Hydrogen From Biomass - Catalytic Reforming of Pyrolysisvapors

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Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies

FY 2003 Progress Report

Hydrogen from Biomass - Catalytic Reforming of PyrolysisVapors

Robert Evans (Primary Contact), Lynnae Boyd, Carolyn Elam, Stefan Czernik, Rick French, Calvin
Feik, Steven Phillips, Esteban Chornet, Yves Parent (subcontractor-Chemical Engineering
Consulting Services)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd.
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: (303) 275-3708; Fax: (303) 275-2905; E-mail: [email protected]

DOE Technology Development Manager: Roxanne Danz

Phone: (202) 586-7260; Fax: (202) 586-9811; E-mail: [email protected]


Demonstrate the production of hydrogen from biomass pyrolysis integrated with catalytic steam
reforming and prepare for scale-up of the system to greater than 500 kg H2/day by 2009.
Improve the efficiency of the system, including the reformer, and the use of appropriate catalysts to
reduce the cost to below $2.90/kg H2 by 2009.
Demonstrate the use of a variety of feedstocks so that significant quantities of hydrogen can be made
from biomass.

Technical Barriers
This project addresses the following technical barriers from the Hydrogen Production section of the
Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program Multi-Year R,D&D Plan:

E. Control and Safety

F. Feedstock Cost and Availability
G. Efficiency of Gasification, Pyrolysis, and Reforming Technology
Z. Catalysts
AD.Market and Delivery


Support DOE funded partners to demonstrate the integrated pyrolysis/reforming process using
agricultural residues (peanut shells) as feedstock; document mass balance and catalyst performance in
a long-duration test.
Validate the yields and throughputs obtained in the bench-scale system so that information can be used
for technoeconomic analysis of the process and for the design of the future scale-up of the process,
which will begin in FY 2004 at a scale of 250 kg H2 produced/day.
Facilitate the addition of unit operations for use in a demonstration that will use H2 to produce
electricity and fuel vehicles such as buses.
Work with interested parties to extend the applicability of the work to other geographical locations.
Contribute state-of-the-art chemical analysis and process control so that the small-scale systems can be
run with high confidence of safety and reliability.

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies

FY 2003 Progress Report


Developed gas filtration unit operation that solved the problem of plugging the distribution plate with
entrained char.
Provided technical support of the reformer installation in Blakely, Georgia, where the system was run
for 100 hours.
Filed a provisional patent that incorporates biomass conversion to hydrogen with a co-product of
carbon-based soil amendment system.
Supported partnership development in other areas of the country so that the results can be deployed
when ready.

Future Directions

Develop the Phase 3 system design that will include better heat management in the pyrolyzer and
reformer and will add a condenser, compressor, and pressure swing adsorption (PSA) system to the gas
conditioning system.
Initiate tests necessary to develop a circulating fluidized bed reforming process.
Develop process control systems that will facilitate the cost-effective development of safety
engineering for small-scale biomass-to-hydrogen systems.


product, as outlined in Figure 1. A third option is

converting the charcoal into carbon-based fertilizers.
In those two options, the volatiles produced in the
pyrolysis step can be converted to hydrogen. This is a
near-term possibility for deployment. Slow pyrolysis
is used in the first step of the activated carbon process
to optimize the yield of charcoal and organic vapors.

The goal of this work is the production of

renewable hydrogen from agricultural residues at a
comparable cost to existing methane-reforming
technologies by 2015. Near-term production of
renewable hydrogen from biomass requires a coproduct strategy to compete with conventional
production of hydrogen from the steam reforming of
natural gas. The processing of pyrolysis co-products
from the production of activated carbon is one
possible path to demonstrate such a strategy.

A schematic of the system is shown in Figure 2.
Pelletized peanut shells were fed to a cross-draft,

The original concept was that the pyrolysis oil

could be separated into two fractions based on water
solubility. The water-soluble fraction would be used
for hydrogen production, and the water insoluble
fraction could be used in adhesive formulations. The
bio-oil can be stored and shipped to a centralized
facility for conversion to hydrogen via catalytic steam
reforming and shift conversion. Although the
adhesive byproduct option remains viable,
commercial deployment opportunities are still not
near-term. Hence, other opportunities had to be
developed based on the co-product strategy. The
conversion of biomass to activated carbon is an
alterative route to hydrogen with a valuable co-

Figure 1. Biomass to Hydrogen Based on Pyrolysis

with a Co-Products Strategy

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies

FY 2003 Progress Report


moving-bed pyrolysis reactor heated by propane

combustion gases. Superheated steam was used to
educe a fraction of the vapors through a bag-house
filter to remove char fines and then to a preheater
before the reformer. Pelletized peanut shells were
fed at a rate of 50 kg/hr to the pyrolysis reactor,
which was controlled so the exit gas temperature was
500C. Using a helium tracer, it was determined that
20% of the total gaseous products from the pyrolyzer
were educed in the steam flow to the reformer.
Before reforming, the steam/vapor stream entered a
preheater that raised the gas stream temperature to

