D-CHS Module3

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Content Standard

Performance Standard

understanding of the underlying
concepts and principles on
configuring computer systems
and networks.

demonstrates skills in configuring
computer systems and networks as
prescribed by TESDA Training

Number of Sessions (Time Allotment): 72 Hours (2 Quarters)

Welcome to the next level of your modular training in Computer

Hardware Servicing (CHS) under the Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Course. In this module you will have a great deal of
understanding of Configuring Computer Systems and Networks. At the end of
this module you will be able to apply the knowledge and skills on planning
and preparing for configuration, configure computer system and network and
inspecting configured computer systems and networks. Those skills are
essential for you to pass the National Certification II in Computer Hardware
In this module, topics will be introduced progressively for easy
understanding. After carefully answering the diagnostic assessment, reading
all the lessons, answering all the guide questions, masterfully performing all
the activities, showing evidences of learning and finally answering the
summative test you will gain a considerable knowledge and skills in installing
computer systems and networks essential to be successful in computer
hardware servicing as one of the career option in ICT.
Reminder! Just follow the instructions given in this module. Now let us
start exploring new things in this module.


There are three major topics in this module: (1) plan and prepare for
configuration; (2) configure computer systems and networks; and (3) inspect
and test configured computer systems and networks. These three major
topics contain sub-topics that discuss the details on configuring computer
systems and networks. This module has four essential parts, namely: what
to KNOW, what to PROCESS, what to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND as well
as what to TRANSFER. The competencies for this module are:
LO 1. Plan and prepare for configuration
Follow OHS in planning and preparing for configuration of computer
systems and networks
Prepare computer systems, tools, devices, equipment and materials
Check computer systems and networks configuration against specified
Identify the procedures in using the tools and equipment
LO 2. Configure computer systems and networks
Follow OHS procedures in configuring computer systems and
Inspect networking devices, media and connectors
Create cross-over and straight-through cables
Assign IP address to clients and servers
Configure the assigned IP address to clients and servers
Enable network security to the computer systems
Configure file and printer sharing
LO 3. Inspect and test configured computer systems and networks
Follow OHS procedures in testing systems and networks
Test computer systems and networks in accordance with the job
Accomplish technical reports on the tests conducted


In order to master the above listed competencies, you must be

knowledgeable of the topics under what to KNOW, perform activities
required under what to PROCESS, accomplish additional meaningful tasks
under what to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND and finally show some
evidences of your learning by transferring what you have learned in a
different context under what to TRANSFER.

Before you proceed to the core of this module, I want you to first
challenge yourself and dig deep into your mind in order to answer the preassessment Ive prepared for you. Take time to answer it!
A. Paper and Pencil Test
General Directions: Read the items very carefully. Write your answer in a
clean sheet of paper.
Test I. True or False
Direction: Write TRUE if the proceeding statement is correct and FALSE if
_______1. A safe workplace is clean, organized and well lit.
_______2. One must unplug the power from the source before opening a
case and performing services,
_______3. It is a best practice that a fire extinguisher and first aid kit must be
available in the workplace.
_______4. You are allowed to open the power supply or a monitor.
_______5. You can bring food and drinks inside the laboratory.
_______6. The key to a well- tuned computer system is the proper
_______7. Boot log stores all information from the boot process.
_______8. Registry is a collection of database of configuration of database of
configuration I Windows operating system.
_______9. The shortcut of Microsoft Configuration is ipconfig.
_______10. Configuration is the way a system is set up.


Test II. Multiple Choices

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What boot configuration utility allows setting the programs that will run
at startup?
a. Ipconfig
c. msconfig
b. regedit
d. dxdiag
2. What application allows you to edit the registry?
a. Ipconfig
c. msconfig
b. regedit
d. dxdiag
3. Which of the following enables you to test sound and graphics output?
a. Ipconfig
c. msconfig
b. regedit
d. dxdiag
4. Which of the following is an applet that controls the look of windows?
a. Appearance and themes
c. Performance and Maintenance
b. Network and Internet
d. Sounds, speech and audio
5. Which of the following applets does not belong to Performance and
maintenance category?
a. Administrative tool
c. Power Options
b. Automatic Updates
d. System
6. Which of the following is a wizard used to configure windows for vision,
hearing and mobility needs?
a. Accessibility Option
c. Sounds, speech and audio
b. Security Center
d. User Accounts
7. A tab in direct X Diagnostic tool that displays your current audio
a. Input
c. Sound
b. Music
d. System
8. Which of the following is the most commonly used networking cable
a. Cat3
c. Cat 5 and 5e
b. Cat 5
d. Cat 6
9. What do you call is a copper- cored cable surrounded by a heavy
a. coaxial cable
c. optical fiber
b. fiber optics
d. twisted pair
10. What Ethernet cable is used to connect two devices directly?
a. Cross- over
c. both A and B
b. Straight through
d. None of the options


11. Which of the following is a number used to identify a device on a

a. Default gateway
c. IP address
b. DNS Server
d. subnet mask
12. In which of the following IP address does belong?
a. Class A
c. Class C
e. Class E
b. Class B
d. Class D
13. What command is used to test the ability of the source computer to
reach a specified destination computer?
a. Ipconfig
c. Ping
b. Msconfig
d. Regedit
14. What do you call is an approach to computer networking where all
computers show equivalent responsibility for processing data?
a. Client server
c. Peer to client
b. Peer to peer
d. None of the options
15. Which of the following is an example of Class A subnet mask?

Test III. Matching Type

Direction: Match Column A with Column B.

1. Copper cabling used for

telephone communication
2. Standard Ethernet cable
3. Cable that has a very thin core
4. Cable that has a thicker core
5. Tool used for crimping RJ45
6. Connector for Cat 5e cable
7. Set of rules
8. Indicates the network portion
of an IP address
9. Command used find out the ip
10. Glass or plastic conductor



Crimping tool
Cross- over
Fiber- optic
Multi- mode
Single- mode
Straight through
Subnet mask
Twisted pair


Direction: Give the complete terms of the following acronyms.
1. UTP
2. STP
3. IP
4. TCP /IP
6. FTP
7. SSH
10. DHCP
11. DNS
12. TTL
13. LAN
14. VPN
15. NIC
B. Skills Checklist
Configuration Skills
Directions: Listed below are the most important skills that one must have in
order to configure computer systems and networks. In the matrix is the list the
skills for you to master. Check the appropriate column which describes the
level of your confidence with the given skills.

Configuration Skills

I can do it

1. I can use the different

tools for configuration
2. I can inspect networking
devices and connectors
3. I can create a cross- over
and straight through
Ethernet cable
4. I can test the functionality
of an Ethernet cable
5. I can assign and
configure IP address
6. I can execute the

I can do it
but with

I am not

ipconfig command
7. I can manage to create a
peer to peer networking
8. I can configure Network
Interface Card using
9. I can enable firewall
I can configure file
and printer sharing
Add all the scores to get the grand total and then divide it by the total
number of items. Refer to the verbal interpretation on the table below to
determine your initial configuration ability.
Numerical and Verbal interpretation
Numerical Value
2.51 3.00
1.76- 2.50
1.00 1.75

Verbal Interpretation
Confident but needs assistance
Not yet Confident

Dont feel bad if you got a not yet confident in all of

skills, bear in mind that this is just a pre- assessment of
knowledge of and skills on the lessons to be presented. Also, it
guide and inspire you to study harder as you go along with



The following topics familiarize you with the tasks involved

in planning and preparing for configuration. All you need to do is
to read carefully all the topics and apply the skills youve gained
through the distinct activities provided in this module. Good luck
and have fun while learning!

Lesson 1. Plan and Prepare for Configuration

This lesson is intended to develop your skills in planning and preparing
for configuration of computer system and networks. At the end of this lesson
you are expected to:
Familiarize and apply OHS for configuration of computer
systems and networks;
Prepare materials and tools for configuration;
Check and adhere with the standard operating procedures and
requirements in computer system and network configuration;
Identify the procedures in using the tools for configuration.

Safety Procedures
It is essential to maintain safe working conditions to prevent accidents
and injury to any person or damage to any object in a work area. New staff
and visitors must be informed of the appropriate safety procedures. Any
transgression of the procedures must be reported.
As an aspiring computer technician, you should be aware of all
possible dangers in the workplace. It is a must to follow proper procedures for
handling computer equipment. Failure to follow the prescribed safety
procedures could result in fines, criminal convictions, and damage to
equipment, claims for damage from the owner of the property and data, injury,
or death.

A safe work space is clean, organized, and well lit. The proper disposal
or recycling of hazardous computer components is a global issue. Make sure
to follow regulations that govern how to dispose of specific items. When an
organization violates these regulations, there can be legal consequences.
Safety in the lab and in the workplace is an important issue when
working on computers and other electrical devices. To keep you safe, this
module provides you the general safety guidelines and fire safety guidelines
that protects the technician and the equipment.
General Safety Guidelines
Follow the basic safety guidelines to prevent cuts, burns, electrical
shock, and damage to eyesight. As a best practice, make sure that a fire
extinguisher and first aid kit are available in case of fire or injury. Here are
some general safety guidelines:

Remove your watch or any other jewelry and secure loose clothing.
Turn off the power and unplug equipment before opening the case and
performing service.
Cover any sharp edges inside the computer case with tape.
Never open a power supply or a monitor.
Do not touch areas in printers that are hot or those which use high
Know where the fire extinguisher is located and learn how to use it.
Know where the first aid kit is located.
Keep food and drinks out of your workspace.
Keep your workspace clean and free of clutter.
Lift heavy objects with sturdy leg support to avoid back injury.

Fire Safety Guidelines

Follow fire safety guidelines to protect equipment and lives. Turn off
and unplug the computer before beginning a repair to avoid damage to the
computer or a shock to the technician. Fire can spread rapidly and be very
costly. Proper use of a fire extinguisher can prevent a small fire from getting
out of control. When working with computer components, always consider the
possibility of an accidental fire and know how to react. If there is a fire, you
should follow these safety procedures:
Always have a planned fire escape route before beginning any work.
Never fight a fire that is out of control or not contained.
Get out of the building quickly in case of an out of- control fire.
Contact emergency services immediately for help.

Peer to Peer activity

General Directions: Get a partner to perform the next activity. Identify
whether the succeeding statements are true or false. Gather picture
evidences that make it true or false. On the third column, show the effects of
not following the safety precautions through a picture presentation.
Turn off the power and unplug equipment before opening the case and
performing service.

Picture Presentation





1. A safe workplace is
and well lit.
2. Before opening the
case and performing
services, one must
unplug the power
from the source.
3. It is a best practice
extinguisher and first
aid kit must be
4. You are allowed to
open the power
supply or a monitor.
5. You can eat inside
the laboratory.



Research and Investigate

Directions: Come up with a group of five members and research on the
different safety precautions used in computer laboratory. Interview / observe a
practitioner while lending a quality service in computer hardware servicing.
Use a video camera to record the event stressing the safety guidelines and
procedures in the laboratory. You will be rated according to the following
Video Documentation of Computer Laboratory Safety Precautions

Poor (0-80)

Good (80-90)

Content/Information The
information was
not necessary or
The information is not sufficient to
technically sound
laboratory safety

information was,
for the most
part, necessary
and to sufficient
laboratory safety


Most part is well

organized, clear
coherent way.


Video It lacks clarity

and/or does not
present ideas in
and a coherent way.
the video
Organization and
coherence of
on Questions were
practitioner (25%)
with the topic
Congruency of
and were not
questions to the
Clarity of

Excellent (90100)
information was
necessary and
sufficient to the
laboratory safety
The video was
well organized,
presents ideas
in a coherent

the All
questions were questions were
congruent with congruent with
the topic and the topic and

Application of Safety Procedures while accomplishing a task

Directions: After the interview and observation with a practitioner, your group
will showcase what you have learned through a role playing. You will be rated
base on the Rubrics written below:
Rubrics for Role Playing



Content (40%)
-Conveys full
understanding of
the content
Enthusiasm (10%)
-Facial expression
and body language
generates strong
Interest and
Purpose (10%)
interesting purpose
Speak Clearly
-Group members
speaks clearly at all
Volume (10%)
-Loud volume
-Group is prepared
with props and
Cooperation (10%)
-displays teamwork




Prepare Tools Used for Configuration

A key to a well-tuned, trouble-free system is proper configuration. In order to
accomplish this, you must start by understanding its configuration. It can be difficult
to figure out all the devices are in your system and the resources they are using.

To assist in this, several software tools have been created. These are
typically called diagnostic utilities or programs. Some of them are built in to
your operating system and others are available either for free download or
commercial purchase.
The following are the list of built in tools used in system configuration:
1. Microsoft System Configuration: This boot configuration utility allows you
to set the programs that will run at startup and to edit configuration files. It
also offers simplified control over Windows Services.
System Configuration Utility consists of five functional tabs such as
General, Boot, Services, StartUp and Tools. The succeeding table
describes the use and functionality of each tab:

Table 1. General Tab of System Config Utility


List of choices for startup configuration:
Normal Startup. Starts Windows in the usual manner.
Use this mode to start Windows after you are done
using the other two modes to troubleshoot the
Diagnostic Startup. Starts Windows with basic
services and drivers only. This mode can help rule out
basic Windows files as the problem.
Selective Settings. Starts Windows with basic services
and drivers and the other services and startup
programs that you select.


