KROES Design Methodology

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Design methodology and the nature of

technical artefacts
Peter Kroes, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Technology, Policy
and Management, Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, Nl-2628
BX Delft, The Netherlands

Design methodology aims at the improvement of design processes. In

contrast to the methodology of science, it is strongly process oriented
and takes a normative point of view. The paper argues that, despite its
process orientation, design methodology cannot avoid addressing
questions concerning the nature of the products being designed for two
reasons. The first is that the design process and the design product are
so intimately related to each other that an understanding of the nature
of the design process requires insight into the nature of the kind of
product designed, and vice versa. Second, in order to justify its
normative stance towards design processes, design methodology will
have to consider the issue of the quality of the product being designed.
To support these claims, the nature of technical artefacts, considered to
be the outcome of a design process, will be examined. It will be argued
that they have a dual nature: they are physical objects on the one hand,
and intentional objects on the other. Some of the consequences of this
dual nature of technical artefacts for the research agenda of design
methodology will be explored. c 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Keywords: design methodology, philosophy of design, design process,

design studies, human factors

he aim of design methodology is to improve design processes; this
means that it takes a normative stance towards its object of study.
Given this aim it is no surprise that research in design methodology
has always had a strong focus on the nature of design processes. The study
of the nature of technical artefacts, considered to be the outcome of a
design process, has received little attention. For several reasons, however,
including its normative standpoint, design methodology cannot avoid a
closer analysis of the nature of technical artefacts. Here, an interpretation
of technical artefacts in terms of a dual naturewhich refers to the fact
0142-694X/02 $ - see front matter Design Studies 23 (2002) 287302
PII: S0142-694X(01)00039-4 287
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain
that they are physical and intentional objects at the same timeis offered
and it is argued that this interpretation has far-reaching consequences for
the research agenda of design methodology. The paper starts with a com-
parison of design methodology with the methodology of science. This is
followed by an exposition of the dual nature of technical artefacts. Finally,
some consequences of this interpretation of technical artefacts for the
research agenda of design methodology are discussed.

1 Design methodology versus methodology of science

There are two striking differences in orientation between methodological
studies of technical design and of scientific research. Design methodology
takes a normative stance towards design and is very much process oriented,
whereas research methodology is descriptive and strongly product oriented.
We will first have a closer look at these differences.

Methodological studies of science, as part of the broader discipline of the

philosophy of science, typically concentrate on the outcomes of scientific
research processes, such as empirical claims, laws, theories and expla-
nations, and focus on questions about the interpretation of these products
and their reliability (or truth). This product orientation in the methodology
of science is related to the classic logical positivists distinction between
the context of discovery (how are phenomena, laws, theories, etc.,
discovered?) and the context of justification (how are phenomena, laws,
theories, etc., justified?) and their highly influential idea that there is no
logic of scientific discovery. In so far as logical positivists were process
oriented, they were interested in a very special kind of process, namely a
rational reconstruction of science, that is according to Carnap1 a schem-
atised description of an imaginary procedure, consisting of rationally pre-
scribed steps, which would lead to essentially the same results as the actual
[] process (p. 16). The real research process, as it was actually perfor-
med, was only of minor interest to them or of no interest at all. Admittedly,
there has been an empirical turn in the philosophy of science since the
work of Kuhn, but although this turn has led to more interest in actual
research processes, particularly in experiments, the underlying issues
1 Carnap, R Intellectual autobi-
ography in P A Schilpp (ed.)
remain, as before, issues about the interpretation and justification of scien-
The philosophy of Rudolf Car- tific knowledge claims. Moreover, mainstream methodology of science is
nap, Open Court, La Salle, IL
(1963) not driven by the aim to improve the practice of scientific research. It is
2 Dorst, K Describing design; mainly a descriptive activity.
a comparison of paradigms PhD
thesis, Delft University of Tech-
nology, The Netherlands, 1997
3 Love, T Philosophy of Design methodology, characterised by one of its leading figures, Nigel
design: a meta-theoretical struc-
Cross, as the study of principles, practices and procedures of design (see
ture for design theory Design
Studies Vol 21 (2000) 293313 note 1), aims at improving design practice and is strongly process oriented.

