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Eros, adventurer/Eternal

Steve Rogers, freelance artist




UNIQUE WEAPON: Captain America carries a
shield made of a special adamantium and vibranium alloy. Nothing but magical or psychic energies can penetrate or damage the shield. It
absorbs up to 90 points of damage per round,
but if Cap uses it as a shield, he cant attack that
round. Captain America can be stunned or
slammed when using the shield. He can use the
shield as a thrown weapon. He frequently tries
called shots and bounces the shield off several
surfaces so that it returns to him.
Talents: martial arts, wrestling.
Captain America volunteered
for the World War II Super-Soldier project and
was transformed into the ultimate human fighting machine. He was frozen in suspended animation from 1945 until a few years ago, when he
was rescued by the Avengers.





Janet Van Dyne, heiress




FLIGHT. Starfox can fly at Monstrous speed by
manipulating gravitons.
BODY ARMOR. Starfoxs body is very dense,
giving him Good Body Armor.
MENTAL TICKLE. Eros can mentally stimulate
the pleasure centers of the brain of any humanoid in the same area. Starfox must make a
green Psyche FEAT roll to affect someone with a
lower Psyche, a yellow FEAT roll to affect someone with an equal Psyche, and a red roll to affect
someone with a Psyche one rank higher than
Starfoxs. If the victims Psyche is two or more
ranks greater than Starfoxs, the victim is
immune to this power.
Anyone who is affected by Starfoxs power is
helpless, and agreeable to suggestions from
Starfox. Each round, the victim can try to make
a yellow Psyche FEAT roll to recover from the
mental tickle. Some aliens are immune to this
power, and beings that are filled with hate, like
the mindless Hulk, can only be controlled with a
red FEAT roll.

Talents: n o n e .
Background: Eros is a Titan-born Eternal. He
is over 1,000 years old, but this is young by Eternal standards. He joined the Avengers for fun
and adventure.

SHRINKING. The wasp has Incredible shrinking power, letting her shrink down to a height of
one-half inch.
WINGS. When she reaches her smallest size, a
pair of wings unfolds from the Wasps back. She
uses these to fly with Good speed. The Wasp
can lift 200 Ibs, but her wings can only carry
about half an ounce.
DISTANCE WEAPON. Wrist weapons on the
Wasps arms can shoot beams of bio-electric
energy which cause Remarkable damage and
have Poor range.
The Wasp has Typical communication and control power with insects, but she seldom uses it.
Talents: n o n e .
Dyne heiressis
daughter of astronomer Vernon Van Dyne. She
joined Henry Pym (Ant-man, Yellowjacket, Goliath, Giant Man) as a crimefighter, and eventually they were married. She is now divorced.


Face front, Rue Believers! Get ready for
pulse-pounding adventure as the mighty
AvengersTM face their most deadly challenge! Can even Earths mightiest heroes
survive the deadly Time Trap of Kang the
This titanic adventure is designed to be
u s e d with the MARVEL SUPER
HEROESTM game. You need to know the
game in order to play. Its a good idea to

read this entire booklet before running the

adventure, but its not absolutely necessary. If you dont read the entire booklet
first, at least read each chapter thoroughly
before playing it.
Kang has battled the Avengers many
times. True Marvelites will have many of
the MARVEL Comics in which he
appears. Dont let a player try to change
the game rules by showing you a comic in

which Kang or an Avenger does something not permitted in this adventure.

Dont let an arguing player faze you. After
all, Kang is different in every time line, and
the Avengers powers have changed
many times over the years. Just say,
Thats the way it works here.
Once youve set up the game, youre
ready to play-so, on with the adventure!
Nuff said!

Dandy design by Bruce Nesmith
Eager editing by Steve Winter and Michael Dobson
Lusty layout by Ray Silbersdorf
Carefree cover by John Byrne
Intense interiors by Jeff Butler
Magnificent maps by Dave Diesel LaForce

TSR, Inc.

TSR, Inc.
POE 7 5 6
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
0-88038-l 27-2

This book is protected under the copyright laws of the Umted States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express
written consent of TSR, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random Hcuse of Canada, Ltd
Distributed to the toy
and hobby trade by regional distributors.
The names of characters used herein are fictitious and do not refer to any person living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental.
All Marvel Characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. MARVEL SUPER HEROES and MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group.
Copyright 1984 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporatlon. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Game Design 1984 TSR, Inc All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1:

Kang the Conqueror broods on his failures. Always the Avengers have foiled
my plans to conquer the 20th Century.
Had they not existed, I would long since
have triumphed! And so, I will use my mastery of time and cause the Avengers to
eliminate themselves! He stands, his
cold iron mask a menacing presence, and
snaps out orders to his minions to ready
his time ship. Meanwhile, in the 20th Century, the Avengers meet... Read the following paragraph to your players.
As chairman, the Vision calls the meeting to order as you take your seats. The
first item on the agenda is the upcoming years charity work. But before the
meeting can get under way, the room
grows dim and blurred. In the center of
the table smoke begins to form.
Each hero can perform one round of
actions. The smoke is illusory; the blurred
vision is a side effect of Kangs entrance.
Both last only one round. Kang has disguised himself as his later incarnation:
Immortus, the master of Limbo. Read the
following section aloud.
The smoke clears, and your sight
returns to normal. Standing before you
is Immortus, the benevolent ruler of

Limbo. Behind lmmortus is a large,

complicated machine-his time ship.
lmmortus speaks.
I apologize, Avengers, for this intrusion. Only danger that threatens time
itself would cause me to leave Limbo
and interfere in the temporal world. A
terrible catastrophe has caused the
branch of time you inhabit to be cut
adrift. Fortunately, I managed to
remove you and this mansion to a small
pocket of Limbo before disaster
A series of coincidences have combined to doom humanity on this time
line. Two days from now, a solar flare
will trigger a meltdown of all nuclear
reactors on Earth. All life on Earth will
be destroyed by spreading radiation.
Alas, I cannot act directly to prevent it.
However, I have located five nodes in
time that are crucial to this tragedy. You
must travel back in time and alter these
five events-or humanity will perish!
If an Avenger leaves the building, he will
find that the Avengers Mansion and a
small island of land around it are floating
in Limbo.
lmmortus explains that the first time
node is in the late 1960s in New Jersey,
and involves a young man. Using his time
machine, lmmortus opens a small window

in time to show them the time node. (Actually, Kang has prepared a hologram of the
scene as he wants the Avengers to perceive it.) Read the following paragraph

A small portion of the air blurs, then

becomes a window to time itself. You
watch as a young man approaches a
collapsed cave entrance on a hillside.
He begins to remove the stones that
block the entrance. Suddenly he
stoops, and picks up an object the size
of a basketball. The object bathes him
in its glow. Dazed, he drops the device,
which begins to smoke and melt. Suddenly, time speeds up. In minutes, the
young man progresses through college
and becomes a leading nuclear physicist. In the middle of a lecture he stops,
clutches his head, and falls to the floor.
The next scene shows a funeral.

lmmortus explains that the scientists

intellect was increased by the alien
device. He invented a method of cooling
atomic reactors, but it had a hidden flaw
that helped trigger the meltdown. If the
young man can be delayed from reaching
the hillside, the alien device will break
down before it alters his mind, altering the
first of the five time nodes.

Immortus gives a strange headset to the

Wasp. Stop the boy from reaching the
cave, put the helmet on his head, and activate it, he says. It will erase all memory
of the event and keep time from being
altered in unforeseen ways. It will also signal me so that I can bring you back.
Kang is lying. The young man is actually
Calvin Rankin-the Mimic. lf the Avengers
defeat the Mimic before he joins the XMen, Rankin will not help the X-Men
defeat Factor Three, which will continue to
subvert mutants to its cause-including
several future Avengers. The headset will
ensure that the Mimic remembers his
defeat, keeping him from becoming a
hero. The only truth in Kangs statement is
that the headset will signal him to bring the
Avengers back to Limbo.
Kang/lmmortus will not discuss any of
the other time nodes. If pressed, he says
that prior knowledge of the other nodes
could endanger the chance for success.
He tells the Avengers that his own existence is bound up in this crisis, blurring the
time lines for him.
If the Avengers want to try anything
else. Immortus explains that any alteration
would cause unforeseen and possibly
disastrous changes in time.
The Avengers Mansion is stocked with
items that the heroes may want to take
along. Allow any reasonable requests by
the players. Vinually any common item
and many uncommon items (sleep gas,
energy and radiation detectors, space
suits, a quinjet, etc.) are available. Vary
specialized items must be fabricated;
however, none of these heroes has much
technical expertise.
The heroes may want to consult the
Avengers computer. Calvin Rankin is not
in the computer, since the Avengers never
knew him. The time period is somewhere
around the MARVEL comic Avengers
The Avengers may suspect that Immortus is not what he seems, or may try to
refuse the mission. Kang is prepared for
this. His disguise is impenetrable no matter what the Avengers do to unmask him. If
the Avengers attempt to fight, Kang will be
able to shrug off any attacks because of
his force field. He will calmly forgive the
Avengers, and ask them again for their
help. Without Immortuss help, the Avengers cannot escape Limbo, and must eventually cooperate or be marooned. Either
will satisfy Kang.

