Civic Epistemologies: Constituting Knowledge and Order in Political Communities
Civic Epistemologies: Constituting Knowledge and Order in Political Communities
Civic Epistemologies: Constituting Knowledge and Order in Political Communities
How do we know things? The question of epistemology which drives both the
sociology and philosophy of science is also a crucial question for political
sociology. Knowledge is essential to even the most basic and foundational of
political processes and institutions. In 2000, for example, the transition of power
in the US presidential election hung for 36 days on uncertainty over a seemingly
simple question of fact: who won the most votes in Florida? A few years later,
disputed factual claims about Iraqs possession of weapons of mass destruction
unraveled, calling into question key justifications of the US decision to invade
Iraq in 2003 and significantly weakening perceived US legitimacy. Yet, surprisingly,
sociologists and political scientists know relatively little about how knowledge
gets made in political communities, nor how the making of knowledge is tied
to other key aspects of political life, such as identity, authority, legitimacy,
and accountability.
epistemologies that illustrate its theoretical and pragmatic value. Part two
applies the concept of civic epistemologies in several major areas of political
analysis, including political conflict and its resolution, political authority
and legitimacy, and the constitution and regulation of novel political entities.
Part three, in turn, applies the concept of civic epistemologies to two
crucial problems in modern politics: globalization and sustainability.
Part One: Civic epistemologies: Conceptual foundations
The conceptual foundations of civic epistemologies are grounded in a
particular view of democracy, in which contests over policy-relevant ideas
and facts are an essential element of democratic politics. Theories of
deliberative democracy emphasize the centrality and importance of epistemic
debates and factual knowledge to the practices of legitimacy, accountability,
transparency, and efficacy in democratic governance. Largely missing from
these literatures, however, is a nuanced understanding of the epistemic
contests (Epstein 1996) that populate public life, as well as the complex
array of social and institutional processes within which these contests take
place and policy-relevant facts and ideas are formed, validated, critiqued,
disseminated, and discarded.
Literature in the tradition of civic epistemologies has provided an extensive
and growing treatment of knowledge making and epistemic debate within
what John Stuart Mill described as a marketplace of ideas and Jurgen
Habermas, the public sphere. This space comprises a rich and complex
array of dynamic, interacting spaces within which knowledge is made and
deliberated: administrative and regulatory hearings and associated scientific
advisory processes (Brickman et al. 1985; Jasanoff 1986, 1990, 2005; Guston
2000; Hilgartner 2000; Porter 1995; Wynne 1982); citizen and activist
knowledges (Epstein 1996; Ellis and Waterton 2004; Iles 2004; Jasanoff
2004b; Martello 2004; Nelkin 1984; Peterson 1984; Wynne 1995); legislative
hearings, public inquiries, and legislative research (Bimber 1996; Gieryn
and Figert 1990; Lynch et al. 1996); legal proceedings (Cole 2001; Jasanoff
1995b); electoral systems (Miller 2001b, 2004b); and international politics
(Litfin 1994; Miller and Edwards 2001; Miller 2007).
Research on civic epistemologies offers one tool for trying to understand
this rich array of social and institutional spaces for debates about policy ideas
within democratic societies. In particular, the concept of civic epistemology
seeks to capture the public knowledge ways or ways of knowing that operate
within and across this multiplicity of spaces. Studies of civic epistemologies
depart radically from the static notions of the public understanding of
science, which seek merely to capture the factual content of public
knowledge (Jasanoff 2005). Instead, building on the intellectual traditions
of the sociology of scientific knowledge and science and technology studies,
research on civic epistemologies inquires into how knowledge is dynamically
constructed and applied in the search for meaning and design and
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Sociology Compass 2/6 (2008): 18961919, 10.1111/j.1751-9020.2008.00175.x
Journal Compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
most votes in the state of Florida. Vote tallies, of course, are inevitably a
product of political calculus. The electoral practices that generate the casting
of votes are deeply influenced by practices of candidate selection ( Jasanof
2001a); a wide range of political advertising, sloganeering, mobilization,
and manipulation of messages, people, voter registration, and voting day
activities (Bowker and Star 2001); efforts to magnify or lessen the appearance
of uncertainty (Hilgartner 2001); rules, procedures, and practices of constructing, handling, validating, and contesting electoral tallies (Lynch
2001b); and media practices for displaying the spectacle of electoral contests
and electoral winners (Dennis 2001). In this case, as in all elections,
irregularities occurred in election practice. Coupled to a close election in
Florida, these irregularities contributed to the emergence of widespread
political and legal conflict over the electoral result.
