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Andreas Wolf

Ralf Steinmann

Henrik Schunk

Grippers in
The Fascination of Automated Ha ndling Tasks

Dr. Andreas Wolf Ralf Steinmann

Henrik Schunk

robomotion GmbH Schunk GmbH & Co. KG

Schunk, Inc.

ndustriestralSe 25 Spann-und Greiftechnik

211 Kitty Hawk Drive

70565 Stuttqart

BahnhofsstralSe 106-134

Morrisville, NC 27560


74348 Lauffen/Neckar



Library of Congress Control Number: 2005925774 SBN 3-540-25657-1

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Foreword by Prof. Joseph F. Engelberger
In America you can often hear of people who "come to grips" with a problem. That
is, they are "taking hold" of the situation. And, it is "gripping" which is so critical to
my discipline, robotics. Preprogrammed automatons have been around since the fourteenth century. They are clever and entertaining, but they can-not interact with the
workaday world. For example, at the 1938 New York World's Fair one of the
automaton hits was "Electro" and his dog, "Sparky". Electro stumbled around, waved
his arms and repeated recorded messages while Sparky hopped around and barked.
Note that neither interacted with the real world. That remained for post World War
II technology and the advent of the industrial robot. The point of the robot was that a
multi-axis manipulator could be programmed to do a variety of manufacturing tasks.
Yes, the robot arm's contoller could memorize a number of complex manipulations.
Still, it had to grasp work pieces, not just wave its arm. Enter the end effector! And,
enter Grippers in Motion. This book is magnificently illustrated. Therein you find
grippers that can cope with a range of work pieces, say in an assembly task. There is
even recognition of the human hand as an ultimate standard. Multiple fingered endeffectors with tactile sensing can communicate with a robot's contoller to handle
disoriented work pieces.
All in all an automation designer is probably going to find precisely the gripper to
meet his proposed application. Should he not at least be inspired by the search
through Grippers in Motion, then he is rather a dull engineer.
Joseph Engelberger
Newtown Connecticut, USA, in January 2005

Foreword by Heinz-Dieter Schunk

It is fascinating how easily and sensitively the human hand as the "tool of tools"
(Aristotle) virtually gets to grips with its environment as the "extension of the human
brain" (Kant).
In the 1 5th century Goetz von Berlichingen, the " Knight with the Iron Hand",
instructed creative craftsmen to integrate the com-plicated technique of finger
movements by inventing a cable pull mechanism. Despite these early efforts the
worldwide develop-ment of grippers as a kind of artificial or industrial hand will probably never be able to reach the perfection and overall functionality of the "human
The latter remains the perfect model for a technology which as an end-effector in
automation today is still a constant challenge to engineering. In their early stages,
grippers had to be adapted to robot capacities in terms of optimum weight while now
we are at a point where standardized components are set in motion as reliable
"hands" in automated production.
Today's grippers have developed a sense of touch with the help of sensor technology
and are even able to see with the support of image processing systems. The industrial
hand together with related technological developments is gradually on the move
towards copying the perfectly multi-functional human model.
The publication "Grippers in Motion" can only be a snapshot of state-of-the-art
technology and illustrates the development of gripping technology to the interested
reader. At the same time, it shows how great the variety and opportunities of gripper
applications are today.
I would like to extend my thanks to all who have contributed to this book and wish
the reader many interesting incitations.
Heinz-Dieter Schunk
Lauffen am Neckar, Germany, in May 2004

Fascinating automation technology was the motivation for writing this book. Every
day we are faced with new developments in automation and great opportunities for its
applications. Intelligent gripping systems and service robots are the early signs of a
new, more flexible automation technology, which is capable to auto-adapt to changing
environments. This publication aims to allow a close look at the ambient conditions
under which this technology is used. The great variety of grippers and robot
components about 30 years after the first industrial applications speaks for itself.
Applications in the pharmaceutical, food processing industry, and in agricultural
production, are not yet standard but do offer a growing market for automated
solutions in the near future.
This publication can only cover a section of worldwide gripper and robot technology.
With illustrating graphics and tables explaining the details we intend to catch the
reader's interest. Further literature and references to it are included for more
detailed information.The area of conflict between the movements of grippers and
those of the human arm is used in order to explain the subject to the reader with the
help of analog examples from daily life. At the same time, the complexity of









structuring the features of the gripping and the moving task. This structure is
supported by ideograms on each page for easy guidance.
We would like to thank all who contributed to this publication. Our very special
thanks go to Mr. Heinz-Dieter Schunk for encouragingus to write this book. We are
very grateful to Mr. Rock and Mr. Altmann, who were of great help despite their tight
schedules.We thank Mr. Muller for providing and generating graphic material. Prof.
Dr.-lng. Rolf Dieter Schraft supported us together with the Fraunhofer IPA Library.
For the English translation Mrs. Tanja Schick took care together with Mrs.
Katherine Bayer and Mr. Milton Guerry form the SCHUNK Intec USA. Furthermore
we want to thank everybody who gave his input to the correction work especially we
want to name Mr. Frank Gaiser from SCHUNK.
Very special thanks go to Mr. Steffen Mayer and Mr. Jan Binder of robomotion
GmbH, and our families who created the space for this project, which otherwise
would not have been completed in due course. Last but not least we thank the whole
team of "reform design Stuttgart GbR", especially Ms. Christiane Schulz as project
leader and Mr. Christian Kellner, who both have been responsible for a miracle in the
last few weeks of the project.
For all this work we are very grateful and hope that our enthusiasm for grippers will
take as strong a grip on the readers. For any suggestions or improvements please
email us to the following address:
[email protected]
The above address may also be used for collecting further applications. We would

like our book to generate new ideas for handling technology.

Dr. Andreas Wolf, Ralf Steinmann and Henrik Schunk Stuttgart, Germany, in March

Table of Contents

Handling: The Underrated Process



The Handling Process ...............................................21


Handling Terminology...............................................24


What Are The Main Points of This Book?..................30

Evolution or Revolution?


Changes in the Field of Automation..........................35


Developmental Stages of Grippers...........................38


Robot History.............................................................45


Robot Statistics..........................................................60

Getting To Grips With Handling Tasks


The Workpiece is the Starting Point.........................74


Gripper Fingers As Operating Elements ..................84


Securing The Workpiece..........................................109


Gripping Situations .................................................134


Safe Gripping...........................................................152


Grippers As A Source of Information......................158

Movement Adds Value


Kinetic Effects on Workpieces ................................172


Realization of Kinetic Processes.............................189

Practical Applications






Handling: The Underrated Process

Human beings can hardly be imagined without gripping or moving things in their
environment. By handling objects we learn about our world and judge the objects by
their volume and weight. During a lifetime this experience leads to more and more
refined and efficient handling. Methods of gripping and moving have continuously
improved and come so natural to us that we take handling for granted.
Most people have been able to gain vast practical experience and are well versed in
gripping and moving objects. Special skills for particular movements can be trained
and optimized. Professional "manual workers" are usually required to have such
special skills distinguishing them from untrained amateurs by high precision, fast
processing and good coordination. In this respect the handling process in connection
with the appropriate tools can be considered an art. The process of human beings
developing gross and fine motor skills is most evident in children. Extreme boosts of
kinetic ability can be measured in terms of quality as well as in terms of quantity.
During the first months up to the age of four a great variety of movement patterns
are trained for adoption, while the motor skills development between the age of four
and seven focusses on perfectioning the movements. The quantitative increase in
efficiency can be determined by timing a 40m run, which a four-year-old boy covers
within an average 16.6 seconds. A seven-year-old takes an average 9.8 seconds for
the same distance, which equals an efficiency increase of 169 percent. Differences
within the same age groups in terms of movement quality are obvious: A four-year-old
boy is able to catch a ball as long as the ball is played chest-high into his hands, while
a seven-year-old is capable of catching the ball played waist-high or head-high and
able to combine the movements of catching and throwing the ball. (Source: Kurt


Class (age)

Phase of ...






non-directional mass movements

adopting first coordinated movements
adopting manifold movement patterns
perfectioning of manifold movement
patterns and adoption of first combined

7.1 - 9/10

fast progress in motor learning aptitude



best motor learning aptitude

Early youth

- 11/12

- 12/13

Late youth

- 13/14

- 14.5

developing gender-specific differentiation,


- 17/18


progressive individualization and increasing

restructuring kinetic skills and

18/20 - 30

relative maintenance of learning aptitude


30 - 45/50

and kinetic performance

gradually declining kinetic performance


45/50 - 60/70


from 60/70


considerably declining kinetic

distinctly declining kinetic performance

Table 1.1 Phases of human motor skills
Table 1.1 details human motor skills changing throughout a lifetime.
For the technical recording of kinetic processes, a distance-time diagram is used
which depicts illustration of various movement features. This method can also be used
for determining the fine motor skills necessary for gripping workpieces.

Figure 1.1 Motion sequence human/robot

Comparison: Distance-time diagram "human " (above) and
"robot" (below)
Up to now technical systems such as machines have been
constructed, built and further developed for a particular
movement pattern. This specialization always led to the






manufacturers aim to integrate electronic controls, new








although they are faced with the problem of meeting the

requirements for all applications. As a result, complex solutions
comprise various components, which again are special hightech elements, in order to meet the requirements of each application as best as
Industrial manufacturing requires an efficient performance comparable to that of
top-ranking athletes. In terms of high productivity, robots are constantly improved for
process reliability at reasonable prices.
Movement applications and components are frequently expected to perform around
the clock which exceeds a professional athlete's set task by far. A gripper required to
move workpieces at a cycle time of 15 pieces per minute performs more than 12
million opening and closing strokes per year under constant operation. Robots
performing over 100 and more handling tasks per minute are quite common today.
In the 60s workpiece handling as a "a constant source of waste" was already put at
the center of research by Prof. Dolezalek in Stuttgart, Germany. In terms of
rationalization the focus was set on avoiding pre- and post-operating times during
machine tool operations. Machine operating staff was to be decoupled from machine
time by mechanical or automated systems while handling time was to be reduced to a
machine time = total operating time

handling time= auxiliary process

Figure 1.2 Machine time/handling time
1.1 The Handling Process
The process of handling component parts or workpieces in production is often
underrated as technically simple or even trivial. From the production point of view it
is obvious that the workpiece itself does not increase in value during the handling
process. As far as technical solutions are concerned, handling is secondary to the
manufacturing process. The time necessary for production is separated into machine

time and handling time (see figure 1.2).

Machine time is the period of time during which a machine is operating, i. e. making
changes to the workpiece itself. Machine time can be further separated into preoperating time, operating time, and post-operating time. Pre- and post-operating time
include all necessary operations before and after operating time, such as supplying a
tool or coolant. These intervals have been reduced to a minimum by high traverse
rates and appropriate control technology over the past few years.
Handling time or auxiliary process time can be separated into single steps from
setting up a workpiece to testing it. Production planning aims at synchronizing
handling time and machine time in order to prevent time-consuming handling
processes from taking up valuable machine time; or at least to keep handling time at a
minimum and to move as many workpieces as possible per time unit. Machine time
and handling time have to be coordinated: Machinery idling during workpiece
handling is generally not acceptable, just as fast robots waiting for machinery do not
make sense.

Figure 1.3 Phases of a handling process and its ambient conditions

The handling process can be basically characterized by counting the workpieces
moved per unit of time. This characteristic, however, does not specify the amount of
technical requirements for obtaining a desired cycle time. Complex workpieces and
multiple ambient conditions can create different handling tasks to such an extent that
a simple task of moving a workpiece from point A to B can become an extremely
complex process. Human beings are naturally equipped with an enormously flexible
"gripping technique", efficient "sensors" and highly complex "data processing" and,
therefore, tend to underrate such tasks.
From practical experience in automation projects we know that unexpected
technical and economic problems tend to occur especially when the handling process
and all its parameters are not sufficiently analyzed and evaluated at an early stage.
This book intends to show how the automation of handling tasks can be mastered on
the basis of technical know-how and appropriate component parts. Know-how of the
influencing factors of a handling process can be divided into gripping task features
and moving task features.
The gripping task is mainly determined by the workpiece, its features, and the
workpiece status, i .e. how it is situated.
The moving task is influenced by the features of the workpiece/gripper combination.
In addition, other criteria closely related to the movement have to be met.
The gripping task and the moving task are dependent on each other. If a

workpiece/gripper combination weighs too much then a particular moving task can
hardly be managed or not be coped with at all.
Both gripping and moving task are subject to the same ambient conditions of the
production process, such as high/low temperature or harsh environments.

Figure 1.4 The handling process (structural overview)

1.2 Handling Terminology
The following definitions are given to introduce the reader to the technical terms of
handling and are useful for understanding the following chapters. The order of terms
approximately follows the production process.

Versatility and adaption flexibility are to be distinguished. Versatility is defined as a
measurement for the quantity of different work processes which can be managed by a
production system. Versatility expresses, therefore, the probability of managing any
production task within a defined range of such tasks. Comparing the versatility of
different production systems makes only sense in relation to the same range of parts

to be produced.
Adaption flexibility defines a measurement for a period of time and the costs which
accrue during the transfer from one work process to the next within a production

The term is taken from the field of mechanical processing. As a rule the workpiece
undergoes a physical manipulation during processing. When moving workpieces the
focus is not on processing itself but on changing the position and orientation of the
workpiece. In this context the workpiece is often called the handling object, synonyms
are also work object, product, processing part, or component part. In the following,
the term workpiece will be used regardless of whether the component part is
processed, moved or oriented.
Workpiece compound
A distinction must be made between a single workpiece, such as one that is without
other workpieces nearby, and between a compound. The compound is defined when
the workpieces are adjoined on one level or when they are stacked on top of each
Tools are used for processing workpieces. A general distinction during handling is
made between handling the tool and handling the workpiece.
The term is used in connection with the availability of workpieces. A workpiece is
made ready when it is able to be gripped.
Handling means creating, defined changing or temporarily maintaining a pre-set
alignment of geometrically defined bodies in a system of coordinates. Further
parameters such as time, quantity, and path can be pre-set (source: VDI Verein
Deutscher Ingenieure Guideline 2860).
Handling is a subfunction of the materials flow and categorized on the same level as
conveying or storing.

Handling is divided into the following single steps:

Change Quantities

In table 1.2 these single steps of handling are further divided into basic functions
and complex functions. All functions are related to the workpiece or the workpiece

Table 1.2 Partial functions of handling (source: VDI Guideline 2660)

While the partial functions Store and Change Quantities mainly occur during
workpiece setup, the functions Move Secure are encountered when changing the
workpiece's order status. The Control function is an additional function which is
regularly associated with handling. Just as a humans would examine the workpieces
when picking them up, the workpieces in an automated process have to be monitored,
For the Move and Secure functions it is essential how the work-pieces are prepared
and presented. Various technical options are shown in the bottom line of table 1.2.
The Save function for work-pieces can be realized by conveyor belt, pallet, or
magazine. These saving options differ according to saving volume, saving costs and
workpiece order status. The function Change Quantities may have to be integrated as

an interim process to be able to grip the workpiece, e. g. using vibrating devices or

allocators for isolating the workpiece.
In order to move a workpiece from point A to B both partial functions Secure and
Move are required. The technical tools and components for these functions are the
subject of this publication. Mechnical grippers are appropriate for securing the
workpieces. Gripping and clamping devices are used in relation to the machine
operation. Components for the moving process range from rotating or swiveling
devices to linear axes to industrial robots.

Handling device/moving device

Moving devices are technical devices which enable a workpiece to be moved. This
includes the simplest movements such as pure rotations or linear movements of the
workpiece as well as complex movements by industrial robots.

Adaption/flange adapter

In order to combine the gripper module with a handling device (moving device), for
example an industrial robot, adapters are needed to connect the interfaces of both

Gripper module

Gripper module is defined as the gripping component which combines drive and
kinematics. Gripper kinematics are defined as the part of the gripper module which
transforms the movement of an actuator (drive) into a movement of the gripping
fingers or the force-transfer elements. The gripper drive is defined as the part of a
gripper module which transforms the input power into a rotary or translatory


Workpiece is defined as the object that is to be gripped. The work-piece itself is not
changed or manipulated by the handling.

Gripper finger/force transfer element

Gripper finger or force transfer element defines the part of a gripper which induces
the appropriate force on the workpiece in order to retain it against the process force.

Figure 1.5 Definition of a gripper system

Gripper System
The term gripper system stands for a complex gripper which may consist of several
sub-systems. The force transfer elements in a simple finger form can be configured as
a complete payload system or end-effector capable of gripping one or several work
In case of differing work piece sizes requiring different positioning of the endeffectors, drive systems (actuators) are frequently necessary to put the gripper jaws
into position. Complex gripper systems require special control systems which cannot
always be integrated into the gripper itself. Sensor systems provide these control
systems with the necessary information for actuating the end-effectors. Appropriate
safety systems are another demand on gripper technology.
As a result, completely independent gripper systems can be created with a
considerable impact on the functionality of the overall production process.

1.3 What Are The Main Points of This Book?

The following chapters focus on the realization of handling technology tasks.

Keynote is the process of integrating a workpiece into a moving device and put it into
a new position or orientation.
In order to illustrate the subject in a sensible selection we draw the analogy to
human object handling. In line with this analogy we concentrate on gripping
techniques which follow mechanical principles (force-lock and/or form-lock). Vacuum
grippers and other gripper types are included but not covered in detail. However,
work piece movement with moving axes and robot technology from the gripper finger
to the six-axis robot arm are thoroughly described.
Chapter 1 explains terms and fundamentals of the subject.
Chapter 2 gives an insight into the history of automation technology and robot
development over the past 30 years, highlighting the milestones without any claim for
completeness. An outlook on future developments awaiting us over the next few
years, supported by statistics and statements by the German federation of the
engineering industries VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen und Anlagenbauer) is
Chapter 3 explains the technical requirements for gripping, starting with the
workpiece as the reason for handling. The contraints of gripping and the workpiece
setup are discussed as well.
In Chapter 4 workpiece movement as part of the gripping process is discussed. A
basic knowledge of robotics that is necessary for automated movements is explained
from realizing simple rotary and linear movements to multi-kinematics and robots.
Chapter 5 includes applications as provided to the authors by producers or
integrators illustrating the surprising variety of automation solutions for the most
diverse industries. The applications are an indicator for the practicability of
automation technology and its prospects for the future.

The gripper arm and its components- an illustrated guide through this book.

Evolution or Revolution?

In the context of new technological developments the term "revolution" is frequently

applied. In fact, some of the achievements in automation technology within the past
30 years can definitely be called revolutionary. Overall statistics, however, show a
rather moderate pace of development. How much of it is evolution, and how much is
The upheaval of information technology in the industrial automation arena is








performance intensity was multiplied by control technology and sensor data

processing. Other technological impacts are responsible for a higher concentration of
output and function at decreasing costs - starting from compact actuation to
lightweight kinematic structures. The overall efforts result in the output of advanced
high-tech systems which are bound to be successful. The continously increasing
number of robot systems clearly proves this trend.
The overall increase cannot be considered "revolutionary" when looking at robot
production output figures which have been statistically recorded for more than 20
years. Despite initially low output during the mid-70s, great expectations in robotics
led to the selective perception of a technical revolution. Sales not meeting

exaggerated forecasts had a sobering effect. Robot applications were limited by an

initially unfavorable price-performance ratio and a lack of planning capacity as an
automated workshop required considerable planning efforts while trained staff and
planning tools were not yet available.









development. Other institutes and institutions record robot piece numbers including
detailed information on payload or number of axes. For automation technology
components, such as sensors or grippers, such detailed piece numbers are difficult to
2.1 Changes in the Field of Automation
The general index by the German Federation of the Engineering Industries VDMA
(Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer) presents an overview of the
automation industry as a whole. This index reveals sales trends in Robotics and
Automation compared to traditional Mechanical Engineering (figure 2.1).
From 1994 onwards the curve in the chart indicates a clear growth rate in
automation. The main reasons for this are higher efficiency and a widespread
distribution of computer technology for memory program controls such as image
processing controllers or robot controllers. In the years 2002 and 2003 the growth of
turnover in automation clearly exceeded that of Mechanical Engineering.
Today's mass markets with high quantities and short production cycles, e .g. in
telecommunications and computer technology, are coupled to the investment goods
sector through information technology. In this respect, automation technology could
be considered a technological revolution from the mid-90s onwards.
We will now take a close look at the evolution of grippers and robots which largely
contributed to this revolution.
It is fascinating to see how parallel to progress in micro-electronics, actuator
technology and mechanics - altogether called mechatronics - more and more efficient
components and robots have emerged. Integrating these high-quality component
parts in machine- and plant technology is standard in Mechanical Engineering today.
Single components of automation technology, such as controls, servo-drives, and
gripper technology, are the current basis for modern production machinery.
Mechanical Engineering in Germany has a tradition of two centuries but it is only
since 1983 that the VDMA has regularly recorded operational ratios. In the past 20
years a continuous trend to reduce the average processing time from 33 days to 20
days per manufactured machine has emerged. In addition, conventional machinery
has been increasingly replaced by flexible CNC machines. The share of CNC machines
was at a mere 12.6 percent of the overall manufacturing machine capacity in 1983,
while in 2001 it accounted for 49 percent. This is a reaction to constantly declining lot
sizes in manufacturing and the connected short production runs. Automation

technology, respectively control technology, has invaded manufacturing on a large


Figure 2.1 Trading volume - price and seasonally adjusted,

turnover 2000 = index 100 (source: VDMA)
VDMA ratios have to be looked at in detail as each machine technology has
particular requirements. An indicator for changing machine production structures is
the intensity with which companies produce machines. Within three years, the
manufacturing intensity of production was reduced from about 49 percent in 1998 to
41.6 percent in 2001. This reduction can be traced back to the outsourcing of
particular manufacturing processes and the growing use of components and
component groups.
The trend illustrates a daily scenario in the automotive industry: highly innovative
and complex products cannot be produced at a high value added ratio. In order to
satisfy customer requirements for high-quality, constant improvement, and good
price-performance ratio, it is essential to purchase structural components from
specialized producers. The VDMA survey comments on the declining manufacturing
intensity of production as follows:
If products are in strong demand on the domestic market and capacities to meet
this demand are not sufficient, they must be purchased on foreign markets. All
enterprises which have established competent cooperation partners or suppliers in
the past few years, can cope with an increase in demand. By concentrating on key
competences, the prospects of playing a leading role in international competition in
terms of quality, velocity, and prices, are good. Customers will naturally continue to
appreciate delivery times and reliability as well as high-quality products. Short timeto-market requires enterprises to have the necessary parts ready for assembly. It is of
secondary interest if these parts are manufactured in-house or purchased.

In manufacturing today, machine technology is expected to be much more flexible

than it was 50 years ago. Product life cycles, i. e. the period of time during which a
product is developed and marketed, is counted in months for some products of the
consumer goods industry, e. g. mobile phones.
Timing its market entrance has become essential for a product`s economic success.
In case of a late market entrance a product may not be able to cover its development

Figure 2.2 Model of a product life cycle

The higher the development expenses for a product become, the more damaging a
late market entrance becomes. For this reason the automotive industry started early
on making their manufacturing plants more flexible with the result of customized
vehicles leaving the conveyor belts today. Although this idea would have been
considered as futuristic in the 50s, it was realized by strategic use of efficient
automation technology components.
2.2 Developmental Stages of Grippers
At an early stage the idea of offering complete unit construction systems and
feeding technology, robots, and grippers, for automation technology was of major
importance in order to be able to flexibly react to Mechanical Engineering demands.
Consequently, the first gripper modules were developed as standard products as early
as 20 years ago.
By comparing three parallel jaw grippers at various stages of development, the
efficiency increase can be illustrated (see figure 2.3). The standard gripper PPG

offered by SCHUNK in 1983 already had very good ratios at the time. The
force/weight ratio, i. e. the gripping force in relation to the weight of the gripper
multiplied by the stroke of the finger, was at 2.4 J/kg for the short stroke. The next
miles tone was set by the PGN gripper which was built on the same functional
principle as the PPG. This PGN was able to reach a energy r/ weight ratio of 7.3 J/kg.
The following generation of this succes s ful gripper series significantly increased the
energy/weight ratio to 8.1 J/kg while its service life was improved at the same time.