Use the map in the MARVEL SUPER
HEROES game box. The Avengers start
in any area of the park. There are three
men and one woman in the park; one of
the men (Calvin Rankin) is in the same
area as the Avengers. The others are posi-

tioned randomly.
Because of the stress of time travel, the
Avengers are helpless for the first full
round after they appear. All the people in
the park immediately head toward the
nearest edge of the park.
The Mimic tries to talk to the Avengers
before fighting them. This allows him to
absorb their powers. He will not voluntarily
put on the headset, nor will he reveal his
identity. He wants to prove himself the
most powerful man on Earth. Once the
fight begins, his goal is to capture the
Avengers and take them to the hill. He
believes that the machine under the hill
can make his mimicked powers permanent. He is wrong.
The Avengers recognize Calvin Rankin
as the man they were sent to stop, but
none of them recognize him as the Mimic.
After the time travel effect wears off (the
second round), make normal initiative
rolls. The Mimic absorbs the Avengers
powers if possible. If he succeeds, his abilities and powers become:







Health: 170 Karma: 90

Powers: shrinking, hex casting, energy
transformation, energy missile weapon.
flight, body armor, martial arts, wrestling.
SHRINKING. From the Wasp, Incredible
HEX CASTING. From the Scarlet Witch.
Captain Marvel, Monstrous rank.
ENERGY MISSILE WEAPON. From Captain Marvel, Monstrous rank.
FLIGHT. From Starfox, Monstrous rank.
BODY ARMOR. From Starfox, Good rank.
MARTIAL ARTS. From Captain America.
WRESTLING. From Captain America.
The Mimic cant absorb the Visions
powers because the Vision is an android.
He cant absorb the Wasps stingers
because they arent a natural power.
The Mimic uses his powers well. If several heroes are in the same area, the
Mimic might cast a hex on them. He might
change himself into ultraviolet light, which
is invisible to the naked eye, and charge
an opponent. If the hero he charges cant
see him, that hero is surprised and cannot
spend Karma that round for combat. (If
Captain Marvel transforms herself into
energy, she can see the Mimic in energy
Another tactic the Mimic might use is to
shrink himself and then blast an opponent
with Captain Marvels force bolts.
In general, the Mimic concentrates on
one opponent at a time to eliminate that
Avenger from the battle. He is familiar with
Captain America but does not know any of

the other Avengers.

At the beginning of the second round of
combat, eight football players (Calvins
teammates) enter the park. They are looking for Calvin Rankin. Seeing him being
attacked by the Avengers, they immediately join the fray. All of their abilities are
Typical except for Strength and Endurance which are Good. Their Health is 32
each. All have Wrestling talent. Tell the
heroes that harming a high school football
player means losing some Karma.
If the heroes seem to be losing the fight,
the Mimic becomes overconfident; he
stays in his material form and doesnt
change size, fighting with just physical
strength and energy bolts.

Ronald Rankin, the Mimics father, built
the machine in the cave under the hill. It is
designed to remove Calvins Mimic abilities, but Calvin was told that it would make
those abilities permanent. Shortly after its
completion, Dr. Rankin sealed the cavern
with explosives. Calvin was not in the cavern at the time. The alien device shown in
Kangs hologram doesn't exist. It was only a
ruse to get the Avengers to believe his
If the Mimic defeats the Avengers, he
takes them to the cavern. With his new
powers, he easily clears the rubble from
the cave entrance. Once inside, he steps
into the machine and turns it on. It
promptly removes his powers and he falls
unconscious. His ability to mimic the
powers of others is temporarily gone.
Without that power, he does not join the XMen, and Factor Three is not defeated.
Kangs plan is successful.
Once the Mimic is unconscious, either
because the Avengers defeated him or
because of the machine, Kang brings the
Avengers back to Limbo. The headset
goes with them.
Time has no meaning in Limbo. Therefore, the heroes instantly regain all of their
lost Health at the end of this chapter.
The MARVEL SUPER HEROES Campaign Book outlines most Karma awards
for side effects of this battle, such as
destroying property or wounding innocent
bystanders. Below are the other Karma
awards for this chapter.
Table 1: Double Time Karma
Heroes talk before fighting
Mimic is defeated
Avengers are defeated
Each football player injured
Each football player knocked out


Chapter 2

Read the following paragraph to your players.
Your vision blurs and everything seems
to grow dim. After a few moments, your
sight returns to normal. lmmortus
stands before you in the Avengers
Mansion main assembly hall. You feel
full of energy and all your battle
wounds seem to be healed!
Immortus/Kang has altered the flow of
time to allow immediate healing of the
Avengers wounds. If any hero asks,
lmmortus explains that he did this to help
the Avengers complete their mission.
Kang. Of course, wants the Avengers to
succeed in their missions so that his own
plan will eventually succeed.
If the Avengers succeeded in their mission, lmmortus congratulates them. If they
were defeated in their battle with the
Mimic, read the following paragraph

lmmortus looks troubled. Although

you failed in your mission, he says,
the man known as Calvin Rankin was
delayed just long enough to prevent his
contact with the alien brain enhancer.
His memory of the event may not alter
things to come too severely-but this is
not an auspicious beginning.

lmmortus answers any questions the

heroes may have. He tells the truth when it
suits his purpose. He sidesteps any troublesome questions by saying, That cannot be revealed to you because of the
nature of time. He avoids questions
about the alien device that supposedly
was to affect Calvin Rankin, and about
Rankins powers.
Immortus/Kang then shows the Avengers the second time node (actually another
hologram). Read the following paragraph
to the players.

A window in time opens again. This

time, you are watching a calm country
evening. A car moves through the
countryside at a leisurely pace. Suddenly, a speck in the sky grows to
become a strange space ship. The
space ship fires a ray at the car, which
explodes. As the space ship flies on to
its unknown destination, a ghostly
hand the size of a house reaches up
through the ground. In the hand is the
body of the driver. As you watch, the
dead mans body is transformed into a
familiar figure-Drax the Destroyer.
Time accelerates, and suddenly you
sea Drax in the company of humanoid
aliens wearing space suits. They are
arguing with Drax in a language you

dont understand. Drax and the aliens

seem to come to an agreement, and
the aliens turn and walk away. Drax
flies skyward. The scene changes, and
you see two satellites in outer space,
floating effortlessly in the void. A green
streak, barely recognizable as Drax,
zooms past and blasts a satellite into
space dust. Moments later, a space
ship glides slowly by, missing the other
satellite but severely disrupting its
The vision ends. lmmortus tells the
Avengers that the two satellites are
research stations observing the sun. If
they should be destroyed, the study of
solar flares will be set back five years.
Without this information, the solar flare
that triggers the meltdown will not be
detected in time.
To prevent the destruction of the satellites, the heroes must delay or prevent the
bargain between Drax and the aliens.
lmmortus objects to any plan other than
direct action by the Avengers. For reasons
explained earlier, he refuses to answer
questions or give details of the bargain
between Drax and the aliens.
lmmortus tells the Avengers that the aliens need not be subjected to the memory
eraser, but that Drax must be-otherwise,
he will remember the encounter and
attack the Avengers again the next time

they meet.
Captain America and the Wasp know
Drax, but at the time of this encounter they
have not yet met. Starfox knows Drax well,
since he is the brother of Thanos, whom
Drax was sworn to kill.
While Drax was not a hero in the true
sense, he worked for the cause of good in
his own way. He was obsessed with killing
Thanos. the power-mad ruler of Titan who
worshiped death. When Thanos died,
Drax went insane.
The Avengers computer contains complete information on Drax and Thanos. A
few details of his history may be unknown,
but his powers are fully understood. The
aliens are not described in the computer.
Since the satellites dont exist, they
arent described in the computer either. If
the heroes ask lmmortus about this, he
replies, "I know what was, is, and will be. I
am not responsible for the information in
your computer.
Kangs plan is for the Avengers to delay
Drax long enough to allow one of Thanoss
schemes to proceed-one which would
result in the destruction of most of the
Avengers. Historically, Drax inadvertently
ruined this plan in one of his berserk
attacks upon Thanos.