288 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

Figure 1 Differences in
focus between research
methodology and design

According to Crosss history of design methodology, the founding fathers

of this discipline had a strong normative attitude: design methodology
should contribute to the improvement of design practice, particularly by
exploiting scientific methods4. Crosss history also illustrates the strong
process orientation of design methodology. He mentions five categories of
recent work in this field, four of which are explicitly process (activity)
oriented (namely, the development of design methods, the management of
design process, the nature of design activity and the philosophy of design
method which deals with the philosophical analysis and reflection on
design activity); only the work which he classifies under the heading the
nature of design problems is not process oriented.

A look at the broader field of design research indeed confirms the strong
bent towards processes and activities in this field. According to Dorst, two
paradigms within design research can be distinguished, design as rational
problem solving and design as reflective practice, and both are process
oriented2. Scho ns theory about the reflective practitioner, which has
attracted much attention in recent years within design research, approaches
design as a reflective process5. Bucciarellis work, also well known within
this field, analyses design as an essentially social process6. Finally, a quick
scan of the contents of volumes 16 (1995) through 22 (2001) of one of the
leading journals in this field, Design Studies, confirms the strong process
orientation. The topics addressed typically concern: (creativity in) design
thinking, design education, design effort, conceptual design as a process,
design progress, communication of design knowledge, managing design
4 Cross, N A History of design
methodology in M J De Vries, information, the role of computers in design, design as a cognitive activity,
N Cross and D P Grant (eds)
decision making in design, etc. This journal explicitly presents itself as a
Design methodology and
relationships with science, forum for the discussion and development of the theoretical aspects of
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht (1993) pp 1527
design, including its methodology and values, but almost without exception
5 Schon, D The reflective prac- the methodological contributions concern the actual methods and tech-
titioner; how professionals think
in action Ashgate, Aldershot niques used in solving design tasks, not the methods and techniques used
6 Bucciarelli, L L Designing in justifying the outcome of a design process (see note 2).
engineers The MIT Press, Cam-
bridge, MA (1994)
7 Galle, P Design rationaliz- So, there are two differences between design methodology and research
ation and the logic of design: a
methodology: the former takes a normative stance and is process oriented,
case study Design Studies Vol
17 No 3 (1996) 253275 the latter is descriptive and product oriented (see Figure 1). Compared to

Design methodology 289

research methodology, design methodology is interested in a rather differ-
ent kind of rational reconstruction, namely in a schematised description
of real (not imaginary) design procedures, consisting of rationally pre-
scribed steps, which should lead to essentially better (not the same) results
compared with existing design procedures. Not surprisingly, therefore,
design methodology has resulted in a variety of schemes for dividing the
design process into various phases, varying from the very simple analysis
synthesisevaluation scheme to, for instance, the rather detailed and elabor-
ate scheme proposed by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI)8.

Because of these differences, design methodology and methodology of

science bear little resemblance to each other. It is even confusing to call
both methodology because that suggests that they address similar kinds
of questions for design and research. That is not in fact the case. Suppose
we were to construe a field called design methodology analogous to the
field called methodology of science. Then it would have to deal with the
following kinds of questions, some of which will surface again later on
(see note 3).

