Genaral Navigation Book

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10. Any Meridian Line is a:
a) Rhumb Line
b) Semi Great Circle
c) Rhumb Line and a semi Great Circle
11. A Rhumb Line cuts all meridians at the same angle. This gives:
a) The shortest distance between two points.
b) A line which could never be a great circle track
c) A line of constant direction


1. The sensitivity of a direct reading magnetic compass is:
a) Inversely proportional to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.
b) Proportional to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.
c) Inversely proportional to the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field.
d) Inversely proportional to the vertical and horizontal components of the earth's magnetic field.
2. What is the definition of magnetic variation?
a) The angle between the direction indicated by a compass and Magnetic North.
b) The angle between True North and Compass North.
c) The angle between Magnetic North and True North.
d) The angle between Magnetic Heading and Magnetic North.
3. At the magnetic equator:
a) Dip is zero
b) Variation is zero
c) Deviation is zero
d) The isogonal is an agonic line
4. Which of these is a correct statement about the Earth's magnetic field?
a) It acts as though there is a large blue magnetic pole in Northern Canada
b) The angle of dip is the angle between the vertical and the total magnetic force.
c) It may be temporary, transient, or permanent.
d) It has no effect on aircraft deviation.
5. Where is a compass most effective?
a) About midway between the earth's magnetic poles
b) In the region of the magnetic South pole
c) In the region of the magnetic North pole
d) On the geographic equator
6. The value of variation:
a) is zero at the magnetic equator
b) has a maximum value of 180
c) has a maximum value of 45 E or 45 W
d) cannot exceed 90
7. The agonic line:
a) is midway between the magnetic North and South poles
b) follows the geographic equator
c) is the shorter distance between the respective True and Magnetic North and South poles
d)Follows separate paths out of the North polar regions, one currently running through Western Europe
and the other through the USA

8. The angle between True North and Magnetic north is known as:
a) deviation
b) variation
c) alignment error
d) dip
9. The value of magnetic variation on a chart changes with time. This is due to:
a) Movement of the magnetic poles, causing an increase
b) Increase in the magnetic field, causing an increase
c) Reduction in the magnetic field, causing a decrease
d) Movement of the magnetic poles, which can cause either an increase or a decrease


1. You are flying a VFR route and have become uncertain of your position. Which is the best course of
a) set heading towards a line feature - coastline, river or motorway
b) turn round and fly your flight plan tracks in reverse until you see something you recognised before
c) fly a series of ever-expanding circles from your present position till you find your next check point
d) Turn round and fly your flight plan in reverse back to base
2. Please refer to Appendix A (Page 13 - 17).
What is the symbol for an unlighted obstacle?
a) 9
b) 10
c) 12
d) 15
For the following questions please refer to Appendix A.
5. Which of the following is the symbol for an exceptionally high (over 1000 feet AGL) lighted
a) 6
b) 9
c) 10
d) 15
6. What symbol is used to show a VORTAC on a map/chart?
a) 5
b) 7
c) 13
d) 14
7. Which is the symbol for a VOR?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 13
d) 14
8. What does symbol 3 represent?
a) lit obstacle
b) lighthouse
c) VRP
d) aeronautical ground light

14. An aircraft is flying around the Earth eastwards along the 60N parallel of
latitude at a groundspeed of 240 knots.
At what groundspeed would another aircraft have to fly eastwards along the
Equator to fly once round the Earth in
the same journey time?

a) 600 knots
b) 240 knots
c) 480 knots
d) 120 knots
5. Scale on a Lambert's conformal conic chart
a) is constant
b) is constant along a meridian of longitude
c) varies slightly as a function of latitude and longitude
d) is constant along a parallel of latitude
7. Scale on a Lambert conformal chart is:
a) constant along a line of latitude
b) constant along a line of longitude
c) constant everywhere
d) correct at the parallel of origin


14. At a specific location, the value of magnetic variation
a) depends on the value of magnetic heading
b) depends on the value of true heading
c) varies slowly over time
d) depends on the type of compass installed
16. The value of magnetic variation on a chart changes with time. This is due to:
a) movement of the magnetic poles, causing an increase
b) increase in the magnetic field, causing an increase
c) reduction in the magnetic field, causing a decrease
d) movement of the magnetic poles, which can cause either an increase or a decrease
17. The direct reading magnetic compass is made aperiodic (dead beat) by:
a) using long magnets
b) keeping the magnetic assembly mass close to the pivot point and using damping wires
c) pendulous suspension of the magnetic assembly
d) using the lowest acceptable viscosity compass liquid
29. G/S = 240 knots, Distance to go = 500 nm. What is time to go?
a) 20 minutes
b) 29 minutes
c) 2h 05 m
d) 2h 12 m


3. An ICAO nautical mile is defined as?
a) 6080 feet
b) 1852 metres
c) 1863 feet
d) 6062 feet
37. An aircraft is climbing at a constant CAS in ISA conditions. What will be the effect on TAS and
Mach No?
a) TAS increases and Mach No decreases
b) Both increase
c) Both decrease
d) TAS decreases and Mach No increases

