MDK Generic or DP8051 Keil Generic toolchains in a PSoC Creator project, you need to
specify the appropriate toolchain settings.
1. As a one-time step for all PSoC Creator projects, open the Options dialog, and navigate to Project
Management > Generic Toolchains.
2. Specify the appropriate binary directory for the ARM MDK Generic (for PSoC 5LP) and/or DP8051 Keil Generic
(PSoC 3) toolchains.
These are the binaries you have installed as part of your toolchain applications.
3. Then for each PSoC Creator project, open the Build Settings dialog, and choose the appropriate generic
toolchain to use.

See Also:

Exporting a Design to Keil Vision IDE

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Project Management Options

Build Settings

Key IDE Export Files/Projects

The Export to IDE feature generates several important files. These include:
Path/File Name



Vision library project. This is

a static library file that enables
access to PSoC Creator
component APIs.

(For PSoC 3 only)


Corresponds to the contents

of the Generated Source
folder in the PSoC Creator
design project.

Created in the same

directory as the corresponding
PSoC Creator design project. It
cannot be moved or renamed.

Created, if needed, by the

PSoC Creator build process.
When creating this file, build
settings are copied from PSoC

If this file already exists, the

PSoC Creator build process will
update the list of files, but will
not touch any other setting. This
ensures that firmware
developers get updated
component APIs as the PSoC
design is changed.

PSoC 3:

Vision library options file.

This is used by Vision to
store some settings, such as
breakpoint locations.

Post-build script file. This is

run by Vision after building
the application project.

Not modified by PSoC

Creator after it has been
Replaced as a part of every
PSoC Creator build.

Patches key information in

to the final HEX file.
Checks to make sure that
key settings like the selected
device, SRAM/flash address
and size are in sync between
PSoC Creator and the Vision
application project.

Vision application project.

This links against the library
project to create the final HEX
file for a design.

Vision 5:

PSoC 4/PSoC 5LP:


Vision 4:

Created in parallel with the

library project file.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Only created/updated by
PSoC Creator as a part of the
Export to IDE wizard. It may be
named/saved to any reasonable

When creating this file, the

list of files, build settings, and
key device information (device
name, SRAM/flash address and


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

size) are synchronized with

PSoC Creator.

When updating this file,

PSoC Creator only updates key
device information (device
name, SRAM/flash address and
size) and updates references to
the Generated_Source/<Arch>
folder in the include path.

When updating this file,

PSoC Creator preserves all
other settings (including any
other directories found in the
include path).

The API files in the

Firmware group in Vision
may be freely edited at any

The API files in the Start

group are generated by PSoC
Creator and will be overwritten
during the PSoC Creator build
process. These files contain key
device startup code.

The files in the DebugLib

and ReleaseLib ensure that the
generated library project output
files get linked in correctly for
the Debug and Release targets.
Vision 4:

Vision application options

file. This is used by Vision to
store some settings, such as
breakpoint locations.

Post-build script. This is run by

Vision after building the
application project.

Vision 5:
(For PSoC 3 only)

Created in parallel with the

application project file.

Not modified by PSoC

Creator after it has been

Created in parallel with the

application project file.

Not modified by PSoC

Creator after it has been

A simple wrapper script that

calls the post_link.bat script in
the PSoC Creator
(For PSoC 3 only)
Vision 4:

Vision multi-application
workspace. This is a Vision
multi-application project file
that contains references to
both the library and application
Vision System Viewer file.
Contains component register
details. This is used by
Vision for peripheral register

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

Created in parallel with the

application project file.

Not modified by PSoC

Creator after it has been
This file is obtained by converting
the ARM CMSIS standard SVD file
using the SVDConv.exe utility
provided along with ARM-MDK.


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

(For PSoC 4/PRoC BLE and PSoC 5LP only) debug. This is the file format
expected by Keil Vision for
enabling peripheral register
debug through its System

This file is generated along with the

Vision library project and updated
whenever there is a change in the
register map of the design.

Generated CMSIS-Pack:
Generator Package
<DesignName>.cydsn/<DesignName>.gpdsc Description file, is working as
the Vision project file. Once it
is created, it is shown at PSoC
Creator workspace/Results,
and gets updated during the
build process. If something
happened and it cannot be
updated, there would be a
message in Output window
that Vision 5 project is not up
to date.

This file is generated as part of

export to Generated CMSIS-Pack.
The Generator Software Pack
(GPDSC file) references the PSoC
Creator executable and some of the
project files and application files
which need to be exported. These
files include the files necessary for
implementation of PSoC framework,
and the user's entire
firmware/component source and
header files, except the files of
cyboot and design_wide
components as these files will be
specified in the pack.

Generated CMSIS-Pack:

This file is generated as part of

export to Generated CMSIS-Pack.
The exported software pack
includes the system configuration
files, system startup files, library
files, flash algorithms, post-build
commands, and the project
This includes a Package Description
(PDSC) file which describes the
contents of the pack and its
dependencies to other software

This is the generated/exported

pack which will be installed in
Vision. If you remove the
installed version of Vision the
installed pack will be removed
too, so we store the pack file
in the project directory to save
Once it is generated it will be
updated during the build
process, if something
happened and it cannot be
updated, there would be a
message in Output window of
Creator that Vision 5 project
is not up to date.

See Also:

Exporting a Design to Keil Vision IDE

Updating Vision Projects

Setting Up for ULink2/ULink Pro and Segger J-Link Debugger Probes

These steps are for users of the ULink2/ULink Pro and Segger J-Link debugger probes. These instructions apply as

ULink2/ULink Pro is for PSoC 4, PRoC BLE, and PSoC 5LP devices.

Segger J-Link is for PSoC 4 and PRoC BLE devices. To set up Segger J-Link for PSoC 5LP devices, refer
to Setting Up for Segger J-Link/J-Trace Debugger for PSoC 5LP.

In order to fully enable PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP programming/debugging in Vision 4.72a you will need to
download an "add-on" for Vision.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Note If you are using a version later than 4.72a, you do not need this download.
The add-on can be found at the following link:
Once you have downloaded the add-on, unzip the archive and run the executable and follow the steps to install it.
Then, run Vision and follow these steps to set it up:
1. Before building and exporting a PSoC 5LP based design to Vision, go to your project's Design Wide
Resources System page and Disable the "Store Configuration Data in ECC" parameter. Storing configuration
data in ECC memory is the default setting for PSoC Creator projects, but must be changed for designs
exported to Vision.
2. Select Project > Options for Target to open the dialog, and go to the Debug tab.

3. Select the appropriate debugger and click on Settings.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

4. Select the appropriate Port (SW or JTAG), and click on the Flash Download tab.

5. Select Erase Full Chip and if the flash algorithms have not been added automatically, Click on Add button and
add the proper On-chip Flash algorithm based on the following table. Then set the size of RAM for Algorithm as
indicated in the following table.
RAM for Algorithm values for Keil ULink (PSoC 4/PRoC BLE/PSoC 5LP) and Segger J-Link (PSoC
4/PRoC BLE) debuggers
RAM for Algorithm
PSoC Device family

Programming Algorithm *


PSoC 4000



(16/8kB) Flash

PSoC 4100/4200



CY8C42xx 1 MACRO
(32/16kB) Flash

PSoC 4100 BLE/




(128kB) Flash

PSoC 4100 BLE/




(256kB) Flash

PSoC 4100M/PSoC 4200M



(128/64/32kB) Flash

PSoC 4200L



(256/128/64kB) Flash


CY8C5xxxx Flash
CY8C5xxxx Configuration
CY8C5xxxx WO NVL
CY8C5xxxx Flash Protection



For projects exported through Vision : The Programming Algorithm should be present in
C:\Keil\ARM\flash\*.FLM. If Vision doesnt contain a Cypress flashloader, copy flashloaders from PSoC
Programmer folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\Programmer\ 3rd_Party_Configuration_Files).

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

For projects exported through Generated CMSIS-Pack: The Programming Algorithm should be present
in a path similar to the following based on Vision installation directory and your chosen pack name
For more information about how to set up your project; please refer to the Third-Party Tools for Cypress Devices
User Guide.pdf file in Documents folder in the 3rd_Party_Configuration_Files folder located in the root
installation folder of PSoC Programmer.

Setting Up for Segger J-Link/J-Trace Debugger for PSoC 5LP

Use the following steps to set up the Segger J-Link in Vision for programming and debugging PSoC 5LP Device
Family. For PSoC 4 and PRoC BLE, refer to Setting Up for ULink2/ULink Pro and Segger J-Link Debugger Probes.
1. Before building and exporting a PSoC 5LP based design to Vision, go to your project's Design Wide
Resources System Editor page and disable the "Store Configuration Data in ECC" parameter. Storing
configuration data in ECC memory is the default setting for PSoC Creator projects. It must be changed for
designs exported to Vision.

2. Launch the Vision IDE and select Project > Options for Target to open the dialog, and go to the Debug tab

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

3. Select the appropriate debugger and click Settings to open the Driver Setup dialog.

Note Please notice that for Vision 5 exported projects, the target name is not automatically recognized by JLink SW and you will get a message indicating that the selected device is unknown, so you need to select Yes
from the pop up window and then manually choose the appropriate device in the J-Link SW.

4. On the Debug tab, select the appropriate Port (SW or JTAG). Then, click the Flash Download tab.

5. Remove all other flash algorithms except CY8C5xxLP Flash. If you have flash algorithms of other memory
types such as EERPOM, CFG, NVLs, etc. in HEX then J-Link loader will fail, because it doesn't support them.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

6. If CY8C5xxLP isn't listed under Programming Algorithm, click Add.

For projects exported through Vision: The Programming Algorithm should be present in C:\Keil\ARM\flash\*.FLM. If
Vision doesnt contain a Cypress flashloader, copy flashloaders from PSoC Programmer folder (C:\Program Files
(x86)\Cypress\Programmer\ 3rd_Party_Configuration_Files).
For projects exported through Generated CMSIS-Pack: The Programming Algorithm should be present in a path
similar to the following based on Vision 5 installation directory and your chosen pack name information:

Flash Programming/Debugging using MiniProg3

Flash programming/debugging can be done in Vision using the MiniProg3 or any KitProg device (FTK-3, FTK-5,
DVK-030, DVK-050, etc.) (Hardware Assist). A driver used for this purpose can be selected in Vision.
The MiniProg3/KitProg driver implements the Vision interface called AGDI (Advanced Generic Debugger
Interface) that interfaces directly with the Keil Vision programmer/debugger.
Note Cypress provides a flash loader for the Keil ULink2 debugger probe for PSoC 5LP. This flash loader allows
Keil Vision to use the Keil ULink2 to program and debug the PSoC 5LP device. However, the flash loader does not
support programming the NVL's of the device, so you must program the device once using the MiniProg3 in order
to set those values.
For flash programming, the following functions are supported:

Erasing All

Downloading Flash, NVL &Protect

Verifying Flash. NVL & Protect

Resetting the device after programming

For debugging, the following features are supported:

Start/Stop/Reset/Step In/Step Out/Run to Cursor

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Insert/Remove Breakpoints

Enable/Disable Breakpoints

Disable All Breakpoints

Kill All Breakpoints

Read/Write Registers

Read/Write Memory

For flash programming in Vision, before initiating the flash download, select the Cypress MiniProg3/KitProg vX.Y"
driver from the drop-down menu shown below. The settings button will bring up a dialog that can be used to select
different operations to be performed when you click the LOAD" button.

