OECD INFE High Level Principles National Strategies Financial Education APEC

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August 2012

The High-level Principles on National Strategies for Financial

Education were developed by the OECD International
Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE) (which
comprises representatives from over 100 economies,
including all G20 members and relevant international
organisations). They are based on an international survey
and an in-depth iterative review process. This final version of
the High-level Principles was approved by the OECD/INFE
and by the OECD bodies in charge of financial education (i.e.
the Committee on Financial Markets and the Insurance and
Private Pensions Committee) in the course of April 2012. At
the initiative of the G20 Mexican presidency and the request
of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors,
meeting in February and April 2012, they were submitted to,
and endorsed by the G20 Leaders at the Los Cabos Summit.
At the request of the APEC Russian Presidency, these
Principles were also transmitted to APEC Ministers of
Finance whom welcomed their endorsement by APEC
leaders at their meeting on 30 August 2012.

For further information, please contact Mr. Andr Laboul,

Head of the Financial Affairs Division, OECD; Chair of the
INFE [tel: +33 1 45 24 91 27; Fax +33 1 44 30 61 38; E-mail
[email protected]] or Ms. Flore-Anne Messy, Senior
Policy Expert, Financial Affairs Division, OECD and INFE
Executive Secretary [tel: +33 1 45 24 96 56; Fax: +33 1 44
30 61 38; E-mail: [email protected]]

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,

2 rue Andr-Pascal, 75775 Paris cedex 16, France


With the support of the G20 Mexican Presidency and at the request G20 Finance Ministers and
Central Bank Governors in February and April 2012, the OECD/INFE High-Level Principles on National
Strategies for Financial Education were submitted to, and endorsed by, G20 Leaders at their meeting in
Los Cabos in June 2012.
At the request of the APEC Russian Presidency, these Principles were also transmitted to APEC
Ministers of Finance whom welcomed their endorsement by APEC leaders at their meeting on 30 August
The development of the High-level Principles1 largely built on the work developed by the
OECD/INFE. The OECD/INFE started working on this issue through a dedicated expert subgroup on
national strategies for financial education2 in June 2010. The work began by a wide and comprehensive
stock-take of existing practices amongst INFE members between July 2010 and March 2012. This exercise
formed the basis of a first comparative analytical report3 and of these High-level Principles.
The development of the High-level Principles followed an iterative and thorough discussion and
review process within the dedicated INFE subgroup and the INFE and also involved the OECD legal
department and OECD bodies in charge of financial education (i.e. the OECD Committee on Financial
Markets and the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee). Between May 2011 and April 2012,
five versions of the principles have been debated and progressively fine-tuned. The fifth and final version
of the High-level Principles has been formally approved by the OECD/INFE and by the OECD Committee
on Financial Markets and the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee in the course of April
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, financial literacy4 has been increasingly recognised as an
important individual life skill in a majority of economies5. The underlying reasons for this growing policy
attention encompass the transfer of a broad range of (financial) risks to consumers, the greater
complexity and rapid evolution of the financial landscape, the rising number of active
consumers/investors in the financial sphere and the limited ability of regulation alone to efficiently

This project benefited from the support of the Russian Trust Fund on financial education and literacy.

Chaired by South Africa and Portugal and composed of representatives of Armenia, Canada, Colombia, Czech
Republic, France, India, Jamaica, Italy, Mexico, Turkey and United Kingdom.

See Grifoni and Messy (2012).

Defined as a combination of financial awareness, knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviours necessary to make
sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial wellbeing: see Atkinson and Messy (2012).

See OECD/INFE (2009).

protect consumers. In addition, the consequences of the financial crisis have demonstrated the potential
implied costs and negative spill-over effects of low levels of financial literacy for society at large, financial
markets and households.
Financial education has thus become an important complement to market conduct and prudential
regulation, and improving individuals financial behaviour(s) has become a long-term policy priority in
many countries. This trend has notably led to the development of a wide range of financial education
initiatives by governments, regulators and various other private and civil stakeholders, sometimes
combined with financial consumer protection measures.
As the amount of attention and resources spent on financial education has increased so has the
importance of ensuring the efficiency and relevance of these programmes and their long term impact. In
this respect, the establishment of co-ordinated and tailored strategies at national level has been widely
considered to be one of the best means to achieve these efficiency goals6 while avoiding duplication of
resources and efforts. However such national endeavours have often proved to be challenging due to
limited long-term commitment from concerned stakeholders, difficult co-operation between them,
competing interests and mandates, lack of financial and in-kind resources and other implementation
The High-level Principles are aimed at addressing these issues and offer interested stakeholders, and
in particular governments and public authorities, non-binding international guidance and policy options in
order to develop efficient national strategies for financial education. As such, they constitute a key global
guidance instrument on financial education and awareness. They should be read in conjunction with, and
as an overarching framework for, the series of recommendations already produced and endorsed by INFE
and the OECD Council on these issues and including:

OECD (2005) Recommendation of the Council on Principles and Good Practices on Financial
Education and Awareness;

OECD (2008a) Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices for Financial Education
relating to Private Pensions;

OECD (2008b) Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices for Enhanced Risk Awareness
and Education on Insurance issues;

OECD (2009) Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices on Financial Education and
Awareness relating to Credit;

OECD/INFE (2011c) High-level Principles on the Evaluation of Financial Education Programmes

and dedicated Guides on Evaluation; and

OECD/INFE (2012, forthcoming) Guidelines for Financial Education in Schools.

The High-level Principles also take into account work carried out by the OECD/INFE for particular
groups of the population (including women or underbanked); on measurement of financial literacy and
on the role of financial education to support and encourage saving and investment.
The High-level Principles acknowledge that there is no one-size-fits-all model for the development of
national strategies for financial education. They are rather aimed at providing general guidance on the

See Grifoni and Messy (2012).

main desirable elements of efficient national strategies for financial education which should be applied
taking into account countries circumstances and context.
In this respect, in some countries, the national strategy for financial education may be developed as
part of a wider framework aimed at enhancing financial inclusion through improved access to financial
products and services, on the supply side, and enhanced financial literacy and awareness, on the demand
side. National strategies for financial education should also be conceived as complements to measures
aimed at reinforcing the financial consumer protection framework and related regulatory and prudential
Whenever possible and/or relevant, the High-level Principles suggest various options for
implementation purposes and/or provide more detailed explanatory guidance in order to provide clear
but flexible guidance to policy makers and interested stakeholders. Such indications are displayed in
italics in the document.




A national strategy for financial education (referred to in the rest of the document as National
Strategy or NS) is defined as a nationally co-ordinated approach to financial education that consists of
an adapted framework or programme, which:

Recognises the importance of financial education7 - including possibly through legislation- and
defines its meaning and scope at the national level in relation to identified national needs and
gaps (sections I and II);

Involves the cooperation of different stakeholders as well as the identification of a national

leader or co-ordinating body/council (section III);

Establishes a roadmap to achieve specific and predetermined objectives within a set period of
time (section IV); and,

Provides guidance to be applied by individual programmes in order to efficiently and

appropriately contribute to the NS (section V).

There is no one-size-fits-all model or process for the development of a NS. The process for NS
development and the design of its framework should address specific national challenges and be adapted
to countries short and long term policy objectives.
The NS can be part of, or a complement to, an holistic approach aimed at financially empowering
consumers and investors through enhanced access to a range of regulated financial services or
appropriate financial inclusion8 and/or improved financial consumer protection framework; or more
broadly at promoting the development of sound and fair financial markets and supporting financial

Defined by the OECD in 2005 as the process by which financial consumers/investors improve their
understanding of financial products, concepts and risks and, through information, instruction and/or objective
advice develop the skills and confidence to become more aware of (financial) risks and opportunities to make
informed choices, to know where to go for help, and take other effective actions to improve their financial wellbeing.

Financial inclusion is currently defined in various ways. The G20 Global Partnership on Financial Inclusion and the
INFE subgroup on the role of financial education in financial inclusion have developed globally acceptable
definitions. For the sake of this document, the agreed working definition of the INFE subgroup will be used the
process of promoting affordable, timely and adequate access to a range of regulated financial products and
services and broadening their use by all segments of society through the implementation of tailored existing and
innovative approaches including financial awareness and education with a view to promote financial wellbeing as
well as economic and social inclusion.