Use the Outdoors section of the map
provided in this module. The Avengers
appear in any area next to the building.
Drax is in a clear area on the other side of
the map. Six aliens start in any area adjacent to Drax. The space ship is nowhere in
The aliens are emissaries from Thanos,
sent to lure Drax into one of Thanos traps.
The aliens tell Drax that they have fo;nd
the means to destroy Thanos forever. If
Drax will only follow them to their base on
Mars, they will reveal all.
When the Avengers arrive, they are paralyzed for the first round because of the
effects of time travel. The aliens, detecting
the arrival of the Avengers, tell Drax that
the heroes were sent by Thanos. Drax,
enraged, immediately moves to attack the
Avengers. The aliens also attack. The
heroes can try to reason with Drax. Every
round that the Avengers say something to
Drax that might placate him, make a Reason FEAT roll for Drax. The heroes cant
spend Karma to alter this roll. A yellow or
red FEAT result means that Drax is persuaded to side with the Avengers against
the aliens.
Drax is a berserk fighter, prompted by
rage more than anything else. He uses his
energy blasts 50% of the time; otherwise
he punches, charges, or throws something at his opponents, as appropriate.
Drax will grab a hero and throw him at a

hard target, such as a rock or another

hero, given the opportunity. He does not
know about the Visions phasing power
until he sees it in use. He may try to throw
a hero into the Vision while the Vision is
out of phase.
Drax nevers runs or dodges in combat,
since he is very confident of his ability to
take damage. He never acts defensively
or retreats in battle.
The aliens have the following abilities:
Aliens (humanoid)







Health: 56 Karma: 30

The aliens confess their plot if captured
and questioned by the Avengers or Drax.
They promise to never return to earth or
aid Thanos if the heroes set them free.
If the Avengers bother to look, they cant
find the satellites that Drax supposedly
destroyed, since they exist only in Kangs
If the Avengers defeat Drax and the aliens, Kang returns them to Limbo as soon
as the headset is activated. If the Avengers are beaten, Drax and the aliens leave,
returning to outer space. After two hours,
Kang checks to see what happened, finds
the Avengers unconscious, and brings
them back to Limbo.

Powers: body armor, energy rifles, jet



BODY ARMOR. The aliens space suits

give them Good Body Armor.
ENERGY RIFLES. These cause Excellent
damage at Excellent range (5 areas).
JET PACKS. Each alien wears a jet backpack that allows him to fly at Remarkable

Upon their return to Limbo, the Avengers immediately regain any lost Health, as
The Karma rewards for this chapter are
given below. Keep in mind the other things
for which Karma is awarded or deducted,
such as good role-playing or destruction of

If Drax changes sides, the aliens beam

up to their mother ship on the next round.
The transporter will not beam up Drax or
the Avengers.
One round after the first alien is
wounded, an enclosed sled carrying two
aliens arrives. The aliens in the sled are
armed with energy pistols that cause
Good damage to whatever they hit, with
Good range. They are wearing space suits
of a different design that dont give them
any protection against damage.

Table 2: Foiled Again! Karma

Drax defeated
Each alien defeated
Drax sides with the Avengers
during the battle
Avengers defeated


Alien Sled




provides Monstrous protection from radiation. Captain Marvel can penetrate it only
in high energy forms. such as radiowaves.
Her penetration doesnt damage the sled.
TANGLER GUN. This gun fires with
Excellent agility and ensnares anything it
hits with Incredible strength webbing. It
has Remarkable range.
The aliens fire at the closest available
target with their energy rifles. They split up
so that they cannot be attacked by an area
effect weapon or power.
The sled moves to help any alien under
attack by the Avengers. It tries to web the
attacking hero with its tangle gun. If the
tangle gun is broken, the driver tries to
ram the hero, causing Excellent damage if
the sled hits.

Chapter 3



As the chronal energies dissipate you
find yourselves once again before
Immortus, ruler of Limbo. You no longer
ache from the battle in the past and
your wounds are healed.
If Drax the Destroyer defeated the
Avengers, read the following paragraph to
the players:
You failed in your mission. Fortunately
Drax the Destroyer was delayed
enough so that the satellite was not
damaged. Luckily, his memory of your
attack has not altered the future in any
important manner.
If the Avengers ask why they couldnt
find the endangered satellites, Kang tells
them that the satellites are simply too
small to find in such a large area as outer
space without special equipment. After
answering questions, lmmortus (Kang)
reveals the Avengers next mission. Once
again, this is just a hologram of what Kang
wants the Avengers to see.
A hole wreathed by mists appears in
the air. Through it you see several people working in a laboratory with test

tubes and wearing radiation suits. A

large vault in the far wall is standing
open. Two men are wheeling a sealed
glass container out of the vault.
Suddenly, the wall directly behind
them shatters into a thousand fragments!
An orange, rocky body
smashes through the wall and hurtles
across the room into the cart and the
sealed glass container. The projectile is
obviously the Thing of the Fantastic
Four. The cart and the glass container
lie shattered on the floor. Fumes begin
rising from fragments. The Thing
jumps up from the floor and launches
himself back through the ruined wall,
hollering Its Clobberin time! Lab
technicians are fleeing from the laboratory in all directions. The scene focuses
on the fuming liquid on the floor.
The scene changes to a posh office.
Two men are arguing.
You have to report this! You cant
hide it!
Just watch me. This company
stands to lose millions if anyone discovers the solution has been lost. I
We dont know what that stuff might
do in a reactor core if its not tested!

Thats just a chance well have to

Why you cold, heartless...
The scene fades, and the portal in
time vanishes.
Immortus, hands clasped behind his
back, paces across the floor. The solution spilled on the floor was a new coolant for nuclear reactor cores. This
company was unwilling to admit that an
accident in the lab put their testing
behind schedule. The company produced the new coolant without testing
and sold it around the world. Unfortunately, it is defective.
To prevent this tragedy, the Fantastic Four must be delayed from fighting
their foe, the Super-Skrull, long enough
for the coolant to be taken from the laboratory. Then, if and when the Thing
gets knocked through the wall, the
coolant will not be there to be
You must defeat the Super-Skrull
before his battle with the Fantastic
Four. If you cannot defeat him, at least
delay him for several minutes. I cannot
give you any further information, for the
reasons you already know.
The Scarlet Witch has fought the Super-

Skrull before. The Wasp, Captain America, and the Vision are very familiar with
his history. Starfox and Captain Marvel are
not familiar with the Super-Skrull because
they are new to the Avengers. All of the
heroes know that the Super-Skrull has the
combined powers of all four members of
the Fantastic Four.
The Avengers computer can provide
complete information on the Super-Skrull
and Skrulls in general, including the
Super-Skrulls dependence upon cosmic
energy. The Avengers have no items that
are designed specifically for fighting
In fact, Kang wants the Avengers to
defeat the Super-Skrull. If the Super-Skrull
is defeated by a group other than the Fantastic Four, he will report to the Skrull
emperor that Earth is better protected
than the Skrulls thought. The Skrulls will
tend to leave Earth alone after that, with
the end result that the Fantastic Four will
be able to handle the remaining super villains more easily. A second large group of
super heroes wont be needed, and the
Avengers wont become a permanent
As soon as Kang has finished describing the mission to the players, he adjusts
his disguised time ship and sends them
back in time.

