Female Liquid Orgasm Stroke Guide Ebook

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Stroke Detail
Pu#ng It All Together - Couples Exercise
OK, this is it. You have read the main book and now have the knowledge you
need to bring her to ejaculatory orgasm.
Here is a stroke by stroke descrip0on of exactly what you might do.
Try to follow this rou.ne rst, integra.ng her feedback into your ac.ons, and
then, as you and your lover get more comfortable, you can ri on this founda.on.
Remember to trim your ngernails very short. Use an emery board to smooth the
edges. Her internal .ssue is very delicate!
Wash your hands two .mes with very good soap. Wear an absorbent tee shirt to
keep yourself cool and comfortable. Youll feel at rst like you are doing some
work. It gets easier.
Get water for both of you, and put on some music or light candles or do what ever
sets a nice space for her maximum comfort.
Lay a few thicknesses of towels down on the bed or a waterproof sheet under
your bedding. Lay her down, prop her legs with pillows beneath her. Put a pillow
beneath her head. Give her a wrap she can drape across her chest if she gets cold.
Sit down beside her, on her right side, so you can posi.on your self perpendicu-
larly to her and see her genitals. Put one leg across her and one under her legs so
you can get your hands easily on her clit and vagina.
First I want you to do a Yoni Massage. This will get both of you warmed up to the
touch and feel of her genitals. Print the pages in the book out that go over all of
the dierent parts of her anatomy. Then slowly nd and touch each spot as you
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tell her which spot you are touching. You will essen.ally do an inventory of her
anatomy, so she can feel where each of these places are as you touch them.
If shes embarrassed, keep the lights low at rst and feel your way as much as see
your way around. Its also great to have a hand mirror and prop her up so she can
see her pussy. Tell her the things you like about it. I love the dusky pink of your
inner lips. I love how your clit is just peeking out a liQle from under the hood.
Your thighs look so beau.ful as they lead up to your Yoni.
Then as you locate each spot, rub it in a few dierent ways and ask her which feels
best to her. Try strokes, circles, swipes, more pressure, less pressure. From this,
youll get a good idea of what kind of strokes and pressure she likes in what areas.
Then as shes s.ll laying down, completely relaxed, ask her to do nothing but give
you any feedback, posi.ve or nega.ve, about what shes experiencing as youre
giving her a genital massage.
Start with a nice organic nut oil. (You can get these online or at an organic mar-
ket.) Sweet Almond or Coconut Oil are nice. You want something at rst thats a
liQle tackier, s.cker than lube. Oil works well on the outside areas of her genitals.
Stroke her belly, her thighs, her buQocks, the inside creases of her thighs with the
nut oil. You are simply massaging her to get her to relax and feel her body rst.
Some.mes, a light pressure with the palms of your hands will feel great to her.
Like you are lightly pinning her to the bed, just for a second or two. Try it and see
if she likes it.
Take about 10 minutes or longer if shes really enjoying it. You can stop there, or
proceed to this next level of s.mula.on.
Once shes warmed up and very responsive to your touch, you want to move to a
lube thats beQer for internal touch. Sliquid Silk or Swiss Navy, something thats
more slippery. Make sure what you use does not contain Parabens, as theyve
been thought to be carcinogenic. Theres no research that proves it, it could be an
urban legend. But why chance it when there are great lubes that are Paraben-
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Warm up lube on your le] hand, spread it around and put it onto your pointer and
index ngers on your right hand. These are what you will slip inside her.
Next, youll start touching her genital area. Rub her outer lips, inner lips, clitoral
area, urethral area, slowly work your way into her G-Area, very delicately, just to
locate the zones. Feel around in there ( just with one nger and very gently) and
stroke what brings you pleasure as well as her.
Some.mes its also nice to start outside her genital area and not put a nger in-
side her un.l shes very warmed up and nearly begging you.
If youre doing an inventory, for your rst couple .mes, its ok to rub inside and
out, touching her parts and telling her what youre touching when youre touching
it. That helps her feel more sensa.on and awaken her genital area.
Next set up a gentle, light, even, rhythmic stroke on her clitoris, using lube, with
your le] pointer nger. Think about stroking up under her clitoral hood around
1:30 or 2:00 if the top of her clit is 12 oclock and the entrance to her vagina is 6
You want to touch the clitoral area VERY delicately. And the steady, steady stroke
she can feel into is KEY.
Next slowly start to work your pointer nger on your right hand around the en-
trance to her vagina. Mirror the stroke on her clit with the stroke of your index
nger, using a small, come hither stroke as you are working your nger into her G-
Spot. Take at least a minute or two to slowly work it in.