Type: PPG 100

Type: PGN 100

Type: PGN-plus 100

Weight: 1.6kg

Weight: 0.75kg

Weight: 0.81kg

Energy/weight ratio: 2.4

Energy/weight ratio: 7.3

Energy/weight ratio: 8.1



Gripping force at 6 bar




Gripping force at 6 bar








Gripping force at 6 bar













Figure 2.3 Comparing parallel grippers as an example for efficiency increase

Old and new: Angular gripper Heft) and parallel grippers (right)

1-finger gripper
Gripping hands are a good example for explaining the stages of gripper
development as mechanical innovations as well as innovative sensor and drive
technology are included. The hand is the most flexible tool human beings have at their
disposal. At the beginning of human evolution, however, the hand was not equipped
with the fine motor skills which allow us to work with keyboards, writing equipment
or other current tools. It took millions of years to train such refined movements.
Gripping tools are undergoing a similar evolutionary process. Grippers with a
secure grip (force- or form-lock) were the first needs of the moment in automation
technology. Increased manufacturing flexibility required improved gripper flexibility.
Two completely different types of "artificial hands" have been developed over the
past few years. The so-called modular hands can be combined with kinematics and
movement facilities. They include all components necessary for function, such as
actuators or sensors. Modular hands are larger in size than human hands because the
actuators have to be integrated into the hand kinematics.
The so-called integrated hands have the advantage of being integrated into a
robot arm and, therefore, do not need to have the actuators (drive systems) integrated
into their housing. The actuators are mostly outsourced to the robot arm which allows
the use of larger actuators with a relatively strong gripping force. Nevertheless,
transferring drive forces to the gripping fingers over a longer distance is difficult and
frequently causes technical problems.

The first modular hands were the Stanford Hand and the
Barret Hand.
Stanford/JPL Hand
Hand/arm integration: Modular
Abilities: Internal manipulation
Number of fingers: 3
Number of links: 10
Number of joints: 9
Degrees of freedom: 9
Palm: No
Size compared to human hand: Equal

rotary transducers in each motor

strain gauge sensors

tactile sensor array at the finger tip joints (8x8)

Reference: Salisbury, Stanford University, 1983

The Stanford Hand was built in 1983 and is equipped with tactile sense contacts
on the fingers which are to imitate the human sense of touch. The
gripper was equipped with just three fingers but could still manipulate
the work piece in its hand.
Robonaut Hand
Hand/arm integration: Integrated
Abilities: Internal manipulation
Number of fingers: 5
Number of links: 22
Number of joints: 22
Degrees of freedom: 14
Palm: Yes
Size compared to human hand: Equal

precise position transducers in the joints

rotary transducers in the motors

tactile sensors (being developed)

Reference: C.S. Lovhik, M.A. Diftler; NASA; 1999

Mana Robonaut a fost creeata pentru aplicatii in domeniul cercetarii

in spatiu. Potrivit NASA cerintele materialelor folosite in creearea
mainii, ca de exemplu rezistenta la temperature extreme, o diferentiaza
de toate celelalte maini produse pana in prezent. Pana si emisiile de
gaz ale mainii si influenta lor asupra altor sisteme din spatiu au fost
luate in considerare.
Mana Robonaut a fost construita pe baza miscarilor cinematice ale
mainii umane, avand aceeasi forma, marime si o mobilitate cu nu mai
putin de14 grade de libertate. Este capabila sa foloseasca un
screwdriver si chiar sa stranga obiecte mici cu o foarfeca.
Hand/arm integration: Modular
Abilites: Internal manipulation
Number of fingers: 4
Numbers of links: 18
Number of joints: 17
Palm: Yes
Degrees of freedom: 13
Size compared to human hand: Larger


potentiometer in the joints

rotary transducers in the motors

6-axis force-torque-sensor (finger tip)

torque/moment sensors in each joint

Rererence:Butterfass, Hirzinger etal; DLR; 2004

DLR Hand
The DLR Hand II by the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
Comparativ cu mana Robonaut creeata de NASA, DLR HAND
inventata de Centrul Aerospatial German are un deget mai putin . Are
aproape 100 de senzori, 13 grade de libertate , palma adaptabila.
Cablurile trase si frecarille reduse ale arborelui DLR, care au fost
patentate la nivel mondial, ingaduie intreaga actionare sa fie
integrata in mana.
Telul de a imita mana umana, in ceea ce priveste flexibilitatea si
eficienta ei nu a fost atins de nici una din aceste maini artificiale. Gripperele nu vor
mai fi folosite ca maini specializate pentru mult timp; la fel si gripperele modulare,
sau protezele de maini. Un gripper pentru operatii manuale a fost creeat de Otto
Bock din Duderstadt, Germania. Cantareste aproximativ 500 g si foloseste o
tehnologie electronica.
Alte tehnologii de manipulare au evoluat din punct de vedere functional, al
integrarii senzorilor si al calitatii. Folosirea lor in numeroase domenii au favorizat
dezvoltarea gripperelor. Cu cat e mai mare numarul de aplicatii cat si flexibilitatea cu
atat gripperul va fi mai scump.

Figure 2.4 Expenses/flexibility ratio for gripper applications

Figura 2.4 arata acest aspect. De obicei, un gripper mai putin flexibil este suficient
pentru numeroase operatii automatizate. Pentru operatii mai deosebite se folosesc
grippere speciale compatibile cu tipul aplicatiei. Aplicatiile care nu permit
schimabarea gripperului si opereaza cu mai multe piese au ca solutie grippere
flexibile si este necesara aceasta alegere. Solutiile speciale gasite pe piata sunt
aproape de limitele lor in ceea ce priveste incarcatura si viteza. In consecinta mainile
artificiale sunt folosite in principal pentru robotii asistenti sau in cercetare si


Robot History

Tehnologia gripperelor si revolutia robotului au mers mana in mana. Primii ani au

fost caracterizati de o euforie franata de defectele practice.
Cuvantul robot deriva din cuvantul ceh robota care era folosit pentru a descrie
serbul, sclavii, sau slugile din piesa de teatru Rossums Universal Robots(R.U.R) a lui
Karel Capek (1890-1938) in 1921.
In acea perioada erau foloste numeroase cuvinte erau folosite pentru denumirea
masinilor mecanice., Cuvinte ca simulatori,automate,masine rationale sunt cateva
exemple. De atunci omenirea s-a apropiat mai mult de idea de a elimina munca fizica
periculoasa. Conceptul de robot ca sclav universal care se ocupa de toate muncile
ramane deocamdata expirat.
Inceputul anilor 50 constituite startul dezvoltarii robotului stationar. Copilul lui
George Devol si Joe Engleberger,Unimate, a fost un robot ce cantarea doua tone si era
controlat de un program depozitat pe un tambur magnetic. Unimate a fost instalat
pentru prima data la General Motors in 1961.
De acum incolo industria de
automobile va fi principalul investitor in dezvoltarea industriei robotizate.

Syntelmann II

Manipulator electric telecomandat cu noua grade de libertate per brat, pozitia si

forta coltrolata, senzori de forta, sunete, temperatura(in fata), operator cu traductor
exo-schelet, sistem de recul, si sistem stereo de transmisie a imaginii.(in spate).
(Source: K. H. Drge)
Asa numitul robot umanoid era deja unul din telurile principale ale roboticii. In 1963.
cercetatorii de la Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in Downey,California, au construit
bratul Rancho pentru a-I ajuta pe oamenii cu probleme fizice.
La MIT in 1968 Marvin Minsky a dezvoltat un brat tentacular cu 12 articulatii creat
pentru a evita obstacolele din cale; Victor Scheinmann, un student, viitor inginer
mecanic si muncitor la Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(SAIL), a creat bratul
Stanford in 1969..
Acest manipulator electromecanic cu 6 grade de libertate nu arata a mana umana dar
a fost unul din primii roboti creat exclusiv pentru microchirurgie.
Proiectul a inclus si un asamblu a unei pompe de apa Model A in 1974 si uita asa
bratul si-a facut loc in industria de automobile.
Kleinwaechter in Freiburg, Germany,
paralel cu Stanford Arm din SUA dar nu
a facut fata in timp.
Syntelman a fost destinat de cate
Ministerul German al Educatiei si
Stiintei in scopul reparatiilor in cazul
unor catastrofe nucleare sau pentru a
salva populatia din zonele contaminate.
The name Syntelmann was used as an
"Synchron-TeleManipulator". T
Numele de Syntelmann provine de la
Manipulatorul era echipat cu doua maini,
incarcatura de 25 de kg si una pentru
operatii foarte precise.
Pe baza bratuluiStanford, PUMA (Programmable Universal Manipulator for
Assembly) a fost creat, o versiune de brat robotizat licentiata de Unimation care a
fost folosti de General Motors Tehnical Center incepand cu 1978.
Primul robot commercial controlat de un micro-computer numit T3(The tomorrow
tool) a fost creat de Richard Hohn pentru Cincinnati Milacron Corporation in 1973.
Construit ca un robot si continand un asa zis Computerized Numerical Control(CNC)
primul T3 era actionat hydraulic si nu a fost comercializat decat dupa 5 ani in 1978.
ASEA a introdus primul robot controlat electronic in 1974. Cantarind 125 kg , IRB 6
era capabil sa deplaseze incarcaturi de pana la 6kg. Costa aproximativ 80000 $.
Odata depasite obstacolele in ceea ce priveste controlul robotului au urmat
numeroase variante si componente de roboti diferind prin capacitatea de manipula
greutati si spatiul de lucru. IRB 60, de exemplu, ajunsese la a manipula o greutate de
60 de kg.

IRB 6 by ASEA with 6kg payload capacity (source: ABB)

IRB 60 by ASEA with
60kg payload capacity (source: ABB)
Intretimp fiecare din marii producatori de roboti oferea o gama larga de roboti
pentru diferite utilitat. Cinematici speciale au fost create pentru a mari durata de
viata a robotilor. Bilsing-Unimate, cel pe care il avem in fotografia de jos, este un bun
exemplu de solutie individuala si care nu poate fi folosit pentru alte scopuri. Cererile
limitate au fost responsabile pentru preturile necompetitive avand ca rezultat
cinematici standard utilizate in principal in operatiile preselor.

Various robot generations by KUKA (source: KUKA)

Bilsing Unimate robot for press handling (source: Fraunhofer IPA)

In 1984 MBB VFW era capabil sa manipuleze o incarcatura de la 50kg si pana la
maxim 200kg in timp ce el cantarea 2350 kg. Pretul de 165.000 $ comparat cu 10000
$ banii incasati de un muncitor pe an arata intr-un mod evident de ce producatorii de
roboti au intampinat greutati in vanzarea de roboti. In acelasi timp Robot 625 a lui
Reis Obernburg avea acelasi principiu cinematic ca si MBB-VFW. Robot 625 cantarea
doar 750 kg si manipula incarcaturi de 25 kg o imbunatatire in ceea ce priveste
raportul greutate/ incarcatura. Chiar si cu cele 64 intrari si 32 iesiri a depasit MBBVFM cu un raport de 4. In plus are si un spatiu de lucru mai mare si costa 80000 $
ceea ce inseamna mai putin de jumatate din pretul lui MBB-VFW.

MBB-VFW robot with controller (source: Fraunhofer IPA)

Incat atunci producatorii nu au putut oferi mai mult de trei modele pentru paletizare
si manipularea tipurilor de incarcaturi au fost necesare gasirea unor cereri specifice

cinematicii lor. Acestea situatie nu s-a schimbat mult poate doar prin faptul ca in
prezent producatorii ofera o vasta gama de optiuni in ceea ce priveste manipularea si
paletizarea si astfel sunt capabil sa vina in intampinarea a tuturor cererilor.

Toti producatorii de roboti incearca sa introduca noi cereri peste cererile existente
asa cum arata cifrele din planuri, pentru cererile pentru robotul VW. Bosch a folosit
prima data SCARA SR 800 in scopuri interne in timp ce sistemele curente sunt
utilizate in diverse aplicatii de asamblare.

Plans for the use of a VW robot for

Typical application of a VW robot for

feeding tooling machines (source:

inserting the spare wheel into the Golf II

Fraunhofer IPA)

(source: Fraunhofer IPA)

Left: BOSCH SCARA series SR800 at a double belt transfer system (source: Bosch
Right: Current SCARA-Roboter SR 8 (source: Bosch Rexroth) now sold by Stubli
Putin roboti au facut fata competitiei rigide din primii ani. In primele cataloage de










Forschungszentrum des Werkzeugmaschinenbaus, Karl Marx Stadt) in paralel cu cele

publicate in Germania Federala(1984-Stuttgart) intalnim toti producatorii cat si
produsele acestora.
Catalogul Fraunhofer IPA din 1984 numeste aproximativ 80 de producatori mai
multi decat in catalogul din 2004, Automatica 2004 Munchen. Chiar daca Automatica
2004 a fost lansata in 2004 numarul redus al producatorilor germani e vizibil. Dupa
20 de ani, doar 5 firme din 3, producatoare de roboti au aparut si in catalogul din
Producatori ca Pfaff Industriemaschinen sau Jungheinrich au fost cele mai
importante firme, comparabile cu Siemens sau Volkswagen de astazi. Majoritatea
producatorilor mici nu au facut fata cererilor mari de pe piata..
Fotografiile si figurile din aceasta carte tind sa arata numarul mare de firme
germane producatoare sau implicate in producerea robotilor.
Primii roboti au fost creeati in SUA dar astazi productia mondiala este detinuta de
tari ca Japonia, Suedia sau Germania. China si India vor intra curand pe piata marilor
producatori datorita cresterii rapide a pietei din aceste tari. Marile companii japoneze
producatoare de roboti sunt Yaskawa(cunoscuta ca si Motoman in Germania),
Kawasaki sau Fanuc. Firma cunoscute producatoare de roboti mici sunt Epson,
Mitsubishi si Hirata .

Figure 2.5 Industrial robots in Germany - installations in use, adjusted according to

the IFR method (source: VDMA)
Numarul de roboti in folosinta si productia lor este de regula monitorizata de
VDMA. Studiul din 2003 publicat de IFR (Federatia Internationala a Robotilor) in
cooperare cu UNECE (United Nations Economic Comission for Europe) numara un
total de 112694 roboti sau instalatii robotizate active. Aceasta statistica a exclus
robotii care avea o durata de activitate cuprinsa intre 1-2 ani sau cei care aveau o
durata de activitate determinate de aplicatia lui.
In ultimii ani piata vanzarilor de roboti s-a concentrat pe marii producatori care
au rolul de furnizori directi in intreaga industrie automatizata. Marile firme si-au
stabilizat pozitiile datorita vanzarilor mari de la sfarsitul anilor 90.
Asa cum arata figura 2.6 Productia de roboti din cadrul Kuka in primii 15 ani numara
12000 de roboti in comparative cu productia dintre 1996 si 2003 ce numara 48000.
Au fost produsi si vanduti de patru ori mai multi roboti intr-un timp mai scurt. Aceasta
crestere a fost datorata producerii primului robot controlat de un system PC in 1996.
Tehnologia PC a creat noi oportunitati mai ales in integrarea sensorilor pentru
aplicatii simple.

Figure 2.6 Development of industrial robot technology (source: KUKA)

Robot control unit in 1982 (source: Fraunhofer IPA)

Former machine/operator interface (source: Fraunhofer IPA)

Modern machine/operator interface (source: ABB)
In termeni de roboti ce performeaza aplicatii simple s-au facut imbunatatiri enorme
asa cum arata cateva exemple ilustrate mai jos. S-a observat o schimbare la nivelul
harware cat si grafic in scopul de a imbunatati cerintele individuale.
Dezvoltarea dinamica a robotilor o putem observa in figura 1.21. Se observa ca
durata de productie a unui robot a scazut considerabil

Figure 2.12 Different series of one robot producer (source: KUKA)

Pentru a face mai flexibila utilizarea robotilor este necesar sa le oferim mai multe
cunostinte despre mediul. Acesta se face fie prin programarea datelor in functie de
conditiile de mediu sau prin senzori care achizitioneaza date care ajung pe urma la
robot. Coordonatele de miscare, accelaratii, rapiditatea in manevrarea pieselor
prelucrate pot fi influentate de informatiile acumulate de senzori din mediu. In primii
pasi cercetarile s-au concentrat asupra senzorilor similar cu ochiul uman pentru a
intelege situatiile si actiunile ajungandu-se la asa-zisa image processing systems.
Dezvoltarea camerelor cat si a tehnologiei computerizate in ce priveste redarea de

imagini are o importanta majora in aplicatiile flexibile ale robotilor. Tabelul arata un
asa-zis sensor tele introdus de Bosch la inceputul anilor 80 capabil sa redea imagini si
sa le proceseze cu ajutorul unei camere inteligente. Acest sensor s-a vandut cu nu
mai putin de 36000 de dolari. Imginile inregistrate puteau fi procesate una cate una,
pe rand. Sensibilitatea fata de interferentele de lumina nu ia permis sa fie folosita in
toate procesele.De exemplu, cureaua unui conveior trebuia sa fie oprita pentru a se
face o poza.
Doua monitoare erau integrate unul pentru programarea camerei si unul pentru
redarea imaginilor captate de camera.
Camerele video moderne pot procesa 110 poze pe secunde si totusi aceste camere
sunt destul de ieftine ca prt comparabil cu primele camere. Primele carduri video
eficiente compatibile PC erau nu mai putin de 50000 de dolari la inceputul anilor 90.
Pentru a rezolva problemele de interfata, initial integrarea unor senzori intr-un
control robot era destul de dificila, s-a construit un computer ce analizeaza imaginile
in interior asa cum arata poza de mai jos, acel sistem.

Camera system in the 70s (source: Bosch)

Camera system in 2004

(source: AIT Gohner)

Figure 2.7 1983 regular kinematic types and their workspaces

Within the next years industrial evaluation cameras will reach a 2000 x 2000 pixel
standard, which again allows evaluating and measuring work pieces with even higher
Tehnologia video are un rol important in controlul calitatii piesele prelucrate.
Tehnologia redarii imaginilor s-a dezvoltat rigurios devenind destul de accesibiila si
ieftina pe piata de astazi. Daca odata o camera 256x256 pixel era apreciata ca varful
calitatii standard astazi standardele sunt detinute de camerele 1300x1024 pixel. In
urmatorii anii, evolutia va continua si se va ajunge la camere cu o rezolutie de
2000x2000 pixel care ofera o precizie a imaginilor cat si a masuratorilor in procesele
de fabricatie.
2.4 Statistica robotilor
Eficienta si flexibilitatea tehnologiei robotizate a permis dezvoltarea pe numeroase
ramuri. Cantitatea mare de roboti produsi arata cererile mari de pe piata.
Figure 2.8 Proportion of kinematic
types distribution (source: Fraunhofer
Statistica din 1983 care arata tipurile
de roboti folositi in Germania(figura
2.8). Statistica s-a bazat pe 134 de
roboti cu trei axe. In comparatie cu 20
de ani mai tarziu rezultatele sunt
impresionante. In 2003, 2522 de roboti
cu trei axe au fost inregistrati de VDMA,
si un numar de 9040 de roboti cu 6 axe
s-au vandut doar in Germania

Figure 2.9 Development of the German robotics market in relation to the number of
axes (source: VDMA)
Daca consideram ca fiecare robot are numeroase dispozitive periferice precum
griperi, senzori, magazia de scule, dispozitivile de protectie observam volumul mare al
pietii care poate fi determinat de catre numarul cereri al robotilor.

Figure 2.10 Industrial robot applications according to industries 2002 and 2003
(source: VDMA)
Este interesant faptul ca cererile de roboti industriali cu trei sau mai multe axe
are o valoare mai ridicata decat roboti manipulanti. Cresterea mare din 2002-2003 cu
peste 30 % este remarcabila. Aceste crestere se datoreaza cererii mari in industria
auto care si-a garantat si succesul folosind roboti. Tehnologia Gripper, folosita in
operatiile de manipulare a profitat de aceasta crestere. Alte operatii au ajuns la un
punct mort odata ce au atins un anumit nivel.

Figure 2.11 One- and two-axis moving modules applications 2002 and 2003
(source: VDMA)
The German Federation of the Engineering Industries VDMA gives the following
outlook in its yearly published statistics for the year 2004:
Federatia Germana in Inginerie industriala VDMA declara urmatoarele in primele
publicatii din 2004:
In 2004 se preconizeaza o crestere a numarului de roboti vanduti pe piata
germana. Aceasta se datoreaza industriei auto care ramane principalul client avand
numeroase investitii in domeniu in 2004. Producatorii de cauciuc si sintetice,
industrica chimica, producatorii de masini, cat si industria metalifera vor trebui sa-si
mareasca investitiile pentru a mentine pasul. Necesitatea folosirii robotilor in
industria alimentara cat si in ambalarea produselor este evidenta si garantata de
cererea mare a robotilor si a dispozitivelor automate.
Industria de mobila poate fi un potential client de asemenea, folosind roboti isi va
reduce costurile de productie cat si durata. Capacitatea de a manipula greutati mari,
tehnologia cu senzori, tehnologia video, manipularea rapida si exacta,capacitatea de a
interactiona intre ei, aceste calitati ofera o gama variata si maresc cererea pentru
asa zi-si roboti inteligenti sau multi-roboti
Tehnologia robotilor va face un nou salt pe scara evolutiei. In tarile dezvoltate
costurile pe unitatea de munca pot fi reduse prin solutii automatizate. Totusi in
industria alimentara inlocuirea unui om cu un robot pare a fi ingrijoratoare dar
solutiile automatizate sunt pe masura. Industria alimentara din Germania ramane o
arie cu potential mare in folosirea robotilor si a sistemelor automatizate.

First CAD-based planning tools

3D-planning environment for robot simulation (source: plusdrei GmbH)

Figure 2.13 Offline programming in the early 80s

Potentialul mare al folosirii robotilor mentionat de VDMA nu a luat in considerare si
alte aspecte cum ar fi cele legate de design sau de componente automatizate la care
se lucreaza in continuare.
Rezultatele simularilor unor componente nu au fost favorabile in ceea ce priveste
utilizatorii. Tehnologia computerizata a devenit partea indispensabila in constructia
unui robot si in programarea acestuia.
Simulation technology greatly profits from reduced costs for any hardware.
Simulations and offline programming had to be be done with formerly expensive
workstations or mainframes while today they can be realized with the help of a
commercial PC.
Daca in trecut costurile pentru simularea si programarea robotilor costau enorm ,
astazi putem face aceste lucruri folosind un PC comun. Programarea si simularea au
imbunatatit calitatea produselor. Precizia in ceea ce priveste miscarea, manipularea,
modelarea matematica joaca un rol important in evitarea greselilor sau a miscarilor
eronate a robotilor mai ales cand acestia manipuleaza greutati mari..

Sistemele de simulare au fost construite astfel incat sa fie folosite doar pentru roboti
produsi de acelasi producator iar de aici provin diferente de obicei intre produse.
Un sistem instalat la aeroportul din Mnchen este deja n operaie de prob.
Se ateapt ca roboii de serviciu s creasc n numr, s-i depeasc pe Roboti
Industriali. Cu toate acestea, cerinele sunt cu mult mai diverse, astfel nct o definiie
clar nu poate fi gsit la fel de uor ca i pentru roboi industriali. Datorit faptului
c roboi se ndrept ctre noi aplicaii, industria robotic sper s creasc n mod
semnificativ numrul de roboi care sunt produse de astzi. 80% din roboii de astzi
sunt folosii n producia de automobile. n urmtorii 10 ani vom nfrunta o mare
schimbare a celorlalte industrii. Manufactura robotic va inhala noile conditii de
grani cu roboi specializai care sunt capabili de a lucra de exemplu n medii umede.
Componeni ai industriei automatizrii, cum ar fi de exemplu gripperele sunt, de
asemenea, perfecionai n desighn igienic .