Use the city map that came with the
a small spaceship and the Fantastic Four
in any rooftop area. The Avengers appear
in any area on the same rooftop. Be sure
to note any differences in the relative
heights of the two areas before the action
The Avengers are stunned for the first
round, just as they were in the other chapters. This doesnt affect the course of
events in this chapter, however.
The figures on the roof are not the Fantastic Four. They are three Skrulls and the
Super-Skrull using their shape shifting
powers. The Super-Skrull is disguised as
the Thing.
It is early morning in New York City.
Across the roof you see Mr. Fantastic,
Johnny Storm, the Invisible Girl, and
the Thing, standing in front of what is
obviously a small spaceship. The hatch
is open, and the Fantastic Four seem to
be examining the ship. There is no one
else around.
If the Avengers make any loud noises,
the Skrulls turn around. Seeing a bunch of
costumed humans, the Skrulls assume
that they have been discovered and

charge in to fight. However, if the Avengers call out, saying something that indicates that they believe the Skrulls really
are the Fantastic Four, the Skrulls keep up
their masquerade. The false Mr. Fantastic
explains that he detected this spaceship
when it was landing, and came to investigate (a typical thing for the Fantastic Four
to do). When the Skrulls get close to the
Avengers, the Skrulls attack by surprise.
The ship is an important part of the
Super-Skrulls plan. It is a small, fourSkrull vehicle designed to land on a planet
from an orbiting spaceship. It is equipped
with a few gadgets that are vital to the
Skrulls mission, including a laser and a
directional antenna that beams cosmic
energy to the Super-Skrull, boosting his
powers and abilities.
The Super-Skrull does not use his ship
during combat. He prefers to beat his foes
in physical combat.
Each round of combat, secretly make
an Intuition FEAT roll for each hero who
can see the spacecraft. Any hero who gets
a red result notices that the dish antenna
tracks the Super-Skrull. If the Wasp, Captain America, the Vision, or the Scarlet
Witch notice this, they recall that the
Super-Skrull has received extra energy
from power beams in the past.
Twenty points of damage destroys the
antenna; it has Typical armor (6 points).
The round after the antenna is destroyed,
the Super-Skrull reverts to his normal ability ranks. This also immediately reduces
his Health by 70 points, and his Karma by
18 points.
The Super-Skrull uses several powers
at once in combat. He might squeeze with
the Things Strength while flamed on. He
could fight one hero at a time by sealing
his foe and himself inside a forcefield. He
might even become invisible and punch
opponents several areas away by stretching.
If the battle is going badly for the
Skrulls, they try to escape in the spaceship. If the Super-Skrull is beaten, then the
other Skrulls flee. The Super-Skrull stays
to the end, whether he is winning or losing.







Health: 32 Karma: 20
Powers: shape shifting, laser pistols,
reflective armor.
SHAPE SHIFTING. These three Skrulls
have Excellent shape shifting ability. They
can take on the appearance of any specific individual. These Skrulls have taken
the shapes of Reed Richards, Susan
Storm Richards, and Johnny Storm.
LASER PISTOLS. Each of the three normal Skrulls is armed with a laser pistol.

These special weapons are designed to lie

flat under a shirt sleeve. This lets the
Skrulls change shape and still keep their
weapons. To an observer, it looks like
energy beams are being projected from
their hands. The laser pistols cause Excellent damage (20 points) to whatever they
hit, and have Excellent range (5 areas).
REFLECTIVE ARMOR. All four Skrulls
are wearing suits that reflect and disperse
radiation. These suits provide Excellent
Body Armor (20 points) and have Amazing
resistance to radiation (50 points).
Skrull Landing Craft



Powers: radar absorber, laser, power

RADAR ABSORBER. This special coating absorbs any radar that hits the ship,
allowing it to enter the Earths atmosphere
LASER. This light weapon causes
Excellent damage (20 points) to whatever
it hits, and has Incredible range (10 areas).
Use the pilots Agility to determine hits.
POWER BEAM. On top of the ship is a
dish antenna that always points at the
Super-Skrull. It beams enough cosmic
energy to him to increase each of his abilities and powers by one rank. Besides the
obvious benefits, this increases his Health
to 220 and his Karma to 40.

If the Super-Skrull defeats the Avengers, then he puts them all in the spaceship
and locks the hatch. They will become
prisoners of the Skrull empire after he
defeats the Fantastic Four. Luckily, Kang
gets impatient waiting for their signal,
peeks into the past, and sees the Avengers lying in the ship. He brings them back
into Limbo. If any of the heroes smash
their way out of the ship and try to follow
the Super-Skrull into his fight with the Fantastic Four, Kang pulls the heroes from
that era and brings them back to Avengers
Mansion in Limbo.
If the Avengers defeat the Skrulls, Kang
whisks them back into Limbo as soon as
the headset is activated.
As before, all of the Avengers are
restored to full Health immediately when
they return to Limbo.
Karma rewards for this chapter are
listed on Table 3. Remember to adjust
these rewards for destruction of property,
good role-playing, and all the usual things.
Table 3: Skrull and Crossbones Karma
Heroes see through the Skrulls
Super-Skrull is defeated
Each normal Skrull defeated
Avengers are defeated


Chapter 4:

Your sight blurs and grows dim. Mists
swirl around you. When the world
clears you see lmmortus once again,
standing regally in the Avengers inner
If the Avengers were defeated by the
Super-Skrull, read this paragraph:
I had thought that the mighty Avengers could deal with a small problem like
the Super-Skrull. Fortunately, despite
your defeat, the aliens battle with the
Fantastic Four was delayed long
enough to prevent the tragedy in the
Kang answers questions about the last
adventure, but he is anxious to continue.
When any questions have subsided, read
the following to the players:
The next critical time node is the most
delicate. To deal with this crisis, you
must return into your own past. With a
wave of his hand, lmmortus opens the
now familiar time window...
A meteor streaks through the depths
of outer space. A small speck in the distance grows into a blue-green world. As

it gets closer, the world is recognizable

as Earth. The meteor flashes through
the atmosphere. Just before hitting the
ocean, the meteor swerves! It heads
inland, finally plunging into a shallow
bay, steaming and hissing. From the
apparently solid meteor arises a creature of stone! On its back is a large
machine that looks something like a
rocket propulsion unit. This creature
was the meteor! It advances boldly into
Manhattan, destroying everything in its
path and leaving a wake of rubble.
Finally, it is confronted by the Avengers
and Daredevil! In a fierce battle, the
stony creature is destroyed. As Iron
Man and Daredevil investigate the rubble, a stone figure leaps up and
touches both of them, turning them to
stone-the Grey Gargoyle! The fight
begins again and, without Iron Man and
Daredevil, the remaining Avengers are
easily caught and turned to stone.
Then the Grey Gargoyle moves further into the city, toppling power lines
and smashing through buildings. The
Gargoyle smashes through one wall
into a research library. A large plastic
container in his path is toppled and
shatters on the floor, releasing a stone
about 8 inches across. Enraged, the
Grey Gargoyle snatches up the stone
and hurls it at the helpless lab techni-

cian, knocking the man across a table.

Seeing nothing else worth wrecking,
the Grey Gargoyle walks through the
opposite wall and continues his rampage. The time window closes.
Kang turns toward the Avengers.
The stone that the Grey Gargoyle
threw at the laboratory assistant was
an experimental isotope. It turned to
stone when the Grey Gargoyle touched
it, and its nuclear make-up was subtly
altered. In fact, it became a highly efficient fuel for nuclear reactors, with one
side-effect; any other radioactive material that came in contact with it slowly
took on all of its properties.
By the 1980s, this isotope is being
used in most nuclear reactors in the
world and all of those in the United
States. Radiation from the solar flare
made this strange isotope heat up too
fast. None of your reactors had cooling
mechanisms capable of dealing with
this sudden temperature flare. Within
an hour, every reactor core on Earth
melted down, transforming the planet
into a radioactive wasteland.
All of the Avengers except Captain Marvel and Starfox fought against the Grey
Gargoyle in the battle seen through the
time portal. These Avengers know all of
the Grey Gargoyles abilities and powers.
The Avengers were on trial as a national

security risk when the Grey Gargoyle

attacked. He was defeated when the Scarlet Witch caused him to turn back to flesh
at the last minute. (Dont tell the players
about this unless they ask.)
Kang says that the only way the Grey
Gargoyle can be stopped is if he is
defeated before he reaches Manhattan.
The characters absolutely must not
appear on television or see any of the
Avengers existing in that time. The resulting tremors in time would destroy the
entire era.
Kang hopes that the time-traveling
Avengers can defeat the Grey Gargoyle
before the Avengers of that time find him.
Without the publicity from their victory
over the Grey Gargoyle, the Avengers
would be forcibly disbanded by the courts.
By defeating him publicly the Avengers
proved to the National Security Council
that they should be allowed to continue as
New Yorks protectors.
When the players are ready, Kang
sends them back in time to where the Grey
Gargoyle is, outside of Manhattan. Kang
refuses to send them anywhere else,
because the risk of being seen is too high.

Use the wilderness section of side one
of the Avengers map. The Grey Gargoyle
starts in any clear area along one of the
maps short sides, and the Avengers start
in a clear area on the other side of the
The Avengers are stunned for the first
round of the battle. However, the Grey
Gargoyle cant reach them in that round,
The Grey Gargoyle starts off in a thick
coating of stone. Show the pictures at the
top of this page to the players if they are
confused about what the Grey Gargoyle
looks like. Cover the text with a piece of
paper when the players are looking at the
The Grey Gargoyle cant be hurt while
he is protected by this stony shell. The
shell can take 200 points of damage, and
then it crumbles. The shell itself has
Incredible body armor. Once the shell is
smashed, the Grey Gargoyle can be hurt,
but he is still protected by his Incredible
Body Armor.
While encumbered with the stone shell,
the Grey Gargoyles Agility and Endurance are Poor. Visions density attack can
damage the stone casing, but not the Grey
Gargoyle inside. The Grey Gargoyles biggest disadvantage while in the shell is that
he cant use his arms or hands.
The Grey Gargoyles rocket pack lets
him fly at Amazing speed in air and at
Monstrous speed in outer space. He cant
maneuver in it very well, so he doesnt fly
during the battle.

