The Mask of Ordo

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The Mask of Ordo

The Mask of

elements of the Imperial fleet routed through the sector for

the purpose. As such, it is generally staffed with a few Imperial
functionaries and a number of stormtrooper squads. A single
Victory-class Star Destroyer is also on station for re-supply.
GMs should be aware that this is a one-shot adventure
and, though it can serve as a jumping on point for longer
campaigns, much of the other essential details for creating
long lasting stories are left up to the GM to determine. There
is enough here to involve each major Career path and many
Specializations and give PCs the opportunity to shine, but
specific Motivations and Duties are left up to the GM to work
in as best fits the group of PCs they are running the game for.
Prepare as usual and roll for Duty and Destiny points at
the beginning of the session.

Many men will volunteer to die, but few will be patient in the
face of pain.
Canderous Ordo
It is a time of civil war. The REBEL ALLIANCE, though
victorious at the Battle of Yavin 4, is still pursued by the
relentless military machine of the GALACTIC EMPIRE.
Forced to resort to hit and run tactics to survive until
they can gather the strength to challenge the Empire in full
force, word reaches a small Rebel outpost that an Imperial
facility has been found hidden on the mid-rim planet of
CAILLTE. A dangerous precedent, but a perfect

Chapter 1 Too Close for Comfort

In Chapter 1 the PCs are brought up to date on the results of a
recent scouting mission conducted by an Alliance team on the
planet Caillte. Vital information has been gained, but the team
paid a high price. The PCs will receive their orders to act upon
this information and be given a secondary recovery mission.
They will then make their way to the vicinity of Caillte where
they will immediately encounter difficulties that complicate
and potentially threaten the success of their mission. This
chapter ends with their arrival on the surface of the planet.

The MASK OF ORDO is a one-shot adventure intended for 4-6
beginning characters in the Star Wars: AGE OF REBELLION
roleplaying game. It can be scaled for any level or number of
adventurers and adjusted to fit with EDGE OF THE EMPIRE
characters as needed. This adventure was initially designed
and detailed in the 17th episode of the potelbat podcast
( and additional details may be found there, though this
publication strives to be as complete as possible.
The story takes a group of fresh recruits on their first
mission to both infiltrate, and sabotage, an Imperial Ammo
dump and resupply base located on the mid-rim planet of
Caillte. Thought to be abandoned and largely uninhabited for
the last 4,000 years and devoid of useful resources, both the
Empire and the Rebellion will be surprised to discover that the
planet is inhabited by the long forgotten remnants of a group
of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Though mere shadows of the
former glory of Mandalor, these nomadic Mandalorians still
retain much of their former prowess and, even more
importantly, know the whereabouts of an important symbol of
Mandalorian history, the Mask of Canderous Ordo.
The main action of the adventure is centered around the
abandoned Mandalorian underground base, Unity. While it
has a history of its own, it has since been hastily converted
into a makeshift Imperial base used to resupply and re-arm

Players who wish to know more about Caillte
can make an Average (d
dd) Computers check
to reveal basic details of the planet such as
location and statistical data. An Average (dd
Knowledge (Outer Rim) or Lore check can
reveal additional details about it's history and
background with (a) and (x) providing more
details as appropriate based on the following
The planet Caillte was once home to a
thriving community of Mandalorian NeoCrusaders under the command of Feruun Lern
during the time of the Old Republic nearly
4,000 years ago. Feruun built the underground
Unity base before he and his followers left to
fight in the Battle of Malachor V. Upon
returning from that battle, they discovered the
base had been taken over and stripped by
another group of Mandalorians.

The Mask of Ordo

Lt. Bramlo is tasking the PCs with bringing the base
down around the Imperials' ears. He has no way of knowing,
but the information brought back by the lone survivor is
dangerously incomplete. The scout wasn't able to get a very
good look before things went badly. This is all anyone has to
go on, though.
Lt. Bramlo's secondary consideration is the captured
scout, Garis. Though thoroughly trained to conceal critical
information in the event of capture, Bramlo knows it is only a
matter of time before Garis cracks and reveals information
detrimental to his outpost's survival. The PCs will be tasked
with either rescuing the scout, or, if worse comes to worse,
making sure he can never reveal critical information.
Unpleasant and distasteful as it is, Bramlo understands that
sometimes war is ugly.
All of this weighs heavily on Lt. Bramlo's mind as he
briefs the PCs:

While rebuilding the base, they were

approached by none other than Canderous
Ordo, now known as Mandalore the Preserver,
to participate in the Jedi Civil War. While the
bulk of Caillte's Mandalorians went with Ordo
and Lern, a small remnant was left behind to
guard the base. When Lern and his followers
were killed in battle, Unity base was all but
forgotten and those few left behind were left to
survive as best they could on their own.
Thousands of years later, over 400 years
before the Battle of Yavin, the Corporate Sector
Authority set up a research station on Caillte
and rediscovered the Unity outpost in the
process. When their research ended, the base
was again abandoned and once more faded
from memory. Eventually the Empire, while
searching for suitable locations for re-arming
and resupply way-points, stumbled upon Unity
and hastily converted it to their purposes. What
became of the Mandalorian remnant on the
planet remains a mystery.
Region: Mid Rim
Sector: Trans-Vulta sector
System: Luire system
Suns: Luire
Primary terrain: Barren
Points of interest: Unity

You enter the briefing room to find Lt. Bramlo seated

behind a desk consulting what appears to be a small sheet
of flimsiplast with a crude drawing on it. The look of
concern and worry on his normally cheerful face puts you
on alert as you sit down.
Team, he says, I've got bad news and worse news.
No doubt you've heard the rumors about an Imperial
outpost nearby. Well, I'm sorry to say the rumors are true.
We sent a scout team out last week and what's left of them
got back about an hour ago.
Those damned Imps are running a fleet supply base
out on Caillte, and it only cost me two of my best to find that
out. One killed, one captured, and one laid up in the medbay. Guess the Imps don't like being watched..., the
Lieutenant rubs a hand over his face before going on.
You've got a job, now. Go blow that base up. Prevent
them from ever being able to use it again. While you're at it,
see if you can rescue my scout, Garis. I say rescue, but if
things keep going the way they have been, you may not have
that option. You've been here long enough to know what that
means. We can't let him talk. We have to protect this
This is the best map we could get of the place,
Bramlo passes a crude flimsiplast map across the desk to
you. You'll need it to make your plans. It's rough, but it's
the best we have at the moment. We've got a half dozen
demo charges you can take. Get in. Set the charges. Rescue
our man if you can and get out. That base has got to come

The PCs are called together by Lieutenant Griggs Bramlo, a

human Rebel officer assigned to command whatever small
outpost at which the PCs find themselves. Ideally the outpost
is located somewhere in the Mid-rim but ultimately this is up
to the GM. The Lieutenant is a tall man with a generally easygoing nature most of the time. He believes the lives of those he
commands are hard enough without making things more
difficult by strict adherence to rules and protocol. He is,
however, dedicated first and foremost to maintaining the
safety and security of his outpost. He understands that,
without this outpost, the Alliance's tentative position in the
Mid-Rim is in jeopardy and the news of a newly discovered
Imperial base in the area has not made him at all happy.
Fortunately, Lt. Bramlo was able to send a scouting
party to investigate rumors of the new base. Unfortunately, the
mission ended disastrously with one killed, one captured and
the other barely escaping alive with the information they were
sent to collect.

