Design and Analysis of A Dual Chamber Cardiac Pacemaker Using VHDL in Biomedical Application

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The document discusses the design and analysis of a dual chamber cardiac pacemaker using VHDL. It aims to provide better results than other pacemakers by changing the clock cycle and using a state machine approach.

A dual chamber pacemaker has two leads - one in the right atrium and one in the right ventricle. It contains a pulse generator, stimulation and detection circuit. The pulse generator provides electrical stimulation through electrodes if the heart beats too slowly or not at all based on input from the detection circuit.

The pacemaker controller starts counting from 0 to a timeout value. If the start input is held high, it repeats the count, but if not, it resets and stops at 0. Changing the timeout value below the current count causes immediate timeout. It responds to sense, timeout and reset inputs while delivering reset timer and pace requests.

International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
2007 2009


Design and Analysis of A Dual Chamber Cardiac Pacemaker Using VHDL in

Biomedical Application

Amandeep Kaur

Amandeep Kaur (Astt. Prof.)

University College of engineering

Punjabi University
Patiala, India
E-mail: [email protected]

University College of engineering

Punjabi University
Patiala, India
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This research paper aims at a dual-chamber pacemaker design which is being simulated using VLSI architecture in Xilinx and is
being modified by changing clock cycle to provide better results as compared to other pacemaker. It follows a state machine approach to achieve
the desired purpose. The heart of the system is the pacing pulse generator, which forms the major part of the project. It is being designed using
VHDL and implemented in hardware using FPGA. The code has been modified and optimized for different modes of stimulation. Reasonable
components in the construction of the detection circuit and other peripherals had been used for simulation. It had been assured that memory and
data compression techniques monitoring devices remotely had been used for improvements in the overall performance.

Keywords- Dual chamber pacemaker, State machine, Data compression techniques



The first pacemaker was introduced in the 1950s. It had very

few transistors because of advancing of technology. A
pacemaker system that is implanted in a patient has millions of
transistor. Heart diseases cause a lot of deaths. The deaths
caused due to a combination of accident; cancer and diabetes
is equal to the ratio of deaths due to heart diseases.
Bradycardia is one of the common heart diseases and by using
the pacemaker devices it can be treated. The pacemaker
monitors the rate of the heart and the rhythm. The pacemaker
provides the electrical stimulation through the electrodes if the
heart beats too slowly or does not beat at all. Therefore,
improvement of these devices for their enhanced performance
and for increasing their operational ranges is needed.
Depending on the number of the heart chambers that are
stimulated and monitored, the pacemakers can be classified as
single chamber and dual-chamber. Dual-chamber pacemaker
offers more advantages than the single one in term of patient
life quality, such as reduction in atria fibrillation, pacemaker
syndrome and heart failure. [1]
It contains three components: a pulse generator, Stimulation
and detection circuit [2]. The pulse generator includes an
energy source of the pacemaker and other digital circuits. A
lithium vanadium oxide / silver which have a shelf life up to
10 years are the main energy source. The digital circuit is
different in a microcontroller which manages the control and
does manipulation of high as well as a low sequencer for
handling routine function of stimulation. In this paper, both
components are written in the VHDL code contained and are
based on the FPGA card that controls the execution of the
stimulation into account by taking input from the other
components of the pacemaker [2].
The pulse generator receives inputs by a detection circuit from

the heart through the electrode or electrodes. The pulse

generator detects electrical activity of the heart and responds
according to the way it was programmed. Electric stimulus
pulse generator move by simulation leads to the tip of the
electrode. The pacing wires are used to stimulate the atrium or
the right ventricle of the heart. As such, it performs twofold
function of the transmission of signals from one side to the
other pulse generator [3].
The detection circuit performs the necessary signal
processing of the signals from the heart and provide input to
the pulse generator. It acts as an interface between the
generator and cable [4].


A. Dual Chamber Pacemaker:

A dual-chamber pacemaker typically necessitates two pacing
leads: one lead is placed in the right auricle and the other
inside the right ventricle. A dual-chamber pacer monitors (i.e.
senses) electrical body process in the atrium and the ventricle
to see the need of tempo. If need be, then, the pacing pulses of
the atrium and ventricle usually are timed so that they mimic
the natural way of pumping. The trial-stimulating impulse is
generated, and, after a pre-determined time interval (two
hundred milliseconds), the ventricular-stimulating impulse is
The same logic can apply to the left side of the heart in case it
is not functioning properly. From the time to time, the dual
chamber pacemaker can be programmed to behave as a single
slot provided pacemaker depending on the excitation inputs
and corresponding outputs.
B. State Machine
This is an extension of the single chamber to dual chamber
pacemaker. The actual basic working principle is the same. In

IJRITCC | July 2014, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
2007 2009

the dual chamber pacemaker, after the pacing of atrium, the
state of the pacemaker changes to the Reset Timer condition
of the ventricle. In the case of single-chamber pacemaker, it
changes the Reset Timer state of the atrium.
Accomplishment of this task continues in a cyclic manner time
and again [6].
The following is the state diagram.