Whether they are part of a wider strategy or not, NS have to be developed to be consistent with
related national strategies or initiatives on financial inclusion and financial consumer protection,
reflecting the need to develop a trilogy approach on financial consumer empowerment promoted by the
G20 and the OECD/INFE.
The process for establishing and implementing the NS can follow different paths depending on
countries circumstances. Accordingly, the articulation of the following 4 sections (which mirrors the NS
abovementioned definition) does not necessarily reflect a sequential order, but the main elements of a NS
which can be put in place at different times or simultaneously in countries depending on their context.
The specific objectives of the financial literacy component can range from improved awareness,
confidence, knowledge and understanding of consumers and investors on financial issues to making
savvier financial decisions. They can also involve more tailored priorities including reaching out to specific
and potentially vulnerable segments of the population, as well as addressing identified policy priorities
(see also section IV).
The preparation and development of the NS on one hand and its implementation on the other hand
can involve different parties and timeframes.
Considering the diversity of experiences, the OECD/INFE should continue to provide a platform for
peer learning through which countries that have developed a NS can share lessons learnt and good



Ideally, the development of a NS should involve the whole sequence of appropriate assessment,
mapping, consultative and communication processes and preparatory surveys. Such preparation should
preferably be driven by the government, a public or regulatory authority or a national
consultative/steering body.
In order to avoid losing momentum but taking into account possible challenges (including political
willingness and available resources), this preparatory step should be followed in a timely manner, or
concomitant with, the design of a common framework (sections III and IV) and its implementation
(section V).
The process for the development of the NS is important in order to raise the level of awareness of
financial literacy issues at a national level, build trust among various stakeholders, identify the best
modalities for co-ordination and ensure relevance at the national level. It can also be instrumental in
identifying a leading authority for the NS and establishing adequate co-ordination mechanisms in
readiness for implementation.
A- Mapping and evaluation of existing initiatives
The preparatory phase should notably encompass the mapping and review of:

existing financial education initiatives promoted by public, private and civil society stakeholders;

relevant research and literature; and

international practices (including the OECD and INFE instruments, analytical and comparative
surveys, findings and recommendations9).

The mapping exercise should allow the identification of relevant and trusted partners, operational
and replicable practices, as well as possible inefficiencies and/or gaps.

See also Grifoni and Messy (2012).

B- Assessments of the needs of the population and main policy issues

Assessments of the needs of the population in terms of financial literacy and of the main national
policy shortcomings should also be conducted. Such assessment(s) should preferably be based on a
national measurement of financial literacy10.
The assessment(s) can also draw information from sources such as consumer surveys and market
research, opinions polls, consumers complaints, financial market surveys, financial and economic
indicators or other consultative processes.
The assessment(s) should enable a better definition of the NS main targets, priorities and short and
long term objectives, as well as provide a baseline from which to measure change.
C- Consultation
A mechanism or mechanisms to ensure consultation and co-ordination between the various NS
stakeholders (and possibly the general public) should also be identified and activated during this
preparatory phase.
The mechanism can include consultative processes and/or the creation of a dedicated platform or
council/board including relevant stakeholders. The scope and level of formality of these structures will
depend on the countrys circumstances and context.
D- National awareness and communication
The reporting and adequate communication of the results of this preparatory phase and the official
announcement of the launch and development of the NS to relevant stakeholders and the public should
be actively promoted and publicised.
Appropriate communication can help further raise awareness on the importance of financial
education and the related NS and reinforce buy-in from key stakeholders and the population at large.


For example, the measure developed at an international level by the OECD/INFE [see OECD/INFE (2011a),
OECD/INFE (2011b) and Atkinson and Messy (2012)] and by the World Bank (2012a Forthcoming).




The NS framework should be tailored to national circumstances and be flexible. It should also rely on
transparent co-ordination and governance mechanisms with an identified leading authority or governing
mechanism and shared but clearly defined roles and responsibilities for relevant stakeholders.
A- Leadership and governing structure
The NS should preferably be initiated, developed and monitored by a widely credible and unbiased
leading authority or governing mechanism. It should be recognised and promoted at the highest policy
level. Such a leading authority or governing mechanism should possess expertise and ideally a dedicated
mandate on financial education (or consumer empowerment issues including financial education). It
should also have the necessary resources and possibly enforcement powers to enable it to develop and
ensure the appropriate implementation of a nationally-adapted, sustainable and efficient NS.
The leading authority or governing mechanism can be an existing public authority or body (either
government, public body regulator(s) or council), a new and dedicated body or a new
mechanism/structure aimed at co-ordinating various responsible authorities. Such new structures can
take various forms11, and can involve, and be financially supported by, a range of stakeholders.
B- Co-ordination and the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders
The NS framework should involve cross-sectoral co-ordination at a national level of the various
stakeholders known to be competent and interested in financial education. Such co-ordination should
encompass the setting of responsibilities and roles consistent with the main stakeholders expertise,
strengths, interests and resources. It should be sufficiently flexible to adapt to changing circumstances
and permit renegotiations amongst concerned stakeholders whenever necessary in order to better
co-ordinate the various financial education programmes and avoid unnecessary duplication.
1) Public authorities
All potentially relevant public stakeholders should be involved, to the extent possible, including
ministries (and in particular the Ministries of Finance and Education), the Central Bank, the financial
regulator(s) and supervisor(s), as well as other public national, regional and local authorities12.