The Grey Gargoyle wants to get out of

the stone casing. He attacks the Avengers
hoping that they can break it off of him.
When he is free, he keeps fighting as long
as he must, but will escape if a good
opportunity presents itself.
During the battle the Grey Gargoyle
concentrates his attacks against the Scarlet Witch and the Vision. He knows that
these two Avengers are the most dangerous to himself.
He uses a wide variety of creative tactics. About 50% of the time the Grey Gargoyle simply tries to turn his opponent to
stone, eliminating the foe in one round. At
other times he punches, or grabs something with his right hand and throws it.
Whatever he touches with his right hand
turns to stone, so these thrown objects all
cause Incredible damage when they hit.
For example, a wooden park bench normally causes Poor damage when its
thrown. The same bench, turned to stone
by the Grey Gargoyle, causes Incredible
One of his favorite tricks is to turn something to stone and let the laws of science
take over. For example, an awning or tent
turned to stone cant support its own
weight and collapses on anyone under it.
A bush or tree becomes a trap if it turns to
stone around a hero. If a hero falls into a
pond, the Grey Gargoyle can turn the
water to stone, trapping the hero in a stone
prison for one hour.
The Vision is in for a nasty surprise if he
tries to use his density attack against the
Grey Gargoyle; it wont work. Because the
Grey Gargoyles body is stone, it isnt
affected by the shock and pain of the
Visions attack. Instead, the Vision takes
Incredible damage (40 points) for trying to
solidify himself inside a dense object.

When this battle is over the true Immortus appears before the startled Avengers.
If they defeated the Grey Gargoyle,
lmmortus appears before the headset is
activated. If the Grey Gargoyle won the
battle, lmmortus pops in as the Avengers
are waking up.
The heroes have one round to react
before lmmortus speaks. He is protected
by a Class 1000 force field, making him
invulnerable. If the heroes attack him,
lmmortus points at one character each
round, freezing time around that character
so the hero is paralyzed and completely
helpless. When all of the heroes are frozen, lmmortus scolds them for being such
fools, and then explains the situation to
If the heroes dont attack, or they are all
frozen, read the following paragraph to the

lmmortus looks deeply at each hero.

You have been deceived, Avengers.
Deceived, and used. The being you
serve is not Immortus, at least not yet.
He is Kang the Conqueror, disguised as
me by an illusion projector. I cannot
explain in detail, as we have very little
time before Kang becomes curious
about your delay. But I can reassure
you that the Earth has not been
destroyed, and has never been in peril.
Kang has been using you to alter time.
If the heroes ask for proof of Immortus
identity, he allows the Scarlet Witch to use
her power to reveal his true identity. No
dice roll is needed. The Scarlet Witch cannot affect Immortus, proving that he is who
he claims to be.
Only one means is available to defeat
Kang and undo his mischief: the
chronatron. This time-rending weapon
is locked in the eternal fortress, in the
Omega dimension. I cannot tell you
about the eternal fortress, because I do
not know what lies inside.
The Omega dimension is a deadend in time, where all life has been
extinguished. Stretching out his hand,
he offers a strange device to the Wasp.
Take this with you-it will allow you to
understand the speech of the beings
who built the fortress. I will instruct you
in the chronatrons use when you
return. But if you would go, you must
leave now, before Kangs curiosity
overcomes him.
If the Avengers agree to enter the eternal fortress, lmmortus sends them to the
Omega dimension. The Omega dimension and the eternal fortress are described
in Chapter 5.
If the Avengers refuse to travel to the
Omega dimension, lmmortus tells them,
You have doomed yourselves! and disappears. A few moments later, Kang
returns the characters to Limbo. Skip
Chapter 5 and continue with Chapter 6.

If the characters entered the Omega
dimension, they dont get to recover any of
their lost Health points until they return to
Limbo. If the heroes refused to travel to
the eternal fortress, Kang pulls them back
to Limbo and restores them to full Health.
Table 4: Stone Walled Karma
Grey Gargoyle defeated
Avengers defeated
Avengers believe lmmortus
Avengers refuse to enter Omega

Chapter 5:

Use side two of the Time Trap! map. The
numbered areas inside the fortress are
described in this chapter.
The entire fortress is made of adamantium and osmium steel. The outer walls
and the heavy, inner walls are pure adamantium augmented by a proton field
which cant be penetrated by any means.
Other walls are made of osmium steel
(Unearthly material). The doors in the fortress are hardened steel. A button along
the side opens each door.

Room 1
This room is a large rotunda. The walls
are covered with geometric patterns
and etchings. In the center of the room,
sitting on a throne that resembles a
demolished planet, is Galactus, the
Planet Eater!
This place is not for creatures such
as yourselves. Leave now, or face my
Galactus is an illusion. It is controlled by
a sophisticated computer. The illusion
moves very convincingly, but never leaves
its throne. A powerful (Remarkable rank)
telekinetic projector is housed in the
throne. This projector cant cause damage
directly, but it allows the illusion of Galactus to toss objects (or people) around the


The throne is made out of an Amazing

material. It can be destroyed by 200 points
of damage. When the throne has suffered
100 points of damage, the telekinetic projector is disabled.
The markings on the walls and ceiling
are easy to read with the translator.
This world was once beautiful and fertile. Its proud masters waged wars
across the time barriers. In the end,
those wars destroyed not only the masters, but their world, and their entire
dimension. The masters weapon, the
indestructible chronatron, is kept here
in the Eternal Fortress to prevent our
tragedy from sweeping all life from the








Health: 66 Karma: 0
Powers: ghostly touch, body armor.
GHOSTLY TOUCH. The spirits use normal fighting rules. The touch of a spirit
passes directly into the victims nervous
system. Their attacks are not affected by
Body Armor or force fields.
BODY ARMOR. These insubstantial
ghosts have Excellent Body Armor and
Incredible resistance to energy attacks.
The book-sized device on the pedestal
is labeled Forcefield Nullifier. If activated, this device opens the proton field
sealing the door to the chronatron room.

Room 3
Room 2
The long wall is covered with a mural
depicting many battles. Among the
combatants are strange aliens that look
like snakes with antennae, fighting
Kang! In the back of the room is a pedestal with a metal device on it. Between
you and the pedestal are four ghostly
figures that resemble the aliens in the
The translucent alien spirits guard the
device on the pedestal.

This empty room is paneled in gleaming metal. The surfaces are etched with
geometric patterns, mostly circles.
Each circle covers a hole in the wall. In
each hole is a robotic tentacle made of
Incredible material. One round after the
first hero enters the room, the door slams
shut and locks. Three tentacles for each
hero whip out of their slots and try to grapple the hero. They have Remarkable
Strength. If a hero destroys three tentacles, the room leaves him alone.

Room 4
As the door slides open, the hallway is
stitched by a murderous crossfire of lasers
and rockets from inside the room. The
hero who opened the door can close it
immediately with an Agility FEAT roll.
Three lasers and three rocket launchers
are mounted on the walls of the room.
Each has Excellent Agility (for targeting),
causes Excellent damage, and has Good
range. They are made of Remarkable
material, and can be destroyed by 20
points of damage.
Read the room description to the players after the weapons are disabled.
The room is long and narrow, and the
far end forms a semicircle. Near the far
wall is a glass case that contains a
book. A large door dominates the right
If the book is lifted or disturbed, the
three functioning robots from Room 5
enter through the large door in the right
wall. The book repeats the story told in the
mural in the entrance rotunda.

Room 5
Almost 100 cylindrical robots are
mounted on the walls of this otherwise
barren room.
Only three of these robots work. If they
didnt attack in Room 4, they drop from the
wall and attack as soon as the characters
move into this room. The Omegatron
robots have cylindrical bodies with multijointed arms, and sensors where the head
should be. They have no legs, but float 1
foot above the ground.

ing from the walls or ceiling. Shooting is

shifted only one column to the left.
The centipedes attack immediately.
They can climb the metal rods, the walls,
and the ceiling without any column shifts,
and are not hindered by the slippery floor.

Super powers do not work in this room, but

abilities and talents are not affected.