Figure1: State Diagram of Dual chamber pacemaker. [6]

C. Pacemaker modes
Pacemakers pulse generators can be of assorted types
depending on the modes involving pacing. The human body
has unlike requirements, and those vary from one to another.
Accordingly the pacemaker for one person cannot be
generalized for many. Depending on the requirements, the
pacing pulse can be sensed by the 3rd wave of the ECG. Also,
you can find competitive or non-competitive modes connected
with pacing depending on if the implicit pacing of the heart is
perceived by the pacemaker or not. Pacemakers modes can
Demand: if the particular pacemaker senses the
presence of a real R wave and paces only if your R
wave is not present.
Not Demand: if the pacemaker paces from center
with time interval irrespective of the presence of a
real intrinsic R wave.
Triggered: if the actual pacemaker paces the heart
every clip an R wave is detected i.e. the pacing
function is activated by the R wave.
Inhibited: if your pacemaker paces the heart every
clock time an R wave is skipped, and the pacing
function inhibited because of the R wave. [1]
D. Automatic capture recognition of Pacemaker pulses
Electrodes - A fundamental requirement is a very low after
potential of the electrode which can be used to measure the
actual signal values at that point. This is because the practical
usage requires that the signal strength must be measured by
the stimulating electrode itself so that we can avoid the
implantation of additional sensors and that no discharging
pulses are required to reduce their additional energy
consumption. Subsequently these electrodes needed to be used
so that after potentials are under one mV (pulse: 4.8 V, 0.5
ms, auto short 10 ms). Also it should be negligible as
compared to their surface structure so that it is possible to
increase the surface area by magnitude of more than three
orders. [8]
Basic functioning The basic functioning and simulation of
the pacemaker is based on the recognition. It depends on the

examination of the performance. As it can be sensed by the

waveform of an intrinsic activity, so it can be used to add other
parameters for comparison. A reliable differentiation has to be
done by the measurement of the potential in an interval having
a duration near about 60 ms which start when the pulse has
been released after 150ms. If the reference value exceeds by
all measurements taken in this window then, the pulse can be
put in the
capture mode. This procedure avoids the
disturbances of the initial peaks of the intrinsic activity which
have high amplitudes.
In addition, the digital circuit also has to handle the effect that
the instrument has on the heartbeat of the human body. An
artificial stimulation and an intrinsic activity coincide, which
results in an undefined waveform of the signal. Therefore,
these signals cannot have interference and must be avoided.
This can be accomplished by altering the pacemaker timing
and clock pulse circuit [8].


The Dual chamber pacemaker had been designed by using

different VHDL module written for each component as per the
functional block diagram. The overall functionality of the
pacemaker is as shown by the behaviour simulation of the
The behaviour simulation screen shows that there are no error
in the components when checked at the individual level. After
that all these components are connected together to create a
complete system which taken proper input, processes the
signals and activates various circuits if an irregular activity is
sensed. After this simulation, we get the synthesis and RTL
schematic report of the components which are part of a
complete circuit.
All the variables and blocks can store 32-bit data at a time so
the data transfer between the components can also be less than
or equal to 32 bits. The blocks are used to store the data rate of
the pacemaker and to sense the heart rate by using the circuit
In figure 2, the overall schematic diagram after simulation is
shown. The sensing circuit collects the signals from the
patients heart and then performs ample signal conditioning so
as to get a pulse at every sensed or non-sensed contraction of
the heart depending on whether it is in the triggered mode or
inhibited mode. This circuit first taps out the ECG signal from
the heart and then detects the R wave of that signal and then
generating a pulse which will act as an input to the pulse
generator according to the R wave so that the routing pacing
operation may continue after that. The leads of the pacemaker
are of direct contact type. They work as transducers which
converts the ionic flow of the body to electron current and then
convert the electron current to an electric potential. Ag/AgCl
electrodes and electrolyte pair are used. A half-cell potential is
created at the interface with a Nernst potential at the
electrolyte-skin interface. Two electrodes should be used to
measure the potential differences between two-skin surfaces.

IJRITCC | July 2014, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
2007 2009

The basic output is dependent upon the sensing circuit and its
design concept. Therefore, lesser importance has been given to
that parts which are associated with the normal activities of the
The simulation in figure 1 shows the following behavior of the
timer. It starts to count from 0 to the timeout value. If the start
is held high, it just repeats but if the start is not held high; it
resets and stops at zero.







Figure 2: Complete schematic diagram of the circuit
The timeout value of the circuit is changed from 255 to the
value which is less than the current count then the timer times
out immediately.
The following simulation result shows that the tests conducted
for the pacemaker controller component are in the normal
condition at present. In the case of systems which are driven
by the timers, testing the controller independently is an
excellent way to increase the speed of the system.




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Figure 3: Timing diagram of the different pacemaker

components after 1000 ns
The test shows that the system is responding to the sense,
timeout and reset inputs while delivering the suitable reset
timer and pace request outputs.

IJRITCC | July 2014, Available @


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