Figure 4. General Tab

Table 2. Boot Tab of System Config Utility

Shows configuration options for the operating system and
advanced debugging settings, including:
Safe boot: Minimal. Boots the Windows graphics user
interface in safe mode running only critical system
services. Networking is disabled.
Safe Boot: Alternate Shell. Boots the Windows
Command Prompt in safe mode running only critical
system services. Networking and the graphical user
interface are disabled.
Safe Boot: Active Directory Repair. Boots the Windows
graphical user interface in safe mode running critical
system services and Active Directory.
Safe boot: Network. Boots the Windows graphical user
interface in safe mode running only critical system
services. Networking is enabled.
No GUI boot. Does not display Windows splash screen
when booting.
Boot Log. Stores all information from the boot process
in the file %SystemRoot% Ntbtlog.txt.
Base Video. Boots to the Windows graphical user
interface in minimal VGA mode. This Loads standard
VGA drivers instead of display drivers specific to the
video hardware on the computer.

OS boot information. Shows driver names as drivers

are being loaded during the boot process.
Make all boot settings permanent. Does not track
changes made in System Configuration. Options can
be changed later using System Configuration, but
must be changed manually. When this option is
selected, you cannot roll back your changes by
selecting Normal startup on the General tab.

Figure 5. Boot Tab

Table 3. Services Tab of System Config Utility

List all the services that start when the computer
boots, along with their status (Running or Stopped).
Use the Services tab to enable or disable individual
services at boot time to troubleshoot which might be
contributing to boot problems.
Select Hide all Microsoft services to show only thirdpart applications in the services list. Clear the check
box for a service to disable it in your next boot. If you
have chosen Selective startup on the General tab, you
must either choose Normal startup on the General tab
or select the services check box to start it again at
boot time.
Disabling services that normally run at boot time might



cause some programs to malfunction or result in

system instability. Do not disable services in this list
unless you know they are not essential to your
computers operation. Selecting Disable all will not
disable some secure Microsoft services required for
the operating system to start.

Figure 6. Services Tab

Table 4. Start Up Tab of System Config Utility


List applications that run when the computer boots,
along with the name of their publisher, the path to the
executable file, and the location of the registry key or
shortcut that causes the application to run.
Clear the check box for a startup item to disable it on
your next boot. If you have chosen Selective startup
on the General Tab, you must either choose Normal
startup on the General tab or select the startup items
check box to start it again at boot time.
If you suspect an application has been compromised,
examine the Command column to review the path to
the executable file.

Disabling applications that normally run at boot time might
result in related applications starting more slowly or not
running as expected.

Figure 7. Startup Tab

Table 5. Tools Tab of System Config Utility

Provides a convenient list of diagnostic tools and other
advanced tools that you can run.

Figure 8. Tools Tab


2. Register edit: This application allows you to edit the registry.

The Windows Registry, usually referred to as "the registry," is a
collection of databases of configuration settings in Microsoft
Windows operating systems.
In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the Registry is stored in several
Hives, located in the \windows\system32\config and \Documents and
Settings\ {username} folders.
Structure of the Registry
1. The Registry has a hierarchal structure, like the directories on your
hard disk. Each branch (denoted by a folder icon in the Registry Editor,
see below) is called a key. Each key can contain other keys, as well as
Values. Each value contains the actual information stored in the Registry.
There are three types of values; String, Binary, and DWORD - the use of
these depends upon the context.
2. There are six main branches (five in Windows 2000 and Windows XP),
each containing a specific portion of the information stored in the Registry.
They are as follows:
o HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - this branch contains all of your file
types as well as OLE information for all your OLE-aware
o HKEY_CURRENT_USER - this branch points to the part of
HKEY_USERS appropriate for the current user.
o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - this branch contains information
about all of the hardware and software installed on your
computer. Since you can specify multiple hardware
configurations, the current hardware configuration is specified in
o HKEY_USERS - this branch contains certain preferences (such
as colors and control panel settings) for each of the users of the
computer. In Windows 95/98/Me, the default branch here
contains the currently-logged in user. In Windows 2000/XP, the
default branch here contains a template to be used for newlyadded users.


o HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG - this branch points to the part of

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE appropriate for the current hardware
o HKEY_DYN_DATA (Windows 95/98/Me only) - this branch
points to the part of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, for use with
Windows' Plug-&-Play subsystem.
3. Direct X Diagnostic: The Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool provides
you with information about the DirectX API components and drivers on
your system. It enables you to test sound and graphics output and
Microsoft DirectPlay service providers. You can use the diagnostic tool
to gather information about your system to use for diagnostic
Microsoft DirectX applications, the DirectX Diagnostic Tool can help
you find the source of the trouble such as incorrect versions of DirectX
components, lack of hardware acceleration, devices that are not
connected and unsigned drivers.

Figure 9. DX Diagnostic Tool

4. Control Panel applets
The names of various applets in the Control Panel differ slightly
depending on the version of Windows installed. In Windows XP, the
icons are grouped into categories:


Appearance and Themes: Applets that control the look of

Taskbar and Start menu
Folder options
Network and Internet Connections: Applets that configure all the
connection types:
Internet options
Network connections
Add or Remove Programs: An applet to add or remove programs
and windows components safely
Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices: Applets that control all the
settings for sound:
Sounds and audio devices
Portable media devices
Performance and Maintenance: Applets to find information about
your computer or perform maintenance:
Administrative tools
Power options
Scheduled tasks
Printers and Other Hardware: Applets to configure devices
connected to your computer:
Game controllers
Phone and modem options
Printers and faxes
Scanners and cameras
User Accounts: Applets to configure options for users and their email:
User accounts
Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options: Applets to change
settings based on your location and language:
Date and time
Regional and language options
Accessibility Options: A wizard used to configure windows for
vision, hearing, and mobility needs
Security Center: Applet used to configure security settings for:
Internet options
Automatic updates
Windows firewall

I. MS Configuration Command Classification

Directions: There are five functional tabs in MS Configuration utility, namely
General, Boot, Services, Startup and Tools. Classify the following items
according to the tabs they belong. Write your answer in a clean paper.
1. Event Viewer
2. Safe Boot
3. List of services that start
when computer boots
4. Make all boot settings
5. Normal startup


No GUI Boot
OS Boot information
Hide All Microsoft Services
Diagnostic Tools
10. Base Video

II. Applet Grouping

Directions: Complete the diagram of various Control Panel Applets with the
components included in their category.


Research and Explore

Directions: Conduct a research that identifies other available tools used for
computer system and network configuration. Use some other resources like
the World Wide Web and interview a practitioner preferably an IT specialist or
a computer technician to find out the different tools they use for configuration.
Your research will be rated according to the following rubrics:
Rubrics for Term or Research Paper
Excellent (90100)
Followed poorly Most format and All
related requirements
related to format
Presentation of the related to format were met.
and layout.
Structuring of text
length, font and
style followed.
Content/Information The essay was The essay was The essay was
objective objective and for objective
and addresses the most part addresses with
All elements of the poorly
the addresses with an
are issues referred an
depth analysis all the
in the proposed analysis most of issues referred
The information is
The the
issues in the proposed
technically sound
referred in the topic.
Information based provided
careful information was proposed topic. provided
not necessary or The
provided information was
of not sufficient to information was, necessary and
these for the most sufficient
part, necessary discuss
and sufficient to issues.
Qualities & Criteria

Poor (0-80)

Good (80-90)


Quality of Writing

The essay was

not well written,
grammar errors
and/or use of
in English errors. It
spelling, grammar lacks
and use of English
and/or does not
Organization and
present ideas in
coherence of
a coherent way.

The essay was

well written from
start to finish,
without spelling,
grammar or use
essay was well
organized, clear
coherent way.

References (10%)

references were
used and cited.

Soundness of

The essay was

well written for
the most part,
without spelling,
grammar or use
essay is for the
most part well
organized, clear
coherent way.
not references were
used and cited.
used and cited.


Oral Presentation
Direction: After the thorough research and exploration, you have to present
your work individually in an oral manner in front of the class. Your
performance will be rated base on the rubric provided in this section.

Oral Presentation Rubric

(0- 80)

1. Gave an interesting introduction

2. Presented clear explanation of
3. Presented information in logical
4. Used complete sentence
5. Offered a concluding summary
6. Spoke clearly, correctly,
distinctly, and confidently
7. Maintained eye contact
8. Maintained acceptable posture.
9. Utilized audio-visual aids
10. Handled questions and
Grand Total


(81- 90)

(91- 100)

Procedures in using Computer System Configuration Tools

As a future computer technician you must be diligent and eager to
know the different procedures in using the tools for computer system
configuration. This will help and guide you to carry out a particular job in a
proper manner. Once you already identify them, you must also acquire the
necessary and appropriate skills to apply it in actual situations.
This part will help you to find out some of the required procedures in
computer system configuration. Take note that you need to exert extra effort
in finding out some procedures which are not in this module. This is your
chance to explore and learn through your own experience.
The subsequent statements below describe the varios procedures in
using Computer System Configuration Tools:
1. How to access and use Microsoft System Configuration?
To access Msconfig
Click onStart Button
In the Search Box type Run
In the Run window type msconfig, and press Enter.

Figure 10. General Tab of Microsoft system configuration


2. To access and use Regedit:

Click on Start Button
In the search box, or Run window, type the following:
regedit and then press Enter.

Figure11. Registry Editor Window

Using the Registry Editor

The Registry Editor (regedit.exe) is included with Windows to enable

you to view and edit the contents of the Registry. When you open the Registry
Editor, you'll see a window divided into two panes. The left side shows a tree
with folders (see Structure of the Registry above), and the right side shows
the contents (values) of the currently selected folder (key).
To expand a certain branch, click on the little plus sign [+] to the left of
any folder, or just double-click on the folder.
To display the contents of a key (folder), just click the desired key, and
look at the values listed on the right side.
You can add a new key or value by selecting New from the Edit menu.
You can rename any value and almost any key with the same method
used to rename files; right-click on an object and click rename, or click
on it twice (slowly), or just press F2 on the keyboard.

Lastly, you can delete a key or value by clicking on it, and pressing
Delete on the keyboard, or by right-clicking on it, and choosing Delete.
Caution: Using regedt32.exe or regedit.exe incorrectly might cause
configuration problems that could require you to reinstall the operating

3. How to access and use Direct X Diagnostic?

You can test Microsoft DirectDraw and Direct3D on each monitor
attached to your system. You can also test DirectSound on each wave output
device, and DirectMusic on each music port.
To run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool (DX Diagnostic Tools Window of
Windows XP differs from Windows 7 but it does the same function):
Click on Start Button, type Run on the search box
On the Run window, Type in dxdiag and click Ok or press
Enter, as shown in Figure 9, Run Dialog Box.

Figure12. Run Dialog Box

Next you will see a new window with various tabs.


Figure13. System Tab of DX Diagnostic Tool

The System tab shows information about your computer and displays
the version of DirectX installed on your computer.
The DirectX Files tab shows the file name and the version number for
each DirectX file installed on your computer. It also shows the file
names and the version numbers of other files that are used by games
that are running under DirectX.
The Display tab lists your current display settings, and allows you to
disable DirectDraw, Direct3D, and AGP Texture Acceleration. You can
also test DirectDraw and Direct3D from the Display tab which will
indicate that the DirectX Graphics runtime files are installed and
operating correctly. It will also display your device's available memory
and can tell you if your video driver has passed Microsoft's Windows
Hardware Quality Labs testing standard. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool,
however, cannot report memory that is in use at the time that it starts
and you may see less memory reported than your video card actually


Figure14. Display Tab of DX Diagnostic Tool

The Sound tab displays your current audio settings and allows you to
test DirectSound. It will tell you if youre audio driver are signed,
meaning that it has passed Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality
Labs testing standard. The Hardware Sound Acceleration Level slider
is used to correct audio glitches that might be caused by some audio
drivers. You can adjust the slider settings and see if it provides better
results in your application. Be sure not to lower it too much or you may
disable some audio features of your system. If the tool detects a
problem with your sound settings, a warning message is displayed in
the Notes box.
The Music tab displays your current MIDI settings, and allows you to
test the DirectMusic component of DirectX. Click on the Test
DirectMusic button to perform the test. If the DirectX Diagnostic Tool
detects a problem with DirectMusic, a warning message is displayed in
the Notes box.


Figure15. Sound Tab of DX Diagnostic Tool

The Input tab lists the input devices connected to your computer such as
USB and PS2 devices. It also displays the input drivers installed on your
computer. If the DirectX Diagnostic Tool detects a problem with an input
device or an input device driver, a warning message is displayed in the
Notes box.


Figure16. Input Tab of DX Diagnostic Tool

The Network tab lists the registered DirectPlay Service Providers. These
are the connection methods that DirectPlay will operate across. A registry
problem here can normally be resolved by reinstalling DirectX. A registry
error here can normally be resolved by removing and reinstalling that
application. If the DirectX Diagnostic Tool detects a problem with a
DirectPlay Service Provider or Application, a warning message is
displayed in the Notes box.
The More Help tab allows you to further troubleshoot problems that the
other tabs could not resolve. Features include the DirectX
troubleshooter, sound troubleshooter, system information tool and the
override tool which will override DirectDraws refresh rate.

Windows Registry Backup and Recovery

Directions: In this activity you will back up a computer registry. You will also
perform a recovery of a computer registry. The registry is also called System
State data. You will be given 1 hour to accomplish this activity.

Recommended Equipment
The following equipment is required for this exercise:
A computer system running Windows XP is required for this
Step 1
Log on to the computer as yourself.
Click Start > Run.
Type ntbackup and then click OK. The Backup or Restore
Wizard window appears.

Figure17. Backup or Restore Wizard

Step 2
Click Advanced Mode.
The Backup Utility window appears.

Figure18. Backup Utility Window


Step 3
Click Backup Wizard.
The Welcome to the Backup Wizard window appears.

Figure19. Backup Restore Wizard Window

Step 4
Click Next.
Click the Only back up the System State data radio button.

Figure20. Choose Only backup system state data


Step 5
Click Next.
The Backup Type, Destination, and Name window appears.