For example, a steering committee, council, platform, board or an independent authority.


Such as deposit guarantee scheme bodies.


Depending on national circumstances, the involvement of public authorities should at least


the preparation and establishment of the NS framework, in consultation with other


the identification of overarching goals and national priorities for financial education; and,

the design and/or promotion of effective and flexible regulation, guidance, quality standards,
codes of conduct13 and/or licensing in order to achieve these objectives through the provision of
appropriate and high quality financial education programmes.

The actions of public authorities should not substitute or duplicate existing efficient initiatives by
non-public stakeholders, but rather strive to co-ordinate, facilitate, reinforce and ensure the quality of
the actions of all stakeholders.
2) Private sector and financial service providers14
Owing to the expertise and resources of market players and in particular financial institutions, their
role in financial education and in the development of related NS should be promoted as a component of
their social responsibility and good governance.
The private sector contribution to financial education should at the same time be monitored and
guided in order to manage potential conflicts of interests. The involvement of national associations or self
regulatory bodies should be encouraged as well as the private sponsorship of public or civil society
programmes. Dedicated national and/or international quality standards, charters and/or codes of
conduct for the development and implementation of financial education programmes by the private
sector should be developed; and their enforcement by private actors actively supported. More generally,
the development of financial education programmes by the private sector should not involve the
promotion and/or marketing of specific financial products or services.
The actions of private sector and financial service providers can take various forms including their
involvement in the preparation and/or development of the NS framework, the implementation of financial
education initiatives, the provision of dedicated material or training programmes, the participation in
public-private partnerships, and support for public or civil society initiatives.


These should be based on international criteria such as those to be developed by the OECD/ INFE.


In the framework of their commercial activities, financial service providers, their intermediaries and authorised
agents have a responsibility to provide objective and timely information and advice to their customers as well as
ensure the qualification and adequate training of their staff (especially those involved in the selling of financial
products and interacting with customers) see G20 High-level Principles on Financial Consumer Protection
(2011) and OECD (2005) Recommendation for further guidance on financial service providers and authorised
agents role and responsibilities vis--vis consumers and their customers through their commercial activities.


3) Other civil society and international stakeholders

Other partners, such as relevant nongovernmental organisations, trade unions, consumer
associations, employers, media and other national disseminators (e.g. public servants) should also be
involved in the NS framework development and/or its implementation.
International cooperation, including through the OECD and its INFE, should be further encouraged
and used to promote the development of efficient NS.




The NS framework should encompass the design of a tailored roadmap including an overall and
cross-sectoral vision; realistic, measurable and time-bound objectives; and the definition of relevant
policy priorities15 and, where relevant, target audiences. It should also plan an overall impact assessment
and identify appropriate resources.
The roadmap should be sufficiently flexible and take account of the dynamic context of the NS
(including the political environment). It should be reconsidered regularly through research and analysis to
ensure the continued relevance of its content.
A- Common defined objectives and policy priorities
The NS framework should define an overall and cross-sectoral vision and set general, realistic and
measureable objectives and policy priorities for the NS in accordance with the findings of the preparatory
phase and the circumstances of the country.
These objectives and policy priorities should preferably involve the design of a tailored roadmap of
short-term and intermediate outputs, as well as anticipated longer-term outcomes and the setting of
quantitative16 and possibly qualitative targets for the overall NS and relevant policy priorities.
The roadmap should also contain a time schedule for the achievement of these objectives and
relevant policy priorities.
Depending on national circumstances, policy priorities can include increased access to, and use of,
appropriate financial services17, more suitable saving and investment18, reduced indebtedness and more


Where appropriate, more detailed OECD/INFE Recommendations on Principles, Guidelines and Good Practices
as well as other relevant international work are referred to in the following subsections in order to provide
particular guidance on specific contents of the NS Roadmap. Such guidance should be implemented taking into
account countries specific circumstances.