Erase Flash

Program Flash

Verify Flash

Reset and Run

Select the Flash > Download menu option to initiate flash programming as shown in the following image.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The Vision debugger will be configured to use the MiniProg3/KitProg debug driver by selecting the Cypress
Miniprog3/KitProg vX.Y" driver in the Debug tab, as shown in the following image. The "Settings" button will bring
up a dialog that contains the following settings:

Protocol: SWD/JTAG

Target Voltage

Clock speed

Programming Mode: Reset/Power Cycle

Active Port: 10 pin/5 pin

Initiate debugging by clicking the Start/Stop Debug session" under the Debug menu. You can save these debug
settings by clicking the Save All button in the Vision IDE.
Refer to the Vision IDE documentation.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Registering MiniProg3/KitProg Drivers

MiniProg3/KitProg drivers enable the Vision programming/debugging interface to communicate with the device
using the MiniProg3 or any KitProg-based hardware assist. This configuration process updates the Vision tools.ini
file with entries in the [C51], [ARM], and [ARMADS] sections with paths to DLLs in the PSoC Creator install
1. The first time you run the IDE Export Wizard, PSoC Creator will prompt to install the drivers.

2. Click the Install Drivers for Vision button and the registration window will open.

You can also open this dialog from the PSoC Creator Tools menu.
3. Type the path or click [...] and navigate to the path to the Keil installation. This is the path to the directory that
contains the Vision tools.ini file.

For Vision 4 IDE, this is usually C:\Keil.

For Vision 5 IDE. this is usually C:\Keil_v5.

4. Click Next >.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

A confirmation screen will display to indicate that the driver was successfully registered.

Note If there is no tools.ini file in the selected directory, an error will display. Make sure you have chosen the
correct directory.
5. When complete, click Finish.

Vision Bootloader Export Support

This topic describes how to export a PSoC Creator bootloader project for use in the Vision IDE. Included are:

Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export

Multi-Application Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export

Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export

This section describes the steps necessary to export a single application Bootloader/Bootloadable project for
Vision IDE.
This section describes how to export a PSoC Creator multi-application bootloader project for use in the Vision
1. Export the bootloader project as usual. See Exporting a Design to Keil Vision IDE.
2. Import and build the bootloader project in Vision.
3. In PSoC Creator, configure the Bootloadable component for the bootloadable project to point at the hex/axf files
of the bootloader in the Vision output directory. Please notice if the project has been exported using GCC
toolchain, you need to navigate to the .hex file and .elf file in the project directory.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Note If the project has been exported to Vision 5 generated software pack using GCC toolchain, you need to
navigate to the .hex file and .elf file in the project directory.

4. Export the bootloadable project.

5. Import the bootloadable project into Vision.
Multi-Application Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export
This section describes how to export a PSoC Creator multi-application bootloader project for use in the Vision
1. Follow steps 1-3 under Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export.
2. Export the bootloadable project as usual. This will automatically create a project file with the name
3. Build the bootloadable project as usual in Vision.
4. Create a second project in Vision as follows:
5. Open a command line and navigate to your bootloadable project's .cydsn directory.
6. Use the Vision command line to re-export the {ProjectName}.xml.
The command should be similar to the following:
{KeilInstallDir}\UV4\Uv4.exe {ProjectName}_2.uvproj -t {ProjectName}_2 -i
".\Export\{ProjectName}.xml" -c

7. Select Project > Options for Target to open the dialog, and select the Linker tab.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

8. In the Scatter File text box, change the _1 of the scatter file to _2.

9. Build the new project as usual.

Generated CMSIS-Pack
This section describes how to export a PSoC Creator multi-application bootloader project for use in the Generated
1. Follow steps 1-3 under Bootloader/Bootloadable Project Export.
2. Export the bootloadable project as usual, this will automatically create a project file with the name
3. Then select Project > Options for Target to open the dialog, and select the Linker tab. In the Scatter File text
box, choose the proper linker script with "_1" in the end such as Cm0RealView_1.scat for MDK and
cm0gcc_1.ld for GCC toolchain.

4. Follow any other steps required as described in Opening Projects in Vision 5 IDE, and build the bootloadable
project as usual in Vision. Then use the following steps:
5. Select Project > Options for Target to open the dialog, and select the Linker tab. In the Scatter File text box,
choose the proper linker script with "_2" in the end such as Cm0RealView_2.scat for MDK and cm0gcc_2.ld for

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

GCC toolchain.

6. Select the Output tab and in the Name of Executable text box, and change "_1" to "_2" at the end of the
project name.

7. Build the bootloadable project again as usual in Vision.

Vision and Generated CMSIS-Pack
1. Use the CyElfTool.exe tool to create a combination hex file that has the bootloader and both bootloadable
images in it.
2. Open the postbuild.bat found in the \Export directory.

3. Copy the -flash_row_size, flash_array_size, flash_size command line arguments. Copy the ee_array and -ee_row_size arguments as well, if they exist.
4. In the Windows command line, cd into the .cydsn directory of your bootloadable project.

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Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

5. Run the CyElfTool.exe using a command similar to the following:

MDK toolchain:
Export\CyElfTool.exe -M UVBuild\{ProjectName}_1.axf UVBuild\{ProjectName}_2.axf
UVBuild\{ProjectName}.hex --flash_size 262144 --flash_row_size 256 --ee_array 64

GCC toolchain:
Export\CyElfTool.exe -M {ProjectName}_1.elf {ProjectName}_2.elf {ProjectName}.hex
--flash_size 262144 --flash_row_size 256 --ee_array 64 --ee_row_size16

Flash and EE arguments are device-dependent and can be copied from the bootlodable's postbuild.bat
6. You should now have two .axf files and one hex file in the Output directory. You can now program and debug
your bootloader, either bootloadable or combination files as you wish.
7. If you make any changes to either of your bootloadable projects, make sure those changes are mirrored in your
other bootloadable project.
8. If you re-export a bootloadable project from PSoC Creator, make sure to regenerate your second bootloadable
using the manual steps previously described.

Miscellaneous Export Notes

This section identifies certain key points that you should know:
Notes for All Vision Versions

There is no support for programming/debugging simultaneously through multiple MiniProg3/KitProg devices

connected to USB ports.

To ensure the MiniProg3/KitProg drivers are successfully registered, verify that the Tools.ini file includes the
paths to MiniProg3 drivers under the C51, ARM, and ARMADS sections. The following example shows
entries in the Tools.ini file for the default installation of PSoC Creator:
Miniprog3/KitProg v<version>")
Creator\export\ide\uVision\4.x\driver\cyuvdriver_arm.dll"("Cypress Miniprog3/KitProg
Creator\export\ide\uVision\4.x\driver\cyuvdriver_arm.dll"("Cypress Miniprog3/KitProg

The number after TDRV can vary depending on the Vision installation. Also, the version number in the
path and name of the driver will change based on the installed version of PSoC Creator.

If the tools.ini file is not updated with the path to the MiniProg3/KitProg drivers, the file can be manually
updated with the appropriate path.

Firmware code written in PSoC Creator before the Vision application project is created for the first time
will by synced. Once the Vision application project has been created, build settings and files are
maintained in the Vision GUI.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

The Export to IDE feature only supports the following PSoC Creator project variants:

PSoC 3 projects may use the DP8051 Keil 9.51 or DP8051 Keil Generic toolchain.

PSoC 5LP projects may use the ARM MDK Generic, "GCC 4.9-2015-q1-update", or "GCC Generic"

Code in the Start group in the Vision application project is automatically re-generated by PSoC Creator.

Vision post-build steps are unable to report errors in a way that influences the final error/warning count.
You should examine your Vision output window to make sure that there are no issues reported by the
post-build scripts.

Windows BAT files do no work reliably when run from UNC style paths (\\server\path\to\script.bat). In
particular, the BAT file processor may report that it cant set the current working directory to \\server\path.
You may work around this issue by using the Windows Map Network Drive feature to assign a drive letter
to your shared server directory.

Notes for Vision 5 generated software pack

It is not possible to work on a project in PSoC Creator and Vision 5 simultaneously. You need to close
Vision before reloading files modified by PSoC Creator. If you change your design in PSoC Creator and
build it, PSoC Creator automatically updates the pack. If accidentally you have Vision open while changed
the design in Creator, Vision might use the out of date pack, so you have to close it and re-open it to
access the updated pack.

For Vision 5 exported projects, it is very important to keep <project_name>.gpdsc file and
<vendor_name.pack_name.pack_version>.pack in sync. If you export a project to Vision 5 and select the
Install the generated pack in Vision check box, the pack will be installed in the Vision installation
directory automatically. Also a copy of the generated pack will be located under the
<project_directory>/Export/Pack folder and a <project_name>.gpdsc file will be located in project directory.
All these three must be kept in sync.

Once you have a <project_name>.gpdsc in the project directory, PSoC Creator detects it and updates it
during the build process. It also detects if you previously selected the Install the generated pack in
Vision check box, so it updates the pack in Export/Pack folder as well and installs it in Vision. If for any
reason PSoC Creator cannot install the pack during the build process (for example, say you uninstalled
Vision 5 from your system), you will see a message in PSoC Creator output window stating that the
Vision 5 project is not up to date and a re-export is required.

If you change a previously exported project in PSoC Creator and re-export the project with the same pack
name and version, use caution. If you deselect the Install the generated pack in Vision check box
(where previously you selected it), the pack in the Export/Pack folder is substituted with the up to date pack
in sync with new gpdsc file. However, the installed pack in Vision is out of date (still the previous one), so
you need to manually install the new pack before building the project in Vision 5. You can install the pack
by double-clicking on it and following the PackUnzip.exe dialog steps.

There can be more than one pack in the Export/Pack directory, but the gpdsc file in the project directory is
always in sync with the last generated pack. So, you may save the current exported Vision 5 project
somewhere else to keep the current gpdsc file for the current pack file before changing the design and
doing a new export.