Figure21. Backup Type Destination, and Name Window

Step 6
Click Browse.
If you are asked to insert a disk into the floppy disk drive, click
The Save As dialog box appears.

Figure22. Save As Dialog Box


Step 7
Click the My Documents icon on the left side of the Save As
dialog box.
Click Save.
The Backup Type, Destination, and Name window re-appears.
Step 8
Click Next.
The Completing the Backup Wizard

Figure23. Completing the Backup Wizard Window

Step 9
Click Advanced.
The Type Of Backup window appears.

Figure24. Type of Backup Window


The default backup type is Normal. If available, make sure that

Backup Migrated Remote Storage Data is not checked.
Step 10
Click Next.
The How To Backup window appears.

Figure25. How to Backup Window

Step 11
Click the Verify Data After Backup check box, and then click
The Backup Options window appears.

Figure26. Backup Options Window


Step 12
Click Replace the existing backups, and then click Next.
The When to Back Up window appears.

Figure27. When to Backup Window

Step 13
At the When To Back Up window, click Now and then click Next.
The Completing the Backup Wizard window appears.

Figure28. Completing the Backup Window

Step 14
Click Finish.
The Backup Progress window appears.


Figure29. Backup Progress Window

The Backup Progress window indicates that the backup is
Step 15
Click Report.
The Notepad application window appears containing the report.


Figure30. Notepad Application Window

Close Notepad.
In the Backup Progress dialog box, click Close.
Close the Backup Utility.

Step 16
Click Start >Run.
Type regeditin the open: field. The Registry Editor window

Figure31. RegEdit Window


Step 17

Expand the HKEY_CURRENT_USER Registry Key.

Expand the Control Panel Registry Key.
Expand the PowerCfg Registry Key
Right-Click the Screen Saver.Stars Registry Key
Click Delete
Click File > Exit in the Registry Editor window.
Browse to the My Documents folder and locate the backup.bkf
Double-click the backup file to bring up the Backup Utility Wizard.
Click Next.

Step 18
Click the Restore files and settings radio button and then click
The What to Restore window appears.

Figure32. What to Restore Window

Step 19
Expand the file.
Expand the backup.bkf file.
Click the System State check box.


Figure33. Click System State Check box

Step 20
Click Next.
The Completing the Backup or Restore Wizard window appears.

Figure34. Completing the Backup or Restore Wizard Window

Step 21
Click Advanced.
The Where to Restore window appears.


Figure35. Where to Restore Window

Step 22
The default restoration location is Original location.
Click Next.
The Restoring System State will always overwrite current System
State unless restoring to an alternate location. Warning window
Click OK.

Figure36. Restoring System State will always overwrite current

System State unless restoring to an alternate location Warning
Step 23
Click the Replace existing files if they are older than the backup
files radio button.


Figure37. How to Restore Window

Step 24
Click Next.
The Advanced Restore Options window appears

Figure38. Advanced Restore Options Window


Be sure that all three check boxes are selected, and then click
Click Finish.
The system recovery begins by copying the files back to the
When prompted to restart the computer, click Yes. The computer
will restart.
Step 25

Click start > Run.

Type regedit in the Open: field.
Click OK.
You should see the Screen Saver Stars Registry key in the
Registry Editor application window.
Click File > Exit.
Performance Rubrics for
Windows Registry Backup and Recovery



Safety Procedures
-Applied / manifested
safety precautions while
Adherence to the
Procedures (30%)
-Followed the
Workmanship (15%)
-Had organized
materials and tools
while accomplishing the
task and has time
Quality of work (40%)
-the windows registry
was fully backed up




After dealing with the preparations for configuration you

can now proceed with the next section of this module which is
Configuring Computer system and Network.
This lesson is designed to give you the proper procedures
used in configuring computer systems and networks. At the end of
this lesson you should be able to:
Inspect networking devices and connectors;
Create a cross- over and straight through Ethernet
Assign and configure IP address to clients and
Create a peer to peer network;
Enable network security; and
Configure file and printer sharing.

Lesson2. Configure Computer System and Network

System Configuration is the way a system is set up, it is the
assortment of components that make up the system. Configuration can refer
to either hardware or software, or the combination of both. For instance, a
typical configuration for a PC consists of 32MB (megabytes) main memory, a
floppy drive, a hard disk, a modem, a CD-ROM drive, a VGA monitor, and
the Windows operating system.
Many software products require that the computer have a certain
minimum configuration. For example, the software might require a
graphics display monitor and a video adapter, a particular microprocessor,
and a minimum amount of main memory capacity.
When you install a new device or program, you sometimes need
to configure it, which means that you need to set various switches
and jumpers (for hardware) and to define values of parameters (for software).
For example, the device or program may need to know what type of video
adapter you have and what type of printer is connected to the computer.
Thanks to technological advancements, such as plug-and-play, much of this
configuration is now performed automatically.

Safety Precautions Related to Networks

Installing network cables, whether copper or fiber-optic, can be
dangerous. Often, cables must be pulled through ceilings and walls where
there are obstacles or toxic materials. You should wear clothing such as long
pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdy shoes that cover your feet, and gloves to
protect you from those materials. Most importantly, wear safety glasses. If
possible, ask building management, or someone responsible for the building,
if there are any dangerous materials or obstacles that you need to be aware
of before entering the ceiling area.
Safety precautions when using a ladder:
Read the labels on the ladder, and follow any safety instructions
written on it.
Never stand on the top rung of the ladder. You could easily lose your
balance and fall.
Make sure that people in the area know you will be working there.
Cordon off the area with caution tape or safety cones.
When you are using a ladder that leans up against a wall, follow the
instructions written on the ladder, and have someone hold the ladder to
help keep it steady.
Safety rules when working with cables:
The tools required to install copper and fiber-optic cable may cause
danger through improper use. When working with cables, strictly follow these
safety rules:
Make sure that the tools you are using are in good working order.
Watch what you are doing, and take your time. Make sure that you do
not cut yourself or place anyone in danger.
Always wear safety glasses when cutting, stripping, or splicing cables
of any kind. Tiny fragments can injure your eyes.
Wear gloves whenever possible, and dispose of any waste properly.
Use common sense when installing cables and fixing network
problems. Call for assistance for tasks that you cannot do on your own.


Fiber-Optic Safety
Fiber-optic cables are useful for communications, but they have certain
Dangerous chemicals
Tools with sharp edges
Light which you cannot see that can burn your eyes
Glass shards produced by cutting fiber-optic cable that can cause
bodily harm
Specific types of tools and chemicals are used when working with
fiber-optic cable. These materials must be handled with care.
The solvents and glues used with fiber optics are dangerous. You
should handle them with extreme care. Read the instructions on the label,
and follow them carefully. Also, read the material safety data sheet (MSDS)
that accompanies the chemicals to know how to treat someone in case of
When working with any tool, safety should always be your first priority.
Any compromise in safety could result in serious injury or even death. The
tools used for working with fiber optics have sharp cutting surfaces that are
used to scribe glass. Other tools pinch cables with high pressure to fasten
connectors to them. These tools can produce shards of glass that can splinter
and fly into the air. You must avoid getting them on your skin and in your
mouth or eyes.
Glass Shards
The process of cutting and trimming the strands of fiber-optic cables
can produce tiny fragments of glass or plastic that can penetrate your eyes or
skin and cause severe irritation. The fibers can be extremely difficult to see on
your skin because they are clear and small. When you work with fiber-optic
cabling, the working surface should be a dark mat so that you can see the tiny
glass or plastic fragments. The mat should also be resistant to chemical spills.
You should keep the work area clean and neat. Never pick up fiberoptic fragments with your fingers. Use tape to pick up small fragments, and
dispose of them properly. Use a disposable container, such as a plastic bottle
with a screw-on lid, to store fiber fragments. Close the lid tightly before
disposing the container.

Harmful Light
Protect your eyes from the harmful light that may be in the fiber-optic
strands. The light is a color that humans cannot see. It can damage your eyes
before you can feel it. When you use a magnifier to inspect fiber-optic cable
and connectors, the light emitted from the fiber could be directed into your
eyes. When working with fiber, be sure to disconnect the light source. Use
special detectors to tell you if a fiber is energized.

Obtain proper training before you attempt to cut, strip, or splice
fiber-optic cable. An experienced technician should supervise you until
you become adequately skilled.

Networking Devices, Media and Connector

To make data transmission more extensible and efficient than a simple
peer-to-peer network, network designers use specialized network devices
such as hubs, switches, routers, and wireless access points to send data
between devices. You have already discussed in your grade 9 CHS class the
different devices used in networking so this provides you with the common
networking cables that are essential in putting up a network.

Common Network Cables

Until recently, cables were the only medium used to connect devices
on networks. A wide variety of networking cables are available. Coaxial and
twisted-pair cables use copper to transmit data. Fiber-optic cables use glass
or plastic to transmit data. These cables differ in bandwidth, size, and cost.
You need to know what type of cable to use based on the job requirements.
You also need to be able to troubleshoot and repair problems along the way.


Twisted Pair
Twisted pair is a type of copper cabling that is used for telephone
communications and most Ethernet networks. A pair of wires forms a circuit
that transmits data. The pair is twisted to provide protection against crosstalk,
the noise generated by adjacent pairs of wires in the cable. Pairs of copper
wires are encased in color-coded plastic insulation and are twisted together.
An outer jacket protects the bundles of twisted pairs.

Source: www.lanshack.com
Figure 39. UTP and STP Cable
When electricity flows through a copper wire, a magnetic field is
created around the wire. A circuit has two wires, and in a circuit, the two wires
have oppositely-charged magnetic fields. When the two wires of the circuit
are next to each other, the magnetic fields cancel each other out. This is
called the cancellation effect. Without the cancellation effect, your network
communications become slow because of the interference caused by the
magnetic fields.
The two basic types of twisted-pair cables are as follows:
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is cable that has two or four pairs of
wires. This type of cable relies solely on the cancellation effect
produced by the twisted-wire pairs that limits signal degradation
caused by electromagnetic interface (EMI) and radio frequency
interference (RFI). UTP is the most commonly used cabling in
networks. UTP cables have a range of 328 feet (100 m).
With shielded twisted pair (STP), each pair of wires is wrapped in
metallic foil to better shield the wires from noise. Four pairs of wires
are then wrapped in an overall metallic braid or foil. STP reduces

electrical noise from within the cable. It also reduces EMI and RFI from
outside the cable. Although STP prevents interference better than
UTP, STP is more expensive because of the extra shielding. It is also
more difficult to install because of the thickness. In addition, the
metallic shielding must be grounded at both ends. If it is improperly
grounded, the shield acts like an antenna, picking up unwanted
Category Rating
UTP comes in several categories that are based on two factors:
The number of wires in the cable
The number of twists in those wires
1. Category 3 is the wiring used for telephone systems and Ethernet
LAN at 10 Mega byte per second (Mbps).
2. Category 3 has four pairs of wires.
3. Category 5 and Category 5e have four pairs of wires with a
transmission rate of 100 Mbps.
4. Category 5 and Category 5e is the most common network cables
5. Category 5e has more twists per foot than Category 5 wiring.
These extra twists further prevent interference from outside sources
and the other wires within the cable.
Some Category 6 cables use a plastic divider to separate the pairs of
wires, which prevents interference. The pairs also have more twists than
Category5e cable.
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cable is a copper-cored cable surrounded by a heavy
shielding. Coaxial cable is used to connect the computers to the rest of the

Source: www.phoneam.com
Figure 40. Coaxial Cable

Coaxial cable uses BNC connectors British Naval Connectors or

Bayonet Neill-Concelman connectors, at the ends of the cables to make the
connection. Several types of coaxial cable exist:
Thicknet (10BASE5) is coaxial cable that was used in networks and
operated at 10 Mbps, with a maximum length of 500 meters.
Thinnet (10BASE2) is coaxial cable that was used in networks and
operated at 10 Mbps, with a maximum length of 185 meters.
RG-59 is most commonly used for cable television in the U.S.
RG-6 is higher-quality cable than RG-59, with more bandwidth and
less susceptibility to interference.
Fiber-Optic Cable
An optical fiber is a glass or plastic conductor that transmits
information using light. Fiber optic cable has one or more optical fibers
enclosed in a sheath or jacket. Because it is made of glass, fiber-optic cable
is not affected by EMI or RFI. All signals are converted to light pulses to enter
the cable and are converted back into electrical signals when they leave it.
This means that fiber-optic cable can deliver signals that are clearer, that can
go farther, without compromising the clarity of signals.

Source: www.picstopin.com
Figure 41. Fiber Optic Cable
Fiber-optic cable can reach distances of several miles or kilometers
before the signal needs to be regenerated. Fiber-optic cable usually is more
expensive to use than copper cable, and the connectors are more costly and
harder to assemble. Common connectors for fiber-optic networks are SC, ST,
and LC. These three types of fiber-optic connectors are half-duplex, which
allows data to flow in only one direction. Therefore, two cables are needed.