Depending on policy priorities, these could include the level of financial access, indebtedness, saving - in
particular for retirement- quality of investments, level of fraud, number and nature of consumers claims, etc.


For Good Practices and more detailed information and guidance see notably the work of the Global Partnership
for Financial Inclusion and the INFE subgroup on the role of financial education in financial inclusion.


See OECD Working Paper (2012, forthcoming) Contribution of financial education to saving and investment.


responsible credit 19, improved level and quality of saving for retirement and related pension issues20, as
well as savvier decisions vis--vis risk and insurance21.
B- Target audiences
The NS framework and its roadmap should recommend the introduction of financial education as
early as possible in individuals lives and preferably through its inclusion in the school curriculum.22
Drawing on the results of the preparatory surveys, the framework should also indicate the main
target audiences and priorities of the NS and, if relevant, a focus on particular vulnerable groups of the
In principle, a NS should aim to ensure that all segments of the population become financially
literate. In practice and according to national circumstances and identified needs, this may mean
targeting specific (vulnerable) groups with more intensive interventions or greater resources. Such
groups23 may include elderly populations, youth, migrants, low income groups, women24, workers, the
unemployed as well as communities speaking a different language and ethnic groups.
C- Overall Impact Assessment
Methods should be identified within the NS framework and its roadmap in order to assess the
implementation of the NS and provide an overall measure of its impact.
Overall impact should preferably be assessed through the development of national financial literacy
surveys planned at the beginning of the NS and conducted at regular intervals (e.g. 3 to 7 years).
These surveys can be carried out using various methods including the OECD/INFE dedicated
methodology25. These regular surveys can be coupled with the development of additional indicators aimed
at monitoring the impact of policies and evolution of financial literacy skills and needs and qualitative


See OECD (2009) Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices for Financial Education and Awareness
relating to Credit.


See OECD (2008a) Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices for Financial Education relating to Private


See OECD (2008b) Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices for Enhanced Risk Awareness and
Education on Insurance Issues.


See OECD/INFE (2012 forthcoming), Guidelines for Financial Education in Schools.


Such vulnerable groups and in particular elderly population should also be protected by adequate financial
consumer protection framework.


For more detailed information on Empowering Women through Financial Education and Awareness, See Hung et
al (2012) and OECD (2012), Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Final Report to the
MCM 2012, Chapter 2.6.


See OECD/INFE (2011a), OECD/INFE (2011b) and the World Bank (2012a, forthcoming).


D- Resources
Financial and in-kind resources should ideally be earmarked for the development, implementation
and evaluation of the NS, if not for the whole strategy, at least by each of the main stakeholders involved.
This is particularly important if the roadmap defines some specific projects.
A combination of various public and private financial resources as well as funding through tailored
partnerships should be considered. Financial contributions by the private sector to the NS should be
actively encouraged.
Financial contributions by the private sector can include a levy on the industry, a voluntary
contribution through financial and in-kind support to public and civil society financial education
programmes, or through national associations or self-regulatory bodies.




The NS framework and its roadmap should ideally provide directions on the delivery,
implementation and evaluation of dedicated financial education programmes.
Depending on countries circumstances, the development of the NS framework (sections II, III and IV)
and its implementation may involve different parties, resources and timeframe.
A- Delivery methods, training and tools26
The NS framework should preferably make general recommendations on the most efficient delivery
methods and tools based on identified good practices and ongoing research.
These should include:

the use of a wide and appropriate range of delivery methods and dissemination channels
adapted to the circumstances of the population at large and those of targeted groups;

the promotion of financial education on a regular basis to communities and throughout the lives
of individuals ;

the appropriate training of disseminators and providers of financial education; and,

the development and promotion of tailored regulation, quality standards and codes of conduct
by competent public authorities and their implementation by providers of financial education

B- Impact and process evaluation of programmes

The monitoring and impact evaluation of individual financial education programmes contributing to
the overall NS should also be promoted actively and developed as part of each relevant programme. The
use of already identified and available methods27 should be recommended.


See also Box 1.


Such as those developed by the OECD/INFE [see INFE(2010a), INFE(2010b) and OECD/INFE(2011c)] as well as
World Bank (forthcoming 2012b).