The Mask of Ordo

Suggested Load-outs
PCs who need extra gear can acquire the following
standard issue load-out kit:
2 Stimpaks
2 Glow Rods
1 Comlink (Handheld)
1 pair of Macrobinoculars
2 Field Ration Packs
1 Backpack
Items of Rarity 5 are in limited supply at this base
and Rarity 6 items are extremely limited. Items
above Rarity 6 are simply unavailable here at this

Lt. Bramlo will insist that the PCs not attempt a frontal
assault. The base, no matter its size, is quite likely to have
defenses capable of shooting down any unauthorized ships
that approach. Instead, what little planetary data the Alliance
has been able to obtain suggests a landing zone located a
kilometer or two from the base itself would be the best
location to put down as it would be hidden from base sensors
and allow the PCs to travel to the base relatively safely. This
data will be programmed into the ships navicomputer before
the PCs depart.
When the PCs have made their preparations and
departed the Rebel outpost, it is a relatively easy flight to
Caillte that takes about 6 hours. Allow them to chat among
themselves and get to know each other if they haven't done so
already. Perhaps a game of Sabacc will help pass the time (use
the rules from UNDER A BLACK SUN if available).
As the end of the journey nears, read the following:

Lt. Bramlo (use Rebel Cell Leader stats on page 211 of the
Age of Rebellion Beta book) can confirm that the
underground hangar depicted on the map is capable of
housing and concealing at least two Lambda-class shuttles.
Resupply of larger ships is accomplished by flying a shuttle
down to the surface, up a small canyon to the hangar entrance,
and then into the base itself. Smaller fighters may also make
the trip down to resupply themselves if need be.
Smart PCs may be suspicious of the map immediately,
but, since this is the only data they have on the base and the
best map available, they'll have to make do. A successful Hard
ddd Knowledge (Warfare) check might alert the PC that
all is not as it seems and that a much larger facility than this
appears to be would be needed to really re-supply and re-arm
a capital ship. Sufficient (a) or (x) could suggest some of
the rest of the base interior layout thanks to the PCs previous
experience with the usual layout of Imperial bases of this
nature or the general requirements of Capital ship personnel
and material.
Bramlo doesn't have many more answers for the PCs
should they ask questions. The details of the mission are left
up to them, though he does supply them with the promised
demolition charges, on timers or remote detonate depending
on what the PCs want, and a hyperdrive capable shuttle if they
don't have transport of their own. Any weapons and gear the
PCs may want to outfit the mission Rarity level 5 or less
should be readily available in limited quantities with the
exception of anti-personnel or anti-vehicle weaponry. This is a
relatively small Alliance outpost trying to keep a low profile,
massive amounts of heavy gear moving in and out would only
serve to alert onlookers.

The trip to Caillte has been quiet. A small alarm sounds

warning you that the ship has reached its destination and is
about to drop out of hyperspace. As the planet and stars
resolve themselves back into real space, a massive thump
and turbulence shakes the entire ship, throwing you about.
You've hit something, but you have no idea what as the
ship's sensors go offline. Red warning lights flash and
much more serious alarms begin to sound throughout the
The ships sensor array has taken a glancing hit from old
debris in orbit around Caillte. It has been knocked offline and
out of adjustment. A Hard (ddd
ddd Mechanics check will be
needed to bring them back online and a further Average
dd Computers check to realign them. Meanwhile, the
pilot will be flying blind through the remains of the debris
field while trying to locate the proper landing zone without

The Mask of Ordo

striking more debris (An upgraded Average (c
c d) Piloting
(Space) check). Further complicating matters will be the
sudden realization that they are on the opposite side of the
planet from a Victory-class Star Destroyer. The GM should feel
free to either add Setback dice to the piloting checks to stay
out of the Star Destroyers detection range and in the shadow
of the planet, or to go ahead and make full use of the Fear
rules A Hard (ddd
ddd Fear Check as he sees fit,
especially if this is the first time they've encountered a Star
Destroyer. Characters making a successful Average (dd
Knowledge (Warfare) check may realize that the Victory-class
is, perhaps, the least threatening of the Star Destroyers, and
therefore gain a (b) to remain calm. If the Mechanics and
Computers check above are successful, the GM should
d). If
decrease the difficulty of the Piloting check to Easy (d
either check fails, add an additional (b) to the difficulty of
the Piloting check.

Making Time Matter

The PCs are on a schedule, even if they don't
know about it. Terminus will be in position in
roughly 6 hours. Several factors can influence
how much of that time the PCs have to
complete their mission before things get very
difficult for them. GMs wishing to heighten the
tension of the adventure can inform the PCs as
they go along regarding how much time a
particular course of action will take them or let
them proceed as they see fit and keep track of
the time secretly.
If the PCs miss their designated landing
zone subtract 1 hour from their available time.
Going to the Neo-Crusader camp costs
them an hour.
Travel from the Neo-Crusader camp to
the area of Unity base takes a minimum two
Success or Failure on any of the Survival
checks in Chapter 3 should adjust their
available time by 30 minutes or so as
Scouting out the base, either to find an
alternate means of entry or to get details of
what is inside, should cost an hour. Doing both
should cost two hours.
In the end, as the PCs enter Unity base,
they may have anywhere from 3 hours to no
time at all before Terminus is directly over the
base. Their activities while in the base will also
have an effect on their available time. The GM
should emphasize just how pressed for time the
PCs are whenever possible and especially as it
relates to the Terminus' response if an alarm is
raised. Through luck, good or bad, and the
effects of their own choices, the PCs may face a
situation that is very tough to survive, or one
that is desperate, but not impossible.

