The Stand-Alone Learning Strategies
The Stand-Alone Learning Strategies
The Stand-Alone Learning Strategies
It is important to understand that the notion of conceptual map takes up the idea of
map understood as a graphical or visual representation. You could have with to the
Department of the Valle del Cauca cities are connected by a series of lines that
symbolize the communication routes road map. In conceptual maps the "cities" would
be the concepts that are enclosed in an ellipse or rectangle.
It is recommended for greater visual impact emphasize concepts with capital letter and
enclose them in ellipses. The ellipse is preferable to the rectangle by the "smoothness"
B. concept, object and event
When we talk about objects we mean anything that exists and can be observed: dogs,
wool, stars, a Chair... etc. Event means as something that happens or likely to cause:
lightning, a game of football, education, concept maps, the atom fission, warriors,...
etc, are events. From the perspective that we are presenting concepts are mental
images "causing us words or signs which express regularities". Mental images have
common features in all persons but also have particular nuances, the concepts are not
the same but use the same words. Car not means the same for a farmer to a corridor
of formula 1, but use the same word.
C. Proposition
D. words – link
The words - binding are used to join concepts and identify the type of relationship
between the two. (Novak) It is important in the construction of a concept map,
differentiate between the conceptual terms, words that cause mental images and
express regularities, and words, links which will unite the concepts do not cause
mental images. Let's look at the example above, the proposition "the House is big"
conceptual terms House and large would be linked with the word is. When the problem
is not so simple, the concept map is complex, i.e. appear more concepts and
relationships. How should understand the names in the construction of a concept map?
Unlike the conceptual, mental images and regularities terms, names do not express
regularities and are more specific concepts.
E. Jerarquización
In a single conceptual map appears once the same concept the relationships between
concepts can change in different learning contexts. For this reason sometimes the
analogy of the rubber membrane is used to explain that a conceptual map any concept
can "rise" position and continue to maintain a significant propositional relationship with
other concepts in the map. Then the student may consider a conceptual map where
are the concepts and relationships established in the definition, components and
features of a concept map.
THE commentary the comment is a type of text that consists of the assessment or
personal evaluation of a reference to a text which we have interpreted or reality. In
this second meaning the commentary, as well as the summary, is the construction of a
text on other text by using the following process
An author writes a text and a reader interprets the meaning, associating it with a
system of values and produced a text in which explain what parts of the text read
opposed and with what is agreed, and in addition, express what you think about the
interpreted text. To make a comment the text read understanding is essential because
you can not comment on a text whose meaning we do not fully understand. According
to the above we can define the comment as a kind of text that presents the evaluation
of information (content) a text read and his form of expression (consistency,
organization, clarity, correcting grammar vocabulary, etc.).
This order is very flexible, you can start the solution or the criticism, in addition,
the sub-items decomposition and criticism, generally, go together as presents
each item with its assessment
This type of comment, along with the narration of the facts, includes reasons or
arguments relating to these facts, for its assessment. Its structure is narrative
and argumentative. Comment the labour students, colleagues, a visit, a report,
In it the author intends to convince the reader to accept his views as true. It is
predominantly argumentative structure. This type of comment is often associated with
the points of view which proposes an author when writing an essay.
THE term test comes from the Latin Exaglum, meaning thinking, developing,
undertake, or test an idea or point of view. As a literary genre, the essay is
written in prose, usually short, in which arises, analyzes and said systematic
rigour but with depth and maturity, the personal interpretation of a literary,
artistic, historical, psychological, philosophical, scientific or educational topic.
The Mission of the test is raising issues and draw paths, rather than sitting firm
in this sense solutions, reflects style who writes it, generally supported in texts
or ideas from other authors to produce an own thought.
Style: You must be logical and pleasant. Careful and elegant. Submit valid
arguments, trials, deep critical and personal points of view.
Pure test: its purpose exhibition ideas; it's communicating ideas, thoughts, or
political, religious, economic, pedagogical, nature with some intensity but
without methodological rigour thoughts
Poetic essay: is that where the sensitivity and fantasy created fictitious worlds
serving poetic wrapper to the ideas of the author. Prevailing poetic on the
Critical essay: deep reflection on a particular topic on which the author
presents his ideas. Generally aims to analyze and prosecute any human,
political, educational work...
1 Planning: Identify and define the purpose of drafting, i.e. to select a topic of
interest, reflect on it, and consult bibliographic resources to support ideas
Ejemplos. When you start a paragraph guides the reader to where the
writer guides his idea. d. election of the paragraph; style can be:
Contraste: but still, although, unlike, another part, however, however, for,
if, while, however, but instead.
Reconfirmación: that is, that is, or said in other words, better still.
H. title: have a very clear mission: call, attract, entice the reader. It must be
insinuating invitation to read. Some ideas to find the appropriate title are: Re-
reading the whole test and write on a paper by way of brainstorming, five titles;
is not recommended to use the theme for title; search for a title suggestive,
insinuating, subtle, giving only a vague idea of the test, but, at the same time
create uncertainty, stress ideas or words that are repeated more and use them
as part of the title; a title that summarizes the general idea of the test should
finally be considered.