39. Airfield elevation is 1000 feet. The QNH is 988. Use 27 feet per hectopascal.
What is pressure altitude?
a) 675 feet
b) 325 feet
c) 1675 feet
d) 825 feet
43. By what amount must you change your rate of descent given a 10 knot increase in headwind on a
3 glideslope ?
a) 50 feet per minute increase
b) 30 feet per minute increase
c) 50 feet per minute decrease
d) 30 feet per minute decrease
44. You are on an ILS 3-degree glideslope which passes over the runway threshold at 50 feet. Your
DME range is 25 nm from the threshold. What is your height above the runway threshold elevation?
(Use the 1 in 60 rule and 6000 feet = 1 nautical mile).
a) 8010 feet
b) 7450 feet
c) 6450 feet
d) 7550 feet
52. On a Mercator chart, a Rhumb Line appears as a:
a) small circle concave to the nearer pole
b) curve convex to the nearer pole
c) complex curve
d) straight line
53. Mercator charts use _____ Projections ?
a) cylindrical
b) conical
c) plane/azimuthal
d) complex

26 (11-13) NAVIGATION TIME (1)

14. `The Calendar Year and the Tropical Year are of different lengths. The
difference is adjusted partly by using leap years every fourth calendar year.
However, some years are not designated as leap years'. Which of the following
years will be a leap year?
a) 2001
b) 2100
c) 2300
d) 2400


1. In a standby direct reading compass there is:
a) a non-pendulously mounted magnet system.
b) a single pendulously mounted bar magnet.
c) a circular magnet or pair of bar magnets pendulously mounted.
d) a low magnetic moment system, either of circular or bar configuration.
3. For a position in the southern hemisphere, the effect of acceleration errors are greatest on headings:
a) 180(C) and 360(C)
b) 045(C) and 225(C)
c) 135(C) and 315(C)

d) 090(C) and 270(C)

4. An aircraft in the southern hemisphere is turning from a heading of 045 (C) to 315 (C) using a
DGI. At the end of the turn the compass will read ....... than 315 and liquid swirl will ....... this effect.
a) more ; increase
b) less ; increase
c) more; decrease
d) less; decrease
8. During a sustained turn ....... the nearer magnetic pole, the effect of liquid swirl will ....... compass
turning error.
a) away from; increase.
b) towards; not affect.
c) away from; not affect.
d) towards; increase.
9. When carrying out a turn at the magnetic equator there will be:
a) no turning error.
b) a tendency to underread turns through south and overread turns through north.
c) a tendency to underread turns due to liquid swirl.
d) no turning error when turning through east or west only.


9. The sensitivity of a direct reading magnetic compass is:
a. Inversely proportional to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.
b. Proportional to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.
c. Inversely proportional to the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field.
d. Inversely proportional to the vertical and horizontal components of the earth's magnetic field.
11. What is the definition of magnetic variation?
a. The angle between the direction indicated by a compass and Magnetic North.
b. The angle between True North and Compass North.
c. The angle between Magnetic North and True North.
d. The angle between Magnetic Heading and Magnetic North.
12. At the magnetic equator:
a. Dip is zero
b. Variation is zero
c. Deviation is zero
d. The isogonal is an agonic line
13. Which of these is a correct statement about the Earth's magnetic field:
a. It acts as though there is a large blue magnetic pole in Northern Canada
b. The angle of dip is the angle between the vertical and the total magnetic force.
c. It may be temporary, transient, or permanent.
d. It has no effect on aircraft deviation.
14. Where is a compass most effective?
a. About midway between the earth's magnetic poles
b. In the region of the magnetic South pole
c. In the region of the magnetic North pole
d. On the geographic equator
15. The value of variation:
a. is zero at the magnetic equator
b. has a maximum value of 180
c. has a maximum value of 45 E or 45 W
d. cannot exceed 90

56. By what amount must you change your rate of descent given a 10 knot increase in headwind on a
3 glideslope?
a. 50 feet per minute increase
b. 30 feet per minute increase
c. 50 feet per minute decrease
d. 30 feet per minute decrease
81. The term drift refers to the wander of the axis of a gyro in?
a. any plane
b. the horizontal plane
c. the vertical plane
d. the vertical and horizontal plane
86. How does scale change on a normal Mercator chart?
a. Expands as the secant z (2 co-latitude)
b. Expands directly with the secant of the latitude
c. Correct on the standard parallels, expands outside them, contracts within them
d. Expands as the secant of the E/W great circle distance
116. The value of magnetic variation on a chart changes with time. This is due to:
a. Movement of the magnetic poles, causing an increase
b. Increase in the magnetic field, causing an increase
c. Reduction in the magnetic field, causing a decrease
d. Movement of the magnetic poles, which can cause either an increase or a decrease
147. What is the reason for seasonal changes in climate?
a. Because the Earth's spin axis is inclined to the plane of its orbit round the Sun
b. Because the distance between the Earth and the Sun varies over a year
c. Because the Earth's orbital speed round the Sun varies according to the time of the year
d. Because of the difference between the Tropical Year and the Calendar Year
164. If variation is West; then:
a. True North is West of Magnetic North
b. Compass North is West of Magnetic North
c. True North is East of Magnetic North
d. Magnetic North is West of Compass North
189. How do Rhumb lines (with the exception of meridians) appear on a Polar Stereographic chart?
a. concave to the nearer pole
b. convex to the nearer pole
c. an ellipse round the pole
d. straight lines
205. Lines of latitude on a chart are always:
a. Great Circles
b. Small Circles except for the Equator
c. Vertices
d. Meridians
212. On the Polar Stereographic projection, a Great Circle appears as:
a. a straight line
b. a curve which becomes more near to a straight line as the latitude increases
c. a curve convex to the nearer pole
d. a curve which can be concave or convex to the nearer pole, depending on the latitude
231. On a Transverse Mercator projection, a parallel of latitude other than the equator is:
a. an ellipse
b. parabolic
c. hyperbolic
d. a straight line