Terminus, Victory-class Star Destroyer

GMs should be aware that Terminus is here
merely as a timer for the PCs actions. They are
not really intended to go up against it and they
certainly shouldn't expect to survive if they do.
Instead, GMs should use it as a means of
motivating the PCs to move quickly and take
decisive action. Keep track of how long it takes
the PCs to accomplish their mission. Allow the
PCs to make an Average (dd
dd Computers or
Astrogation check to predict the course of
Terminus. In about 6 hours of in-game time the
Star Destroyer will come around to the side of
the planet the PCs are on. At that point, if the
PCs have alerted the base to their presence, or
done something else that may be reasonably
expected to require alerting the Star Destroyer,
their exit strategy is much more complicated.
Terminus will be directly over the Imperial
outpost, likely have more stormtroopers on the
way down to the hidden hangar, and at least 10
TIE fighters (two groups of 5 each) deployed in
an attempt to catch the saboteurs before they
can escape.
If the PCs can complete all their
objectives before Terminus reaches that point,
so much the better.

If the Piloting check is successful and the sensors are repaired,

the PCs land at the appropriate landing zone and can move on
to encounter 2A. If the check fails or the sensors are not fixed,
they proceed to encounter 2B. (a) and (x) can be spent to
shorten the distance from the landing zone to the base, or
allow them a hint of the next encounter, among other things.
(t) and (y) can be used to incur further damage to the ship,
injury to the crew or to lengthen the distance away from the

The Mask of Ordo

Chapter 2: Blasters from the Past

cockpit window and see strangely dressed humans

emerging from what little cover the terrain offers.

Chapter 2 begins with the PCs leaving their ship and stepping
into the arms of a curious group of nomads. The nomads turn
out to be long lost Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, descendants
of a group of Mandalorians left behind on the planet
thousands of years ago. Depending on how the PCs choose to
interact with them, the group can either gain valuable allies or
a genuine threat to the success of their mission. The chapter
ends with the departure of the PCs to Unity base.
Regardless of whether or not the ship landed in the
proper place, the PCs will find themselves on barren, rocky
ground some distance from the Imperial outpost. How long it
will take them to get there and how much trouble they have
depends on their success.
2A: If the crew successfully made their Piloting check
and repaired the sensors, read the following:

The PCs are miles off from their planned landing zone.
Exactly how far is left up to the GM to determine based on the
result of the earlier Piloting check. They've landed in the
temporary home of a group of nomadic Madalorian NeoCrusader descendants.
Altogether there are somewhere in the neighborhood
of 30 Crusaders in this group with more groups scattered over
the planet. Most are Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Descendants
as described below.
Using the Neo-Crusaders
If the PCs manage to recruit the Neo-Crusaders
to their cause they can be a great help to them
throughout the rest of the adventure. PCs with
Leadership or those of a diplomatic bent can
use their skills to have the Crusaders act
alongside the PCs in any combat for which they
are present.
Even in non-combat situations the
Mandalorians can be persuaded to participate
in other ways, from helping during searches to
laying ambushes, successful Leadership or
other appropriate checks can secure their
GMs should allow the PCs to direct
them as they see fit, but be careful to make
sure that the NPC Neo-Crusaders do not over
shadow, or take the place of, PC actions.
They're meant to assist the PCs in the
adventure, not do it for them.

With the sensors repaired, navigating the debris field takes

only a few moments. You're fairly certain you escaped the
notice of that Star Destroyer, but it is hard to be certain. It
is probably best not to wait around to find out. You've got a
mission to accomplish and little time to do it in.
Fortunately, your landing zone is only a few
kilometers away from the base and hidden behind a low
rise in the terrain. The approach will be tricky, but it
doesn't appear anyone has noticed your arrival.
Unfortunately for the PCs, someone has noticed their arrival.
A small hunting party stands ready to greet the crew the
moment they step off the ship. The hunting party consists of
10 (2 groups of 5) degenerated Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders,
ancestors of the Mandalorians who first colonized this world
nearly 4,000 years ago (see the Caillte sidebar).
2B: If the crew fails the Piloting check or fails to repair
the sensors, read the following:
Without sensors it is almost impossible to avoid the debris
in the field. Fortunately, the remainder seems to be much
less significant. The Star Destroyer looms large just over
the planet's horizon as you enter the atmosphere.
You have no idea where your landing zone is. All
you can do now is try to find somewhere open to land.
With any luck, and you certainly haven't had much of that
so far, you won't land right on top of the base you've come
to sabotage.
After a few minutes you manage to scout out a
potential new landing zone. You bring your ship in and set
it down. The area seems clear, but then you look out the

The Mask of Ordo

Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Descendants (Minion)

To reflect this, each of their Ranged

weapons has the Ancient Special Quality.
Ranged weapons have their damage reduced
by 1 and Critical Rating increased by 1.
Additionally, on a roll that generates 3 or more
(t) or a (y) the weapon stops functioning
altogether until it can be repaired (A Daunting
dddd Mechanics check). Adjustments for
the Ancient Item quality are already included in
the Neo-Crusader stat block.

Initially, the Neo-Crusaders appear to be

nothing more than local natives. They do not
wear the usual Mandalorian armor and, in fact,
are barely dressed in anything other than rags
and skins. Their weapons are slung on similarly
made belts. Each one, however, wears a helmet
in various stages of disrepair. Some are cracked
through and held together with sinews, scraps
of leather, and the occasional piece of twisted
grass twine. Others are severely dented and
misshapen. Nearly all of them bear some sign
of the demise of their previous owner in the
form of dried and caked blood or deep claw
marks and they have all been painted with
disturbing images of vicious animals and other
frightening iconography. Many of the
Mandalorians themselves bear similar body
paint and deep, poorly healed scars and
Brawn 2, Agility 3, Intellect 1, Cunning 2,
Willpower 1, Presence 2
Soak 2, W. Threshold 5, M/R Defense 0/0
Skills (group only): Cool, Ranged (Heavy)
or Ranged (Light).
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Ancient Heavy blaster pistol
(Ranged [Light]; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range
[Medium]; Stun setting, Ancient) or
Ancient blaster carbine (Ranged [Heavy];
Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun
setting, Ancient)
Hunting Blade (Melee; Damage +1; Critical 2;
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Vicious 1)