If electoral outcomes are to authorize the electoral winner to hold the
reigns of power, however, partisan and administrative politics must appear
invisible and irrelevant to the final outcome, allowing the final electoral
selection to be based on apparent objective fact regarding who won (Carson
2001). In normal elections, this is accomplished through rituals of closure,
such as televised pronouncements of winners, acceptance and concession
speeches, and so forth. In disputed cases, by contrast, the US electoral
system allows for recounts but then quickly shifts disputes out of the
political arena and into the legal system, where claims can be adjudicated
in a more controlled and less immediately partisan manner (although the
claim of non-partisanship of the courts was, itself, strained close to breaking
in this case), in an effort to reduce or avoid political conflict (see Miller
2004b, for a much more detailed account of efforts to co-produce electoral
closure in this case). As the failure of Bush v. Gore to close debate in this
case illustrates, however, when exercises of co-production fail, and electoral
tallies come to appear to rest on little more than judicial judgment or ad
hoc political decisions, the result can give rise to significant skepticism
regarding the legitimacy of the election. Only by understanding electoral
processes in terms of civic epistemologies that is as complex interactions
among diverse knowledge systems can we fully explain how successful
democracies achieve legitimate electoral outcomes and thus hope to construct
and/or reform such systems (Miller 2004b).
Research on civic epistemologies can also open up inquiry with regard
to other aspects of political conflict. Comparative research illustrates,
for example, that distinct political cultures give rise to distinct forms of
coupled epistemic and political conflict (Brickman et al. 1985). Political conflict
does not merely happen; rather, its form and frequency are determined
by the form and organization of knowledge-orders across a society. While
science is often mobilized by competing parties in political disputes in the
United States, for example, this occurs much less frequently in Europe.
This has been constantly apparent in the debate about climate change,
where European countries have been subjected to far fewer debates than
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Sociology Compass 2/6 (2008): 18961919, 10.1111/j.1751-9020.2008.00175.x
Journal Compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
the United States over the scientific basis of climate change. Indeed, in
Germany, when industry groups sought to reject the reality of climate
change, they were forced to import US critics of climate science, as no
German scientist would become involved. It is interesting to note that
public conflicts over the tallying of votes also do not occur nearly so
readily in Europe as in the United States. In both electoral and regulatory
politics, European knowledge-orders are structured in distinct ways that
do not tend to give rise to epistemic debates with the frequency or
regularity of comparable knowledge-orders in the United States.
Political legitimacy and authority
Mary Douglas and Michel Foucault both argued, from very different
perspectives, that social and political authority is deeply bound up with
knowledge systems (Douglas 1966; Douglas and Wildavsky 1983; Foucault
1973). For Foucault, the core question was how the state exercised power
and authority in society, and its control over the production and certification
of knowledge appeared crucial to answering that question. For Douglas,
the question was subtly different: how to explain distinct forms of social
organization and authority? In her theory, control over knowledge was
crucial to social and political authority, but distinct forms of knowledge
supported distinct forms of social authority. Both Foucault and Douglas
left open a crucial question, however. Could epistemic authority and its
associated social or political authority be constituted democratically (or
was such authority inevitably illegitimate)?
Yaron Ezrahi has explored, perhaps more than any other individual, the
centrality of science and of knowledge making more generally to the
production of democratic political authority and legitimacy (Ezrahi 1990,
2004). Just as the construction of objective electoral facts, described above,
is essential to the construction of legitimate electoral outcomes that authorize
the winners to assume power, so, too, Ezrahi has demonstrated that knowledge
is a crucial element of legitimacy and authority more broadly in democratic
governance. For Ezrahi, the crucial question is how attentive democratic
publics, through deliberative practices, hold the exercise of power accountable
in between elections, and science plays a crucial role in the answer.