Robot staie de combustibil, detecteaz geometria diferitelor maini. (sursa: Reis)


nc din copilria, oamenii depind foarte mult de simul tactil.
Reflexe nnscute, precum atingerea i prinderea permit sugarilor acumularea
experienelor imediate din mediu. Prinderea ajut persoanele s neleag lumea din
jurul lor.
Procesul de "gripping - prindere" literalmente include att actul de a prinde un
obiect ct i nelegerea faptelor, n sensul de "achiziie ".Aceasta din urm este
indispensabil pentru rezolvarea sarcinilor. n limbaj tehnic "gripping" implic mai
mult dect deplasarea pieselor de lucru dintr-o poziie n alta, chiar dac acest lucru
este adesea trecut cu vederea n producia zilnic. Bebelusi utilizeaz reflexul de
prindere pentru a ctiga experien i pentru a obine o idee despre lumea din jurul
lor. Pn n prezent, prinderea uman cuprinde de departe mai multe funcii dect
toate sistemele industriale gripper existente. Dezvoltarea Gripperelor (capitolul 2)
arat c de la un gripper va fi de ateptat s fac mai mult dect pur i simplu
ridicarea si mutarea pieselor de lucru. Obinerea de informaii cu privire la piesele de
lucru, ambient i condiiile de a manipula o anumit sarcin de manipulare devine mai
important pentru procesul de fiabilitate oferind potenial considerabil mai rapid in
aplicatii de manipulare la un cost redus.

Figura de lucru 3,1 / sistemul de prindere al coordinatelor, Xm - YM ZM

La nceputul anilor 80 reglementarea VDI 2860 a dat o descriere destul de simpl in
ceea ce privete funcionarea gripperului:
"Un gripper este subsistemul unui robot industrial care menine un numr limitat de
piese de lucru definite geometric pentru o perioad de timp stabilit, Gripperul I. e.
asigur poziia i orientarea pieselor de lucru n raport cu sistemul de coordonate al
masinii pe care o poate alimenta. Aceast funcie este, de obicei, construit asigurnd
procesul de micare, meninere n timpul procesului de micare i, n final eliberarea
pieselor de lucru."
Din punct de vedere actual aceast definiie trebuie s fie extins deoarece
gripperele moderne de proiectare i senzorii ofer noi oportuniti, i ne vom
concentra asupra acestei realiti n urmtoarele capitole.
Obiectul gripping-ului, produsul, piesa de lucru, sau componenta, este centrul
ateniei n analiza noastr iniial. Termenul "pies de lucru" va fi folosit, chiar i
atunci cnd nu este efectuat nici un fel de lucru pe aceea pies care urmeaz s fie
prins. Piesa de lucru poate fi un produs finit sau un produs care este nc n curs de
procesare. Ulterior, procese tehnice ale gripperelor mecanice, pentru operaiunile
pick- and place i aspecte legate de acele operaiuni sunt prezentate i explicate n
Fie c este vorba de o mna de om sau de un gripper mecanic, fiecare sarcin de
prindere este influenat de urmtoarele criterii:

condiiile nconjurtoare ale sarcinii de prindere

caracteristici ale piesei de lucru
starea piesei de lucru n momentul operaiunii de culegere
stare piesei de lucru la locul operaiunii
Pentru o anumit sarcin de prindere din motive de eficien deschiderea i

nchiderea sunt prestabilite, reprezintnd condiie prealabil pentru selectarea










operabilitatea unui gripper. Condiiile mediului nconjurtor pot include riscuri

potentiale pentru procesul de manipulare. La mediu rece sau umed , precum i
operaiuni de genul cleanroom atrag dup sine nevoia de a folosii o tehnologie de
automatizare personalizat. Condiiile ambientale de producie, cum ar fi cea de trei

schimburi sau curarea periodic n conformitate cu cerinele stricte de igiena, vor

determina, construcia de prinztore sau dispoziii corespunztoare, respectnd
frecvena intervalelor de ntreinere. Aceste cerine pot fi stpnite de msuri tehnice.
Bazndu-ne pe caracteristicile pieselor de lucru, care includ proprietati att
geometrice, ct i fizice, va trebui s fie selectat principiul de funcionare a
gripperului. Alte informaii cu privire la starea piesei de lucru, mai ales poziia i
orientarea piesei n cadrul spaiului de lucru, sunt eseniale pentru o prindere sigur.
De asemenea trebuie s fie disponibile informaii privind poziia n care trebuie
plasat piesa de lucru. Operaiile Pick i Place trebuie s fie tratate ca procese
separate. Se poate ntmpla ca o pies de lucru s fie ridicat perfect de ctre
prinztor, ns plasarea ei s se fac cu dificultate ntruct degetele prinztorului nu
sunt n msur s se deschid n cadrul spaiuli de lucru.

Pies de lucru: - rotor pentru un electromotor

3.1 Piesa de lucru este punctul de plecare
Sarcinile de prindere sunt att de diverse, din cauza varietii
proprietilor fizice i geometrice ale pieselor de lucru. Mai
mult dect att, aceeai pies de lucru poate fi "prezentat"
prinztorului n diferite moduri.
n tabelul 3.2 sunt enumerate caracteristicile de importan
major pentru efectuarea procesului de prindere, construcia
gripperelor i a funciei lor de principiu,. Caracteristicile
pieselor de lucru pot fi separate n caracteristici de lucru i de
comportament. O caracteristic important este geometria
piesei de lucru, deoarece definete opiunile de aplicare a forei
asupra unei piese de lucru. Elementele de form caracteristice servesc n principal
pentru orientare si sunt eseniale pentru inserarea pieselor de munc. Caracteristicile
fizice a peselor de lucru determin modul n care forele sunt aplicate. Cel din urm
este de interes special pentru manipularea pieselor delicate, deoarece suprafaa nu
poate fi deteriorat. Comportamentul pieselor de lucru este definit n momentul n
care se afl n micare i n repaus. Comportament de lucru devine interesant, nainte
de a ncepe operaiunile de selectare. O pies de lucru care s-ar putea s se

rostogoleasc trebuie s fie pstrat ferm pentru a preveni modificarea poziiei n timp
ce aceasta este pe cale de a fi preluat. n tabelul 3.3 diferite piese geometrice,i
sunt definite i descrise ntr-o manier exemplar.
Tabelul 3.2 caracteristicile esentiale ale pieselor de munc
workpiece characteristics
(behavior type)
extension /
center of
crimp, bead



groove, slot


workpiece behavior
at rest
in motion





Tabelul 3.3 Geometria principalelor piese de lucru

n cele mai multe cazuri, noi ca oameni stim exact cum sa manipulm o pis de
lucru, atunci cnd i privim forma. Minile noastre se adapteaz automat la suprafata
sau forma i permit o apucare sigur. n cazul n care piesa de lucru este pe cale de a

aluneca prin mainile noastre, vom putem s-l strngem printr-o cretere a forelor de
frecare pe suprafa, i prin urmare securiznd piesa de lucru. n mod natural ne
adaptam acceleraie i viteza final a acestei micri la greutatea piesei de lucru.
Geometria piesei de lucru permite relatarea tipului de for de inducie. Piesele n
bloc sau de form cilindric au clar definite suprafete pentru fora de inducie.
Suprafeele conice sau forme neregulate sunt destul de dificil de prins, deoarece nu
sunt suprafee paralele. Piese cu suprafee plane sunt n general uorde prins, dar
suprafeele lor nu sunt ntotdeauna accesibile uor . Cu forme neregulate este mai
dificil s se defineasc fora de inducie pentru suprafeele corespunztoare.
Modul de lucru prezentat de gripper determin dac i cum o for s poat fi
aplicat. Tabelul 3.4 ajut la o distincie aproximativ ntre pisele de lucru unice i
piese sortate sau nesortate compue.

Tabelul 3.4 Exemple de piese de munc unice si de piese de compue

Tabelul 3,5 descrie efectul geometriei pieselor de lucru i

caracteristicile fizice de comportament.Comportamentul unei singure
bucai de lucru i celui compus, atunci cnd interacioneaz cu alte
piese de munc, trebuie s fie difereniat. Este important s se afle
dac este cazul ca piesa de lucru s fie izolat sau dac se ncadreaz
ntr-o poziie preferat, pentru a facilita procesul de prindere. Poziia
preferat este poziia final pe care piesa de lucru o menine dup
aterizare din cdere liber. O pies de munc poate avea unul sau mai
multe poziii preferate n funcie de forma de distribuie a greutaii.

Comportamentul piesei de lucru va fi determinat n mod corespunztor de pre-teste

ca detalii sterse, cum ar fi bavuri, caneluri, sau alte fluctuaii n suprafa de calitate,
etc, pot fi eseniale pentru procesul de fiabilitate. n plus, este important s se
stabileasc orice limit de for de inducie care pot rezulta de la materia sau
calitatea suprafeei piesei de lucru.

Mere ca un exemplu de toleran de msurare diferit Piese turnate ca un exemplu

de toleran de msurare diferite
Piesa de lucru cu diferene de toleran duc la probleme imediate. Acest lucru
devine evident atunci cnd piesele nu sunt definite din punct de vedere tehnic, de
exemplu, produsele naturale. Dup cum putei vedea din poze, cerinele de aplicare a
forelor este n funcie de geometria pieselor de munc.
Prin urmare, forele aplicate pe suprafete diferite se pot schimba de la piese la
piese, si necesit calcul de siguran.
Aa cum se arat n tabelul 3.5 poziia i orientarea piesei de lucru este
important pentru a ajusta gripperul la poziia corespunztoare. Poziia unei piese de
lucru nainte de operaiunea de ridicare stabilete deja limitele opiunilor de inducie
a forei pentru c punctele n care forele pot fi aplicate nu sunt ntotdeauna
accesibile. O pies de lucru are opiuni de orientaie translativ i rotativ, sau un
asa-numit grad de libertate (gdl). Acestea sunt descrise ntr-un sistem de coordonate
pentru a defini gradul translaiei i rotaiei de libertate. Aa numitul statut de ordine a
piesei de lucru este definit pentru a descrie situaia sa n relaie cu poziia i rotaia
n spaiul de lucru. Gradurile de translaie i rotaie de libertate a piesei de lucru sunt
utilizate de asemenea n acest scop. Se disting doua grade de libertate:
gradul de orientare (go) = grade rotative de libertate
gradul de poziionare (gp) = grade translative de libertate
Tabelul listeaz diferitele grade de orientare i de poziionare a unei piese de lucru.

Gradele respective de orientare i poziionare sunt evaluate de la 0 la 3. Nota 0

nseamn o orientare sau un grad de poziionare n ntregime nedefinit, n total se ia
n considerare n numere egale pn la nota 3 pentru o poziie definit exact.
XYZ sistem de referin a coordonatelor
UVW grade translative de libertate
ABC grade rotative de libertate
Figura 3.2 grade de libertate translative si rotative

Tabelul 3.6 Definirea orientaiei i poziiei al pieselor

degree of orientation (OD)

orientation of the work piece

defined for all rotary axes

orientation of the work piece

2 defined for two rotary axes

positioning degree (PG)


source of the workpieces's own system of

coordinates in one defined point

source of the workpieces's own system of

2 coordinates optionally on a curve (e. g. straight
line or circular path)

orientation of the work piece

defined for one rotary axis

orientation of the work piece

not defined for any rotary axes

work piece situated on a surface (e. g. plane,

cylinder case)
work piece situated anywhere in the workspace

Ambele graduri, cel de orientare i cel de poziie definesc aa-numitul statut de

ordine al unei piese de lucru, dup cum urmeaz:
Statutul de ordine SO =GO/GP
Exemplu la 1/0
a) grade rotative de libertate (dof) definite b) grade translative de libertate (dof)
Tabelul 3,7 Statutul de ordine al unei piese de lucru (gdl: grade de libertate)
3-dof not
bulk goods
Statutul de ordine determin efortul necesar pentru ca o pies de lucru a fi
ridicat sau mutat n jurul unui numr de axe definite de gripper nainte ca procesul
de manipulare s fie considerat complet. Experiena practic arat c pot aprea
sarcini dintre cele mai diferite care cresc starea comenzii.
Tabelul 3,7 listez toate opiunile strii ordinelor al unei piese de lucru.

strii ordinelor pentru piesele de lucru este miezul sarcinilor de

manipulare, indiferent dac piesele nesortate sunt stocate ntr-o caset de transport
pentru a fi hrnite una cte una ntr-o main de prelucrare, sau dac prinderea

concentric este suficient pentru o prelucrare ulterioar. Se poate presupune in

general c o operaiune de alegere poate fi mai greu n cazul n care pieasa de lucru
este la aptul inferior al comenzii. Acest lucru se produce frecvent n timpul sarcinilor
de manipulare pentru care coordonatele translative sunt schimbate, de exemplu
atunci cnd piesele de lucru sunt luate de pe o plac a taransportorului i puse pe
alta. O dat ce o pies de lucru, a atins un anumit statut de ordine, este n general
recomandat s fie meninut acest statut. Acest lucru pare evident, dar nu poate fi
ntotdeauna realizat n practic, datorit condiiilor specifice de lucru sau proceselor
de fabricaie.

Storage as bulk goods (above) and final clamping position (below)

Work pieces tend to lose their order status when being trans ported on several

conveyor belts. Designing conveyors or restructuring whole transport systems under

the aspect of maintaining the work piece order status is laborious and costly.
Work pieces are frequently processed as bulk goods for production and thus change
from a sorted situation into an unsorted one. If interim storing is indispensable,
storage space must be used effectively to keep inventory costs low. Storing work
pieces in orientation, e. g. on pallets, is very expensive in most cases because each
work piece geometry would require specially fabricated pallets.
Considering increasing work piece variety and decreasing lot numbers this puts
producers to unreasonable expense. Therefore, work pieces in need of interim storing
are frequently stored as bulk goods. The pictures show both pre-manufactured parts
stored as bulk goods and work pieces in their final clamping position.

Changing order status of work pieces during transport on different conveyors

Table 3.8 Effect of work piece

symmetries on the order status

According to work piece geometry, an order status is more or less difficult to

establish or to maintain. Table 3.8 shows the differences between cube and disk
forms. An order status 3/1 for disk forms already describes the position of the work
piece in full because of its rotary symmetry around the w axis.
Generally it must be observed in how far work piece symmetry is dependent on
more than its geometry. If work pieces differ in surface features as a result of
changing their position they are to be treated like asymmetrical parts.

An example of this includes coins which are put into a

collector's booklet. The size of the coin is just as
important as the difference between front (averse) and
back (reverse) of the coin. The coins not only need to be
inserted front-up but aligned accordingly to achieve a
representative look as explained in the picture.
For each task or handling situation it is important to
describe the order status of the workpiece before and
after handling. From this description we can see how
many axes or degrees of freedom the handling unit must provide in order to
completely solve the task.
The unlimited variety of workpiece features demands high gripping flexibility. The
number of workpiece features a gripper copes with corresponds to the number and
type of force induction options. The more options to apply force onto a workpiece a
gripper offers, the more workpiece geometries can be gripped. The operating
elements or gripper fingers of a gripper can be designed or adapted accordingly.
3.2 Gripper Fingers As Operating Elements
Forces are transmitted by gripper fingers, the so-called operating elements of the
gripper. The amount of force which needs to be applied depends on the body mass,
surface friction, and geometry of the workpiece. Workpiece geometry defines criteria
such as:

distance between force induction point and mass center of gravity

mass moment of inertia
type of force induction
If gripping force just needs to be transmitted via
surface friction, pressure must be put on the
workpiece surface. For workpieces which easily
react to pressure, e. g. the surface of which is
easily deformed or damaged, a maximum pressure
must be determined. For safety reasons maximum
pressure during gripping must be clearly lower
than the approved pressure for the respective
material. Calculations on maximum pressure for
different contact bodies are shown in table 3.9

distinguishing point and linear contact between gripper fingers and workpieces.
Gripping forces vary according to form and number of active surfaces between
workpiece and gripper fingers. In table 3.10 three typical combinations of force-fit
gripping are compared. The influence of surface types on gripping force is expressed
by the respective formula.

Differing coefficients of adhesive friction for defined material combinations are

detailed in table 3.11.

Table 3.9 Maximum Hertz pressure

Table 3.10 Gripping force calculation for various finger forms

Special gripper fingers made from Quentes

material combinations


cast iron
Cu-Sn alloy
Po-Sn alloy


coefficients of adhesive friction


Steel on friction coating

Steel on Quentes (SCHUNK)

0.3 - 0.4


Table 3.11 Coefficients of adhesive friction for different surface material


Coefficients of adhesive friction are stated for dry and lubricated state of the
surfaces. Table 3.11 illustrates that the amount of gripping force depends on the
friction qualities of both work piece and gripper surfaces. Gripper producers offer
materials which combine good friction quality with high stability.

Good contact between work piece and gripper fingers is essential for safe gripping
at minimum force. Therefore, it makes sense to have maximum surface contact
between the work piece surface and the operating elements of the gripper. A special
coating (compare table 3.11) can further reduce the forces required. So-called
adhesive cushions made of elastomers combined with an aluminum support plate are
available. Elastomers offer particularly good friction while the aluminum support
plate ensures stability.

Elastomer plan view

Besides the ideal combination of workpiece and gripper materials friction can be
increased by form-fit gripping which is achieved by a suitable profile such as
scoremarks or teeth. This type of gripping force reduction is perfect for handling
workpieces without surface restrictions. Cast iron, for example, can be gripped with
hard metal chucks which guarantee form-fit gripping. These carbide chucks can
handle loads up to 30,000N and are simply replaced after wear-out.
Form-fit gripping is usually applied to workpieces which are due for further
With the help of these methods gripping force can be distributed better on the
workpiece's force induction areas. Distributing forces by means of maximizing these
areas is one option to reduce gripping force. Table 3.12 illustrates different force
induction options for spherical workpieces. The best solution is to enclose workpieces
with either two or three gripper jaws which are adapted toworkpiece radius.
For the respective handling task either the gripper finger or the force induction area
of the workpiece need to be designed for optimum results.

Types of movement (translation or rotation) of the operating elements may vary

according to gripper construction. As illustrated, workpieces of different dimensions
may not offer identical contact surfaces which may lead to inaccurate positioning of
workpieces within the gripper. Spherical workpieces are especially suitable for using
one gripper jaw design for various workpiece dimensions. Nevertheless, it may lead to
critical problems if the gripper fails to place the workpieces in one and the same
position (movements of gripper jaws). Precautions have to be taken to prevent feeding
the gripper system with the wrong type of workpiece as this is bound to provoke
collisions during the pick operation.
The form of the workpiece sets limitations on the force induction options through
the gripper fingers. As a result, careful gripper design and construction is essential
for safe gripping. Force-fit gripping as well as form-fit gripping are options for
securing the work-piece within the gripper according to the respective form and
moving task. Form-fit and force-fit gripping are frequently combined.
Table 3.12 gives a structured overview on the gripper options for pick operations
according to number of contact surfaces and type of gripping. Force-fit gripping is
also called friction lock or force lock, form-fit gripping is also known as form lock.
This overview shows that human gripping includes all gripping types except for
adhesive gripping (neglecting sticky fingers, of course), offering very high flexibility
for the gripping process.

hard metal insert for grippers

Table 3.12 Classification of gripper principles of function according to form-fit and

force-fit options

Table 3.13 Rules for work piece design appropriate for gripping

Gripping with one contact surface, the so-called adhesive grip is the classic
operating principle for suction grippers, magnetic grippers, or adhesive grippers. The
reverse grip is sometimes used for extremely difficult gripping tasks such as coping
with very unstable work pieces. The classic reverse grip merely holds the work piece
by the principle of gravity.
Form-fit and force-fit gripping are basic principles of gripping with more than one
contact surface. Combinations of form-fit and force-fit gripping are frequently used.
As explained earlier, the human hand is superior to any technical systems in terms of
gripping flexibility as it naturally combines numerous gripping types. A presumably
simple gripping process, such as picking up a coffee cup, comprises most diverse
gripping principles and several gripping qualities.

The users of gripping technology must usually rely on their experience with the
relevant work pieces in order to help design gripper fingers or gripper jaws. Gripper
producers provide the user with a great variety of standard gripper jaws which are
available as accessories for basic grippers.
The basic gripper defines the interface for gripper kinematics to ensure compliance
in all respects. Finger blanks are easy to assemble, equipped with the respective
clamping contours, and available in aluminum, steel, or synthetic versions. In terms of
designing operating elements the workpiece-related and the gripper-related figures
are important. When combining contact surface qualities the work piece-related
figures, e .g the form of the work piece, have direct influence on the gripper-related
figures, e. g. the contact surfaces.

range of gripper fingers

The design of operating elements always depends on a specific task such as piston

rod handling. The piston rods need to be transported in suspension and inserted into
the processing unit. The gripper in the picture copes with eight piston rods at a time
to increase the cycle time of the handling process. The piston rod place operation is
determined by the processing unit and requires very sensitive gripper fingers. The
principle of gripping is friction lock, and high gripping force is required for process
reliability. As the fingers are both slim and long, strong gripping force causes
substantial tension within them. With the help of the Finite-Element-Method (FEM)
forces can be visualized in modern workshop places equipped with CAD (Computer
Aided Design) applications. Visualizing forces means being able to monitor them in
order to avoid the risk of gripper fingers being deformed.

Table 3.14 Options for contact surface design

without bias

with bias

Figure 3.3 Avoiding point contact with the workpiece by gripper jaw bias
The special construction in this example is necessary because high gripping forces
and long fingers may extend the gripper fingers which again may lead to unwanted
point contact.

Von Vises voltage (maximum) average figures deformed original model; max. description +1.9673 E+00
scale 1.3750 E+01; elasticity 1,000N principal units: millimeter Newton second (mmNs)

In case there is just one contact point between the work piece and the gripper jaws,
the piston rod may swing during acceleration or slow-down, which must be excluded
to achieve accurate positioning. Precise calculation of the bias in the gripper fingers
helps to avoid point contact. The bias ensures that gripper fingers cannot close in
parallel position without load. If the fingers close around the workpiece, gripper and
workpiece have the desired surface contact which prevents the workpiece from
swinging at random.
Contact surface design offers two completely different options. Stationary contact
surface types for gripper fingers is one of them. An alternative for highly flexible
grippers are flexible contact surface types. In table 3.14 both options for contact
surface design are detailed.

Stationary contact surface types just have one pre-defined force transmission
option. Separate surface types within the same gripper finger permit one gripper to
pick up various workpiece diameters. In this case, however, the high bending effect
caused by thelonger gripper fingers needs to be taken into account.
The better option is trying to pick up different diameters with unseparated contact
surface types to keep the gripper fingers as short as possible. The number of differing
workpieces is limited for this option. Some examples of gripper fingers are included to
illustrate the variety of finger types and their adaptability to individual workpiece

needle gripper
Gripper fingers with flexible contact surface types can handle the most diverse
workpiece geometries. For example, flexible contact surfaces made of granulate or
magnetic powder perfectly adapt to the form of a workpiece before they are hardened
by electric energy for form-fit gripping.
A purely mechanical principle of this gripping type is a gripper equipped with
densely packed nails which hold the workpiece by having it pressed into the flexible
surface of nails.
Additionally, the nails can be set against each other to achieve form-fit gripping.
This process is simply reversed for releasing the workpiece.

Examples of gripper jaws

The picture shows how workpieces of most diverse geometry are picked up with a
most flexible contact surface. Basically it is a multi-finger gripper system, i. e. 1,200
nails have been set on 70cm2 in order to achieve the necessary friction lock.
This gripper type, however, is suitable for robust workpieces only while delicate
surfaces or workpieces would be easily damaged.
The majority of grippers which are based on the on-off switch type are so-called
suction grippers. This gripping technology is a completely independent matter and
not included as it would exceed the volume of this book (see definiton of contents in
Chapter 1).

Figure 3.4

Range of gripping options

In order to define options for gripping a workpiece it is important how the operating
elements are aligned in relation to the workpiece. Three types of gripping options are

external grip (gripping force is applied to external surfaces of a work-piece)

intermediate grip (a workpiece, e. g. a tubular one, is gripped on external

and internal surfaces)

internal grip (gripping force is applied to internal surfaces of a workpiece, e.

g. a bore or hole)
The benefits and drawbacks of the respective gripping option are quite evident in
figure 3.4. Compact workpieces require the external grip if frictional forces are used.
There is no way to pick up the round bar with any other grip. The external grip
becomes problematic when the case pallet sizes are too small for pick- or place


The intermediate grip as well as the internal grip can be applied to workpieces with
an appropriate bore or hole. Both methods of gripping are suitable for tightly packed
pallets. The internal grip is mostly used together with lathe parts because in
combination with 3-finger grippers the workpiece can be well centered.
This ensures accurate positioning for releasing the workpiece no matter if contact
surfaces are stationary or flexible. Flexible contact surfaces, of course, increase the
number of application options.