These are the two types of glass fiber-optic cable:

Multimode is cable that has a thicker core than single-mode cable. It
is easier to make, can use simpler light sources (LEDs), and works
well over distances of a few kilometers or less.
Single-mode is cable that has a very thin core. It is harder to make,
uses lasers as a light source, and can transmit signals dozens of
kilometers with ease.
Creating Ethernet Cable
Ethernet cabling has been the standard in networking installation for
years. Its the fastest way of connecting PC to a peer or to your router or a
central switch. This section of the module will bring you back to the
procedures in creating an Ethernet cable specifically straight- through and
cross over. Try to recall the procedures as you go on with the lesson.
Fabricating an Ethernet Cross over and Straight through Cable
In an Ethernet networking environment like in a home or an office
with multiple PCs that are wired the computers needs to be connected to a
central router to allow data transfer. The router takes all the bits being sent
out by the computers and relays them onto the other devices on the network.
The straight through Ethernet cables is used in local area network to
connect a PC to a network hub and router. This is the standard cable used for
almost all purposes.
A crossover cable on the other hand can be used to connect two
network devices directly, without the need for a router in the middle. It simply
reverses some of the pins so that the output on one computer is being sent to
the input of another.
Bear in mind that safety precautions must always be applied and
observed during the fabrication of the said cables. Also, materials and tools to
be used must always be complete and functional to save time, money and
The following items are the materials and tools used for making
Ethernet cables:
Ethernet Cable Category 5e or Cat5e- standard wire for cabling;
RJ45 crimpable connectors for Cat5e;
RJ45 Crimping tool;
Wire cutter, stripper or pliers; and
Ethernet cable Tester


Cable Fabrication Procedures

Cross Over

Straight Through

Figure 42. Cross over and Straight Through Color Coding

The picture below will serve as your guide in making the two important
Ethernet cables.
1. Cut into the plastic sheath 1 inch from the end of the cut cable. The
crimping tool has a razor blade that will do the trick with practice.

Figure 43. Step 1

2. Unwind and pair the similar colors.

Figure 44. Step 2


3. Pinch the wires between your fingers and straighten them out as
shown. The color order is important to get correct.

Figure 45. Step 3

4. Use scissors to make a straight cut across the wires 1/2 Inch from the
cut sleeve to the end of the wires.
5. Push the wires into the connector. Each wire fits into a slot in the RJ45
connector. Note the position of the blue plastic shielding. Also note
how the wires go all the way to the end.

Figure 46. Step 5

6. A view from the top. All the wires are all the way in. There should be no
short wires.

Figure 47. Step 6


7. Crimping The Cable carefully place the connector into the Ethernet
Crimper and cinch down on the handles tightly. The copper splicing
tabs on the connector will pierce into each of the eight wires. There is
also a locking tab that holds the blue plastic sleeve in place for a tight
compression fit. When you remove the cable from the crimper, that end
is ready to use.

Figure 48. Step 7

8. For a standard "Straight Through" cable, repeat all steps and wire color
order on the other end of cable. For a cross-over cable, the other end
will have a different color order as shown by the crossover picture on
page 84.
9. Make sure to test the cables before installing them. An inexpensive
Ethernet cable tester does this quite well.

Figure 49. Step 9


Criss- Cross Puzzle

Direction: Complete the criss- cross puzzle and familiarize the cables being

1. each pair of wires is wrapped in metallic foil
3. one or more optical fibers enclosed in a sheath or jacket
5. used to connect two devices directly
6. cable that has two or four pairs of wires
7. the standard cable used for almost all purposes
1. cable that has a very thin core
2. cable that has a thicker core
4. used for telephone communications and Ethernet networks
5. copper-cored cable

Now that you are equipped with the knowledge on the different cables
used in networking I believe that you also need to know that fiber
technologies and connectors have changed through the years. In these
videos, youll learn about the different fiber connectors, copper connectors
and their characteristics. To watch the video presentations just type in the
following URL:
1) http://www.professormesser.com/n10-005/copper-connectors/




I hope you learned a lot from the video presentations. After

watching the videos, its your turn to answer the following guide
questions and submit it to your teacher after you finished this
task.Write your answer in a clean sheet of paper. Good Luck!

Here are the questions:

1. What are the different type of fiber connectors and cite their
advantages and disadvantages?
2. List down the different types of connectors.
3. What are the characteristics of UTP, STP and coaxial cable?


Create your own Ethernet Cable

Directions: Prepare the following tools and materials in fabricating your own
cross over and straight- through cables.
6 meters Ethernet Cable Category 5e or Cat5e- standard wire for
RJ45 crimpable connectors for Cat5e;
RJ45 Crimping tool;
Wire cutter, stripper or pliers; and
Ethernet cable Tester / LAN Tester
Take Note: Be careful when using the tools.
You just need to follow the procedures cited in this module and apply
the safety precautions to avoid injury or any unwanted incident. You will be
given 30 minutes to complete the task. You will be rated according to the
performance rubric.
1. Cut into the plastic sheath 1 inch from the end of the cut cable. The
crimping tool has a razor blade that will do the trick with practice.
2. Unwind and pair the similar colors.
3. Pinch the wires between your fingers and straighten them out as
shown. The color order is important to get correct.
4. Use scissors to make a straight cut across the wires 1/2 Inch from the
cut sleeve to the end of the wires.
5. Push the wires into the connector. Note the position of the blue plastic
shielding. Also note how the wires go all the way to the end.
6. A view from the top. All the wires are all the way in. There are no short
7. Crimping The Cable carefully place the connector into the Ethernet
Crimper and cinch down on the handles tightly. The copper splicing
tabs on the connector will pierce into each of the eight wires. There is
also a locking tab that holds the blue plastic sleeve in place for a tight
compression fit. When you remove the cable from the crimper, that end
is ready to use.


8. For a standard "Straight Through" cable, repeat all steps and wire color
order on the other end of cable. For a cross-over cable, the other end
will have a different color order as shown by the crossover picture
9. Make sure to test the cables before installing them. An inexpensive
Ethernet cable tester does this quite well.
Performance Rubrics for
Creating a Cross- Over and Straight Through Ethernet Cables



Safety Procedures
-Applied / manifested
safety precautions while
Adherence to the
Procedures (30%)
-Followed the
Workmanship (15%)
-Organized materials
and tools while
accomplishing the task
and has time
Quality of Product
-produced a fully
functional Ethernet




Internet Protocols
A protocol is a set of rules. A letter sent through the postal system also
uses protocols. Part of the protocol specifies where on the envelope the
delivery address needs to be written. If the delivery address is written in the
wrong place, the letter cannot be delivered. Internet protocol works in a
similar way. Internet protocols are sets of rules governing communication
within and between computers on a network. Protocol specifications define
the format of the messages that are exchanged.
Timing is crucial to network operation. Protocols require messages to
arrive within a certain amount of time so that computers do not wait
indefinitely for messages that may have been lost. Therefore, systems
maintain one or more times during transmission of data. Protocols also initiate
alternative actions if the network does not meet the timing rules. Many
protocols consist of a suite of other protocols that are stacked in layers.
These layers depend on the operation of the other layers in the suite to
function properly.
The main functions of protocols are:
Identifying errors
Compressing the data
Deciding how the data is to be sent
Addressing the data
Deciding how to announce sent and received data

To understand how networks and the Internet work, you must be

familiar with the commonly used protocols. These protocols are used to
browse the web, send and receive e-mail, and transfer data files. You will
encounter other protocols as your experience in IT grows, but they are not
used as often as the common protocols described here:
TCP/IP: The Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol suite of
protocols has become the dominant standard for internetworking.
TCP/IP represents a set of public standards that specify how packets
of information are exchanged between computers over one or more

IPX/SPX: Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange

is the protocol suite originally employed by Novell Corporations
network operating system, NetWare. It delivers functions similar to
those included in TCP/IP. Novell in its current releases supports the
TCP/IP suite. A large installed base of NetWare networks continues to
use IPX/SPX.
NetBEUI: NetBIOS Extended User Interface is a protocol used
primarily on small Windows NT networks. NetBEUI cannot be routed or
used by routers to talk to each other on a large network. NetBEUI is
suitable for small peer-to-peer networks, involving a few computers
directly connected to each other. It can be used in conjunction with
another routable protocol such as TCP/IP. This gives the network
administrator the advantages of the high performance of NetBEUI
within the local network and the ability to communicate beyond the
LAN over TCP/IP.

Figure 50. Commonly Used Internet Protocol


AppleTalk: AppleTalk is a protocol suite to network Macintosh

computers. It is composed of a comprehensive set of protocols that
span the seven layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model. The AppleTalk protocol was designed to run over
LocalTalk, which is the Apple LAN physical topology. This protocol is
also designed to run over major LAN types, notably Ethernet and
Token Ring.
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol governs how files such as text,
graphics, sound, and video are exchanged on the World Wide Web
(WWW). The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) developed the
standards for HTTP.
FTP: File Transfer Protocol provides services for file transfer and
manipulation. FTP allows multiple simultaneous connections to remote
file systems.
SSH: Secure Shell is used to securely connect to a remote computer.
Telnet: An application used to connect to a remote computer that lacks
security features.
POP3: Post Office Protocol is used to download e-mail from a remote
mail server.
IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol is also used to download email from a remote mail server.
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to send e-mail to a
remote e-mail server.
The more you understand about each of these protocols, the more you
will understand how networks and the Internet work.
IP Addressing
An IP address is a number that is used to identify a device on the
network. Each device on a network must have a unique IP address to
communicate with other network devices. Network devices are devices that
move data across the network, including hubs, switches, and routers. On a
LAN, each host (device that sends or receives information on the network)
and network device must have an IP address within the same network to be
able to communicate with each other.
A persons name and fingerprints usually do not change. They provide
a label or address for the persons physical aspectthe body. A persons
mailing address, on the other hand, relates to where the person lives or picks
up mail. This address can change. On a host, the Media Access Control

(MAC) address is assigned to the host Network Interface Card (NIC) and is
known as the physical address. The physical address remains the same
regardless of where the host is placed on the network in the same way that
fingerprints remain with someone regardless of where he or she goes.
An IP address consists of a series of 32 binary bits (1s and 0s). It is
very difficult for humans to read a binary IP address. For this reason, the 32
bits are grouped into four 8-bit bytes called octets. An IP address, even in this
grouped format, is hard for humans to read, write, and remember. Therefore,
each octet is presented as its decimal value, separated by a decimal point or
period. This format is called dotted-decimal notation. When a host is
configured with an IP address, it is entered as a dotted-decimal number, such
Imagine if you had to enter the 32-bit binary equivalent of this:
11000000101010000000000100000101. If you mistyped just 1 bit, the
address would be different, and the host may not be able to communicate
on the network. The logical 32-bit IP address is hierarchical and is
composed of two parts. The first part identifies the network, and the
second part identifies a host on that network. Both parts are required in an
IP address. For example, if a host has an IP address of,
the first three octets, 192.168.18, identify the network portion of the
address, and the last octet, 57, identifies the host. This is called
hierarchical addressing, because the network portion indicates the
network on which each unique host address is located. Routers only need
to know how to reach each network, not the location of each individual

Table 6. Five Classes of IP Address

IP Classes
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E

Used for large networks, implemented by large companies and
some countries.
Used for medium-sized networks, implemented by universities.
Used for small networks, implemented by ISPs for customer
Used for special use for multicasting.
Used for experimental testing.


Subnet Mask
The subnet mask indicates the network portion of an IP address. Like
the IP address, the subnet mask is a dotted-decimal number. Usually all hosts
within a LAN use the same subnet mask. The table 3 shows default subnet
masks for usable IP addresses that are mapped to the first three classes of IP
addresses: Class A, which indicates that the first octet of the IP address
is the network portion Class B, which indicates that the first two octets of the IP
address are the network portion Class C, which indicates that the first three octets of
the IP address are the network portion
Table 7. Default Subnet Masks for Usable IP Addresses
Class A


Class B


Class C





Class D addresses are used for multicast groups. There is no need to

allocate octet or bits to separate network and host addresses. Class E
addresses are reserved for research use only.
Ipconfig is a command used to find out the IP address of a certain
network you are connected to.
How to use the ipconfig command?
1) Click on Start Button, then type cmd (command prompt) on the
search box.
2) A black screen will appear as shown in the figure below.


Figure 51. Command Prompt Window

3) Type ipconfig and press enter. The figure below shows the IP
configuration window using the ipconfig command. The information
from this window will be useful because it shows the ip address,
subnet mask and default gateway of a network you are connected

Figure 52. IP Configuration in CMD Window


Assigning a static IP Address

In a home network with several computers and devices, it is a good
idea to assign each of them a specific address. This is for the purpose of
avoiding problems when you do troubleshooting which requires figuring out
the IP address of each of them. It is also a means to prevent address conflicts
between the devices. You can also manage them with ease if you have
assigned their own addresses.
Here are the procedures in assigning an IP Address on a windows
base computer system:
1. Open the Control Panels Network Connections icon.
2. Open the icon representing your computers network connection.
3. Click the Properties button in the Status dialog box.
4. From the list of items, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

Figure 53. Wireless Network Connections Properties Dialog Box

5. Click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
dialog box appears.


Figure 54. TCP / IPV4 Dialog Box

6. Type the IP address for your computer. Enter the appropriate IP
Address in the IP address section.
7. Type a subnet mask. The value used on a local network is
commonly, but it can be different, such as
8. Type the default gateway address. The default gateway is the router,
so type the routers address. Figure 54 shows an example of assigning
an IP Address, Subnet mask and default gateway.

Figure 55. Assigning an IP Address


9. Type the address for the preferred DNS server. The address should be
obtained from your Internet Service Protocol. Its used to help your
computer find web pages and other addresses on the Internet.
10. Type the address for the alternate DNS server.
The alternate Domain Name System (DNS) servers IP address is
something that your ISP provides.
11. Click OK to confirm the settings.
12. Close all other open dialog boxes and windows.
Assigning a Dynamic IP Address
If more than a few computers comprise the LAN, manually configuring
IP addresses for every host on the network can be time-consuming and prone
to errors. In this case, using a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
server would automatically assign IP addresses and greatly simplify the
addressing process.