238. From the departure point, the distance to the point of equal time is:
a. proportional to the sum of ground speed out and ground speed back
b. inversely proportional to the total distance to go
c. inversely proportional to ground speed back
d. inversely proportional to the sum of ground speed out and ground speed back
11. What is the definition of magnetic variation?
a. The angle between the direction indicated by a compass and Magnetic North.
b. The angle between True North and Compass North.
c. The angle between Magnetic North and True North.
d. The angle between Magnetic Heading and Magnetic North.
70. Your pressure altitude is FL55, the QNH is 998, and the SAT is +30C. What is
Density Altitude?
a. 6980 feet
b. 7750 feet
c. 8620 feet
d. 10020 feet
100. A Rhumb line is:
a. the vertex of a conformal polyformic projection
b. a straight line on a Lambert's conformal chart
c. a line on the Earth which cuts all meridians at the same angle
d. the shortest distance between two points on the Earth's surface
129. Which of the following equipments does not use information from external
sources in flight?
a. INS / IRS
b. pressure altimeter
c. slaved gyro compass
d. VOR
176. What is the definition of EAT?
a. Estimated on-blocks arrival time
b. Estimated time overhead the destination airfield
c. Estimated initial approach fix time
d. Estimated final approach fix time
222. Given:
IAS 120 kt
FL 80
OAT +20C
What is the TAS?
a. 141 kt

b. 102 kt
c. 120 kt
d. 132 kt
224. Given:
True Course 300 Drift 8R Variation 10W Deviation -4 Calculate the compass
a 322
b 306
c 278
d 294


Practice Final Exam - General Navigation
8. What is the meaning of the term `standard time'?
a) It is another term for UTC
b) It is the time zone system applicable only in the USA.
c) It is an expression for local mean time.
d) It is the time set by the legal authorities for a country or part of a country.
11. At a specific location, the value of magnetic variation:
a) depends on the magnetic heading
b) depends on the value of true heading
c) varies slowly over time
d) depends on the type of compass installed
12. The value of magnetic variation:
a) has a maximum of 180
b) varies between a maximum of 45E and 45W
c) must be 0 at the magnetic equator
d) cannot exceed 90
13. In the northern hemisphere, during an acceleration in a easterly direction, the magnetic compass
will indicate:
a) a heading of East
b) an increase in heading
c) an apparent turn to the South
d) a decrease in heading
14. The direct reading magnetic compass is made aperiodic (dead beat) by:
a) using long magnets
b) keeping the magnetic assembly mass close to the compass point and using damping wires
c) pendulous suspension of the magnetic assembly
d) using the lowest acceptable viscosity compass liquid
15. In a remote indicating magnetic compass system, the amount of deviation caused by aircraft
magnetism and electrical circuits may be minimised by:
a) the use of repeater cards
b) positioning the master unit in the centre of the aircraft
c) mounting the detector unit in the wingtip
d) using a vertically mounted gyroscope
16. Which of the following is an advantage of a remote reading compass as compared to a standby
a) It eliminates the effect of turning and acceleration errors by by pendulously suspending the
detector unit.
b) It senses the magnetic meridian instead of seeking it, increasing compass sensitivity.
c) It is more reliable because it is operated electrically and power is always available from
sources within the aircraft.
d) It is lighter than a direct reading compass because it employs, apart from the detector
unit, existing aircraft equipment.

18. On a Lambert Conformal Conic chart, earth convergence is most accurately represented at the:
a) north and south limits of the chart
b) standard parallels
c) Equator
d) parallel of origin
19. An Oblique Mercator projection is used specifically to produce:
a) radio navigation charts in equatorial regions
b) topographical maps of large east/west extent
c) plotting charts in equatorial regions
d) charts of the great circle route between two points
20. On the Transverse Mercator chart, scale is correct along the:
a) equator, parallel of origin and prime vertical
b) prime meridian and equator
c) datum meridian and the meridian perpendicular to it
d) meridian of tangency
21. Which of the following describes the appearance of Rhumb lines, except meridians, on a Polar
Stereographic chart?
a) Ellipses around the Pole
b) Straight lines
c) Curves concave to the Pole
d)Curves convex to the Pole

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