Another gripper design concentrates on the method of flexibly aligning gripper

fingers in relation to the workpiece geometry. The Fraunhofer Institute for
Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA developed an artificial hand on the
model of human gripping. The thumb is situated opposite the other two fingers, and
its movements are only half the size of the other finger movements.

An analysis of the human hand and more specifically the human gripping options
demonstrates that only three types of grips are essential for covering a broad range of

2-finger grip

3-finger parallel grip

3-finger concentric grip

Figure 3.5 IPA Hand gripping options

These findings led to the construction of the IPA Hand which operated with one
stationary gripper finger as the "thumb" and two flexible fingers. A gripper concept
was developed which is capable of performing gripping types with just two electric
drives as illus- trated in figure 3.5. The thumb is designed to move between two
stationary positions but is rigidly aligned in relation to the direction of gripping force.
Each finger can be freely programmed and runs rotating around its high axle. A twolevel drive allows the gripper fingers to independently operate in three different
As contact surface alignment according to workpiece requirements is flexible, this
gripper is able to cover various workpiece geometries. The gripper fingers are
currently fabricated as rigid operating elements.

With respect to an economically efficient operation, the following basic approaches

Lower expenditure for control technology leads to the development of completely
"autonomous and intelligent" components which are easy to integrate into automation
systems. The overall reduction of component parts, e. g. expensive actuators, makes it
possible to build compact systems of good value.

Flexible contact surface types can either be designed to be passive or active. Autoadaptive, passive fingers kinematics comprise of single finger links which are
connected by joints. The finger links contain a traverse for adapting them to the
workpiece geometry when force is applied.
In case the surface contact types are actively adapted to the work- pieces the joints
must be driven independently. The finger modules can be designed either as
stationary elements or as flexible-passive or flexible-active elements as illustrated.

The most flexible finger concept is the flexible-active one. Many research series are
being dedicated to this gripper finger concept which is based on the human model
(see Chapter 2.2).

The Barret Hand is a good example for an industrially employed concept. The
energy for the drive is transmitted to the finger links via worm gear units and bowden
wires. The hand comprises an overall three operating elements, i. e. three fingers.
Four servo- motors with distance measuring systems provide the driving energy and
actuate all seven joints.

Barret Hand

micro-components pick operation with

adhesive grippers

The drive of the fingers is separated so that one motor drives one finger with two
Additionally the gripping force and gripping velocity are regulated. A maximum
gripping force of 5N per gripper finger is achieved. The gripper weighs 1.18kg and
can handle a payload up to 6kg if form-fit gripping is possible.
Adhesive or magnetic fingers can also be used to increase force on the workpiece.
This force is switched on during pick operations and switched off during place
operations. Therefore, the surface contact types are called switch-off or switch-on.
Grippers with switch-off/switch-on contact surfaces are frequently being used in the
form of suction grippers or magnetic grippers. These principles of function are easily
integrated into single operat- ing elements of grippers. The adhesive contact surface
type is still a special force transmission type.
Adhesive gripper technology is based on a physical principle which is based on the
surface tension of liquids. Adhesion means joining together different bodies or, in this
case, workpieces, made of dif- ferent materials. The cause of adhesion is molecular
magnetism, the so-called adhesive forces, between the contact surfaces.

Figure 3.6 Adhesive gripping process (source: Bark)

Adhesive grippers have been developed for picking up micro components, e. g. by
using the surface tension of a liquid drop to pick and place a chip. An accurate drop
size is supplied onto the grippefs underside and then slightly reduced during
"gripping". The most difficult part of adhesive gripping is releasing the work- piece. In
order to precisely maintain its position a workpiece must already be in a position
where a force can be built up to counter- act the adhesive force of the gripper. In
figure 3.6 the gripper has already been provided with an adhesive. This counteracting
force together with liquid reduction enable the workpiece to remain in the desired
position. A gripper can also place workpieces with the help of an active release
mechanism. Liquids are often vola- tile substances, e. g. alcohol, which do not leave
any trace on the workpiece.

Adhesion may occur due to unwanted adhesive forces between two different
materials. In general these forces are neglectable and do not influence the gripping
process in the macro range. However, adhesive forces may become critical when
handling very small or delicate work pieces.
In the micro range strong forces due to electric charge occur on top of adhesive
forces. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) shows that glass balls with an
approximate 100um diameter are even able to move up along the gripper finger
without additional manipulation. They are charged by electron bombardment in the
SEM. This effect does not occur if gripper fingers and work pieces are grounded.
Clean-room conditions prove the strong influence of humidity on adhesion. Minimum
atmospheric humidity already reduces adhesive force. Surface quality also plays an
important role for handling small component parts.

Since the adhesion makes the release more difficult, various tech- niques are
employed to aid in the workpiece release. For example, wipe-off or vibration solutions
are recommended by the Fraunhofer IPT in Aachen, Germany.
The problematic point is that workpieces cannot be placed accurately because they
remain stuck to the gripper because of adhesive forces. Therefore, gripper design
needs careful attention to prevent this unwanted effect.

In the macro range such unwanted "adhesive effects" may arise from sticky
workpieces. Special gripper fingers are required for such items in order to place them
safely. Candied cherries, for example, will always stick on one of the gripper jaws and
thus do not permit accurate release. It is not possible to foresee which gripper jaw a
candied cherry will stick to.
For this particular handling task special gripper fingers had to be fabricated. Even
the operating elements of the gripper had to be driven by actuators to release the
candied cherries. The cherry gripper developed by the SRTs Mechatronics laboratory
in the U.K. is able to pick, place, and pack sticky or delicate items. Its gripper jaws are
unlike standard operating elements. A strip of moveable tape is wrapped around each
finger of the gripper. The workpiece is released by retracting the fingers upwards and
remains stationary while the tape progressively peels away. Being able to release the
workpiece without opening the gripper allows packing in narrow spaces.
It is not only the food processing industry which has to deal with sticky workpiece

surface. Grippers in the metal-working industry are regularly faced with coatings
which may cause workpieces to stick. Handling workpieces the surface of which may
be soiled, e. g. with resinified grease, is even more complicated.

Another example of workpieces making automated handling difficult is baggage. A

gripper system has been developed especially for the purpose of stacking baggage
into air-cargo containers.
The challenge of this task is to handle baggage of the most diverse sizes, shapes,
and weights with one and the same gripper. Moreover, the gripping system needs to
be designed for placing baggage into the container without restrictions to how and
where it is placed.
These ambient conditions cannot be met by a standard jaw gripper nor by a kind of
baggage shoveling system.
An innovative solution by KUKA InnoTec offers the possibility to attach the baggage
to the gripper instead of having it "gripped". The baggage is strapped to the gripper
with strings which are lashed in order to safely attach the workpiece to the gripper.

Figure 3.8 Baggage gripper - principle of function

This so-called static baggage gripper copes with any sizes, shapes, or weights, and
is able to place the baggage in nearly any position. The principle of function is
attaching the workpiece to the gripper by centering the gripper on the baggage and
bracing both with two ties. By tightening the ties the baggage is properly fastened to
the gripper. The patented gripping system is illustrated in figure 3.8.
The baggage is braced by a type of machine similar to those used for packaging
parcels or bundles. The ties are guided by slides on two sides of the gripper to ensure
lateral guiding and prevent the ties from slipping out. The ties are lead underneath
the baggage to the other side and taken up by the bracing machine, which cuts the

ties after lashing and welds their ends together. In order to prevent the ties from
slipping within the guiding channels of the gripper they are clamped. Thus the
baggage is safely attached to the gripper and ready to be placed into the air-cargo
After placing, the gripper cuts the ties with an
inbuilt knife, rolls them up, and throws them out to
dispose of them before the next pick- and place
This is a novel type of gripper jaw design because
bracing requires the ties to be thrown out after
having placed the workpiece. The drawback of
these "throw-out jaws" is the necessity to dispose of
waste material but using recycling materials helps
to achieve a certain degree of materials flow.

Manually sorting recycling goods from packaging waste

The problem of waste material leads to a further option of gripper finger design.
Handling tasks include sorting out defined parts from a flood of materials. The
workpiece may be deformed or destroyed during handling as it will be crushed for
recycling purposes in any case.
Collecting recycling materials always aims at generating pure qual- ity materials
flow. Materials are prepared by filters or magnetic separators, e.g. to leave just one
kind of synthetic material of a defined quality within the materials flow. In order to
recycle these synthetics they need to be as pure as possible without foreign or
hazardous materials. In daily practice recycling categories are often faulty and
materials still have to be sorted out by hand. Grippers which are able to cope with
such tasks do not have to be adapted to any workpiece geometry. Usually it is
sufficient that they pick the workpiece up regardless of whether it is being destroyed
or damaged during handling.

3.3 Securing The Workpiece

For applying forces to the workpiece through contact surfaces the VDI Guideline
2860 describes the Secure function which includes the basic functions Hold and
Release. Hold means temporarily securing the workpiece in a defined orientation and
position, Release is the reverse of the Hold function.
If gripping the workpiece is effected by friction lock these basic functions become
more complex. According to definition Clamp stands for a more complex Hold function
and Unclamp stands for a more complex Release function.

Table 3.15 Handling functions for securing the workpiece

The human hand offers a whole range of options for gripping a workpiece. It can be
gripped with either a strong or a soft grip. Variants of human gripping are illustrated
here. Starting with the cylinder grip, which uses nearly the whole palm for applying
force and thus offers maximum gripping safety, all the way through to indicating and
operating functions which do not include actual grip- ping movements. With the help

of these examples and your own gripping experience you can easily name options for
force induction on a workpiece.
The cylinder grip for maximum force transmission is applied by the weight-lifter
gripping the pole of the dumb-bell. The three-point grip is used by a person taking a
bottle out of a beverage case. The precision grip permits very fine-tuned operations
such as inserting a CD into a PC drive.
With the lateral grip a workpiece can be transferred to a new position or to
another person. The wedge grip is a type of form-fit gripping which we all know from
carrying a shopping bag.
Indicating and operating functions of the hand are not rated as classic gripping
actions but have become an essential part of the human environment, e. g. for
operating keyboards.
Gripping options of the human hand (from top to bottom): cylinder grip, three-finger
grip, precision grip, lateral grip, wedge grip, indicate/operate
During a movement in the workspace both the direction of move- ments and the
direction of forces acting on the workpiece change. Securing the workpiece requires
provisions for changing gripping types during movements as shown in figure 3.9 to

Pure form-fit gripping means that the active forces and mass moments of inertia are
vertically directed to the contact surfaces between workpiece and gripper fingers
during the entire process. Form-fit gripping is the best choice as gripping force can be
kept low. Nevertheless, the direction of movement needs to be chosen carefully to
make sure that the gripping type does not change during workpiece handling.
Otherwise the defined gripping force may not be sufficient.
Pure force-fit gripping means that the gripping force of the grip- per fingers is
induced by friction force only. Thus gripping force is clearly dependent on the
adhesive friction coefficient which may change under real working conditions, such as
in dirty environments.
Force-fit gripping may also change to form-fit gripping because the gripper may
change its direction of movement.

A survey of these circumstances and corresponding examples for calculation are

given in table 3.16.

Table 3.16 Force-fit/form-fit gripping (S = safety factor)

As shown in table 3.16 a spherical workpiece is clamped between two prismatic
jaws with the opening angle . The gripping force is calculated with the appropriate
formule. In the first case we need to consider the fact that weight acts against
acceleration. The latter and the resulting adhesive friction must be completely
assimilated by force-fit gripping, which requires higher gripping force than in the
other examples. Form-fit gripping in the direction of accelera- tion and of gravity is
provided in the second example. The gripper must counteract the force which
stretches the gripper fingers caused by acceleration. The third example just requires
half as much gripping force because the latter can be equally distributed to both
gripper jaws. This type of handling is especially kind on the gripper and the workpiece
as forces can be kept low.
Kinematics or drives for grippers
Gripper fingers need to be set in motion to build up gripping forces on the
workpiece. Grippers can be categorized by their principles of drive. Our overview

shows that mechanical grippers constitute the main representatives of gripping

technology. Suction grippers, i. e. grippers with one or more switch-on/switch-off
contact surfaces, are being widely used for industrial applications. Magnetic grippers,
adhesive grippers, mold grippers, and needle grippers are still exep- tions to the rule.
Mechanical gripper kinematics must transfer movement of drive into movement of
gripper fingers, e. g. rotary drive movements have to be transferred into linear
gripper finger movements. This type of kinematics includes all drive, transmission,
and guid- ing elements which are necessary to realize the movement of the drive. The
kinematic scheme shows most gripper drives in use, categorized by their input or
output movement. The input move- ment is contrasted to the output movement for
rotary and linear movements respectively.

Table 3.17 Gripper types categorized by their principle of drive

Table 3.18 Comparison of input and output movement of gripper fingers related to

the respective type of kinematics (source: Dreher)

Inputs and outputs are related to the respective types of kinematics, for some types
two different solutions are possible.
The gear ratio characterizes gripper kinematics, as it describes the ratio of velocity
of drive to the velocity of gripper fingers. The draw- back of lever drives, especially
the elbow lever drive, is that the area where high clamping forces are reached is very
small. There- fore, a gripper with elbow lever drive must be specially designed for a
particular workpiece size. With tenon and shear grinding drives either a constant or a
distance-related distribution of gripping force over clamping distance can be achieved
in relation to the type of construction.
Kinematics with rotary jaw movement can be produced for high process reliability at
low cost due to their simple construction. Moreover, this principle of kinematics
achieves large travel (swivel movements) of gripper fingers even for small gripper
sizes. Work- pieces with contact surfaces parallel to each other require gripper active
surfaces to be flexible to avoid insufficient point contact with the workpiece.
Different contact surfaces may lead the gripper to loose
the work- piece in case the force which can be transmitted
becomes too low. Surface contact of the gripper jaws may
change to insufficient point contact for varying workpiece
dimensions. Selecting the right grip- per includes making
sure that the movement types of the operat- ing elements
are suitable for the respective workpieces. If certain
ambient conditions demand a type of movement which may
result in contact surface tolerances during gripping, swivel
elements in the fingers or compensation units can set them
Positioning tolerance makes it even more difficult to
position cylindrical workpieces of varying diameters within
prismatic jaws. This tolerance caused by the circular movement of the gripper jaws
does not occur when gripper fingers are shifted in parallel. The figures show different
movements of gripper fingers according to the respective kinematics employed.

Figure 3.12 Movements of gripper fingers according to type of kinematics

Gripper fingers with parallel guidance are better suited for work- pieces with
parallel contact surfaces because line contact with the gripper jaws can be avoided in
case of tolerances. Preferred kine- matics with their vital characteristics are
illustrated and explained in the following.
The wedge drive is noted for a constant distribution of force over the entire stroke
length. It is especially suitable for gripping work- pieces of differing dimensions or
great tolerances with the same kinematics. The constant force ensures that the
workpieces are picked up under the same conditions. This gripper type also stands

out for high precision gripping. Guidance and friction at the wedge cause forces
which have to be counteracted during movement.

The lever drive is distinguished by low friction forces in the lever joints. However, it
does not allow precision gripping at the level of the wedge drive and force over the
entire stroke is unstable.
The same applies to the elbow lever drive with the difference that very high forces
can be achieved in its final position. However, it is not flexible in the face of workpiece
tolerances so that greatly dif- fering workpiece dimensions require specially adapted
The workpiece is gripped by building up a force through kinetic movement which
translates the driving power of an actuator into a rotary or translatory movement.
Actuators are employed as subsys- tems for all grippers which use kinematics for
moving the gripper fingers. The drive is responsible for transforming the energy
supplied into a rotary or translatory movement. As a rule, the drive is directly
connected to kinematics.
This stationary connection must be given up when the workpiece needs to be
gripped by several fingers, as it is the case with the Barret Hand. For delicate finger
structures it is essential that stress on transmission or drive at gripper closing is kept
low. Otherwise the service life of such lightweight constructions would be significantly shortened. A special driving gear is necessary which allows the gripper fingers
to be aligned with the workpiece without putting too much strain on the driving
components. A so-called decoupling drive is used which makes it possible to use one
driving motor per finger. When the gripper clamps a workpiece both finger joints are
closed. When the first joint meets resistance the drive of this joint is decoupled by a
plate spring. The second joint continues moving until it is aligned with the workpiece.
The motor is subsequently switched off by gripping force control.

Passively or actively adjusting the operating elements of the gripper is a good option

for gripping the most diverse workpiece geom- etries. The number of fingers also
determines the degree of flexibil- ity for different gripper concepts of artificial hands
as illustrated for different artificial hands in Chapter 2.

Grippers can be categorized by the number of their operating elements. The more
operating elements a gripper has the more options to apply forces on a workpiece it
has. However, realizing these options starts with designing the operating elements, i.
e. the gripper fingers.
Gripping various diameters of cylindrical workpieces can
be real- ized by a uniform prism design if the finger travel
is long enough. The stroke or the distance a gripper finger
is able to travel, can be decisive for gripper flexibility. The
latter can be determined by easy CAD analysis of
overlapping workpiece geometries in order to handle as
many different workpieces as possible with one set of
gripper jaws.
As shown in the example, the crucial point of such an
application is the differing center point position of the
tubes when gripping them with the same prism. Pick- and place operations of tubes
must be carefully planned to avoid faulty positioning.
If very high flexibility is required, systems for changing gripper fingers are a
solution. Within such a system the operating elements of the gripper are replaced to
be able to meet a new handling task. The gripper fingers can either be changed
manually or automatically. The latter is required for very quick changing times. An
automated quick-change prevents the gripper jaws from getting mixed up, which
always remains a risk of manual change. Automated change systems can be
categorized according to whether fingers can be changed "on the fly" during handling

operation or whether they are directed to a special position where they are changed.
Changing gripper fingers "on the fly" means that the kinetic device is able to
continue its movement without being interrupted.
option in terms of economic and technical requirements. If gripper fingers are
changed too often, production will become too expen- sive. Quick-change jaws,
however, can even bring a manual change of gripper fingers down to a few seconds.
As mentioned earlier, manual change always includes the risk of gripper jaws getting
mixed up by human operators. This may result in faulty production or even in a
collision between workpieces and the wrong gripper fingers. Under these aspects an
automated change of gripper fingers will add to safety provisions in production.
Another method of increasing gripper flexibility is the use of so- called swivel or
rotary units. They combine several gripper finger types on one swivel or rotary plate.

With these units different workpieces can be handled without changing the gripper
jaws of a handling system. The rotary unit takes the respective gripper with suitable
gripper fingers into the right position for picking up the workpiece.
The swivel or rotary units can be designed as dual grippers or revolver grippers.
The difference between the two is the number of grippers one unit can hold. Our
focus is on dual gripper construc- tions most frequently used for handling workpieces
in order to synchronize handling time and processing times.

A dual gripper can hold two grippers which are designed to

operate independently of each other.
A revolver gripper consists of more than two grippers which
are able to work independently and is predominantly used for
handling several workpiece types. One workpiece type is
distinguished from another according to which gripper is able
to cope with it. The structure of the operating elements on a
dual gripper or a revolver gripper may be parallel, coniform
or radial.
Small and medium-sized product lines demand gripping
technology to be even more flexible as the aim is always to
cover the broadest range of workpieces possible. Gripper
fingers with a long stroke meet this demand.
Figure 3.13 Flexible gripper systems coping with workpiece

Nevertheless, workpiece variety is on its way into large series production as well.
Mass production in its true sense is only relevant for single workpieces, components,
or whole systems. Consumer goods, e. g. automobiles, are increasingly produced
according to individual order. Lower lot numbers again require more handling
flexibility. Robots in combination with flexible grip- ping technology and sensors are
the latest state of engineering. Expenses for the respective high-tech components rise
according to the performance required.
Figure 3.13 explains various options for gripper systems coping with workpiece
variety. The single purpose gripper has gripper jaws tailored to the workpiece and can
be equipped with flexible gripper fingers for additional flexibility. A gripper system's
degree of flex- ibility is expressed by the quantity of different workpieces this gripper
system can cope with. The first step is to use several contact surfaces and prismatic
jaws compared to the single purpose gripper. In combination with comb, adaptable
and adjustable jaws it is possible to grip most different workpiece geometries.
For single purpose grippers mounted to swivel or rotary units it is the housing
which determines the number of grippers that can be fitted to one unit. Revolver
grippers definitely offer the best options in terms of flexibility. Multiple grippers
theoretically handle an infinite number of workpiece geometries by either just
changing gripper fingers or the whole gripper unit including kinematics and drive
(see details in Chapter 4). The latter opens up additional options with regard to finger
stroke or type of drive.
The distance which the gripper fingers cover to apply force on a workpiece, the socalled action radius of the gripper, also influences gripper flexibility. The workpiece
size and gripping type define how far the operating elements of the gripper need to be

The larger a grippefs action radius is, the more workpiece variety it can handle. It is
not the maximum gripping radius which is important but gripper finger travel.
Handling wheel rims is a good example because they are produced in differing
diameters. The action radius necessary for this gripper covers 14" to 20" wheel rim
diameters. Nevertheless, enlarging gripper finger travel to cope with a larger range of
workpieces may backfire in terms of gripper housing, gripper weight, and closing
time. Set cycle times for time-critical applications may not be met in the end.
This dilemma can be solved by a gripper concept with gripper fingers being prepositioned before the actual gripping process so that the distance the gripper needs
to cover for supplying the gripping force is much shorter. Electrically driven gripper
fingers are ideal because finger positioning can be programmed.
Various gripper drive types can be categorized according to their respective
principle of function. In table 3.19 current gripper drive types are compared.
Electrically and pneumatically driven grippers cover a broad range of handling tasks
while hydraulic drives are predominantly used for grippers handling high payloads.
The piezo- electric drive is rarely used and generally reserved for gripping technology in the micro range due to its particular gripping force and gripper finger
stroke. The best gripper principle of function always needs to be selected in relation
to the specific handling task.

The pneumatic drive stands out for its simplicity and long service life, good-quality
air pressure for it is usually available in production workshop environments.
Pneumatics enable compact housing of the drive element. This type of drive is
protected against overload by compressible air pressure. Pneumatically driven

grippers are able to cope with extreme conditions, e. g. coolants or dust from casting
or grinding processes. Moreover, these drives reliably operate in powerful electric or
magnetic fields. Another benefit is fast opening and closing times. In comparison to
other types of drive pneumatic drives are a very low in prime costs and save energy
costs. Additionally, these drives have the feature of being explosion-proof.
Adjustability of pneumatics is very limited compared to other types of drives. Waste
air which is drawn off directly from the gripper is to be treated separately for special
applications in cleanroom or strict hygiene environments. Pneumatic drives frequently
require final position stabilizers to avoid damage in case the gripper moves too hard
into its final position. The noise level of pneumatic drives is higher than that of other
types of drives.
The hydraulic drive can transmit great forces despite small housing. Moreover, it
permits an infinitely variable regulation of constant velocity of travel and gripping
force can be upheld over the entire gripping path as well. Maximum force is achieved
even at small distances because mass moment of inertia of the elements moved and
compressibility of the oil are low.
One of the drawbacks of hydraulic drives is a cost-intensive servic- ing routine
because leakage of the gripper or its supplies may lead to serious damage. Compared
to other types of drive the energy supply is more complicated as hydraulic systems
are rarely part of in-house technology for production. In most cases they would have
to be purchased and installed separately. Recycling hydraulic oil for re-use within the
circuit requires additional expenditure. Supplying energy to hydraulic grippers within
robot systems equipped with manual orientation axes is far more difficult to realize
than with any other types of energy. A delivery valve is necessary to limit gripping
Electric drives permit excellent control of generating force and movements, other
advantages are low prime and operating costs. Compact construction of electromotors
and improvements of efficiency have drawn more and more attention to electric drives
for gripper technology over the past few years. Modern grippers with integrated
sensor technology in combination with electric drives make direct gripping force
control possible.
The piezoelectric drive is especially useful for small fast move- ments. This drive
technology is characterized by high energy density and offers an excellent possibility
to produce compact micro gripper drives. In terms of control piezoelectric drives are
superior to pneumatic drives. Due to their low forces and small distances piezoelectric
drives are limited to the micro range and do not cope well with workpiece variety.