Spend some .me just holding your nger.p or res.ng the thumb of your right
hand, pad side down, at the entrance to her vagina (called the Introitus). This
grounds her in a really nice way and s.mulates her while crea.ng the desire for
you to put your nger in her further.
Keep stroking her clitoris while youre holding the pad of your thumb in her introi-
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When you feel like you have a good rhthym, and shes gefng turned on, you can
start to move one nger, veeerrryyy slowly into her vaginal canal.
Begin making a very slow windshield wiper stroke with your nger across her G-
Spot for about 30 seconds or longer. Just keep slowly stroking the wiper across her
Next, slowly transi.on to a come hither stroke across her G-Spot for about 30
more seconds for longer. Watch her for clues as to how shes doing. Make sure
you are not rushing anything.
Essen.ally youre giving her one rhythmic stroke per second or longer, lefng her
get into the feeling. Alternate between those two.
Try a barrel roll, gently with the same rhythm, 1 per second. A barrel roll is where
you take your nger .p(s) and do a big circle. At the top, its like a come hither but
your ngers are straight.
Press against the G-Spot, ar.cula.ng your ngers inside her pussy and doing a big,
circular sweep all around the inside of her vagina. Some gals like it faster, some
slower. Start with the basics. 1 nger windshield wiper across her G-Spot, 1 nger
come hither across her G-Spot, 1 nger barrel roll around the inside of her whole
vaginal cavity. Alternate two sets of 1 come hither, 1 windshield wiper, 1 come
hither, 1 windshield wiper followed by a single barrel roll.
Do that with just pointer for 3-5 minutes. Then slowly pull out. Tell her in advance
that you are going to pull out and put on more lube. Put on more lube. Squirt it
on your le] hand, rub it in your palm to warm it, then s.ck your two ngers out
from your right hand (pointer and index) and roll those ngers all around in he
lube so the lube covers your en.re ngers, on all sides. These the ngers youre
going to slip back inside her.
Keep one hand or your arm touching her as you do this. Its good at rst to report
all the moves you are making to her. Shell feel more condent if she understands
what you are doing every step of the way during this intense learning process.
Check in with her as you go. See what she liked, more than others and if theres
anything that didnt give her pleasure. Accept all her feedback, no maQer what
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and dont expect her to be polite. Just ask her to blurt out what ever she is feeling.
Remember, it can get a liQle intense down there for women in the beginning. Ac-
cept everything she says and respond each ?me simply with, thank you.
This is a nice liQle break for her. Now you can start again.
First, tell her you are going to slowly work in your other nger. Some.mes its nice
to tease her a liQle and build some an.cipa.on. But rst start again with one n-
ger. Go back to the 1 nger come hither stroke. Do that for 30 seconds. You are
back on her clit again matching the rhythm.
Then do a long curing stroke with smooth, even pressure, pulling it out of her va-
gina, running it up to her clit and then pause it there. Pauses are hot. They expand
her energy, not delete it. She will strive to keep the sensa.on going herself, even
when you are paused, which will turn her on more.
This is the transi.on to two ngers. Slowly run that pointer nger back down,
keeping in contact with her clit un.l the last minute, then merge your index nger
alongside your pointer and slowly circle the opening to her vagina at the same
rate, 1 circle per second. Then add your le] pointer nger back to her clit, keeping
that stroke steady. As you circle the outside of her vaginal opening you begin to
work your way in, just a frac.on of an inch per stroke. Mini come hither strokes,
each second, as you go a liQle further in with each stroke will feel really good to
Take a deep breath yourself now. Youve already been working hard. Consciously
relax your body.
Then when you get to the point where you have two knuckles in, thats going to
be right about on her G-Spot. All women are dierent, but having her G-Spot be
about where you are when you are two knuckles in is preQy typical.
Note: As you both get more procient, you may nd her G-Spot swelling with en-
gorgement to the point where its coming out of her vagina. It balloons and when
it does, it feels amazing to her.

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Now do light come hither stroke for 30 strokes, then windshield wiper for 30
strokes, then barrel role for 5-10 strokes. Do that for a couple of minutes, then
work your ngers in to the next knuckle. At this point, your ngers are preQy
much all the way in. Then start with more pressure doing come hither, s.ck with
the come hither and make bigger, draggier, strokes with more pressure, so the
pads of your nger.ps are making pressing contact across her G-Spot area. Use
medium to medium rm pressure as you make contact.
Note: You may not want to try ALL this the rst few .mes. Go very cau.ously. Add
things in as she wants more. It could take 10 sessions for you to get to this point.
So now, you added a lot more sensa.on. Its .me for a down stroke, which doesnt
bring her down, it actually gives her a peak. Remove the clit stroking le] nger.
Slowly follow the curve of her body, as you remove your ngers from her vagina.