Follow the manual steps to refer to the linker script file and post build command in the Vision Options for
Target dialog (See Opening Projects in Vision 5 IDE). If you do not add the linker script and try to build the
project in Vision, you will see an error similar to the following:

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Export a Design to a 3rd Party IDE

Error: L6320W: Ignoring --entry command. Cannot find argument 'Reset_Handler'.

Warning: L6320W: Ignoring --first command. Cannot find argument '__Vectors'.
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Not enough information to list the image map.

The GCC toolchain is not supported by CMSIS Pack Vision 5, so if you wish to export the project using
GCC toolchain you must follow the manual steps described in GCC Settings in Vision.

If you added a pdf file as an application file during the export process, the pdf file will appear in the Manage
Run Time Environment dialog. The other application files will appear under the PSoC Creator in Vision
workspace. The following snapshot shows the pdf file named "Application file" in the Manage Run Time
Environment dialog. If you click on the link under description, the pdf file will open.

If you do not choose to add the application files automatically, you can add them manually to the Source
Group in the Vision workspace. If you already added the application files automatically to the pack and
also add them manually, you will get a build error similar to the following:
Error: L6200E: Symbol __asm___6_main_c_5f9501ff____REV16 multiply defined (by main_1.o and

See Also:

Exporting a Design to Keil Vision IDE

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

The PSoC Creator Debugger allows you to observe the run-time behavior of your program and determine the
location of semantic errors.

The debugger understands features that are built into programming languages and their associated libraries. With
the debugger, you can break (suspend) execution of your program to examine your code, evaluate and edit
variables in your program, view registers, see the instructions created from your source code, and view the memory
space used by your application.
Using a debugger, you can examine the content of variables in your program without having to insert additional
calls to output the values. You can insert a breakpoint in your code to halt execution at the point you are interested
When your program is halted (in break mode), you can examine local variables and other relevant data using
facilities, such as the Watch window and the Memory window. For more information, see Watch Window or Memory
Window. Not only can you view the contents while in break mode, you can edit or change the contents, if you
desire. In most cases, you will set your breakpoint in a source file, where you write and edit your code. Sometimes,
you may choose to set the breakpoint in the debugger's Disassembly window instead. The Disassembly window

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

shows you the instructions created from your source code. For more information, see the Disassembly Window.
Unlike printf or MsgBox, setting a breakpoint does not add an additional functional call to your source code.
Therefore, setting a breakpoint is unlikely to change the behavior of the program you are trying to debug.
Note Using the Debugger, you can program your device through PSoC Creator without launching PSoC
Programmer. Also, the device will automatically be reprogrammed when you start a debug session.
The PSoC Creator debugger provides menu items, windows, and dialog boxes to access all its tools. You can
obtain help on any window, dialog box, or control by selecting the item and pressing [F1]. You can also drag and
drop to move debugging information between windows. The following lists the main sub-sections for the Debugger:

Debugger Commands

Debugger Menus

Text Editor Context Menu Commands

Debugger Windows



Error Handling

Supported Debuggers:
PSoC Creator supports the 8051 and ARM Cortex-M3 microprocessors. The supported debugger is GDB.

Debugger Toolbar Commands

The Debugger toolbar contains many of the common commands you will use while debugging your programs:

The following table describes the toolbar commands:

Execute Code/
Resume Execution





Used to start/continue the debugger.

Automatically starts a build if the project is out-of-date

Updates the status bars message to indicate that the debugger is

Programs the selected target with the latest version of the project
Starts the debug session
Halt Execution

[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Break] Halts the debug target in the middle of whatever it is currently doing.
Especially useful if the chip is not behaving as expected and you want to
know what it is actually doing.

Stop Debugging


Terminates the debug session and places PSoC Creator back in the
standard perspective. Use this if you are finished debugging the code and
ready to make changes or do something else.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger





Step Into


Executes a single line of code. If the line is a function call, the debugger will
break at the first instruction in the function. If the line is not a function call, the
debugger will break at the following line of code. Use this to verify that a line
of code is doing what is expected. This function temporarily allows the
processor to run until it finishes processing the instructions that make up the
current line of code.

Step Over


Executes a single line of code. The debugger will break at the following line
of code. If the current line of code is a function call, the function will be
executed without stopping. The debugger will then stop on the next line after
the function call. Use this to verify that a line of code is doing what is
expected. This function temporarily allows the processor to run until it
finishes processing the instructions that make up the current line of code.

Step Out


Finishes executing the current function. The processor is allowed to run until
the current function has finished. It will halt again at the first instruction after
the function call. Use this to exit the current function and return to the calling
method. This function temporarily allows the processor to run until it finishes
processing the instructions that make up the current function.

Rebuild and Run


Halts the current debug session, recompiles the project, programs the device
with the updated code, and starts the debugger again. This allows for testing
changes much faster than having to start and stop the debugger each time a
change is made.



Resets the Program Counter (PC) to zero, and puts the processor into a run
state. This allows you to start over running the program without going
through the whole build and program sequence.

Enable/Disable All

Alternately enables and disables all breakpoints in the workspace. Use this
to quickly change the state of all breakpoints instead of having to change
each one individually. This is useful if there are multiple breakpoints set but
you just want the processor to run.

Global Interrupt

Alternately enables and disables global interrupts. Disabling global interrupts

allows the processor to step through Main code without the occurrence of

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Debugger Menu Commands

Text Editor Context Menu Commands

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Debugger Menu Commands

The Debug menus provide access to all of the functionality and information available to the current debugger. There
are two modes for the menu: inactive and active.

Inactive Mode Debug Menu:

When the debugger is not running, the Debug menu will be in the inactive state. In this state, only the functions that
make sense are available on the menu. For instance, the Halt function is unnecessary in the inactive state. In the
inactive mode, the Debug Windows submenu provides access to a limited subset of the available debug windows.



Windows >

Provides access to the various debugger windows. See Debugger


[Ctrl] + [D], [B]

Opens the Breakpoints window to display all of the breakpoints that

have been set in the workspace.


[Ctrl] + [D], [O]

Opens the Output window.

[Ctrl] + [F5]

Provides a one click means of programming the selected debug

target with the code generated from the selected project.


Automatically starts a build if the project is out-of-date

Updates the status bars message to indicate that
programming is taking place.

Launches PSoC Programmer behind the scenes to perform the

Select Debug Target

Opens the Select Debug Target dialog to manually select the debug
target to use.



Starts the debugger.

Debug without Programming

[Alt] + [F5]

Starts the debugger without programming the device.

Attach to Running Target

Toggle Breakpoint

Opens the Attach to Target dialog to connect to an already

programmed target device. Applicable to PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP

New Breakpoint >

Alternately inserts and removes a breakpoint in the current line of

code. This is the same as clicking in the Indicator Margin of the
Code Editor. You can use the [F9] key as a shortcut for this
Provides access to the following breakpoint windows. See
Breakpoints Window.

Address Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [A]

Opens the Address Breakpoint window.

File Line Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [F]

Opens the File/Line Breakpoint window.

Function Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [U]

Opens the Function Breakpoint window.

Variable Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [V]

Opens the Variable Watchpoints window.

Memory Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [E]

Opens the Memory_Watchpoint window.

[Ctrl] + [Shift] +

Deletes all breakpoints in the workspace instead of having to remove

each one individually. This is useful if there are multiple breakpoints
set but you just want the processor to run.

Delete All Breakpoints

Enable All Breakpoints

Enables all breakpoints

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Active Debug Windows Menu:

The active debug mode indicates that you have started a debug session; that the active PSoC Creator subsystem
is the debugger. In the active mode, the debugger is running and you have the full range of available functions; the
Debug Windows submenu provides access to all of the available debug windows.



Windows >

Provides access to the various debugger windows. See Debugger


[Ctrl] + [D], [B]

Opens the Breakpoints window to display all of the breakpoints that

have been set in the workspace.


[Ctrl] + [D], [O]

Opens the Output window.

[Ctrl] + [D], [W]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] +
[W], [2]

Opens one of four Watch windows to evaluate and display variables,

registers, or expressions.

[Ctrl] + [Alt] +
[W], [3]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] +
[W], [4]


[Ctrl] + [D], [L]

Opens the Locals window to view and modify all of the local variables
in the current debug frame.


[Ctrl] + [D], [P]

Opens the Component Debug Window to view debug information

about components in your design.

Call Stack

[Ctrl] + [D], [C]

Opens the Call Stack window to track the order that different
functions are called by the target program.

[Ctrl] + [D], [M]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] +
[M], [2]

Opens one of four Memory windows to display the values stored in

the memory of the processor.

[Ctrl] + [Alt] +
[M], [3]

[Ctrl] + [Alt] +
[M], [4]

Watch >

Memory >


[Ctrl] + [Alt] +

Opens the Disassembly window to display the basic instructions

created for your source code.


[Ctrl] + [R], [R]

Opens the Registers window to display the core CPU registers and
their values

[Ctrl] + [F5]

Provides a one click means of programming the selected debug

target with the code generated from the selected project.


Automatically starts a build if the project is out-of-date

Updates the status bars message to indicate that
programming is taking place.

Launches PSoC Programmer behind the scenes to perform the

Select Debug Target

Opens the Select Debug Target dialog to manually select the debug
target to use.

Show Current Line

Displays the line of code that is or will be executed.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger





Resume Execution


Continues the debugger. Starts the debug target running again after
a Halt or a breakpoint. Use this function to have the program
continue running to the next breakpoint.

Halt Execution

[Ctrl] + [Alt] +

Pauses the debugger.

Stop Debugging

[Shift] + [F5]

Stops the debugging session.

Rebuild and Run

[Ctrl] + [Shift] +

Rebuilds the program and restarts the debugger.


[Ctrl] + [Alt] +

Resets the debugger.

Step Into


Executes a single line of code. If the line is a function call, the

debugger will break at the first instruction in the function. If the line is
not a function call, the debugger will break at the following line of
code. Use this to verify that a line of code is doing what is expected.
This function temporarily allows the processor to run until it finishes
processing the instructions that make up the current line of code.

Step Over


Executes a single line of code. The debugger will break at the

following line of code. If the current line of code is a function call, the
function will be executed without stopping. The debugger will then
stop on the next line after the function call. Use this to verify that a
line of code is doing what is expected. This function temporarily
allows the processor to run until it finishes processing the instructions
that make up the current line of code.

Step Out

[Shift] + [F11]

Finishes executing the current function. The processor is allowed to

run until the current function has finished. It will halt again at the first
instruction after the function call. Use this to exit the current function
and return to the calling method. This function temporarily allows the
processor to run until it finishes processing the instructions that make
up the current function.

Toggle Breakpoint


Alternately inserts and removes a breakpoint in the current line of

code. This is the same as clicking in the Indicator Margin of the
Code Editor. You can use the [F9] key as a shortcut for this

New Breakpoint >

Provides access to the following breakpoint windows. See

Breakpoints Window.

