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Marvel Phile 26

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Greetings, and welcome to the latest issue of The Let us know if you like what we are doing here, or
New Marvel-Phile! It’s hard to believe we have if you want to see something different. Requests
released 26 issues! It’s been two years since we are also welcome, but please bear in mind, that we
released our first issue, and we feel that the fun cannot possibly accommodate all requests. Feel
we’ve had in making them matches the fun you get free to send requests, feedback, and submissions
in seeing these and in playing the classic Marvel (especially submissions!) to
Superheroes RPG! [email protected]!

This month, the various members of the Creative Please enjoy and feel free to give us feedback!
Team (not as exclusive as it sounds… it’s actually
quite a wretched hive of scum and villainy) decided
to celebrate our two years “in print” with a writer’s
choice – each author selected one or two profiles
of D-list characters that maybe, just maybe, could
be a fun addition to your campaign. These are
characters your players likely will never have
heard of, so they are perfect to spring on your
unsuspecting heroes!

This is also a perfect opportunity to remind

everyone about our VERY SPECIAL project! The
members at the MSH RPG Unofficial Canon
Project have completed Volume 1 of the new
Deluxe Edition of the Gamer’s Handbook of the
Marvel Universe, and are working on Volumes 2
and 3 as we speak! This series will follow the index
of characters found in the Deluxe Hardcover
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe series
released in 2011. However, all the characters will
be updated to present time (in Marvel comics) with
relevant stats and artwork.

If you’re interested in supporting us through this

MAJOR project (yep, there will be 14 volumes),
then join us at the MSH RPG Unofficial Canon
Project Creative Team page, and volunteer to take
some of the upcoming profiles!

Write-ups by Tony Cranfield, Michel John Gariepy, Andrew Goldstein, George Henson, Steve Jolly, Tom Roake, and John Szalay
Layout by Steve Jolly
Illustrations by the Marvel Bullpen

All characters featured in this book and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof, and all related indicia, are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc
2019. This book was originally distributed in and hosted by Marvel Super Heroes - The Unofficial Canon Project on Facebook. If you are in receipt of
this book and wish to share it, you must do so strictly on a non-profit basis, and credit the original source. If you’re aware of copies in any format
made available for sale, please contact Marvel Super Heroes - The Unofficial Canon Project via Facebook Messenger.



F PR (4)
A GD (10)
S PR (4)
E TY (6)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P PR (4)

Health: 24
Karma: 44
Resources: GD
Popularity: 0

Real Name: J. Pennington
Occupation: Certified public
Legal Status: Citizen of the United
States with no criminal record
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: None known
Base of Operations: Unknown
Past Group Affiliations: Happy
Present Group Affiliation:

Penny Power: Almighty Dollar can
shoot bursts of pennies from his fists
with EX rank. Each burst consists of 100
pennies that can be tuned to hit either a
concentrated mass (such as a ball or
fist) or spread out like buckshot.
Almighty Dollar may also spread Additional questions the Judge may 3) Maybe he could produce quarters
the pennies on the floor in front of an need to answer… courtesy of Andrew or dimes as a power stunt? If so, is
unprepared foe to present a slipping Goldstein: there an adjustment for damage?
hazard that requires an Agility Feat to 1) Are the pennies he shoots Yeah, we really went there with this guy!
avoid falling and becoming prone for legitimate U.S. currency? Like, do :)
one round. they have U.S. Mint serial
numbers? Were they actually
Talents: Accounting. minted by the government? If so,
where do the pennies come from? I
Contacts: Happy Camper members: could see this guy getting pursued
Girth, Calculator, Streak. by the U.S. Department of the
Treasury, either for counterfeiting
ADDITIONAL NOTES or misuse of legal tender. Plot hook!
It is unknown if the Almighty Dollar and 2) Is he limited to pennies? If he
the Happy Campers team ever followed travels, can he shoot rupees or
through with their plans to become pesetas? If he goes back in time to
superheroes. the Spanish Main, does he shoot
doubloons? Does his power get
Profile by John Szalay. adjusted for inflation? What
happens if he goes to the future
By the way… a real Marvel No-Prize to where there's a cashless society, or
any person that writes up the stats for a planet that doesn't use currency?
the entire Happy Campers team! So many questions...

Pennypacker is still very new to the
superhero business. He can be a bit of
a fanboy when it comes to famous
people though.

J. Pennington Pennypacker was an
average certified public accountant until
he attended the Camp Runamuk self-
esteem camp. The camp was actually a
front for a crazed scientist who had
invented a device that gave anyone it
was used on superpowers. After the
device was used on Pennypacker it
apparently gave him the ability to "throw
money" at his problems.
Pennypacker used his newfound
powers to help his fellow campers and
SuperPro defeat their captors.



F RM (30)
A IN (40)
S GD (10)
E EX (20)
R TY (6)
I GD (10)
P TY (6)

Health: 100
Karma: 22
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: -5

Real Name: Unrevealed
Occupation: Criminal
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of the United
States, with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Base of Operations: Los Angeles
Past Group Affiliations: Ally of
Present Group Affiliations: None


Costume: His costume provides the
following: Talents: Thrown Weapons, Martial Arts HISTORY:
• Body Armor: Ty (6) protection against A, Acrobatics, Tumbling Bobcat was first seen in the
physical and energy attacks. company of his criminal gang The Claws
• Claws: Ex (20) Edged damage. Contacts: Crossfire when they attacked and robbed an
armored car but were opposed by the
Bolo: Can be thrown up to 2 areas; will ADDITIONAL NOTES: hero Hawkeye. After a tough battle,
grapple with Ex strength. Profile by Steve Jolly Hawkeye eventually prevailed.
Later, Bobcat clashed with
Hawkeye when he was among a group
ALLIES of costumed criminals hired by the villain
The Claws: The Claws are 5 similarly Crossfire to capture the archer.
dressed criminals with the following However, Bobcat fought with one of the
statistics: other criminals, Mad Dog, over who
would bring Hawkeye in. Hawkeye
F A S E R I P escaped, but was caught by Bobcat,
EX RM GD EX TY TY TY until he was saved by his allies
Mockingbird and Trick Shot. Bobcat was
Health: 80 Karma: 18 taken down by Mockingbird and handed
Resources: TY Popularity: -2 over to police custody.
The Claws all have similar abilities, and ROLE-PLAYING NOTES:
all have same costume as Bobcat, While they are very talented,
making it -2CS to tracking any individual Bobcat and his Claws are low-level
member by sight. thug-type criminals, with very low
Talents: Thrown Weapons, Martial Arts aspirations. Bobcat does seek glory
A, Acrobatics, Tumbling where he can, even resorting to fighting
Contacts: Bobcat his fellow criminals in order to get the
glory of the take-down.



Daddy Longlegs simply longed for a
F GD (10) chance to pursue his passion for dance.
A RM (30) However, genetics intervened and he
S IN (40) was ridiculed for his height. While
E RM (30) driven by a sense of revenge, he is
R TY (6) actually good-at-heart, and has some
I TY (6) remorse over what he has done. He
P TY (6) may have a chance at turning over a
new leaf.
Health: 110
Karma: 18 HISTORY
Resources: PR Ramsey Kole was a talented
Popularity: -2 dancer whose small stature held him
back from being cast in shows.
BACKGROUND Desperate, he approached the scientist
Real Name: Ramsey Kole Bill Foster and asked if Foster would
Occupation: Criminal, former dancer submit him to the growth formula he
Legal Status: U.S. Citizen with a used to enhance his height and
Criminal Record. strength. As the formula was untested,
Identity: Known to the authorities however, Foster refused. Kole kicked
Other Known Aliases: None Foster unconscious and drank down
Place of Birth: Unrevealed several beakers of solutions he found in
Marital Status: Single Foster's lab in the hopes that one was
Known Relatives: None the growth formula. He fled the scene,
Base of Operations: San Francisco, and was initially pleased to grow to six
California feet in height. He was distressed,
Past Group Affiliations: None however, to find that he continued to
Present Group Affiliation: None grow, to a height of 15' tall. However,
because he'd mixed different
KNOWN POWERS substances together, although Kole's
Growth: Due to the mixture of formulas strength was also boosted, his
he took, he is now 15 feet tall, but musculature wasn't, giving him a long,
without the same increase in spindly appearance. He bitterly
musculature. However, due to how regretted turning himself into a freak.
skinny and agile he is, he does not suffer Foster alerted the super-heroine Spider-
the typical +1CS to be hit. Woman, and she agreed to track Kole
Hyper-Running: Going on all-fours, he Donning a top hat and tails and
can skitter across uneven surfaces at a dubbing himself Daddy Longlegs, Kole
much faster rate (Poor – 2 Areas/Turn) invaded the stage of a packed theatre
than typical humans. mid-performance and began dancing.
When the audience started to laugh at
EQUIPMENT his odd appearance, an enraged Kole
Steel cane: Kole carries a steel cane prepared to attack them, but was
with him; it is of Remarkable material interrupted by Spider-Woman, who led
strength, and does Incredible damage him out to the parking lot to fight. He
(either blunt or piercing) as it has a proved to be a surprisingly able
sharp tip. combatant, but when she broke his cane
in half, he was distracted enough for the
Talents: Acrobatics, Martial Arts C, heroine to grab his hand and unleash a
Performer (Dance). venom blast. The blast partially
rebounded on her, but Spider-Woman
Contacts: Dr. Karl Malus, Spider- recovered first and scaled Kole's body
Woman. using her wall crawling power, and
knocked him out. Binding him with a
ADDITIONAL NOTES metal fence, Spider-Woman was
Profile by Steve Jolly surprised when Kole broke down,
bemoaning both his now freakish
appearance, and his former life as a