Each principle of drive requires a transformation of the respective type of energy

into movement by a so-called actuator. Actuators are used as gripper drive










movements. Components of pneumatic drive technology are pneumatic cylinders,

swivel cylinders, or air- pressure motors. Hydraulic cylinders, swivel cylinders, or
hydromo- tors can be considered as drive components of hydraulic actuators as well.
Drives based on the electric principle of function include electromagnets, piezo
drives, linear motors, as well as rotary actua- tors such as stepping motors, directcurrent (DC) and alternating- current (AC) motors.
translatory drive move- ment
with limited travel
translatory drive move- ment
with unlimited travel
rotary drive movement with
limited rotary angle
rotary drive movement with
unlimited rotary angle



linear motor



stepping motor DC
motor AC motor

Table 3.20 Various gripper drives for different types of energy sypply
Selecting a gripper drive in relation to kinematics determines how the operating
elements move in terms of gripping radius and velocity. This also specifies the type of
gripping force which can be applied to the workpiece, and together with the type of
gripper fingers it finally determines the principle of gripping, e. g. form-fit or force-fit

Gripper-related characteristics for pneumatically driven grippers, which are widely

employed in industrial applications, are illustrated in the following.

Contact surfaces
The role of contact surfaces has already been explained in detail. Number and
design of contact surfaces affect calculations of gripping force in terms of how this
force is to be decomposed. If numerals are used within gripper names, such as 3finger concentric gripper or 2-finger parallel gripper, they refer to the number of
contact surfaces.

Gripping force
The determining characteristic for many applications is the gripping force or the
weight of the workpiece which the gripper is able to handle. As mentioned earlier, the
required gripping force is first of all a question of which forces can be applied to
which contact surfaces of the workpiece. Once the latter is established the required
gripping force can be calculated with the formule as described. This characteristic
defines a grippefs force which the operating elements or gripper fingers apply to a

Pneumatically driven grippers normally use a piston to convert the energy saved in
compressed air into a translatory movement. The piston force is calculated as
described. In modern pneumatically driven gripper systems even elliptic pistons are
employed. This type of construction is ideal for exploiting the plane area determined
by kinematics.
With the feed generated both finger holders are moved through the wedge drive as
illustrated. Together with the gripping force produc- ers usually recommend a
workpiece weight which is valid for a specific friction coefficient and for a friction pair
without form lock. Product specifications usually include the safety tolerance

calculated for the respective weight of the workpiece.

Practical experience shows that it is important to know how the force is distributed
over the length of the finger stroke. In accordance with the kinematics used gripping
force differs over the entire stroke. The gripping force diagrams in table 3.16 show
that only the parallel jaw gripper with one wedge principle of function, for example,
will achieve a constant distribution of force over the entire stroke.

Figure 3.16 Different force distribution for various gripper types maximum
admissible forces and moments at the gripper fingers in addition to the gripping

The length of the gripper fingers influences the forces and moments occurring at

the gripper kinematics. Therefore, gripping force is frequently specified in relation to

the finger length in such a diagram to exclude overload or premature wear.
The characteristic curve for each gripper type shown in the gripping force diagrams
falls with increasing finger length. Most evident is the difference between swivel
grippers and grippers based on the wedge principle of drive. The gently declining
curve of the PGN gripper and the nearly identical PGN plus 100 reflects high load
capacity and robust guides for long finger capability.

The curve of angular grippers must obviously drop as in the exam- ple of the DWG 100
by SCHUNK, falling from a gripping force of 1,400N at 50mm finger length to a gripping
force of 500N at 200mm finger length. This drop in gripping force, however, is not only a
matter of straining guides and bearings of the gripper kinematics. The moment of an
angular gripper, which is induced through the extended lever arm of a finger into the
kinematics, counteracts the force of drive so that the piston must counteract the latter.
Opening and closing time of mechanical grippers
In most applications cycle time or process time for performing a handling task are
essential for the efficiency of an automated solution. Part of the entire process time is
taken up by opening or closing the gripper. Opening and closing times depend on the
length of stroke, on the type of drive, and on gripper kinematics.
A gripper with gripping force maintenance (GFM) will have different opening and
closing times as the spring force at opening must be overcome. When closing the
gripper the spring will function as a support. As compared to other kinematics in table
3.21 the rack and pinion principle does have the shortest opening and closing times in
relation to the stroke.

Table 3.21 Opening and closing times of various gripper constructions (GFM= gripping
force maintenance)
Changing the pressure will only influence gripping force while open- ing and closing
times remain the same for grippers without gripping force maintenance.
Gripping path
A successful pick operation requires the gripper to open in accor- dance with the form
of the gripper jaws and the direction of the gripper approaching the workpiece.
Therefore, the finger stroke necessary for the pick operation is called required jaw
stroke c.
As illustrated in figures 3.17 and 3.18, a gripper needs to be opened further for a
radial grip, i. e. when the gripper approaches the work- piece from the sides, than for an
axial grip, i. e. when the gripper approaches the workpiece from above. In order to avoid
collision, a gripper with a longer stroke of the jaws needs to be selected for the radial
grip rather than for the axial grip.
The so-called clamping reserve b and the opening reserve a are distances to ensure a

degree of safety with regard to workpiece dimension. If some workpieces should come
out slightly smaller in diameter due to manufacturing tolerance the clamping reserve
compensates for it. Thus the gripper is able to safely grip work- pieces in case of smaller
workpiece dimension. The opening reserve permits further opening of the gripper than
necessary for standard workpiece dimensions in order to avoid collisions caused by
oversized workpieces.
The stroke stated in product specifications for each gripper type may range from 4mm
to 200mm for pneumatic grippers. It is important that the stroke is specified per gripper
jaw. Frequently, grippers are specially classified as short-stroke and long-stroke
grippers. As the name suggests short-stroke grippers are used for short opening and
closing times or in case workpiece accessibility does not permit longer strokes.

Their housing determines the application options of mechanical grippers because

interfering edges must always be taken into account. Collisions with the gripper in open
position occur every time the stroke has not been considered for or adapted to the size
of the housing. Possible pick situations of different workpieces must be taken into
consideration to avoid collisions. Long-stroke grippers cover a broad range of workpiece
dimensions and can be used more flexibly for different workpiece sizes.
The decision for a particular gripper not only depends on work- piece- and gripperrelated characteristics but also to a great extent on the ambient conditions of the pick
3.4 Gripping Situations
As they strongly affect gripper design various gripping situations are described in the
following. The focus is set on how workpieces are presented to the gripper for pick

picking up workpieces without order status ("grip at random")

picking up workpieces with unsorted order status from a plane surface, e.

g. a conveyor

picking up workpieces with sorted order status, e. g. from a workpiece

The above tasks may again vary according to whether workpieces have to be picked at
rest or in motion.
For place operations the respective scenarios apply with one excep- tion: Workpieces
are rarely placed into an unsorted order status as they are usually desired in sorted
order status.
Scenario 1: Workpieces Without Order Status
Picking up workpieces which are presented to the gripper without any order status is
referred to as grip at random. This expression already suggests that it is hardly
possible to calculate all eventual collisions with the gripper jaws in advance. According
to position and orientation of the workpieces lying in a box at random, the gripper
fingers are faced with most different interfering edges of the workpieces. Therefore, this
gripping situation requires sensors and subsequent safe actuation of the handling
device. There are exceptions to the rule, e. g. if workpieces are made of elastic material
and thus can be simply pushed aside by the operating elements of the gripper.
In an entirely unsorted situation hardly any automated system can cope. The grip at
random has been repeatedly promoted and demonstrated at trade fairs but such
gripping systems are hardly used in practice. Nevertheless, developing a sensor
technology necessary for analyzing the workpiece to be gripped under such conditions is
a major technical challenge. Using direct grip in such undefined situations a gripper
cannot be expected to perform a reliable pick operation. Workpieces frequently have to
be monitored again after the pick operation to make sure that they have been picked up
safely. In addition to expensive sensor technology for workpiece analysis, the pick
operation must also be monitored. So far the overall expense prevents an efficient use of
grippers for this kind of application.
For workpieces which undergo further processing it does not make sense to reduce
their order status by placing them into a box at random. A gripper placing workpieces
into a box is generally used for reject goods as this undefined situation does not permit
safe product placing. The workpiece falls from an undefined height onto other
workpieces in the box which may cause workpiece damage.

Scenario 2: WorkpiecesWith Unsorted Order Status On Plane Surface

In case a workpiece is isolated from bulk goods or presented to a gripper on a plane

surface various sensors can analyze the position and orientation of the workpiece. As
mentioned earlier, workpiece geometry determines so-called preferred workpiece
orientation which already contributes information to workpiece monitoring. Monitoring
situations which require more than just analyzing the position of single workpieces are a
problem. This may be the case when workpieces overlap, e. g. if they are very close to
each other or on top of each other.
Such special cases are frequently complicated by product- or production-related
exceptions. For product processing, for example, only workpieces of perfect quality are
desired. Quality requirements are most diverse, e. g. surface roughness, form, or color,
just to name a few. It is only the workpieces fulfilling these requirements which are to be
handled. This quality assurance is not part of the handling task itself but a project of its
own. It must be ensured that the handling system is not confronted with a workpiece of
minor quality and thus not handling the wrong workpiece for nothing. Quality criteria
must be clearly defined before starting to program an image processing or scanner
Workpieces may even happen to be in a position which is not suitable for pick
operations at all, e. g. in case a workpiece can fall into a position where it hides suitable
contact surfaces from the grippef s operating elements.







handling system's degrees of freedom. The situation for








between gripper jaws and any workpieces which happen to

be near the workpiece due for gripping.
If the gripping situation is monitored by sensors, the
gripper can be positioned by the handling system to avoid






preparation and the required "gripping zone" around the

gripper it may occur that workpieces cannot be picked as
prepared. These workpieces will have to remain in preparatory state for another try.
The workpieces which have not been gripped the first time because of their faulty
degree of orientation or due to unsuitable gripping conditions, e. g. workpieces in
danger to be damaged, can be prepared anew for the pick operation. This situation
frequently occurs with small workpieces fed in great numbers.
Place operations of workpieces under such conditions run similar risks as described in
the first scenario, workpieces may be damaged as well. If the workpiece is naturally
stable, at least the order status can be maintained with the result that a pick operation
for further processing is much easier.

Scenario 3: WorkpiecesWith Sorted Order Status

For a regular pick operation in industrial handling the workpiece is normally prepared
in sorted order status. The workpieces' degree of orientation is largely maintained with
the help of manufacturing technology in order to realize gripping without having to
resort to expensive sensor technology. Careful planning is essential to avoid possible
collisions of the gripper fingers with adjoining workpieces or unsuitable gripper housing.
Workpieces are frequently prepared on pallets
for the pick operation. Construction engineers try
to pack as many workpieces as close as possible
on a pallet for maximum warehouse capacity. This
objective often clashes with the need of maximum
gripper flexibility for work- pieces of various
diameters. Figure 3.20 shows that the selection of
an appropriate gripper not only depends on the
workpiece itself but on how it is prepared on a
pallet leaving the space necessary for the gripper
jaws to pick it up safely.
Similar collision-prone situations occur when workpieces are fed into processing
machines. Pick operations with chucks or similar make accessibility difficult. Pick
operations with lathe chucks and short workpieces are a great challenge because the
position of the lathe chuck jaws needs to be taken into account for the pick operation as
For a place operation the workpiece's weight needs to be consid- ered as this force
may cause it to fall out of the gripper. Unwanted changes in workpiece position may
occur if the gripper is opened before the workpiece can be safely clamped again.
Special Challenges For Grippers In Motion
More and more machines and component functions of production systems are directly
linked to each other. This interlinkage demands continuous materials flow which
possibly should exclude buffers as the latter will frequently change a workpiece`s
degree of orientation and require additional investment resources. The three scenarios
for pick operations as described above often occur in case of inter- linked machines
overlapping with workpieces in motion.
Pick operations for workpieces in motion can be distinguished as follows:
1. Pick operation without relative movement from gripper to workpiece Vg Vw
2. Pick operation with relative movement from gripper to workpiece Vg = Vw

Many handling systems already connect workpiece and gripper movement and convert
workpiece movement into the respective gripper system of coordinates without any
problem, i. e. synchro- nizing workpiece
movement with robot movement.




workpieces are picked in motion, e. g. from a

steadily moving conveyor, which may lead to
positioning errors at the place station. Figure
3.20 illustrates the problem of a two-finger
parallel jaw gripper trying to pick workpieces
from different positions on the conveyor.
In the







workpiece moves with its con- tact surfaces,

which are supposed to be touched by the
jaws, in the same direction as the conveyor.
The handling system positions the gripper
above the workpiece and parallel to the movement direction of the conveyor and
synchronizes it with the latter.

Synchronizing gripper and workpiece movement nearly equals

the workpiece situation at rest. Therefore, workpieces cannot be
misplaced during pick operations when the gripper closes with the
gripper jaws reaching the workpiece at the same time. In case the
gripper is not synchronized or positioned correctly in relation to the
conveyor, a divergence between workpiece and gripper occurs. In a
worst-case scenario this divergence may lead to a collision between
gripper jaws and workpiece. If workpiece contact surfaces are
aligned with the conveyor`s movement direction, it can be assumed
for a two-finger parallel jaw gripper that workpiece positioning will
not be influenced.
The second picture of figure 3.21 shows a workpiece with its
contact surfaces relevant for the pick operation moving vertically to
the direction of the conveyor. Synchronizing and positioning errors
may lead to faulty positioning of the workpiece within the gripper
as illustrated. This error is critical with regard to the subsequent
place operation.
If the workpiece contact surfaces are situated diagonally in
relation to the movement direction of the conveyor, velocity
components along and diagonally to this direction are the
consequence of the workpiece hitting the first gripper jaw. Thus the
workpiece will not able to reach the correct position within the
gripper. It is evident that accurate gripper positioning in relation to
the workpiece is essential for successful pick operations.
For applications requiring very high cycle times the workpiece is

picked up on

the fly.

This type of gripping is

characterized by the effort to pick the workpiece up without letting

the handling system move into a set position for the pick operation.
The type of movement is generated by overlapping positions and
is possible only if the workpiece has degrees of freedom along the
movement direction.
As illustrated in figure 3.22, proper gripping strategies can be
developed for picking workpieces up safely. By means of these
strategies the workpiece can be well positioned within the gripper without having to
resort to expensive sensor technology. In addi- tion to using gripper movements to adjust
workpieces for the pick operation, specially selected gripper jaws can help centering the
This type of pick operation requires the workpiece to be positioned at a stop ring
which supports positioning with the relative move- ment. The gripper jaws can be used
as stop rings as well.

Gripping Accuracy Control

As detailed above precise presentation of the workpiece and accu- rate gripping during
pick operations are essential for reliable place operations. Any errors in a pick operation
can only be compensated by appropriate gripper or handling system sensors at a later
stage. With smaller tolerances picking errors can be compensated by feed rails. Three
reasons for faulty positioning of the workpiece are distinguished:
1. faulty positioning of the workpiece before pick operation
2. faulty positioning of the gripper in relation to the workpiece (handling system
3. workpiece slipping within the gripper at gripper jaw closing or caused by faulty
contact surface combination or gripping forces
Faulty positioning of the workpiece might be due to faulty syn- chronization of the
gripper in relation to workpiece movement on a conveyor or workpiece support as
described above. Other reasons could be faulty clamping devices or hazardous materials
between clamping device and workpiece.
In any case it is important to pay attention to the degrees of free- dom the workpiece
has while being gripped, i .e. if the workpiece is still in the preparatory position when
the gripper jaws close or if it is able to move within certain degrees of freedom. If the
workpiece cannot be adjusted, faulty positioning of workpieces may cause premature
wear or damage of gripper or handling system in the long run.
The same applies to faulty positioning of the gripper in relation to the workpiece.
Integrating a mechanical collision and overload protection unit between gripper and
handling system is one way to avoid strain or damage (see Chapter 4). This protection
measure can be applied in case of workpiece tolerances leading to bracings.

Sistemele automate sunt fie concepute ca sisteme de auto-susinere sau cu o

legtur direct cu faciliti de producie existente. n acest sens, ele nu sunt integrate
direct n fluxul de materiale.Daca sistemul de parghii cu pre-sau post-facilitati de
operare este selectat, fiecare spatiu de lucru n procesul de manipulare se datoreaz
utilizari ulterioare sau prelucrari. Distanta dintre decapant si locul statiei este efectuat
in unul sau mai multe spatii de lucru de un gripper.
Pentru aceste situatii de manipulare timpul de lucru este esential. Mecanismele
cinematice cu caracteristicile lor n limita spatiului de lucru si a vitezei (a se vedea
capitolul 4) sunt de mare importan, deschiderea si inchederea

gripperului de

asemenea, indiferent de ciclul de timp.

Auto-sprijinirea sistemelor sau legaturilor indirecte sunt decuplate de la fluxul de

materiale de amortizoare sau magazii.The workpieces sunt luate din depozit de la o
staie de prelucrare si n cazul n care sunt manipulate sau reorientate, ulterior, sunt
introduse pentru stocarea din nou.Fluxul de materiale trebuie s fie distinct, n
msura n ciclul de ori sunt selectate cu ca drept rezultat faptul c operaiunea
de manipulare trebuie s atepte pentru prelucrarea mainii.Unitatile rotative
sunt angajae n mod frecvent pentru a evita turatia in gol modificata n timpul de lucru
la prelucrarea maini.
Dispozitivele cinematice care poart grippers sunt, de obicei,componente de
inalta tehnologie care sunt mult mai scumpe dect gripper-ele.Un robot cu sase axe, de
exemplu, costa cu mult mai mult dect gripper care efectueaz operaia de
selectare.Cele mai multe investitii in profitabilitatea calculului automatizarii include
manipularea ieiri pe minut,i.e. un robot va plti numai n cazul n care acesta este
capabil de a muta un numr minim de semifabricate pe minut.Aceste preocupri
economice conduc la principiul cu un singur gripper pentru a reduce timpul ciclului de
Un beneficiu al gripper-ului cu un singur apucator este faptul c nu trebuie s fie
foarte sofisticat. Un gripper cu doua sau trei degete va fi sufficient.Gripper-ul combinat
cu un robot cu mai multe axe poate anexa semifabricatelor flexibilitate deoarece

poziionarea gripper-ului poate fi combinata cu cele mai diverse orientri de

lucru.Pozitionarea semifabricatelor in spatiu de lucru de catre robot poate profita din
plin de flexibilitate sa. Orientarea semifabricatului nu este importanta pentru alegerea
operaiunilor de fiabilitate n acest caz.
Acelai lucru se aplic i operaiunilor de loc. Programarea i punerea n
funciune a sistemelor este modernizata. Interferena marginilor este redusa de
construcia compacta a gripper-ului si de numarul scazut de degete.
Dezavantajul gripper unic este c performana este direct asociat
cu ciclul timp al axelor folosite. n timpul de prelucrare de la un ciclu un
semifabricat poate fi transportat la un moment dat.n conformitate cu
tipul i aplicatia de lucru, I. e. spatiu de lucru i numrul de orientri,
robotul cinematic de astazi funcioneza la un ciclu regulat de timp cuprins ntre dou i
zece secunde pe semifabricat. Foarte puine dispozitive cinematice speciale proiectate
pentru vitez nalt i joas greutate manipuleaza sarcini fac fa unui ciclu de multe ori
sub aceste taxe.Utilizarea robotilor cinematici paraleli echipati cu brate de fibre de
carbon, de exemplu, sunt capabili s ajung pn la 10g accelerare, care echivaleaz de
zece ori cu accelerarea pmntului i, astfel, s pstreze ciclu de 0,5 secunde pe








Figura 3.24 arat c








gripperul simplu.

Figura 3,24
Cresterea eficientei
cu principiul
gripperului cu mai
multe brate

Acest beneficiu pltete pentru ca numrul de dispozitive cinematice) este redus

si spatiu de lucru salvat. Aceste economii de cost, cu toate acestea, sunt parial
compensate de cheltuieli considerabile pentru alegerea loculului de statii.Pregatirea
substantiala si punerea costurilor in aplicare trebuie s fie justificate, deoarece
semifabricatul trebui s se alinieze n mai multe grupuri pentru gripperul multiplu.
Procesul de aliniere a semifabricatului in grupuri pentru gripperul multiplu
necesita investitii substantiale in periferia dispozitivelor cinetice.Semifabricatul mai
intai trebuie sa se alinieze intr-un rand la distante apropiate una de cealalta pentru a fi
gata si a alege operatia.
Uneori sarcina nu este limitata la simpla re-poziionare a semifabricatului. De
aliniere de model pentru introducerea semifabricatelor pot fi diferite de la o staie de
selectare de mai multe gripping care face mult mai dificil.Alinarea modelului pentru

introducerea semifabricatului poate fi diferita de la o statie de selectare care face

griperul multiplu mult mai dificil. Pentru multe aplicaii, opiunea de a schimba distana
dintre semifabricate n cadrul gripper-ului funcioneaz bine.Aceast opiune este de a
schimba n mod frecvent utilizarea pentru gripper-ele in industria de ambalaje pentru a
lua mai multe semifabricate la un moment dat,dintro pozitie de pregatire pentru a alege
alt loc de pozitie intr-o cutie de carton.

De exemplu, semifabricatul trebuie s fie rotit 90 de grade inainte de a fi preluat

de ctre gripperul multiplu.Aceste modificari presupun o usoara modificare a orientarii
semifabricatului care nu poate fi efectuata in mod eficient de catre gripperul multiplu in

practica.Cheltuielile pentru procesul de fiabilitate i reglare periferica sunt substaniale

n comparaie cu gripperul simplu care plateste mai bine in ciuda costurilor ridicate
pentru manipularea dispozitivului.
Principiul gripperului multiplu descrise pn acum se bazeaz pe presupunerea
c toate semifabricatele sunt preluate de ctre gripper, n acelai timp, i, ulterior,
plasat n acelai timp.
Principiul griperului stiva a fost primul care a introdus la AUTOMATICA 2004 n
Mnchen, Germania, funciile n conformitate cuconceptul de gripperul singur, dar este
capabil de a stoca mai multe semifabricate n cadrul gripper-erului.In functie de
dimensiunea semifabricatului ,gripperul ofera o capacitate de minim doua semifabricate
si o deschidere si inchidere extreme de scurta . Pentru motive de eficien, timpul
pentru alegerea semifabricatului trebuie sa fie ridicat i stocarea acestora n cadrul
stivei de catre gripper trebuie s fie mai scurt pentru manipularea circulaiei, efectuata
de robot sau de ax de sistem.Mai multe alegeri succesive i locul operaiunilor
efectuate de ctre gripper stiva face ciclu de timp mai scurt dei alege un singur loc de
operaiuni n conformitate cu principiul clasic gripperul singur.Gripperul stiva combin
cel puin o parte din beneficiile gripperului singur cu cele dingripperul multiplu. Mai
mult dect att, aceast gripper are un aa-numita dubla miscare.
Aceasta din urm reduce ciclul de timp, este redus, deoarece gripper este n
msur s aleaga semifabricatele una dupa alta (n succesiune) i eliberarea acestora n
acelai timp (paralel) la locul statie.