Hunting Blade
The hunting blade is a makeshift knife made of
a variety of materials scavenged from whatever
the Neo-Crusaders can find. Some are made of
stone, some of metal, and some from remnants
of armor.
While not as good as a Combat or vibroknife, they are still effective weapons and their
jagged edges and sharp points combined with
constant usage make them a weapon to be
reckoned with in the hands of their owners.
It takes a Hard (ddd
ddd Knowledge (Lore) or Knowledge
(Warfare) check to identify the helmets as being the last
vestiges of ancient Mandalorian armor belonging to these
people and give the PCs a hint about who they are dealing
They are not immediately threatening to the PCs, but
they are not kindly disposed to their presence either
(especially so if the PCs landed in their encampment in 2B).
They carry their weapons at the ready, but not pointed directly
at the PCs. Assuming the PCs do not immediately attack
them, the crew may be able to gain some valuable allies.
The Neo-Crusaders speak a language that used to be
Mando'a, but over the generations has morphed and changed
among themselves into their own unique dialect. Some
elements remain similar, and a true Mandalorian might be
able to puzzle out meanings with only minor effort. For
anyone else, it is a Daunting (dddd
dddd Knowledge
(Education) check to fully understand anything the NeoCrusaders are saying. One word that does stand out though is
'Warrior' and one Mandalorian will repeat this word while
thumping his own chest, hoping that one of the PCs will do so
in return.
If the PCs don't attack outright, then the opportunity
to win the Mandalorian's help is available. A successful

Ancient Item Quality

The Mandalorians haven't seen new equipment
in generations. Every weapon they own has
been handed down through the ages and
maintained as best they can, usually by
cannibalizing parts out of older, non-working
weapons. None of them are in particularly good

The Mask of Ordo

The Elder

opposed Negotiation or Charm check, is necessary to

convince them that the PCs mean no harm. The GM should
assign two (bb) to the check if the PCs landed in their
encampment. The GM should award a (b) to the check if the
PCs have responded appropriately during the above
conversation. An additional (b) may also be available if the
PC performing the check makes a particularly good
explanation or roleplay attempt. If the PCs fail the check the
GM can decide how the Neo-Crusaders act in response.
Anything less than success should mean that the PCs
definitely do not get the help they may need, nor do they learn
about the mask in the next section.
Once favorable relations have been established, the
PCs are led (some distance away from Unity if they got here
by 2A) to a tent (or encampment and then tent). Inside the
tent is the oldest known Mandalorian on Caillte.
As the party reaches the tent, read the following:

The Elder is older than anyone in this group of

Mandalorians can remember. The Elder can,
and if asked will, summarize the last few
hundred years of local history as it pertains to
the Neo-Crusaders. Use the information in the
Caillte sidebar to help inform this if needed.
Essentially, the Empire showed up a few
months ago and drove the few remaining
Mandalorians out of the remains of the Unity
base and set up shop. They figured that the
harsh environment and lack of shelter would
finish them off, and they have very nearly been
The Elder has no stats because any
attack against the Elder is quite likely to be
fatal. The real problem will be the remaining
Neo-Crusaders should the Elder die. They will
attack and fight the PCs to the death if this
occurs. Even if the PCs get away without
eliminating all the Neo-Crusaders, the
remnants will prove to be a thorn in their
collective side throughout the rest of the
adventure. The GM is encouraged to use the
Neo-Crusaders to harass, complicate, and
downright foil the PCs in whatever manner
seems most appropriate for the duration of the
adventure should this happen.

As the natives approach the tent, the chatter between them

dies down into a respectful silence. You are pushed forward
to stand in front of the dark entrance. Little more than
animal skins hung over a makeshift wooden frame, a
stylized horned skull, painted in some sort of dye, is the
only decoration.
The interior is smoky and dark; a small fire pit sits
in the middle, but no fire is currently burning. Towards the
back of the tent is what appears to be a pile of furs and
skins haphazardly arranged in a heap. As your eyes adjust
to the darkness you are surprised to discover a thin,
withered arm has emerged from the pile and is motioning
you forward.
From somewhere within the pile a weak, frail voice
is barely audible. With evident difficulty, perhaps from lack
of use, you finally hear words you understand spoken in
broken Galactic Basic, You come at last. We wait many
long year. Why so long wait? Why here now?

When the PCs have made their explanations, read the

The Elder contemplates what you have said for a few
We help. But we exchange help for help. You go to
Unity. Bring us mask of great Ordo. Then we help you. Make
invaders leave together. We will swear.
The Elder and the Neo-Crusaders believe that the mask of
Canderous Ordo was given to Ferrun Lern 4,000 years ago to
secure Ordo's promise to return to Caillte. Whether this is
true or not is immaterial as the Mandalorians believe it to be
Though they don't know its present whereabouts
within the base, they do know that it was being kept within a
small ceremonial case. The PCs are being asked to find the
mask inside Unity base and return it to the Mandalorians. If
they can manage to do so, they may gain both a foothold for
the Rebellion on the planet and some staunch allies.

The truth is the best bet and will please the Elder and the
Mandalorians, however, any other reasonable explanation will
be accepted as well. PCs opting for a purely fanciful
explanation may not be quite so successful however as it will
take an opposed Deception check to outright lie to the Elder
and be believed. For the purposes of this and other opposed
social checks against The Elder, assume a relevant opposing
social skill of (c
c dd)
dd if needed.

The Mask of Ordo

If the PCs agree to try finding the mask, The Elder
says a few words in Mando'a and the Neo-Crusaders begin
organizing themselves.

After walking for several hours across the barren landscape

of Caillte, an outcropping of rock juts up from the horizon.
Only a few meters tall, it is the only noticeable landmark in
the area. As you approach it, in the far distance you can
just make out what you think is the canyon leading into the
landing bay of the base.

Crusaders go with you. Show you way in. Secret. Hidden.

Find Ordo's mask. Do what you must. May strength of
Mandalore guide you.
Ten of the crusaders gather small packs and their
weapons and begin to head off in the direction of Unity
base, motioning you to follow them.

At this point, the PCs have a choice to make. If they would

like, they can begin scouting the area of the base itself, looking
for alternate ways in. A successful upgraded Hard (c
Perception or Survival check will eventually discover a
buried ventilation shaft that is just large enough for a man and
his equipment to slip down through and into the base. Where
it comes out is entirely up to the GM to decide. This is, aside
from walking in the 'front door' of the base, the most likely
way for PCs not helped by the Mandalorians to gain entrance.
For groups with the Neo-Crusaders, read the

If they don't agree to look for the mask, The Elder and the
Neo-Crusaders are disappointed. They will offer no further
help or guidance and the PCs are free to stumble about on
their own looking for the base.