What is a design?
What makes a design a good or a successful design?
What are the proper criteria for evaluating proposed solutions for a
given design problem?
Is it possible to characterise in a general (logical?) way notions such
as the effectiveness and efficiency of design solutions?
How can a proposed solution for a design problem be rationally justi-
How can design decisions with regard to trade-offs between conflicting
8 Verein Deutscher Inge-
nieure (VDI) Systematic design specifications be rationally justified?
approach to the design of techni-
cal systems and products: Guid-
eline VDI 2221 Beuth Verlag, Shifting attention from design solutions to design methods, the following
Berlin (1987)
9 Kroes P Engineering design questions crop up.
and the empirical turn in the
philosophy of technology in P Does the correct application of design methods guarantee a successful
Kroes and A Meijers (eds) The
empirical turn in the philosophy outcome or make a successful outcome probable to a certain degree?
of technology (C Mitcham (series
ed)) Research in philosophy and
If so, is there a logic of design methods, that is, can we understand this
technology Vol 20, JAI/Elsevier, property of design methods from a logical (analytical) point of view?
Amsterdam (2000) 1943
10 Simon, H A The sciences of
the artificial, 3rd edn The MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA (1996) Furthermore, a technological design (ideally) contains an explanation of
11 Kroes, P A Technical func- how a given physical (chemical, biological) device realises a certain func-
tions as dispositions: a critical
assessment Techne` Vol 5 No 3 tion.
(2001) 16
12 Losonsky, M The nature of How is such a technological explanation, i.e. an explanation of a func-
artifacts Philosophy Vol 65
(1990) 8188 tion in terms of a physical (chemical, etc.) structure, possible?

290 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

What kind of adequacy conditions apply to technological explanations?

These questions concern either the justification of the outcome of the

design process or a rational reconstruction of the design process in the
Carnapian sense (i.e. in terms of imaginary steps and procedures).

Design methodology, as it has been practised up till now, has largely neg-
lected these questions. Because it aims at the improvement of design prac-
tice, it has focused mainly on the design process. By analysing in detail
the nature of this process, it tries to rationally reconstruct it in the sense
described earlier. In my opinion, however, design methodology will have
to address some of the issues described above for at least two reasons. The
first is that the design process and the design product are so intimately
related to each other that an understanding of the nature of the design
process requires insight into the nature of the product designed and vice
versa. Consider the design of various kinds of artefacts, e.g. the steering
wheel of a car, an air bag, a car, a car transport system, a police system,
a law on traffic regulations. Roughly speaking, these artefacts may be
ordered on an axis ranging from technical objects through socio-technical
objects to social objects. It is a matter of fact that the design processes
which lie at the basis of these various kinds of artefacts differ strongly. It
seems implausible that it will be possible to construct a domain-inde-
pendent theory about design processes, which will cover all these cases
(see note 4). An analysis of the design process of technical artefacts should
therefore take into account the specific nature of those objects (see note
5). Second, the normative stance taken by design methodology towards the
design process implies that it cannot escape questions concerning the qual-
ity of the outcome of that process. Since that outcome is the design of a
technical artefact, it has to address some of the questions listed above about
criteria for success of a design. So, let us now turn to a closer analysis of
the nature of technical artefacts.

2 The dual nature of technical artefacts

According to the view defended below, technical artefacts have a dual
nature: on the one hand they are physical objects (man-made constructions)
that may be used to perform a certain function, on the other hand they
are intentional objects since it is the function of a technical artefact that
distinguishes it from physical (natural) objects and this function has mean-
ing only within a context of intentional human action. Before presenting
this dual nature view of technical artefacts, I will briefly discuss Herbert
Simons theory on artificial things as exposed in his classic The sciences
of the artificial10 (in the following text, page numbers refer to this book).
This theory proves to be a useful stepping stone to the dual nature view.

Design methodology 291

For Simon, the science of the artificial will closely resemble the science
of engineering because engineering deals with the synthesis of things. In
contrast to the scientist, the engineer and more in particular the designer
are concerned with how things ought to behow they ought to be in
order to attain goals, and to function (pp. 45). One of the striking features
of (technical) artefacts is precisely that they can be characterised in terms
of functions and goals. Functions and goals are analysed by Simon in the
following way (p. 5):

Let us look a little more closely at the functional or purposeful aspect of artificial
things. Fulfilment of purpose or adaptation to a goal involves a relation among three
terms: the purpose or goal, the character of the artifact, and the environment in which
the artifact performs.

For instance, the purpose of a clock is to tell time and the character of the
clock refers to its physical make-up (gears, springs, etc., for a mechanical
clock). Finally, the environment is important because not every kind of
clock is useful in every environment; sundials can only perform their func-
tion in sunny climates. Simons analysis of artefacts is represented in a
schematic way in Figure 2 (see note 6).