Semifabricatele stocate in plus fata de introducerea lor in stive pot fi plasate in

termen de gripperul stiva in randuri in care gripperul este primul transformat intr-o
pozitie orizontala de o unitate rotative sau de cinematica. Dei acest principiu de stiva
gripper nu poate fi comparat cu o performan de gripper paralel poate efectua mult
mai bine dect un gripper singur regulat. Avantajele de performan au fost identificate
pentru cinematica paralela, de asemenea, numita delta kinematics, n tabelele de 3,22 3,26.









semifabricatului este calculate pentru un gripper multiplu deoarece numarul de

semifabricate ,stivuite,in interiorul gripperului creste greutatea totala ,tab.3.22.n
comparaie cu regularitate griperuui singur,gripperul stivs poate fi de ateptat pentru a

mbunti performana cu aproape 20 la sut daca patru semifabricate sunt stocate n

gripper (tabelul 3.23).Acelai gripper stiva cu o capacitate de stocare de opt
semifabricate va crete cu aproximativ 30 la sut (tabelul 3.24). Dac ntreaga stiv este
plasata o dat la executare poate fi chiar crescuta cu 75 la sut n cazul n care stiva
gripper deine patru semifabricate (tabelul 3.25).
Alegei i locul de executie poate fi mai mult dect de dou ori, cu aproximativ
116 procente, dac stiva gripper poate stoca i opt semifabricate n acelai timp.(tabelul

3.5Apucator sigur
De exemplu, un lucru pierdut accidental ntr-o main de







Trebuie doar s ne imaginm un lucru n cadrul gripper-ului
cu un robot de rotaie cu o raz de aciune de trei picioare, la
viteza maxim transformm ntr-un fel de proiectil, chiar mai
periculoas, la un robot cu incarcatura utila pana la 1100 livre.
High-nota workpieces MAXI-Mama necesit protecie mpotriva






semifabricatelor necesita protectie impotriva pierderii sau

pagubei,de asemenea.
Riscului de pierdere sau avariere de lucru este evaluat cu
ajutorul eecului Mod Efectul Analiza (FMEA), care a devenit parte i grup din
abordarile metodice de manipulare de sarcina.Evaluarea riscului este metoda orientat
spre viitor pentru a analiza pericolele poteniale i a probabilitatii de astfel de pericole.
Dincolo de simpla reparare a daunelor aceast metod este un semnificativ pas spre
vederea n condiii de siguran a proiectarii si constructiei gripperului.

Poteniale riscuri generate de pierderea semifabricatelor sunt evaluate, E. g. pe o

scar de la 0 la 10. n urmtorul pas, probabilitatea de apariie a acestor pericole pot fi
evaluate.Probabilitatea de detectare a unui astfel de pericol este evaluata, de asemenea.
Dac apoi se multiplic potenialul pericol cu att probabilitatea apariiei sale cat i a
probabilitii de detecie, vei obine de factor de risc pentruevaluarea totala a riscului.
De exemplu, pentru o analiz a riscurilor n tabelul 3,27 este bazat pe riscul










semifabricatului n cadrul gripper-ului. Forta bratelor este substanial redus cu o

scdere a presiunii din 2 bar de la o presiune standard de 6 bar.Analiznd situaia
pentru ntregul sistem calea de mijloc privind interfeele sale n raport cu toate celelalte
componente, nu doar la gripper.
Riscul de defect de pozitionare a semifabricatului n cadrul gripper este evaluat
sczut, E. g. gripper-ul cleste concentric nu lsa alunecarea semifabricatul numai ntr-o
singur direcie (z).
Cu toate acestea, probabilitatea de apariie a alunecarii este evaluata mai mare dect
pentru pierderea total a semifabricatului.
Probabilitatea de a detecta o cdere de presiune de 2 bari evaluata este relativ
ridicata, datorit senzorului instalat care avertizeaz operatorul. Ca operator poti s nu
observi acest avertisment de analiz a riscului rezultat este inca evaluat la 4.

description of hazard
loss of workpiece at
pressure drop to 2 bar
workpiece sliding at
pressure drop to 2 bar

hazard (1-10)



of occur- rence of








Tabel 3.27.O analiz a riscului

Tabelul 3.27 arat c o analiz a riscului va fi realizabila doar n cazul n care riscurile
sunt cunoscute pentru ntregul sistem de functionare a gripperului. O alunecare
semifabricatului n cadrul gripper poate duce la pagube pentru periferia o soluiei
automate i de manipulare, de asemenea unitate pentru robotului propriu-zis.Ciocnirea
semifabricatelor n cadrul gripper-ului sunt foarte probabile n cazul n care spaiu
pentru funcionare este limitat. Tabelul 3,27 se bazeaz pe presupunerea c un
semifabricat care nu este corect, a avut loc n cadrul gripper pot fi inca introduse fr
Acest exemplu simplu arat c munca de echipa este indispensabila pentru
evaluarea riscului. n afar de indemanarea n legtur cu frnarea pe un efect de lucru
n cadrul gripper este esenial s fie contieni de cinematica n caz de oprire urgenta.
Acelai lucru se aplic i pentru controlul robotului de indemanare.
Analiza cuprinzatoare a riscului a fost dezvoltata pentru lucrul n echip i se
bazeaz pe toi membrii personalului care contribuie la evaluarea pe baza indemanari
speciala a lor.
Aceasta este singura modalitate de a ajunge la potentialele pericole si riscuri de
evaluare. Pn n prezent, standardele (DIN1672-2: 2004) au fost stabilite, care necesit
productori de roboti pentru evaluarea anumitor tipuri de riscuri, cum ar fi legat de
igiena riscurilor.

Fig.3.26 Comportarea robotilor in diferite situatii de urgenta

Centrul de gravitatie al piesei este punctul

ideal al grippingului pentru a realiza

minimul de cuplu n timpul de circulaie. Ea depinde de tehnica de calcul, dac acest







n cazul n care aprovizionarea cu energie pentru gripper este redusa sau este complet
tiata este cel mai probabil pierduta n cazul n care dispoziiile respective pentru forta
de ntreinere a grippingului nu au reuit s se fac n prealabil.

Utilizarea unor elemente elastice care apsa pistoanele pneumatice ale gripperelor n
poziia de nchidere este o posibilitate pentru meninerea gripping in vigoare. Arcul
suporta forta de inchidere cu o presiune de aer n timpul normal de funcionare i
nchide gripperul. Pentru forta de intretinere a griperului pot fii folosite arcuri de
tensiuni sau de compresie. Restriciile de depozitare pentru gripperele compacte,sunt
de cele de multe ori responsabile de faptul c numai o parte din maximul de forta de
prindere poate fi garantata.Acesta este un compromis acceptabil, pentru c este
suficient de sigura pentru a-garda ncrcarea static a gripperului, I. e. pastrand piesa
in interiorul gripperului n timp ce acesta nu se misca, ca o pierdere de energie, care de
obicei conduce la o situaie de oprire urgena.Elemente arcului care menin forta de
prindere sunt de asemenea folosite penru a securiza piesele in timpul
timpul weekendului deoarece acest lucru reduce timpii de pornire.

pauzelor, pe

Supapa de presiune a ntreinerii sau supapa cu dubla verificare este o metod sigura
de meninere a fortei de prindere gripperelor pneumatice. Aa cum se arat n diagrama
este echipat, ct mai aproape posibil de gripper. La pierderea de presiune din
aprovizionare supapa cu dubla verificare se inchide pentru a preveni pierderea de aer
din cilindrul gripperului. Supapele cu dubla verificare sunt utilizate pentru principiul de
functionare al gripperelor duale pneumatice precum si hidraulice pentru mentinerea
fortei de prindere.Avantajul lor este acela ca supapa de verificare nu necesita furtune
suplimentare in cadrul spatiului de lucru imediat griperului si permite montarea
flexibila. Supapa trebuie trebuie sa fie echipata cat mai aproape de gripper pentru a
prmite reactia rapida asupra pierderii de aer si pentru a pastra partea de aprovizionare
a tubului,care poate fi afectata de o scurgere, cat mai mica. Supapa cu verificare dubla
este folosita daca intretinerea fortei de prindere su forat arcului nu este posibila deloc

sau doar cu costuri foarte mari.. Acest lucru se intampla atunci cand depozitarea
necesara sigurantei arcurilor nu ese asigurata de fortele de clamping.
3.6 Gripperele ca o Sursa de Informatie
Copierea abilitatilor umane cum ar fii simtul tactil si percepera visuala a actiunii
gripperului, gripperul nu doar manipuland piesa ci si analizand-o.

/Mana omului este att un sensor cat si o scula de manipulare.Sezorii umani lucreaza
prin simtul tactil sau, prin alte cuvinte sunt senzori tactili. n plus fa de senzorii tactili
oamenii pot monitoriza operatiunile lor de manipulare care e o functie netactila. In
automatica senzorii sunt I general categorisiti in senzori tactili si senzori netactili.
Senzorii tactili necesita forta sau cuplu actionand direct pe ei pentru a putea inregistra
ceva. Senzorii netactili lucreaza la o distanta intre sensor si obiectul monitorizat.
Tabelul 3.28 include exemple de senzori tactili si netactili din tehnologia
automaticii si cum sunt acestia categorisiti . Senzorii tactili sunt subdivizati in senzori
care pot masura o anumita forta sau un anumit cuplu, si senzori care doar pun in
miscare un mechanism de control.

forta cu
componente multiple/
Sensor de cuplu

fortei de prindere

gripper cu
lama/aripa active


masurarea la
linie tactila
touch matrix
flat-top switch
slip sensor

senzori in tehnologia automatica

sensor linear
intrerupator de

procesare de imagini (binary,
sonic barrier

gray scale value)

distance measuring
procesare de imagini stereo 3D scanner

procesare de imgini cu
iluminare activa
acoustic correlation

inductive, capacitive, magnetic
and piezoelectric
light barriers
proximity switch
reflection light master
distance measuring
distance measuring
2D scanner
3D scanner
light stripe sensor
visual correlation sensor

welding seam tracking

vibration analysis

Senzorii non-tactili include exemple de senzori visual si video-visual. Acest grup

de senzori non-tactili lucreaza cu lumina ca si un mediu de masurare. Principiile fizice
angajate sunt ultrasunetul, inductia, capacitatea, magnetismul si efectele piezoelectrice.
Senzorii micro-wave si pneumatici sunt de aseamenea

folositi in automatica. Alte

metode sunt in curs de dezvoltare astfel incat mai multe si mai multe aplicatii pot fi
Pentru grippingul mechanic este important de stiut ca conform informatiei
necesare senzorii sunt integrati in gripper. Contactul direct cu piesa este realizat cu
masurari tactile usoare, cand informatia exacta despre forta de prindere este necesara.
Cum este aratat in tabelul 3.26 atat senzorii tactili cat si cei non-tactili mai pot fi
clasificati in senzori de comutatie si senzori de masurare.
Senzorii de comutatie sunt folositi in special pentru a determina daca o pozitie
particulara a fost atinsa. Acest tip de monitorizare este folosita de aproape 10 ani si este
standard pentru gripperele mecanice. Procesul de fiabilitate al sistemului de productie
automata ar putea fi greu de realizat far senzori. Ciclurile de timp pentru manipularea
proceselor pot fi optimizate de senzori in loc de perioadele programate de asteptare
pentru deschiderea gripperului.
Comutatoarele de proximitate, de citire sau magnetice sunt adeseori cunoscute
ca si senzori de comutatie.
Senzorii de comutatie pot monitoriza statusul respectivului gripper, i.e
monitorizand pozitia dupa cum urmeaza :

gripper deschis
gripper nchis
gripper nchis / deschis pentru grip intern

Pentru primele doua pozitii ale gripperului este clar unde trebuie pusi senzori.
Aceste doua pozitii ale elementelor de operare sunt de obicei pozitii finale. A treia
pozitie (gripper inchis/deschis) este mai dificila de monitorizat cu senzori de comutatie.
Timpii de comutatie sau montarea senzorilor poate varia depinzand de tolerantele
pieselor de prelucrat sau de diferentele de dimensiune a acestora.
Cu toate acestea sunt cai de a obtine informatii despre statusul respectivului
gripper pentru toate cele 3 pozitii.
S-ar putea sa fie suficient sa verifici amandoua poztii finale a elementelor de
operare a unui gripper, cu doua comutatoare de proximitate. Cand elementele de
operare parasesc pozitia gripper deschis si nu ajung in pozitia gripper inchis piesa
este recunoscuta ca si prinsa. Gripperul este putin probabil sa se opreasca intre aceste
doua pozitii finale.
Daca pozitia elementelor de operare este utilizata pentru informatia piesa
prinsa, senzorul trebuie ajustat exact pentru aceasta pozitie si pentru piesa respective.
Aceasta ajustare este facuta cat timp piesa este in interiorul gripperului. Senzorul poate
fii impins intr-o gaura pana intr-un punct unde piesa este prinsa si astfel fiind ajustat. O
alta optiune este utilizarea de bannerelor la elementele de operare care pot fi ajustate
in consecinta.
Adaugand un al treilea sensor ambele pozitii finale si pozitia intermediara a
piesei prinse pot fii monitorizate. Pozitiile de comutare pot fii pre-setate pentru
anumite zone dupa cum arata diagrama.

Pentru piesele in special cu tolerante mari , doi senzori pot fi utilizati pentru a
limita spatiul prinderii. Primul sensor masoara elementele de operare care intra in acest
spatiu in timp ce gripperul se inchide. In timp ce traverseaza senzorul o parte este
masurata. Daca al doilea senzor din zona de la sfarsitul operatiunii de prindere nu
primeste nici un semnal se poate presupune ca piesa a fost ridicata. Daca al doilea
sensor este activate la sfarsitul tolerantei de prindere operatiunea de prindere a esuat.
Senzorii cu efect de sala care sunt activati de magneti pot fi folositi
deaseamenea intr-o gama larga de aplicatii. Un magnet care este prins de pistonu unui
cilindru pneumatic activeaza senzorul. Astfel mai mult de doua puncte de comutare sunt
disponibile pentru ca senzorii pot fii echipati pe cilindru conducator pe intreaga lungime
a miscarii pistonului.

Senzorii de masurare sunt de obicei folositi pentru masurarea pieselor, pentru

pozitionarea prizei gripperului, sau pentru controlarea fortei de prindere. Aceste sarcini
de masurare pot fi folosite si la operatiile de paletizare sau la transportul pieselor. In
plus senzorii pot fi echipati si pe zone ale echipamentelor de transport.
Degetele gripperului pot fi folosite ca si senzori de inductie a fortei prin intermediul
senzorilor adezivi care sunt echipati pe degetele gripperului.
Asa-zisul adaptor de masurare poate inregistra si analiza forte de prindere prin
intermediul bridge-ului DMS.
Acest bridge este montat intre degetul si cinematicile gripperului.
Rezultatul acestui senzor de masurare tactil este o forta dinamica de masurare
paralela cu procesul de prindere. Aceasta masurare este vizualizata prin intermediul
unui software care o converteste direct intr-o diagrama, pentru 100% protocol de
control al prinderii. Ca si rezultat piesele pot fi clasificate dupa forta atinsa. Prin
intermediul acestui protocol se obtine intretinerea griperului.

O unitate

pneumatica nu este suficient este nevoie de senzor precum i

gripper . Pentru sarcini complexe grippierul

n funcie

a devenit o tendin

clar n ultimii ani. Unitile de stocare servoelectrice sunt favorizate, deoarece

acestea sunt foarte flexibile (programabil). Simplu de integrat n autobuz i a
sistemelor utilizate n reelele de automatizare este un beneficiu major online,
care s permit controlul de gripper. Cu toate acestea, utilizarea gripperului

este nc prea scumpe pentru multe aplicaii. Un exemplu de

gripper electric cu senzori respectiv este gripper cu motor de curent

continuu.Gripperul include o unitate axala cu frn magnetic i un incremental
encoder pentru determinarea poziiei i unghiul de viteza. Precizri de orientare
n combinaie cu

permisele de o revoluie mai ales exacta i sensibila

gripperului in vigoare de control. Repetabilitate este la fel de precis ca 0.05mm

pentru gripper ,degetele gripperului la un accident vascular cerebral de pana la
70mm. La inchiderea de degetele gripperul are o viteza de 82mm pe secund
este egal cu un timp de nchidere de 0,85 secunde. Forta

maxima este de


Evaluarea unitatii cu circuit CAD : senzori n deget (mn Barret)

Degetul gripperului deja menionat necesit senzori mai sensibili. Degetele de

la mn Barret sunt bazate pe tehnologia DMS tulpina etalon care permite
acestora s aib un sentiment de atingere. Evaluarea unitatii senzor care
convertete datele n ordinele de poziionare pentru uniti de stocare este, de
asemenea, integrata n parte, n conformitate cu conceptul modular.
Un senzor de tehnologie a fost dezvoltat pentru urmtoarele gripper. Aceste
mici parti electrice ale gripperului au o unitate si poate fi echipata cu pana la 16
senzori. Intreaga parte electronica de control se integreaz n constructia

gripperului. Senzori de temperatur pot msura, vigoarea, poziie, i chiar si

conductivitatea de lucru. In viitor tendina este de a integra : adaptabilitate
sentimentul de a atinge acuitii vizuale ( "vedere") interactivitatea
( "acioneaz i reacioneaz")

Pe scurt, senzori, n combinaie cu respectiva unitate de control i de

tehnologie face gripperul mai inteligent. Gripperul uniti de stocare este de
ateptat s fie disponibil pentru selecii individuale n funcie de sarcin
respectiva. Astfel, gripperul poate fi pe deplin adaptat din punct de vedere al
razei, controlului sau

vigorii. Vigoarea gripperului asigur controlul atent i

bland al manipularii. Alte functii de lucru, cum ar fi de msurare pot fi efectuate

cu acest tip de gripper . Integrate in imagine a sistemelor de prelucrare si
control al gripperului duce la mai buna executie a procesul de manipulare.
Compensarea pot fi efectuata n ultimul pas, cum ar fi cele mai exacte FALCI,
care este foarte util pentru lucru. Prin toate mijloacele de azi i de mine
gripperele sunt dincolo de VDI , dup cum este descris la nceputul acestui

4 Valoarea adaugata miscarii

Dupa o analiza de aproape alegem exploatarea n capitolul 3, micarea de

lucru este acum in centrul atentiei noastre. Dinamica tratata cu fore este cauza

proceselor cinetice. Aceasta din urm nu numai de design pentru a influena

gripperul in mare msur, dar de asemenea, determin posibilitatea de a alege
dispozitivul pentru generarea de circulaie. Cinetica corespunztoare de
dispozitiv trebuie s fie selectata, precum i greutile


ambelor grippere

i de lucru trebuie s fie luate n considerare ca fore notabile. Profitabilitatea

unei soluii automate depinde de viteza ciclului de timp i, de asemenea
producia pe or este factorul determinant pentru productivitate i, n
consecin, pentru eficien economic.

productivitate de ieire = produse/ ora

Amortizare la o main este calculata pe baza ciclului su obinuit de via

pentru a evalua revenirea unei astfel de investiii. n termeni de eficien
economic, o soluie este, de obicei, automata, comparativ cu manualul de
munca. Cu toate acestea, acest calcul nu reuete s ia n considerare
importante aspecte legate de securitate, de calitate, sau a igienei, pentru ca
argumentele in favoarea automatizarii. Cine este n msur s evalueze aceste
aspecte din punct de vedere al eficienei economice, va avea vigoare suficienta
pentru a deschide noi aplicaii n automatizare i trebuie s aiba rabdare pentru
a face fata provocrilor tehnice. Aa cum am subliniat n capitolul 3, alegerea
unei o operaiuni efectuat de ctre un gripper depinde de diveri factori.
Criterii similare influeneaza circulaia unui lucru, s nu uitai de caracteristicile
dispozitivului de manipulare. Procesul de mutare a semifabricatelor cu






operaiunii(nevoia de a fi analizate n detaliu).




kinetic task



Kinetic features

combination features

foreign material


kinetic measuring

economic efficiency require-


kinetic form

workpiece variety


degrees of freedom (dof)




energy supply

moment of inertia


installation options

center of gravity









risks of collision

safety provisions
monitor process parameters

Caracteristicile esentiale despre sarcin cinetice

Condiiile mediului de producie sunt n esen aceleai pentru dispozitivele

cinetice cat si pentru procesul de prindere. Alte criterii, cum ar fi de greutate i
dimensiuni, care au fost anterior definite de lucru singur, acum sunt definite de
gripper/obiectul de manipulat. Forelor cauzate de dinamica, care pot conduce
la pierderea unui lucru, trebuie s fie luate n considerare n selectarea
corespunztoare de gripper/obiectul de manipulat. n acest sens, caracteristicile
cinetice sunt la fel de importante pentru procesul de manipulare ca i pentru
selectarea corespunztoare a cinematicii. Caracteristicile cinetice n tehnologia
de automatizare pot fi comparate cu cele din medicina sportiva, deoarece viteza,
accelerarea, precizia de circulaie, sunt la fel de apreciate.
4,1 Efectele cinematice asupra pieselor de prelucrat
Caracteristicile de lucru au fost deja analizate n capitolul 3 din punct de
vedere al relevanei lor pentru gripper. Cnd

sunt analizate obiectele de

manipulat din punct de vedere al circulaie lor, accentul este setat pe masa de
lucru de distribuie i consecvent. Altele pot proveni de la forele de circulaie,
care trebuie s fie compensate de ctre gripper. Uneori astfel de fore rezult
din circulaie ele poate fi divizat n 1. fortele de inertie 2. forele de proces

Efectele cinetice asupra fortei necesare gripperului pe fiecare deget


de forei de inertie Forele de inerie rezultat de la accelerarea

obiectului manipulat F = ma F = fora [N], m = masa de lucru [kg], o accelerare

= [m/s2]

Aceste fore trebuie s se suprapuna,peste forele care rezult din acceleratia

de pe pamant, pentru a putea calcula fora necesar pentru forta necesara
gripperului. Profunda cunoatere a micrilor efectuate de gripper permite o
decizie cu privire la competentele gripperului construit. Urmtoarele informaii
generale includ msurile necesare pentru analiza de lucru i a momentului
cinetic calcularea corespunztoare fortei gripperului.

Urmtoarele forele

rezultat de la aa-numita greutate moarta de lucru, precum i de la translatiii

rotatii micri de gripper i de lucru. Toate forele trebuie s fie transmise ctre
operatorul de elemente al gripperului. G este generat de acceleratia a
pmntului i acioneaz ca o for de lucru, cu orientare spre centrul
pmntului, la orice moment al procesului de manipulare. Prin urmare,

greutatea este definita pe ntregul proces de manipulare n termeni de mrime

i direcie. Toate celelalte fore de inerie trebuie s fie calculate n raport cu
mrimea lor i de direcia pentru calea respectiv i acceleratie. Dac gripperul
efectueaza o translatiesau o circulaie cu piese de munc, rezult FR trebuie s
fie descrise n funcie de direcia aceastei micari. Dac linia efectiva de lucru
pentru ridicare i care se ncadreaz sunt exact paralel cu greutate, rezultatul
este dup cum urmeaz:

Fora de ridicare

Fora de asezare

n unele sisteme de manipulare, dinamica roboilor poate ajunge la o

accelerare de pn la 100 m/s2. Un robot in industria moderna ajunge la

acceleratie de aproximativ 20 de m/s2. O for care acioneaz n plan orizontal,

perpendicular pe G, se calculeaz i se descrie ca asa-numitul forta de

Fora de a deplaseaz Forta cu privire la lucru, de manipulare de la un punct

la altul, este compensat de ctre elemente sist. Ca ilustrate, acest lucru se







perpendicular pe elemente de operare. Importana formei



pt gripper (a se

vedea cap 3), necesare pentru forta gripperului devine evident n acest


zultate fortei pentru translatarea unei forte orizontale de lucru se calculeaz
dup cum urmeaz:
Forele de inerie prin rotaie Dac un lucru este mutat pe o cale circular,
o accelerare constant fa de centrul de circulaie rotative este necesar. Acest
centrifugal accelereaza provocand combaterea fortei centrifuge.

Ca ptrat al unghiul viteza de intrare n ecuaie, apar fore centrifuge enorm.

Acest lucru apare mai alesrobotilor moderni cu viteze mari in cuplele de rotatie.

Aa cum este cazul cu miscarea de translatie, tangential accelratia la

schimbare este necesar pentru rotatie sau unghi de viteza. Viteza de rotatie
(da) realizata dintr-un set de timp t definete aa-numit unghi de acceleraie.