failed dancer. While Spider-Woman
debated with herself whether to turn him
over to the police, a psychiatric hospital,
or Bill Foster, Kole was abducted by the
criminal the Locksmith, who aimed to
imprison all of the San Francisco area's
Daddy Longlegs was imprisoned in
the fetal position, unable to move and
feeling sorry for himself. When Spider-
Woman was also captured and
imprisoned however, she broke all of the
prisoners out, including Kole, with the
help of the villainess the Gypsy Moth.
After their escape, Spider-Woman
invited all of the freed prisoners back to
her apartment, including Kole.
Spider-Woman was abducted by
the sorceress Morgan Le Fay, and the
freed individuals had their memories
altered so they remembered nothing
about Spider-Woman.
Soon after, Kole approached the
criminal scientist Doctor Karl Malus for
help. Malus restored Kole to his normal
height, but took samples from Kole and
used them to transform Erik Josten into
Recently, he was seen at Kade
Kilgor’s auction of lethal weaponry and
equipment, at full-height. How he
reverted to his 15-foot height is
unrevealed. His current whereabouts
are unknown.



F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S RM (30)
E RM (30)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P TY (6)

Health: 110
Karma: 36
Resources: GD
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Unrevealed
Occupation: Assassin
Legal Status: Presumably a U.S.
Citizen With No Known Criminal
Record. Believed dead.
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Widower
Known Relatives: Wife, Daughter (both
Base of Operations: Mobile
Past Group Affiliations: Uni-World
Trading Corporation
Present Group Affiliation: None


Battle-suit: Doombringer possesses a
state-of-the-art battle-suit containing
various weapons and defensive
systems. The suit is designed for
assassinations. The suit has the
following characteristics”

Ability Enhancement: Without the battle-

suit, Doombringer's Agility, Strength and
Endurance are Good and his Health is
• Electric shock: The armor is capable WEAPON SYSTEMS: Doombringer's
60 armor possesses several built-in
of generating an electrical field
shocking his opponents with weapons systems designed to help with
Body Armor: Doombringer's armor is his assassinations, these include.
Incredible Intensity for as long as they
composed of lightweight metals and
remain in contact. • Retractable Knuckle spikes: These
ceramics granting him Excellent ranked
• Camouflage: Doombringer can alter spikes, while extended allow him to
protection from Physical and Energy
the wavelengths of the light around punch for Incredible damage
his energy field allowing to blend into • Blade: Doombringer's right arm
the background with Remarkable houses an extendable blade of
Energy Field: Doombringer's armor can
ability. Incredible material strength that is a
surround itself with an energy field that
• WEAKNESS: The energy field of the foot long. This serpentine shaped
can provide the following effects but only
armor possesses an inherent blade can do Remarkable Edged
one at a time:
weakness in that any impact or use Damage.
• Force Field: Con provide a force field
power of Incredible or higher requires • Poison Blaster: This weapon is a
of Remarkable rank
the system to make an endurance roll Force blaster with a range or 2 areas
• Rebound Field: By changing the
or temporarily shut down the energy doing Excellent force damage to
frequency, Doombringer can deflect
field for 1-10 rounds while it reboots. those struck. However, this weapon is
any physical attack back upon his
also the delivery mechanism for a
attacker with Remarkable ability

Remarkable intensity poison, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES HISTORY
requiring those effected to make a Doombringer became a morally The man who would become
successful Endurance FEAT or begin conflicted individual. Spent years being Doombringer began as an unnamed US
to lose an Endurance rank every good at what he did -- contract killing. agent who was one of the best
round until he dies. The poison gives After becoming jaded and wanting out, assassins in the Middle East. He was
off a strong odor but can be stopped however, lost every reason to when his sent on a mission to support US
by any force-field, Body Armor or family was killed during an explosion. interests and provide military support in
Dense Flesh of greater than Excellent Obviously, a man with much blood on Dhakran against Russia in a civil war
rank. his hands, but his final efforts were between the nations of Dhakran and
enacted to pay back all of the players Khotain.
Air Supply: Doombringer's sealed involved in the espionage war that cost The agent, with a wife and child
breathing system can provide him with him everything. waiting for him, decided that he would
enough air for at least 2 hours, enabling refuse any further assassination
him to survive and operate underwater. missions. It was then that he was asked
by Mr. Taylor ( The director of the Uni-
Infrared and Night-vision capabilities: World Trading Corporation- a front for a
Doombringer has these abilities at secret US intelligence organization) to
Excellent rank. test the prototype for a new armor. Mr
Taylor implied that harm may come to
Talents: Martial Arts A, B, Acrobatics, his wife and daughter if he were not to
Espionage, Pilot, Disguise, knives. take this mission. Mr. Taylor had moved
his wife and baby to the Uni-World
Contacts: Presumably would still have Compound in the disputed territory
contacts in the intelligence community. between the warring nations in order to
have leverage against the Agent and
ADDITIONAL NOTES force him to comply.
Although it is inferred that he may have While carrying out the mission, his
perished in one of the missile launch wife and baby daughter were killed in a
tubes, his death is never witnessed, and terrorist attack in which a bomb
may very well mean that one day he exploded on the Uni-World Compound.
may return on a renewed vendetta or The agent sought revenge and began to
quest for redemption. carry out his own mission to trigger an
These stats by George Henson by using atomic war between the US and Russia.
notes provided by R Robbie Williams
and Clayton Carpenter.



F EX (20)
A PR (4)
S SH-Y (250)
E C1000 (1000)
R EX (20)
I UN (100)
P MN (75)

Health: 1274
Karma: 195
Resources: N/A
Popularity: -10

Real Name: Id
Occupation: Planet destructor
Legal Status: Cosmic being
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: Id, the Selfish
Place of Birth: Black Galaxy
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Stranger (possible
creator), Alter Ego (possible "relative"),
Ego (possible "relative"), Illa (possible
“sister”), Super-Ego (possible “relative”)
Base of Operations: Mobile in Milky
Past Group Affiliations: Former
affiliation with Ego ROLE-PLAYING NOTES:
Present Group Affiliation: None CONTACTS: Possibly Stranger Id's loneliness drove him crazy, and
Id thus had a total lack of prudence of
KNOWN POWERS ADDITIONAL NOTES: social interaction, looking only for
Seismic Wave Generation: Id Id has been apparently blown up, but destruction and planet powder to sniff.
possesses the superhuman ability to since he is a cosmic being, it’s feasible
generate cataclysmic seismic waves at that he can be reconstituted. He’d make HISTORY:
Class 1000 ability, powerful enough to for a good lower-end cosmic-level According to Kak information, Id
shatter other planets into dust. Using villain, or as comic relief in an epic was born with Ego in the Black Galaxy;
this power leaves Id momentarily spacefaring adventure. Id came to being coalescing over
defenseless (see Limitations). Profile by Andrew Goldstein millions of years from cosmic gases and
dust. But like Ego, he developed
Propulsion: Id can propel himself consciousness and intelligence. Id's
through space at Class 1000 speed. consciousness evolved naturally within
the moon itself, apparently through a
LIMITATIONS: process similar to that which enables
Concentration: The use of Id’s powers certain stars to achieve consciousness,
requires him to concentrate, leaving Id although this affirmation is denied by the
defenseless for a 1D10 rounds. theory of Ego's creation by the Stranger.
As Ego wanted to keep secret from
Dependence: Id has developed a the Rigellians and other sentient races,
dependence for the dust of the planets Id was intending to have fun, and
he blows up, and enjoys sniffing it, decided to go solo at one point, looking
needing always more of it. If Id’s for others for companionship, partying
Endurance drops below his average, Id and fun, but there was no others like Id.
will be compelled to seek out the nearest The loneliness drive Id crazy and he
planet to destroy it. Likewise, if planetary keep looking for party, but to destroy
dust is present in his vicinity, Id must them instead, using his seismic waves
make a successful Psyche FEAT roll or to cause catastrophic force that reduced
stop whatever he is doing in order to the planets and their inhabitants to
sniff this dust. space dust, as for the always-partying
planet of Kegger 24-7 and many other
TALENTS: Astronavigation planets.