According to Simon, the environment of an artefact is very important

because it moulds the artefact. He considers the artefact to be a kind of
interface between an inner environment, the substance and organis-
ation of the artifact itself, and an outer environment, the surroundings
in which it operates (p. 6). The inner environment of the artefact, its
character, is shaped in such a way that it realises the goals set in the outer
environment (p. 10). Therefore, the science of the artificial has to focus
on this interface, since the artificial world is centered precisely on this
interface between the inner and outer environments; it is concerned with
attaining goals by adapting the former to the latter (p. 113).

Simons distinction between inner and outer environment points to two

different ways of looking at technical artefacts. Looked at from the outer
environment, the technical artefact presents itself primarily as something,
whatever its inner environment, that fulfils a certain goal, purpose or func-
tion. From this perspective the artefact is characterised primarily in a func-
tional way; the inner environment remains a black box. Looked at from
the inner environment, the artefact is described as some kind of physical
system; from this perspective, the goal that it fulfils in the environment
remains a black box (see note 7). As Simon remarks (p. 7) Given an
airplane, or given a bird, we can analyze them by the methods of natural
science without any particular attention to purpose or adaptation, without

292 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

Figure 2 Schematic
representation of Simons
analysis of artefacts with an

reference to the interface between what I have called the inner and outer
environments. These two different ways of characterising an artefact, in
terms of its inner and outer environment, correspond closely to what we
call the dual nature of technical artefacts.

The view that technical artefacts have a dual nature finds its origin in the
observation that we employ in our thinking, speaking and doing two basic
conceptualisations of the world, and that we do not know how to integrate
these two together into one coherent conceptualisation (see note 8). On the
one hand, we see the world as consisting of physical objects interacting
through causal connections. This will be called the physical or structural
conceptualisation which is employed and developed by the physical
sciences. On the other hand, we see the world as consisting partly of agents
(primarily human beings), who intentionally represent the world and act
intentionally in it, and whose behaviour is explained partly in terms of
reasons (and not causes). This is the intentional conceptualisation of the

Design methodology 293

world which underlies most of the social sciences. One aspect of this latter
conceptualisation is that certain activities are interpreted in terms of realis-
ations of goals and that functions are attributed to certain objects or activi-
ties. The existence of these two different conceptualisations poses a prob-
lem in cases where both offer competing explanations for the same kind
of phenomenon, e.g. for raising a hand to vote in a meeting: one in terms
of physiological causes, the other in terms of reasons. This is the well-
known mindbody problem.

The question that concerns us is how technical artefacts fit into these two
conceptualisations of the world. Our starting point for exploring this issue
will be the following characterisation of technical artefacts: technical arte-
facts are objects with a technical function and with a physical structure
consciously designed, produced and used by humans to realise its function
(see note 9). In short, a technical artefact is a physical object with a techni-
cal function. This characterisation of a technical artefact makes it a hybrid
kind of object which does not fit in either the physical or the intentional
conceptualisation. Looked upon as merely physical objects, technical arte-
facts fit into the physical conceptualisation of the world; the way the arte-
fact works can be explained in terms of causal processes. But as a mere
physical object, it is not a technical artefact. Without its function, the object
loses its status as a technical artefact. This means that technical artefacts
cannot be described exhaustively within the physical conceptualisation,
since it has no place for its functional features. But neither can it be
described exhaustively within the intentional conceptualisation since its
functionality must be realised through an appropriate physical structure and
the intentional conceptualisation has no place for the physical features of
a technical artefact (see note 10). Hence the conclusion that technical arte-
facts have a dual nature: on the one hand they are physical, on the other
intentional objects.

According to the above line of thought, the notion of technical artefact is

related to three key notions, namely the notion of a physical structure, of
a (technical) function and of a context of intentional human action (see
Figure 3 and note 11).

