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Michel Paques, Florence Rossant, Nicolas Lerme, Chahira Miloudi, Caroline
Kulcsar, Jose-Alain Sahel, Kevin Loquin, Laurent Mugnier, Isabelle Bloch,
Edouard Koch

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Michel Paques, Florence Rossant, Nicolas Lerme, Chahira Miloudi, Caroline Kulcsar, et al..
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Michel Paques1, Florence Rossant2, Nicolas Lerm2, Chahira Miloudi1,2, Caroline Kulcsar3,Jos-Alain Sahel1,, Kevin
Loquin2, Laurent Mugnier4, Isabelle Bloch5, Edouard Koch1

Quinze-Vingts hospital, DHU ViewMaintain, INSERM-DHOS CIC 1423, Paris, F-75012, France
Institut Suprieur dElectronique de Paris, LISITE, 75006 Paris, France
Institut dOptique Graduate School, Palaiseau, France
Office National dEtudes et de Recherches Aronautiques, 92320 Chtillon, France
Telecom ParisTech, Paris, FRANCE

Adaptive optics (AO) fundus imaging is an optoelectronic
technique allowing an improvement of an order of
magnitude of lateral resolution of retinal images. Currently,
its main applications in ophthalmology span from
photoreceptor to retinal pigment epithelial cells and vessels,
each of them being affected by specific diseases.
Technological and image processing improvements are
expanding the scope of its medical applications. Here we
will review some of the current and envisioned applications
of AO in clinical practice.
Index Terms adaptive optics retinal imaging, agerelated macular degeneration, photoreceptors, arterial
Adaptive optics (AO) is an optoelectronic technique that
compensates for optical aberrations by the mean of a
deformable mirror. AO imaging was first developed in
astronomy and later applied to fundus images. AO improves
the lateral resolution of fundus images, which can reach the
micrometric scale. AO-based fundus cameras allow in vivo
visualization of microstructures of the retina, making the
retina the only human tissue in which subcellular structures
may be routinely observed in vivo. High resolution imaging
of photoreceptors therefore holds promises for cellular-scale
diagnosis and guidance of therapy. An increasing number of
clinical applications are identified for AO imaging, hence it
is progressively translating from the lab to the clinics and
will undoubtedly become a routine procedure for many
retinal diseases in the next years.
The main applications of AO in ophthalmology span from
photoreceptor to retinal pigment epithelial cells and vessels,
each of them being affected by specific diseases. The first
photoreceptor images using AO were obtained more than 15
years ago [1]. However, there are still some obstacles that
prevent the widespread use of AO in clinical routine. One

relates to the integration of information from AO into

medical decisions. Although AO fundus imaging technology
and image processing is reaching technological maturity,
clinical interpretation of the complex features of diseased
retina indeed remains challenging because of a number of
factors. Among these factors are the level of pigmentation of
the fundus, the transparency of the retina, the presence of
other sources of light reflection in diseased retina, the spatial
and temporal variability of photoreceptor reflectance, and
the variable orientation of photoreceptor outer segments.
Other issues are related to the fundus image technology:
scanning laser and flood illumination show some differences
in term of resulting imaging which are not yet fully
understood. A crucial factor is also that, in order to optimize
the management of these complex images by
ophthalmologists, carefully designed structure-specific
softwares for image processing and analysis are necessary .
We will show here that there are some clinical
applications of AO in public health that already offers
promising opportunities for clinicians. Most of this paper
relates to flood illumination-based AO.
2.1. Photoreceptors
Historically, photoreceptors were the first microstructures
specifically identified by AO imaging. The diameter of the
largest cones reaches ~3m, making them visible under the
aspect of a mosaic of hyperreflective dots (Figure 1). Rods
and the smaller foveal cones became more recently
accessible with the increasing resolution of AO imaging
systems. This allowed documenting the loss of
photoreceptors in diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa. A
precise counting of residual photoreceptors may be an
essential biomarker of the effect of biotherapies such as
gene or cell therapy.
Image processing has brought major improvements to AO
imaging. Cone counting algorithms have now reached a

Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).

high degree of reliability. One of the most reliable and

accurate approach is based on a recursive construction of
thresholded components, when the seeds of the recursions
are the regional maxima of the input image [2,3].
These automatic analysis algorithms benefits from
advanced preprocessing methods. As flood-illumination
systems usually produce noisy images making microscopic
structures hardly visible, a commonly used solution is to
register these images and average them to increase the
signal-to-noise ratio. Myopic deconvolution of AO images
has improved the quality of flood-illumination AO images
[4] since it enables to extract cone mosaics from raw (i.e.
non-averaged) images (Figure 2), hence avoiding artifacts
related to photoreceptor scintillation and/or subsequent
image processing. Sub-pixellic registration, developed by
one of us [5] also had a significant impact on the resulting
image quality, through the suppression of peripheral
rotational artifacts (Figure 3) and hence enlarging the field
over which photoreceptors can be counted.
Figure 3. Improvement of AO images by subpixellic registration
(bar, 300m).

Figure 1. Imaging of the normal cone mosaic by adaptive optics

(AO) flood illumination imaging (bar, 300m).

Figure 2. increased contrast of the cone mosaic on raw image

resulting from myopic deconvolution, which enables cone counting
to be performed.

Cone photoreceptors have a strong directional

absorbance and reflectance selectivity, a property referred to
as the Stiles-Crawford effect (SCE) [6-8]. This may be
observed on AO image by the strong variations of the cone
mosaic under different illumination incidence. Preliminary
work from our group suggests that the analysis of the SCE,
which requires the fusion of images taken at various
illumination angles, may provide a novel biomarker related
to the healing process of photoreceptors.
2.2. Arterial hypertension
As an easily accessible part of the microcirculation, the
retina provides a convenient mean for in vivo evaluation of
the consequences of arterial hypertension. Several
epidemiological studies have shown that the severity of
hypertensive retinopathy as observed on fundus photographs
is indeed correlated with the incidence of arterial
hypertension or of end-organ damage such as coronary
diseases, age-related cognitive decline and lacunar stroke.
By AO imaging, the blood column of vessels appears as
dark stripes 50-100 m wide with an axial light reflection
(Figure 3). A linear structure along both sides of the blood
column of arteries is visible, which most likely corresponds
to parietal structures [9].

Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).


Figure 3. Imaging of the wall of an arteriole (between

arrows in the magnification) by AO flood illumination
imaging (bar, 300m).
Advanced image processing methods were proposed by our
group, allowing automatical or semi-automatical
segmentation of parietal structures of arterioles [10,11]. Our
approach relies on three main steps: (i) detection and
accurate localization of the vessel axial reflection, (ii) presegmentation through a tracking procedure relying mostly
on gradient information, (iii) accurate delineation of the
arterial walls, based on a new active contour model
integrating parallelism information [10]. The proposed
energy functional, that defines the active contour model,
makes evolve independently four curves towards the artery
wall contours assuming that they are almost parallel to the
axial reflection. In [11], other structural features were also
modelled and integrated, in order to improve the robustness
against low contrasted walls and morphological
deformations that occur along vessels in case of pathologies.
For this, new coupled energy terms were added in the
energy functional, modeling symetry properties on either
side of the axial reflection. In this new model, the four
curves do no evolve independently any more but jointly.
The strength of parallelism and symetry constraints is
controlled through weighting parameters that have been
optimized experimentally so as to cover the largest variety
of images and pathologies. However, in case of failure, the
clinician can adjust them manually (semi-automatic mode).
From the segmentation result, graphic representations of
morphometric parameters of a given vessel segment can be
generated, which facilitates medical analysis of vascular
morphometry. Figure 4 shows an example of segmentation
(a), along with several measurements: diameters and wall
thckness (b) and wall-to-lumen ratio (c). The latest
morphometric biomarker (wall-to-lumen ratio, WLR)
represents the ratio between the wall thickness and the
vessel internal diameter (lumen). It is calculated all along
the artery segment, from measurements averaged on a
sliding window (50m wide in this case).