Box 1: Further guidance on delivery methods, training and tools

The NS can also include the following guidance for the provision and delivery of financial education

The preferences and needs of target groups should be assessed in order to design, develop and
evaluate tailored and adapted dissemination tools. These can include:
Wide and targeted public awareness campaigns to inform the public about the financial
education needs of the population and important risk and financial issues; the development
of these campaigns should be planned on a regular basis at a national and/or regional level.
Objective and interactive website(s) with online information and advice should be
established and maintained preferably by public stakeholders. This can include comparisons
of various types of financial products. This source of information should be widely publicised
and appropriate incentives can be provided to consumers to encourage them to access and
use it.
A range of other tools as appropriate including paper materials, workshops and training, and
advice centres, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality and timing of the delivery of financial
Financial education provision should be as straightforward and engaging as possible and
also include interactive tools and tips such as budgeting plans to help individuals make
suitable financial decisions;
The development, use and evaluation of innovative tools aimed at influencing consumers
financial behaviours rather than improving their financial knowledge should also be
promoted. These can encompass social marketing tools or the use of relevant findings of
behavioural economics and psychological research; and,
Financial education should preferably be provided to individuals and or communities at
teachable moments of their lives when they are making long term plans, when they need
or are about to make important (financial) decisions (e.g. wedding, pregnancy, new job,
divorce, retirement, unemployment etc) or when they are in an environment conducive to
learning (such as school, adult education colleges, the workplace).

The development and careful monitoring of programmes to train the persons providing financial
education and/or programmes aimed at training and teaching potential future disseminators of
financial education (e.g. the media, public servants, employees, etc) should be encouraged and
promoted. This should help to enhance the effectiveness and reach of financial education

The development of financial education awards and, resources permitting, licensing and
certification of programmes and providers can also be considered.

Incentives can also be developed to encourage funding to support direct provision of financial
education by non-profit organisations, educational institutions, as well as local or regional



OECD Recommendations available at www.financial-education.org

OECD (2005), Recommendation of the Council on Principles and Good Practices on Financial Education
and Awareness.
OECD (2008a), Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices for Financial Education relating to
Private Pensions.
OECD (2008b), Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices for Enhanced Risk Awareness and
Education on Insurance Issues.
OECD (2009), Recommendation of the Council on Good Practices on Financial Education and Awareness
relating to Credit.
OECD/INFE instruments and relevant outputs available at www.financial-education.org
OECD/INFE (2009), Financial Education and the Crisis: Policy Paper and Guidance.
INFE (2010a), Guide to Evaluating Financial Education Programmes.
INFE (2010b), Detailed Guide to Evaluating Financial Education Programmes.
OECD/INFE (2011a), Measuring Financial Literacy: Questionnaire and Guidance Notes for Conducting an
Internationally Comparable Survey of Financial Literacy.
OECD/INFE (2011b), Supplementary questions: Additional, optional survey questions to complement the
OECD INFE Financial Literacy Core Questions.
OECD/INFE (2011c), High-level Principles for the Evaluation of Financial Education Programmes.
OECD /INFE (2012, forthcoming), Guidelines for Financial Education in Schools.
OECD Working Papers available at www.oecd.org/daf/fin
Atkinson, A. and Messy, F-A. (2012), Measuring Financial Literacy: Results of the OECD INFE Pilot Study,
OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No. 15, OECD Publishing.
Grifoni, A. and Messy, F-A. (2012), Current Status of National Strategies for Financial Education: A
Comparative Analysis and Relevant Practices, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and
Private Pensions, No. 16, OECD Publishing.


Hung, A., Yoong, J. and Brown, E. (2012), Empowering Women Through Financial Awareness and
Education, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No. 14, OECD
OECD Working Paper (2012, forthcoming), Contribution of financial education to saving and
Other relevant instruments and outputs:
OECD (2012), Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Final Report to the MCM
2012, Chapter 2.6. (available at http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/20/5/50423364.pdf)
G20 Financial Inclusion Expert Group (2010), Innovative Financial Inclusion: Principles and Report on
Innovative Financial Inclusion from the Access through Innovation Sub-Group of the G20 Financial
Inclusion Experts Group
(available at http://gpfi.org/knowledge-bank/publications/principles-and-report-innovativefinancial-inclusion)
G20 (2011), High-level Principles on Financial Consumer Protection
(available at www.financial-education.org)
World Bank (2012a, forthcoming), Financial Capability Survey.
World Bank (2012b, forthcoming), Financial Education Programme Evaluation Toolkit.


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