The inclusion of the context of human action into our analysis of artefacts
needs some clarification, since we have characterised technical artefacts
earlier as physical objects with technical functions. I have included the
context of human action because it makes no sense to speak about technical
functions without reference to a context of human action. As remarked
earlier, functional discourse is part of the intentional conceptualisation of
the world; it is meaningless to speak about technical functions without a

294 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

Figure 3 The dual nature of
technical artefacts with an

context of intentional (human) action. This can be expressed in an ontologi-

cal way by saying that some context of human action is constitutive for a
technical function. This is in line with Searles claim that technical func-
tions are attributed, in or with regard to some context of human action, to
objects; they are not intrinsic properties of those objects13. In his analysis
of the relational ontology of technical artefacts, Meijers14 also claims that
human action is constitutive for functions: A central part of my argument
focuses on functions and functional properties. These are realised by the
physical structure of the artifact together with the practice of its design
13 Searle, J R The construc- and use (p. 81). Thus, in Figure 3 function and context of human action
tion of social reality Penguin
Books, London (1995) are intimately connected; they both belong to the domain of the intentional.
14 Meijers, A W M The Technical artefacts have a dual nature since they are at the same time part
relational ontology of technical
artefact in P Kroes and A Mei- of the domain of the physical and of the intentional.
jers (eds) The empirical turn in
the philosophy of technology (C
Mitcham (series ed)), Research
There are some notable differences between our analysis of technical arte-
in philosophy and technology Vol
20 (2000) 8196 facts and Simons. Simons notion of goal or purpose has been replaced

Design methodology 295

by the notion of function. This may seem an insignificant move but it is
not, because we may attribute functions to technical artefacts but not goals
(in the sense of an aim or an end (telos)). That notion has its place in a
context of intentional human action; within such a context a means used
to achieve a goal (end, aim) is attributed a function. Thus, Simons analysis
implicitly refers to a context of human action by referring to goals and
purposes. Furthermore, the notion of environment has been replaced by
the notion of context of human action. It could be argued that this is also
a minor change, because one form of environment is a context of human
action. Simons claim that the artefact has to adapt to its environment then
reduces to the, rather obvious, claim that the artefact has to adapt to the
context of human action in which it is used. Nevertheless, this is a notice-
able change because it brings out the fact that not any kind of environment
is relevant for the analysis of technical artefacts; only references to
environments comprising a context of human action are appropriate. In his
example of the sundial, for instance, Simon interprets the environment in
a physical way (sunny climates are the required environment for sundials).
But this is problematic. It is not this physical environment that turns the
object involved, a stick that casts a shadow on a surface, into an artefact
of the type sundial. Only within the context of human action (e.g. of
ordering events or comparing time intervals) does this physical object
acquire a function and become a technical artefact (a time-keeping device
or clock).

The main difference between Simons analysis and ours is that the latter
gives a much more prominent and explicit place to a context of human
action in analysing the nature of technical artefacts. The advantage of this
is that it brings much more into the open the dual nature of technical
artefacts: we cannot make sense of technical artefacts without taking into
consideration their physical structure, but also not without their context of
intentional human action. Within Simons analysis this dual nature stays
more implicit and is related to the two different perspectives on technical
artefacts, namely the perspective of the inner environment (physical
structure) and the perspective of the outer environment (context of
human action).

Note that the above characterisation of a technical artefact involves pro-

cesses in an essential way: without some context of human action (activity,
processes) the notion of function loses its meaning, and what is left of a
technical artefact without its function is just some physical object. In order
to arrive at a better understanding of how the design process is involved
in characterising a technical artefact, we have to take a closer look at what
we have called context of human action. This is a very general and rather

296 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

vague term. With regard to technical artefacts, at least two significant kinds
of context of human action can be distinguished, namely the design context
and the user context (see Figure 4 and note 12).

In these two contexts the technical artefact manifests itself in different

ways. In the design context, the main emphasis lies on how to construct
a physical system (object) that realises a certain function. This function is
often described in terms of a list of specifications which the object to
be designed must meet. Here we encounter what Simon calls the inner
environment of a technical artefact. In the context of use, the outer
environment presents itself. There, the function of the artefact in relation
to the realisation of goals (ends) is of prime importance and the physical
constitution of the technical artefact becomes of secondary importance.
Note, however, that in the context of design as well as in the context of
use, the technical artefact has a dual nature: within the design context it
is not only a physical structure, just as it is not only a function in the
context of use.