At some point, Id destroyed the
planet Ongulia, and the remaining
Ongulians of the Ongulian Defense
Fleet, led by the Commander Kak,
aboard their Command Ship of the
Ongulian Defense Fleet|Command
Ship, swore revenge on Id. For six
years, the Ongulians observed Id and
looked for allies, calling Funtzel
Intergalactic Towing & Recovery but
their mission was denied.
Later, Funtzel called them back and
Deadpool was sent to kill Id. He
removed the Urrulians, farmers from
Urrulu, a planet targeted by Id, but not
before making the inhabitants crop-
circling a mocking message to Id,
angering Id.
He then made Id come to U-235, a
mining planet Id blew up and sniffed too,
unbeknownst to the Ongulian nuclear
fission bomb put there by Deadpool,
killing Id from the inside.



F GD (10)
A GD (10)
S IN (40)
E EX (20)
R TY (6)
I PR (4)
P TY (6)

Health: 80
Karma: 16
Resources: TY
Popularity: 0 as Tommy /
+10 as Lectronn

Real Name: Thomas “Tommy” Samuels
Occupation: Adventurer, former high
school English teacher
Legal Status: U.S. Citizen With No
Known Criminal Record.
Identity: Known to the authorities
Other Known Aliases: Lectron, Master
of the Atom
Place of Birth: El Centro, California
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Mary Jo Besselo
(wife); Martin & Rider Samuels (twin
sons); Nathan Besselo (adopted son)
Base of Operations: Mobile
Past Group Affiliations: Ally of the
Secret Avengers
Present Group Affiliation: None

Flight: Remarkable (30) flight speed
from his ability to lower his own atomic

Electron Blasts: Amazing (50) ability to

fire destructive electron blasts from his
hands, up to 5 areas. Contacts: As Tommy he is best friends ROLE-PLAYING NOTES
with Amy jo Bessolo, a family entertainer Tommy is young and idealistic. He
EQUIPMENT (clown). As Lectronn he has contacts believes in helping the downtrodden, the
Lectronn Suit: Tommy uses this with Crimebuster and Janus, the Golden hurt and the bullied. He is like a young
Remarkable (30) material strength suit Angel. Spider-Man or Nova in that he is
containing micro-fibers to protect his desperate to help, but sometimes
body from his own powers. It acts as an ADDITIONAL NOTES doesn't do it in the best possible ways.
Unstable Molecules uniform offering no Profile by Keith Kilburn He does believe in the adage of 'with
real protection, but allowed him to use great power, comes great
his powers without hurting himself or responsibility...'
burning his costume off of his body.

Resistances: While wearing the

Lectronn suit Tommy has Amazing (50)
resistance to his Electron Blasts and air

Talents: English Literature

HISTORY Discouraged by his lack of success, He came to New York to consult
Born in El Centro, California, and after the Avengers and the X-Men other heroes, but was arrested by Iron
Thomas Samuels was crippled by a were respectively decimated by the Man, Spider-Man and the NYPD, along
mutant case of polio, and was stuck in a Masters of Evil and the Marauders, he Phone Ranger, Lightbright and
wheelchair. He regained mobility after retired and married Mary Jo Besselo, his Wildstreak, as he was in violation with
receiving powers from a benevolent longtime crush, adopted her son Nathan the Superhuman Registration Act as he
alien from a race who look for worthy (from an earlier relationship) and moved hadn't signed it.
people to be granted such gifts. Native to Pennsylvania. Thomas became an He was among the heroes freed
to California, Thomas began his super- English teacher and the couple had from the Negative Zone Prison 42, and
hero career as the super-hero Lectronn twins, Martin & Rider. battled along the Secret Avengers in the
by encountering a group of thieves While Tom and Amy Jo second streets of Manhattan. He hasn't been
which he seriously harmed, as he was honeymoon in Ireland, Yandroth came seen since Captain America
still testing his powers. He trained, and back to Earth-616 with Vi-Locks, surrendered.
pursued his actions, rescuing people techno-organic beings from Earth-8545.
during a clash between It, the Living Despite the Irish heroes Kinsmen's
Colossus and invading Stonians. effort Mary Jo, among a few other
He almost attended Dollar Bill's people, was infected and vanished
"Defender for a Day" but was diverted by when Yandroth's spell was nullified, and
Crimebuster, and Janus the Golden left Earth.
Angel when saving bystanders from Because of his lack of training,
debris, helping them to help bystanders Lectronn was unable to help, and so
during the "Star Waaugh" cosmic crisis. trained back, travelling the world to find
He moved to New York, and battled knowledge for him to rescue Mary and
Schizoid Man over New York. redeem his failures.



F EX (20)
A GD (10)
S GD (10)
E TY (6)
R GD (10)
I TY (6)
P TY (6)

Health: 46
Karma: 22
Resources: EX
Popularity: -10 (0 on Earth)

Real Name: Macho Gomez
Occupation: Mercenary, bounty hunter
Legal Status: Unknown, but he
probably has a criminal record
Identity: No dual identity
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unknown planet
Marital Status: Divorced
Known Relatives: Orksa (former wife),
Funtzel (former brother-in-Law)
Base of Operations: Mobile
Past Group Affiliations: Unknown
Present Group Affiliation: None

None, although he is a skilled fighter
and bounty hunter.

Gomez is never seen without a helmet
or breathing mechanism (connected to
his nose, thus resembling a handlebar
mustache), implying that he may
breathe a non-oxygen atmosphere.


Gomez is armed with a variety of alien Gomez would be a good choice if the Creating artist Sheldon Vella claims that
weaponry which is often embellished GM should need an interplanetary his inspiration for Macho was "Boba Fett
with fin-like or tentacle-like appendages. bounty hunter (as one does crossed with Tuco from ‘The Good, the
He usually carries two pistols. Despite occasionally) in a lighthearted Bad, and the Ugly.’ Gomez is comical
their bizarre appearance, his guns are campaign. and oafish, but cagey resilient, and fast-
typical energy or gunpowder weapons. Profile by Andrew Goldstein talking. He fashions himself as a sort of
Mexican bandito with an alien twist;
TALENTS: Pilot: Spacecraft, most of his futuristic sci-fi trappings have
Marksman, Crime the appearance of some sort of
ludicrous aquatic bio-tech.
CONTACTS: Funtzel Intergalactic
Towing & Recovery, Blackjack, HISTORY:
numerous shady intergalactic contacts Macho Gomez is said to be "the
baddest, most feared operator in the
At some point, Macho Gomez was
recruited by Funtzel of Funtzel
Intergalactic Towing & Recovery to help
Obb in his recovery actions, but when
the mercenary married Orksa, he
convinced his brother in-law to extent

the activities of his society, with skip-
traces, bond revocations and "other
They were contacted by the
Commander Kak, leader of the remains
of the Ongulian Defense Fleet, to kill Id,
the Selfish Moon, but even Macho
refused the job, judging it too
He was hired to assassinate the
family of Amalgamated Armament
C.E.O. Reginald Harris, but was tricked
into thinking that Deadpool had beat him
to the punch. Macho went after
Deadpool in order to be compensated
for his lost wages but was defeated. He
later tracked down Deadpool at the
home of Reginald Harris who had faked
his own death. After another fight with
Deadpool, Macho was pushed into an
escape pod and jettisoned into space,
while Wade took his spaceship and
replaced him at Funtzel, marrying
He stayed on earth, and contacted
Blind Al, Sluggo, Taskmaster, Weasel,
Big Bertha, and even Bob, who informed
them all when Deadpool came back to
earth and visited him. The whole band,
including Al's dog Deuce, but not Bob,
attacked Gomez at the same time.
Sluggo was killed in the battle, by a
misdirected shot of Weasel, and Macho
was constrained in the fight by Bob's
mutated corn, but the others managed
to kill Deadpool, for a time...
He later appeared in an
intergalactic, maximum security prison,
sharing a cell with Rocket Raccoon, who
turned himself in after being framed for
murder. In exchange for helping him
escape and promises of riches, Macho
agreed to help Rocket hunt down
whoever framed him. When the team
found the true culprit, Macho ceased
aiding Rocket when Blackjack agreed to
pay Macho and his gang off to leave the
two Halfworlders to fight among



F GD (10)
A TY (6) / GD (10)
S TY (6) / RM (30)
E PR (4) / RM (30)
R GD (10)
I TY (6)
P TY (6)