Address Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [A]

Opens the Address Breakpoint window.

File Line Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [F]

Opens the File/Line Breakpoint window.

Function Breakpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [U]

Opens the Function Breakpoint window.

Variable Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [V]

Opens the Variable Watchpoints window.

Memory Watchpoint

[Ctrl] + [D], [E]

Opens the Memory_Watchpoint window.

[Ctrl] + [Shift] +

Deletes all breakpoints in the workspace instead of having to remove

each one individually. This is useful if there are multiple breakpoints
set but you just want the processor to run.

Delete All Breakpoints

Enable All Breakpoints

Enables all breakpoints.


Refreshes the debugger.

Enable/Disable Global

Enable/Disable (depending on current state) Global Interrupt

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Debugger Toolbar Commands

Text Editor Context Menu Commands

Debugger Indicators
This topic explains the various indicator icons that appear in the debugger:

The following table shows the different breakpoint symbols you may encounter:



There are six main icons as follows:

Breakpoint enabled

Breakpoint disabled

Breakpoint enabled with condition/hit count

Breakpoint disabled with condition/hit count

Breakpoint disabled due to error setting. View the error in the Notice List Window.

Breakpoint with condition/hit count disabled due to error setting. View the error in the Notice List Window.

There are four main categories: hardware, software, permanent, and temporary. Red means hardware; green
means software. The "1" in the top right corner means temporary.

A watchpoint will halt the program when the specified memory location is read, written, or accessed by the CPU.
There are three watchpoint icons, as follows:

Read Watchpoint

Write Watchpoint

Access Watchpoint

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Current Line Indicator:

This indicates the current line of code being executed. It is an indication of the command that will be executed when
the program is resumed.

Active Stack Element:

This indicates the current stack element that is active, if not the topmost item in the call stack. It is an indication that
the debugger is not focused on the top most element of the stack.

Stack Element:
This is grey highlighting surrounding a line of code indicating it is part of the call stack. This is an indication of how
code is being executed.

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Breakpoints Window

Variable Watchpoints

Call Stack Window

Software Breakpoints

Notice List Window

Debugger Status Messages

The PSoC Creator Status Bar will display various messages at different times when using the debugger. The
following sections describe the debugger messages you may see:

Starting Debugger Indicates that you requested to start debugging a project. PSoC Creator is in the
process of configuring the selected device for debugging.

Checking Build Indicates what is actually happening in the process of starting up the debugger. It takes
a while to check if a build is necessary and, if so, to start the build process. This task uses a great deal of
CPU power.

Programming Indicates that the selected debug target is being programmed. The programming process
takes about 3-5 seconds to complete. This message provides information that something is actually

Debugging - Halted Indicates that the target device is halted and the user can interact with it. The
debugger has two states, halted and running. The options available to the user are significantly different
between the states. This message provides an at-a-glance indication of which state the debugger is in.

Debugging - Running Indicates that the target device is running and the user cannot interact with it.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Debugger Windows
The PSoC Creator debugger offers a set of windows that give useful information for the debug environment. The
displays of these windows are all optional, although some of them will be displayed by default.
All of these windows are individually dockable or they can be free floating. If a window is free floating, it can be
individually resized. If a window is docked, resizing it will affect the nearby docked windows. If more than one
window is docked in the same location, a set of tabs will be placed at the bottom of the window listing all of the
available windows. Persistence of the default window settings and the user interface to select the default windows
is controlled by the PSoC Creator framework. See Customizing the Framework for more information about
arranging and resizing windows.
The following are the debugger windows available:

Memory Window

Watch Window

Component Debug Window

Breakpoints Window

Registers Window

Call Stack Window

Locals Window

Disassembly Window

Memory Window
The Memory window displays the values stored in the memory of the processor.

The memory is broken up into the different regions defined by the target architecture. The window displays a list of
addresses with the associated bytes along with an ASCII string that represents the series of displayed bytes. This
window is updated every time a halt event occurs.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Several memory windows can exist at one time, with each window focusing on a different area in memory. This tool
window is useful for viewing the raw data on the chip without any special filters or formatting. It is designed to allow
quick viewing of large blocks of data for validation purposes. In addition, this may be the only means of viewing
some regions of the chip that are not exposed via other windows.

To Display the Memory Window:

The debugger must be running or in break mode.
From the Debug menu, choose Windows > Memory, and click on 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Context Menus:
The following options are available if you right-click in the window:

Columns Changes the number of data columns displayed. Default is 8.

Data View Changes the formatting of data. Default is 1-byte int.

Data Style Changes the display radix. Default is Hexadecimal.

ASCII Display Toggles whether the ASCII column is displayed

To Jump to a Specific Address:

Type the address in the Address field and press [Enter].
You can also jump to a specific function or variable address.

To Change Address Space:

Select the appropriate address space from the pull down menu.

To Edit Contents of Memory:

Click an entry to enable edit mode, type the desired value, and press [Enter].

See Also:

Using the Debugger

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Watch Window
The Watch window is used to evaluate and display variables, registers, or expressions. It will only display items that
you specifically requested.

You can add items to the watch window by selecting a block of text in the Text Editor, or by typing the expression
directly into the Name column of the Watch window.
Use the Watch window to evaluate a wide range of expressions:

Simple variables Enter just the variable name. For example, if the program contains 'uint16 foo =
3;', enter 'foo'.

Array variables Enter just variable name with brackets around the index value. For example, if the
program contains 'uint8[10] foo;', enter 'foo[2]'.

Struct variables Enter just the variable name with a period separating the different items. For example, if
the program contains 'struct foo { uint16 a; uint8 b }; struct foo temp;', enter 'foo' to
view the whole struct, or 'foo.a' to view just the 'a' member of the struct.

Registers Enter a '$' sign in front of the register name. For example, to view the Program Counter, enter
'$PC'. All register names can be viewed by opening the Registers window.

Expressions Enter the expression to evaluate. For example, to add a number to a variable, enter

Assignments Enter the assignment statement to evaluate. For example, to assign 3 to the variable foo,
enter 'foo=3'.

The Watch window is automatically updated with the latest values at every halt event. While halted, you can modify
the values of items to view and update any aspect of the design that might interest you. For numeric values, there
is also an option to display the values in binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal. Several watch windows can exist at
one time, with each window focusing on different aspects of the program. Each Watch window contains the
following columns:

Name In this column you can type any valid expression recognized by the debugger.

Value The debugger evaluates the expression displayed in the Name column and places the result in this

If the expression is a variable or register name, you can edit the value in this column to change the
contents of the variable or register.

You cannot edit the value of const variables.

You can edit and display register values for native-code applications only.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

You can change the numeric format of the value to hexadecimal by right-clicking the Watch window and
choosing the Hexadecimal Display option from the shortcut menu.

Address Shows the location of the variable in memory.

Type This column displays the data type of the variable or expression.

Radix Indicates how the Value is displayed.

To Display the Watch Window:

The debugger must be running or in break mode.
From the Debug menu, choose Windows > Watch, and click on 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Context Menus:
The following options are available if you right-click in the window:

Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Paste Creates a new entry from the contents of the clipboard.

Edit Value Edits the entrys value, same as double clicking on the Value field

Add Watchpoint Adds a new watchpoint variable on the selected variable

Delete Watch Deletes the selected entry from the list

Select All Selects all entries in the window

Clear All Clears all entries in the window

Radix Changes the default radix used by the debugger

Collapse Parent Collapses the entrys parent item so child nodes are hidden

To Enter a Watch Item:

1. Click in the Name column where it states "Click here to add."
2. Type the desired watch item and press [Enter].

To Modify a Watch Item:

Do either of the following:

Double-click an entrys Name field to change the item being watched.

Double-click an entrys Value field to change the value of the item, if not read-only.

To Change the Radix Display:

To change all rows, right-click and choose Radix and click the desired display type.
To change a single row, double-click the row to change, and select the display type from the pull-down menu.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

To Delete a Watch Item:

Select the item and press [Delete].

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Text Editor

Registers window

Component Debug Window

The Component Debug Window is used to view debug information about components in your design.

It provides a means of easily seeing what data is used to make up the component. This can be helpful in tracking
down issues with custom components or figuring out why a component is not behaving as expected.
This window is generated for each component instance in a project for which you selected using the Select
Component Instance Debug Windows. Each component window lists the memory and registers for the instance, as
well as any sub-components that are used by it. Since not all components have all three of these items, only the
resources actually used will be displayed. This means some windows may only have a memory or register view.
The memory and registers windows behave exactly like the main Memory window and Registers window. The list of
sub-components are links to provide easy viewing access.

To Open this Window:

The debugger must be running or in break mode.
1. From the Debug menu, choose Windows > Components...

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

The Component Window Selector dialog displays.

2. Select the component instances to view in the Components window and click OK.
The selected Component Debug Window(s) will open within the debugger framework. You can re-arrange how
these windows are displayed within the framework to suit your needs.

See Also:

Select Component Instance Debug Windows

Memory Window

Registers Window

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Select Component Instance Debug Windows

The Select Component Instance Debug Windows dialog allows you to select from a list of all component instances
that contain debug information.

Each instance you select will display in a different Components Window during a debug session. It presents each of
the available components in a simple tree view, which preserves the components' nesting hierarchy. It also provides
a clear indication of which components are made up of other components.

To Select/Deselect a Component Window:

Check/uncheck a check box next to each entry to cause the window to be displayed (checked) or closed
You can also use Select All or Deselect All, as desired.

See Also:

Components Window

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Breakpoints Window
The Breakpoints window displays all of the breakpoints that have been set in the workspace, whether they are
enabled or not. The window displays the list of breakpoints by type and location. If the processor (debug tool chain)
supports it, this window also provides additional information about the breakpoint such as the number of times it
has been hit and any condition that must be true for it to be triggered.

A breakpoint is used to cause the debugger to halt the next time its location is reached. Breakpoints can be set,
listed, disabled, or removed. Breakpoints can be set up in a number of different ways, such as specifying the line
number of a file on which a breakpoint should be set, a function in which a breakpoint must exist, or an address
when accessed.
If you set a hardware breakpoint, a red dot will appear in the Type column, as well as in the left margin of the
source/disassembly corresponding to the line in which the breakpoint is assigned. A disabled breakpoint has its
associated red dot replaced with a red circle. When a breakpoint is removed its corresponding dot/circle is removed
from the margin. For a list and description of all debugger indicators, see Debugger Indicators.
The number of breakpoints available is limited by the PSoC device. Refer to the appropriate device datasheet for
the number of breakpoints available. PSoC Creator reserves a single breakpoint to perform other operations such
as step, jump, and run-to-cursor. If the number of hardware breakpoints has been exhausted, and if you attempt to
add another, the debugger will display an information message to announce that the maximum number of
breakpoints has been reached. You will be prompted to place a software breakpoint instead. If the current action
does not require PSoC Creator to use the hardware breakpoint that was set aside, the first software breakpoint will
automatically use the available hardware breakpoint.
Note Breakpoints are hit twice when interrupts are enabled. This happens because the breakpoint gets hit, but
before the line of code is actually executed an interrupt takes over and gets processed. When the interrupt has
completed, the processor returns to the original line of code. This causes the breakpoint to be hit again.
To Open the Breakpoints Window:
Click Debug > Windows > Breakpoints.
The Breakpoints window contains the following toolbar commands:




Pull down menu to create different types of breakpoints.


