Notes Enzymes:: What Must Occur For A Reaction To Proceed?

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Notes Enzymes:

What must occur for a reaction to proceed?

Collision Theory:
1. Reactants must collide
2. Reactants must have enough energy
3. Reactants must hit with proper orientation
Here is morbid example of collision theory. How do a train and school bus react to give a train
with engine damage and a school bus in two pieces?

If you look back to the three conditions required for a reaction to occur, we can relate them to his
terrible accident. In the collision theory, condition number one requires that the train must
collide with the bus. Condition number two requires that the train and bus collide with enough
energy for the reaction to occur, meaning the train must hit bus with enough energy, not merely
tap the bus. The third condition requires that the train and bus hit with the proper orientation. If
the bus hit the side of the train, it will not slice the train in have. The train must t-bone the bus.
Hopefully this visual will help you to remember the condition required for a reaction to occur.

Energy Diagrams:
Energy diagrams are also called reaction progress diagrams as they depict the energy of the
chemicals involved in the reaction through out the course of the reaction.
The following is an example of an exothermic reaction:

A catalyst will lower the activation energy of a reaction. The result is shown in the following
reaction progress diagram for an exothermic reaction.

The green line in the transition state is showing the new barrier energy, the new amount of
activation energy needed for this reaction to occur. This reaction has a significantly higher
probability of happening as the energy it needs to over come has decreased.
Enzyme: increase the rate of a reaction without itself being used up, a biological catalyst
Substrate: the substance being acted on

Reaction rates are dictated by:


state of matter of reactants

concentration of reactants
presence of a catalyst

Why are they important?

To digest food in a beaker or test tube in an attempt to attain the same products as your body at
body temperature you would be waiting for years.
To break the peptide bonds in proteins your body uses peptase. To break the glycosidic bonds
of amylose(starch) your body uses amylase. Peptase and amylase are two of the bodys
thousands of enzymes. Without them you would starve.

Enzymes have:

Ability to increase rate - rate is increase by orders of magnitude

High specificity - enzymes can catalyze a specific molecule, their function can be as specific
to catalyze a specific stereo orientation of a molecule or as general as to catalyze the
reactions of an organic functional group.
Ability to be regulated - cells can activate or deactivate the enzyme when the environment
and situation are right.

The nomenclature for enzymes have undergone a change. Initially an enzyme was named with
the suffix in. Today the ase suffix has replaced the in ending. Trypsin and chymotrysin are
examples of old nomenclature and sucrase is and example of the new nomenclature.

Specific Enzymes:
Trypsin, the enzyme which selectively cleaves a substrates peptide bonds following the basic
amino amino acids arginine or lysine, is an example of the old nomenclature.
Chymotrypsin is a variation of trypsin and cleaves peptide bonds on the C-terminus of the
tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine amino acids.

Sucrase, the enzyme used to break the substrate sucroses glycosidic bond, is an example of
the new nomenclature.

1. Reductase
redox reactions
reduce ethanol to ethanal
2. Transferase
moves functional groups from one molecule to another, intermolecular
kinase transfers phosphate groups
3. Hydrolase
hydrolysis reactions
lipase breaks a triglyceride into glycerol and fatty acids
trypsin breaks peptide bond following lysine and arginine
4. Lyase
used to add or remove a group to or from a double bond, but not by redox or
pyruvate decarboylase turns pyruvic acid into ethanal and CO 2
5. isomerase
rearrange a molecule into a different isomer, structural or stereo
rearranges galactose into glucose
6. ligase
join to molecules
DNA ligase creates DNA strands

Mechanism Theories:
The Lock & Key theory describe a situation where the substrate fits perfectly into the enzymes
activity site. The activity site is simply the location of the enzyme where the substrate docks.
The Induced Fit model begins with an enzyme activity site which does not exactly fit the
substrate, but is stretched to accommodate the substrate. This second theory gives a more
flexible image of an enzyme than the first.

The ability for an enzyme to dock and undock molecules is essential in increasing the rate of the
reactions. This turnover number the number of substrate molecules the enzyme is able to act
on in one minute. This turnover number has been standardized by the chemical community into
the enzyme international number. Which is the number of catalytic conversions per minute of 1
micromole of substrate, under specific conditions of temperature and pH.

Enzyme Activity Factors:

An enzyme catalyzed reaction may be written as:
E is the enzyme
S is the substrate (reactant)
ES is the enzyme-substrate complex
P is the product

The Equation which describes rate of reaction (r) as a function of substrate concentration (S) is
the Michaelis-Menton Equation.
r max
K m S
Vmax is the function of the concentration of the enzyme [E] and the Turnover Number of the
Km is the Michaelis-Menton constant and is determined experimentally, just as the rate constant
is for a rate law equation.
Remember, the Turnover Number refers to the efficiency of the enzyme and is expressed as the
number of molecules of substrate converted to product per second.
The Turnover Number of enzymes can range from 10 to 100,000 molecules per second,
demonstrating the effective catalytic nature of some enzymes.