Health: 26 / 80
Karma: 28
Resources: Typical
Popularity: -5

Real Name: Rodney Stack
Occupation: Terrorist; former uranium
miner, former assistant to the president
of Pacific Energy & Utility Corporation
Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a
criminal record; presumed deceased
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: Flying Man; the
Perfect Man
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operations: California
Past Group Affiliations: Pacific
Energy & Utility Corporation
Present Group Affiliation:

ADDITIONAL NOTES: took its toll and weakened his health.
EQUIPMENT: Profile by Michel John Gariepy After learning that he was slowly dying
Armor: Negator wore a specially of radiation poisoning, he vowed to get
designed suit of armor that acted as an his revenge and acquired an
iron lung allowing him to regulate his exoskeleton that amplified his abilities.
cancer caused breathing disorder. Now calling himself the Negator, he
His armor increased his Agility, allied himself with Jules McClure, the
Strength and Endurance. The second leader of an environmental action group
column reflects this. called People to Protect Our
His armor provided him with AM Environment and was secretly paid to
resistance to Radiation and RM topple nuclear power companies for the
protection from physical and energy- betterment of humankind.
based attacks. He wore a small portable As the Negator, he was responsible
jetpack allowing him to fly with GD air ROLE-PLAYING NOTES for murdering many top employees of
speeds. His suit was also equipped with He is dying of an advanced form of Pacific Energy & Utility Corporation. He
specialized goggles that enabled him to cancer that has affected his lungs. He later made a videotape to show the
see in the dark with GD Rank ability and feels he has nothing left to live for and company president his strength and
telescopic vision allowing him to see has made it his mission to kill anyone power. Mocking that no one would be
long distances. He can use this to target associated with companies dealing in able to stop him from stealing a
distant objects or people (10 areas atomic energy. He has no qualms in shipment of uranium, he intended to use
range) and shoot them with a +2 CS. killing innocents that get in the way. it to send the new Diablo reactor into
meltdown, which would destroy Los
Energy Gun: This pistol can fire IN rank HISTORY Angeles if he was not given an
energy beams with a range of 10 areas. Rodney Stack toiled for years unspecified amount of ransom money.
inside a uranium mine owned by Pacific As Rodney Stack, he traveled with
Talents: Mining, engineering, tinkering Energy & Utility Corporation until he the company's president, Stephen
advanced to the position of assistant to Edward Shields, to New York City to hire
Contacts: None the president of the company. Years of Ben Grimm, the Thing, as a bodyguard
working with highly radioactive materials for the upcoming shipment of back to

California. Having sabotaged the plane tried to weaken her grip and cause her
earlier, Stack parachuted to safety as to fall, but She-Hulk grabbed his leg and
the Thing tossed him outside the plane. threw him toward the ground. However,
The Thing tried to safely land the jet, but he activated his jet pack to slow his
it ended up going down and exploding descent and began to charge at the
into a fireball. Thinking the Thing dead, Thing who, with help from the She-Hulk,
Stack phoned for a company helicopter managed to net him with a chain link
to pick him up. fence before removing
A few hours later at 2:30 pm and his jetpack, thereby
now fully dressed as the Negator, Stack rendering him immobile.
phoned Jules McClure of People to Now knowing time
Protect Our Planet from across the was running out, he
street. He then revealed his plans to revealed that both were
cause the power plant to become a too late to stop the
"China Syndrome" that would destroy resulting explosion and
most - if not all - of Los Angeles. Over meltdown. The Thing and
the phone, he was told that he had been She-Hulk found the
sent his fee plus an extra $10,000 as uranium rods and
payment and to end their affiliation. attached his jet pack to
McClure wanted to have him call off his the container for extra lift.
plan but was instead shot dead as the It was then thrown far into
Negator targeted him from across the the outer atmosphere to
street with his powerful energy gun. detonate harmlessly in
A while later, back in his normal space. Along with the
identity, Stack went by helicopter to a Thing and the She-Hulk,
stretch of road where the truck carrying they had to be placed
a shipment of uranium was scheduled to inside a decontamination
pass by. He murdered the pilot and chamber for three days
flagged down the truck, which stopped because of their
and picked him up. He explained to the exposure to the uranium
drivers that there was now a new plan to and Stack was likely
transport the radioactive material to the taken away to jail shortly
Diablo reactor without the assistance of after.
the Thing. A few miles further down the
road, and now on an interstate highway,
the drivers spotted the Thing at the side
of the road hitchhiking and slowed down
to give him a ride. Rodney pulled out his
gun and killed the co-pilot before forcing
the driver to keep going, which almost
resulted in the Thing getting run over.
Stack later appeared on news
camera to report that the Negator had
killed both drivers of the truck and had
stolen the uranium destined for the
Diablo reactor.
Arriving now at the Diablo reactor,
Stack entered the compound and was
escorted by two security guards who
were there to drop off the ransom
money. Planning to take the money
himself and renege on the ransom
demands, he decided to still cause the
reactor to meltdown. He then killed both
guards as the Thing and She Hulk, who
had given the rocky hero a ride in her
new car, arrived. He then donned his
costume and waited atop one of the
reactor silos as they approached the
courtyard. She-Hulk leapt from below
and grabbed the Negator by the wrists
but was quickly knocked off and had to
grab at the sides of the silo. The Negator
revealed his origin to the She-Hulk. He



Photographic Memory Control: Mn Speed: In
F RM (30) Body: Rm Protection: In
S IN (40) Powered Armor RM Protection against Capabilities:
E RM (30) physical & energy attacks. • Hover & Orbit Ability of an unknown
R GD (10) range
I RM (30) Electrical Burst: Emit Electrical Charges • Auto-Pilot
P RM (30) with IN ranked damage Blast at a • Stealth/Evasion Protocols AM rank vs
Range 5. After focusing for one round, scanning technology.
Health: 130 The Night Flyer is able to release a one • Remote Controlled: Night Flyer is able
Karma: 70 area range AM intensity electrical burst. to control the glider even when he is
Resources: Excellent separated from it with Mn ability.
Popularity: -5 Electrical Force Field: RM ranked • The signal strength is at AM rank for
Intensity the sake of jamming purposes.
Real Name: Unknown Wrist Device that fires expanding Power Source: The glider is the power
Occupation: Mercenary javelins EX shooting damage at Range source for all of Night Flyer’s weaponry
Legal Status: Unknown 6 areas & Tech, if the glider is destroyed or
Identity: Secret overloaded, the feedback will destroy
Other Known Aliases: Flying Man; the Fragmentation Grenades. One area the Night Flyer's physical form and
Perfect Man burst attack of Excellent Damage render him a charred burnt out husk.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown Energy Pistol EX damage, Range 10 Talents: Marksman, Weapons
Known Relatives: None areas Specialist, Arial combat, Martial Arts A,E
Base of Operations: Global, as per
contract Finger tip Flame attacks RM damage, Contacts: The Corporation, The
Past Group Affiliations: The Range 2 areas Corrupter, Ricadonna
Corporation,The Corrupter, Ricadonna
Present Group Affiliation: The Surveillance System: Able to monitor &
Corporation track communications systems with AM

It's been theorized that due to the fact
The Night Flyer has been revived from
"death" on several occasions that "he"
some sort of android and the source of
power/control was actually the armored
hang glider.
Profile by Tony Cranfield

The Night Flyer is irrationally focused on
the ideal of "perfection" and this might
be used to his disadvantage in combat

The Night Flyer's origins are
unknown, he first appeared when he
was contracted by the Corporation to
assassinate a defector within a SHIELD
hospital, fortunately SHIELD was
prepared for this eventuality and had an
ambush ready to stop the murder
attempt. During the ensuring combat
The Falcon ended up being captured by
the escaping Night Flyer.
During the battle The Night Flyer
used a variety of energy based attacks
and sophisticated fighting techniques
and weaponry.

Captain America and a squad of

SHIELD agents came to The Falcon's
rescue and during the battle The Night
Flyers glider was destroyed this caused
a power surge and electrical backlash
which caused Night Flyer's death.
The Night Flyer next appeared
under the control of the Corrupter, who
somehow brought him back from
The Corrupter ordered The Night
Flyer to capture The Hulk. The Corrupter
intended to use his mind control power
on the Hulk and make him his puppet.
During a long and involved battle, The
Night Flyer was a fairly effective
combatant until The Hulk destroyed The
Night Flyer's glider and the resulting
feedback fried The Night Flyer to a
Another villain, Lou Dexter aka
Dead Ringer posed as The Night Flyer
to commit petty crimes but to very little
The "real" Night Flyer has yet to
make any more appearances but other
"gliderless" Night Flyer styled
assassins have attacked The Heroes
For Hire.