In many cases, there is no continuity between a context of design and a

context of use in the sense that the same people who design a technical
artefact also use it. This situation creates problems with regard to the com-
munication of functions between designers and users. To what extent is it
possible to design a technical artefact so that it will communicate its pro-
per function, i.e. the function it was designed for, to its potential users?
Or is it the case that the technical artefact itself plays no intermediary
role at all in the communication of its function, which means that this
communication has to be established by other means? It is interesting to
note that Dipert has worked out a theory of technical artefacts in which it

Figure 4 Technical artefacts and their contexts of design and of use

Design methodology 297

is a defining feature of artefacts that they are explicitly designed to com-
municate their artefactuality and functionality to their users15. This view
presupposes that in principle it is possible that an artefact itself communi-
cates its function. However, since the function is not an intrinsic property
of the artefact, it is not clear what it is in the artefact itself that is the
source for the communication of its function. Part of this problem may be
solved by taking into consideration the user manual of a technical artefact.
A user manual has at least two functions: it is a means to communicate
the intended function to the user and to makes this function accessible to
the user by prescribing which actions have to be performed to realise the
intended function. If we assume that a user manual is an integral part of
the technical artefact, then part of the communication problem can be
solved easily by way of the user manual (see note 13). But even in that
case the question as to how much of the function of a technical artefact
can be communicated without recourse to a user manual is of great impor-
tance for design practice. To study this matter, design methodology will
have to focus on the nature of a technical artefact, more in particular on
the notion of the intended or proper function of an artefact, on the various
ways technical artefacts may communicate their function, and what kind
of theory of communication this presupposes.

At this point I conclude the exposition of the dual nature of technical

artefacts. In the next section, I will explore some of the consequences of
this interpretation of the nature of technical artefacts for the agenda setting
of design methodology, particularly from the point of view of the relation-
ship between the design process and the design product.

3 Discussion: consequences for the research agenda

of design methodology
Our analysis of technical artefacts as having a dual nature of itself leads
15 Dipert, R R Artifacts, art to a question that is of crucial importance for understanding the nature of
works and agency Temple, Phil- design processes and therefore deserves a prominent place on the research
adelphia (1993)
16 Kroes, P A Technological agenda of design methodology. This question is: How can we account for
explanations: the relation
the fact that designers are able to bridge the gap between a functional and
between structure and function
of technological objects Techne` a structural description of a technical artefact? That they are able to bridge
Vol 3 No 3 (1998) http://scholar
this gap stands without question. But from a philosophical point of view,
/KROES.html we are dealing here with two different conceptualisations of an artefact. It
17 Rosenman, M A and Gero,
J S Purpose and function in is not clear how these two are related to each other and how it is possible
design: from the socio-cultural to
the techno-physical Design
to go from one conceptualisation to the other. Schematically (see Figure
Studies Vol 19 (1998) 5), a design process may be characterised as starting with a functional
18 Kroes, P A Reflections on
technological design as art Inte- description of the desired artefact; this may be considered to be the input
grated Design and Process
of a design process. This functional description is a black box description
Technology Vol IDPT-3 (1998)
104109 with regard to the physical structure of the technical artefact. It is precisely

298 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

Figure 5 The design pro-
cess and the gap between
functional and structural

the task of the designer to fill this black box with a physical structure such
that this structure will realise the intended function. The output of a design
process, therefore, is a description of a physical structure which adequately
performs the function, that is, with a design of the technical artefact (which
may be taken to include the user manual).

Given this interpretation of the design process, two observations may be

made. First, designers manage to bridge the gap between functional and
structural descriptions of artefacts in a systematic way; they use all kinds
of design methods to help them solve their design problems. Second, they
are in most cases able to explain why a proposed design will adequately
fulfil its function. From the point of view of the dual nature of technical
artefacts, these observations raise the following questions:

What kind of design methods are used by designers to bridge the gap
between the two modes of describing technical artefacts?
How are we to interpret the role of these design methods in bridging
the gap between the two conceptualisations of the artefact. In other
words, can we provide a rational account of the use of these design
methods, showing why their use is successful, given the conceptual gap?
How do designers explain the function of an artefact in terms of its
How can a function be explained in terms of a physical structure, given
the conceptual gap between the two kinds of descriptions involved (see
note 14)?