Slide them out slowly and curving, like your ngers dont want to let go.
Then as youre sliding out, make contact with her clit as you slide up. Then pause
there, on her clit. That gives her a break.
If you need to, place the palm of your le] hand on her pussy and press down
Then go all the way back in, slowly, because shes more warmed up.
Pressing the blood out of her labia will feel really good to her at this point, and
help her go higher as you start stroking again.
Put your le] nger on her clit. You are s.ll doing the 1 second strokes. Now focus
a minute of come hither, then 30 seconds of windshield wiper, then a barrel
As she gets more turned on, you can speed it up a liQle. Maybe two stokes per
second, double .me. Use medium rm pressure again.
The way you can tell when its .me to speed it up, her G-Spot will start to swell up
like a balloon. You can feel it pushing down on your ngers. When that happens,
you can add pressure an d speed. If thats not happening, dont add speed or
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pressure. Just be pa.ent. It may not happen the rst few sessions. You are s.ll
waking up her pussy and crea.ng new neural pathways.
When you feel that G-Spot swelling up like a balloon, she should be moaning, you
should feel her pussy contrac.ng around your ngers. If you are gefng those sig-
nals that shes really turned on, hook your ngers even more around her pubic
bone its the come hither with your ngers curled even more.
If youre gefng contrac.ons, she may be ready to squirt. Dont get too excited
and over stroke hard on her pussy unless you are gefng a balloon and contrac-
.ons. Youll feel her pussy grabbing your ngers. Youll feel her PC muscles. Thats
why its important for her to do the PC exercises. Shell have more sensa.on as
shes able to control those muscles.
When it feels like you can only move your nger.ps inside her, because her pussy
is clamping down and her G-Spot is pressing against your ngers, then you can
slide your ngers in and out while youre doing the come hither.
Do it as a rocking and curving mo.on so that youre nishing the stroke and when
youre making the last bit of curve, think about making contact with the legs of
her clitoris as they curve around inside her vagina. Keep contact with those clit
legs that run inside her vagaina. When you do that curve, its like a sliding scoop,
also pressing with the back of your knuckles on the lower part of the scoop, which
hits her lower back part of her vagina, inside, closest to her rectum.
You may increase the speed or pressure, as long as her G-Spot is s.ll swollen and
she con.nues to give you posi.ve feedback. Remember, you are s.ll stroking her
clit, now speeding that up to 2-3 strokes a second. Match the clit stroke with the
nger strokes inside her.
This is a good place for a check in. If her contrac.ons start to back o, you may
s.ll keep the fast, light strokes on her clit but really slow down to the 1 second
strokes inside her pussy. Go back to a lighter pressure, slower draggy stroke, not
the big curving, pressure strokes.

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This is a good .me to do a full down stroke. SLOWLY transi.on your ngers out of
her, then press down on her big outer labia lips. Stroke down a few .mes. Get
more lube.
Slow the escala.on, but ramp back up more quickly than last .me. Do the system:
come hither, windshield wiper, barrel, scooping, stronger curve strokes, if shes
giving you posi.ve feedback that she desires it.
How do you know when shes ready to squirt? Contrac.ons and G-Spot swelling
are the signals. If shes not squir.ng when youre doing the scooping, back o. If
she is, then keep that pace up during her squir.ng .me. She can squirt in cycles.
Bring her up. Squirt. Down strokes. Bring her up. Squirt. Down strokes. At rst, she
will be able to tell theres squir.ng, but you may not. It slowly builds up to a big-
ger amount of ejaculate release.
Some.me it just doesnt work. Dont push her too hard. Dont upset her. Just take
a break and do it again another day. Make sure that the whole .me, no maQer
what, shes enjoyed the stroking. Try not to be goal oriented. Its hard. But try.
Do this many .mes before you will both feel like shes ready and you can keep the
She cant clamp up, she needs to be opening her pussy, pushing out. If she doesnt
open up and push, its not going to happen. She has to want to push out. See if
she feels like shes going to pee.
Thats why its important some.mes to do the escala.on up to the scooping
stroke, and then if shes not ready, back o. Do 3-4 cycles of the slow escala.on. If
she hasnt squirted by now. Give her a break. Slowly bring her down. Give her a
break and see if she wants to go again or call it a day.
Give her a towel stroke. Take a hand towel and lay it on her genitals. Put gentle
pressure on the outside so the capillary ac.on removes the lube. Dont rub her
with the towel. Sit her up. Tell her what an amazing experience that was for you in
as much detail as you can conjure. Ask her for any feedback that she can give you
and just say, thank you for each piece of informa.on she can oer.
Do this as frequently as you both like and soon she will be squir.ng!
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