Chapter 3: Breaking Unity

Chapter 3 sees the PCs entering Unity base and beginning the
process of it's destruction. The base turns out to be much
larger than expected and the PCs discover they are
unprepared to bring the whole thing down. During their
exploration they have the opportunity to claim the Mask of
Ordo on behalf or the Neo-Crusaders, rescue or eliminate the
captured scout, Garis, and face down the vicious ISB agent,
Maiew Ophil along with several squads of stormtroopers.
Eventually, they will find the means for thoroughly destroying
the base and then, with charges set, make a desperate escape
The trip to Unity Base is uneventful if lengthy. The
Neo-Crusaders take care to use the local terrain as cover and it
is unlikely the base will spot their approach. The GM is
encouraged to sprinkle a few Average (dd
dd Survival checks
into the journey if he wishes. Successes can indicate locating a
supply of fresh water, using game trails to progress along, or
just generally shortening travel time. Failures can indicate a
delay as the group navigates around or over difficult terrain,
the Mandalorians stopping to discuss the best route, or
anything else the GM would like to implement to slow them
down (see Making Time Matter sidebar).
After a few hours of travel the group arrives at their
destination. An outcropping of jagged rocks is the only
landmark visible for at least a kilomete (A Hard (ddd
Survival check to locate without the Neo-Crusaders. It can be
rerolled if failed, but each failure represents 30 minutes
additional time removed from the Terminus timer.). This is
the secret backdoor to the base.

One of the Mandalorians steps forward and into a narrow

crevice between the rocks. As you follow him in you can
just make out what sounds like the words of a chant. As he
speaks he moves his hands over a small section of rock and
then slides it aside to reveal an ancient keypad. In time
with the chant, he presses a combination on the pad and
then steps back.
A narrow section of rock wall slides back to reveal
the top of a dark, musty smelling shaft that descends into
the gloom below. The base's bolt hole lies open before you.
Unity Base
The map of Unity base is not intended to be to
scale, nor to include all that might be found in
such a base. Rather, it highlights the areas
important to the adventure and serves to give
their relative positions. GMs should feel free to
improvise any extra rooms or features they see

The Mask of Ordo

happen. The Neo-Crusaders are more than happy to assist in
these fights if needed.

A successful Average (dd

dd Knowledge
(Warfare) check once the PCs have got inside
and had a look around will reveal that it will
take a minimum of four charges just to destroy
the warehouse area due to its size. A further
one charge in the administrative office, two in
the Flight Control Room, and one each in the
Storage room and Munitions Bay should assure
sufficient destruction to render Unity useless
and send the Imperials looking elsewhere.

The Warehouse
Finally you make it past the wreckage of old crates and
supplies mixed with other, less pleasant, trash. A set of
double doors is partially open and you can see into the vast
space that is, apparently, a warehouse. It, too, is full of trash
and wreckage and promises to be just as difficult to cross.
You have no clear view of most of the room, but if the
disorganized walls and mazes made of junked crates are
anything to go by, neither does anyone else who might be
Far in the distance, a soft echo carries to you what
sounds like comm chatter. You're not alone.

As long as Ordo's Mask is retrieved, the

Neo-Crusaders will not be terribly upset to see
Unity go. They've long since given up any real
hope of returning to it. It has provided them
with too many problems over the years as one
group or another takes it over. They'd just as
soon have it gone and be left in peace for the
remainder of their lives. Of course, options
abound for bringing them into the Alliance
If the PCs fail to retrieve the mask, or
even look for it, the Mandalorians will be very
upset and the PCs may find themselves fighting
a two front battle while trying to escape the
impending destruction of the base.

A successful Hard (ddd

ddd Perception check will be needed
to make out any details of the conversation from here. Aside
from the mundane details of the usual chatter of two people
on patrol, PCs can pick up the following: least we'll be done soon. The ISB can have the prisoner,
just as long as we get off alert status and can go back to
sitting around the hangar.
Yeah, these patrol shifts are killing me. Why'd the
Rebels have to send a scouting party over on the week before
my leave? I was all set to...

The corridor on the West side of the warehouse is patrolled by

two stormtroopers. They are taking this duty seriously as they
have been alerted to potential trouble thanks to the events
leading up to the capture of one of the scouts from the
Rebellion's earlier activity. While the scout himself has
remained loyal and silent, the mere presence of the scouting
party was sufficient to alert the base that further trouble could
be coming.
It is thanks to this that Terminus is in orbit and that an
ISB agent has been dispatched to the base to perform the
interrogation of the captured scout. Terminus has been laying
something of a trap by remaining on the opposite side of the
planet from the base, hoping to capture any further Rebels
who might think they can sneak onto Caillte to run further
operations while they are on the ground.
While in the base, if things get bogged down or the
PCs take too long making decisions, feel free to have
additional patrols of stormtroopers appear to liven things up.
The fear of discovery and losing time should be ever present
for the PCs as they attempt to complete their missions in
Unity. There are stormtroopers aplenty to help make this

The warehouse is about one-third full of more piled up crates

and junk. Searching through them could yield some basic
mundane items in good enough condition to be used if the
PCs choose to do so (A Hard (ddd
ddd Perception check).
Such items could include a stimpack or two if the PCs need
one, but this should not be overdone.
Once out of the trashed area, the crates take on a more
organized appearance and are clearly newer and in better
repair. The Imperials have organized their own materials fairly
well while at the same time stuffing the refuse they
encountered at the back of the warehouse where the PCs are
attempting to enter. They intended to dispose of the refuse
later, but recent events have delayed them.
The Imperial's crates are, in general, clearly marked,
though they do not explicitly state what is inside them.
Instead, everything has been assigned a military supply code
consisting of letters and numbers. For those without a
reasonable amount of military experience dealing with the
Empire in some capacity, the codes are useless for determining
the contents of the crate. Those who have Knowledge
(Warfare) can make a check at Average (dd
dd difficulty to


The Mask of Ordo

determine a given crate's contents. PCs with former Imperial
military experience can add (b) to the check. Keep in mind
that time spent doing this subtracts from their available time
to complete the mission before Terminus arrives, about 15
minutes per check. The contents of any given crate are up to
the GM to determine, though (Z) spent to find specific
contents should not be too outlandish or more than ordinarily
helpful. They certainly wouldn't be storing explosives in the
warehouse when they have an ammo bay for that. At some
point the Neo-Crusaders will become very excited and point
to a crate located somewhere in the warehouse. This is the
crate that used to hold Ordo's mask, but, upon examination, it
proves to be empty. At least part of the story is confirmed for
the PCs, but the masks current whereabouts remain a mystery.
PCs attempting to move with Stealth through the
trash area will need to successfully make at least 3 Hard
ddd Stealth checks to do so and move to the less
cluttered areas, PCs not moving by Stealth will need to make a
similar series of Coordination checks. (tt
tt generated
during the check means the patrolling guards will be alerted
to a noise in the warehouse thanks to knocking over or
breaking a crate. Though they won't know exactly where the
group is, they will begin a systematic search of the warehouse
area looking for them. (y
y) generated means not only is the
group being looked for, the stormtroopers have also radioed
in to send for a further squad of 5 stormtroopers to aid in the

The exact number of defenders at the

base is left up to the GM to decide. It is
suggested that there be at least 6 squads of 5
Imperial stormtroopers scattered throughout
the base in addition to about a dozen, noncombat support personnel needed to run the
base's day-to-day operations. At least two of
these squads should be headed by a single
Imperial stormtrooper sergeant each.
Additionally, a further squad of 5
Imperial sandtroopers (Star Wars: AGE OF
REBELLION BETA, page 216) is under the
command of ISB Agent Maiew Ophil. Agent
Ophil and his squad are preparing to
rendezvous with a shuttle back to Terminus in
the docking bay, but if the alert goes out before
they depart (at the end of the 6 hour Terminus
timer) they will return to the interior of the
base and begin hunting the PC group in hopes
of capturing them for interrogation.
Should the fight be going all the PCs
way, a distress call will be sent to Terminus from
Flight Control asking for reinforcements,
provided the PCs have not already dealt with
Flight Control in some way. The Star Destroyer
will respond by scrambling at least one flight of
TIE fighters to the area of the base and sending
a further Lambda-class shuttle full of
stormtroopers (4 squads of 5) down to back up
those already there.