In order to answer these questions much empirical and conceptual work

still remains to be done. But given the aim of design methodology to
improve design practice, it cannot avoid addressing these questions: with-
out clarification of these issues an adequate understanding of the nature
of the design of technical artefacts is, to say the least, problematic (see
note 15).

The final topic that I would like to draw attention to concerns the quality
of a design, in particular the notion of a successful design. It is self-evident
that design methodology has to establish some criteria for the quality, the
success and the failure of design processes if we are to take its normative

Design methodology 299

stance towards design processes seriously. Otherwise, the notion of an
improvement of a design process loses its meaning. These criteria are also
necessary to uphold the idea that designing technical artefacts is partly a
rational activity (see note 16). Without some criteria for improvement or
progress, the notion of rationality becomes problematic.

So, what are the criteria for quality on the basis of which design processes
may be evaluated? In line with their process orientation, design methodolo-
gists seem to have approached this problem primarily from the point of
view of the organisation and management of design processes. There are
many prescriptive phase diagrams of how to split up the overall design
process into various parts. The suggestion is implied, explicitly or
implicitly, that following these diagrams will lead to or at least contribute
to the quality (success) of the design process. Thus, implementing
adequately the prescriptive phase diagram becomes a criterion for success.
Without an assumption of this kind, the rationale behind these diagrams
becomes problematic. This may be part of the answer, but it is highly
questionable whether it addresses the real issues involved. It is not difficult
to imagine, and probably has often actually been the case, that a design
process follows painstakingly all the required procedures and nevertheless
its outcome is deemed a failure by the people involved. In such cases, the
design process has to be considered a success, whereas its outcome is a
failure (the proverbial successful operation with a dead patient). Con-
versely, a badly organised and poorly managed design process may lead
to an excellent design.

The relationship between the quality of a design process and the quality
of its outcome does not seem to be straightforward. Abiding by the rules
of procedural rationality is not a sufficient criterion for success (neither
does it seem to be a necessary criterion). More is involved, namely the
criteria in terms of which the outcome of a design process is evaluated.
So, we arrive at the question: What is a good or successful design? That
itself is a complicated issue and it is doubtful that there is one set of criteria
that is universally valid in every context. In our analysis of technical arte-
facts we have distinguished so far two different contexts of human action,
namely the design context and the use context. It is not at all self-evident
that the same criteria for quality apply in both contexts. Within a design
context, a general criterion for success may be that a proposed design meets
all the specifications and constraints. A particular design that satisfies this
criterion may nevertheless be considered a failure in the context of use
because it does not meet the expectations or satisfy the needs of the users;
the latter will be their criterion of success. This situation may be due to,
for instance, poor communication between designers and users about the

300 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

desired functionality. But even if we assume that the communication about
needs and functions is flawless, then it is nevertheless doubtful whether
the community of designers applies the same criteria of quality as the
community of users. For instance, the introduction of an engineering
change, i.e. a change in the physical make-up of an artefact that does not
affect in any way its technical function, may considerably improve the
quality of a design judged in the context of design, whereas in the context
of use its quality remains the same.

Apart from the context of design and the context of use, technical artefacts
figure in many other contexts of human action, such as the context of
production, context of maintenance, context of consumer markets, etc.
Each of these contexts has its own criteria for quality and success which
may be relevant to the way the quality of the design of the artefact is
evaluated. Aesthetic criteria pose a problem of their own in evaluating the
quality of a design because it is a problem to find objective standards for
these criteria (see note 17). Moreover, the importance of these criteria var-
ies strongly over different engineering domains (for instance, in many areas
of electrical and mechanical engineering they are almost irrelevant,
whereas in architecture they are important). There is but one conclusion
to be drawn from the foregoing, namely that a clear insight into the notion
of the quality (success) of a design or a design process is lacking.