Democracies are inevitably hostage to the discretion of elected or
appointed officials. In response, democratic polities have sought means to
reduce this discretion. One approach to this problem has been to insist that
the exercise of power be accompanied by its justification. The justification
of power is largely meaningless without independent standards against
which to measure its validity, however, and democratic polities have often
turned to science to fill this role. Scientific expertise thus became, during
the Progressive politics of the early 20th century in the United States, a tool
for justifying that conservation policies pursued by the US government
would provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people (Hays
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Sociology Compass 2/6 (2008): 18961919, 10.1111/j.1751-9020.2008.00175.x
Journal Compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1959). Later, during the New Deal, the US Congress began to insist on
quantitative measures of cost-benefit analysis from administrative agencies
using what Theodore Porter has described as a form of mechanical objectivity
to ensure that agency decisions were neither ad hoc and arbitrary nor,
worse, partisan choices (Porter 1995). By the 1960s and 1970s, nearly all
regulatory decisions in the United States would be required by law to
provide scientific or expert justifications for their actions, with many such
laws dictating not only the fact but the form of justification and potentially
also the kinds of knowledge required, forms of review and audit, etc.
( Jasanoff 1990).
Theories of deliberative democracy have picked up this argument that
knowledge forms an essential component of the exercise of legitimate
democratic authority.
A part of exercising legitimate democratic authority is the public act of
justification to those over whom authoritative decisions are binding. In making
demands on citizens, legislative bodies, administrative agencies, and appointed
experts must explain their reasons and demonstrate that their demands can
reasonably be expected to serve the common interests of free and equal citizens.
(King 2003, 24)
But this formulation raises sociological questions that have not yet been
adequately addressed by political theorists. What counts as adequate explanation or demonstration for the purposes of establishing the legitimacy of
authority and the exercise of power in democratic societies? In legal
proceedings, rules of evidence and argumentation are precisely demarcated,
in order to assure that principles of justice are upheld. Do comparable
rules of evidence and argumentation exist in political proceedings? Surely,
for a theory of democracy, it is insufficient for governments simply to
assume the validity of their own claims to explanation and demonstration.
But, if so, how are the validity of claims made by those exercising power
and authority assessed, and who has the right to critique the validity of
such claims?
These questions go to the heart of what it means to investigate the civic
epistemologies of modern societies. Their impact is not only to insist that
we explore, within any given democratic society, the precise mechanisms
of how policy-relevant knowledge is produced, but also the deeper question
of how societies ensure that the public construction of epistemic authority
itself conforms to accepted norms of democratic governance. Consider,
for example, political manipulation of statistical knowledges, a problem
that has plagued the United Kingdom in recent years. In response, the
United Kingdom has created the office of the National Statistician, an
ombudsman who heads the UK Statistical Authority and whose job is to
oversee the production and use of official government statistics. This position
combines epistemic and social authority by embodying that authority in
a person of trust and repute, someone whose epistemic skill as a statistician
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events have tended to confirm this more cautious assessment (for greater
detail, see Miller 2007).
This dispute highlights the centrality of knowledge and epistemology
to global conflicts over the exercise of power. IAEA opposition to US
epistemic claims facilitated political opposition to US action in the UN
Security Council and prevented the UN Security Council from backing
the US invasion. Subsequently, highly publicized failures by the US military
and special nuclear inspections to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
in the aftermath of the invasion, contributed to the declining legitimacy
of the war among US and global publics. At the same time, building on
a long history of epistemic conflict and failure in the context of development
(Escobar 1995; Ferguson 1990; Scott 1998), as well as the problems of the
IMF and World Bank discussed in earlier paragraphs, this dispute calls into
question the legitimacy of current efforts to co-produce knowledge and
order at global scales (see, also, Miller 2003a; Reardon 2005).