Centipedes (robots)

Health: 60 Karma: 80



Health: 56 Karma: 0
Powers: eye beams, body armor.
EYE BEAMS. The robots shoot Excellent (range and damage) electrical bolts
from their eyes.
BODY ARMOR. Each robot has Good
Body Armor.

This room is large and oddly shaped. In

three of the corners are glowing
spheres. The room is covered with
black scorch marks.
The spheres are energy spiders with
their legs folded in. When the heroes enter
the room, the energy spiders unfold their
legs and attack!
Energy Spiders


Health: 155 Karma: 0

Powers: absorption, bite.

ABSORPTION. The spiders can absorb
energy: radiation, electricity, etc. Each
bolt of energy absorbed increases the spiders Strength and Endurance one rank.
The creatures Health improves accordingly. If Captain Marvel passes through an
energy spider as light, she is absorbed
completely and all the spiders abilities
increase two ranks. She is freed when the
spider is destroyed. Physical attacks
cause normal damage.
BITE. This is a normal attack.

Room 6

Room 8

Omegatrons (robots)


Rm Rm Ty



The ceiling and walls of this room are

covered with metal rods, as if the room
was filled with 'monkey bars'. At the far
end are five centipede-shaped robots.
Each robot is 5 feet long
The floor is almost frictionless. Every
round when a hero is standing on the floor,
the player must make an Agility FEAT roll.
If the FEAT fails, the hero falls down before
performing any action.
The metal bars are easy to climb, like a
jungle gym. Any heroes without martial
arts talent must take two column shifts to
the left on the Universal Table while hang-



Rm Gd

Powers: temporal fugue.

TEMPORAL FUGUE. The champion
can call duplicates of himself from the past
to aid him in combat. This power operates
despite the properties of the room. Out of
a sense of fairness, he always calls
exactly as many duplicates as he has

Room 9
In the center of this otherwise barren
room is an open steel box.

Room 7

Rm Fb Ty Pr
Health: 46 Karma: 0

Ex Gd

This room is surrounded by an

Unearthly force field. The Forcefield Nullifier in Room 2 turns it off.
All of the surfaces in this room glow
with a blue light. An elaborate pedestal
stands toward the rear of the room. A
rifle-shaped device sits atop the pedestal. A humanoid alien is sitting crosslegged in front of the pedestal.
The device on the pedestal is the
chronatron. The creature in front of it is the
champion of the fortress. No one can
remove the chronatron from the fortress
without first defeating the champion.

The box is a decoy. Anyone who steps

into the room must make a Psyche FEAT
roll. Failure means that the hero goes berserk and attacks his fellow Avengers for 1
to 10 rounds.

When the Avengers get out of the
Omega fortress with the chronatron,
lmmortus brings them back to the site of
their battle with the Grey Gargoyle and
gives them the following instructions.
The device which accompanies Kang,
and generates his time visions, is his
timeship. Aim the chronatron at the
timeship and press the blue button.
The timeship will disappear, along with
all traces of Kangs manipulations in
the time stream. Kang must be kept
away from the timeship for the first few
moments after it is hit by this weapon,
or he can negate its effect. Kang is
about to summon you back to Limbo.
Remember my instructions and be of
stout heart, Avengers!

As usual, the Avengers wounds are
healed as they travel through Limbo on
their return trip.
Table 5: The Eternal Fortress Karma
Discover that Galactus is
an illusion
Defeat ghost
+50 each
Read the book in Room 4 +30
+35 each
Defeat robot
Defeat centipede
+20 each
+40 each
Defeat spider
Defeat champion
Bring back Forcefield Nullifier+20
Grabbed by tentacles
Defeat berserk Avenger
-30 each


Chapter 6:

The mists of time swirl about you. Your
vision clears and you see lmmortus
standing before you in the familiar halls
of Avengers Mansion. But now you
know that he is really the treacherous
Kang the Conqueror! You recall Immortus last warning before he left. Do not
let Kang send you back in time under
any circumstances. He means to
strand you there when your task is

The Avengers appear in the mansion in

the same room as Kang. Kang does not
suspect that they know who he really is.
He assumes that they still believe he is
If the Avengers dont attack right away,
and they failed to stop the Grey Gargoyle,
read the following paragraph aloud.

You failed in your mission. The Grey

Gargoyle runs rampant through New
York. I may need to intervene personally to repair the damage. Know,
Avengers, that this disaster lies upon
your heads! With luck the damage is


Kang answers what questions he feels

are pertinent. If the questioning gets too
direct, he may suspect that the Avengers
have seen through his ruse. Make an Intuition FEAT roll for Kang. If it succeeds,
Kang decides he is trapped and attacks
without warning.
If the Avengers play along with Kangs
charade and dont do anything suspicious, Kang shows them the last node he
wants changed.

This is the last node! says Kang.

Alter this portion of time and hope
returns for Earth! The air parts in a
cloud of mist to reveal a window into
history. The scene is the north Atlantic
Ocean. A lone figure is swimming at an
amazing pace through the icy water.
Only Namor, the Sub-Mariner, Prince of
Atlantis, can swim so fast.
Suddenly, out of the mists, looms an
ocean liner. No one on the deck can see
the figure in the water, and the huge
vessel runs over the swimmer without
even shifting its weight. A moment later
the liner tips to one side. Namor flies
out of the water shouting, Impudent
land worms! Have you no respect for
royal blood? Mayhap now you shall!

The ship rolls over, sinking rapidly, as

the Sub-Mariner resumes his trek
As the lifeboats are being lowered to
the water and the crew and passengers
scramble away from the sinking ship,
the scene shifts to a cargo deck below
the waterline. The deck is awash, and
the water is rising. A lone man fumbles
with the straps on several large crates,
but they are obviously too bulky for him
to move by himself. With a tremendous
boom, the bulkhead collapses and
water pours into the hold. The man
screams, and the scene shifts once
again to show the crates sinking slowly
to the bottom of the sea. The ocean
liner follows more slowly, finally settling
to the bottom and crushing the crates.
Kang tells the Avengers that the man
and his equipment represent a decade of
nuclear research. To prevent the loss of
his knowledge, they must travel to a small
island where Namor is resting before
beginning his trek into the North Atlantic.
If the Sub-Mariner can be delayed one
hour, the liner will be safe.
Kangs actual plot has nothing to do with
an ocean liner. On this particular trip into
the Artic circle, Namor will find a man fro-

zen in a block of ice. In anger he will hurl it

into the sea where it will be found by the
Avengers. The frozen man is none other
than Captain America! If Namor is
delayed Captain America never is revived,
and never becomes an Avenger. Without
his leadership, the Avengers fall apart.
When the Avengers announce that they
are ready, Kang adjusts his time machine.
If he sends the Avengers back to Iceland,
the adventure is over. Kang strands them

Use the map of Avengers Mansion main
floor for this battle. Kang and his timeship
start in any area in the main dining hail.
The Avengers locations depend on what
the characters have done leading up to
this point. The Avengers probably are in or
adjacent to the main dining area.
Kang has lowered his guard. The null
probability field which prevented the Scarlet Witch from affecting him has been lowered; the energy necessary to maintain it
is enormous. Kang is not totally without
defenses, though. If he can reach his timeship, one lever brings the Dragon Man
from another time to attack the Avengers.
Just to make life interesting, three of
Kangs minions join the fray if a different
lever is thrown.
The timeship is made of Monstrous
material and has Monstrous body armor.
Kang has several devices with him.
These are detailed below.
BODY ARMOR. While the Avengers
were away, Kang quickly made a change
in his armor. Each time a light-based
energy beam hits him there is a 75%
chance that it is reflected away harmlessly. After seeing the power wielded by
Captain Marvel, Kang decided this
change was necessary.
SAPPER GRENADES. Kang carries 10
of these grenades in his belt. Each can fill
an entire area with gas. The gas reacts
with enzymes in the body to reduce a persons Strength by four ranks for 1 to 10
rounds. Roll separately for each hero
affected. The Vision is immune to this
effect, but Starfox isnt. A heros Health is
not affected by this loss of Strength.
weapon is mounted in Kangs left gauntlet.
When fired at the floor beneath someones
feet, it makes the character stick to the
floor. To break free, the character must
make a Strength FEAT roll, as if he was trying to break an Amazing material.
ROCKET GUN. This large handgun is
hidden in Kangs timeship. It fires rockets
which cause Monstrous damage to whatever they hit and Remarkable damage to
everything else in the same area as the
target. It has Remarkable range.