Alerting the Base

Once the base is alerted to the PCs

presence, in addition to their normal
descriptions, the Admin Office, Flight Control,
and the Ammo Bay each contain a squad of
Imperial stormtroopers (part of the base's
compliment from above) to defend these key
locations. Prior to the alert they are staffed as

At the first sound of active resistance,

whomever the PCs are engaged with will
attempt to alert the rest of the base to the
attack. All the opposing NPCs at the base have
been instructed to radio in at the first sign of
real trouble and, with an ISB Agent in the base,
none of them are about to forget to do so. If
the PCs can't prevent this from happening,
they'll soon be in for the fight of their life.
At this point, the race is really on. The
PCs will have to modify and set any remaining
charges while actively fighting the base

Admin Office
The Admin Office contains a desk, a computer terminal, a set
of chairs, and a most interesting wall display. The door from
the hallway into this office is locked and requires an Average
dd Skulduggery check or Hard (ddd
ddd Brawn check to
open or break down.


The Mask of Ordo

Ordo's Mask

As you enter this room you immediately notice the wall

decorations. Displayed on the wall behind the desk are
seven masks, similar to the ones worn by your native
What are... Who are you people? a voice demands.
Then, realizing you are unauthorized personnel, a man
who, to judge by his attitude and clothes, appears to be the
base administrator, pulls his blaster and aims it at you.
Stay where you are, drop your weapons! He
reaches for a button on the computer terminal in front of
him, You're all under arrest, you Rebel scum.

Ordo's mask, whether it is the genuine article

or not, holds great value to this tribe of NeoCrusaders. It represents a time of power and
hope for the Mandalorians that once thrived on
Caillte. As such, any Neo-Crusader in the
presence of the mask may add (b) to one
combat check made during an encounter. This
is a morale boost to combat rather than any
particular effect of the mask and only
Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders on or from Caillte
may make use of it.

Allowing him to press the button will open a base-wide

comlink and allow him to announce the PC's presence in his
office which will, of course, send everyone heading to their
location. Use the Spaceport Overseer stats from the Star
Wars: AGE OF REBELLION BETA, page 223.
There is a door directly across from the hallway
entrance that opens into the landing bay from here. It is not
locked from this side.
The seven masks displayed on the wall are all
Mandalorian masks of varying quality. Most are in better
shape than those currently worn by the Neo-Crusaders, some
having even been polished by the Administrator as evidence
of 'his' conquest of the Neo-Crusaders when taking the base. If
the crusaders are with the group, they will immediately
recognize the center mask as Ordo's and take it. This will be
sufficient to ensure the Mandalorians assistance through any
further action in Unity or as a token of good faith should
anyone wish to recruit them into the Alliance. If the
Mandalorians are not present it will require a successful
Daunting (dddd
dddd Knowledge (Lore) or Knowledge
(Warfare) check to recall some detail that gives a hint
sufficient to indicate the proper mask, unless the group simply
decides to take all of them. If carrying more than one mask, a
PC will be unable to fight effectively unless he puts them
down (each mask is encumbrance 2). Fortunately, there are a
number of cargo hauling implements scattered throughout the
base if PCs choose to make use of them.

The desk contains, among the usual sorts of office supplies, a

key card which will allow access to the Storage / Detention
room and the cell within.
Storage / Detention
The storage room is barely more than a glorified janitorial
closet. Nevertheless, one corner has been given over to a
sturdy containment cell, just in case a prisoner needs to be
held at the base for transfer to another ship. In this case,
though, the captured Alliance scout is being held inside. The
door to the room is locked, as is the cell inside, of course. If
the PCs have obtained the keycard from the Admin Office and
the base is not on alert, access to the room is relatively easy, as
is opening the cell. Otherwise, the door to the room requires
an Average (dd
dd Skulduggery or Computers check or Hard
ddd Brawn check to open and the cell itself will take a
Daunting (dddd
dddd Skulduggery or Computers check or
Formidable (ddddd
ddddd Brawn check. If the key card is
present and the base is on alert, it will not open either door,
but having it and analyzing it in some manner reduces the
required Skulduggery or Computers checks by (d).
As you step through the door a dim light reveals the
interior of the cramped room. Not so cramped as the cell
located within, though. Barely wide enough for a man to
stretch out in, what you see inside the cell at once alarms
and sickens you. The Bothan inside lays unconscious at the
bottom of the cell, stripped of all but his undergarments.
Great swathes of fur have been shaved from his body and
bruises purple across the exposed skin.
His breathing is shallow and weak, but he lives.
A Hard (ddd
ddd Medicine check will be needed to revive
him (use the Bothan Spy stat block from page 210 of the
Star Wars: AGE OF REBELLION BETA). It will also show that


The Mask of Ordo

Garis needs more help than the PCs can give or have access to
in the base. Even when revived, he is barely able to walk and
will need assistance to leave Unity.

Talents: Adversary 1 (Upgrade the

difficulty of any combat check targeting this
character once per rank of Adversary).
Anatomy Lessons (After a successful
attack with a non-starship/vehicle weapon, the
character may spend one Destiny Point to add
damage equal to his Intellect to one hit of the
Convincing Demeanor 1 (Remove (b)
per rank of Convincing Demeanor from any
Deception or Skulduggery check).
Nobody's Fool 2 (The difficulty of any
Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks
attempted against the character is upgraded
once for each rank of Nobody's Fool).
Scathing Tirade (The character may take
the Scathing Tirade action; making an Average
dd Coercion check. For each (s), one
enemy within short range suffers one strain.
The character can also spend (a); for every
(a) spent, one target already affected suffers 1
additional strain).
Scathing Tirade (Improved) (Each enemy
affected by Scathing Tirade suffers (b) on all
skill checks for a number of rounds equal to the
character's ranks in Coercion; this does not
stack with itself).
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Disruptor Pistol (Ranged
[Light]; Damage 10; Critical 2; Range [Short];
Vicious 4)
Vibroknife (Melee; Damage +2; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1)
Holo-Messenger, Synthetic Anesthetic (2
doses), Synthetic Neuroparalytic (3 doses),
Hand Scanner, Stimpak (2), Binders, Datapad.

