Essay Topics BAC 2011 2014

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Tatiana Olaru, English Teacher



Why do we need to learn foreign languages?

What is the European Union for you?
Bloom there where you were born.
The glory of the past an echo of the future.
What is the role of the Big Powers in the World?
Identify some difficulties some young people face. What solutions will you
7. Describe your personal values.
8. What does the expression My House My Castle mean?
9. Happiness is the biggest achievement and wealth.
Every flower means the whole field of paradise.
Is beauty more than good-looking? Justify your viewpoint.
Why do we love Eminescu/ Vieru?
Should teaching be about giving information or developing skills to give
students tools for finding information themselves?
One is reach when he/she has friends.
What would you do to make your dreams come true?
Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs
success in school.
Critical thinking and problem solving skills are important in life.
Nowadays mankind confronts environmental problems more often than
Your goals are what move you along your personal game board of success.
Each generation has different ideas, making communication between the
two extremely difficult.
Essays BAC-2012 (20 lines 30 points)
Outline in writing your opinion on the subject:

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.
The Internet has forever changed the way we live.
There is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language.
Happiness is a value worth pursuing.
People are often affected by their success and fame.
The future role of technology in the world. Write about advantages and
7. Write the headline and a short story for something that has happened recently
in your city/town/village.
8. We are using up the earths natural resources faster than ever.
9. A good reputation is more valuable than money.
Leisure is time for doing something useful.
A heart that loves is always young.
Your time, energy, relationships, and finances are your most valuable
assets. Handling them wisely enhances your ability to succeed.
The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately
determines the quality of our lives.
Good manners arent natural and have to be taught. In todays society,
you see disrespectful acts on television, in movies and in your everyday life.
Thats why its so easy for a teenager to get caught in the trap of rudeness. All

Tatiana Olaru, English Teacher

students should be taught etiquette in school. When you make good manners a
habit, they will serve you throughout life.
Write about the effect of a parent, teacher, or friend on your life.
Earth Day should be every day.
Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky,
in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
(Coco Chanel)
Give to the world the best you have, and the best of the results will come
back to you.
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
Instruction ends in the school-room, but education ends only with life.
Money is good for nothing unless you know the value of it by existence.
Health is like a song: your body is the tone, your mind is the lyric, your
heart is the beat, your spirit is the melody, and they all must be played in
perfect harmony.
Education is an indivisible part of the prosperity of the nation. The more
educated and cultured people there are in the country, the more flourishing and
thrifty the country is. Prove your decision.
What would you do to improve the world? Think of actions you could take
to help make the world a better place.
If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where
would you go? Why? What famous person would you like to meet? What
questions would you like to ask him/her?
Nothing in this world is impossible to a willing heart.
Work keeps us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need. Voltaire,
the French dramatist.
One is rich when he/she has friends.

Essay Sample
The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others
The quality of any relationship that you build depends on the way you treat the
others but the image that you create about yourself is closely tied to your own
attitude towards yourself. Accordingly, the way you treat yourself sets the
standard for others.
People see you the way you see yourself. For instance, if you are a well-bred
person and treat yourself with respect, others will treat you likewise. From
psychological point of view, you feel comfortable in your own skin and the
positive energy that you emanate attracts similar positive energy around you.
On the other hand, even if you are a kind person but you suffer from low selfesteem and always criticize yourself, especially in front of the others, peoples
good opinion of you will diminish in time because involuntarily they will begin to
see the negative features that you always stress about yourself.
Hence, peoples behaviour and attitudes towards you are determined by your
own behaviour and attitude towards your own self. If you want people to treat
you well, it is important to start with yourself; it is vital to learn to love and

Tatiana Olaru, English Teacher

respect yourself. All this, combined with other good qualities and virtues, will
make you a valuable person.
Essays BAC-2013-2014 (18-20 lines 30 points)
Outline in writing your opinion on the subject:
1. What do you think the most serious problem in the world is? Why?
Use the following plan:
- Make an introduction;
- Express your personal opinion and reasons for it;
- Draw a conclusion.
2. You saw a film you liked very much at the cinema, on TV, etc. Write a review of
that film.
Here are some suggestions to help you:
- Title of the film;
- When and where you saw it;
- Where it is set (place, time);
- Type of film (love story, detective story, thriller, science fiction, etc.);
- Actors in the film, film director, etc.;
- The story, how it ended;
- Your reaction to the film.
3. Write about the challenges you have set for yourself.
4. The mass media, including TV, radio and newspapers, have great influence in
shaping peoples ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Give reasons for your answer.
5. If you had the opportunity to bring any person past or present, fictional or
nonfictional to a place that is special to you (your hometown or country, a
favourite location, etc.) who would you bring and why? Tell us what you would
share with that person.
6. The editor of a student magazine has asked you to write an article about
friendship. They would like you to include the following:
- what qualities make someone a good friend;
- how friends can help each other;
- whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few friends.
7. Many people believe you cannot learn everything in school. Some say that
experience is the best teacher. What is more important to a persons education:
things learnt in school or through real life experiences?
8. Countries around the world celebrate different events (national / international,
cultural, or religious). Choose one of the events celebrated in Moldova and write
about it.
These ideas might help you:
- The event / festival celebrated;
- Where and when it is celebrated;
- How people celebrate it (any special meals, clothes, visits, feelings etc.);
- The importance of this celebration in our culture;
- Your own feelings, opinions and/or attitudes.

Tatiana Olaru, English Teacher

9. Young love isnt true love and shouldnt be encouraged. Real love comes with
maturity and experience. Do you agree? Why? / Why not? What is the easiest
age to be love? Why?
Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? Is it necessary for
Write about the impact of media on society.

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