Deletes the selected breakpoint.

Enable/Disable Breakpoint

Alternately enables and disables the selected breakpoint.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger




Delete All Breakpoints

Deletes all breakpoints in the workspace instead of having to remove each one
individually. This is useful if there are multiple breakpoints set but you just want the
processor to run.

Enable/Disable All

Alternately enables and disables all breakpoints in the workspace. Use this to
quickly change the state of all breakpoints instead of having to change each one
individually. This is useful if there are multiple breakpoints set but you just want the
processor to run.


Pull down menu to show/hide the columns in the window.

Show full path for file names

Alternately shows/hides the full path name for file/line breakpoints.

To Set a Breakpoint:
1. Open the file you want to debug.
2. Click at targeted points in the left margin of the open file to set breakpoints; click again to unset them.
To Modify an Existing Breakpoint:
You can modify the breakpoint by right-clicking on it to access the following commands:

Delete Deletes the selected breakpoint.

Enable/Disable Alternately enables and disables the selected breakpoint.

Temporary Sets the breakpoint as temporary.

Location Opens the selected type of breakpoint dialog to modify the location.

Condition Opens the Breakpoint Condition dialog.

Hit Count Opens the Breakpoint Hit Count dialog.

Hardware Alternately sets whether the breakpoint is handled by hardware or software.

Note Software breakpoints (green dot) are handled differently than hardware breakpoints. Software
breakpoints anywhere in a workspace while debugging will cause the program to run significantly slower
then if there were only hardware breakpoints present. For more information, see Software Breakpoints.

See Also:

Address Breakpoint

File/Line Breakpoint

Function Breakpoint

Variable Watchpoints

Memory Watchpoint

Breakpoint Condition

Breakpoint Hit Count

Software Breakpoints

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Address Breakpoint
The Address Breakpoint dialog is used to create a new breakpoint (or modify an existing one) at a specific address.

This breakpoint will be hit each time the Program Counter (PC) matches the address. It does not require any
information about the source code that was compiled to generate the program data.
When not in debug mode, you will not see address breakpoints displayed in the margin indicator of the source
editor. These types of breakpoints are only shown in the margin while in debug mode. You can see these
breakpoints in the Breakpoints window.
To Open the Dialog:
New Breakpoint
For a new breakpoint:

From the PSoC Creator Debug menu, select New Breakpoint > Address Breakpoint...

In the Breakpoints window New menu, select Address...

Existing Breakpoint
For an existing breakpoint, in the Breakpoints window, right-click on the breakpoint and select Location...
To Create a New Breakpoint:
Enter either a decimal or hexadecimal address to break on and click OK.
To Modify an Existing Breakpoint:
You can modify the breakpoint by right-clicking on it in the Breakpoints window to access the following menus:

Temporary - Sets the breakpoint as temporary.

Location - Opens the Address Breakpoint dialog to modify the address.

Condition - Opens the Breakpoint Condition dialog.

Hit Count - Opens the Breakpoint Hit Count dialog.

See Also:

Breakpoints Window

File/Line Breakpoint

Function Breakpoint

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Variable Watchpoints

Breakpoint Condition

Breakpoint Hit Count

File/Line Breakpoint
The File/Line Breakpoint dialog is used to create a new breakpoint (or modify an existing one) at a specific file line
of source code.

This breakpoint will be hit each time the line of code is being executed. This is the most convenient, but least
precise, means of adding a breakpoint.
To Open the Dialog:
New Breakpoint
For a new breakpoint, from the PSoC Creator Debug menu, select New Breakpoint > File/Line Breakpoint...
Existing Breakpoint
For an existing breakpoint, in the Breakpoints window, right-click on the breakpoint and select Location...
To Create a New Breakpoint:
Click in the Indicator Margin of the Code Editor at the line in which you want to create a breakpoint.
Note You can also use the dialog to enter the line number and full name of the file in which to put the breakpoint
and click OK.
To Modify an Existing Breakpoint:
You can modify the breakpoint by right-clicking on it in the Breakpoints window to access the following menus:

Temporary - Sets the breakpoint as temporary.

Location - Opens the Address Breakpoint dialog to modify the address.

Condition - Opens the Breakpoint Condition dialog.

Hit Count - Opens the Breakpoint Hit Count dialog.

See Also:

Breakpoints Window

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Address Breakpoint

Function Breakpoint

Variable Watchpoints

Breakpoint Condition

Breakpoint Hit Count

Function Breakpoint
The Function Breakpoint dialog is used to create a new breakpoint (or modify an existing one) at a specific function
in the program.

Use this to create a breakpoint that will be hit when the function is called, independent of how the code inside and
around the function is changed.
When not in debug mode, you will not see function breakpoints displayed in the margin indicator of the source
editor. These types of breakpoints are only shown in the margin while in debug mode. You can see these
breakpoints in the Breakpoints window.
Note A function breakpoint does not get displayed in the margin indicator. When the function has arguments, Keil
expects _ in front of the function name. Otherwise the function breakpoint does not work. To address this, prefix
the function name with _.
To Open the Dialog:
New Breakpoint
For a new breakpoint:

From the PSoC Creator Debug menu, select New Breakpoint > Function Breakpoint...

In the Breakpoints window New menu, select Function...

Existing Breakpoint
For an existing breakpoint, in the Breakpoints window, right-click on the breakpoint and select Location...
To Create a New Breakpoint:
Enter the name of a function to break on and click OK.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

To Modify an Existing Breakpoint:

You can modify the breakpoint by right-clicking on it in the Breakpoints window to access the following menus:

Temporary - Sets the breakpoint as temporary.

Location - Opens the Function Breakpoint dialog to modify the function.

Condition - Opens the Breakpoint Condition dialog.

Hit Count - Opens the Breakpoint Hit Count dialog.

See Also:

Breakpoints Window

Address Breakpoint

File/Line Breakpoint

Variable Watchpoints

Breakpoint Condition

Breakpoint Hit Count

Variable Watchpoints
The Variable Watchpoint dialog is used to create a watchpoint (or modify an existing one) on a specific variable.

A watchpoint is used to set a breakpoint on a place in data memory as opposed to the standard breakpoint, which is
used for program memory. Instead of setting the breakpoint on a line of code, you set it on a variable in the code.
This watchpoint will be hit each time the address at which the variable is located is read, written, or accessed based
on your selection for Break on. Use it to track when specific variables/addresses are read from or written to. This
can help track down why a specific memory location does not have the expected value. Just like a standard
breakpoint, when hit, a watchpoint will cause the program to stop executing and an indicator will be displayed
showing what instruction triggered the watchpoint.
Unlike standard breakpoints that are associated with a specific instruction in code, watchpoints can be hit at any
number of instructions. It all depends on the data that is accessed by the instruction. Because of this, watchpoints
do not show any indicator in the left hand margin of the text editor. However, they are still listed in the Breakpoint
Note The number of watchpoints available depends on the device being debugged. Refer to the applicable device
datasheet for more information.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

To Open the Dialog:

New Watchpoint
For a new watchpoint:

From the PSoC Creator Debug menu, select New Breakpoint > Variable Watchpoint...

In the Breakpoints window New menu, select Watch Variable...

Existing Watchpoint
For an existing watchpoint, in the Breakpoints window, right-click on the watchpoint and select Location...
To Create a New Watchpoint:
Enter the name of the variable to break on and click OK.
To Modify an Existing Breakpoint:
You can modify the breakpoint by right-clicking on it in the Breakpoints window to access the following menus:

Location - Opens the Variable Watchpoint dialog to modify the address.

Condition - Opens the Breakpoint Condition dialog.

Hit Count - Opens the Breakpoint Hit Count dialog.

See Also:

Breakpoints Window

Address Breakpoint

File/Line Breakpoint

Function Breakpoint

Memory Watchpoint

Breakpoint Condition

Breakpoint Hit Count

Software Breakpoints

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Memory Watchpoint
The Memory Watchpoint dialog allows you to select the address, width, address space, and break type.

Memory watchpoints are similar to Variable Watchpoints, but as they can be set on a particular memory address
instead of a variable. Memory watchpoints are used by the Analog Device Editor to detect when switches are
opened or closed. However, memory watchpoints can be used for other things as well, such as monitoring for stack
or data corruption.
The dialog contains the following fields:

Address The address to set the breakpoint on. (Note The bottom n-bits of the address will be ignored
based on the specified Width.)

Width The number of bytes to set the breakpoint on. This is implemented by ignoring the bottom n-bits in
the address.

Break On The type of memory access for which the watchpoint should be triggered.

Address Space If the device has multiple memory spaces, this selects which one.

To Open the Dialog:

New Watchpoint
For a new watchpoint:

From the PSoC Creator Debug menu, select New Breakpoint > Memory Watchpoint...

In the Breakpoints window New menu, select Watch Memory...

Existing Watchpoint
For an existing watchpoint, in the Breakpoints window, right-click on the watchpoint and select Location...
To Create a New Watchpoint:
Enter a decimal or hexadecimal address to break on and click OK.
To Modify an Existing Breakpoint:
You can modify the breakpoint by right-clicking on it in the Breakpoints window to access the following menus:

Location - Opens the Memory Watchpoint dialog to modify the address.

Condition - Opens the Breakpoint Condition dialog.

Hit Count - Opens the Breakpoint Hit Count dialog.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

See Also:

Breakpoints Window

Address Breakpoint

File/Line Breakpoint

Function Breakpoint

Variable Watchpoints

Breakpoint Condition

Breakpoint Hit Count

Software Breakpoints

Breakpoint Condition
The Breakpoint Condition dialog is used to add/modify a condition on a breakpoint.

This allows you to control when the debugger will actually report that the breakpoint was hit. Use it to allow code to
be executed an arbitrary number of times while the condition is not true. This provides a quicker means of
identifying problems then breaking every time and then manually evaluating the condition.
To Open the Dialog:
In the Breakpoints window, right-click on the breakpoint and select Condition...
To Set a Breakpoint Condition:
Enter a condition that must evaluate to true before the code is halted, and click OK.
For example: i>10 or a==b
See Also:

Breakpoints Window

Address Breakpoint

File/Line Breakpoint

Function Breakpoint

Variable Watchpoints

Breakpoint Hit Count

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Breakpoint Hit Count

The Breakpoint Hit Count dialog is used for setting the number of times the breakpoint must have been
encountered before actually stopping.