Figure 56. Assigning a Dynamic IP Address

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a software utility
used to dynamically assign IP addresses to network devices. This dynamic
process eliminates the need to manually assign IP addresses. A DHCP
server can be set up and the hosts can be configured to automatically obtain

an IP address. When a computer is set to obtain an IP address automatically,

the other entire IP addressing configuration boxes are dimmed or disabled.
The server maintains a list of IP addresses to assign, and it manages the
process so that every device on the network receives a unique IP address.
Each address is held for a predetermined amount of time. When the time
expires, the DHCP server can use this address for any computer that joins
the network.
This are the IP address information that a DHCP server can assign to hosts:
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
Optional values, such as a Domain Name System (DNS) server
The DHCP server receives a request from a host. The server then
selects IP address information from a set of predefined addresses that are
stored in a database. After the IP address information is selected, the DHCP
server offers these values to the requesting host on the network. If the host
accepts the offer, the DHCP server leases the IP address for a specific period
of time.
Using a DHCP server simplifies the administration of a network
because the software keeps track of IP addresses. Automatically configuring
TCP/IP also reduces the possibility of assigning duplicate or invalid IP
addresses. Before a computer on the network can take advantage of the
DHCP server services, the computer must be able to identify the server on
the local network. You can configure a computer to accept an IP address from
a DHCP server by clicking the Obtain an IP address automatically option in
the NIC configuration window, as shown in Figure 34.
If your computer cannot communicate with the DHCP server to obtain
an IP address, the Windows operating system automatically assigns a private
IP address. If your computer is assigned an IP address in the range of to, it can communicate with only other
computers in the same range. An example of when these private addresses
would be useful is in a classroom lab where you want to prevent access
outside to your network. This operating system feature is called Automatic
Private IP Addressing (APIPA). APIPA continually requests an IP address
from a DHCP server for your computer.


The ping command is a Command Prompt command used to test the
ability of the source computer to reach a specified destination computer. The
ping command is usually used as a simple way verify that a computer can
communicate over the network with another computer or network device.
The ping command operates by sending Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request messages to the destination computer and
waiting for a response. How many of those responses are returned, and how
long it takes for them to return, are the two major pieces of information that
the ping command provides.


Table 8. Ping Command Syntax

Using this option will ping the target until you force it to stop
using Ctrl-C.

-a -

This ping command option will

the hostname of an IP address target.

-n count

This option sets the number of ICMP Echo Request messages

to send. If you execute the ping command without this option,
four requests will be sent.
Use this option to set the size, in bytes, of the echo request
packet from 32 to 65,527. The ping command will send a 32
byte echo request if you don't use the -l option.
Use this ping command option to prevent ICMP Echo Requests
from being fragmented by routers between you and the target.
The -f option is most often used to troubleshoot Path Maximum
Transmission Unit (PMTU) issues.
This option sets the Time to Live (TTL) value, the maximum of
which is 255.
This option allows you to set a Type of Service (TOS) value.
Beginning in Windows 7, this option no longer functions but still
exists for compatibility reasons.
Use this ping command option to specify the number
of hops between the computer and the target computer or
device that you'd like to be recorded and displayed. The
maximum value for count is 9 so uses the tracert
command instead if you're interested in viewing all hops
between two devices.
Use this option to report the time, in Internet Timestamp
format, that each echo request is received and echo reply is
sent. The maximum value for count is 4 meaning that only the

-l size


-i TTL
-v TOS

-r count

-s count





-w timeout

-S srcaddr


first four hops can be time stamped.

Specifying a timeout value when executing the ping command
adjusts the amount of time, in milliseconds, that ping waits for
each reply. If you don't use the -w option, the default timeout
value is used which is 4000, or 4 seconds.
This option tells the ping command to trace the round trip path.
Use this option to specify the source address.
This forces the ping command to use IPv4 only but is only
necessary if target is a hostname and not an IP address.
This forces the ping command to use IPv6 only but as with
the -4 option, is only necessary when pinging a hostname.
target - This is the destination you wish to ping, either an IP
address or a hostname.
Use the help switch with the ping command to show detailed
help about the command's several options.

Using the ping Command

Ping is one of your most important tools in troubleshooting Internet
problems. It shows you whether the Domain Name Server is working, whether
the computer youre trying to talk to is reachable, and how long it takes to get
there. It does this at a very low level only the most basic Internet functions
have to be up and running.
1) Click on Start Button, then type cmd (command prompt) on the
search box.
2) A black screen will appear as shown in the figure below.
3) Type ping followed by the IP address you desired to verify. The
figure below shows the screen of the ping command and its output.

Figure 57. Step 3


Figure 58. Pinging

This output shows several things:
Decoding names to network addresses A domain name server
(DNS) resolves machine names to numeric addresses. A single
machine can have many names, all of which resolve to the same
Internet address. In the example just given, the name www.google.com
resolves to the Internet address
Round-trip response time The parts of the replies that say things
like time=105ms show you how long it took from the time the client
machine sent out the ping message until a reply came back (1 ms is 1
millisecond, or one thousandth of a second). The variability in the times
you see reflects that networks dont always respond identically.
Differing amounts of traffic on the communication lines or differing
loads on the server are common causes. Youll see very different
response times depending on the access equipment you use.
Routing hop count The part of the replies that says TTL=50 tells
you about the route the message took from here to there. The acronym
TTL stands for Time to Live, which is a measure of how many rerouting
from one point to another the packet has to go before IP declares it
undeliverable. The number following TTL (called the hop count) is a
number that usually starts at 255 and counts down by one every time
the message gets rerouted through an intermediary computer.


I. Protocols
Direction: In this worksheet, you will write the name of the protocol and the
default port(s) for each protocol definition in the table.
Be prepared to discuss your answers.
Protocol Definition



Provides connections to computers over a

TCP/IP network
Sends e-mail over a TCP/IP network
Translates URLs to IP address
Transports Web pages over a TCP/IP network
Automates assignment of IP address on a
Securely transports Web pages over a TCP/IP
Transports files over a TCP/IP network
II. Identifying IP Address Classes
Direction: In this worksheet, your teacher will write several IP addresses with
their appropriate subnet masks. You will copy the IP address and Subnet
Mask. You will write which IP Address Class is appropriate in the IP Address
Class column in the chart below. An example has been provided for you.
Be prepared to discuss the IP Address Class you select.
IP Address

Subnet Mask


IP Address Class

To deepen your understanding with regard to the Internet

Protocols, IP Address and subneting, utilize the Internet and the
website www.professormesser.com, watch and learn from the video
presentations. Use the URLs below:
1. http://www.professormesser.com/n10-005/binary-math-2/

2. http://www.professormesser.com/n10-005/ip-classes/

3. http://www.professormesser.com/n10-005/networkingprotocols/

4. http://www.professormesser.com/n10-005/subnetting/


Reflection on the video presentations

Direction: Answer the essential questions below according to the video
presentations you had watched. Write your answer in a clean sheet of paper.
1. What are the procedures involved in calculating IP address and the
procedures in converting IP address to binary and vise versa?
2. What are the different IP Classes? Discuss each briefly and give
examples for each.
3. What are the distinguished Internet Protocols? Describe each.
4. What are the necessary procedures in calculating subnet mask or
simply subneting? Show an example solution for the calculation.


Configure an Ethernet NIC to use DHCP

Directions: You will configure an Ethernet NIC to use DHCP to obtain an IP
address. You need to follow the procedures given below and apply safety
precautions in accomplishing this task. While doing the activity you have to
answer questions written after every procedure. Write your answer in a clean
sheet of paper. Your performance will be rated based on the performance
Configuration Rubrics




Proper Configuration (30 %)

(the configured hardware was
properly configured according
to job specification)
Adherence to the
Procedures (30%)
(The specified job was done by
following the procedures.
Safety measures were
observed during the activity)
Quality of Work (30%)
(The device was configured
Comprehension (10%)
(Interview / Guide questions
were answered correctly
according to the job
Recommended Equipment
Linksys 300N router
A Computer running Window XP Professional
Ethernet patch cable
Step 1
Plug one end of the Ethernet patch cable into Port 1 on the back of
the router.

Plug the other end of the Ethernet patch cable into the network port on
the NIC in your computer.
Plug in the power cable of the router if it is not already plugged in.
Turn on your computer and log on to Windows as an administrator.
Click start
Right-click My Network Places, and then choose Properties.
The Network Connections window appears.

Figure 59. My Network Places

Step 2
Right-click Local Area Connection, and then choose Properties.
The Local Area Connection Properties window appears.

Figure 60. Local Area Connection Properties


Activity Questions:
1. What is the name and model number of the NIC in the Connect
using: field?(Answers may vary)
2. What are the items listed in the This connection uses the
following items: field? (Answers may vary but must include
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Step 3
Choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Click Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window appears.

Figure 61. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

Activity Question:
3. What is the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway
listed in the fields of the Use the following IP address: area?
Answers may vary. If the computer is configured to obtain an IP
address automatically, there will be no information in the fields.
Click the Obtain an IP address automatically radio button.
Click OK. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window closes.

Figure 62. Local Area Connection Properties Window

Click OK.
Restart your computer.
Step 4
Log on to Windows as an administrator.
Check the lights on the back of the NIC. These lights will blink when
there is network activity.
Choose Start > Run....
Type cmd and click OK.

Figure 63. Run Window

Type ipconfig/all, and then press the Enter key.

Figure 64. ipconfig all window

Activity Questions:
1. What is the IP address and subnet mask of the Ethernet Adapter
Local Area Network Connection? Answers may vary.
2. What is the IP address of the DHCP server? Answers may vary.
3. On what date was the Lease Obtained? Answers may vary.
4. On what date does the Lease Expire? Answers may vary.


Task 2
Configure Wireless Router
Directions: Configure and







Recommended Equipment
A computer with Windows XP Professional / Windows 7
A Wireless NIC installed
An Ethernet NIC installed
Linksys WRT300N Wireless Router
Ethernet patch cable
Step 1
Connect the computer to one of the Ethernet ports on the wireless router
with an Ethernet patch cable.
Plug in the power of the wireless router. Boot the computer and log in as
an administrator.
Step 2
Choose start > Run, and type cmd. Press the Return key.
Type ipconfig.
What is the default gateway for the computer?
Step 3
Open your browser. Type in the Address field, and then
press Return.

Figure 65. Browser Window

The Connect to window appears.


Figure 66. Connect to Window

Type admin in the Password: field.
The Setup screen appears.
Step 4
Click the Wireless tab.
Choose Mixed in the Network Mode: drop-down box.

Figure 67. Wireless Tab Window

Type CHS# in the Network Name (SSID): field, where # is the number
assigned by your instructor.

Click Save Settings.

The Settings are successful screen appears.

Figure 67. Settings are Successful Window

Click Continue, and then close the browser window.
Step 4
Unplug the Ethernet patch cable from the rear of the computer.
Choose start, and then right-click My Network Places. Choose
Double-click the wireless adapter, and then select View Wireless
Choose CHS, and then click the Connect button.
Open Internet Explorer, and then connect to the wireless router.
Log into the wireless router.
Close Internet Explorer.


Peer to Peer Network

In a peer-to-peer network, devices are connected directly to each
other without any additional networking devices between them, as shown in
Figure 37. In this type of network, each device has equivalent capabilities and
responsibilities. Individual users are responsible for their own resources and
can decide which data and devices to share. Because individual users are
responsible for the resources on their own computers, the network has no
central point of control or administration.

Figure 68. Peer- to- Peer Network

It allows certain files and folders to be shared with everyone or with
selected users. Peer-to-peer networks are quite common in small offices that
do not use a dedicated file server. Files and folders can be configured to
allow network users to copy them, but not alter them in their original location,
which is a common safety precaution. However, files and folders can also be
assigned a "read/write" status that allows either selected users or all users on
the network to change them.

Peer-to-peer networking differs from client-server networking, where

certain devices have responsibility for providing or "serving" data and other
devices consume or otherwise act as "clients" of those servers.
Setting up a peer to peer network in Windows XP
The steps described below are provided as a general guide that will
work for most home networking situations. However, it may not work for all
Use the following steps to help you set up your own inclusive home
1. Make sure both systems have Network Interface Cards (NICs) installed
and are using the proper cables.
NOTE: For a direct network cable connection between two PCs (not
with a hub, switch or router), you need to have a crossover cable.
2. For PCs with Windows XP, the home networking wizard can be used to
set up Windows for your network.
a. Click Start, and then Control Panel.
b. Select Network and internet connections.
c. Double-click Network setup wizard and follow the on-screen
NOTE: If the Network setup wizard is unsuccessful, continue with the
steps below.
3. Click Start, Control Panel, Network and Internet Connections, and
then Network Connections. At Network Connection Windows, will see the
Local Area Connection Icon, Right click it and select Properties. Local
Area Connection windows appeared.


Figure 69. Network Connection Window

4. Click on the General tab.

Figure 70. LAN Properties General Tab


5. A device name should appear under "connect using." If not, there is a

hardware issue and Windows is not recognizing the network hardware. This
issue must be fixed before continuing.
a. At the General Tab, Put a check mark at the following:
- Client for Microsoft Network
- File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Network
- Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
b. Put a check mark saying Show icon in notification area when
c. Select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the Properties
NOTE: If any of the above components are not installed, install them by
selecting add or Install, and then selecting the missing component, and
clicking Add.

Figure 71. TCP/IP- Properties


d. At the IP Address tab, select Specify IP Address.

e. Enter as the unique IP Address for the first
machine. For each other PC add one to the last number in the
IP address. For example,
and WORKPC3 = .
NOTE: 192.168.0.x is an IP Address reserved for private networks
and is not routable to the Internet.

Figure 72. Assigning IP Address and Subnet Mask


6. In the Subnet mask field enter:

All PCs on the same network use the same Subnet mask. Click the Ok
button to finish configuration and to close the Local Area Connection
Properties windows.

