Far Eastern Bible College: Application For Admission

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9A Gilstead Road, Singapore 309063

Tel: (65)6256-9256 Fax: (65)6251-3891
Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.febc.edu.sg



Applicants Full Name: _______________________________________________

(please underline surname)
Intended Time of Enrolment: January / July* 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 *
Programme Applying For Admission Into:
CertRK / CertBS / DipTh / BMin / BRE / BTh / MRE / MDiv / ThM / ThD *
*circle accordingly
Educational Documents
Financial Statement
Testimony of Salvation
Recommendation Letters
Testimony of Call
Application Fee $50
Decision: Accept / Reject / Pending
Probationary Status: Yes / No
Course: CertRK/CertBS/DipTh/BMin/BRE//BTh/MRE/MDiv/ThM/ThD
Signature: _____________________

Date: ___________________________

The College is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the Students personal information and
undertakes not to divulge any of the Students personal information to any third party without the prior
written consent of the Student.




All applications must be made on this form (photocopies are allowed).
Applicants must show evidence of salvation, and Gods call to full-time Christian
service. Handwritten testimonies of salvation and call must accompany application.
Letters of recommendation from at least two referees must be submitted. Members of
an applicants family, and students of the Bible College are not acceptable as referees.
Original transcripts or certified copies (in English) of previous academic work from
secondary school level upwards must be submitted.
Foreign applicants must submit a bank statement or letter of sponsorship furnishing
proof of available resources for studies in Singapore.
A doctors letter certifying medical fitness must be submitted with the application.
All documents used in support of an application should reach the College at least one
month (for local applicants) / fours months (for foreign applicants) before the
beginning of the new semester.
BMin, BRE, BTh, MRE, MDiv, ThM, ThD applicants whose native tongue is not
English must submit their original Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
result slip.
A non-refundable fee of $50.00 should accompany the application.

Your name in full: _________________________________________________________

(underline surname)
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________ Fax: _____________

Email: ___________________________

Date of Birth: __________ Place of Birth: ___________

Nationality: ______________

NRIC / Passport number*: _______________ Sex: Male / Female* Race:___________

Marital Status: Single / Married /________* Name of spouse: _____________________
Date of marriage: _________

Number of children: ____ Child(ren)s age: __________

If engaged, give full name of finance / financee*: _________________________________

Date of engagement: ________________ Anticipated date of marriage: ______________
Fathers name: ___________________________________ Occupation: _____________
Mothers name: __________________________________ Occupation: _____________
Address of parents: ________________________________________________________
Parents phone: _______________

Are you coming with your family? Yes / No*


Does your family depend on you for financial support? Yes / No*, Full / Partial*.
Do you have the funds to support your studies? Yes / No*. If yes, indicate source of
funds: Personal / Church / Relatives / Friends / _____________* (attach financial documents)
List all schools attended from secondary/high school up (attach certified copies of all
certificates/diplomas/degrees, and original academic transcripts):
Name of School

TOEFL score: ____

Date s Atte nde d

Cre de ntial Earne d

TWE score: ____ Test date: ___________ (submit original result slip)

Have you been refused admission by a Bible college/seminary? Yes / No*. If yes, why?

Are you presently also applying to another Bible college/seminary? Yes / No*. If yes,
which? __________________________________________________________________
Has any member of your family ever applied for admission or attended Far Eastern Bible
College? Yes / No*. If yes, give name/relationship: ______________________________
Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour? Yes / No* When? __________________
(attach a handwritten testimony of your salvation)

Do you know for sure that you have eternal life? Yes / No*. How do you know this?
Have you received Gods call to full-time Christian service? Yes / No*. If yes, attach a
handwritten testimony of your call. If no, explain your present conviction on Christian
service: __________________________________________________________________
Do you observe a daily Quiet Time of prayer and Bible study? Yes / No*.
Have you led a soul to Christ? Yes / No*. If yes, how recently? ______________________
List the churches in which you have been a member and relative dates:
Name of Church

Me mbe rship Date

Position he ld

What do you understand by living a life separated from the world?


Do you believe that the Protestant church ought to be reunited with the Roman Catholic
Church? Yes / No*. Give Reasons: ____________________________________________
Have you ever been employed in full-time Christian service? Yes / No* List the
institutions/companies in which you have been employed whether Christian or secular:
Name of Institution/Company

Dates of Employment

Position held

List the kinds of Christian work you have done: __________________________________

List some of the major issues you feel are confronting the Christian church today, at home
and abroad: _______________________________________________________________
Date/Result of your last medical check-up? _______________ (submit doctors health report).
Have you any prolonged illness or injury during the last 5 years?
Have you had any major operations? ___________________________________________
Are you presently suffering from any physical, mental, or emotional difficulties?
How many hours of sleep do you need per night? _______ hours.
You should request letters of recommendation from two of the following:
Pastor: _________________ Address: ________________________________________
Friend: _________________ Address: ________________________________________
Employer: ______________

Address: ________________________________________

Has anyone assisted you in English in filling out this application, and assembling the
supporting documents attached? ______________________________________________
In signing this application, I promise, if accepted as a student,
to be subject to the rules governing the social, educational, and
devotional standards of the Far Eastern Bible College.



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