Given this conclusion, it is rather remarkable that, although design method-

ology professes to aim at improving design processes, it has, to my knowl-
edge, not addressed these issues systematically. Either the success of a
design process depends wholly or in part on the success of the outcome
of this process, in which case it appears rather obvious that the above
issues about the quality of a design should rank high on the research agenda
of design methodology. Or the success of a design process does not depend
at all on the success of its outcome, but in that case the rationale for
improving the design process, that is, for the aim of design methodology,
becomes problematic. Design methodology needs a foundation for its nor-
mative point of view on design processes, and it appears plausible that this
foundation is partly to be found in criteria for a successful design.

I would like to thank the members of the Department of Philosophy of the
Delft University of Technology for their valuable comments on an earlier
version of this paper.

Design methodology 301

1 Quoted in Dorst2 (p. 8). There seems to be some confusion about what design methodology is about
and how it relates to the wider field of design studies3. I will not go into this matter; for my puposes, Crosss
description is a good starting point.
2 A notable exception is Galle7.
3 For more details about how design methodology in this sense fits into the broader field known as the
philosophy of engineering design, see Kroes9.
4 This claim does not go undisputed; see for instance, Simon10, who remarks: The intellectual activity that
produces material artifacts is no different fundamentally from the one that prescribes remedies for a sick
patient or the one that devises a new sales plan for a company or a social welfare policy for a state (p. 111).
5 In the following analysis, I will consider the outcome of a design process to be a technical artefact.
Although a design is not yet itself something that justifiably may be called a (full-blooded) technical artefact,
it is an integral part of a process that produces a technical artefact. Moreover, the ultimate validation of a
design involves the actual making and use of the technical artefact described in the design. Thus, if the
design validation phase is taken to be part of the design process, this process implicitly implies the making
of the intended technical artefact.
6 The arrows stand for conceptual implication: the notion of an artefact conceptually implies the notion of
a character, a goal or pupose, and an environment.
7 For more details about the black box character of functional and physical descriptions of objects, see
8 Parts of the following are based on the NWO grant application The dual nature of technical artifacts,
1999, written jointly by Anthonie Meijers, Maarten Franssen, Pieter Vermaas, Wybo Houkes and the author.
For the full text of this application, see
9 Of course, all kinds of demarcation problems arise about software or natural objects used for practical
purposes. I will leave those problems aside. This characterisation seems to be adequate for technical arte-
facts which are the result of engineering design and development.
10 This is related to the fact that a functional description is, from a physical point of view, a black box
description of an object; in general, a functional description states that something, whatever it may be from
a physical point of view, may be used as a means to realise a certain state of affairs.
11 In a more or less similar way, Losonsky analyses the nature of artifacts in terms of the following three
features: internal structure, purpose and manner of use12.
12 For an actiontheoretical account of the design and use context, see W. Houkes, P. Vermaas, K. Dorst
and M. de Vries, Design and use as plans: an actiontheoretic account, in this issue of Design Studies.
13 Part of the communication problem, because there is no guarantee that a user will reconstruct from
the technical artefact (including its user manual) a function that is identical to the intended function. An
argument for including the user manual in the technical artefact is that it strengthens the ties between a
technical artefact and a context of action, since the user manual prescribes how the artefact in question has
to be used in order to realise its intended function.
14 For a discussion of this issue, see Kroes16.
15 The fact that designers have to deal with two conceptualisations of the world has not gone unnoticed
in design methodology. Rosenman and Gero17, for instance, explicitly characterise design as involving the
transition of concepts from the socio-cultural environment to the description of technical objects (p. 161).
16 The notion of rationality may be interpreted in this context in various ways. It may be taken in the sense
that it is possible to provide arguments why certain design decisions will lead to better results than other
ones. If we take designing to be a goal-oriented activity, then the notion of rationality as adaptation of means
to an end may be applied (meansendrationality).
17 For a discussion of the role of aesthetic criteria in design and how this role affects the question whether
design is an art or a science, see Kroes18.

302 Design Studies Vol 23 No. 3 May 2002

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