Summative Test 3rd Form Unit 2

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Written Summative Evaluation, Unit two 3 rd Form

Pupil’s name____________________________ Date__________________________________

Item 1. Translate the words in Romanian: 6 points/

field __________________ fortress ____________________
sunny__________________ river___________________
rainy _________________ tower_____________________
Item II Arrange the words into sentences: 8 points/

a stadium/is/in/my/there/town.
forests/there/in/ are/my/ village.
fortress/is /there/in/a/Soroca.
Item III. Write the plural form. 8 points/
1. A bike- bikes 5. A woman ____________________
2. A classroom _____________ 6. A leaf_____________________
3. A girl_______________ 7. A child __________________
4. A man ______________ 8. A boy___________________
Item IV. Unscramble the letters to form words. 8 points/
spitahol _________________ tasdimu ______________________
ralibry ___________________ umsemu____________________
hcurhc_________________ hooscl ___________________
kemart __________________ anbk _____________________
Item V. Choose the right variant 6 points/
1. There are a lot of child / children at the festival. 4. That man / men is my father.
2. There is a child / children in the park. 5. These two shelf / shelves are for my books.
3. These woman / women are beautiful. 6. Autumn leaf / leaves are falling.
Item VI. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box. 7 points/
monument, city, zoo, capital, fortress, blocks of flats, theatre

Chișinău is a big ________________. There are a lot of __________ ____ _______________ in it. There
is a ______________________ in the centre of the city. You can have fun at the Licurici________________.
There are different animals at the ________. Chișinău is the _____________________of Moldova. There is a
________________ in Soroca.
1 point for correctness

44-38 points 37-20 points 19-9 points 8-0 points

________________________ Josan Nataly, English Teacher

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
44- 43 42-38 37-32 31-26 25-19 18-10 9-6 5-4 3-2 1-0

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