O accelerare de rotaie va face ca acceleraie a i accelerarea centrifuga a, se

suprapuna.Ca rezultat, obiectul de manipulate acceleaz n timpul rotatiei n






cu unghi de direcie

Forta Coriolis n timpul unei micri rotative de lucru n jurul zonei centrale,
forta Coriolis actioneaza n momentul n care este mutat spre acest punct
central sau vice-versa. Acceleraie Coriolis apoi acctioneaza perpendicular pe

micare sau departe de centrul punctului

de rotatie. Forta Coriolis


calculat dup cum urmeaz:

Influena punctului de prindere Dup cum este explicat n analiza noastr de

lucru (capitolul 3), este ideala apucarea obiectului de manipulat cat mai aproape
de centrul de greutate. Aceasta reduce for generatoare de moment din brat.

M = momentul (Nm), m = manipulare in masa (kg), a = accelerare

r = distana dintre gripper si central de greutate ai ob. de manipulat
n plus, momentul poate duce la distrugerea ob. de manipulat in cazul in care
forta de apucare este calculata gresit.

Effects Of Forces Of Process

The forces of process are dependent on the respective handling tasks, such as
workpiece assembly or processing. This type of force may also occur during pick
operations, in case of sticky surface or bracing. These very specific forces must be
calculated individually for each application and compensated as necessary. The options
to compensate or even avoid this type of force are explained in the following.
If not only the position or orientation of a workpiece needs to be changed during
handling, but also its quality, this is usually done by assembly or further processing
steps. The forces acting on the workpiece are not necessarily forces of inertia because
the move- ments are frequently too slow. When workpieces are polished, the forces
acting on the workpiece and the gripper are dependent on the lever arm of the force as
well as on the force required for pressing the workpiece onto the polishing disk.
The forces acting during workpiece processing must be calculated one by one in order
to analyze their effects on the gripping force. With the help of modern technology, the
forces of process can be measured. This option is used for many applications to increase
system flexibility. If a force of process can be measured, a corre- sponding algorithm is
usually found for actuating the kinetic device. The polishing process for differing blank
workpieces, for example, can be regulated by the pressure of the respective workpiece
onto the polishing disk. The FTC Force Torque Compliance sensor by ATI Theta Steifer
KMS measures forces of process and ensures constant pressure of the workpiece onto
the polishing disk. As a result, large-scale programming for complex workpiece shapes
can be reduced.

SCHUNKgripper guidances, processing steps (raw/ processed / coated)

The quality of automated polishing has been greatly improved. This even applies to
workpieces which formerly could not be polished due to their tolerances, such as

Force of process during workpiece polishing (source: ATI Theta Steifer KMS)
Another example is
controlling forces of


during metal-cutting


illustrated, the robot

can vary the pressure with the help of
sensors fitted to the



measure the cutting

forces in relation to



tool wear.
Robots with fixture for drilling (source: ATI Theta Steif KMS)



are an indicator for today's potential in sensor technology, measuring forces of process.
The latter are most intersecting in terms of automated solutions for workpiece assembly.

Forces of process temporarily occurring during emergency stops, when movement

comes to a sudden halt, are a matter apart. The delays, which can be achieved, are
frequently higher than the acceleration of the axes and, therefore, are most important in
terms of operational safety.
An emergency stop may occur at any moment of a kinetic situation, which makes
construction difficult. It is recommended to conduct a risk analysis for the respective
kinetic situation. Appropriate safety provisions are necessary according to the
workpiece's weight and form, such as form-fit grippers, protective screens, or kinetic
Assembly tasks still require a great deal of manual work because workpiece variety is
vast while lot numbers of identical workpieces tend to be small. As a result, assembly
requires highly flexible technology. A simple task, such as putting a bolt into a hole,
illustrates the problems of automated assembly. Tolerances in workpiece positioning in
relation to the workpiece base, make the assembly difficult if not impossible at all.
Assembling workpieces without rotary symmetry is even more complicated.
If the position of a workpiece is not adjustable to the position of the workpiece base,
they cannot be assembled. Humans with tactile and visual perception start learning to
perfectly solve this kind of task in their early childhood. Sensor systems and passive
compen- sation systems, which actively compensate faulty positioning, have been
developed for such challenging tasks.

Figure 4.7 Manual assembly of workpieces analog to the technical process (1. robot
arm, 2. assembly mechanism, 3. gripper change system, 4. gripper jaws, 5. Workpiece,

6. workpiece base, 7. rotary unit, 8. sensor unit)

Reducing And Measuring Process Forces






compensation of positioning errors from the movement

of the kinetic system alone.

Figure 4.8 Principle of function: Compensation unit removing a bolt from its faulty
The AGE compensation unit enables passive compensation of position errors along the
x- and y-axes up to 4mm depending on the size of the component. Faulty angle
positioning can be com- pensated up to 16. The compensation unit can be
pneumatically locked to keep it stable during robot movement errors. It is possible to
lock the center position or any other position. Faulty positions caused by robot teaching,
for example, can be compensated and saved. This reduces the force which acts on the
robot and gripper during pick operations.
Magnetic sensors can be fitted to tongues to make sure that the compensation unit has
been locked.

If the compensation unit is directly fitted to a robot flange it is easier to integrate the
component. ISO 9409 specifies drilling for flanging components which makes the flange
adapter plate redun- dant. This reduces weight and cost.
Active compensation of faulty positioning during assembly or reaction on forces of
process is realized by FT (Force Torque) sensors. These sensors optically measure forces
and torques and convert them into signals for robot drives
Six diodes are mounted to the core of the sensor and send their light through a cover
plate ring to the PSD (position sensitive detector) which record the change in position.
These data are converted into kinetic data, which are the basis for calculating the forces
and torques if the counterforce of the integrated spring packs are known. The latter are
visible in the sectional view of the sensor. An additional option to lock the sensor must
be provided, in case the robot must perform a fast pick-up movement. This can be
achieved pneumatically for the sensor depicted.

Figure 4.9 FTC principle of function

This sensor can measure forces up to 300N and torques up to 15Nm taking into
consideration the directions of force and torque. Workpiece displacements which the
sensor tolerates are maximum 1.4mm for the directions x, y, z, and maximum 1.4 for

the rotary directions a, b, y.

The data measured by the sensor can be exported by CAN, DeviceNET as well as by
RS232 or RS485. The data are updated per millisecond in each case.
The sensor comes with a PC compatible test software for check- ing all functions and
putting it into operation. All sensor functions can be triggered by a simple parameter
input. No extra drivers are required and the test software is compatible with any
Another type of FT (Force Torque) sensor is based on a tactile mea- suring procedure.
As illustrated, the forces and torques are mea- sured with so-called DMS. The tool is
fitted to the inner ring of the sensor. The tool (or gripper) force is transmitted by three
crossbars onto the fixture ring of the robot.

sensor used for working on a cylinder block

Manifold applications have been realized with this principle

of measuring, ranging from mounting sport coupe roofs to
assembling kitchen sinks. Monitoring and controlling forces of
process makes these applications safe or apt for automation in
the first place.

Fore exceptionale de process

O coliziune cu un obstacol n lucru este considerat un caz special de fore care
acioneaz asupra unui lucru /combinaie de gripper. Astfel de ciocniri tind s apar n
timpul implementrii sau la miscarile particulare ale robotilor care sunt dificil de testat.
De exemplu, semnalele sensorului pot schimba cinetica robotului daca dispoziiile de
siguran nu sunt suficiente.
Coliziunile sunt frecvent provocate de operatorul uman n cazul obstacolelor, cum ar fi
la palei sau la tipuri gresite de lucru care sunt plasate n spatiul de lucru al robotului.
n cele mai multe cazuri, aa-numitele uniti anti-coliziune imediat dau roade, avnd
n vedere costurile de producie pentru pierderea de numrare, chiar si fara sa calculam
si daunele masinilor.

Figura 4.10 Exemple de ciocniri cu respectivele direcii de forta si de cuplu

Astfel de uniti anti-coliziune trebuie s declaneze o oprire n caz de urgen, dac
forele depeasc limitele de funcionare normal.
Figura 4,10 include diferite exemple de posibile coliziuni, fore care acioneaz asupra
gripperului sau asupa unitatii de protecie.
Exemplul a) cazul n care gripperul este rotit.
Exemplul b) arat presiunea care acioneaz asupra gripperului de mai jos, care este
tipic pentru montaj.
Exemplu c) explic o situatie obisnuita n cazul n care cuplu poate provoca gripperul
sa se incline.
Unitatea anti-coliziune este pstrata rigid de catre presiunea aerului n timpul normal
de funcionare.
Prin schimbarea de intrare a aerului de ctre o acceleratie de presiune, diverse grade
de rigiditate pot fi ajustate n funcie de lucru. Ct mai curnd, la o suprancrcare sau
coliziune detectata, senzorii integrai n protecia de suprancrcare
care apoi provoac oprirea de urgen, la procesul de control respectiv.

dau un semnal,

Figura 4,11 Diagrama forta-deviatie pentru unitile anti-coliziune

Dou tipuri diferite de unitati anti-coliziune cu respectivele curbe for-distan sunt
ilustrate n figura 4,11. Curbele reprezint forta asupra deviatia gripperului cu rou
indicand curba liniare in crestere de for peste deviatie.
Curba unitatii anti-coliziune scade la zero dup ce a ajuns la maxim forta, aa cum este
tipic pentru unitile anti-coliziune, susinut de un cilindru pneumatic.
Unitatile moderne anti-coliziune au mai multe opiuni de adaptare.
Semnalele de oprire de urgenta pot fi stabilite n mod individual, astfel nct, de
exemplu,unitatea anti-coliziune tolereaza o abatere de pn la 3mm inainte de a se da
semnalul.Aceasta permite operatorilor s se adapteze de urgen pentru a opri funcia
dorit n funcie de calendarul sau gradul de deviere. Aceasta este avantajul aplicatiilor
care permit o uoar abatere gripperului, dar se risca pagube n caz de abateri de mari.

Unitate anti-coliziune, vedere in sectiune

Unitile anti-coliziune pot fi, de asemenea, reactivate automat dup o coliziune.
Cilindrul poate centrua gripperul din nou dup rennoirea presiunii, care este interesant
pentru aplicaii n cazul n care o coliziune nu cere nevoia unei opriri de urgen. Acest
tip de unitate anti-coliziune poate fi folosita ca o unitate de compensare, de
asemenea.Este echipat cu o baz solid de sprijin.
Asa-numita protecie a unitilor de suprancrcare, sunt utilizate pentru unele


Realizarea Proceselor cinetice

Micare de lucru este exprimat de ctre ecuatia cinetic a lui Newton. O micare n
spaiu este, n principiu, definita de viteza, de acceleraia, i direcia miscarii respective.
n tehnologie de automatizare, micrile sunt realizate n diferite moduri. Toate opiunile
de baz sunt listate ntr-un ansamblu structurat VDI 2860:

Figura 4,12 Optiunile cinetice ale dispozitivului(VDI 2860)

n general vorbind, un dispozitiv cinetic cu un set de funcii principale este un cost mic
pentru schimbarea poziiei de lucru sau de orientare, cum ar fi buteliile pneumatice si
mini diapozitive pentru pozitionare de lucru.Dispozitivele cinetice cu funcia principal
variabil pot fi manual controlate sau automat. Automatele controlate manual nu sunt
explicate n detaliu n aceast carte.
Pe scurt, acestea sunt de obicei folosite ca manipulatoare in locuri care ar fi prea-

duntoare pentru sntatea oamenilor de a efectua anumite miscari, cum ar fi

manipularea greutilor n medii radioactive, elemente de manipulare n centralele
electrice nucleare.
Automatele cinetice programate i sub-sistemele lor sunt detaliate n acest capitol.
Automatele cinetice programate, cum ar fi automatele cinetice controlate de tip curbadisc, au fost luate n considerare, precum i automatele cinetice programabile libere,
care sunt reprezentate de micrile controlate ale axelor PC si NC.
Automatele cinetice programabile libere sunt mprite n funcie de gradul de
"inteligenta". Din ce n ce mai independente ,dispozitivele cinetice isi schimba
programele pentru a se adapta mediului. Acestea le schimba, fie prin selectarea unui
program de la un numr de sub-programe definit sau prin circulatia modelelor acestora.
Programul de Adaptare este larg utilizat pentru roboi care trebuie s organizeze
circulaia lor n medii nestructurate fara cunostinte speciale.
Rotaia simpl
Mai nti, s aruncai o privire la dispozitivele cinetice
cu un set de funcii principale.
Asa-numitele rotoare, cu micri rotative sunt utilizate
1. n calitate de componente pentru mai multe grippere
pentru a reduce ciclul de timp i 2. ca un dispozitiv
cinetic de orientare
Timpul este redus prin ataarea de mai multe grippere
la rotoarele unitate. Aceste swivel cap grippers sau
revolver grippers ia o piesa terminata dintr-o prelucrare
i un alt gripper o asaza n poziia de selectare.
Timpul auxiliar de proces pentru alimentarea masini
de prelucrare, este redus la minim;pot fi efectuate fr
nici un efort.

4,13 Figura ilustreaz c masina de prelucrarat trebuie s atepte

pentru ca sistemul de manipulare sa puna piesa pe palet, dac aceasta
nu poate cdea din nou pe o unitate de rotatie.
Unitatile rotative pot fi utilizate pentru orientarea de lucru, de
asemenea. Aceast opiune este utilizat atunci cnd un sistem de
manipulare nu ofer suficiente grade de libertate.

Anumite aplicaii necesit unghiuri flexibile de rotaie.

Pentru a satisface aceasta cerere, unitile au fost dezvoltate,
care sunt liber programabile.
Aceste uniti permit o varietate de unghiuri si directii
pentru nfiinarea unui alt gripper pentru a gestiona piesele de

La unitatile rotative, bazate pe principiul pinion rack , diferite poziii pot fi

selectate n funcie de unghiul de rotaie necesar.

Figura 4,14 Rotativ unitar bazat pe principiul tooth pinion rack Un piston suplimentar
va face posibila miscarea pozitiei la mijloc, dac este necesar.
Trei opiuni sunt disponibile:

cu dou poziii i unghi fix de rotaie, care utilizatorul il

poate pre-selecta (fig. 4.14)
cu dou poziii i flexibil, unghi de rotaie, care utilizatorul
il poate ajusta liber (fig. 4.15)
cu dou poziii i la mijlocul de poziie, pe care utilizatorul il
poate programa liber (fig. 4.16)

Unghiurile de rotaie sunt, n general, limitate la 90 sau 180 , ceea ce nseamn c

de rotaa unitatii nu merge dincolo de aceste limite datorit constructiei.
Ajustare este posibil + / -3 .De asemenea, poate fi blocata poziti de mijloc pentru a
face o poziie n condiii de siguran n staionare.

t fi folosite comutatoare magnetice pentru comanda la distanta (pn la opt poziii).

Rotational energy

E = energie rotativa (Nm),

J = mas moment de inerie (kgm2),
co = unghi de viteza (1 / e),
k = unghi rotatie (RAD),
t = timp (e)

Calculele necesare pentru cuplu sunt diferite pentru

fiecare capat de unitate rotativa.

Acionat de un piston cu aer. (stnga)

Ambele pistoane acionate cu aer. (dreapta)

Timpul de rotatie depinde de accelerarea masei i la raporturile de translatie. Timpul

unei miscari de rotatie de obicei variaz de la 0,04 secunde la 1,0 secunde.
Cabluri si Tuburi - Obstacole de miscare
O problem major cauzat de gripper-ele rotative i unitile rotative este n mod
evident, de aprovizionare cu energie. Cabluri i tuburi, care sunt supuse constant
torsional de stres, sunt obligate de a frana. Aceast problem poate fi rezolvat numai
printr-o strategie integrat, fr camer de aprovizionare cu energie.
Distribuitorii rotativi pot fi electrici sau pneumatici. Energia electric poate fi
transmis de la flana de sus la gripper. Presiunea aerului poate fi transmis prin
izolatori, i pn la opt buce pot fi utilizate n funcie de tipul de unitate rotativ.
Nu numai unitile rotative ci i axele robotului se confrunta cu problema de
aprovizionare mai mic cu energie. Energia este indispensabil pentru gripper pentru a
fi capabil s funcioneze. Poate fi electric, pneumatic sau hidraulic n funcie de tipul de
unitate selectat.

Exist o nevoie crescnd de a transfera informaii sub form

de semnale electrice de la gripper napoi la dispozitivul cinetic.

Rsucirea gripperului n raport cu axele principale apare la aa-numitele axele pari

ale unui robot. Axele pri sunt capabile s nvrt gripperul, I. e. sale de schimbare de
orientare n ceea ce privete baz kinematics. Torsional Aceste micri pot provoca nu
numai de tuburi de aprovizionare cu energie, ci i pentru a twist de cabluri care s
conduc la senzori.
Componenta de productorii de oferta rotative distribuitorilor de a transmite energie
prevzute la robot cu flan gripper fr utilizarea de cabluri sau tuburi. Aceste rotative
distribuitorii pot transmite tip de energie este cazul pentru construcia lor.
Rotative de distribuitor ilustrate aici are patru pneumatice buce la maxim 10 bar. n
plus fa de tubeless de transport de energie, pn la zece la maxim de semnale
electrice de 60V si 1A se poate transmite-ted electrice Treceri izolante de un printr-un
bilet de inel. Ca rezultat, rotative muta-mentele nu sunt deranjat de orice cabluri sau

Rotary pentru fluidic sau distribuitori de energie electrica au devenit componente ale
grippers frecvente n ultimii ani. Sistemul de erori au fost cauzate de defecte sau
scurgeri tuburi de presiune de aer sau rupt cablurile electrice. Acest tip de problem a
aprut cu swivel uniti, rotative de uniti, i roboi, i a fost rezolvat de ctre
standardizate rotative distribuitori pentru cele mai diverse sarcini. Pentru cerine
speciale, cum ar fi foarte variate sau curenti de inalta cablare, sunt disponibile soluii
Toate rotative distribuitori au unul sau mai multe intrri care nu efectueaz o micare
relativ n raport cu rotative circulaie a robotului swivel sau de unitate. Asa-numitul
reactor de cuplu strut mpotriva principalelor axe de robot kinematics este ilustrat mai
Reactor de strut previne rotativa de intrare a distribuitorului de a muta cu robot de
circulaie, care pot fi cauzate de frecare intern n rotative distribuitor. n scopul de a
reduce acest interne de la un minim de frecare i de a transmite fore mari n acelai
timp, rotative distribuitori sunt disponibile cu mingea-montate poart.
De locuine, joac un rol important n determinarea care tipurile i cantitile de
energie pot fi transmise. Un exemplu este distribuitor rotativ la 1500A, care este
obligatoriu pentru roboi de sudur compo-nent pri.

Pneumatice de transport este o problem pentru aplicatii care nu permit tehnologie de

valve pentru a fi integrate n gripper. Ca rezultat, toate operaiunile de parametru
trebuie s fie efectuate n raza de aciune a bratului robotului, sau chiar mai departe si
sa-i separat prin distribuitor rotativ la gripper.
De transmitere de informaii de la gripper pentru a robotului devine mai multe i mai
importante cu cresterea numarului de senzori. Rotary distribuitori face aceast
transmitere rsucirile orice posibil fr cabluri.
O alternativ pentru a transmite informaii de la gripper la controlul de cinetica
dispozitiv fr fir este tehnologia de transmisie. Acestea din urm pot fi foarte mult de
ateptat pentru a reduce cantitatea de cablare n automatizare n urmtorii civa ani.
Schimbare de Grippers
n cazul n care aprovizionarea cu energie trebuie s fie complet separate, deoarece
ntreaga unitate gripping trebuie s fie schimbat, aa-numitele sisteme de schimbare
gripper sunt angajai. Ele sunt montate pe flansa plate din robot si gripper sistem i pot
fi cu uurin separate, att din punct de vedere mecanic sau de aprovizionare cu
energie. Gripper schimbare de sisteme sunt adaptate la interfee definite conform DIN
ISO 9404.

Figura 4,20 Flange plate conform DIN ISO 9409 i flan sistem de coordonate
Sarcina descrise destul de simplu pare la prima vedere, dar se dovedete a fi o
provocare major, atunci cnd caut la detalii. Nu numai gripper trebuie s fie separate
mecanic de la flana de robot, dar, de asemenea, furnizarea de energie i canale de
informaii trebuie s fie separate. Aceast procedur trebuie s fie automat i fr
defecte sau scurgerilor de contacte, ceea ce nseamn c este de ateptat, de nalt
precizie de la conexiune.
De energie electrica este, de obicei, transmise ntr-un modul special concepute pentru
acest scop. Mecanice de blocare pentru aceast schimbare gripper unitate se realizeaz
de ctre o unitate pneumatice.

Modul Electric de transmitere a energiei electrice





Drive pneumatice pentru funcionarea eficient i simplu

optimizat prin utilizarea unui
aliaj de aluminiu de inalta
vigoare fr deblocarea i
blocarea cu auto-inchidere
distribuitor nu interferene
locuine, adaptabile pentru
ambreiaj i de nalt precizie

Opiunea de a separarea gripper de la cinetica dispozitiv crete flexibilitatea de

departe (a se vedea capitolul 3). Astfel, cinetica de dispozitiv poate fi utilizat pentru
diferite sarcini sau workpieces i pot efectua mai mult dect o funcie principal. Una
din pre-condiiile cinetice este faptul c dispozitivul este capabil s se deplaseze la mai
multe poziii dect unul pentru iniierea de noi gripper. Cel din urm este cel mai greu
posibil pentru dispozitivele cu o cinetic definit funcia principal.

Micrile liniare
Kinetic dispozitivele cu o funcie definit principale







componente pentru efectuarea de micri liniare. The gripper este mutat ntre sfritul
poziii de cinetica dispozitiv. Aa-numitele mini-diapozitiv este un bun exemplu al unei
componente pentru acest tip de sarcin.
Mini slide iese n eviden pentru proprietile sale de bun ghidare a translatory
circulaie. Forele de mare poate fi realizat pentru o varietate de mrimi i diverse
niveluri de eficien, chiar dac spaiul este foarte restrns.
Doar pentru ca swivel unitate, la mijlocul lunii poziii pot fi definite pentru translatory
cinetice unitate. La mijlocul lunii poziie este realizat de un stop, care este montat la
partea de mini diapozitiv. La mijlocul lunii poziie poate fi ajustat infinetely variabil i
chiar s fie monitorizate de senzori. Astfel de circulaie a piston este oprit. n cazul n
care trece cam este eliberat de ctre opri cilindru, pistoane pot trece la sfritul
poziiei sale. La mijlocul lunii poziie poate fi hidraulic dampened.
Cele de mai sus deja explic facilitate de cinetica principalelor variabile de dispozitive
cu funcia, comparativ cu cele cu o definite principalele funcie. Opional, poziionare pe
o linie nevoie de un aa-numita ax liniar, care poate trece de la diferite posturi de la

mijlocul lunii, cu ajutorul a servi-o unitate.

Free programare permisele de a trece la orice numr de poziii i la jumtatea lor de

aliniere pe o linie, un plan, sau n spaiu.
Pentru o circulaie controlat, este necesar un sistem care coordi-nates unitate,
control, de msurare i de poziii. De control de circulaie este punctul de plecare.
Micrilor, care urmeaz s fie efectuate de ctre axa de cinetica de dispozitiv, sunt
definite de program-ming.
n unitate tren descrise, axa controlerul ofera servi-amplificator cu informaiile
necesare pentru activarea de a servi-motor. De a servi-motor apoi puteri de transmisie
prin intermediul unui ambreiaj si, ulterior, robot sau de ax liniar. Axa de controler
primete un senzor de vitezometru de feedback sau encoderul care este echipata pentru
a servi-a autovehiculelor. Cale de sisteme de msurare poate fi utilizat, care furnizeaz
informaii cu axa de controler de pe calea directa de axe liniare.
Scopul acestei constructii este de a pastra superioare de control libere de sarcini de
control i s fac astfel de circuit de control la fel de repede posibil.

Figura 4,21 Componente liber programabile de o ax

Linear systems:
With the linear or rotary movements, it is possible
to combine planes for reaching certain positions. If
linear axes are combined in a three-dimensional
system of axes, cubic workspaces are created. Each
combination of axes results in a very specific
workspace the workpieces can be moved within.
linear gantry
surface cantilever
guided cantilever systems
quadriga quadro


The main axes of the kinematics determine

extension and shape of the workspace. With the
help of the so-called hand axis, the robot can
change the orientation of workpieces or tools.







relation to the respective axes length. This requires

testing whether workpieces can be accessed and processing stations can be approached.