A breakpoint is hit when the breakpoint location is reached and the condition is satisfied. The hit count is the
number of times the breakpoint has been hit. This allows you to control when the debugger will actually report that
the breakpoint was hit. Use it to allow the code to be executed a few times before actually triggering the breakpoint
for user intervention. This is useful for quickly checking boundary conditions and finding out if code is executing
more than expected.
To Open the Dialog:
In the Breakpoints window, right-click on the breakpoint and select Hit Count...
To Set the Breakpoint Hit Count:
Enter the number of times the breakpoint can be hit before halting click OK.
Click Reset to reset the number of times the breakpoint has already been hit.
See Also:

Breakpoints Window

Address Breakpoint

File/Line Breakpoint

Function Breakpoint

Variable Watchpoints

Breakpoint Condition

Software Breakpoints
A software breakpoint is a breakpoint that is implemented on the Host PC side, once all Hardware breakpoints
supplied by the target device have been exhausted.
A software breakpoint causes PSoC Creator to single step the processor and compare the PC with the breakpoint
address. If they match PSoC Creator will report that a breakpoint has been hit. If the PC does not match the

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

breakpoint address it will continue stepping through code. Because the processor is single stepping through the
code instead of just running it will be significantly slower.
How to Use Software Breakpoints:
Once all Hardware breakpoints are exhausted for the target device, PSoC Creator will automatically use software
breakpoints for all future breakpoints. Depending on the settings in the Debugging Options dialog, the tool may
warn you about using Software breakpoints. If some of the hardware breakpoints are removed, the software
breakpoints will be converted to hardware breakpoints to improve debugging performance.
See Also:

Breakpoints Window

Debugging Options

Registers Window
The Registers window displays the core CPU registers and their values.

It provides a means of quickly viewing what is happening in core of the processor. It also allows for modifying the
value of any of the registers as you see fit to be sure the processor is doing what it is expected to do.
This window will be updated at every halt event. The values displayed in this window are displayed in hexadecimal
format by default.

To Display the Registers Window:

The debugger must be running or in break mode.
From the Debug menu, choose Windows > Registers.

Context Menus:
The following options are available if you right-click in the window:

Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Select All Selects all registers in the display.

Radix Changes the default radix used by the debugger

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

To Edit a Register Value:

Click an entry to enable edit mode, type the desired value, and press [Enter].

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Register Details
The Register Details dialog allows you to see more detailed information about a specific register. It displays each of
the fields within the register, their access restrictions, and the value that is set for the field.

Additionally, hovering over a field brings up a tool tip describing the field and, in some cases, what specific settings

To Open the Dialog:

Double click on a register in the Registers Window, or right click on the register and select Details...

To Modify a Value:
Click on the value cell for the field you wish to modify, set the new value and clicking the Commit button.
Click the Restore button to restore the value of the register that is currently on the chip.

See Also:

Registers Window

Debugger Windows

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Call Stack Window

The Call Stack window is used to track the order that different functions are called by the target program.

Each function call that has not yet completed gets placed on the top of the stack. When the function is completed it
will get popped off. This tool is useful in seeing how code is being executed and to make sure things are happening
in the correct order. It provides an easy means of tracing exactly how the program got to executing the current line
of code.
This window displays the name of each function and may be accompanied by optional information, such as line
number, byte offset, etc. The display of this optional information can be turned on or off.

To Display the Call Stack Window:

The debugger must be running or in break mode.
From the Debug menu, choose Windows and click Call Stack.

Context Menus:
The following options are available if you right-click in the window:

Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Select All Selects all registers in the display.

Switch to Frame Changes the active item, same as double clicking an item

Run to Frame Causes code to execute until the selected frame is reached

Show Module Name Shows the file that the function exists in

Show Parameter Type Shows the type of each function parameter

Show Parameter Name Shows the name of each function parameter

Show Parameter Value Shows the value of each function parameter

Show Line Number Shows the line in the function that performed the call

Show Byte Offset Shows the instruction address that the call was made from

To Change the Optional Information Displayed:

Right-click the Call Stack window and then click the desired information to show or hide from the shortcut menu.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

To Change the Active Call Stack Item/Frame:

Double-click and entry or right-click and select Switch to Frame.
This will shift the focus on the line of code in the editor that corresponds to the clicked frame. It will also cause the
debugger to change the active frame. This causes the Locals window to update with the local variables from the
selected frame.

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Locals Window

Locals Window
The Locals window allows you to view and modify all of the local variables in the current debug frame.

You can see the value, type, and address of any variable. This allows you to quickly see if a function is behaving as
expected and updating its variable items appropriately.
This window contains the following columns:

Name contains the names of all local variables in the current scope. Structure and array variables have a
tree control that you can use to display or hide the elements.

Value shows the value contained by each variable. By default, integer variables are represented in
hexadecimal form. You can change the representation to decimal by right-clicking the Locals window and
choosing the Decimal Display option from the shortcut menu.

Address shows the location of the variable in memory.

Type identifies the data type of each variable listed in the Name column.

Radix indicates how the Value is displayed.

To Display the Locals Window:

The debugger must be running or in break mode.
From the Debug menu, choose Windows and click Locals.
The default context is the function containing the current execution location.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Context Menus:
The following options are available if you right-click in the window:

Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Edit Value Edits the entrys value, same as double clicking on the Value field

Add Watchpoint Adds a new variable watchpoint on the selected variable

Select All Selects all entries in the window

Radix Changes the default radix used by the debugger

Collapse Parent Collapses the entrys parent item so child nodes are hidden

To Modify a Variable:
Double-click an entrys Value field to change the value of the item, if not read-only.

To Change the Radix Display:

To change all rows, right-click and choose Radix and click the desired display type.
To change a single row, double-click the row to change, and select the display type from the pull-down menu.

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Locals Window

Disassembly Window
The Disassembly window displays the basic instructions created for your source code.

Rather than forcing you to read instruction codes in binary or hexadecimal format, the instructions are
disassembled into assembly-language format. It allows you to view and enter breakpoints from combination of user
source code and compiled assembly instructions in order to see at a lower level exactly what the code is doing.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Using the Disassembly window, you can step through the assembly code, set breakpoints and interact with the
code using all the same capabilities you can use when debugging the C source code. Mixed mode disassembly, for
example interspersed C code, may also be displayed.
Assembly-language code consists of mnemonics, which are abbreviations for instruction names, and symbols that
represent variables, registers, and constants. Each machine-language instruction is represented by one assemblylanguage mnemonic, usually followed by one or more variables, registers, or constants. Because assembly code
relies heavily on processor registers (or, in the case of managed code, common language runtime registers), you
will often find it useful to use the Disassembly window in conjunction with the Registers window, which allows you
to examine register contents.

To Display the Disassembly Window:

The debugger must be running or in break mode.
From the Debug menu, choose Windows > Disassembly.

Context Menus:
The following options are available if you right-click in the window:

Insert Breakpoint Inserts an address breakpoint at the current address

Break Here Once Inserts a temporary address breakpoint at the address

Run to Instruction Run the processor until the current address is reached

Go to PC Sets the focus of the window to the current PC address

Go to Address Sets the focus of the window on the provided address

Show source lines when available Intermixes user source and assembly code

Hide empty source lines Hides blank lines

Show code bytes Shows the code data that represents the instructions

Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard.

To Insert a Breakpoint:
Click in the margin next to a line of code. Click again to remove it.

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Registers Window

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Select Debug Target

The Select Debug Target dialog allows you to select which attached device you want to program and debug. It also
provides a means of configuring the settings used to detect devices.

To Open the Dialog:

Open a project and choose Select Debug Target from the Debug menu.
This dialog may also display when you first click Debug
or Program . It will display if you have more than one
device connected to your computer and if you have not already selected a device.
It uses the device type chosen in the Device Selector in order to filter what you can choose as the debug target.
The debugger will remember this selection for all subsequent debug sessions while PSoC Creator is opened.
If the target is connected to multiple devices on a JTAG, it will display the PSoC 3 / PSoC 5LP devices connected in
the chain.
If you wish to select a different debug target at any time, open the Select Debug Target dialog by choosing Debug >
Select Debug Target.

To Apply Settings:
If the settings for the communication channel have not been configured, or if they have been reconfigured by a
different application, use the Apply Settings button to apply the settings from Programmer/Debugger Options

To Reset Attached Devices:

Click on the connection node and click Port Acquire button.
This can be used to reset any attached devices and make sure the debug port is active.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

To Filter the Devices Shown:

The devices displayed can be filtered based on the active project. The dialog can be configured to show the

all devices

devices compatible with the selected device for the active project

devices that are an exact match of the selected device for the active project

Note To be compatible, the target device must come from the same family and must have all (or more) of the
resources as the project's device.

To Select a Device:
Devices can be connected via the MiniProg3 or kits and used within PSoC Creator. Under each MiniProg3 and kit
will be a list of devices attached to that MiniProg3 or kit.
Clock on the appropriate device from the list and click Connect to use that device when programming or

The debugger will remember this selection for all subsequent debug sessions while PSoC Creator is opened. If you
want to select a different debug target at any time, re-open the Select Debug Target dialog.
Note The Connect command locks the selected device for exclusive use by this session of PSoC Creator.
If the chip was programmed without debugging enabled, clicking Port Acquire may be necessary for PSoC Creator
to properly read the silicon revision. Doing so will reset the device and place it in a temporary debug state. While in
this debug state code will not execute.
If after running Port Acquire, PSoC Creator still has trouble recognizing the silicon revision, PSoC Creator may be
too old to handle this version of silicon, or the board may be incorrectly wired for the current settings in PSoC

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Creator. Verify the wiring of the board and the options selected under the Programmer/Debugger Options dialog.
For example, if the options for the MiniProg3 are set to use Reset for the Programming Mode, then the MiniProg3's
XRES pin must be connected to the PSoC's XRES pin.

Context Menus:
Each node in the displayed tree may have commands accessible via the right-click menu. You can use these
commands to configure the communication channel settings, for example.

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Device Configuration



Programmer/Debugger Options

Attach to Target
The Attach to Target dialog allows you to connect to an already programmed target device.

