Prevalence of High Risk Pregnancy in Rural Dharwad

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IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)

e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 14, Issue 10 Ver. VI (Oct. 2015), PP 29-32

Prevalence Of High Risk Pregnancy In Rural Dharwad

M Pradeep Kumar1, N V Gnanadeep T2, Umesh R Dixit3, Pushpa S Patil4,

(Department of community medicine, SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, India)
(Department of natural therapeutics, SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, India)
(Department of community medicine, SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, India)
(Department of community medicine, SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, India)

High risk pregnancy is broadly defined as one in which mother, fetus or newborn is or will be at increased risk
for morbidity or mortality before or after delivery. Although only 10-30% of the mothers seen in antenatal
period can be classified as high risk they account for 70-80% of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Aim of the
study is to know the prevalence of high-risk pregnancies and its association with socio-demographic factors in
rural field practice area, which are attached to Department of Community Medicine, SDM College of Medical
Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad. Pregnant women who are attending health centers in that particular area are
the participants of the study. Data was collected from 1st August 31st October 2013. A pre-designed, pre-tested
proforma was used to collect information regarding socio-demographic characteristics and obstetric history.
Height, weight, BP was recorded, general physical and systemic examination was done. Haemoglobin
estimation was done by Sahlis method. The prevalence of high risk pregnancy was found to be 37%,
comparatively higher than study done in rural Haryana. Hypertension was seen in 10.8% of high risk
pregnancy cases in current study as compared to 22% reported in a study done in rural Haryana.
Key words: Girls education, High risk pregnancy, Prenatal mortality and morbidity, Rural Karnataka, Socioeconomic status.

I. Introduction
High-risk pregnancy is defined as one which is complicated by a factor or factors that adversely affect
the pregnancy outcome-maternal or perinatal or both [1]. Among the mothers seen in antenatal period, only 1030% of mothers are been classified as high risk, Out of those mothers, 70 -80% end up with perinatal mortality
or morbidity [2]. One of the most important public health issues in the developing countries is perinatal mortality
. Recent studies have shown that still perinatal mortality and morbidity is high in India [4]. It shows high risk
pregnancy is one of the leading causes to increase the perinatal mortality and morbidity. While assessing the risk
of any pregnancy some of the medical history like age, parity, social class and past obstetric history etc should
be taken into account. Early detection of high risk pregnancy followed by special intensive care will show a
significant change in the perinatal outcome [5]. Treating high risk pregnancies with extra attention and proper
care will give a significant decrease in the maternal mortality and morbidity [6].
According to SRS survey the perinatal mortality of urban India 17, in urban Karnataka 20, where as in
rural India it is 31, and in rural Karnataka it is 40 per 1000 live births and still births [6]. Above data was revels
that perinatal mortality rate is much higher in rural than the urban. The main objective of the study is to know
the prevalence of high risk pregnancy and to find its association with socio demographic factors like education
and socio economic status in rural field practice area of SDM College of medical sciences and hospital,

II. Material And Methods

2.1 Study area: Rural field practice area of SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad.
2.2 Study period: 1st August 2013 31st October 2013.
2.3 Study design: Cross-sectional
2.4 Sample Size: Assuming prevalence of high risk pregnancy as 50% and relative precision as 20% of p at
level of significance of 95%, using formula for sample size n=4pq/l2, a sample of 100 eligible subjects were
taken into consideration.
2.5 Study Population: All pregnant women who were residing in the study area since 6 months and registered
in 5 sub-centers located of rural field practice area at that point of time were included. All participants provided
written informed consent.
2.6 Data Collection Method: A pre-tested, semi-structured proforma was used for interviewing the study
subjects. The proforma included information on socio-demographic profile, relevant obstetric & medical history.
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Prevalence Of High Risk Pregnancy In Rural Dharwad

Physical examination of pregnant women was done and parameters like weight, height and blood pressure were
recorded. Hemoglobin estimation was done by using Sahli's method. A few days prior to the first visit to each
sub-center, the health worker was contacted and was asked to prepare a list of all pregnant women from their
records. She was told to inform the pregnant women to come to the sub-center on a pre-fixed date and time for
the check-up.
2.7 Inclusion criteria: Pregnancy was considered as high risk if any one of the following criterions was met.
Age > 30 years, height <140 cm, parity beyond 4, obstetric history poor such as two or more previous abortions,
previous still birth, previous preterm birth, previous history of birth with congenital anomaly, previous caesarian
section, hypertension in pregnancy and history of chronic medical disorders like severe anaemia, diabetes,
thyroid disorders [7].
Statistical Analysis Data thus collected were compiled & analyzed using IBMSPSS version 20.0. Categorical
data was presented as percentage (%). Pearsons chi square test was used to evaluate differences between groups
for categorized variables.