F GD (10)
A TY (6)
S RM (30)
E AM (50)
R TY (6)
I TY (6)
P PR (4)

Health: 96
Karma: 16
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Frank Skorina
Occupation: Criminal, Mercenary
Legal Status: Citizen of the United
States with a criminal record
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
Past Group Affiliations: Doctor
Octopus' Masters of Evil
Present Group Affiliation: None

Body Armor: Powderkeg has Am (50)
protection from physical attacks and Rm
(30) from energy damage.

Explosive Touch: Powderkeg’s body

sweats a nitroglycerin-like liquid that
explodes on impact. Any time he strikes
a target, or is struck, it produces an
explosion that does damage equal the
damage rank of the blow +1CS, with a
maximum of Am (50) rank. When Talents: None ROLE-PLAYING NOTES
Powderkeg strikes his opponent he can Powderkeg is an overconfident
inflict up to Am (50) explosive damage Contacts: The criminal underworld bully who likes to talk tough and taunt
in place of his Strength rank. Victims his opponents.
must make an Endurance FEAT at -1CS ADDITIONAL NOTES
against the rank of the explosion to Profile by Tom Roake HISTORY
avoid being Slammed (Powderkeg does Powderkeg is a super-powered
not suffer this penalty). Any hero mercenary who has battled Captain
Slammed by the explosion must also Marvel (Rambeau), the Thing and
check against being Stunned. Deathlok. The origin of his powers are
unrevealed and it’s possible that he
Powderkeg’s power works through his doesn’t know how he got them himself.
costume and doesn’t seem to damage He was part of the prison break from the
it. He can flick droplets of explosive Vault, and recruited into Doctor
sweat from his fingers up to 20 feet to Octopus’ Masters of Evil during the
inflict from Fb (2) to Ex (20) damage. Infinity War and battled the Guardians of
the Galaxy.
Growth (permanent): Powderkeg is over Powderkeg later fought alongside
8 feet tall and heroes get a +1CS to hit the heroes against the forces of Magus
him and he gains a +1CS to avoid being and refused Doctor Octopus’ orders to
Slammed (but not Stunned) by normal turn on the Guardians. During another
sized opponents. attempted mass prison breakout he
battled She-Hulk and lost. In between

mercenary jobs Powderkeg sometimes
runs an extortion racket targeting small
businesses. When the students of the
Avengers Academy accidentally caused
a power-outage at the Raft super-
prison, Powderkeg attacked them and
was again defeated.



F TY (6) / EX (20)
A TY (6) / EX (20)
S TY (6) / IN (40)
E GD (10) / IN (40)
R PR (4)
I TY (6)
P PR (4)

Health: 28 / 120
Karma: 14
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Wallace Jackson
Occupation: Adventurer, former
Initiative trainee, student
Legal Status: U.S. Citizen without a
criminal record
Identity: Public
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Baytown, Texas
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Steve (uncle)
Base of Operations: Georgia; formerly
Camp Hammond
Past Group Affiliations: Cavalry
(Georgia Initiative)
Present Group Affiliation:


Red Nine suit: This Remarkable (30)
material suit provides a number of
powers to Wallace making him stronger
than your average 16-year-old.
• Ability Increase: his FASE abilities
shift to the above level as does his
• Flight: Red Nine can fly at Excellent
(20) air speed.
• Force Field: The suit generates a low ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE-PLAYING NOTES
power personal force field that Profile by Keith Kilburn Wallace is your typical 16-year-old
provides Excellent (20) vs. Physical desperate to impress his hero Spider-
and Energy attacks. Man by testing an untested NASA
• Force blasts: The suit, using the force designed supersuit against him. He isn't
field generators, can generate force the sharpest knife in the drawer and he
blasts from his hands at Excellent (20) certainly isn't the dullest either.
damage, up to 2 areas away.
Talents: Student Wallace Jackson was a 16-year
old, who wore a costume designed by
Contacts: He got whupped by Spider- his uncle who worked for NASA. He
Man (twice). And he has an uncle that decided to come to New York City to
works for NASA… play fight with his favorite superhero,
Spider-Man. Spider-Man did his best to
outsmart the kid, and they fought until
they crashed through a window at the
State Street Hospital. Red Nine had a
high fever and passed out, so Spider-

Man left him there. Red Nine woke up part at the final combat against the
and looked for Spider-Man again, and invading aliens.
this time Spider-Man destroyed Red After the invasion, Red 9 was
Nine's costume, but Spider-Man later assigned to Georgia's Initiative team,
learned that Wallace helped a group of Cavalry.
elderly patients against a mean hospital Red 9 later joined a meeting held by
administrator. Prodigy regarding magical hammers
After the Civil War, he was listed as that have crashed on to the Earth. He
a potential recruit for the Initiative, and helped the team by rescuing survivors.
went to Camp Hammond as an official
recruit for the Initiative, along with Ant-
Man (Eric O'Grady), Crusader, Melee,
Geldoff, Dragon Lord, Geiger, and
He was one of the trainees that tried
to defeat KIA, but lost. Later he took part
in the clash between the Earth's heroes
and the Skrulls. After being surrounded
by Super-Skrull troops in his first battle
and saved by Nick Fury's Secret
Warriors, Red 9 and the Initiative
trainees alongside him (Annex,
Crusader, Diamondback, Melee,
Prodigy, Sunstreak) regrouped and took



F GD (10)
A TY (6)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R EX (20)
I TY (6)
P PR (4)

Health: 216
Karma: 18
Resources: Feeble
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Henry Kramer
Occupation: Rampaging monster;
former construction engineer
Legal Status: U.S. Citizen (Earth-
20051) with a criminal record
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
Past Group Affiliations: Former
employee of Industrico Corp
Present Group Affiliation:

Altered Body Structure: Henry Kramer’s
body is composed entirely of concrete,
asphalt and steel. This provides him with
AM protection from all forms of damage.
He is susceptible to heat and fire and will
begin to melt if in contact with RM rank
or better sources. His body can be
broken into pieces and will slowly reform
itself by absorbing new sources of
similar material he is made of. This in
effect provide him with IN rank
regeneration. He can also add
additional material to his body to
increase his size, mass and strength up ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE-PLAYING NOTES
to Shift X. There is no increase to his Profile by Michel John Gariepy His transformation into a monster
health. He can also feel and hear has made him bitter and angry with
vibrations from anywhere in the city if he society that has given him an insane
is in contact with the sidewalks and need to destroy anything in his path.
Talents: Industrial engineering, Henry Kramer was employed by
construction, chemistry Industrico Corporation, which
specialized in road and building
Contacts: Industrico Corp (formerly) construction. The company was
designing a new weather- and stress-
resistant construction material that
could be used to build better roads and
buildings. When it came time to test the
new asphalt, an industrial accident
occurred, and Henry Kramer fell into the
mixture. Instead of dying, the
experimental chemicals and polymers

mutated his genes and he became a pull himself together while as a
creature of living concrete, asphalt and skateboarder used his head as a ramp.
steel. Now calling himself the Street, he Just as his body was almost fully
began a rampage across New York City, reformed, the Fantastic Four and
seeking revenge on his former employer Lockjaw appeared on top of him. The
and anyone in his path who, in his resulting sudden arrival within the
twisted mind, he believed to be Invisible Woman’s forcefield shattered
responsible for his mutation. His actions his body and he once again crumbled
were brought to the attention of Spider- into pieces. The Street’s disembodied
Man and the Human Torch, who both head swore he would have his revenge
attempted to stop the destruction - once the dog got off him.
wrought by him. The Human Torch hit
him with intense blasts of flame and the
Street's body started to melt into the
pavement. The Street quickly made his
escape through the sewers and began
to absorb nearby asphalt to reform his
body. He started his rampage anew and
this time, he appeared at a local city
street festival. Spider-Man and the
Human Torch once again converged on
him and he was again blasted with
intense heat. His body began to fuse
together, halting his advance. The
Street started to absorb more of the
surrounding asphalt and was slowly
able to move his limbs again. Just as he
was about to strike the two heroes, a
gigantic foot belonging to the alien
creature, Goom, squashed him into the
After surviving the massive foot of
Goom, the Street once again went on a
rampage and was this time confronted
by the Fantastic Four who were out
doing some shopping during lunch. The
Invisible Woman erected a force field
and he proceeded to try to smash his
way through it to get at them. Reed
Richards (Mr. Fantastic) decided to try
out one of his newest inventions on the
berserk Street and activated his device
called a Cross-Frequency Modulator,
which proceeded to bombard the Street
with high frequency sound. The
ultrasonic waves started to destabilize
the Street and he soon crumbled into
rock and asphalt as soon as he was
touched by the Invisible Woman. Reed
Richards picked up a piece of his body
and put it away for later study. The
Street, now only a head, protested the
action before vowing to regenerate and
get his revenge. The Inhuman dog,
Lockjaw arrived thinking the ultrasonic
device had summoned it and began
sniffing around the crumbled remains of
the Street’s body in order to mark his
territory. Lockjaw gobbled down the
Thing’s lunch and having an upset
stomach, teleported the Fantastic Four
across time and space uncontrollably.
The Street, believing he had somehow
destroyed the Fantastic Four, started to