Table 4.4 Various workspaces of kinematic structures

According to the mounting options, a kinematics' workspace can be used in different
ways. The mounting options depicted can be found for nearly all types of kinematics,
provided that the robot producer has included them, such as the option of mounting the
robot to the ceiling.
Current kinematics are shown in table 4.4. By using translatory and rotary axes,
differing workspaces can be created.
Parallel kinematics, which are exclusively used for being mounted to the ceiling, are an
exception. They are specially designed to work above conveyor belts. This type of
mounting saves space but usually causes static or dynamic problems.
Static calculations must take the weight of the robot into account. Considerable
dynamic stress may arise from robot movements. As not every type of robot can be
mounted to the ceiling, it is recom- mended that product specifications are carefully

The workspace stated by producers is always calculated up to
the hand flange of the robot. The hand flange is the part of a
robot which a tool or a gripper is fitted to. The workspace of a
robot is different from the workspace of a tool which is defined
by the tool center point (TCP). Depending on the gripper
design, the work- space of the tool can be very different from
the workspace of the kinematics.
Any stress on the robot arm caused by the mass of the
gripper/ workpiece combination is summed up and defined as
the payload. As shown in figure 4.22, the payload is already
outside the work- space as stated by the producer. This
inevitably leads to discrepan- cies between the ideal behavior
of the robot without payload and the actual movement of the
robot in a real operation.
Various mounting options for 5-axis robots to ceiling, wall,
and floor

Parallel kinematics mounted to the ceiling by a specially designed frame (source: SIG

Table 4.5 Various robots structured according to different payload categories (source:
Producers offer so-called payload diagrams to help robot integrators to better estimate
how the payload options of a robot change when the distance of the payload center of
gravity to the robot flange changes. Figure 4.23 shows that differences in payload also
occur in relation to the x- and y-direction of the hand flange depending on the
construction of the robot's hand axes.
As shown in the diagram, the payload of the arm
is reduced from 1 kg to 0.5kg with a 80mm
distance in the direction of the x-axis and a
40mm distance in the direction of the y-axis.
These product specifications are stated with
certain safety tolerances. Measuring or practical
experience of the producer or the integrator is
essential for critical applications.
The movements generated by the main axes are
translatory or rotary movements. A velocity
profile can be recorded for each movement,
showing continuity or discontinuity of the axes'
move- ment. Frequently, the maximum velocity of
the axes is not reached because an acceleration
phase needs to be interrupted by the following
Figure 4.26 illustrates that the movement of a
freely programmable kinetic device becomes
more and more complex as the number of axes increases.
Kinematic axes configurations with more than three freely program- mable axes are
called a robot. A great range of robots which can be actuated with a standard robot

control is available worldwide. Kinematics generate movement and, therefore, define the
dynamic forces acting in relation to the workpiece's weight and geometry.
The kinematics are covered by various tasks, as shown here by the differing
workspaces of robots. This applies to both the shape of the workspace and the payloads
to be handled by the robots. The payloads result from the efficiency of the drive and the
rigidity of the construction. The dynamics required by the task also influences payload
and accuracy the workpieces are handled with.
Velocity profiles can be generated for each workspace of specific kinematics, which
permits to make statements on how long the movement of a kinetic device will take.

Figure 4.26 Velocity profile of a robot axis

Figure 4.27 shows the velocity profile of a linear axes system in the form of an x/y
system of coordinates. The linear axes system is utilized for positioning workpieces
below a processing machine. The workpieces can be positioned anywhere in the
direction of the y-axis along a straight line of +/-300mm. The diagram in 4.27 is the
result of measuring the duration of movement between the starting and placing point.
When using linear axes, the relation of movements is quite clear as the options for
relating between starting and placing point are evident. If rotary axes with various
levels of efficiency are employed, it becomes more difficult to relate to velocity. The main
obstacle is the observer's mental expectation to move the tool directly from A to B at the
shortest distance possible. If the control is provided with a starting and placing point
only, all axes will try to cover their distance as fast as possible. This fact is explained by
the plan view of a SCARA robot.
If the robot is to move from P. to P it must move two axes in the 1



However, a much larger distance must be covered by axis 1 than by axis 2, in this case
60 by axis 1 and only 20 by axis 2. It cannot be assumed that the acceleration of the
respective axes is always the same for a specific kinetic device or type of construction.
As the movements and the constructions differ, the end position is reached at different
points in time. This applies to both rotary and linear axes.

Therefore, the SCARA robot has a more complex velocity profile than a linear system.
Cycle time can only be determined on the basis of exact knowledge of the distance
between the respective starting and placing points in the workspace and the position of
the robot in relation to these points.

Another example of influencing the cycle time of a SCARA robot's movement becomes
evident when looking at the distance covered by the tool of the robot. Axis 1 moves from
0 to 45. Axis 2 does not need to change its position in relation to axis 1 in order to
move to point P.. Axis 2 must be moved only if point P, needs to be approached along a
straight line.

As depicted, linear path control requires axis 2 to first turn in the

same direction as axis 1 to reach point P., and then to turn against
this direction in order to reach the placing point along a straight
line. This makes overall movement decelerate as all axes must be
coordinated. The so-called PTP (point-to-point) movement does not
consider the movement of the workpiece or the gripper in space.
The axes approach their positions as defined by the control and
thus reach their target.

The robot control

must be provided with points of

support to keep the

movement of the workpiece or the











points of support is then defined as

linear, for example.

This definition of the type of move-













Interpolation points

are calculated, which guide the


gripper along the path.





only affect the three main axes of an

industrial robot but

also the three hand axes of a 6-axis









producer consists of

the calculations for con- verting the


into actual positioning points for the




The quality of movement performance always depends on how well the components,
such as mechanical construction elements, drives, measuring system, and control,
harmonize. The following performance characteristics mainly result from the mechanical
system and the drives:

radius of movement or workspace

velocity of movement or velocity of the axes power of movement or


Together with the control and the measuring systems, they influence the following
performance criteria:

the flow of movement

the precision of movement

the continuity of movement or the accuracy of repeatability

Figure 4.32 Core competence of a robot producer harmonizing all components

Other important influencing factors include the type of programming and the influence
of external sensors, which have to be taken into consideration when planning automated
If the robot is required to perform processing tasks on a workpiece, high demands on
the flow of movement and the precision of move- ment are made. As explained, it is
essential to move according to the path along the workpiece with the respective
Accurate repeatability is most important when approaching a point. The point needs to
be reached as precisely as possible. Accuracy of positioning and accuracy of
repeatability of a robot need to be distinguished. The latter is the result of a measuring
series where the robot repeatedly moves from the same starting point to a measuring
point. Compared to the accuracy of repeatability, the accuracy of positioning does not
reach the same level of accuracy because the robot has to move from different starting
points to a defined point in space.

The demands on the quality of a movement vary according to the moving task of the
robot. In general high accuracy of repeatability can be assumed, which is sufficient for
most applications. For specially dynamic tasks in the packaging industry, the accuracy of
repeatability is not essential because tolerances for the placing position may amount to

several millimeters.
Robot producers offer simulation systems for a
nearly realistic pre- view on the robot and its
control in order to check the application option of
different robot kinematics before the actual test.







simulated to be able to depict and even program






conditions which need to be taken into account for

an automated solution are still hard to simulate,
such as cleanroom or strict hygiene requirements.
The robots or gripper components have to be specially designed for the respective
In the past few years, nearly all producers have endeavored to optimize automated
solutions for the industries concerned. A broad range of application options is available
for particular ambient condi- tions.

Within the volume of this book we can only include a small part of applica- tions from
the vast amount of documentation and photos we received. At this point we would like to
thank all who provided us with material. Of course, we are interested in more case



[email protected]









We also appreciate your suggestions on the contents of this book

to the same address.
5.1...........................................Precision and Coordination



5.3...........................................Color Sorting


5.4...........................................Big and Heavy


5.5...........................................Wheel and Wheel Rim Handling

5.6...........................................Heavy and Delicate



5.8...........................................Tooling Machines


5.9...........................................Dirty Environments




5.11.........................................High Temperature


5.13.........................................Logistics/ Bananas
5.14.........................................Hygiene/ Meat



5.15.........................................Cleaning / Cheese






5.18.........................................Fast Snacks


5.19.........................................Dairy Industry


5.20.........................................Greenhouse Production 245


Practical Applications

5.1 Precision and Coordination

Some sensitivity and up to three smoothly operating hands are
needed for delicate operations. The robots by Motoman (Yaskawa)
fulfill these requirements as you can see from the pictures of their
trade fair presentation. The three planet wheels can only be
mounted together with the central drive gear, while several robot
hands move at the same time.
Welding bicycle frames is quite a similar task. Two tubular workpieces are positioned by a robot hand each, the third hand
operates the welding gun. The axes of the robots handling the
workpieces are synchronously moved to maintain the welding pool
in a horizontal position.
Manufacturing reversible blades made of hard metal requires
most precise handling. The photo of Manz AG (right, large fig.)
shows the revolver gripper head of a robot handling the highly

precise work- pieces in a very gentle way.

5.2 Velocity
When we are talking about velocity, we are talking 0.07 seconds per workpiece or
50,000 workpieces per


Logistics Systems AG



work with four gantry

systems equipped with
a revolver head each
and an average cycle
time of 0.28 seconds
per handling operation.
Each revolver head can take up to twelve gripper or pipette mod- ules. The pipettes
are designed as suction grippers. If workpieces are handled which cannot be safely
gripped by a pipette, angular grippers by SCHUNK are employed. The gripper is opened
by spring force because clamping at the revolver head is only possible by vacuum (-0.65
bar). It is closed by a membrane converting the vacuum into a closing movement. Thus
gripping forces up to 5N are achieved at a gripper weight of less than 20g. Even
workpieces without a smooth surface can be gripped safely and fast by vacuum suction,
such as protection frames for mobile phones, Sub-D plugs, and more.

5.3 Color Sorting

Despite instructions for workpiece assembly,
errors may occur if they are not quite clear or
if workpieces are not allocated accord- ingly.
In our example four tubes of the same
diameter have to mounted to an automobile
The manufacturer decided to use color codes
to prevent the tubes from getting mixed up.
The color code is realized by colored synthetic rings which are monitored and then
isolated by a color sensor before set-up. The
robot by Erhardt & Abt in Kuchen, Germany, is
provided with the rings for each connecting
piece at the filter and then mounted. As a
result, the operator is able to match the tubes

and the connecting filters without any doubt. The colored rings are removed after
5.4 Big and Heavy
DaimlerChrysler produces heavy-duty axes in their subsidiary in Gaggenau, Germany.
The robust workpieces are mainly built into heavy trucks or used for long-distance
traffic. High demand and increasing cost pressure make an efficient automated solution
Formerly, three milling machines, two broaching machines, and two trimming or
cleaning machines were used in the manufacturing process. Subsequently, the milling
machines were to be operated by a flexible and fast robot. The robot is placed in
between the three milling machines, grabs a milled workpiece from the transport
system, and feeds it to a milling machine. The milled workpiece is taken out by the twofinger parallel gripper. Then the three-finger concentric gripper PZN 200 transfers the
workpiece, the internal diameter of which has not been processed, to the lathe chuck.
The milled workpiece leaves the robot cell on a conveyor. Samples are taken from the
conveyor by hand to check shape and dimen- sional stability.

Two other systems are integrated into the automated process for trimming and
cleaning the workpieces. The next step is the use of another robot to palletize the
workpieces for further transport.
The team of the PGP 4 department at DaimlerChrysler in Gaggenau, Germany, realized
this project despite an extremely short project phase. The simplified working process is

highly appre- ciated by the operating staff.

5.5Roti si manuirea rotilor.

Wheel rims sunt asa numitele marfuri in vrac ,mii

din acestea sunt produse in fiecare zi.In copul de a
transporta forta acestora si inapoi intre o statie de
alimentare si una de Stahchmidt&Maiworm folosesc
un robot

KUKA in combinatie cu un gripper dual

Gripper-ul dual reduce ciclul de timp in care
robotul ia piesa , ceea ce este necesar procesului,si
o duce la statia de procesare de unde ridica piesa
finisata. Pe o scara mai larga de dimensiuni a wheel
rims nu neceita o unitate swivel,dar robotul face o
miscare pentru a pozitiona noua piesa .Gripperul
wheel rims este echipat cu

o larga deschidere si

este capabil sa apuce piese de mai multe dimensiuni

Gripper-ul punand cauciucuri uzate in sistemul de
reciclare nu trebuie sa fie foarte sofisticat ,apucand
roata si plasand-o pe conveyor cu o precizie de
cativa centimetri este mai mult decat suficient.

5.6 Greu si delicat.

Rolele de aluminiu cu un diametru de 45 cm cantaresc 50 kg .In exemplul nostru,nu a
fost poibil sa ridicam rolele din exterior pentru ca piesele trebuiau sa fie puse sus de pe
interior .Degetele gripper-ului au fost proiecta te sa mentina greutatea rolelor fie fixate
prin forta fie prin forma.

Astfel prin cele 4 axe ale robotului el poate lua si

pozitiona rolele de pe palet la fel de usor ca si de pe
masina de taiat.In plus,cresterea presiuni aerului
este folosita sa asigure forta necesara gripperului .Doua role sunt luate prin aceeasi apucatura
,gripperul trebuie sa duca amandoua componentele
la o distanta exacta una de cealalta .O axade
conducere duce gripperul intr-o anumita pozitie
inainte sa apuce rolele ,in acelasi timp un sensor
optic monitorizeaza pozitia piesei.Softul robotului
R2GMBH in RODGAU,Germania a realizat acest
system si a construit gripper-ul bazandu-se pe
componentele schunk

Designeri de impachetari sunt foarte creativi in special daca impachetarea cu un
aspect individual este necesar.Ca si rezultat producatori masinilor de impachetat se










SCHAALFFHAUSEN ,Germania,,vin cu cele mai inovatoare solutii la cererile clientilor .

In exemplul nostru o unitate swivel speciala,montatat pe gripperul robotului,permite

prajiturilor sa fie ridicate orizontal de pe coveior si ,subtil ,sa fie puse intr-om masina de
impachetat la un unghi de 45 de grade .Cea de-a 4 axa a robotului foloseste ca
directoare pentru o unitate speciala swivel pentru ca nu a fost posibila apucarea unei
alte greutati.

5.8Masini pentru scule

Compania elvetiana Meteor machinen AG este specializata in construirea masinilor

care produc sarme electrice scumpe .Robots by Bosch Rexroth AG coordonaza singurul
pas de productie si permite o marire a procesului de productie datorita unui mare drag
de mobilitate si flexibilitate.

Ca o legatura intre cele 3 bratul swiwel functioneaza cu un singur modul gripper,care

poate fi programat fiecare dupa sarcinile respective .Marile grade de libertate la pozitia
de ridicat si lasat usureaza o integrare flexibila in diversul process de productie.Robotii
sun folositi ori ca module standard ori programati pentru diferite sarcini in scurt timp.
Controlul acestor concepte ramane acelasi ceea ce rezulta ca au aceasi interfata
pentru diferite sarcini .

5.9 Locuri murdare

Roboti si gripperele lor trebuie sa fie robusti in acest mediu.Imagini de la KUKA R
OBOTICS gmbh in AUGSBURG, Germany,ne arata roboti lor in 2 aplicati diferite .Nu
conteaza daca umpli zale sau cutite pentru casa:Reziduriile umplutoare raman cele mai
mari inamice ale tehnologiei automate .

Erhardt und Abt in Kuchen,Germany,a trebuit sa rezolve problema folosint un coolant in

timpul procesului

similar unui gripper obust,incaperea a fost echipata cu o carcasa

speciala ca sa fie protejata .

5.10 Cleanroom
Coating modules for production of
solar collectors requires highest purity
and precision, and had always been a








cleanroom application was taken over by

a robot. The automation system for




Unimation was equipped with a special

gripper system which can take in twelve modules and position them with high precision
in the cleanroom. As a result, more modules can be placed on the carrier systems. This
equals an increase in efficiency by 44 percent per coating. The system solution was
realized by Jonas & Redmann GmbH. Manz AG in Reutlingen, Germany, has specialized
in robots han- dling thin glass plates which are used for the production of LCD monitors.
The figure on the right (below) shows such a robot with its special gripper

5.11 Temperatura ridicata

O temperatura de 750 de grade Celsius nu e propice pt degetele umane. Cu toate

acestea chiar si robotii au probleme cu asemenea temperaturi.

Robotul construit de Reis Robotics trebuie sa fie racit in continuu in timp ce ia mostre
din vasul de topire. Racit cu ajutorul unu motor, robotul poate ramane in apropierea
vasului de topire pt maxim 3 minute pt a lua un esantion.

5.12 Razele X

O dificultate pt grippers sunt locurile de munca cu raze X. Acesta este un exemplu de

aplicatie pt roboti in cadre prea periculaose pt oameni.

YXLON International X-Ray GmbH, Hamburg, ofera testarea materialelor pe baza

tehnologiei cu raze X.
Oaplicatie practica in industrie include testul gauriri aluminiului cu ajutorul
razelor x .Aceasta verificare automata este indispensabila pentru siguranta aspectului in
special pentru asigurarea partilor.
Daca viata piesetrebuie sa fie determinate tehnologia razelo x este o obtiune
interesanta .Degetele gripperului trebuie sa fie proiectate in concordanta cu razele x
pentru a evita masuratoarea gresita .

5.13 Logistica / Banane

Inainte ca bananele de la Coop Switzerland sa fie livrate, sunt monitorizate
marimile loturilor si calitatea fructelor. Cerinta specifica a acestei operatii este atent
manipulata, de exemplu fructele perisabile trebuie atent mutate, fara a fi rasturnate.
Sistemul automat trebuie si sa poata manipula carcasele, care au fost presate una fata
de cealalta sau au ajuns intr-o pozitie inclinata.
Asadar se foloseste robotul cu brat indoit. Coop Switzerland a decis pentru un
robot de paletizare KR 16 PA, cu 3 domenii. Robotii KUKA cu 5 axe ajung in puncte cu 6
palete, iar sistemele speciale ale gripperului actioneaza in functie de operatie, lin sau
grosolan. Printr-o pozitie, gripperul poate compensa tolerantele cauzate de carcase
alunecatoare. Stivele deplasate sunt compensate printr-un cadru ce centrare si un

5.14 Ingina / Carnea

De exemplu, gripperul trebuie sa poata
ridica muschi de porc si sa il plaseze intr-un
utilaj de prelucrare a carnii. Este nevoie de o
capacitate de ridicare de 6 kg si senzori
integrati pentru monitorizarea procesului de




precizat necesare masuri stricte de igiena,

pentru a evita aparitia microbilor pe gripper
sau pe degetele acestuia.
Acesta din urma, poate fi obtinut doar
printr-o proiectare speciala a gripperului si o
curatire periodica in timpul procesului de




alimentara a fost dezvoltat de SCHUNK si Robomotion GmbH. Etansat IP67 si cu un

design pntru curatire usoara, s-a creat un gripper care asigura cele mai diferite piese si
mari tolerante, printr-un unghi de deschidere de la 20 la 180.

5.15 Curatirea / Cascavalul

ALPMA GmbH in Rott am Inn, Germany, a realizat o solutie automata pentru








standardizate pentru producatorii de cascaval trebuie sa indeplineasca cerintele de

curatire si conditiile de mediu agresiv cauzat de saramura. La un schimb de 2 ture,
sistemele trebuie curatite periodc.

Ca in figura, gripperul ia bucati de cascaval de pe un conveior. Deoarece nu toate

bucatile de cascaval ajung in pozitia corespunzatoare, in gripper sunt integrate doua
unitati pivotante, pentru rotire cascavalului cu 90 inainte de introducerea lui in
dispozitivul de impachetat. Un gripper cvadrupul este necesar pntru atingerea unei
eficiente de impachetare de 5 tone/ora. Cerintele stricte de igiena fac necesare
intervalele scurte de curatire. Un sistem de schimbare a gripperului permite separarea
gripperului de robot in cateva secunde si curatirea gripperului intr-o baie de curatire.
Gripperul unghiular DWG a operat fara probleme pentru timp de doi ani.

5.16 Butoaie
Piesele cilindrice de un anumit tip sunt butoaiele, care sunt manipulate de un robot
ABB din Friedberg, Germania. Sistemul multifunctional acopera mai multe operatii.
In general, inchidera butoiului cu o carcasa si plasarea acestuia pe palet, sunt doua
operatii diferite, pe care gripperul trebuie sa le efectueze. In alte cuvinte, este un proces
de manipulare si un proces de insertie, efectuate de una si acceasi scula.
Inainte ca butoiul sa fie pus pe palet, robotul trebuie sa ia un palet gol de pe stiva,
ceea ce reprezinta inca o sarcina a robotului.

5.17 Bauturi
Un robot pentru bauturi este unul specal si opereaza cu un gripper flexibil si cu
tehnologia corespunzatoare. Gripperul trebuie sa poata manipula toate carcasele
disponibile, de la cea mai mica, la cea mai mare. Reis Obernburg a proiectat un gripper
flexibil care se adapteaza unei varietati de dimensiuni ale carcaselor. Numarul de
bauturi este limitat doar de spatiul de stocare de langa robot. Sunt folosite doua axe
compacte pentru acoperirea a pana la 15 m din depozitul de paletizare. Gripperul poate
ridica si carcase in spatii inguste, de exemplu: daca sunt inconjurati de stive mari ale
altor carcase. Dispunand de o simpla interfata om-robot, robotul poate fi operat de
oricine si este disponibil oricand, la fel ca un ATM.

5.18 Gustari rapide

Bunurile de consum sunt produse de lucru pe piata. Piata se schimba foarte

repede. Deci, daca un produs este acceptat pe piata, industria trebuie sa acopere
productia necesara cantitatilor de produse ce le-ar putea vinde. Pe de alta parte,
produsul trebuie modificat in multe feluri, pentru a putea ramane pe piata si pentru a se
putea recupera banii cheltuiti pentru proiectare.
In general, modificarile unui produs se fac la forma sau la modul de impchetare.
Robotii sunt flexibili si deja sunt rapizi combinati cu o tehnologie speciala pentru
gripper, vor lucra la high speed. Exemplul aratat este o combinatie intre un Flexpicker
de mare viteza si un gripper mecanic proiectat de Robomotion si SCHUNK din
Germania. Principiul ilustrat poate manipula pana la 160 de produse pe minut in aceasta
aplicatie cu carnaciori. Mai mult decat poti manca intr-un minut!

5.19 Industrie de lactate

Robotii din agricultura pot fi putin departe de imaginatia


insa ei lucreaza deja eficient si cu succes. Robotul Galaxy de muls permite

animalelor sa isi controleze intervalele de muls. Automat se deschide o poarta
de mancare care va instiga anmalele la mancare. Cand vaca a ajuns langa cutia
de muls, incepe procesul de mulgere cu un brat al robotului ce va pozitiona
dispozitivul de muls la uger. Ugerul va fi curatit si muls intr-un singur pas.
Laptele este adunat si vaca este eliberata. Intervalele de mulgere sunt liber
alese in functie de animale. Sistemul se presupune a avea o productie buna.
Insentec B.V. din Olanda ofera sistemul sub denumirea de Galaxy.

5.20 Productia de sera

Este foarte dificila gasirea personalului pentru munca fizica grea din sere.
Companii ca ISO Groep, din Olanda, s-au aventurat in ingineria mecanica pentru
dezvoltarea unor solutii automate in horticultura.
Cu gripperul SCHUNK pot fi manipulate pana la 42 rasaduri pe cursa. Robotul
acopera 168 rasaduri pe minut, care necesita minim 2.5 ha de spatiu pentru a asigura
utilizarea eficienta a robotului.
Evident, exista destule sere de aceste dimensiuni care sunt interesate in noua
tehnologie. Conform ISO Groep, sunt complet plini pana in 2007 inca un exemplu de
noua idee transformata intr-o solutie de automatizare cu succes.

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