III. Results And Discussion

Table 1: Distribution of the study participants by socio-demographic characteristics (N=100)
Socio-demographic characteristics
Age (years)
> 35
Higher education
secondary education
Graduate and above
Socioeconomic status (modified B.G Prasad classification)
Upper class
Upper-middle class
Middle class
Lower-middle class
Lower class

No. of study participants (%) (n=100)

62 (62)
14 (14)
0 (0)
2 (2)
1 (1)
39 (39)
43 (43)
12 (12)
5 (5)
1 (1)
13 (13)
24 (24.)
35 (35)
27 (27)

The prevalence of high risk pregnancy was found to be 37% comparatively higher than a study done in
Rural Haryana.
Socio-demographic characteristics of the study participants [Table 1] revealed that majority of study
participants (62%) belonged to age group 20- 25 years. Less than 2 percent of study participants were in the age
group of >35 years. Around 43 study participants were studied up to 10 th class (higher education). Out of the
total, 1% of study participants were illiterate. Most of the study participants were housewives. Majority of the
study subjects belonged to lower middle class (35%) and lower class (27%).
Table 2: Quantitative parameters of study participants (N= 100)
Age [In years]
Height [In cm]
Weight [In kilogram]
Systolic blood pressure [in mm of Hg]
Diastolic blood pressure [in mm of Hg]
Hemoglobin [In gm/dl]

Mean (SD)

Mean age, height & weight of study participants were 23.08 years (3.1), 150.99 cms (6.1) & 46.84
kgs (7.7) respectively. Mean systolic & diastolic blood pressure were 108.60 mm of Hg (7.2) &70.50 mm of
Hg (7.7) respectively. Mean hemoglobin was 10.48 gm/dl (1.1) (Table 2).

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Prevalence Of High Risk Pregnancy In Rural Dharwad

Table 3: Distribution of High-risk pregnancies by risk factors (N=37)

Type of the risk factor

Age> 30
Height<140 cm
History2 abortions
History of still birth
H/O Preterm delivery
H/O Cesarean section
H/O Birth with congenital anomalies
Hypertension in pregnancy
H/O chronic medical disorders

No of study participants (N=37)

2 (5.4%)
2 (5.4%)

Among 37 high risk pregnancies [Table 3], most common risk factor seen was history of 2 abortion
11(29.7%) followed by height < 140 cm 15(40.5%), hypertension in pregnancy 4(10.8%), history of chronic
medical disorders 4(10.8%), Parity 2 (5.4%), history of pre-term birth 5(13.5%), history of still birth 3(8.1%),
history of caesarean section 5(13.5%), history of birth with congenital anomaly 2 (5.4%), and age > 30 2
(5.4%), In the present study, among high risk pregnancies, hypertension was seen in 10.8% of cases as
compared to 22% reported in a study done in rural Haryana. The risk of high blood pressure, and gestational
diabetes were higher among pregnant women who are more than 35 years of age. If pregnant women had
preterm birth, baby with birth defects, previous abortion(s), previous stillbirth, and previous caesarean section in
here previous pregnancies they are more likely to have a same problem in subsequent pregnancies (8, 9, and 10]
Table 4: Association of High risk pregnancy with education status

Education Status
Up to higher school
Secondary and above

High risk pregnancy


Non high risk pregnancy



X2=4.516, df =1, p= 0.0336-significant.

Prevalence of high risk pregnancy [Table 4] was found significantly more in pregnant women who
studied up to 10th class 26(46.4%) when compared to those who had secondary and above educational status
(25.6%). This result was consistent with findings from study in rural Haryana. It is known that education of
women plays an important role in taking nutritious diet, spacing between children, proper antenatal check-ups
and early recognition of symptoms of complications and seeking medical care. Educated women build a better
rapport with health professionals and are motivated for safe motherhood [11].
Table 5: Association of high risk pregnancy with socioeconomic status

Socioeconomic status

High risk pregnancy


Non high risk pregnancy



X2=4.516, df =1, p= 0.0308-significant.

In present study prevalence of high risk pregnancy in the lower socio-economic group 28(45.2%) was
found significantly higher than the upper socio-economic group 9(23.6%) (Table 5). These findings were similar
to the rural Haryana and Gujarat studies where high risk pregnancy was more in low socioeconomic status (6, 12).
These results show that low socioeconomic status is an important factor for high risk pregnancies. This may be
because; they are less likely to consume a healthy diet and access to appropriate medical care.

IV. Conclusion
Our study shows that approximately 4 out 0f 10 pregnant women in the rural area of Karnataka had one
or more risk factors for high risk pregnancy which affects the maternal and fetal outcome. Prevalence of high
risk pregnancy was found significantly higher in lower education group and lower socio-economic status.
Knowledge regarding risk factors gives proper awareness of the population. Educating the girls can be one of
the effective interventions to reduce the prevalence of high risk pregnancies. Active involvement of health care
professionals is essential in motivating pregnant women for safe motherhood. Early diagnosis and treatment
through regular antenatal checkup is a key factor to prevent high risk pregnancy and its complications.
Therefore a sound screening and comprehensive strategies are necessary to find out high risk pregnancy cases
and prevent maternal and child complications. A systematic approach is required to reduce the prevalence in
high risk pregnancies from the policy makers.

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