Enzyme Inhibition:
1. Chemicals other than substrates and products may interact with an enzyme influencing the
reaction rate.
2. Chemicals which bind to the active site but do not react will compete for formation of the ES
complex and are known as competitive Inhibitors. Raising substrate concentrations will
overcome this type of inhibition.
3. Chemicals which bind somewhere else than the active site but decrease the turnover
constant for the enzyme are known as non-competitive inhibitors. Raising the substrate
concentration will not overcome this type of inhibition.
4. Some agents simply denature or otherwise destroy the enzyme causing irreversible
Inhibition. This type of inhibition is see often with chemicals which form covalent bonds with
the enzyme. CN-, cyanide ion is an example of an irreversable inhibitor. It binds to the
cytochrome oxidase, a cofactored enzyme, and prevents it from allowing cell respiration. If
Na2SsO3 is administered quickly the CN- can be removed from the cofactored enzyme. Most
heavy metals, Pb, Hg denature enzymes in a similar manner.

Not all inhibitors are bad for you. Penicillins act as an inhibitors for the transpeptidase enzyme
which builds the protein portion of bacteria cell walls.





penicillin G structure

All enzymes are proteins. But sometimes, for a protein to function it requires the assistance of
another molecule or ion, a cofactor. Cofactors are normally thought of as metal ions, but when
this cofactor is a small organic molecule it is named a coenzyme. The magnesium ion is
required for the body to use glucose-phosphate compounds. Coenzymes are also called
vitamins. Further yet, some coenzymes themselves must by accompanied by another organic
molecule to function properly. If an enzyme requires a cofactor the protein is named
apoenzyme until the cofactor has been added.
Ascorbic Acid (C)
Thiamine (B1)
Riboflavin (B2)
Pyridoxine (B6)
Folic Acid (M)
Vitamin B12
Pantothenic Acid
Biotin (H)
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K




reductases (Flavine)
reductases (NAD)
Acyltransferase (CoA)

Scurvy - connective tissue

Skin disease
Pellagra -skin and nerve
Weight Loss

Vision and Cell Differentiation

Calcium Metabolism
Blood Clotting

Night Blindness
Rickets - bone problems
Fragile cell membranes
Delayed blood clotting





Acetyl-CoA Contains Pantothenic Acid



VITAMIN A (alcohol)





Enzyme Deficient Diseases:

A genetic disease in which the body has an inability to metabolize galactose. Elevated levels of
galactose in blood and urine along with vomiting, diarrhea, liver enlargement are signs of this
disease. Can cause death in days is lactose is not removed from their diet
Lack of the enzyme tyrosinase which increases the rate of melanin production of the skin. UV
light is the main regulator of this enzyme. Increased exposure to UV causes activity of
tyrosinase to begin. This escalates the rate of melanin production resulting in a tan.
Lactose Intolerance:
Lactose intolerance develops when the body has difficulty digesting whole and skim milk and
other dairy products. Lactose is a milk sugar and like most sugars, it is broken down by
enzymes in the intestinal tract so it can be absorbed as an energy source. The enzyme that
breaks down lactose is called lactase. When the intestine does not contain lactase, then lactose
intolerance can occur. It is a troublesome and annoying problem, but it is never a serious one.
As commonly expected, infants and small children have the enzyme lactase so they can digest
mothers' milk. However, during childhood, lactase begins to disappear in many people. Some
ethnic groups are more likely to develop lactose intolerance. By adolescence, it is gone in about
75% of African-Americans, Jews, Native Americans, Mexicans, and in 90% of Asians. So the
condition is very common.

When undigested lactose reaches the colon (large intestine), it is broken apart by bacteria.
Lactic acid and other acidic chemicals result. It is these products that create the symptoms of
lactose intolerance. These symptoms include nausea, abdominal cramps and rumbling,
bloating, rectal gas (flatus), and diarrhea. They usually occur 30 minutes to two hours after
ingesting lactose-containing foods. The severity of symptoms usually depends on the amount of
lactose ingested and how much of the enzyme, lactase, remains in the intestinal tract.
Tay-Sachs Disease:
This disorder is named after a physician, Dr Bernard Sachs, who noted in 1887 that a number of
children of Central and Eastern Europe (Ashkenazic) Jewish ancestry, who were born with no
apparent problems, degenerated physically and mentally and died by the age of about four. The
affected children were found to have a cherry-red spot at the back of the eye by an
ophthalmologist, Dr Warren Tay, and thus the condition became known as Tay-Sachs disease.
The symptoms first appear at about the age of 6 months when an apparently happy healthy
baby stops smiling, crawling or turning over, loses its ability to grasp or reach out, and gradually
becomes blind, paralyzed and unaware of his/her surroundings. Death usually occurs by the
age of 3 or 4 years.
Babies born with this condition lack a particular enzyme called hexosaminidase A or Hex A. Hex
A normally breaks down a fatty substance found in the brain called GN12 ganglioside. Small
amounts of this substance are essential for proper brain function. In a child with Tay-Sachs
disease, the Hex A enzyme is missing and the fatty substance accumulates in the brain cells,
irreversibly damaging the cells.
The mutation causing Tay-Sachs is in a gene on a chromosome and its effects are "recessive"
or hidden by the presence of the correct copy of the gene. The pattern of inheritance in families
who have this mutation is thus described as autosomal recessive inheritance There are four
possibilities for the combinations of genes passed from the parents.
If a couple who are both carriers of a mutation in their Hex A gene have a baby, there is a 25%
chance, in every pregnancy, that they will have a baby who is affected with Tay-Sachs disease.
If only one of the parents is a carrier of the mutation, there is no chance that the baby will inherit
the mutation causing Tay-Sachs disease but there is a 50% chance that their child will be a
healthy carrier of the mutation.

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