Yet, criticisms of international knowledge making arguably reflect a
positive increase in the deliberative aspects of international relations. The
criticisms of the IMF by both the anti-globalization movement and
Stiglitz have helped to open up global debates over the appropriateness of
IMF decision making and its epistemic foundations. Likewise, the 6 months
preceding the US invasion of Iraq witnessed extensive public debates in
the UN Security Council over the legitimacy of military action by the
United States, as the United States sought UN authorization for its
proposed activities. These debates, too, focused on questions of knowledge
and epistemology: what was known and on the basis of what evidence
about Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction, and whose
interpretations of that evidence held the greatest credibility?
A key driver of growing epistemic debate in international governance
is the diversity of national civic epistemologies. As described briefly above,
styles of policy reasoning, evidentiary standards, and expectations regarding
the appropriate organization of scientific and expert advisory processes vary
considerably, even across advanced industrial democracies such as the
United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France (Brickman
et al. 1985; Jasanoff 2005). These differences stem from variances in processes
for warranting the credibility of policy-relevant knowledge, notions of
what counts as expertise and what kinds of expertise are most appropriate
for policy purposes, normative expectations regarding the delivery of expert
advice (e.g., standards of transparency, accountability, legitimacy, etc.), as
well as the constitutional frameworks and political institutions to whom
knowledge and advice are being offered. While these expectations typically
remain implicit in national affairs, they have given rise to explicit conflict
in international politics. Diplomatic representatives steeped in distinct
national epistemologies have tended to agree in international forums for
the need for scientific support for policy decision making; they have
frequently disagreed over the epistemic, normative, and organizational
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Sociology Compass 2/6 (2008): 18961919, 10.1111/j.1751-9020.2008.00175.x
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validation, and use of knowledge, science, and expertise. Can these institutions
evolve globally acceptable civic epistemologies? In the short term, knowledge
failures seem inevitable, either in inappropriately marginalizing relevant
epistemic perspectives, losing credibility, or failing to accommodate diverse
national civic epistemologies. Will these failures give rise, in turn, to renewed
social protests, such as those carried out by the anti-globalization movement,
that might stimulate global standard-setting, or will they lead to a renewed
rejection of international knowledge making? On the other hand, will
successes by international knowledge institutions in capturing authority
over relevant knowledge in key policy domains challenge domestic scientific
advisory institutions and call into question their future relevance and
capacity? Will domestic and international knowledge institutions reinforce
one anothers authority or come into growing conflict as national sovereignty
itself is challenged?
These theoretical questions demand much deeper investigation, analysis,
and understanding of evolving civic epistemologies in the light of rapid
globalization. Of particular note is the need to expand the coverage of
geographic regions and policy domains. There is a strong need for analysis
of the civic epistemologies of states beyond the small number of liberal
Western democracies for which extensive research has been carried out:
the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the Netherlands,
in particular. Relatively little has been published, for example, on civic
epistemologies in Asia or among developing states in Africa and Latin
America. As countries such as China and India become more central to
global deliberations, how will their perspectives on knowledge and decision
making alter emerging transnational civic epistemologies. Research is also
needed on a much wider range of international institutions, extending
beyond existing studies of the World Bank and international environmental
Perhaps the biggest challenge to this expansion of research on civic
epistemologies is disciplinary traditions. Within the sociology of scientific
knowledge and science and technology studies, where most research on
civic epistemologies has originated, the tendency has been to assume
that knowledge production and validation occurs predominantly within
scientific laboratories and other sites of scientific research. This assumption
has limited attention to the epistemological foundations of political
institutions and processes as well as to alternative sites of knowledge
production and validation in civic life. At the same time, research on
democratic theory, domestic political institutions, and international relations
has by and large failed to acknowledge epistemic politics. Even where
questions of political knowledge, ideas, and ideology have taken center
stage, however, as in the study of epistemic communities, this research has
focused more on the role of ideas in shaping politics, with little or no
attention to processes of knowledge making. Effective research on civic
epistemologies will require breaking down these disciplinary boundaries
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