Note: The Domain Name System (DNS) is optional. If you have a DNS
system and your connected to ISP you can input an IP address came
from the DNS server.
Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then select Properties.
7. Click the Computer Name tab and click the Change button.
8. Enter a name that describes the PC in the Computer Description field.
For Example, KIDSPC1, MOMSPC2, or WORKPC3.
9. Enter the workgroup name for your network. Use the same workgroup
name for all PCs on the network. Spelling is important in this step.
10. Repeat these steps for each PC on the network.
11. Wait two minutes after Windows opens on all PCs, and then double-click
the Network Neighborhood icon on the desktop. If all went well, you
should see all the PC names on the network when files and folders are
being shared. If you do not see them, press F5 to refresh the screen.
12. If, after refreshing the network window, the other PCs still do not appear,
check the firewall settings that may be interfering with the
Setting up a peer to peer network in Windows 7
If you are going work with Windows 7 operating system, the following
procedures are used to set up a peer to peer network:
1. On Desktop ==> Select My Computer ==> Right Click ==> Select
2. Select Change Setting (administrative permission will be required in
this procedure ).
3. Click or select Change.
4. Change Computer name and workgroup name. Then, click OK.
5. Save the change ( Reboot will require).
6. After Reboot ==> Right Click on My Network Place ==> Properties.
7. Now turn on Network discovery, File sharing, Printer Sharing.


Figure 73. Step 1

Figure 74. Step 2


Figure 75. Step 3

Figure 76. Step 4


Figure 77. Step 5

Figure 78. Step 6

Figure 79. Step 7


8. Click on Manage network connections.

Figure 80. Step 8

9. Select Local Area Connection ==> Properties

Figure 81. Step 9

10. Select Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) ==> properties.


Figure 82. Step 10

11. Now enter the assigned the IP address and then click OK.

Figure 83. Step 11


12. Now open My network place ==> Click to change then Select Turn on
network discovery and file sharing.

Figure 84. Step 12

13. If you could see all computers in my network place than its times to
cheers you have successfully configured workgroup.

Figure 85. Step 13

Client- Server Network
In a client/server network, the server provides the requested
information or service to the client. Servers on a client/server network
commonly perform some of the processing work for client machines, such as
sorting through a database before delivering only the records requested by
the client.


Figure 86. Client/ Server Network

One example of a client/server network is a corporate environment in
which employees use a company e-mail server to send, receive, and store email. The e-mail client on an employee computer issues a request to the email server for any unread e-mail. The server responds by sending the
requested e-mail to the client.
In a client/server model, the servers are maintained by network
administrators. Data backups and security measures are implemented by the
network administrator. The network administrator also controls user access to
the network resources. All the data on the network is stored on a centralized
file server. Shared printers on the network are managed by a centralized print
server. Network users with the proper permissions can access both the data
and shared printers. Each user must provide an authorized username and
password to gain access to network resources that he or she is permitted to
use. For data protection, an administrator performs a routine backup of all the


files on the servers. If a computer crashes, or data is lost, the administrator

can easily recover the data from a recent backup.

Direction: Using the table below, cite the features of peer-to-peer and client
/server network that describes their difference.
Peer-to-peer Network

Client/Server Network


Peer-to-peer study
Directions: Have a partner. Using different references available such as
articles, books, internet and publications, investigate and search for the
advantages and disadvantages of peer-to-peer network. You will present your
readings in front of the class and you will be rated according to the rubrics for
research and rubrics for oral presentation.
Rubrics for Research Study
Qualities & Criteria

Poor (0-80)

Good (80-90)


Followed poorly Most format and All

related requirements



Presentation of the
Structuring of text
length, font and
style followed.

All elements of the

The information is
technically sound
Information based

related to format were met.
and layout.

related to format

The essay was

and addresses
issues referred
in the proposed
information was
not necessary or
not sufficient to

The essay was

addresses with
analysis all the
issues referred
in the proposed
information was
necessary and

Quality of Writing The study was

not well written,
and many
of errors,
grammar errors
in and/or use of
spelling, grammar English errors. It
and use of English lacks
Organization and
and/or does not
coherence of
present ideas in
a coherent way.
References (15%)

Soundness of

used and cited.

The essay was

objective and for
the most part
addresses with
analysis most of
referred in the
proposed topic.
information was,
for the most
part, necessary
and sufficient to
The study was
well written for
the most part,
without spelling,
grammar or use
essay is for the
most part well
organized, clear
coherent way.
references were
used and cited.

The study was

well written from
start to finish,
without spelling,
grammar or use
essay was well
organized, clear
coherent way.
references were
used and cited.

Oral Presentation Rubric


(has more
than seven

1. Gave an interesting introduction

2. Presented clear explanation of
3. Presented information in logical
4. Used complete sentence
5. Offered a concluding summary
6. Spoke clearly, correctly,
distinctly, and confidently
7. Maintained eye contact with the
8. Maintained acceptable posture.
9. Utilized audio-visual aids
(creativity in presentation)
10. Handled questions and
Grand Total


(has four
to seven

three minor

Hands- on Activity
Directions: Follow and perform the prescribed procedures in setting up a
peer-to-peer and client/server network for Windows XP and Windows 7. You
will be rated base on the performance indicators below:
Performance Indicators for Setting- up a peer-to-peer and client/server



Safety Procedures
-Applied / manifested
safety precautions while
Adherence to the
Procedures (30%)
-Followed the
Workmanship (15%)
-Organized materials
and tools while
accomplishing the task
and has time
Quality of Service
-Had set- up a fully
functional peer-to-peer
and client/server




Network Security
As a future Computer Technicians you need to understand computer
and network security. Failure to implement proper security procedures can
affect users, computers, and the general public. Private information, company
secrets, financial data, computer equipment, and items of national security
are placed at risk if proper security procedures are not followed.
The Importance of Security in Computer System and Networks
Computer and network security help keep data and equipment safe by
giving only the appropriate people access. Everyone in an organization
should give high priority to security, because everyone can be affected by a
lapse in security.
Theft, loss, network intrusion, and physical damage are some of the
ways a network or computer can be harmed. Damage or loss of equipment
can mean a loss of productivity. Repairing and replacing equipment can cost
the company time and money. Unauthorized use of a network can expose
confidential information and reduce network resources.
An attack that intentionally degrades the performance of a computer or
network can also harm an organizations production. Poorly implemented
security measures that allow unauthorized access to wireless network
devices demonstrate that physical connectivity is not necessary for security
breaches by intruders.
A technicians primary responsibilities include data and network
security. A customer or an organization may depend on you to ensure that
their data and computer equipment are secure. You will perform tasks that
are more sensitive than those assigned to the average employee. You may
have to repair, adjust, and install equipment. You need to know how to
configure settings to keep the network secure, but still keep it available to
those who need to access it. You will ensure that software patches and
updates are applied, antivirus software is installed, and antispyware software
is used. You may also be asked to instruct users on how to maintain good
security practices with computer equipment.


Security Attacks
To successfully protect computers and the network, a technician must
understand both of the following types of threats to computer security:
Physical: Events or attacks that steal, damage, or destroy such
equipment as servers, switches, and wiring.
Data: Events or attacks that remove, corrupt, deny access to, allow
access to, or steal information.
Threats to security can come from inside or outside an organization,
and the level of potential damage can vary greatly. Potential threats include
the following:
Internal: Employees who have access to data, equipment, and the
network. Internal attacks can be characterized as follows:
Malicious threats are when an employee intends to cause
Accidental threats are when the user damages data or equipment
External: Users outside an organization who do not have authorized
access to the network or resources. External attacks can be
characterized as follows:
Unstructured attacks, which use available resources, such as
passwords or scripts, to gain access to and run programs designed
to vandalize.
Structured attacks, which use code to access operating systems
and software.
Physical loss or damage to equipment can be expensive, and data loss
can be detrimental to your business and reputation. Threats against data are
constantly changing as attackers find new ways to gain entry and commit
their crimes.
Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses
Computer viruses are created with malicious intent and sent by
attackers. A virus is attached to small pieces of computer code, software, or
documents. The virus executes when the software is run on a computer. If the
virus spreads to other computers, those computers could continue to spread
the virus.
A virus is transferred to another computer through e-mail, file transfers,
and instant messaging. The virus hides by attaching itself to a file on the
computer. When the file is accessed, the virus executes and infects the
computer. A virus has the potential to corrupt or even delete files on your

computer, use your e-mail to spread itself to other computers, or even erase
your hard drive. Some viruses can be
exceptionally dangerous. The most damaging
type of virus is used to record keystrokes.
Attackers can use these viruses to harvest
sensitive information, such as passwords and
credit card numbers. Viruses may even alter or
destroy information on a computer. Stealth
viruses can infect a computer and lay dormant
until summoned by the attacker.
A worm is a self-replicating program that is harmful to networks. A
worm uses the network to duplicate its code to the hosts on a network, often
without any user intervention. It is different from a virus because a worm does
not need to attach to a program to infect a host. Even if the worm does not
damage data or applications on the hosts it infects, it harms networks
because it consumes bandwidth.
A Trojan horse technically is a worm. It does not need to be attached
to other software. Instead, a Trojan threat is hidden in software that appears
to do one thing, and yet behind the scenes it does another. Trojans often are
disguised as useful software. The Trojan program can reproduce or replicate
like a virus and spread to other computers. Computer data damage and
production loss could be significant. A technician may be needed to perform
the repairs, and employees may lose or have to replace data. An infected
computer could be sending critical data to competitors while at the same time
infecting other computers on the network.
Security Procedures
You should use a security plan to determine what will be done in a
critical situation. Security plan policies should be constantly updated to reflect
the latest threats to a network.
A security plan with clear security procedures is the basis for a
technician to follow. Security plans should be reviewed each year. Part of the
process of ensuring security is conducting tests to determine areas where
security is weak. Testing should be done on a regular basis. New threats are
released daily.
Regular testing provides details of any possible weaknesses in the
current security plan that should be addressed. A network has multiple layers
of security, including physical, wireless, and data. Each layer is subject to

security attacks. The technician needs to understand how to implement

security procedures to protect equipment and data.

Source: www.computerflu.com
Figure 87. Most Commonly Known Anti Virus Software
Virus protection software, known as antivirus software, is software
designed to detect, disable, and remove viruses, worms, and Trojans before
they infect a computer. Antivirus software becomes outdated quickly,
however. The technician is responsible for applying the most recent updates,
patches, and virus definitions as part of a regular maintenance schedule.
Many organizations establish a written security policy stating that
employees are not permitted to install any software that is not provided by the
company. Organizations also make employees aware of the dangers of
opening e-mail attachments that may contain a virus or worm.
Data Encryption
Encrypting data involves using codes and ciphers. Data encryption
can help prevent attackers from monitoring or recording traffic between
resources and computers. It may not be possible to decipher captured data in

time to make any use of it. A security alert may inform you that you are using
an encrypted connection.
A virtual private network (VPN) is an encryption system that protects
data as though it resides on a private network. The data actually travels over
the Internet or another unsecured public network.
Port Protection
Every communication using TCP/IP is associated with a port number.
HTTPS, for instance, by default uses port 443. A firewall is a way of
protecting a computer from intrusion through the ports.
With port protection, the user can control the type of data sent to a
computer by selecting which ports will be open and which will be secured.
Data being transported on a network is called traffic.
How to Enable Firewall for Windows XP?
The proceeding section provides the procedures for enabling windows
XP firewall:
1. Click Start Button then choose Control Panel.

Figure 88. Control Panel


Click the "Network and Internet Connections" option.

Figure 89. Control Panel Window


3. Then click the "Network Connections" option.

Figure 90. Network and Internet Connections


Double click the icon labeled "Local Area Connection". The icon may
have a number after it, for example "Local Area Connection 5". Click on
Properties button.

Properties Button
Figure 91. Local Area Network Connection Properties Window

On the "Advanced" tab, select "Protect my computer and network by

limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet".


Figure 92. Local Area Network Connection Advance Tab

6. Click Settings, then on the ICMP tab select "Allow Incoming echo request".

Figure 93. ICMP Tab

Enabling Windows 7 Firewall

1. Open Windows Firewall by clicking
the Start button ,
clicking Control Panel. In the search
click Windows Firewall.
Figure 94. Windows 7 Control Panel


In the left pane, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off. If you're

prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the
password or provide confirmation. Turn Windows Firewall on or off link
in Windows Firewall


Click Turn on Windows Firewall under each network location that you
want to help protect, and then click OK.

If you want the firewall to prevent all programs from communicating,

including programs that you have previously allowed to communicate through
the firewall, select the Block all incoming connections, including those in
the list of allowed programs check box.
Wireless Security Techniques
Traffic flows through radio waves in wireless networks, so it is easy for
attackers to monitor and attack data without having to connect to a network
physically. Attackers gain access to a network by being within range of an
unprotected wireless network. A technician needs to know how to configure
access points and wireless network interface cards (WNIC) to an appropriate
level of security.
When installing wireless services, you should apply the following
wireless security techniques immediately to prevent unwanted access to the
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) was the first-generation security
standard for wireless. Attackers quickly discovered that 64-bit WEP
encryption was easy to break. Monitoring programs could detect the
encryption keys used to encode the messages. After the keys were
obtained, messages could be easily decoded. In an attempt to
overcome this weakness, most users employ a 128-bit key for WEP.
Change the default administration password.
Disable the broadcasting of the Service Set Identifier (SSID) to hide it
from other users.
Use MAC filtering to protect the network from other users.
Change the default values of the SSID by entering the setup program
for the access point and renaming the SSID.
Update to the latest available firmware.
Install or activate a firewall, and adjust the settings to eliminate all
traffic except the desired network settings.
Update to the latest available firmware.


Install or activate a firewall, and adjust the settings to eliminate all

traffic except the desired network settings.

An attacker can access data as it travels over the radio signal.

