IWCIM Paques 1
IWCIM Paques 1
IWCIM Paques 1
Quinze-Vingts hospital, DHU ViewMaintain, INSERM-DHOS CIC 1423, Paris, F-75012, France
Institut Suprieur dElectronique de Paris, LISITE, 75006 Paris, France
Institut dOptique Graduate School, Palaiseau, France
Office National dEtudes et de Recherches Aronautiques, 92320 Chtillon, France
Telecom ParisTech, Paris, FRANCE
Adaptive optics (AO) fundus imaging is an optoelectronic
technique allowing an improvement of an order of
magnitude of lateral resolution of retinal images. Currently,
its main applications in ophthalmology span from
photoreceptor to retinal pigment epithelial cells and vessels,
each of them being affected by specific diseases.
Technological and image processing improvements are
expanding the scope of its medical applications. Here we
will review some of the current and envisioned applications
of AO in clinical practice.
Index Terms adaptive optics retinal imaging, agerelated macular degeneration, photoreceptors, arterial
Adaptive optics (AO) is an optoelectronic technique that
compensates for optical aberrations by the mean of a
deformable mirror. AO imaging was first developed in
astronomy and later applied to fundus images. AO improves
the lateral resolution of fundus images, which can reach the
micrometric scale. AO-based fundus cameras allow in vivo
visualization of microstructures of the retina, making the
retina the only human tissue in which subcellular structures
may be routinely observed in vivo. High resolution imaging
of photoreceptors therefore holds promises for cellular-scale
diagnosis and guidance of therapy. An increasing number of
clinical applications are identified for AO imaging, hence it
is progressively translating from the lab to the clinics and
will undoubtedly become a routine procedure for many
retinal diseases in the next years.
The main applications of AO in ophthalmology span from
photoreceptor to retinal pigment epithelial cells and vessels,
each of them being affected by specific diseases. The first
photoreceptor images using AO were obtained more than 15
years ago [1]. However, there are still some obstacles that
prevent the widespread use of AO in clinical routine. One
Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).
Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).
Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).
Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).
Supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-09-TECS-009 and ANR-12-TECS-0015-03), the Foundation Fighting Blindness
and the french Ministry of Research (CIFRE131145A10).