Use this dialog to debug a design that has been running for a while and has stopped working as expected. You can
also use it for debugging a design for which no source code is available. Unlike the standard debugging flow, this
command will not reprogram the device before opening the debugger.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Note Use of this feature will cause a momentary interruption in the code running on the PSoC device.
You can select a project file, a workspace file, or an elf file to use as the debug file. If you select a Project or
Workspace, it will open that item in PSoC Creator. If a project is already open in PSoC Creator, this field will be
automatically populated with the active project. This field is not required to attach the debugger to the target, but
specifying a file does allow for more options while debugging.

To Open the Dialog:

Select Attach to Running Target... from the Debug menu.

To Select a File:
Click [ ... ] and navigate to the Project, the Workspace, or the ELF file to select.
If a project is already open in PSoC Creator, this field will be automatically populated with the active project, and the
browse button will be disabled. You can only select a file if there is no active project.
This field is not required to attach the debugger to the target, but specifying it does allow for more options while

To Select a Device:
Click on one of the devices listed that are attached to the computer. You may choose any item from this list to
attach to.

To Halt Target on Attach:

Check this box to cause the debugger to halt the target device and show you where it halted.

See Also:

Debugger Menu Commands

Using the Debugger

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

Device Configuration
The Device Configuration dialog is used to configure PSoC Creator to identify a 3rd party device and report the
provided name instead of just the silicon ID.

This is done so the Select Debug Target dialog can list correct information about devices that are attached to a
Note While this configuration allows PSoC Creator to recognize 3rd party devices, these devices cannot be
selected for debugging. The primary use of the Device Configuration dialog is to configure the size of the Instruction
Register and Data Register for 3rd party devices attached in a JTAG chain.

To View Device Configuration:

Device Configuration can be viewed in two ways:

From the Tools menu, select the Options > Program/Debug > Device Recognition.

From the Select Debug Target dialog, right-click on the device node and select Configure.

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Select Debug Target


Debugging Options

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

The MiniProg3 is used for both programming and debugging a PSoC device. It supports a number of different
transfer protocols, including:




To Program or Debug a PSoC Device:

Configure the MiniProg3 for SWD or JTAG mode.
You can configure all MiniProg3 devices by setting up the default MiniProg3 configuration in the PSoC Creator
preferences (Program/Debug Options > MiniProg3). You can also configure the attached MiniProg3 by right clicking
on its entry in the Select Debug Target dialog. Both configuration options affect all attached MiniProg3s.
Note If the options for the MiniProg3 are configured for the MiniProg3 to supply voltage to the device, and the
device is already powered by an external source, the Settings may not match what the MiniProg3 is actually doing.

To Use the MiniProg3:

Ensure it is properly connected.
1. Connect the MiniProg3 to the computer with the provided USB cable.
2. Using the 10-pin ribbon cable, connect the MiniProg3 to the DVK board's processor module.
PSoC Creator will automatically detect the newly attached MiniProg3 and PSoC device. You can view both devices
in the Select Debug Target dialog, under the MiniProg3 connection type.

See Also:

Program/Debug Options

Select Debug Target

Device Configuration

QuickProgrammer is the means by which PSoC Creator automatically invokes PSoC Programmer as needed. This
saves the time of manually launching and configuring PSoC Programmer. QuickProgrammer can be used in two
different ways.

The first is by clicking the Program button.

This will build the current project if needed and check that the selected device is compatible with the device
specified in the project. PSoC Creator will then invoke PSoC Programmer to program the device.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Using the Debugger

The second is by clicking the Debug button.

In addition to programming the device as specified above, this will also initiate a new debug session.

See Also:

Using the Debugger

Debugger Toolbar Commands

Debugger Menu Commands

Error Handling
This section details how the debugging module will handle various errors, such as the USB cable being unplugged.

Multiple Debugger Instances:

You can run multiple instances of PSoC Creator on a single PC. A USB port and/or a JTAG DUT lock mechanism
and lock detection can be used to inform you when a PSoC Creator debugger instance has exclusive use of a USB
device and or a JTAG DUT.

Hardware Target is Halted or Reset Externally:

It is possible for the hardware to be reset or halted independently of PSoC Creator. When this occurs, PSoC
Creator will inform you via a break point indicator in the source or disassembly and a status bar message reporting
the hardware has been reset/halted.
If the hardware is halted externally, the debugger will inform you as though you pressed Break. If reset, it will
behave as though it were disconnected.

Hardware is Disconnected:
If the hardware is disconnected from the PC during a debugging session, the IDE will inform you through a dialog
box the next time you attempt to communicate with the chip.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Completing the Project

There are several steps to complete your PSoC Creator project, including:

Review Device Datasheet

Optimize Compiler Settings

Archive the Project

Set Build Configuration

Select Programming Protocol

Enable Device Protection

Select Optional Reset Line

Select Flash Security Protection

Enable Write Once Latch Flash Protection

Evaluate General Programming Options

Review Device Datasheet

It is critical when going to production to finalize application pin selections, PCB layout, and hardware design against
the recommended layout detailed in the respective PSoC device datasheets. You can navigate to the correct PSoC
device datasheet available on through Datasheets tab on the Workspace Explorer.
The device datasheet provides a summary of the features, electrical characteristics, pin-outs, device-level
specifications and peripheral electrical specifications. Common errors include layout error on the programming
interface, reset lines, power connections and associated voltage connections. Refer also to AN61290: PSoC 3 and
PSoC 5LP Hardware Design Considerations.
You could also experience Firmware and Hardware misalignments when you develop designs using development
kits that support the full-featured devices, and then move the design to a smaller PSoC package. The application
may target pins or features that are not available on the smaller PSoC device. Please verify the pin-out and feature
sets if the application is designed on a different PSoC package.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Completing the Project

See Also:

Completing the Project

Workspace Explorer


Optimize Compiler Settings

As you migrate from development to production, project designs may require advanced code compression to fit
large applications into the PSoC flash space. You will need to review the compiler code compression
documentation provided through the compiler installations. Depending on your compiler selection, navigate to one
of the following directories:

<INSTALL_DIR>\PSoC Creator\import\gnu_cs\arm\<version>\share\doc\

<INSTALL_DIR>\PSoC Creator\import\keil\pk51\<version>\C51\hlp

Note These documents are also available directly from the PSoC Creator Help menu.

See Also:

Completing the Project

Help Menu

Download and Archive Development Tools

As you move to production with a design, Cypress recommends that you store a backup copy of the PSoC Creator
and PSoC Programmer development environments. This will be useful if you must return to a design environment in
the future to make modifications or updates to the production project. This can be accomplished by navigating to
the PSoC Creator and PSoC Programmer web pages and downloading the ISO images available in the downloads
tables. These ISO images can be used to burn CDs/DVDs with the archived software contents.

See Also:

Completing the Project

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Completing the Project

Archive the Project

When the development project has moved to a production state, you may be able to archive your project using the
PSoC Creator Workspace/Project Archiver. The Archiver tool supports a number of options on file density, scope of
the archive, and compress options.
This is a valuable feature to store a development environment or place a project under source control.

See Also:

Completing the Project

Archiving a Workspace/Project

Source Code Control

Set Build Configuration

PSoC Creator provides Debug and Release build configurations for the compiler tool chains. Changing between
build configurations can help when developing and testing a design. For example, while first developing code, it is
easiest to use the Debug configuration, which typically has fewer optimizations and produces more debug
information. As you move to a production state, the code becomes stable and is getting ready for release. Thus,
using the Release configuration becomes preferable as additional optimizations are often desired. These
optimizations help cut down the size of the program and allow it to run faster.
The Build Configuration toolbar is available by default:

If the toolbar is not available, refer to the Customize dialog topic for how to add it.

See Also:

Completing the Project


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Completing the Project

Select Programming Protocol

PSoC Creator supports configuration of the programming port, in the System Editor. This is a critical selection when
going into production. Make sure that this selection matches your system configuration and expectation. This
applies to not only the initial programming event but also to subsequent programming events, if necessary.

To select this feature:

Open the design-wide resources (<project>.cydwr) file from the Workspace Explorer. Then, select the System tab.
Under the Programming\Debugging options, use the Debug Select pull-down menu to select the correct
programming protocol.

See Also:

Completing the Project

System Editor

Workspace Explorer

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Completing the Project

Enable Device Protection

When completing a production design, you should select the Enable Device Protection feature. Enabling this
feature causes the part to implement flash protection settings and to disable debugging at run-time. It is still
possible to connect a programmer, but debugging will be disabled.

To select this feature:

Open the design-wide resources (<project>.cydwr) file from the Workspace Explorer. Then, select the System tab.
Under the Programming\Debugging options, select the Enable Device Protection check box.

See Also:

Completing the Project

System Editor

Workspace Explorer

Select Optional Reset Line

PSoC Creator supports optional reset (XRES) line selections, in the System Editor. It is important to ensure that this
selection has been either enabled or disabled depending on system designs.

To select this feature:

Open the design-wide resources (<project>.cydwr) file from the Workspace Explorer. Then, select the System tab.
Under the Programming\Debugging options, select or deselect the Use Optional XRES pull-down check box as

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Completing the Project

Note If you have selected the optional reset line and require in-system programming for your target system, you will
need to ensure that your programming solution (distributor, contract manufacturer, or third-party programming
vendor) supports power cycle programming modes.

See Also:

Completing the Project

System Editor

Workspace Explorer

Select Flash Security Protection

At the close of developing a production design, you may require flash protection of user code on the PSoC. You will
want to ensure that the PSoC application code will not be accessible by any outside entity. PSoC Creator supports
flash security selections from the design-wide resources Flash Security tab.

To Use this Feature:

Open the design-wide resources (<project>.cydwr) file from the Workspace Explorer. Then, select the Flash
Security tab.
Set up the flash security options as needed. Refer to Flash Security Editor for more information.

See Also:

Completing the Project

Workspace Explorer

Flash Security Editor

Enable Write Once Latch Flash Protection

When completing a production level design, you may want to consider additional flash protection settings beyond
the Flash protections described in Select Flash Security Protection. PSoC products do support the write-once-latch
(WOL) programming protection. With this option enabled, you can modify the NVL settings to enable the WOL
Once a device is programmed with the correct NVL configuration, it will be permanently locked. This feature should
be used carefully as the device will not be recoverable once the WOL is enabled. This option is available in the
PSoC Programmer tool through the Programming Options menu.
To enable a production HEX file to have the WOL option enabled, will need to include the protection code in the

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Completing the Project

NVL configuration data. To learn how to do this, refer to the appropriate PSoC device programming specifications
available online:

See Also:

Completing the Project

Select Flash Security Protection

Evaluate General Programming Options

As your design is moving to completion, you will need to consider programming options and solutions. Cypress
currently provides a general programming web page that discusses many critical programming topics. Specifically,
you should review the available manufacturing programming solutions from your contract manufacturer, distributor through a value added program - , or directly through a qualified third-party programming vendor.
You can navigate to this programming web page to find details on critical programming topics such as schematic
requirements, programming specifications, available development programmers, and qualified third-party
production programming vendors.