However, you can use a wireless encryption system to encode data and
thereby prevent unwanted capture and use of the data. Both ends of every
link must use the same encryption standard. The following list describes the
different levels of wireless security, from most secure to least secure:
Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP): Also
called EAP-Cisco, LEAP is a wireless security protocol created by
Cisco to address the weaknesses in WEP and WPA. LEAP is a
good choice when using Cisco equipment in conjunction with
operating systems such as Windows and Linux.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): An improved version of WEP. It
was created as a temporary solution until 802.11i (a security layer
for wireless systems) was fully implemented. Now that 802.11i has
been ratified, WPA2 has been released. It covers the entire 802.11i
WEP 128: An enhanced encryption protocol combining a 104-bit
key and a 24-bit initialization vector.
WEP 64: The first-generation security standard for wireless. It could
be exploited because of an encryption key that was vulnerable to
No security: Although you can elect to implement no security
whatsoever, you leave your wireless network completely vulnerable
to attack.
In addition, Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is a security
layer used in mobile devices that employ the Wireless Applications Protocol
(WAP). Mobile devices do not have a great deal of spare bandwidth to devote
to security protocols. WTLS was designed to provide security for WAP
devices in a bandwidth-efficient manner.
To manually create a network profile using WEP shared key
1. Open Network and Sharing Center by clicking the Start button , and
then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type network, and then
click Network and Sharing Center.
2. Click Set up a new connection or network.


Click Manually connect to a wireless network, and then click Next.

On the Enter information for the wireless network you want to
add page, under Security type, select WEP.
Complete the rest of the page, and then click Next.
Click Change connection settings.
Click the Security tab, and then, under Security type, click Shared.
Click OK, and then click Close.

Short Quiz
Test I. Modified true or false
Directions: Write SECURITY if the underlined word on the subsequent
statement makes it true and VIRUS if it is makes the statement a false one
then write the correct term / word to correct it. (2 points each)
1. Computer and network security help keep data and equipment safe.
2. A technicians secondary responsibilities include data and network
3. Threats to security can come from inside and outside the organization.
4. Computer viruses are created and sent by attackers who have malicious
5. A virus is transferred to another computer through e-mail, file transfer and
instant messaging.
Test II. Matching Type
Direction: Match column A with column B in order to identify the term / word
being described.
1. when an employee intends to
cause damage
2. when user damages data or
equipment unintentionally
3. attached to small pieces of
4. a self-replicating program that is
harmful to network
5. it is technically a worm
6. software designed to detect,
disable and remove viruses


Accidental threats
Antivirus software
Data encryption
Malicious threats
Trojan horse

7. it involves using codes and ciphers

8. a way of protecting a computer
from intrusion through the ports
9. an encryption system that protects
10. data being transported on a
Test IV. Acrostic
Direction: Give the meaning of the acronyms given below:
6. VPN- ________________________________________
7. SSID- ________________________________________
8. WEP- ___________________________________________
9. WPA- ___________________________________________
10. WTLS- __________________________________________

Research Firewalls
Direction: In this activity, you will use the Internet, a newspaper, or a local
store to gather information about hardware and software firewalls.
1. Using the Internet, research two different hardware firewalls. Based on
your research, complete the table below.
Company/Hardware Website Cost Subscription Length


2. Which hardware firewall would you purchase? List reasons for your
3. Using the Internet, research two different software firewalls. Based on
your research, complete the table below.
4. Which software firewall would you purchase? List reasons for your


Company/Software Website Cost Subscription Length



Configure Windows XP Firewall

Direction: In this laboratory activity you will explore the Windows XP Firewall
and configure some advanced settings. There are essential questions that
you need to answer while performing the activity.
Step 1
Navigate to the Windows XP Firewall:
Start > Control Panel > Security Center
The Firewall indicator shows the status of the firewall. The normal
setting is ON.

Figure 96. Windows Security Center


Access the controller for the firewall by clicking Windows Firewall at

the bottom of the window.
Step 2

Figure 97. Windows Firewall General Tab Window

Essential Questions:
In the space below, state why turning off the Windows Firewall is
not advised.

Step 3
From the Windows Firewall control menu select the Exceptions tab.
Programs and services that Windows Firewall is not blocking will be
listed with a checkmark.


Figure 98. Windows Firewall Exceptions Tab Window

You can add applications to this list. This may be necessary if your
customer has an application that requires outside communications but
for some reason the Windows Firewall cannot perform the
configuration automatically. You must be logged on to this computer as
an administrator to complete this procedure.
Essential Question:
Creating too many exceptions in your Programs and Services file
can have negative consequences. Describe a negative consequence of
having too many exceptions.

Step 4
From the Windows Firewall control menu select the Advanced tab to
view the Network Connection Settings.
Network Connection
Settings displays the different connections configured for your


Figure 99. Windows Firewall Advance Tab Window

Click the Settings button in the Network Connection Settings area.
The Advanced Settings window has two tabs: Services and ICMP.
Click the Services tab.
Essential Question:
In the space below, list the services that are available.

Step 5
There are many applications that users do not normally see that also
need to get through the Windows Firewall to access your computer.
These are the network level commands that direct traffic on the
network and the Internet.
Under the ICMP heading, click the Settings button. You will see the
menu where ICMP exceptions are configured.


Figure 100. ICMP Settings Window

In the example here, allowing incoming echo requests is what allows
network users to ping your computer to determine if it is present on
the network and how fast information travels to and from it.
Essential Question:
In the space below, list the requests for information that your computer will
respond to.


File and Printer Sharing

File sharing is the practice of sharing or offering access to digital
information or resources, including documents, multimedia (audio/video),
graphics, computer programs, images and e-books. It is the private or public
distribution of data or resources in a network with different levels of sharing
File sharing can be done using several methods. The most common
techniques for file storage, distribution and transmission include the following:

Removable storage devices

Centralized file hosting server installations on networks
World Wide Web-oriented hyperlinked documents
Distributed peer-to-peer networks

Sharing Resources and Accessing Shared Resources

1. Open My Computer, double-click the C: drive, and create a new folder
on the C: drive. Name it Shared. Right-click the Shared folder and select
2. In the Shared Properties dialog box, select the Sharing tab.
Notice that the Select the Share This Folder button.
Type the Share Name. Click Apply and the computer you are linked to
should be able to view your Shared folder.
3. Right-click My Network Places, which should be located on your desktop.
Select Properties.
4. Right-click your connection
(look for a name like Local Area
Connection) and again select
5. In your Local Area Connection
Properties dialog box, select
File and Print Sharing for
Microsoft Networks and click
OK. If you dont see an option
for File and Print Sharing, click
Install and select a service and
Figure 101. My Computer

then click Add. Now select the File and Print Sharing option.

Figure 102. Shared Document Properties

Window the icon- and select the Entire
6. Open My Network Places- double-click
Network option under Other Places at the left of the window. In the main
(right-hand) pane, you should see one or more options. Double-click the
Microsoft Windows Network icon.

Local Disk (C:\PC 1)

Figure 103. Microsoft Windows Network


7. Youre now at the main network screen, where you should see whats
called a workgroup. A workgroup is a basic group of computers connected
to the same Ethernet network. Double-click the workgroup to see all the
computers connected to your Ethernet network.

Figure 104. Shared Documents Window

At this point, you can access any of the other computers and see what
folders they have shared. If you dont see any computer but your own, just
wait a few minutes and refresh your screen. Then its time to troubleshoot the
network problems.
Printer Sharing
One of the primary reasons that networks were developed was to allow
groups of computer users to share peripheral devices. The most common
shared device is the printer. Sharing a single printer among a group of users
costs much less than buying a printer for each computer.
Low-cost printers usually require a separate print server to allow
network connectivity because these printers do not have built-in network
interfaces. The computer that is connected to the printer can serve as the
print server. Most personal computer operating systems have built-in printer
sharing capability.


Setting up printer sharing is simple with Windows XP. The following

steps enable a computer to share a printer:
Step 1.Choose Start > Printers and Faxes.
Step 2.Right-click the printer, and choose Properties.
Step 3.Click the Sharing tab.
Step 4.Click the Share this printer radio button.
Step 5.Keep or change the share name.
Step 6.Click Apply.
All the computers that use the shared printer must have the correct
drivers installed. Drivers for other operating systems can be installed on the
print server.
To connect to the printer from another computer on the network,
choose Start > Printers and Faxes > Add Printer. The Add Printer Wizard
appears. Follow the steps using the wizard.


Essay Writing
Direction: Express your deep comprehension about the subject matter by
constructing a minimum of five sentence response per item.
1. Cite the importance of file sharing and give an example scenario where its
worth was proven.
2. Cite the advantages and disadvantages of printer sharing.


Example Situation

Example Situation

Read and examine

Direction: Examine these topics carefully to deepen your understanding
about sharing a printer, read books /other references. Prepare for an oral
1. What is a print server?

2. What are the functions of a print server?

3. What are the different types of print servers? Describe each.

Share a Folder, Share a Printer, and Set Share Permissions

Direction: In this activity, you will create and share a folder, share a printer,
and set permissions for the shares. You will be given 30 minutes to complete
the task. You will be rated base on the performance criteria provided below.
Recommended Equipment
Two computers running Windows XP Professional that are directly
connected to each other or through a switch or hub.
A printer installed on one of the two computers
Step 1
Choose My Computer > Tools > Folder Options
Click the View tab.
Uncheck the Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended) checkbox,
and then click OK.

Figure 105. Folder Options Window


Step 2

Right-click the desktop, and then choose New > Folder.

Type Example, and then press the Return key.
Open WordPad. Type This is an example document.
Save the file in the Example folder with the name Brief.doc, and then
close WordPad.

Step 3
Right-click the Example folder, and then choose Sharing and
Click the Share this folder radio button, and then click OK.

Figure 106. Sharing Tab Window

What is the icon of the Example folder?
On the computer with the shared folder, right-click My Computer, and
then click the Computer Name tab.
Step 4
On the other computer, choosestart > Run
Type \\computername\Example, where computername is the name of
the computer with the Example folder, and then press the Enter key.

Open the Brief.doc file.

Delete the text in the Brief.doc file, and then choose File > Save.
Click OK. Close WordPad, and then choose NO when prompted to
save changes to the file.
Step 5
Return to the computer with the shared folder.
Right-click Example folder > Sharing and Security, and then click
Step 6
Open the Control Panel on the computer with the attached printer.
Choose Printers and Other Hardware > Printers and Faxes.
Right-click the icon of the installed printer, and then choose Sharing.
Click the Share this printer radio button, and then click OK.

Figure 107. Sharing Printer Tab Window

Step 7
Return to the computer that is not directly connected to a printer.
Open the Control Panel. Choose Printers and Other Hardware >
Printers and Faxes.
Choose File > Add Printer on the screen below.


Figure 108. Printer and Faxes Window

The Add Printer Wizard window appears.
Click Next.

Figure 109. Add Printer Wizard Window

The Local or Network Printer of the Add Printer Wizard window
appears. Click the A network printer, or a printer attached to
another computer radio button, and then click Next.


Figure 110. Local or Network Printer Option Window

The Specify a Printer window appears.
Click the Connect to this printer radio button, and then click Next.

Figure 111. Specify a Printer Window


The Browse for a Printer window appears.

Figure 112. Browse for Printer Window

Expand Shared printers.
Choose the printer from the list, and then click Next.
The Default Printer screen of the Add Printer Wizard appears.
Click Next.

Figure 113. Default Printer Screen


The Completing the Add Printer Wizard window appears.

Click Finish.

Figure 114. Completing the Add Printer Wizard Screen

Step 8
Choose start > Printers and Faxes.
Right-click the printer you installed, and then choose Properties.
The Printer Properties window appears.
Choose the General Tab, and then click Print Test Page.

Figure 115. Printers and Faxes General Tab


Click OK in the confirmation dialog box, and then click OK to close the
printer properties window.
Step 9
To test the functionality of file and printer sharing, you must be able to
print a document or try the sample print feature of a printer.

Performance Rubrics for Sharing Files and Printer




Safety Procedures
-Applied / observed
safety precautions
while working
Adherence to the
Procedures (30%)
-Followed the
Workmanship (15%)
-Had organized
materials and tools
while accomplishing
the task and has time
Functionality (40%)
-had set up a
functional file and
printer sharing system
and was able to come
up with a printed hard
copy through it




After having completed the configuration phase, you are now

ready to face final chapter of configuration which is inspecting and
testing configured computer system and networks. The lessons in this
segment will focus on the guidelines and methods on inspecting and
testing of computer system and networks. So at the end of this lesson
you should be able to:
follow OHS procedures in testing configured computer
system and networks;
Testing configured computer system and networks; and
Accomplish a technical report.

Lesson3. Inspect and Test Configured

Computer System and Network
In general, testing is finding out how well something works. In terms of
human beings, testing tells what level of knowledge or skill has been
acquired. In computer hardware and software development, testing is used at
key checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether objectives are
being met. For example, in software development, product objectives are
sometimes tested by product user representatives. When the design is
complete, coding follows and the finished code is then tested at the unit or
module level by each programmer; at the component level by the group of
programmers involved; and at the system level when all components are
combined together. At early or late stages, a product or service may also be
tested for usability.