F TY (6)
A TY (6)
S TY (6)
E GD (10)
R EX (20)
I TY (6)
P PR (4)

Health: 28
Karma: 30
Resources: Poor
Popularity: -5

Real Name: Dr. Walter Michaels
Occupation: Criminal, scientist, self-
proclaimed god
Legal Status: U.S. Citizen with a
criminal record
Identity: Known to the authorities
Other Known Aliases: The
Thermotronic Man
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Dr. Christine
Michaels (wife)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
Past Group Affiliations: A.I.M.
Weapons Expo, Paul Bradshaw, Mark
Hamilton and his cult, Michaels and
Michaels’ laboratory
Present Group Affiliation:

Thermal Energy Absorption: Thermo release thermal blasts of concussive ROLE-PLAYING NOTES
has the RM 30 Rank ability to extract force from his hands with varying power Dr. Walter Michaels is mentally
thermal energy from others by touch to ranks of up to AM rank and a range of 1 unstable due to the process that gave
increase his strength and speed. He can area. He has also been seen able to fly him his thermal powers. He was once a
drain 20 points of ENDURANCE from a or glide by using thermal energy to good man, a loving husband and a
target and use it to increase his own propel him. He can move at PR air respected scientist seeking medical
Strength, agility and Endurance by 10 speeds/4 areas. cures for the betterment of mankind.
points each which also increases his
Health by 30 points (Maximum ability Talents: Medical sciences specializing HISTORY
can increase only as high as in biology and chemistry Dr. Walter Michaels and his wife
UNEARTHLY). Christine were scientists who created a
Draining thermal energy from Contacts: Christine Michaels process to transmit synthetic vitamins
others result in a victim suffering from (estranged wife), Mark Hamilton (cult directly into the body with the help of
hypothermia and often leads to death leader), Mark Hamilton’s Cult of Yogoth microwaves. Walter insisted on trying
unless quickly treated. Targets drained the process on himself against the
of Endurance that drop below their rank ADDITIONAL NOTES advice of his wife and his best friend and
begin losing Health at a rate of 10 points Profile by Michel John Gariepy assistant Paul Bradshaw. He then
per minute and will die when reduced to entered the experimental bombardment
Shift 0. chamber wearing a special suit
He can absorb 500 points of designed to regulate the amount of
thermal energy before needing to microwaves and protect him, but he
deplete any of it and will also lose 10 instead absorbed an extreme dose of
points every minute if unable to absorb radiation that left him weak and dazed
new thermal energy. His increased stats but otherwise unaffected. A few days
and health will also decrease by one later while in the lab, a male nurse tried
rank per minute until reaching his to take his temperature and on contact,
normal levels. By releasing some of his Dr. Walter Michaels inadvertently
absorbed thermal energy he could also

absorbed his body heat and killed the army. One of the cultists declared him to in hospital in a stable condition and was
nurse. He then realized that by be a fraud and was killed when his presumably taken into custody.
absorbing body heat, he could amplify thermal heat was absorbed by Thermo. Thermo attended the AIM weapons
his strength and speed, as well as focus The rest of the cult then bowed to him in expo. Watching a fighting display hosted
blasts of energy from his hands. worship as he told them he had a by Batroc, he bet Sunstroke $5000 that
Becoming more infatuated with his mission for them. Crossbones (actually Captain America
powers, he then fled the lab. Not long after, the cultists broke in disguise) would win the next round.
While walking through a New York into the lab of Christine Michaels and Learning that Crossbones was Captain
City alley, Thermo absorbed the thermal abducted her, also stealing the America, Thermo and the hundreds of
energy from two muggers as they were microwave chamber. Dazzler was other villains that was present attacked
trying to rob him. He later read in the likewise abducted from her dressing him. He was quickly dispatched and was
"Daily Bugle" newspaper that he had room by Mark Hamilton and the rest of shown lying unconscious on the floor.
been dubbed the Street Stalker and, in the cult when she thought they were Thermo had kept a low profile
anger, declared out loud he should have fans. during the events of the heroes' Civil
been given a more nobler name, such Spider-Man and the Paladin War and chose not to register. He began
as Thermo the Thermatronic Man. tracked Thermo down again, smashing looting abandoned buildings that had
Spider-Man and Paladin caught up to their way through a wall to get inside and been evacuated when the Hulk and his
him but, after a brief battle, he escaped. battled him once again. Distracted by Warbound arrived in New York. He was
After returning to his lab and seeing his the fight, Dazzler joined the fray when shaken down for information by
wife in the embrace of his friend Paul the cult lapsed in watching her. Using a detective Danny Granville and the alien
Bradshaw, he angrily slapped his wife device designed to neutralize Thermo’s Warbound member, Korg, who were
and then grabbed Bradshaw by his powers, Spider-Man placed it upon Dr. searching for information regarding the
throat, accusing them both of having Michaels’ head and within seconds, murder of fellow Warbound member
sabotaged the equipment so that they consumed his stored energy, rendering Arch-E 237. He was held aloft atop a
could be together and then slowly and him unconscious. It is presumed he and high-rise by Korg and could not provide
painfully murder him. the cult were later taken into custody, any pertinent information. He was
Having been previously contacted but this was never revealed. dropped on his head soon after and they
and hired by Dr. Christine Michaels to Thermo unsuccessfully tried to raid left him unconscious lying on the top of
find him, Paladin and Spider-Man the Fantastic Four’s headquarters in the the building's roof.
tracked him down. During the ensuing Baxter Building, but was savagely
fight, Paladin was force-blasted through beaten by Quasar who had an office
a plate glass window while Spider-Man inside. Due to his injuries, he ended up
was smashed into the wall of a nearby
theater, which startled Dazzler who was
inside her dressing room. He again
force-blasted Spider-Man into a wall
hard enough to put a hole in it, and then
grabbed him by the throat and was
about to absorb his thermal energy.
Dazzler appeared from inside the
theater and released a flash of bright
light that startled Thermo, who then
decided to let Spider-Man go and leapt
over a fence as he was not prepared to
fight three heroes; he then escaped into
the streets. He found an abandoned
building to hide out in but soon learnt
that a cult inside was trying to summon
a demon. The leader of the cult knew
that the summoning of the demon was a
sham to dupe his followers but at the
same time, Thermo entered the room.
Thinking that Thermo was a lunatic, the
cult began to protest until they were
shown a demonstration of his powers,
which silenced their protests. The leader
of the cult realizing that Thermo must be
a deranged person, chose to go along
with the ruse in the hopes that he could
make use of him. After haranguing the
phony congregation, Thermo told them
all that they were to be the core of a new
movement to sweep the planet and
promised to turn them into an invincible


F RM (30)
A GD (10)
S AM (50) / UN (100)*
E AM (50) / MN (75)*
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P EX (20)

*= Upgraded before joining “The Hulk


Health: 140 / 215

Karma: 40
Resources: Amazing (as leader of the
Popularity: 0 on Earth / +50 on Mekka

Real Name: Torgo
Occupation: Leader Of The Mekkans,
Legal Status: Citizen Of Mekkan
Identity: No Dual Identity
Other Known Aliases: Robot Man,
The Ultimate Weapon
Place of Birth: Mekka
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: N/A
Base of Operations: Mekkans
Past Group Affiliations: Ravagers;
Ruler of the Mekkans, Member of
Horror-Hunters/Hulk-Hunters, formerly
agent of Lippy Louie using one of their weapons to destroy
Present Group Affiliation: Ravagers; Talents: Martial Arts B, Wrestling, Mekka if he refused. Torgo's power and
Ruler of the Mekkans, Member of Battle Staff skill enabled him to become champion
Horror-Hunters/Hulk-Hunters, formerly of the contests under the mob boss
agent of Lippy Louie Contacts: The Fantastic Four, Lippy Louie, and he was undefeated in
Wolverine, Ravagers, The Starjammers, a lengthy string of combat.
KNOWN POWERS Mekkans Homeworld, Horror- In the slave pens of Kral, Torgo met
Body Armor Amazing Protection vs Hunters/Hulk-Hunters, the Thing and told him that he would kill
Physical & Energy based attacks (50) him when they fought. Torgo attempted
ADDITIONAL NOTES: to convince the Thing that it was useless
Environmental Independence: Torgo Profile by Tony Cranfield to oppose the Skrulls, as their slave
does not need to sleep, eat, drink or collars and hypno-rays made him
breathe. he is invulnerable to poisons ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: helpless. The Thing tried to convince
and other toxins and can survive in outer Of all the race of Mekkans, Torgo is the Torgo to join him against the Skrulls, but
space or a vacuum. only one who can disobey the prime Torgo attacked him and the Skrull
directive of taking human lives. slavers had to break them up. As they
LIMITATIONS Torgo has a bit of a sweet tooth for a approached, Torgo revealed the threat
Reed Richards was able to disable very popular brand of fruit pie. of the Sonic Disruptor aimed at their
Torgo by turning off Mekka's power home planets. They then watched the
supply. HISTORY first contest, a match between a
Torgo was one of the first and most Primitoid and a Cat-Man.
EQUIPMENT powerful robots constructed by the Torgo and the Thing entered the
Battle Staff: Battle staff does MN (75) humanoid race on the planet Maarin. arena, where the Thing continued to try
melee attack (Later Shift X) constructed That race died out from a deadly spore- to convince him to fight their real
out of Shift Z Material. A 6'5" battle stave virus centuries ago, and it was Torgo enemies: the Skrulls. Unwilling to listen
which has a choking rectangle on one who buried the last inhabitant of the and thinking the idea to be futile, Torgo
end, powered by electricity, able to planet and renamed it Mekka. continued to attack. The fight was
electrocute. AM (50) electrical damage, Torgo was captured by the Skrulls evenly matched, though the Thing was
Range Touch; AM (50) grappling/ of Kral, who forced him to serve in their less experienced with the weapons they
choking attack gladiatorial pens under the threat of were given and was frequently at a