See Also:

Completing the Project

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Reference Material

The following various documents are also included with this release

Provided by Cypress

System Reference Guide

Component Author Guide

Customizer API Reference Guide

Tuner API Reference Guide

Warp Verilog Reference Guide

Provided by Third Parties

The installed documentation is listed under Documentation on the PSoC Creator Help menu.

System Reference Guide

The System Reference Guide describes functions supplied by Cypress to give better access to chip resources. The
functions are not part of the component libraries but may be used by them. You can use the function calls to reliably
perform needed chip functions. Functionality described in the document includes:

Standard Types and Defines


Power Management




Register Access

Flash and EEPROM

System Functions

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Reference Material

Startup and Linking

Watchdog Timer

There are different guides for different devices. Go to the System Reference Guides item on the PSoC Creator
Help menu for a list of documents and links.

Component Author Guide

The provides instructions and information that will help you create components for PSoC Creator. The CAG is
intended for advanced users to create sophisticated components for end users to interact with PSoC Creator.
However, there are some basic principles in the CAG that will also benefit novice users who may wish to create
their own content.
The CAG is installed as part of the Component Development Kit. You can find the CAG on the Windows Start menu
or the PSoC Creator Help menu.
The process to create a component includes the following high-level steps. Refer to the different chapters in the
guide for more information.

Create the library project

Create a component/symbol

Define symbol information

Create the implementation

Simulate the hardware

Create API files

Customize the Component

Add/create documentation other files/documents

Build, test, and deploy the library project

Note These chapters provide a logical grouping of related information and they present one, but not the only,
possible workflow process for creating a component.

Customizer API Reference Guide

The Customizer API Reference Guide provides API reference information for extensions code used to customize
components. This guide is generated from the customization source code and comments. It is used in conjunction
with the Component Author Guide for advanced users to create sophisticated components for end users to interact
with PSoC Creator.
This API reference guide is installed as part of the Component Development Kit. You can find it on the Windows
Start menu or the PSoC Creator Help menu.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Reference Material

Tuner API Reference Guide

The Tuner API Reference Guide provides API reference information for tuner used to customize components that
can be tuned. This guide is generated from the tuner source code and comments. It is used in conjunction with the
Component Author Guide for advanced users to create sophisticated components for end users to interact with
PSoC Creator.
This API reference guide is installed as part of the Component Development Kit. You can find it on the Windows
Start menu or the PSoC Creator Help menu.

Warp Verilog Reference Guide

The Warp Verilog Reference Guide provides the fundamental elements of Verilog implemented in Warp. This guide
is installed as part of the Component Development Kit. You can find the guide on the Windows Start menu or the
PSoC Creator Help menu.

The first chapter covers the Verilog language constructs supported in Warp.

The second chapter covers register and tri-state synthesis implemented in Warp.

The last chapter includes some Verilog design examples.

The appendix contains a list of Verilog reserved words

The Warp synthesis compiler is a Verilog compiler for designing with PSoC devices. Warp accepts Verilog text input
and then synthesizes and optimizes the design for the target hardware. Warp then outputs a file for programming
the device. Warp operates in the background. Most users will not interact with the program directly.

See Also:

Control File


Third Party References

PSoC Creator includes third party compilers, as well as the documentation provided with them.
This documentation is located in the following default installation directories:

GNU Documentation - <INSTALL_DIR>\import\gnu_cs\arm\4.4.1\share\doc\arm-arm-none-eabi\pdf

Keil Compiler Documentation - <INSTALL_DIR>\import\keil\C51\hlp

You can access these documents from the PSoC Creator Help menu.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


10 Contact Us

Thank you for contacting us. We value your suggestions and comments to help us improve PSoC Creator.
Use any of the following methods to contact us:

For live help, call 1-800-541-4736 and select 8

For online assistance, go to

For general comments and suggestions, send an email to [email protected]

Please include as much of the following as possible.

Short problem description

Build Version [Select About from the PSoC Creator Help menu.]


Error Message, if any

What you were doing right before the problem occurred

Severity of the problem (low, medium, high)

If possible, also include a screen shot.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


11 Register PSoC Creator

The Register PSoC Creator dialog displays automatically at startup, unless you have already registered PSoC
Creator or indicated not to display the dialog.

You can also open this dialog from the Help menu by selecting Register...

To Register PSoC Creator:

Enter your MyCypress email address and password and click Register. Click Register Later to close the dialog
without registering.

If the registration process fails, an error message will display on the dialog.

If you cancel the registration process or if the network was unreachable after three attempts, the dialog will
display a check box that allows you to never register the product.

To Create a New Account:

If you do not already have a user account, click the Create new account link. This will open your web
browser to the account creation page.

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


Register PSoC Creator

If You Forgot your Password:

If you've forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password link. This will open your default web browser to the forgot password page.

Information Gathered:
The registration process will transmit the following configuration information to Cypress and associate it with your account.

Cypress software product name and version

Version of Windows and .NET

CPU type and speed

Memory size

If you are concerned about how we use the information gathered by our products, click the How Cypress will use
my information link to open your web browser to a page that documents the kinds of information Cypress gathers
during registration, the kinds of information gathered by the data collection system, and link to the Cypress privacy
policy page.

Information Levels:
Please select one of the following levels of information to be sent to Cypress to help improve PSoC Creator:

Level 1 basic information

Level 2 level 1, plus configuration information from builds

Level 3 level 2, plus usage and configuration information from design components

PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


12 Index

Breakpoints Window

3rd Party IDE


Add/Edit Design

65, 262

Component Item


New Workspace


Build Menu

94, 305

Build Settings


Build Toolbar Commands




PSoC Creator Project



Address Breakpoint


Analog Device Editor


Analog Device Editor Context Menus


Call Stack Window


Analog Device Editor Debugging


Catalog Placement


Archive Development Tools



69, 477







Clock Editor




Code Editor


Assembler Build Settings


Code Editor Context Menu Commands




Code Editor Toolbar




Code Example




Code Outline Tool Window






Auto Complete


Common Design Entry Toolbars


Compiler Build Settings










Basic Design


Basic Hierarchical Design


Breakpoint Condition


Breakpoint Hit Count


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E



Component Author Guide


Component Catalog


Component Debug Window


CyPrjMgr Command Line Tool

Component Item



Debug Build Settings


Component Terminals




Component Update






Debugger Indicators



Debugger Menu Commands

95, 440

Configure Component Parameters


Debugger Status Messages


Configure Local Clock


Debugger Toolbar Commands


Configure System Clocks


Debugger Windows












Debugging using Vision

Contact Us


Default Compiler

Control File


Control File Format


Control File Pattern Matching





Catalog Placement





60, 73, 75, 158, 257, 268, 270




35, 362, 363, 379, 390



New File


Design Elements Palette


New Project


Design Entry Options



362, 363, 379, 390

New Schematic


Design Entry Reserved Words

Parameter Validators


Design Tutorials



Design-Wide Resources


Symbol Parameters


Device Configuration




Device Selector




Directives Editor


Customizer API Reference Guide


disable schematic


Customizer Build Settings


Disabled Code


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E



Disassembly Window


Find All References


DMA Editor


Find Code Example


DMA Wizard


Find in Files


DMA Wizard Generated Code


Find Replace


DMA Wizard Global Settings


Find Results


DMA Wizard Transaction Descriptors




Dock Tool Windows


Flash Programming


Document Windows


Flash Security Editor




Float Tool Windows







Eclipse IDE


Edit Menu




Format Shape









Framework Description


Enable Device Protection


Framework Interface Components


Enable Write Once Latch Flash Protection


Function Breakpoint


Enumeration Types


FX2LP Drivers


Environment Options


Error Handling


General Tasks

Evaluate General Programming Options


Generate Verilog



Generated Files




Existing File
Existing Project


Project Datasheet

271, 362, 363, 379, 390

362, 363, 379, 390



7, 239

Hello World Blinky
Help Menu


Family Migration Information


Hide Tool Windows

File/Line Breakpoint







IAR Project



PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E




IDE Export Files


Import Component


Inline Code Diagnostics


Interrupt Editor




New File
New Project
New Schematic

Keil Vision IDE


Keil Compiler


Keyboard Shortcuts


New Workspace
Notice Details
Notice List Window

Language Support Options


Library Component Project



Obsolete Device


Library Generation Build Settings


Ohm Meter






Existing File


Linker Build Settings


Existing Project


Locals Window



Locked Route Cleanup






64, 74, 405


Optimize Compiler Settings


Options Dialog


Output Window


Parameter Validators

Manual Placement




Memory Watchpoint


Pin Editor

Memory Window




25, 235




Print Preview


Miscellaneous Export Notes


Program/Debug Options


Modified Files



Move Tool Windows


Project As


My First Design

429, 473

Project Datasheet



PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E





Project Item


Replace in Files


Project Menu




Project Types




Review Device Datasheet


Route Editing



69, 72, 405, 419, 475, 477

















PSoC Creator

57, 326

Project As


schematic comment



Schematic Editor



Schematic Editor Context Menu Commands



Schematic Macro Editor



Schematic Terminals


PSoC Creator Toolchain Settings


schematic, disable




Search Result


Select Component Instance Debug Windows


Select Datasheet


Select Debug Target


PSoC Creator Framework
PSoC Creator Project



Reentrant Code


Select Flash Security Protection


Reference Material


Select Optional Reset Line


Reference Tooltips


Select Programming Protocol


Register Details


Select Sheet Template


Register PSoC Creator


Select Source Clock






Default Compiler



Set Build Configuration


Registers Window




Regular Expressions










Sheet Template Editor



PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E

234, 235



Sheet Template Page Setup



Signal Name


Software Breakpoints


UDB Control Register


Source Code Control


UDB Count7


UDB Datapath


UDB Design Elements Palette


UDB Editor


UDB Properties


Standard Toolbar
Starter Designs




Static Timing Analysis


UDB State Machine




UDB Status Register



UDB Status Register Interrupt








Symbol Editor


Symbol Editor Context Menus


Symbol Parameters


Use Tabbed Documents






PSoC Creator
uVision Projects


Symbol Wizard


System Clock APIs


Using Design Entry Tools


System Editor


Using Multiple Pages


System Reference Guide


Using Text Substitution




uVision Projects







Terminal Name




Variable Watchpoints

Text Editor Options


View Menu

Third Party References


To Line


Toolchain Build Settings


Tools Menu


Tuner API Reference Guide


Tuner Communication Setup


PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E




Warp Verilog Reference Guide


Watch Window



Wide Clock









Wire Labels




XTAL Configuration





Workspace Explorer






PSoC Creator User Guide, Document # 001-93417 Rev *E


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