Th-thank you, my friends... he gasps. Name's Garis...

hurts... didn't talk... Garis tries to sit up, but fails. The
torture he has undergone has clearly taken its toll.
Helping Garis to escape will require at least one PC to assist
him at all times and add b to any physical actions of the PC
helping him. When they leave the storage room, and if Agent
Ophil and his sandtroopers are still in the base, read the
As you step out into the corridor you hear the sound of
running headed your direction from the South. A voice
shouts, Halt! and a squad of Imperial sandtroopers
rounds the corner with a uniformed man in the lead.
Stop right there! Give yourselves up immediately
and no one gets hurt. By order of Imperial Intelligence I
command you to lay down your weapons, release the
prisoner, and surrender! The man leading the group bears
no identifying marks on his uniform, but a cruel smile
crosses his lips, almost as if he hopes you'll resist.
ISB Agent Maiew Ophil (Nemesis)
Agent Ophil, a stocky man with hard set
features, is a nasty piece of work who enjoys
his interrogations far too much. The prospect of
capturing the PCs and extracting information
from them through a lengthy, and painful,
interrogation is almost more than he can stand.
He will not back down from a fight and is not
above killing one man if it means he can
capture two more. People who are captured by
Agent Ophil have a tendency to disappear,
never to be heard from again except as pieces
of information which the Empire is all too
happy to act on. In the end, no one hides
anything from the Agent.
Brawn 3, Agility 3, Intellect 3, Cunning 3,
Willpower 3, Presence 3
Soak 4, W. Threshold 13, S. Threshold 13
M/R Defense 0/0
Skills: Charm 2, Coercion 3, Cool 2,
Deception 3, Discipline 2, Negotiation 2,
Perception 2, Vigilance 2, Ranged (Light) 2,
Knowledge (Core Worlds) 2, Knowledge
(Underworld) 2

If the fight goes against he and his troops, he will attempt to

use his holo-messenger to alert Terminus to the group's
presence at the base. If the PCs are defeated, they can expect
to awake aboard Terminus, and in a great deal of trouble.
Flight Control
Flight Control handles all air traffic in and around Unity base.
Part of Terminus' trap has been to give strict instructions to
those manning Flight Control to ignore any smaller
unidentified craft in their area of control. They want any
interlopers captured on the ground for interrogation rather
than uselessly shot down.


The Mask of Ordo

Flight Control consists of a large bank of computers
and monitoring equipment set under a full-width
transparisteel window overlooking the underground landing
bay. Through the window the PCs can see a Lambda-class
shuttle prepped for departure along with a number of
stormtrooper squads. The shuttle belongs to Agent Ophil and
his squad. The number of troopers present depends on the
base's alert status and how many the PCs have dealt with to
this point.

stormtroopers seem to be waiting for something, either orders

or the arrival of the PCs depending on if the base is on alert or
Munitions Bay
The Munitions Bay stores all manner of ships weapons and
reloads as well as personal weapons and a number of antipersonnel devices. In short, limited quantities of weapons and
munitions that a variety of ships and their personnel might
need are readily available here.

Technicians sit at a number of stations around the room

looking at computer readouts and data streams. Two
stormtroopers and an Imperial Vehicle Corps-man stand at
the ready and draw weapons as you attempt to enter the
room. They don't wait for you to identify yourselves before
opening fire as the technician's dive for cover.

You open the door and are greeted by a dull green light
flooding the area. Crates and racks of weapons line the
walls of this large storage area. A wide access door leads to
the North and, presumably, out into the Docking Bay. A
quick glance suggests that there is enough weaponry to
completely outfit a small warship and at least partially
restock a massive capital ship should the need arise.
Of more immediate concern is the squad of
stormtroopers standing guard in the area near the access

Once the PCs successfully enter the room, any surviving

technicians are easily subdued and restrained. They weren't
trained to fight, just to run the equipment. If stats are needed
for them, use the Naval Engineer stats. Stats for both the
Imperial Vehicle Corps and the Naval Engineer can be found
in the AGE OF REBELLION BETA page 215.
From Flight Control the PCs can do a number of
things. The shuttle is prepped for take off if Agent Ophil
hasn't already left for Terminus and can be issued clearance if
the PCs feel it is needed. Terminus itself can be contacted,
though this is inadvisable since they are already suspicious
and unnecessary contact may only serve to alert them further.
An Average (dd
dd Computers check can show the PCs the
current position of Terminus and any TIE fighters the GM
might want to throw in to complicate the PCs eventual exit
from Unity. Proper clearance codes for getting the Shuttle
airborne without being attacked by base defenses can be found
with a successful Hard (ddd
ddd Computers check or the
defenses could be shut down from here with a similar check. If
the two Medium Laser Cannons aren't shut down or
otherwise dealt with, escaping in Ophil's shuttle will be much
more difficult.
From here the PCs can look out into the underground
docking bay. Aside from the shuttle they can also note the two
Laser Cannon (Medium) (Use a default Gunnery skill of
cdd) (Table 7:1 Starship and Vehicle Weapons, page 162
AGE OF REBELLION BETA book) emplacements and a number
of squads of stormtroopers at the ready (adjusted from the
total available depending on the PC groups actions). No other
ships are currently present in the docking bay. The

Unless reinforced by an additional squad during the alert, the

PC group shouldn't have much trouble dealing with this squad
of 5 troopers.
In the crates, the PCs should find more than enough
explosive material to jury rig any additional demolition
charges they need to complete their mission.
Each device they need to create will require a
successful Hard (ddd
ddd Mechanics check. If they are
attempting this while under fire or pursuit, add (b) to the
attempt. Making an Average (dd
dd Knowledge (Warfare)
check to identify those weapons most likely to be both stable,
yet destructive enough, to bring the base down without
endangering the PC group while doing so, can add up to
(bb) to the check. Any (t) generated during these checks
should be held and used by the GM to have the devices
detonate early once they have been placed, thereby cutting the
PCs escape time and adding pressure to their attempted
escape from the base.
Once sufficient explosives have been rigged, it only
remains to distribute them effectively around Unity. Average
dd Knowledge (Warfare) or Hard (ddd
ddd Perception
checks can provide locations within each key area of the base
in which to place the charges.
Detonating the devices requires either a successful
Average (d
d d) Mechanics or Computers check, depending