disadvantage as a result. Nonetheless, to program Barker's ship to take Torgo's Collector sent Torgo to stop them, and
the Thing managed to get Torgo at his head back to Mekka to be repaired. he led a pair of Sidrian Hunters after
mercy, but refused to kill him and let him A pair of cloaked Jawa-like aliens them.
go. Torgo then used a gas weapon to allied themselves with Torgo. They The Sidri captured Aria and Torgo
weaken the Thing and stunned him. attacked the Thing, nearly crushing him smashed Wolverine aside to stop him
However, remembering how the Thing with their Atomic Hydraulo-Press, from helping her. Torgo convinced
had spared him, Torgo refused to kill his before he shattered it and broke free. Wolverine that he had perhaps heard a
foe. The Skrulls aimed the Sonic The aliens then sent Torgo against him, skewed version of what was really going
Disruptor at Mekka, but the rest of the but the Thing pulled out some Hostess on. Torgo was called back to the
Fantastic Four then arrived and the fruit pies. Torgo decided that the pies Collector's side and so he left Wolverine
Human Torch destroyed the Disruptor. were very good, and definitely better to learn the truth from the other
The Skrulls' control ended, Torgo led a than fighting. The Thing and Torgo ate inhabitants. However, the other
rebellion and the slaves then turned on the pies, and the aliens wished they inhabitants proved quite hostile to the
their former masters. could have some, too. human Wolverine.
Torgo's rebellion led the slaves to Torgo was recruited by Empress After Wolverine broke out, Torgo
victory. Returning home, he was named Daydra of the Sagittarians to fight off the accompanied the Starjammers in an
a hero and named First among Equals Galaxy Master and his agent, the effort to recover him. Wolverine and
of Mekka. Ravager of Worlds (actually the Aria's efforts successfully destroyed the
The Thing and Mr. Fantastic were Abomination). Before leaving, he had ship's main power grid, disabling the
sent by the High Evolutionary to find a the computers redesign his frame to cloaking device. The ship was then
potential world for Galactus, in hopes of make him strong enough to confront discovered and approached by
sparing the High Evolutionary's these foes. Torgo was joined by Galactus. While there was a mass
Counter-Earth. They were sent to Amphibion and Dark-Crawler, but even exodus from the ship as the others fled
Mekka, but quickly realized that the their combined might was insufficient from Galactus, Torgo refused to leave
robots of that world were intelligent, and against the Abomination, whose and stayed behind in hopes of slowing
planned to head back to the High strength the Galaxy Master had Galactus enough that all could escape.
Evolutionary to reveal their failure. doubled. Daydra then brought the trio to Wolverine and Aria, regretful of their
However, despite his previous alliance Earth as the Hulk-Hunters, to find and error in judgment, joined Torgo in trying
with the Thing, Torgo decided that they enlist the Hulk, who had defeated the to destroy Galactus' elemental
could not be allowed to return, as they Galaxy Master before. converter. Even when Galactus foiled all
might reveal the location of Mekka to The Hulk-Hunters arrived on Earth, other efforts, Torgo refused to leave with
Galactus. Torgo and the Mekkans but their name caused their intent to be the Starjammers and continued to
overpowered, subdued, and imprisoned mistaken, and they soon found pound at the converter until Galactus
the two (although to be fair, the Thing themselves on the losing end of a battle blasted him.
was temporarily in human form and against the Hulk. Seeing that further Like any good robot, perhaps Torgo
using a Thing exoskeleton, and Reed's fighting was pointless, Torgo has a spare set of memory/
powers were fading). summoned Daydra to stop the fight and programming back on Mekka and he
Torgo revealed his plan to turn reveal their intent. The Hulk accepted could be rebuilt. The fact that Torgo
Reed and Ben into Mekkans to force Daydra's request for aid. most likely slew tens (if not hundreds) of
them to stay--he was also brilliant After breaking up a fight between others (many most likely innocents)
enough to reveal the Tower of Life, the Amphibion and the Hulk en route, Torgo during the Great Games is kind of down-
source of power to all Mekkans. After led the renamed Horror-Hunters against played. He's definitely willing to kill, as
Torgo left his prisoners alone, they the Galaxy Master, while the Hulk he turned a gun on his former masters
escaped. While Ben fought Torgo and engaged the Abomination. The Hulk and shouted "Death to the Skrulls!"
the Mekkans, Reed fought his way to the became angry enough to defeat the
Tower. Ben finally managed to drop empowered Abomination, weakening Note: The Hostess story became canon
Torgo, but Reed then revealed that he the Galaxy Master sufficiently to allow with Torgo's entry in the 2006 All-New
had simultaneously turned off their the Hunters to penetrate his shields. The Official Handbook of the Marvel
power supply. Ben restored the power, Galaxy Master then teleported the Hulk Universe A-Z#11.
and Torgo took their act of good faith as and Abomination closer to him, so that <taken from The Appendix to the
reason enough to trust that they would the Abomination could defeat the Handbook of the Marvel Universe>
not betray him, and allowed them to Hunters, but the Hulk attacked and http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/t
leave in peace. destroyed the Galaxy Master and the orgomekka.htm
Boss Barker, having survived by Abomination went mad and fell into the
impersonating a corpse, managed to void of space.
gain revenge on Torgo, decapitating him Torgo allied himself with the
and claiming his head as a trophy. Collector, aboard a ship which he had
Barker confronted the Thing, revealed created that was shielded from the
his trophy, and then tried to rub him out detection of Galactus. Many aliens
as well. The Thing was assisted by came by choice to this ship to avoid the
Captain Mar-Vell, but ultimately it was planet-eater.
Torgo who saved the day. Briefly Wolverine was brought to the
reactivating, he fired an eyeblast that Collector's ship by the alien Aria with the
dropped Barker. Mar-Vell then planned intent of freeing the "prisoners." The



F GD (10)
A GD (10)
S TY (6)
E RM (30)
R GD (10)
I GD (10)
P GD (10)

Health: 56
Karma: 30
Resources: GD (10)
Popularity: 2 as N’Kano /
10 as Vibraxis

Real Name: N’Kano
Occupation: Adventurer, student
Legal Status: Wakandan Citizen
without a criminal background
Identity: Known to authorities
Other Known Aliases: Master of
Place of Birth: Wakanda
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: A’Kane (Mother,
deceased), unnamed father (deceased),
N’Kano (godfather)
Base of Operations: Wakanda
Past Group Affiliations: Fantastic
Present Group Affiliation:

Vibratory control: Due to being infused
with Vibranium, N'Kano can generate
and control vibrations at Incredible (40)
ability in the following ways.
• Vibration attack: Incredible (40) ability
to generate a vibration attack with a 3-
area range
• Producing counter-vibrations or
Absorbing vibration attacks at
Incredible (40) rank, 3 area range.
• Phasing himself by adjusting his equivalent damage to power usage fluently in the languages of Wakanda as
vibratory rate: Remarkable (30) ability anytime he activates his powers. (IE: He well as English.
• Phasing up to 2 others: Excellent (20) uses them at Remarkable (30), he takes
ability 30 points of damage...) CONTACTS: The Fantastic Four, Black
Resistance to vibrations/sonic attacks: EQUIPMENT
Due to being infused with Wakandan Vibranium Harness: This Incredible (40) ADDITIONAL NOTES
vibranium, Vibraxas receives a -6CS to material rank device allows N'Kano to Profile by Keith Kilburn
attacks from vibration/sonic attacks. If safely use his powers and control them.
after that reduction those attacks fall Without the device, his body doesn't
below Incredible (40) rank, he is have the resistance to vibrations/Sonics
unaffected by the attack just as listed above and takes equivalent
vibranium would be. damage to power usage anytime he
activates his powers. (IE: He uses them
LIMITATIONS at Remarkable (30), he takes 30 points
No real control: N'Kano has no real of damage...)
control without his harness, his body
doesn't have the resistance to TALENTS: Martial arts B, Wakandan
vibrations/Sonics listed above and takes Lore, Bi-Lingual: N'Kano communicates