Figure 4. Segmentation of a retinal artery segment in AO

imaging (a) and extracted measurements (m): internal
diameter (lumen, in red), external diameter (magenta) and
wall thickness (brown) (b); WLR calculated from the
previous measures (c).
In a cohort of healthy and hypertensive subjects, using these
tools we found that the thickness of the wall of arterioles
was positively correlated with systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. In multivariate analysis taking into account age,
lumen diameter, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure,
only diastolic blood pressure and lumen diameter were
found independently correlated to the WLR [12]. We could
also observe and measure changes of vascular morphometry
in focal lesions, which provided insights into their
AO imaging is currently the only technique allowing a
direct view of vascular parietal structures. AO imaging of
retinal arterioles therefore offers a unique opportunity to
explore microvascular changes related to age, diabetes or
arterial hypertension in vivo in humans at a near-histology
level. Longitudinal explorations of hypertensive patients are
underway, addressing questions such as the predictive value
of such measures on the incidence of end-organ damage, and
the effect of treatment on microvascular parameters.
Phenotyping of retinal vessels by AO imaging may contribute
to a better management and understanding of end-organ
damage, especially in the brain given the functional and
anatomical similarities of the retinal and cerebral circulations.
Stratification of end-organ damage risk may be improved by
biomarkers issued from AO imaging.
2.3 Age-related macular degeneration
Geographic atrophy (GA), the atrophic form of age-related
macular degeneration, is one of the most frequent causes of
vision loss in industrialized countries. The disease is
characterized by the primary alteration of a single layer of
cells, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Accurate
characterization of the progression of atrophic lesions

Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).

during GA is important for the estimation of its long-term

prognosis and consequently for the evaluation of therapeutic
results. It is likely that improved imaging of small GA
lesions may allow evaluating the effect of treatment at
earlier stages of the disease, where such treatment may be
more susceptible to show efficacy.
AO imaging improves the resolution of the changes
affecting the RPE [13] (figure 5). Time-lapse imaging revealed
for the first time the migration of these cells, presumably
inflammatory cells. Such dynamic changes can be observed
within as well as outside atrophic areas. Time-lapse AO
imaging also allowed detection of very small spots of atrophy
and follow-up of their progression.

Figure 5. Illustration of pigment redistribution in a case of

geographic atrophy. Note the multiple black dots in the AO
image, presumably representing inflammatory cells.
AO imaging is therefore of interest to detect the emergence
of atrophic spots, to document the progression of GA at a small
temporal and spatial scale, and also to investigate the dynamic
process underlying the redistribution of (presumed)
inflammatory cells. A complex, dynamic process of
redistribution of melanin-loaded cells indeed precedes and
accompanies the emergence and progression of GA. Further
studies correlating AO to conventional en face imaging and
OCT would help to better define the place of AO imaging in
the management of GA patients.

2.4. Vascular inflammation

Recently, we observed that AO may reveal paravascular
cellular infiltrates in eyes with vascular inflammation [14],
which are not otherwise detectable. This offers the
opportunity of diagnosing vascular inflammation and also
monitoring the therapy of such patients in a noninvasive
way. Since vascular inflammation occurs in many general
diseases, including multiple sclerosis, detection of
paravascular infiltrates may of interest in a number of
neurological and/or inflammatory diseases.
Up to now, the main application of AO fundus imaging has
been photoreceptor detection and counting; this somewhat
overshadowed the exploration of other retinal structures.

With a simple procedure applicable in a routine setting, AO

imaging can document microscopic features of common
ophthalmological and general diseases and will possibly
become a reference tool for their monitoring. Such medical
applications will rely heavily on image processing and
analysis, for which specific applications are needed for each
structure of interest, and possibly of each disease.
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Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).

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Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).

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