The Mask of Ordo

on the method of detonation used. Once set and detonated,
the PCs will have about a minute to get out of the base and
clear before it comes down around them if they are still inside.

additional (b) should be added to reflect the difficulty of

avoiding incoming shots. A successful Hard (ddd
Astrogation check will be needed to reprogram the
computers and calculate a course for home.
Complicating all this is the presence of the Terminus.
If the PCs are focused on getting away, the Terminus deploys a
squadron of TIE fighters to try to prevent their departure. If
they try to engage the Star Destroyer, a couple of shots across
the bow should be sufficient to emphasize the massive
amounts of firepower they are up against. If that isn't enough
of a deterrent the PCs can look forward to tractor beams,
eventual capture, and a lengthy and painful interrogation
process aboard the Terminus while en route to whatever
prison planet the Empire thinks needs new staffing.
When the PCs have cleared the Docking Bay and
detonated the explosives, read the following:

Docking Bay
The Docking bay is a nestled under an over-hanging rock
outcropping that opens into a canyon approach. Ships up to
Silhouette 4 can, with careful piloting, make use of the
Docking Bay. A successful Hard (ddd
ddd Knowledge
(Education) or Average (dd
dd Knowledge (Warfare) check
reveals that Ships on fast approach would have a tough time
finding enough room to do anything more than a cursory
strafing run to minimal effect. Anything slower could easily
be shot down by defenders under the protection of the
massive cliff over-hang. Depending on how many squads of
stormtroopers remain from the initial allotment, those can be
found here.

As the shuttle enters the canyon you can hear a series of

thumping noises. One after the other the charges you laid
detonate and, looking at the rear view-screen, you see
roiling clouds of dust, smoke and fire come pouring out of
what was once Unity base. The ground above the base rises
a few meters into the air as the munitions bay goes up in
flames and then everything slowly settles back to the
ground, as tons of rock and debris come to rest in the
remains of the structure. Unity base, and anyone left inside
it, is no more.

Stepping into the vast cave-like structure of the docking

bay, you can, at last, see why Unity base is here. The
approach to the cave mouth is clear and straight, but
protected on both side by the sheer walls of a canyon.
In addition to the Lambda-class shuttle waiting
here, you can make out the nose of two Laser Cannon
emplacements pointing out along the canyon.
Stormtroopers are lined up in formation and, as much as it
is possible to notice such things under their armor, they
seem tense. The force seems to be on your side for the
moment; no one has noticed your entrance.

Several problems still remain. Getting past the Terminus may

not be all that difficult if they are prompt in their departure,
but the PCs may still have members of the Neo-Crusaders
with them and they will want to bring Ordo's mask back to the
Elder as proof that it has been retrieved. If the PCs can suggest
a reasonable means of resolving the situation and still make
good their escape, the GM should allow it. Also of concern
may be the fact that the ship they arrived in would remain on
the ground on Caillte.

Additionally, if their timer has expired, read the following:

And then the massive bulk of a Star Destroyer catches your
eye through the slice of sky visible through the docking
bay's main entrance. You have no time left, you and your
crew must leave now.
It's now or never, whatever else the PCs have accomplished
and the means by which they have gone about it, this is the
most likely fast exit from Unity. The heat should be on the PCs
and their group by this point and the demolition charges
should be ready. It is possible that the PCs will exit via the way
they came in, in which case the GM should feel free to
improvise an exciting and thrilling exit and keep in mind that
Garis may not be able to engage in much physical activity.
Once the stormtroopers have been dealt with or
avoided, the PCs are free to take the shuttle, load up the
Mandalorians and attempt to fly out of Unity. Maneuvering
out of the bay and down the canyon is a Hard (ddd
Piloting (Planetary) check. If the cannon are still online an

Whatever the PCs decide to do, once they return home, they
will be congratulated by Lt. Bramlo in the briefing room:
Good job, soldiers. Couldn't have done it better myself.
The Alliance owes you and it doesn't forget.
If they returned with the scout, Garis:
We sent Garis down to the med bay. He's in pretty bad
shape. Whatever that Imperial did to him, it nearly broke
him. Still, you got to him in time it seems. Glad we didn't


The Mask of Ordo


have to lose him, too. Garis tells me you got a little bit of
revenge for him as well. Very nice work.

For The Mad Adventurers Society

Concept and Design: Brian Casey and Sam
Writing: Brian Casey
Layout: Brian Casey
Proofreading / Editing: Phil Maiewski, C.
Stephen Ross, Byron Combes, Nick Watanabe.
Jason D. Wood
Playtesting: Brian Casey, Sam Bigum, Benjamin
Yendall, Christopher Hudson, and Jonathan
Additional Playtesting: Ailowynn Dagorhir, Nick

If they return without Garis:

It's a shame about our scout. Good man. But sometimes,
you just can't save everyone. Don't let it worry you, I'm
sure, if the situation had been reversed, you'd understand
that the mission comes first, too.
If they come back in Agent Ophil's shuttle:
That shuttle you came back in. Good intel in there. We'll
take some time scrubbing it clean and pulling out the info
it's got, but who knows, we might have a use for it in the
future. I'm sure some of its pass codes will come in handy.
If the Neo-Crusaders returned with them:
There's something about those natives that seems kind of
familiar. We've got some linguists working with them.
Once the heat dies down a bit, we'll take them back to
Caillte and see what we can do for them. Seems like they'd
make some pretty stout eyes and ears on the planet, just in
case the Empire tries to come back. One thing is for sure,
they're survivors.

Mandalorian Symbol from Star Wars Insider

Star Wars and all related content are
Lucasfilm Ltd.
AGE OF REBELLION and associated material are
property of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

And finally:
Once again, good work. Go get some R&R, you've earned
it. Hopefully this sector will be a little safer for a while. I'll
send your reports up the chain myself. Dismissed.

The Mask of Ordo by The Mad Adventurers

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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0
Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this
license may be available at

XP Awards:
15 xp for successfully destroying the base and completing the
+5 for retrieving the Mask of Ordo
+5 for rescuing Garis
+5 for bringing Lt. Ophil's Shuttle back
+3 Duty for anyone answering the call of Duty throughout the

Tools Used:
Microsoft Paint
MapMaker 3

The Mask of Ordo is a 2013 National

Game Design Month (NaGaDeMon) entry. The
goal of NaGaDeMon each November is to have
participants design, write, play, and talk about a
game of their own making all in one month.
The game may take any form, be it electronic,
board, card, or roleplaying game.
If you would like to learn more about
NaGaDeMon and see some of the other
entries, or perhaps even participate yourself,
please visit


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