ROLEPLAYING NOTES mother and teammates are about to ease, leading to him needing to be
N’Kano is in his late teens and is full stand up to a Rogue Watcher and an rescued himself by Black Panther.
of piss and vinegar, as a result he is even greater menace. Kristoff Vernard Sometime after recovering from the
extremely arrogant. then advises that Susan Storm Richards wounds he sustained after the battle
faces inter-spacial danger and that he with Man-Ape N'Kano met with Queen
HISTORY and the Fantastic Four have been who confessed her love to him, he was
The young & hot-tempered N'Kano unable to find a means to rescue her. reluctant to listen given the forbidden
III was left orphaned and endowed with Huntara immediately leaves the group nature of their relationship but she still
vibrational powers he couldn't and transports to the Negative Zone. managed to convince him to aide her in
completely control when his mother There she saves Susan Storm from freeing the Jibari peoples being held as
A'Kane was working on a way to create certain death in the Negative Zone's prisoners including Man-Ape which led
a new energy source by fusing/mixing Explosive Area. to a fight with Black Panther (T'Challa)
Savage Land vibranium with Wakandan They battled Vangaard (Johnny who was hallucinating from a brain
Vibranium. At first it was stable & Storm) from an alternate future of Earth- aneurysm at the time and believed
seemed to successful, but then it 721. They were assisted in battle by the himself at times to be fighting Magneto.
became unstable, exploded and causes Human Torch and Black Panther.
a deadly accident killing A'Kane, N'Kano Johnny though his heroic actions
II (N'Kano father) & most of the other caused Vangaard to see his old life as a
people in the complex at the time. hero and decided to end his assault.
Vibraxas survived the explosion but left Huntara would later leave the team
endowed with vibrational powers can't but be replaced by She-Hulk who helped
completely control. He lived with his battle the Puppet Master. On a trip to
grandfather (N'Kano I) until he was sent Wakanda they battled the Sons of
to New York by the Black Panther. Sinanju. and the Mound monster.
Vibraxas was sent to New York to live Diablo also attempted to
with and learn from the Fantastic Four manipulate Psi-Lord into helping him
but unlucky for him they weren't home. defeat Mephisto but this only ended with
Huntara and Psi-Lord decided to his defeat. The team would meet its end
form a team of their own known as the with the return of Reed and the de-aging
Fantastic Force. He joined along with of Franklin back to a minor all caused by
Devlor an Inhuman with the ability to his future son Hyperstorm. It was
become a giant ape like creature. One revealed that much of what Nathaniel
of their first battles was against Klaw. had taught Franklin was in an attempt to
They next battled Zarathustra who alter the timeline so that Hyperstorm
was raised from childhood to be an would not exist.
assassin for Lord Moses. Paul Alvarez After the Fantastic Force team
believed that Huntara was his long-lost disbanded, N'Kano wandered America
sister Mary Elizabeth Alvarez who he for a short while before he attempted to
saw walk into a portal with a mysterious return to Wakanda to seek help from
man back when they were children. Black Panther (T'Challa) in regaining
Huntara was raised by Warlord Kargul in control of his powers, only to be stopped
another timeline so the theory seemed by White Wolf who shot him down with
somewhat plausible. But it was strongly the help of the Hatut Zeraze before he
hinted that Paul Alvarez was wrong and could get to T'Challa, they purposefully
that Zarathustra was really Mary caused him to lose control of his powers,
Elizabeth Alvarez. which led to the resurrection of Klaw
The Inhuman Seeker tried to when N'Kano's powers caused Klaw to
apprehend Devlor but determined that coalesce and also rendered N'Kano
he was "the one" and chose to file a temporarily unable to speak or use his
report saying Devlor was dead. Devlor powers.
mentioned that the Seeker must know His speech returned quickly
what it was like being a freak. although his powers did not at first,
They next battled A.I.M. and the shortly after his attack by White Wolf he
Super-Adaptoid after that came the met Queen Divine Justice who he
battle with Dreadface. They went up believed to be a cook, the two shared a
against Grey Gargoyle. kiss while they were trapped during a
Being very angry with her father, missile strike, and shortly after N'Kano
Huntara attacks Nathaniel Richards. learned that Queen was Dora Milaje,
However, Franklin Richards soon making anything between them
reminds her that he is the leader of the forbidden at the time.
Fantastic Force and Franklin thereby Shortly following this discovery,
orders her to stop her attack so they can N'Kano learned he could again use his
hear what his grandfather has to say. powers and planned to rescue Queen
Nathaniel explains that Franklin's from Man-Ape who defeated him with



F EX (20)
A EX (20)
S GD (10)
E EX (20)
R TY (6)
I GD (10)
P TY (6)

Health: 70
Karma: 22
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: -2

Real Name: Hector Santiago Ruiz
Occupation: Criminal enforcer
Legal Status: US Citizen with a criminal
background, deceased
Identity: Known to authorities
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Dominican Republic
Marital Status: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operations: New York City,
formerly Georgia
Past Group Affiliations: Dragon Circle
Present Group Affiliation:


Windeagle’s powers come from his
Wakandan-designed suit, of Good
material strength. It provides him with
the following abilities:

Body Armor: Good protection from

Physical and Energy attacks.

Flight: Windeagle is able to fly at

Excellent Speed. He can carry up to
200 points in flight, or 400 if he makes a
Profile by Steve Jolly Although Windeagle is a criminal,
Gliding: In addition to flight, Windeagle he does have a sense of honor, and
is capable of silently gliding at Good even questioned some of the Dragon
speeds, even if the suit power source is Circle’s techniques. On most
damaged. occasions, he believed in the honor of
single combat.
Gas Projectors: Windeagle is capable
of spraying knock-out gas (Excellent HISTORY
intensity) from his gloves. Those in the Hector Santiago Ruiz was the only
same area as knock-out gas must make son of poor immigrants from the
an Endurance FEAT or be knocked out Dominican Republic. He joined the local
for 1-10 rounds. street gang in New York City, but
eventually struck out on his own,
TALENTS: Martial Arts C, Aerial becoming an armed robber and a drug
Combat, Tumbling, Crime addict.
Hector was in and out of institutions
CONTACTS: Cult of the Dragon Circle until finally committing an adult charge

of assault and was sent to prison. There and the possible involvement of the When Monica Lynne and Kevin
he began seeing visitors from a street Dragon Circle, when he was attacked by Trublood came to Manhattan to see
mission, the Spiritual Light Society. He Windeagle; however, as they struggled, what had happened to the Black
became a model prisoner and was members of the Dragon Circle Panther, Windeagle followed them. He
eventually paroled into the SLS's ambushed T'Challa, running him down confronted and attacked the Black
custody, at which point he was lost to with their car. The Black Panther was Panther at the Wakandan embassy. The
further follow-up. strapped to a water wheel, with the Panther fought him off, and his agents,
The Dragon Circle somehow intention to kill him, but he broke free including Taku, captured Windeagle in a
acquired the technology of Wakandan and was again confronted by net. Windeagle soon gassed his guards
design used in the Falcon's costume Windeagle. The Black Panther was and escaped to attack T'Challa again;
and created a similar costume for Ruiz, defeated and recaptured, either by however, as the two fought outside the
who became their agent and enforcer -- Windeagle, the Dragon Circle, or both. embassy, a sniper across the street shot
Windeagle. The Dragon Circle brainwashed and killed Windeagle.
As the Black Panther was T'Challa to remove his memory of them
investigating the death of Angela Lynne and sent him back to Wakanda.

Here at the Unofficial Canon https://www.deviantart.com/prodigyduc
Project, we get the rare opportunity to k
work with actual comic and game writers
and artists, who, for free, take the time https://www.patreon.com/jacobblackmo
out of their busy schedule to do the n
same thing they get paid to do. We
would like to take the opportunity to https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/2
promote their work – so please, feel free 39914/Super-Powered-Legends-
to provide some patronage if you Sourcebook
appreciate their work!
Jacob Blackmon has recently
joined the UCP and made a big splash
with his updated images we are using
You have seen some of his artwork in
the recently released adventure, Kiss of
Death. If you’re interested, feel free to
check out the following links to his work,
or request a commission!

*Note - Covers are not the final product – covers may change.


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