The purpose of the 100-hour run was to reform

the whole pyrolysis vapors in the 30-cm catalytic
steam reforming fluid bed reactor. The more
chemically stable, lignin-derived phenolics are more
likely to coke on the nickel catalyst. Prior runs in the
5-cm reformer have used only the aqueous
carbohydrate-derived fraction of pyrolysis oil.
Figure 3 shows the product gas composition (H2,
CO2, CO and CH4) and the differential pressure (DP)
across the reformer bed over the first 70 hours of the
86 hours that the reformer was on line. Periods
where the reformer was taken off line, a total of 16
hours, are not included in the figure. The final 16
hours are not shown in Figure 3, since the plugging
of the filter before the eductor made the system
unstable. The build-up of char across the filter also
caused the gradual decrease in DP across the
reformer bed, as shown in Figure 3. The
composition of the gas indicates that the yield of
hydrogen from this agricultural residue feedstock is
approximately 90% of maximum. Additional
optimization of process conditions should result in
somewhat higher yields (note that, in a commercial
operation, the remaining CO could be converted to
CO2 and additional hydrogen using conventional
water-gas shift processing). In these tests, the gas
product stream was flared. No breakthrough of
pyrolysis products was noted, and the methane level,
which is a sensitive indicator of catalyst activity, did
not increase. The significant finding here is that the
lignin-derived pyrolysis products were reformed
completely. The changes in product gases were due

The catalytic fluid bed reformer was fed with up

to 5 kg/h of pyrolysis vapor. The maximum allowable
operating temperature and pressure are 900C and 140
kPa, respectively. The reformer is equipped with
internal and external cyclones for disengaging catalyst
particles, instrumentation, data acquisition, and safety
features (alarms). Commercial nickel-based catalyst
ground to particle sizes of 300-500 mm was used in
the reactor. The catalyst is fluidized using superheated
steam, which is also a reactant in the reforming
process. The cyclones capture both fine catalyst
particles and solid carbon generated by gas-phase
pyrolysis of the vapors that may occur in competition
with the catalytic steam reforming. The Inconel
reactor with a perforated distribution plate is placed
inside a three-zone electric furnace to maintain the
reactor at the desired temperature during the
endothermic steam reforming operation. The
reformed products flow through the spray scrubbers
and a cold wall condenser before passing through a
coalescing filter to remove aerosols.

Figure 3. Product Gas Composition (H2, CO2, CO and

CH4) and Differential Pressure (DP) Across
the Reformer Bed

Figure 2. Diagram of Process as Performed for the

100-hour Duration Run

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies

FY 2003 Progress Report

to a systematic decrease in mass flow to the bed due

to an increase in pressure drop across the hot gas
filter. This build-up of particulate matter was
unexpected, but the change in product gas
composition indicates better performance. The
increase in hydrogen yield and decrease in relative
yield of both CO and CH4 were the results of
effectively decreasing the weight hourly space
velocity and increasing the steam-to-carbon ratio.
We achieved a higher rate of conversion most likely
by allowing more time for carbon gasification from
the catalyst surface.

FY 2003 Publications/Presentations
"Renewable hydrogen production by catalytic
steam reforming of peanut shells pyrolysis
products." Robert J. Evans, Esteban Chornet,
Stefan Czernik, Calvin Feik, Richard French,
Steven Phillips, Yaw D. Yeboah, Danny Day,
Shivayam Ellis, Dennis McGee, and Matthew J.
Realff. Preprints, ACS Fuel Chemistry
Symposium, Boston MA, 2002.


In the next phase, the reactor will be run for 1000

hours with additional gas stream processing
included. The hydrogen that is produced will be
separated from CO and CO2 using pressure
swing adsorption. The purified hydrogen will be
mixed with natural gas and used in engine
demonstrations. Other agricultural residues and
deployment logistics are being evaluated for cost
and co-product potential.

The steam reforming of biomass pyrolysis

vapors and liquids, when integrated with the
production of high value products, is a promising
near-term approach to the production of
renewable hydrogen. This approach will be
applied in Georgia at a plant that makes activated
carbon from peanut shells and has pyrolysis byproducts available for conversion. The key
technical goal for the run is to obtain preliminary
performance data on the catalyst, especially
physical attrition and deactivation.

Special Recognitions & Awards/Patents

Provisional Patent, Danny Day and Robert J.
Evans, "A process for the combined production of
hydrogen, sequestered carbon and a slow release
fertilizer from biomass."

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