DISINTEGRATOR BEAM. Kangs helmet has a built-in weapon which dissolves

inorganic material. It cant hurt anything
that is alive or made of organic components. This weapon causes Monstrous
damage to the Vision and ignores his
Body Armor if he has increased his density
to Incredible or higher. Kang usually uses
it to dissolve objects or to create holes
beneath a heros feet.
STASIS PROJECTOR. Anything hit by
this weapon is frozen in time for 1 to 10
rounds. This doesnt hurt the victim, but it
does take him out of the fight for a while. A
hero in time stasis cant be affected by
anything available to Kang or in the mansion. The stasis projector is a hand-held
device, hidden in the timeship.
Kangs Minions







Health: 32
Each minion carries a blaster rifle which
causes Good damage to whatever it hits,
and has Excellent range. These rifles work
directly on the nervous system and ignore
Body Armor. However, Captain Americas
shield, Captain Marvel transformed to
light, and the Vision out of phase are not
effected. The adamantium in Captain
Americas shield reflects the beam.
Kang calls in Dragon Man and his three
minions to soften up the Avengers as soon
as possible after the battle starts. With his
force field up Kang is almost invulnerable,
but he cant attack through it. He extends
this force field to enclose the time
machine. If Dragon Man and Kangs minions are close to defeat, Kang turns off the
force field and leaps into the fray.
If the Vision walks through Kangs force
field while out of phase, he suffers Amazing damage and his Body Armor gives him
no protection. When the Vision is inside,
Kang starts to use his special weapons
hidden in the time machine. From Kangs
point of view, the Vision is trapped inside
the force field with Kang, not vice versa!
If the Dragon Man is subjected to ultrasonic waves he must make a Reason
FEAT roll each round. If he fails this roll, he
turns and attacks Kang. Kang concentrates on putting away the berserk robot
rather than the Avengers, because he considers it more dangerous.
The chronatron beam cant penetrate
Kangs force field. A shot at the timeship
hits automatically, because the machine is
a big, stationary target. If the force field
nullifier is activated in the mansion, the
artifact shuts down Kangs force field at
the beginning of the next round.
When the chronatron beam hits Kangs
timeship, make a FEAT roll for the chrona-

tron at the Unearthly level. If the result is

red, the beam has transfixed the timeships localizer mechanism. In 1 to 10
rounds, the timeship, Kang, Dragon Man,
and Kangs minions will be dragged forward to the 30th century, erasing all traces
of Kangs meddling. Kang can repair the
effect if he has two rounds, undisturbed, to
fiddle with his timeship. If the chronatrons
FEAT roll failed, the beam was absorbed
by the timeships insulation.

If the Avengers are losing the fight and
all hope is lost, lmmortus appears and
saves the day. He could do this many
ways. He might grab the chronatron and
blast the time machine with it. He might
snatch one of Kangs weapons and use it
against Kang. Let lmmortus do whatever
is necessary to resolve the situation.
When the action is over and Kang has
been sent back to his proper time, Immortus offers to answer any questions the
Avengers have about what just happened,
but he refuses to give them any more information about the eternal fortress.
Use Chapter 7 as an optional ending. It
sends the Avengers back to the Omega
dimension to return the artifacts that they
stole to defeat Kang. Since these artifacts
dont belong to the Avengers it could be
seen as stealing to keep them. As we all
know, heroes lose Karma for stealing.
If you dont use Chapter 7, then Immortus takes the items and returns them to the
Omega dimension himself. He returns
Avengers Mansion to New York and disappears in a wreath of mists to Limbo.
By the end of the fight, the mansion
probably is a mess. Remind the Vision that
that this whole thing started during a meeting to discuss the years charity work. If
the Avengers dont start cleaning up or
resume their meeting, they should lose
Karma. After all, they do have their everyday lives to attend to.

If the heroes return to the Omega
dimension, they regain all of their lost
Health, just as in all the other chapters. If
they dont go dimension-hopping again,
they recover Health at the normal rate.
Besides the Karma awards listed on
Table 6, remember to award bonuses and
penalties for good role playing and
destruction of property. Even though the
Avengers own Avengers Mansion, they
still lose Karma for tearing it apart.
Table 6: Truth and Consequences Karma
Kang defeated
Dragon Man defeated
Each Minion defeated
lmmortus has to help



lmmortus tells you, You must return
what you removed from the eternal fortress. Such devices are far too dangerous to be kept anywhere else. Misuse
of the chronatron could result in a total
warping of time. In one hour I shall
send you back to the Omega dimension.
The Avengers can scrounge for items
that will help them get past the obstacles
in the fortress before returning to the
Omega dimension. Anything that can be
held in a heros hands can be taken there.
lmmortus warns the heroes that the
eternal fortress often changes itself randomly. What was in one place may now be
in another. This is one of its protective

Use the map of the eternal fortress. The
Avengers start in the entrance area in front
of the fortress.
The room descriptions are in Chapter 5.
Feel free to switch descriptions or traps
between rooms, as the fortress periodically rearranges itself. It has restored itself
to full operation since the last time the
Avengers were there.
If the rooms are switched around, the
chronatrons resting place must be surrounded by pure adamantium and the
door must be guarded by the force field.


Any rooms that seemed too easy for the

heroes can be strengthened with more
guardians or traps.
When the heroes get to the room where
the chronatron belongs, the champion
reacts differently. He greets them in a
friendly fashion and thanks them for
returning the extremely dangerous device
that they took. He warns them that Earth
could end up like the Omega dimension if
the chronatron is misused.

When the heroes get out of the eternal
fortress, lmmortus returns them to their
mansion in Manhattan. They have
regained all of their Health through the
time-warping powers of Immortus.
Several things can be done when the
Avengers return. The mansion should
have been seriously damaged during the
fight with Kang. The planning meeting for
charity work has to be finished.
Planning the years charity work is a
good way to add some flavor to the campaign. These events can be settings for
new adventures or can conflict with an
emergency. This kind of charity work
makes a good background for a campaign.
Some samples of charity work:
Spend a day at the orphanage;
Dedicate a new building or facility;
Present a check to an organization;
Use super powers to aid a charity group;

Put on a show and give away the profits;

Speak at a benefit dinner;
Visit a retirement home;
Provide security at a summer festival;
Visit invalids at a hospital;
Help put out forest fires
When the Avengers finish their charity
meeting, try to remind each of them of
something in his or her personal life that
needs to be taken care of that day:
Vision and Scarlet Witch-promised to
visit Quicksilver and Crystal, who are visiting Earth for the week;
Captain America-agreed to give selfdefense lessons to the Womens League;
Captain Marvel-said she would visit her
parents. Her mothers birthday is soon;
Wasp-has a charity ball to organize. Of
course, that means she needs a new outfit,
Starfox-promised to stop in at the Baxter
Building and say hello to the She-Hulk.

Karma awards for actions in the eternal
fortress are listed in Chapter 5. Two Karma
penalties are listed here; awards for offduty actions are listed on page 23 of the
Table 7: Something Borrowed Karma
Neglect to clean up and repair
Neglect to finish charity
planning meeting





(formerly Arthur Douglas), agent of Chronos

(real name unknown), conqueror



ARMOR. Kangs armor has a protective force
field which gives him Unearthly protection from
all types of energy. He can extend the force field
to protect an entire area for up to 12 hours. The
armor is made of an unknown metal which also
gives him Remarkable Body Armor. The armor
has a complete life support system.
GAUNTLETS. Kangs gauntlets contain antigravity projectors. These can lift objects as if
they had Remarkable Strength, or shoot beams
of energy that cause Remarkable damage.
TIME SHIP. This machine can send or retrieve
people, objects, or itself to or from anywhere in
time. The device weighs 11 tons. It is made of
Incredible Strength metal, but it stops working if
it takes 50 points of damage.
OTHER DEVICES. Kang usually carries a wide
variety of new and unique devices.

Talents: none.
Background: Kang is a conqueror and time
traveler from the 31st century. Actually, many
Kangs exist separately in divergent time
streams. One of these Kangs withdrew to Limbo
and became Immortus.




Calvin Rankin, student (deceased)





MIMICRY. The Mimic has the power to copy all
of the natural abilities, powers, and talents of
anybody who is in the same area with him. Artificial or mechanical abilities and powers cant be
mimicked. Rankin cant control this power; he
copies everything, even if he doesnt want to.
Once he mimics a hero, he keeps those powers
and abilities until he moves at least a mile away.
Then the powers and abilitiesvanish. The Mimic
always gets the highest ability or power rank
from all the people in the area.