Safety Precautions
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy An Information and
communication technology (ICT) student should know how to behave when
working in the computer laboratory, as well as implement a safe way of
accomplishing every task. Safety practices should be learned early and
always adheres in working with any electrical and electronic device, including
personal computers and its peripherals. This is for your protection as well as
to the people working with you, and for the devices that you are using. The
basis for this process begins with Occupational Health and Safety Policies.
Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a planned system of
working to prevent illness and injury where you work by recognizing and
identifying hazards and risks. Health and safety procedure is the responsibility
of all persons in the computer and technology industries. You must identify
the hazards where you are working and decide how dangerous they are.
Eliminate the hazard or modify the risk that it presents.
Occupational Health and Safety standards
Each student has a responsibility to their colleagues and their
organization to report and act upon any potential workplace hazard. Students
need to be aware of the type of hazards that are possibly present in their work
1. Identify the hazard
2. Clear the area close to the hazard
3. Partition the hazard off or clearly identify the area to protect other
people from harm
4. If the hazard is easily and safely cleared, then do so
If not
5. Report the hazard to the appropriate person (such as teacher in
charge, principal etc.) to obtain assistance
6. Following clearing of the hazard fill out the correct documentation to
assist in identifying improved practice to reduce further incidence of


All hazards must be reported using Accidental Report form. This

enables us to track the kinds of hazards we have in our workplace, and take
action where necessary to make it safer for all student and clients.
Accident reports
Forms are used to give specific details with regards to the accidents
happened in the laboratory during experiments.
Accident reports contain the following details:

Name of the person injured

Date and time of the accident
Type of injury
First aid given
Action taken to prevent further accidents

Accident report sample form

Form No:

Accident Report Form

Rm. No:


Type of Injury


Cause of Injury


Hazardous substances
If the workplace hazard appears to be dangerous to staff and clients
and professional assistance is required:

A. Call the supervisor or manager and advise them of the problem and
the urgency of the matter.
B. Depending on the risk it may be called as an evacuation.
C. Follow the evacuation procedure.
D. The supervisor or manager will call in the fire brigade or specialized
personnel who will deal with the spill.
Fire exits
All fire exits should be kept clear of from obstacles. All students have a
responsibility to make sure that chairs, empty boxes or any other type of
obstacle are not placed in or near fire exit doorways.
All corridors also need to have equipment stored on one side only to
ensure that in the event of an emergency there is a clear exit.
Fire Safety Procedure
Each work area has a designated fire warden, who in the event of a fire will
take charge. They are recognized by the wearing of a red hard hat.
If you find the fire

Assess the danger prior to doing anything.

If it is safe to move assist anyone in the vicinity of the fire away from
If it is possible close the door to the fire area.
Call for assistance. Verbally call FIRE, FIRE, in a loud and clear voice.
Break the glass section of the fire alert call point.
Call to the switch; ensure you know where the fire is, any other details
that may be of assistance to the fire brigade. Details could be size of
the fire, cause or type of fire, any people hurt or trapped, has anyone
tried to put it out.
If safe to do so, attack the fire with the correct extinguisher or fire hose.

If the designated fire officer is not present, someone quickly needs

to take responsibility and:

Locate the source of the fire.

Locate any people.
Remove all people from the building.
Once outside do a head count?

5. Notify the authorities.


Personal Safety While Working with PCs

Computer equipment can be dangerous, and you or others can be
injured or even killed if you dont follow proper safety guidelines when
working along with PCs. The following are some precautionary measures to
take before working with any computer equipment:
Wear shoes with non-conductive rubber soles to help reduce the
chance of being shocked or seriously injured in an electrical accident.
Do not work on components that are plugged into their power source.
Do not remove expansion cards from a computer when it is turned on.
Remove jewelries when working inside any computer related
Be sure not to mix electronic components and water.

Guidelines for Testing Configured Computer System and Network

Testing Your Computer Network
You've set up all your network switches, plugged in all the cables, and
configured all your computers. One task remains before you can declare your
network finished: You must verify that the network works as expected.
Here are a few simple tests you can conduct to make sure your network is

Check the physical connections.

Check that the Link light the little red or green light next to the RJ-45
port is lit on every computer. You must check this light both on the
computer itself and on the switch or router the computer is plugged into. If
this light is not on, you have a connection problem most likely a bad

Verify that you can log on.

When you're sure the physical connections are good, you should attempt
to log on to each of your network computers using a valid domain user


Check the network configuration.

Click the Start button, type cmd and press Enter. Then, enter the
command ipconfig /all and press Enter.

This command will spit out numerous lines of information. The line
you're looking for should resemble this:
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
If this part of the output does not show a valid IP address, you need to
check that your IP configuration is set correctly and that your DHCP
server is working.

Verify that the computers can ping each other.

Another basic test you should perform is to use the ping command from a
command prompt to make sure that the computers on your network can
contact one another.
Do several ping tests. First, make sure that TCP/IP is up and running by
having the computer try to ping itself. Open a command prompt and
type ping local host. The output from this command will indicate whether
or not the ping was successful.
Next, try to ping your servers by name. For example, if your file server is
named FileServer01, use the command ping FileServer01.


Writing a Technical Report on Test Conducted

Technical Report is any document that records the procedure adopted
and results obtained from a scientific or technical activity or investigation.
Name of Technician:________________________________________
Date of Inspection: __________________ Time: _________________

Device Tested:



Action Taken:



Test the Wireless NIC

Directions: In this activity, you will check the status of your wireless
connection, investigate the availability of wireless networks, and test
connectivity. After accomplishing the task you need to write a technical report
regarding the test conducted.
Recommended Equipment

Step 1

A computer with Windows XP Professional installed

A wireless NIC installed
An Ethernet NIC installed
Linksys WRT300N Wireless Router
Internet connectivity

Disconnect the Ethernet patch cable from your computer.

A red X appears over the Local Area Connection icon.

Figure 116. Local Area Connection- A Network Cable is Unplugged

Hover over the Wireless Network Connection icon in the tray.

Figure 117. Wireless Network Connection Icon in System Tray

Open a command window.

Figure 118. Ping

Use the ipconfig command.
Get IP address of the default gateway

Figure 119. Ipconfig window


Ping the default gateway.

Figure 120. Ping the Default Gateway

A successful ping indicates that there is a connection between the
computer and the default gateway.
Step 2
Open a web browser.
Type www.google.com in the Address field, and then press Return.
Step 3
Open the Network Connections window.


Figure 121. Network Connections Window

Right-click the wireless connection and choose Properties.
Click the Wireless Networks tab.

Figure 122. Wireless Networks Tab

Click the View Wireless Networks button.



Name of Technician:_______________________________________
Date of Inspection: __________________ Time: _______________
Device Tested:



Action Taken:



Paper and Pencil Test
General Directions: Read the items very carefully. Write your answer in a
clean sheet of paper.
Test I. True or False
Direction: Write TRUE if the proceeding statement is correct and FALSE if
_______1. A safe workplace is clean, organized and well lit.
_______2. One must unplug the power from the source before opening a
case and performing services,
_______3. It is a best practice that a fire extinguisher and first aid kit must be
available in the workplace.
_______4. You are allowed to open the power supply or a monitor.
_______5. You can bring food and drinks inside the laboratory.
_______6. The key to a well- tuned computer system is the proper
_______7. Boot log stores all information from the boot process.
_______8. Registry is a collection of database of configuration of database of
configuration I Windows operating system.
_______9. The shortcut of Microsoft Configuration is ipconfig.
_______10. Configuration is the way a system is set up.
Test II. Multiple Choices
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What boot configuration utility allows setting the programs that will run at
a. Ipconfig
c. msconfig
b. regedit
d. dxdiag
2. What application allows you to edit the registry?
a. Ipconfig
c. msconfig
d. dxdiag
3. Which of the following enables you to test sound and graphics output?
c. msconfig
d. dxdiag
4. Which of the following is an applet that controls the look of windows?
a. Appearance and themes
c. Performance and Maintenance
b. Network and Internet
d. Sounds, speech and audio

5. Which of the following applets does not belong to Performance and

maintenance category?
a. Administrative tool
c. Power Options
b. Automatic Updates
d. System
6. Which of the following is a wizard used to configure windows for vision,
hearing and mobility needs?
a. Accessibility Option
c. Sounds, speech and audio
b. Security Center
d. User Accounts
7. A tab in direct X Diagnostic tool that displays your current audio settings.
a. Input
c. Sound
b. Music
d. System
8. Which of the following is the most commonly used networking cable
a. Cat3
c. Cat 5 and 5e
b. Cat 5
d. Cat 6
9. What do you call is a copper- cored cable surrounded by a heavy
a. coaxial cable
c. optical fiber
b. fiber optics
d. twisted pair
10. What Ethernet cable is used to connect two devices directly?
a. Cross- over
c. both A and B
b. Straight through
d. None of the options
11. Which of the following is a number used to identify a device on a
a. Default gateway
c. IP address
b. DNS Server
d. subnet mask
12. In which of the following IP address does belong?
a. Class A
c. Class C
e. Class E
b. Class B
d. Class D
13. What command is used to test the ability of the source computer to reach
a specified destination computer?
a. Ipconfig
c. Ping
b. Msconfig
d. Regedit
14. What do you call is an approach to computer networking where all
computers show equivalent responsibility for processing data?
a. Client server
c. Peer to client
b. Peer to peer
d. None of the options
15. Which of the following is an example of Class A subnet mask?



Test III. Matching Type

Direction: Match Column A with Column B.

1. Copper cabling used for telephone

2. Standard Ethernet cable
3. Cable that has a very thin core
4. Cable that has a thicker core
5. Tool used for crimping RJ45
6. Connector for Cat 5e cable
7. Set of rules
8. Indicates the network portion of an
IP address
9. Command used find out the ip
10. Glass or plastic conductor


Crimping tool
Cross- over
Fiber- optic
Multi- mode
Single- mode
Straight through
Subnet mask
Twisted pair


Direction: Give the complete terms of the following acronyms.
1. UTP
2. STP
3. IP
4. TCP /IP
6. FTP
7. SSH
10. DHCP
11. DNS
12. TTL
13. LAN
14. VPN
15. NIC



Skills Checklist

Configuration Skills
Directions: Listed below are the most important skills that one must have in
order to configure computer systems and networks. The matrix lists the skills
expectation of you to master. Check the appropriate column which describes
the level of your confidence with the given skills.
Configuration Skills

I can do it

I can do it
but with

I am not

1. I can use the different

tools for configuration
2. I can inspect networking
devices and connectors
3. I can create a crossover and straight
through Ethernet cable
4. I can test the
functionality of an
Ethernet cable
5. I can assign and
configure IP address
6. I can execute the
ipconfig command
7. I can manage to create
a peer to peer
8. I can configure Network
Interface Card using
9. I can enable firewall
10. I can configure file and
printer sharing
Add all the scores to get the grand total and then divide it by the total
number of items. Refer to the verbal interpretation on the next page to
determine your initial configuration ability.


Numerical and Verbal interpretation

Numerical Value
2.51 3.00
1.76- 2.50
1.00 1.75

Verbal Interpretation
Confident but needs assistance
Not yet Confident


Books and Articles and Printed Materials:

Amy Hisson, Computer Assembly and Configuration- Lab and Assignments
David Anfinson, Ken Quamme IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software
Companion Guide 3rd Edition- 2008 at 800 East 96th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 USA
Efraim Turban, R. Kelly Rainer Jr., Richarrd Potter Introduction to
Information Technology 3rd Edition- 2005 at Rosewood Drive, Denver,
John Wisley and Sons(Asia) Pte. Ltd
Marigen N. Leosala, Bobby P. Caoagdan, Ronaldo V. Ramilo, and Rosalie
P. Lujero Technology and Livelihood Education- Information and
Communications Technology Learners Manual Grade 7 & 8
Rosalie P. Lujero, Ronaldo V. Ramilo Technology and Livelihood EducationInformation and Communications Technology Learners Manual
Computer Hardware Servicing Grade 9
Electronic Resources:
Definition of Configuration Retrieved from
File Sharing Retrieved from
Fundamentals of PC repair Retrieved from http://www.ustudy.in/ce/hard/u1
Hardware and Software Troubleshooting Tips | Virus Removal Tips | Best
Anti-virus | Speeding Up Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 |
Networking Tips | UNIX and LINUX Usability | Installation Procedure Of
Various Operating Systems | computer repair | computer problems


How to configure peer to peer workgroup network step by step Guide

Retrieved from http://computernetworkingnotes.com/basic-workgroupnetworking/workgroup-set-up.htmlHow

to make an Ethernet cross over cable Retrieved



Occupational Safety Precautions Retrieved from

peer to peer networking Retrieved from
&docname=bph05694Ping Tim Fisher Retrieved from
http://pcsupport.about.com/od/commandlinereference/p/pingcommand.htmPuzzles for Activities Retrieved from
System Configuration utility Retrieved from


Windows Registry Retrieved from



Client/serverNetwork- a computer network in which one centralized,

powerful computer called server is a hub to chich many less powerful
personal compters or workstations called clients are connected
Coaxial cable- a type of wire that consists of a center wire surrounded by
insulation and then a grounded shield of braided wire which minimizes
electrical interference
Configuration- the way a system is set up. Configuration can refer to either
hardware or software, or the combination of both
Cross over- is a cable used to connect two network devices directly
Direct X- a set of APIs developed by Microsoft that enables programmers to
write programs that access hardware features of a computer without
knowing exactly what hardware will be installed on the machine where
the program eventually runs
Fiber optic- is a technology that uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibers) to
transmit data. Fiber optics has several advantages over traditional
metal communications lines
IP Address- is a number that is used to identify a device on the network.
IP config- is a command used to find out the IP address of a certain network
Network- is a group of two or more computer systems linked together
Peer-to-peer Network- a type of network in which each workstation has
equivalent capabilities and responsibilities.
Ping- command is a Command Prompt command used to test the ability of
the source computer to reach a specified destination computer


Protocol- is the special set of rules that end points in a telecommunication

connection use when they communicate
Registry- is a database used by the Windows operating system to
store configuration information.
RJ45- short for Registered Jack-45, an eight-wire connector used commonly
to connect computers onto a local-area network (LAN)
Security- techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be
read or compromised by any individuals without authorization
Straight through- is used in local area network to connect a PC to a network
hub and router
Subnet mask- used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to. An
IP address has two components, the network address and the host
Twisted pair- type of cable that consists of two independently insulated wires
twisted around one another
Virus- is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer
without your knowledge and runs against your wishes


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