Talents: none.
Background: Calvin Rankin got his power in a
laboratory accident. As the Mimic, Rankin first
fought the X-Men, but later joined them (he was
the only X-Man who was not a mutant). Eventually, Rankin lost control over his power, and it
threatened to drain energy from people all over
the world. Rankin was hunted down by the Hulk,
and absorbed a lethal dose of Gamma Radiation.





BODY ARMOR. Draxs artificial body gives him
Amazing Body Armor. Regardless of how much
physical damage he takes, Drax can not die; he
only falls unconscious.
FLIGHT. Drax can fly at Monstrous speed, and
can make an interplanetary trip in weeks.
ENERGY BEAMS. Drax can project beams of
cosmic energy, channeled through his arms, to
cause Amazing damage.

Talents: none.
Background: Arthur Douglas and his family
were murdered by Thanos of Titan. Thanos
father and grandfather, Mentor and Chronos,
placed Douglas astral form into an artificial
body and charged it with fanatical hatred for
Thanos. Eventually, Thanos threat was eliminated, and Drax wandered without a purpose.
When Drax attacked Moondragon, his daughter, she forced his astral form out of the artificial
body, and the body was later destroyed by the
In battle, Drax was likely to fly into a berserk
rage. If provoked by insult or injury, he must
make a Reason FEAT roll; if the roll fails, he
attacks his persecutor with brute force alone.



Skrull Warrior



artificially created being





BODY ARMOR. Dragon Mans hide gives him
Incredible Body Armor.
FLIGHT. Dragon Man can fly at Good speed by
using an internal anti-gravity device; his wings
serve as stabilizers.
breathe fire and cause Monstrous damage. The
maximum range for Dragon Mans breath is two
areas. He can breathe fire only 20 to 25 times
before needing more fuel, so he is somewhat
conservative with his flames.
SONIC WEAKNESS. Dragon Man is vulnerable
to sonic attacks. Each round that he is exposed
to ultrasonic frequencies he must make a
Psyche FEAT roil. If the roll fails, then Dragon
Man undergoes a psychological change:
becoming enraged, docile, confused, or determined, depending on the ultrasonic frequency
and the Judges discretion.
TAIL. Dragon Man can use his tail to attack
opponents behind him.

Talents: none
Background: Dragon Man was created at
Empire State University by Professor Gregson
Gilbert, with the help of Diablo. Having almost
no mind of his own, Dragon Man has been used
as a plug-ugly by numerous villains who managed to get control over him.
6853XXX1 501




Paul Pierre Duval, criminal




24 [110]
50 [10]

PARALYZING TOUCH. Anything touched by
the palm of the Grey Gargoyles right hand is
turned to stone for one hour. The touch penetrates thin materials like cloth or costumes, but
not thicker materials like Iron Mans armor. The
Grey Gargoyle can transform up to 10 cubic feet
of material to stone with a single touch. This
affects only one type of material at a time; if he
touches a table, the entire table turns to stone,
but the things on it are unchanged. Touching a
moving object requires a Fighting FEAT roll.
Stationary objects can be touched automatically. A person turned to stone has Incredible
Body Armor, but cant move; he still takes damage normally.
ALTER EGO. By touching himself with his right
palm, Duval becomes living stone. In this state
he has Incredible Body Armor, and his abilities
are raised to the ranks and numbers listed in
brackets. Duvall can still move when turned to
LEAPING. The Grey Gargoyles Incredible
Strength is enough to give him Typical leaping

Talents: Chemistry.
Background: Duval was a pharmaceutical
chemist in Paris before a laboratory accident
gave him the power to change any material to
stone with a touch. Since then, Duval has followed a life of crime, in Europe and the United





SHAPE-SHIFTING. Like all Skrulls, SuperSkrull can alter his shape and appearance to
resemble anything of about the same size and
BODY ARMOR. Super-Skrull has Remarkable
Body Armor.
FLIGHT. By creating a blast of fire from his feet
and legs the Super-Skrull can fly at Incredible
Human Torch, the Super Skrull can create
flames from his own body or control external
flames, doing so with Monstrous power. SuperSkrull also can use fire as a distance weapon,
causing Monstrous damage with Good range (3
areas). He has Monstrous resistance to fire.
INVISIBILITY. Super-Skrull can make himself
invisible to normal, ultra-violet and infra-red light
with Excellent power.
FORCE FIELDS. Super-Skrulls force field is
STRETCHING. Like Mr. Fantastic, Super-Skrull
can stretch his body and reach as far as three
areas away. He can attack or grapple several
non-adjacent opponents at one time.
COSMIC POWER. The Super-Skrulls powers
are stronger when he is absorbing more cosmic
energy. The ability and power ranks listed here
are what he can do under Earths normal dose
of cosmic rays. If the Super-Skrull is getting
additional cosmic rays, from a natural or artificial source, the following abilities and powers
increase by one rank: Strength, Endurance,
Flight, Generate and Control Fire, Force Field,
and Stretching. His Health also increases by 50



Vision, Adventurer




DENSITY CONTROL. T h e V i s i o n h a s
Unearthly control of his density. For each rank
that he increases his density above his Endurance rank (Remarkable), his Agility and Fighting
abilities are reduced b y one rank each.



Monica Rambeau, adventurer.





can convert her body into any form of electromagnetic energy: radio waves, visible light,
gamma rays, X-rays, and everything in
between. While in this energy state, she can
only be harmed by other energy of the same
wavelength, or by energy-muting fields or
devices, such as force fields, power converters,
or the Darkforce. She can move at the speed of
light, and can travel along circuitry and dodge
with Unearthly speed and Agility. Captain Marvel also can pass through any material that
allows transmission of electromagnetic waves.
ENERGY BOLTS: Captain Marvel can project
energy bolts from her hands which cause Monstrous damage and have Unearthly range.
FLIGHT: She can fly at Unearthly speed.
Talents: law enforcement.
Background: Monica Rambeau received her
powers after she was subjected to an intense
radiation field in a portal to another dimension.
Shortly afterward, she resigned her job with the
New Orleans harbor patrol and moved to New
York City, where she learned to control her
power and joined the Avengers.



Wanda Maximoff, adventurer

Endurance: EXCELLENT


Scarlet Witchs power seems magical, but in
fact she is a mutant. She can disrupt probability
fields so that very unlikely events occur. For
example, she could cause a table to collapse or
a machine to tip over. She cant cause something to happen if that event is impossible;
tables cant be created from nothing, and
machines cant just cease to exist. When the
Scarlet Witch uses her power, the player
describes precisely what effect is wanted, and
the Judge decides whether that effect is within
the Scarlet Witchs power. To use the power, the
player must make a successful Psyche FEAT
roll. If the Scarlet Witch is trying to alter probabilities around unnatural materials or energies,
such as plastic, complex alloys, or force fields,
her Psyche shifts two columns to the left when
making the FEAT roll.
Talents: Wanda has some knowledge of occult
Background. Wanda and her mutant brother
Pietro (Quicksilver) once belonged to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Both later renounced
evil, and she has been an active or reserve
Avenger ever since. Wanda is married to the
Vision, and is the daughter of Magneto.

PHASING. He can phase through any material

of Unearthly hardness or less. The Vision cant
make another object non-material. He can pass
through most force fields, but some can stop
him and others harm him.
FLIGHT. This is another use of his phasing
power. By making himself very light, the Vision
floats through the air. His power rank is Typical.
He cant carry anything while flying, because he
is non-material.
FIRE MISSILE WEAPON. The Vision can shoot
beams of solar energy through the jewel in his
forehead. These infrared/microwave beams
cause Remarkable damage and have Excellent
range (5 areas).
DENSITY ATTACK. The Visions control over
his density is so good that he can use it to attack
and stun opponents. By putting part of his body
through an opponent and partially resolidifying,
he can cause up to Remarkable damage. The
victim must make an Endurance FEAT roll. If the
result is red or yellow, the attack has no further
effect. If the result is Green, the victim falls
unconscious. If the result is white, the victim
loses all of his Health points, falls unconscious,
and is dying. Body Armor doesnt affect this
attack. Some force fields and Class 1000 armor
block this attack.
Because this attack is so dangerous, the
Vision must pay 25 Karma points every time he
uses it. The Vision uses this power only in emergencies, usually to prevent murder. The Judge
should impose an additional, stiff Karma penalty
(25 to 50 points) on the Vision if this power is
used casually.
Talents: Being an android, the Vision has a
natural understanding of biology and engineering.
Background: The android called the Vision
began its existence as the original Human
Torch. After burning himself out, he was revived
by Ultron. The Vision betrayed the evil Ultron.
and joined the Avengers. He is married to the
Scarlet Witch; both are now reserve members of
the Avengers.

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